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Typical exam options for the exam in chemistry. Unified State Examination dates in chemistry. Demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs Virgo man Scorpio woman is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The union of these partners is based on magical attraction: they amazingly understand each other’s needs and feelings. Virgo and Scorpio are prone to introspection, this allows everyone to predict their partner’s aspirations. In addition to such an inexplicable connection, these people also complement each other perfectly, since Scorpio brings a lot of feelings and emotions into the relationship, and Virgo, with her penchant for rationalization, easily puts everything into perspective.

Promises them long harmonious relationships. Partners get in this union what they really need. For example, Virgo, unable to express her tenderness for her lover, is understood by Scorpio on an intuitive level. And Scorpio, having received such a signal from his partner, does not skimp on showing tenderness.

Among general qualities Virgo and Scorpio have a fierce rejection of any spontaneity. These people are used to carefully planning and analyzing everything; any surprise can turn into ruin for them.

Both partners have an analytical mindset and are balanced enough not to sort things out in a rude manner that is unusual for them. These signs really have a lot of wisdom.

The compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio is based on their mutual respect. Scorpio is impressed by Virgo's constant desire for self-improvement. In addition, Virgo is able to provide decent support to a partner, while being under his protection and patronage. It is important that Scorpio teaches the chosen one to show composure in the most difficult situations. It is obvious that such relationships are not only harmonious, but also contribute to the constant development of partners. In such an alliance, it is easy for both signs to achieve success in business, although Scorpio feels calmer when Virgo takes care of the house and provides protection for the rear.

Sexual compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio

The connection between these partners is promising. Both partners are ready to give each other unforgettable moments. Scorpio tries to awaken sensuality in Virgo, although he does not always manage to break through the powerful defense of a cold conservative. Virgo is sometimes surprised by her partner’s persistence, but she should compromise, then sexual compatibility signs Virgo and Scorpio will be provided for.

Compatibility: Virgo man - Scorpio woman

The Virgo man, although he has a talent for rationalization and is quite smart, is sometimes not capable of making fundamental decisions. He lacks the courage that the Scorpio woman is ready to offer him. The compatibility of the signs Virgo and Scorpio, when he is Virgo and she is Scorpio, is characterized by the fact that he fully enjoys the support of his companion. She is ready to make decisions and to any changes in them. life together. It is thanks to the tactful and wise, but at the same time energetic Scorpio, that the Virgo man achieves heights in his career, which makes the compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio very fruitful.

Virgo is a kind of safe haven for Scorpio. The calm, conservative disposition of Virgo keeps the Scorpio lady within limits, preventing the development of a passion for constant adventure and risk. At the same time, Scorpio’s hot temperament pushes Virgo to more courageous actions.

There are also certain disadvantages to this union. Both signs love to criticize, but they do it in different ways. Scorpio, thanks to his intuition and ability to analyze, sees weak sides a person and can seriously sting. Virgo, on the contrary, does not invest any additional meaning in her criticism, her blows are usually insignificant and do not affect the deep feelings of her partner.

But here it is present a fine line. Scorpio knows when to be sarcastic and when not to. Virgo always says what she thinks, thereby offending her woman.

Compatibility: Virgo woman - Scorpio man

In this ratio, it will not be difficult for Virgo and Scorpio to achieve harmony in compatibility. The energetic, temperamental Scorpio is the ideal head of the family; he has a strong character and takes responsibility for his chosen one. While outwardly quiet, but possessing a strong core, Virgo will take upon herself the protection of the rear and become a devoted wife. In such an alliance, there is complete balance: Scorpio is inspired by the support of Virgo, and she, in turn, highly values ​​her partner and is ready to help him in everything. The Scorpio man teaches his beloved to be more sensual and relaxed, and he succeeds. Virgo, in exchange for emotions, will diligently look after her man, and it is safe to say that the stars favor the compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio.

Conflicts also occur in such a couple, but they, as a rule, do not affect the fundamental interests of the partners and are quickly smoothed out.

Business compatibility between Scorpio and Virgo

Compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio signs promises a lot of interesting things in business. This couple is not only capable of fruitful cooperation, they are also ready to take care of creating comfortable conditions labor in the company. Together they will plan the working day, get their bosses to expand their material base and organize a wonderful corporate evening. Of course, Virgo will make the calculations, and Scorpio will take care of promoting innovative ideas.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Scorpio woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility of Virgo men and Scorpio women in relationships

As already noted, for signs spaced one step apart (in in this case they are separated by Libra), there is a natural inclination towards each other. We are talking, first of all, about the compatibility of the elements (Earth and Water), which serves as the basis for a delightful relationship.

Each of them is deep in its own way. Virgo men are not afraid to take responsibility for resolving any situation; Scorpio women are able to dissect any problem. However, their initial motivation is different. The primary attitude of Virgos is their desire to be useful. Following it, they will do everything necessary to correct the unacceptable situation. Scorpios, on the other hand, engage in preventive analysis of circumstances in order to be prepared in advance for a possible threat.

These two have karmic similarities. Each of them instinctively feels that their partner’s knowledge will be for their benefit. Scorpio women trust few people, but with Virgo men their suspicion quickly disappears - and not without reason. Virgos are distinguished by the extreme directness that Scorpios feel. In turn, Virgo men understand that their Scorpio women take a fighting stance when they are very frightened by something, having determined the reasons for their anxiety, Virgo knows exactly what kind of help they need.

Sexual compatibility of Virgo men and Scorpio women

Virgo contains two hypostases: Virgo and non-Virgo, which rarely appear at the same time. "Scorpio" is considered synonymous with passion, for which there are good reasons. Few are capable of emotions as intense as Scorpio women. They painfully experience love - past or present. The main thing for these two is to coincide with each other in the desire for intimacy (with which Scorpio never has problems, but the Virgo man has difficulties).

Business compatibility between Virgo man and Scorpio woman

The professional relationship of this couple depends on the conditions in which they work. The comfort and environment in which they collaborate is of paramount importance. The peculiarities of this couple are discussions about how to plan work wisely, attention is paid to holidays, traditions of the company or group.

What a Scorpio woman needs to know about a Virgo man

Scorpio, the hardest thing for you to understand is Virgo’s need for privacy. You yourself love to be alone, but you feel safe only in the presence of friends. Virgos need to be alone with themselves, and you should accept this.

Another negative (at least for you) trait of Virgo men is that they are virtuous, in the sense that all their actions are appropriate. The problem is that they are usually right, and this fact can infuriate you, but don't get too excited. You need to remember that their impeccable behavior is caused by the fear of possible condemnation. You can help your Virgo if you pay no attention to her mannerisms and show her protection.

What a Virgo man needs to know about a Scorpio woman

One of the worst manifestations of Scorpios is their far-fetched skepticism, which is inherent in them from birth and only strengthens as their relationship with you develops. Virgo men In order to get rid of accumulating suspicions, they will try to piss you off. Scorpio women believe that people are most sincere in a state of rage. So if, in a fit of anger, you do not discover something “new” for them, you can consider that you have successfully passed the test.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Scorpio woman: chances for the future

In these relationships, the specificity of each partner’s approaches to considering a particular task is of interest. Virgos will first listen carefully and then give competent and balanced advice aimed at resolving the situation. And Scorpios will pay attention to considering deeper problems and advise on finding the source potential danger. Both signs have a feminine nature, so these partners willingly take care of each other, proceeding, however, from different prerequisites.

Scorpio women are infinitely loyal to those whom they completely trust. They are strong and able to emotionally support receptive Virgo men, thus moderating their level of criticism. Virgos will follow their partners to the ends of the earth, ready to encourage them if necessary and provide any possible assistance.

When neither of them needs support, they find the most unexpected reasons for jokes, which is one of the integral components of their bond. Virgo men like to make fun of everyday mistakes that most people don't notice, and Scorpio women use their sense of humor to make them giggle at someone else's imperfections. And it’s not a matter of cruelty - it’s just that their inherent insight allows them to do a lot unexpected discoveries and unravel other people's secrets. Once they get together, these two will discover incredible mutual devotion. Their love is based on true friendship and trust.

How compatible is a Virgo man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

How compatible is a Scorpio woman in a love relationship with other zodiac signs?

Compatibility horoscope for women and men with the zodiac signs Scorpio and Virgo

Love compatibility of a couple Scorpio woman and Virgo man

Harmony of relationships will give them a great chance of developing harmonious, long-lasting and calm love relationship, which will bring joy to both zodiac signs. Virgo man and Scorpio woman have a special sensuality. That's two female sign Zodiac signs with highly developed intuition. Despite their similarity, their similar views on life, they will each manifest themselves in their own way.

A Scorpio girl in love will completely complement her lover. The Virgo guy does not miss the opportunity to show his intelligence and ability to criticize his beloved.

The success of the union will be questioned due to the special need for each of them to criticize each other harshly.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man will have a great chance of developing a wonderful love relationship if he allows the girl to take an active part in his life. She will be the pushing factor for him. The calm and balanced Virgo will only be grateful for the energy that his beloved will give him. But a man will not be able to understand the aggression and scandals that a woman loves so much.

Passionate relationships are the basis happy marriage?

How will marriage turn out for a couple of Scorpio woman and Virgo man?

Intimacy will give them every chance to be happy in marriage. Their union may be boring, but the stability that will reign between them can only be envied. A Scorpio wife will show concern for her husband. And Virgo’s husband will decide everything financial questions that will arise in the family.

Marriage compatibility between Scorpio and Virgo may not be so rosy if children are born into the family. Scorpio mother is too demanding, and is aggressive towards her child inappropriately. She often sees things that others are not even aware of. She won't be able to line up trusting relationship with your child even in childhood.

Dev's father isn't the best either the best option dad for baby. He is not ready to take responsibility for raising a child. He is frightened by the responsibilities that come with the birth of his child.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues the Scorpio woman and Virgo man will be

Professional compatibility will allow them to build excellent business relationship, which will suit each of them. The suspicious Scorpio leader is careful in the selection of his wards. Everything is based on his personal likes. A neat and efficient Virgo subordinate will become indispensable workers for the boss.

If Virgo is the leader, then Scorpio the subordinate will be responsible and able to work under such a boss. But he must be extremely careful in his actions and words towards the employee. He is vindictive and does not tolerate insults. His revenge may be evil.

Can an office romance have a serious continuation?

Can a Scorpio woman and Virgo man hope for compatibility in friendship?

Compatibility in friendship between Scorpio and Virgo will give great chances of success in building a strong friendship. It will be based on common interests and similar views on life. A practical guy will be happy to help an aggressive and unbalanced lady. She is great option for him.

Can a friend become a loved one?

What is sexual compatibility if a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man are in the same bed?

The sexual compatibility of Scorpio and Virgo, unfortunately, is not as good as the other compatibility of these two zodiac signs. A picky guy who loves criticism will constantly hurt a lady who is not ready to tolerate it. Scorpio will quickly give up his position and go in search of a more successful option for sex.

Virgo - Scorpio relationship

Zodiac compatibility horoscope

Relationship between Virgo and Scorpio

Virgo believes that she is able to re-educate anyone, cure anyone of twists and turns, smooth out wrinkles, and heal wounds. But then Virgo meets Scorpio. Noise, crackling, smoke, sparks. Short circuit.

Scorpio does not allow anyone to not only remake him, but simply to analyze his nature. Whatever his vices, they are not negotiable. Pluto is a formidable planet. If Scorpio smokes, beware of advising him to quit. bad habit. If not, don’t even think about praising. Scorpios are born with such a reserve of self-confidence that they do not need praise. And paradoxically, with such conceit, they are very suspicious and will not allow anyone to pat them on the head.

Reward Scorpio Nobel Prize. Do you think he will tremble with gratitude? No matter how it is! They will only grumble that they have finally realized his superiority. He is confident in advance of victory - no matter whether it is a sack race, a political campaign or an Academy Award.

It is impossible to surprise him. Or it is impossible to recognize his surprise. Scorpio wears an impenetrable mask. He will never pick up on jokes and will disappoint those who decided to please him with a surprise on his birthday. No spontaneity.

Virgos don't like surprises either. Any surprises make them nervous: they do not fit into the usual pattern and throw Virgos off balance for several hours. But Virgos are not suspicious. They are not accustomed to cherishing internal fears, and it is these fears that give rise to suspicion. The arrogance of Scorpios is also alien to them. Arrogance implies that a person is confident or almost confident in something, and Virgos understand too clearly the imperfection of human nature in general and their own in particular. Virgos are obsessed with the idea of ​​self-improvement. The insightful Scorpio quickly realizes this captivating severity towards himself and involuntarily feels affection for the meticulous Virgo. And even an unpleasant picture, grumbling and grumbling will not turn him away. Contrary to common sense, these two will become unexpectedly close, because closeness means something very special to them.

Maybe someone will be afraid to penetrate into the mysterious nature of Scorpio, to look under the veil of secrecy, but not Virgo, who has the curiosity and courage of an explorer of polar latitudes. Virgo will not rudely tear off the mask, she will simply try to guess what is hidden from prying eyes. Virgos do not feel afraid with representatives of other Sun signs. They respect Scorpio's ability to analyze and criticize and try to avoid confrontations if disagreements are minor. Firstly, Virgo trusts Scorpio, who is as neat and careful as she is, and even wiser and more prudent. Secondly, Virgo understands that she does not have many chances to win in a competition of wits. So is it worth it to needlessly anger the vengeful Scorpio? This is an unproductive approach. Unproductive is one of Virgo's favorite words.

Scorpio laughs good-naturedly at practical Virgos. These nice, reasonable, polite people are not a threat. Inexplicably, Virgos calm the spirit of Pluto, and if anyone feels uncomfortable in their company, it is not Scorpio. In truth, Scorpios behave unusually relaxed in the presence of Virgo. And this is a great art - to make Scorpio stay free.

The combination of signs connecting the Earth and Water elements promises calm and unobtrusive support for Scorpio’s aspirations, promises him success in society and a brilliant career. It opens up new perspectives for Virgo and introduces her to progressive theories.

More likely than anyone else (except Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn), Scorpio helps Virgo cope with anxiety and bad mood, and become calmer. Their influence may cast a dark (Scorpio) or disturbing (Virgo) shadow on the lives of others, but they undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on each other. Of course, the inharmony of the Moon or Ascendants in their birth charts will bring irritation and tension. In any case, it won't last long. Scorpio will not suffer in silence - he will either decisively propose to change the relationship, or demand the dissolution of the union. Virgos also do not hesitate when they are deprived of illusions.

Whatever the relationship between these two - family, friendship or love, they have a lot in common, such that it forms a solid foundation for mutual understanding. None of them will sell themselves for more or less than what they cost. Both know their talents, their shortcomings and the limits beyond which they will not go. Virgo will never miss a better chance for her and Scorpio. As we said, Scorpio is obviously confident of success, which does not prevent him from estimating possible income. Scorpios are sometimes wrong, but more often they are right, and this delights Virgo. Being a Mobile, mutable sign. Virgo never feels jealous of Scorpio. Doesn't try to compete with him. Therefore, Scorpio has no need to defend himself or compete. Hence the freedom of communication.

Virgo will never agree that Scorpio is ruthless and dangerous. In her eyes, Scorpio appears as a generous protector who is familiar with compassion. Equally, Scorpio will not allow anyone to call Virgo fussy and nervous. In this union, Virgo usually enjoys the protection of Pluto and enjoys ardent devotion, which is difficult to earn. And it will be bad for her enemies!

The tendency to criticize everything and everyone is, in fact, the only drawback of Virgo. But you will never convince her of this. Virgos believe that they have all possible shortcomings and vices. Name any one and they plead guilty to it. However, even their self-deprecation does not go so far as to admit selfishness as a shortcoming. None of the accusations would be so unfair. These men and women feel obligated to help in one way or another everyone who crosses their path. Self-denial is imprinted in the heart and soul of the Virgo.

If I were you, I would hesitate to call them selfish in the presence of Scorpio, who has experienced the tender devotion of Virgo. It would be extremely unwise of you.

Compatibility Scorpio (woman) - Virgo (man)

A good and very productive relationship in any area of ​​life is possible between a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man. These people understand and complement each other. They are both constant in their affections and faithful to their loved ones. Therefore, the stars predict strong and harmonious relationships for them.

Scorpio-Virgo Compatibility: How to Seduce a Virgo Man

Scorpio loves to reflect on the actions and motives of others. Virgo will also prefer good conversation any fun, and a good conversation in her opinion is a somewhat boring conversation in which you can show your analytical abilities. On this, the couple will get along well at the first stage of the relationship. It is not difficult to interest a Virgo man: invite him to work with you to understand the situation that interests you. It could be love triangle, a conflict at work, or a generally abstract situation with invented characters. This man will take a long time and with pleasure to analyze the actions of each participant in the story, based on the smallest nuances of his behavior. Then, of course, it will turn out that the Scorpio woman, who is also loving and able to think, intuitively draws much more accurate conclusions than the Virgo man, who is based on logic. But, despite the fact that he will often make mistakes, such conversations will continue to give Virgo a lot of pleasure. Not everyone is able to endure Virgo's tediousness, and she knows it. Therefore, such a man will value his interlocutor in the person of a Scorpio woman.

What does an ideal couple look like: Scorpio woman – Virgo man?

What difficulties do Scorpio women and Virgo men have in a union?

Both signs are sarcastic and can criticize. But Scorpio criticizes more angrily, because she feels a person’s pain points well, but at the same time, her intuition helps her stop in time. Virgo’s criticism is petty and rather tedious reproaches out of “love of art,” and completely without taking into account the reaction of the interlocutor. “I criticize an action, not a person” - this is roughly what the Virgo man’s motto sounds like, and he does not take into account that the person himself is absolutely indifferent to these nuances. In addition, Scorpio is critical of himself. And the Virgo man loves himself and is reluctant to admit his own mistakes. In a word, Scorpio knows what criticism is and skillfully uses it, and Virgo knows, but uses it in the wrong places and times where it should be done. As a result, the Virgo man often offends his beloved.

If you, dear reader, Virgo man, then remember one thing. No matter how much you want to improve your loved ones, Scorpio cannot be improved by criticism. We are all not perfect, but if you start criticizing, it will be EVEN WORSE. Remember this algorithm: if you criticize Scorpio, you get more big problems than they were before. If you are a Scorpio, what can I advise you? Of course, you see right through your man and understand that he criticizes out of habit, out of weakness, from a lack of spiritual subtlety, but never out of malice, out of a desire to hurt. But this doesn’t make it any easier for you; nagging can drive anyone to white heat. Try again after criticism clarify some nuance with Virgo, then move on to a theoretical discussion of such cases - and you will end the situation with a peaceful and long philosophical discussion. And if you don’t have time, just ignore it. Most likely, Virgo himself understands that he will not change you, but he cannot get out of the habit of evaluating everything.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Virgo man at work

This couple is one of the best business alliances. Scorpio's intuition and Virgo's logic help them successfully cope with any job. Add to this their non-demonstrative nature, their ability to work and not play to the public, and you will understand that such a couple in a team is the dream of any boss.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man – colleagues or partners

They complement each other perfectly. Virgo will prefer to reason, Scorpio will prefer to act, Virgo relies on logic, Scorpio feels the situation intuitively, the Virgo man does not try to prove his male superiority, but strives for cooperation.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss and a Virgo man is a subordinate

The Scorpio woman feels confident in the boss’s chair, while Virgo likes the subordinate’s place. This alone would be enough for good compatibility. But the bonus of this balance of power will be the complementary style of work: Scorpio gives the overall picture and takes responsibility for the decision, and Virgo develops and implements the details.

Dear site administrators! I really want to hear the answer!! I’m just at a crossroads, and I really need to decide, I simply can’t cope without you!! Please help(
Me 11/15/92, my son 09/14/2012, husband 10/14/1990, boyfriend 09/12/1993.
Situation: I talked to my husband for a year (he didn’t live with us, didn’t provide for us, cheated a lot on little things, often quarreled, everything became sad with the intimate side), then I met a guy and want to go to him, he offers to take his son and live with him ...Who would be better for me and my child to interact with? What pitfalls can you expect? Please tell me, I don’t know what to do. Should I trust my husband that he will change, or should I start a new relationship?

In-contri: one of those exceptional cases when I pushed the queue for a really serious question. Alexandra, I, of course, looked at the calculation, although I personally already have a 100% answer from the description. So, the calculation speaks of a really strong attraction between chakra partners - 6 out of 7 levels are compatible and the percentages are quite high. In principle, from this side passion, quick marriage and even a child can be understood. And then a conflict of signs according to the horoscope came into play (although in fact there was one from the beginning). A couple of Scorpio (you, Alexandra) and behind your sign, Libra (husband) form a relationship that we call “ Best friend and the best enemy." Accordingly, Anna, your sign is “Best Friend”, and your husband’s sign is “ Best enemy" for you. Hence your mistrust, the “crossroads,” and at the same time the belief that your husband will change. You would like to hope so, but, alas, your hopes are not justified. So, Alexandra, your unsuccessful chosen one will not change and I will add, just on my own behalf, that, sorry, of course, but he is not worthy of the title of a man at all. “He didn’t live with us, didn’t provide for us.” While a young wife with a child in her arms had to get out!? And are you ready to leave your child to this low creature? And you also ask, what if the child will feel better with him? I understand your condition and concern for your child, but, Alexandra, don’t do anything stupid, send your husband to hell, forget this year with him, how horrible dream, and keep the child for yourself. Only with his mother will he feel good. And a much more harmonious relationship awaits you with a new partner of the Virgo sign, with whom you have excellent compatibility (both are even signs, good combination elements of Water and Earth). Well, mistakes happen to everyone, there’s no escape from it. Happiness to you in your new relationship, success in raising an heir! I'm sure everything will work out for you. And don’t worry about that freak: he ruined his karma thoroughly. Fate does not forgive those who abandon their children.

Hello! Please tell me if we have a chance to be together, he is on November 22, 1997, I am on September 16, 1997. He either attracts me, or repels me! Sometimes I ignore it, sometimes I pay attention so that I don’t lose interest!

In-contri: N.a.b, if you are not sure, then you should not start a relationship. Your insecurity in this relationship is a result of a lack of emotional compatibility. Therefore, despite the pressure (the guy has character 4, and you have 2) and obvious interest young man(“male” intellectual compatibility 96%), you should only listen to your heart. I think that although Virgo is compatible with Scorpio, it is still better to leave this compatibility within the framework of friendly relations.

Why did we break up? I am 08/30/1986, he is 11/16/1985. We dated for 7 years. Is it worth going back? or stay from 02/29/1984?

In-contri: Elena, 7 years is a serious sentence. And that’s why we have our own good reasons- this is a favorable and long-term compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio, two even signs, representatives of the interacting elements of Earth and Water. It turns out that they started dating from their youth - from about 20 years old. That’s when high compatibility on physical and physical levels worked. emotional levels. Time has passed and they have passed. But that’s what youth is for, to make mistakes and gain experience. A partner with the highest 1% compatibility (dissonance) cannot be yours for life. It is the highest compatibility, and especially the highest, that is responsible for the long-term perspective. Another conflict in your couple was as follows: according to the horoscope in your union of signs “Elder brother - Younger brother“The eldest sign was your Virgo. The younger brother - Scorpio - at the same time had stronger character. And also, if you consider that this Scorpio is young, then for him the conquest (even just for show) of new women is a means of self-realization, then it is not surprising that he wanted to be free, having spent the potential of compatibility with you at the two lowest levels. There was nothing higher for him in these relationships, because... the intuitive level is more likely yours, “feminine”. At the age of 20, a man is rarely able to accept it and share it with a woman. Therefore, there is no need to return to the past, Elena. This would be the advice. By the way, you have already realized that your new relationship is similar in a number of ways to your previous one. But as long as you and your partner are interested and your love has not spent itself, then it is better to be together.

My b.b. 09/21/1986, guy 10/31/1982. Like compatibility is good and relationships don't work out. Maybe I misunderstood something and is there even a chance to be together?

In-contri: Evgenia, you have one of the most complex issues, from those that arrived. Yes, according to the author's recommendations, your compatibility is good. There was, judging by the tag. According to Pythagoras, everything is ok, the elements of Water and Earth are complementary (the Scorpio guy is Water, and you are Virgo - Earth), and according to the chakras, the maximums are in emotions and physical level, plus high intellectual compatibility. Those. out of three lower levels two maximums and one is simply compatible. From this we can assume that you fell in love with each other at first sight and the initial stage of the relationship was very bright. But any, even the hottest romance, passes. After compatibility on the three lower chakras, the relationship immediately fell into a hole. Among the upper chakras, compatibility is only at the 6th intuitive chakra. And this chakra, as already mentioned here, Evgenia, is conditionally female chakra. Those. a man feels compatibility much more on the previous creative chakra than on the intuitive one. Although for different men, who is developed and who can feel it, she plays a role. But apparently not in your case. Your Scorpio man seems to have decided, after falling in love, that the relationship had no prospects. And you, judging by the maximum of his character (5), are unlikely to convince him of this. The more rational, logical and firm in character a man is, the stronger his predisposition to the conventionally male chakras - physical, intellectual and creative. I believe that after compatibility on the lower chakras, you feel the maximum of the intuitive chakra, Evgenia, only you are a virgin who knows how to feel subtly. And this does not allow you to forget the man, and you still fall asleep thinking about him. Evgeniya, I would like to support you and advise you not to lose heart, write down this experience in your piggy bank and move on. There are many more young people around you who are suitable for you than you think.

Excellent site and informative calculation... I made a calculation of compatibility with partners with whom I was long term relationship. But I can’t quite figure out which one suited me better overall in all respects. Me 09/14/1987. Partners: 1) 10/25/1984 2) 01/13/1987 3) 07/25/1982…. Help me to understand!!!

In-contri: Lilya, interesting options All. Well, then, in order:
— your first relationship was probably emotional. And here the sympathies are much stronger on your, female side: strong emotional compatibility, and even with a charming Scorpio man. But it was nothing more than a blip, a good experience.
— it was better to leave the second relationship with Capricorn at the level of good friendship.
- well and last relationship... Eh, if I were you, I would try to overcome conflicts and try to develop what I have. Three very strong points of contact and everything is at its maximum: emotions, creativity and higher chakras. In theory, if you somehow overcame the discrepancy between the basic values ​​of your elements and got used to more weak character partner, then they could live together for quite a long time. You guys really liked each other. After some time, the potential of the “creative” chakra would be revealed in a man (for a man this compatibility is considered more important) and he would simply move mountains next to you, because he would see you as what is called a “muse”. And over the years, with mutual personal growth, when everyday life and intimacy fade into the background, you could become comrades in spirit, in ideals. A roughly similar situation is described by Maria in the question below, when she achieved success while working on herself.

Lilya, you would like to say that even from your partners it is clear that you, in principle, feel the basis of the relationship - community emotional sphere. Therefore, you have a chance to create long-term harmonious relationships.

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Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2007
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Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2011
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2012
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2013
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2014
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2015
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2016
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry for 2017
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry for 2018
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry for 2019

Changes in demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry

Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in chemistry for grade 11 for 2002 - 2014 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which you need to choose one of the proposed answers. The tasks from the second part required a short answer. For the tasks from the third part it was necessary to give a detailed answer.

In 2014 in demo version of the Unified State Exam in chemistry the following were introduced changes:

  • All calculation problems , the implementation of which was estimated at 1 point, were placed in part 1 of the work (A26–A28),
  • subject "Redox reactions" tested using assignments AT 2 And C1;
  • subject "Hydrolysis of salts" was checked only with the help of the task AT 4;
  • a new task has been included(at position AT 6) to check topics " qualitative reactions on inorganic substances and ions", "qualitative reactions of organic compounds"
  • total number of tasks in each version it became 42 (instead of 43 in the 2013 work).

In 2015 there were fundamental changes have been made:

    The option became consist of two parts(part 1 - short answer assignments, part 2 - long-answer assignments).

    Numbering tasks became through throughout the option without letter designations A, B, C.

    Was The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: The answer now needs to be written down in a number with the number of the correct answer (rather than marked with a cross).

    Was the number of tasks at the basic difficulty level has been reduced from 28 to 26 tasks.

    Maximum score for completing all tasks exam paper 2015 became 64 (instead of 65 points in 2014).

  • The assessment system has been changed tasks to find the molecular formula of a substance. The maximum score for completing it is 4 (instead of 3 points in 2014).

IN 2016 year in demonstration version in chemistrysignificant changes have been made compared to the previous year 2015 :

    In part 1 changed the format of tasks 6, 11, 18, 24, 25 and 26 basic level of difficulty with a short answer.

    Changed the format of tasks 34 and 35 increased level of difficulty : these tasks now require matching instead of selecting multiple correct answers from a given list.

    The distribution of tasks by difficulty level and types of skills tested has been changed.

In 2017 compared to demo version 2016 in chemistrysignificant changes have occurred. The structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

    Was the structure of the first part has been changed demo version: tasks with a choice of one answer were excluded from it; tasks were grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which began to contain tasks of both basic and increased difficulty levels..

    Was the total number of tasks has been reduced up to 34.

    Was grading scale changed(from 1 to 2 points) completing tasks of a basic level of complexity that test the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic connection of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).

    Maximum score for completing all tasks of the examination paper was reduced to 60 points.

In 2018 in demo version of the Unified State Exam in chemistry compared with demo version 2017 in chemistry the following occurred changes:

    Was added task 30 high level difficulties with a detailed answer,

    Maximum score for completing all tasks of the examination work remained without change by changing the grading scale for tasks in Part 1.

IN demo version of the 2019 Unified State Exam in chemistry compared with demo version 2018 in chemistry there were no changes.

On our website you can also get acquainted with educational materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics prepared by teachers of our training center "Resolventa".

For schoolchildren in grades 10 and 11 who want to prepare well and pass Unified State Examination in mathematics or Russian language on high score, The educational center"Resolventa" conducts

We also organize for schoolchildren

However, it is often chosen by students who want to enroll in universities in the relevant field. This testing is necessary for those who want to study chemistry in the future. chemical technology and medicine, or will specialize in biotechnology. The inconvenient thing is that the exam date coincides with the exam in history and literature.

However, these subjects are rarely taken together - they are too different in focus for universities to require Unified State Exam results in such a set. This exam quite complex - the percentage of those who cannot cope with it ranges from 6 to 11%, and the average test score is about 57. All this does not contribute to the popularity of this subject - chemistry ranks only seventh in the ranking of popularity among graduates of past years.

The Unified State Exam in Chemistry is important for future doctors, chemists and biotechnologists

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2016

Unified State Examination dates in chemistry

Early period

  • April 2, 2016 (Sat) - Main exam
  • April 21, 2016 (Thu) - Reserve

Main stage

  • June 20, 2016 (Mon) - Main exam
  • June 22, 2016 (Wed) - Reserve

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2016

Unlike last year, some general innovations have appeared in the examination in this discipline. In particular, the number of tests that will have to be solved at the basic level has been reduced (from 28 to 26), and maximum amount primary points in chemistry is now 64. As for the specific features of the 2016 exam, some of the tasks have undergone changes in the format of the answer that the student must give.

  • In task No. 6 you need to demonstrate whether you know the classification of inorganic compounds and choose 3 answers from 6 options proposed in the test;
  • Tests numbered 11 and 18 are designed to determine whether the student knows the genetic connections between organic and inorganic compounds. The correct answer requires choosing 2 options out of 5 specified formulations;
  • Tests No. 24, 25 and 26 assume the answer is in the form of a number that must be determined independently, while a year ago schoolchildren had the opportunity to choose an answer from the proposed options;
  • In numbers 34 and 35, students must not just choose answers, but establish correspondence. These tasks relate to the topic " Chemical properties hydrocarbons".

In 2016, the chemistry exam includes 40 tasks.

General information

The exam in chemistry will last 210 minutes (3.5 hours). The examination ticket includes 40 tasks, which are divided into three categories:

  1. A1–A26– refer to tasks that allow assessing the basic training of graduates. The correct answer to these tests gives you the opportunity to score 1 primary score. You should spend 1-4 minutes completing each task;
  2. B1–B9- these are tests with increased level difficulties, they will require students to briefly formulate the correct answer and in total will give the opportunity to score 18 primary points. Each task takes 5-7 minutes to complete;
  3. C1–C5– belong to the category of tasks increased complexity. In this case, the student is required to formulate a detailed answer. In total, you can get another 20 primary points. Each task can take up to 10 minutes.

The minimum score in this subject must be at least 14 primary points (36 test points).

How to prepare for the exam?

To pass the national exam in chemistry, you can download and practice demo versions of the exam papers in advance. The proposed materials give an idea of ​​what you will have to face at the Unified State Exam in 2016. Systematic work with tests will allow you to analyze gaps in knowledge. Practicing on a demo version allows students to quickly navigate the real exam - you do not waste time trying to calm down, concentrate and understand the wording of the questions.

To solve problems of this type, you need to know the general formulas for classes of organic substances and general formulas for calculating the molar mass of substances of these classes:

Majority decision algorithm molecular formula problems includes the following actions:

— writing reaction equations in general view;

— finding the amount of substance n for which the mass or volume is given, or the mass or volume of which can be calculated according to the conditions of the problem;

— finding the molar mass of a substance M = m/n, the formula of which needs to be established;

— finding the number of carbon atoms in a molecule and drawing up the molecular formula of a substance.

Examples of solving problem 35 of the Unified State Exam in chemistry to find the molecular formula organic matter on combustion products with explanation

When 11.6 g of organic matter is burned, 13.44 liters are formed carbon dioxide and 10.8 g of water. The vapor density of this substance in air is 2. It has been established that this substance interacts with an ammonia solution of silver oxide, is catalytically reduced by hydrogen to form a primary alcohol, and can be oxidized with an acidified solution of potassium permanganate to carboxylic acid. Based on this data:
1) install the simplest formula original substance,
2) make up its structural formula,
3) give the reaction equation for its interaction with hydrogen.

Solution: general formula of organic matter is CxHyOz.

Let's convert the volume of carbon dioxide and the mass of water into moles using the formulas:

n = m/M And n = V/ Vm,

Molar volume Vm = 22.4 l/mol

n(CO 2) = 13.44/22.4 = 0.6 mol, => the original substance contained n(C) = 0.6 mol,

n(H 2 O) = 10.8/18 = 0.6 mol, => the original substance contained twice as much n(H) = 1.2 mol,

This means that the required compound contains oxygen in the amount of:

n(O)= 3.2/16 = 0.2 mol

Let's look at the ratio of the C, H and O atoms that make up the original organic substance:

n(C) : n(H) : n(O) = x: y: z = 0.6: 1.2: 0.2 = 3: 6: 1

We found the simplest formula: C 3 H 6 O

To find out the true formula, let's find the molar mass organic compound according to the formula:

М(СxHyOz) = Dair(СxHyOz) *M(air)

M source (СxHyOz) = 29*2 = 58 g/mol

Let's check if true molar mass molar mass of the simplest formula:

M (C 3 H 6 O) = 12*3 + 6 + 16 = 58 g/mol - corresponds, => the true formula coincides with the simplest one.

Molecular formula: C 3 H 6 O

From the problem data: “this substance interacts with an ammonia solution of silver oxide, is catalytically reduced by hydrogen to form a primary alcohol and can be oxidized with an acidified solution of potassium permanganate to a carboxylic acid,” we conclude that it is an aldehyde.

2) When 18.5 g of saturated monobasic carboxylic acid reacted with an excess of sodium bicarbonate solution, 5.6 l (n.s.) of gas was released. Define molecular formula acids.

3) A certain saturated carboxylic monobasic acid weighing 6 g requires the same mass of alcohol for complete esterification. This yields 10.2 g ester. Determine the molecular formula of the acid.

4) Determine the molecular formula of acetylene hydrocarbon if the molar mass of the product of its reaction with excess hydrogen bromide is 4 times greater than the molar mass of the original hydrocarbon

5) When an organic substance weighing 3.9 g was burned, carbon monoxide (IV) weighing 13.2 g and water weighing 2.7 g were formed. Derive the formula of the substance, knowing that the vapor density of this substance with respect to hydrogen is 39.

6) When an organic substance weighing 15 g was burned, carbon monoxide (IV) with a volume of 16.8 liters and water weighing 18 g were formed. Derive the formula of the substance, knowing that the vapor density of this substance for hydrogen fluoride is 3.

7) When 0.45 g of gaseous organic matter was burned, 0.448 l (n.s.) of carbon dioxide, 0.63 g of water and 0.112 l (n.s.) of nitrogen were released. Density of original gaseous substance for nitrogen 1.607. Determine the molecular formula of this substance.

8) The combustion of oxygen-free organic matter produced 4.48 liters (n.s.) of carbon dioxide, 3.6 g of water and 3.65 g of hydrogen chloride. Determine the molecular formula of the burnt compound.

9) When an organic substance weighing 9.2 g was burned, carbon monoxide (IV) with a volume of 6.72 l (n.s.) and water weighing 7.2 g were formed. Establish the molecular formula of the substance.

10) During the combustion of an organic substance weighing 3 g, carbon monoxide (IV) with a volume of 2.24 l (n.s.) and water weighing 1.8 g were formed. It is known that this substance reacts with zinc.
Based on the data of the task conditions:
1) make the calculations necessary to establish the molecular formula of an organic substance;
2) write down the molecular formula of the original organic substance;
3) draw up a structural formula of this substance, which unambiguously reflects the order of bonds of atoms in its molecule;
4) write the equation for the reaction of this substance with zinc.

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