Home Berries The destiny of humanity. Share your experiences with others. How to use the universal laws for your own good

The destiny of humanity. Share your experiences with others. How to use the universal laws for your own good

It's fashionable to talk about mission now, oh higher purpose and that people on this beautiful Earth for a reason. But is this really so, or is it a pathetic attempt by immature individuals to cover up their worthlessness? People really have a huge potential that almost no one uses: travel in a dream, astral travel, teleportation (the last steps in the full self-realization of a human being) - all this is within our reach.

If people really have destination, then it consists in the first place to develop their potential... And the rest of the talk - about saving the Earth, other people and the world in general - is meaningless. Well, how, damn it, remaining an egoist and stupid consumer to save the Earth and the same egoists who do not want anything but to eat-shit-neigh? That's right - no way! Everyone should start with himself. Of course, there is always room for mutual assistance, but everything is fine in moderation.

Searching for the “path with a heart”

We are all completely different. But everyone in this world can and must find their own way with a heart. A path with a heart is a path that gives strength and a journey along this path makes a person strong and happy. And a path without a heart takes away strength and makes a person curse him. It should be noted that there is no one single right path for you- their set (if not infinite). And there is no point in spending your whole life on one single, favorite path.

Why do many people live and do not even try to break out of their daily routine, do not create anything and spend their whole lives on one path (which, by the way, may be from “without a heart”)? These people are ruled by fear. The fear of not being up to par, the fear of ridicule, the fear of mistakes and a bunch of other nonsense.

Very often children dream of becoming someone. But, now we are not talking about the usual imposition of the fact that all boys are firefighters, and girls are ballerinas. No, in childhood, many people dreamed of becoming someone who could be useful. For example, a veterinarian or a musician. But due to certain circumstances, we did not become what we wanted. So what is stopping now. Believe me, it's never too late to start changing your life in a different direction. Of course, not everyone can quit their job, quit everything and leave to travel the world, but you can start acting today.

It's not too late to change your life at any age.

Perhaps you've always wanted to help people. But now you are shy or do not know where to start. V modern world where there is internet, you can find any information. Just ask a question in a search engine and here's the answer. There are many things in the world that you can do to benefit others and make yourself happy. Isn't that the point? You can, join the Society for the Protection of Animals, environment... And then we can definitely say that life has not been lived in vain. And even if you don't have a phenomenal career. True path person is to help others.

If this is not your option, then there is another way. There are hundreds of books that tell us how to realize ourselves and show by example different people... Many of them have already gone down in history. Perhaps you will be inspired by their experience. For some, Mother Teresa will be the ideal, for someone Dale Carnegie or. These people have definitely found their meaning in life. After all, in spite of everything, they went their own way.

Nowadays, there is one wonderful person on the planet. His name is. He was born a special child, since at birth he had neither arms nor legs. Imagine how hard it was for him physically and mentally to understand why he came to this world, what is the meaning of his life. His path was thorny and very difficult. But he believed that he would find the way for the sake of which the decision was made from above about his appearance in such a body. And he found her.

Don't let your fears take root. Nick Vuychich "Life Without Borders".

Nick not only learned to live the life of a full-fledged person, he began to teach others how to do it. Nothing could stop him from finding himself. Even the complete absence of limbs. And you still do not know how to realize yourself, you are worried about what may never happen. Not worth it. Life is so short to be wasted on empty and negative thoughts, evil deeds, dishonest people, caring for the opinions of others. Bring the willingness to change into your life. And then the right decision will come to you. Learn from those who have already found their path and given themselves to the world.

You can sit in one place all your life without starting to do anything. But there is another scenario for the development of events. Right now, answer your question: and I happy man... And answer it yourself honestly. If not, then ask yourself next question, but what prevents me from achieving this happiness, and finding the meaning of life.

No matter how big your dream is. If you know for sure that this is your destiny, then nothing should stop you. To achieve what you want, you need to divide the path to it into small steps. And then each such step will be a small victory for you. Step by step you will come closer to fulfilling your desire. And when the dream comes true, you will understand that this was your meaning. And, if your heart still aches with longing that this is not it, then look inside again and ask yourself a question. Again, take small steps. The main thing is action. Let you make mistakes, stumble, face misunderstandings, but this is your way in knowing your destiny. Ask yourself the question right now: Am I happy and what can I do to find meaning in life?

For some, this will turn out to be a very difficult and responsible step, but for others it will be very simple. After all, you can just go outside, feed the homeless animals, make a playground in the yard and realize that this is it. This is your destiny. But you need to act. Only in actions can you understand what exactly you need. Where is the state when body and soul are in harmony with each other.

Find like-minded people. It is more difficult for one to move forward than next to those who always support you and follow the same path. If you admire the actions of a person, then what prevents you from starting to do the same. But you need to go the same way only if you really want it, just at the moment you are afraid to take a step forward.

Find someone who you think is living the life you would like and ask for advice. People who have found their real self will never refuse help. On the contrary, such individuals are always ready to serve others. It will become easier for you, you will have a mentor. Perhaps you have always admired the person from the next house who gathers people and conducts some kind of training, or maybe this is the one who helps animals by creating shelters and nurseries. Or is it just your friend who creates beautiful objects with my own hands... Nothing should stop you. Cast aside all doubts, because, as we said above, life is too short to be afraid of anything.

Maria Kondo is a young woman who lives in Japan. She found her meaning in life. And do you know what it is? Cleaning! Yes, this woman has created a whole system that helps the fair sex of the whole world to put their houses in order. She was just following her childhood dreams, and she had them about the perfect cleaning. As a little girl, Maria spent all day in her room to create pure harmony in it. As she grew up, she asked herself what she would like to do in her life. And, perhaps, for some it will seem absurd, but Maria answered herself that she wants to clean up. This once again confirms the fact that, perhaps, you can find your purpose in childhood.

Read biographies of people who inspire you, study their trainings, use tips. After all, someone has already gone the same path that you only dream of, so why be wrong, learn from an example.

Share your experiences with others

We must not only find our purpose, but also teach others to do it. If you know how to help someone, be sure to tell him about it. You should not keep all your secrets to achieve the goal inside yourself. This will make your life even more productive. All genius people talked about their experiences in their books or at meetings. Thanks to this, we can read, find answers to questions that have tormented us all our lives.

Teach your children, yours and others. It's not about school education... It's about raising a future generation with correct understanding the world washed away. Since childhood, we can help them find themselves. After all, it is so important when there are those people who support us all our lives. Then there will be less likelihood that the depression of your own unfulfillment in the middle of your life will be overtaken.

Learn from others and share your knowledge with others.

So, to summarize all of the above, let's say once again about all the methods that can help in difficult work to find your own self.

  • Self-realization for each person should be different. Nothing should stop you on the path of life.
  • Look for yourself by asking questions on different stages life path, whether I am happy and what I need for harmony.
  • Read, get inspired, use tips famous people who have already found their purpose in life.
  • Always remember that there are people whose life is much more difficult than yours, but they know why they came into this world. Nothing should bother you either.
  • Look for like-minded people, ask for advice, make friends with someone who lives a full life.
  • Teach others, teach children everything that you have already discovered for yourself.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we are the creators of our own destiny. Every day is a chance to write your own book of life, so let this new day not be in vain. Good luck in your endeavors!

Sooner or later, reasonable person asks himself questions: - "Who am I?" and "What am I living for?", these are really the most important questions in knowing oneself, to which it is necessary to find answers in order to achieve success, happiness, true spiritual satisfaction from one's own life.

By the way, the main reason for one of the most common in modern society psychological illnesses - this is a complete lack of understanding of the meaning of life, and as a result - aimlessness, despondency, lack of joy in life, and unwillingness to live.

To understand who you are, you need to start with understanding, and what is the nature of the human soul - you can read it.

But, in order to find a satisfactory answer to the question: - "What am I living for?" you need to form an understanding of the Purpose of Man and him.

The Purpose of Man, in to a greater extent to relate to the Soul and its individuality, and a person can go to him through many lifetimes (incarnations on Earth).

And Karmic Tasks are given to each person new (their own, special) for each incarnation.

The purpose of a Man is laid in the soul initially, when it is created (how the soul is created and by whom - to read it) and it can be classified as follows - destination on earth(all incarnations) and in space(after evolution on Earth), and also, the purpose is general(that absolutely everything must learn to do) and individual (unique features which were laid down when the soul was created).

So what is the ultimate destiny of Man

The ultimate destiny of Man, after the end of evolution on Earth, is to become the Creator's assistant, the creator of the Universes, the ruler of the corresponding worlds and beings. The main tasks of the Creator's assistant are the creation and development of light Beings (such as human soul and others), the elimination of chaos and the construction of the world according to the Ideals and Laws of the Creator. But, a person can become the Creator's helper only by developing all the necessary abilities for this through development, cognition and service.

Those who realize their destination are under the auspices of God, that is, they receive his protection and help. - removes patronage from those who do not realize their purpose. People without patronage become vulnerable to Evil.

The main purpose of Man on Earth

1. Development of the Soul through incarnation - the disclosure of all the talents and abilities laid down by the Creator in the creation of the Soul.

2. Learning to fight against Evil in yourself and the world around you (learn to distinguish between Good and Evil and destroy Evil).

3. Learning to Create, through the disclosure of the appropriate Talents. In total, there are 9 basic talents that a Man within himself can and most often should develop.

The main talents necessary on Earth, which are the Destiny of Man

After reviewing this list of top talents, you will be able to determine your predispositions.

1. Teaching is spiritual and social, it is the talent to teach and develop other people, to lead them along the path of development.

4. Creators and creative personalities- those who influence society through creativity, art, stage.

5. Researchers and Scientists - they bring new discoveries, Knowledge, Ideas and Theories to the Earth. These are the creators of Knowledge.

6. Performers and Specialists are the best in any profession, they show the world the heights of excellence in their field.

7. Rulers - these include politicians, people of Power, businessmen, talented organizers and public figures. They are leaders who are able to organize and develop significant social processes.

8. Warriors are defenders, strong personalities... Actually, the talent of the Warriors corresponds in modern society - strong structure, military, special forces, etc.

9. Diplomats - peacekeepers, negotiators, those who are able to win without war, in word, knowledge, personal influence and conviction.

Having studied these talents, you can roughly or precisely determine which purpose is closest to your Soul!

I wish you success in learning and realizing your mission!

Destination theme is very popular today. There are many articles and trainings about this. Exists different kinds the purpose of a person, each of which requires separate attention. In this article, you will learn the main types of human missions in life based on what is given to him from birth.

Some people have been looking for their destiny for years, attend a bunch of training programs, but they just can't decide to the end. This is nothing more than a mouse fuss. In fact, everything is much simpler and most you will receive information on this already today. Moreover, you will not need to study anything more practical.

What is purpose and on what basis is it formed?

In simple words, predestination is what a person needs to do in this life based on fate and the resources available to him in order to become happy, healthy and successful.

It follows from this definition that living the way I want to is the wrong philosophy. We may want a lot of things, but there is a certain destiny that we ourselves have created in the past. Based on it, we have certain responsibilities and opportunities. If we take this into account, then you can live your life more or less with dignity.

It is under the influence of fate that we are born in the human form of life, which in itself is already great luck... We also get a certain body: male or female. And yet each of us has our own talents and inclinations. This is the key to discovering your destiny.

The main types of human destiny

We will consider the types of human destiny, depending on the resources that are given to him from birth. In other words, we will talk about the types of purpose based on:

  • Spiritual nature (the main purpose of each person);
  • Psychophysical nature (purpose in activity);
  • Physical nature (purpose by body type).

By the way, you can also single out the purpose by age. Each age has its own main tasks: to study, to create a family, to retire and strive for the highest goal of life. But in this article, we will not consider this.

The main purpose in life for every person

Life in the human body is unique and very valuable. Only in this form of life can one choose the path that a person will follow and the consequences of which will then determine the outcome of life. Only a person can realize his true position in the universe, his true spiritual nature.

Actually, the real human life begins only when we begin to look for the meaning of life, to study who we are by nature and why we were born here and now. If you do not do this and live simply for the sake of satisfying your feelings and desires, then the value of human life will be lost and we will not differ much from animals.

The main value in human life is the ability to use reason in a favorable way. In other forms of life (both higher and lower), the mind can be used for anything, but not for the most important. So what is it that a person can know using the mind?

He can realize his original spiritual nature, know God to some extent and restore the lost relationship with Him. Also, a person can choose the path of love and self-interest, because only he alone leads to true happiness and perfection of life.

The most important:


Only in the human form of life can one achieve liberation from the material world and interrupt the series of reincarnations from one body to another.

The Vedas speak of 8,400,000 forms of life, in which the soul incarnates over and over again in order to realize its most varied desires. And of course, all this is accompanied by a lot of suffering and obstacles. And the very processes of birth, growing up, existence, aging and death are far from the most pleasant.

In general, it is necessary to strengthen and spiritualize the mind, thanks to which a person can achieve the perfection of life and realize his most important destiny.

Purpose according to male or female nature

We are born in a male or female body, which lays a huge imprint on our lives. Those people who try to ignore the peculiarities of their bodies act very stupidly and arrogantly. First of all, a lot of misfortunes and problems are brought by various organizations and figures who talk about the "equality" of the sexes, that there are no differences between men and women, and other nonsense.

Have male and female body there are significant differences in the physical and mental level... They have different interests and approach to life, understanding of happiness and much more. In accordance with this, a different purpose arises for a man and a woman.

A man needs to seriously develop spiritually and develop as a person as a whole, to lead healthy image life, earn money and be realized in society, build or buy a house (apartment), take responsibility for the family, parents, possibly for groups of people, the country and the whole world.

It is important for a woman to learn to build harmonious relationship in a family, and with parents too, to give birth and raise children, be creative, create an atmosphere of love and beauty in the house, maintain purity and chastity at all levels, develop qualities such as humility, patience, kindness, caring and others.

Follow your nature and it will be much easier for you to be realized in life and become happier.

Purpose in activity

Suitable for different people different types activity and this is absolutely normal. Each person from birth has certain talents and inclinations, their own strong and weak sides personality. This affects the choice of profession. The wisest thing is to use what is given to us.

It is advisable to understand your psychophysical nature, to understand what suits you and what does not. Someone perfectly sells any goods and services, someone knows how to excellently work with their hands, someone is a great speaker, someone heals people with their mere presence, and someone strives to protect people from injustice and violence.

We are all different and you don't need to imitate someone. You better open up your strengths and start making the most of them. Do what you have a penchant for and what is good for the world. Then you will not have problems with money or clients.

Ayurveda says that a person cannot be healthy and happy if he does not love what he does. And according to statistics, a lot of people do not like their work, and sometimes even hate it. This is unreasonable. In addition, there are other statistics according to which many people regret in old age that they did not what they should have done. Think about it.

Once again, the main types of human destiny

We figured out the main types of purpose that a person should adhere to. It:

  • Spiritual destiny is the most important thing for every person; consists in revealing one's true spiritual nature and restoring a relationship with God;
  • Purpose according to male or female nature;
  • Purpose in activities based on their talents and inclinations.

You need to take this into account in your life and strive to be realized in each of the directions. This is the only way in life there will be harmony and balance, which is the natural guarantee of happiness.

If you still have or have any questions, or you want to learn more about your purpose, including professional, you can contact

The word "destiny" raises many thoughts and questions. It's almost a mystical word. “Destination,” as the word is used here, is an all-encompassing term for “the path of life,” “the path,” including the God-given purpose that we seek to achieve towards the end of life, and our own faithful walk along the path. towards this goal.
Some people believe that the destiny destined for a person is the will of fate or just an accident. They think they cannot control the course of their lives or determine its results. But I tell you that you can do it! Not only do you have a choice, but you also have the responsibility to find that goal and, by managing events, rebuild your life in accordance with your intended plan. Our business is to find the fate that God wants for us and live in harmony with it. There is a purpose that He wants to help you achieve. Perhaps the fact that you are reading this article is already a fateful step for you.
Knowing that God has planned your life and destiny brings you self-confidence, excitement, joy, and success. Some of you think that everything happens by accident, that you just poke around and that someone who accidentally gets in the right direction is successful. Far from it. Such a worldview and thoughts will lead you to a life in which you will always be dissatisfied with yourself and everything that surrounds you. Thinking like this will put you in a trap, in a quagmire of failure and suffering. But when you know that you have a purpose, then you walk confidently and firmly in your own way. life path... And do not pay attention to the fact that some people around you will consider you eccentric. On this occasion, someone said that the most reliable way getting nothing is to try to please others all your life.
Due to a lack of knowledge, compromises in life, wrong choices, laziness or selfishness, we can die without fulfilling the purpose given to us by God, without bringing the benefits that we could bring, and without achieving the victories and successes that we could achieve.

So, what determines the fate of a person? Human events, success or failure, wealth or poverty, determine a number of basic factors:
human consciousness,
spiritual world.
In other words, summarizing, we get three fundamental global causes human grief and suffering. These are karma, mind and the forces of evil. By themselves, these three factors are not connected with each other, but a person manages to combine them into one ominous cocktail of suffering, disease and self-destruction. In order to put things in order in your mind and your life, you need to unravel this tangle. You should be aware that the ways to deal with these three factors are completely different. Believe in yourself, in the knowledge that you will receive, in Divine help and the grace of Heaven, and also firmly understand that there are no hopeless situations. All processes in space are reversible, the limitation is only in knowing how to do it and in the human mind, which may not want to change anything. So, let's unravel the knots of our life, free ourselves from the fetters and the prison in which we have put ourselves.
One of the reasons for our failures, anxieties, doubts, uncertainties and even illnesses is a departure from our destiny or its inaccurate fulfillment. So what is purpose and how is it different from karma?
Purpose is duty, duty, necessary requirements, a prescription is a life program with which a person comes into this world.
One might get the impression that destiny is the same as karma or destiny, but this is far from the case.
Purpose is a person's obligation to fulfill the prescriptions that God prescribes for him. This is his duty, a duty to life, to himself, to other people and to God. Where does this purpose come from, who is it prescribed, what does it include? Who forms the stages of certain actions and, finally, how does it manifest itself in our real life? Unfortunately, within the framework of this article, we will be able to consider only a small part of the nature of the origin of destinations, but even from this amount of information, the degree of their significance in human life will be clear.

Let us omit the posthumous state of the soul and its path to the heavenly worlds. Let us dwell on those levels of space where a person is in pure consciousness, i.e. in a state of impartiality, clarity of thinking, extending to the past, present and future. In this state, a person sees and realizes past lives, his delusions, mistakes, good deeds, as well as the causal relationship between the links of some events of past lives and the present.
Perfect in real life just as visible as the future consequences awaiting a person. But this does not mean that they must necessarily occur in next life... They can be postponed for the future, but the retribution must necessarily occur. This is typical for both evil deeds, erroneous thinking, delusions inspired by religion or society, and good thoughts, dreams.
Let's imagine ourselves free from limitations physical body... Imagine yourself half asleep, hovering like balloon... Your mind is free from all worldly problems, desires and attachments. You are in a state of peace and pure mind in a space filled with gentle waves of multi-colored energies. From the depths of this sparkling space, pictures from a number of your lives, including the present, emerge in front of you.
You see and realize everything.
You have two different feelings. The first is a feeling of joy, satisfaction, pride in the good sense of the word (“yes, I could”, “I did it”, “I resisted”, etc.). And the second - a feeling of disappointment, regret, dissatisfaction with oneself in certain situations where weakness, erroneous actions, stubbornness of delusion, weak-willedness were manifested (“it’s so simple - all that was needed ...”, etc.).
At this moment, you have a strong need to correct your wrong actions and the question arises: how to do it? Plots arise in your mind, containing options for how you can correct the mistakes of the past in your new birth. Choosing your preferred scenes is instant, and the decision fills you with a sense of joy and excitement. Inspired by this state, you aspire upward. A channel to the higher worlds opens to your gaze. Surrounded by spiritual teachers, saints, sages or angels, you rise from one higher world to another until the ocean of Divine consciousness opens up for you - a radiant, living and intelligent infinite space.
At this moment, you realize the reality of God, your connection with Him, or rather, the involvement of yourself as a part of this radiance. A feeling of belonging of all people and all living things on earth to a single source of life - to God comes to you. You also realize God's plans for all living beings, humanity and for yourself in particular. You understand not only the plans of this Great Personality, but also the stages and methods of creation, the goals of the evolution of the consciousness of all that exists.
But your consciousness is struck not only by the splendor, ideality of the plan for the development of the planet, but also by the discrepancy between what should be and what is happening on Earth in reality. Regret envelops your consciousness. You descend from the Divine world into one of the highest heavenly worlds. Here, the spiritual rulers of the world and teachers explain to you the reason for human delusions and the separation of human consciousness from God, why he leaves the plan of the Most High and how he remains on his own with the world of darkness, with the laws of karma and the animal nature of his soul.
They also explain to you the ways in which you can reconnect with the Creator as with a Personality with Superconsciousness, Reason and Omnipotence. You are taught how this reunion can change not only your life and karma for the better, but also the lives of those people who will surround you in your new birth. Also, the secret of the true human “I”, its Divine nature, is revealed to you, that the One has separated from himself a multitude of divine “I” in order to continue to create with a multitude of minds, hands and eyes. Spiritual teachers also explain that human beings, of their own free will, decided to live in a series of births and deaths, in the hope that the connection with the Creator from which they came will never be interrupted. But the hope did not come true. Life in the material world without the possibility of return and renewal soon bore fruit. Man is stuck in attachments, desires and pleasures, which in those distant times were incessantly given by the material world. But the continuous stream of pleasures was replaced by a series of suffering and grief, illness and spiritual death.
Thus, the causes of the suffering of all mankind and your own become clear to you. But you are faced with another problem - how to reconnect with the real, and not religious god how not to forget in the body that “I” is a part of God? Not a slave, not a son, separated from the father, but "I" is this God, manifested in the form of an individual part, which is like a wave in the ocean, which itself has volume, shape, speed and strength of movement, but nevertheless is inextricably linked with the ocean ...
You begin to reflect and analyze, and this prompts you to descend from higher worlds to the worlds of the mental plane. It is at this moment that the planning of the stages of your life takes place, which is the purpose.

But what we call “destiny” in one word actually consists of four factors. These factors are decisive at each separate stage of life and in the achievement of the set goals.
These programs, in fact, are codes in the subconscious of a person and are manifested through needs. Needs awaken and activate desires and cravings for something that can satisfy them. It is like the need for food and water, when hunger and thirst prompts a person to seek what is needed. Spiritual needs work in a similar way. They include subconscious mechanisms for searching for certain activities, aimed, firstly, at fulfilling the code program of the need, and secondly, at finding ways to satisfy it.
There are four spiritual needs in total:
u restoration of the lost connection with God and with your super-“I”;
u deep awareness of one's human nature, the surrounding reality of invisible worlds with their principles and laws;
u creative and intellectual self-realization;
u repaying debts to people, society or the state and eliminating the character traits that gave rise to them.

Now let's see how a person is going to fulfill this great destiny by being born into this world.
Being in a state of pure consciousness, a person not only realizes the Divine presence and his plans, but really feels God as a living intelligent Person. And this is real participation, not dead religious or philosophical dogmas and reasoning. But also a person understands that in the material world without these dogmas he will not be able to approach knowledge, and later - to the realization of the Divine. So he chooses that system religious beliefs, spiritual and occult knowledge, through which he will gradually approach the truth. He understands that, although the system limits access to knowledge, it keeps in one direction and the goal is in the field of view of the believer. Moreover, any religion, no matter how conservative or limiting it may be, speaks of love, the need to comprehend your Divinity, control over your emotions, ego and feelings, about the harmony of man, nature and society. Thus, one chooses a narrow direction through religion or guru, the other will study several directions, looking for the main and general in them: philosophy, psychology, yoga, ideas of spiritual teachers, occultism, etc. He knows for sure that none of the religions and sciences can give him all the knowledge and experience that are revealed from contact with God, because they play an applied and supportive role in the attainment of truth.
But the human realization of God is impossible without awareness of oneself and the surrounding reality, for God is everything. And, as the Apostle Paul said, "God is the only Creator and Father of all that exists, who is above everything, through everyone and in all living beings." Thus, a person must move in comprehending reality from a narrow materialistic worldview to a scientific one, and from it to a magical, causal and, finally, to a Divine vision of the world. The purpose in realizing reality only leads to the Divine, while the realization of the Divine opens access to the restoration of connection with God, therefore these two destinations are almost interconnected, but they are not the same. From the moment this connection is restored, the stage of God-realization begins, in which the will of God and the desire of man coincide.
God-realization passes through the realms of the higher human consciousness and through his activities in society. The goal of self-realization is the fulfillment of the basic principles of the Creator himself: a person is obliged to develop in all spheres - spiritual, cultural, intellectual, professional, etc. There is no formidable "god", deity or gods that would compel a person to fulfill these needs. Everything in a person is interconnected. Divine vibrations are condensed to spiritual and material ones and are manifested through human activity, which should be beneficial for society and for the personality itself. It is impossible to do work that is useless to society, or social program hated by myself, and consider it self-realization. Therefore, self-realization passes through professional or everyday activities, which cause a person to feel a sense of satisfaction from its very process.

How does a person choose what to do in this life? Being in a state of pure mind, being aware of your past experiences, unfinished desires, good and bad features character, social capabilities of the place where he is going to be born, the person and plans those activities that will maximize the manifestation of his talents and mental abilities.
For example, one, seeing the causes of human grief in ignorance, illusion and delusion, decides to reveal to people the truth about God, laws, the real nature of man, etc. Some choose: “I will teach young people - this is the future of the world,” others decide to protect them from the forces of evil in the spiritual or material world. Others will help with the above finances: “I will accumulate a great fortune and will help churches, theological schools, the sick, children and the elderly. I will be a philanthropist. "
Someone will compete in the right to manage the state, enterprises, etc., someone decides to invent, to be simple labor force, equipping the life of people, to grow crops.
These assignments determine a specific role in society: i.e. peasant, worker, warrior, philanthropist, etc. So what, then, is the freedom of human choice and its self-realization?
It lies in the fact that a peasant born for his intended purpose can dig on his five acres of land, barely making ends meet, or he can become a large farmer, having his own property, thousands of cattle, hectares of cultivated land. You can be a warrant officer or minister of defense, you can be a deacon in a village church or a Patriarch, a paramedic or professor of medicine, etc. It all depends on a person's efforts, his perseverance, karma and aspirations to benefit people as much as possible. It's like in a competition where the most purposeful, trained and persistent people win.
This is the essence of freedom and self-realization, which are an integral part of the evolutionary process and natural selection, which from life to life gives a person more and more new chances.
But let's return to the moment when the events of our life are formed in accordance with the programs of our destiny.
At the moment when the reality of God is realized, His plans for each and every one, heavenly worlds, the causes of the problems of mankind, their own mistakes and ways of correcting them, the direction of activity is determined, human consciousness descends to denser levels of the mental plane. It is here that more detailed matrices of the main events of life are created, taking into account the hindrances or help of one's own karma and the karma of other persons of the future scenario. First of all, a person creates stories in his imagination, generating holographic clips of events. These holograms of scenes fill the entire mental space in the mind of a person. Later at the moment of birth and later life they become denser, displaced by new information and pass into the category of subconscious ones.
Thus, a code is formed in the mind of a person: "do this and that, this and that." Codes of this kind determine the spheres of activity through which a person will self-actualize, exhibit certain qualities and improve himself.
Now, with regard to the fourth program of predestination (repaying debts to people, society or the state, as well as voluntarily accepting the consequences of previous actions, i.e. working off karma). Here, a person also consciously chooses those people in front of whom he feels guilty for his actions and is going to include them in the scenario of his life. For example, you left a person, refusing to help him, although you had every opportunity to help him. Now you will help him in the kind of activity that he will choose in this life. This process can be lengthy (for a lifetime) or relatively short. It all depends on what consequences your refusal had. Without giving someone an education, you will help to learn; deprived of an inheritance - give the money or will contribute to its enrichment; led a dishonest life, deceived people and the state - you will find yourself in an appropriate situation now; killed someone - you will protect him, etc.
I want the reader to understand that paying off debts and working off karma are not the same thing. You will pay for everything you have done: if you abandoned a person in trouble, you yourself will find yourself in such a situation and no one will come to the rescue; deprived of money - you yourself will lose; humiliated, did not allow self-realization - you yourself will suffer from the complex of an unrecognized genius, wander through life, not knowing what to do, because whatever you undertake, everything will fall apart.
Good deeds also have a mirror image nature. The law of retribution is not a punishment from heaven, but a feature of space-time levels, which is called "string theory" in physics. In it, each level has its own vibration and reflection, peculiar only to itself. All weaker vibrations of any frequency move, relatively speaking, upward, and enter into resonance with the environment, while the vibration of this environment is weaker or equal to the strength of the emitted signal. As soon as the force of the external space begins to exceed the power of the emitted pulse, a disturbance occurs in space and the signal begins to be reflected like an echo. So, ideas are reflected from one level of space, thoughts - from another, feelings - from the third, conscious deeds of a person - from all at once.
The law of karma in Judaism is retribution, in Christianity it is the law of sowing and reaping. These features of space and time are characteristic of the entire Universe and are not a religious "horror story", as some believe.

Now, when there is a project of what and how he needs to do, the person additionally forms new codes: “For these people I will do this and that, positive karma will manifest itself in such and such, and negative and so and so. " I would like to point out that this model is missing something that someone should do for me. A person determines what he should do for another. This is how a mutual guarantee is formed, in which the motive of egoism is absent.
Absolutely everyone born on Earth has these programs, regardless of whether he was given the role of a worker or a president. These programs are primarily embedded in the human subconscious in the form of codes, clothed in holographic images, and contain the main stages of life. In outer space collective consciousness they are also created by the power of the human imagination.
Future spiritual patrons and people who will be involved in this scenario at one time or another are also involved in the creation of these models.
Imagine a group of people located at one of the levels of space and by the power of their thoughts and imagination creates images in heaven. Such "heavenly pictures" contain the main fragments of our life, where the main role belongs to you. You are the creator, director and performer of these scripts. The rest are included in the creation of your models only when they are associated with their participation. In other words, you alone create a model, and future Ivanovs or Ivanovs begin to be included in the modeling from the moment when the hour of their appearance in your life comes. Now you and them create a drawing of your plot in sync. Part of their consciousness and energy, together with yours, are woven into a holographic model of a particular stage of your life, forming the so-called matrices of stages in your life.
In these models, events and relationships are predetermined. But there are also plots in which events are predetermined, and specific participants are not provided. In these fragments of your life model, you, together with spiritual teachers or saints, create a so-called phantom image of the alleged participant. This plot does not imply participation in your life. a specific person- it can be anyone from your environment, both familiar and unfamiliar people. This means that help or difficulty will be created by those people to whom the programs embedded in the hologram will be related. Intuitively being included in the phantom program, a person has a conscious desire to fulfill this role.
The plot scenes of these matrices include phantom plots and real people with models of what they have to do, but do not provide for how they will do it. For example, according to the scenario, you need to go to university. But this moment coincides with the strongest manifestation of negative karma of the clan or personality, and you need help from outside. The actions of the one who will come to your aid are predetermined, but how this will happen is unknown. Whether he will be your protege, whether he will earn enough money to pay for your education, or will take care of your preparation himself - no one can foresee all these nuances before birth. The same applies to those who will provide assistance in areas related to spiritual education, career, health, in short, with all areas of activity related to the implementation of a particular purpose.

Now let's summarize what was described above. For clarity, imagine that all the stages associated with the implementation of the programs of your destiny are like an inverted tree with roots going up into the Divine mind, into a single field of cosmic consciousness. And this mind contains all the plans of the stages of evolution with an infinite number of options for their implementation. Like a tree, they unfold from the Divine to the material both in the outer space of the collective consciousness and through inner world person.
The purpose of each person is a Divine plan for him, indicating what needs to be done in various life situations directly to him personally. This plan is not only stored in the subconscious of the embodied person, but also in the form of wave holographic packets on mental plane collective consciousness.
Thus, human life is to some extent predetermined, but this is only at first glance.
Of course, the key points are prescribed, but are there so many of them in our life? A person is given the task of seeking and comprehending God and his Divine nature, but who determines the degree of this awareness? A person can remain at the level of religious beliefs or achieve complete enlightenment of consciousness and liberation. Who determined how much money he will earn to be a philanthropist? Will a person suffer from the loss of millions of turnovers in business and cry to everyone that he has no money, having a thousand dollars in pocket money, or will he really be on the verge of poverty and survival? All this is a consequence of the level of spiritual maturity and karma of a person, as well as your choice, perseverance and faith. They generate mental realities that simulate your conscious and unconscious actions and create external events.
A person is predetermined to create, it is his nature, he can create with the power of his imagination events that can expand and improve, or vice versa, slow down and worsen the course of prescribed events. He can also neutralize the flow of events, besides it is two-way - the good can neutralize the bad, and the bad - the good that should happen in his life.
Unfortunately, most people prefer to block the positive and multiply the negative with their constant whining, depression and pessimism. Why does a person do this? Because the majority of bright souls have a coded religious program of sin, and a person's subconscious actions are aimed at self-punishment. But we also know that Satan is the main accuser of man's sinful nature. As soon as a person begins to fall into despondency and pessimism, the angels of darkness are right there, prompting him to generate more and more terrifying plots of false future events. Therefore, until a person learns to distinguish between the nature of good and evil, he will make mistakes in his life and allow himself to suffer only because someone really wants it. The task facing a person is to realize where the obstacles are of a karmic nature, where are demonic, and where are personal, because the ways to eliminate and neutralize the consequences of these causes are completely different.
Moreover, the destination for karma and duty can be changed. This is a human right, because it is about his human nature and his choice. While self-realization, awareness and reunion with God are spiritual, i.e. cosmic, programs for individual divine “I”, and they are unchanged until their full realization.

In order to change the events of our life, it is necessary not only to realize the direction of our destinations and to determine the ways of their implementation, but also to understand how the space is arranged, the mechanism of the work of karma. Having figured it out, we will understand where we can manage this process, in which cases it is possible and even necessary, and in which we will have to accept everything as it is. But I want to warn the reader that my task is to teach you not so much to change the programs of your life, but to ease your fate from that extra burden that, due to your ignorance, you have taken on yourself. I also want the reader to understand that the program of reward or karma of one pole is always one, i.e. one stream of positive karma, one - negative. The degree of their manifestation will be determined by the tuning of human consciousness to a positive or negative wave. Thus, mixing of streams, clamping of one and expansion of the other up to its complete cutoff are possible. Over time, these flows can change, influencing the events of our life in different ways, but there are always two of them, not three, four or ten at the same time, as is the case with modern man... “Trouble has come - open the gate”, “Every cricket know your six”, “Better a tit in your hands than a crane in the sky”, etc. You must get rid of such attitudes, generated by human ignorance, fear and laziness, which through our subconsciousness limit consciousness and knowingly determine our insignificant existence.
The first and main task of a person is to realize his purpose and begin to act in accordance with it. The second is to understand and remove all false barriers to program delivery. A person must distinguish between karma taken before birth from karma instilled in him by religion, parents, society, or included by your own mind with the help of demonic forces. The third is to decide what, how and why he will change in his worldview, in his life and in himself. The fourth and most basic one is to have faith in God and in yourself, and not be afraid to leave your established "world" and be ready for the changes that the future prepares for us. You also have to learn that being content in one position is one thing, but if you just exist, clinging to something that is familiar and safe, that is quite another. Why all your life trying to calculate what you will not succeed, instead of acting, believing in success. As long as you sit still, not trusting yourself or God, you will never know who you could become and what you could achieve. So push your limits. Go and don't be afraid to take risks!

Valery Bogoslavsky
Harkov city

Every day the world wide web receives more than six thousand requests for destination. But what is the purpose and why some are looking for it, while others are not. In this article, you will learn about 4 myths of destination and its search. You will find the answers to the questions where to find it for its purpose, is it possible to find it yourself or do you need to contact a specialist, how long will it take to search and what to do while looking for? But first things first.

What is Purpose.

You have probably noticed more than once that when a person clearly shows some quality, his environment is in a hurry to hang a certain label on him. If a girl sincerely shows her emotions, she is told that she will become an actress, the boy likes to spend time with his father in the garage, he is immediately told that he will become a chauffeur or repair cars. Thus, a stereotype has developed that ...

Myth number 1. A vocation is something like a job or a profession, I will pass a special test and find out my purpose.

Many people mistakenly believe that their purpose or calling has something to do with their practical skills. For example, fixing computers, being a doctor, working in a bank or working on television - all this is not a purpose, it is just a way of expressing it. There can be as many manifestations of your destiny through a profession or some business as you want. When you clarify for yourself what your mission is, you can change your occupation, business or profession more than once during your life - write books, appear on TV, get the title of master of sports, and then become a chef. And no matter how different your activities are, every time you will clearly understand that you are realizing your potential and your mission.

Purpose is what you can offer people, how you can help them, realizing your main qualities, following your the highest values... This is what you are ready to do from morning until late at night, all night long. When what you are doing energizes you, and you are ready to do it even for free. Knowing and understanding your purpose, you will be able to reach such heights that you never knew or dreamed of.

But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. You are probably mistaken if you think that ...

Myth number 2. Finding a purpose will open up unlimited resources and give me happiness, money, and whatever I want.

Following my mission, you can achieve success, happiness and harmony in all areas of life. But the very realization of your destiny does not guarantee you anything yet. There are two other important factors to add to awareness:

  • Make the Decision to Live According to Your Purpose
  • Act in small steps every day.

After all, you still have to work and achieve your goals yourself. Nobody will do it for you. Like many others, you will have recessions, it will seem that you have chosen the wrong path, at some point you may want to give up everything and return to your old life. But if everything were so simple, then there would probably be no hunger or poverty in the world. What separates successful people living in accordance with their calling from others is to act in spite of difficulties and obstacles, in spite of the fact that other people tell you that you are wrong, that you are crazy. Successful people believe that all difficulties are just sports barriers that need to be overcome on the way to their goal.

And now, when you prove by your real actions that you not only would like to follow your destiny, but are ready for daily work and will never deviate from your goal, no matter what difficulties lie in wait for you. It is at this moment that the Universe, seeing the seriousness of your intentions, begins to help you. The necessary and necessary ones appear in your life interesting people You easily conclude any deals, you feel gratitude from other people for your business and this gives you new strength and new ideas.

And therefore, many believe that ...

Myth number 3. It is necessary at all costs to find your purpose, otherwise life is meaningless.

Destiny is not the holy grail; it will not solve all your problems. By realizing it, you can only better understand your path. You will make decisions faster and your actions will be more accurate. Understand that you do not find the purpose, but it finds you when you are ready for it. If you are inactive, wait, spend your life on momentary pleasures, be selfish towards other people, even the best expert in finding a purpose will not help you.

You probably have people around you who do not think about their purpose, they just do their job. They do it persistently, conscientiously and with enthusiasm. And from the outside it seems that they are just lucky that they are an exception to the rule. But if you ask, what is the secret of their success? They will answer you that they just started doing one thing, met difficulties on the way, analyzed them, corrected their actions and, in case of failure, switched to another occupation. No, they did not deviate from the intended goal, they simply made necessary changes based on the results obtained and moved on.

Awareness or discovery of your purpose is a kind of Gift to you for all the difficulties that you have already overcome, for the work on yourself that you have done. It is not you who find the Purpose, but the Purpose itself finds you when you are ready for it.

Or maybe I'll still wait until my destiny finds me, because I know that ...

Myth number 4. The purpose is given to a person from birth.

If you believe this myth, then everything in life is predetermined and known in advance. And why is it asked to rush somewhere, if at any moment I can begin to act in accordance with my purpose, and I will be guaranteed success, fame, money, happiness. But what if I told you that the destination can change over the course of your life. That if the word predestination itself is wrong, the word vocation is more appropriate for the definition.

We change throughout our lives. Our level of awareness in actions, thoughts, deeds changes. Our qualities, character, abilities, habits, beliefs and principles change. Sometimes this happens under the influence of the circumstances of life, but you can do it quite deliberately and deliberately. Develop new qualities and abilities in yourself, those that will help you become the best version myself. Work on your thoughts and beliefs, identify those that inhibit your success, and replace them with those that advance you in life. In fact, on high levels awareness can even change the values ​​that guide your actions.


As you can see, the Purpose has nothing to do with career guidance and knowing it does not guarantee you success and happiness in life. You should also not devote your whole life to finding your vocation, because emotions, people and events and actions fill our life with meaning.

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