Home Fertilizers How to determine a changeable or unchangeable gerund. Signs of participles. Changing participles to adjectives

How to determine a changeable or unchangeable gerund. Signs of participles. Changing participles to adjectives

How to highlight participles in speech? The easiest way is to ask the appropriate question. The article provides grammatical features participles, their features, syntactic role in sentences with clear examples.

Participle- an independent part of speech (in some textbooks - a special form of the verb), which answers questions - Doing what? What did you do? Formed from the base of the verb using suffixes -a/z, -v/-lice/-shi.

Use of gerunds examples: drawing paintings, sitting on the chair, having gathered home, decorating Christmas tree, having bought apples

What does a gerund mean in speech?

In speech, gerunds denote an additional action, while simultaneously characterizing the main action (expressed by a verb in the personal form or infinitive).

In fact, gerunds combine the meanings of verbs and participles:

  • Indicates an action;
  • Name the sign of the action (how it is performed).

Examples: stopping, the man said hello - the man (what did he do?) stopped and said hello, said hello (how?) stopping; reading books, we study - we (what do we do?) read and study, we study (how?) reading.

Grammatical features of gerunds

Participles combine the grammatical features of verbs and adverbs.

Signs of verbs:

  • View- perfect (having done, folded) or imperfect (doing, folding);
  • Transitivity (watching a movie, remembering the route) and intransitivity (walking down the street, jumping from a tree);
  • Repayment (bathing, getting dressed) and irrevocability (bathing, putting on).

Signs of adverbs:

  • Immutability(do not bow or conjugate);
  • In phrases, like adverbs, they are usually attached to the finite forms of verbs, less often - to infinitives or participles (he says laughing; thinking while working)

Syntactic role of gerunds

In sentences, gerunds depend on the verb acting as the predicate. Usually the gerund is minor member sentences - plays the syntactic role of adverbial circumstances.

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Examples: Moving on street, look around. Cleaning up in the room, I washed the floors. Flipping through dictionary, I found what this word means.

Note! Participles are often confused with verbal participles, which are modifiers in a sentence (Mom threw out (which ones?) withered flowers).

IN German adjectives can be used in both inflected and unchangeable forms. The form depends on the function that the adjective performs in the sentence. If an adjective is used as a definition of a noun (attributive function), it agrees with this noun in case, gender and number.

If the adjective is a nominal part of the predicate (predicative function), it is not inflected. In Russian, in similar cases, a short form of the adjective is often used, for example: He is sick.

Since in German the form of adverbs coincides with the unchangeable form of adjectives, they are often classified as adjectives (the so-called adjectives-adverbs, or Adverbialadjektive). Here these adverbs are also discussed in the section on adjectives.


Der Clown ist lustig. Er spring lustig herum. Er ist ein sehr lustiger Clown. So einen lustigen

Invariable form of adjectives

And adverbs do not change, that is, they do not agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence.

  • Adjectives in predicative function(nominal part of the predicate) are used after a linking verb sein/bleiben/werden. For example: Der Clown ist lustig. The clown is funny./The clown is funny.
  • Adverbs used with other verbs (except sein/bleiben/werden). For example: Der Clown spring lustig herum. The clown jumps funny.

Changeable form of adjectives

When used in attributive function adjectives come between the article and the noun. These adjectives agree with the noun in case, number and gender (see “ Declension”).

For example: Er ist ein sehr lustiger Clown. He is a very funny clown. So einen lustigen Clown habe ich noch nie gesehen. I have never seen such a funny clown before.

A gerund is an unchangeable form of a verb (many consider it an independent part of speech), which denotes an action that acts as a sign of another action, combines the characteristics of a verb and an adverb, and in a sentence is a circumstance or a secondary predicate.
Verb signs of gerunds:
  1. They denote an action, as they are formed from a verb, but the action is not the main one, but a secondary, additional one. Compare: The car drove into the yard and stopped in front of a small house. - The car drove into the yard and stopped in front of a small house. In the first sentence the verbs have equal rights, they are homogeneous members. In the second, the gerund having entered expresses a secondary action preceding the main one, expressed by the verb stopped.
The action expressed by the verb and the gerund is performed by the same person (object). Therefore, it is incorrect to use phrases like: While leaving home, my briefcase fell. However, some writers of the 19th century. there is a similar use of gerunds under the influence French, for example, from A.I. Herzen: “Wandering the streets, a friend finally came to my mind, whose social position put him in the opportunity to find out what was going on, and maybe help”; from A. N. Tolstoy: “Waiting for the empress and emperor to leave, a conversation began between the Prussian envoy and Baron Lieven...”.
  1. Common morphological properties with the verb: aspect, transitivity (intransitivity), voice.
The participles have the form perfect and imperfect: fulfilling (non-sov. v.) - having fulfilled (sov. v.), covering (non-sov. v.) - covering (sov. v.). There are no participles perfect form basically denote an additional action that occurs simultaneously with the main one: While solving problems, he listens to music. Perfect participles denote an additional antecedent action, that is, an action primarily completed before the moment of the main action: Having solved the problem, he called a friend.
Participles inherit from the generating verb the meaning of transitivity-intransitivity: reading a book (transition, v.p. without a preposition) and reading a book (transition., v.p. without a preposition); burn with desire (intransitive, tv. p.) and burning with desire (intransitive, tv. p.).
The gerunds have an active voice: sending a letter, loving your sister; going on a hike, cleaning the apartment (from reflexive verbs), but there are also non-voice gerunds, for example having woken up. Passive voice have no participles.
  1. The syntactic properties of gerunds common to the verb include:
a) the ability to combine with the same adverbs and adverbial combinations: read fluently - reading fluently, appear from time to time - appearing from time to time;
b) the ability to control the same forms: correspond with friends - correspond with friends, get up at dawn - get up at dawn.
Adverbial signs of gerunds:
  1. Immutability (absence of inflection forms).
  2. The ability to be used in the function of a circumstance (mode of action, time, condition, reason), adjacent to the predicate verb: looking around, drove around and drove around, quickly drove around, rode around on horseback. However, the gerund can also act as a secondary predicate: The coachman walked around, having nothing to do, fixing the harness (A. Pushkin); compare: The coachman walked around and, having nothing better to do, adjusted the harness.
Participles do not have a tense category, but in a sentence they acquire a certain temporary meaning. They denote time not in relation to the moment of speech, but in relation to the moment of performing another action, expressed by a predicate verb(relative time). Participles imperfect form indicate simultaneity of action, i.e. they show that the actions of the gerund and the predicate verb coincide in time: Sitting in the park, I read a newspaper. Perfect participles denote non-simultaneity of actions: the action occurs either earlier or later than the action denoted by the verb. For example, in the sentence I am already falling ill in the summer, having barely recovered from the winter (M. Tsvetaeva), the gerund takes on the meaning of precedence: first the poetess recovered, then she fell ill. In the sentence He undressed hastily and went to bed, wrapped in a blanket (M. Gorky), the gerund takes on the meaning of following. In this example, the perfect participle, adjacent to the perfect past tense verb and standing behind it, means a subsequent action, which is an organic consequence of the main action.

The grammatical meaning of the gerund, its morphological characteristics, syntactic role is determined main feature this part of speech - to connect the meanings and characteristics of a verb and an adverb.

Verb signs Adverb features
  • denotes an additional action to the main one;
  • is formed from a verb, preserving its characteristics
  • type (perfect and imperfect)
  • Mary sat on her bed with her arms crossed. Clinging to the bushes, we began to climb (M. Lermontov)
    Cross, crossed - verb and gerund soy. V. (what to do? what to do?). To cling, clinging is a verb and gerund. in (what to do? what to do?)
  • -returnability (clinging - return. clinging - non-return);
  • The participle is distributed by nouns and adverbs. pronouns (shining (how?) dazzlingly, clinging (to what?) to the bushes, seeing (who?) him)
  • The participle with dependent words forms participial turnover
  • Thus, the gerund forms the phrases:
    • gerundish + noun
    • gerundish + seats
    • gerundish + adv
  • simultaneously characterizes the main action, showing how? When? Why? etc. it happens;
  • does not change;
  • the gerund refers to the predicate verb (sat (did what? how?), clutching);
  • in a sentence there is only a circumstance:
  • When I returned, I found a doctor at my place (circumstance of time).
    If you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water (CONDITIONS circumstance)

How to find a participle (adverbial phrase)

  • Derived from a verb.
  • Has the suffixes -a, -ya, -v, -shi, -louse
  • Indicates an additional action.
  • Refers to a predicate verb
  • Answers questions about what to do? what did you do? and matters of circumstance.
  • It has dependent words to which you can ask a question from the gerund (see).

Morphological analysis of gerunds

Analysis plan
  1. Part of speech. General grammatical meaning
  2. Morphological characteristics:
    1. initial form (indefinite verb form)
    2. appearance, return
    3. immutability
  3. Syntactic role
Sample parsing

Written analysis (answer options - B are indicated in brackets).

The stream still runs behind the mill, babbling (A.S. Pushkin).
I. Zhurcha - a special form of the verb - gerund (B: gerund), runs (doing what? How?) - murmur - denotes an additional action.
II. N. f. - murmur (B: not specified).
Nesov. view, unchangeable f. (does not change).
III. runs (how?) - murmuring (circumstance of the manner of action).

Oral analysis

Zhurcha is a special form of the verb - participle.
Firstly, it denotes an additional action to the main one (runs and murmurs), and is formed from the verb murmur. The initial form is to murmur (B: not specified)
Secondly, it has morphological characteristics: imperfect appearance, does not change.
Thirdly, in a sentence it is a circumstance of the manner of action.

Formation of gerunds

Imperfect view Perfect looking
  1. They denote an unfinished additional action that occurs simultaneously with the action expressed by the verb.
  2. Formed from the base of the present tense of the verb using the suffix -а (-я):
    • reading - read
    • flying - flying
    • being - will be
    • recognizing - recognizing (from verbs with the suffix -va- gerund formed from the stem of the infinitive)
  3. Some verbs [beat, tear, protect, flow, etc.] do not form gerunds.
  1. )Denote a completed additional action, which, as a rule, occurs before the beginning of the action expressed by the verb.
  2. Formed from the base indeterminate form(past tense) using the suffixes -v, -shi, -louse:
    • sad - to become sad
    • brought - bring
    • deceived - to be deceived
    To the suffix -to the reflexive suffix -sya
  3. Some verbs can form double forms (from the infinitive stem and the past tense stem):
    • dry out - dry out
    • dried out - dried out
    • unlock - unlock
    • unlocked - unlocked
    From some verbs, gerunds are formed using the suffixes -а, (-я) (from the stem of the future tense):
    • come - they will come
    • after reading - they will read

Not separated by commas (not separated)

  • Single gerunds that have become adverbs (standing, sitting, joking, silently, lying down, slowly, etc.). Such a gerund does not denote an additional action: It is harmful to read while lying down, you need to read while sitting.
    • You need to read while sitting at a table in good lighting (here the gerund retained the meaning of an additional action: read and sit)
    • They walked slowly (that is, slowly).
    • He spoke worriedly (that is, excitedly).
    The participle does not denote an additional action, but only a sign of an action;
  • Set expressions, phraseological units, which include a gerund (run headlong, work tirelessly, speak reluctantly, shout without remembering yourself, etc.). This turn of phrase is replaced by one word.
    • He ran headlong (that is, quickly)

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Infinitive– the original form of the verbal paradigm, since it denotes an action in the most generalized form, without time, person, mood. The infinitive has the categories of aspect, transitivity, reflexivity. Most Russian verbs form an infinitive using the suffix - t : build, we, take into account. In significantly to a lesser extent suffixes are used in the infinitive - you, -who. During education verb forms alternations usually occur at the base of such verbs: put - put, oven - bake. In a sentence, the infinitive can be any member of the sentence: 1) subject : It was hard to forget; 2) predicate : And the queen laughs!; 3) part of a composite verb predicate: Could talk for hours; 4) the main member of an impersonal sentence: Happy to meet old friends; 5) addition: I ask you (about what?) to stay; 6) definition: The idea (what?) came to my mind to leave; 7 ) circumstance: I went home (why?) to have a snack.


Participle– an unchangeable form of a verb that has the characteristics of a verb and an adverb and denotes an additional action or circumstances of this action: she walked quietly humming; walked out slamming the door; I was pleased, making everyone laugh. Verb categories of gerunds – aspect, reflexivity, transitivity. It is connected with an adverb by the absence of inflectional forms, general type subordinating connection– adjacency, as well as the general syntactic function of adverbial adverbial.

Formation of gerunds

Product suffixes

Non-sold suffixes


Present tense

V, -lice, -uchi (-yuchi)

Chita I, shouting A, wear lice, steal teach sya, game Yuchi


Past tense

Lice, -shi, -a (-i)

Read V, signature lice sya, attracted shi, see I

Not all verbs form participle forms. There are no (or little used) gerunds from verbs like: 1) to dry, wither, go out; 2) bake, protect, be able, attract, flow; 3) write, knit, gnaw; 4) lie, lie, weave, beat, sew, etc. Participles from verbs are not used run, go, climb, want, sing and some others.

Bi-type verbs can have two gerunds, formed according to the rules for the formation of imperfect and perfect gerunds, for example: promise: I promise– Nesov. V., promise-in- owl V.

The participle must indicate the action of the object (person) that is named as the subject, and this object (person) must be the subject of two actions - named in the predicate and in the gerund. If these requirements are not met, incorrect sentences like: I got a headache when I left the house(gerunds and the conjugated form of the verb denote the actions of different subjects). Sometimes a gerund may name an additional action related to the missing main member of a one-part personal sentence, as well as to impersonal offer, but only if the main member contains an infinitive and the gerund in the sentence refers to the same subject as the predicate verb. For example: When crossing the street, you should look around. But it would be a mistake to construct it like this: When I got home I was shivering.

Participles can be transferred to other parts of speech if their meaning of additional action is weakened or lost : Lying on the sofa, he was reading a book(lying - gerund). You can't get bread by lying(lying – adverb). Without looking at the book(adverbial participle). Despite his youth(derived preposition).


Participle– a special unconjugated form of a verb, which denotes an action as a sign of an object and has the grammatical characteristics of a verb and an adjective. Verb features: aspect, voice, transitivity, reflexivity, present and past tense. Features of an adjective: gender, number, case; passive participles have a full and short form, a syntactic function of defining or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: Yard, shaded in a special attractive way, and a house, whitening in the depths of the greenery, they stopped me(V. Soloukhin).

Formation of participles

Present participles

(formed from the stem of the present tense of imperfective verbs)

Active participles

Passive participles(formed only from directly transitive verbs)

For I conjugation suf. -ush- (-yush-)

For I conjugation suf. -eat-, -om-

For II conjugation suf. -ash- (-box-)

For II conjugation suf. -them-

Chitaj–ut – chitaj–ushch-y

stroj–at – stroj–ashch-y

Reading, engaging, constructive

Excl.: movable (by origin - from movement)

Past participles

(formed from the stem of the past tense of verbs

perfect and imperfect)


Passives (formed only from directly transitive verbs)

Suffixes -lice-, -sh-

Suf. -en(n)-, -n(n)-, -t-

The suffix -vsh- is used when forming participles from the stem to the vowel: resha-l – resha-vsh-iy

From the verbs -it, -ti and -ch, forms of participles with suf are formed. -en(n)-:

decide - decided, bring - brought, burn - burned

The suffix -ш- is used when forming participles from a stem to a consonant:

ros – ros-sh-y

From verbs ending in -at, -yat, -et, participles with suf are formed. -n(n)-:

crown - crown-nn-y,

see – seen-nn-y

Verb stem changes

She-l – shed-sh-y

Participles with suf are usually formed from verbs with one vowel in the root and their derivatives. -t-: sew – sewn, beat – beaten, close – closed.

In the suffixes of full passive past participles, double -nn- is written, if the perfect participle has a dependent word or suffix -ova-: decided(Soviet century), wounded in the leg(dependent word), skilled(-ova-).

IN short forms These participles are written with one -n-: The problem is solved.

Only passive participles can have a short form: loved by everyone, embroidered with patterns, appointed to a position.

Grammatical errors due to violation of norms for the use of participles and gerunds

Type of error


Correct option

Formation of present participles from perfective verbs

Students who take part in this event will receive bonuses.

Students who take part in this event will be rewarded.

Incorrect education active participles past tense from a number of verbs in -sti

wander - wandered, braided - braided, blossom - blossomed, sweep - swept, bring - brought, acquire - acquired and etc.

wandered, braided, blossomed, swept, brought, acquired etc. – from the basis of the future tense

Using participles with the particle “would”

Students who would like to take the exam early will have to write an application.

Students who wish to take the exam early will be required to submit an application.

Formation of imperfective participles using suffixes -v, -lice

weave - weave,

run - running, pull - pulling and so on.

similar verbs do not have participial forms

Formation using the suffix - lice gerunds that do not have a postfix

draw - having drawn, find out - having learned and so on.

literary norm: having drawn, having learned

Changing participles to adjectives

Participles, losing verbal characteristics and developing qualitative meanings, can turn into adjectives. Wed: an object shining in the sun and a brilliant scientist.

The process of transition to adjectives occurs unevenly different groups participles. Passive past participles, more often than active ones, are the source of the formation of adjectives in a morphological-syntactic way: a qualified worker, a well-mannered girl, an absent-minded person.



1. Indicate the attribute of an object by action: a pebble shining in the sun, a boy raised by his grandmother

1. Indicate the quality of the item: brilliant speaker, well-mannered person

2. Can be replaced by verbs:

1. A pebble shining in the sun = a pebble that sparkles in the sun.

2. Fertilizers are scattered across the field. = Fertilizers were scattered across the field.

2. Can be replaced by synonymous adjectives:

1. A brilliant speaker = a good speaker.

2. The children were distracted. = The children were inattentive.

3. Usually have a direct lexical meaning: hair flowing over the shoulders, the door wide open, the curtain slightly raised

3. Often acquire a different lexical meaning: loose child, open look, high spirits

4. Words on -my, formed from transitive verbs of the imperfect form and having with them a dependent word in the form of the instrumental case without a preposition, calling actor or instrument of action: not my favorite(by whom?) father color not visible(how?) eye microbe

4. My favorite color, the city invisible beyond the horizon(there is no dependent word in the form of the instrumental case without a preposition naming the actor or instrument of action); desert island(from an intransitive verb)

5. They can acquire features characteristic of adjectives: form adverbs on -o, -e(brilliant report - spoke brilliantly), have degrees of comparison ( most beloved poet), combined with adverbs of measure and degree ( very organized team) etc.

Word formation of verbs

In modern Russian, verbs are formed:

1) from nouns and adjectives using the suffixes -a-t, -e-t, -i-t, -ova-t, -stvo-t, -izir-t: polemic - to polemicize, teacher - to teach, empty - empty, capricious - capricious;

2) from pronouns, adverbs, interjections using the suffixes -i-t, -e-t, -ova-t, -ka-t: you - poke, a lot - multiply, oh - groan;

3) from verbs using prefixes, suffixes, postfixes: write - rewrite, sleep - get enough sleep.

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