Home Diseases and pests Lexical features of the art style. Artistic style: concept, traits and examples

Lexical features of the art style. Artistic style: concept, traits and examples

Topic 10. Language features of the artistic style


A beautiful thought loses its value

if it is badly expressed.


Lesson plan:

Theoretical block

    Trails. Types of trails.

    Stylistic figures. Types of stylistic figures.

    Functional characteristics of linguistic means of expressiveness in the artistic style.

Practical block

    Isolation of pictorial and expressive means in the texts of the artistic style and their analysis

    Functional characteristics of tropes and figures

    Composing texts using reference expressions

Tasks for SRO


1.Golub I.B... The stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1997 .-- 448 p.

2. Kozhin A.N., Krylova O.A., Odintsov V.V... Functional types of Russian speech. - M .: graduate School, 1982 .-- 392 p.

3.Lapteva, M.A. Russian language and culture of speech. - Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2006 .-- 216 p.

4.D.E. Rosenthal Reference book on the Russian language. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 2001 .-- 381 p.

5.Khamidova L.V.,Shakhova L.A... Practical stylistics and culture of speech. - Tambov: Publishing house of TSTU, 2001 .-- 34 p.


Language features of the art style


    Wide use of words in a figurative sense;

    Intentional collision of multi-style vocabulary;

    Use of vocabulary with a two-dimensional stylistic coloring;

    The presence of emotionally colored words;

    Greater preference for using specific vocabulary;

    Widespread use of folk poetry words.


    Using a variety of means and models of word formation;


    The use of word forms in which the category of concreteness is manifested;

    Frequency of verbs;

    Vague-personal passivity verb forms, third person forms;

    Slight use of neuter nouns compared to masculine and feminine nouns;

    Forms plural abstract and real nouns;

    Wide use of adjectives and adverbs.


    Using the entire arsenal of syntactic tools available in the language;

    Extensive use of stylistic figures;

    The widespread use of dialogue, sentences with direct speech, improperly direct and indirect;

    Active use of parceling;

    Inadmissibility of syntactically monotonous speech;

    Using the means of poetic syntax.

The artistic style of speech is notable for its imagery, expressiveness, and extensive use of pictorial and expressive means of the language. Means of artistic expression add brightness to speech, enhance its emotional impact, and attract the attention of the reader and listener to the statement.

The means of expression in the artistic style are varied and numerous. Usually researchers distinguish two groups of pictorial and expressive means: trails and stylistic figures.



Examples of


Of yours brooding nights transparent dusk.



Dissuaded the grovegold With a birch cheerful tongue. (WITH. Yesenin)


A kind of metaphor

transfer of signs of a living being to natural phenomena, objects and concepts.

Asleep green alley



Well, eat some more platter, my dear

(AND.A. Krylov)


A kind of metonymy, transferring the name of the whole to a part of this whole or the name of a part to the whole

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me yours ears. (J. Caesar)


The moon is shining how huge cold ball.

Starfall foliage was flying . (D... WITH amoilov)


Turnover, consisting in replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their

specific traits

King of beasts (lion)

snow beauty (winter),

black gold (oil)


V one hundred thousand suns the sunset was blazing ( V.V. Mayakovsky)


Peasant with a marigold

(N.A. Nekrasov)


In the fables of I. Krylov: a donkey- stupidity, Fox- trick, Wolf- greed



Examples of


Repetition individual words or turns at the beginning of the passages that make up the utterance

It was not in vain that the winds blew, It was not in vain that there was a thunderstorm. ...



Repetition of words or expressions at the end of adjacent passages, lines, phrases

Here guests came ashore, Tsar Saltan invites them to visit ( A.Pushkin)


This is a turn in which opposite concepts are opposed to enhance the expressiveness of speech

I'm stupid and you're smart

Alive, and I'm dumbfounded ...



Intentionally skipping connecting unions between members of a sentence or between sentences



The deliberate use of repetitive conjunctions for the logical and intonational emphasis of the sentence members connected by alliances

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears,

And the azure and the midday heat ...



Such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent one contains an increasing meaning

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry ( WITH.Yesenin)


Violation of the usual word order in a sentence,

reverse word order

A dazzlingly bright flame burst from the furnace

(N. Gladkov)


Identical syntactic construction of adjacent sentences or speech segments

What is he looking for in a distant country? What did he throw in his native land?

(M. Lermontov)

A rhetorical question

A question not requiring an answer

Who lives well in Russia? ( N.A. Nekrasov)

Rhetorical exclamation

Exclamation statement.

What magic, kindness, light in the word teacher! And how great is his role in the life of each of us! ( V. Sukhomlinsky)


A construction with a specially omitted, but implied member of the sentence (more often - a predicate)

I - for a candle, a candle - in the stove! I - for the book, that - to run and jump under the bed! (TO. Chukovsky)


Combining words that contradict each other logically mutually exclusive

Dead souls, living corpse, hot snow


Questions for discussion and consolidation :

    What are the main features of an artistic style of speech?

    What area does the artistic style of speech serve?

    What means of artistic expression do you know?

    What groups are the figurative and expressive means of the language divided into?

    What are called trails? Describe them.

    What is the function of trails in the text?

    What stylistic figures do you know?

    For what purpose are stylistic figures used in the text?

    Describe the types of stylistic figures.

Exercise 1 . Establish correspondence: find the concepts presented below - paths (left column) corresponding definitions (right column)




Artistic, figurative definition


Turnover, consisting in replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their specific traits


The use of a word or expression in a figurative meaning based on similarity, comparison, analogy


An expression containing an exaggerated understatement of a phenomenon


The use of the name of one subject instead of the name of another on the basis of an external or internal connection between them, contiguity


Allegorical image of an abstract concept using a specific lifestyle

Transferring meaning from one phenomenon to another based on the quantitative relationship between them


Comparison of two phenomena to explain one of them with the help of the other

Attribution inanimate objects signs and properties of living beings


Figurative expression containing exaggerated exaggeration

Exercise 2 . Find epithets in sentences. Determine the form of their expression. What role do they play in the text? Compose your sentences using epithets.

1. On a heavenly blue dish of yellow clouds, honey smoke ... (S. E.). 2. It's lonely in the wild north ... (Lerm); 3. Around the whitening ponds there are bushes in fluffy sheepskin coats ... (March). 4.In the olives rush, thundering and sparkling.

Exercise 3 .

1. Asleep earth in blue radiance ... (Lerm.). 2. I had an early, still drowsy morning and deaf night. (Green). 3. It seemed in the distance train head. 4. Wing of the building clearly in need of renovation. 4. Ship flies at will rough waters... (Lerm.). 5. Liquid, the early breeze is already went to wander and flutter over the earth ... (Turg.). 6. Silver smoke rose to the clear and precious sky ... (Paust.)

Exercise 4 . Find examples of metonymy in sentences. What is the metonymic transfer of names based on? Compose your sentences using metonymy.

1. While preparing for the exam, Murat re-read Tolstoy. 2. The class was pleased to visit the porcelain exhibition. 3. The whole city went out to meet the astronaut. 4. It was quiet outside, the house was asleep. 5. The audience listened to the speaker carefully. 6. Athletes brought gold and silver from the competition.

Exercise 5 . Determine the meaning of the highlighted words. What type of trail can they be attributed to? Compose your suggestions using the same kind of trail.

1. Sundress by caftan does not run. (last). 2. All flags will visit us (P.). 3. Blue berets hastily landed ashore. 4. The best beards countries gathered for the performance. (I. Ilf). 5. Before me stood a woman with a hat. Hat was indignant. 6. After a short thought, we decided to catch motor.

Exercise 6. Find comparisons in the sentences. Determine the form of their expression. Build your sentences using comparisons of different forms of expression.

1. Everywhere large drops of dew blazed with radiant diamonds. (Turg.) 2. Her dress was green. 3. Dawn blazed with fire…. (Turg.). 4. Light fell from under the hood in a wide cone ... (Bitov). 5. Words, like hawks of the night, are escaping from hot lips. (B. Ok.). 6. The day rustles with the newspaper outside the door, the late schoolboy runs. (Slutsk.). 7. Ice, like melting sugar, lies on a frozen river.

Exercise 7 . Read the sentences. Write them off. Provide examples of impersonation

(Option 1); hyperbole ( Option 2); c) litoty ( Option 3). Give reasons for your answer.

    Silent sadness will be comforted, And joy will ponder quickly ... ( NS.).

    Wide trousers as wide as the Black Sea ... ( Gogol).

    The autumn night burst into tears with icy tears ... ( Fet).

    And we have not seen each other for probably a hundred years ... ( Ruby).

    The horse is led by the bridle by a peasant in large boots, in a sheepskin coat, in large mittens ... with a marigold! (Necr.).

    Some houses are as long as the stars, others are as long as the moon; to heaven baobabs


    Your Pomeranian is an adorable Pomeranian, no more than a thimble! ( Griboyedov).

Exercise 8. Read the text.

It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time. From the very early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn is not ablaze with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not incandescent, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully rises under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into a purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their shine is like the shine of forged silver ...

But here again the playing rays gushed out - and the mighty luminary rises merrily and majestically, as if taking off. Around noon, many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges.

Like islands scattered on an endlessly overflowing river, flowing around them with deeply transparent sleeves of even blue, they hardly budge; further, towards the sky, they shift, squeeze, the blue between them can no longer be seen; but they themselves are as azure as the sky: they are all permeated through and through with light and warmth. The color of the sky, light, lavender, does not change all day and is the same all around; nowhere does it get dark, the thunderstorm does not thicken; except in some places bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then a barely perceptible rain is sown. By evening these clouds disappear; the last of them, blackish and vague like smoke, lay in pink clouds against the setting sun; in the place where it rolled as calmly as it calmly ascended into the sky, the scarlet radiance stands for a short time over the darkened ground, and, blinking quietly, like a candle carefully carried, will light up on it evening Star... On days like this, the colors are all softened; light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some kind of touching meekness. On such days the heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even "soars" over the slopes of the fields; but the wind scatters, pushes the accumulated heat, and whirlwinds - an undoubted sign of constant weather - walk in tall white columns along the roads through the arable land. The dry and clean air smells of wormwood, squeezed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before the night, you do not feel dampness. A farmer wants the same weather for harvesting bread ... (I. Turgenev. Bezhin meadow.)

    Write out unfamiliar words from the text, determine their meaning.

    Determine the style and type of text.

    Divide the text into semantic parts. Formulate the main idea of ​​the text, its theme. Title the text.

    What words carry a special meaning in the text?

    Indicate the words of one thematic group.

    Find definitions in the text. Are they all epithets?

    What means of artistic expression did the author use in the text?

    Write down examples of tropes from the text: epithets ( Option 1); comparisons ( Option 2); metaphors. ( Option 3). Give reasons for your choice.

Exercise 9. Read texts about winter.

1. Winter is the coldest time of the year. ( WITH. Ozhegov).

2. Winter on the coast is not so bad as in the depths of the peninsula, and below forty-two mercury in the thermometer does not fall, and the farther from the ocean, the harder the frost - so old-timers believe that forty-two below zero is something like September frosts on the grass. But near the water, the weather is changeable: now a blizzard dusts the eyes, people walk with a wall against the wind, then the frost will grab a living and, like leprosy, whiten it, then rub it with a cloth until it bleeds, that's why they say: "Three to the nose, everything will pass." ( B. Kryachko)

    Hello, in a white sundress

Of silver brocade!

Diamonds burn on you like bright rays.

Hello, Russian young girl,

A beautiful soul.

Snow white winch,

Hello winter winter! ( NS. Vyazemsky)

4. Beautiful, wonderful Russian forest in winter. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birches bent under the weight of frost like white lacy arches. The dark green branches of tall and small firs are covered with heavy caps of white snow. You stand and admire their tops, decorated with necklaces of purple cones. With delight you watch as, whistling merrily, they fly from spruce to spruce, flocks of red-breasted crossbills swing on cones. ( I. Sokolov - Mikitov)

    Define the style, genre and purpose of each text.

    Indicate the main style features of each text.

    What kind language means used in winter texts?

Exercise 10. Create your free winter landscape sketch using at least ten (10) definitions, selected from the words below. What function do they perform in the text, whose text is the most successful, and why?

White, first, fresh, withered, cool, frosty, unkind, snow-white, angry, harsh, bright, chilly, wonderful, clear, invigorating, prickly, hot, angry, squeaky, crispy, blue, silver, brooding, silent, gloomy, gloomy, huge, huge, predatory, hungry, fast, icy, frozen, warm, sparkling, clean.

Exercise 11. Make a syncwine to the micro-theme "Paths as pictorial and expressive means of the Russian language":

Option 1- the keyword "Impersonation";

Option 2- the keyword "Hyperbola";

Option 3- the keyword "Litota";

Option 4- the key word "Allegory".

Exercise 12. Read the text. Divide the text into semantic parts. Give it a title.

Steppe shackled moonlight, waited for the morning. There was that pre-dawn silence for which there is no name. And only a very sensitive ear, accustomed to this silence, would have heard the continuous rustle that came from the steppe all night long. Once, something rattled ...

The first whitish ray of dawn broke from behind a distant cloud, the moon immediately faded, and the earth darkened. And then suddenly a caravan appeared. Camels walked one after another in the lush meadow grass mixed with young reeds up to their breasts. To the right and to the left, herds of horses were moving in a heavy mass, crushing the meadow, diving into the grass, and the riders again emerged from it. From time to time the chain of camels was broken, and tall two-wheeled carts rolled in the grass, connected to each other by a long woolen rope. Then camels came again ...

A distant cloud melted, and the sun suddenly poured into the steppe all at once. It sparkled like a scattering of precious stones in all directions to the very horizon. It was the second half of summer, and the time had already passed when the steppe looked like a bride in a wedding dress. All that remained was the emerald green of the reeds, the yellow-red islands of overripe thorny flowers, and among the overgrowth of belated sorrel, the crimson eyes of the bone were burning. The steppes shone with steep sides of well-fed horses that had eaten up over the summer.

And as soon as the sun flashed, a dull and powerful stomp, snoring, neighing, the dreary roar of camels, the creak of high wooden wheels, and human voices immediately became clearly audible. Quails and blind owls fluttered up from under the bushes with a noise, taken by surprise by the approaching avalanche. As if the light instantly dissolved the silence and brought it all to life ...

At first glance, it was clear that this was not just a seasonal migration of one of the countless auls scattered in the endless Kazakh steppe. As usual, young horsemen on both sides of the caravan did not rush, did not laugh with the girls. They rode in silence, keeping close to the camels. And the women on camels, wrapped in white shawls - kimesheks, were also silent. Even small children did not cry and only goggled round black eyes from the saddle bags - korzhunov on both sides of the camel humps.

(I. Esenberlin. Nomads.)

    Write out unfamiliar words from the text, determine their meaning from the dictionary.

    What subtyle of the art style does the text belong to? Give reasons for your answer.

    Determine the type of speech. Give reasons for your answer.

    What time of year is shown in the text?

    Highlight in text keywords and phrases necessary to convey the main content.

    Write out the trails from the text, determine their type. For what purpose does the author use these pictorial expressive means?

    Reproduce the text in your own words. Decide on the style of your text. Has the text's functional and stylistic affiliation been preserved?

Literary and artistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction. This style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by imagery, emotionality of speech.

In a work of fiction, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves to aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the more it affects the reader. In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also outdated dialectal and vernacular words. The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and everyday and journalistic styles. It has an aesthetic function. Art style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; all language tools are used to create images. A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech can be called the use of special figures of speech, which give the narration the brilliance, the power of depicting reality.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personifications, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litota, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, silence, etc.

Trope - in a work of art, words and expressions used in figurative meaning in order to enhance the imagery of the language, artistic expression speech.

The main types of trails:

Metaphor is a trope, word or expression used in a figurative sense, which is based on an unnamed comparison of an object with any other on the basis of their common feature... Any part of speech in a figurative sense.

Metonymy is a kind of path, a phrase in which one word is replaced by another, denoting an object that is in one way or another connection with an object that is indicated by the replaced word. In this case, the substitute word is used in a figurative meaning. Metonymy should be distinguished from metaphor, with which it is often confused, while metonymy is based on the replacement of the word "by contiguity", and metaphor - "by similarity." Synecdoche is a special case of metonymy.

An epithet is a definition for a word that affects its expressiveness. It is expressed mainly by an adjective, but also by an adverb ("love ardently"), a noun ("fun noise"), a numeral ("second life").

An epithet is a word or a whole expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic connotation, helps the word (expression) to acquire color, saturation. Used both in poetry (more often) and in prose.

Sinekdokha is a trope, a kind of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another on the basis of a quantitative relationship between them.

Hyperbole is a stylistic figure of explicit and deliberate exaggeration, with the aim of enhancing the expressiveness and emphasizing the said thought.

Litota is a figurative expression that belittles the size, strength, and meaning of what is described. Lithota is called inverse hyperbole. ("Your spitz, adorable spitz, no more than a thimble").

Comparison is a trope in which one object or phenomenon is likened to another according to some common feature for them. The purpose of comparison is to reveal in the object of comparison new properties that are important for the subject of the statement. ("A man is stupid as a pig, but cunning as a devil"; "My house is my fortress"; "He walks around with a gogol"; "Attempt is not torture").

In stylistics and poetics, it is a trope, descriptively expressing one concept with the help of several.

Periphrase - an indirect reference to an object by not naming, but by description.

Allegory (allegory) - a conditional image of abstract ideas (concepts) by means of a concrete artistic image or dialogue.

  • 1. Historical system speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication:
  • 1) Functional style of speech.
  • 2) Scientific style of speech.

The functional style of speech is a historically developed system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

  • 2. The functional style of speech of the literary language, which has a number of features: preliminary thinking over the statement, monologue, strict selection of linguistic means, gravitation towards standardized speech:
  • 1) Scientific style of speech.
  • 2) Functional style of speech.
  • 3) Formal and business style speech.
  • 4) Publicistic style of speech.

The scientific style of speech is the functional style of speech of the literary language, which has a number of features: preliminary thinking over the statement, monologic character, strict selection of linguistic means, gravitation towards normalized speech.

  • 3. If possible, the presence of semantic links between successive units (blocks) of the text:
  • 1) Consistency.
  • 2) Intuition.
  • 3) Sensorics.
  • 4) Deduction.

Consistency is, if possible, the presence of semantic links between successive units (blocks) of the text.

  • 4. Functional style of speech, a means of written communication in the field business relationship: in the sphere legal relationship and management:
  • 1) Scientific style of speech.
  • 2) Functional style of speech.
  • 3) Formal and business style of speech.
  • 4) Publicistic style of speech.

The official business style of speech is a functional style of speech, a means of written communication in the field of business relations: in the field of legal relations and management.

  • 5. The functional style of speech, which is used in the genres: article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, pamphlet, oratorical speech:
  • 1) Scientific style of speech.
  • 2) Functional style of speech.
  • 3) Formal and business style of speech.
  • 4) Publicistic style of speech.

The journalistic style of speech is a functional style of speech that is used in the genres: article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, pamphlet, oratory.

  • 6. Striving for shortest time inform people about the latest news:
  • 1) Information function of journalistic style.
  • 2) Information function of the scientific style.
  • 3) Information function of the official business style.
  • 4) Information function of the functional style of speech.

The information function of the journalistic style is the desire to inform people about the latest news as soon as possible.

  • 7. The desire to influence the opinion of people:
  • 1) The influencing function of the journalistic style of speech.
  • 2) The influencing function of the scientific style.
  • 3) Affecting function of the official business style.
  • 4) Affecting function of the functional style of speech.

The influencing function of the journalistic style of speech is the desire to influence the opinion of people.

  • 8. The functional style of speech, which serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on household issues in an informal setting:
  • 1) Colloquial speech.
  • 2) Literary speech.
  • 3) Fiction speech.
  • 4) Report.

Conversational speech is a functional style of speech that serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting.

  • 9. The functional style of speech used in fiction:
  • 1) Literary and artistic style.
  • 2) Formal and business style.
  • 3) Scientific style.
  • 4) Functional style.

Literary fiction is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction.

  • 10. An official business speech is characterized by:
  • 1) strict compliance literary norm.
  • 2) lack of expressive elements.
  • 3) the use of colloquial syntactic constructions.
  • 4) the use of professional slang words.

For official business speech, it is characteristic: strict compliance with the literary norm, the absence of expressive elements.

There are many types of text styles in Russian. One of them is the artistic style of speech, which is used in the literary sphere. It is characterized by an impact on the imagination and feelings of the reader, the transmission of the thoughts of the author himself, the use of rich vocabulary, emotional coloring text. In what area is it applied, and what are its main features?

The history of this style dates back to ancient times. Throughout the time, a certain characteristic of such texts has developed, which distinguishes them from other different styles.
With the help of this style, authors of works have the opportunity to express themselves, to convey their thoughts, reasoning to the reader, using all the wealth of their language. Most often it is used in written speech, and orally it is used when already created texts are read, for example, during the production of a play.

The purpose of an art style is not to directly convey certain information, but to influence the emotional side of the person reading the work. However, this is not the only purpose of such a speech. Achievement of the established goals occurs when the functions of a literary text are performed. These include:

  • Figurative and cognitive, which consists in telling a person about the world, society with the help of the emotional component of speech.
  • Ideological and aesthetic, used to describe images that convey the meaning of the work to the reader.
  • Communicative, in which the reader connects information from the text with reality.

Such functions of a work of art help the author to give meaning to the text so that he can fulfill all the tasks for the reader in accordance with which he was created.

The scope of the style

Where is the artistic style of speech applied? The scope of its use is quite wide, because such speech embodies many aspects and means of the rich Russian language. Thanks to this, such a text turns out to be very beautiful and attractive to readers.

Art style genres:

  • Epic. It describes storylines... The author demonstrates his thoughts, the external excitement of people.
  • Lyrics. This art style example helps convey inner feelings the author, the feelings and thoughts of the characters.
  • Drama. In this genre, the presence of the author is practically not felt, because great attention paid to the dialogues between the heroes of the work.

Of all these genres, subspecies are distinguished, which in turn can be further subdivided into varieties. Thus, the epic is divided into the following types:

  • Epic. In it most of assigned to historical events.
  • Novel. Usually it is distinguished by a complex plot, which describes the fate of the heroes, their feelings, problems.
  • Story. Such a work is written in small size, it tells about a certain case what happened to the character.
  • The story. She has the average size, has the properties of a novel and a story.

The following lyric genres are characteristic of the artistic style of speech:

  • Oh yeah. This is the name of a solemn song dedicated to something.
  • Epigram. This is a poem with satirical notes. An example of the artistic style in this case is the "Epigram on M. S. Vorontsov", which was written by A. S. Pushkin.
  • Elegy. Such a work is also written in poetic form, but has a lyrical orientation.
  • Sonnet. It is also a 14-line verse. Rhymes are built according to a strict system. Examples of texts of this form can be found in Shakespeare.

The types of drama include the following genres:

  • Comedy. The purpose of such a work is to ridicule any vices of society or a specific person.
  • Tragedy. In this text, the author talks about tragic life characters.
  • Drama. This type of the same name allows the reader to show the dramatic relationship between the characters and society as a whole.

In each of these genres, the author is trying not so much to tell about something, but to simply help readers create an image of heroes in their heads, feel the described situation, and learn to empathize with the characters. This creates a certain mood and emotions in the person reading the work. A story about an extraordinary event will amuse the reader, while the drama will make you empathize with the heroes.

The main features of the artistic stylistics of speech

Signs of the artistic style of speech have developed over the course of its long development. Its main features allow the text to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, influencing the emotions of people. The linguistic means of a work of art are the main element of this speech, which helps to create a beautiful text that can capture the reader while reading. Such expressive means as are widely used:

  • Metaphor.
  • Allegory.
  • Hyperbola.
  • Epithet.
  • Comparison.

Also, the main features include verbal polysemy of words, which is widely used when writing works. With the help of this technique, the author gives the text an additional meaning. In addition, synonyms are often used, thanks to which it is possible to emphasize the importance of the meaning.

The use of these techniques suggests that during the creation of his work, the author wants to use the full breadth of the Russian language. So, he can develop his own unique language style to differentiate it from other text styles. The writer uses not only a purely literary language, but also borrows means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The features of the artistic style are also expressed in the elevation of the emotionality and expressiveness of the texts. Many words are used in different ways in works of different styles. In the literary and artistic language, some words denote certain sensory representations, and in the journalistic style, these same words are used to generalize any concepts. Thus, they complement each other perfectly.

The linguistic features of the artistic style of the text include the use of inversion. This is the name of the technique in which the author places words in a sentence differently from the way it is usually done. This is necessary in order to give more meaning to a particular word or expression. Writers can in different options change the order of words, it all depends on the overall design.

Also in the literary language deviations from structural norms can be observed, which are explained by the fact that the author wants to highlight some of his thoughts, ideas, to emphasize the importance of the work. For this, the writer can afford to violate phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

The peculiarities of the artistic style of speech make it possible to consider it the most important over all other varieties of text styles, because it uses the most diverse, rich and vivid means of the Russian language. It is also characterized by verbal speech. It consists in the fact that the author gradually indicates each movement and change of state. This does a good job of energizing readers' tension.

If we analyze examples of styles of different orientations, then we will identify artistic language will definitely not be difficult. After all, text in an artistic style for all of the above features is noticeably different from other text styles.

Examples of literary style

Here's an example of an art style:

The sergeant walked along the yellowish building sand, hot from the scorching day's sun. He was drenched from head to toe, his entire body covered with small scratches left by sharp barbed wire. It's a dull pain drove him crazy, but he was alive and walked towards the command headquarters, which could be seen in the distance, three hundred meters away.

The second example of the artistic style contains such means of the Russian language as epithets.

Yashka was just a little dirty trick who, despite this, had great potential. Even in his distant childhood, he masterly pulled pears from Baba Nyura, and twenty years later he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world. At the same time, he managed to skillfully clean them out, so that neither the police nor Interpol had the opportunity to catch him at the crime scene.

Language plays huge role in literature, since it is he who acts as building material to create works. A writer is an artist of words, forming images, describing events, expressing his own thoughts, he makes the reader empathize with the characters, plunge into the world that the author created.

Only an artistic style of speech can achieve such an effect, which is why books are always very popular. Literary speech has unlimited possibilities and extraordinary beauty, which is achieved thanks to the linguistic means of the Russian language.

Stylish layering of speech is its characteristic feature. This stratification is based on several factors, of which the main one is the sphere of communication. The sphere of individual consciousness - everyday life - and the informal environment associated with it give rise to conversational style, spheres public conscience with the accompanying formality nourish book styles.

The difference in the communicative function of the language is also significant. For the presenter is for book styles - the function of the message.

Among the book styles, the artistic style of speech stands out. So, his language is not only (and perhaps not so much) but also a means of influencing people.

The artist summarizes his observations with the help of a specific image, through a skillful selection of expressive details. He shows, draws, depicts the subject of speech. But you can show, draw only what is visible, concrete. Therefore, the requirement for concreteness is the main feature of the artistic style. However, a good artist will never describe, say, a spring forest directly, so to speak, head-on, in the manner of science. He will select for his image a few strokes, expressive details and with their help he will create a visible image, a picture.

Talking about imagery as a leading style trait artistic speech, one should distinguish between the "image in the word", i.e. figurative meanings of words, and "image through words." Only by combining both, we get an artistic style of speech.

In addition, the artistic style of speech has the following characteristic features:

1. Scope of use: works of art.

2. Objectives of speech: to create a vivid picture depicting what the story is about; convey to the reader the emotions and feelings experienced by the author.

3. Characteristics artistic style of speech. The saying basically happens:

Figurative (expressive and lively);

Specific (it is this person who is described, and not people, in general);


Specific words: not animals, but wolves, foxes, deer and others; did not look, but paid attention, looked.

Words are often used in a figurative sense: an ocean of smiles, the sun is sleeping.

The use of emotionally evaluative words: a) having diminutive-affectionate suffixes: bucket, swallow, little white; b) with the suffix -evat- (-ovat-): loose, reddish.

Use of verbs perfect kind, having the prefix za, indicating the beginning of the action (the orchestra started playing).

Using present tense verbs instead of past tense verbs (I went to school, suddenly I see ...).

The use of interrogative, incentive, exclamation sentences.

Use of sentences with homogeneous members in the text.

Speeches can be found in any fiction book:

Shone forged damask

The rivers are cold stream.

Don was terrible,

The horses snored,

And the backwater foamed with blood ... (V. Fetisov)

Quiet and blessed is the December night. The village is quietly asleep, and the stars, like guards, vigilantly and vigilantly watch that there is peace on earth, so that troubles and strife, God forbid, do not disturb the shaky consent, do not push people into new quarrels - they are already fed up with the Russian side ( A. Ustenko).


It is necessary to be able to distinguish between the artistic style of speech and the language of a work of art. In it, the writer resorts to various functional styles, using language as a means of speech characterization of the hero. Most often, the characters' remarks reflect the colloquial style of speech, but if the task of creating an artistic image requires it, the writer can use both scientific and business in the hero's speech, and the lack of distinction between the concepts of "artistic style of speech" and "language of a work of art" leads to the perception of any passage from a work of art as an example of the artistic style of speech, which is a gross mistake.

Art style serves a special sphere of human activity - the sphere of verbal and artistic creativity. Like other styles, artistic performs all the most important social functions of the language:

1) informative (reading works of art, we get information about the world, about human society);

2) communicative (the writer communicates with the reader, conveying to him his idea of ​​the phenomena of reality and counting on a response, and, unlike a publicist who addresses the broad masses, the writer turns to the addressee who is able to understand him);

3) affecting (the writer seeks to evoke an emotional response from the reader to his work).

But all these functions in the artistic style are subordinated to its main function -aesthetic , which consists in the fact that reality is recreated in a literary and artistic work through a system of images (characters, natural phenomena, environments, etc.). Each significant writer, poet, playwright has his own, original vision of the world, and to recreate the same phenomenon, different authors use different linguistic means, specially selected and rethought.V.V. Vinogradov noted: "... The concept of" style "as applied to language fiction is filled with a different content than, for example, in relation to the styles of business or clerical, and even styles of journalistic and scientific ... The language of fiction is not completely correlated with other styles, it uses them, includes them, but in peculiar combinations and in a transformed form ... "

Fiction, like other types of art, is characterized by a concrete-figurative representation of life, in contrast, for example, from an abstracted, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and the re-creation of reality. The author seeks to convey, first of all, his personal experience, your understanding and comprehension of this or that phenomenon. For the artistic style of speech, attention is typical to the particular and the casual, followed by the typical and general.The world of fiction is a "re-created" world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means, in the artistic style of speech central role plays a subjective moment. All surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, and so on. Emotionality, expressiveness, metaphoricality, meaningful versatility of the artistic style are associated with this. As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms, expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech, along with non-fiction, make up two levels of the national language. The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. Word in this functional style performs a nominative and pictorial function.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. Among the words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style, first of all, there are figurative means of the literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words of a wide range of use. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic credibility when describing certain aspects of life. For example, LN Tolstoy used special military vocabulary to describe battle scenes in his novel War and Peace. Significant amount We will find words from the hunting vocabulary in the "Notes of a Hunter" by I. S. Turgenev, in the stories of M. M. Prishvin, V. A. Astafiev. In "The Queen of Spades" by Alexander Pushkin, there are many words associated with a card game, etc.

In the artistic style, the polysemy of the word is very widely used, which opens up in it additional meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy at all language levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the finest shades values. This is due to the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. Emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in the literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper-publicistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech act as concrete-sensory representations. Thus, the styles complement each other functionally. For example, the adjective "lead" in scientific speech it realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech important role phrases play, which create a kind of figurative representation.

The syntactic structure of artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find all the variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks. In fictional speech, deviations from structural norms are also possible, due to artistic actualization, that is, the selection by the author of some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms. This technique is especially often used to create a comic effect or a vivid, expressive artistic image.

In terms of the diversity, richness and expressive possibilities of linguistic means, the artistic style stands above other styles, it is the most complete expression of the literary language. A feature of the artistic style, its most important feature is imagery, metaphor, which is achieved by using a large number of stylistic figures and tropes.

Trails - these are words and expressions used in a figurative sense in order to enhance the imagery of the language, the artistic expressiveness of speech. The main types of trails are as follows

Metaphor - trope, word or expression used in a figurative meaning, which is based on an unnamed comparison of an object with any other on the basis of their common feature: And my tired soul is enveloped in darkness and cold. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Metonymy - a kind of path, a phrase in which one word is replaced by another, denoting an object (phenomenon), which is in one or another (spatial, temporal, etc.) connection with the object, which is indicated by the replaced word: The hiss of frothy glasses and punch is a flame blue. (A.S. Pushkin). In this case, the substitute word is used in a figurative meaning. Metonymy should be distinguished from metaphor, with which it is often confused, while metonymy is based on the replacement of the word “by contiguity” (part instead of whole or vice versa, representative instead of class, etc.), while metaphor is based on the replacement “by similarity ".

Synecdoche one of the types of metonymy, which is the transfer of the meaning of one object to another on the basis of the quantitative relationship between them: And it was heard until dawn how the Frenchman was jubilant. (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Epithet - a word or a whole expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic shade, helps the word (expression) to acquire color, saturation. The epithet is expressed mainly by an adjective, but also by an adverb (to love dearly), noun (fun noise), numeral (second Life).

Hyperbola - trope based on explicit and deliberate exaggeration, in order to enhance expressiveness and emphasize the said thought: Ivan Nikiforovich, on the other hand, has trousers in such wide folds that if they were inflated, then the entire courtyard with barns and a building could be placed in them (N.V. Gogol).

Litotes - a figurative expression that belittles the size, strength, meaning of the described: Your spitz, adorable spitz, no more than a thimble ... (A. Griboyedov). Lithota is also called inverse hyperbole.

Comparison - a trope in which one object or phenomenon is likened to another according to some common feature for them. The purpose of comparison is to reveal in the object of comparison new properties that are important for the subject of the statement: Anchar, like a formidable sentry, stands alone in the entire universe (A.S. Pushkin).

Impersonation trail based on the transfer of properties animate objects to the inanimate:Silent sadness will be comforted, and joy will be pensively thoughtful (A.S. Pushkin).

Periphrase trope, in which the direct name of an object, person, phenomenon is replaced by a descriptive turnover, which indicates the signs of a not directly named object, person, phenomenon: the king of beasts (lion), people in white coats (doctors), etc.

Allegory (allegory) - a conditional image of abstract ideas (concepts) through a specific artistic image or dialogue.

Irony - a trope in which the true meaning is hidden or contradicts (opposes) the explicit meaning: Where can we, fools, drink tea? Irony creates the feeling that the subject of discussion is not what it seems.

Sarcasm - one of the types of satirical exposure, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the enhanced contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the deliberate exposure of the implied: Only the Universe and human stupidity are endless. Although I have doubts about the first one (A. Einstein). If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless (FG Ranevskaya).

Stylistic figures these are special stylistic turns that go beyond the necessary norms for creating artistic expression. It should be emphasized that stylistic figures make speech informationally redundant, but this redundancy is needed for the expressiveness of speech, and therefore for more strong impact to the addressee.Stylistic figures include:

Rhetorical appeal giving the author's intonation of solemnity, irony, etc..: And you, arrogant descendants ... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

A rhetorical question Is a special construction of speech, in which the statement is expressed in the form of a question. A rhetorical question does not require an answer, but only enhances the emotionality of the statement:And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom will the desired dawn finally rise? (A.S. Pushkin).

Anaphora - a stylistic figure, consisting in the repetition of related sounds, a word or a group of words at the beginning of each parallel row, that is, in the repetition of the initial parts of two or more relatively independent segments of speech (hemistichs, poems, stanzas or prose passages):

The winds were not blowing in vain
The thunderstorm was not in vain (S. A. Yesenin).

Epiphora - a stylistic figure, consisting in the repetition of the same words at the end of adjacent segments of speech. Often the epiphora is used in poetic speech in the form of the same or similar endings of the stanzas:

Dear friend, and in this quiet house
The fever hits me
Can't find a place for me in a quiet house
Near the peaceful fire (A. A. Blok).

Antithesis - rhetorical opposition, stylistic figure of contrast in artistic or oratorical speech, consisting in a sharp opposition of concepts, positions, images, states, related to each other overall design or the inner meaning: Who was nobody, he will become everything!

Oxymoron - a stylistic figure or stylistic error, which is a combination of words with the opposite meaning (that is, a combination of incongruous). An oxymoron is characterized by the deliberate use of contradiction to create a stylistic effect:

Gradation grouping homogeneous members sentences in a certain order: according to the principle of increasing or weakening emotional and semantic significance: I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ... (S. A. Yesenin)

Default deliberate interruption of speech, counting on the reader's guess, who must mentally complete the phrase:But listen: if I owe you ... I own a dagger, I was born near the Caucasus ... (A. Pushkin).

Multi-Union (polysindeon) - a stylistic figure, consisting in the deliberate increase in the number of unions in a sentence, usually to connect homogeneous members. Slowing down speech with pauses, multi-union emphasizes the role of each of the words, creating a unity of enumeration and enhancing the expressiveness of speech: And for him resurrected again: the deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and love (A.S. Pushkin).

Asyndeton (asyndeton)- stylistic figure: the construction of speech, in which the conjunctions connecting words are omitted. Asindeon gives impetus, dynamism to the statement, helps to convey a quick change of pictures, impressions, actions: Swede, Russian, chops, stabs, cuts, drum beats, clicks, rattling ... (A. Pushkin).

Parallelism - a stylistic figure, which is an arrangement of elements of speech that are identical or similar in grammatical and semantic structure in adjacent parts of the text. Parallel elements can be sentences, their parts, phrases, words:

V blue sky the stars are shining
In the blue sea, waves whip;
A cloud is walking across the sky
A barrel floats on the sea (A.S. Pushkin).

Chiasm - a stylistic figure, consisting in a cruciform change in the sequence of elements in two parallel rows of words: Learn to love art in yourself, not yourself in art (KS Stanislavsky).

Inversion - a stylistic figure, consisting in violation of the usual (direct) word order: Yes, we were very friendly (Leo Tolstoy).

In the creation of artistic images in literary work not only pictorial and expressive means are involved, but also any units of language, selected and organized so that they acquire the ability to activate the reader's imagination, cause certain associations. Thanks to the special use of linguistic means, the described, designated phenomenon loses the features of the general, is concretized, turns into a single, particular - the only one, the idea of ​​which is imprinted in the mind of the writer and is recreated by him in the literary text.Let's compare two texts:

Oak, a genus of trees in the beech family. About 450 species. Grows in the temperate and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere and South America... The wood is strong and durable, with a beautiful cut pattern. Forest-forming breed. English oak (height up to 50 meters, lives from 500 to 1000 years) forms forests in Europe; rock oak - in the foothills of the Caucasus and Crimea; Mongolian oak grows on Far East... Cork oak is cultivated in the subtropics. The bark of the pedunculate oak is used for medicinal purposes (it contains astringent substances). Many types are decorative (Encyclopedic Dictionary).

There was an oak tree at the edge of the road. Probably ten times the age of the birches that make up the forest, it was ten times thicker and twice the height of each birch. It was a huge oak, in two girths, with branches that had been broken off for a long time, and with broken off bark, overgrown with old sores. With his huge clumsy, asymmetrically outstretched hands and fingers, he stood between the smiling birch trees as an old, angry and suspicious freak. Only he alone did not want to submit to the charm of spring and did not want to see either spring or the sun (Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace").

And in that, and in the other text, an oak is described, but if in the first it comes about a whole class of homogeneous objects (trees, common, essential features of which are presented in the scientific description), then the second speaks of one, specific tree. When reading the text, the idea of ​​an oak tree arises, personifying old age immersed in itself, as opposed to birch trees "smiling" in spring and the sun. Concretizing the phenomena, the writer resorts to the method of personification: at the oak huge hands and fingers, he looks old, angry, contemptuous freak. In the first text, as is typical scientific style, the word oak expresses a general concept, in the second it conveys the idea of ​​a specific person (author) about a specific tree (the word becomes an image).

From the point of view of the verbal organization of texts, the artistic style turns out to be opposed to all other functional styles, since the fulfillment of the aesthetic function, the tasks of creating an artistic image allow the writer to use the means not only of the literary language, but also of the national one (dialectisms, jargon, vernacular). It should be emphasized that the use of extra-literary elements of the language in works of art must meet the requirements of expediency, moderation, aesthetic value.The free appeal of writers to the language means of various stylistic coloring and different functional and stylistic correlations can create the impression of "multi-style" artistic speech. However, this impression is superficial, since the attraction of stylistically colored means, as well as elements of other styles, is subordinated in artistic speech to the fulfillment of an aesthetic function : they are used to create artistic images, to implement the ideological and artistic intention of the writer.Thus, the artistic style, like all others, is formed on the basis of the interaction of extralinguistic and linguistic factors. Extralinguistic factors include: the very sphere of verbal creativity, the peculiarities of the worldview of the writer, his communicative attitude; to linguistic: the possibility of using various units of language, which in artistic speech undergo various transformations and become a means of creating an artistic image, the embodiment of the author's intention.

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