Home natural farming Effective classes of a speech therapist. Speech therapy exercises with children - video. Articulatory gymnastics and pronunciation training

Effective classes of a speech therapist. Speech therapy exercises with children - video. Articulatory gymnastics and pronunciation training

Competent and clear, intelligible and intelligible speech a preschooler is the dream of any parent, but situations often arise when problems in pronouncing sounds are so obvious that it is impossible to do without the intervention of professionals. Are gaining importance speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 years, held at home. Various exercises performed by children under the strict guidance of loving parents often turn out to be more effective and useful than regular meetings with a speech pathologist.

Speech development of children 5-6 years old

5-6 years is a crucial period in the life of a baby, since it begins. And if a year ago it was possible to attribute all the problems to young age, now you have to face the truth - if the child does not pronounce correctly most sounds, gets confused, cannot build a coherent sentence, then serious problem It is obvious and it is impossible to postpone a visit to a professional any longer.

Children at this age should already speak coherently, have developed phonemic hearing, and be able to formulate declarative, interrogative and incentive sentences. The normal rate of speech is formed by the age of five, slow or, on the contrary, very fast and fuzzy speech at this age is highly undesirable.

Also among speech norms the following applies.

  • The correct pronunciation of all sounds - each of them should sound clearly both as part of a syllable and a word, and in the whole sentence.
  • The ability to convey exclamatory and interrogative intonation.
  • The vocabulary is becoming richer, parents will no longer be able to list all the words that their child owns, there are about 3 thousand of them. Also at this age, many children actively come up with new words, funny and unusual, which will eventually be forgotten. Involuntary memory is actively developing, so babies easily remember the expressions they just heard.
  • Phrases that are complex in construction begin to sound in speech, sentences become more and more detailed, the child is able to tell in detail about the event he witnessed.
  • By the age of 5-6, traditionally “difficult” phonemes [r] and [l] should already sound clearly in the speech of babies, but if this does not happen, then there is a problem and the help of a speech therapist is required.

To understand that the speech development of a five-year-old is age-appropriate, you can, by his ability, come up with a coherent story from the picture, the presence in speech various parts speech, abstract and generalizing words. Mistakes such as misuse of forms plural(“apples” instead of “apples”) only say that the preschooler does not yet have enough knowledge to correct construction phrases, and they have nothing to do with speech problems.

Each child is an individual, so it is best to evaluate his “results” not in comparison with other children, but by comparing his own results of different periods.

Possible speech defects

There are situations when children, not having any problems, are simply too lazy to pronounce the words aloud, confident that they will be understood anyway. Parents should pay attention Special attention on the baby, if he speaks little, confuses syllables and words, does not understand the meaning of what was said - most often this is due to various speech defects that will have to be corrected in speech therapy classes.

Several types of speech impairment are possible:

  • stuttering;
  • dyslalia - children with normal hearing and speech apparatus confuse consonant phonemes [p] and [l], [w] and [g].
  • nasality - pronouncing the words "in the nose", which makes it very difficult to understand the child;
  • the child does not understand the speech of the parents and does not speak on his own;
  • pronounces sounds incorrectly - articulation difficulties.

With any of them, you should start speech therapy classes - with a professional defectologist and at home, otherwise the child will be left behind speech development and may not be taken general education school, offer to visit a specialized institution. But the situation can be corrected thanks to speech therapy.

When should you visit a specialist?

There are several signs that a child's speech needs professional help:

  • very poor vocabulary;
  • inability to pronounce correctly big number sounds;
  • wrong choice of word, lack of correlation between the word and the subject to which it refers;
  • constant omissions of part of the syllables in words;
  • slow or, on the contrary, very fast speech, pronouncing most of the words in syllables;
  • slurred speech, stuttering;
  • constant hesitations and pauses.

In these cases, it is necessary to show the child to a speech therapist as soon as possible, possibly to a neurologist, this will help to identify the causes of the violations and eliminate them.

The role of parents

You should not assume that only classes with a speech therapist will help the child completely solve the problem - parents should be directly involved in this. The child spends most of the time at home, so training should be done there.

Speech therapists advise parents to adhere to the following rules.

  • Do not scold the baby for the mistakes he made in pronouncing sounds, but correct them.
  • Encourage the child for his efforts and successes, listen carefully to what he tells about classes with a speech therapist, and show sincere interest.
  • Make sure that the speech of family members is competent and correct.
  • Before showing this or that exercise to a preschooler, you should practice in front of a mirror, check whether everything turns out clearly and correctly.
  • Make sure children do homework speech therapist.
  • Strives to ensure that each task is completed to the end, correctly, diligently.
  • Conduct classes daily - they can be small, but mandatory, should become a good habit.

Defectologists advise creating an atmosphere for the baby correct speech: read poetry, fairy tales to him more often, sing songs, discuss any natural phenomena with the child, but it is better to minimize TV viewing.

Building a homework

You should perform speech therapy exercises and do speech gymnastics at home, this will help to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired from the defectologist, and make speech more clear and understandable. It is best to conduct them in a playful way so as not to tire the baby - this will help him not to lose interest, not get tired, and enjoy a useful pastime.

The first stage of any lesson (unless the speech therapist suggested otherwise) is articulation gymnastics, which will prepare the speech apparatus for further work, will help stretch the tongue and ligaments. Performing exercises, kids simultaneously train those muscles that are actively involved in the process of pronouncing sounds.

All exercises are done while sitting, preferably in front of a mirror, so that the baby can control himself. Each is repeated several times, depending on the individual preparation of the child.

Parents can perform a large number of exercises with children 5-6 years old, helping them cope with speech problems.

  • Pronounce tongue twisters in which there is both a problematic sound and sounds similar to it. For example, when staging the sound [s], you can use this: “My sister and I brought sausage to the owl in the forest.” There are a lot of words with this sound in this speech.
  • Pronunciation of poems with problematic sounds.

To improve the pronunciation of the sound [p], the following poem is suitable:

Ra-ra-ra - the kids frolic!

Ro-ro-ro - we distribute good!

Roo-roo-roo - we draw a kangaroo!

Ry-ry-ry - the dog got out of the hole!

In speech therapy encyclopedias you can get acquainted with large quantity all kinds of rhymes for staging each sound and choose those that suit a particular child. Takova general structure lessons.

Articulation gymnastics - the best warm-up

You should offer the baby to perform exercises aimed at training various muscle groups. Their description is presented in the table.

muscles Task options
LipsSmile so that the teeth are not visible, hold this position for 5 to 30 seconds. "Proboscis". Fold your lips with a tube and fix the position. "Fence". Smile in such a way that the upper and lower teeth are open, fix the position.
Language"Shovel". The tongue, without protruding, the child places on the lower lip and holds in this position for 5 seconds. "Swing". Move your tongue up and down while keeping your mouth open. "Let's brush our teeth." With the tip of the tongue, “walk” along the back of the upper teeth, then along the lower ones. “Snake”. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and try to fold it into a tube. Repeat at least 5 times.
Hyoid ligament"Horse". Click your tongue, imitating the clatter of hooves. Then complicate the exercise - click quickly or slowly, loudly or quietly. "Fungus". Tightly press the tongue to the sky, hold in this position for several seconds, relax.
Cheeks"Balloons". Inflate both cheeks, then gently slap them, releasing the air - “burst” the ball. “Hamster”. Puff out both cheeks like a hamster. Then inflate one by one. "Hungry hamster." Pull in your cheeks, fix the position for a few seconds, relax.

It’s not worth including all the exercises in your workout, you need to choose 2-3 of them and work them out properly, but at the same time make sure that all muscle groups are involved during the week. The easiest way is to make a lesson plan for seven days, in which to paint on which day which exercise will be performed.

Each exercise from the complex, offering to fix a certain position, is first performed for 5 seconds, gradually increasing the duration to 30. The parent can count out loud, this will help the child remember the numbers.

Variety of forms and games

So that the preschooler is not bored of repeating the same thing several times, you should consider an unusual game scenario, give him different tasks:

  • not just pronounce the words, but make rhythmic movements with the legs or arms to the beat;
  • “teach” a toy a tongue-twister or a rhyme, show how to pronounce the text correctly;
  • pronounce the text, imagining yourself as a fox or a bunny, make appropriate facial expressions and gestures.

You can make a speech therapy lesson even more exciting if you dress the baby in the costume of the depicted animal.

Poems, tongue twisters can not only be pronounced, but also sung, coming up with a suitable motive for them.

It is possible to stimulate the development of fine motor skills, which is directly related to the speech center, by performing finger gymnastics- putting special puppets on your fingers, create dramatizations, while reciting verses and phrases with a practiced sound. For example, when working on the phoneme [r], you can offer a preschooler a finger puppet-pig and ask him to grunt.

So that the child does not get tired, every 5-10 minutes of the lesson you should take a break and practice breathing exercises. For example, "Dandelion" - take a deep breath with your nose, as if inhaling the scent of flowers, and then exhale with your mouth, as if blowing on a fluffy dandelion.

cognitive activities

Games for the development of speech should also be cognitive in nature. But parents are required to show creativity and get ready.

There are several options for such games.

  • Pick up in advance several cards with illustrations that present words with a problematic sound (these can be animals, birds, vegetables, household items), and ask the child to name them, give brief description to complete his story. This will help both improve pronunciation and gain new information.
  • "Guess." An adult hides some object whose name contains a sound being worked out (for example, if it is a phoneme [r], then you can hide a toy giraffe), after that he begins to name a number of characteristics for the baby: this is an animal, with long neck, spotted skin. The child's task is to guess the animal and try to pronounce its name.
  • Working with pictures. The parent selects an illustration and thinks of an object on it, in the name of which there is a problematic sound, after which he begins to describe it. The task of the child is to understand what it is about, show in the picture and pronounce the name.

With the help of such exercises, preschoolers not only additionally practice pronouncing individual sounds, but also learn new information about the world around them.

The importance of speech therapy lessons and their continuation at home should not be underestimated, since 5-6 years is the time when a child can still solve most of speech problems and start going to school like the rest of the kids. If time is lost, then there is a risk that he will have a lot of difficulties in the future, up to various complexes and self-doubt.

For doing homework speech therapy classes You will need:

  • Table mirror so that the child can control the correctness of the exercises;
  • "Lotto" various subjects(zoological, biological, "dishes", etc.);
  • Models of fruits, vegetables, etc.;

  • Cut pictures from two or more parts, cubes.

The main difficulty for parents in organizing home speech therapy classes is the unwillingness of the child to study. It is necessary to interest the child. Since the main activity is a game, classes should be built according to the rules of the game.

You can "go on a trip" to a fairy-tale kingdom or visit Dunno. The plush doll can also talk to the baby.

Speech therapists advise you to practice every day to achieve results. Conducted daily:

  • Games for the development of fine motor skills;
  • Articulation gymnastics;

  • Games for the development of auditory attention or phonemic hearing;
  • Games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

Let's start with you. Alas, most parents notice that their child does not pronounce any sounds, only when he is enrolled in first grade. And then daily classes begin both with a speech therapist and at home, if only to have time to “pull up” the child before September 1. But when the child was silent at 2.5 years old, some said: “He understands everything, he’s just lazy,” or “He’s all like dad (aunt, grandfather), he also spoke late.” But such a delay in itself should have alerted.

Other parents, on the contrary, having read a lot, are looking for a way out of the situation and are surprised: “I did everything as recommended: I didn’t lisp, spoke in full words, read a lot, put on audio cassettes to listen to.” But this did not bring the desired result: after all, they loaded the child with overwork. And the child needs strictly dosed classes, he cannot be overloaded.

articulation apparatus. Very often, children who speak poorly for their age also eat poorly. As a rule, it is a whole problem for them to eat an apple or a carrot, not to mention meat. This is caused by weakness of the jaw muscles, and it, in turn, delays the development of movements of the articulatory apparatus. Therefore, be sure to force your child to chew crackers, whole vegetables and fruits, bread with crusts and lumpy meat. To develop the muscles of the cheeks and tongue, show your child how to rinse his mouth. Teach you to puff out your cheeks and hold the air, "roll" it from one cheek to another.

visibility. Speech therapists advise voicing any situation - but only if you see that the child hears and sees you. Do not speak into the void, look into his eyes. Make sure he sees your articulation.

Speak clearly. Speak simply, clearly, clearly pronouncing every word, phrase. It is known that children are very sensitive to intonation, so every word that falls on logical stress try to pronounce it as expressively as possible.

Speak differently. Repeat the same word and phrase many times, changing the word order. “GRANDMA IS COMING. OUR GRANDMA IS COMING." This makes it easier for the child to hear and understand: phrases are divided into words. If you want your child to learn a word, try to use it in different contexts and more than once.

Do not overdo it. Do not use too many long phrases: speech therapists do not advise overloading the child by presenting him immediately a large number of obviously unfamiliar words.

Good mood. Try to pronounce a new word in an emotionally favorable situation: in such conditions, the child learns and absorbs information 10 times better than in neutral or unfavorable ones.

At the heart of speech is the desire to communicate. No matter how imperfectly your child speaks, accept and support his desire to make contact with you. Even if he doesn't speak at all, engage him more often in non-verbal dialogue, welcoming and approving any response (gesture, expressive look). At the same time, turn off the music, the TV and try to give him the opportunity to hear you and yourself. Speech develops on the basis of imitation and self-imitation - therefore, he needs to hear himself.

Learn by playing. While playing, learn to imitate (two dogs bark, two pussies meow, roll call: ay-ay). Create special game situations, where the child will need onomatopoeia, or it will be necessary to pronounce some words in order for the game to take place. Please note: it is not you who induces, but the situation.

Expand your baby's vocabulary. The child owns words at 2 levels: understands words - this is a passive dictionary, speaks - this is active. The active dictionary can be quite small. Try to enter in active dictionary the names of things that surround him (toys, kitchenware, household items), the names of things and creatures in pictures and books, and of course, the names of relatives and close people. Teach your child to show where the arms are, where the legs are (for the doll, for you). Ask more often: “Where is the table? Where is the clock? etc. This will certainly lead to the so-called lexical explosion: in the future, the child will transfer to the active dictionary what you taught him, looking at pictures together, reading books and commenting on his actions.

Develop phonemic awareness, prompting to distinguish between words that differ in one sound (rat - roof, nose - knife).

Read. Speech therapists advise reading as many short poems and fairy tales as possible. Reread them many times - do not be afraid that it will bother the child. Children perceive texts that they have already heard many times much better. If possible, try to act out the poem - show it in faces and with objects; and let the child play with these objects. Wait until the child remembers the poem well, catches its rhythm, and then try not to finish the last word each line, leaving it to the baby to do. Sing simple songs to help him pick up the rhythm and reproduce it.

Fingers help speech. Pay attention to the development of fine motor skills - precise movements of the fingers. Sculpting, drawing, finger theater, playing with small objects - all this will help speech, and in the future, writing. The child should work as much as possible with his naughty fingers. No matter how tedious it may seem to you, let the baby do up the buttons, lace up the shoes, roll up the sleeves. Moreover, it is better for a child to start training not on his own clothes, but first to “help” dress dolls and even parents.

As children's fingers become more agile, his language will become more understandable not only to his mother.

Only you! Remember: only you and your faith in the strength and abilities of the child can help him develop harmoniously.

On the benefits of articulation gymnastics in the development of a preschool child

Gymnastics for arms and legs is familiar and familiar to us. It is clear, after all, why we train muscles: so that they become dexterous, strong, mobile.

But why train the language? after all, he is already "without bones." It turns out that the tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. And for him, as for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, the language must be well developed in order to perform subtle, purposeful movements called sound pronunciation.

Pronunciation deficiencies aggravate the emotional and mental state of the child, prevent him from developing and communicating with peers. To prevent this problem from occurring in a child, speech therapists advise starting articulation gymnastics now.

With the help of articulatory gymnastics, the existing violations of sound pronunciation are overcome. At first, articulatory gymnastics must be performed in front of a mirror. The child must see what the tongue is doing: where it is (behind the upper teeth or behind the lower ones). At the same time, the movements of the tongue are brought to automatism by constant exercises. Practice with your child daily for 5-7 minutes.

Learn and repeat special verses with your child. For example:

Carrying out articulation gymnastics in the form of a fairy tale and using poetry will help turn the exercises into an exciting game. The main advice of speech therapists: Be patient, gentle and calm and you will succeed.

Common in preschoolers mispronunciation or the absence of certain sounds. It is important for parents not to miss the moment for classes. For this, it is necessary not only to consult with specialists, but also to read specialized literature.

It is worth remembering that for a beautiful and correct speech must be practiced daily. And the sooner you start training, the better. Moreover, speech therapy exercises for children, developed by speech therapists, are useful not only for children who have pronunciation defects. They will also be useful for children without problems with pronunciation.

Usually at 4-5 years old, children develop a clear pronunciation. But there may be difficulties with individual sounds. These are the sounds "p", "l" and hissing. There is an opinion that such defects will pass over time without outside intervention. But that's not the case at all. And classes, even at home with mom, are simply necessary.

At 5-6 years old, the baby should have certain skills:

If any of the above causes difficulties for the child, then it would be useful to attend special courses or perform speech therapy tasks at home. The advantages of visiting speech therapy centers are that a professional speech therapist will deal with the child. But his work is often quite expensive. Therefore, loving parents can study the necessary materials and engage with the child at home. The advantage is that the child will not feel uncomfortable because of an unfamiliar environment and communication with a stranger.

Types of defects

Speech disorders may be great amount. After all, every child is unique. But They are divided into 7 main types:

Development from the cradle

It should not be surprising that the development of speech must be dealt with from the first months of life. This includes the development of fine motor skills. After all, it is she who contributes to the development of the parts of the brain responsible for speech.

Especially useful finger games, hand massage, games with different textures. It is useful for a child to draw (especially with finger paints), sculpt from clay and plasticine, collect puzzles and mosaics, build from constructors, play lacing and string beads. It is especially useful to do all this in the company of parents.

It is necessary from the first days to talk with the baby. Brothers and sisters can be included in this. It is necessary to read books to him, tell fairy tales and poems. You can also voice your actions.

When is it time to see a speech therapist?

AT modern world live communication and reading books faded into the background. Their place was taken TV and internet. Children often watch cartoons than listen to fairy tales. And this can adversely affect their speech development.

Defects in sound pronunciation are more common. But parents, due to limited communication with children, cannot always notice the problem. Or notice too late. And speech therapy problems require urgent intervention. And the sooner this happens, the sooner you can get rid of it.

Speech therapy classes at home

Mom can address the problem both to a specialist and to specialized literature. To date, a large number of books on speech therapy development have been written.

In order for speech therapy exercises for children 5-6 years old at home to be successful and bring results, certain rules must be observed:

Stages of homework

When conducting classes, you must follow a certain order.

  1. Finger gymnastics. During the lesson, it is necessary not only to ask the child to repeat any actions. It will be much more effective to learn special rhymes (“Magpie-crow”, “Behemoth”). They are most often short, and it will be interesting for the child to perform exercises with simultaneous pronunciation. It is no less useful for the development of fine motor skills to play with small objects and different textures, for example, with cereals, various fabrics;
  2. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises should be aimed at developing and strengthening muscles. Without this, you should not start putting sounds on the child. Exercises can be dynamic (when the lips and tongue move constantly during exercise) and static (when they take a certain position and hold it for several seconds). These exercises are more difficult to perform for the baby, but they are very important. It is thanks to them that the muscles prepare for the pronunciation of certain sounds.
  3. Development of phonemic hearing. Since a child learns by perceiving the speech of others, it is important that they speak correctly. These exercises are mainly based on onomatopoeia.

After the gymnastics is done, you can do the production of sounds. Speech therapists consider hissing, “p” and “l” to be the most insidious. the child can simply skip them in words. There is nothing wrong with that. Over time, he will master them. But when the baby puts sounds with easier pronunciation in their place, then it's time for a specialist or parents to intervene.

Setting the sound "r"

In case of difficulties with the pronunciation of “r”, a speech therapist consultation is required, as the reason may be short bridle. In this case, it will need to be trimmed in a medical facility.

If the length of the frenulum is normal, then the child has impaired phonemic hearing, which may depend on genetics, or the articulatory apparatus is poorly developed. This is corrected by exercise. But do not worry if a child at 2-4 years old does not pronounce a complex sound. Lessons should start if the situation does not change by 5 years.

Setting the sound "l"

Basic articulation exercises:

  1. Indian conversation. Open your mouth, move your tongue to the sides, while saying “bl-bl”, imitating the voice of an angry turkey.
  2. Hammock. This is a kind of stretch for the language. Its tip should be rested alternately on the upper and lower teeth and hold the position as long as possible. The tongue at this time should resemble a kind of hammock.
  3. Horse. Clicking tongue upper sky usually given to children easily and they perform it with great pleasure.
  4. Mushroom. The tongue must be rested with the entire surface against the upper palate, and the jaw must be lowered down. In this case, the bridle is strongly stretched.
  5. Airplane hum. The child must portray how the plane is buzzing. The tongue at this time should be pressed against the upper teeth, and not placed between.

Making hissing sounds

The simplest speech therapy exercises for training the pronunciation of hissing sounds are imitation of insects and animals in a playful way. For example, a child can be offered to fly like a mosquito or a wasp, pronouncing at this time the sound “sss” or “zzz”.

If you invite a child to become a train, then you can train the pronunciation of the sound “h-h-h”. you can train the sound "shhhh" by imitating sawing firewood or the sound of the surf.

It is convenient to use pictures for classes. An adult shows an image of a mosquito, a locomotive, a surf, and the child voices the object shown in the picture.

For speech therapy classes with children, it is better to choose game forms. And since children love to imitate, an adult must be shown how to perform the exercise correctly. At the same time, the child should not only hear the pronunciation, but also see the facial expressions of the adult. Therefore, it is necessary to talk with the child on the same level. But the main thing is that the kid was interested in doing it. Then the exercises will definitely bring a positive result.

For a child aged 4-5 years, speech becomes the main factor in development, and this process is of paramount importance for the formation of the social ties of the baby in society. The task of teachers and parents is to help preschoolers avoid possible problems in this domain. Every year, the number of children with speech development disorders is increasing, so a system of special speech therapy exercises is necessary for everyone who is already four years old. What you need to know about the development of speech in this important period?

Speech features of children 4-5 years old

For preschoolers, this time is a period of active vocabulary growth (by the age of 5, its volume reaches, normally, 3,000 words). Children of this age begin to acquire a sense of language, handle mother tongue more confident, engage in word creation. The grammatical structure continues to level out too.

A child of four or five years old not only begins to speak more and more freely, he also uses more and more complex sentences than before. Gradually develops the ability to compose short story not only about what the baby saw personally, but also without relying on direct own experience. Such stories are still emotional and often have a broken logical structure, but they are quite voluminous and informative.

The level of phonetic perception of speech by this age also becomes significantly better. The child has the opportunity to determine the presence of a particular sound in a word, to pick up words for a certain sound. He becomes able to perceive the syllabic rhythm of the structure of the word.

It can be said that at the age of four children have the most active period in the development of speech, which allows you to acquire communication capabilities comparable to the level of adults. Of course, a rare baby goes through this path without difficulties, speech disorders at this stage are most common.

Kinds speech disorders in older preschoolers

There are three main types of disorders, speech underdevelopment:

  • phonetic;
  • phonetic-phonemic;

In practice, this means that children have difficulty recognizing, distinguishing and pronouncing sounds. mother tongue. These three types of violations can occur separately or in combination.

Normally, by this stage of development, natural age-related difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds or their groups should already be in the past. The stage of mastering sound pronunciation is completed, children stop skipping and softening consonants in speech. At 4 years old, all hissing should appear, and by 5 you can expect confident and. But in older preschoolers, articulation disorders are very common. These may be defects in the pronunciation of hissing, whistling, sonorous sounds. Almost all children have to perform speech therapy exercises for the letter and sound r, many manage to “roar” only after special training.

It is also worth paying attention to lexical and grammatical problems, which manifest themselves in the difficulties of actively using speech as a means of communication. Children with such disorders experience difficulties in compiling questions, descriptions, and cannot use all the means of their native language to express thoughts. They do not know how to build sentences correctly, use endings and prepositions incorrectly, and make mistakes in word formation. Speech therapy assistance in this case is necessary, but parents can also help the child speak better (of course, after consulting with a specialist).

How to properly practice at home

Moms and dads can help children learn new words, master the correct grammatical structure of speech, improve sound culture. There are a few important rules that must be observed during home speech therapy classes.

  • Lessons should be held regularly, preferably every day and certainly in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
  • It is worth presenting the next exercise in the form of a game, trying to captivate the child with a developmental task. You can turn compulsory training into a contest or competition - who will complete the task better, faster, more carefully.
  • Support the child, praise him not only for good result but for the effort. Avoid criticism and harsh remarks.
  • must be carried out with a stable table mirror, so the child can see the result of his efforts. It is useful to use images of all exercises for the language in the pictures.
  • Special allowances for self-study with a child are necessary and obligatory help for parents. For example, a large speech therapy textbook with tasks and exercises for the smallest - a complete collection the right exercises, complete with detailed guidelines for conducting and illustrations.
  • Use rhymes, tongue twisters, speech therapy songs for children for classes - such material helps to achieve results faster, develops not only the speech of preschoolers, but also their attention and memory.
  • Try to speak clearly, correctly, using all the wealth means of expression language. Show your son or daughter an example of attentive and careful attitude towards him. Chat on different topics, recite poems by heart, play speech games.

At home, you can organize both individual and group speech therapy classes for children 4-5 years old, both options give excellent results.


This set of speech therapy exercises for children 4-5 years old includes not only speech games, but also special gymnastics for hands and organs of speech. fine motor skills helps to stimulate the speech center in the brain, so regular finger exercises are necessary for every preschooler. Articulation gymnastics improve main body speech - the language and the child's ability to manage it. This has a positive effect on the ability to pronounce all, even the most complex, sounds.

Finger gymnastics

Each series of exercises is repeated 8-10 times

lights lit up

Rhythmically open and close the fingers on each palm, together and alternately.

delicious pancakes

We put our hands on the table, alternating palm and back. The right one touches the surface of the countertop with the palm of the hand, the left one with the back side. Then the position of the hands changes.

We depict waves with our hands, smoothly moving our palms from top to bottom - this is a river. Then a boat appears on the water - the palms are pressed to each other, the steamer - thumbs raised and connected. And then the fish sailed - palms together, thumbs pressed, brushes moving from side to side.

How trees grow

We raise our palms, we open our fingers strongly - branches have grown. We lower our palms down and also spread our fingers to the sides - these are the roots. They shook their hands - the leaves flew.

Articulation gymnastics

Each exercise is performed 6-8 times.

  • funny frogs

We smile broadly, the teeth are closed and stand in an even "fence". We keep a smile for 10 seconds.

  • playful baby elephant

We stretch our lips forward and pretend that we are collecting water with a “proboscis”.

  • sly python

We smile, stick out the tongue from the mouth, pull it out, hide it back.

  • fast horse

We open our mouth wide, smile, click the tongue. We pay attention to the fact that the lower teeth do not move, only the tongue “jumps”!

  • scallop

Smile, show teeth. Stick out the tongue, squeeze it between your teeth and “drag” it back.

  • Grandma's walkers

We open our mouth, smile, then reach with the tongue to the corners of the lips - left and right.

1. "Smile"

Keep strongly stretched lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.

2. "Fence"

Smile (teeth visible). Keep your lips in this position.

3. "Chick"

4. "We will punish the naughty tongue"

Open your mouth, put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, say "five-five-five ...".

5. "Spatula"

Put a wide relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

6. "Tubule"

Open your mouth, stick out a wide tongue and bend its lateral edges up.

7. "Let's lick our lips"

Mouth open. Slowly, without lifting your tongue, lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

8. "Let's brush our teeth"

“Clean” the bottom teeth with the tip of the tongue inside(left to right, top to bottom). The lower jaw is immobile.

9. "Watch"

Stretch your lips into a smile. Open mouth. Alternately touch the corners of the mouth with the tip of a narrow tongue.

10. "Snake"

Mouth open. Push the narrow tongue forward and put it back into the mouth. Avoid touching lips and teeth.

11. "Nutlet"

Close your mouth, with a tense tongue rest against one cheek, then the other.

12. "Kick the ball into the goal"

Put a wide tongue on the lower lip and smoothly, with the sound F, blow out the cotton ball lying on the table between two cubes. Cheeks should not puff out.

13. "Pussy Angry"

Open mouth. Rest the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth. Raise your tongue up. The back of the tongue should be arched, like the back of a cat when she is angry.

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