Home Trees and shrubs How to develop chakras in yourself. How to easily develop chakras. I am sharing my experience. How to Unblock Chakras with Meditation

How to develop chakras in yourself. How to easily develop chakras. I am sharing my experience. How to Unblock Chakras with Meditation

How to attract and attract money energy into your life? How to activate the flow of financial abundance?

Energy of money

Many people work hard, go to jobs they don’t like every day, and try in every possible way to take advantage of any opportunities to earn money. But the result does not justify the invested effort and energy. It’s as if the money “doesn’t want” to come.

Actually energy Money(cash flow) can be blocked for several reasons.

1. Firstly, it is important to know that monetary energy is the energy of the Family, the energy of Life. And if a person lives meaninglessly, does not strive to understand why he came into this world and what purpose he must fulfill, then the energy of the Family is not used for its intended purpose, and the cash flow is blocked.

A person must understand what abilities he came to realize in this incarnation and what to give to the World. It is in “his” work, which a person likes, that part of his purpose is realized. “Your” work does not exhaust you, but, on the contrary, adds strength and energy.

Very often, people regard dismissal from a job or a reduction in wages as a shock, a blow, something bad, and they are “knocked out” for a long time in life.

This is actually a blessing. Thus, the World, the Universe wants to tell a person that he is not doing his job, is in the wrong place, that is, he is not fulfilling his destiny. And Rod’s energy is wasted, not for its intended purpose.

Therefore, the most reasonable solution is thank the world for the new opportunities provided. And as soon as a person finds himself, realizes his talents and abilities, makes his “contribution” to the Universe, the work itself “finds” him.

2. Secondly, the cash flow in a couple can be blocked if the woman is unhappy financial situation and has material claims against the man. In this case, it broadcasts to the world lack energy. Therefore, the amount of finance either does not grow or is steadily falling.

Activation of money energy happens when a woman is happy with a man, happy with what she has, sincerely happy with everything that surrounds her; when a woman is in the energies of love and gratitude to a man, to the World, to the people around her.

The same can be said for a man. If he is happy with what he has and transmits the energy of prosperity and abundance into the World, then this abundance will only increase!

3. Flow of money energy can be blocked when creative energy in a person is blocked. Here you need to find the reasons why it was blocked.

The roots of many problems come from childhood. For example, parents could forbid the child to do what he wants, what he likes - attending a dance club, playing football, etc.

That is, the child did not fulfill the desires of his Soul, did not reveal his talents. The result is a blockage of creative energy.

Another powerful tool for losing creativity is judgment. It has a particularly strong effect on the fragile psyche of the child. For example, a girl prepared a salad, wanted to help her mother, and was waiting for praise. And in response I heard: “Why so much? Who will eat it now?

A monetary energy is creative energy. Therefore, it is very important to remember your true desires, which our parents forbade us, to remember why you were condemned. Forgive and thank your parents.

Money is the epitome of how a person is creative in their life. Each person creates money himself, passing through himself a creative flow of money. That's why attracting monetary energy is discovery and implementation creativity in man.

Love is also the energy of creation. Money is what people exchange among themselves - the exchange of creativity, love.

Sexual energy is also creative. Therefore, you can also open money energy through harmonization sexual relations paired with.

4. If your Family is not rich and financially disadvantaged, then attract money energy, you need to learn to get along with people, build warm relationships with them friendly relations. And the easier it is for you to do this, the easier material benefits come to you. The law of reflection works here.

How more good you broadcast to people, the more representatives of other Clans blossom and the more they give to you, the better yours become human relations, the faster it will happen restoration of monetary energy.

And there is certainly no place for criticism or condemnation of other people. Do not take the karma of other people's shortcomings upon yourself.

Money energy- this concept has long been and powerfully rooted in our reality. It would seem, what does energy have to do with it? Money is money, and energy is something from the category of physics or metaphysics. We are accustomed to viewing money as a physical object, such as a table or cabinet. Here they are, birthmarks, paper and metal. So why is everyone around talking about some mysterious money energy?

... Huge topic! But the one who walks will master the road, and we, little by little, will overcome this block too. So, let's first define money and build on it in our reasoning. In one of the articles we looked at what all the physical bodies of our Universe are made of. There they found out that everything consists of energy. Absolutely everything in the Universe consists of positively, negatively and neutrally charged energy particles. Money, in the physical sense, is no exception. Both bills and coins also consist of energy particles of different charges. That is, already at this level we understand that money is energy. But when it comes to money, not everything is so simple. If money were just pieces of paper and coins, then we could exchange them for those things that in themselves cost no more than this piece of paper or coin. Take the money that was in the Soviet Union. The salary for a month of work was 100 rubles, and this was in good circumstances. Then for these 100 rubles a person worked for a month and could afford to buy a lot. What can we buy now for those 100 Soviet rubles? Nothing! It's just a piece of paper. This means that it had some meaning then, but now it doesn’t. What changed? And that metaphysical component has changed, which is called monetary energy. Money energy- this is a certain type of energy substance that carries the meaning of wealth, prosperity, better life, a lot of possibilities. We have found out that everything in the Universe consists of energy and is surrounded by it. We are no exception. We are made of energy and are surrounded by it. And in our lives all those things and events appear, the meaning of which is carried by the energy that is in us and around us. If there is energy of illness around us, we are sick; if there is energy of happiness around us, we are happy. The same can be said about monetary energy.If the energy of money is around us, we are rich!

What influences the change in energy quality?

Information makes us rich

Information is the lever that can change the quality of energy. Information about poverty brought into a person’s energy-informational space will make him poor, information about wealth will make him rich. In our lives we see the imprint of all the information that falls into our field. Simply put, the quality of information that surrounds us is the quality of life we ​​live. Think about this and clearly analyze where and what information you are letting in. Now, understanding all of the above, we can easily diagnose where our lack of money comes from. Installations from the time of our grandparents can still work: "Poor but honest", "The rich cry too", "Money is evil" and so on. Our constant phrases, such as: "No money left", "I can't afford this" and so on. What we see on TV, in newspapers, on the Internet matters and affects our lives. We will talk about poverty attitudes and the fight against them in the next article. Here we must realize and accept the definition money energy:

Monetary energy is an energy-informational field around the concept of “money”. This field affects everything that is somehow related to money. The same goes for every person who comes into contact with money. If a person’s energy-informational space is similar in vibration to the vibrations of money, they find mutual understanding more easily and come into a person’s life more easily. If a person’s field carries information hostile to money energy, then they do not touch. And, therefore, money bypasses such a person. The Law of Attraction works. Like attracts like. By changing your vibrations to those that are closer in range to money, a person will gain wealth.

There are many ways to change vibrations and we will consider them. In this article we will look at another quality energy, including monetary.

Energy is always in motion. Stagnation is destruction

Energy does not stand still. You can't create stagnation. Energy is always movement. Money folded in a stocking or under a pillow means stagnation and decay. If you collect them and hide them just like that without a purpose, they will stop coming. Money must be saved either for a positive specific goal, or in the form of capital accumulation - 10% of the income should be put into an account with interest. If you invest money somewhere that will bring potential development in any area, the money is invested correctly. If there is stagnation and evil, it is not right. If it’s correct, wait for more people to come; if not, there will be restrictions.

On the other hand, they cannot be squandered. In general there is (and proven the most successful people) ideal distribution of the money received.

Let's take a certain income - 100%.

10% - capital creation. We put it in the bank at interest and never touch it. This is ours subcutaneous fat, capital, financial security.

10% - charity. We are always given 10% more than we need so that this money comes through us to needy children, the elderly, the disabled, and animals. The Universe strictly notes this. And, if this order is not followed, the income is cut as work on errors. Charity is a separate big topic and we will consider it in the following articles. In the meantime, take my word for it - you won’t regret it!

10% - development. We must grow. The more correct information we receive, the more energetically we become; the more energetically we become, the more money “fits into us.” Consequently, incomes increase. Invest in your development! It always pays off!

10% - rest, recovery. This is all about restoring yourself physically and mentally. Travel, sanatoriums, sports club memberships, entertainment. To feel that you are living, you must live to the fullest! And this is everything that you have long dreamed of doing, but have not done until now. Do it! Let it into your life new energy and see what new and pleasant things it will bring you. Jump with a parachute, go kayaking, you never know...

10% - long-term savings. If you need something, but can’t buy it right away, save up. That's what the 10% is for.

50% - live today! You can spend this money anywhere, with a clear conscience, and without thinking that I’ll spend it and tomorrow there won’t be anything to buy bread for. Will! You can add this money to the previous five points as needed.

I can say one thing: the system works. If you just make it clear to the controllers above that you are doing the right thing, they will immediately start throwing in additional income for you. in different forms and you will only have time to wonder: Where from?

In this article, we have analyzed and defined such a term as money energy. It was determined that positive information about money and the correct movement of money will ensure a constant flow of abundance into the life of any person. After all, energy does not look at skin color, rank or gender. Energy information fields attract each other only if their vibrations are similar. Arm yourself with this understanding and live in harmony with monetary energy.

More big incomes and pleasant expenses for you!

IN modern era knowledge, almost no one doubts that everything around basically has energy. Spiritual practices and psychological books help to verify this. It has been proven that a lot depends on a person’s mood, and human thought can increase the likelihood of a particular event. The training develops sensitivity, and the practitioner can feel and begin to work with them.

How to manage the energy of money? Let's try to figure this out.

Getting started with money energy

The main thing when working with the energy of money is the feeling that even a poor person is already rich, and will soon become even richer. The basis is precisely the enjoyment of what has already been given (even if it seems as if there is nothing), and gratitude. Alive is already good. Negative experience? Useful too! But you definitely can’t start with despair, complaints, and envy.

And it happens when even a rich person simply does not know how to enjoy, on the contrary, he suffers from the “burden” of capital, does not give life to himself or people out of greed and fear. Confidence is always important, even trust in the World - and the money will come. The ability to manage them is also important. How many poor people, having hit the jackpot in the lottery, soon return to their usual poverty, going broke! In general, in matters of money, the right psychological approach, but not only that, namely working with monetary energies.

More about the energy of money

What is the energy of money? In essence, money is just a means of exchange. You can’t just wish for money, unless the person, of course, is a numismatist. Then it is coins and pieces of paper that are significant to him. For the rest, it is important how much and what can be bought with these units. Dollars or rubles are just “clothes” for energy. You can imagine a rich man wondering in what form he needs money today: in bullion or in money transfers. Now, with the spread different energy it became easier to imagine.

And every person has had the feeling that he has found himself in a stream of luck: everything works out, he is lucky, he is filled with enthusiasm. This is the “connection” to the flow. Money feels warm, thick, shining. The most important place in its characteristics is color.

Money energy color

Of course, everyone is free to color money energy according to their preferences and associations, but for the majority there are three winners: gold, green, red.

Since ancient times, the energy of money has retained the color of gold. It is useful to visualize golden shining streams interspersed with precious stones, matte shine of pearls. Modernity added green color dollar, which only improves the idea of ​​this energy, because it is the color of goodness, positivity and development. Often this energy is colored rich red and burgundy colors. For example, a wallet is preferable in a deep red color to stimulate cash flows. These flows move according to their own laws, which are useful to know.

The energy of money and its laws

The first law of monetary energy is love. Money needs to be loved, like everything else in this world, without elevating it to a cult. If a person managed to earn money, then he should be happy, but without fanaticism. And if it turned out that he lost some amount, then not

The love of money is also expressed in a respectful attitude towards it. There is such an ineffective attitude as “money is evil and dirty.” Money by itself can do neither evil nor good, it is only energy, and people will direct it. Yes, money, like, for example, alcohol, has the ability to reveal character, bring hidden things to the surface, and test a person.

Sometimes the very mention of money raises a wave of negativity. “They stole, I honestly can’t earn that much,” “I’ll never get that chance,” and they will definitely remember the starving African children. Again, this is just negative energy money, and what words and thoughts it will be expressed in... You need to train yourself to think well about money and rich people, look for the positive, change the attitudes that family and society have been putting in since childhood.

And finally, literal respect - a careful and careful attitude towards monetary units. A person has crumpled and torn pieces of paper and coins all over his pockets... How much was spent, how much was earned? You need a beautiful wallet where the money is kept neatly, without unnecessary receipts. Cute piggy banks will also come in handy - for small change and more. big money. It’s good if you save up for something specific. Need a safe or hiding place. If someone says that there is nothing left to store, then the answer is: first you need to prepare a place for the money, then it will come faster.

Law of Energy Movement

The first law of money movement is... movement! This is why greed does not lead to anything good - a person blocks the flow, keeps money under his pillow, so they rush to leave him. Naturally, no one has canceled frugality and rationality. There is no need to waste money left and right, or encourage parasites. However, money must be put into action so that it brings more, so that it helps people, creates something. It is also important to set aside part of your income for saving, and give part to charity.

Barriers to money energy

Obstacles such as negative attitudes are mentioned above. A little more about them.

A person can confidently say that he wants money. At the same time, he knows that if they are available, he will probably have to worry about how to distribute them, save them, will need to monitor exchange rates, and hire security. “What if people think that he stole? Will they ask for a loan?! Why do I need these troubles?.. I feel good enough!” - these are thoughts that you need to get rid of if you want wealth. You need to allow yourself to be rich - psychologically allow it.

If you tell a person that he already has a million, what will he do? Will he be scared? "This is not for me!" Will he spend it right away? Or he’ll just get confused... Often people don’t even know why they need a lot of money. You can make yourself a list for at least the first ten million. It's time to stop repeating that there is little money, that there is not enough money, that you cannot afford something.

And often people of modest income feel awkward in expensive stores and do not go to jewelry stores so as not to “get upset.” But, on the contrary, you need to get used to luxury, to admire expensive things, feel them, go into boutiques - breathe in luxury. Sometimes allowing yourself something luxurious is at the expense of future wealth.

Terrible barriers are greed, pettiness, the pursuit of “freebies” and eternal discounts. Moreover, dishonesty in money matters!

Raising money

Having removed the barriers, you can think about attracting monetary energy.

First, a person needs to understand himself: does he really need money, how much, for what, what is he willing to sacrifice... You need to take a sober look at the current situation and environment.

If friends and acquaintances have not achieved anything, but only spread negative thoughts, then it is worth limiting this influence. It’s not an option to try to change everyone, here you can only submit own example. To do this, you need to introduce more successful people into your environment, positive people. At a minimum, watch films and TV shows, read books about rich people.

And what is important is the correct management of the energy of money. You need to set goals and be sure to sense them: see and feel them. Not “I have a new car,” but “how do I feel driving my new white Audi?” The desired answer is: “Great!” And it would be good to prepare for the gifts of life. For example, if a person wants a car, then it’s time to sign up for driving courses! You can scroll car magazines. Apparently, this is what helps to believe that this is a completely feasible desire, and not just a fantasy. And most importantly, not only man, but also the Universe begins to believe in this. Details are important in visualization, but you don’t need to get attached to them. “In my dreams there was a red car, but this one is blue!” It is important not to miss the opportunity; chances are not always given twice. Reasonable risk is also important for attracting money. There is no need to set the conditions of the Universe; money can come from an absolutely unexpected source - a person often does not see the simplest thing. And even if everyone is talking about the crisis, this should not be scary.

Accumulation of monetary energy

Energy accumulates big money not only in the wallet (even with special talismans - coins, mice-spoons), but also in a special sector, which is calculated according to Feng Shui methods. This area in the apartment (for example, a shelf on a bookcase) is usually decorated in red tones, there are golden coins, “growing” Money Tree. There may be various symbols riches: oranges, netsuke, a valuable vase, a figurine of a Chinese frog... Everything is decorated with love, and order is always maintained.

Charge yourself with monetary energy

How to recharge yourself with the energy of money? Clear methods are to think positively about money, about your present and future wealth, and to love luxury things. A more subtle job is to select and listen to mantras. In India, the elephant-like Ganesh and the beautiful Lakshmi are considered patrons in financial matters. Less known is Namsaray - a deity on a snow-white lion. In China they worship the Laughing Buddha (the larger his belly, the greater the wealth) and the Empress of the West, and in Greece - the “fertile” Demeter. The ancestors of the Slavs praised Veles as the patron of wealth.

The most important thing is that the mantra is pleasant to listen to.

Even more subtle work is to compose affirmations and confidently repeat them ( best time- after sleep and before bedtime, in order to quickly “reach out” to the subconscious). You can offer several statements, but it’s still better for everyone to create an expression for themselves. For example, money:

  • a divine gift that we accept with gratitude;
  • flow to us easily and freely;
  • in abundance in the Universe, everyone takes as much as they internally allow themselves.

Another way is to look at a collage of wealth that is compiled in advance and with soul.

Nowhere without visualizing the goal, without meditation. You can imagine how golden streams fill the body - until you feel joy and confidence. You can return to your source - to magical city, where all dreams come true.

One of the money meditations

How to attract the energy of money into your life? Here is one of the common meditations that is often cited as a method for achieving wealth. You need to relax and imagine yourself in a respectable bank. You need to choose your suit so that it looks like a millionaire’s - comfortable, chic, beautiful. Be sure to feel confident! You need to go up to a bank employee and say that you need to get money. And then you need to calmly write yourself a check for an amount that is not too small, but not too large. Take it, put it in your wallet, bag, suitcase (depending on the amount) and calmly leave.

One of the money rituals

Attracting the energy of money can be done using certain rituals. Working with the space at home is of great importance. And this, for starters, with correct installation! We need to get rid of the “rubles”, give things that are not used to the poor, restore order, fix what is broken, throw away what is broken. Ventilate well, buy some beautiful thing, turn on pleasant music, bring fresh flowers and fruits into the house - symbols of wealth: oranges and grapes. Only by creating such a base can you move on.

Precautions when working with money energy

Naturally, you should not use any “black conspiracies” or wish for someone’s property to be transferred to someone else. Yes, it can work quickly, but just as quickly the pendulum will swing reverse side, and the “conspirator” will lose more.

You need to notice the action positive thinking. It could be unexpected return debt, for example. It's important to rejoice at the beginning cash flow, and not to say that this is a trifle.

Of course, you need to open the way for money, for example starting your own business. So that it doesn’t sound like that joke about winning the lottery: “At least buy a ticket.”

A variety of techniques for working with the energy of money

This article provides different techniques, which are very popular now:

  • “metapower” - about the energy of money;
  • "fantasy" - monetary affirmations;
  • "wealth is about money deities."

Without any doubt, there is still a lot of information - about working with the chakras responsible for abundance, about the “humoron” technique, about prayers read according to certain rules, even money drinks, not to mention baths. In general, a wealth of techniques!

The first rule is to choose yours. Or even create it... Patent it and get paid for it.

Now you know what the energy of money is and its laws. Learn to manage it and be happy!


In the modern era of knowledge, almost no one doubts that everything around basically has energy. Spiritual practices and psychological books help to verify this. It has been proven that a lot depends on a person’s mood, and human thought can increase the likelihood of a particular event. The training develops sensitivity, and the practitioner can sense energy flows and begin to work with them.

Of course, everyone is free to color money energy according to their preferences and associations, but for the majority there are three winners: gold, green, red. Since ancient times, the energy of money has retained the color of gold. It is useful to visualize golden shining streams interspersed with precious stones, the matte shine of pearls. Modernity has added the green color of the dollar, which only improves the idea of ​​this energy, because it is the color of goodness, positivity and development. Often this energy is painted in rich red and burgundy colors. For example, a wallet is preferable in a deep red color to stimulate cash flows. These flows move according to their own laws, which are useful to know.

The first law of money movement is... movement! This is why greed does not lead to anything good - a person blocks the flow, keeps money under his pillow, so they rush to leave him. Naturally, no one has canceled frugality and rationality. There is no need to waste money left and right, or encourage parasites. However, money must be put into action so that it brings more, so that it helps people, creates something. It is also important to set aside part of your income for saving, and give part to charity.

Attracting the energy of money can be done using certain rituals. Working with the space at home is of great importance. And this, for starters, is general cleaning with proper installation! We need to get rid of the “rubles”, give things that are not used to the poor, restore order, fix what is broken, throw away what is broken. Ventilate well, buy some beautiful thing, turn on pleasant music, bring fresh flowers and fruits into the house - symbols of wealth: oranges and grapes. Only by creating such a base can you move on.

Three Ecumenical law energy of money

At its core, energy, including the energy of money, is neither positive nor negative; she is neutral. Only when we begin to use energy for our own purposes, when we activate it with the help of our thoughts and feelings, does it acquire certain qualities. Energy can heal and enrich, but it can also destroy. This is said for those who consider money as something dirty, bad, and the desire for it as low, shameful, “sinful.” Money can be harmful, just as any thing, any medicine can be harmful if you do not follow the laws of morality. Money can denigrate the soul of a person who has put it above all else in the world and strives for (precisely achieves, from the word “beat”!) it at any cost, but it can also enrich it, help to do good, reveal and realize one’s abilities, make the world around oneself better.

The first law of money energy says: “The energy of abundance is obedient to attention.”

Attention is very important for energy in general. It depends on our attentiveness, on our concentration, what kind of energy - poverty or wealth - we “charge” our life. Attention is control over thoughts and desires. Managing attention is a kind of “education” of the psyche. “Nurturing” attention is a very important, one might say, key link in attracting money. Feel free to think and dream about money, focus on the energy of money. Unfortunately, no element of the world around us is associated with so many “bad” myths, as well as superstitions and prejudices arising from them, as money. People even think about sex more openly, honestly and frankly than about money. Think about the energy of prosperity without shame and embarrassment! It is the wrong attitude towards money that gives rise to greed, theft, poverty and poverty, full of problems, a joyless existence.

The second law of money energy is: “Any message I send will come back to me.”

In practice, this means that I activate the object on which my attention is focused, and this type of energy, like a magnet, attracts reciprocal attention. Attention acts like a magnifying glass, focusing the rays at one point. That is, in order to attract money, you need to become something like a magnet for them; you need to attract their “attention”. There are special exercises for this. You can try them right now to learn to feel the energy of money and resonate with it.

Exercises “How to become a “magnet” for money”

We breathe “monetary energy”. Select any attribute of wealth - jewelry, antique item, banknote– and energetically connect with it. Imagine that your biofield opens up to meet this object and encloses, captures it. You will have the feeling that you and the object are one whole, that a connection has been established between you - invisible, but felt. Now imagine that this object is shrouded in a light golden haze. Close your eyes for a second and take a deep breath, imagining that you are inhaling, drawing this haze into the area between your eyebrows ( energy center Ajna chakra). As you exhale, mentally lower it to the center of your chest, to the level of your heart (Anahata chakra) and leave it there. After exhaling, pause briefly, visualizing golden money energy accumulating in the center of your chest. Breathe in this rhythm for several minutes until you feel an influx of energy to Anahata (heart chakra) - it can be warmth, a pleasant coolness, tingling, a feeling of an energy ball, waves, a spinning vortex. This exercise is very useful - it will make you available to the energy of abundance. Moreover, attractive to her! Do it as often as possible, whenever you have a free minute. Join the energy of money!

Learning to sense cash flows And, this exercise will give you the skill to actually feel the cash flows circulating in space, teach you how to capture them, and connect to them “directly.” First, a little preparation. Go out into a crowded place (crowded street, train station, subway) and begin to carefully observe your internal sensations that arise in response to what is happening around you. Observe impartially, simply recording your sensations caused by the events: “here a car passed,” “here a man in a black hat passed,” “here it began to rain,” “here they stepped on my foot.” There is no need to evaluate anything, no gradation of “good/bad”, “like/dislike”, only a mechanical examination of sensations. Your task is to feel how the movement of surrounding objects you observe resonates within you, that is, to resonate with it. When the goal is achieved, go to where the money is - to a store, payment acceptance point or bank. Take a position so that money is in your field of vision, and by analogy, resonate with the movement of cash flows. Three to five minutes is enough. In order to properly penetrate the “spirit” of money, conduct this short training whenever you are in places where there is active “circulation” of cash flows.

The third law of money energy: « You can’t be in a debtor’s state.”

Well, if you borrowed money, return it with joy. The one who repays the debt pays the bills - for the apartment, communications, public utilities etc. joyfully, he will definitely become richer: the energy of joy will attract the energy of money to him. The principle “give in joy in order to receive in joy” is the principle of working with the energy of money...” (psychologically difficult to implement).


For each person there is an individual, unique reason for blocking admission cash flow into your life. This can be either a generic program passed down from generation to generation, or acquired in this life and created on the basis of negative personal experience.

What did you hear from your parents about money as a child? Could it be that “money is hard to come by” and in order to earn it, you need to “work hard”? Or the fact that “money doesn’t grow on trees” and, as my grandmother liked to say, “we didn’t live richly and there’s nothing to start with,” which, by the way, came from a large and very wealthy family that miraculously escaped dispossession, and once and for all learned after this that new government doesn’t like the word “wealth” and the poorer you are, the better off you are?

Or maybe your childhood passed in a cloudless atmosphere of love from loved ones who protected you from everyday problems and were not burdened with participation in the discussion financial issues, but just after entering an independent life, you began to notice that money somehow tries to avoid you, or passes “through your fingers” and does not stay for long?

All these beliefs, formed under the influence and influence of family, friends, society, collective programs - all these beliefs are rooted in your subconscious and affect your life and your ideas about what is possible and safe for you.

You can dream, wish, manifest anything, but negative beliefs will prevent the manifestation of abundance and financial well-being.


With the help of a symbol, a person receives an attunement to one or another type of energy. The symbol, like a key, opens access to energy resources, and these resources are limitless. This applies to all symbols without exception. And since there is a centuries-old belief that certain symbols bring money luck, this is not without reason, no matter how we feel about it.


Symbols are always created for a specific culture, and not for a person in general, therefore, in order for a symbol to come to life and work, you need to be imbued with the spirit of the cultural environment that gave birth to it, and not just thoughtlessly apply it. A symbol without a cultural context is just a beautiful rattle. Firstly, the fact that popular books on Feng Shui present this teaching in a simplified form . Real feng shui, in addition to symbols, involves astrological calculations that are inaccessible to a person who has not undergone special training. Secondly, and most importantly: we are not Chinese. In our subconscious, Feng Shui symbols are not written as attributes of abundance, so there is no connection to an energy source. Feng Shui works for those who absorbed it with mother's milk. If you want all these wonderful symbols to bring you financial luck, you need to imbue yourself with this culture, plunge into it, accept it, join the egregor, that is, actually become Chinese, just as the French traveler who discovered Tibet for Europeans became a Tibetan. In other words, there must be the deepest, at the subcortical level, faith. Among other things, feng shui masters honestly warn that correct placement Furniture and lucky symbols are not enough to achieve good luck. This is only a third of the work! The teachings of Feng Shui speak of three types of luck - human, heavenly and earthly. Feng Shui bestows earthly luck. Heavenly luck cannot be changed. And human, or personal, luck must be created with one’s own hands - through spiritual work, development of the intellect, awakening one’s abilities and training physical body. So feng shui is not a pill for lack of money, it is an addition to your work on yourself.


Unfortunately, we know a lot about Chinese and other symbols of wealth, but we almost never see descriptions of ours, money symbols, which by default should help us. We use Slavic symbols. Not Chinese, not gypsy, not Indian, not any other. Slavic symbols embedded in the egregor of the people to which we all belong.

Symbols Slavic gods– the earthly embodiment of the energy of money Dazhdbog b og of fertility and the Sun, life-giving force. His name does not come from the word “rain,” as is sometimes mistakenly thought, but means “giving God,” “giver of all good things.” - one of the most powerful and beloved gods. They asked Dazhdbog for the fulfillment of desires, health and other benefits. And the symbols of Dazhdbog were light, flaming metals - silver and gold. Dazhdbog Day was celebrated on September 22, in autumn equinox Veles is the god of fertility, wealth and family farming. In addition, Veles was considered the god of luck and travelers. Sometimes he was poetically called the Lord of Roads or the Charioteer of all Paths.

Burdock is a Slavic symbol that attracts happiness, good luck and prosperity.
Signs Veles and Dazhdbog- these are symbols of the Russian ethnic group, which are “registered” in our genetic memory. That's why they work. The tradition of worshiping Slavic gods in Rus' has deep roots and is amazingly tenacious. Even after the adoption of Orthodoxy and the Baptism of Rus', both Dazhdbog and Veles continued
to be venerated under the guise of Orthodox saints. Dazhdbog has his own rune that bears his name. The sacred aspect of the Dazhdbog rune is well-being in all its manifestations, from material goods to joy sincere love. In addition, this rune means blessing with ancient gods and successful completion of any undertaking.

How to work with symbols lami to make your money wish come true 1. Before going to bed, focus on a money-related goal. Create an image of the end result in your mind. For example, if you intend to get a new car, imagine it in a parking lot near your house and yourself next to it. 2. Select one of the symbols. The one in this moment you want to choose. 3. Draw a symbol on clean slate paper, keeping the chosen goal in mind. It is better to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen - red or green. These colors, especially bright ones, attract maximum amount energy of money and luck. Draw the symbol slowly, as if you are putting your dream into these lines, imprinting it in them. That's all! Fold the sheet carefully and place it under your pillow at night. 4. Every time before falling asleep, unfold the piece of paper and look at the symbol for a couple of minutes, and then hold the image in your mind until you fall asleep.

But in reality, money is only one of the forms of Earthly energies, which allows people to both carry out their plans and is also a barrier that helps them pass different lessons. For the Universe and God, there are no rich and poor and there is no difference between souls - they are all part of one big energy, they just each go through their own lessons and learn to become better, purer, stronger, more sublime. Don't be afraid of money. Don't be dependent on them. Do not abuse the trust of monetary energy. Respect and love money as energy that helps you grow and develop. Thank the Universe and energy for every, even small part of this energy. And remember that money is just energy that helps you become better. But the main treasure is you, your soul and its endless energy of goodness and love!

Icon of the All-Seeing Eye.

Before this image, a person can ask for help in different areas. People all over the world ask for health, happiness, wealth, love, etc. The most important thing is to sincerely turn to God. THE EDGE OF REALITY IS KNOWN ONLY BY THOSE WHOSE EYES WATCH IT.

My dears, what is Egregor of money? Let’s figure it out together. Let's think logically: a lot has been written on the Internet, and people have a certain concept about the egregor - as a patron, or even a Deity, who helps in achieving wealth, money, abundance and prosperity. But in fact, an egregor is not a deity, not an idol, which we should worship, as some people do (who violate the commandment of God: "Do not make yourself an idol"). Egregor of money is energy flow, by the way, created by us. This is an informational and energetic “mixture” of the desires, thoughts, words, actions, and emotions of many people aimed at achieving financial well-being. Thus, we created it with the collective mind in the form of a concentrated ball of energy cloud or energy clot - this is Egregor, which consists of waves-vibrations emitted from people, or a group of people. He is the Egregor of money and financial well-being, and is one of the oldest on the planet. We, all people, have always strived for a good life, to live in wealth and prosperity.

Connecting to the money egregor implies an increase in your cash flow. The channel itself to which you are connected looks like vibration waves emitted by wealth in any form, be it coins, banknotes of various denominations, or precious stones. It also generates cash flow movements, be it wage, purchase and sale of goods and services, bonuses, gifts and so on. In this case, the principle is important: the more money passes through your hands, the more pleasant it is for the egregor of money, and you will expand the flow of your abundance.

But you must understand that not a single egregor gives energy for nothing. There is a law: gave=took, took=gave. Otherwise, there would be no egregors left long ago; they all live off the energy with which we feed them. Don't be alarmed: egregors are not vampires. When connecting to an egregor, a mutual exchange occurs. Egregors always keep track of who to give and how much and in what amount - this is decided through your channel of abundance. They look at how much you can give to people around you, etc., and not necessarily in monetary terms, but maybe even just love. It will be in in this case at the discretion of the egregor.

It seems like she slightly explained what the egregor of money is. Now it’s time to write how to connect to it. There are several options. Of course, all connections depend on the individuality of each person, but there are also general methods connecting the money Egregor.

You can try through Feng Shui practices, or simoron “I was infected by “I am an Oligarch.” We are taught at financial trainings: in order to attract the energy of money, you need to be in very expensive houses or hold it in your hands a large number of money, or a large number of precious stones ( jewelry). Even just go to a rich area of ​​your city and walk there, talk to Rich people. All this can give you a temporary flow - the energy of a Rich person. Or you can extend the effect by remembering the sensations when all these symbols of wealth were before your eyes. Below is a generally accepted practice.

We have all heard about the “third eye” - it is located between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead and 2 cm inward. For this practice, you need to close your eyes, relax and imagine what you saw when you walked in rich neighborhoods. Visualize and focus on symbols of wealth. Imagine that they are in front of you, as if with inner vision, in a 3D image. You will see that all symbols of wealth emit golden energy. And now you inhale this golden energy into yourself with a continuous stream, which enters you through your “third eye”. Draw this golden stream into yourself for as long as you can. And now we bring this golden flow, this energy of wealth down to the solar plexus area, where the Manipur chakra is located. This is where your flow of abundance should concentrate, and pour all the energy of wealth into this concentrate. The more you fill into your chakra material well-being, the stronger it spins and increases the frequency of vibrations, and the purity of vibrations determines what kind of money channel you have.

But not everyone has the ability to see with the third eye, and there is always someone in the house that interferes with the meditative state, and maybe you don’t trust yourself very much. Doubts are not good: it worked out or it didn’t work out... and those who doubt it never work out. Then rituals come to your aid. Many people are scared by the very word “rite”. Let's figure it out, I'll try to define this word. What is a ritual - a set of actions, with the help of objects, prayers, paraphernalia, which allows you to establish a connection with certain religions (faiths, teachings), egregors, streams, the Divine essence, to achieve certain goals and consequences. If you look at it, then the church rite of baptism or wedding has the same interpretation, because in the church it is written in the price list (wedding ceremony, baptism ceremony). So draw a conclusion what the ritual is, and whether you should be afraid of them.

Those who still don’t have the vision, maybe even the strength, need the help of a specialist. In this case, this person needs a specialist to carry out this or that ritual, and in particular, to conduct a ritual to open a cash flow by connecting money to the Egregor, this takes a lot of energy from the specialist, when a person comes with an already broken aura and who has a very weak money channel: then it is best for him to carry out the most powerful ritual - this is the “Wheel of Fortune” ritual, which is carried out in certain days and is considered the most effective. I personally do it for myself at least 2 times a year. What does it give? And he gives us a “Magic Kick” into the world of the flow of abundance.

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