Home Berries Saint Alexander Nevsky. Icons of Alexander Nevsky. Orthodox handwritten icons. Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky - in schema Alexy

Saint Alexander Nevsky. Icons of Alexander Nevsky. Orthodox handwritten icons. Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky - in schema Alexy

> icon of Alexander Nevsky

Before you is the icon of Alexander Nevsky. The iconography of St. Alexander Nevsky is divided into two parts, reflecting his life path. Some of the icons depict the period from 1221 to 1262 - the time when the noble prince Alexander Nevsky was a warrior and a great commander who managed to unite many Russian lands. On such icons, St. Alexander Nevsky is most often depicted with weapons, in princely clothes. Another part of the icons indicates the end of the life of Alexander Nevsky - in 1263 the Saint took the schema with the name Alexei and became a monk. Such icon of St. Alexander Nevsky depicts the right-believing prince in monastic attire. This iconography was typical until the 18th century.

This icon of Alexander Nevsky depicts the first part of the life of the great Russian commander - the time of his service to the cause of the formation of statehood in Russia, the time of his great feats of arms to the glory Orthodox faith. Icons of Prince Alexander Nevsky are found in churches and cathedrals throughout Russia - from Transbaikalia to Kaliningrad; for many cities in Russia, including St. Petersburg, he is a heavenly patron.

The Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky was born in May 1221 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The father of Alexander Nevsky was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - the son of Vsevolod Big Nest, the Grand Duke of Vladimir, who during his reign managed to unite the Vladimir, Ryazan and Novgorod lands. Six years old in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery of Pereslavl, Alexander and his brother Theodore go through princely tonsure, where Bishop Simon of Suzdal initiates them into soldiers and blesses them for "feats of arms in the name of the Land of the Russian and Russian Church."

In 1227, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich accepts Novgorod the Great from the prince Vladimirsky Yuri and moved there with his sons. But the people of Novgorod, expressing dissatisfaction with the reign of the princes of Vladimir and their refusal to abolish in the lean year of 1228 the "pagan" - princely tribute, call on Mikhail Chernigovsky, and St. Alexander Yaroslavich, together with his brother Theodore and his father, returned back to Pereslavl. Three years later, Prince Michael of Chernigov goes back to reign in Chernigov, to secure relations with the princes of Vladimir, having betrothed his daughter Theodulia to Alexander's elder brother Theodore. After that, the Novgorodians call Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to reign, and he puts his sons to reign in Novgorod the Great. In 1233, the noble prince Feodor Yaroslavovich died at the age of 13.

The first feat of arms Saint Prince Alexander Yaroslavich accomplishes in 1234, together with the army of his father, when a battle took place on the Omovzha River, as a result of which Derpt was conquered from the Livonians. In 1236, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich left to reign in Kyiv, and Alexander became the sole full-fledged Novgorod prince. Three years later, Alexander Yaroslavich is married to the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachislav Alexandra. Father of Alexander Nevsky blesses the young with the Feodorovskaya icon Mother of God(Yaroslav Vsevolodovich bore the name Theodore before baptism) with the patroness of weddings and brides, Saint Paraskeva Friday, on the back of the image. It was this icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God from that time that constantly accompanied the right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky as his prayer image.

St. Alexander Nevsky had to reign in a difficult time - in the west, the Novgorod lands were threatened by the crusaders: the Livonian Germans came close to Pskov, and the Swedes, led by Jarl Birger, advanced on Novgorod; in the east, hordes of Mongolo-Tatars hung over Russia as a constant dark threat. On July 15, 1240, Prince Alexander Nevsky and his small squad, consisting of residents of Novgorod the Great and Ladoga, won the first independent victory, utterly defeating the camp of Jarl Birger's soldiers that had stopped at the mouth of the Izhora River, which flowed into the Neva. The legend says that at dawn before the battle, one of the soldiers from the squad of St. Alexander Yaroslavich, the marine sentinel Pelguy, had a vision of a sailing boat, in which were the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb, dressed in crimson clothes, hurrying to help Prince Alexander. For courage in battle and a convincing victory in that memorable battle, young Prince Alexander receives the nickname "Nevsky". And in his future victories the noble prince was lucky, therefore the icon of Alexander Nevsky is especially revered by people of military professions and diplomats.

After a brilliant victory over the Swedes, the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky had to deal with the Germans, who in 1242 besieged and took Pskov. First, Alexander Nevsky, together with his retinue, liberates the fortress of Koporye, then the city of Pskov, and already on April 5, 1242, inflicts on the knights Livonian Order a crushing blow during the famous Battle of the Ice on the ice of Lake Peipus. Three years later, the Lithuanian knights will again try to conquer the Novgorod lands, but the noble Prince Alexander Nevsky, with his courage and talent as a commander, puts them to flight, for a long time repelling any desire to attack their lands from their western neighbors. The result of the policy of Alexander Nevsky on the western borders of his possessions is complete release from the Germans of the lands of Novgorod and the annexation of part of Latgale to their principality - (now eastern edge Latvia). At the same time, in September 1246, in the possessions of the Golden Horde, Mikhail Chernigovsky was forcibly killed and the father of Alexander Nevsky, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was poisoned in Karakorum, and the noble prince had to completely switch to improving relations with the Mongol-Tatars. Before his death, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich bequeathed to Alexander Nevsky to conclude a diplomatic alliance with the Golden Horde, and the Holy Prince brilliantly coped with this incredibly difficult task.

In 1247, Prince Alexander Nevsky and his brother Andrei from Batu Khan from the Lower Volga region went to Mongolia to the great Khan Guyuk. This difficult and dangerous journey lasted for two whole years. The Great Khan gave Andrew to reign Vladimir lands, and St. Alexander Nevsky became the prince of Kiev and Novgorod.

In 1251, Batu's uncle Munke became a great khan - and Saint Alexander Nevsky again had to go to the Horde. At the same time, the prince Vladimirsky Andrey Yaroslavich and Prince Yaroslav of Tver lead an unsuccessful uprising against the Tatars. Andrei, as a result of the punitive invasion of the Tatars under the command of Nevryuy, was forced to flee to Sweden, and Yaroslav of Tverskoy took up defense in Pskov. As a result, the Vladimir-Suzdal lands also pass into the reign of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. After this, a new stage of the war with the Germans and Lithuanians, successful for Russia, begins, which lasted 7 years, as a result of which Pomorie becomes Russian and Orthodox.

In 1258 Saint Alexander Nevsky set off for Golden Horde to the new Khan Berke, in order to show him his respect and confirm the friendly disposition of the Russian lands subordinate to him. After this campaign, the freedom-loving population of Veliky Novgorod finally submits to the will of the faithful prince, who had not previously wanted to fully recognize the strength and will of Alexander Nevsky. In 1261, in the new capital of the Golden Horde - Sarai, through the efforts of Metropolitan Kirill and St. Alexander Nevsky, the Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established.

A year later, Saint Alexander Nevsky makes his last trip to the camp of the Golden Horde. On the secret instructions of the noble prince, the Baskaks, the Golden Horde tax collectors, were killed in all the cities of Russia. But the wise Alexander Yaroslavich was personally able to convince Khan Berke of the impossibility and inexpediency of collecting tribute in favor of Mongolia, and encouraged him to declare the independence of the Golden Horde. In this way, St. Alexander Nevsky achieved the appearance of a powerful natural barrier from uninvited and unfriendly Mongols.

In Sarai-Berk, St. Alexander Nevsky falls ill. On the way back from the capital of the Golden Horde, his illness intensifies. On November 14, 1263, in Gorodets, having accepted the schema under the name of Alexy, the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky completes his historically great life. Metropolitan Kirill, announcing the death of Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir, called him "the setting sun of the Russian land."

In 1724, Emperor Peter the Great of Russia, by his decree, transferred the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky from the Nativity Monastery of Vladimir to the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Monastery (after 1797 - Lavra). And to this day, the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky is the heavenly patron of St. Petersburg.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky and prayers to him help people of military professions and diplomats.

The personification of courage, wisdom, strength for the Russians is Prince Alexander Nevsky. In the face of saints, he is called "orthodox" - this means that during his lifetime a person showed sincere faith, carrying out his political service, he was able to observe Christ's commandments. On icons, Alexander Nevsky is most often depicted in armor.

Collector and defender of Russian lands

The future ruler was born in difficult times - in 1220, his earthly path was over at 42 years old. Being the heir of the prince of Pereyaslav, Alexander from an early age learned what politics, war, and responsibility for the fate of his subjects are. His grandfather was Prince Vsevolod, who managed to unite the lands from Vladimir to Ryazan. Being a six-year-old boy, Alexander, together with his brother, was initiated into the soldiers, the bishop himself blessed him for exploits in the name of the Russian land and the Church.

A year later, the father takes Novgorod under his rule, but locals ask for another prince. The family returns to their native Pereslavl. Only a few years later, the Novgorodians call Yaroslav back, and he makes his sons rulers. Soon the eldest of the brothers, Fedor, dies.

No wonder St. Alexander Nevsky on icons is often dressed as a warrior - in his hands is a sword, under a cloak there is metal chain mail, on his head is a helmet with the image of a cross. The prince took his first battle early, at the age of 14, under the guidance of his father. Then the city of Dorpat was taken. After a couple of years, the prince remains to rule Novgorod on his own, since Yaroslav leaves for Kyiv. The young prince marries the daughter of the prince of Polotsk - apparently, the marriage was based on political grounds.

In difficult years, the young man fell to reign - the crusaders threatened from the west, the Swedes advanced. For many years, the Mongol-Tatars kept in fear most Russian lands. But the small team led by Alexander did not lose heart - people believed that the Lord would stand by their side for a just cause. After all, they did not attack, but defended their own homes and families.

Little Known Facts

  • IN Soviet time it was customary to mention only the military exploits of the prince. The monk and the saint was not suitable for Soviet propaganda. Hence the impression arose that the Church made the prince a saint because he did a lot for the country.
  • The preaching of the Gospel was one of the main deeds of the prince's life. He even managed to open an Orthodox community in the Horde.
  • Alexander Nevsky made the main military victories when he was very young. He didn't lose a single battle.
  • Popular veneration of the prince arose immediately after death - as is the case with many righteous people. Officially, the canonization took place only three centuries later.

How does the icon of St. Alexandra

The prince reposed in the Lord in 1263, after another visit to the Horde. His body rested in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir. But Tsar Peter, having founded new town, decided to move there the relics of the famous warrior, defender Russian statehood. In just a few years, it was rebuilt new monastery, after which the relics were solemnly transferred.

Crowds of people surrounded the procession all the way - everyone remembered and loved the saint. He was not only a defender of the borders of the Motherland, but also a champion of the Orthodox faith. Therefore, the icon of Alexander Nevsky helps in spiritual matters as well as in military service. Before any important military campaign, the clergy and authorities prayed to the saint, and once during such a prayer service, Tsar John was spared pain in his hand, which he accidentally lowered into the tomb with relics.

How Alexander Nevsky is portrayed

The iconography of the saint is divided into two main parts. The first demonstrates it at the time of his life, in which the prince was more engaged in military affairs. The saint is depicted in princely vestments, with a sword, the tip of which is directed either upwards, or St. Alexander leans on the hilt. A shield may also be present, but not always.

  • IN right hand the prince can hold a banner with the image of the "Savior Not Made by Hands", with his left lean on the sword. That is, he is ready to defend his faith at the cost of his own life.
  • Behind the saint one can see the city wall, behind it - the houses and domes of the temple. The prince himself is standing in the field where the battle is taking place - the crusaders are against the Russians, the enemies are retreating, the horses have already been deployed to escape. The figure of the prince is much larger than the rest - such is the composition of the icon, because its language is allegorical, not literal.
  • There is also a waist icon, St. Alexander is depicted in thought, leaning on a sword with one hand, and put the other to his chest. Rich clothes are embroidered with stones and trimmed with fur. The hair is thick, curly at the ends, the face is young, slightly elongated, the head is slightly tilted to the left. The saint seems to be thinking about what will happen to Russia, will she be able to adequately keep the faith that he defended so much?

Other types of icons of Alexander Nevsky tell about the spiritual side of his personality: there he is depicted in adulthood, in monastic vestments - this is a monastic cassock with a hood, on it are eight-pointed crosses. In the left hand the saint holds a scroll, the right one points to the heart as a sign that it is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • There is a very interesting hagiographic icon of the late 19th century. In the foreground, the prince is dressed as a schemnik (it differs from the clothes of an ordinary monk - it is more closed, embroidered with crosses). The figure of the saint is turned towards Christ, who sits on the clouds in the upper left corner of the composition. There, as it were, a heavenly veil opens, one can see angelic ranks surrounding the Throne of God. Christ holds an open book in his left hand. The right one sends His blessing to the prince.

In the distance you can see the river bank, on the waters - ships. A battle broke out on the shore - Russian soldiers on white horses went on the attack. An angel hovers over the battle, carrying a crown in his hands.

Miracles of the holy image

In those days, the Roman Church was actively expanding into foreign lands. It doesn't matter what the Christian brothers suffered: the Pope sought to get as many subjects as possible, and therefore - money and power. In those years, Innocent 4th ruled, twice he demanded submission from the prince.

But Alexander Nevsky always knew that Orthodoxy is the fate of Russia. He steadfastly repels the attacks of the Germans. Conflicts with Finland and Norway were settled. Only one enemy remained - the Tatar yoke. Seeing that the forces are not yet equal, the prince decides to suffer tribute. The main thing is that the horde does not interfere in the internal affairs of the country. This allows the Russians to keep their faith. The prince knows that one day the people will be free, he thinks about how to keep his soul intact.

spiritual painting

Artists depicted Alexander Nevsky in their paintings, they can also be in the house, but not to be confused with icons. The picture has a completely different purpose - it narrates, entertains, and can even teach, but the icon is designed to collect a person’s thoughts, focus them on prayer.

A wonderful image of the prince was created by Alexander Nesterov - he showed him as a commander, in vestments and with weapons. But the weapon lies on the floor of the temple, and the warrior himself bowed his head in prayer. This is a man of courage, at the same time having a firm faith. He understands that the outcome of any battle does not depend on his efforts, but on the will of God.

Contemporary artist P. Ryzhenko depicted the prince's conversation with Khan Sartak. They are sitting in a field in front of an open Bible. Khan is in deep thought, and the prince seems to be waiting for an answer to important question. It is known that a descendant of Genghis Khan, under the influence of Alexander Nevsky, converted to Orthodoxy, for which he was subsequently killed.

Shrines and temples of Alexander

The relics of the saint rest in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg). During the years of persecution, they were preserved, although the shrine was transferred to the museum. In 2007, the shrine was transported to places associated with the earthly life of the prince. Particles of the relics are in Vladimir, Sofia (Bulgaria), in the Urals.

The temple in the name of the saint, located in Moscow, is very famous. In 2009, the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” was transferred here, having ancient origin. Now the icon is permanently in the church of Alexander Nevsky. The church has a unique iconostasis, consisting of five tiers. The floors are made of marble, a special treatment that allows it to shine by reflecting light. special design vault provides excellent acoustics. The temple is worth visiting.

Icon of Saint Alexander Nevsky a wonderful gift military, leader, holding a responsible position. Before her, you can ask the Lord to help you adequately fulfill your duties. You can turn to him with prayer for any other reason, the church does not impose restrictions on this.

Prayer to the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky

O holy noble prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants of God (names), and grant us a quiet and serene life, and to the eternal Kingdom, arrange for us a steady procession through your intercession, may the Lord God save us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years May we forever glorify and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Like a pious root, the most honorable branch was thou, blessed Alexandra, for Christ, as a kind of Divine treasure of the Russian land, the new miracle worker is glorious and God-pleasing. And today, having come down in your memory with faith and love, in psalms and singing, we rejoice in glorifying the Lord, who has given you the grace of healing. Pray him to save this city, and to our God-pleasing country, and to be saved by the sons of Russia.

Saint Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav, in baptism Theodore, was the youngest son of Vsevolod III Large Nest. Mother of Saint Alexander, Feodosia Igorevna, Ryazan princess. In 1227, Prince Yaroslav, at the request of the Novgorodians, began to reign in Novgorod the Great. He took with him his sons, Fedor and Alexander. The most hard time in the history of Russia: the Mongol hordes were coming from the east, the knightly troops were advancing from the west.

Quite early becoming the political leader of the Russian land, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky showed himself wise statesman who led the country into one of the most difficult and dangerous periods her history. The Mongols, led by Batu, ravaged the country. Western invaders tried to subjugate what had survived from the Horde invasion. In the east lay a mighty state - Mongol Empire, one Golden Horde ulus of which surpassed military force throughout Europe at that time.

By all accounts, Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history. In the XIII century, Russia was attacked from three sides - the Catholic West, the Mongol-Tatars and Lithuania. Alexander Nevsky, who never lost a single battle in his entire life, showed exceptional talent not only as a commander, but also as a diplomat. His six-year victorious defense saved Orthodox Russia from Catholic expansion, and, moreover, the Germans, by peace treaty, renounced all their recent conquests. And having made peace with the most powerful (but at the same time more tolerant) enemy - the Golden Horde, he prevented the devastating campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars on Russian lands.

Of all the victories of Alexander Nevsky, two are most famous: the Battle of the Neva in 1240, when the young prince of Novgorod defeated the army of the Swedish invaders at the mouth of the Neva, and Battle on the Ice 1242, in which he defeated the German crusader knights. These victories saved Russia, weakened by the Mongol-Tatar invasion, from aggression from the West and brought the prince the glory of a great commander. After Alexander Nevsky secured the western borders of Russia, he went to the Volga region, to Batu, and further to the Mongol-Chinese Karakorum, to the great khan. For the sake of preserving his native land from the Tatar raids, Alexander led the most difficult diplomatic game.

The legend is widely known that Saint Alexander, he was not yet 20 years old, before the Battle of the Neva, prayed for a long time in the church of Hagia Sophia. Archbishop Spyridon blessed the holy prince and his army for battle. Leaving the temple, Alexander strengthened the squad with faith-filled words: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some - with weapons, others - on horseback, but we will call on the name of the Lord our God! With a small retinue, the prince hurried to the enemies. Shortly before this, there was a wonderful omen: at dawn on July 15, a soldier standing in the marine patrol saw a boat sailing on the sea, and on it the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb in scarlet robes. Alexander, encouraged, courageously led an army against the Swedes with a prayer. “And there was a great slaughter with the Latins, and he killed their countless multitude, and he put a seal on the leader’s face with a sharp spear.” It was for this victory on the Neva River, won on July 15, 1240, that the people named St. Alexander Nevsky.

dangerous enemy the German knights remained. In 1241, with a lightning campaign, Saint Alexander returned the ancient Russian fortress of Koporye, driving out the enemies. In 1242, in the winter, he liberated Pskov, and on April 5 gave the Teutonic Order a decisive battle on the ice of Lake Peipus. The Crusaders were completely defeated. The western limits of the Russian land were securely fenced, it was time to secure Russia from the east.

Not only military prowess Alexander deserved the love and veneration of the Russian people. Not only for the work to protect the Fatherland, the Orthodox Church canonized the prince among the saints. Alexander Nevsky always sought to provide Russia with the most important thing - peace. Both his sword and his words served this.

In 1242 Saint Alexander Nevsky with his father Yaroslav left for the Horde. The sacred mission of the defenders of the Russian land was crowned with success, but it took years of labor and sacrifice. Prince Yaroslav gave his life for this. The alliance with the Golden Horde bequeathed by his father - necessary then to prevent a new defeat of Russia - continued to be preserved and strengthened by his son, St. Alexander Nevsky. Promising his support, Saint Alexander gave Batu the opportunity to go on a campaign against Mongolia, to become main force in all Great Steppe. In 1252, many Russian cities rebelled against Tatar yoke, thereby creating a threat to the existence of Russia. Saint Alexander again had to go to the Horde in order to ward off the punitive invasion of the Tatars from the Russian lands.

In 1253 he repulsed a new raid on Pskov, in 1254 he concluded an agreement on peaceful borders with Norway. Batu Khan died in 1256. The holy prince went to Sarai for the third time to confirm the peaceful relations of Russia and the Horde with the new Khan Berke.

A new wave of uprisings began in Russia against Tatar-Mongol yoke- tribute collectors and recruiters of soldiers were killed. To prevent Tatar revenge, the great protector of the people again went to the Horde and wisely directed events in a completely different direction: after talking with St. Alexander Nevsky and referring to the Russian uprising, Khan Berke stopped sending tribute to Mongolia and proclaimed the Golden Horde an independent state, thereby making it barrier of Russia from the east. In this great union of Russian and Tatar lands and peoples, the future multinational Russian state matured and strengthened, which later included almost the entire legacy of Genghis Khan to the shores of the Pacific Ocean within the Russian Church.

“The observance of the Russian land,” says the famous historian Sergei Solovyov, “from trouble in the east, the famous feats for faith and land in the west brought Alexander a glorious memory in Russia and made him the most prominent historical figure in ancient history from Monomakh to Donskoy.

Not without reason in pre-revolutionary Russia, the holy noble prince was considered the patron of the diplomatic service. Alexander Nevsky was ahead of his time by seven hundred years, the principles on which he built his activities, mankind accepted as fundamental, only after going through two world wars. It is surprising that these principles have their origins in Holy Scripture, as Metropolitan Vladimir of Tashkent and Central Asia explains in his article.

“God is not in power, but in righteousness” (1 Kings, chapter 19, verse 11; Zechariah, chapter 8, verse 8, etc.) - Alexander Nevsky always emphasized an indisputable fact: success ultimately depends not from brute force but from the justice of the cause that you defend. History has repeatedly confirmed the correctness of this approach.

“To live without transgressing into foreign parts” (Acts of the Holy Apostles, chapter 17, verse 26) - Grand Duke Alexander, crushing his neighbors who attacked Russia, never took away their lands, did not impose political dependence, but made peace, content with the return of the occupied territories and inhabitants, as well as compensation for the damage caused.

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26, verse 52) is a well-known expression of a talented commander in modern world was reflected in one of the articles of the UN Charter, which speaks of the right of any state to individual and collective self-defense in the event of aggression. The Orthodox Church has never questioned the fact that it is the duty of an Orthodox Christian to defend his Fatherland with arms in his hands. No wonder in Holy Scripture It is said: “Whoever kills with the sword, he himself must be killed with the sword” (Revelation of St. John the Theologian, chapter 13, verse 10).

This approach allowed the Grand Duke immediately, after the threat of invasion was eliminated, to set the main task of the country's foreign policy to develop mutually beneficial trade, economic, spiritual and cultural ties with all the countries of Eurasia.

During his reign, Russia fully used the benefits of its economic and geographical position - a "link" between Europe and Asia. Alexander Nevsky is often called the "first Eurasian", who made Russia a "bridge" between East and West. But material interests did not obscure the importance of spiritual sovereignty for Alexander Nevsky. Orthodoxy and Motherland stood in the first place. It was thanks to his support that in 1261 the first diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia was created in the Golden Horde. It must be remembered here that, unlike the 19th century, when Orthodoxy became a 100% state religion, in the 13th century, under the yoke of the Tatar-Mongol conquerors Russian Orthodoxy did not have such strong positions. Alexander Nevsky had to make constant efforts to uphold the Orthodox life of his people. The great noble prince Alexander Nevsky became the favorite prince of the clergy.

A man of extreme courage and extreme humility, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, returning from his next "Ordo" mission, died on November 14, 1263 in Gorodets-on-Volga and was buried in Vladimir, in the Nativity Monastery, on November 23, 1263.

The general church glorification of St. Alexander Nevsky took place under Metropolitan Macarius at the Moscow Cathedral of 1547.

About the history of the holy relics of the noble prince

Peter I, laying new capital on the banks of the Neva, glorified by the victory of the holy prince over the Swedes, he planned to transfer here the holy relics of Alexander Nevsky. By the transfer of the holy relics, it was decided to sanctify the day of the signing of the Peace of Nystad, concluded after a long and exhausting war with the Swedes, on August 30, 1721.

Having decided to transfer the imperishable relics of St. Alexander Nevsky, Peter I wanted to prepare new chambers for them in advance and indicated a place for the construction of a monastery in the name of the Holy Trinity and St. Alexander Nevsky. The construction of the monastery began in 1717, the work was carried out intensively, and on May 29, 1723, during the visit of the sovereign to the newly built monastery, the Highest Command took place: “The relics of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, acquired in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery, should be transferred to the Alexander Monastery.”

The city of Vladimir solemnly saw off his shrine, which for about five centuries constituted a precious decoration of this ancient city. From August 10 to August 11, 1723, the all-night vigil, and in the morning the Divine Liturgy. The clergy of the city and the surrounding monasteries, with a large gathering of people, went to the Nativity Monastery, and after the service of cancer with the holy relics in the hands of the clergy, they were solemnly taken out of the temple. Bells ringing from all the churches resounded in the air.

On August 17, the relics of the noble prince were met with even greater solemnity in Moscow, and then the church procession headed through Tver and Novgorod to St. Petersburg.

The transfer of the relics of the right-believing Prince Alexander was an all-Russian celebration. Divine services were performed in all cities and villages, crowds of people accompanied the shrine along the way. “A deep impression,” wrote an eyewitness, “left on the soul at the sight of these waves of people, constantly surrounding the shrine, with this universal sacred animation! How beautifully this mood of the Orthodox people was expressed in the church hymns continuously resounding around the tomb of the saint.

It was supposed to solemnly bring the holy relics to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery on August 30, the day on which the Treaty of Nystadt concluded with the Swedes was celebrated. But the distance of the journey did not make it possible to carry out exactly this plan, and only on October 1 did the holy relics arrive in Shlisselburg. By order of Peter I, the holy relics of Alexander Nevsky were placed in the cathedral church of the Annunciation, and their transfer to St. Petersburg was postponed until August 30/September 12 of the next (1724) year.

The meeting of the shrine in St. Petersburg was distinguished by special solemnity. The emperor and his retinue arrived by galley at the mouth of the Izhora River. Reverently placing the holy relics on the galley, the sovereign ordered his nobles to take up the oars, while he himself, standing at the stern, steered. During the voyage, continuous cannon fire was heard. The thoughts of all those present involuntarily rushed to that distant era, when on the banks of the Neva and Izhora, the young Novgorod prince Alexander triumphed over his enemies. Petersburg, a special pier was arranged, where the galley with the holy relics stopped. Accompanied by the clergy and the people, the noblest nobles carried the shrine of holy relics. The ringing of bells and cannon fire increased the solemnity. The holy relics were brought into the church built in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky and consecrated on the same day.

The next day, the celebration continued at the Alexander Nevsky Convent. The sovereign handed out to those present the plan of further buildings proposed in the monastery, and the celebration of the Transfer of holy relics was established here: “... So that everywhere, instead of the former holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky on November 23, the service should be celebrated on August 30 without fail” (Decree of Peter I , from 08/30/1724).

The emperor failed to complete the plan he had conceived for establishing a new monastery: six months after this celebration, Peter I died, but Peter's successors finished what he started. His daughter, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, arranged a magnificent silver reliquary for the holy relics of Alexander Nevsky. Empress Catherine II ordered to build a new one on the site of the old cathedral. And on August 30, 1790, the consecration of the new temple took place and the relics of the noble prince were transferred to it.

In May 1922, the holy relics were opened and soon removed. The confiscated cancer was in the vaults of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, located in the Kazan Cathedral. In 1989, the relics of the saint were returned to the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. A part of the holy relics is also in the church of Alexander Nevsky in the city of Sofia in Bulgaria, and part of the relics of Alexander Nevsky is in the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir.

Soon after the return of the holy relics to the cathedral, the tradition was revived procession from the Kazan Cathedral to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on September 12, the tradition originated in the time of Peter's daughter Elizabeth Petrovna.

In 1994, the mayor's office of St. Petersburg adopted a special decision to establish the annual Memorial Day of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky on September 12 as not only a church holiday, but also a citywide holiday.

The journey of the holy relics through Russia has already been repeatedly made, which lasted about a month. The holy relics of the great noble prince Alexander Nevsky are transferred to Moscow, Kaliningrad, Riga, Pskov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg. Most of these regions are associated with the life of the prince. It is always a spiritual holiday for people, huge queues line up in temples to fall at the relics, offer a prayer, ask for the secret.

What a miracle happened

During the nine days of the journey from Gorodets to Vladimir, the body of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky did not show signs of decay, and another miracle happened during the burial: when they wanted to unclench the fingers of the deceased in order to put a spiritual letter into them, the prince himself extended his hand and took it. After that, the Grand Duke was recognized as a local saint. Until 1380, there was no local church celebration established for Saint Prince Alexander, and, accordingly, there were no icons of him either.

... Almost one hundred and twenty years have passed, the year 1380 has come - the battle on the Kulikovo field.

The Russian troops were led by Dmitry Donskoy, the great-grandson of Alexander Nevsky. On the eve of the battle, the sexton of the Nativity Monastery saw in a dream: candles lit by themselves in the church, two elders came out of the altar, approached the coffin and began to pray to the prince "to rise up to help his relative." The battle took place on the same day, and, as you know, the Russians won. Well, when they opened the tomb of Alexander, they found that the relics that had lain for 117 years were incorruptible, and many healings took place. At the same time, a monastery was established for the holy prince Alexander. church celebration, the canon and the first icons were written.
In 1552, Tsar John Vasilyevich gathered an army on a campaign against Kazan. In Vladimir, standing at the shrine with the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky, he called on the right-believing prince for help. At this time, the king's hand hurt, during prayer he lowered it into the shrine, and then noticed that the pain had passed. The campaign brought victory to the Russian army, and other people began to receive healing from the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky.

The meaning of the icon

The Orthodox Church glorifies the military exploits and labors of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, accomplished by him for the good of the Fatherland. Therefore, on the icons, the saint is depicted in princely clothes with a sword and shield. The image of the saint plays important role in the formation of a patriotic spirit. But the icon tells us not only about the great commander, but to a greater extent about the defender of the Orthodox faith, because, saving Russia, he preserved Orthodoxy.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky is a living reminder of courage and feat, when the ruler does not spare his blood for the sake of love for the fatherland. The significance of his courage and prudence in the history of the formation of the Russian state is enormous. What helps the holy martyr modern people, what is the meaning and meaning of his feat you will learn in this article.

Alexander Nevsky lived only 42 years, but in this short period he managed to do so much that, perhaps, his life alone would be enough for hundreds in terms of the amount of influence on the course of world events.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: description

On the icon we often see the noble prince with a sword. Sometimes there is an izvod where he holds a cross and a scroll. But basically, on all the images, the warrior is depicted in grand-princely clothes, sometimes in armor. There are many renditions, where, as befits a commander, he is depicted on a horse. This style of writing exists relatively recently - it was introduced by Peter I. Prior to this, the noble prince, according to tradition, was depicted in monastic clothes, since before his death he took the schema with the name Alexy.

Information that has come down to us about appearance describe him as broad-shouldered young man from powerful hands, pretty face, strong-willed eyebrows and all his appearance producing a decisive look.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: meaning

From the time of the adoption of Christianity in Russia to the present day, there are many holy intercessors in the treasury of the Orthodox faith. Alexander Nevsky lived in conditions of territorial rivalry and strong religious tension, which characterizes the era of the formation of Orthodoxy. Holy Russia, the heir of Byzantium, inherited from her not only faith, but also enemies. Following the fallen Constantinople, the Latins began to attack the Russian principalities, using a time-tested technique - union or capture.

Blessed Prince Alexander appears on the icon as the defender of the fatherland. In St. Petersburg, on the supposed site of the Battle of the Neva, Peter I founded a monastery in his honor. Now the desert has become the Holy Lavra, bearing the name and keeping the holy relics of the defender of the Russian land. It was just before the battle on the Neva that the young commander uttered his famous words: “God is not in power, but in truth. Others - with weapons, others - on horseback, and we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! They staggered and fell, but we rose up and stood firm.” The prince conducted the first major and most famous battle when he was not yet 20 years old. The Russians perceived the victory as spiritual: in an unequal ratio of troops, Alexander won it with the clear help of God.

Unlike Western culture, another enemy future Russia- the Mongol khanate - respected all religions without exception and did not impose his own. It was this principle of theirs that became decisive: the young but talented politician Alexander made the khanate his ally for the benefit of the Russian lands.

The significance of the reign of the noble prince is characterized by historians positively, several theses can be distinguished:

  • the destruction of the army of the Swedes on the Neva;
  • the defeat of the Germans in the Battle of the Ice;
  • protecting the interests of the state on the world stage;
  • preservation of the purity of Orthodoxy;
  • establishing a wise order in the country;
  • the abolition of the Mongolian tax in a number of areas.

The veneration of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky arose immediately after his blessed death, as the people loved and highly appreciated his merits. “We are already dying,” the subjects exclaimed, having learned about the death of the ruler. Prayer to him as the patron of the whole people began after the miracle before the Battle of Kulikovo, and the acquisition in 1380 of the holy relics of the prince by his great-grandson Dmitry Donskoy, the winner of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Alexander Nevsky: what helps the icon?

Orthodox pray before the icon for the acquisition of courage and wisdom, courage and valor, for self-sacrifice for the sake of highest goal. Alexander Nevsky is the patron saint of all warriors who wear his icon under their hearts so that the holy commander keeps a person with his prayers.

Those exploits were not forgotten during the years of the Second World War - the aviation squadron with the inscription “Alexander Nevsky” on the board was named with a glorious name. There is a Soviet and Russian military order for special merits, bearing the name of the saint.

The huge popularity of the noble prince goes beyond the current Russian state: the Orthodox peoples of Serbia, Greece, Georgia pray to him to preserve their borders and erect churches in his honor. This gives hope for the strengthening of relations and the growth of cooperation. Orthodox people worldwide.

Prayer before the icon of Alexander Nevsky

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky for healing

O holy noble prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servant of God (names), and proceed to us a quiet and serene life, and to the eternal Kingdom, arrange for us a steady procession through your intercession, may the Lord God save us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years May we forever glorify and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky for health

An ambulance helper of all those who diligently resort to you, and our warm intercessor before the Lord, holy noble Grand Duke Alexandra! Look graciously upon us, unworthy, who have created many iniquities for themselves, who are now flowing to the race of your relics and crying out from the depths of your soul: you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith in your life, and we are unshakable in it with your warm prayers to God. You carefully passed the great service entrusted to you, and with your help to stay every time, in which you are called to eat, instruct. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove you away from the borders of the Russian verses, and overthrow all visible and invisible enemies who are taking up arms against us. You, having left the perishable crown of the kingdom of the earth, have chosen a silent life, and now, righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reigning in heaven, intercede for us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life, and unswervingly arrange for us to the eternal Kingdom of God. Standing with all the saints at the throne of God, praying for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever praise and bless God, in the Trinity of Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky is of great importance for modern times: it is an example of devotion to the beliefs that shaped the Russian character. It is important to remember what the noble prince helps in, and to use his help.

How prayer helps a saint, it is necessary to at least get acquainted with the life of this person in order to find out more precisely what his merit before the Church is.

Alexander Nevsky, despite his camping and semi-nomadic life, was a real an orthodox person in spirit. As a political leader, he clearly reflected Christian ideals. It is known that Alexander observed the fasts and did not miss a single Sunday service.

Prayer to the holy blessed Alexander Nevsky has a special power. Miraculous healings still occur at the relics of the saint.

Identity Secret

One legend says that Ivan the Terrible himself, before going to Kazan in Vladimir, asked for blessings from the shrine with the relics of the holy prince. Prayer to Saint Alexander Nevsky is especially strong on the days of his veneration: this is December 6 - the day of his death - and the day of the transfer of his holy relics - September 12. In ancient documents you can find many descriptions of his miracles. Thanks to the prayers of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky, people receive unexpected help.

What is the secret of his personality? What allowed him to be imprinted in the people's mind and become the ideal ruler? For the entire period of the formation of the Russian state, such figures can be counted on the fingers, they are milestones, because, regardless of their will, it was with them that the countdown of a new period in the history of Russia began.

The beginning of everything was laid by the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who pagan Russia made Christian. The next was Alexander Nevsky, who determined the place of Russia between the West and the East. From that moment on, it began to develop as a special civilization, neither of the Western nor of the Eastern type. next person of this magnitude was Tsar John III, who turned the Moscow principality into an imperial state. From a regional center, he made Moscow almost a world center. He is followed by Peter I, who adopted Western forms of statehood, becoming, in fact, at the head of national resistance to the same Western influence. This complex somersault was not completely successful for him, but, as a reformer tsar, he determined the path of Russia for two centuries.

Alexander Nevsky as a person

Returning to the personality of this holy man, it should be noted that all the continuity of national ideals was concentrated in him - patriotism, honor, valor, and most importantly - he was an ascetic of faith and an example of holiness. Nevsky is a descendant of the famous princely family of Monomakhs, who gave Russia 15 grand dukes and 18 saints. This family not only accepted Orthodoxy, but fully realized the full depth of the Christian way of life and own example showed what it is to serve God and his people. It is the Monomakhs who can be credited with the fact that they so skillfully and effectively began to form a single Orthodox state from Russia. Therefore, prayers are offered to one of them - Alexander Nevsky - for all occasions.

It is almost impossible to find similar examples of consistent life achievement. Alexander Nevsky became an outstanding grand duke, a brave commander, a wise politician and diplomat, who was later glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church. According to historians, his life passed "between the hammer and the anvil."


The Lord gave him only 43 years of earthly life (from 1220 to 1263). He was born in Pereslavl-Zaleski. First he became the ruler of Novgorod (1236). In 1249 he became the Grand Duke of Vladimir and the ruler of all Russia.

Nevsky led the Russians in a difficult time, when her enemies took up arms against Russia from all sides - Tatar-Mongols from the south, German, Livonian and Swedish Catholics from the west and north knightly orders. He was admired by his enemies, as he showed himself as a talented commander and a wise politician.

In 1240, his army defeated the Swedes on the Neva, after which the prince began to be called Nevsky. In 1242 he defeated the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus. He followed the same principles in politics as his father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. To prevent the ruin of Russia, he skillfully negotiated with the Golden Horde. Once, visiting Batu, he refused to sacrifice to pagan idols, for which he earned respect from the khan. Subsequently, Nevsky in the khan's territory managed to create a diocese of Russian Orthodox Church, and these were the first foundation stones for building a new multinational state.

Death of a prince

Returning from the Horde after his diplomatic mission in 1263, Alexander Nevsky died in the place of Gorodets on the Volga. Before that, he took the schema with the name Alexy. His lifeless body was carried to Vladimir for 10 days, all this time it remained incorruptible. The then Metropolitan Kirill, having learned from a messenger about the death of the prince, uttered sad words from the pulpit: “My children, know that the sun of the Russian land has set.”

The canonization of Alexander Nevsky took place at the Moscow Cathedral (1547). On the day of the victory over the Swedes (1721), Tsar Peter I transferred the relics of the Grand Duke from the city of Vladimir to St. Petersburg and ordered them to be installed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the Trinity Cathedral, where they are to this day.

Alexander Nevsky: prayer

Believers turn to the holy prince with various requests. Before the icon of this saint, they prayed for the protection of their Fatherland from the attack of enemies. He always helps the warriors in their military affairs. Others pray to him to send them wisdom in order to achieve their goals. human soul during prayer, it is filled with courage and courage, which allow you to overcome various life hardships.

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky became the patron saint of the soldiers. A mother's prayer addressed to him helps their sons to successfully carry military service. You can also turn to him for help in strengthening the faith.

One of the prayers addressed to the saint is healing:

"O holy noble prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants of God (names), and grant us a quiet and serene life, and arrange for us a steady procession to the eternal Kingdom through your intercession, may the Lord God save us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we forever glorify and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

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