Home indoor flowers July love horoscope Leo. Born in the Year of the Pig. Finance and career horoscope

July love horoscope Leo. Born in the Year of the Pig. Finance and career horoscope

July 2019 will bring success to the Lions. They will feel their power over events that will take shape in accordance with their desires. From the first of the month they will have good mood. This will help effective work over yourself and past mistakes. Self-improvement combined with good organizational skills will help you achieve your goals.

In the first half of July, representatives of this zodiac sign will establish contact with others. They will become softer, more compliant and stop dictating their terms. Some will succeed in regaining lost friendships, which will most likely happen in the second decade. The end of the month will be marked by a decision sore point, which can be unleashed with a non-standard approach.

Leo Woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will become more confident in themselves. They will find themselves in a situation where they will show their mental capacity. This will not end with a career breakthrough, but will help regain the once lost business authority from colleagues.

To men, these ladies will seem charming and attractive. Their innate emotionality will not go unnoticed. Single women will have a new boyfriend. The end of the month will be busy due to possible health problems or family troubles.

Leo man. Representatives of this zodiac sign will tune in to change and begin to make plans for the near future. They will conquer career heights or decide financial questions. These men will be proactive in their endeavors, but will not always be able to finish what they started. In this, they will be prevented by the fear of stumbling again.

Relationships with others and women will be ambiguous. Single Lions will fight their frivolity. Therefore, few of them will meet new love. In the second half of July, tension will increase in communication with loved ones and the chosen one. These men will become categorical and demanding, which will lead to scandals.

love horoscope

July 2019 will bring harmony and satisfaction with personal life not to all Leos. Some of them will not learn from their past and make new mistakes.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will be in the center of attention of the opposite sex. Women are more likely to build new relationships than men.

Unfree Lions in the first half of July will improve relations with a partner. From the middle of the month, conflicts will brew that will occur through their fault.

business horoscope

In July, the Lions will be able to earn a promotion in career ladder and earn the respect of colleagues.

The unemployed will not have the persistence to convince new potential employers of their professionalism. Some of them will return workplace which they will regret later.

Employees will take on several pressing tasks at the same time, which they will give up halfway to success. The horoscope advises to bring the started projects to their logical end.

Leaders will plan and dream more than they will act. A breakthrough in business and attracting new partners will be hindered by memories of past failures.

Financial horoscope

July 2019 will bring material stability to the Lions. To increase their income, many of them will have to look for part-time jobs and new sources of income. Those who invest in their hobbies and creativity will get a good financial return. Small expenses should be avoided. This month welcomes large investments in real estate and travel.

Health Horoscope

In July, the well-being of Lviv will depend on them. Those of them who will avoid hypothermia, normalize sleep and begin to follow the figure, will feel absolutely healthy. Some risk at the end of the month to please hospital bed due to exacerbation of diseases genitourinary system and ENT organs.

The horoscope advises to find time for a visit to the doctor and not to abuse cold drinks and ice cream. Need to leave for a while leisure in nature due to the risk of kidney disease.

Don't be afraid of mistakes

Do not hold back your impulses and desires because of a possible failure.

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Lions in July 2018 will prioritize the well-being of the family and the relationships of its members. The influence of the astrological situation on your zodiac sign will fill Lviv with some anxiety and worries about the future of their household.

But all this is just gloomy, unsubstantiated thoughts that arose against the backdrop of fatigue and apathy. Effective treatment such a pessimistic mood is playing sports, meeting positive and cheerful people who infect with their inexhaustible optimism. Try to smile more often, do more physical labor than intellectual.

If the work comes down to many hours of sitting at the computer, try to leave the workplace from time to time to breathe. fresh air, stretch, refresh your thoughts and drink a cup green tea. With sedentary work, it is better for Lions to organize their schedule in such a way as to wake up a couple of hours earlier than usual. This will allow you to make a short run around the neighborhood in the morning, get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Horoscope for decades

The first decade of July 2018 will be full of various unforeseen events that can knock out the always powerful and balanced Lions. The beginning of the month will pass under the harmonious influence of planetary aspects. Lions will not go ahead, achieving their goal, but will arm themselves with cunning and patience and will stubbornly wait for the right moment when they can rush to the attack. Lions know how to make plans, develop strategies, calculate everything in advance, thanks to which they always achieve their goals and win competition. Work will not occupy the thoughts of the representatives of your zodiac sign. Leos will try to spend more time with their children and partner, visit their parents or invite distant relatives to visit. Those Lions who have children should pay more attention to their heirs. If you ignore some important signals, you risk missing out on their upbringing and development. You should not realize your unfulfilled dreams through a child. Listen and look at your child. Give him the opportunity to reach his potential, choose his own path, make his mistakes.

The second decade of July 2018 will be a more calm and measured time. The lions will have nothing to worry about, they will be able to devote free time their development and self-improvement. The impact of planetary aspects will help Leos satisfy their ambitions by directing them to learn a new specialty or gain new skills and knowledge in a completely unfamiliar area. Lions have every opportunity to overpower new science if they make every effort to do this and have an irresistible desire to work in the chosen direction. Remember that and Chinese can be learned in six months, if there is a strong enough and irrefutable incentive and excellent motivation for this. Therefore, if you really think that you need experience and new knowledge, without them you will not become who you see yourself in the future, then you can safely proceed to the implementation of your plans.

The third decade of July 2018 will be fruitful in terms of mental activity. This period will be especially successful and productive for those who have devoted their lives to creativity. Under the influence of planetary aspects, Leos will experience a surge of inspiration and energy for new achievements. Someone will make a big leap and write a book, someone will paint a picture, and someone will compose a whole collection of poems. But also for practical and rational representatives of your zodiac constellation the final period of July will not pass unnoticed. At this time, they will have a lot creative ideas, by implementing which the Lions will be able to attract additional investment in their business or find profitable customers for the company they work for. This, in turn, will lead to career growth and an increase in family capital. Try to use your abilities to good use and not waste time in vain.

Horoscope for July 2018 Leo

At the beginning of the month, until the 5th, Leos need to restrain their emotions and ambitions, as tension in relations with partners is possible. There will be many controversial situations, misunderstanding and mutual claims. But after July 6, the Lions will be able to show flexibility, they will be ready to make concessions, which will make communication more constructive and mutually beneficial. As a shadow leader, the Lions will be able to act quite successfully and at the same time retain their strength, nerves and good name. it favorable period for conducting spiritual practices, for working on oneself, but it is not suitable for vigorous activity, for starting new projects or relationships. After July 22, disputes with partners (in business or marriage) may escalate, which can result in very serious conflicts that threaten to break off relations.

Horoscope for July 2018 for Leo women

So much attention, gifts and admiration from this can make your head spin, but not for Leo women. Many new acquaintances are waiting for you, many will want to get to know such a bright and attractive person better. After July 16, there will be some doubts about the partner. Important: even if it seems not quite reliable, there is no need to arrange violent scenes of jealousy.

  • Talisman of the month: amethyst combined with rock crystal, jasper.
  • Auspicious days: July 5, 9, 17.
  • Unfavorable days: July 7, 14, 21.
  • Priority interests: household chores, health, helping the closest and dearest people, religion, spiritual quest.

love horoscope

You are still infatuated with a man who is far enough away from you. At the beginning of the month, your partner's behavior may disappoint you, he will behave too unreasonably and impulsively. In the second half of the month, you treat your partner with great respect, perhaps even putting him on a pedestal and idealizing him. Moderate the ardor, remember the mind. Now you are subjecting everyone around you to a severe test. Beloved is no exception. Horoscope of health Now you have a surge of activity, try not to take risks and do not try to surpass your own achievements. When playing sports, do not forget about safety. In July, you seem to be replaced so your attitude towards doctors and medicine will change. And there will be good reasons for that. Nervous environment and wrong mode may affect your health. Do not delay contacting doctors or representatives of alternative medicine.

Horoscope of work and finance

An active and interesting week awaits you. It cannot be said that everything will be smooth and smooth, you cannot do without conflicts, but you will have the opportunity to achieve your goal. Now you are tempted to spend a certain amount on trinkets. But to succumb to it should not be very difficult to stop. There are many responsibilities in your life right now. Try to highlight the most important things and finish with them in the first place, you can avoid a big deal. From 16 to 20 July surprises are possible. Most likely pleasant. Moreover, they will be directly connected with colleagues.

Horoscope for July 2018 for Leo men

Until mid-July stability family life Leo man will depend only on himself. Besides, given period very favorable for communication with children, use this time for development and games with your son or daughter. Friendly relations with relatives may be somewhat overshadowed, but this is temporary, everything will soon work out.

  • Talisman of the month: a small metal figurine, a figurine of a horse.
  • Favorable days: July 4, 10, 18.
  • Unfavorable days: July 8, 13, 19, 20.
  • Priority of interests: rest, restoration of the body, an attempt to get a vacation at all costs.

love horoscope

It is not yet necessary to count on special understanding from the beloved. Your eccentricity this month can play a trick on you. The weather is clearly conducive to love, but at least For you! You will feel at least like a king! In July, show maximum masculinity and care, but without obtrusiveness. Just be with your friend and love her. Now you want to stand out and attract the attention of everyone. Your loved one won't like it.

Health Horoscope

Medicine will disappoint you a little. But still do not say that all doctors are charlatans, it is not so. The stars urge you to take care of your health. Try to avoid crowded places, stay away from peddlers of infection. Harsh words will sound often, emotions and feelings will be heated. You will want to express yourself brighter in order to the last word left behind you. Such intensity of emotions is harmful to your health. You can draw a disappointing conclusion around everyone strives only to scare and no one will tell you how to solve the problem. For example, how to at least cure a runny nose.

Horoscope of work and finance

Throughout the month, you can be frivolous in matters related to money, but then prudence will prevail. You are full of strength and energy, emotions overflow. However, over time, you will understand that you urgently need a good rest. In mid-July, you should take care of your health more carefully. Be prepared to take sick leave. The most pleasant and easy days in this period are the end of the month. It is recommended to do what you have long wanted to do, go to the pool, sauna, go in for sports.

Children's horoscope for Lviv for July 2018


Luck will smile at the young Leo, he will have many chances to prove himself in the company of friends and buddies, to become, if not a leader, then just a good, reliable comrade. Important: now be sure to be attentive to the boy's well-being. The fact is that before the birthday, people's health deteriorates. And your baby's holiday is just around the corner. How to protect yourself? Great idea start drinking children's vitamins.


For most of the month, Leo girls will be flirty and having fun. Why not? Nice circle of friends, new friends. Until July 16, you can send your child on vacation. But by the end of July, the situation will change both in the mood and in the behavior of the girl. She may begin to miss home, become closed, there will be doubts about her own attractiveness. Your task is to take your daughter home and convince her that she is very pretty.

Lions in July 2018 should not be sad. Yes, a lot of problems have accumulated, but Lady Luck will definitely not pay attention to a person with a gloomy expression on his face. A drop of healthy optimism - that's what will not hurt you this summer. So find reasons for the holidays, try to communicate with people who do not complain about life, but steadfastly overcome any adversity. In addition, Lions are by nature fighters who are not used to giving in to difficulties. You can find a way out of the most difficult situations, you just need to be a little more confident in yourself.

Leo women will face some trials. In amorous affairs, it will be difficult for them to avoid mistakes. The fact is that among their fans there may be those who pursue profit, mercantile goals. However, it is in July 2018 that lonely Lions can meet their soul mate - a person close in spirit, temperament. Unforgettable experiences await Leo women love affairs. The most interesting thing is that the new gentleman can be met in a completely unexpected place. And here it all depends on the lady-Lioness herself. If a new acquaintance is attractive to her, and she wishes to continue her relationship with him, then, first of all, she must deal with past boyfriends. Put an end to the previous novel.

The stars will align so that in the height of summer, the Lions will be able to travel. It can be a trip with a chosen one or a voyage in the company of the whole family. Another thing is curious: on vacation, Leo will “master” several exotic professions. For example, he will act as a guide or an entertainer.

As for finances, a pleasant surprise can be expected by the end of July 2018. Someone of their close acquaintances will offer extremely profitable business. And believe me, this is a rare chance bestowed on you by fate. Do not even think, but immediately agree! Just try to business negotiations did not take place on the difficult day of the Full Moon on July 27th.

July days favorable for Lviv: 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 25, 30, 31

Unfavorable days: 2, 13, 21

love horoscope

July 2018 will be remembered by many Lions, because everything related to their personal life will turn out very well. At the peak of the 2018 summer season, Leo women will definitely not end up with gentlemen who are ready for any feats. But still, the representatives of this sign need to be a little more restrained, otherwise they risk frightening off worthy fans. In other words, emotions must be kept under control, not to take impulsive actions, to verify every word. No matter how difficult it is, try to first think seven times before each step. Otherwise, as the stars assure, you can make a fatal mistake and end up under the crown with a person who is clearly not a couple for you.

Moreover, in July 2018, the Lions will definitely start several short-term, but stormy novels. Flirting is not forbidden, but Leo women, remember that sometimes such behavior is perceived inadequately, and people may mistakenly assume that you are a frivolous or promiscuous person. By the way, it may turn out that you are actually so carried away by a certain man that you will very quickly agree to an intimate relationship.

In July 2018, Lions will be welcome guests in any company. That's where the acquaintance with a worthy gentleman is likely. Did he seem like a prince at first sight? Take your time. As a decent lady, a girl, a Leo woman must adhere to the rule of "seven dates" and only then agree to a sensual relationship.

Those who have already found a mate will have to experience a feeling of jealousy. How else, if your chosen one is so good and is popular with the ladies? On the one hand, this headache". On the other hand, it's a reason to be proud. Moreover, a Leo woman will never choose a “gray”, non-sexual man as her partner.

Family Lions in July need to think about how to diversify sex life. Bold proposals will please the spouse. Just do not get carried away with toys for adults, acquired in the heat of mutual desire in a sex shop. Everything should be natural. It is worth noting that the Lions and their halves in July, if they encounter domestic or financial problems, will quickly and amicably resolve them.

Finance Horoscope

For many Lions, July 2018 will be a month of career take-off, the embodiment of a long-standing professional goal. First of all, this applies to those who will not look back and listen to the “good” advice of hypocrites and envious people.

But there's one more important condition: in the midst of summer 2018, the planets Mars and Mercury warn of the danger of hasty decisions and financial risks. You should not take loans during this period, spend money accumulated over the years. You can not agree to adventurous projects offered by unverified partners. big business possible only with old companions and relatives.

At work, there will be a lot of emergency work and other reasons for concern. We must try not to overreact to problematic issues and difficult situations. Be a little calmer, wiser.

Often this month, Lviv will be plagued by problems with household and office equipment. You will have to decide: to give it for repair or to buy a new refrigerator, fax machine or iron. The main thing, as the stars notice, is not to lose heart, but to calmly find the most suitable way out of their predicament.

Proper planning will help save a lot of money in July. For help, investments, try not to apply to credit institutions. Count on support, including financial support, from friends and relatives. In July 2018, according to stellar forecasts, you should not buy real estate, a car, participate in business projects that require large financial investments.

In the service, you will have to defend your own point of view before the leadership. If you manage to prove you are right, then the boss will highly appreciate your honesty and integrity.

Sadly, but this summer, the Lions will face envy and betrayal. Among colleagues and even comrades there are persons who plot intrigues behind their backs, weave intrigues. Do not overreact to the machinations of these personalities.

In the middle of the month, someone will ask you to borrow money. If possible, support this person financially, but do not give the last money! Although, as a rule, the Lions are quite careful with the means, guided by their brilliant intuition. But in the service, it is sometimes useful for them to follow in the wake of more experienced colleagues.

Health Horoscope

To be in the mood, tone, in July you should go in for sports. It can be like a set of exercises morning exercises, and cycling, rollerblading, swimming. The main thing is that the loads are feasible, after a workout they don’t feel like a squeezed lemon, but, on the contrary, they feel a surge of strength. All this is because in the summer of 2018, Leo women will more than once fall into a state close to blues, apathy. Pessimism must be fought immediately and decisively.

Those who, by their nature, spend many hours at their desks, straining their eyes at a computer or writing, need to move more, go to the office on foot. Leo women need to remember the dangers of gastronomic pleasures after six in the evening. Especially they should avoid fatty, sweet, salty. I just want to eat trouble, find something tasty in the refrigerator. If this becomes a habit, you will soon have to buy new clothes. Yes, one that will allow you to hide the “eaten” sides in a few weeks.

However, it is also impossible to go on a strict diet or exhaust yourself with excessive physical training. Such overloads will have a detrimental effect on the psyche and health. So in gym you need to listen to the advice of an experienced instructor. The desire to force things and drastically lose a few pounds will lead to problems musculoskeletal system, diseases of the spine.

On the hot days of summer 2018, Leo women need to drink more water, eat seasonal berries, fruits, vegetables. By the way, they can and even need to replace buns, sandwiches, chocolates that you used to snack on. You should also consider giving up bad habits. Stock up on vitamins and try to get more positive emotions.

The month promises to be favorable for love. You are full of energy and optimism, because Venus, Mercury and the Sun transit through your sign. There will be many opportunities to show off better side and get the attention of the opposite sex.

Friends can give you wise advice or, if there were difficulties, they will help turn the circumstances of your personal life in the right direction. On the other hand, some Leos tend to spend too much time with friends, neglecting the responsibilities of home and family.

For single Leos and those who have recently entered into a relationship, things are moving slowly because Mars retrograde is located in the partnership sector. If you are looking for love, you can meet someone online or through volunteer work, social activities.

Until July 10, 2018, the planet of love Venus remains in your sign, the time is favorable for relationships. Planetary energies make you more romantic, gentle, but also more selfish. You are very demanding, although it would not hurt to be ready to offer a lot to your soulmate. Otherwise, hidden discontent will develop into quarrels.

After July 10, when Venus moves into the money sector, you are driven by material interests. If you choose among two or more candidates, then when evaluating potential companion life will be important financial condition. In the last decade of the month, Venus forms a negative aspect with Neptune, which can be expressed in expenses due to love or loss. The stars warn you against deceit, especially when making new acquaintances.

The lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 will take place in the partnership sector of Leo. Under its influence, changes in love relationships and marriage. The nature of these changes can be different, both positive and negative. The energy of the eclipse must find a way out, so to minimize the risks, try to change something yourself, in the desired direction.

Leo career and finance horoscope for July 2018

As for the professional sphere, you are very busy. There is a lot of work to be done, we will have to cope with difficult situations, negotiate a number of contracts, revise the terms of cooperation, and so on. The competition is getting tough and it would be a good idea to rethink promotion strategies.

Despite the difficulties, believe in yourself. Saturn in the house of work Leo and Uranus in the house of career form a friendly relationship, so you will succeed and the results of your work will be impressive.

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Leo make you enterprising and enterprising. You are driven by the desire to stand out at work, but this should be done in moderation, because vanity can cause trouble.

The solar eclipse on July 13, 2018 activates the twelfth house of Leo, associated with secrets and the subconscious. Creativity and activity in solitude will bring success. Pay attention to your dreams - they may come to you interesting ideas relating to work and money. You should also be more attentive to the environment, because. ill-wishers can do harm by acting behind your back.

The impact of Uranus is pushing you to decide on drastic changes, but it is better to wait. Mars makes a journey in the opposite direction, moreover, on July 26, 2018, the period begins Mercury retrograde- all this is not conducive to new beginnings. It is preferable to engage current work, and a good time for fresh ideas will come later.

AT financial terms cooperation will bring benefits, but one must keep in mind the fact that partners can conduct some kind of covert activity. Fraud or confusing circumstances with money are not ruled out. More certainty in financial matters is expected by the end of the month.


Stress accompanies you throughout the month, but there are internal reserves of the body necessary to maintain wellness. Until July 23, 2018, the Sun, the ruler of your sign, is located in the twelfth house - you feel the need to rest, be alone and relax. The whole month is great for visiting doctors, starting a treatment course, traveling for treatment and wellness activities.

Be attentive to your surroundings! Not everyone is happy with your success, someone may be jealous and try to interfere.

According to the testimony of an accurate love horoscope, in July, changes in personal life may turn out to be unexpected for Leo. This period of time can be a test of the readiness of representatives of this zodiac sign to make serious decisions. The stars require deliberate and decisive action from those born under the sign of Leo. In July 2017, many of them will be forced to accept the shortcomings of loved ones and draw conclusions from the current situation. Some Lions during this period will decide on the final rupture of existing love relationships.

Lonely representatives of the Leo constellation in July will not be ready for changing circumstances and events. In such conditions, starting a relationship with the opposite sex will not cause enthusiasm for them. Lions who are successful in relationships this month will not be in the mood for new acquaintances and dates. They prefer meeting with a new person to communicate with close friends, gatherings with relatives or reading a book.

People born under the sign of Leo, who are married or in a permanent relationship, will do everything possible in July to keep their relationship in a couple within their usual framework. For some representatives of this zodiac sign, the second month of summer may not be cloudless at all. Many Lions in July will be surprised by the new sides of their chosen one that have opened up. The love horoscope for July advises the Lions in this case to try to calm down and not make hasty decisions. An important circumstance for maintaining existing relationships will be the opportunity to think about everything that happens without haste.

Love horoscope for Leo women for July 2017

Single Leo girls in July may be faced with a choice between improving their personal lives or helping loved ones. Because of this, relationships with family and friends may suffer if Leo decides not in their favor. The stars strongly advise Leo girls in July not to waste time and establish their own personal lives. Communication with the opposite sex will help to find the usual calmness and enjoy romantic dates.

Married Leo women in July may suspect their chosen one of treason. clear signs, most likely, they will not find it, but premonitions can spoil the mood and become a reason for jealousy. For the majority of married couples, these assumptions will turn out to be erroneous, therefore, they will cause a natural resentment of the second half. The love horoscope for July recommends that Leos do not cheat themselves and clarify all their suspicions in an honest conversation with their spouse.

Love horoscope for Leo men for July 2017

Single men representing the sign of Leo in July will probably not feel interest in themselves from the fairer sex and will not be able to tune in to romance and flirting with girls themselves. The reason for this situation may be a complete lack of desire for a new relationship. Many Leo men, who are known as ladies' men, will be closed to members of the opposite sex in July. Accurate love horoscope for July 2017 gives advice to single Lions to take their time and draw the right conclusions from what is happening in order to avoid mistakes in the future

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