Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Sansevieria leaves curl with yellow edges. Sansevieria (Sansevieria) is unpretentious perfection. Secrets of flowering and application of culture

Sansevieria leaves curl with yellow edges. Sansevieria (Sansevieria) is unpretentious perfection. Secrets of flowering and application of culture

Jul 05 2018

Sansevieria (Sansevieria) - unpretentious perfection

When they talk about the houseplant “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” or “Pike Tail,” many ordinary people see long, unattractive leaves of a marsh-green color in front of their eyes. But experienced flower growers know not only about the benefits of keeping Sansevieria, but also about various unusual plant varieties that can appeal to anyone. In this article we will introduce you to the most popular types and varieties of Sansevieria, and we will also tell you about the rules for caring for this unpretentious flower at home.

Sansevieria (or Sansevieria) grows in tropical and subtropical forests. It can be found in Africa, North America, and South Asia. herbaceous plant has dense decorative leaves growing from the rhizome. Sansevieria belongs to the Asparagus family. Although previously, botanists classified it as an Agave family, which is why this confusion still exists. The plant got its name in honor of the Prince of San Severo, Raymond di Sangro. The flower was brought to Europe in the eighteenth century. Flower growers were attracted by its leaves, covered with beautiful stains, unpretentiousness and adaptability to unfavorable conditions.

The flower is an evergreen plant that does not have a stem. Under natural conditions leaves individual species grow up to 120 centimeters in length. The dense, leathery leaves end in a pointed end. Thanks to the dense surface of the leaves, the plant tolerates drought well and does not require frequent watering. Sansevieria grows slowly, producing two or three new leaves every year.

In its homeland, Sansevieria blooms every year. In spring, a peduncle appears from the rosette, on which small cream-colored flowers are located. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, from which a pleasant aroma emanates, combining the smell of vanilla and cloves. In indoor conditions, the plant blooms less often, most often within two weeks in the summer.

Blooming Sansevieria

Sansevieria has received many names reflecting its appearance:

  1. Mother-in-law's tongue;
  2. Pike tail;
  3. Snake skin;
  4. Wolf tail.

Sansevieria species

There are up to 70 types of flowers in nature, but up to a dozen varieties are popular in indoor floriculture. Moreover, flower growers use for this plant not only the classification of variety (species), but also such a concept as a sport plant. This is the name given to varieties that have significant deviations from the species, but they are not a new variety.

Conventionally, all types of Sansevieria can be divided into two varieties: plants with long vertical leaves and plants with short wide leaves forming a rosette. The most popular species is Sansevieria three-lane.


This species is characterized by tall, flat, dark green leaves with transverse light stripes, unevenly distributed. The width of the leaves reaches ten centimeters in length, and they can grow over a meter in height. The leaves taper towards the top, and there is a small spine at the end of the leaf. In nature, this species is distributed in the desert regions of the African continent.


Its long leaves, in addition to transverse light stripes, have a yellow edge. The intensity of the color depends on the lighting. With a lack of light, the stripes fade. This type of Sansevieria became the basis for the development of new varieties.


Lanceolate-shaped leaves grow up to sixty centimeters, reaching a width of fifteen centimeters. Transverse stripes of a malachite hue are combined with a reddish border along the edge of the sheet. The flowers are located on a long peduncle in the form of a brush and have a greenish-white color.


The leaves of this plant species are cylindrical in shape, decorated with vertical silver-white stripes and yellow streaks. The ends of the leaves are narrowed and sharp. To avoid accidental injury, at home, cork caps are placed on the tips of the leaves. The flowers of the cylindrical Sansevieria are creamy white with reddish streaks.

It is necessary to note the types of Sansevieria that are becoming popular in last years. Flower growers, both professionals and amateurs, are attracted to decorative low-growing varieties. These include the following types.


The dark green leaves are shorter than the Laurenti species. The wide leaves form a rosette resembling a vase.

Golden Hunny

It differs from the previous species (Hanni) by the presence of golden stripes on the leaves. yellow color, unevenly located.

Silver Honey

This plant is a sport of the Sansevieria hanni species and has leaves of a different color. They have silver-gray shades with vaguely defined transverse stripes.


It belongs to the new varieties, differing from the Sansevieria Laurenti variety in short and wide leaves. The yellow stripe along the edge of the leaves is narrow.


This species also belongs to the new varieties and is similar to Sansevieria Futura in leaf shape. But it differs in the gray-green color of the leaves with a silver tint.


The short, thin, dark green leaves have a yellow stripe along the edges. Characteristic feature variety is that the leaves curl slightly, giving the plant an unusual appearance.

Rules of care

Sansevieria is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and undemanding content. Therefore, it is often installed in offices. However, not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the plant. Sansevieria leaves are good at purifying indoor air from harmful impurities and saturating it with oxygen. It is believed that the plant can reduce aggression, instill calm in people, mobilize mental capacity. Therefore, it is useful to cultivate “mother-in-law’s tongue” not only at home, but also in offices. Recommended for office and production premises plant flowers in long pots so that they form a kind of partition.


Mother-in-law's tongue is not demanding on lighting; it can grow in light and partial shade. It is only necessary to take into account that in the shade the color of the leaves becomes paler, the stripes become less expressive. Also, you should not suddenly move the pot with the plant to bright sun. It should be accustomed to light gradually, shading it from the bright rays of the sun. In summer, we recommend placing the flower on a balcony or loggia, protecting it from direct sunlight, drafts and rain.


A comfortable temperature for Sansevieria will be from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter, the flower feels great even when it drops to 12-16 degrees. But temperatures below ten degrees can harm the plant and it will die. At low winter temperatures, plant growth stops.

Watering and moistening

Pike tail is one of those plants that are not afraid of drought. Therefore, she feels comfortable in offices, where she can remain without watering for a week or more. The plant is more afraid of excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot. Therefore, the following watering schedule is suitable for it:

  • in summer - once a week
  • in winter - once a month.

Water along the edge of the pot, avoiding water getting into the rosette of leaves, otherwise rotting may begin. You should also empty the water from the pan, avoiding stagnation of water.

Sansevieria does not require spraying, since its leaves have a dense skin. But in summer, it is advisable to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, and sometimes take a warm shower in the bathroom.

In summer, water the flower once a month with mineral fertilizers for succulents, take half the recommended dose.

Transplantation and soil

The plant does not need frequent replanting. A sign that the pot needs to be enlarged are roots coming out of the pot. Sansevieria's roots do not grow in depth, but in breadth. Therefore, the pot is chosen to be wide and stable. This is especially true for Sansevieria varieties with long leaves. Also, a growing container must be purchased with thick walls, preferably made of ceramic. Otherwise, the thin plastic pot will soon crack under the pressure of overgrown roots.

The soil mixture for Sansevieria should consist of the following components:

  • leaf soil (2 hours);
  • turf soil (2 hours);
  • coarse sand (1 hour).

To the bottom of the pot mandatory pour a thick layer of drainage. This can be expanded clay, pebbles, small shards or pieces of brick.

Important! After transplantation, the plant should not be watered immediately. Watering is carried out after a few days.


Sansevieria can be propagated in two main ways:

  • dividing the rhizome;
  • dividing the sheet.

Rhizome division is carried out during transplantation. The roots are freed from the ground and sharp knife divided into parts. Each part should have several leaves with a growing point. Do not forget to sprinkle the sections with crushed activated carbon for disinfection. Each part is planted in a separate pot with a peat-sand mixture for rooting. Little watering is needed. The main thing is that containers with new plants should be in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 degrees.

Propagating Sansevieria by leaf is easy. You need to take an old sheet and cut it across the sheet into pieces five centimeters long. Pieces of the leaf are dried in air for several hours, and then planted in prepared sand with the lower end vertically at a shallow depth.

Attention! If you plant part of a leaf top part down, the cutting will not take root.

Cover the top with a jar or cut plastic bottle, package. Water the cuttings through a tray. Rooting occurs in four to five weeks. New buds appear, and then leaves. The young plant is transplanted into a pot for further growth.

But when choosing a method of reproduction, the following nuance must be taken into account. The new plant retains its varietal characteristics only through root division. By dividing the leaf, instead of a variegated plant, you can get a solid green plant.

Diseases and pests

Sansereria is loved for its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases and pests. But, just as the strongest person can get sick, she too begins to get sick if the maintenance is violated.


The main disease of the plant is rotting from excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot. To prevent diseases, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. moderate watering (in summer - once a week, in winter - once a month);
  2. avoid getting water into the rosette of leaves;
  3. In summer, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge;
  4. do not keep in a dark place, otherwise dark brown spots will appear on the leaves;
  5. avoid low temperatures in winter.

Soft, rotten leaves are removed and watering is reduced. If necessary, the plant is transplanted with the diseased parts removed. The leaves of the flower may be damaged by direct sunlight, especially with a sudden change in lighting. Then they appear on the leaves yellow spots, which can lead to leaf wilting.

Wiping the leaves helps prevent Sansevieria from becoming infected with pests. The main pests are spider mites, mealybugs, thrips and anthracnose.

Pests and methods of controlling them

Pest Signs of defeat Causes Fighting methods
Spider mite Whitish spots resembling cotton wool appear on the leaves. The leaves begin to dry out. Too dry air, the appearance of diseased plants nearby. Regular wet wiping of leaves. You can wipe with water infused with citrus peels and soapy water. In case of severe damage, treat with Actellik.
Mealybug The leaves turn yellow and become distorted. Subsequently, the leaves die. The mealybug settles at the base of the leaf, in a rosette, and feeds on the sap of the plant. Appears from diseased plants, infection is possible with new soil. Mealybug larvae can be found at the base of leaves. A small amount can be removed by hand or with a dry sponge. In case of significant infestation, insecticides are used, which can be purchased at a flower shop.
Thrips The larvae settle on the underside of the leaves, and white dots appear on the upper side. The leaves acquire shine and become gray-brownish. Violation of containment conditions. To treat the plant, it is necessary to treat it with an insecticide (Fitoverm, Actellik, Intavir).
Anthracnose Brown spots appear on the leaves. Over time, the spot grows and the leaves dry out. Excessive waterlogging creates favorable conditions for the appearance of pests. A small number of pests can be removed by hand, and then wipe the leaves with an aqueous chamomile decoction. After a day they wipe clean water. Chamomile treatment is used several times, until complete removal pest In case of severe damage or treatment ineffectiveness, a fungicide is used.

If pests are detected in a timely manner, the death of the flower can be avoided.


Once again we would like to draw your attention to the usefulness of Sansevieria. It absorbs harmful substances, including those emitted by furniture and other synthetic materials. This has been proven by research. It is also believed that the plant brings peace to the house and tames the anger of household members. Among the folk superstitions, there is such a thing that when Sansevieria blooms in the summer, you need to make a wish, and it will come true. But winter flowering is a harbinger of trouble. The leaves are used to treat wounds and burns. So we recommend having this amazing “mother-in-law’s tongue” at home. If there is not enough space for tall plants, then purchase a compact flower that will fit on the windowsill. And peace and mutual understanding will settle in the house.

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The cause of this symptom is most likely a lack of moisture in the soil. Sansevieria does not like frequent watering, but, nevertheless, they need to be carried out regularly. It is enough to restore the optimal substrate moisture regime for the flower and the leaves will again acquire a healthy appearance.


If sansevieria is left for a long time in conditions of insufficient light and without watering, the result will be wrinkled leaves. If this happens to the plant, you must first carefully correct the light regime - gradually moving the pot from partial shade to the southern window sill and adjust the watering regime.

Are falling

If a plant's leaves are falling off, it is most likely cold. Non-compliance temperature regime is fraught with the death of the flower, therefore, if you find such a sign in sansevieria, you should urgently move it to a warmer room.

Become lethargic

Limp, rotting leaves are a sign that the room temperature is too low. The plant must be urgently moved to a warmer place, after removing all damaged leaves.

Does not develop well or does not grow at all

Sansevieria begins to grow no sooner than it fills the entire pot with roots. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant a young plant in a spacious container.

Also, the flower may stop growing due to too frequent watering. If Sansevieria stubbornly does not want to grow, the way out of the situation is to transplant it into a smaller pot and water it no more than once every two to three weeks.

The plant withers and turns yellow

Fading yellow leaves - sure sign the fact that the planting of plants is thickened and they do not have enough water. This symptom also often appears in flowers placed close to heating appliances. In order to help Sansevieria in this case, need to remove excess leaves, including those that have withered or turned yellow, and adjust the watering regime.


Sansevieria is susceptible to several types of fungal diseases, including Fusarium spot and rhizome rot.

Fusarium spot

It appears in the form of small watery spots, appearing more often on young leaves. As the disease progresses, the spots grow and take on an elliptical shape, turning reddish in color. Subsequently, a yellow border forms around the spots. If the lesions are extensive, they join together and cause the death of the plant.

The development of the disease is provoked:

  • excess air and soil humidity;
  • a large amount of nitrogen in the soil;
  • high temperature with insufficient ventilation.

Infection can be avoided by maintaining the right conditions contents, treatment is carried out by repeated treatment with fungicidal preparations.

Rhizome rot

The disease is caused by a fungus that causes rotting of the roots and bases of the leaves. Infection occurs through damage and wounds on the plant, especially often during transportation and waterlogged substrate.

It is almost impossible to cure this disease, so all efforts must be directed towards prevention, namely, to prevent excessive soil moisture (read about what the soil for sansevieria should be like).


The disease is caused by pathogenic fungi. Small, depressed, brown spots of round or ellipsoidal shape appear on the leaves. Gradually they increase in size, and their center becomes lighter than the edges. A yellow or light green edging is formed. The leaves are drying up.

The cause of the disease is usually:

  • excessive soil moisture;
  • excessive air humidity;
  • heat.

In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to prevent the substrate from becoming waterlogged and to plant new plants only in soil with a sufficient amount of sand.

Removing affected leaves and treating with fungicides will help combat the disease.


Spider mite

The insect reveals itself by the appearance of whitish spots on the leaves. The pest feeds on the juices of the plant, so it gradually withers and, after a while, dies. If the damage is in the initial stage, to save the sansevieria, you can wipe its leaves with a cloth dipped in an infusion of citrus peel. If the plant is severely damaged, it is worth resorting to the help of insecticidal preparations.


Colonies of pest larvae are localized mainly on the lower part of the leaves, so that is where they can be found. Light spots are visible on the upper side of the leaf. The leaf acquires a characteristic grayish-brown tint and a silvery sheen.. As a treatment, the plant is repeatedly treated with insecticides.


The pest settles at the base of the leaf rosette and feeds on the sap of the plant. Symptoms of the lesion are cotton wool-like lumps - a waste product of the insect, which it leaves on the leaves. Infected areas may also change shape and color.

In order to save sansevieria, the mealybug is removed by hand and the leaves are washed with a sponge soaked in soapy water.

If the damage is severe, resort to insecticides.


General rules of care

It is easier to prevent any plant disease than to take emergency measures to treat and save it, so the symptoms of various ailments and the methods that are used to restore the health of a flower are valuable information for every fan indoor plants.

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Sansevieria is a perennial stemless rosette plant of the agave family. People call it “pike tail”, “mother-in-law’s tongue”, “snake skin”, “Indian sword”. Its homeland is tropical and subtropical rocky areas of many countries in Africa, Asia and America. In Europe, Sanseveria began to be bred as a cultivated houseplant in the eighteenth century.

general description

Sansevieria has a powerful creeping rhizome, from which numerous thread-like roots extend. Almost all varieties of the plant have hard and sharp leaves of various colors, collected in rosettes. They can be decorated with contrasting spots and stripes or covered with a wax layer, which helps retain moisture for a long time.

During the flowering period, Sansivieria develops a long peduncle with dense cylindrical inflorescences. Delicate, sophisticated flowers of greenish-white or light cream color emit a light vanilla aroma. The fruits and berries formed after flowering can contain up to several thousand seeds.

Signs and superstitions

By folk signs Sansevieria grown in the house helps eliminate scandals, quarrels and others psychological problems in family. Its sharp foliage absorbs all the negative energy in the room. It is believed that during the flowering of the plant, you need to begin to implement your plans, then they will definitely be crowned with success.

Blooming sansevieria creates an overall favorable environment in the home. But if it blooms in winter, you should be wary of divorces and quarrels with loved ones.

Benefits and harms

Despite the fact that Sansevieria is poisonous, it also has beneficial properties. It is rich in saponins, which have foaming properties, used, for example, to make soap and shampoos. The medicinal properties of the plant have found application in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of strengthening, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and many other drugs. Widely uses Sansevieria and ethnoscience . It is used to treat cystitis, diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, and is used as a general tonic. The disinfecting properties of the plant allow its juice to quickly heal cuts and other wounds. But, it should be remembered that the plant contains toxic substances, so you should not self-medicate.

According to scientists, sansevieria purifies indoor air by absorbing pathogenic bacteria and removing harmful substances emitted by various building materials. Its ability to eliminate harmful radiation from household appliances is also noted.

The best varieties

IN wildlife There are approximately seventy species of Sansevieria. In indoor floriculture, only a small number of them are used, differing in color and shape of foliage.

Name Color and shape of sheets
Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii Thick, erect foliage is light-colored. green color with darker horizontal stripes and a yellowish edge. Its length reaches one meter
Sansevieria cylindrica or cylindrica (Sansevieria cylindrica) The dark green, narrow, long leaves with a deep groove have a cylindrical shape. Along their outer surface there are silvery transverse stripes, and along the edges there is a light yellow border.
Sansevieria Craig Wide, flat, tapering leaves middle length have a light yellow or whitish main surface color, along which there are longitudinal stripes of green color
Sansevieria dooneri The narrow, erect, pointed foliage reaches forty centimeters in length. It has a light green color with dark green streaks
Sansevieria Laurentia The green leaves grow up to one meter long, they are sword-shaped and have a yellowish-white border around the edges.
Sansevieria hahnii The foliage is fleshy, short and wide. She has triangular shape and dark green color. The entire upper surface of the leaves is decorated with transverse light green or yellow stripes. Varietal varieties may have a silvery coating or golden edge
Sansevieria kirkii Baker White or pale green spots are scattered across the dark green, pointed leaves. The length of the foliage can reach more than one and a half meters

Home care

Sansevieria is quite unpretentious and easy to care for., it is easy to grow even for a person far from the intricacies of floriculture. You just need to follow a number of simple rules for growing it to get a beautiful and vibrant plant.


All varieties of Sansevieria love well-lit places, but can grow quite normally in the shade. Only in this case will plants with green leaves acquire a darker color, and variegated forms may lose their decorative pattern. Also, the leaves will be somewhat smaller than usual, and flowering, as a rule, will not occur. That's why the western or eastern side of the room is best suited for sansevieria. If the plant had to be placed in the southern part, then it should be shaded from the bright rays of the sun to avoid sunburn.

Sansevieria: growing at home (video)

Air temperature and humidity

In spring and summer period Sansevieria should be kept at an air temperature of eighteen to twenty-five degrees. With the onset of autumn it should be lowered to fourteen degrees. Air humidity is not of particular importance for the plant; it is sprayed and wiped only to remove dirt. Sansevieria is not afraid of drafts, so in the summer it is recommended to keep it on a bright balcony or terrace, protected from rain.

Watering and fertilizing

Sansevieria is very sensitive to waterlogging, which provokes rapid rotting of the root system. The same thing happens to sockets if water gets into their middle. Therefore, you need to water the plant carefully along the edge of the pot after the top layer of soil has dried. Feeding begins in the spring and ends with the onset of autumn. For this purpose, complex mineral compounds, as well as fertilizers for succulents in accordance with the instructions.

Soil and pot selection

Sansevieria does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil. But, nevertheless, in order for the plant to develop correctly, grow and bloom well, If possible, you need to create a water- and breathable nutrient substrate from the following components:

  • Sod land - four parts;
  • Leaf soil - two parts;
  • Humus soil - two parts;
  • Peat - one part;
  • Coarse sand - one part;
  • Perlite - one part.
The best option would be a thick-walled ceramic container. It should be low, but wide, since root system plants grow horizontally.

Rules and terms of transplantation

Sansevieria is transplanted once every two to three years., or when the pot begins to burst due to the overgrown root system. To do this, you need to choose a new pot, about 5 cm larger in diameter than the old one. It must be filled with a thick drainage layer, on top of which the prepared soil must be laid. Next, the flower should be removed from the container, the roots should be cleared of soil and dried and rotten ones should be removed, transplanted into a new pot and watered lightly.

During replanting, it is recommended to remove all unnecessary and already faded rosettes, since each of them blooms only once. Upon completion of planting, sansevieria is placed in a pre-selected, permanent place growth, as it reacts painfully to changes.

How to transplant sansevieria (video)

Reproduction methods

Sansevieria is usually propagated vegetatively. Seed propagation is practically not used. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to obtain seeds on your own, as well as to find them on sale. In addition, they take a very long time to emerge and grow slowly.

By dividing the rhizome

This propagation method is used in the spring at the time of transplanting sansevieria. The rhizome taken from the flower pot is cut into several parts with growing points. Each of them needs to be planted in an individual container and slightly moistened. Pre-cuts should be treated with activated carbon to prevent rotting.

Side shoots

Separate young, well-developed side shoots (rosettes) of Sansevieria from the mother plant along with the roots, plant them in a separate container, water them and place them in a bright and warm place. In the future, they will be taken care of as usual.

By leaf or by dividing it

Due to the length and complexity of the process, this method reproduction is used less frequently than others. To do this, you need to select large, strong sheets and cut them into pieces about seven centimeters long. The planting material is allowed to dry for a day, and then each piece is strengthened with one cut side in a container with moistened sand, at a distance of three centimeters from each other. They are covered with polyethylene on top and sent to a room with an air temperature of about twenty-five degrees. Planting should not be placed in the sun. After about two months, young leaves should appear around the divisions. When the new plants are strong enough, they are planted in separate pots.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

If Sansevieria is monitored proper care, then it is rarely damaged by diseases and pests. But, if not properly maintained, it can become infected with mealybugs and thrips. In this case, you need to wash the plant with green or laundry soap or spray it with an insecticide solution.

Diseases can cause various rots, both of the roots and of the plant itself. If a disease is detected, you need to cut out damaged areas of foliage or root system. The remaining parts of the flower should be sprayed with a fungicide, and, if possible, the soil should be replaced with a new one. The main problems when growing sansevieria include the following:

  • With excessive watering, Sansevieria foliage may turn yellow, soften and subsequently die. In this case, you need to cut off the diseased leaves, dry the soil and adjust the watering regime. If the root system has rotted and completely disappeared, then you can try to root parts of the remaining leaves;
  • When Sansevieria does not grow, its leaves wither and its roots rot with moderate watering, this may mean that the air temperature in the room is too low. The flower should be moved to a warmer room;
  • If dark brown spots form on the leaves, then the lighting in the room may be very low. You need to move the plant to a brighter place or organize additional lighting;
  • Flower growers often have a question: why do Sansevieria leaves curl? This mainly occurs due to overdrying of the soil. In this case, you should increase the frequency of watering.

How Sansevieria blooms (video)

As you can see, Sansevieria is not one of the fastidious plants. If you care for it properly, it will always delight you with luxurious and strong foliage. And, thanks to its high decorative qualities, it will become an excellent background for exotic potted compositions.

Sansevieria is a stemless evergreen plant belonging to the Asparagus family (formerly this genus was called Agave). Naturally found in rocky and dry regions of the subtropics and tropics of Madagascar, Africa, Indonesia and South Florida.

Most known species crops often grown at home? - Sansevieria three-lane, which is better known to many under such names as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, “snake skin” and “pike tail”. Latin name This kind was given in honor of the Neapolitan prince von Sansevierio, who made a great contribution to the development of natural sciences.

It is generally accepted that Sansevieria, a photo of which can be seen in travelers’ notes, patronizes them. Even at home, within our own walls, it reminds us of distant travels. Most often, indoor sansevierias in our homes are representatives of the three-strip variety. Among them there are very large plants with huge leaves, up to 1.5 m, and miniature ones with short triangular leaves that form a pretty rosette.

Sansevieria: description of the plant

Despite the fact that Sansevieria has many varieties, it cannot be confused with another. Sansevieria flower has a powerful and creeping root system. It is well developed and allows you to provide the plant with the necessary amount of moisture.

The Sansevieria leaf is straight and fleshy. In some varieties, the leaves reach a height of one and a half meters. They are directed upwards, and sometimes slightly to the sides. It is extremely rare to find specimens in which the leaves lie almost horizontally. They are dense and smooth to the touch, lanceolate in shape, with slightly pointed tips. In addition, some varieties have leaves that grow from rosettes. There are specimens with wide and very short leaves. They can be painted in various colors and shades: dark and light green (silver), brown and yellow. Some types of sansevera have leaves decorated with a border.


Not everyone gets to see a blooming sansevieria. It cannot be said that it amazes with the beauty of its flower: it looks rather modest. However, flowering occurs only under the most favorable conditions and is extremely rare. Its flowers, located on straight and long peduncles, have white narrow petals with a greenish tint. The stamens gather into a cylindrical and rather dense inflorescence.

Fragrant flowers appear in late April or early May. They open in the evening and fill the air in the room with a vanilla aroma.


These are berries containing from one to three seeds, but at home their appearance is very rare.

Types of Sansevieria

The undisputed leader in popularity is the three-strip sansevieria, caring for which comes down to following simple rules. It is distinguished by longitudinal dark stripes on narrow and long dark green leaves. As a rule, there are no more than six of them in an outlet. The length of the leaves varies: from 30 cm to one and a half meters, but, regardless of size, they all taper and become pointed towards the end. It is interesting that this species is able to do without natural light; artificial light is sufficient for it.

Gold flame

The name of this variety translates as “golden flame.” It is explained by the presence upper leaves yellow in color, which really resemble flames.


The plant grows up to 150 cm in height. It has dark green cylindrical leaves up to two centimeters in diameter. A rather deep longitudinal groove runs through their center, and the tips of the leaves are pointed. They are decorated with stripes along the edge of the plates with a yellow border. The flowers of this plant are painted in a delicate cream shade with a reddish tip.

One of the original varieties of cylindrical sansevieria is the Velvet Touch variety with bright green leaves.


This variety gave rise to many varieties. Her main feature- vertically growing leaves with a yellow border, which can be either dark or light. White flowers bloom at the base of the plant and appear as spike-shaped panicles.


This sansevieria flower is distinguished by its variegated wide and long sword-shaped leaves. Dark striped patterns are randomly applied on a dark green plate.

Hanny (short)

A very spectacular variety, distinguished from many types of sansevieria by its short leaves. They are curved, and thanks to this the rosette of the flower resembles a vase. Hanni today comes in several varieties. For example, the leaves of the Golden Hunny subspecies are decorated with longitudinal yellow stripes, unevenly spaced. And Silver Hanny leaves have a complex color: silver-gray is added to the green color. The leaves have dark edging and stripes, but not too distinct.


Relatively new variety. Its leaves are short and wide. The yellow stripe running along the edge of the plate is thinner than in other species.


Another plant with short and wide leaves, but they are colored differently. They have a beautiful silvery, gray-green tint.


A somewhat unusual variety of Sansevieria. The short leaves are covered with frequent random transverse stripes of silvery color. The leaves themselves do not exceed 50 cm in length. They round shape, with cone-shaped tips. Leaves grow in compact rosettes

Sansevieria: plant care

Experienced indoor plant lovers recommend that beginners who want to try their hand at floriculture start with Sansevieria. Caring for these plants is simple, they are undemanding to growing conditions: they feel quite comfortable in bright light and in the shade, and tolerate both tall and low temperatures, easily tolerates drought.

But if you really want to grow beautiful plant, without compliance certain rules you can't get by.


Sansevieria loves bright lighting, but this does not mean that it can be exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. On the contrary, they can seriously harm the plant, leaving severe burns on the leaves. It is desirable that the lighting be diffused. With its deficiency, the leaves will quickly lose their decorative effect, and the stripes may disappear altogether. The plant becomes uniformly green in color and no longer looks so impressive.

IN winter time when daylight hours are short and you notice that the flower lacks light, use additional lighting fluorescent lamps daylight.

Air temperature

Caring for sansevieria also involves observing the temperature regime. Optimal temperature for this plant it is +14-16 °C. Although this hardy plant will tolerate quite noticeable cooling (up to +5 °C), an even greater decrease in temperature for the plant can be disastrous.

Winter care for sansevieria deserves special attention. Make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the cold glass and that the flower is not in a draft or under the flow of frosty winter air. When ventilating the room, move it from the windowsill.


No matter how drought-resistant a plant is, it needs watering, albeit of varying intensity. In this sense, Sansevieria is no exception. Caring for it requires regular but moderate watering. Do not try to “water” the plant for future use: it is capable of accumulating moisture in the leaves, but excessive waterlogging can cause rotting of the roots. Prolonged droughts, in turn, will not destroy the flower, but will significantly spoil its appearance. Therefore, try to avoid extremes, water the plant in such a way that the soil has time to dry out and is evenly saturated with water during the next watering.

It is important to know that the abundance of watering largely depends on the lighting and air temperature in the room: the less heat and light, the less frequent watering should be. To avoid waterlogging of the soil, use good drainage. A standard drainage layer will not be enough. In the soil in which sansevieria grows, drainage is added throughout the entire volume, and not just at the bottom of the container. To achieve this result, coarse river sand is added to the soil - about 30% of the total mass.


But this indicator is not significant for the plant, because it is a native of dry savannahs. But if you see that dust has accumulated on the leaves, spraying with settled water will not hurt room temperature or they can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Top dressing

If your plant is in a warm, brightly lit room, then it will need monthly feeding during the active period. Sansevieria is suitable for cactus fertilizers since it is a succulent. The fertilizing composition should include phosphorus and calcium, but be careful with nitrogen. According to experienced gardeners, it is better to apply half the dose of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer.

If your flower grows in the shade, fertilizing can be applied in minimal portions or abandoned altogether: an excess of fertilizers can cause rotting, disappearance of stripes, and deformation of leaves.


Does Sansevieria need this procedure? The young plant is replanted annually. The flower is older than two years and needs to be replanted no more than once every three years. Indoor sansevieria has a well-developed root system, so choose a pot in such a way that the roots will quickly grow and begin to destroy the container. The pot for this plant should not be too deep, but at the same time wide, since the roots will grow in breadth. Its strength is no less important: give preference to thick-walled clay containers.

Soil preparation

For transplant you will need soil mixture, consisting of four parts sheet soil, one part turf and one part sand. You can add humus or peat.


How is Sansevieria propagated at home? There are two ways: by dividing the rhizome or by leaf. Whatever method you prefer, you need to know that reproduction is carried out in the spring or summer, during the active period. Sansevera is propagated by leaves as follows. A healthy leaf is cut into pieces five centimeters across. Then one of the sections of each piece must be treated with a root growth stimulator. It is this that is deepened into the peat-sand mixture or into wet sand.

It is necessary to deepen the leaf cuttings by 1-2 cm, but you should not cover them with glass or film - high humidity can cause rotting. The lighting should be bright, but diffused, the temperature should be maintained between +20 and +25 °C. The first shoots will appear in one and a half to two months.

Reproduction of variegated Sansevieria varieties is carried out only by dividing the rhizome, since leaf cuttings produce plants with a uniform color and no patterns. The rhizomes are separated with a sharply sharpened and thoroughly disinfected knife.

It is necessary to divide the root so that on each fragment there remains a growing point, as well as a leaf rosette. The sections are treated with activated carbon (crushed) and planted in separate pots filled with a substrate with a high sand content. Watering is limited to a minimum at first.

Sansevieria diseases and possible problems during cultivation: why leaves wither

Most likely the reason is insufficient watering. If at the same time they also turn yellow and soften, the reason is exactly the opposite: the disease causes rot caused by excessive humidity or moisture getting into the outlet.

  • Rotten parts of the plant are removed and the plant is treated antifungal agent. Then the plant must be transplanted into new sandy soil, but before that, dry the sansevieria a little.
  • If the leaves become soft, but their color does not change, it means that your flower is cold. Remove the affected areas of the leaves and sprinkle the sections with charcoal. Move the flower pot to a warmer place.
  • Having noticed that your sansevieria has stopped growing, pay attention to the lighting: it clearly does not have enough light. Move the plant to a south or east window.
  • Sometimes white or brown dry spots appear on the leaves. They talk about two probable reasons: either the flower does not have enough light, or it has received sunburn. In addition, such spots may indicate waterlogging of the soil or infection with a fungal infection. In any case, the affected leaves must be removed and the plant moved to another location.
  • Sansevieria leaves dry out most often due to mechanical damage to the plate. Carefully cut off the dried part, leaving a thin strip.
  • From scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs, which are manifested by various signs: deformation of the leaves, the appearance of droplets of nectar, the leaves become smaller and papery, there are many effective drugs, which give excellent results in the fight against these pests. For example, “Fitoverm”, which is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed on the plant.

Sansevieria, a photo of which we posted in the article, is an unpretentious and spectacular decoration for any interior, which today is grown not only in apartments, but also in offices and official institutions. It not only pleases with its patterned striped colors, but also improves the health of the air in the room.

Sansevieria, or SansevieriaIt is a stemless herbaceous evergreen perennial succulent belonging to the Asparagus family. Grows in savannas and subtropics of Africa, America and Asia. There are about 60 species of this plant. As indoor flower valued for its unpretentiousness. Thanks to his appearance often used in interior design.

Did you know? Due to its striped, hard and long leaves, Sansevieria is often called “pike tail”. Also known as "snake skin" or "snake skin" mother-in-law's tongue" In Japan it is called “tiger tail”, and in Turkey “pasha’s sword”.

Ideal conditions for growing sansevieria

This plant is suitable for growing not only for beginning flower growers, but even for those who have not survived a single representative of the flora, because it is a leader in all kinds of endurance ratings. Still, sansevieria has its own needs, and before planting it is worth familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of agricultural technology for its cultivation.

Location and lighting

Because the homeland of Sansevieria is rich sunlight, it is better to provide her with bright lighting, Suitable for any window sill in your home. The southwest or southeast side is best.

The brightest varieties require the most abundant light, and in deep shade the color of the leaves will fade, become almost monochromatic, and growth will stop. Of course, the plant will not die from insufficient lighting, but it will develop worse.

Staying on a hot southern window will also not destroy indoor Sansevieria flowers, only at the most sundial Burns are possible; shading will be necessary.

Important! If you do not want the plant to grow at an angle, you need to rotate it regularly.

Air temperature and humidity

Any temperature in summer is suitable, even +30 °C will not cause harm to sansevieria. In winter, it can tolerate short periods of low temperatures down to +5 °C, but it is still better that the temperature does not drop below +16 °C to prevent root rotting.

Dry air is preferable; spraying is not required, especially at low temperatures. But from time to time it is worth wiping the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust.

How to care for an evergreen shrub

Caring for sansevieria at home is minimal; just follow the basic rules, and the plant will feel great.

Did you know? Sansevieria spines are elastic and hard, which is why they were previously used as gramophone needles. And in areas of Central Africa, this plant was also used to make strong ropes and coarse fabrics.

What watering regime does the pike tail like?

Pike tail- This drought-resistant plant, and it is not recommended to fill it. Watering sansevieria should be regular, but moderate.

In spring and summer– once every 5–7 days (less often in cloudy weather), immediately after the soil has dried.

in winter– 1-2 times a month, a day after the soil dries. Rainwater, distilled water, or standing water at room temperature is suitable.

Make sure that you do not overwater (especially in cool conditions) and that liquid does not get into the outlet itself. After all, these are the reasons why Sansevieria leaves become soft and limp, why they turn yellow and rot at the base.

How often and what to fertilize with?

In winter it is unpretentious plant does not need fertilizer at all, and from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, fertilizing can be applied once every 2 to 4 weeks. To do this, use fertilizers for cacti and succulents or regular mineral fertilizers.

Important! For varieties with decorative colored stripes, the dosage (especially of nitrogen-containing fertilizers) is reduced by three times. Otherwise, excess chlorophyll production will make the leaves uniformly green.

Pruning sansevieria

Trimming procedure Sansevieria is very simple. Observing the principle of moderation, since excessive pruning can stop the growth of the plant, remove old, heavily damaged leaves that have lost their decorative properties, as well as yellowed and rotten parts. Do not cut off the tips of the leaves.

Transplantation and soil selection

Sansevieria is best replanted in spring or early summer. It has good growth rates, so young specimens are replanted every 2 years, mature ones - 3.

The signal for you will be the roots protruding from the pot. Choose a new pot that is thick-walled, heavy, preferably wide and shallow, since this plant has a powerful superficial root system. There must be a good drainage layer (pebbles and expanded clay are suitable).

If you have just purchased home flower sansevierias, then the earthen ball should be completely removed, because store soils are usually too saturated with peat and depleted. Next, inspect the roots for damage or rotting.

Place soil on top of the drainage layer (at least 1/3 of the container). Light, quickly drying and low in nutrition will do. You can use special soil mixtures for cacti and succulents or mix sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions.

Now you can plant pike tail. Lightly press the roots down with soil and water generously. After transplant tall plants It is worth tying it to a support, because the powerful leaves can overwhelm and the sansevieria will fall out of the pot.

How to propagate Sansevieria at home

Reproduction is possible by dividing rhizomes, leaves or lateral shoots, as well as seeds.

When dividing the rhizome it is cut with a sharp knife so that each part has its own growth point. Plant each fragment in a separate pot and place it in a warm place, providing moderate watering.

When dividing a sheet it needs to be divided into parts 4-5 cm long, hold them in the air for a short time and place the lower end of each in the sand (at an angle of 45°). Next, you need to cover each fragment with a bottle or jar and place it in a warm and bright place without direct sunlight.

When watering, water is poured into the pan. After 30-40 days, as soon as the sansevieria has been rooted and buds have appeared, it can be transplanted into a container with soil. This method is not suitable for variegated species, since with this method of propagation they lose their decorative stripes and grow monochromatic.

You can also separate a shoot from the main stem and place it in water. After about a month, roots will form and the seedling can be planted in the ground.

If, at the end of flowering, you see shoots similar to dill on the ground near the plant, then you can collect seeds and sow them in the ground. No need to sprinkle. Shoots will appear in 10-15 days. You can pick them up after 1 month.

Possible problems and pests of sansevieria

You are unlikely to have serious problems with Sansevieria, but some troubles, often due to incorrect care, are possible.

If the leaves appear dark spots , then most likely you overdid it with watering at low temperature.

At yellow leaves most likely lack of lighting or too small pot.

If the tips wither, dry out and turn yellow, then there may be a lack of light, excessive watering, and too low temperatures.

The leaves have become soft and bend in half- it is more likely that they stretch out in search of light and cannot support their own weight.

Why does the pike tail have leaves curl? Maybe you forget to water it for a long period of time.

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