Home Useful tips Daily schedule in the garden. Daily routine and menu for the nursery group of the kindergarten. Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

Daily schedule in the garden. Daily routine and menu for the nursery group of the kindergarten. Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

Daily routine in kindergarten organized in accordance with SanPiN standards. It is planned in such a way that children can alternate between active and quiet activities and have enough time for a walk, eating, and healthy sleep. Teachers advise parents and at home to adhere to at least approximately the daily routine that is established in the kindergarten.

In order for a child to grow healthy and active, it is necessary to properly organize his activities throughout the day. In solving this problem, the daily routine is very important. It is a specific system that helps distribute the time of sleep and wakefulness, eating, hygiene procedures, activities, games and other activities of children.

The child’s condition, both physical and mental, completely depends on compliance or non-compliance with the established regime. Even slight delays in sleeping or eating can negatively affect the overall well-being of the baby.

What is the importance of a kindergarten routine for a child?

If the daily routine in the kindergarten corresponds age characteristics child, it will help strengthen the baby’s health and also guarantee his good performance. At the same time, it provides a change in children’s activities and protects them from overwork. A child who gets used to a routine is prepared in advance for new activity, as a result of which it runs more fruitfully and efficiently. Children who follow a daily routine have a more stable psyche and are less prone to viral diseases.

When teachers plan the daily schedule in kindergarten, they first of all take into account the fact that the child’s activity and performance varies throughout the day. Children are most active from eight o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock in the afternoon and from four o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening. The minimum performance in children is from approximately two o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, the first half of the day is devoted to developmental activities, taking into account the fact that children at this time can be actively involved in developmental activities.

Preschool educational institutions practice full compliance with the daily routine for children. However, parents can give some indulgences to their child on weekends, which cannot but affect his condition later. On Monday it is quite difficult for such children, as they get tired quickly.

Throughout preschool childhood, the regime in kindergarten undergoes only minor changes. The duration of daytime sleep and walking time change slightly.

One day in kindergarten, rough plan

Most preschool institutions work twelve hours (from 7.00 to 19.00). The daily routine in the kindergarten is drawn up accordingly: starting at seven in the morning, children are received, ending with them going home at seven in the evening.

  1. Morning. In the morning, the teacher receives children, conducts exercises and organized educational activities (classes) with them. Children also have breakfast in the morning, and free time they can play or chat with other children.
  • Reception of children. The day begins with the teacher receiving the children from their parents. It is important here to create a positive emotional mood from the guys in the whole group. When a teacher receives a child, he is interested in his state of health and can also answer some questions from parents.
  • Morning work-out. In order to give children a boost of energy for the whole day, in the morning the kindergarten schedule includes exercises, which involve a number of specific physical exercise. Daily exercise helps strengthen musculoskeletal system babies, make them more resilient and healthy. Exercises can be carried out either by the teacher himself or by the worker. physical culture. Usually, morning exercises are performed with musical accompaniment in the gym for physical education classes (except for nursery and junior groups).

  • Breakfast . The daily routine in preschool educational institutions strictly regulates the time children eat, in particular, breakfast.
  • Classes (educational activities). The teacher conducts classes in game form in order for children to better understand the material. The duration of classes varies in different groups, taking into account the age of the children. On average they last from 10 to 25 minutes.

The daily routine of the kindergarten includes the following types classes:

Mathematical Development,

Speech development,

Familiarization with fiction,

Productive activities (modeling, design, applique),

Artistic activity,

Physical Culture.

  1. Day. The daily schedule of the kindergarten includes a walk, lunch and nap.
  • Definitely included in kindergarten mode day walk for children. It promotes the health of children, hardening, development of movements and their general cognitive development. Usually, walks in kindergarten are carried out in any weather. The reasons for its cancellation are strong gusts of wind, heavy rain, heavy snowfall and blizzards, severe frost etc. During drizzling rain and light snowfall, children walk on the verandas, which are specially provided for this purpose. In different age groups the walk lasts for a certain time.
  • After the walk, the children have lunch. In order to restore energy after cognitive and active activities, the child is offered to eat full lunch, which consists of salad, first, second and third courses.
  • For children preschool age Daytime sleep is simply necessary, so it must be included in the daily routine in kindergarten. The duration of sleep depends on the age of the children. Typically, daytime sleep lasts from one and a half to three hours.

  1. Evening. Evening is considered to be the time after bedtime and before the children go home. During these hours, the children have more time for independent play activities, and the teacher can find a few minutes for individual work with one child or another.
  • After the children wake up, they go to lunch. This is a light snack that will help your child not feel hungry until dinner.
  • For older children (senior and preparatory groups), after afternoon tea is included in the kindergarten schedule extra walk.
  • Provided in evening time And educational activities. Classes are held in groups of younger and middle age. It could be modeling or drawing, music or physical education. In the evening, children have more time for independent activity, role-playing or board games.
  • Around five o'clock in the evening, the children sit down to dinner, and then they begin to be taken home.

Daily routine in kindergarten for younger and older children

The daily routine in kindergarten differs for younger and older children. Teachers of younger groups pay more attention to the development of cultural and hygienic skills than directly educational activities. The classes themselves are shorter here, lasting 10-15 minutes. The teacher conducts the lesson in subgroups. Children's walks are shorter in duration because a lot of time is spent on the process of dressing and undressing. Because of this, there are no walks for small children in the evening.

As children age, not only the difficulty of the activity increases, but also its duration. Therefore, there is less time for daytime sleep, and walking, on the contrary, increases.

Organizing a daily routine in a preschool educational institution is important for children. Parents should know how their child’s day is planned in kindergarten, and try to adhere to this schedule at home.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The regime in kindergarten is one of the phenomena that characterizes domestic kindergartens. Everything is subject to a clear schedule, a few minutes of delay - and the child is thrown out of his usual rut. The obvious benefits of the kindergarten regime are supported by facts provided by specialists - pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists.

Neurologists and pediatricians unanimously say that regime in kindergarten necessary: ​​a routine repeated every day forms a child’s stable mental and physiological health. Among the many causes of childhood diseases, such as rickets or scarlet fever, is a violation of the daily routine, which in turn disrupts metabolic processes and reduces the body's resistance to infections.

Skipping naps, which children usually love, can be fraught with nervous disorders. During sleep, brain cells are restored - therefore, after waking up, the child perceives new information better. If a sleep-deprived child is “loaded” (and this may not necessarily be classes or lessons, but simply some bright emotional event), then this can provoke various kinds of tics and hyperactivity.

In addition to everything, specialists University of Chicago came to the conclusion that children who do not comply with the regime in kindergarten and at home are prone... to obesity. Lack of sleep leads to improper distribution of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, and this provokes increased appetite The child has.

And only, perhaps, psychologists will remain on the sidelines. From a psychological point of view, any coercion or imposition of someone else’s will is violence against a child, suppression of his individuality. Although here one can counter with the fact that

The regime in kindergarten systematizes the child, brings him into order and largely contributes to the fastest adaptation to a preschool institution.

When a child comes to kindergarten for the first time, he finds himself in a new world. Doing the same things day after day allotted time will liberate the child, he will know that lunch is followed by sleep, after sleep - classes and a walk, and then mom and dad will come. Of course, having plunged into the world of kindergarten, it will be difficult for a child to quickly accept the rhythm of life of a preschool institution. Therefore, educators strongly recommend that before visiting a preschool educational institution, you make adjustments to your home schedule according to the regime.

The regime in kindergarten can be found on the website of the preschool educational institution where you are going to send your child or in the Education Program in Kindergarten, which the preschool institution adheres to. The typical regime is designed for a 12-hour stay in preschool institution. Depending on the geographical location/climate, the manager may make minor adjustments to the regime, however general provisions about waking time, the number and duration of activities should remain unchanged, as prescribed in SanPin (Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards
SanPiN – 10):

12.4. The daily routine should correspond to the age characteristics of children and contribute to their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness for children 3-7 years old is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years old - in accordance with medical recommendations.

12.10. The maximum permissible volume of a weekly educational load, including classes in additional education, for preschool children is: in the younger group (children of the fourth year of life) - 11 lessons, in middle group(children of the fifth year of life) – 12, in senior group(children of the sixth year of life) - 15, in preparatory (children of the seventh year of life) - 17 lessons.

The daily routine in kindergarten depends on the age of the child and his condition. For example, children with reduced nutrition are prescribed the regimen of the previous group: for such children of older preschool age, the regimen of the middle group is suitable, etc.

In many ways, compliance with the regime depends on the kindergarten staff. The catering workers must have time to prepare the food, place plates of hot soup in advance so that it cools, and then serve the second and third dishes without any hitch. Educators and teachers write notes on the eve of class, thinking through the activity in order to fit within a clearly established time frame. Teacher assistants must prepare beds in advance before going to bed and ventilate the room.

For warm and cold seasons there are 2 types of modes. They differ in that in the warm season children are met by teachers on the street, as well as by most physical activity is carried out exactly at fresh air.

We present typical modes designed for different ages children:


A distinctive feature of every preschool is its routine. The daily routine in kindergarten is compiled according to a clear schedule, down to the minutes. Any delay can lead to the child falling behind the established schedule. Many parents may doubt the advisability of such strict adherence to the procedure, considering it a kind of restriction of freedom for the baby, but experts, including pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists, insist on the obvious benefits of such a regime, supporting their position with various facts.

Classes in kindergarten are held strictly according to the schedule

Why should you follow the regime?

According to doctors, the regime in kindergarten, which consists of repeating actions at the same time every day, contributes to the formation of stable mental and physiological health in children. For example, one of the main reasons that doctors associate with the appearance of rickets or scarlet fever is precisely a violation of the regime. A disrupted schedule, in turn, leads to deviations in the course of metabolic processes in the body and to a decrease in its resistance to infections.

All mothers are familiar with the situation when the child does not want to go to bed during the day. However, such a missed day's rest can provoke various kinds nervous disorders. While the baby sleeps, his brain cells are restored and perception improves. new information. If the baby didn’t get enough sleep, was overloaded with homework, or had a significant emotional incident, all this can cause the development of hyperactivity and various tics.

In addition, nutritionists and nutrition specialists from the University of Chicago concluded that failure to follow the sequence of actions and their time frame in kindergarten and at home is fraught with obesity. As a result, due to lack of sleep, improper distribution of hormones such as ghrelin and leptin occurs, which increases the child’s appetite.

The only specialists who are not supporters of the daily routine in a kindergarten are psychologists. In their opinion, if you force and impose someone else's will on a child, this will only suppress his individuality.

Scientists have concluded that lack of sleep and lack of a daily routine provoke obesity in children.

However, even with psychological point From view, you can find facts in favor of the regime. For example, thanks to its observance, the baby is systematized and accustomed to order, which helps him quickly adapt to life. kindergarten. When a child finds himself in new conditions, performing the same actions according to a schedule, he becomes more relaxed, because he knows that after lunch there will be sleep, followed by classes, after which one of the relatives will come.

Features of the regime in kindergarten

Naturally, children cannot immediately adapt to the unusual regime that is followed in kindergarten, so parents are advised to teach their child to follow the appropriate schedule at home even before entering the chosen institution. You can get acquainted with it on the website of the future preschool educational institution or in its educational program. The standard schedule of all preschool educational institutions is calculated for 12 hours, which the child spends in a preschool institution. Sometimes the manager may make certain small adjustments to the schedule in accordance with geographical location and climate. However, the basic provisions regarding the time boundaries of sleep, activity and wakefulness remain the same as they are specified in the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN - 10.

The main nuances of the schedule in kindergartens are listed below:

  • Taking into account the age characteristics of children for their harmonious development. Active activity of children aged 3 to 7 years should not exceed 5.5-6 hours in duration, up to 3 years - according to medical prescriptions.

The period of activity in the kindergarten corresponds to age standards kids
  • The permissible educational load per week for preschoolers, which also includes additional classes: for junior groups attended by children under 4 years old - the volume is a maximum of 11 lessons, in middle groups with children under 5 years old - 12, in older groups with five-year-olds - 15, and in preparatory groups with children under 7 years old – 17 lessons.
  • Season. There are two separate modes for the warm and cold seasons. The main difference between them is that when it's warm outside, caregivers welcome kids outdoors rather than indoors, and most of wakefulness and physical activity also takes place on the street.

Diet in the garden

Kindergarten workers who are responsible for the meal schedule are faced with the following task: preparing food, arranging plates of hot dishes in advance so that they cool down, and then serving the second and third without delay.

The table shows what the meal schedule looks like in most preschool institutions:

Food in the kindergarten makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, it energy value precisely calculated

Approximate daily routine in a regular preschool educational institution

The daily routine in kindergarten consists of:

  • diet, namely the time and number of meals;
  • daytime sleep;
  • walks;
  • children's reception time;
  • games and activities.

Teachers accept children to the kindergarten from the moment it starts working until 8 o'clock in the morning. The period while the reception lasts is a time for independent games in the group room or on the playground in the warm season. Before breakfast, time from 8.00 to 8.20/8.30 is allocated for morning exercises with a teacher or physical worker and for preparing for breakfast.

Morning classes

Starting from 9.00, classes are held for children aimed at helping them learn the world, developed their speech skills and became familiar with the basics of mathematics. Teachers are responsible for conducting classes. They must prescribe an activity plan in advance in order to meet the allotted time. In addition to the teacher, a music worker and a physical educator can also work with the kids.

In the first half of the day, children can have music classes or physical exercise.

In addition to regular group classes, children can visit the pool 2 times a week, if available. In senior and preparatory groups, additional classes with a speech therapy focus are also organized, in which children train their speech. Only a speech therapist teacher is required to conduct them.

The duration and number of classes depends on age. For preschoolers younger age There are 2 classes a day, one before bed, the other after. In the middle group, the teacher works with the kids twice a day for a total of 10 hours. For older preschoolers, the number of classes increases to three, and their duration also increases.

Between classes there should be mandatory breaks when the children rest and move. This is the only way to stay active and cognitive ability child throughout the day.

Walks and naps

After classes are over and the children have had their second breakfast, it's time for a walk. In the nursery, the walk begins earlier than in other groups, and therefore also ends earlier; the children in them are the very first to have lunch. Since children go to the nursery group at 2-3 years old, taking into account the characteristics of a small body, wakefulness time is reduced, and daytime sleep, on the contrary, becomes longer.

With age, the child’s period of activity increases, thereby the baby’s body gradually prepares for school and the regime in it. In the middle group, walks usually last until 11.30-11.50, and in the preparatory group - up to 12.15-12.30. After returning from the street, the children will have lunch and a nap. The room where children sleep should be ventilated in advance, and the beds should be prepared for bed. The youngest go to bed at 12.30, the oldest at 13.00-13.15.

Daytime naps help restore your baby's strength


The rising time in kindergarten is the same for all groups. The children are woken up at 15.00, followed by washing, changing clothes and an afternoon snack. IN junior groups After this, a second general education lesson is held; in middle and high school, the time comes for children to play independently, read, cartoons, or attend clubs that are available in the institution.

Evening meal times may vary depending on the schedule. After dinner, the kids usually go out for a walk again, where their parents gradually begin to come for them. IN winter period the second walk does not last long, so the children are taken home to the group premises.

Parents face a difficult task - preparing their child for kindergarten. It will be much easier for a child to adapt if, despite the unusual environment for him, the daily routine will be natural for him. As a note to parents, we provide an approximate daily schedule and menu in the nursery group of the kindergarten.

Mode for a nursery group for children (1.5 -2 years)

8:00 morning exercises(running, jumping, games).

8:10-8:40 breakfast, which the guys are offered curd soufflé and casseroles (1-2 times a week) milk kazhi, steam omelette or egg porridge with salad from fresh vegetables, warm drink.

9:10-9:20 and 9:20-9:30 activities aimed at the diversified development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensory skills with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the surrounding world, speech development. In this case, two activities should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes to develop thinking, imagination, and speech are replaced by fast and active games, dancing, and physical exercises.

9:30-11:30 walk. Outdoor games.

11:30-12:00 dinner. At this time, pureed, steamed vegetarian soups for children meat dishes(meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salads (daily). For the third course every day, children receive fortified drinks (compote, jelly).

daytime nap.

gradual rise, carrying out hygienic and health measures (light warm-up).

15:30-15:45 afternoon snack, which may consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink0 and flour product(loaf with butter or jam, waffles, cookies).

15:45-16:45 time of active wakefulness. During this period, classes are held on the diversified development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. For example, if in the morning there was drawing and dancing, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling.

16:45-17:15 dinner. For which children are offered milk porridge, pureed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc.

17:15 a walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just chatting in a pleasant and friendly company.

At the same time, dinner in kindergarten should not be the last meal of the day. daily diet baby, and in the evening ( 19:00-20:00 ) at home, the child must be fed a homemade dinner. It is best if vegetable dishes serve as the evening meal: stew from a mixture of vegetables, braised cabbage, carrot or beet caviar, vegetable casserole, cottage cheese soufflé and puddings or milk porridge. Perfect addition to this healthy meal dairy products(kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices, the abundance of which, unfortunately, the menu of kindergartens cannot boast of.

Practice shows that the set of “favorite” dishes in kindergartens can differ markedly. However, do not be afraid, because a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht and steamed meat cutlet, which your baby is used to at home, occupy worthy place on the menu in almost all kindergartens.

I am writing here so as not to forget or lose the information, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

From one to three years -

Parents face a difficult task - preparing their child for kindergarten. It will be much easier for a child to adapt if, despite the unusual environment for him, the daily routine will be natural for him. As a note to parents, we provide an approximate daily schedule and menu in the nursery group of the kindergarten.

Mode for a nursery group for children (1.5 -2 years)

8:00 morning exercises (running, jumping, games).

8:10-8:40 breakfast, for which the children are offered cottage cheese soufflés and casseroles (1-2 times a week), milk kazhi, steamed omelet or egg porridge with fresh vegetable salad, and a warm drink.

9:10-9:20 and 9:20-9:30 activities aimed at the diversified development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensory skills with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the surrounding world, speech development. In this case, two activities should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes to develop thinking, imagination, and speech are replaced by fast and active games, dancing, and physical exercises.

9:30-11:30 walk. Outdoor games.

11:30-12:00 dinner. At this time, children are given pureed vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes (meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, salads from fresh vegetables (daily). For the third course every day, children receive fortified drinks (compote, jelly).

daytime nap.

gradual rise, carrying out hygienic and health measures (light warm-up).

15:30-15:45 afternoon snack, which may consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink and a flour product (loaf with butter or jam, waffles, cookies).

15:45-16:45 time of active wakefulness. During this period, classes are held on the diversified development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. For example, if in the morning there was drawing and dancing, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling.

16:45-17:15 dinner. For which children are offered milk porridge, pureed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc.

17:15 a walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just chatting in a pleasant and friendly company.

At the same time, dinner in kindergarten should not be the last meal in the baby’s daily diet, and in the evening ( 19:00-20:00 ) at home, the child must be fed a homemade dinner. It is best if vegetable dishes serve as the evening meal: stew from a mixture of vegetables, stewed cabbage, carrot or beet caviar, vegetable casserole, cottage cheese soufflé and puddings or milk porridge. This healthy meal will be perfectly complemented by fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices, the abundance of which, unfortunately, the kindergarten menu cannot boast of.

Practice shows that the set of “favorite” dishes in kindergartens can differ markedly. However, do not be alarmed, because tomato and cucumber salad, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht and steamed meat cutlet, which your baby is used to at home, occupy a worthy place on the menu in almost all kindergartens.

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