Home Indoor flowers So different, but so close: the compatibility of a Libra man and a Taurus woman. Taurus woman and Libra man compatibility

So different, but so close: the compatibility of a Libra man and a Taurus woman. Taurus woman and Libra man compatibility

The Libra and Taurus couple tend to develop their relationship gradually. They rub against each other and gradually change themselves. Having studied the horoscope for compatibility of Taurus and Libra, we can say that Taurus is completely satisfied with the views on the life of Libra, but he will worry about whether his partner's worldview suits him. At the same time, Libra will urge the partner to provide a certain standard of living for the couple, for which Taurus will need to work at full strength.

Taurus in this pair is a hot and sincere partner, and Libra is characterized as cold and somewhat detached people. Taurus, if he falls in love, he is capable of committing insane acts, and Libra tries to direct such boundless energy of a partner in the direction he needs.

Both partners dream of a prosperous life, so Libra will strive for success, and Taurus skillfully pave the way for them. Both zodiac signs work hard to improve their financial situation. They will spend all the money they earn together and with pleasure. But if one of the partners reaches a great peak in his career, the harmony of the couple may end. At this moment, there is a threat of separation of the pair of Taurus and Libra.

Libra is interested in people who are in high social positions. They are attracted to sociability, and Taurus is a sign that does not like to talk too much. Because of this, Taurus will have to conquer a partner all the time. At some point, he may get tired of the struggle for happiness and leave.

Have this union if they love each other, life will become beautiful and luxurious. They both value aesthetics that will unite them forever. In addition, both signs are influenced by Venus, which is the planet of beauty and love. And any influence of the planet has a beneficial effect on the relationship in a couple. According to astrologers, if a couple goes according to an unfavorable scenario, the planet Venus is able to send them to the right path and smooth out all the irregularities and roughness of the relationship.

Libra Man - Taurus Woman compatibility

The compatibility of partners, where the woman is Taurus and the man is Libra, is 60 percent. The existence of such a union requires the ability of partners to reckon with each other's opinions and the ability to assess the situation from the point of view of a loved one. The life and concepts of two partners can differ significantly and it is very difficult for them to understand the actions of each.

The Taurus girl will love with her heart, but the Libra man will love based on her mind. Because of this, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise in this pair. A marriage between them can exist in the case when each of the partners will take steps towards each other. The happiness of a couple is quite possible, the main thing is to make an effort.

Libra man is a patient and understanding sign. Sometimes he may have suspicions of a propensity for the material benefit of a partner, and on this basis, scandals and conflicts may arise. A Taurus woman will have to prove her selflessness and love all the time.

Another hindrance to a happy marriage between these signs can be the companionable nature of a man. The Taurus woman is better off going to the salon than listening to the stories of her friends.

In everyday life, Libra and Taurus have similar views. They like expensive fabrics, luxury and beauty. The Taurus girl loves to cook, and the man in this union loves to eat well. The girl loves home and comfort in it, and men prefer to watch interesting films and enjoy the attention and care of their beloved woman.

Libra Woman - Taurus Man compatibility

A Libra girl is always unpredictable. However, in the family she is a real dictator. She hides behind her femininity and tenderness a strong character able to dictate their own rules. The Libra woman is quite courageous, and the Taurus man is sensitive, but one cannot overdo it with these qualities in union.

Taurus is almost always passive, and his courage is compensated by tenderness and courtesy. The Libra girl has simple facial features, but despite this she can captivate a man with her clean and dazzling smile. Do you know ? Affectionate eyes, pleasant voice and elegant demeanor attract the beauty lover of Taurus, and it becomes easier to get his attention.

It is easy for a Taurus man to inflict a spiritual wound that heals very slowly, however, even after that he can forgive his beloved woman. Often happy marriage between Taurus and Libra arises in the event that physical attraction arises between them. This gives the relationship a special depth, romance and love.

For a Libra woman, a Taurus man is a godsend. His presence can calm the restless soul of a woman. He guarantees a woman reliability and confidence in the future.

Passion, love, a thirst for parting, a truce, the most sensual confessions that can only be - all this is in such an alliance as a Taurus woman - a Libra man. The compatibility of these two sometimes seems unrealistic. But in fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find more loving friend a friend of people than Taurus and Libra.

Taurus girl and the specifics of her character

Before talking about such a couple as a Taurus woman - a Libra man, the compatibility of which will be discussed a little further, it is worth talking about their characters. And you should start with a representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

A girl belonging to such a zodiac sign as Taurus is the real embodiment of femininity. She has excellent taste, always looks impeccable, and is courteous in communication. It will not be difficult for her to seduce a man. At first glance, it seems that this is a fragile and delicate creature. But behind the angelic appearance lies simply incredible fortitude. She is smart, but she never specifically demonstrates her abilities. Perhaps that is why others underestimate them. Calm, judicious - she is always ready to listen and help worthy advice... The Taurus girl is a great, reliable friend and faithful wife... To win it, you only need one thing - to be sincere and honest. Because it is precisely lies and deception that she does not tolerate.

Libra man and features of his temperament

The guy born under this zodiac sign is the real soul of the company. He is sincere, cheerful, sociable, sociable - it's hard not to fall in love with this. He charms literally from the first minutes of communication. He can find mutual language with almost anyone. With girls, this man is very courteous, does not hesitate in compliments, knows how to look after beautifully and be helpful. He has one important feature that is not inherent in all representatives of the strong half of humanity. And that is mindfulness. He always shows it in relation to the girl he liked. Asks her about everything: about work, about the past day, about new things that have happened, about problems. Because he knows it is important to her. The Libra guy always strives to please people who are dear to him - and they are pleased, and he feels better from it. In general, we can say that these people are real friends, sincere, empathic and emotional. With such you really feel calm and good.

Force of gravity

Despite the fact that there are often disagreements in such couples, they still do not part. This is the highlight of such a union as a Taurus woman - a Libra man. Their compatibility, despite the above, is still very high. They seem to be pulled to each other by a magnet. They are united by love for all kinds of pleasures and joys. The guy in this union is a very creative and sophisticated person, unlike his chosen one. The Taurus girl is more realistic and decisive than him. But such distinctive features- not a minus at all. They complement each other successfully, helping their partner to become better. But what really unites them is the ability to rejoice in the good. Sometimes even a minor trifle can make them happy.

Harmonious union

So, now we should talk about such a couple as a Taurus woman - a Libra man. Their compatibility is developing successfully for the reason that each of them takes from this union what he needs. A guy, for example, needs understanding. And the girl - love and attention.

Of course, the leader in the pair is undoubtedly the woman. She is a born leader, and it is not difficult for her to take responsibility and the right to solve the issues and problems that arise. But she will not do absolutely everything. Libra should be a part of this too. It's just that the girl will say what needs to be done, and the guy will do it. This arrangement suits everyone - the responsibilities are evenly distributed. In this union, harmony will reign - this is evidenced by the compatibility of the signs of a Taurus woman - a Libra man. The main thing is that the girl does not infringe on the rights of her chosen one, and he, in turn, tries to help her in what she asks. And of course, he was a real man with whom she would feel loved and needed. Because she really needs it.

Problems and conflicts

Well, in any pair there is something that can cause a fight between a guy and a girl. Such a union as a Libra man - a Taurus woman is no exception. Compatibility in love of these two, although it is very promising, but there is something that sometimes interferes with them happy life... And this is one of their key qualities. Stubbornness is what it's about in question... They are both very stubborn. Although Libra does not seem like that at first glance. They give the impression of being very gentle and compliant people. But in reality, they are stubborn, like Taurus. They make concessions very hard. Sometimes it is easier for them to remain silent than to agree with the opinion of a partner. And if things have gone too far, then Libra will begin to protect their comfort by any means. Often not very good. They can use lies, evade, and make excuses. Just to get away from the answer. Because if they say what they really think, it can ruin everything. What then is to be done? Finding compromises is the only way to get along together.

The beginning of a relationship

Speaking about the compatibility of the zodiac signs, a Taurus woman - a Libra man, I would like to say a few words about how to start this relationship. In fact, there is nothing difficult, since usually in these couples everything starts with ordinary communication. Love feelings between Libra and Taurus arise only after a while. And, I must say, in in this case this is better than any love at first sight, since such couples practically do not part. Having got to know each other in the process of friendly communication, they already know what to expect from their chosen one or chosen one. And all that remains is to work on the relationship to make it easier and better.

Zodiac Compatibility: Libra woman and Taurus man

The love horoscope tells a lot about this couple. And it's clear why. After all, a sensual girl born under the sign of Libra and an expressive Taurus guy are a couple that sometimes seems unreal.

Their friends and relatives are sure that they are completely different and not suitable people for each other. It seems that they have nothing in common at all. Characters, temperaments, outlook on life, worldview - everything is so different! But is it? No. In fact, they have a lot in common. They are cheerful, they love to have fun, to have fun, they like the same music and movies. They have the same views on relationships, and on any - business, friendship, love. In addition, both the Libra girl and the Taurus guy have great taste. But this is not the most important thing. There is something more important. Namely, their ability to solve the problems that have arisen together. Even if something bad happened due to the fault of one person, they will do it together. Neither the girl nor the guy in this union will leave each other in trouble. No matter how many disagreements and quarrels they have.

Libra woman, Taurus man: the path to happiness

One nuance should be noted regarding such a couple as a Libra woman - a Taurus man. Marital compatibility is what we're talking about. In order for their family life to be harmonious and happy, both the guy and the girl will have to work on their relationship. Quite often quarrels can arise between them - for various reasons. Most often - at the beginning of a relationship. Sometimes they can be very rude to each other. Quarrels are usually initiated by an expressive Taurus guy. He is jealous, not used to trusting everyone at once. In order to stop these senseless quarrels (which arise from scratch), the girl should tell her chosen one more, be more frank. The fact that she does not dare to say everything, Taurus can perceive as distrust or a lie. This is the specificity of his character.

In general, to make the relationship easier and better, he needs to be more restrained and show more attention and tenderness towards her beloved (since she really needs it), and that, in turn, be more relaxed and frank. Then everything will be fine.

Intimate connection

And one more topic that I would like to touch upon when talking about this beautiful couple like a Taurus man - a Libra woman. Sexual compatibility is what we're talking about. In this regard, they are ideal for each other. There is hardly another similar pair in which people are so attracted to each other, not only spiritually, but also physically. They are able to satisfy all the needs of each other and are ready to do this at any time and as much as they want. The best part is that they don't get bored of it. Each time, both partners experience new sensations. Plus, they don't hesitate to experiment. They never have problems in this regard, unlike other couples. Due to such a great physical attraction, the spiritual connection also increases. By the way, they will never dare to cheat. Firstly, neither Taurus nor Libra consider this deed to be a noble one. The very word "treason" is disgusting to them. And secondly, what they get from each other is so enough for them that there is no desire to look for something on the side. Such is the love and sexual compatibility of a Taurus man and a Libra woman.

An extremely difficult union that requires partners to constantly work on themselves and internal changes which can be quite painful. Libra men may seem overly mannered to Taurus women, and their behavior is feigned. Especially when you take into account the fact that Libra is generally not very responsible for the promises that they give out. And when it turns out that behind their words there is nothing real, no security, Taurus, who need a solid foundation for building relationships, believe, not without reason, that they were simply deceived. On the other hand, the Taurus themselves, in order to provide in this union the standard of living to which they are accustomed, have to work quite a lot and hard. However, sometimes Taurus women still manage to achieve certain changes in the views and behavior of Libra men, for example, to teach them to put their things in a strict a certain place or do gymnastics in the morning.

However, in general, this is all limited and, in the end, Taurus simply resigns themselves to the fact that they have not a husband, but a child, capricious and not very obedient, but who needs constant care. Meanwhile, the Libra men themselves adhere to the opposite point of view on this score. The obsessive tutelage of Taurus begins to weigh them down. And, despite the fact that they are impressed by the cold prudence of Taurus, if they get tired of being boring, then they can just slam the door. Meanwhile, the love of Libra-men can inspire a Taurus-woman to real exploits, although if she does not get enough return, she can simply get tired and find herself more suitable partner born under the sign of Earth or Water.

Taurus women and Libra men sexual compatibility

V intimate relationships this pair usually does not have a problem. Libras are extremely romantic and easily carry Taurus along with them, and they do it naturally and easily. So physical love brings undoubted pleasure to both partners. Libra-men play a leading role here, they easily satisfy Taurus-women, while they themselves also do not go to waste and receive exactly as much as they want to receive. Although there is a possibility that Taurus will want to show all his assertiveness. In this case, Libra easily gives up the role of a leader and simply enjoys the process itself. Both of these signs are ruled by Venus, therefore sexual problems between them, by definition, there can be no.

Taurus woman and Libra man business compatibility

Business partnerships turn out to be quite successful, perhaps even more so than marriage. Working under the guidance of a Taurus, Libra must show all their diligence and conscientiousness, in this case, the Taurus will be able to assess their success and direct their activity in the necessary direction. On the other hand, Taurus as a performer turns out to be simply impeccable, he does his job not only professionally, but also exceptionally conscientiously, almost never criticizing his boss. So there are no conflicts between them.

What a Taurus woman needs to know about a Libra man

Libra men cannot live a day without communication. They constantly need a society where they could not only show off their extremely sharp mind, but also hone it even more in verbal duels. Therefore, if such a man is your companion, all that is required of you is to put on your own best dress and follow him wherever he calls. Even if it doesn't give you that much pleasure. And although Libra men can sometimes show excessive emotionality, they turn out to be intelligent enough to stop in time and follow home, where they are already waiting for them. delicious dinner carefully prepared by you, Taurus. Most of all, Libra men value comfort and harmony in this life, to which they constantly strive. But providing themselves with spiritual comfort, they simultaneously give it to the one who is next to them.

What a Libra man needs to know about a Taurus woman

Taurus woman is patient and always ready to accompany you to any event. However, this should not be abused, since she herself would much more happily stay at home and spend the evening alone with you. No one better than Taurus can provide you with comfort and peace in the house. She just loves to tinker in the kitchen and will always be happy to pamper you with new exotic dishes, in this she simply has no equal. So maybe it's worth learning how to finally fold your own socks in the same place?

Taurus woman and Libra man compatibility: chances for the future

The union of Taurus-woman and Libra-man can be quite successful. The unifying factor may be that both partners tremendously value the little pleasures of life - Tasty food, comfort in the house, finally, sex. However, since Taurus is a more decisive sign, in this pair it is the woman who will have to shoulder the responsibility of accepting important decisions... And don't expect Libra to be able to do it on their own.

How compatible is a Taurus woman in love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

The compatibility of men of Libra and women of Taurus is good by astrological standards. These zodiac signs are drawn towards each other and often form pairs. Both are balanced, value comfort, do not impose their will and opinions. But, nevertheless, representatives of these zodiacal signs look at the world in opposite directions.

Taurus are sedentary, they prefer stability in everything, something to break, alter, change - not for them. They are practical, stubborn, stubborn. The scales are light on their feet, they are here today, there tomorrow. The airy guy loves to have fun, to be in large companies. To avoid conflicts, they need to immediately assign roles. Taurus prefer to rule and lead. They are born leaders. Libra, on the contrary, hides from any responsibility, without claiming to be the dominant role. This turnover is beneficial to both.

Zodiac signs compatibility by horoscope

Both signs are under the tutelage of Venus. The horoscope claims that the Taurus girl is full of mysteries, attracts the eyes of men, and is very practical at the same time. She is confident in her irresistibility, superiority over others, literally from birth she has certain goals and goes to them without deviating from the path, to their implementation. Difficulties do not stop her, independence is respected by others. Many would like to become her half.

The Libra guy is handsome, funny, ready for various romantic feats. But, with responsibility, he is bad. Such a person does not need to think about how and with whom to meet. Women themselves flock to his openness and good-natured disposition. He loves to communicate, can negotiate with anyone, even the most grumpy interlocutor.

Young beauties can long time stay in his surroundings, hoping that he will finally notice them, appreciate and invite them in marriage. But, the guy is in no hurry. The registry office scares him. He is always sure, the best of the best is yet to come, and will go down the aisle only by great love... The wait may drag on.

Overall Compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Looking from the side at the representatives of the zodiac signs of the earth and air, you might think that a couple of them will not work. There are too many contradictions in them. Lady Taurus is terribly stubborn and not compliant, zealously defends her position. Air Scales are completely different. They are easy, they will not argue in vain. But, this is the case when opposites attract.

The girl will be impressed by communication with the guy. She will not even notice how she suddenly changes her original opinion, falling under his charm. He deftly and gracefully finds excuses for any of his mistakes in behavior. For example, being late for a date. The apology will be so beautiful that the lady will soon feel uncomfortable that she was offended by him. In addition, Libra, incredibly erudite, can talk on any topic. And most importantly, he will definitely find an approach to her, no matter how beech she may seem.

He will also like the girl's femininity, her attractiveness, inner charm. Her prudence conquers the eccentric Weight. Compatibility in love relationships based on mutual attraction becomes just perfect.

It is very difficult for an airy man to decide on marriage. It is easier and easier for them to remain free. Taurus is patient, but his equanimity and calmness comes to an end. It is better not to face an enraged Taurus. But, Libra does not like conflicts and tries not to bring them up. And the incredible charm of the beloved person, her soft but decisive actions will lead to the registry office. V family life much will be built on the basis of the wishes of the wife; it is simply difficult for a husband to refuse her. In general, it comes out quite well harmonious union... Venus helps to find happiness, because they are both her children.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

The compatibility of signs in bed strives for the ideal. It should be borne in mind that a man loves beautiful more, tender words, romance, compliments, touch, and a woman wants bodily sensations, every minute pleasure. If they understand their partner's desires, the relationship will become even stronger. It happens that after conversations, long verbal foreplay, Libra loses interest in sex itself. The very fact of seduction is important to them.

Taurus, on the other hand, having heard plenty of promises, a series of compliments and not receiving a return, closes in on itself, goes into work. This rarely happens. They usually tend to negotiate, to meet halfway.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Friendship compatibility

The signs of autumn and spring can begin to make friends in childhood. They will not pay attention to the difference in characters, the perception of the world. An agreeable, sociable boy or already a young man, easily makes concessions to a stubborn girlfriend. He likes her determination. She is always in a hurry to help, solves many problems. Having played naughty, the young tomboy will hide behind a staunch girl. She happily takes on the responsibility of taking care of the fearful personality of the air element, and she is insanely fun with him, never bored, and whoever does not have shortcomings.

Friendship is easy for them. Both love to listen to music, go to concerts, dance. Children of Venus keep friendly relations... Even having families, they continue to support good relationship, common hobbies are possible. If you have already agreed on something, then nothing and no one is able to destroy joint plans... The girl is slow in business, she weighs and ponders everything for a long time. The guy acts swiftly, without delving into the details, often getting into a mess, which is why friendship is so important for them. They fill in the gaps and flaws in their own character.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Work and career compatibility

In business, colleagues from the terrestrial and air realms can collaborate with different results... In work, if we manage to find an approach to each other, then it will be a fruitful business union. Otherwise, the man will begin to shy away from completing the assigned tasks. In general, Taurus is calm and practical, but Libra, with its quick wits, and most importantly, the ability to negotiate with everyone, makes a huge contribution to achieving work goals.

The worst thing is when the zodiac signs are just business partners. Together they are not interested in working. They have a different pace, and strengths, and ability. It is better for them to perform different duties, then everything will work out.

The Libra man is the boss, and the Taurus lady is a subordinate, a good balance of power. A woman is an excellent worker, she is completely devoted to completing tasks, she never fails. The chef is happy, he will not interfere with checks and control. This situation suits both.

Taurus is the boss, and Libra is the subordinate - not scary. The lady - the boss is demanding, will not tolerate evasion of duties. The man, resisting, will work. The leader presses, but gently, trying not to touch male pride. They manage to find a middle ground and maintain a balance of equilibrium in a kind, calm working environment.

Business Compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What they need to know about each other

Libra man:

  1. He is an esthete, knows how to tell beautifully with enthusiasm. He loves to build castles in the air, and then does not try to do anything to implement his plans.
  2. Money is scattered left and right.
  3. This is very emotional guy, does not like boredom, tries to be in sight. Staying at home in front of the TV prefers noise, music, fun. The soul requires novelty, impressions, communication.
  4. Forgets promises easily.
  5. Unsure, it is very difficult for Libra to make a decision.
  6. Order is not about him.

Taurus women:

  1. She soberly assesses the situation, is far from illusions, looks at things realistically.
  2. Persistent, stubborn and stubborn. He will stand up for the embodiment of his ideas.
  3. This woman is a materialist, she loves everything beautiful, but only that which is in the hands, and not in dreams.
  4. Words are not just sound to her. If she said anything, she would definitely do it and demand it from others.
  5. Spends money wisely, is very frugal.
  6. She is prone to conservatism, stability.
  7. Homebody.
  8. Emotions are firmly locked in her.

Relationship benefits

They have many differences, but the relationship sometimes develops in a couple so that they get along well. An earthly lady forgives an air representative for many mistakes and ugly misdeeds. Yes, and the solution of problems is taken over by a friend. He's the type of irresponsible, but she fills this gap. A man, on the other hand, attracts coldish and reasonable Taurus with his abstract approach to life. They are always hovering somewhere, far from pressing, earthly problems. The leader in this tandem will always be a woman, and both agree with this state of affairs.

An earthly person tells the guy what to do and how, and he resignedly proceeds to the implementation. He likes that he is looked after as a little one, appreciates a caring attitude. He knows that the partner will certainly take into account his interests. There are Taurus who do not go too far in their leadership, maintaining balance and not affecting the manhood of their beloved. And there are those who command not only at home, but also in in public places... But, they are quite happy with it.

Disadvantages of relationships

Even if partners are good for each other, there is often cause for concern. They have many issues with which they have to get along, put up with, they have to look for ways to resolve conflicts, look for compromises. It soon turns out that Libra is terribly stubborn. Although they are soft, malleable, sometimes they push up no less than die-hard Taurus. So far, the man gives in, everything is fine, and when he gets into a pose, a crisis in the relationship sets in.

It is difficult to get a straight answer from Libra. Instead, they will wag, come up with excuses. It is easier for them to give consent, for example, to meet somewhere, to go somewhere, and then turn off the phone and not come. Then he will come up with incredible excuses, and it will become clear that he initially did not intend to go anywhere. This pisses off Taurus, and it can explode. The union has a good chance of living a happy and long life together, but hard work on yourself is required, however, as in any family.

The impeccable manners, outer gloss and soft compliance of the Libra man will undoubtedly attract the attention of the Taurus woman. The elegance with which he begins to care for his beloved will melt even the most ossified heart. Libra man smooths sharp corners, bringing the harmony necessary for both of them to the life of the Taurus woman. Only a relationship with this gallant admirer may never end in marriage, if you do not send it in the right direction in time. The Libra man is endlessly ready to talk about his feelings, but often he is not able to take the decisive step by offering his hand and heart. However, such an initiative is quite in the spirit of the Taurus woman, so she compensates for the partner's hesitations and herself will bring the relationship to the long-awaited wedding.

The kindness, charming femininity and inner stability of a Taurus woman, in turn, will not leave a Libra man indifferent. He will be impressed by her grooming, which will tell him that next to such a partner, the Libra man himself will always look dignified. Shiny shoes, daily clean shirts and ironed trousers with a Taurus woman are provided for this lover of public display. The partner's humility with the many connections of a Libra man will appeal to him, because he loves to flirt so much in the company of lovely companions.

The union of a Libra man with a Taurus woman is even approved heavenly forces, since the ruler of both signs is Venus, who gives her wards the desire to build strong relationships, good taste, love for comfort and striving for material well-being.

This couple's home is a full bowl. Libra man and Taurus woman most often agree on the arrangement of their home. They both like the warmth of expensive curtains, the comfort of soft carpets, the glitter of crystal chandeliers - and all this is surrounded by enchanting music coming from a modern stereo system. They will never have a conflict over uncleaned rooms, since the Libra man and the Taurus woman love to maintain order in the house. Every corner of their home, be it a bathroom, kitchen or library, will be a model of cleanliness and comfort. The Taurus woman, as a true hostess, loves to cook very much. She herself, of course, would prefer stewed potatoes and fried cutlets, but his beloved gourmet spouse will certainly indulge in exotic cuisine.

In the love relationship of a Libra man with a Taurus woman, harmony reigns, both of them are not averse to surrendering to the affectionate nets of Eros. The only difference is that the Taurus woman is like typical representative earth element, will prefer physical intimacy to romantic conversations, and the Libra man, under the rule of the air element, on the contrary, will try to prolong the prelude with endless arguments about their eternal love... But this will not prevent the spouses from compromising and satisfying each other's desires.

The Libra man is a born social activist, communications are his life. He will not miss a single secular party, he will go to all premieres and will never let the public forget about his existence. Each release of a Libra man will be accompanied by a careful, sometimes overly picky selection of wardrobe, because he should always shine. Beyond the impeccable appearance, he has incredible charm, diplomacy and extraordinary intelligence, and with such qualities there is no need to stay at home.

But whether a Taurus woman wants to accompany her public spouse to numerous social events is a question. She prefers comfort hearth, and the company of her beloved is enough for her. But the rare exits of a Taurus woman with a Libra man "into people" will always make a proper impression on those around them. She, with her benevolence and not verbosity, will perfectly complement a talkative spouse. In addition, her husband's fans will not cause violent outbursts of jealousy in a Taurus woman, because she understands that this man will go home after high society conversations. And if one day it happens otherwise, then an inevitable break awaits the couple - a Taurus woman will never forgive her spouse for physical intimacy with another woman. But to chat with young ladies, he is allowed as much as his heart desires.

Even an outside observer understands that the Taurus woman takes the leading role in such an alliance. It is she who directs the actions of the Libra man in the right direction, he strictly adheres to her unobtrusive advice. Women's leadership Libra man does not at all bother him, because sometimes it is so difficult to make a single choice, and she just helps him a lot.

A serious stumbling block in harmonious relationships couples can become questions financial well-being... After a while, the Taurus woman will notice that the Libra man is not so practical and talks more than he does. Moreover, he goes to any excuses to dodge unwanted responsibilities. If a Libra man does not find a worthy use in the profession for his remarkable intellect and incredible ability to establish connections with the most by different people- expect trouble. He will not deal with heavy physical labor and monotonous work, and this threatens material problems, which for the Taurus woman are of paramount importance.

The Taurus woman, on the contrary, achieves success by hard work, she is not embarrassed by the monotony of work - the main thing is the result. If her works are not appreciated in monetary terms, then she will become more demanding of her husband, who will suddenly find excessive commercialism in his wife.

In general, the union of a Libra man and a Taurus woman has every chance of a long-term successful interaction. Both love beauty, comfort, luxury, both will strive for this in every possible way. The Taurus woman will close her eyes and calmly react to the crowds of her husband's adorers, and the Libra man will be infinitely grateful to his peaceful wife for such imperturbable calmness. They will never have disagreements about scattered things or an uncooked dinner, since neither one nor the other will tolerate such disrespect for a partner. The Libra man will gallantly lean on the unbending hand of his beloved and walk with her in a pair through his whole life.

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