Home Grape Card file of games aimed at the formation of the sound culture of the speech of children. Collection of speech exercises aimed at the formation of the sound culture of speech of children of middle preschool age

Card file of games aimed at the formation of the sound culture of the speech of children. Collection of speech exercises aimed at the formation of the sound culture of speech of children of middle preschool age

Senior group

Strengthening exercises correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds

Objectives: to develop phonemic hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, to exercise in distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants.

Game "Tell me how I am" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball in a circle, names words with the emphasis of any hard and soft consonants. The child must repeat the word in the same way and throw the ball to the teacher. All children take part in the game. If the child needs help, you need to repeat the word 2-3 times with emphasis on sound.

Exercise "Find a brother"

The teacher distributes to the children one picture at a time, in the name of which there is a sound "l" or "l". He puts blue and green circles on the flannelegraph.

Educator. Look at your pictures. In the name of objects there is a sound "l" - a big brother or a sound "l" - a little brother. Pick up pictures that have the sound "l" in their names (checks); now with the sound "l"

Children take turns coming out, name a word with the emphasis of these sounds and put pictures after the corresponding circles. One child calls all words with the sound "l", the other - with the sound "l".

Game "Name the words"

The teacher invites children to name words with the sound "p", then with the sound "pb". For each correct word the child is given a toy counter. At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

Game "Catch a bug" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws a ball to the child and pronounces a word with the sound "g" highlighted. The child, having caught the ball, repeats the word.

All children must take part in the game.

Educator. Now you will be buzzing and buzzing loudly; Seryozha and Lena will try to catch the beetles. But if the beetle sits on a leaf (sits down, you cannot catch it.

The game continues until there are 2-3 winning children.

Game "Name the words" The teacher invites the children to name words with the sound "w" (a chip is given for each word). At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

Three children come up to the counter, at the signal of the teacher: "Butterflies, fly", blowing on the butterfly: "Fu-oo-oo." Whose butterfly flies farther, he won. All children must take part in the game.

Game "Name the sound" (in a circle with a ball)

Educator. I will name words and highlight one sound in them: to pronounce it louder or longer. And you have to name only this sound. For example, "matrryoshka", and you have to say: "ry"; "Mollloko" - "l"; "PlaneT" - "t". All children take part in the game. For selection, hard and soft consonants are used. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher himself calls the sound, and the child repeats.

Reading tongue twisters

The tongue twister is read for two exhalations - two lines per exhalation.

“Rain, rain, don't rain! Let the gray-haired grandfather reach the house. The tongue twister is read in chorus 2 times, then only girls, then only boys and 2-3 children individually.

Educator. I have different pictures, let's name them (points to pictures, children name them in turn). I'll tell you a secret: a word has the first sound it starts with. Listen to how I will name the object and highlight the first sound in the word: "Drum" - "b"; "Doll" - "k"; "Guitar" - "r".

Children take turns called to the board, name an object with the first sound, and then the sound is isolated.

Exercise "Whoever comes up with the end, he will be well done"

Not an alarm clock, but wake up, Sing, people wake up.

There is a comb on the head, This is Petya. (cockerel).

I washed from underneath early this morning. (crane).

The sun is shining very brightly, the Behemoth has become. (hot) .

Suddenly the sky was covered with a cloud, lightning from the cloud. (flashed).

Exercise "Name the first sound of a word"

There are pictures on the flannelgraph. Children name the object, highlighting the first sound, and the sound in isolation.

Game "Say the first sound of your name" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher invites the child to whom the ball is to be thrown, say his name, highlighting the first sound, and pronounce the same sound in isolation.

All children take part in the game.

Smell a Flower Exercise

The teacher invites children to "smell" the flower - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; on exhalation, without voice tension, say: "Ah-x-x-x".

Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Then, at first quietly, then louder and louder, the children together with the teacher say: “How good the flower smells - ah! "

Reading a pure clause

A pure phrase is unlearned and then read for two exhalations, then two lines for an exhalation).

Chock, chock, heel, stepped on a bitch,

Broke off, broke, chock, choke, heel.

The pure phrase is read in chorus 2 times, then 4-5 children individually.

Find a brother game

The teacher distributes pictures to children, the names of which begin with a solid consonant sound; on the carpet or table he lays out pictures, the names of which begin with a pair - a soft consonant.

Educator. See what you have drawn. Think about the sound your word begins with. Your little brothers are walking in the meadow (points to the carpet). Find them. The game continues until all the children, independently or with the help of a teacher, find the desired picture. The child who first matches the pair wins.

Game "Name the first sound of a word"

(in a circle with a ball) The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word, highlighting the first sound, the child throws the ball to the teacher and calls the first sound of the word. All children must take part in the game.

The game "The song has changed" (sounds-comrades "Ж" and "Ш")

Educator. Remember how the beetle buzzes ("f ~ gg). This is what once happened to a beetle: it flew and buzzed so loudly that it lost its voice and began to sing unintelligibly. He got a song: "Lzh-zh-zh-shsh-sh-sh" (children repeat). Whose song was the beetle singing? (Winds.) When I point at the boys, they will sing the sonorous song of the beetle: "W-w-w-w"; when I show the girls, they will sing a song that is not a sonorous beetle: "Shhhhhh." (Children are divided into two groups - boys and girls. The exercises are repeated 2 times, then the children change roles, and the game is repeated.) When the beetle sang loudly, with a voice, its song was like the sound "g"; when he sang without a voice, the song sounded like the sound "sh". The sounds "zh" and "sh" are comrades. "Ж" is pronounced with a voice. And "sh" - without a voice (children repeat).

I will teach you to test whether a sound is pronounced with or without a voice. Place your palm to your throat and say for a long time "W-w-w-w" - the neck "plays" (who does not feel, it is advisable to offer to put a hand to the teacher's throat). This means that the sound "zh" is voiced and pronounced with a voice. Now say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh" - the neck "does not play", this sound is pronounced without a voice, it is not sonorous.


Tasks: develop auditory attention and phonemic hearing; learn to distinguish between non-speech and speech sounds; clarify the articulation of vowel sounds; , come up with words for a given vowel sound; differentiate the concepts of "sound", "word"; learn to distinguish between short and long words; learn to control the voice, change its strength, volume; develop the ability to listen to others; bring up good relations to others.

Course of the lesson

Teacher-defectologist (U.-D.). Do you guys want to go to the land of sounds? This country is invisible, but it surrounds us everywhere, because sounds are everywhere. They cannot be seen, they can only be heard and pronounced. Let's remember what sounds can be heard while sitting at home.

Children remember that they heard the noise of the wind, rain, thunder, how a car, a train is driving, birds are singing, dogs are barking.

U.-D. Guys, every subject has its own "voice". Let's listen to the voices of various objects with you.

Game "Attentive ears".

The teacher behind the screen makes noises different subjects, and children guess which object sounded. (A drum beat, a bell rang, a tambourine sounded, tore paper, poured water, knocked a ball, a ball rolled on the table, etc.)

U.-D. But every person also has his own voice. Do you recognize each other by their voice? Let's play.

Game "Well, close your eyes, who called you, find out!".

U.-D. All living things have their own voice and make different sounds,

U.-D. Guys, how can we make sounds? (Kicks.) Let's sink quietly. And now it's loud, loud. What else do we know how to make sounds? (Hands.)

Let's rub our palms and listen to the sound that came out ... Now let's clap quietly ... And now loudly ... And what else do we make sounds? (With mouths.)

Close your mouth and try saying hello. Nothing succeeded?

Children say that the mouth can open and close, the tongue, teeth, lips help us make sounds.

At this moment, there is a rustle. Children listen, go to the rustle and find a small hedgehog in the dry leaves.

U.-D. Do you want me to tell you a story about a hedgehog?

Children sit on the carpet, and the teacher tells the story, accompanying it with the display of pictures-symbols that cause active onomatopoeia.

One day little hedgehog went for a walk alone. He stomped through the woods - top-top-top. Suddenly he saw that he was lost. The hedgehog got scared and quietly cried, and tears dripped - drip-drip-drip. And then a cloud covered the sun, and the rain drummed on the dry leaves - bam-bam-bam. And then a strong wind roared -y-oo-oo; howled - in-in-in. The hedgehog became completely scared, and he cried loudly, loudly, and the tears dripped harder - drip-drip-drip! But suddenly the leaves rustled - sh-sh-sh. A large beetle crawled out from under them. He said: "Don't cry, hedgehog, I'll take you home, and I'll sing you a song on the way." And the beetle began to sing - f-f-f. Then they met a mosquito who also agreed to take the hedgehog home and sang his own song - h-h-h. And then they met a cheerful stream. He said that he would lead the hedgehog to the very house. They ran together and sang the song of the brook - s-s-s. A stream led the hedgehog to the house itself, and there his mother was already waiting for him. She warmed the tea, and the teapot knocked happily on the lid - b-b-b. Mom kissed the hedgehog, and he said that he would no longer walk alone, and snorted happily - pff-pff-pff.

U.-D. Guys, do you know that sounds are very friendly with each other, and when they are combined, then words are obtained. If there are few sounds, then the word is short, and if there are many sounds, then the word is long. Let's play words!

Long and short words game.

Children sit around a table with a large sheet of paper and two crayons: a long green and a short red. The teacher shows the pictures to the children, they say the words together and "clap". Then choose a long or short crayon. One of the children speaks the word again and at the same time draws a path. Long words leave a long path, and short words leave a short path.

U.-D. Now let's see what we got. Remember that words are long and short.

What kind short words do you remember? (Cat, house, ball, onion, cheese.)

What long words did you remember? (Che-re-pa-ha, po-poo-gai, sa-mo-yo, ma-trash-ka, so-ba-ka.)

And now we will find ourselves on the street of vowel sounds. Let's remember what vowel sounds can do. (Sing, scream loudly, stretch out.)

The game "Spoiled TV".

Children line up one after another. The teacher shows the first child silently articulating any vowel sound. Children turn to each other and transmit the "image" of the sound. The last child must guess what sound was transmitted to him and shout it out loudly.

The game "We pull sounds".

Different versions of the game: children join hands and, pronouncing vowel sounds, stretch their circle; children sit down like little mushrooms, pronounce vowel sounds and "grow" with them. Etc.

Game "Round dance of vowel sounds".

Children run after each other in a circle if they hear the vowel sounds that the teacher pronounces. And when they hear a consonant sound that cannot be pronounced lingeringly, they stop.

U.-D. Guys, only those who are familiar with them are allowed into the street of vowel sounds. Each of you will name any vowel sound and receive a red ticket.

Children call vowel sounds: uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

At this time, the magic track leading to the street of vowel sounds turns into a sound track on which symbols of vowel sounds are drawn. Children walk along the path singing vowel sounds. The path leads to the houses, which also have vowel symbols.

U.-D. Guys, boys and girls live in these houses. Let's guess their names!

Anya, Alla, Alyonka, Andrey, Alyosha.



Ira, Inna, Igor, Ilyusha.

And also pictures live in these houses. But they went out for a walk and forgot who lives where. Can we help them find houses?

Game "Where is whose house?"

The children take turns turning over the pictures lying on the carpet, loudly calling the word, pronouncing the first sound with a drawl, calling it and deciding which of the houses this picture lives in.

U.-D. So our game with sounds is over. You are a little tired. Look, our hedgehog is tired too. Let's sing him a lullaby, and we will sing softly and affectionately.

The children take turns taking the hedgehog in their arms, swinging it, gently humming to the lullaby tune: a-a-a-a-a-a-a; oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo; oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh; and-and-and-and-and-and-and; s-s-s-s-s-s-s; uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.

The hedgehog fell asleep. Let's say "Ts-s-s" and leave the group and be quiet, we will not publish loud sounds so as not to wake the hedgehog.

I. Lebedeva

The culture of speech is the ability to correctly, that is, in accordance with the content of what is stated, taking into account the conditions verbal communication and the purpose of the statement, to use all linguistic means(by sound means, including intonation, vocabulary, grammatical forms).

Sound culture speech is part of speech culture. Children preschool age master it in the process of communication with the people around them.



Games for the development of sound culture of speech

This group includes various games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to correctly determine the place of sound in a word, phrase, sentence, or choose words with a given sound. It also includes games and exercises to determine the number of syllables in a word or to develop the ability to choose words with a given number of syllables.

  • Game "Think a word"
    Purpose: - the development of phonemic hearing or the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word.
    You need to come up with a word according to your assignment: with a given sound at the beginning, middle, end of a word, with a given number of syllables, according to a scheme, etc. This game I use it when you need to organize students for perception new topic or just to interest. For example, the teacher says: “Children, a package has come to us. But to open it, you need to say a word - a password. And the word-password today begins with the sound [m] or [m ’]. You just need everyone to name the password correctly. " And the kids will try their best to come up with the right word... But here it is necessary to take into account one point: if the teacher notices that one of the children, for some reason, cannot find a word, then you need to come unobtrusively to the aid of this child and, preferably, help come from the children.
  • The game "Building a track"
    Purpose: - development of phonemic hearing.
    Children sit in a circle. Someone is given a ball and the task to come up with any word. The ball is then passed to the next player. He has to come up with a word that starts with the last sound of the previous word. And so on until they reach the first player. In this game, at the first stage, the teacher actively helps the students to pronounce the word correctly (together with him), highlighting the last sound in the word very clearly. At the next stage, the teacher simply makes sure that the children clearly pronounce the word and highlight the last sound. By the end of the second year of study, children develop the skill of clearly pronouncing a word and highlighting the last sound, and the teacher plays the role of an observer-controller who only organizes the game process, and only helps in rare cases.
  • Trap game
    Purpose: - development of the ability to hear a certain sound in a word.
    The teacher invites the children to “open the traps,” that is, put your elbows on the desk, parallel to each other, spreading your palms, which are "traps". He gives the task: if you hear a given sound in a word, then the "traps" need to be slammed, that is, clap your hands. The words are selected by the teacher depending on the topic of the lesson.
  • Game "Catch the syllable"
    Purpose: - development of auditory attention and its speed.
    The teacher "throws" a syllable to the children, and they must "turn" it into a word.
    For example:
    PA - dad, ma - mom, ku - doll, ar - watermelon, etc.
  • Game exercise "Divide correctly"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to divide words into syllables.
    The teacher tells the children that now we will divide the word into syllables. To do this, our hands will turn into "hatchets" for a while. Next, you need to pronounce the word correctly, while clapping your palms and counting how many times they clapped, so much in the word and syllables.
  • Game "Settled in a house"
    The goal is to develop the ability to determine the syllable structure of a word.
    The teacher introduces the "guests" with the help of a riddle or something else and suggests that each guest be accommodated in a house. At the same time, he draws the attention of the children that in one house there is a window from one sash, and in the second - from two. To determine which guest, which house, you need to determine how many syllables are in the guest's name. If there is one syllable, then we will settle the guest in a house with one door. If there are two syllables, then we will settle the guest in a house with two doors. To complicate the game, you can then invite guests to a housewarming party and distribute them according to the same principle.

Games for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech
In this block I have collected various games and exercises aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. assimilation of the categories of gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives; type, tense and mood of the verb.

  • Game exercise "Choosing rhymes"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to form forms genitive plural nouns.
    The teacher reads a comic poem to children - the beginning of an English folk song, translated by S.Ya. Marshak:
    -I give you honestly, yesterday at half past five
    -I saw two pigs without hats and shoes.
    -I give you my word of honor!
    Next, the teacher asks the children questions to understand the text:
    -Who did the poet see? In what form were they?
    -Do the pigs wear shoes? Or maybe they wear stockings? (Socks, slippers, mittens, etc.)
    - Did the poet tell us the truth in his poem? No, he fantasized. You and I can also compose funny comic poems about different birds and animals. I will begin, and you continue.

We give our word of honor:
Yesterday at half past five
We saw two forty
Without ... (boots) and ... (stocking).
And puppies without ... (socks).
And titmouses without ... (mittens).

  • The game "Kuzovok"
    Purpose: - to form diminutive - affectionate names; correlate the action with its name.
    Children sit in a circle. The one who starts the game is chosen according to the counting-out. A basket is given to him. He holds her, and the children at this time say the words:

Here's a box for you
-Put it in that on-ok.
- If you say a word, you will give the bail.

The child answers: “I will put it in a box ... and call the right word (lock, knot, box, boot, slipper, stocking, iron, collar, sugar, bag, leaf, petal, bun, cap, comb, etc.) happens until all the children hold the box. Anyone who is wrong puts a deposit in the basket. After all the children have taken part, the pledges are played out: the basket is covered with a handkerchief, and one of the children takes out the pledges one at a time, first asking: "Whose pledge will I take out, what should he do?" Children, under the guidance of a teacher, assign a ransom to each pledge - some task (name a word with some sound, tell a tongue twister, divide a word into syllables, etc.)

  • Game exercise "Whose is all this?"
    Purpose: - exercise in the coordination of words - objects and words - signs in the right number and case.
    Children are shown a picture of an animal and asked questions that need to be answered in one word. The questions are: whose tail? Whose ear? Whose head? Whose eyes?

Cow - cow, cow, cow, cow.
-Hare - hare, hare, hare, hare.
-Sheep - sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep.
-Horse - equine, equine, equine, equine.
-Cat - feline, feline, feline, feline.

  • Game "Houses"
    The goal is an exercise in determining the kind of words - objects.
    The teacher explains to the children that in the first house there are words about which one can say "he is mine", in the second - "she is mine", in the third - "it is mine", in the fourth - "they are mine." It is necessary to "settle" the words (pictures) in the houses. The guys determine the gender and number of words without naming terms.

Vocabulary Enrichment Games
This group includes vocabulary games and exercises that activate vocabulary,
develop attention to the word, form the ability to quickly choose the most accurate, suitable word from their vocabulary. Also in these games and exercises there is an acquaintance with words - objects, words - signs, words - actions and an exercise in their coordination with each other, as well as work on the selection of synonyms and antonyms.

  • Game "On the contrary"
    Purpose: - exercise in the selection of antonyms (words - enemies).
    The teacher says that a donkey has come to visit us. He is very good, but here's the whole trouble: he really likes to do everything the other way around. Mom - the donkey was completely worn out with him. She began to think about how to make him less stubborn. I thought, thought, and came up with a game that I called "On the contrary". The donkey mother and the donkey began to play this game and the donkey became not so stubborn. Why? Because all his stubbornness during the game went away and never came back. He decided to teach you this game too. Next, the teacher plays with the children a game "On the contrary": he throws a ball to the child and calls a word, and the child who catches the ball must say the opposite of this word (high - low) and throw the ball to the teacher.
    Even when working with words - antonyms, you can use D. Ciardi's poem "Farewell Game":

The turn has come for you and me
Play the opposite game.
I will say the word "high", and you will answer ... ("low").
I will say the word "far", and you will answer ... ("close").
I will say the word "ceiling", and you will answer ("floor").
I will say the word “lost”, but you will say (“found”)!
I'll tell you the word "coward", you will answer ... ("brave").
Now I will say "beginning" - well, answer, ... ("end").

  • Game exercise "Finish the phrase"
    The goal is to develop the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning (words are enemies).
    The teacher calls out phrases with pauses. The student must say the word that the teacher missed, i.e. finish the phrase.

Sugar is sweet, and lemon….
-The moon is visible at night, and the sun….
- The fire is hot, and the ice is….
-The river is wide, and the brook….
-The stone is heavy, and the fluff….

You can play around this as follows: the teacher says that our friend Dunno has gone to school after all. There was a dictation in the Russian language lesson - the children wrote under dictation different phrases... But since Dunno is very inattentive, he did not have time to finish writing these phrases to the end and received a bad grade. The teacher said that if he corrected the mistakes in the dictation, she would correct his bad grade. Let's help him.

  • Game exercise "Say it differently"
    Purpose: - an exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning (words - friends).
    The teacher says, “One boy is in a bad mood today. What kind of boy today? How can you say the same thing, but in other words? (sad, upset). The words "sad, sad and upset" are words - buddies.
    Why is he like that? Because on the street
    goes rain and boy goes to school.
    What word was repeated twice? (going)
    What does it mean "it's raining"? Say it differently.
    What do you mean "the boy is coming"? Say it differently.
    How can you say otherwise: spring is coming? (spring is coming).
    Further, similar tasks are given for the following phrases:

Clean air (fresh air).
Pure water (clear water).
Clean dishes (washed dishes).
The plane landed (landed).
The sun went down (went down).
The river runs (flows, flows)
The boy runs (rushes, rushes).
How to say in one word? Very large (huge, huge),
very small (tiny).

  • Game "What object?"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to select as many words - signs as possible for a word - an object and correctly coordinate them.
    The content of the game is as follows: the teacher shows a picture or object, or names a word and asks the question: "Which one?" Then the participants in the game, in turn, name as many features as possible corresponding to the given object. The one who names the most signs wins.
  • "What happens?"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to correlate a word - an object with a word - a sign and correctly coordinate them.
    This game is similar to the previous one. The difference is that as many words - objects as possible are selected for a word - a feature.
    -Green - tomato, crocodile, color, fruit, ...
    -red - dress, apple, banner, ...

Games for the development of coherent speech.
Work on the development of coherent speech is, as it were, a synthesis of all the previous exercises. It is inseparable from other tasks of speech development, it is associated with the enrichment of the vocabulary, work on the semantic side of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the education of the sound culture of speech. Storytelling training can take many forms. I most often use: composing stories - descriptions by topic, by a picture, by a series of pictures, exercises like "Finish the tale in your own way", "Finish a sentence", etc. Some of these games and game suggestions are listed below.

  • Game exercise "Spread the proposal"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to build long sentences with words-objects, words-signs, words-actions.
    The children are encouraged to continue and complete the sentence the teacher started using the suggestive questions teachers. For example, a teacher begins a sentence like this: "Children are going ... (Where? Why?)" Or a more complicated version: "Children go to school to ...". This option, in addition to enriching the grammatical experience, can serve as a kind of test that allows you to identify the child's anxiety in relation to various life situations.
  • Game "Understand me"
    Purpose: - development of the ability to compose short story according to the picture, using different characteristics of the object.
    The teacher shows the children a beautiful box and says that this box is not simple, but magic. Various gifts are prepared for children in it. Only those who know how to keep secrets can receive a gift. What does it mean? (This means not to tell ahead of time). Further, the teacher explains that when he comes up to someone, this student must close his eyes and, without looking, pull a picture out of the box, look at it, but not show anyone or tell what is on it. This must be kept secret. After all the children draw out one picture for themselves, the teacher asks the children if they would like to know who got what? Children answer yes. Then the teacher says that you cannot show gifts, but you can tell about them. But the word-gift cannot be called either. Then the teacher tells about his gift, showing the children how to do it correctly, and the children guess what the teacher got. After that, the children take turns talking about their gifts and, when the gift is guessed, open their picture. It is better to play this game while sitting on the carpet in a circle.
  • Game exercise "If only ..."
    Purpose: - development of coherent speech, imagination, higher forms of thinking - synthesis, analysis, forecasting, experimentation.
    The teacher invites children to dream up on topics such as:

- "If I were a wizard, then ..."
- "If I became invisible ..."
- "If spring never comes ..."

In addition to the developmental orientation, this game also has a diagnostic value.

  • Game exercise "Finish it yourself"
    Purpose: - development of imagination, coherent speech.
    The teacher tells the children the beginning of a fairy tale or story, and the children are given the task to continue or come up with an ending.

The education of the sound culture of speech includes work on teaching the correct sound pronunciation, which has always stood out as the leading line in the development of speech in children 3-4 years old.

For the development of the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words and animal voices are widely used. For example, children are given musical instruments- pipe and bell; the pipe blows "doo-doo", the bell rings "ding-ding", thereby strengthening the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds) is practiced with the help of special speech material; these are pure jokes ("By-by-by - there is smoke from the chimney"), as well as nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds ("The sleigh is on its own"), exercises to finish syllables, naming words, similar in sound (mouse - bear).

Games and exercises for the pronunciation of hissing sounds can be thematically combined. So, after examining the picture "Hedgehog and hedgehog", the adult offers to complete a number of tasks: clearly pronounce phrases with sounds [ NS] and [w] (“Sha-sha-sha - we bathe the baby; shu-shu-shu - I will give the mushroom to the baby; shi-shi-shi - where do the kids walk? or: Ms-Ms-Ms - we saw a hedgehog; - we will give the mushroom to the hedgehog; live - where do the hedgehogs get the mushrooms? "). These exercises help children to master the intonation of the question and develop their sense of rhythm.

By isolating the sound with a clear pronunciation of a word, a phrase, the child is brought to an understanding of the terms "sound", "word".

It is necessary to pay more attention to the upbringing of intonational instinct, speech rate, diction, voice strength, since these skills contain the most important conditions further development of all aspects of speech.

Purpose of the game:Distinguish between adult animals and cubs by onomatopoeia, correlate the names of an adult animal and its cub.

For this game you need figures: a mouse and a mouse, a duck and a duckling, a frog and a frog, a cow and a calf, a cat and a kitten. If the selection of figures causes difficulties, you can pick up pictures or sculpt toys from plasticine, involving the child in joint activities.

Animals come to visit the child (they come by car, by train), they want to play. The child must guess whose voice he heard.

Meow meow. Who is this meowing? (Cat.) And who meows in a thin voice? (Kitten.) The mother cat has a cub. How does he meow? (Meow meow.)

Moo-oo-oowho hums like that? (Cow.) And who is her cub? (Calf.) What voice does he hum? (Thin.) Now listen again and guess who is this humming cow or calf?

The rest of the toys are played in the same way. You can offer the child to call the toy correctly, then he will be able to play. ("Frog, come to me", "Duckling, play with me").

In such games, children learn to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs by onomatopoeia (the cow hums in a loud voice, and the calf in a quiet, thin voice; the frog croaks loudly, and the frog thinly).

Similar games can be carried out with different animals. For example, an adult shows a child a picture. A bird is drawn on it.

This is a bird. She lives in the forest and sings her song: cuckoo, cuckoo. Who is this? (Ku ... - an adult invites the child to pronounce the word on his own.)

And who is this? (Rooster) And we call him affectionately ... (Rooster). Petya-Cockerel shouts ... (ku-ka-re-ku).

Listen to the words "kukuuushka", "petuuuh", "uuutka" (the sound "u" stands out in the voice). These words have the sound "y".

Its emotionality and expressiveness depend on the sound design of the statement, therefore it is important to teach children the ability to clearly pronounce simple phrases using the intonation of a whole sentence, question or answer.

For example, the Russian folk song "Grouse Hen" is read to children. The adult first reads the whole song to the child, and then the dialogue begins. You can make your child a chicken hat and invite him to answer the questions:

Hen - hazel grouse, where are you going?

To the river.

Grouse chicken, why are you going?

For water.

Grouse chicken, why do you need water?

Water the chickens. They are thirsty.

The whole street squeaks - pee-pee!

Children are also offered phrases, phrases from poems, they pronounce them with different strength voices (quietly - loudly - in a whisper) or at different rates (fast - slow). In parallel, you can change intonations (ask, answer, convey joy, sadness, surprise).

Work on the education of the sound culture of speech includes the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate speech rate and intonational means of expressiveness.

Children are introduced to new terms and clarify the terms "sound", "word" with which they have already met. For this, games and exercises "How the word sounds", "Find the first sound" are conducted, in which children are taught the ability to find words that are close and different in sound. Children can pick up words for a given sound, establish the presence or absence of sound in a word. Picking up certain toys and objects, in the names of which there is a certain sound, they begin to understand that the sounds in the word are different.

Find the first sound

Target:learn to clearly distinguish the first sound in a word.

This game requires a car and various toys, but among them there must be an elephant and a dog.

An adult invites the child to name all the toys and to ride in the car those animals whose names begin with the sound [s] (elephant, dog). If a child names a word in which there is no sound [s], then the adult pronounces this word, highlighting each sound, for example, koooshshshkaaa.

An adult puts a goose in the car, the car does not drive.

-The car will not go, because in the word goose there is a sound [s], not [s].

Developed verbal hearing enables children to distinguish between increasing and decreasing the volume of the voice, slowing down and accelerating the tempo of speech of adults and peers. Moreover, such exercises can be carried out in parallel with the selection of sounds in words and phrases.

"Loudin a whisper "

Target:teach children to select phrases that are similar in sound, pronounce them loudly or in a whisper.

The adult says that a wasp flew to visit the kitten. First, you can say the phrase together: "Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us." Then this rhyme is repeated loudly - softly - in a whisper (together with an adult and individually):

Su-su-su - the cat drove the wasp away (the text is spoken out quickly and slowly).

Invite the child to finish the phrase on their own: sa-sa-sa ... (wasp flies there), su-su-su ... (I'm afraid wasp).

Particular attention is paid to the intonational expressiveness of speech, children are taught to speak in different voices and different intonations (narrative, interrogative, exclamation) in performances. To develop good diction, clear and correct pronunciation, as individual words, and phrases, special material is widely used (pure phrases, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, small poems), which are pronounced by children with different vocal strengths and at different rates. When guessing riddles, children can determine if there is a given sound in the answer.

"How does Tanya say?"

Target:distinguish between different intonations and use them in accordance with the content of the statement.

An adult takes a doll and begins to tell: “This is Tanya. She walks home from a walk and hears: someone meows plaintively, like this - meow-meow (plaintive intonation). How did the kitten meow? (The child repeats.) Tanya took the kitten in her arms, brought it home, poured it into a saucer of milk. The kitten meowed joyfully, like this: "meow-meow" (joyful intonation). Then the dog came running and began to bark loudly at the kitten. The kitten got angry and began to meow angrily, like this: "meow-meow" (angry intonation). But Tanya quickly reconciled them. The kitten and the puppy began to cheerfully ... meow and bark. The child tells the whole story on his own (the adult, if necessary, helps with a separate word or sentence), conveying all the intonations according to the content of the text.

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1. Individual work with children to educate a clean and correct pronunciation

2. Methods of work to educate the sound culture of speech outside the classroom

3. Approximate practical material on the development of the sound culture of speech of preschool children (up to 3 years old)

4. Development of sound culture of speech in children 3-5 years old

5. Approximate practical material on the development of the sound culture of speech of preschool children (3-5 years old)

6. Education of sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old

7. Approximate practical material on the development of the sound culture of speech of preschool children (5-6 years old)



The concept of "sound culture of speech" is broad and unique. It includes the actual pronunciation qualities that characterize the sounding speech (sound pronunciation, diction, etc.), elements of the sound expressiveness of speech (intonation, tempo, etc.), associated motor means of expressiveness (facial expressions, gestures), as well as elements of the culture of speech communication (general tonality of children's speech, posture and motor skills during the conversation).

The constituent components of sound culture - speech hearing and speech breathing - are a prerequisite and condition for the emergence of sounding speech.

The sound side of the language is acquired by the child gradually. By the beginning of preschool age, the child's speech apparatus is formed (it only slightly differs from the speech organs of adults), and phonemic hearing is also functioning. At the same time, in each age period, children have their own shortcomings in the sound culture of speech, which are considered in pedagogy as an undeveloped ability to reproduce speech.

In preschool children, there is an incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds, especially hissing sounds, permutation or omission of sounds and syllables in a word. Some children have fast, fuzzy speech, in which the child does not open his mouth enough, weakly articulates sounds.

These features of speech are not pathological, they are explained by the slow development of the motor skills of the speech motor apparatus.

With the movements of the organs of the speech motor apparatus, fine coordination of small muscles, the accuracy and speed of these movements are especially important, and such qualities are formed gradually.

The speech breathing of children also has its own characteristics: it is superficial, with noisy, frequent breaths, without pauses. These features are inherent mainly younger preschoolers, in older preschool age they are much less common.

The shortcomings of the sound culture of speech adversely affect the personality of the child: he becomes withdrawn, harsh, restless, his curiosity falls, mental retardation may occur, and subsequently academic failure in school.

Pure sound pronunciation is especially important, since correctly heard and pronounced sound is the basis of teaching literacy, correct written speech.

1. Individual work with children to educate chisthat and correct pronunciation

Timely mastery of correct speech is of great importance for the formation full-fledged personality child and successful teaching him at school.

Most often, speech defects are observed in pronunciation, which is quite difficult to form correctly, since the child needs to learn how to control his speech organs, to exercise control over his own speech and the speech of others.

Sound pronunciation defects do not disappear by themselves. Violations not identified in time and not eliminated are consolidated and become persistent. speech therapy speech pronunciation articulation

The intelligibility and purity of pronunciation depends on many factors, and primarily on anatomical structure articulatory apparatus, on how the tongue, lips, jaws act, on the ability to feel, feel the movements of the organs of articulation, as well as on the functional maturity of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex. Incorrect structure of the articulatory apparatus, underdevelopment, lethargy of the muscles of the tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, lips and, as a result, lack of mobility are often the cause of poor pronunciation.

The language most actively participates in the formation of sounds and the pronunciation of words. The correct pronunciation of most sounds depends on its position and on what form it takes (flattened and forms a groove, the tip of the tongue is narrowed and touches the upper incisors, etc.). The task of the educator is to develop in children the mobility of the tongue (the ability to lift the tongue up, push it deep into the mouth, etc.), lips (the ability to open them, pull them forward, etc.), the regulation of the movements of the lower jaw.

Since speech is associated with the movements of the vocal apparatus, a large place in the elimination of defects in sound pronunciation takes articulatory gymnastics... Usually it includes 3-5 exercises, depending on the sounds that are disturbed, on the degree of complexity of the speech defect. M.F. Fomicheva in his teaching aids offers such a "set" of articulation exercises: "tube-smile", "swing", "watch", "painter", "start the motor", etc.

Additionally, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands are used, a kind of finger gymnastics:

Assembling pictures of puzzles;

Building a color composition using mosaics;

Game with a constructor (like "Lego");

Games with exercise toys: nesting dolls, rubber hedgehogs, etc .;

Braided nylon ropes for tying knots and for picking up already tied knots with your fingers;

Self-massage with clothespins;

Exercise "beaks", "rings", etc.

Of great importance for the correct development of the pronunciation (sound) side of speech is a well-developed speech breathing, which ensures normal sound and voice production.

For example, some preschoolers mispronounce the "r" sound just because they cannot exhale enough force to vibrate the tip of the tongue when pronouncing "p". Correct speech breathing ensures the best sounding of the voice. Timely inhalation and subsequent smooth exhalation create the conditions for continuous and smooth sounding of speech, for free movement of the voice along the height, for the transition from quiet speech to loud speech and vice versa.

Violation of speech breathing (short or weak exhalation, speech on inhalation, wasteful consumption of air, untimely air intake, etc.) may cause insufficiently loud pronunciation of words, impaired speech flow, etc. For the development of speech breathing, games such as "Whose dandelion fly away earlier?", "Whose locomotive buzzes better" are used. Exercise is very helpful breathing exercises("Wings", "Let's catch a butterfly", "The flower is blooming"), singing vowel sounds with movements ("Chopping wood", "Letting a cloud", "Catching a ray", etc.).

The child needs to be taught how to use appropriate movements correctly, i.e. make certain requirements for the quality of movements: accuracy, purity, smoothness, strength, pace, stability of the transition from one movement to another.

Equally important is the development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception of the task of developing the ability to hear, recognize sound, isolate it from the flow of speech, distinguish sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics, exercises for the formation of skills of elementary sound analysis and synthesis - an integral part of the work to eliminate the shortcomings of sound pronunciation. This makes it possible to distinguish between words similar in sound: mal-crumpled, crayfish-varnish, tom-house. Listening to the sounding words, playing with them, children develop their hearing, strengthen the articulatory apparatus, and improve pronunciation. Relying on hearing, the child controls his articulation and seeks to bring closer, "adjust" his pronunciation to the pronunciation of those around him. An adult's speech is a model for a child. Therefore, when communicating with children, adults should constantly monitor their speech, speak slowly, pronounce words clearly, and observe the norms of literary pronunciation.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish 6 stages of the formation of correct pronunciation in preschool children:

Stage 1 - from 0 to 1 year;

Stage 2 - from 1 to 3 years. During this period, children rapidly increase vocabulary... To improve the pronunciation side of speech, systematic work is needed to develop auditory attention, speech breathing, voice, sound pronunciation:

a) the game "Who came to visit" (animals) -on development auditory attention;

b) blow on the boat in a basin of water, pronouncing the sound "f" - it floats quietly, the sound "p-p-p" - in a strong wind - on the development of speech breathing. Here it is necessary to ensure that children do not puff out their cheeks.

c) the game "Call the bear to play with you" - make sure that the child speaks loudly, and does not shout - to develop the strength of the voice.

d) on one exhalation, pronounce 3-4 syllables (ko-ko-ko, meow-meow, ha-ha-ha).

Stage 3 - 3-4 years. At this age, the vocabulary of children is constantly increasing. There are deficiencies in the pronunciation of a number of words, especially long and unfamiliar ones. At this stage, much attention is paid to the development of speech hearing, speech breathing and the basic qualities of the voice:

a) the game "Horse" - for the development of breathing. During the game, you need to make sure that the child utters a sound for a long time.

b) "Proboscis", "Smile" - for articulation.

c) "Guess who said" - for the development of speech hearing.

Stage 4 - 4-5 years old. By the age of 4, the active vocabulary reaches 2000 words. Speech becomes more coherent, the ability to perceive and pronounce words improves. It is important to develop speech breathing, learn to distinguish between mouth and nasal breathing:

a) exercise "Divers" - for the development of breathing;

b) " Delicious jam"- to teach to raise the wide front edge upwards. The lips and jaw remain motionless.

c) the game "Train" - pay attention that when pronouncing the sound "t" the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper teeth, but does not protrude between the teeth.

Stage 5 - 5-6 years old. By the age of 5, generalizing words appear in the child's active vocabulary. As you use words, their pronunciation improves. During this period, work continues to improve the pronunciation side of speech, the education of speech hearing, speech breathing, pronunciation, as well as the development of phonemic hearing: the child learns to distinguish between voiced and deaf, hard and soft.

a) the game "The forest makes noise" - the development of breathing;

b) "Guess what's in hand";

c) "The ball has burst."

6 stage - 6-7 years old. By the age of 6, the child's vocabulary increases to 3000-3500 words. Despite the rather large stock words, their use is characterized by a number of features: the discrepancy between active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words. At this stage, work continues on sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis of speech.

a) the game "Guess who sings". Be sure to pay attention to the position of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing sounds, as well as their sound.

Forming the correct pronunciation in children is a very difficult process. The system of work is based on an individually differentiated approach. When preparing and conducting an individual lesson, it is very important to remember that throughout the entire lesson the child must have a strong positive emotional attitude, which is expressed in the desire to practice. This is achieved by using surprise moments, game fragments, exciting tasks and exercises, during the implementation of which the process of learning and teaching turns into an interesting game.

During the lesson, the child develops the ability to listen, hear and evaluate not only the speech of others, but also his own.

In children with motor disorders of the speech apparatus, fine motor skills of the fingers also suffer, which is also one of the causes of pain in the late formation of speech sounds. Therefore, purposeful work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates the maturation of the speech areas and stimulates the development of the child's speech, allows you to quickly correct the defective sound pronunciation.

Often, during a conversation, children develop muscle tension in the organs of articulation. It also has bad influence on the process of formation of sound pronunciation. Therefore, you need to use a system of relaxing exercises in your work, which will help relieve excessive stress from the organs of articulation and teach children to feel the movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw. Material for training fine motor skills of fingers, the development of movements of the speech apparatus, sensations from the movement of the organs of articulation is presented to children in the form of fairy tales, funny meadows, rhymes, riddles. The child, carried away by the game, trying to comply with its conditions, does not notice that he is being taught. This means that the process of development of articulatory motor skills will proceed more actively, faster, overcoming difficulties will be easier.

On individual lessons it is useful to teach children to reproduce a rhythmic pattern by clapping, ringing bells, tapping on a drum, tambourine, playing a pipe, whistle, using simple pieces of music. For example, use tasks such as "Find out who it is by movement" (the child shows the movements of an animal to the music, the rest guess who it is). Or imitate human actions (doing laundry, skiing, shoveling snow, playing snowballs, sweeping the floor). All movements are performed rhythmically to music.

The rhythmic drawing can be performed by the most different ways: clapping, playing with fingers on the table, walking, running, jumping.

The melody helps the smooth movement of the hand, improves auditory attention.

To stimulate speech, visual activity is also used, which, like music and movements, has a certain rhythm (repetition, alternation of certain elements of the picture). Gradually, children develop the accuracy and smoothness of finger movements. When drawing, rhythmic accompaniment is used: word-by-word, syllabic, sound, rhythmic ornament with comments, the sentence: "top-top", "drip-drip", "draw and think about those flowers that you saw." When examining toys-samples (for example, Dymkovsky ones), riddles, poems, songs are used - nursery rhymes in combination with movements ("Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother" - the teacher reads, the child performs movements).

To automate the set sounds in syllables and words, counting rhymes are used in which the rhythmic accent is accompanied by the movement of the hand.

"White snow, white chalk,

The white hare is also white.

But the squirrel is not white,

She wasn't even white. "

Proverbs and sayings, riddles, jokes, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes - extremely favorable material for working on the automation of the sounds set.

Thus, conducting systematic, sequential exercises on working out all sounds (starting with the 2nd junior and ending with the senior group), as well as differentiating often mixed sounds (in preparatory group), at the same time we carry out a lot of work on preparing children for learning to read and write, directing their attention to the sound side of the language, to the sounds being practiced, and bringing up the activity of phonemic perception.

2. Methodology for sound educationa new culture of speech outside the classroom

The culture of speech is the ability to correctly, that is, in accordance with the content of what is stated, taking into account the conditions of speech communication and the purpose of the statement, to use all language means (sound means, including intonation, vocabulary, grammatical forms).

Sound culture of speech is an integral part of speech culture. Preschool children master it in the process of communication with the people around them. The educator has a great influence on the formation of a high culture of speech in children.

O.I. Solovyova, defining the main directions of work on the development of the sound culture of speech, notes that “the teacher is faced with the following tasks: education in children of a clear, clear pronunciation of sounds in words, correct pronunciation of words in accordance with the norms of the orthoepy of the Russian language, education of clear pronunciation (good diction), education of expressiveness children's speech "

Sometimes the work of the educator is to form correct speech in children, for the prevention of speech deficiencies, it is identified with the work of a speech therapist to correct the deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds. However, the education of the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. The formation of the correct sound pronunciation is only part of the work on the sound culture of speech. The teacher helps children to master the correct speech breathing, the correct pronunciation of all sounds native language, a clear pronunciation of words, the ability to use a voice, teaches children to speak slowly, intonationally expressively. At the same time, in the work on the formation of the sound side of speech, educators can use some speech therapy techniques, just like a speech therapist, in addition to correcting speech, is engaged in propaedeutic work aimed at preventing speech deficiencies.

The development of the sound culture of speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of other aspects of speech: vocabulary, coherent, grammatically correct speech.

The development of the sound culture of speech includes the formation of a clear articulation of the sounds of the native language, their correct pronunciation, clear and pure pronunciation of words and phrases, correct speech breathing, as well as the ability to use sufficient voice volume, normal speech tempo and various intonation means expressiveness (melody, logical pauses, stress, tempo, rhythm and timbre of speech). The sound culture of speech is formed and develops on the basis of a well-developed speech hearing.

Work on the sound culture of speech outside of class can be organized during the morning speech exercises, on a walk, during the hours of games, during the morning arrival of children and before they leave home.

For the development and improvement of the articulatory apparatus, voice and speech breathing, it is advisable to include speech exercises in the daily routine. It should be done with all children and can be combined with morning exercises or done independently before breakfast. On speech exercises, children are given exercises in a playful form, aimed at developing accurate, differentiated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, at the development of speech breathing and voice.

With children who have not mastered the program material on the sound culture of speech or do not master it well in the classroom, it is necessary to carry out additional work. Classes are organized both individually and in groups (for example, children who have not learned any sound are combined into one group). Such individual and group lessons can be carried out for a walk, during game hours, during morning reception children and before leaving them home.

Developing correct, well-sounding speech in children, the educator must solve the following tasks:

1. To educate children's speech hearing, gradually developing its main components: auditory attention (the ability to determine by ear this or that sound and its direction), phonemic hearing, the ability to perceive a given tempo and rhythm.

2. Develop an articulatory apparatus.

3. To work on speech breathing, that is, to develop the ability to produce a short breath and a long, smooth exhalation, in order to be able to speak freely in phrases.

4. To cultivate the ability to adjust the volume of the voice in accordance with the conditions of communication.

5. Form the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language.

6. Develop a clear and clear pronunciation of each sound, as well as over and over the phrase as a whole, that is, good diction.

7. To develop the pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.

8. To form a normal tempo of speech, that is, the ability to pronounce words, phrases at a moderate pace, without speeding up or slowing down speech, thereby creating an opportunity for the listener to clearly perceive it.

9. To educate the intonational expressiveness of speech, that is, the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings and mood with the help of logical pauses, accents, melody, tempo, rhythm and timbre.

The teacher must have an idea of ​​the main speech disorders (for example, the nasal tone of pronouncing a word, stuttering), in order to identify them in a timely manner and refer the child to a speech therapist.

Development of speech hearing. In the initial period of speech formation, the development of the main components of speech hearing is uneven. So, at the first stages of speech development, a special role is assigned to auditory attention, although the main semantic load is carried by pitch hearing. Children know how to recognize changes in voice in pitch in accordance with the emotional coloring of speech (cry in response to an angry tone and smile at a benevolent and affectionate one) and timbre (distinguish the mother and other loved ones by the voice), and also correctly perceive the rhythmic pattern of the word, i.e. its accent-syllable structure (features of the sound structure of a word, depending on the number of syllables and the place of the stressed syllable) in unity with the tempo of speech. Further in the development of speech big role plays the formation of phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish one sounds from others, due to which individual words are recognized and understood. A well-developed verbal hearing provides a clear, clear and correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, makes it possible to correctly adjust the volume of pronunciation of words, speak in a moderate, dark, intonationally expressive way. The development of speech hearing is closely related to the development of sensations arising from the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Thus, upbringing of speech hearing is aimed at developing in children the ability to perceive various subtleties of its sound in speech: correct pronunciation of sounds, clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words, raising and lowering, voices, increasing or decreasing the volume, rhythm, smoothness, acceleration and deceleration of speech, timbre coloring (request, command, etc.).

Development of the articulatory apparatus. Speech sounds are formed in the oral cavity, the shape and volume of which depend on the positions of the movable organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, small tongue. Correct position and movement of the speech organs required for pronunciation this sound is called articulation. Articulation disorders such as short sublingual ligament malocclusion, too high or narrow palate and some other disadvantages, are predisposing factors for the improper formation of sound pronunciation. But if a child has good mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, good speech hearing, then in most cases he himself is able to compensate for the shortcomings of sound pronunciation. If the child has imperfections in the movement of the articulatory apparatus (for example, a sedentary tongue), then this may be the reason wrong pronunciation sounds, lethargic, fuzzy, blurry speech.

Therefore, the tasks of the educator are: 1) the development of the mobility of the tongue (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, hold the wide tongue behind the lower incisors, lift the upper teeth, push it back into the mouth, etc.); 2) the development of sufficient mobility of the lips (the ability to pull them forward, round, stretch into a smile, form a gap with the lower lip with the front upper teeth); 3) the development of the ability to hold the lower jaw in a certain position, which is important for the pronunciation of sounds.

Work on the development of speech breathing. The source of the formation of speech sounds is an air stream that leaves the lungs through the larynx, pharynx, mouth or nose to the outside. Speech breathing is voluntary, in contrast to non-speech, which is carried out automatically. With non-verbal breathing, inhalation and exhalation are carried out through the nose, inhalation is almost equal in duration to exhalation. Speech breathing is carried out through the mouth, inhalation is performed quickly, exhalation is slowed down. In non-verbal breathing, inhalation is immediately followed by exhalation, then a pause. During speech breathing, inhalation is followed by a pause, and then a smooth exhalation. Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, creates conditions for maintaining the appropriate loudness of speech, strict adherence to pauses, maintaining the smoothness of speech and intonation expressiveness. Violations of speech breathing can be the result of general weakening, adenoid enlargements, various cardiovascular diseases, etc. Such imperfections of speech breathing as the inability to rationally use the exhalation, speech on inhalation, incomplete renewal of the air supply, etc., negatively affecting the development of speech children of preschool age, may be due to improper upbringing, insufficient attention to the speech of children on the part of adults. Preschool children who have weakened inhalation and exhalation, as a rule, have a quiet speech, find it difficult to pronounce long phrases. With irrational consumption of air during exhalation, the smoothness of speech is disturbed, since children in the middle of a phrase are forced to draw air. Often such children do not finish the words and often whisper them at the end of the phrase. Sometimes, in order to complete a long phrase, they are forced to speak while inhaling, which makes speech indistinct, with choking. A shortened exhalation forces you to speak phrases at an accelerated pace without observing logical pauses.

Therefore, the tasks of the educator are: 1) using special play exercises, develop a free, smooth, lengthened exhalation; 2) by imitating the teacher's speech, educate the ability to correctly, rationally use it (pronounce small phrases on one exhalation).

Voice arises from hesitation vocal cords... Its quality depends on working together respiratory, vocal and articulatory apparatus. Various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic rhinitis, adenoid growths, etc. contribute to the occurrence of voice disorders. Often, in preschool children, voice disorders occur due to improper use of it: overextension of the vocal cords, caused by constantly loud, intense speech, especially in the cold season on the street, improper use of a tone of voice that does not correspond to the child's voice range (for example, children imitate squeaky speeches little child or speak in a low voice for "dad"). Voice impairments can also occur in children who have suffered from diseases of the nasopharynx or upper respiratory tract and did not observe a gentle regime for the voice during the illness or immediately after it. Improper use of vocal capabilities can be associated with the characteristics of the child's personality (too shy child often speaks softly; children who are quickly aroused speak in a raised voice); with the wrong upbringing, when others themselves speak in a raised voice, to which children are also accustomed; with the forced use by children of a loud, tense voice, if there is constant noise in the room (radio, TV, constant noise in the kindergarten group, etc.).

The tasks of the educator are: 1) to develop in games, playing exercises the basic qualities of the voice - strength and pitch; 2) teach children to speak without tension, develop their ability to use a voice in accordance with different situations(quietly - loudly).

Formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. Preschool age is the most favorable for the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. V kindergarten this work must be completed. The correct pronunciation of sounds can be formed if children have sufficiently developed mobility and switchability of "decans of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing," if they know how to control their voice. It is very important for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation to have a well-developed speech ear, as it provides self-control, and self-examination always encourages improvement. Violations of sound pronunciation can be caused by defects in the vocal apparatus (splitting of the hard and soft palate, deviations in the structure of the dentoalveolar system, short sublingual ligament, etc.), insufficient mobility of the organs of articulation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (inability to distinguish some sounds from others). Decrease physical hearing, a careless attitude to one's speech (inability to listen to oneself and others), the assimilation of the wrong speech of others can also lead to deficiencies in pronunciation. Incorrect pronunciation of sounds by children is expressed in skipping sound, replacing one sound with another, distorted pronunciation of a sound, it is especially important to start working with children in time who have identified replacements and distortions of sounds, since replacements of sounds can later appear in written speech (replacing one letter with another ), and distortedly pronounced and not corrected sounds in the future will require more efforts (from the speech therapist and the child himself) and a longer time to eliminate them. In addition, it must be remembered that the deficiencies in sound pronunciation are often not an independent speech disorder, but only a symptom, a sign of another, more complex speech disorder that requires special treatment and training (such are alalia, dysarthria, etc.).

The teacher should: teach children to pronounce all sounds correctly in any position (at the beginning, middle and end of a word) and with different word structures (in combination with any consonants and with any number of syllables in a word), identify children with speech impairments in time and, if necessary send them to special child care institutions in a timely manner.

Work on diction. Good diction, that is, a clear, clear pronunciation of each sound separately, as well as words and phrases as a whole, is formed in the child gradually, simultaneously with the development and improvement of the work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Work on diction is closely related to the formation of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language. At the age of 2 to 6 years, when there is an intensive development of all aspects of speech, it is necessary to pay attention to the clarity and clarity of the child's pronunciation of words and phrases; to educate children to imitate speech at a slow pace, with clear pronunciation of all sounds in words, clear pronunciation of all words in phrases. But it is not always possible to achieve good diction only by imitation. This can be hindered by insufficiently developed speech hearing, insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, inability to control their voice, etc. Often, odd diction is formed in children with unstable attention, easily excitable, who cannot concentrate on the speech of the speakers and who have insufficiently developed self-control. In such children, speech is not even and blurred enough; they do not always clearly pronounce the endings of syllables and phrases. Gradually, with the education of the ability to carefully listen to the speech of others and your own with the development of speech breathing; articulation, with mastering the voice, the child's diction also improves.

The teacher should give preschoolers a sample of grammatically correct speech, with good diction, teach them to listen carefully to the speech of others and monitor the clarity of your pronunciation:

Work on orthoepy. In order for people to understand each other, the sound design of their oral speech should be the same. Therefore, educators need to not only observe the rules of oral speech themselves; but also to teach children to do this. Repeatedly we meet with the fact that children use the local dialect in their speech; mistakes of common speech, wrong stress, "literal" pronunciation of words (what, what instead of shto and chevo, etc.).

The teacher constantly monitors children's compliance with the norms of literary pronunciation of words, corrects their mistakes in a timely manner; giving a sample of correct pronunciation, the task of educators is to increase the pronunciation culture of their speech by mastering the orthoepic norms of the native language, the systematic use of various manuals, dictionaries in preparation for classes.

Work on the tempo of speech. The rate of speech is understood as the speed of speech flow in time. Preschool children are more likely to speak at an accelerated pace than at a slower pace. This negatively affects the intelligibility, clarity of speech, the articulation of sounds deteriorates, sometimes individual sounds, syllables and even words drop out. Especially often, these deviations occur when pronouncing long words or phrases.

The work of the educator should be aimed at developing a moderate speech rate in children, at which the words sound especially clear.

Work on intonation expressiveness. Intonation is a complex complex of all expressive means sounding speech, including:

melodic - raising and lowering the voice when pronouncing a phrase, which gives speech different shades (melodiousness, softness, tenderness, etc.) and avoids monotony. Melody is present in every word of sounding speech, and its vowel sounds form, varying in pitch and strength;

pace - acceleration and deceleration of speech, depending on the content of the utterance, taking into account the pauses between speech segments;

rhythm - uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables (that is, their following qualities: longitude and brevity, raising and lowering the voice);

phrasal and logical stress - highlighting with pauses, raising the voice, greater tension and length of pronunciation of a group of words ( phrasal stress) or individual words ( logical stress) depending on the meaning of the statement;

timbre of speech (not to be confused with the timbre of the sound and timbre of the voice) - a sound coloration that reflects expressive-emotional shades ("sad, cheerful, gloomy" timbre, etc.).

With the help of these means of expressiveness, the clarification of thoughts and expressions, as well as emotional-volitional relations, is carried out in the process of communication. Thanks to intonation, the thought acquires a complete character, the statement can be given additional value that does not change its basic meaning, the meaning of the statement may also change. Intonationally inexpressive speech can be the result of decreased hearing, underdevelopment of speech hearing, incorrect speech education, various speech disorders (for example, dysarthria, rhinolalia, etc.).

The child should be able to correctly use intonational means of expression in order to convey various feelings and experiences in his own speech. The teacher's speech should be emotional, serve as an example of intonational expressiveness. Work on the development of intonational expressiveness of speech is carried out mainly by imitation. The teacher, when memorizing poems, when retelling, himself uses emotionally expressive speech and pays attention to the expressiveness of the child's speech. Gradually children, hearing the correct one, expressive speech educator, and in independent speech they begin to use the necessary intonations.

All sections of the work on the sound culture of speech are interrelated. For the systematic and consistent conduct of games and classes on the development of the sound culture of speech, work on the "live" sound of the word should be taken as a basis. At each age stage, you should gradually complicate the material, be sure to include in it all sections of the development of the sound culture of speech.

Taking into account the age characteristics of the development of children's speech, the formation of the sound culture of speech can be divided into three main stages:

Stage I - from 1 year 6 months to 3 years. This stage (especially for its beginning) is characterized by the rapid development of an active vocabulary. The previously formed articulatory movements, functioning when pronouncing a whole word, undergo some changes: they become more precise, become more stable. The child's ability to consciously imitate the pronunciation of a whole word develops, thanks to which the teacher gets the opportunity to significantly influence the development of the sound side of the child's speech. The basis of work on the sound culture of speech is the use of various onomatopoeia. The efficiency of work significantly increases, since classes with children aged 1 year 6 months to 3 years are conducted not with a small number of children (5-6), as before, but with subgroups.

II stage - from 3 to 5 years. At this age, the phonetic and morphological composition of the word is being formed. The improvement of the most difficult articulation movements continues. This gives the child the opportunity to reproduce slit, affricative and sonorous sounds. Work at this stage relies on a markedly pronounced conscientious attitude children to the sound side of the word and is based on the sequential development of all the sounds of the native language.

Stage III - from 5 to 6 years old. This stage is, as it were, the final period in the formation of the sound side of speech of preschoolers in kindergarten. By the beginning of the stage, the most difficult isolated articulatory movements had already been formed, however, it is important that sounds that are close in articulatory or acoustic characteristics (s - w, h - f, etc.) are clearly distinguished (both in pronunciation and in the auditory perception of speech). ; s - sm, s - hey, etc.). Special work to improve the distinction, differentiation of such sounds contributes to the further development of the phonemic hearing of children, the assimilation of phonemes as sound-meaning-discriminators (saika - hare, ueal - coal, etc.).

At each stage of the development of the sound culture of speech, the teacher must take into account individual characteristics development of the speech of children.

3. Approximate practical material on the development of the sound culture of speech of preschool children (up to 3 years old)

The game "Guests"

Target. Education of auditory perception and correct pronunciation of onomatopoeia. At the same time, the development of the ability to use a voice of medium volume.

Content. The teacher tells the children that they will greet the guests. Leaving the room with one of the children, the teacher puts on him a hat with the image of a dog. Then with the words "knock knock," they open the door. Children ask: "Who is there?" The child answers: "Av-av". The teacher addresses the children: "Who came to visit us?" Children answer: "Dog" - "Let's call the dog." Children say: "Av-av". Then the teacher repeats the game, putting on the children hats with the image of a goose (ha-ha-ha), a frog (kva-kva), a chicken (ko-ko-ko), a goat (mz-me) and other animals.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children pronounce the sound combinations clearly, loudly enough.

"Lulling a doll" .

Target. Development of the articulatory apparatus, and the formation of auditory perception. At the same time, the development of prolonged speech exhalation and the ability to change the volume of the voice.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children make a sound for a long time and on one exhalation; those who do not know how to use their voice well enough, call in small groups to better control them


Target. Development of clear movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Simultaneously practicing the ability to change the volume of the voice, the duration of the oral expiration.

Content. While out for a walk, the teacher tells the children that they have come to the garden to pick flowers. Some guys have gone far, it is necessary to call them, to look around (he folds his hands with a megaphone and shows how to pronounce ay). Children are divided into two subgroups. The teacher puts one side by side (they will speak ay quietly), and the other goes to the designated place (they are far away and will speak loudly).

Methodical instructions. Children with a quiet speech should be placed in a subgroup that should say ay loudly. Make sure that all children pronounce both sounds smoothly, use the correct voice volume.


Target. Education of auditory perception and clear pronunciation of sound c. At the same time, working out the duration of the oral expiration, the ability to change the volume of the voice.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children correctly reproduce the hum of the wind: soft - light, loud - strong.

4. Development of sound culture of speech in children 3- 5 years

The speech of children between the ages of 3 and 5 continues to develop. At this age, the vocabulary is accumulated, refined and improved. Children more accurately use the words that are necessary in the meaning. They begin to use grammatical forms correctly, can in logical sequence retell small fairy tales, stories, describe and convey the content of the pictures. The sound side of speech is also rapidly developing. Children learn and pronounce many correctly, the sounds of their native language, pronounce words and phrases clearer and more clearly, know how to use their voice, begin to monitor the pace of their speech.

The main task of forming the sound culture of speech on the given; stage is reduced to the development of phonemic hearing in children and the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language with a distinct and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases.

Along with the solution of the main task at this age, it is necessary to carry out work in other sections, the sound culture of speech, namely: to educate the ability to measure the loudness of the voice depending on the situation, speak at a measured pace, pronounce words correctly with exact use, stress in them.

Onomatopoeia is widely used in work with young children and the 1st junior group. For children of the 2nd junior and middle groups, the education of the sound culture of speech is carried out in the process of working on sound pronunciation. Its formation should be completed in kindergarten, and the improvement of other sections of the sound culture of speech will continue at school 1. At the same time, work on sound pronunciation is easy to combine with the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, voice, articulation apparatus, diction and intonation.

The education of the correct pronunciation is carried out with the consistent development of all the sounds of the native language. At the same time, we form not only the skill of correct pronunciation of certain sounds, but also the child's hearing and pronunciation capabilities, that is, those connections of auditory and articulatory control, without which the correct pronunciation of sounds is impossible.

If children of 3 years old are still not good enough to pronounce sounds with, a, c, w, zh, h, sch, r, l, they should not begin to work them out, as this can lead to the consolidation of their incorrect pronunciation. It is necessary to carry out work on all sections of sound cultures of speech. Improving speech hearing and pronunciation capabilities will contribute to the appearance of these sounds in the child's speech and their correct pronunciation. For example, practicing with children 3 years of age the sounds that are easier to pronounce and, f, v, the teacher creates the prerequisites for the appearance new group sounds - whistling (s, s, c), which are characterized by a certain way of organs of the articulatory apparatus, close to the way of sound and, as well as the presence of a purposeful air stream, which is generated when working out the sounds f, w. In this way, we create the possibility of transferring the skills developed for one group of sounds to another.

Sequential processing of sounds makes it possible to systematically, consistently carry out work on the formation and further improvement of the sound culture of speech.

The development of all sounds of the native language provides for four types of work, successively replacing each other: preparation of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, clarification of the pronunciation of the coded sound (and in syllables) and the ability to distinguish this sound from others, consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound in words, consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound in the phrasal speech.

Work on sound pronunciation is combined with work on other sections of the sound culture of speech (development of speech hearing, articulation, speech breathing, voice, diction, tempo, intonational expressiveness of speech).

1st type of work - clarification of the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

The teacher gives game exercises for the development or clarification of movements, the development of certain positions that contribute to the correct articulation of sounds. At the same time, work on the following sections of the sound culture of speech stands out: education of clear and correct articulation, prolonged, main oral exhalation, development of voice loudness.

2nd type of work - clarification of the pronunciation of an isolated sound and the development of speech hearing.

The teacher gives games or game exercises for the day of clarifying the pronunciation of an isolated sound or evoking it by imitation. The attention of children is fixed on the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing this sound and its sound. Games are used to separate a given sound from a group of sounds.

This type of work contributes to the education of speech hearing, the ability to measure the volume of the voice, the development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing.

3rd type of work - education of the correct pronunciation of sound in words and the development of phonemic hearing.

The teacher gives a variety of play material (mainly didactic games), contributing to the clear and correct use of sounds in words. First, those words are given in which the sound being practiced is in the stressed syllable. Children learn to pronounce it more clearly, for a long time, that is, they develop the ability to highlight a sound with a voice, and in the future, not only to highlight, but also to determine its place in the word. At the same time, the tasks of improving phonemic hearing, diction and pronunciation of words are solved in accordance with orthoepic norms.

4th type of work - education of the correct pronunciation of sounds in phrasal speech and the development of speech hearing.

The teacher gives specially selected speech material: word games, catchphrases, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems, stories, fairy tales. He follows correct use of this sound on the listed material. The education of the correct pronunciation of sounds in independent speech is combined with the development of speech hearing and speech breathing, with the development of the ability to use a moderate tempo and intonational expressiveness of speech.

5. Approximate practical material on the development of the sound culture of speech of preschool children (3-5 years old)

1st type of work

Target. Develop clear movements and the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

"Show how angry Fedya is and how happy he is"

Content. The teacher tells the children that when Fedya is unhappy, he pouts his lips like this (pulls his closed lips forward with a tube), and when Fedya is satisfied, he smiles (stretches his lips, exposing the upper and lower front teeth). Educator: "And now I will talk about Fedya. When he is unhappy, you pout your lips (shows how), and when he is happy, you smile ... Mom bought Fedya a car. Fedya is happy, smiling. He went out with the car for a walk, but it's raining outside, he doesn't know what to do. He puffed out his lips. At that time Petya came out. Fedya was delighted at him, smiled. He asked Fedya to drive ere the car. Fedya felt sorry for the car, he pouted his lips. And here there are clouds fled, the sun peeked out. Fedya smiled and said to Pete: "Let's go play with the car together."

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children stretch their lips without tension in a smile and expose their front teeth. When pulling the lips forward, they should be closed.

2nd type of work

Target. Clarification of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, correct pronunciation of an isolated sound p. Development of speech hearing, the development of prolonged oral expiration.


Methodical instructions. Make sure that children pronounce the sound clearly, correctly, for a long time.

3rd type of work

Target. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound with in words, to develop phonemic hearing, to achieve a clear pronunciation of words according to literary norms pronunciation.

"Do you know?"

Content. Educator: "Children, I will ask you a few questions, and the pictures that are on everyone's table will help you answer them. Those who find the correct answer to my question will come out and clearly name the object shown in the picture." Then the questions follow: "What can you ride?" (Children have pictures on this topic depicting a scooter, a sled, an airplane, a stroller, a bus, a trolleybus, etc.). "What's in the store?" (Sugar, juice, cheese, scales, sausage, butter, cabbage, meat, etc.). "Who lives at the zoo?" (Owl, catfish, gopher, elephant, dog, fox, stork, etc.). After the children correctly name the objects and animals depicted in the pictures, the teacher asks what sound is repeated in all these words.

Methodical instructions. Monitor the clear pronunciation of words, the correct pronunciation of the sound with in words. If children find it difficult to determine the sound s in words, the teacher himself names several words, highlighting the sound s in them with his voice.

4th type of work

Target... To develop a verbal ear, to develop good diction, to consolidate the sound with in phrases when pronouncing them on one exhalation, to cultivate the ability to speak intonationally expressively, at a moderate pace.


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