Home Trees and shrubs How much protein should you eat per day. Daily protein intake

How much protein should you eat per day. Daily protein intake

How Much Protein Does Your Body Really Need to Build Muscle? Are there forms of protein that are qualitatively different from others? Does it matter what time you eat?


Really. I am often asked how much protein should I eat to build muscle.

Is 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight enough? If you eat more, there will be more muscles?

Or do you need to eat less? Maybe 2.2 grams per kilogram of lean muscle mass? Isn't that too much?

Let's figure it out.

Why does the body need protein to build muscle?

Most likely you know this, I just want to briefly go over the topic so that there is no misunderstanding.

In the body, protein is represented as a molecule that is made up of substances known as amino acids. Think of amino acids as the "building blocks" for proteins - without the essential amino acids, the body cannot make protein molecules.

The body has different types proteins that perform different functions, ranging from DNA replication and repair, cellular signals (for example, insulin is also a protein), ending with the formation of tissues and other substances such as hair, nails, and much more.

Building "muscle protein" (the type of protein molecules that make up our muscles) requires a wide variety of amino acids, some of which can only be obtained from food (the so-called "essential" amino acids)


When you eat a food that contains protein, your body breaks it down into amino acids and then uses those same amino acids to build its own proteins.

If you consume too little protein, your body may become deficient in the amino acids needed to repair and build muscle, therefore muscle growth will be impaired.

Even if you are not exercising, your body still needs protein. Every day, body cells die and are reborn, a process that requires amino acids.

When you exercise, your body needs even more amino acids to repair and grow muscle fibers. That is why athletes need to eat a high protein diet.

How much does it cost to eat?

400 grams of protein per day? Yes you are joking

Many years ago, my progress stalled, and I thought the problem was the amount of protein I was consuming.

I asked a retired professional bodybuilder how many grams of protein I should eat daily, and he advised me 4.4 grams per kilogram of body weight.

I was very surprised, this meant that I would have to eat 400 grams of protein daily.

The guy was absolutely sure that 4.4 grams was simply necessary for me to overcome the plateau that had arisen and resume muscle growth, so I decided to do it.

I stocked up, increased my daily intake to 400 grams per day, and realized how much it sucks. I constantly felt "full" protein shakes I just got tired of eating.

I endured ... but did not build an ounce of new muscle.

Let's go back to the present. I have improved remarkably since then, however, I have not consumed more than 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day for many years (specific numbers will be a little later, don't worry).

The meaning of this little cool story:

  • If you're having trouble building muscle, consuming more protein isn't always the way to go.
  • You don't have to eat crazy amounts of protein to build muscle.
Maximizing muscle growth occurs on a simple "high protein" diet that doesn't require you to cram in pounds of meat and dozens of protein shakes.

So, exactly how much protein do you need to consume to build muscle?

The Protein Needed by Athletes

According to him, the consumption of 1.3 - 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is enough to maximize the stimulation of protein synthesis in the body. Scientists also note that the amount of protein should be increased when increasing the intensity of training and during cutting (calorie restriction).

Protein types

Not all forms of protein are the same. There are 3 factors you should be aware of:

  • Different forms of protein settle at different rates
  • Some forms of protein are better tolerated by the body than others.
  • Various forms of protein are different amount essential amino acids needed by your body
Beef protein, for example, is digested relatively quickly, 70%-80% of the amount consumed will be absorbed by the body (numbers vary depending on the study), and this type of protein is also quite high in essential amino acids.

Whey protein is also rapidly digested, with the body using about 90% of the whey protein ingested. It contains many amino acids, in particular a large amount of leucine.

Egg white digested more slowly than beef and whey, however, 90% of its amount will be used by the body for its insidious purposes.

It is important to know the "percentage of utilization" and the rate of assimilation to meet your daily needs; specifically for post-workout intake, it is better to use whey protein.

If your diet is rich in fish, eggs, meat and dairy products, then you will not have any problems meeting the body's protein needs.

Vegans, sorry, you're going to have some difficulty.

You may be waiting for me to mention "complete" and "incomplete" proteins. But the emergence of the myth of an “incomplete” protein is only the result of inaccurate studies that were disproved a few years ago. All protein found in vegetables is "complete".

However, this does not change the fact that many forms vegetable proteins have a leaner amino acid composition, which makes them not very good sources of protein.

I recommend that vegans eat plenty of grains (quinoa and amaranth, I believe, are the most popular for their high protein content), beans, and high-protein vegetables like peas, for example. But it is better to refrain from absorbing large quantities of soy.

Also, do not forget that for vegans there are special protein powders vegetable based.

Does the timing of protein intake matter?

The last point I want to consider is when to take protein. Does it matter?

Do I need to consume protein every 3 hours? Should I eat it before and after training?

- The frequency of consumption does not matter.

You will not fall into a terrible state of catabolism if you do not eat protein every few hours, and increase muscle growth by consuming it very often.

If you are comfortable consuming everything in 3 meals - consume, the body can absorb a large number of protein taken "at a time". If you prefer small meals, eat small meals.

(If you want to be even more convinced that meal times can be almost anything, read the article on the College of New Jersey, a study by the University of Manchester.

- Also a good idea- Eat protein before bed. Not to prevent their destruction, but to help the body recover.

Lean mass - the total mass of all "lean" components of the body: skeletal muscle, water, bones, etc.

Undoubtedly, everyone can look and find out the recommended daily allowance of macronutrients and vitamins. However, this amount of protein may not be enough for maximum muscle growth.

Protein is an important building material from which all organs and tissues are composed, up to nails and hair, not to mention muscles. This microelement is responsible for almost everything, from muscle strengthening and hormone production to strengthening immune system and improved hair and nail growth. In this article, we will analyze how much protein a person needs per day for muscle growth, maintaining good physical shape and health at a high level.

Every cell in your body contains protein, so satisfaction is essential to your health. daily requirement in proteins. The norm of protein, whether animal or plant origin, or in protein shakes depends on a number of factors, such as age and activity level, as well as on your goals, whether it is weight loss or muscle gain.

Numerous governments have set their daily protein intake as well as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats, and carbohydrates.

For the average person daily allowance protein is 0.8 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight, but this figure increases with increasing activity levels.

For most people this is not enough. If you run or go to the gym, you will need more than the average rate to speed up the process of muscle recovery. Almost all studies show that an athlete, unlike the average person, needs to consume twice as much protein.

There are various recommendations for the daily amount of protein. Often this norm per unit of body weight is overestimated. The more intense your training, the higher the amount of protein should be within the above range.

For more active people an increase in the daily norm of protein contributes to the restoration of tissues and the replenishment of amino acids necessary for intense activity. Strength exercises not only increase protein synthesis in muscles, thereby stimulating their growth, but also destroy muscle tissue, especially when you train on an empty stomach, as you break down more protein than your body produces. Post-workout protein intake balances muscle breakdown and growth. Separately, the amino acid leucine stimulates the influx of cells responsible for muscle growth.

You Need More Protein If…

Older people can also include protein in their diet. As we age, our body produces less protein. Over time, a lack of protein can lead to decreased muscle strength as well as loss of muscle mass and strength. Pursuing physical activity and eating at least 1.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight will help you stay in good shape even in your golden years.

Vegetarians and vegans should also consider the amount and type of protein in their diet. Apart from soy and quinoa, vegetarian and vegan sources of protein are considered incomplete because they do not contain all nine amino acids required for protein synthesis.

By consuming 1.5-2.0 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, along with an expanded diet that includes legumes and grains, vegans and vegetarians will be able to get enough amino acids for muscle growth and repair.

You may have heard that high protein intake can lead to kidney damage, kidney failure or osteoporosis. In fact, there is no evidence that increased protein intake can Negative influence on human health.

Protein and Weight Loss

A diet high in protein can help you lose weight. Studies have shown that protein increases the feeling of satiety. What's more, while your body is working on digesting protein, it's also burning calories.

Consuming 1.2-1.6 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight will help you keep muscle mass even when you cut total number calories consumed.

Protein requirement calculator







What is the best time of day to consume protein?

Until now, bodybuilders are trying to establish optimal time for protein intake. Should I take it before, during or after a workout? Should it be consumed daily before meals or after? It is the amount of protein consumed per day that is important here, and not the time of its consumption.

Whether it's an omelette in the morning protein shake after a workout or cottage cheese before bed, your priority should always be the daily allowance, which was mentioned above.

The rate of muscle protein synthesis remains elevated for 3-5 hours after protein intake. By consuming about 20 grams of protein 3-4 times a day, you stimulate protein synthesis while simultaneously breaking down protein. Studies have shown that consuming more than 20 grams of protein per meal does not provide any real benefit.

However, this does not mean that consuming more protein is a complete waste. While the extra protein won't speed up protein synthesis, it can minimize muscle breakdown, as well as being stored in your "amino acid store" for later use or as an energy source during long, intense workouts.

People who want to gain weight need to eat enough protein. This is important not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for losing weight, because muscles are responsible for the quality of the human body. In addition, a lot of energy is spent on their "maintenance".

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Muscles need enough building material- squirrel. Otherwise, they will not grow and even begin to collapse. But if you greatly exceed the required daily allowance, you may encounter disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate how many grams of protein a particular person needs to consume.

Why is protein needed?

Proteins are essential for building muscles and other tissues (nails, hair, etc.). In addition, they provide the process of metabolism, and are also used as a signal that is transmitted between cells.

Proteins perform the following functions:

  • catalytic - accelerate the processes occurring in the body;
  • protective - ensure the functioning of the immune system and participate in the creation of antibodies;
  • structural - are integral components of the cells of a living organism;
  • hormonal - proteins-hormones allow you to maintain the stability of the hormonal system;
  • transport - help deliver various substances and components to organs (for example, hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen);
  • nutritional - used as a reserve in case of starvation;
  • contractile - thanks to protein structures, muscles are able to tighten and relax.

Protein in the human body is presented in the form of molecules that make up muscle fibers. These molecules are made up of even smaller "building blocks" - amino acids. They are interchangeable and irreplaceable. The former (glutamine, alanine, arginine, glycine and others) are produced in the body, but are quickly consumed under increased stress. Essential amino acids (lysine, leucine, valine, isoleucine, etc.) can only be obtained from the outside with food or a sports supplement.

Most protein is found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. In addition, you can use sports nutrition. In particular, a protein or gainer, which includes up to 30 g of protein. Individual essential amino acids (leucine, valine and isoleucine) can be obtained by taking a supplement such as BCAA.

If you do not consume enough amino acids, muscle growth will be limited, since the fibers will literally have nothing to build from. Therefore, so that training for gaining muscle mass is not in vain, it is imperative to monitor whether the body has enough protein.

Both men and women need to consume enough protein. Girls are sometimes afraid to do this and try to minimize the consumption of protein foods. But protein alone cannot build muscle. They break down in training. If there is not enough protein, then the muscle fibers will not recover, and the quality of the body will be poor.

Daily rate

The daily amount of protein will be individual for each person. It depends on weight, level physical activity and metabolic rate.

It is worth considering the purpose of training. Many people think that the amount of protein in the diet should be monitored only when building muscle mass. But when losing weight, the body experiences more great need in protein food. Indeed, in conditions of a calorie deficit, muscles begin to break down. You can save them only if you eat enough protein.

Especially important is the increase in the proportion of protein foods on drying. Many people confuse it with regular weight loss. But you can’t compare drying with a diet. During the first, you need to consume as few carbohydrates as possible, and this is a lot of stress for the body. Therefore, only professional athletes should resort to such measures.

In addition, drying is carried out only after sufficient muscle mass has been gained. As a result, the body should become embossed by reducing the percentage of body fat. In order not to lose gained muscle, athletes have to consume a lot of protein. But it should be understood that the drying period should be short. Usually it is from 2 to 6 weeks in preparation for the competition.

The ratio of nutrients during classes to achieve a particular goal is shown in the picture.

The required protein intake per day is calculated in grams per 1 kg of body weight. The generally accepted approximate norms are:

  • 1 - 1.6 g for ordinary person not involved in sports;
  • 1.6 - 2.2 g for a set of muscle mass;
  • 2.2 - 2.6 g for weight loss;
  • 2.6 - 3.3 g for drying.

Based on this, it is easy to calculate the daily allowance for yourself. You just need to multiply the body weight in kilograms by the required amount of protein. For example, a girl weighing 50 kilograms who wants to lose weight should consume 110-130 grams per day.

To make it easier to navigate, you can refer to such a table. It provides information on the daily protein intake for gaining muscle mass in different weight categories.

Body weight Daily protein intake
45–50 kg90–105
50–55 kg105–115
55–60 kg115–126
60–65 kg126–137
65–70 kg137–147
70–75 kg147–158
75–80 kg158–176
80–85 kg176–187
85–90 kg187–198
90–95 kg198–209
95–100 kg209–220

Doctors do not recommend eating more than 3 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. After all, its excess leads to problems with the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the norm of 3.3 g per kilogram of weight is justified only in conditions of hard drying for professional athletes.

How often to consume protein?

One more important question- how often to consume protein. It depends on how well it will be absorbed, and how quickly the muscles will receive the necessary nutrition.

The optimal time of reception are the periods:

  • before and after training;
  • since morning;
  • for the night;
  • between meals, when it is not possible to eat normally for a long time.

Before and after training, as well as in the morning, you can use individual amino acids, which are absorbed much faster. At this time, the body needs fast recovery muscles. To do this, you can take BCAA capsules or whey protein.

For lean people who have difficulty gaining mass, you can close the anabolic window after training by drinking a portion of the gainer. This supplement contains not only a large amount of protein, but also carbohydrates, which are necessary to replenish energy reserves.

It is necessary to eat a full meal one hour after class. Meals must necessarily contain protein (meat or fish) and complex carbohydrates(rice, buckwheat, pasta durum varieties). You can also add vegetable salad, since vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which improves digestion and cleanses the intestines.

Protein should also be taken between meals to keep muscles from breaking down and provide them with the nutrients they need to grow continuously. Suitable in this case sports nutrition(protein, gainer, creatine, etc.). It is impossible to completely replace ordinary food with additives. This can be done up to 1 time per day.

Do not enter the body during sleep nutrients, so the muscles begin to experience "hunger". You can avoid this by taking protein at night. It can be protein or regular fat-free cottage cheese.

You need to plan protein intake 5-6 times a day so that the body is constantly provided with amino acids. Otherwise, the muscles will begin to break down, as they require a lot of energy and burn out first.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

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Looking for accurate information about the daily caloric intake and BJU figures needed by men and women for weight loss or for gaining muscle mass, it is easy to encounter big amount divergent opinions. Many sites offer their own recommendations or even ready-made calculators for calculating daily allowances, without going into details at all and without explaining where the numbers come from.

The situation is complicated by the fact that universal nutritional standards simply do not exist - it all depends on specific person, his goals and level of physical activity. IN this material we summarized the latest scientific information and presented not just general data, but detailed tables on the norms for the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, taking into account the person’s gender and body weight.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Protein intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss165 g170 g175 g185 g
To maintain weight145 g155 g165 g175 g
For a set of muscles180 g190 g200 g210 g
For weight loss140 g150 g165 g175 g
To maintain weight115 g125 g135 g145 g
For a set of muscles155 g165 g175 g185 g

Daily fat intake

It must be remembered that fats are the most important element healthy eating a person, without which normal metabolism and metabolism is impossible. The role is also played by what is harmful as an excess of fat in the diet, leading to a set excess weight, and their lack, which reduces not only the production of hormones, but also immunity. At the same time, they are of particular importance.

It is also interesting that the most beneficial diets for health and weight maintenance - traditional and - imply a fairly significant proportion of fat in the diet (about 35-50% of all daily calories). However, it must be remembered that the source of these fats should be mainly vegetable oils and not animal fat.

Fat intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss40 g40 g40 g40 g
To maintain weight55 g60 g60 g65 g
For a set of muscles70 g70 g75 g80 g
For weight loss30 g35 g35 g40 g
To maintain weight45 g50 g50 g55 g
For a set of muscles60 g60 g65 g70 g

Calorie definition

On the one hand, the definition is the basis for compiling a diet for weight loss or for gaining muscle mass. On the other hand, the figure calculated even by the most accurate formula will be very approximate, since any method of mathematical determination of the daily calorie intake has a significant error of 300-500 kcal.

The role is also played by the fact that the needs real person in daily calories always varies from day to day, because the body always adapts to various external factors, slowing down or speeding up the metabolism. In fact, in most cases, to determine the approximate calorie intake, it is enough to multiply the body weight in kilograms by a factor of 35 (i.e. 2625 kcal for 75 kg).

BJU table: Norms for weight gain

In fact, when gaining muscle mass, nutrition plays a more significant role than strength training itself. For growth, the number of daily calories should be increased by about 15-20%. Carbohydrates should be consumed at the maximum limit of the norm, but proteins and fats - in moderation (otherwise the body may).

We also note that the timing of nutrient intake is important - for example, a significant portion of carbohydrates should be eaten during the "carbohydrate window", lasting 2-3 hours after strength training). In this case, the body will store carbohydrates in the form (literally increasing their visual volume), and not at all in fat reserves.


When determining your daily requirement for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you must take into account not only the main goal (weight maintenance, weight loss or muscle gain), but also adjust for age and general level activity. At the same time, it is not just the number itself that plays a role, but what is hidden behind it, since both fats and carbohydrates are not at all the same - some of them are useful, while others are harmful.

Scientific sources:

  1. Calculate Your Recommended Carbohydrate Intake,
  2. Calculate Your Recommended Protein Intake,
  3. Calculate Your Recommended Fat Intake,

Friends, today we will please you with the next issue of theoretical material about bodybuilding. Namely, we will analyze how much protein should be consumed per day for maximum effective growth muscle mass. So let's go.

What is protein?

Protein (from English - protein) is an organic substance that consists of a set of amino acids. Amino acids are organic matter consisting mainly of acids. There are several hundred of them, but only a couple of dozen are actively used to build the cells of all life on planet earth. Other types of amino acids are very rare and only in certain organisms.

It should be noted here that all protein structures made up of the same amino acids, but the difference is that the order and quantity of each amino acid in a cell is different. This is also called the amino acid profile.

For example, in humans, protein structures for a whole third (30-35%) consist of only 3 amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are also called irreplaceable. amino acids BCAA (branched chain amino acids - amino acids with branched side chains), because the body cannot synthesize them on its own from other amino acids.

This was the introduction. Now let's move on to the recommendations for the amount of protein per day.

Is high protein intake justified?

I think many people have heard the standard figures in the region of 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight, and some sources even indicate 3 or all 4 grams per kilogram of body weight. But really high doses of protein are simply not needed in natural bodybuilding (on our website, the main recommendations are aimed specifically at natural training). Moreover, at high doses (from 3g or more), the protein has a toxic effect on the body, especially on the kidneys.

If people using anabolic steroid, may in some periods with intensive weight gain consume an increased amount of protein, and this will be fully justified. Then in natural training it does not make sense, because. athletes simply do not have sharp jumps in mass gain and cannot be at all. A natural athlete gains mass steadily slowly, without sharp fluctuations. So here Need food stability.

Well, we figured out the fact that you do not need to consume an increased amount of protein. But is it possible to give specific recommendations on the quantity? Yes, it is quite possible!

Let's try to calculate how much protein we need for muscle growth. Of course, I do not pretend to have a scientific justification for my calculations, and this should not be taken as the ultimate truth, but quite interesting conclusions can be drawn.

So, it has been scientifically studied that for normal operation human body per day you need to consume 0.7-0.9g of protein for every kilogram of weight. Let's take this as a starting point. Now we need to add to this the amount that is still required for the growth of our muscles. Let's try to calculate it.

The body of an adult is approximately 70-75% water. True, it should be noted here that with age, the amount of water decreases. At birth, a person has more than 80% water, and in old age it reaches 60%.

Human muscles are about 80% water. Therefore, to build 1kg of muscle, we need about 200g of protein, but with a very good amino acid profile. Because the amount of the three main essential amino acids in food is clearly not the same as in the human body (you won't find animal protein that is 1/3 of the essential amino acids). Therefore, the amount of protein can be increased - up to 300g.

Plus, it must be added that the digestibility of protein in people is different - someone is better, and someone is worse. Let's take an average of 75-85%, and the amount of protein for 1 kg of muscle growth increases to about 350gr.

Now let's think, in how many days can a natural athlete add 1kg of pure muscle? Here it is simply impossible to give even an approximate answer ... But you can argue like this - what is the most famous (to me or someone else) How many muscles did a person gain, say, in a month? Personally, I know people who managed to gain 5-6 kg per month. Of these, there were probably 4 kilograms of pure muscle.

BUT this is either after a long rest and detraining, or for beginners who have just come to the gym, whose body has not yet adapted to the load. Natural athletes who have been doing the right thing for a year or more will most likely not have such gains in mass (more precisely, muscles). By at least I have never met such people.

Okay, we'll even take the highest possible (I would even say unrealistic) results in 4kg of pure muscle per month. And in addition, we get just the same calculated 350g of protein per week for 1kg of muscle. We divide by 7 days and we get 50g per day.

That is, if a person weighs 80kg and for basic life support, he needs to eat about 70g of protein per day, then you need to add to this diet 50gr, and it turns out 120gr protein per day.

And this is just 1.5g per kilogram weight! And this is on condition that he will gain weight at a crazy pace and taking into account the poor amino acid profile of the food and the incomplete digestibility of protein !! That is, even at the same time, 2 grams is not even close!

Therefore, eating more than 2 grams of protein is simply unwise. (you will essentially be translating products), Firstly. And secondly, you create an unnecessary increased load on the body.

Thus, we can conclude the following: for a natural athlete, it will be more than enough to use 1.5-1.7gr protein for every kilogram of your weight, and this is still with a fairly large margin.

By the way, here interesting video on this topic, we advise you to look at:

This article comes to an end. And now you know exactly what protein is, what it is for and how much it needs to be consumed per day for effective muscle growth!

P.S. if you have any questions or just want to ask us something - please ask questions in the comments, or you can use the form feedback- To do this, go to the "Contacts" section.

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