Home Mushrooms Preparing for the ielts exam on your own. Preparation for the IELTS test. Watching films in English

Preparing for the ielts exam on your own. Preparation for the IELTS test. Watching films in English

What is IELTS and IELTS certificate?

To start with, IELTS is a comprehensive exam that tests the 4 main language skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. Through these skills, your readiness to understand academic English for a degree in any university in the world is tested, since IELTS certificate(or TOEFL) - a mandatory requirement for admission to foreign university. πŸ’‘

Many people ask what should I pay attention to when preparing for IELTS? Grammar or Vocabulary? Fluency of speech or the so-called accuracy? This is the most common mistake many people make. It is necessary to approach the preparation for this exam systematically, everything is important here, every little thing. 😌 Therefore, I would like to talk about each point separately.

1) Grammar - preparation for IELTS; πŸ“š

Modern methods of preparing for IELTS push grammar into the background. I absolutely do not understand this and do not accept it. Why? Now, if you just want to immigrate or travel, or work and travel, then you don’t need grammar. But if you are going to take such a serious exam, then grammatical savvy is here as a foundation, without which your knowledge of the language will always be shaky. In the skills "writing" and "speaking" there is an assessment criterion for "grammar accuracy". Therefore, without grammar, you will not go far. I love when everything is solid. Therefore, take the Bible book on Murphy's English Grammar in Use and study it. If you go through it at least once from cover to cover, then you will always have an understanding of what is right and what is not. I love this book. And I advise you to prepare for IELTS.πŸ“š

2) Listening - IELTS listening πŸ“š

This task puts many into a stupor. But in fact, listening is the easiest part of the exam. But that doesn't mean you don't need to prepare for it. It is very necessary!

Well, I won’t discover America if I say that you need to listen a lot in English. Such an artificially created language immersion, that is, language immersion, is very important here. You must immerse yourself in English. Watch only BBC, CNN, etc. Just force yourself. It is very important that your ears become accustomed to speech and begin to understand. And this will happen if you force yourself through force. Watch movies in English. Fortunately, everything is available on the Internet now. Still very useful thing are podcasts. On all iPhones, and on other hundreds, you can listen to podcasts. Look in the menu of your phones. And in the Podcast program, search for "Learning English" or something like that, there will be a lot of different podcasts. It's free, but incredibly useful. I get high when I listen to English in the original. And of course, practice the IELTS listening test itself. Practice a lot.

3) Reading - IELTS reading πŸ“š

The hardest part of IELTS (according to many) is reading. Straight horrorπŸ™ˆπŸ˜. There are such questions with tricks, while understand the question and you will find the answer in a huge sheet of text, and time will pass. Very little time is given, but a lot of questions. Therefore, it is important to prepare thoroughly here.

When preparing for IELTS, I advise you to read analytical magazines like The Economist + some literary book. Always, systematically. Yes, only this will improve your ability to understand complex texts. And it is here that I would like to say that the knowledge of intricate academic words in English is very important. That is, vocabulary is very important here. Learn five to ten words every day. Learn, learn, learn. Write, write sentences. Make cards. And it is in the preparation for this part that practice is important. That is, you should practice a lot on the IELTS reading test long before you are going to take it. Since there are many types of questions and their tricks, and you should know in advance what types of questions you will encounter.

4) Letter - IELTS writing πŸ“š

Also a difficult part of IELTS. It is divided into 2 parts. Description of a graph or table and writing a reasoned essay. The first part has a smaller share in the assessment, so the emphasis is on the second essay. The difficulty is not in writing it.

There are many essay templates, tips and phrases on the Internet. The difficulty is that you may have to write on a topic about which you have no idea. For example, there might be an IELTS writing assignment to write your opinion on "Animal testing is your opinion", or " the death penalty- right or wrong?" These are such ambiguous global topics, and you are expected to understand them. In 40 minutes, gather your thoughts and write 250 words - this is another challenge.

How to prepare for IELTS writing? There are many sample ielts essays on the Internet, read them. Browse through all sorts of essay topics and form your own opinion. Get the basic phrases that connect the ideas well and give the essay an academic polish. Also, write, write, write. Take a topic, mark the time and write. This is a must!πŸ™

5) Speaking - IELTS speaking πŸ“š

IELTS speaking is not a very difficult part, unless you yourself are naturally reserved and shy.

If you slow down in speaking, then you need to stand in front of the mirror and chat. Download all IELTS speaking topics and practice. Speak and record yourself on a voice recorder. Watch on YouTube how others answered the exam questions. Talk, don't be afraid. Practice is also important here.πŸ’‘πŸ“š

Everything seems to be. As you can see, this is not a task of one day and one month. Prepare seriously and thoroughly. Find a balance, devote one skill to one day. Another skill the next day. And do not forget, IELTS is not only knowledge of the language, but also the skill of passing this particular test.

I wish you and yourself good luck!

*article for the Pandaland Supercook contest

The international English language exam IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is not yet as well known in Russia as its American brother TOEFL, but is rapidly gaining popularity. In 1999, there were 100,000 IELTS takers worldwide. The increase compared to 1998 was as much as 37%. We write about how to pass this test with the best result.

Read fresh and detailed articles.

What is IELTS?

The exam was developed in 1990. It tests the candidate's mastery of all language skills - listening (Listening), reading (Reading), writing (Writing) and oral speech (Speaking). Accordingly, it consists of four sections, the last of which is oral. The total duration of the exam is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

There are two types of IELTS - Academic Module and General Training Module. The first is intended for those who are going to study at an educational institution or work in a specialty where the language requirements are very high (such as medicine or law). The second variety is rented out by those who want to emigrate to Australia and New Zealand or chose a profession of a more practical nature (cooks, managers, etc.). In this case, the Reading and Writing General Training Module sections offer examination texts that do not contain special and academic vocabulary.

The results of the Academic Module are recognized by everyone educational establishments Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, as well as some universities in the USA, Canada, Denmark, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany. For example, the number of US universities that count IELTS scores has approached 100. A successful form of the exam, which allows you to evaluate all the basic language skills (including, unlike TOEFL, oral speech), as well as a system that checks results that excludes any fraud, make its increasingly popular.

Overall, more than 80% of people taking IELTS around the world choose the Academic Module. True, in Russia the situation is just the opposite: basically, the test is taken by people who have applied for emigration (passing IELTS is one of the basic requirements when considering a case).

What is the grading system?

The candidate's knowledge is evaluated on a nine-point scale: from knowledge of the language to perfection (9 points) to lack of knowledge as such. A score is given for each section of the exam. Then, on this basis, total score for the exam as a whole. The Reading and Listening sections are evaluated with an accuracy of 0.5 points, the Writing and Speaking sections - with an accuracy of a whole point. It is difficult to say how many points you need to score: all foreign educational institutions independently determine the amount of the required score for applicants. If you want to study at the university in faculties that require a fairly high level of language (medical, legal), then the score should be at least 6.5 points. For admission to others, 6.0 points may be enough.

What is the Listening section?

The duration of the first section of the test is 30 minutes. You have to answer 40 questions grouped into four blocks. The first two of them - respectively, a dialogue and a monologue - are devoted to discussing everyday problems: how to plan a trip, spend a weekend. The third and fourth blocks are devoted to learning. For example, you might be offered a recording of a student talking to a tutor or a group of students talking about how to plan their work on a class project.

We want to warn you right away - all tasks are recorded on a cassette, which they give you to listen to only once! Therefore, it is recommended to strain your hearing as much as possible, not to be distracted, and even, if possible, not to sit next to the window. At the end, you will have 10 minutes to decipher your scribbles and transfer your answers to a special form.

None of the texts requires the applicant to possess special knowledge. The difficulty of tasks increases with each new part Thus, the first part is the easiest, and the fourth is the most difficult. Each conversation can have up to four speakers.

What is the Academic Reading section?

The second section is 60 minutes long and also includes 40 questions. Within its framework, you will be offered three texts from 1,500 to 2,500 words, taken from magazines, books and newspapers. One of them may include charts, graphs or illustrations. If the texts contain special terms, a brief glossary is given.

What is the Academic Writing section?

It provides for the writing of two texts - a minimum of 150 and 250 words, respectively. It takes exactly one hour. In the first task, the candidates are presented with a diagram or table, and then they need to summarize the information given in them in their own words. This assesses the ability of candidates to organize, present and compare data, describe different stages one process; describe an object, event, or chain of events; explain how something works.

In the second task, you will be asked to write a clear rationale, report, or criticism on the proposed topic. In the analysis of written work, the ability to offer a solution to a problem, present and prove an opinion, compare and evaluate evidence, opinions and proposals is assessed. No special knowledge is required to complete this section of the exam. Each task is evaluated independently of the other. The share of the second task in the overall assessment of this section is higher than the share of the first.

What is the Speaking section?

This is a 10-15 minute one-on-one oral conversation with the examiner. It can be formally divided into five parts. The first is acquaintance. The candidate and the examiner, who is a certified teacher, introduce themselves to each other. Then the examiner asks a few "duty" questions about work, life, home and hobbies. The purpose of this part is to defuse the situation and relieve tension.

The next part is a detailed speech. The candidate is asked to speak on a topic close to him and they look at how rich his vocabulary is, how much he is able to use the language of explanation, description and narration.

Then comes the part called "Getting Information". The candidate is given a card with a task, and he must ask the examiner questions in order to obtain information of interest to him or solve the problem posed.

After that comes the Reflection part. The examinee must describe his plans for studying abroad. The examiner may also return to an issue raised earlier in the interview. Ends the conversation "Conclusion", which summarizes summary interview.

It is important to note that the entire interview is being taped. This should be taken calmly and not be embarrassed.

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS?

According to the practitioners we interviewed, it takes from two to three months to a year to thoroughly prepare for IELTS from the Intermediate level, depending on the intensity of the classes.

How are the courses prepared?

Whether it is worth preparing yourself, in a group or individually, everyone decides for himself. The answer depends on your financial capabilities, the level of knowledge of the language and the ability to master it. For some, a textbook is enough, for others, even a year of individual lessons with a teacher does not help.

In any case, you need to start by getting the official booklet of the test for free at the nearest British Council office and studying it thoroughly. There are examples of tasks and all the necessary explanations.

If finances allow, our advice is to sign up for courses, you will not regret it. Usually they take people who already know the language at a level not lower than Intermediate. Upon enrollment, students take a test that determines the degree of their readiness. Based on the result, they are divided into groups, and in case of individual lessons, a suitable program is selected. The number of listeners in groups usually varies from 2 to 15 people. Many centers say that because of different levels it can be difficult for students to recruit homogeneous groups. As a rule, there are not so many applicants, and in language schools you may be asked to wait until the group is formed.

In preparation for the courses, each of the four parts of the exam is worked out in detail. Particular emphasis is placed on developing the ability to perceive speech by ear and correctly express one's thoughts, so a lot of time is devoted to writing essays and speaking practice. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to perform a large amount of oral and written tasks, not only in class, but also at home. The tactics and strategy of behavior on the exam are discussed separately.

In some language centers only domestic teachers teach, in others only native speakers, in others, classes are offered to choose from with both. It is believed that listening and speaking are the most important aspects exam - should be studied with foreign teachers.

How to prepare for IELTS on your own?

Of course, the best way prepare - solve all the tasks of the test yourself. Now you can buy specialized textbooks, such as Insight into IELTS, Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS, Prometheus' textbook - Passport to IELTS, and other manuals. The How to Prepare for IELTS preparation kit, consisting of a textbook and cassette, and samples of tasks from past tests, called IELTS Specimen Materials, are available from British Council offices. If you can't afford to buy them, you can use these books for free at the British Council Library. They also let you listen to cassettes, watch videos, etc.

Note that some IELTS tasks may seem elementary to a native English speaker, but they can be difficult for our candidate. For example, you may be asked to write down names, prices, or phone numbers from dictation. They dictate all this quickly enough, so the letters and numbers must be memorized. To prepare for this misfortune, it is recommended to ask someone to dictate to you a breakdown of numbers and letters, or to dictate these data to the cassette yourself. It is important to remember that if you need to indicate the price in the answer, then you must not forget about the units of measurement.

Finally, it is recommended that you complete one or more full tests - like those given in the Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS - and try to meet the time indicated in the tasks. If 60% or more are correct, you have a good chance.

How and where to take IELTS?

In Russia, you can take this test at the British Council centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can also take IELTS in Ukraine, Latvia, Poland and a number of others neighboring countries. Globally, the exam is taken at 224 British Council centers located in 106 countries.

The cost of delivery is 70 pounds sterling. Thus, this procedure is even more expensive than passing the TOEFL.

How to register for the test?

IELTS admission is jointly managed by three organizations at once - the Examination Board of the University of Cambridge ( The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, UCLES), British Council and Australian state organization IDP Education Australia. There are no fixed dates for the IELTS exam - the exam is held as applicants register for it in the second half of each calendar month. Registration for the current month is carried out from the 2nd to the 11th. If you live in Moscow, you need to come to the British Council office on a weekday from 14.00 to 17.00, get bank details and fill out an application form. You need to have a passport and 1-2 photos of 3x4 cm format with you (those who pass the Academic Module need to fill out a questionnaire in one copy, General Training Module - in two). Out-of-town candidates can register by phone.

How is the submission process organized?

Taking into account two breaks and the time allotted for the change of tasks, you will have to stay "in captivity" from 9.00 to 16.30. The first two sections are consecutive, followed by a 20-minute break before Writing. At Speaking, a schedule is drawn up in 15-minute intervals, in which the interview time with each candidate is prescribed.

Before going to the test, have a hearty breakfast. If you don't have time, take sandwiches with you - you are allowed to bring your own food and drink.

Come early. You have to go through a lot of formalities, so it's good to have some time to spare. Again, there will be an extra minute to look around and assess the situation.

First, you will have to wait for everyone to gather. Then the candidates are launched into a special audience and the verification of documents begins. The British Council requires that you present two documents of identification, including a compulsory national passport, when appearing for the exam.

After that, booklets of the Listening section and answer sheets are distributed to everyone. You should note that you are choosing an academic module, put your signature - and go!

Please note that if you choose not to take the test after payment has been made, you are entitled to take the test on a different date within the next two months or receive a 50% refund. If you were unable to attend due to illness and you can confirm this with a sick leave or other appropriate document, the cost of the test will be reimbursed to you in full.

How to behave on the test?

The main thing is to read the tasks very carefully. Some only look at them in fits and starts and, as a result, complete blocks of tasks incorrectly! And one more thing: you have to write very quickly. Do what you want - cut, draw - the main thing is to get it fast!

To be ready for the Listening section, you must first listen to pure English speech. You can watch films without translation, listen to the BBC, find an English-speaking interlocutor, etc.

Unlike TOEFL, when passing IELTS in the Reading section, you can choose the simplest tasks from the proposed tasks and complete them first. This is convenient because for each answer, regardless of the difficulty, you get the same number of points. Use it!

There are other little tricks too. For example, when going through the Listening section, before turning on the cassette, they usually allocate 1-2 minutes for candidates to familiarize themselves with the questions. You can have time to look through them all during this time and try to guess the answers.

Never try to write off. If you suspect cheating, peeping or impersonating someone else, you will simply be β€œremoved from the run” and the money will not be returned.

When answering the questions of any section, the main thing is not to get lost and go further, if you don’t have time to do something. In the end, there is a chance that somewhere you just guess.

When passing the Speaking section, the way you speak is taken into account: the speed of speech, grammar, vocabulary, the degree of your looseness, the ease with which you ask questions. So be as bold as you can. If you can, joke at every opportunity, if not, just try to give the impression of a polite person. Look straight into your eyes. Try to be less nervous. If your heart starts beating very fast, take five deep breaths and think, β€œI am calm. Everything will work out for me.”

When will you receive the results?

You have to wait an average of two weeks for results. They are sent by mail - directly to you or to the organization you specified. So be patient. You can then ask the British Council to send the results to any institution. And remember that the IELTS certificate is only valid for two years.

If the score turned out to be lower than you expected, you have an unlimited number of opportunities to correct this misunderstanding. True, re-surrender is possible only after three months, but there will be time to prepare!

Many people underestimate the importance of self-study for the IELTS exam. Everyone lives with the confidence that it is necessary to prepare not only by raising the level of English proficiency, but also by studying the features of the exam format. Of course, a teacher who has previously taken this test himself will be able to tell you about all the nuances and pitfalls of the exam. But prepare constantly, using each free minute, only you yourself can do it by self-preparation.

Many native English speakers take a test score that is lower than that of people learning English as a second language. This happens for the simple reason that speakers are confident in their knowledge and do not prepare for a special exam format. About that, we talked about earlier. In addition, we even told you about . It is worth noting that self-preparation can help to successfully pass the test. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: training in English courses or self-training. Self-preparation may well be an additional technique to improve your knowledge and skills.

Benefits of self-preparation for a language exam:

  • can be combined with training courses
  • can be practiced in convenient location at a convenient time
  • costs less than English courses (you only have to pay for textbooks and study guides)
  • you can choose the pace that suits you best

Disadvantages of self-preparation for IELTS

  • materials for preparation will have to look for yourself
  • you set the class schedule (this is both bad and good: everything will depend on your willpower)
  • you are not familiar with the exam format
  • you cannot objectively assess your level of English, weaknesses
Overcome the disadvantages of self-study with dedicated IELTS preparation resources. Even if you have chosen English courses, extra classes and new information never bothered anyone.

IELTS Self-Study Resources

A special resource of the British Council for everyone who decides to prepare for the test on their own. Here you will find answers to questions: what is IELTS, how to properly prepare for the test format, what textbooks and educational materials use how to prepare for each individual part of the exam. More than 30 hours of free information and a lot of interesting and useful materials. The British Council always offers the highest quality and up-to-date information, so you should pay attention to this resource.

Another resource that you will definitely need. The portal offers you a 10-hour Road to IELTS Test Drive intensive preparation course. You can listen to materials and answer questions at any time. free time. Thus, preparing for the test will turn into a daily exciting activity.

Having prepared well, you will feel confident in the exam, especially if you read about. If, nevertheless, you are not completely sure that you can prepare for the test yourself, you can study.

For a qualitative assessment of the level of English proficiency, there are many different exams, both national and international. If desired, each person can test their strength and try to pass them. Based on the test results, a certificate - official document, confirming the level of knowledge of English. One of these international exams is IELTS. It is considered one of the most popular and most difficult, so if you need to prepare for IELTS from scratch, you need to do it right. Read more about the features of preparing for IELTS and will be discussed in this article.

What it is

IELTS stands for international english language testing system. This method allows you to assess the level of proficiency foreign language and is used in many countries. People resort to passing such an exam at, and other English-speaking states. IELTS is also mandatory for admission to foreign universities.

Note! High performance has made IELTS one of the most popular language tests in the world. Therefore, almost 150 countries recognize the results of the exam, and more than 12,000 different organizations have made it a mandatory program.

Purpose of the test

Successfully passing the exam can open the door to a person in different areas activities, providing a lot of new opportunities. But most often, obtaining a certificate is required for internships abroad, moving to permanent place residence in English-speaking countries, as well as when applying for a job in a foreign company.


IELTS has many advantages that have made this type of exam so popular. Let's consider the main ones:

  • everyone can test their strength;

  • There is no such thing as "failed". Upon completion of the exam, you are given a certificate that indicates the level of language proficiency (from 1 to 9);
  • there are no quantitative restrictions for passing the test, so even with failed attempt you can try the exam again. This test is carried out every week;

  • the exam has an "academic" and a "general" module, so that the test can meet the goals of each applicant;
  • You can pass IELTS in many countries of the world, or rather, in 140. These include government bodies, commercial organizations, universities, etc.;
  • the received certificate is of great value, which is confirmed by the guarantee of its application.

The development of the IELTS system was carried out by representatives of the world's leading organizations, for example, the British Council, Cambridge and others. All this was done with one goal - an adequate check of the level of knowledge of the English language and fixing the corresponding results in the form of a special certificate.


In spite of great amount On the plus side, IELTS has several disadvantages, which are mainly related to self-study:

  • all the materials necessary to prepare for the exam, you need to look for yourself;
  • there is no set schedule of classes, so people do not always devote enough time to preparation, which is bad for results. AT this case much depends on willpower;
  • the applicant does not know what the format of the exam will be;
  • a person will not be able to give an objective assessment of his knowledge of the English language if he prepares without an assistant.

Specialized courses will help to cope with all of the above disadvantages. Even if you decide to hire a tutor or sign up for additional English language courses, this will not prevent you from getting more high score for the test.

Features of preparation

Before you start preparing for the exam, you need to assess your level of knowledge, and then choose the most suitable date for the exam. For example, if you have an exam in 1-2 weeks, and the level of foreign language proficiency leaves much to be desired, then you risk scoring an insufficient number of points.

Consider the ratio of English proficiency and the recommended time to prepare for the upcoming test.

  1. Elementary. To achieve maximum results in the exam, you need to spend about 12 months preparing.
  2. Pre-intermediate. This is a higher level, but still not enough to get good results. Therefore, the preparation in this case will have to spend at least 10 months.
  3. intermediate. According to statistics, more than 50% of people with higher education are at this level. The preparation will last from 5 to 6 months, depending on the success.
  4. Upper Intermediate. If you speak English at this level, then you can start the preparatory course about 2-3 months before the exam. This time should be enough.
  5. Advanced. The highest level of English proficiency, which does not require special training or learning new material. You only need to spend 1-2 weeks to repeat the material.

All times above are approximate and depend on several factors. First of all, you should decide how much time you are willing to spend on preparatory stage, because sometimes people who speak English at a high level take a preparatory course designed for 2 weeks, in 1 or 2 months. Therefore, experts recommend allocating about 3 hours for preparation per day. This is the secret successful delivery test.

Where to start

As soon as the calculation preparatory course will be executed, and the date IELTS exam becomes known, you need to proceed directly to the preparation. Of course, there are a few nuances to consider, such as where it is best to prepare or which books will be the most informative. Let's try to figure this out.

Training center or tutor

Of course, preparing for the exam requires an individual approach, especially when it comes to learning English. But if you have a choice: a tutor or group lessons in the training center, then each of these methods has its own characteristics. Many people, preparing for IELTS, hire a private tutor, because in this case all the information is provided to only one person, which allows you to solve all the difficulties. But not all English tutors are able to fully prepare for a particular test.

On a note! If we touch on the issue of cost, then training in specialized classes will cost much less than private lessons with a tutor. Therefore, if finances do not allow, it is better to refuse the services of a tutor in favor of group classes.

Training in training centers is an opportunity to master or improve the level of English proficiency for all people, regardless of their initial knowledge in this area. Despite the lack of an individual approach, training centers offer the study of all the subtleties relating specifically to IELTS, which is much more effective than the general expansion of horizons when studying English with a tutor. In addition, groups are usually small and consist of several people (no more than 5).

Based on all this, we can conclude that training with a tutor is best suited for those people who plan to finish learning English in parallel, and group classes are for preparing exclusively for IELTS. But we must not forget about the possibility of preparing for the exam on your own, through regular training in oral and writing, watching foreign films without translation and reading educational literature. This will speed up the learning process.

What books can help

Due to the fact that IELTS is a very popular testing format, there are now a lot of books and articles for preparation on the Internet and bookstores. It's about about collections of tasks in English, dictionaries and textbooks. When choosing a book for training, you need to pay attention to its relevance and the connection of the manual with IELTS (among the authors of the book there should be representatives of organizations supervising IELTS). Below are the most informative and useful books.

Table. Review best books for the IELTS test.

Name of the bookDescription
An excellent guide for self-study, which is a comprehensive material. Here you can find many tests and exercises varying degrees difficulty, as well as the correct answers to evaluate the results.
An excellent express benefit, which is ideal for people who do not have much free time. All the necessary information is presented here in the most concise volume. There are various examples.
Studying the information presented in this book helps to increase vocabulary, which increases the chances during the exam. It is mainly used by beginners who speak English at a low level.
This copy is produced in different options that are meant for more high levels language proficiency. In addition to the collection, you also receive a CD containing useful materials.
Another helpful book for exam preparation designed to improve grammar basics of English language. The manual contains a large number of practice tests and explanations for them.

This is not the whole list of popular books used for the period of preparation for IELTS. If you wish, you can independently visit the official certification website and select the most suitable option from the list.


IELTS consists of separate modules - general and academic. If we consider common module, then it is lighter, therefore it is intended for employment abroad. Academic module needed for an internship or study abroad. But regardless of the module, the exam is divided into several stages, each of which requires careful preparation.


With self-preparation, this stage is characterized by increased difficulty due to the lack of an interlocutor. But this should not be a serious problem, because English texts can be spoken aloud. Moreover, in big cities it is not difficult to find a native speaker with whom you can practice the correct pronunciation of different phrases.


One of the most difficult parts exam - spelling. To develop the habit of writing in English, you need to regularly write various texts by hand. It is not necessary to compose something, you can rewrite the text from another source. Try to keep the style and sequence of the story.


Today, there are no problems with the search for English-language literature. It is enough to go to the Internet and order or download a suitable manual (the most informative books for IELTS have already been mentioned above). You just need to set aside a little time every day to read books. So that the lesson does not seem boring, you can pick up more interesting books like detectives. But you also need to read scientific articles.


Everything is quite simple here: listen to dialogue programs, audio books and other types of programs. This is the essence of preparation. But on the test itself, you need to be very careful, because there are many pitfalls. Compilers of texts and assignments do not get paid in vain, so get maximum amount scores for the exam is very difficult, especially the first time.

When will the results be ready

After IELTS is passed, the results will be known not earlier, than 13 days after the exam. To see the results, just go to the official website, where all the data will appear on the 14th day.

To obtain a paper certificate, you must visit the BKC IELTS Center, which is located in Moscow on the street. Tverskaya 9a. If you took the exam in another city, then supporting documentation will be sent to you by mail, so there is no need to go to the capital for this.

Video - How to start preparing for IELTS

No homework. Without teeth. Without textbooks

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5 Best Help Books

Since the IELTS test is so popular these days, there is a plethora of preparation material on the shelves of bookstores and online sources. Among them there are both, and dictionaries, and collections test tasks, and much more.

When choosing, you need to be guided by two important points:

  1. The presence in the team of authors of the manual of organizations that oversee IELTS
  2. The relevance of the manual, that is, its compliance with modern requirements.

Below are the top 5 most requested books by Cambridge authorship from the official certification site:

  • Grammar for IELTS will provide you with training in the grammatical foundations of the language. One of the main benefits, it includes all the necessary explanations and tests.
  • Vocabulary for IELTS will help you identify and complete your exam. An indispensable book for those who have not had time to expand their English vocabulary to the desired level.
  • Action Plan for IELTS is a quick preparation guide for those with very little time. In a compressed volume, all 4 testing modules are given with examples. Gives self-confidence.
  • Cambridge IELTS- the latest comprehensive manual, also aimed at the comprehensive preparation of the candidate. All necessary materials, tests and exercises plus the correct answers for self-examination.

Useful Internet Resources

It is worth noting that in preparing for the exam, the entire English-speaking Internet can help you as a platform for practicing language skills. Below we note several sites of a more informational orientation.

Grading system

IELTS testing uses a 9-point scale, that is, according to the test results, you can get a score from 0.0 to 9.0. Half points like 6.5 are also possible. Getting 9.0 is almost impossible. The certificate indicates both the total score for the results of all stages of the test, and each task is assessed separately.

The calculation of the assessment of the Listening and Reading stages is made depending on the number of correct answers in the test tasks. At the same time, the criteria for the general and academic modules are different.

At the stages of Writing and Speaking, the assessment is given by an expert examiner, depending on compliance with the following standards:

  • content ;
  • clarity of expression of thought;
  • correct grammar and punctuation;
  • vocabulary size;
  • pronunciation.

You can learn more about the system for calculating marks for the exam by clicking on the link below:

Exam stages

The IELTS exam consists of 4 main stages that allow you to fully assess your language skills:

  • listening() - the first stage at which you will need to listen to an audio recording on a topic and complete a series of test tasks(choose the correct answer, agree or disagree with the statement in the text, insert the correct word/date). You have 30 minutes to complete and another 10 minutes to complete the answer sheet.
  • Reading(reading) consists of 3 parts. In general, according to texts, the total volume of which is 2 thousand-3 thousand. words, you need to answer 40 test questions . 60 minutes are allotted for this step and no additional time is given to complete the answer sheet. The subject of texts, as a rule, is scientific and journalistic articles or media materials.
  • Writing (written part) is the writing of 2 texts, 150 and 250 words minimum. The first text is an explanation of the information provided, the second is an essay "on my own". The first part is given 20 minutes, the second - 40. The score is also divided by 1/3 to 2/3. It is considered the most difficult stage.
  • Speaking (oral speech) is a 3-part conversation with the examiner. First you get to know each other, then you answer questions on a certain topic, and then you discuss this topic. This stage is the shortest, only 10-20 minutes, and can be done separately from everyone else (not on the same day).

The total duration of the exam is thus about 2.5 hours. Each of the stages of the exam is assessed separately, and overall score calculated from the arithmetic mean.

Particular attention should be paid to filling out the test answer forms - your inattention during the test is not taken into account, and you cannot regain lost points, therefore.

The test results will not be available to you immediately, but after the deadline set by the organizers.

When will you receive the results?

You will only be able to find out how you passed the IELTS exam after 13 days from the date of passing the test. The results are published online on the official website at midnight (00:01) on the fourteenth day.

You can get a paper certificate in the center BKC IELTSCentre, which is located on Tverskaya street, in house 9a, on the 1st floor, in office 114. If you took the exam in regional center, then the certificate will be delivered to you by mail. All details about obtaining the results should be clarified at the testing centers where you were tested.

Official website of IELTS

All the necessary information about passing the exam - terms, addresses, prices, obtaining a certificate - you will find on the official website:

Good luck with your preparation and passing the IELTS exam! Remember that the key to your success lies in daily workout.

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