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What the line of influence on the hand can tell about. Lines of influence - living together and breaking up relationships

The line of influence reflects the influence of other people on a person's life. Depending on where this line is located, on the line of life, mind, heart or fate, what is its length and severity, one can judge the sphere of this influence.

The line of influence that is on speaks of a marriage partner, because a loved one, one way or another, influences us. The same line going to speaks of an important partner or friend who has an impact on you. A line of influence originating on can also talk about a loved one or a child.

Line examples

1. Divided Line of Influence. Separated from the line of fate, the line of influence indicates a strong influence of a person, but without love relationship.

2. The line of influence is connected to the line of fate. Such a connection speaks of marriage. Age can be determined by the line of fate.

3. Intersecting line of influence. If the line of influence crosses the line of fate, then this also indicates marriage, but this marriage will soon end.

4. Small line of influence. A small line of influence starting on the line of life indicates either a short relationship or the birth of a child.

5. Outgoing line of influence. If the line of influence begins a little earlier than the line of life, then the relationship will begin to fade over time, and then it will completely stop.

6. Cross on the line of influence. A cross on any of the lines of influence indicates a complete cessation of any relationship.

Current page: 7 (total book has 14 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 10 pages]

Signs on the lines of Influence on the hill of Venus

The signs on the lines of Influence of the partner on the hill of Venus in their main interpretations have something in common with the interpretations of the signs on the lines of Influence to the line of Fate. Their only difference will be that the signs on Venus are more accurate in their dating and are not subject to the double course of time, like the lines of Influence to the line of Fate. When analyzing signs, it is necessary to pay attention to its strength and clarity, since the possibility of canceling one or another negative event transmitted by the sign will depend on the quality of its display. Strong signs, which are clearly visible when considering the lines of Influence, will carry and combine all the qualities inherent in the sign which it is almost impossible to note without proper intervention, a cardinal change in consciousness and behavior. Weak signs, which are hardly made up of auxiliary small and fine lines, on the contrary, are subject to rapid change with a change in the nature of the relationship partner, as well as the fate of marriage can be saved from disintegration at the very beginning of the appearance of disagreements among the spouses.

Rice. 1.104–1

Cross on the line of Influence on the hill of Venus(Figures 1.103 and 1.104) expresses a violation of the self-preservation system of a marriage partner. Weak sign, formed by thin random secondary lines, does not indicate a fate and does not mean the physical loss of a partner as such, but can act as a marker of the time of occurrence of insoluble psychological problems which lead to emotional rejection of partners from each other. In this case, after the appearance of the cross on the line of Influence, the line of the partner either turns to the hill of Venus, as shown in Figure 1.104–1, or goes into a fork, or stops altogether. A strong, well-drawn sign on the line of Influence calls for paying more attention to the partner’s state of health, and obliges to be extremely careful during the time period of the sign, which is determined by the intersection point of the auxiliary lines on the partner’s line, when recalculating time to the line of Life.

Star on the line of Influence on the hill of Venus is a sign of the loss of a partner as a result of an accident or violent death. The star on the partner's line has the effect of surprise, as it expresses an event that does not depend on free will human and subject to fate, which is practically not amenable to adjustment. The star can be located anywhere in the Influence line, both at the end and in the middle of the line, and practically does not differ in its interpretations. So, for example, a star in the middle of the line, after which the line of Influence weakens and comes to naught, will indicate that the spouse will not be able to reconcile for a long time and recover from the loss of a partner, while the star at the end of the line puts an end to the relationship, and the spouse perceives the departure of a partner as a given, fate or karma.

Island on the line of Influence on the hill of Venus predicts inferiority and dissatisfaction with family relationships, which lead to a break in the marriage union. If the line of Influence ends with an island, then the divorce between the spouses will be scandalous, and if, in addition to this, the island is associated with a comet crossing the line of Life, then the love and normal relations that arose between the partners earlier will turn into hatred and open opposition together.

Square (rectangle) on the line of Influence on the hill of Venus(Figures 1.103 and 1.104) has several interpretations. Firstly, this is one of the few signs of a partner's reduced security, which in some cases may reflect the emergence of a dangerous situation related to transport. In other cases, a rectangular figure expresses a collision with people clothed state power, in case - if it is poorly drawn or consists of separate thin chaotic lines, or criminal - if the rectangle is drawn deeply and clearly. But worst of all, if the line of the partner ends directly in the rectangle itself, which can literally mean a forced stay in a confined space, such as detention or isolation in any room. From the point of view of physiology, a rectangular figure is a symptom of a violation of cardiac activity, and is quite common in heart attacks, which obliges the partner to pay, among other things, special attention to the state of health of the spouse.

Triangle on the Line of Influence on the Mount of Venus(Figures 1.103 and 1.104), like the cross, expresses violations of the partner's security system. According to the observations of Russian palmists, the peculiarity of a triangular figure is that a dangerous situation that arises deprives a person of breathing. It can be smoke from a fire, water, sometimes a tangled scarf or a person’s hand that squeezes their throat can catch their breath. When reading this sign, it is necessary to study the partner’s line most carefully, since if it does not break and does not go deep into the hill of Venus, then there will be no threat to life, and the event will be educational, random.

A comprehensive analysis of the prospects for marriage along the lines of Influence

After studying the material of this section concerning love-marriage relationships, we need to learn to see all the lines in a complex and highlight the lines of Influence on the palms that belong both to one partner and to different relationships. The task of identifying partners is extremely simple, but it will require you to remember the dating applied to various palmar lines, in view of the fact that the binding and analysis of certain relationships will depend on the time the relationship with the partner began, which is conveyed by the lines of Influence attached to the main palmar lines. Thus, if the lines of Influence of the partner to the line of Heart, Fate and on Venus begin at the same time point and are confirmed in this time range by the line of Relationships, then with a high degree of probability we can say that all these lines will indicate relationships and union with the same partner. Lines starting at different times, on the contrary, will indicate different partners who will somehow participate in fate. this person. In addition to identifying the lines by time periods, it is necessary to be able to analyze the intersections of the Influence lines with the main lines of the hand, which do not directly indicate the break time, but, nevertheless, determine it in the future. At the same time, the dating of lines will also be relevant, along with the analysis of negative signs belonging to one or different partners in relationships. Below is a practical example of determining the belonging of the lines of Influence and Relationships to one partner (Figure 1.105), and an example of determining the time of breaking the relationship by complex analysis Influence lines (Figures 1.106).

Rice. 1.105–1

Example No. 1. Identification of ownership of the lines of Influence and Relationships related to one partner, quite simple to use, while all the main palm lines - Heart and Fate, as well as lines on the hill of Venus, lines of Relationships containing lines of Influence - must be dated using dating for each individual line. After dating, the entry time of the lines of Influence to each main line is determined and a comprehensive systematization of ages is carried out according to the time the relationship with the partner began, which, if the time intervals coincide with an error of 1 year, will indicate attachment to the same partner.

The example shown in figures 1.105 and 1.105-1 shows a man's hand, which marks a relationship that began at the age of 29. From the analysis of the palm, it can be seen that all the lines of Influence studied by us are present at the same time, as well as the line of Relationships, which, by the way, is not common. Analyzing the lines and comparing them in time, we obtain information: the Marriage line begins at the approximate age interval of 29 years, forming a fork at its end; the line of Influence to the line of the Heart, crosses the latter also in a given age interval; the line of Influence to the line of Fate, starting from the side of the hill of the Moon, merges into the line of Fate at the age of 29; the line of Influence on the hill of Venus leaves the line of Life at the same age. Based on this, we can conclude that the relationship will be based on love and strong attachment to the partner, and the acquaintance itself will take place independently or through friends about 2 years before the age we have received, which is calculated using the perpendicular lowered to the line of Fate, applied to initial section lines of Influence to the line of Destiny. Two years of meetings will allow the future spouses to decide on their relationship to each other, so that at the age of 29 they can start a full-fledged family life, which is indicated by all the lines of Influence, marking this time period.

Rice. 1.106–1

Due to the fact that the line of Influence to the line of the Heart crossed the main horizontal, and also a fork formed on the line of Marriage, we can conclude that over time there will be a break or a long separation in the relationship, the time of which is determined by the compensated break of the partner’s line on the hill Venus, as well as when dating comets on the line of Influence to the line of Fate.

Example No. 2. Determining the time of the end of a relationship when the lines of Influence cross the main palmar lines, based on the search for signs of a break in relations on the main lines of the hand. The most likely signs of divorce, as you already know, can be open and compensated breaks in the main lines - the lines of Life, Heart and Fate, in terms of their belonging to love-marriage relationship, as well as strong and prolonged comets that cut the main lines. In addition, one of the most informative lines, the line of Influence on the hill of Venus, can most reliably show the time of a divorce or crisis in a relationship, which is represented by the example of the girl’s hand shown in Figures 1.106.

The above figures show that the lines of Influence of the two partners cross the lines of Heart and Fate, at the ages of 25 and 27, which traditionally determines the break in relations. It is not possible to find out the time of divorce along the line of Fate and Heart due to the fact that there are no exits of these lines of Influence on the line of Heart, since they crossed the line of Heart without merging into it, and the line of Fate, although it consists of islands, does not have no breaks in the movement of time. These relationships are also displayed by the lines of Influence on Venus, showing the duality of relationships in marriage, which, undoubtedly, albeit over time, will lead to a break in the love triangle. The end of the relationship is shown by a fork on the Influence line of the first partner, the relationship with which began at the age of 25, as well as an abrupt stop of the partner's second line, which originates at the age of 27 and is located closer to the Life line. In this case, a comet on the hill of Venus, resting against the line of Life, after which both lines of Influence stop abruptly, which corresponds to the age of 43 years, acts as a marker of the age of the rupture of both relationships. Thus, systematizing the information obtained from this combination, we can conclude that the relationship that starts at the age of 25 will not lead to a break at the beginning of a new relationship with the second partner at the age of 27, but will continue and move into the most unfavorable phase of betrayal and deceit partners, as well as the weighting of personal karma, as a result of which the girl will be left alone at the age of 43.

An example of the analysis of love-marriage relations along the lines of Influence and the lines of Relationships

By tradition, at the end of the section, we will continue to consider the fate of a 27-year-old girl previously known to us, where we will analyze in detail her love relationships, displayed on her palms. Lines of Influence and Marriage on duplicate photographs are displayed for ease of perception and better understanding of the topic. different colors, which allows you to find out the fate of the relationship with each individual partner with whom she will enter into a relationship throughout her life. The analysis of relationships will be built on a comprehensive examination of both hands, where in brackets, as before, the combinations of lines will be explained, on the basis of which these conclusions are made.

my first true love the girl will meet immediately after moving to a new place of study at the age of 17. A new, previously unknown feeling of love will turn her head, and she will completely go into building new relationships without a trace. After a short time, she will marry a classmate (the Line of Marriage, the line of Influence to the line of the Heart and the line of Influence on Venus of the active hand begin at 17; as well as the wide angle of the line of Influence on Venus of the passive hand, which immediately leads the partner’s line deep into the hill of Venus, determines the fleeting development of relations, but, unfortunately, the same rapid disappointment in the spouse). Faced with the realities of family life, the girl will eventually realize that she is not yet ready to fully make sacrifices and concessions for the sake of her partner, as a result of which she will very quickly cool off towards her lawful spouse and emotionally move away from him (the Line of Influence to the line of the Heart crossed the line Hearts, dooming relationships to break.On the line of Influence on Venus of the passive hand is an island, indicating that in her soul the girl understands that she has connected her life with the wrong person with whom she would like to go through life). At the age of 21, a crisis will come in the relationship, in which the spouse, seeing and feeling a negative attitude towards himself, will attempt to break off the relationship and leave the family, but in the end will remain due to the birth of a son (the comet cuts the line of Influence on Venus of the passive hand, and also the comet cuts the line of the Heart, and the sign of the "cross" on the line of Influence of Venus of the active hand at 21). Having not received love, affection, care and tenderness in a relationship with her husband, a girl at 22 will meet a young man in the company of friends, with whom, over time, she will begin a stormy romance, having gone into a new relationship “with her head” (a new line of Relationships, a line of Influence to the line of Fate from the side of the hill of the Moon, as well as the line of Influence on Venus on both hands and the line of Influence to the line of the Heart at 22 years old). The presence of a legal husband on the one hand, and the upbringing of a child on the other, will not allow the girl to start full relationship with a new lover, as a result of which meetings with him will occur from time to time, which will not satisfy both partners (an island on the line of Fate into which the line of Influence flows). Seeing the throwing of the spouse and suspecting the presence of a lover in his wife, the spouse at the age of 23 will finally put an end to the relationship, filing for divorce and breaking off the relationship forever (a comet at 23 on the line of Influence on Venus of the passive hand, as well as the exit of the line of Influence from the line of the Heart and comet on the line of the Heart of the active hand - indicate a break in relations at the initiative of the partner, which was a complete surprise for the girl.The final break in relations with the first partner is put by the fork formed after the comet on the line of Influence on the hill of Venus of the active hand).

Left alone she will try to build harmonious relationship with her lover, but she will not be able to do this even after the passage of time. The unwillingness to legitimize the relationship and take responsibility for the upbringing of someone else's child will force the partner in every possible way to avoid the final rapprochement with the girl, which will partly be facilitated by his profession as a military man (the island at the beginning of the Life line belongs to this partner), associated with constant outfits, business trips, etc. n. Having suffered like this for almost three years and having failed to build good family relationships, the partners decided to leave without presenting mutual claims to each other (the line of Influence on Venus of the active hand was stopped by a comet at the age of 25), although in the depths of her soul the girl hoped for a further restoration of relations, in view of the fact that the partner corresponded to all her requirements, desires and ideal (on the passive hand the line of Influence on Venus continues below).

After breaking off relations with a partner, the girl will get to know the young man again, and also fall in love with him (the lines of Influence to the line of Heart, Fate and Venus, as well as the lines of Marriage on both hands at 25 years old on the active hand, and at 26 years old on the passive The difference in the shift of the age interval of one year on the passive hand, compared to the active hand, is explained by the fact that, according to fate, she was supposed to meet this person at the age of 26, but the quick course of events determined the meeting with him a little earlier). Relationships, despite the girl’s love, will not work out again, since the partner is married and cannot fully pay attention to her and maintain harmonious relationships (the partner’s employment in other respects is determined by the auxiliary line that “covers” the line of Influence to the line of Fate on the passive hand ). strong feelings over time, they will develop into attachment to him, but the relationship will not work out again, as a result of which, each subsequent year there will be recurring crises in relationships that will put these relationships on the verge of breaking at 29 years (crises are visible by comets that cut the lines of influence of a partner on the hill of Venus of both hands, and the end of the relationship is marked by comets, after which the line of Influence on one hand stops, and on the other it turns into a fork).

At the age of 27, a girl will notice another person next to her, whom she accidentally meets through friends at 22, but does not attach any importance to getting to know him at that time (the lines of Influence to the line of Fate on both hands are distant from the line of Fate and begin at 22 years old, having joined the line of Fate only at 27 years old). Although mutual sympathy arises in feelings, they do not go into long-term and long-term relationships, since the girl herself understands that the relationship is obviously doomed to break due to the partner’s connection with crime, which is associated with a risk to life and a constant threat to his health (crime determined by an unusual combination of signs on the Influence line of the active hand, the health risk is the numerous intersections of this line by the Mercury line. random meetings and physical proximity). The crisis period associated with problematic relationships will last for a girl until she is 29 years old (an island on the line of the Heart from 25 to 29 years old), after which, having terminated all previously started relationships, she will pay attention to a person she has known since she was 25 years old. Mutual sympathy will quickly develop into relationships, love and mutual affection, which will allow the second time to officially change social status and become married woman(love and marriage are indicated by the lines of Relationships, the lines of Influence to the line of the Heart on both hands at 29 years old and the line of Influence to the line of Fate on the active one, which, among other things, marks the time of the first acquaintance, which happened at 25 years old). Looking ahead, it is clear that at the age of 36 marriage will re-emerge crisis period, the point at which her legal spouse will put. The event will have a great emotional character and a strong intensity of passion, which will make you rethink the style of relationships and take a fresh look at your life (a cross on the Heart line of the active hand, after which the partner’s line leaves the Heart line). Having failed to maintain these relationships, an attempt to re-establish family life will appear only at the age of 45 (the lines of Relationships at this age are on both hands, and the line of Influence on Venus leaves the line of Life at the age of 45).

Summing up the analysis of the love relationships of this girl, I want to draw your attention to the fact that this situation, which was considered by me on the basis of lines related to love-marital relationships, is described at the time of photographing the hand at the age of 27. When reading this analysis, I don’t want you to get the impression that everything to the smallest detail in our life is predetermined and nothing can be changed - on the contrary, the lines related to love are most strongly and quickly subject to change when attitudes change both to love itself and and to partners. Undoubtedly, partners given by fate will meet on her life path, and she will “feel” these relationships, but how she will deal with them - everything will depend only on her, on her choice. That will be her karma. family relations. Returning to the breakdown of future relationships at the age of 36, I note that it is not yet predetermined, if only because there is no such ill-fated negative cross or confirmation of this event on the passive hand, and this already suggests that the relationship can be saved if the girl starts change your character now and learn to make concessions to your partner. If she appreciates the relationship with her partner, then in the future she will save her marriage from divorce, otherwise, the cross on the line of the Heart will work in due time, leaving her alone with the children, with the hope of the next, favorable relationship.

Rice. 1.107–1

The line of influence on the hand got its name from the fact that it is displayed in the palm of your hand under the influence on the fate and life of a person close and kindred to him, those around him. She will tell you who and how much is interconnected with you, and what to expect from this.

Types of signs of influence

The meaning of the signs of influence on the palm of the hand does not explain the numerous acquaintances and connections of their owner, but only those that have become able to influence his fate and become part of his life. When a person subject to someone else's influence does not resist and goes on about under someone else's influence, the line of influence in the palm of your hand is not one, you can find many of them.

On the human palm, you can find horizontally directed and vertically located features, indicating the presence of influence on fate from others:

  • the line of influence located in the horizontal direction on the palm of the hand means the presence in life of negative relationships and interference in life path with a hostile attitude
  • a line of influence vertically drawn in the palm of your hand means relationships that are ready to help at the right time.

Place and main meaning

Lines of influence Go next to the main straight lines in the palm of your hand - fate, life, heart or mind. They can be found on the Venus hill, which is near the third phalanx of the thumb. Because of this arrangement, they are called the grid of Venus. Among the meanings of these dashes, placed on the hill of Venus, is the sexuality of their owner, because many straight lines of different lengths in this area can indicate a special relationship with the opposite sex and special sensitivity.

By the number of vertically arranged straight lines on the hand, one can judge how dependent a person is on his relatives and close friends.

When there are a small number of them at their location, we can say that the owner of such a palm is not very fond of the opposite sex and prefers to direct his energy to other areas. Such individuals strive for beauty and art, in stores they strive to select luxurious outfits for themselves and love sophistication in entertainment. A person with a small number of such designations is in no hurry to start a serious relationship and does not have strong attachments to anyone. Such a person does not have especially close relationships with relatives and friends. A small number means independence in actions and thoughts.

The clearer and deeper marks influence on the palm of the hand, which explains the greater force of impact.

In some cases, the line of influence may have strong start, however, by its end, thin out, become less noticeable. The meaning of such a dash is explained by the loss of impact with the termination of the previously existing connection.

Relations with relatives

Relations with a relative are indicated by straight lines, located close to the vital, encircling thumb and descending in the form of an arc to the wrist. It is the line of life that influences the line of influence through family ties. Most often, palmistry explains their significance by the influence of the mother, since it is she who has the greatest role effect in the life of any person. After it, you can find dashes in the palm of your hand, meaning connections with other relatives - father, brothers and sisters. At the same time, in palmistry, to decipher the meaning of these influential lines, it is important how brightly drawn and deeply embedded they are.

The closer the influential feature is placed in relation to the direct life, the more confidently we can talk about the strength of the influence.

The line passing near the life line in most cases means exactly the relationship, and indicates this the beginning of the line of influence directly at the base of the life path.

With age, after entering marital relations new features appear that make it possible to determine the relationship that has appeared in relation to the spouse. The closer married spouses become with age, the deeper, longer and clearer this trait becomes, turning into one of the main signs on the venus tubercle.

deep and bright sign will be only when the marriage is happy. Otherwise, according to a fuzzy short dash, they speak of an unsuccessful marriage or marriage. running parallel life line along its entire length, it makes it possible to determine that the relationship in marriage will be strong and tied to a loving feeling.

The matrimonial line of influence originates slightly below the location of the life line. This place of the line of influence is explained by the fact that the spouse appears in the fate of a person much later than his other close relatives. The significance of the impact distribution of parents and spouse can be seen from the depth comparison. The one whose line is deeper and longer will have an impact and contribute more. Often this explains why the mother-in-law crushes the daughter-in-law with authority, protecting her son, and why the mother-in-law does not have much sympathy for the son-in-law, protecting her daughter from her.

Influencing additional signs

For all, without exception, the signs of influence on the palms in the form of straight lines are not the same. They can be interrupted, processes can depart from them, and also the line of influence can have a certain sign at its end, which in this case has important properties and significance in palmistry.


Crosses and stars that break the lines at the ends often make it possible to determine the danger and warn that in life you will have to face the death of loved ones, and most often the victim will be the spouse.

In cases with a star at the end, such events are accompanied by strong emotions and come as a complete surprise. The crosses at the end of the lines of influence mean that fate will have time to prepare you for parting with a loved one. This may mean a long-term illness of a relative with a sad outcome, for which you will already be ready.

Only in many cases, the stars and crosses at the end simply mean a painful parting with a person who will no longer return to your life.

An island at the end means a problematic relationship that can take place at the very beginning of an acquaintance and continue in a marriage relationship. Small horizontal lines extending from the islet, reaching the life line, mean the poor health of a person close to you, because of which you will have to worry.

Triangles and other signs on such lines will be able to tell about your partners and what they are doing - their professional activities:

  • right triangles have doctors, hairdressers and teachers,
  • triangles with crosses and circles inside are among artists and public figures,
  • ordinary triangular figures are characteristic of the military,
  • the square is for those who love extreme sports.


The processes starting in the area of ​​the thumb from the dash of influence, which is associated with close relatives, will tell you about the constant intervention of the mother in fate. Palmistry also calls them traits of stress. And the more you find in yourself such maternal processes, the more it will put pressure on your life and marital relationships.

Relationship with other lines

In palmistry, the decoding of all dashes and signs in the palm of your hand occurs in their totality. On the line of influence are tied lines of fate, originating from the wrist and passing towards the middle finger. By their location and construction, by the way they intersect each other, the nature of the relationship is analyzed:

  • the entry of the line of influence to the line of fate will tell about problematic marital relationships with disappointments, when it becomes thin and then completely disappears,
  • lines of influence that do not reach the line of fate, when they do not cross it, does not promise serious relationship limited to only a passing acquaintance,
  • the intersection of direct influence with direct fate - a harbinger of an impending break,
  • directed to the hillock of Jupiter (near the thumb), which, after entering the line of fate, the line of influence can promise a stable and rather emotional relationship,
  • the selfish intentions of your chosen one, chosen by your spouse, will be told by the line of influence superimposed on the line of fate, which crosses it and ascends to the hillock of Jupiter,
  • starting from the lunar hillock (in the lower square opposite the hillock of Venus), the line of influence, striving for a direct fate and flowing into it, predicts a foreign spouse,
  • the love triangle will be indicated by the line of influence turning into the line of fate, on top of which there is a line that originates, like the line of influence, also from the hill of Venus and covers the place where direct fate and direct influence merge,

The Line of Influence on the hand is able to tell us not only about the age at which the meeting will take place and the fateful relationship with the second half will begin, but also what main events await your partner throughout his life.

The ratio of the line of influence to the line of fate is one of important directions when exploring connections. When analyzing the palm, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of drink the line runs from the beginning to the merger with the Fate branch. It is customary to divide the latter into equal segments by years, on the basis of: the entire length of the line of fate is equal for a man - seventy-five years, for a woman - eighty.

Palmistry and line of influence

When reading the line of your lover, take the lower point of the branch of Influence as the starting point - at this moment your spouse was born, the place where this line connects with the line of Fate corresponds to 75 and 80 years of the Person in question.

According to recent studies, classical palmistry has changed a bit, scientists have found that the flow of time along the line of Influence can occur not only in the forward direction, but also in the opposite direction, that is, when you take the merging of lines as the beginning of the partner’s life scale, and the final point - bottom of the Influence branch. When analyzing the palm, taking into account such a passage of time, keep in mind that the same event in a person’s life is most likely to be repeated 2 times.

To better understand how dating works, look at your hand or at a clear photo of the other palm and use a blue pen to draw a straight scale of the Influence line, and mark its reverse course with a red one. Don't forget to take into account maximum age partner:

  • If you are a woman, divide by 75 equal segments (years);
  • If you are a man, divide into 80 equal segments.

The next step in reading the partner branch is identifying comets and dating them in both directions. Approximately, during these years, negative events or mental crises may occur in the life of your spouse.

Despite the fact that such a calculation system is very progressive, it is not perfect. Due to the fact that the time scale is very small, it is not always possible to accurately determine the year. For example, your line length is 2 cm, on which you need to put a time scale in the range from 0 to 80 years. It turns out that 1 mm will be responsible for 2.7-3 years. Therefore, when analyzing, do not rush to draw conclusions, and double-check everything several times and never give people accurate forecasts. This applies to both the line of influence and the line of fate.

Hill of Venus

Any palmist will tell you that the line of Influence located on the Mount of Venus best characterizes love and marriage relationships. It constantly accompanies the branch of Life, either approaching it almost closely, or moving away a considerable distance, sometimes interrupting, only to resume again later. There are palms on which the hill of Venus does not contain a single line under consideration.

Having studied how the lines on the hillock behave, you will understand the nature of your mutual relationship with your spouse, and by determining their length and depth, you can find out:

  • How long will your family last
  • What is the quality of the relationship between the partners
  • How much your significant other will be attached to you.

In some cases, the line of Influence on Venus may appear on a person’s hand after he has tied the knot. If dashes in this area of ​​the hand are found in a single person, they mean that their owner cannot live a single day without love and tenderness, and creating a family is a priority for him in life. Such people try to find this sublime feeling in everything, loneliness for them is akin to hard labor, and only real happiness brings them cohabitation and harmonious relationship with the second half.

It is on the Mount of Venus that one can assess the prospect of a marital union from all sides. Lines of Influence will tell you about this much more accurately than, for example, related branches of Heart and Fate. You will learn not only about the beginning and duration of love relationships, but also their nature in each specific time period. Be sure to pay attention to the signs of the Influence branch, for example, a square is evidence that the partner will be passionate about extreme sports sports, but at the same time abuse alcohol and drugs.

The more often you analyze examples, trying to read the hands as accurately as possible, the faster you will begin to determine the main reason that will introduce instability into the family and lead to divorce. In addition, you will understand what the lines of influence have to do with the line of fate, and you will easily begin to see extraneous connections in marriage, for example:

  • Lover
  • An unnaturally strong attachment to one of the parents
  • Excessive display of love for a child
  • Some kind of family-destroying influence from outside

Analyzing the probability and number of marriages on the hill of Venus, pay attention to the beginning of the lines under consideration, and the nature of their behavior. If you want to define possible cause divorce, look at the ratio of the line of influence to the line of the heart and the signs located on them.

There's a lot to be said for the beginning of Influence as to how passionate the initial phase of the relationship will be; by the nature of the branch, they usually determine how strong the personality of the partner is; and the way the line behaves speaks of the depth and sincerity of attraction to a partner throughout the entire period of living together.

It is important, when analyzing the line of Influence, it is necessary to take into account that these lines are very similar to the branches of Mars or Life, and they are responsible for absolutely other areas of life that have nothing to do with love relationships.

Line of influence on different hands

On the different hands the pattern is different, which means that when in large numbers lines of influence on right palm, on the left you may not find any such dash, and vice versa. In addition, the length and number of lines also vary. Such hands need to be read comprehensively, given that:

  • The passive side is a mirror of our inner world, the true essence, reflecting all our real experiences and desires.
  • The active side - demonstrates emotions, our appearance and how we present ourselves to others.

For example, if you are right-handed, who has no lines of influence in the Venus region on his working hand, but the second hill is all in similar lines, you can say the following about him: A person loves his partner very much and takes care of him tenderly, but practically never shows emotion. In addition, he is very wealthy. inner world and, despite the fact that outwardly he is a cold and distant member of society, his soul is very sensitive and vulnerable.

When examining a hand for relationships, it is important to pay attention to everything, how the line of Influence relates to the line of the heart, life and destiny, what shape it is, length, depth and other features of this element.

The nature of the lines

First of all, in order to determine the nature of influence and an idea of ​​how a spouse will treat his partner, it is necessary to compare the line of Influence with the line of Life. And then carefully study the appearance of the element.

So the unions for which a deep, thickened, clear branch is responsible will be distinguished by especially strong and sensual family relationships. Moreover, the longer the dash, the greater your dependence on your partner and the stronger your love. The presence on the hill of Venus, albeit not very well expressed, but a long line without breaks, also speaks of harmonious feelings, where both spouses are equal and will never fall under the influence of their other half. If the line has the shape of a wave, it should be considered depending on the distance from the life branch. Heterogeneous segments must be analyzed in parts, correlating the nature of each piece with the time scale.

No influence

If there is no Influence on the hill of Venus, then its owner does not experience a strong love attraction to his partner or has hidden their most secret corners of the soul. Such people usually enter into marriages of convenience, or for the sake of children, every time they postpone divorce.

Most often, constantly complaining to friends about their partner, people who have no lines of influence on any of their hands in the region of the hill of Venus, to the question: why do you still tolerate this? They answer - let it be better than without anyone at all.

In addition, Venus, not burdened by the elements under consideration, is a sign of the insignificance of the union, which in no way affected the course of a person’s life. In other words, the main thing for such people is promotion career ladder and getting wealth, and the family is a mere formality.

straight and deep

Directly opposite is indicated by a deep, well-drawn line, which is evidence of a very strong emotional attachment to the spouse. In addition, such a dash characterizes the partner himself as a strong-willed, tough, uncompromising person who puts his own interests above the rest. Getting along with him in the same house will not be easy.

Having seen such a line of Influence on the line of fate on your hand, get ready for the fact that in addition to a heavy temper, your soulmate will most likely have a set bad habits, which you will have to fight for a long time and it is not a fact that your joint efforts will be crowned with success.

Thin and weak

If Influence on the palm is expressed by a very uncertain dash, this, oddly enough, is a very good sign. Such people usually conclude harmonious unions based on the principles of equality, mutual trust and respect. Therefore, their families turn out to be very strong, in which partners always support and help each other in self-realization in life, without suppressing the authority of the spouse and without infringing on his rights.


These kind of dashes indicate that the partner does not accept any framework and family foundations that limit his personal space. Analyzing such lines, see how a certain dash behaves in each specific time interval. The closer Influence clings to the branch of life, the warmer the relationship between spouses.

As for heterogeneous lines of Influence, the situation can develop as follows:

  • The broad line of Influence decreases in volume - evidence that over the years the despotism will weaken and the union will become equal in rights.
  • The narrow line increases in volume - on the contrary, it indicates that every year the partner’s power over the owner of the drawing will be strengthened.

There is a widespread belief that strengthening relationships in a couple and thickening the line of Influence are in no way connected with each other. And this behavior of the branch, on the contrary, says that the partners will forget how to find common ground and the union will most likely collapse due to the fact that the spouse becomes overly jealous, suspicious, rude, uncompromising and constantly conflicting.

Beginning of lines

The beginning of the line of Influence shows exactly when a person will create a family, and how much he will be attached to his spouse at that moment:

The Line of Influence originates from the life line - a person will definitely, at least once, experience for himself what love is at first sight.

At some point in time, the owner of such a drawing will feel a sudden passion. This all-encompassing feeling will subjugate the will with such force that a person will begin to seek reciprocity by all means. But, the duration of such heat of passions will be short-lived. As soon as a person achieves what he wants, he will cool off a bit and love will be replaced by smooth feelings and healthy affection, which will play the role of a reliable foundation for a further union.

An independent starting point - the emergence of a relationship will not go as smoothly as we would like.

Indian palmists interpret this beginning ambiguously. On the one hand, such a line indicates that the meeting with the future partner will take place at the moment when he is bound by the bonds of a previous marriage. On the other hand, that the beloved will live in another city or state. In order to more accurately determine the interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of the lines of Influence and Fate.

Fork - external problems that prevent the formation of a harmonious union.

A clear sign of an unsuccessful union, which will bring trouble to both partners. Even at the stage of formation of relations, a person will face a serious choice. And not always, having analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of a potential second half, the owners of such a line of Influence do it right.

Relationships with other elements

A certain line of Influence denotes a specific person who will somehow influence the course of our life. Such people include:

  • Husband wife;
  • Lover;
  • Child;
  • Mother father;
  • Just close person which we consider native.

The distance between the lines of Influence and Life determines the intensity of the feelings of the owner of the palm for each of their potential partners.

Based on this, the analysis should take place in compliance with one immutable rule: The smaller the distance between the lines under consideration, the stronger the sensual and emotional binding of partners to each other, and vice versa, the distance between the lines increases - feelings weaken and eventually fade away. Harmonious love unions are indicated by the line of Influence, which runs along the entire length of the line of Life, without clinging or moving away from it.

On the hill of Venus, you can determine not only the approximate date of marriage, but also some of its features and duration. The main thing is to use dating correctly both on the line of influence and on the line of fate, and to know how to see what other signs in the palm of your hand it crosses. The number of dashes indicates how many people, with their actions and deeds, will drastically affect the course of life.

Since in the area of ​​​​Venus you can see many lines parallel to the line of Life, its hill is usually called the field of relatives, and in order to more accurately determine which of the close people each specific line of Influence points to the line of fate, the hill must be divided into zones:

  1. The most sensual field responsible for love and marriage relationships is the area near the Life line and 1-1.5 cm deep into the mound. The lines of husband / wife and lovers begin on it. When reading a hand, always remember that the closer
  2. branch to life, the stronger the emotional attachment to a person. If the line is located on the farthest part of the love zone, it means that strong friendly feelings have replaced passion and love. But, this applies only to those partners with whom the owner of the hand previously had physical intimacy, all the rest best friends are shown by dashes in the zone of relatives.
  3. The area responsible for family ties, is located immediately after the love one and goes even further deeper by 1-1.5 cm. The upper boundary of this section is the Life line in the interval from a person’s birth to twelve years. This field contains information about blood relatives of the first and second line, as well as especially close friends. Analyzing this zone is the most difficult, due to the fact that each line is tied to specific person sometimes it is impossible. In this situation, you can not do without the help of the owner of the hand, while reading the hill of Venus, be sure to check with him which of his inner circle he loves and appreciates the most, and based on this, draw parallels in the picture in the palm of your hand. In order to more accurately read information about fateful connections on the hand, the analysis of the first two zones must be carried out in a complex manner. For example, if you notice that the line of the mother from the related zone is deeper and clearer than the line of the second half, then the person is under the strong influence of a relative who controls every step of her child, and will definitely take an active part in personal and family life. spouses' lives.
  4. The final section, on one side of which there is a related zone, and on the other - the thumb. It is responsible for the offspring and contains all the information about our children: date of birth, major fateful events, and so on.

Line of Influence and personal life

And now let's take a closer look at how the behavior of the Influence line characterizes the personal life of its owner:

The branch is located close to the life line, runs parallel and does not cross it. This example speaks of a very strong sensual attachment to a lover, indicating a long union to which happiness and harmony will always be present. In this marriage, each partner is support and support for each other, and the whole family life built on mutual respect and trust partnerships. Such lines of Influence do not leave a positive imprint on the lines of fate.

The branch along its entire length is equidistant from the vital one, accompanying it at some distance. This is the best combination of these lines of all possible. It means that the family is everything for a person, and his soulmate is a gift of fate. It is the partner who will bring to the life of the owner of such a palm a lot of vivid emotions and positive impressions, giving a special meaning to the existence of the union. In addition, such a line of Influence is a canonical sign of one marriage and for life.

The thread has a small gap. This suggests that a crisis period will come in the relationship. Analyzing the properties of such a combination, pay special attention to the direction in which the new part branches. If to Life - after the reunion, the feelings in the couple will flare up with a vengeance and the relationship between the spouses after the discord will only become stronger. If deep into the hill - the separation will be very long, because of which, after the reunion, the partners will treat each other colder or even part, remaining good friends.

The branch gradually moves away from the vital one, reaches a certain point and turns and goes to the center of the hill. Such a line of Influence is evidence that the owner of the hand will gradually begin to cool towards his partner, moreover, with each new day, more and more, and as a result, feelings will disappear completely. Analyzing such palms, it is important to understand the root cause of these events. Among them, there may be a forced long separation, for example, a business trip for six months or more, intrigues on the side, or other events that do not allow partners to spend enough time together and pay due attention to each other. In this case, another new line of influence in the love zone, the beginning of which coincides with the departure of the old one deep into the hill, may indicate the appearance of a romance on the side.

The branch merges with life. It's a sign happy marriage, the only one in fate. Pouring into the line of Life, the line of Influence, shows that the spouse for the owner of the hand becomes not just a partner, he becomes part of his fate, therefore, no one can ever destroy such a union.

The branch crosses the vital. The family will exist until the line of influence goes beyond the limits of life. The point where one dash intersects another is the approximate date of the divorce. This combination always has a negative interpretation, even if on this moment building relationships in a couple is just beginning and nothing portends trouble. Anything can affect the separation: long separation, mistresses and lovers, strong litter ending in assault and other external circumstances, including the death of a spouse. Moreover, if your partner is destined to die a natural death, in your palm you will not find any signs indicating this is not, except that the line of Influence sharply turns and crosses the line of Life. Unnatural death (accidental or violent) can be recognized by unfavorable signs on the line of the spouse.

The end of the branch is in the form of a fork. Palmistry says that the point, which is the beginning of the bifurcation of the line, is an indication of the age at which you will have a choice: forget all grievances and disagreements and try to save the relationship or part with your partner forever. As a rule, most people choose the second option.

Details about the line of fate. Palmistry

Lines of Influence

The branch is weakly expressed and has a small length. In a person's life, in addition to the main marriage partner, there is always a lover, but this triangle has a softer shape. If in the palm of your hand thin and short lines of Influence, extending from the line of Life, look like commas, a person’s relationship will not reach marriage, since any of his sensual affection ends after a short time (maximum 5 years). Analyzing such drawings, you need to focus on the angle at which the dash departs from the line of Life. The speed of development of relationships, which usually end as quickly as they begin, directly depends on its size. To confirm your conclusions, look at the outer part of the edge of the palm, namely, at the area located between the line of the Heart and the base of the finger responsible for

Mercury. If a person has a mistress, you will find a thin short dash near the Heart, which indicates building a new relationship with a certain person.

Now you know how to understand what the beginning of the line of influence in different parts of the palm means.

In palmistry, by the location of the line of Influence to the line of Fate, you can find out what the nature of the relationship between partners will be like, what they will change in a person’s life. Shows what place in the world of the owner of the intersection of two lines the family union will occupy.

Lines of Influence and their meaning

The lines of Influence on the hand are located on the hill of Venus, they look like convex stripes. They are parallel to the line of the Head, but may also have a horizontal direction.

Hand selection

In palmistry, passive and active hands are distinguished. By non-dominant (for left-handers - right, for right-handers - left) you can find out about a person's past. Reflects what is destined for him by fate. It determines in which area of ​​life a person will be able to realize himself.

The Line of Influence on the passive palm shows which categories of people will occupy a significant place in a person's life. Gives information about the emotional level of the relationship. Allows you to find out whether there will be an emotional attachment between people or whether they will reject each other, love or hate.

The active hand analyzes the current situation and past experience. It displays who is currently the most important person in the life of a person, what are the relationships with friends and relatives, what they can become. Shows the presence or absence of physical affection or intimacy. Usually depicts a relationship based on sex rather than love or an emotional connection.

In order to predict the future as accurately as possible, one should analyze and draw parallels between the lines of Influence on both palms. This will provide an opportunity to get a complete picture of the future life.

Line characteristics

Sexual attraction is judged by the number of lines of Influence. If there are a lot of them, this indicates a person’s sexual attachment to a partner. They may not have common interests, topics for discussion or a strong emotional connection, that is, the relationship is based only on intimacy. Such a person is capable of betrayal in order to satisfy his sexual needs. He is indifferent to the feelings of a partner.

Lines of Influence on the hill of Venus in a small amount indicate that:

  • there is no strong sexual attraction;
  • intimacy is one of the components of the relationship between partners, but not the basis of the relationship;
  • a person will not commit adultery, because he appreciates a loved one;
  • in a couple, the main thing is mutual understanding, happiness, love and friendship.

Another meaning of a small number of Influence traits is that a person prefers to develop in the arts, loves beauty and unusual entertainment. Interpersonal relationships for her are not the main spectrum of life. Often does not maintain contact with family and friends. The owner of such lines of Influence is independent, values ​​freedom most of all.

Deep bands of Influence indicate that other people strongly influence the owner of such traits in the palm of your hand. His actions are directly dependent on the advice of others. Mood, interest in life, mental condition may be influenced by the opinions of others. Such a person reacts aggressively to criticism, does not perceive it.

Other variations of the Line of Influence on the Mount of Venus.

  • Thin, go deep into the mound of Venus. A sign of fragile ties with other people. The person has no close friends or relatives. Keeps some distance from others. Never rely on anyone, trust only himself. Moderately self-confident, but there are times when such a person suffers from loneliness. For this reason, prolonged depression can occur.
  • Pronounced at the beginning, but become thin towards the end. They symbolize the gradual breaking of ties. May indicate a loss of trust, the destruction of previously strong relationships.
  • Weakly expressed at the beginning and deep at the end. A sign of a person who gradually becomes dependent on the influence of others. He begins to consult with acquaintances and friends more often, when making decisions he asks for advice from many people.

If the line of Influence on the hand crosses the line of Health, an accident will happen, the owner of such a palm will die. Reasons can also be serious problems with health.

The intersection of the lines of Influence on the hill of Venus and the Heart indicates the importance of a love relationship for a person. She depends on another person, agrees to all his proposals, appreciates every minute spent together.


Various symbols in the palm of your hand often carry a negative message. They indicate some problems in a person's life.

If there is a star on the line of Influence, then this indicates the death of a close relative. Against this background, a person may begin to develop mental abnormalities. She will stay in depressed state. No outsider can influence her. The state of apathy will pass by itself.

The presence of a cross on the line of influence indicates that the person was already ready to part. It could be the death of someone close, separation from a loved one. The emotional connection that existed between people breaks. But the owner of the cross on the line of Influence will not suffer for a long time about this. He will quickly come to his senses and continue life in a normal rhythm.

The island sign is a sign of significant relationship problems. Manifested as a lack of understanding, respect for each other. After the stage of falling in love has passed, the partners will have nothing to talk about, they will find a difference in interests or outlook on life.

The triangle on the band of influence makes it possible to find out the sphere of human activity. If it is pronounced, work in government agencies (doctor, policeman, firefighter, teacher) is suitable. When there is a circle or a square inside the symbol, this is a person of creativity. It is realized in writing, art craft, singing, floristry. A triangle, in which all sides are approximately equal in length, indicates the possibility of implementation in science.

The meaning of the arc of Fate

The line of Fate begins near the wrist and ends near the middle finger. It has the form of a hyperbola. She points to:

  • degree of luck;
  • purpose;
  • the area in which a person will be most successful and productive;
  • the ability to get out of difficult situations;
  • relationships with loved ones.

It should be remembered that in the course of life, the line of Fate on the active hand can change: from a straight line it becomes a curve, from a short one to a long one, etc. There are those who do not have this feature at all. This can have 2 meanings. First, a person is destined to be a drunkard, a drug addict, an alcoholic, or homeless.

Second: a person in life will not have any global goal. It can develop, do something useful, but a certain aspiration missing. Will rejoice at all current events. Life will be bright, filled with positive emotions.

Shape Options

A long line of Fate indicates that a person will be able to fully realize his potential. Life will be joyful, happy. Such people know exactly what they want to achieve, and are trying with all their might to fulfill themselves.

The presence of a short line of Fate indicates that the person cannot find his destiny. Tries himself in different areas life, but definitely cannot decide what she likes, what she wants to be realized in.

An intermittent line of Fate means that life will be full of difficult obstacles. A person is subject to the external influence of society and loved ones. The second meaning: in life there will come a moment when fate will completely change.


Some symbols are often found on the line of Fate. The most common is the star. He talks about problems at work, frequent quarrels with management, colleagues. It means that a person will do what he does not like, but is highly paid.

Other signs:

  • island - a sharp loss of a loved one;
  • the square speaks of protection, so the person in most dangerous situations will survive, will not negative consequences for her and those around her;
  • the chain indicates the presence of financial difficulties, health problems (severe illness), as a result of which a person may die;
  • triangle - the life path is filled with problems and difficulties, but, having overcome them, the person will gain inner freedom and harmony.

The intersection of two lines

The intersection of these 2 lines may indicate the next meeting of lovers. It tells about the relationship between partners, the problems that may arise. It gives an idea of ​​how long the union will last, how the parents of the owner of the intersection of the lines of Influence and Fate will accept the partner.

The appearance and the intersection of the 2 lines have different meanings.

  • The Fate trait is thicker than the Influence bar. The leader in love will be the owner of such a hand. He will take care of a dear person, will initiate the development of relationships.
  • The Line of Influence is thicker than the line of Destiny. The main thing in the union will be the partner. He makes the final decisions. He will suggest how to spend time together, in which area it is better for both to develop.
  • The Destiny Trait crosses the Influence line at the beginning. Marriage will be problematic, but with active work relations may improve. Indicates difficulties at work, which leads to disappointment.
  • The Line of Influence intersects with the line of Destiny in the middle. Talk about stable relationships. Emotionally and physically partners will satisfy each other.
  • After crossing the Fate bar becomes thicker. Talking about divorce married couple or complete break relationships of those who meet. Another meaning: the partner married the owner of such a palm because of financial gain.
  • The Influence trait became thicker after crossing. He talks about the frivolity of the relationship. There will be many fleeting meetings and alliances, but they will not end in anything serious.
  • The Line of Influence crosses the line of Fate on the hill of Venus. Talks about successful marriage with a foreigner. They expect a lot of travel, an interesting and exciting life.
  • The lines intersect on the Hill of the Moon. Means that the partner or spouse has someone else. He is able to commit adultery in order to satisfy his physical needs.

It happens that both lines do not intersect at all, but only pass close. Then love and interpersonal relationships will not play an important role in the life of the owner of such a palm. For him, a career, self-realization, doing business, etc., will be more important, or the person will not even have a frivolous relationship. Each new union will bring disappointment and unhappiness.


The Line of Influence, which crosses the line of Destiny, speaks of some problems in the relationship. What they will be depends on the appearance of the strips after the connection. If the lines do not connect, then the role of the family in the life of the individual will be insignificant.

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