Home Useful properties of fruits Speech therapy exercises for preschoolers. The psychological aspect of working with a child. General imitation games

Speech therapy exercises for preschoolers. The psychological aspect of working with a child. General imitation games

The first sounds and words of the little man are quite funny and make adults smile. However, no one will smile if they hear upside down words and incomprehensible phrases from an adult. Communication is an important element of our life. The ability to correctly and competently express one's thoughts, the ability to clearly formulate answers to the questions posed, as well as the ability to pronounce all sounds - this is what not only children, but also adults should strive for.

Speech therapy classes for children at home is a constant communication with the child in game form. Having interested the child, you can engage with him by playing games for the development of speech, such as

  • finger games (games for development fine motor skills)
  • articulation gymnastics
  • games for the development of hearing, games for onomatopoeia and logorhythmics (poems with movements)
  • poems for speech development and vocabulary replenishment

The most difficult thing is to interest the child. And this is a very serious problem. After all, seating a little fidget is not so simple. But in general, it is not necessary to sit down, you can work with a child when he plays in his hut or jumps on the sofa. Classes should be held in the form of a game. Then it will be easier for you, and the child will learn the material without tantrums and whims.

Are you looking for speech therapy classes for children 2 - 3 years old?

A few tips before starting classes with children at home:

  • classes should be initially short (2-3 minutes). Then we gradually increase them. Maximum 15-20 minutes at a time.
  • activities should be fun for the child. Do not force or insist, so you can completely discourage the child from hunting for anything.
  • It is better to practice more often, but little by little. Often performing the same exercise, the child develops a skill.
  • use laughter during class. Don't scold for mispronunciation Or if the child is unable to do something. It’s better to find out with your child why he has such a naughty tongue and how to fix it. It is better to be an ally and friend to a child than a strict teacher. How to properly praise a child.

I would like to dwell in more detail on each of the types of games that you need to play with your child.

Finger games are one of the types of development. A close relationship has been established between the human hand and the speech center of the brain.

Learning texts using "finger" gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, brings up the speed of reaction and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.

You need to do every day for 5 minutes, then such exercises will be effective.

Articulation gymnastics is gymnastics for the tongue and lips. The tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. The tongue needs to be trained and developed so that it can correctly perform certain specific movements, which are called sound pronunciation. Lips and tongue should be flexible and strong.

For execution articulatory gymnastics need a mirror. The child must see how his tongue works, where it is located. In order to bring the exercises to automatism, you need to constantly exercise. It is important to perform the exercises correctly, carefully monitor the position of the tongue.

You need to exercise every day for 5-7 minutes. Preferably 2 times a day. The result is correct and clear speech.

For correct sound pronunciation, it is also necessary to perform tasks that are aimed at developing voice, breathing and speech hearing.

  • Onomatopoeia games, hearing development and logorhythmics

Speech or phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds correctly.

Hearing development games

1. "Ears - rumors"

Target: to consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.

The speech therapist shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children name these objects. The teacher offers to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

2. "Who said "Meow?""

Target: improve the ability to distinguish the voices of pets by ear.

Material: tape recorder, audio recording with the sounds of the voices of pets.

3. "Who is standing at the traffic light?"

Target: develop auditory attention, recognize and name modes of transport.

Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noises.

The speech therapist turns on an audio recording with the sounds of the street. Children listen to the sounds and name the transport that has stopped at the traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

4. "Where does it ring?"

Target: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with eyes closed.

Children stand with their eyes closed. A speech therapist with a bell moves silently around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point with their hand in the direction of the sound source.

5. finger game"Thunderstorm"

Target: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in the dynamics and tempo of the sound.

The speech therapist reads the words of the game, and the children perform movements according to the text.

dripped drops (tap on the table with two index fingers).
It's raining (quietly knock with four fingers of both hands).
It pours like a bucket (tap loudly with four fingers).
The hail has gone (knocking with the bones of their fingers, knocking out a fraction).
Thunder (drumming fists on the table).
Lightning flashes (draw a lightning bolt in the air with your fingers, make a sh sound).
Everyone quickly runs home (clap hands, hands are hidden behind the back).
The sun shines bright in the morning (describe a large circle with both hands).

Speech imitation or onomatopoeia

This is the reproduction after the speaker of the sounds, words, phrases uttered by him.

To play, use figurines or pictures of animals. Moms and their babies. After all, the mother frog shouts KVA, and the frog screams KVA. Remember the fairy tale about the three bears, the father bear growls loudly, the mother bear is quieter, and the bear cub squeaks.

Games to imitate everyday noises:

  • The clock is ticking - tic-tac
  • Water drips - CAP-CAP
  • The kid stomps - TOP-TOP
  • Hammer knocks knock-knock
  • Scissors cut CHIC-CHIC
  • We swing on the swing
  • We eat carrot Khrum-khrum
  • The car is driving bb

Logopedic rhythm or logorhythm- a combination of movement, speech and music. The adult reads the verse and shows the movements, the child repeats. Nothing complicated. Children are fun and interesting. Of course, an adult needs to read and learn the necessary rhymes in advance and learn the movements to them. Also, you need to choose the musical accompaniment for the poems in advance. It is advisable to practice in the afternoon 2-3 times a week.

Game "Walk" (development of general motor skills)
Along the narrow path (walking in place)
Our feet are walking (raising legs high)
By pebbles, by pebbles (shifting from foot to foot at a slow pace)
And into the hole... boom! (sit on the floor on the last word)

  • Poems for speech development - tongue twisters and vocabulary replenishment

Tongue twisters are short rhyming phrases. tongue twisters are the best exercises to improve the clarity and literacy of speech. tongue twisters increase vocabulary child, improve diction, and also develop speech hearing.

In order for a child to speak competently, to be able to express his thoughts and feelings, he needs his own vocabulary.

Your child's vocabulary consists of:

  • passive vocabulary (those words that the child understands)
  • active vocabulary (those words that the child says)

Initially, the child's active vocabulary is small, but over time, the child will transfer those words that were in the passive vocabulary to the active one. The larger the passive vocabulary, the better.

To increase your vocabulary, look at pictures together, read books, comment on your actions.

For classes with my child, I use various manuals, one of the last successful acquisitions is the “Big Album for the Development of Speech” and “Lessons of a Speech Therapist. Games for the development of speech.


This book is divided into 3 sections, with each section detailed instructions how to do

  • finger gymnastics
    • 1 group. Hand exercises (page 8-29)
    • 2 group. Finger exercises are conditionally static (pp. 30-47)
    • 3rd group. Dynamic Finger Exercises (page 48-57)
  • articulation gymnastics. Presented with the help of fairy tales with verses, there are additional cards plus there are images of the correct result of the exercise. (pp. 64-110). Also in this section there are games for the development of speech hearing, auditory attention.
  • Tongue Twisters. Grouped according to "difficult" sounds to help your child practice specific sounds. (pp. 111-169)

I bought this book here. If you have questions about the book, please ask.

This book has 3 blocks, each for a specific age:

  • Developing the speech of the baby (page 6-89)
    • development of speech understanding
    • development of general motor skills
    • breathing exercises
    • finger games
    • articulation gymnastics
    • onomatopoeia
  • We develop speech younger preschooler(pp. 92-183). For children 3-6 years old
  • We develop the speech of an older preschooler (pp. 186-277).

This book is great for increasing a child's vocabulary, developing logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination.

I have not found the same book Ozone appeared), but there is a separate books for toddlers children from 3 to 6 years old and older preschoolers. Which is also very convenient if you need a book for a 4-year-old child. I found this book when my son was already 3 years old. But I didn’t worry, my daughter is growing up, and we will study with her in the first block.

Take care of your child only good mood, believe in your child, rejoice in his successes, help overcome failures. Speech therapy classes with your child at home will help you become even closer and dearer. Be patient and good luck!

How do you deal with a child? What do you use for this? Does the child like to play? Please share in the comments your methods of developing speech in a child and how much time you spend doing certain exercises.

How to teach a child to say what to do and what not to do.

1. It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics in such a way as to see how each exercise is performed by each child.

  1. The teacher tells, using game techniques, about the upcoming exercises.
  2. Shows this exercise.
  3. All children do this exercise.
  4. The teacher checks the exercise in subgroups (no more than 5 people).

2. If the children perform some exercise not well enough, the teacher does not give new exercises, but works out the old material.

3. If the teacher sees that the group is generally coping with the exercise, and only some children do it not well enough, he spends an additional individual work or gives the task to parents to work out this movement at home, taking 2-3 minutes to complete it. daily.

4. For one lesson, 4-5 exercises are taken for 10-15 minutes.

5. Carrying out articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to ensure that the movements of each organ of the articulatory apparatus are performed symmetrically with respect to the right and left sides. If a child's tongue or lips deviate to the left or right, then it is necessary to work out these movements individually, in front of a mirror. Fomicheva M.F. "Education in children correct pronunciation».

The value of gymnastics for the language

  • Strengthening the muscles of the tongue.
  • Practicing correct tongue movements.
  • Developing the ability to speak the language, correctly changing its position and quickly finding the right position.
  • Preparation for the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Exercises for the language (to prepare for the pronunciation of whistling sounds: s, z, c).

"Needle" - stick out the tongue far forward, strain, make it narrow. Hold for 10-15 s.
"Spatula" - stick out a wide tongue, relax, slap your lips, put on your lower lip. Hold for 10-15 sec.

"Swing" - open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Stretch your tongue alternately to the nose, then to the chin. Remove tongue from mouth. Stretch your tongue to the upper, then to the lower incisors. Run 10-15 sec.

"Snake" - open your mouth. Push the tongue forward and remove deep into the mouth (10-15 seconds).

"Gorka" - the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Raise the back of the tongue upward with a "slide". There is a groove in the middle of the tongue (a groove can be made by placing a match in the middle of the tongue). Hold for 10-15 seconds. Blow on the "slide" - the sound "ssss" will appear.

"Coil" - the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors. The tongue is wide. The tongue "rolls out" forward and retracts into the mouth (like a coil) 10-15 times. (First a large coil, then a small one).

"Pump" - breathe through your nose with open mouth(the tongue is reflexively arched in a “slide”). Then “blow” on the tongue, curved by the slide (10-15 sec.).

"Tube" - roll the tongue into a tube, bending its edges (10-15 sec.).

"Chick in the nest" - the mouth is open, the tongue lies quietly in the mouth (10-15 seconds).

"Who will blow harder?" - we blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically close to the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“Do not make noise” - we say “ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts”, putting a finger to our lips (10 - 15 times).
"Let's brush our teeth" - with the tip of the tongue we drive along the lower teeth with inside up and down (10-15 sec.).

“Sweeping the floor” - bend the tongue with a slide, move the tip of the tongue forward to the lower incisors and back into the depths of the oral cavity (10 - 15 seconds).
"The cat is angry" - smile, open your mouth. At the expense of "one" - bend the tongue with a slide, resting the tip on the lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position.
"Stubborn donkey" - lips in a smile, open your mouth. Pronounce the sound combination IE with force. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth (10-15 seconds).
“Strong tongue” - with force rest the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, arching the tongue with a slide (10 - 15 seconds).

"Monkey" - place the tip of the tongue under the lower lip, hold for 10 - 15 seconds.
« delicious jam"- the movement of" licking "with the tip of the tongue from the lower lip into the oral cavity for the lower incisors (10 - 15 sec.).
"Lick the spoon." Licking the spoon from the bottom up, the tongue arches in a slide. (10-15 times).
"Hide and Seek". (Let's hide the tongue so that no one sees it.) The tongue moves back.
The tip of the tongue is down. (10-15 times).
"Hockey". The tongue is a stick, the vitamin is a puck, the mouth is a field. A puck (vitamin) is needed
drive around the field (in the mouth) with a club (tongue). (10-15 sec).
"Coughs". When coughing, the tongue bends reflexively in a slide (10-15 times).
“Let's warm our hands” - say: “X-X-X”, while directing the air stream to the palms. The tongue is reflexively arched. (10-15 times).
"Beep". Say: "Whoa." The tongue is reflexively arched. (10-15 sec).
"Comb". The tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum. "Combing" the back of the tongue with teeth. (At the same time, the tongue rolls out like a “coil”). (10-15 sec).

Language exercises (to prepare for the pronunciation of P).

"Swing" - open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Stretch your tongue alternately to the nose, then to the chin. Remove tongue from mouth. Stretch your tongue to the upper, then to the lower incisors.
"Snake" - open your mouth, push your tongue forward and remove it deep into your mouth (10-15 times).
"Needle" - stick out the tongue far forward, strain, make it narrow (10-15 sec.).

"Horse" - stick your tongue to the sky, click your tongue. Click slowly, strongly.
"Fungus" - stick your tongue to the sky, open your mouth wide (10-15 seconds).

"Malyar" - slow movements with the tip of the tongue across the sky from the upper incisors to the "neck" and back (10-15 times).
"Who will hit the ball further?" - with a wide tongue, blow on a piece of cotton wool or paper so that it moves around the table (5 times).

“Wind” - we blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically close to the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“Glue the candy” - with a wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles in the mouth behind the upper incisors (10-15 seconds).

“Turkey” - a) with a wide tip of the tongue, quickly drive back and forth along the upper lip, b) quickly drive the tongue back and forth behind the teeth (10 - 15 seconds).
“Drummers” - quickly pronounce “d-d-d”, exhaling strongly for the last time.
"Motor" -1) pronounce "w" with your mouth open and rotate your hands in front of your chest,
2) pronounce "zh" with an open mouth and touch the tongue with a finger (10-15 s).
"Balalaika" - the tip of the tongue - up behind the teeth, touch the tongue with your fingers a) without a voice;
b) with a voice (10 - 15 sec.).

"Coachman" whoa "" - (an exercise to develop air pressure and vibration of the tongue). Tongue spread wide and put on the lower lip. Blow out the air strongly so that the tongue begins to vibrate. The tongue and lips are not tense, relaxed (If it doesn’t work out, first try to close the relaxed lips and blow out the air strongly, making the lips vibrate (with a voice)). Then again perform the "coachman's" whoa "" (10-15 sec.).
“Horses are galloping” - quickly pronounce “td-td-td-td”, touching your tongue with your finger each time (10 - 15 seconds).

“Fork” - so that there is no strong vibration of the edges of the tongue, we hold the tongue from the sides with our fingers: we put 2 fingers under the tongue, press it from below to the molars.
We use it when performing the “Horse” exercise, when pronouncing [rrrr].
“Learning to play the harp” - we say “d-d-d-d”, each time touching the tongue with your finger.
“We score the ball” - the mouth is closed, the elastic tongue rests on one or the other cheek.
“We shoot” - we slowly say: “j-j-j”, exhaling strongly, trying to make the tongue tremble (10 - 15 sec.).
“We play the harp” (or “start the engine”) - we slowly move our tongue behind the upper incisors “drl-drl-drl” (10 - 15 sec.).
“Dragonfly” - whisper “tr-r-r”, and then loudly (10 - 15 sec.).

Language exercises (to prepare for the pronunciation of L).

"Delicious jam" - put out the tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom and remove the tongue (10-15 times).
“Spatula” - stick out a wide tongue, relax, slap your lips, put on your lower lip (10-15 seconds).
"Needle" - open your mouth, stick your tongue far forward, strain it, make it narrow.
"Horse" - stick your tongue to the sky, click your tongue. Click slowly, strongly.
"Fungus" - stick your tongue to the sky, open your mouth wide (10-15 seconds).
"Swing" - stick out your tongue, stretch your tongue alternately to the nose, then to the chin; put the tongue in the mouth, leave the mouth open, stretch alternately to the upper and lower incisors.
“The steamer is buzzing” - pronounce “s”, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper incisors, continue to buzz “l-l-l” (“s-l-s-l”).
"Snake" - open your mouth, push your tongue far forward and put it deep into your mouth. Slowly (10-15 times).

"Malyar" - with the tip of the tongue moving across the sky from the upper incisors to the "neck" and back. Slowly (10-15 times).
“Glue the candy” - touch the upper incisors on the inside with the tip of the tongue, hold the tongue in this position (10-15 seconds). Buzz "l-l-l".
“Cup” - open your mouth, make your tongue “cup”, bend its edges and tip (10-15 sec.). Remove the cup up by the teeth, connect the voice "l-l-l-l-l" - "The steamer is buzzing."

"Turkey" - touch the upper lip with the tongue (slowly), then remove the tongue by the upper incisors and touch the tubercles (10 - 15 seconds).

“Wind” - we blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically near the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“The plane is buzzing” - hold the tip of the tongue between the teeth and buzz “l-l-l-l-l”. At the same time, you can spread your arms and “fly” around the room.
“Learning to buzz” - 1) clamp your teeth, press the tip of your tongue against the upper incisors from the inside, buzz “l-l-l”; 2) say "n-n-n", pinch your nose, continue to buzz (air will go through your mouth, you get "l-l-l") (10 - 15 sec.).
“We push our teeth out with our tongue” - we strongly press the tip of the tongue to the upper incisors from the inside and buzz “l-l-l-l-l” (10 - 15 seconds).

Say "zhzhzh", press the tongue more tightly against the palate (with a finger or a probe, the tip of a spoon), continue to buzz "l-l-l" (10 - 15 sec.).
"Monkey" - place the tip of the tongue under the upper lip, hold for 10 - 15 seconds.
"Strong tongue" - with force rest the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors (10 - 15 s).
“Let's brush our teeth” - with the tip of the tongue we drive along the upper incisors from the inside down - up (10 - 15 seconds).

Exercises for the tongue (to prepare for the pronunciation of hissing sounds: w, w, h, u).

“Spatula” - stick out a wide tongue, relax, slap your lips, put on your lower lip (10-15 seconds).
"Needle" - tighten the tongue, make it narrow (10-15 sec.).
"Swing" - 1) open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Stretch your tongue alternately to the nose, then to the chin. 2). Remove tongue from mouth. Stretch your tongue alternately to the upper, then to the lower incisors (10-15 times).

"Snake" - open your mouth. Push the tongue forward and remove deep into the mouth (10-15 times).
"Horse" - stick your tongue to the sky, click your tongue. Click slowly, strongly (10-15 times).
"Fungus" - we stick our tongue to the sky, opening our mouth wide (10-15 seconds).
"Delicious jam" - stick out a wide tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom and remove the tongue (10-15 times).

"Malyar" - movements with the tip of the tongue across the sky from the upper incisors to the "neck" and back. Slowly (10-15 times).
“Glue the candy” - with a wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles behind the upper incisors in the mouth, hold the tongue in this position (10-15 seconds).

“Wind” - we blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically close to the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

"Focus" - put a piece of cotton wool or paper on the child's nose. The child should blow it off the wide tongue (5 times).

“Cup” - open your mouth wide, make a wide tongue “cup”, bending its edges and tip (10-15 seconds). Later, put the "cup" into your mouth, by the upper incisors, blow - a sound will appear.
"Tube" - roll the tongue into a tube, bending its edges (10-15 sec.).
"Chick in the nest" - the mouth is open, the tongue lies quietly in the mouth (10-15 seconds).
“We clean our shoes with a brush” - we say “chsh-chsh-chsh-sh-sh-sh-sh” (10-15 sec.).
"Monkey" - place the tip of the tongue under the upper lip, hold for 10 - 15 seconds.
"Strong tongue" - with force rest the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors (10 - 15 s).
“Let's brush our teeth” - with the tip of the tongue we drive along the upper incisors from the inside down - up (10 - 15 seconds).

“Drinking a dewdrop” - the upper lip is a flower petal with a dewdrop. You need to “drink” the dewdrop (suck the edges of the tongue to the lip, leave a gap in the middle of the tongue, and suck the air into yourself; gradually remove the tip of the tongue into the mouth by the upper teeth.).
“Fork” - if the air does not go through the center of the tongue, but between the lateral edges of the tongue and cheeks, then raise the wide tongue by the upper incisors, stroke the lateral edges of the tongue and press it with your fingers to the molars (fingers are a “fork”).

List of literature used in the preparation of articulatory gymnastics.

  1. Fomicheva M.F. "Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation". - M., 1989
  2. Khvattsev M.E. "Logopedia". - M., 1959
  3. Lopatina L.V. “Speech therapy work with children preschool age with minimal dysarthria: Tutorial"./ Ed. E.A. Loginova. - S.-Pb.: Soyuz Publishing House, 2005
  4. Seliverstov V.I. "Speech games with children". - M.: Vlados, 1994
  5. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children / L.P. Fedorenko, G.A. Fomichev, V.K. Lotarev, A.P. Nikolaicheva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984
  6. PER. Repin, V.I. Buiko "Lessons in speech therapy". - Yekaterinburg: Ed. "Litur", 2002
  7. N.V. Novotortsev "Workbooks for the development of speech to sounds ...". - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996
  8. Bogomolova A.I. "Speech therapy manual for classes with children." - LLP "Publishing house" Bibliopolis "". S.-Pb., 1994
  9. M.A. Povalyaev "Handbook of a speech therapist". - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002
  10. G.A. Volkov "Logorhythmic education of children with dyslalia". - S.-Pb., 1993
  11. R.I. Lalaeva "Speech therapy work in correctional classes." - M.: Humanit. ed. center Vlados, 1999

Early childhood(2-3 years) – milestone in the development of a child's speech.

At this time, children are interested in everything that happens around them.

It is important for parents to support the baby in every possible way in his endeavors, because the main guides to the world of new information are the adults of the immediate environment.

You need to make sure that the child is normal physically and emotionally.

There are conditional norms for the development of children (height, skills, abilities, vocabulary of the child).

They should be taken into account, but you should not go in cycles in case of inconsistency.

It is better to contact a specialist who will compare all the factors influencing development and give a professional assessment of the development of your child.

Features of speech therapy in 2-3 years

The main task of an adult when working with children early age- cause onomatopoeia in any form.

Taking into account the psychology of children of 2-3 years old, classes should be carried out in the form of outdoor games, varied and not long in time.

It is important to establish emotional contact with the child, to interest him, to gain trust, to encourage activity, to praise.

This will help you avoid many psychological problems associated with the fear of speech.

Development of general imitation

General imitation is the copying of movements, actions, facial expressions.

The child reproduces the movements that he sees, and successfully remembers them with repeated repetition.

The imitation mechanism works on a subconscious level in everyday life, and educators and speech therapists use it consciously when conducting classes with children.

It is important that the child is in the correct speech environment, that is, it is better to limit communication with people with speech defects. Watch your behavior - words should not run counter to actions.

The development of general imitation begins with the repetition of elementary movements, then several actions are performed simultaneously. The next stage is the execution of a whole chain of actions that are logically connected and, as a rule, socially significant (for example, feed the doll and put her to bed).

When dealing with children, follow some rules: your sentences should be clear, simple and not too long; adult speech - emotionally bright, calm, not loud.

General imitation games can be played with one child or with several (usually 3-5 children).

But! Keep in mind that when playing in a group, children imitate not only an adult, but also each other.

General imitation games

  • . The meaning of the game is to follow the commands of an adult (hands up, hands to the sides, jump, clap your hands). To maintain interest and attention, invite the children to choose a leader from among themselves.
  • Birdies. Children play birds. An adult comments on each movement: “We fly like birds! Let's wave our wings up and down! Now the birds are pecking at the grains! Gradually the pace of the game increases.
  • Hands. A series of movements with the palms is performed:

“Palms up (put palms on the table with the outer side down)!

Palms down (turn palms over)!

And now they are on the side (put your palms on the edge)!

And squeezed into a fist (we squeeze our palms into fists)!

speech imitation

The reproduction by a child of sounds, words, phrases is called speech imitation.

It is meaningful only when speech is closely connected with the actions of the child.

An adult should stimulate the child's speech with questions.

Words for repetition must be pronounced many times, do not repeat after the child his “substitute words”. The answers of the child are accepted in any form.

The most important thing is to do everything possible so that the child does not hesitate to speak.

Speech imitation goes through several stages:

  1. Copying sounds that have a certain meaning.
  2. Repetition of amorphous words (kup-kup - swim, am-am - eat, lala - doll).
  3. Repetition simple words(baba, grandfather, drink).
  4. Repetition short phrases: Give me juice! Where is the spoon?

Give great attention the use of verbs. If there are many words-actions in the child's speech, his level of development is quite high.

Games with speech imitation

An effective way to induce speech imitation is the use of poetic texts - the completion of words and phrases by creating pauses when reading poetry.

For example:

They love very much ... (monkeys)

Eat sweet ... (bananas).

We are like monkeys ... (similar),

And we love bananas ... (too).

Gradually, the number of pauses (words skipped by an adult) can be increased, thereby increasing the child's vocabulary.

Games in the form of a conversation are fascinating: an adult repeats a word several times, then asks the child a question, the answer to which is the highlighted word. If the answer to the question is correct, the adult praises the child, in case of an incorrect answer, he answers the question himself or offers several answers.

The role of the book

The book introduces the child to the world around him; develops logic and creative thinking, memory, imagination; expands vocabulary; teaches how to make sentences correctly.

Through reading, the child learns to listen and concentrate.

Family reading is a way of communication between parents and children, good method education and recreation.

Psychologists believe that children to whom parents read books are more emotionally balanced and self-confident.

Book material for classes

The main features of a good book for a child 2-3 years old:

  • High quality illustrations.

High-quality images attract the child, do not move his attention beyond the boundaries of the picture. In high-quality publications, the drawings are usually bright, clear, “spacious” (against a light background, for better visual perception child), realistic, the images of the bodies of the heroes are proportional. High-quality illustrations develop the aesthetic taste of the baby. Communication with a book for a baby is the first acquaintance with the world of art.

  • Conciseness of the text.

At 2-3 years old, children still cannot listen long tales, so short rhythmic works (poems, songs, ditties, counting rhymes,) and short stories and fairy tales are the best choice for babies.

List of books for young children:

1. Russians folk tales("Turnip", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen"). Contribute to the development of logical thinking. For example, in the fairy tale "Turnip", the kid remembers the heroes in the order in which the heroes pulled the turnip - an excellent exercise for developing memory and logic.

  • A. Barto (collection "Toys");
  • K. Chukovsky ("Tales");
  • S. Marshak ("Poems and Tales");
  • lively, perky and humorous collections of poems by I. Tokmakova “Where the fish sleeps”, “The sun walks in a circle”;
  • unusual, with non-standard rhymes, poems by G. Sapgir "Wonder Forests";
  • S. Mikhalkov (“The most beloved fairy tales and poems for kids”) is known for his ability to tell children about their pranks and disobedience in a light humorous form.

4. Tales of foreign writers. Bright representative- D. Donaldson. Most famous works- the fairy tale "Gruffalo" (about a little mouse who was able to outwit the terrible monster Gruffalo), "Gruffalo's Daughter" (a useful thought is well tracked in the book - you should not go far without asking your parents, it can be dangerous).

5. Educational books - help children learn to draw, glue, sculpt.

Influence of motility

The development of speech directly depends on the development of fine motor skills, since the parts of the brain responsible for speech and movement are interdependent and are located nearby.

There are many different manuals and toys on the market for the development of fine motor skills, but to play with a child, you do not need special expensive toys.

In fact, every home has everything you need - beans, pasta, buttons, lids, jars, etc.

The sooner work on the development of fine motor skills is started, the sooner it will begin to bear fruit.

sensory development

Sensory development is the child's ideas about external features objects: their color, size, shape, taste, smell, etc.

A child of 2-3 years old is already able to name about 6 colors without errors, fold a pyramid, lay out figures various shapes into the corresponding holes on the board, assemble a mosaic of 4 parts, draw lines (long, short, rounded, vertical, horizontal) within the sheet.

fun workout

Outdoor games strengthen the muscles of the child's body, are the prevention of flat feet, develop coordination of movement, and contribute to the development of motor skills and speech.

Types of outdoor games:

  • different types of walking (side step, walking on heels, toes);
  • climbing, overcoming obstacles;
  • ball games;
  • balance exercises (sliding down a hill, walking on an inclined bench).

Articulatory gymnastics for stuttering

Stuttering is speech problem which is sometimes difficult to treat. Success can only be achieved through daily practice.

Articulatory gymnastics for stuttering is one of the best, because it is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

Exercise examples:

  • inflate cheeks, release air, inflate each cheek in turn;
  • clap your lips against each other (like a fish);
  • press the tongue on one or the other cheek in turn;
  • puff out your cheeks, while closing your mouth, then hit your cheeks with your fists to let out air with noise;
  • bite the top, then the bottom lip.

Age early development(2-3 years) is a short but truly unique period of life when the children's brain is programmed for intensive formation and learning. Parents should give Special attention the child, because it is at this time that the foundation is laid for the development of speech and thinking of the baby.

For a child aged 4-5 years, speech becomes the main factor in development, and this process is of paramount importance for the formation of the social ties of the baby in society. The task of teachers and parents is to help preschoolers avoid possible problems in this domain. Every year, the number of children with speech development disorders is increasing, so a system of special speech therapy exercises is necessary for everyone who is already four years old. What you need to know about the development of speech in this important period?

Speech features of children 4-5 years old

For preschoolers, this time is a period of active vocabulary growth (by the age of 5, its volume reaches, normally, 3,000 words). Children of this age begin to acquire a sense of language, handle mother tongue more confident, engage in word creation. The grammatical structure continues to level out too.

A child of four or five years old not only begins to speak more and more freely, he also uses more and more complex sentences than before. Gradually develops the ability to compose short story not only about what the baby saw personally, but also without relying on direct own experience. Such stories are still emotional and often have a broken logical structure, but they are quite voluminous and meaningful.

The level of phonetic perception of speech by this age also becomes significantly better. The child has the opportunity to determine the presence of a particular sound in a word, to pick up words for a certain sound. He becomes able to perceive the syllabic rhythm of the structure of the word.

It can be said that at the age of four children have the most active period in the development of speech, which allows you to acquire communication capabilities comparable to the level of adults. Of course, a rare baby goes through this path without difficulties, speech disorders at this stage are most common.

Kinds speech disorders in older preschoolers

There are three main types of disorders, speech underdevelopment:

  • phonetic;
  • phonetic-phonemic;

In practice, this means that children have difficulty recognizing, distinguishing and pronouncing sounds. mother tongue. These three types of violations can occur separately or in combination.

Normally, by this stage of development, natural age-related difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds or their groups should already be in the past. The stage of mastering sound pronunciation is completed, children stop skipping and softening consonants in speech. At 4 years old, all hissing should appear, and by 5 you can expect confident and. But in older preschoolers, articulation disorders are very common. These may be defects in the pronunciation of hissing, whistling, sonorous sounds. Almost all children have to perform speech therapy exercises for the letter and sound r, many manage to “roar” only after special training.

It is also worth paying attention to lexical and grammatical problems, which manifest themselves in the difficulties of actively using speech as a means of communication. Children with such disorders experience difficulties in compiling questions, descriptions, and cannot use all the means of their native language to express thoughts. They do not know how to build sentences correctly, use endings and prepositions incorrectly, and make mistakes in word formation. Speech therapy assistance in this case is necessary, but parents can also help the child speak better (of course, after consulting with a specialist).

How to properly practice at home

Moms and dads can help children learn new words, master the correct grammatical structure of speech, improve sound culture. There are a few important rules that must be observed during home speech therapy classes.

  • Lessons should be held regularly, preferably every day and certainly in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
  • It is worth presenting the next exercise in the form of a game, trying to captivate the child with a developmental task. You can turn compulsory training into a contest or competition - who will complete the task better, faster, more carefully.
  • Support the child, praise him not only for good result but for the effort. Avoid criticism and harsh remarks.
  • must be carried out with a stable table mirror, so the child can see the result of his efforts. It is useful to use images of all exercises for the language in the pictures.
  • Special allowances for self-study with a child are necessary and obligatory help for parents. For example, a large speech therapy textbook with tasks and exercises for the smallest - a complete collection the right exercises, complete with detailed guidelines for conducting and illustrations.
  • Use rhymes, tongue twisters, speech therapy songs for children for classes - such material helps to achieve results faster, develops not only the speech of preschoolers, but also their attention and memory.
  • Try to speak clearly, correctly, using all the wealth means of expression language. Show your son or daughter an example of attentive and careful attitude towards him. Chat on different topics, recite poems by heart, play speech games.

At home, you can organize both individual and group speech therapy classes for children 4-5 years old, both options give excellent results.


This set of speech therapy exercises for children 4-5 years old includes not only speech games, but also special gymnastics for hands and organs of speech. Fine motor skills help stimulate the speech center in the brain, so regular finger exercises are essential for every preschooler. Articulation gymnastics improve main body speech - the language and the child's ability to manage it. This has a positive effect on the ability to pronounce all, even the most complex, sounds.

Finger gymnastics

Each series of exercises is repeated 8-10 times

lights lit up

Rhythmically open and close the fingers on each palm, together and alternately.

delicious pancakes

We put our hands on the table, alternating palm and back. The right one touches the surface of the countertop with the palm of the hand, the left one with the back side. Then the position of the hands changes.

We depict waves with our hands, smoothly moving our palms from top to bottom - this is a river. Then a boat appears on the water - the palms are pressed to each other, the steamer - thumbs raised and connected. And then the fish sailed - palms together, thumbs pressed, brushes moving from side to side.

How trees grow

We raise our palms, we open our fingers strongly - branches have grown. We lower our palms down and also spread our fingers to the sides - these are the roots. They shook their hands - the leaves flew.

Articulation gymnastics

Each exercise is performed 6-8 times.

  • funny frogs

We smile broadly, the teeth are closed and stand in an even "fence". We keep a smile for 10 seconds.

  • playful baby elephant

We stretch our lips forward and pretend that we are collecting water with a “proboscis”.

  • sly python

We smile, stick out the tongue from the mouth, pull it out, hide it back.

  • fast horse

We open our mouth wide, smile, click the tongue. We pay attention to the fact that the lower teeth do not move, only the tongue “jumps”!

  • scallop

Smile, show teeth. Stick out the tongue, squeeze it between your teeth and “drag” it back.

  • Grandma's walkers

We open our mouth, smile, then reach with the tongue to the corners of the lips - left and right.

For doing homework speech therapy classes You will need:

  • Table mirror so that the child can control the correctness of the exercises;
  • "Lotto" various subjects(zoological, biological, "dishes", etc.);
  • Models of fruits, vegetables, etc.;

  • Cut pictures from two or more parts, cubes.

The main difficulty for parents in organizing home speech therapy classes is the unwillingness of the child to study. It is necessary to interest the child. Since the main activity is a game, classes should be built according to the rules of the game.

You can "go on a trip" to a fairy-tale kingdom or visit Dunno. The plush doll can also talk to the baby.

Speech therapists advise you to practice every day to achieve results. Conducted daily:

  • Games for the development of fine motor skills;
  • Articulation gymnastics;

  • Games for the development of auditory attention or phonemic hearing;
  • Games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

Let's start with you. Alas, most parents notice that their child does not pronounce any sounds, only when he is enrolled in first grade. And then daily classes begin both with a speech therapist and at home, if only to have time to “pull up” the child before September 1. But when a child was silent at 2.5 years old, some said: “He understands everything, he’s just lazy,” or “He’s all like dad (aunt, grandfather), he also spoke late.” But such a delay in itself should have alerted.

Other parents, on the contrary, having read a lot, are looking for a way out of the situation and are surprised: “I did everything as recommended: I didn’t lisp, spoke in full words, read a lot, put on audio cassettes to listen to.” But this did not bring the desired result: after all, they loaded the child with overwork. And the child needs strictly dosed classes, he cannot be overloaded.

articulation apparatus. Very often, children who speak poorly for their age also eat poorly. As a rule, it is a whole problem for them to eat an apple or a carrot, not to mention meat. This is caused by weakness of the jaw muscles, and it, in turn, delays the development of movements of the articulatory apparatus. Therefore, be sure to force your child to chew crackers, whole vegetables and fruits, bread with crusts and lumpy meat. To develop the muscles of the cheeks and tongue, show your child how to rinse his mouth. Teach you to puff out your cheeks and hold the air, "roll" it from one cheek to another.

visibility. Speech therapists advise voicing any situation - but only if you see that the child hears and sees you. Do not speak into the void, look into his eyes. Make sure he sees your articulation.

Speak clearly. Speak simply, clearly, clearly pronouncing every word, phrase. It is known that children are very sensitive to intonation, so every word that falls on logical stress try to pronounce it as expressively as possible.

Speak differently. Repeat the same word and phrase many times, changing the word order. “GRANDMA IS COMING. OUR GRANDMA IS COMING." This makes it easier for the child to hear and understand: phrases are divided into words. If you want your child to learn a word, try to use it in different contexts and more than once.

Do not overdo it. Do not use too many long phrases: speech therapists do not advise overloading the child by presenting him immediately a large number of obviously unfamiliar words.

Good mood. Try to pronounce a new word in an emotionally favorable situation: in such conditions, the child learns and absorbs information 10 times better than in neutral or unfavorable ones.

At the heart of speech is the desire to communicate. No matter how imperfectly your child speaks, accept and support his desire to make contact with you. Even if he doesn't speak at all, engage him more often in non-verbal dialogue, welcoming and approving any response (gesture, expressive look). At the same time, turn off the music, the TV and try to give him the opportunity to hear you and yourself. Speech develops on the basis of imitation and self-imitation - therefore, he needs to hear himself.

Learn by playing. While playing, learn to imitate (two dogs bark, two pussies meow, roll call: ay-ay). Create special game situations, where the child will need onomatopoeia, or it will be necessary to pronounce some words in order for the game to take place. Please note: it is not you who induces, but the situation.

Expand your baby's vocabulary. The child owns words at 2 levels: understands words - this is a passive dictionary, speaks - this is active. The active dictionary can be quite small. Try to enter in active dictionary the names of things that surround him (toys, kitchenware, household items), the names of things and creatures in pictures and books, and of course, the names of relatives and close people. Teach your child to show where the arms are, where the legs are (for the doll, for you). Ask more often: “Where is the table? Where is the clock? etc. This will certainly lead to the so-called lexical explosion: in the future, the child will transfer to the active dictionary what you taught him, looking at pictures together, reading books and commenting on his actions.

Develop phonemic awareness by encouraging you to distinguish between words that differ in one sound (rat - roof, nose - knife).

Read. Speech therapists advise reading as many short poems and fairy tales as possible. Reread them many times - do not be afraid that it will bother the child. Children perceive texts that they have already heard many times much better. If possible, try to act out the poem - show it in faces and with objects; and let the child play with these objects. Wait until the child remembers the poem well, catches its rhythm, and then try not to finish the last word each line, leaving it to the baby to do. Sing simple songs to help him pick up the rhythm and reproduce it.

Fingers help speech. Pay attention to the development of fine motor skills - precise movements of the fingers. Sculpting, drawing, finger theater, playing with small objects - all this will help speech, and in the future, writing. The child should work as much as possible with his naughty fingers. No matter how tedious it may seem to you, let the baby do up the buttons, lace up the shoes, roll up the sleeves. Moreover, it is better for a child to start training not on his own clothes, but first to “help” dress dolls and even parents.

As children's fingers become more agile, his language will become more understandable not only to his mother.

Only you! Remember: only you and your faith in the strength and abilities of the child can help him develop harmoniously.

On the benefits of articulation gymnastics in the development of a preschool child

Gymnastics for arms and legs is familiar and familiar to us. It is clear, after all, why we train muscles: so that they become dexterous, strong, mobile.

But why train the language? after all, he is already "without bones." It turns out that the tongue is the main muscle of the organs of speech. And for him, as for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, the language must be well developed in order to perform subtle, purposeful movements called sound pronunciation.

Pronunciation deficiencies aggravate the emotional and mental state of the child, prevent him from developing and communicating with peers. To prevent this problem from occurring in a child, speech therapists advise starting articulation gymnastics now.

With the help of articulatory gymnastics, the existing violations of sound pronunciation are overcome. At first, articulatory gymnastics must be performed in front of a mirror. The child must see what the tongue is doing: where it is (behind the upper teeth or behind the lower ones). At the same time, the movements of the tongue are brought to automatism by constant exercises. Practice with your child daily for 5-7 minutes.

Learn and repeat special verses with your child. For example:

Carrying out articulation gymnastics in the form of a fairy tale and using poetry will help turn the exercises into an exciting game. The main advice of speech therapists: Be patient, gentle and calm and you will succeed.

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