Home Vegetables Vasya is not under her skirt. From torture to practicality: what was hidden under numerous women's skirts. It would seem that there could be something special here

Vasya is not under her skirt. From torture to practicality: what was hidden under numerous women's skirts. It would seem that there could be something special here

Oh, girls, what have I just seen, what have I learned! Now I’ll tell you, but this is intimate information, if you girls happen to be dudes, then you are strictly prohibited from coming here!

I just accidentally went to a LiveJournal magazine, and this magazine, it turns out, belongs to the founder of the School of Bloggers, she teaches bloggers to write different letters, not to offend kids, teaches at school, teaches at school, teaches at school...

And she knows exactly how to make a blog popular and interesting.

Then I got all fired up: I really want to be famous, popular, rich and famous, but I don’t want to go to the School of Bloggers, because it’s paid, and I’m greedy.

Greedy but cunning. So, I think, now I’ll read what the director of the School of Bloggers writes about, and I’ll reveal all their secrets!

I sat down to read it and was just... stunned. Or she’s gone crazy, maybe even gone crazy, I can’t check - it’s night here now, and I can’t look in the mirror at night - it might appear Queen of Spades. This is how they explained it to me at the pioneer camp.

So, the post of the director of the School of Bloggers began like this: “SENSATION: Long skirt creates a torsion field!"

Then I immediately made a stand: secrets! puzzles! scientific discoveries!

Okay, I got distracted. Listen further!

"Skirts help you get pregnant..."

That's the number! This means that the biology teacher in the fifth grade deceived us all! She mumbled something about men, becoming covered with red spots all over her face. She lied, it turns out!

All! Now I know exactly how to get rich!
A huge fee awaits the first man to give birth to a child. And this man will be my husband! I will give him my oversized skirt with an elastic band and make him wear it without taking it off for three days and three years!

“The long skirt, reaching almost to the ground, forms a triangle with it, which helps to conduct and retain the necessary nourishing force for the woman.”

Ha!!! This is just happiness, not text! I will pull the skirt not only on my husband, but even on Bertrasha’s dog and pig, let them now receive nutritional power from the earth, and not from the OK store, which devours my salary with the bloodthirstiness of a tyrannosaurus.

“The wide hem, swaying and twisting when walking, forms torsion fields that contribute to the flow and strengthening of the energy of the Earth element. These torsion fields make you desirable to every man, no one will pass by.”

For each. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. You won't even get to work. I went out - the Uzbeks were sweeping the road, and here you were with a torsion bar under your skirt! They dropped their brooms and jumped for the skirt, and then the minibus came up, and there were also men in it, especially often a male minibus driver... And now, like in a fairy tale about a tar barrel, a whole crowd of guys, glued to the skirt, runs for you for your job. A terrible picture!

“The hem protects your sexual centers, and the hem helps to keep a woman clean and chaste, which affects her psychic strength.”

Hem, hem... Er... And where is it then, my sexual center? Is it in the heel?
I even checked in the dictionary: “The meaning of the word “Hem” according to Ozhegov:
Hem - the bottom edge of a dress or skirt."

Bottom edge! This means that exactly in the heel are the sexual centers that it protects. But the men don’t even know!

Ugh. All. I won't quote any more. There is already too much sensational information. This is what it means - a professional blogger with a four thousandth place in the ranking!

No, I won’t grow up to that level. But I will try! I’ve already told you about torsion fields! Maybe we can manage without a blogger school. I really don’t like all kinds of schools, they give you bad marks and they can call you to the blackboard.
I’d rather shake the energy of the earth with my long nightie. Beauty - I sleep, and she rocks! Or should you sleep right on the ground?! Do you know by any chance?

In the photo: Skirt! Rocks! Field! Torsion bar!

Yes, the text about torsion skirts is not the first freshness, but the classics never get old, do they? The author claims that even now the folk path to this text is not overgrown.

By the way, if any of you have found a text about the benefits of tin foil hats, please post the link here!

St. Petersburg student and model Anna Dovgalyuk recorded a video manifesto against “upskirts.” According to her, men often look under the skirts of girls in public transport, thereby committing a sexual crime. To draw attention to the problem, the girl in the video herself shows passers-by her charms under her dress.

According to Dovgalyuk, in less than a year in St. Petersburg, activists received more than 350 complaints from victims of such voyeurism, which is called upskirting and is “an element of large-scale disrespect for women.”

The perverts, as stated in the video, not only look up skirts, but also take pictures on their phones, and post the recordings, in which the faces of the victims are visible, on the Internet.

To draw attention to this problem, a girl who studies at the Faculty of Law and calls herself a social activist decided to “take it out” on those who like to look up skirts. Armed with a camera, Anna and her friends went down to the St. Petersburg metro. In the video, the activist, wearing a short red dress, lifts her hem every time passengers begin to exit the carriages. The footage changes every second - Anna's black panties were seen by passengers from several stations at once.

The video ends with a call to “legally recognize upskirting as a crime against the person.”

The video, which has already collected more than a million views on YouTube in just a few days, has caused mixed reactions. In the comments to the video, some users expressed bewilderment at such a manifesto. Most of Commentators did not appreciate Dovgalyuk’s action.

“Complete nonsense, 350 complaints. And the girl showed her loin to thousands. And what was this supposed to give to people from the outside? Will the manifesto against rapists be in the form of porn?” - commentators are perplexed.

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov also spoke on Facebook about the solo action of a female lawyer, calling her an “idiot.”

The network found out that the activist is no stranger to being naked. On Instagram, the girl willingly shares pictures in swimsuits and underwear.

Today, underwear is an integral part women's wardrobe, and just 150 years ago such a thing as a bra did not even exist. What did the ladies have to wear under their dresses in order to match the fashion - later in the review.

IN Ancient Greece women used special ribbons called strophions. They were tied under the chest, thereby lifting it. A chiton was put on top. Over time, tape began to be wrapped around the breasts to reduce their size. The Romans modified this item of clothing: they used wider strips of fabric and had lacing. Such ribbons were called strophies; they resembled the first corsets.

An integral attribute women's clothing The Middle Ages was a corset. True, then it looked more like a shell, which was made of iron or wood. Only representatives of high society wore it. To prevent girls from developing breasts, they had to sleep every night with lead plates pressing down on them. chest.

The inconveniences associated with wearing a corset are not so bad. Some fashionistas tightened their waists to 25 cm, which invariably led to deformation internal organs. Frequent fainting due to lack of oxygen was explained by the subtle mental organization of girls who were unable to withstand nervous shocks.

During pregnancy, no one canceled the wearing of corsets. Sometimes this led to abnormal development of the fetus, and women often died during childbirth, unable to push the child out.

Since the 17th century, corsets have become more gentle in terms of the materials from which they were made. Metal and wooden corsets are being replaced by products made from flexible whalebone. Girls and women continued to faint just as often, but it was believed that the new corsets made their lives much easier.

Beginning in the 1640s, a type of clothing called pantaloons appeared in some places in Europe. Their main function was to warm the middle part of the body. But pantaloons began to be used everywhere only in the 19th century. They have moved into the category underwear. There were trousers white and decorated with lace. Wearing underwear of other colors was not allowed. It was believed that only girls of easy virtue wore colored trousers.

Women of the 19th century had to endure a lot to comply with the fashion of the time. Before putting on a dress, a woman was supposed to put on stockings, pantaloons, a chemise, a corset, an underskirt and a blouse. After this, a bustle (pad) was put on at the back to make the figure fuller.

Corsets began to lose ground only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Women who fought for their rights were happy to get rid of a product that prevented them from moving freely.

In 1903, female doctor Gosh Saro in Paris medical academy I tried out my first bra. She simply cut the corset in half: the bodice held the breasts, and Bottom part It tightened only the thighs, leaving the stomach free.

In 1922, an emigrant from Russian Empire Ida Rosenthal improved the original model. Now the bra is two cups connected by fabric. Ida Rosenthal and her husband founded the bra company Maidenform. They also developed uniform sizes for this element of underwear and added hooks and fasteners.

In the 1950s, even inflatable bras were in vogue. The cups were filled with air using a special tube. Inflatable bras did not catch on for long, because products with foam inserts (“fishes”) appeared on sale.

A real revolution was the Wonderbra bra, which lifts the breasts and visually increases their volume. The invention was patented in Canada back in 1939, but it came to Europe only in the 60s. It was then that push-up was invented, which has occupied a leading position in the world market for more than 40 years.

To be fair, it should be said that in the twentieth century there were several more attempts to modify the bra. In 1949, Charles Langs invented. So the man wanted to solve the problem of marks from straps after sunbathing.


How often do you look up a girl's skirt while standing behind her on the stairs? Always when it succeeds – 75%

Sometimes -12%

Never – 5%

Rarely – 5%

1,221 replies

Boys: How often do you look up a girl’s skirt if she’s sitting with her legs spread apart?

Always when it succeeds – 81%

Often -10%

Rarely – 3%

Never – 3%

1,213 replies

Girls: How often do you think boys look up your skirt when you walk down the stairs?

All the time – 72%

Often -15%

Never – 6%

Rarely – 7%

797 replies

Girls: How do you feel when boys look up your skirt?

I like it! It makes me feel sexy! – 61%

I like attention – 11%

I don't mind - 10%

I feel a little uncomfortable – 8%

I feel very uncomfortable – 4%

I hate this! - 4%

776 replies

A variety of sexual and erotic games, including those with elements of violence, were widespread in Soviet schools.

Sexual and erotic games of Soviet children of the 1970s-1990s (Borisov, 2002)

Elementary “genital awareness practices” are already quite widespread among preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Their initiators, as a rule, are boys. Most often this happens in bedrooms or toilets. Many girls willingly agree, but coercion is also possible.

“After school, Andrei, Dima, Lena and I went to visit Dimka. At first everyone laughed and called names. Then Andrei threw Elena onto the bed, lay down on her and began to feel her with his hands. Lenka squealed loudly. Dimka stood next to me, blushing. On the way home, Lenka told me what I had seen with my own eyes, trying to kindle envy in me. And I cursed Dimka, who did not dare to do the same to me.”

"IN preschool age The boys and I often played catch-up, coming up with different rules. One of them: boys are “robbers”, girls are “princesses”. The "robbers" catch the "princesses", tie their hands with a rope behind them, and then each "robber" tortures the chosen "princess" so that she tells him where the jewelry is. “Torture” consisted of kissing, hugging, and most often breast groping. During this game I experienced twofold feelings. On the one hand, it was nice to be chosen by the boy who liked me and who liked me; but it was disgusting if it was someone else and they were climbing on you with dirty hands».

Sometimes in role playing games imitate coitus. Most often it is initiated by boys, but sometimes older girls do it too.

“My girlfriend and I, both 10 years old, “forced” her younger brother(he is about 4 years old) lie down on us one by one and poke his pussy into our lower belly. The idea wasn’t mine, but it seemed interesting.”

For teenagers, such games become more varied and frankly erotic. Soviet schoolchildren often played forfeits: the loser had to kiss someone or confess something intimate. More advanced, especially among older teenagers, was the game of “bottle” for stripping. General rule in children's institutions there was boys spying on girls and back again. IN kindergarten this most often happened in the toilet, and at school - during physical education lessons.

"IN school years Voyeurism was very common among us. This happened in the sports locker rooms when everyone was changing for physical education class. Usually the boys spied on the girls, they squealed very loudly in response, and then spied on them.

The peeping took place one by one: I looked myself and let someone else look too.

In physical education lessons we watched the boys jumping over the “goat”. Those who had tight-fitting sports tights looked closely to see if anything stood out. The guys felt awkward.

While the girls were going up or down the stairs, the boys stood on the lower flight and simply turned their heads to look under their skirts.

A boy's favorite game is lifting up girls' skirts. The boys ran up, suddenly lifted their skirts and said: “Moscow umbrella!”, “The store has opened!” or "Happy Holidays!" The girls themselves most often considered this a sign of attention and a form of courtship. In response to this, the girls, in turn, tried to rip off the boys' trousers or tights.

In middle and high schools, group “pinching” and “squeezing” of girls was often practiced, the objects of which were most often overweight girls who had entered puberty earlier and those who enjoyed it.

Although during the very process of squeezing they express their protest, after all that had happened the girls gathered, giggled, and heatedly discussed who touched what, who touched what and how...

Some girls were proud of it, they liked that guys paid attention to them like that.”

Other girls do not want this and perceive this behavior as offensive and violent.

“In winter, we went for a ride in the evening to the Palace of Culture on the hill. My road went through the forest. Having been delayed once, I found myself “caught in a traffic jam” (that’s what we called a crowd of guys who were lying in wait for the girls and groping and squeezing them). About 10–12 people piled on top of me. Within 1-2 minutes I felt someone else’s hands searching and groping over my body. They even penetrated under clothes, into everything." secret places". I was ashamed, offended, and unpleasant. I fought back as best I could... When I came home, the thought was pounding in my head: “Well, that’s it, now I’m groped.” I immediately climbed into the bathtub to wash off these annoying hands, like dirt. I felt unwell, tears flowed. I was 12 years old. It seemed to me that both my mother and father saw these hands on me, which rummaged all over my body. I still remember this. as if it was just yesterday” (Quoted in: Borisov, 2002).

The first and most widespread form of sexual satisfaction in adolescence and early adolescencemasturbation. Many boys begin to masturbate long before puberty.

« It all started when I was four or five years old. You may not believe it - although I think for many it will seem quite natural - it was then that I learned to masturbate. True, I didn’t know either this word or the words “masturbate” or “masturbate.” For myself, I called it “shaking.” When I climbed under the covers, my penis would inevitably become erect, and I could not fall asleep without rubbing it fairly with my palm through the fabric of my panties, either lowering them, or taking them off altogether. At home, my dad noticed this and, entering my room, took my hands out from under the blanket and folded them on top of it. It didn’t let me sleep, and when he came out, my hands were in the same place.”

Between the ages of twelve and fifteen, masturbation becomes widespread, reaching a “peak” at fifteen to sixteen years, when 80–90% of boys engage in it. Teenage masturbation serves as a means of releasing sexual tension and is stimulated by mental factors: the example of peers, the desire to test one’s potency, have fun, etc. Masturbation is often accompanied by vivid erotic images and fantasies in which a teenager can choose any partners and situations.

You have to pay for all the pleasures. IN in this case the cost is masturbatory anxiety and the fears it generates.

Like any non-reproductive sex, masturbation is condemned by religious consciousness. In the missals of the XIV–XVI centuries. Questions are often repeated: “If you committed fornication in your own hand or in someone else’s?” “Or did he create manual fornication?” “Or have you committed adultery with your own hand?” “Either he felt his passage with his hand, or near the boys?” “Or lying prostrate, thinking fornication?” “Or did he beat with his oud until the end?” “Or did he shift his oud with his hand for fornication?”

Contributing to the condemnation of masturbation is the widespread belief that “ a real man“does not need self-satisfaction, the onanist is a “weakling”, unable to conquer a woman. In addition, masturbation was often brought together with homosexuality, emphasizing that they were equally sterile and associated with the death drive. In many languages, suicide and masturbation are described by the same euphemism - “to commit suicide.”

There were especially many such fears in the 18th–19th centuries. Painful reflection on this matter is presented in the diaries and autobiographies of many great people of the 18th–19th centuries.

At the end of the 20th century. masturbatory fears subsided, teenage masturbation began to be considered normal and harmless. In a survey of 15-18-year-old French people, 93% of boys and 45% of girls admitted having masturbatory experience, and for two-thirds of boys, the first masturbation precedes the first kiss and is the first clear sign of the awakening of sexuality. Along with masturbatory fears, the associated feeling of guilt also weakened. In a 1992 French national survey, four-fifths of 18- and 19-year-old boys said they never felt guilty about masturbation, seeing it as a normal way of sexual gratification. Among German students surveyed in 1996 77 % men and 86% of women considered masturbation not a replacement for something missing, but an independent form of sexual satisfaction.

However, masturbation remains a problem for many teenagers. American sexologists examined 99 boys four times over two years ( average age at the beginning of the study 13.2 years). A few years later, when the subjects had reached the age of 21.5, 59 of them were interviewed a second time to check how well the adolescent self-descriptions matched the retrospective self-reports of young adults. The questions covered masturbation, nocturnal emissions, sexual intercourse, vandalism, theft, drunkenness, conflicts with the police, marijuana use and smoking. Young people were asked whether they had had such an experience and, if so, at what age it first happened. On most measures, the difference was not statistically significant: young people reported more or less the same things as teenagers about their problem behavior. Adolescents admitted to some behaviors (drunkenness) even more often than adults. The only exception is masturbation. In a retrospective self-report, almost 70% of respondents admitted that they began masturbating before age 16, but when asked earlier, only one-third of boys admitted to doing so (Halpernetal., 2000). Even in the most confidential situation, boys are embarrassed to admit to a “bad habit” and are able to do this only when they become adults.

In Russia, where there is no sex education, masturbation anxiety is stronger. Although the famous Soviet teacher P. P. Blonsky already in the 1930s proved the harmlessness of teenage masturbation, official pedagogy did not recognize this. In the ironic novel by Igor Yarkevich “How I masturbated” classroom teacher gives a boy for one day “to read a popular science book about sex education in high school high school with the stamp “Top Secret”, where it was said that masturbation is not that bad, but not that good, and there is no need to engage in it.”

The teenagers both believed and did not believe it. Masturbation figured prominently in Soviet school folklore, including literary parodies. However, humor lessens rather than cancels masturbatory fears. Trying to fight a “bad habit,” the teenager, like millions of people before him, fails. This causes him to doubt the value of his own personality and especially his strong-willed qualities, reduces self-esteem and encourages him to perceive difficulties and failures in learning and communication as inevitable consequences of his “vice.”

In the early 1970s, at a camp for high school students near Leningrad, I got into a conversation with a tall, handsome, well-developed tenth grader. His answers about the future showed a kind of doom, a sad lack of self-confidence, which contrasted with general appearance guy. I asked him: “Do you have any personal problems? Maybe I can help you? - “No, no one will help me, besides, this is not in your specialty” (the guys knew that I was a sociologist, no one told them about my sexological studies). Well, you can’t force your way into your soul. But the guy wanted to talk about himself. The next time he mentioned that his memory was deteriorating, and when he came to admit that he was “losing a lot of protein,” everything became clear. After we found out main question, I asked: “What is the manifestation of memory impairment?” It turned out that in the 9th grade he had difficulties with mathematics. “Well, dear,” I said then, “your business is completely Khan. If, having reached the 10th grade, you do not understand that mathematics is not a subject that is taken by memory, there is a general degradation mental abilities, which is what they say in those stupid brochures you’ve read!” He laughed and ran off to play basketball, and I wrote an article for Soviet Pedagogy about teenage sexuality, which the editors did not publish for a year and a half, fearing that the “normalization” of teenage masturbation could have a harmful effect on teenagers. It's like they're reading pedagogical magazines!..

This topic has not lost its significance today. Among the questions asked by teenage boys all over the world, questions like: “Am I masturbating correctly?” “Isn’t it too often?” “Will this harm my health?” In a survey of 1,343 Northern State students medical university(Arkhangelsk) 82.5% of men and 62.3% of women admitted having masturbatory experience. On average, these boys began masturbating at age 13.7, with over 30% of them masturbating daily thereafter. However, 26% of 17-18-year-old boys and 14.3% of girls said they had a negative attitude towards masturbation, and only 3.7% of boys and 17.8% of girls had a positive attitude.

Adolescent sexuality clearly represents the general contradictions of masculinity. For a teenage boy, “sex” is not only pleasure, sometimes forbidden and shameful (for example, during masturbation), but also work that necessarily requires success, completion, achievement of something. Own body for him it is a kind of “sexy machine”, which is assessed by its performance and efficiency. Due to the instrumentality and competitiveness of their lifestyle, many young men do not trust their own experiences; they need objective confirmation of their sexual “effectiveness”. A boy receives the most significant confirmation of his masculinity from a woman, which is why the first one is so important to him. sexual experience. But a boy, striving first of all to prove his strength, unwittingly turns intimate intimacy into an exam, in which he often fails precisely because he does not feel free and relaxed enough. One of the most common male sexual disorders is the so-called performance anxiety, doubt in one’s “skill.” In recent decades, this syndrome, similar to the difficulties that actors sometimes experience, has become much more common.

Traditional model sexual behavior tends to attribute all activity in this matter, from courtship to the technique of sexual intercourse, to the man, leaving it to the woman passive role object. Strictly speaking, this model never corresponded to reality - gender relations in bed were always more of a partnership, although often unequal. But in societies where double standard and female innocence before marriage was carefully protected, this model still had some meaning. Young men usually had their first sexual experiences with prostitutes or women much older than themselves; the position of a “student” in such situations did not diminish their manhood. IN modern world The situation has changed, which confronts the boys with new problems.

The revolution that digital technologies brought to our lives thirty years ago did not end (relatively speaking) with the advent of the Pentium. It continues - and every year new inconsistencies, inconsistencies, bottlenecks emerge in culture, traditions, law, not adapted to the new - digital ones! - realities.

Often such inconsistencies are serious and give rise to long, heated debates: such as the problem of the inability to control digital copying (remember Salinger's dilemma). But there are also seemingly little things that are not even possible to discuss normally. Yes they are in pure form demonstrate how technology is ahead of the law, but touch on this topic even briefly - and you are guaranteed at least a condescending smile from your listeners. And discuss this on television, in the press?! Well, you know! An example of such a “trifle” is the upskirt phenomenon.

I see, I see, the one who is in the subject began to smile :-). To be honest, this thing is very popular in certain circles. If by some miracle you don’t know what we’re talking about, then it’s simple: the word “upskirt” is translated from English as “peeping under a skirt” and is used to refer to both the actual action and the resulting photographs or videos. Its history is rich and extends far beyond the digital age. There is Marilyn dancing over a well, and frivolous paintings by medieval painters, and much more.

In the context of our conversation, two points are important. Firstly, there has always been a tangible element of eroticism in upskirt. Secondly, from the point of view of society, this has always been fun on the edge of what is acceptable, something between a game permitted for adults and generally accepted deviations like spying on someone taking a bath. The sexual revolution that happened in the second half of the 20th century (you know, “mini” and all that) even made the upskirt a fashion item. But hardly anyone could have imagined that at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to digital technologies Skirt peeping will turn from fun into a headache.

Is the English term annoying? I admit, I myself am not delighted with it. And while I was preparing the material, I almost broke my head, thinking about how best to translate it into Russian, and consulted with a linguist. Ideally, you need the same catchy, short, self-explanatory word. But even in the Russian-language section of Wikipedia there is no article on this topic (I’ll add a column and get started - join us!), so, for lack of a better one, I decided to use the direct transliterated version: apskirt. Not everyone will like it, but we are no strangers to the tablet and Satoshi ;-).

Something else is more important again. Upskirt in him modern understanding- the child of camera phones and smartphones. The emergence of super-compact digital cameras, and even crossed with mobile phone, has become a kind of feature: such cameras are invisible, do not arouse suspicion, and make distributing the footage as easy as possible. As a result, skirt peeping has degenerated into a criminal business and unpleasant antisocial activity. Today, upskirt is one of the most popular categories on pornographic resources: there are providers of such content that provide a continuous stream of photos and videos from the streets, shopping centers, beaches, and there are consumers willing to pay for it. There are also plenty of “amateurs” sharing the results of their “works” on the Internet - and also putting random people they meet in an awkward position. I guess few girls dream of seeing themselves captured from below on YouTube. And the question is whether we can do anything against the invasion of privacy from this side.

To us, citizens Russian Federation, oddly enough, it is easier than for many others: covert filming in any form is outlawed in our country (correct me if something has changed). But the rest of the democratic world, alternating abuse with laughter, is forced to look for more precise and subtle formulations.

Americans are having a particularly hard time right now. Another scandal is raging in the States (they hope that this will be the last), connected precisely with upskirting. The backstory is simple and already typical: in 2010, in the Boston subway, a man was seen trying to film on his phone - naturally, without permission or knowledge - his fellow travelers from below, with an emphasis on the hips and crotch (sorry, that’s court documents). The police organized live bait fishing, sending disguised female employees out for a ride, the man took the bait and they tied him up (Michael Robertson, 31 years old). Soon the first trial took place and found the man guilty. Not surprising: after all, voyeurism is (I quote) deliberate filming intimate areas Partially or fully nudity of a person without her consent at a time when the person assumes privacy is illegal in the United States. But this was only the beginning of the story, the first iteration, if you like.

In the photo from the police station, Robertson is an ordinary middle-aged white guy. We do not know whether he was, as they say, a pervert or a cyber activist who, by his example, wanted to point out the inconsistency legal system the actual state of affairs - well, just like the ever-memorable Aaron Schwartz. But, one way or another, Robertson really helped! He appealed and just won!

How did he do it? The highest court of the state where the hearings took place (Massachusetts) found that, being in public place, a citizen has no right to hope for privacy, and besides, cannot be considered even partially naked: he is dressed! A subway car is not a bathroom or a changing room, and a smartphone is not hidden camera. And in general, if a citizen exposes parts of his body (intentionally or not), what kind of expectation of privacy can we talk about? Therefore, although voyeurism in the classical sense is still prohibited, this prohibition does not apply to upskirt.

After such a verdict, natural hysteria erupted in the media. Everyone laughs: some covertly, some openly; lawyers, passers-by, TV presenters and the press laugh. They laugh and make salty jokes like whether Robertson's lawyer was wearing panties when she talked about her client's "constitutional right to take upskirt pictures in public places"? And everyone understands that it will not be possible to laugh at the problem - and some, through tears of laughter, are already demanding improvements to the law, which is so far behind technology. But the trouble is, it is unclear what the final wording should be.

One option: at least over your clothes a person in a public place cannot expect privacy, under clothes he still expects her, and the invasion there should be prohibited. The definition is casuistic and not without flaws, but that’s the point: numbers A civilization has stepped on another callus - and no one knows how to get rid of the pain!

Naturally, the unfortunate inhabitants of Boston are not the only ones who are faced with this. Other American states suffer from the same “hole” in the law and have already acquitted citizens caught upskirting. Why America, everyone is trying their best. Japan does not prohibit covert filming, but limits the distribution of materials obtained in this way. Shaky. The UK looks at the problem rather with a grin, which is why especially celebrities suffer greatly - for whom the paparazzi have not yet put the lens between their legs. Nothing good either. India and Singapore are stupidly imprisoning upskirt lovers. Roughly: what if it was an accident?

In short, it is impossible to prohibit, it is more expensive to ignore, it is both scary and funny to discuss. This is such an awkward moment. One thing is good: instead of boring faces decorating materials about other clashes of numbers s and society, there are beautiful legs here. Enjoy while you can! 🙂

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