Home Grape Capital letters. Task: Printed Letter H for Preschoolers

Capital letters. Task: Printed Letter H for Preschoolers

In this lesson, we will learn about the sound [n] and the letter H, about the sonority, hardness and softness of the sound [H], learn how to write the letter H, and perform many interesting tasks.

Of course, you remembered that these are Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif. Even their names are similar. Looking at their names, it is easy to guess what letter and sound the lesson will be devoted to. Lesson topic: "Letter Hn and the sounds it represents.

And another hero from the fairy-tale museum came to our lesson. Guess who it is.

Big hat on one side

And it's not too lazy to poke your nose everywhere.

Takes care of everything

And everything fails

Well, guess what?

The name of?

(Dunno) (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Dunno ()

Dunno will ask questions, and piglets will answer. And you help them answer.

Tell Dunno how to characterize the sound. You already know that for this you need to pronounce the sound and listen to it carefully. During sound pronunciation [n] tongue rests on the tip of the teeth and closes the passage for air. Because of this, he cannot pronounce easily and calmly, noise is obtained. So the sound [n] - consonant.

Help Dunno find out if this is a ringing sound? You already know that this is easy to figure out. Put your hands on the neck or on the ears and listen carefully to how your throat will work. Did you feel the vibration, so it's ringing sound.

You can also find out solid is it a sound or soft. Brothers will help you with this. Say their names and listen.

H af- H af - hard sound [n].

H uv- H uh - solid sound [n].

H if- H if - soft sound [n′].

So the sound [n] there is a couple - sound [n′].

Let us prove that a solid sound has [n] there is a soft pair [n′]. Dunno will ask questions, pigs will give answers, and you will complete them.

Dunno asked the piglets to name the guys who begin with a hard [n] or soft sound [n′]. The pig brothers gave the following answer:

solid sound [n]:

H atasha

H astya

H hello

Soft sound [n′]:

H ina

H ikita

H ica

Continue to name yourself.

Dunno asks: what flowers do you know whose names begin with [n] and [n′]?

H asturtium - sound [n](Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Nasturtium ()

H arcissus - sound [n](Fig. 4).

H forget-me-nots - sound [n′](Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Forget-me-nots ()

Can you add your examples?

Dunno asks to name the planets whose names contain the sounds we need.

Lou n a hard sound [n] in the middle of a word (Fig. 6).

Ve n era - soft sound [n′] in the middle of a word (Fig. 7).

H eptu n- soft sound [n′] at the beginning of a word and a solid sound [n] at the end (Fig. 8).

satur n- hard sound [n] at the end of a word (Fig. 9).

Give your examples.

Dunno asks if you know animals in whose names the word is hidden "nose".

H rhino (Fig. 10)

H osach (Fig. 11)

duck n os (Fig. 12)

In all these words, the letter H denotes a hard sound [n].

Let's show the Dunno and the piglets the letter of their name (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Letter H ()

This is a capital letter H.

Now we call this letter "en", and in ancient times it was called differently - "our" and this meant the same as now the word ours, i.e. mine, belonging to us. Since the name belongs only to some hero, and not to everyone, it is written with a capital letter H. A capital letter has a pair - a small letter n. They are similar (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Block letters Hn ()

The stranger needs to be explained

How can we draw a letter?

I explain to him briskly:

“It is necessary to each of these racks

nail the crossbar

The letter will become H serve".

Letter H very much like a letter And.

Letter And obliquely

Tried on a belt.

Pulled him up from the bottom -

Attached to the right leg.

He didn't listen at all.

And turned into a letter H.

Read the poems and say what the letter looks like H.

I have a letter H

Suddenly there was a song:

Got a ladder.

H - stretched mesh.

The mesh is held very tightly.

Come to our yard

Let's play volleyball.

Letter H, I know you.

The letter is strong, steel.

You are huge

And not the letter you, but the bridge(Fig. 15) .

Cars run over you

A river runs under you

With big ships.

There are clouds above you.

And also a letter H can be found in many items. For example: chair, hammock, gate tower.

Writer Viktor Khmelnitsky told the following news:

It happened in the summer sunny day. The letter H walked in the forest, picked flowers, and then lay down in a clearing and decided to dream. Before, there was never enough time. I dreamed that she was the first letter in the alphabet. And it became so good - she spread her legs to the sides, put her hands behind her head and ... gasped! Still would! Putting his hands behind his head and spreading his legs, the letter H turned into the letter A - the first letter of the alphabet! That's how useful it is sometimes to daydream.

Check the veracity of this story - mold a letter from plasticine H, turn it into a letter BUT, and then back to the letter H. Let the dream letters H will be fulfilled.

Hand -on the

And n-on the

Habout n-on the

vowels are marked in green. You noticed that the words have two syllables. Vowel sounds are clues. How many vowels, so many syllables. Try to read the names together:

In order to write down these names, it took only one consonant - the letter H. In total, these three names contain seven letters. H, but consonants are not all the same.

H ina - first sound [n′] soft. The rest of the sounds in all words are solid [n].

Read the words:

What do you think, lilies Is it a name or flowers? Of course, they meant flowers, because the word is written with a small letter.

Connect these words in pairs. Check:


Let's learn to write a capital letter H. It has three elements (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Capitalization H ()

We start writing a letter just above the middle of the additional line. We write a small smooth line, deviating slightly to the right. Then we lower the straight inclined line. Not reaching the bottom line working line, make a rounding to the right by touching it. We draw a smooth line up, deviating to the right, cross the straight line on the top ruler of the working line and continue to draw the line up, deviating to the right. We begin to make a rounding to the level of the height of the first element, lower the straight line down, cross the second element of the letter and, not reaching the bottom line of the working line, make a rounding to the right by touching it.

H: very wide loops (lower and upper); long straight sticks turned out in different directions due to the fact that the second straight line is written without tilting to the left.

Try to write the letter in your notebook yourself. Remember the seating rules while writing.

We will learn to write a small letter n. It has three elements (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Writing lower case n ()

We begin to write on the top line of the working line. From top to bottom to the bottom line of the working line, we draw an inclined straight line. We return in a straight line up to its middle, make a small loop or turn with a dot and draw a smooth line to the right (like a rope sagged) to the top line of the working line. We drop down a straight inclined line. Before reaching the bottom line of the working line, we make a rounding to the right by touching it.

Try to write such a letter in the air. write it down reverse side hands on the palm.

Here are some spelling mistakes n: a very large connecting loop at the letter; the first and third elements look in different directions.

Try to write the letter in the notebook yourself.

Think like big and small letters Hn connect with other letters. Remember which letters have already written similar upper and lower connections: and, s, a. Can you write by connecting letters Hn with other letters? Try it.

Today at the lesson we had a letter as a guest Hn, which in writing denotes sounds solid [n] and soft [n′]. This letter is very fond of words responsible people, for example: n hello, n really, n required, n learns. And she is very fond of those who want to do something, for example: n write, n draw, n start reading.


1. Practice writing a letter H. Write your own printed and capital letters Hn(large and small).

2. Name five words in which the letter H denotes a soft sound [n′], and five words with hard sound [n].

3. Choose any rhyme from this letter lesson H and learn it by heart.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academbook/Textbook, 2014

Writing lesson in 1st grade

Topic. Lowercase and capital letters H, n

pedagogical goal. Create conditions for the formation of the ability to write capital and lowercase letters H, n; contribute to the development phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, eye gauge.

Lesson type. The solution of the educational problem.

Planned results (subjective).

Carry out a comparison of lowercase and capital, printed and written letters; syllable - sound analysis words with sounds [n], [n ']. Perform the writing of syllables and words with the letters H, n, capital letters in proper names, writing sentences with comments. Supplement the sentences with a word encoded in the object drawing. They write off from the written font. Know the criteria for evaluating the work performed.

personal results.

Exhibit cognitive interest, educational motives.

Universal learning activities(metasubject).

Regulatory: plan their action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Cognitive: general education - consciously and voluntarily buildspeech statements in oral and written form;brain teaser - carry out the comparison of lowercase and capital, printed and written letters; conduct a syllable-sound analysis of words with sound[n]; highlight the characteristics of the proposal.

Communicative: they are able to build statements understandable for the partner in communication.

The main content of the topic, concepts and terms.

Letters H, n; lowercase, capital, printed, written letters; syllable - sound

word analysis; sound [n]; sentence.

Educational resources.

    Writing Presentation

    Presentation "Live ABC"

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson (the presence of a study book on the table

"Recipe No. 2", pens.

(Children greet the teacher, each other, check their readiness for the lesson, emotionally tune in to the lesson)

II. Statement of the educational task.

Listen to the poem and find the mysterious letter in it.

She is in the word "song",

She is in the word "he",

She is in the word "ladder",

She is in the word "elephant",

With her "night" begins,

And that's where the "dream" ends.

And in the middle of "she" - again she!

Who is this mysterious stranger? (LetterH)

What did the poem tell you about the letterH?

(Letter Hhappens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.)

Does it represent a vowel or consonant sound? (Consonant [n])

What letters do you think we will learn to write today?

(capital and lowercase lettersN, n).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of activity.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Prepare your hand for writing. Let's do it finger gymnastics.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this -

So the heads were removed.

(The guys do finger gymnastics. They squeeze and unclench their hands in the rhythm of the poem).

2. Rules for seating at the table while writing.

We check the landing, the rules for handling the handle.

(The guys show landing at the table when writing, how to hold a pen correctly)

3. Acquaintance with the letter N.

Consider printed and capital lettersH.

How are they similar and how are they different?

What does the letter look likeH?

(Children look at the letters, answer the teacher's questions, listen to the poem)

Letter H I know you

The letter is strong, steel.

You are huge

And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars run over you

A river runs under you.

With big ships.

There are clouds above you.

4. Acquaintance with writing a lowercase letter n.

Consider an example of a lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We lead the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then from the middle of the first element we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly sagging. The third element is a stick with a rounded bottom.

(The guys listen to the teacher's explanation, follow the spelling of the letter. Prescribe the elements in the air).

Let's write a letter in the air under -one - and, two - and.

5. Work in "Recipe". Letter elements letter n and letter n.

Consider a sample of a lowercase lettern.

From which three elements consists of a letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Circle the petals.

Add on the first line the elements of the letter n, on the second line add the lettern.

At home you will practice writing lettersn.

(Guys consider the letter, its elements. Answer the teacher's questions. Write the elements of the lettern, letter n) .

6. Syllabic - sound analysis of words.

Circle the letters n in the words, read the resulting words.

(Children circle the letters).

Look at the diagrams and match the diagrams with the words.

(1st scheme - he, 2nd scheme - it, she, they).

Perform syllable - sound analysis according to the schemes.

(Children perform word analysis).

7. Letter of syllables.

Read the syllables in "Recipe No. 2".

Add syllables on the lines, pay attention to the connection of letters.

(Children read the syllables in writing, perform them in writing).

Physical education minute

We worked, guys, and now everything is on charge!

Quietly stand up, smile,

All turn into animals.

How many animals came to the class

Do not recognize my children!

Who is a bunny, who is a fox,

Who is the bear, who is the cat, who is the bird?

Have fun dancing!

Everybody dance, don't be shy!

It's time for us to work, sit quietly, kids.

(Children portray their favorite animals and dance to the music).

8. Acquaintance with the capital letter H. Comparison of the letters H, n.

Compare lowercase and uppercase lettersN, n

Are they spelled the same or differently?

Consider a pattern of a capital letterN.

What two elements make up a capital letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

(Children look at the lettersN, n. Compare. Answer the teacher's questions. Consider the elements of a letterH. Outline letter elements).

9. Introduction to writing the letter H.

capital letterHwe start writing from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. Draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, move further down. Almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, we round up to the left, slightly rise above the bottom line of the working line. We begin to write the second element just below the top line of the working line. We draw a smooth line to the right, rising up. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). We draw the line down and write as we wrote a stick with a rounding at the bottom.

Write the letter in the air under the countand - one, and - two, - and.

(The guys analyze the sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the capital letter. Listen to the teacher's explanation, follow the spelling of the letter. Prescribe the elements in the air).

10. Work in "Recipe No. 2". Letter letters, syllables.

Write on the first line the elements of the letterH.

Add a letter on the second lineH.

Read the syllables.

Pay attention to the connection of letters.

(Guys perform the task: they write down the elements of the letterH and letter H. Perform the letter of syllables)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

1. Syllabic - sound analysis of words.

Consider the word pattern.

What unusual thing did you notice?

(A word is not written next to the diagram, and sounds are not indicated by color)

Using the picture, find what word this scheme refers to. (Threads)

Let's do a syllable - sound analysis of the wordthreads and color the diagram.

How many syllables are in a word? (Two)

What syllable is stressed?(The first)

How many sounds are in the first syllable?(Three)

What is the first syllable made of? (From a merger of a consonant and a vowel, the third consonant is outside the merger).

Color the first syllable.

(The guys do the task)

How many syllables are in the second syllable?(Two)

What is the second syllable? (From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds)

Color the second syllable.

(The guys do the task)

2. Work in "Recipe 2" p. 15. Writing words and sentences.

Read the word. What does it mean? (Nina. This name)

What letter will we write at the beginning of the word? (capital)

Write the word beautifully, according to the model.

(Guys write a letter)

What is written on the next line? (Sentence)

Why do you think so? (Starts with a capital letter. There is a punctuation mark at the end)

Read the sentence with intonation.

(Children read the sentence with intonation)

What letter is used to start a sentence? (capitalized)

Write a sentence according to the model.

(The guys do the task)

Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with the word.

v. Reflective - evaluative.

Which letter did we visit today?

Tell me about this letter.

Letter Hsatisfied with your work. And you?

What happened? What else needs to be worked on?

Did you like visiting the letterH?

(Children answer teacher's questions)

At home, practice writing the letter you have learned.

The letter H denotes a consonant sound: hard [H] and soft [H "]. This is a voiced sound.

Words that start with N: sky, sock, rhino, reward, nose, leg, Negro, outfit, oil, thread, new, nobody, notes, need, zero, hope, sticker, Natasha, nature, nectar, it is impossible, beginning, nostrils, low nail...

Letter H in the middle of a word: lollipop, car, pomegranate, hay, bow, sauna, Vanya, wave, dwarf, melon, raccoon, laziness, pony, angel, fable, bank, cherry, race, wave, grain, book, canvas, minute, autumn, song , market, seal, young man, England, grandson, nest, crown, money...

Letter H at the end of a word: elephant, drum, phone, dream, pancake, one, lemon, ram, ataman, ram, sofa, wild boar, clown, deceit, organ, season, slope, herd, coupon, volcano, trap...

Several letters H in a word: orangutan, scissors, fountain, nanny, piano, announcement, manna, tonsillitis, name...

How do you write the capital letter H?
Here is the letter H - it's easy to remember
Two sticks are equal in height.
And one crossbar
visible to everyone in the middle.

Stick, stick, belt
The letter H is like a bridge.
/ you can draw this letter in the air or on the decoy /
For phonemic perception letters H, play the game "Aquarium" (described earlier with the letter A), or jumping - if the sound H is at the beginning, jump forward, if at the end - back, if in the middle - in place. My son loves this option! :)

Poems about the letter H ( , )
H - stretched mesh,
The mesh is held very tightly.
Come to our yard
Let's play volleyball!

Let's take a pencil in our palms,
With H we will write "Nose" and "Legs".
The night has come, you need to sleep -
The letter H is needed again.

I have known the letter H for a long time -
From childhood, they tell me: "But-but!"
And grew up, now in response
Often I hear the word: "No!"
"I do not want!" And mom: "It is necessary!"
In general, we do not get along with the letter H.
I would erase N from the alphabet,
But my name is Nikita...

Riddles about the letter H ( , )
Two bare feet
They walk along the path
They run and jump
Yes, they jerk each other.
Boots will be captured
Turn into a letter....

In rain and hot weather
We have a pump pumping water.
Kach-kach! Kach-kach!
Wash my hands, wash the ball
So that the pump does not get bored,
And rocked, rocked, rocked!
He pumped water for everyone
Turned into a letter....

Tumbler Nastya
Not afraid of adversity
Tears will not shed -
Fall down, get up
And prefers to everyone
A letter of the alphabet...

Rhino found a sock
But I couldn't wear it.
He was captured to the sock
In the picture with the letter...

Tongue twisters with the letter H ()
Mink definitely needs
To get a taxi to the mink.
Clear - in a mink coat
Nobody will walk.

On the shallows of the river, we came across burbot.

Images of the letter H

Tale about the letter H ()

The letter H lived in the Alphabet immediately after the letter M. It was the most incomprehensible letter of the Alphabet, the most protesting. Her most favorite word was "no". No matter what they asked her, she always said no! It was her nature, she simply could not and did not know how to do it differently. Because of this, she often fell into different stories and suffered.

She was asked:

- Letter N, do you want candy?

- Not! - said the letter H, - but she really, really wanted them.

She was asked:

– Do you want ice cream?

- Not! - the letter H said again, and almost cried, because she really wanted ice cream.

And all the letters thought that she was doing it on purpose. And she, poor thing, didn't know just how to say yes. And she really didn't know how to do it. What was left for her?

And then one day the letter H went for a walk and met on a walk ... Who would you think? She met the letter "D" - her opposite, who all the time said only "yes" and did not know how to say "no".

- You are ill? they asked her.

- Yes, - the letter D answered, - although in fact she was healthy.

"So you can't eat cake?"

“Yes,” the letter D sighed again and was left without a birthday cake.

And they met, so different, but with the same problem. And they began to think how they could get out of this trouble of theirs. How can the letter H learn to say "YES" and the letter "D" learn to say "NO".

They walked, walked, talked to each other and became very friendly. And when someone becomes very friendly, then their thoughts with each other also begin to be friends. And words too. And so it happened that the letter H became a little softer, and the letter D became firmer in its character. And they exchanged words and thoughts, or rather shared with each other.

And so they approached the ice cream seller. And it was so hot! And I wanted ice cream!

- Would you like ice cream? - asked the seller at the letter N.

- Not! she said out of habit. And then she suddenly added:

- No, in the sense not a lot, but only one, I will! Will! - and with great joy she took the ice cream.

- Everything? Do you have enough? You won't buy ice cream anymore? the salesman asked the letter D.

“Yeah, I mean, that’s enough for her, and I need another ice cream!” Will!

And they, our letters, laughed joyfully, they recognized themselves in each other. And when you see yourself from the outside, then it is much easier for you to understand yourself and correct your bad habits also easier. The easiest way is not alone, but with friends! And since then, the letter H has always tried to remember the letter D, and before starting to protest and shout “no, I don’t want to!”, She thought about her opposite, and she felt funny at herself, and she stopped resisting. Since then, the life of the letter H has become much easier and she began to smile and laugh more often, and slowly made friends with all the letters. She learned to communicate! Is it so important. But the letter D remained her greatest friend. So they walked, these two inseparable words: “yes” and “no”.

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter H, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • introduce a preschooler to the letter H, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach to write the capital letter H in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

Little Natasha was bought a toy horse. Natasha sat on the horse and shouted:
- But but but!

  1. How did Natasha scream?
  2. HHNO - what is the first sound here?
  3. Who bought the horse?
  4. NATASHA - what is the first sound in this word?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Scissors Sky Notes Rhinoceros

What is the first sound in the word RHINO? - SCISSORS?
At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word sound [n] in the word LEMON? WINDOW? RAM? NOTES?

When we pronounce the sound [n], the tip of the tongue taps on the "tubercles" behind the upper teeth. Say: HHH. The tip of the tongue taps on the “bumps” behind the upper teeth and prevents air from freely escaping from the mouth when we pronounce the sound [n].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [n]?
  2. What other consonants do you know?
  3. Voiced or voiceless sound [n]?
  4. What other voiced consonant sound do you know? ([m])

Task: Printed Letter H for Preschoolers

Consider the letter H. We sewed the letter H in the air and once in a notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.


You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You can see anything in me.
(Nose is a dream)

With the letter I, my friends,
I don't mean anything
I change to C -
Feel free to put me in the soup.
Do not take with the letter M -
I coat you opening.
(Zero - salt - mole)

The old man carries me with difficulty,
But if you add Yu, instantly
He will come to his aid,
Who easily carries me.
(burden - young man)

Tale about the letter H

pinocchio nose
On the New Year all the guys in kindergarten they had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and smear his cheeks with paint, well, as if he were Pinocchio.
Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and folded it into a tube. I looked, and this is not a nose, but a whole nose turned out.

I'm tired of doing this Pinocchio nose, - Nikita mutters.
- I'd rather tie it with threads to my head and be a rhinoceros.

Started winding threads. Wound, wound - nothing happens! Nikita pouted.

I'll put it right on my head.

He smeared glue on his head and attached his nose. Her hair was stuck together, and her nose fell to the side.

I'm tired of this rhino. I’d better come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as an invisible person, because they didn’t see me.

Riddles for children with the letter H

Between two lights
One in the middle.

People always have it
There are always ships.

Five steps - ladder,
On the steps - a song.

On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

The blue sheet covers the whole world.

On one finger
Bucket upside down.

Who has one eye during the day
And at night - a lot?
(At the sky)

What is this ceiling?
He's low, he's high.
Now he is gray, then whitish,
It's a little blue.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue.

All my life they go in overtaking,
And they can't overtake each other.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter H

In the autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard.
In a foreign land, and spring is not red.
Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
It's sad for a bird in a golden cage.
One bee makes some honey.
An unfinished book is like a path not traveled.
It's not scary not to know, it's scary not to know.
Unhappy days are long remembered.
Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall.

Funny poems about the letter H for children

Our brothers sewed a dress,
One of the brothers was king.
He wore a crown.
But he did not lag behind in work.
(G. Vieru)

Twin words
The mink came out of the mink
And went to the familiar mink.
I entered the mink of the mink,
I did not find a mink in a mink.
If there is no mink in the mink,
Maybe a mink next to a mink?
Lost a trace.
Mink - here
And MINKS - no!
(A. Shibaev)

different noses
Stick your nose in other than your own business
They peck their noses before going to bed,
But one funny nose
Papa Carlo brought us.
(Y. Akim)

Who will give way to the rhinoceros,
He will certainly act wisely.
It's nice to push him, thick-skinned,
And what about the poor passer-by?
It's good that they are so ignorant
Will meet less and less!
(B. Zakhoder)

Nose sticks his Igor
That in jam
That's honey.
Oh, I'm afraid
How would the nose
To a jar of honey
Not grown.
(F. Bobylev)

Take us to Vera.
- Where's she?
- In the square.
(Y. Kozlovsky)

We don't need jokes like that!
Who cut the forget-me-nots at night?
There are footprints on the bed.
It's probably a rhinoceros.
(G. Sapgir)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.

We continue to study the letters of the Russian alphabet with children. Let's meet today new letter Russian alphabet is the letter "H". I propose to perform simple and interesting tasks to this letter. In addition, I strongly recommend that you supplement your classes for preschoolers with special cards for the letters of the alphabet. So, we begin our acquaintance with the letter, the sound H with such actions.

Development tasks

  • Circle the items that begin with the letter "H".
  • Color the capital and small letters "H" in Blue colour. Write a small letter “n” in a circle under each picture and circle the first letter “n”. Discuss who is in the pictures.
  • What letter do all these words start with?
  • Color the pictures, find out who is depicted on it, insert the letter “H” in the word “Dunno”. Learning to write the letter “H” - you need to circle the letters with multi-colored pencils, and then find a pair of socks and connect them with lines to each other.
  • What letter does the word "sock" begin with?
  • We learn to write uppercase large and small letters “H” - we circle the dotted lines.
  • We are looking for five letters "H" where the pictures are presented, and we color them in blue. (A game of letters for attentiveness).
  • Help Nyusha from the cartoon "Smeshariki" to collect all the letters "H", circle neatly dotted lines, insert the letter "H" in the word "Nyusha".

Riddles and poems

Also on the site there are riddles about sound, the letter "H" and poems about sound, the letter "H". Riddles about sound, the letter H not only help to learn the letter, but also develop ingenuity, creative thinking. You can download riddles about sound, the letter H on the website.

Poems about sound, the letter H will contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, memory. Memorize poems about sound, the letter H with your kids.


Remember spelling H will help coloring.

How useful is coloring for preschool children?

Coloring stimulates the development of fine motor skills, a sense of color, artistic taste. It is coloring that can help prepare a child's hand for writing. Letter H coloring page is easy to download from our website.

Pictures and coloring pages - faithful friends children. Pictures help them figure out how to color this or that object, see how it looks. Be sure to show the pictures to the kids before voicing the task. So they will fulfill the requirements much more accurately. Coloring book and pictures can be used as teaching aids in kindergarten or primary school schools.


The cartoon "ABC baby" can also be interesting for kids. These are videos from the Aunt Owl Lessons series. "ABC Baby" presents letters in the form of animated characters who ride horses, walk, run, laugh, etc. Each letter in the ABC Baby video corresponds to a cartoon, where the hero can be an animal or an object whose name begins with this letter. "ABC baby" is well drawn, it is a colorful and instructive cartoon. If your child liked the “ABC Baby” with the comments of the wise Owl, be sure to put this cartoon on him once a day and dedicate each show to a separate letter. There is a series of "ABC Baby" and the letter and sound N.

Such a fascinating study of the alphabet will surely delight the child and allow you to quickly achieve results.

ABC-Baby from Aunt Owl

Shishkin School

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