Home natural farming Why not plant a spruce near the house? Blue spruce on the site - a bad omen

Why not plant a spruce near the house? Blue spruce on the site - a bad omen

Tree sticks. What folk signs do not warn us against. And it’s better not to spill salt, and don’t give knives, and from black cat run without looking back and wedding rings do not drop, and avoid a woman walking with an empty bucket ... Among all this variety of horror stories, there is a sign associated with the main symbol of the upcoming new year holidays- Christmas tree. It turns out that in no case should a coniferous beauty be planted in a front garden. Spruce in the yard can bring misfortune or even death to the family. By at least so says the folk tale. But is this true or the fruit of the wild imagination of our ancestors, let's try to figure it out.

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Spruce near the house signs and superstitions

Why is the spruce near the house considered a symbol of future troubles? The roots of this superstition go back to the distant times of the ancient Slavs. Even then it was believed that this tree brings thirty-three misfortunes. For example, the ancestors believed that the mistress of the house, near which the evergreen beauty grows, will not be able to have children or, even worse, will give birth only to girls, and if a woman is single, then until the end of her days she will not get married and will not start a family.

The Christmas tree, among other things, was considered the main separation of young couples. Therefore, the newly-married newlyweds should in no case grow spruce in the courtyard of the house. The signs said that otherwise the family would fall apart very soon.

If in ancient times someone managed to plant a Christmas tree at home, then his age was considered short-lived. As soon as the tree withered, died from a fire or a lightning strike, then all the members of the family, one by one, left for the next world. At least that's what the legends say. And by the way, in bad weather, in no case was it possible to hide under a fluffy crown coniferous tree. It was believed that spruce is the main target of lightning, which it will hit in the first place.

Legends from Europe

Scary stories about Christmas trees - needles were passed down from generation to generation, not only in Ancient Russia. AT European countries there are also legends that tell of incredible magical properties ah fluffy beauty. So, one of them originated in Finland. Allegedly, the first colonists of this country planted a spruce near Lake Keitele. People considered the tree sacred, worshiped it, and held holidays in its honor. After harvesting, vegetables and fruits collected by overwork were first shown to the Christmas tree, and only then they were carried home.

However, the veneration of spruce did not last long. Soon people began to notice that as soon as a branch dried up on a tree, one of the first colonists died. And so it happened every time until all the pioneers left for the next world. Except for the only old lady. She outlived all her comrades, but soon died too. And it happened exactly at the moment when the completely dried spruce fell to the ground with a roar.

Where is the logic or why it is impossible to plant spruce in the yard

Spruce-related horror stories have several quite logical explanations.

  • The fact is that since ancient times, the bodies of deceased relatives were wrapped around the bodies of deceased relatives during the burial ceremony with the branches of this tree. This explains the belief that the tree is associated with death.
  • In addition, planting conifers next to houses was really life-threatening. But not at all because of the bad energy of trees, but because they light up from any spark. Of course the neighborhood next to wooden house did not bring anything good - the flames in a matter of seconds spread to the dwellings and burned them to the ground.
  • There is another logical explanation for the terrible fear of Christmas trees. This tree reaches 30-40 meters in height. During strong gusts of wind, its branches could close the chimney on the roof of a low peasant house, and its owners could simply, simply burn out.

How about now?

AT modern world people are less and less likely to believe in omens and eating in the yard no longer frightens them. This tree is more associated with the New Year than with something cursed. It is willingly decorated in the pre-holiday season, both adults and children rejoice at its bright decoration, dance around it. Those who are afraid of black cats, spilled salt, broken mirrors and Christmas trees near the house, psychologists call weak-willed people who find it easier to survive the troubles that have fallen on their heads.

Modern psychics do not deny the magical properties of the coniferous beauty. True, the ability of spruce is affected, according to isoterics, by seasonality. They assure that the tree is dangerous only in the warm season, when it actively takes energy from its owners. In winter, on the contrary, spruce gives back the forces accumulated over the summer. Therefore, during the period of lack of vitamins and the physical decline of bioenergetics, it is recommended to walk along coniferous forest. Such a walk will charge you with energy and optimism.


On average, spruces live for about 300 years. But in Sweden there is a Christmas tree that is over 9,000 years old. It is considered the oldest living organism in the world.

There are many opinions that why you can not plant spruce near the house. The best way to understand them is through stories shared by people.

Why you can not plant a Christmas tree near the house - an explanation of bioenergetics

“Constant quarrels haunt our home. My children and my husband live in the house of his parents. We always have clashes with my mother-in-law, she strives to say something unpleasant to me, go to my children. Everything was fine with my husband before, the work was excellent, our relationship was well-coordinated, he supported me in everything. Our happiness was previously envied. But now he began to drink and sometimes seriously deceive me, - says Olga, 30 years old. “It looks like we’ve got some kind of damage. I try every day to succeed in household, but I constantly hear my husband's reproaches about work, although he himself sometimes sleeps for days. In the presence of his relatives, my health always deteriorates, I don’t know what is happening ... "

I read the letter, Lilia Khasapetova, 44 years old, a well-known bioenergetician living in Krivoy Rog. Picking up a photo, he carefully examines the house where Olga and her family live. A few tall coniferous trees immediately catch my eye.

Here, it's not about bad energy at home. All quarrels and many problems bring spruces. A long time ago, my grandmother told me that spruce should not be planted in the yard. In the people, these trees are sometimes called "widows". Previously, the housewives did not allow them to be planted near the house and even uprooted these trees when they were not planted on purpose. They say that when these trees become taller than the owner's house, this can lead to the death of the family or the owner himself.

For positive events and the duration of the family, it is recommended to plant fruit tree species in the yard. Incorrectly planted trees such as linden, willow or chestnut can bring loneliness to your children.
In the presence of dry trees, diseases will haunt the family, so it is better to get rid of them immediately and do not leave stumps, this will bring problems to the family.

Another story why you can not plant a Christmas tree near the house

“Somehow I went to the post office to receive a pension. A huge spruce grew near the post office building. The woman standing behind suddenly became ill, she literally fell on me. She was somewhere around 50 years old. I immediately began to help. Giving her validol, lightly rubbed her temples. Suddenly, she looked sharply into my eyes with a cry: “Enough!”. - Ivanovna writes, 58 years old. She stood up as if she wasn't sick at all and walked away. This really surprised me! But by the evening I was overcome by spleen, the temperature jumped to 39.4. I suffered for a long time in bed rest, more than a week. That moment with the look of this woman surfaced in my memory. Taking myself in hand, I approached the icon and prayed to the Lord God for a long time. She begged for her healing, and asked him to return the disease to its owner. After a while, I recovered, the temperature returned to normal.

I am well aware of such cases. Energy vampires full at every step, and the influence of coniferous trees only enhances their impact. Incidentally, this again confirms why you can not plant spruce near the house. They can cause a variety of diseases, weakness, headaches and pressure problems. To protect yourself, try not to look directly into the eyes of strangers or suspicious people. It is highly recommended not to touch the temples, this is a great way to give or receive someone else's energy. Some people can take all your strength and throw their diseases on you. Temperature, as a result of protecting the body from foreign energy.

Recently, a neighbor in the country, having caught me on the street, began to explain with fervor what danger I put myself in by planting Christmas trees on the site.

I have heard the story that one has only to outgrow the house, as the owner immediately dies, I have heard more than once. Fighting superstition is a thankless task, but you should at least think about where this ridiculous prejudice came from.

Even in pre-Christian times, the life of our ancestors was closely connected with the forest. Among the Slavic and especially the Finno-Ugric tribes that once inhabited the territory of our country, spruce was considered an intermediary between the world of the living and the dead. In the view of the ancient peoples, this tree was closely related to the ancestors, so its branches were used in funeral rites. It was in spruce forests that the dead were usually buried: dark forests were associated with the other world. At the same time, coniferous trees (including spruce) were a symbol of immortality. Them life force and the unique ability to remain green even in winter served for our distant ancestors, as they say now, the best motivator. People believed that the energy of spruce is favorable and promotes well-being. In some places there was even a custom to throw spruce branches at the hem of young housewives, wishing them family happiness and healthy kids. Much later, in Christian tradition, spruce has become a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, an indispensable attribute of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Thus, it is definitely not worth associating this tree only with cemetery stories.

As for the belief about the imminent death of the owner of the house, near which the spruce grows, then the situation is even simpler. This is a tree of the first magnitude, whose height reaches 30–40 m. However, in the first years of life, spruce grows very slowly: its growth rate increases only after 10 years. If a person planted a small Christmas tree under his window, it will take many years for it to outgrow the house. It is likely that during this time the owner will have time to grow old. Unfortunately, no one lives forever.

There is only one very prosaic reason why these trees really should not be planted near the house. Spruce is a windbreak species. It has an extensive crown surface, but a shallow root system, and during a strong wind (such as, for example, a hurricane that recently swept through Moscow and the region), it can collapse directly onto the nearest buildings. But this applies only to species spruce, e. prickly and their tall varieties. Varietal decorative Christmas trees, which are sold in garden centers, as a rule, even as adults, do not exceed 3 m in height and do not pose any danger.

Unlike deciduous trees, appearance coniferous remains attractive at any time of the year, so many owners seek to decorate their site with this attribute of Christmas. But before you plant a spruce on the site, you should decide on the type of tree, choose the optimal location and properly prepare the soil in the country for planting.

Choosing a type of Christmas tree

The main criterion for choosing the type of coniferous tree is the shape of the crown and the height of an adult plant.

When making suburban area Three types of spruces are mainly used.

  • Ordinary spruce is a type of plant with a height of 1.2-3 meters. Shade of needles from golden to bright green. This species is most often found in the country.
  • Gray spruce - got its name due to the grayish color of the tree bark and gray-blue or ashy hue needles. Tall varieties of spruce have a cone-shaped crown, and in dwarf plants, the top looks like a nest or a ball.
  • Prickly spruce is a tree with a decorative cone-shaped crown, sometimes reaching a height of 40 meters. Less common are dwarf trees up to 2 m. The needles of such firs are very sharp, have a color from whitish blue or silver to turquoise.

When choosing a spruce for a small dacha, you should stay on a plant of medium or dwarf height, and tall ones are suitable for country house with a plot large area. When making plots in the country, medium or dwarf species are especially popular.

Purchasing or searching for a seedling

You can start a tree different ways. It can be selected in the nursery, brought from the forest or grown independently in a container.

  • Nurseries sell grown trees, dig them up in the presence of the buyer, or offer spruces in containers. Trees with bare root system, may not survive until the moment of landing in the ground. Therefore, it is very important to choose a spruce with intact roots and an earthen clod that protects them from exposure. external environment. It will be much easier to grow such a Christmas tree, since the tree will tolerate the transplant well, it will hurt less and adapt faster.
  • If the type of tree does not matter, then you can bring a Christmas tree from the forest by choosing a tree from 1 to 2 meters. The tree should be dug from all sides in order to extract it with a large earthen clod. Small trees can be transported from the forest with bare roots, but during transportation, cover them with tarpaulin material, and upon arrival immediately plant them in a prepared hole.
  • To grow a seedling from a seed, you need to bring open cones from the forest in winter and collect the seeds. In a container for planting, add soil taken from the forest, or pour soil mixture for coniferous plants. Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 5 mm and placed in a cold place.

In the warm season, the Christmas tree should be regularly moistened, and in the cool season, watering should be reduced to two times in 30 days. To ensure dormant periods, the plant must be periodically exposed to the balcony or courtyard. In one year, spruce can grow up to 25 cm in height.

Location selection

Since spruce can reach a height of 10 and a width of 5 m, you must carefully choose a place for planting. Under natural conditions, the plant feels good near the river, where its root system can receive enough moisture. But the tree does not like wetlands, so caring for it involves arranging drainage.

Spruce strongly depletes the soil, so it should not be planted next to fruit-bearing crops. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the adult state, spruce is a rather large tree. Therefore, planting it under electrical wires is undesirable.

Christmas trees feel great surrounded by birches. They are not afraid of the shadow that birches give, on the contrary - it is even useful to them. Spruce is one of rare trees keeping their beauty in the shade.

In the forest, you can find and dig up small one-year-old Christmas trees. To carefully transplant a tree, you must first dig around it. The circumference of the pit should be equal to the diameter of the lower branches, and the depth should be at least 0.5 m.

The roots of the plant must be carefully removed from the ground, without shaking. Then lay the spruce on a dense fabric and carefully pack, marking the cardinal points with a colored tape. Load the tree and the bag with forest soil into transport and transport it to the planting site, being careful not to damage the branches and root system during transportation.

The soil in the forest is different from that in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to take the land from the forest from the place where the Christmas tree was dug.

All varieties of spruces love light ground. On the severe types soil they grow poorly. Before planting a plant in poor soil, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizer(about 100 grams).

tree planting

The best time to plant spruce is spring or early autumn. At this time, the plant has already passed or has not yet entered the phase active growth. Container-grown conifers can be planted later as long as their roots are not affected.

The size of the pit for planting the plant should match the volume of the earthen coma. For small plants of 2–3 years of age, a recess of 60 by 80 cm is enough, and if necessary, plant a large tree, the pit should be somewhat larger than an earthen clod. The distance between the recesses for large plants should be three meters, for medium ones - 3-5 m, and for dwarf plants it is enough from 0.5 to 1 m.

Landing sequence

  1. Shards of brick are laid at the bottom of the dug hole to ensure drainage. Soil is poured on top. For this purpose, land from the forest, mixed with humus, is suitable.
  2. The plant is placed in a hole along with an earthen clod. In no case should the root neck be deepened into the soil; it should be correctly positioned flush with the ground.
  3. Carefully cover the roots with soil and lightly compact. It is important to maintain the original position of the tree relative to the cardinal points during transplantation. To do this, you need to make a mark on one side of the tree, so that later you can navigate by this feature.
  4. The Christmas tree must be fixed by tying it to two stakes, and an earthen roller should be made around the tree to retain irrigation water and form a trunk circle for laying mulch from chips and sawdust in order to protect against frost, drying out and rodents.
  5. In the first time after planting, the seedling needs regular watering and care. In summer, the soil under the tree must be watered, but in winter this is not necessary.

It is necessary to introduce mineral top dressing next spring. If planting spruce is done correctly and proper care is provided, it will adapt pretty soon.

Plant care conditions

Fir love sunlight, but young seedlings need extra care and shading. They can suffer from the spring sun, because of which they can lose their needles and lose their decorative effect. It is better to plant them near walls and fences, which will give them the necessary shade at first.

It should be taken into account that the root system takes up a lot of space around the spruce and can eventually run into communications and the foundation of the house. It is located shallow and does not like soil compaction, so it is undesirable to trample down the surface of the earth near the tree. Young seedlings for the winter should be covered with spruce branches, which must be removed after the end of spring frosts. Adult spruces are quite frost-resistant and do not need warming.

With prolonged drought, the plant needs additional care in the form of watering. It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of soil moisture. When watering, water should not be poured under the trunk, but in a circle within a radius of 30 cm from the tree trunk. The amount of water to moisten the soil in hot weather should be from 10 to 12 liters per plant when watered every 7 days.

Blue spruce is a rather demanding plant, the care of which consists in pruning dry and diseased branches. This event should be held in spring and autumn. When in decorative purposes it is necessary to provide them with appropriate care, it consists in the formation of the crown of trees. The first time pruning should be carried out in the year of planting, and then every 2-3 years, cutting the branches by 10-15 cm.

By observing these simple rules, you can create a picturesque corner in the country, and a healthy and well-groomed plant will fit favorably into the landscape of the site. Spruces have many decorative varieties and shades of needles, so you can choose a suitable specimen for almost any style direction.

Tree care is proper fit, shading, fertilizing, pruning and infrequent watering. Coniferous trees planted on the border of a summer cottage or on the sides of the road look very decorative. The plant is quite difficult to adapt and take root, but if the result is achieved, the spruce will delight the eye with its lush needles all year round.

Trees at the dacha or personal plot is not only an element landscape design, but your own piece of nature within walking distance. However, not all trees have been privileged to be planted on a person's land. For example, many people, especially those living in countryside, be afraid to plant a spruce next to your house, believing that it is green or blue spruce on the site - Bad sign. Why did the spruce get such a bad reputation, where did this popular superstition grow legs from - read in the presented article.

Bad omen - spruce on the site: interpretation options

Spruce, plain green or blue, is a plant with good decorative qualities. Beautiful colour needles that do not change throughout the year, and the fluffy fragrant branches of this tree can decorate with themselves even the most unprepossessing land ownership, and gloomy, gray and dull winter days add at least a little bright colors to the decoration of any site.

But sometimes prejudices in people are stronger than any arguments and common sense. The same thing happened with the tree. For some reason, the people imagined that the spruce on the site was a bad omen, not promising anything good. Consider at least options for interpreting this superstition:

  1. If a plant a tree near the house, within your own yard- it will turndeath of someone in the household, once the tree will grow higher than the roofdwellings. A sign popular in small villages and villages.
  2. Christmas tree planted next to the house will lead to the death of the person who planted it when it becomes above this man.
  3. Spruce - tree of loneliness. If you plant it on a plot near the house, thenlonely households will never find a mate(or the marriage will fail), and in married couples there will be a divorce.
  4. Spruce is a man-tree.She drives men out of the house, and in young families does not allow her son-heir to appear.
  5. Spruce on the site is a bad omen, becauseleads the dead. Superstition is related to what used to exist ritual rite when dead people were covered with spruce branches.
  6. Spruce is a vampire tree.Planted on the lot, she sucks vital energy at households.

From the above interpretations, it becomes clear why some especially superstitious individuals disliked spruce - after all, her popular reputation is unenviable. People who are reasonable and free from any prejudices do not pay any attention to this sign and grow this tree with pleasure on their site, rejoicing at its beauty and decorativeness.

What other trees can not be planted near the house - look at the video:

Scientific substantiation of superstition

Almost all superstitions can be explained with scientific point vision. The sign associated with the spruce on the site, various scientists give their logical explanation.

What do historians say?

From the point of view of historians, a bad omen - spruce on the site - is associated with living conditions inhabitants of Russia. In the old days, most of the houses in the villages were built of wood. And spruce, as you know, has the ability to quickly ignite even from a small spark of fire. It is quite logical to assume that the flame from a tall burning tree could immediately spread to the house, to the adjoining buildings and even spread throughout the village, which, in the end, would lead to a major fire and disastrous consequences (and it is possible that to tragic deaths too).

Another trend of spruce, especially standing alone, is to attract a lightning strike (it’s not for nothing that it’s not recommended to hide under the tree from the rain during a thunderstorm). If lightning strikes a tree, it can also result in a fire.

Another feature of spruce is a dense and massive crown. And now remember what the houses of the peasants were like in the time of Russia: low, with a chimney. If a spruce tree grew next to such a house and after a few years it became taller than this building, then the risk of getting burned in this dwelling increased, since the dense crown could obscure the pipe and block the access of oxygen.

That is why the inhabitants of the countryside in ancient times were afraid to plant spruce near their homes. Over time, these fears developed into a bad omen that spruce on the site - to death and trouble.

Cultural point of view

Cultural scientists associate the emergence of signs of spruce with the beliefs of some peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, which this tree was considered a link between two worlds - the world of the living and world of the dead. For example:

  • among the Karelians, the rite of confession spruce was widespread;
  • Komi brought fir branches to the sorcerer who was near death - he also confessed in front of this tree and calmly left this world.

The Finno-Ugrians attached sacramental significance to almost all coniferous trees. Evergreen trees acted as a symbol of immortality and eternal life, divine power was attributed to them.

Opinion of bioenergy scientists

The version of bioenergetics and esotericists is associated with the belief that spruce is a vampire tree. They argue that the tree draws someone else's life energy and generates negative energy, which has a bad effect on people, only in the summer season. In winter, the spruce behaves exactly the opposite: the tree shares the accumulated favorable energy with others - therefore, those who find it difficult to get cold season are recommended to take walks through the spruce forest more often during this period.

Is it worth listening to the sign?

Perhaps, in the time of our ancestors, the superstition about the Christmas tree justified itself. With the help of signs, ancient people tried to explain the incomprehensible phenomena taking place around them, which allowed them to live in harmony with nature, with the outside world.

Popular superstitions are undoubtedly a storehouse of wisdom and natural ingenuity of our ancestors. But in the 21st century, most of them have lost their relevance. The same applies to bad omens about spruce on the site. The vast majority of modern houses are built of stone, and the number of floors in them often exceeds one.

Spruce is also now regarded as a New Year's tree. Therefore, many people plant a Christmas tree in their summer cottage or personal plot. After all, you must admit that it is much more pleasant, more fun and interesting to dance around your own living symbol of the New Year than to contemplate the dead beauty of an artificial Christmas tree. Blue spruce is especially suitable for celebrating the New Year - its fluffy branches will harmoniously fit into the solemn atmosphere of the event.

To listen to a bad omen about spruce on the site or not is the subjective matter of each person. faith in various folk superstitions carries rather psychological aspect. Often, trusting bad beliefs, weak-willed people protect themselves from the events of cruel reality: it is easier for them to shift the responsibility for the negative onto some natural object and survive, thus, the trouble or grief that happened.

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