Home Potato Where and when can you get your ielts certificate? What is IELTS and what does it come with? Where to prepare for IELTS

Where and when can you get your ielts certificate? What is IELTS and what does it come with? Where to prepare for IELTS

IELTS, or International English Language Testing System, is a test for people who intend to stay in an English-speaking environment due to immigration, study or internship. It allows you to determine how well a person whose native language is not English speaks it.

Take the test IELTS necessary if you plan to submit immigration documents in connection with travel to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, To apply to educational establishments these countries, as well as Irish, British or American. At the same time, the number of educational institutions in the world that recognize the results of the IELTS test is constantly increasing.

The choice of exam usually depends on the goals of the person taking it. If we're talking about about immigration, work or study abroad, you need an IELTS or TOEFL certificate. Although the first test appeared later, it is becoming more and more popular over time.

Most higher and secondary educational institutions in different countries accept IELTS test results. Among them are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, South Africa. There are also more and more universities in the United States that also accept IELTS results as proof of English language proficiency. He is also authoritative among employers from different countries. These are, in particular, Brazil, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Vietnam and others.

What is IELTS? This is a kind of diagnosis. That is, you cannot fail it and only if you do not come to the exam at all will you receive a 0. In all other cases, you will end up with a certificate with a score from 1 to 9. This will be your grade. In the case of immigration, you need to score 5-6 points, and if you want to study - 7 - 7.5.

The certificate will be valid for 2 years. After this period, you will again need to confirm your language proficiency level. This is how it is similar to the TOEFL certificate. But the exams of the so-called Cambridge group are known for their “indefiniteness”. But at the same time, the latter have no restrictions on the scope of application. And those educational institutions that accept the corresponding certificates - CPE and CAE, pay attention to when it was issued. Therefore, for their real application, “perpetuity” is no longer an advantage.

What is included in the test?
The IELTS test assesses basic language skills. These are listening (perception and understanding), writing, reading and speaking. In this regard, the test is integrated. That is, language proficiency at all levels is the final result. And although each part tests specific skills, other skills are also used for them. For example, to check a letter and oral speech you also need to have some information that has been previously read or heard.

You receive your IELTS certificate result on the 13th day after passing the test. But TOEFL – only after 4 weeks. As for Cambridge certificates, you will have to wait 3 months for them.

The IELTS test has two versions. This is the Academic module - a version for those who want to study at a university or graduate school, as well as the General module - a version for those who want to go abroad for work or permanent residence. 30-40% of people who take this test in Russia choose the second version. The rest are Academic module.

It is worth noting that IELTS is quickly gaining popularity all over the world. At the same time, the Academic version is best completed by residents of South Africa, and the General version is best completed by residents of Malaysia, India and the Philippines.

At the same time, people who choose the General module version most often travel to Australia (37%), New Zealand (30%) and Canada (27%). But those who take the Academic module are going to the UK and Australia (42% and 37%, respectively).

Today, you can take the IELTS test at 300 admission centers in more than 120 countries around the world.

Why is IELTS courses necessary?

Exam- a very important step in the life of every person who decides to go abroad to get an education or get a job. Leading methodologists and linguists advise starting preparation a year before the planned test. To prepare successfully, experts advise going through IELTS courses, which exist on the basis of both leading universities and private linguistic centers. Here you can take a free test, which will help you determine your level of language proficiency and choose a further preparation strategy.

What do we already know about the IELTS exam?

To date exam is very popular among exams that confirm the level of knowledge of the English language. Of course, it requires appropriate preparation, in principle, like any exam. In order to facilitate the preparation process, we advise you to answer the questions for yourself: how much time can you allocate for classes, and how will you be more comfortable studying - on your own, with a teacher individually, or in courses. Try to be responsible when choosing the type of activity. Do you have necessary materials in order to prepare for IELTS exam, who can supervise you, check your work, whether you can study on schedule, and so on.

IELTS Preparation: Speak English

For many candidates who are preparing to take IELTS test, real problem is practice colloquial speech. Main difficulty- who to talk to. You are very lucky if one of your family members also decided to learn English. Then make a rule, for example, from 8 to 9 pm to speak only English. Well, as a last resort, learn to communicate with your dog or cat. It may seem funny at first glance, but it produces results. Speaking English for as long as you can is great practice. And you can thank your four-legged friend with something tasty.

IN Lately All more people take international English exams: CAE, FCE, TOEFL, IELTS and others. Some people need a certificate to confirm their own level, others need it to work or study abroad, for immigration, for successful career in Russia.

As a rule, the choice of the exam itself depends on the goals of the test taker. A certificate is usually required to immigrate, study or work abroad TOEFL or IELTS. And although IELTS appeared later than TOEFL, it is gaining more and more popularity.

IELTS results are accepted in most secondary and higher educational institutions in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the UK. Recently, the number of US universities accepting IELTS results as evidence of English knowledge has increased significantly. IELTS Certificate required when immigrating to the UK, New Zealand, Canada or Australia. Many employers count it in different countries, including Brazil, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Vietnam and others.

IELTS diagnostic exam. This means that you cannot fail it and you will only receive a grade of 0 if you do not appear for the exam at all. In any other case, you will receive a certificate with a score from 1 to 9 this is your score. As a rule, a score of 5-6 is required for immigration, and 7-7.5 for university studies.

IELTS certificate validity 2 years; After this, your level of English proficiency will have to be confirmed again. In this way, IELTS is similar to TOEFL and differs from the Cambridge group exams: they are famous for their “indefiniteness”. However, it should be remembered that Cambridge certificates do not have any specific areas of application. And although many British and European educational institutions accept CAE and CPE certificates (with points A, B), in in this case The university always pays attention to the “age” of the certificate. That is, as soon as we talk about the real possibilities of using Cambridge certificates, their “perpetuity” becomes a rather ephemeral concept.

Take the IELTS exam itself perhaps more often than the Cambridge group exams: there are currently several IELTS acceptance centers operating in Russia, one of the centers is one of the association’s partners ATEEL BKC IELTS Center, conducting exams 2 times a month in Moscow, as well as organizing on-site testing in the regions.

During the IELTS exam, 4 main language skills of test takers are assessed: listening (listening comprehension), reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is considered an "integrated" exam. First of all, this is evidenced by the fact that all language skills are assessed and all these assessments make an equal contribution to the final result. Additionally, although each part is focused on a specific skill, exam items often involve the use of other skills: this is most obvious in the Writing and Writing parts. Oral part"(the examinee's answers are based on the information he read or heard).

The IELTS certificate is ready on the 13th day after passing the exam, while TOEFL arrives no earlier than 4 weeks later, and Cambridge certificates can only be obtained after three months.

There are currently two versions of the IELTS exam: Academic module and General module. Academic module is intended for those who are going to study at a university or graduate school, General module for those who are leaving for permanent residence or to work abroad. As a rule, 30-40% of test takers in Russia choose the General module, the rest - Academic.

All over the world, more and more people are taking IELTS every year. It is also interesting to note the following: Academic module is best taken in South Africa (GPA 7.88), General module in Malaysia, India and the Philippines (average score just below 6.5)

Some more interesting figures for IELTS: people taking the General module most often travel to Australia (37%), New Zealand (30%) and Canada (27%). Those taking the Academic module prefer the UK (42%) and Australia (37%).

In order to eliminate linguistic difficulties during the learning process, everyone for whom English is not their native language must be provided with the results of the general language test. In most cases, the exam consists of 4–5 sections that assess key skills in language practice and the possibility of their joint application in a university classroom. There are several options for confirming your English language proficiency level:

  • obtaining a certificate from an accredited center in your country;
  • obtaining a certificate from a university abroad;
  • preparation for testing at a foreign language school and obtaining a certificate from an accredited center abroad.

Obtaining a certificate from an accredited center in your country

Accepted by all British universities and the most common exams in Russia are IELTS And TOEFL. Third most popular and accepted a large number UK universities "student" language certificate - Cambridge ESOL.


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) - developed in the UK, administered by organizations: British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL). This test is usually chosen by those who have studied British English. When taking IELTS, the candidate, depending on his further goals, must choose one of two modules - general (for living and working abroad) or academic (for students).

Total time 3 hours
Reading 60 min
Letter (writing) 60 min.
Listening 30-40 min.
Interview with the examiner (speaking) 11-14 min.

The first three sections go one after another, without interruption. The academic module provides texts and essay topics related to academic and scientific issues. For example, in one of written assignments It is required to create a description of a graph or graphic drawing, and excerpts of texts from specialized publications are offered for reading.

How is it surrendered?
Most of the assignments are on official forms (paper); tasks on listening comprehension of speech - on audio media, answers on forms; interview - orally. The first three sections are due on the same day, and the interview may be scheduled on a separate day.

Results - points for each section and total, from 1 to 9. The original certificate is issued in about 2 weeks. The certification center can send up to 5 copies of the certificate to receiving organizations (universities, embassies, etc.). 28 days after taking the test, the results will be available online, but they cannot be used officially - for general information only.

Certificate validity period
2 years.

approximate cost
13-25 thousand rubles. depending on the region.

IELTS 5.5 and above, depending on the university and program. Sometimes it is additionally indicated minimum score for any section of the test.


TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) - developed in the USA, administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). This exam, as a rule, preferred by candidates who have studied American English. There are two versions of the exam. The first is TOEFL ITP, which is often called Computer-based Test or TOEFL CBT. In most cases, universities require that this exam be supplemented with TWE (Test Of Written English) results. The second is Internet-based Test or TOEFL iBT. Registration of candidates is on the official website of the exam, passing the test in an accredited center.

Contents and duration of the exam:
TOEFL СBT- listening comprehension (listening), structure and written expression (composition and writing), reading (reading).
TOEFL iBT- reading (reading), writing (letter), listening (listening) and speaking (conversational section). Each section offers a number of tasks on the ability to combine several language skills. For example, read one text, listen to another, and then, summarizing the information, draw conclusions and express your own opinion orally or in writing.

Total time 2 hours 4-4.5 hours
Reading 55 min. 60-80 min.
Listening 35 min 60-90 min.
Break - 10 min.
Speech - 20 minutes.
Letter 25 min. 50 min.

How is it surrendered?
On the computer, including the iBT conversation section (with headphones and microphone), notes on paper are allowed. The program randomly offers questions, the difficulty of which varies depending on the correctness of the previous answer.

Results and obtaining a certificate
TOEFL CBT/iBT results (min.-max.) 0 - 280/ 0 -120 points; become available online within 15 days from the date of passing the test, then 1 certificate is sent to the student by mail. Another 4 copies are sent to the receiving organizations.

Certificate validity period
2 years.

approximate cost
TOEFL iBT $255.

University Entry Requirements
TOEFL СBT minimum 213, TWE 5.0; TOEFL iBT – 79+.

Cambridge ESOL

Cambridge ESOL(English For Speakers of Other Languages) - developed in the UK, administered by specialists Cambridge University. The exams are designed at five levels of difficulty - from Pre-Intermediate to the level of an educated native speaker.

The ability to understand and convey the meaning of texts on various topics - read and heard, compose letters, reports, reviews, articles and communicate orally - is tested. The Use of English section assesses knowledge of grammar, the ability to correctly and appropriately use language structures.

How is it surrendered?
Most of the assignments are on official forms (paper); tasks on listening comprehension of speech - on audio media, answers on forms; interview - orally. The first three sections are taken on the same day; the interview, as a rule, is scheduled separately.

Grades A, B, C – exam passed, D, E – not passed.

Obtaining a certificate
1.5-2 months after passing the exam.

Certificate validity period

approximate cost
FCE/CAE - $215/$225.

University Entry Requirements
Certificates FCE (First Certificate in English) and CAE (Certificate in Advanced English).

There are other certificates accepted by UK universities. Many certificates are little known in Russia, and there are no accredited centers for accepting them. However, holders of any international language certificates should check to see if they are accepted by their chosen university.

Obtaining a certificate from the selected university

Obtaining a certificate at a university is possible upon completion of preparatory programs in a language or in successful completion tests developed by university linguistic centers. Not all universities offer such tests, and you can find out about their availability on university websites, in the section admission requirements. Since they are given up in a time interval close to the completion of the rest entrance examinations, this may be most convenient for the applicant.

Obtaining a certificate through a language school abroad

Many students consider studying in English language schools abroad to be the most effective way preparation for language tests. In most cases, such preparation takes at least a month. Upon completion of their studies, students take a language test in one of the official centers abroad and receive the results upon returning home.

Which exam do you prefer?

The question of which general language test results to submit to the university, in most cases, remains at the discretion of the student. The following circumstances may significantly influence the choice:

  • university requirements;
  • exam deadlines (than time is getting closer the completion of acceptance of documents by universities, the more likely it is that queues for the exam will appear at admission centers), the timing of obtaining results and submitting them to the university;
  • convenience and proximity to accredited reception centers;
  • the cost of the exam and possible additional costs;
  • level of language proficiency (this is important, for example, when choosing the Cambridge exam), studying American or British English;
  • content exam tasks, which samples allow you to get acquainted with in more detail exam papers on official websites;
  • personal preferences regarding the exam procedure.

Now that the status of the English language throughout the world is very high, a document confirming knowledge in this field is becoming an increasingly important component of a successful career. Most often, such a document is a certificate of some international exam. However, which exam to choose is not always easy to decide - after all, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. From this point of view, let's look at one of the most popular exams today - IELTS. The ielts exam is the “little brother” of the toefl exam, but differs significantly from it. It is more universal, so its popularity is growing year by year - about 300 centers in 120 countries around the world prepare for the IELTS and take the exam. Another difference is that ielts assesses the level of knowledge of British English, and not American, like TOEFL.

The exam consists of four parts - reading (reading and analyzing text), writing (writing short essays on given topics), listening (listening, listening comprehension) and speaking (skills in using spoken language). The ielts test is diagnostic, that is, it cannot be failed; A score of 0 points can only be obtained if you fail to appear for the exam. Each part is scored from 1 to 9 and is equally important for the final grade; In addition, tasks, as a rule, are related to a single topic. The tasks themselves are not that difficult, but you need to take into account the cultural specifics of the test - after all, it was developed in England, and the tasks it offers are more familiar to English students than to Russian ones. For example, ielts reading requires proficiency in a skill such as quickly scanning a text to isolate the main thoughts and facts necessary to answer a question; In Russian schools, as a rule, such tasks are not offered. Other parts of the test also have their own specific features. ielts certificate, as a rule, is ready within 2 weeks after the exam. This is quite short term: the results of Cambridge exams, for example, are ready only after several months. One copy of the certificate is issued in person, plus the person who passed it has the right to order the mailing of 5 more copies to the necessary institutions or educational institutions. The certificate is valid for 2 years, after which, if you need ielts scores, your knowledge will have to be confirmed again. This compares unfavorably with the open-ended Cambridge exams; However, in practice, the “age” of assessment also matters in the case of Cambridge certificates. In most cases, passing the ielts is precisely working towards a certificate, for one purpose or another. Although it could be different. For example, you can take the ielts speaking part simply to assess your capabilities in terms of communicating with foreigners, for example, before a business trip. However, such cases are quite rare. The ielts certificate is a very useful thing. It is now perhaps the most widely recognized international examination certificate in the world. English language. It is recognized in universities in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and in more than a hundred universities in the USA, and this circle is steadily expanding. It is recognized by thousands of employers around the world, including in non-European countries - Brazil, Vietnam and other countries. So the scope of application of the certificate is very wide and it can be a good help in career growth. You can take the ielts once every 3 months, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time. With careful preparation, you will definitely succeed, and you will have a prestigious exam certificate with an excellent score.

Today I will share personal experience and I’ll tell you about how to pass IELTS. I took IELTS (Academic) in 2006 in London. My initial practical goal was the CPE certification. But it so happened that the agency, through whose efforts I was able to obtain a visa to the UK the first time, could offer me educational program at ISIS Greenwich School of English only for IELTS. And despite the fact that neither immigration nor admission to a foreign university interested me, I still decided to take IELTS, since I needed an international certificate for work.

I deliberately studied the structure and nature of CPE tasks for several weeks, and when the situation turned in favor of IELTS, I had exactly 1 month left before taking it. And considering that this was my first visit to England and I was incredibly interested in all kinds of excursions, walks and trips around the country, I was pleased with my result, especially Speaking): Listening - 7.0, Reading - 6.5, Writing - 7.0, Speaking - 8.0, overall score - 7.0. So how to pass IELTS?

What is IELTS?

Briefly about the international IELTS exam in the form of frequently asked questions and answers:
— What is IELTS?
— IELTS — International English Language Testing System. The test has two modules: Academic Module and General Training Module and was developed by three organizations: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, IDP Australia and British Council. IELTS is one of the most popular international language exams - 1,400,000 people take it every year in 135 countries, and IELTS certificates are accepted by about 6,000 educational institutions.

— What is the structure of IELTS?

— IELTS consists of 4 parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, while the Listening and Speaking modules are the same for all examinees, while Reading and Writing are much more difficult for those taking Academic IELTS.

— How long does IELTS last and how is it passed?
— IELTS lasts 2 hours 45 minutes and is taken in two stages: the main part (Listening, Reading, Writing) takes place on one day, the Speaking part can take place on the same day, or a day (or two) before or after the main part of the exam . You will be informed in advance about the date, time and location of the Speaking.

— What does the IELTS certificate provide? Who needs it?
— Passing the IELTS exam - necessary stage upon admission to foreign universities, as well as in case of immigration or obtaining a visa to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries

— How is knowledge assessed when taking IELTS?
— The IELTS certificate is valid for two years. Maximum score - 9.0:

In this case, each module is assessed separately (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) and the overall score for the entire exam is calculated. It is this total score that is taken into account when entering a foreign university (Academic IELTS) or when immigrating (General IELTS).

Perhaps some of my recommendations for passing IELTS will seem banal. But sometimes even from some simple advice heard in right time, you can get a lot of benefits. Let me remind you that these are my personal conclusions based on the experience of passing Academic IELTS and the experience of passing General IELTS of my students.

  1. Be positive and confident! Since you are taking the exam, it means this is very important for you. More precisely the result very important. Mobilize and give 100% on this day. Believe that you will get the score you want.
  2. If you have the opportunity to take IELTS in the UK (English speaking country), don't waste it. I deliberately wanted to take the international English exam in England, because I saw a certain sense in being immersed in the living English environment and having a good conversation with native speakers before the exam. And I was not mistaken - all this one way or another helped me to relax and focus on the language as much as possible, because the atmosphere in language schools, as a rule, very friendly, teachers are professionals high level; you get drawn in quickly and don’t want to leave later)
  3. The night before the exam, go to bed early to ensure you get a good night's sleep. As the British say: “Don’t burn the midnight oil” - sleep better than midnight oil on eve of exams.
  4. During the exam attentively listen to the examiners' instructions and hang on their every word. Even if you know the essence of the task by heart, do not neglect additional explanations.
  5. Do not try to cheat or peek at answers from other examinees - such behavior will lead to disqualification and you will be asked to leave the exam room without explanation. No one will stand on ceremony, that's for sure.
  6. IELTS is a difficult exam, and like any other international exam, it requires strong knowledge of the English language. It is impossible to pass IELTS 7.0 if you have an Intermediate level of English or lower. More precisely, you can pass it, but it will be a matter of your money and time. I recommend fully completing all levels, including Upper-Intermediate, and only then proceeding to IELTS preparation which will take you a maximum of 3 - 4 weeks.
  7. There is an opinion that it is not difficult to pass IELTS with a decent score (usually 7.0) - just learn the structure of the exam and the nature of the tasks. It is a myth. Knowledge of the structure is important, but without solid knowledge of the language, I repeat, it is meaningless.
  8. In addition to a clear understanding of the structure and nature of IELTS tasks, maximum concentration is required.
  9. Details matter much - missing ending, spelling mistakes, incorrect pronunciation words, confusion with tenses will sometimes cause a decrease in scores.
  10. Naturalness and ease when speaking is the key to a high score.
  11. The ability to use linking (link) words is also highly valued.
  12. Erudition, general development, ability to navigate in different life situations, practical approach to solving everyday and educational problems, as well as such personal qualities how flexibility, creativity, ability to analyze and synthesize will serve you good service in Writing and Speaking.

IELTS Listening Module

Be sure to review the text of the assignments, determine keywords and predict the answers before the audition begins.

IELTS Reading Module

Be prepared for these types of exam tasks:

  • Completion
  • Matching
  • True/False/Does Not Say or Yes/No/Not Given
  • Multiple choice
  • Labeling
  • Short answer questions
  • Classification
  • Headings
  • Locating information
  1. When completing assignments for the Reading section, try to think generally, objectively, even, I would say, globally. For example, I consider my incorrect answer to the task: “List all European countries mentioned in the text." I have included all the necessary ones except the UK. Stupid mistake, I even remember that for some reason I deliberately did not include it in the list.
  2. Don't waste precious minutes to understand the meaning of each word, try to guess their meanings.
  3. Carefully study the headings, questions and tasks for the text - this will help you tune in to the desired topic and predict the correct answers.
  4. Look useful video about IELTS Reading:

IELTS Writing Module

  1. If you are taking IELTS (Academic), then when describing graphs you cannot do without 20-30 learned clichés. In order to remember these phrases, you need practice, of course. Describe 10 - 20 graphs, each time analyzing errors and comparing your answer with model answers. By “comparing” I mean not just reading the sample, but writing it down useful expressions and be sure to try to include them in your next written work.
  2. Writing down and remembering key phrases is also necessary when writing an essay. In general, any work aimed at memorizing vocabulary and grammatical structures is justified only with subsequent active use in written and oral speech.
  3. Watch a useful video about IELTS Writing.

IELTS Speaking Module

  1. During the exam, the Speaking part is preceded by a short break (provided that Speaking is carried out on the same day), which must be used wisely: rest, eat, drink. After all, after 3 modules Listening, Reading and Writing you will get tired; exam is stressful.
  2. During the dialogue with the examiner, be thoughtful, do not rush to answer immediately, but do not hesitate to answer.
  3. Be natural, conduct the dialogue in the same way as you would in a conversation native language: use gestures, facial expressions, pause-fillers in moderation.

Where to prepare for IELTS

Experienced teachers at the English Voyage online school will help you prepare and pass IELTS with the desired score. Preparing for IELTS via Skype is an effective way to your success in English.

How to prepare for IELTS on your own

If you can easily pass Upper-Intermediate English language tests, then you are ready to take such a serious exam as IELTS.

  1. Study the exam structure in detail. To do this, write down on a piece of paper all the parts of the exam, their duration and the nature of the tasks. Revisit this note again and again until you have mastered it, as knowing the structure is the foundation of any exam; Such information will help you feel confident during the test and navigate what is happening.
  2. It is advisable to prepare Listening and Reading yourself - here you just need to organize yourself and not be lazy. For example, for starters good practice listening skills can be obtained by working through audio files

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