Home Roses Education in Scotland for Russians. Everything you need to know about studying in Scotland. Features of educational programs in Scottish universities

Education in Scotland for Russians. Everything you need to know about studying in Scotland. Features of educational programs in Scottish universities

This country is like a collection of animated illustrations for ancient legends, fairy tales and mystical stories. Her landscapes stagger the imagination with their beauty and naturalness: numerous islands, and the bizarre shape of the coast, and rocks, and forests - everything seems to have fallen out of the urban present. Yes and locals arouse surprise and interest in the whole world - take, for example, the mysterious Nessie, a resident of Loch Ness. However, Scotland impresses not only with this - being a state within a state (the country is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland), it confidently dictates its terms in international business, diplomacy, and education. According to the most average data, about fifteen thousand students from non-EU countries apply to study in Scotland. And no less students of university courses and participants come here from Europe educational programs. The decision to study English in Scotland is becoming more and more popular.

For a small country with a population of just over five million people, there are a lot of universities, colleges and schools here - about a hundred educational institutions of various levels and profiles. To them are added as many more various training centers. It is not surprising that today education in Scotland is more in demand than ever: all conditions are created for foreign students here. In addition, leisure and extracurricular life become incredibly rich and exciting in this country. The famous folklore festivals of Scotland in themselves become a reason to visit here, but to participate in several at once national holidays you can only if you live in Edinburgh, Glasgow or, say, the Highlands for a while. A bright kaleidoscope of impressions - colorful kilts, the sounds of bagpipes and the roar of drums, national dances and burning whiskey - will not leave anyone indifferent: there is something surprisingly joyful for every age. Well, connoisseurs of cultural events are simply obliged to visit the Edinburgh Arts Festival - luminaries from all over the world come to it and it is here that you can see the manifestation modern culture in all its diversity.

In addition, studying in Scotland can play a significant role in the search for personal harmony and the pursuit of relaxation. Combining language courses or preparation for entering the university with excursions to the sights of this country, you can relax both body and soul. Majestic castles and miraculous masterpieces seem to grab you from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and the majestic northern nature gives peace and fills with confidence and strength. During the excursions, you will be told legends and legends related to the sights, but you, as if by magic, at some point will simply forget that the guide speaks to you in English language. Foreign speech will become almost native, as well as national hero William Wallace, or local "Robin Hood" Robert.

English courses in Scotland are also remarkable in that they provide an opportunity to communicate with very sincere and sympathetic people. The hospitality of the Scots is manifested in everything - in the attention of teachers, and in the care of personal curators (tutors), and in the attention ordinary people who can easily take a foreign guest under their guardianship and reveal to him all the facets of their beloved country. That is why so often studying in Scotland involves living in patronage families, and not in hotels.

Well, children's courses in Scotland as part of vacation programs can be an unforgettable gift for young dreamers and travel lovers. Such training will help not only to perfectly master the English language, but also significantly broaden your horizons. And also - to find new friends from different countries.

Many people want to study abroad, some have all the necessary resources for this. But which country to choose for education, what are the rules for admission and the features of education itself in a particular country?

In this article, read about how to enter a university in England, what is needed for this, and what knowledge an applicant should have.

Free education abroad - is it real?

Many European countries offer foreign applicants the opportunity to receive education free of charge. Among them, France, Finland, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark and some others. In order to use the program, excellent knowledge is required foreign language, high score on the entrance exam, but in principle anything is possible.

Unfortunately, universities in England do not provide an opportunity free education for foreign citizens. But this limitation can be bypassed, if you correctly approach the paperwork.

So, if you come to the UK under refugee status, you can count on state assistance, get a job and subsequently apply for permanent residence in England. This will enable you to enter budget places to a public educational institution.

Another option is to take advantage of various grants from international organizations, but for this you need to have extraordinary abilities, to beat competitors in competitions or international olympiads.

Another option for free study abroad - student exchange programs, which enable residents of the CIS to enter a university even with the appointment of a scholarship and a free hostel.

To study under the exchange program, you can independently go to the site educational institution and get comprehensive advice on the requirements for foreign students. You usually need English language proficiency, confirmed IELTS certificate 6.5. But if you plan to study English, you may be accepted with a lower IELTS score.

Studying a language abroad can be the starting point for further study, a master's degree or a job. through education is one of the most popular ways.

Education in Scotland - the path to a fulfilling life

Of all the English universities, the educational institutions of Scotland stand out. This country has rich experience in creating educational system aimed not only at acquiring knowledge, but also at self-education of students. It was in Scotland that four of the first six were discovered.

The number of foreign students in the universities of this country reaches 45%, while only about 15% of young people study there from the UK. This indicates rather flexible conditions for receiving citizens of other countries.

Against the backdrop of the British educational system, Scottish institutions are trying to stand out, they believe their education system is better and better.

Scottish universities, like other English institutions, accept students from 18 years old. Therefore, after graduating from school in your own country, you should go to training courses (Foundation Course), open specifically for foreign students. United Scottish preparatory program for such applicants is called SIPF, it will cost about 10-11.5 thousand pounds. But its successful completion makes it possible to enter almost any university.
The end of the preparatory course is marked by passing the exam (a comprehensive final work in English) and language test IELTS or TOEFL.

Requirements for applicants for admission to a Scottish university

Each applicant must have a TOEFL 550 or IELTS 5.5 certificate. Some universities require knowledge of English at a level of at least 600 or 6 points. For medical and legal specialties, the level is even higher - not lower than 7 points.

The most reliable route for applicants is to complete a two-year study at a Scottish college and then take the Foundation Course. Having received a certificate of completion of secondary educational institution, you are admitted to the state entrance examinations.

Features of admission

The admission procedure itself takes place through the nationwide British service UCAS. And the procedure and the collection of necessary documents should begin 1 year before the scheduled date, approximately in September. It is not possible to send documents directly to selected universities. It is on the UCAS website (www.ucas.ac.uk) that you can download all Required documents, and the system itself will send them to educational institutions.

By the way, after registering on the site, the student has personal page where he can track the application process.

The system of admission to universities in Scotland is very flexible, as is the education system itself. The grading system is designed in such a way that the points obtained in subjects can be counted when moving from one institution to another.

The student is free to choose the studied disciplines, even if they are not part of the main program. Some can get a so-called double education (not to be confused with two higher ones!) "joint degree".

An applicant can enter basic course (undergraduate), and then continue training in a narrow specialization ( postgraduate). Scottish universities offer two programs:

  • Master's degree (one year of study after 4 years of higher education);
  • Doctorate degree (three years in-depth study selected item).

Whatever the case, experts recommend submit documents before January 15 for all specialties, although the deadline for foreigners is June 30th. But many universities may run out of places by this time. If you plan to get a medical specialty, then you need to have time to submit the documents and do before October 15th.

By July, your applications are guaranteed to be reviewed and a decision will be made to enroll or reject the application.

Visa to Scotland - how to apply (detailed video)

Scottish visas are processed by UK Visa Application Centres. More precisely, there is no separate visa to Scotland, there are visas to the UK, which means that you can move freely throughout the United Kingdom.
The types of visas are as follows:

  • Original invitation from the university (CAS-Letter);
  • Foreign passport and internal passport;
  • 2 photos;
  • Certificate of successful completion English language tests;
  • A document confirming enrollment in the selected university;
  • Extract from bank account with the availability of an amount sufficient to pay and pay for living expenses;
  • Copies of property documents in the country of residence (if any);
  • Certificate from the place of study in the country of residence;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce (if any);
  • Copies of birth certificates of children (if any).

When leaving a person under the age of 18, a notarized permission from the parents is required.

Having received a visa, you can safely go towards a new life. Upon graduation, you will be able to find a job and obtain a work visa, and subsequently a residence permit in Scotland and throughout the UK.

Note that not all immigration methods require such small funds. In fact, you will need to pay for tuition, and not fabulous sums in the country's economy.
Dare, and you will succeed!

Great Britain - the best place for learning English. And Scotland is one of the best options. Learning English in Scotland involves constant communication with native speakers. These are teachers and local residents. Schools offer quality programs for those who are going to move to this country or want to learn. Learning a language in Scotland is one of the most effective options.

English courses in Scotland will help to understand English even for those who do not know it at all, developed by special programs for newbies. You don't have to worry about understanding the information, because Russian-speaking teachers can help with this.

Learning a language in Scotland involves familiarization with classic version British English. This means that your pronunciation will be clear and correct. English courses in Scotland will help you be more successful at work, study, and improve your speech when communicating with foreigners. The only thing you need to take care of is applying for a visa and choosing a school with the right program. And they will help you with this LogosStudyGroup !

English language training in Scotland is carried out according to specially designed programs and time-tested methods. There are directions with different intensity and duration. The main ones are:

  • English for beginners ( beginners ). The program allows you to learn English from scratch, even if the language practice is completely absent.
  • Business course. You can learn English in Scotland on your own, when at work you constantly need to deal with foreign partners and documentation in English. You can send a whole group of employees for advanced training.
  • Exam preparation program. An English school in Scotland helps prepare students for the entrance exams. Tasks for the test are being worked out IELTS if you want to study in the UK, USA, Canada and other countries. The programs are also good for students.
  • Intensive English. Language classes in Scotland at intensive form- this is an opportunity to quickly "pump" in English, start speaking more confidently, gain a lot of knowledge.

School of English in Scotland will be useful not only for those who learn the basics of the language. Russian teachers also often need such courses. This is a worthy advanced training, upon completion of training a certificate is issued. It is especially useful for private teachers. When studying English in Scotland, you can learn a lot effective methods which will be practiced when teaching Russian students.

Choose the right school

Choosing a school is quite difficult. You can learn the language in Scotland anywhere. There are decent options in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and other cities. Company LogosStudyGroup for a long time makes it easy to travel to good school. We know all the details and will help with paperwork. We give advice and select the best option.

How much do the courses cost? It all depends on the specific school and program. For those who want to study English in Scotland, the cost of a 2-week course will be around £600. The price is also affected by the included (if possible) meals and accommodation.

Would you like to know English at a more advanced level? It is better to do it in the UK, in his homeland. And Scotland is a great choice!

The Chancellor company offers a wide variety of educational programs. Language education in Scotland is available for both beginners and those who improve their knowledge. To do this, educational institutions provide basic and intensive programs, as well as courses on specialization and interests. Training can be done at international centers, camps, schools and colleges. For each age group There are various educational institutions.

Usually foreigners receive education in Scotland in institutions specially created for them. Children usually come to language camps on vacation. Adults attend various courses all year round. All language schools have created conditions for the most effective educational process. Chancellor specialists will help you choose the best study program in Scotland for your needs.

English in Scotland

At the heart of the training programs for foreigners are traditions and modern techniques national education. Highly professional teachers work with students. Lessons are held in well-equipped classrooms. English courses in Scotland are an opportunity to learn a language in natural environment and get to know you well new country. Favorable conditions for recreation and sports have been created in schools.

Studying in Scotland invariably involves a rich cultural program. In English courses at any time of the year, you can visit ancient castles or attend exciting sports competitions.

Studying English in Scotland: Basic Programs

Do you want to receive higher education in Scotland, it's time to get ready today. Students from Russia do have the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree in one of the Scottish universities. To do this, you need to resolve issues with a visa, residence in Scotland, but the most important thing is to achieve the desired language level.

Education in Scotland for foreigners involves studying in top universities countries. Some of them are on the list of the best universities in the world. These include Edinburgh University, University of Glasgow, etc. Everywhere is given not only an excellent knowledge base, but also the ability to apply them in practice. Therefore, with a diploma from a Scottish university, there will be no problems with employment.

Higher education in Scotland for Russians, as well as for other foreigners and residents of Scotland, involves a four-year bachelor's degree program. If you want to continue your studies, you can enroll in an intensive one-year program and become a Master. To be a Doctor of Science, you need to choose an in-depth three-year program.

The cost of education in Scotland at a prestigious university starts from about 5 thousand pounds. Also, do not forget about the issues of food and accommodation. This requires 500-800 pounds per month.

Now consider the question of how to get an education in Scotland:

  • Pass an international test IELTS;
  • You need a good knowledge base and decent academic performance;
  • Be sure to start preparing 1-2 years before admission;
  • Timely execution of all documents is required.

Specialists will help you get a higher education in Scotland LogosStudyGroup . We regularly provide services for sending students abroad. Let us help you find the right university training courses in Scotland or Russia.

How to apply to a Scottish university

The conditions for admission to universities in Scotland differ little from those in England. The admission of Russian applicants to universities in Scotland is practiced constantly. and company LogosStudyGroup Assists with admissions and preparation. The admission process is carried out through the service UCAS . In the case of a master's program, this issue is resolved through specific faculties directly. Before you go to study in Scotland, you need to prepare well. This can be done in Russia, but in Scotland it will be much more efficient.

Training courses

To understand how to enter a Scottish university, consider the main difference from English university. There you need to complete a one-year training program, International Foundation . In Scotland, this is not practiced everywhere, and there is an opportunity to enter with a Russian certificate of secondary education. But many prospective students are still being trained to be confident and know how to get into a Scottish university without any problems.

So, before you go to study in Scotland, you can take courses on the Scottish program SIFP . It can be either standard (one year) or accelerated - 9 months. You can also improve your English and choose language school to help you prepare for the test IELTS . How to enter Scotland and successfully pass all the entrance tests - you will learn about this in the courses. test result IELTS should be from 5.5 points. And to study in Scotland in English, you need to start language training much earlier.

Master's degree

Now consider the question of how to enter a master's program in Scotland. You will need a bachelor's degree. You can enter after studying both at a Russian university and a British one. This issue is resolved directly at the institute, and with UCAS Usually you don't need to contact. The master's program can be accelerated and last 1 year. Bachelor's degree in Scotland - 4 years.

So, we list the most necessary for admission to a Scottish university:

  • Higher Certificate or Certificate of Secondary Education of the Russian Federation;
  • Motivation letter;
  • Recommendations of teachers;
  • In the case of a master's degree, a bachelor's degree.

All other documents that are needed to study in Scotland, you will be helped to issue in LogosStudyGroup . Get in touch and you'll be learning soon prestigious university Scotland!

Medical education in Scotland

In Scotland they teach medicine really well. Universities provide an excellent knowledge base, students undergo internships in large research laboratories and medical institutions. Higher medical education in Scotland can be obtained with the proper level of training. And LogosStudyGroup will definitely help you with this.

To study medicine in Scotland, you need to excel in entrance examinations. For example, a higher test score is required for admission IELTS . Terminology is very important in medicine, any misunderstood word can turn into a fatal mistake. Therefore, the passing score is not less than 7.

Medical education in Scotland can be obtained in many universities. One of the most famous is the University of Aberdeen, where they began to train future doctors in the 15th century. No less popular is the University of Glasgow. They are in the top of the best universities in the world. The University of the West of Scotland and many other universities also offer quality study programs in Scotland medicine.

The cost of studying in Scotland

Studying in Scotland is not cheap. And compared to next Russian universities, the price may seem considerable, it is influenced by the pound exchange rate. For example, at the University of Glasgow, the price ranges from 11-24 thousand pounds per year, in others - from 4 thousand. But if you live in Scotland, this amount ceases to seem unbearable. And every average student can study there. In addition, there are various international scholarships and grants for certain merit. And this good motivation. Studying in Scotland for Russian students is one of the the best options self-development.

While studying in Scotland, you must also pay for accommodation and meals, this should not be forgotten. It all depends on the type of accommodation. In general, up to 700 pounds per month is required. You can try to combine study with work if you have time for it.

All those who have studied in Scotland have only positive reviews. These are people who, like you, dreamed of studying in British university, speak English fluently and have a decent profession. There are no problems with employment, a diploma from a Scottish university is recognized by leading international organizations.

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