Home Flowers How to build a conversation with a girl. What to come up with philosophical themes. The essence of creating a retractable beginning

How to build a conversation with a girl. What to come up with philosophical themes. The essence of creating a retractable beginning

AT last time when you were talking to a girl, you mumbled something incoherent about your homework in math, then mention going to the dentist, and then snapping their fingers in awkward silence while the girl stares at the floor? Don't worry, it's happened to all the guys. It's okay, if you prepare and make an effort, then the next time you talk, the girl will be extremely passionate.


Where to begin

    Start with a casual theme. In your first conversation with a girl, pick a light topic that both of you can talk about quite naturally without feeling embarrassed. Don't talk to her about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her to tell you about the most embarrassing situation in her life; you can talk about it when you get to know each other better. Choose neutral topics to start a conversation she feels comfortable with. Don't swear. She wants to be treated like a lady! Here are some safe but fun themes to get you started:

    • your favorite bands;
    • the latest movies you have watched;
    • your pets;
    • your brothers and sisters;
    • What did you do last weekend or what do you plan to do next?
    • your vacation plans.
  1. Avoid personal topics. This rule goes hand in hand with starting a conversation on a light topic. You'll be able to have deeper conversations once the girl gets to know you better, but for now, it's best to avoid talking about family deaths, your first loves, strange illnesses, or fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with a girl, then you can quickly move from chatting to more important topics, but you should avoid too personal topics when you are just starting to communicate with a girl, otherwise she may retreat.

    • Well, if she started a conversation on a personal topic and wants to continue it, then you can support him and see where it leads, but still be on the lookout.
    • Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. If she backs off or looks upset when you ask her about something simple, then it may be a sensitive topic for her.
  2. Keep smiling. If you smile and act positive, then you can keep the girl interested and make her want to continue the conversation. While you shouldn't smile until your cheeks are numb, it's worth taking advantage of every opportunity. This will show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and leave a positive impression of you. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remind yourself of that.

    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to a girl, and also at the end of a conversation. It is important to start and end on a good note.
  3. Look into her eyes. Eye contact is the key to making a girl feel important and see that what she says really matters to you. You may feel uncomfortable talking to her and start looking around just because you are afraid to look at her, but try to break this habit. You don't need to look into her eyes with tension and love, because it can scare her - just look into her eyes during a conversation to make her feel important. If you find it difficult to make eye contact with a person or prefer to avoid eye contact, look at her nose - look, but don't stare. Not everyone is able to maintain eye contact during a conversation; tell her about it - if she is worthy of your attention, she will understand.

  4. Ask her questions. This is the key to making the girl feel special as quickly as possible. You can show that you care by asking questions about her or what she does at recent times. The questions don't have to be very personal - they don't have to - but you should show your interest in her and her life. If she doesn’t ask you anything, then you should stop asking questions for a while - perhaps she feels like she is being interrogated. Here are some topics for questions:

    • her hobbies and interests;
    • her favorite music bands, books and TV shows;
    • her favorite subjects at school;
    • her dream job;
    • her best friends;
    • her plans.
  5. Give her a compliment. After talking for a while, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel appreciated. Make sincere compliments, do not dissemble. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, jewelry, or even a personality trait. Don't be too specific ("You have great legs") because it will make her uncomfortable. Don't overdo it, choose something neutral and show her you care.

    • One compliment per conversation will be enough. Do not bombard her with compliments or act like you are not sincere in your words.

    How to keep her interested

    1. Find common themes. Once you've started a conversation, look for common ground to make it easier for you to find topics for conversation. It is not necessary to have common interests, however, if you find them, the conversation will be easier. When you talk to a girl, try to determine if you have something in common - maybe you grew up in the same city, maybe you like the same sport, or you have a mutual friend or teacher.

      • If you talk about something in common, you can open up, enjoy the conversation, and talk about new topics. For example, you can talk about how much you love football, and then go on to the craziest stories that have happened to you at the stadium, and then discuss your favorite places in the city.
      • Let things take their course - don't try to find out if she likes the same thing as you. Try to keep the conversation open, otherwise it will stop if she does not share your interests. For example, instead of saying, “Have you seen Frozen? It's my new favorite movie" - better say: "Have you watched anything interesting lately?"
    2. Ask her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask her for her opinion, she will see that you see her as an individual and that you really value her opinion. You can ask about political situation in the country, or even about whether she likes your new shoes. She will understand that you are not just trying to hit on her, but respect her as a person.

      • Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no"; ask questions that can be answered in detail so that she has something to talk about. Use "What do you think about..." instead of "Do you think that...".
    3. Use your environment. If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is waning, look around to see what you can use to your advantage. Maybe you have a concert poster hanging behind you, then you can ask if the girl likes this group. Maybe you are standing outside a coffee shop, then ask her if she goes there to read. This does not mean that you need to immediately look around as soon as the conversation begins; look for clues in your surroundings when awkward pauses begin to arise between you.

      • This is a creative way to keep a girl interested and continue the conversation. She will be impressed by how observant you are.
    4. Make her laugh. If you want to keep the girl's interest, it would be nice to make her laugh. If you make a girl laugh, she will want to continue the conversation with you, so look for situations where you can dilute humor. You can gently laugh at yourself, make a kind joke about a mutual friend, or tell her a joke if you think she won't laugh. If you have a funny story that can really make you laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and complicated. Do not overdo it, but look for ways to make the girl laugh.

      • If you don't have a natural sense of humor, then don't try to be something you're not. The girl will see that you are trying, and will begin to feel sorry for you. Instead, you can just be yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, great!
      • If you don't know the girl well, then don't tease her, unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may misunderstand and be offended, and this is definitely not what you wanted.
    5. Don't turn the conversation into a one-sided monologue. Some guys are so worried about not seeming boring that in the end the girl can't get a word into the conversation. Maintaining interest does not mean talking incessantly. Speak, but let her speak too. Stop from time to time - she probably has something to say too. You should not pull everything on yourself. Of all the time you spend talking, you should only talk half, no more (or a little more if you're shy).

      • If you constantly talk about yourself, then you will look narcissistic, and she will not want to continue this conversation.
    6. Ask about her interests. Almost all girls like to talk about what is especially important to them, so be sure to ask her about what she does in free time how often she does it and why she likes it, and find out why it's so important to her. You will not have to persuade her for a long time - you will notice how her face lights up when she starts talking about what is really important to her.

      • If she doesn't go into details when discussing her interests, share yours.

    How to end a conversation

    1. Show her what makes you stand out from the crowd. You don't have to be able to do back flips to impress her. However, it's worth ending the conversation in such a way that she thinks she knows you a little and realizes that she makes you stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love of playing the guitar. Whatever it is, open up to her, show her who you really are. So, when she meets you again, she will have something to talk to you about and she will have pleasant memories from the previous conversation.

      • This does not mean at all that you need to tell her everything about yourself in the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation. Tell me a few interesting facts about your life - that will be enough. If you only talk about “weather” all the time, you will never really get to know each other.
    2. Be positive. When you feel like the conversation is coming to an end, end it on a positive note, no matter what you are talking about. If you've been complaining about your parents, teachers, the weather, or anything else that has upset you for the past five minutes, then the girl is unlikely to have a good conversation with you. Your goal is to make the girl feel positive vibes and remember that it was fun to communicate with you, and not boring or even painful.
      • You can complain only when there is something that annoys both of you. But even in this case - in moderation. Save your complaints for someone who knows you a little better.
    3. Don't forget about self-confidence. Remember to remain confident while speaking. Show the girl that you believe in what you are talking about and that you are happy with yourself. If she feels this, then she will understand that you are in harmony with yourself, that you are fun and easy to communicate with. If you get nervous, put yourself down, or talk about how you can't find a topic to talk to, then she will feel uncomfortable and is unlikely to want to talk to you again.

      • You don't have to act like you're the most interesting person in the world or like you're so sexy you could be a movie star; just show that you are happy to be yourself(Is that true?), and everything else will follow.
      • Between boasting and self-confidence a fine line. If you brag too much, it will push the girl away.
    4. Leave before the conversation ends. This is a great way to leave a positive impression. If you think the conversation is going really well and you're having a great time, then tell the girl that you'd like to continue the conversation, but it's time for you to go. The idea of ​​leaving in the middle of a great conversation may seem silly, but by doing so, you will make an unforgettable impression on the girl - she will definitely want to meet you again. Conversely, if you delay the end of the conversation, there will be nothing to talk about, awkward pauses will begin ... and, in the end, she is unlikely to want to communicate with you again. If you wait too long, you can see that the conversation dragged on, or you have nothing more to talk about, but why should she communicate with you again after that? Wait until you find mutual language, and then, as politely as possible, say that you have to go.

      • If you are full of courage and the conversation went really well, you can muster up the courage and invite her to meet again.





Topics for conversation with a girl are interesting for young guys and even men.
Some do not know how to start a conversation due to their shyness and stiffness, others are simply afraid.

As a result, the conversation either does not start, or the dialogue is accompanied by awkward pauses.

It's easy to start with a abstruse topic, but it's better to keep it simple.

These topics will interest any

In order not to ask a lot of questions, it is better to learn how to ask the right ones. Then the girl will take over the whole conversation, you just have to nod your head.

What is interesting to one interlocutor may not be interesting to another. Simple psychological topics may not be useful at all.

  1. All questions about her. There are many of them and we will not paint them. Just be interested in her, her life. Ladies just love to talk about themselves, about their merits and achievements. You can start with questions like: “What are you fond of?” How do you spend your time?;
  2. The girl will talk about her preferences and then the ground for conversation opens up for you. If she is engaged in creativity, then ask questions like: How did you start doing this?, Are there any achievements in this area? The choice of question depends on what type of creativity the interlocutor is fond of. If a companion is interested in fitness, then support her, give compliments and ask simple questions, such as: “Is it difficult?”, “Which center do you go to?”, What type of fitness ?. If she does Pilates. Ask her: “What is it?”, “What is the essence? And so on".

If the theme has exhausted itself, it is necessary to find another. First, remember what she said earlier. From this information, the question may again “hook up”.

Examine her, perhaps in her appearance something will prompt new thoughts.

You are trying to learn how to come up with a theme, but everything is easier.

If your head is empty, start asking these standard questions:

  • How do you see your life in five or ten years?
  • What would you spend a million dollars or rubles on? Before asking such a question, start a conversation about material things, just do not ask about how much she receives.
  • What kind alcoholic drinks do you love?
  • Did you really love? If you like her and you are planning a serious relationship.
  • How often do people meet you on the street?
  • What places do you like to go to?
  • Do you like to go to clubs?
  • Tell me about the happiest day of your life?
  • Which resort would you like to visit?
  • What kind of music do you like more? What performers?
  • What is your favorite movie or actor? it good way go to the cinema.
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What for you friends are more important or guy?
  • How many friends do you have?
  • What time of year do you like best?
  • How much time do you spend in in social networks?
  • At what age did you first fall in love?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes, in fate?
  • In which country would you like to live?
  • Can you swim?
  • What did you want to be as a child?
  • What flowers do you like?
  • Would you like to go skydiving?
  • What character traits are important to you in a young man?
  • What is more important: appearance man or his inner world?
  • Have you performed on stage?

On the Internet, they are good, these topics for communicating with a girl in VK pop up constantly. This is the art of conversation. Consider the age of the girl, evaluate her behavior and manners and draw conclusions from this, take into account the social status.

Adding to the list of interesting topics:

  • Biography.
  • Plans for the future and her dreams.
  • Music.
  • Literature.
  • Movie.
  • Art.
  • Sport.
  • Travels.
  • Hobby.

How to behave when communicating

How to communicate with a girl? Recall the basic rules that must be followed during a conversation.

  1. Rejoice in the meeting. But remember, falsehood immediately "strikes" in the eye.

    Tune in to a wave of positive, smile more often;

  2. Learn to maintain a conversation and show interest in a girl;
  3. Do not interrupt, be able to listen to the end;
  4. Do not overload the chosen one with questions.

    Everything should be in moderation;

  5. Don't answer in one word. Don't just say yes or no.

    Try to tell as much information as possible;

  6. But most importantly, do not avoid communication. Practice constantly. You will become sociable and will easily carry on a conversation.

How to behave if the topic was chosen incorrectly

Often during the first date you have to talk a lot, and the girl at the same time very poorly supports the conversation.

This indicates either her disinterest, or excitement, or that the topic is not interesting. Let's imagine that in our case we are talking third option.

If the topic is not interesting for the girl, then skip the topic:

  1. Immediately change the subject to another.
  2. Analyze behavior. You talk a lot and don't let the person get a word in.
  3. Make a compliment. This will lift your spirits.
  4. Shut up for a while. Maybe she'll start asking questions.

To prevent this from happening, remember the rules:

  • Don't just answer yes or no. Give the answer in such a way that the interlocutor has the ground for the next question.
  • Learn to enjoy communication. Practice more often in communicating with girls. Do it on social networks, just on the street, in clubs and so on. Communicate even if you don't feel like it. After a while, you will learn to communicate with girls without thinking about what next question set.
  • Agree with her and her opinion. Know how to listen to her and hear.
  • Don't get annoyed if something doesn't suit you.

The way to develop a conversation is to tell stories. No need to talk all the way only to you. Tell stories in which you are popular, but do not overdo it.

What topics should not be discussed with girls

There are a number of topics on which it is better not to talk with the "newly made passion". They are also called difficult to talk to girls. Here they are:

  1. No need to talk about ex girls, although there are exceptions to this. To do this, contact the student "pick-up artists". And remember that a pickup truck is not the goal to have sex with as much as possible. large quantity girls, but a way to find that one;
  2. Don't talk about health problems. It is hardly possible to interest anyone in this way. People have enough problems. No one needs to be loaded;
  3. Try not to talk about sports: hockey, football. The only exception is if the interlocutor loves them. Also don't mention cars and computers. If we talk about cars, then only ask what she wants;
  4. Don't complain. You make it clear to her that you are insecure, and you are not able to solve your own problems;
  5. Don't report unsuccessful attempts and defeats. Why put yourself in a not very good light?;
  6. Don't tell why girls dumped you;
  7. When seducing, forget about sex and try not to talk about these topics.


  • Don't brag;
  • Don't just talk about yourself;
  • Don't talk about marriage and things like that. This is ridiculous;
  • Don't give too many compliments;
  • Don't philosophize.

If she's interested

If you are interested, then there will be no problems in communication. The girl will answer questions and conduct a lively dialogue. She will be as interested in you as you are in her. Here she will offer interesting topics- which will be of interest to her.

She will initiate any ideas. For example, offer to go somewhere together. But the rest of the big responsibility is still on the man.

Start of a conversation. Acquaintance. Real Examples

At the diner. Near the food counter:

M: “Is there nothing better here?”;

J: "Everyone likes it";

M: “I know a restaurant across the street, there really is tasty food We could have lunch there together. I'm crying. How do you like this idea?;

J: "Mmm, let's go!"

M: "Great!"

On the street. Together. They approach the girl.

M: “Hi, we need a female opinion. Tell me, please, how do you feel about the fact that two guys love each other, but his girlfriend is against it?

J: I don't think it's normal.

M: “How do you feel about these guys?”;

J: "Okay."

M: "Then let's exchange phone numbers?" ....

We take the phone number right away.

M: "Hi. I really liked you. Let's exchange phone numbers, shall we? I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to the company, the dealers are waiting, and I'll call later?

J: Hello. Come on.

You can meet as you like and you can say anything at the same time. It all depends on the particular girl.

To easily get acquainted with the "opposite sex" you need to constantly practice.

The same for the conversation a myriad. More practice.

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Is it hard to start a conversation with an absolute unknown girl? For many people, especially in our country, with a society not accustomed to even simple smiles on the streets to each other, to take the first step towards the young lady they like is a whole heroic feat.

An even more heroic step is an attempt to get to know each other, and often men go beyond the conditional question “how to get to the library?” with the subsequent embarrassment, the matter does not move forward.

Meanwhile, in order to start a conversation with a girl in any atypical situation, much is not needed. A little courage, a couple of pre-prepared phrases and the ability to keep the subsequent conversation on track is the basis that can develop into a pleasant acquaintance with an even more pleasant ending in an intimate setting.

Where can you start a conversation? It is better to refuse obsessive banality, although in some cases even well-known tricks “shoot out” (like the same “how to get to the library?”). Nevertheless, originality decides, and a person who approached a lady with some really funny (not vulgar, of course) joke or an intriguing question adequate to the situation has an enormous chance to interest the girl.

Further development of the situation depends on the person himself and his communication skills, as well as on the social role, which was chosen by the gentleman in order to appear before the girl in the most favorable light. Yes, the chosen image also needs to be taken into account in conversations with girls, moreover, sometimes a well-played role (for example, an eternal romantic or a pleasant eccentric who fell in love at first glance) helps a successful acquaintance by 50%.

In conversations with young ladies, it is best to use topics of interest to them (which you can get an idea about during the first 10-15 minutes of meeting), give them compliments and, in general, indulge in every possible way. This immediately turns into female eyes any man in interesting person with whom you can have a good time.

In general, it doesn’t even matter where to start a conversation with a girl you like: it’s important, having managed to catch attention, to interest her so much that you don’t want to part with an interesting interlocutor, at least during the entire impromptu date.

Overcoming Approach Fear and Uncertainty

No self-confident man wonders how to start a conversation with a girl. When he sees the lady he likes, he just comes up, says a banal “hello”, makes a compliment and, without straining, maintains a short dialogue, after which he takes her phone to meet in the future.

The girl is led to this, because such a situation is completely natural - a man shows his interest in a woman, as it should be. She feels his confidence and succumbs to it, reciprocating or politely refusing, which happens when she has a boyfriend / husband, or if she doesn’t like a man.

If you have problems with such acquaintances, then first of all, the reason should be sought in your own insecurity. This is not uncommon, since some guys are so insecure that even in adulthood they cannot approach a girl to ask something about the case, let alone maintain a mutually interesting conversation. Fortunately, this problem can be solved.

To begin with, let's figure out where the fear of meeting and talking with girls comes from. Here it is necessary to understand that this fear is completely subjective - it exists only in your head and has no real justification (after all, girls are not much like wild animals that can tear you to shreds when trying to get to know each other?)

Fear of starting a conversation with a girl is provoked personal complexes, most often it is called:

  1. Fear of rejection.
  2. Fear of getting everyone's attention.
  3. Low self-esteem.
  4. Complexes about appearance.

Everyone has their own set of cockroaches in their head, so you need to analyze your own personality, take a notebook and write down all the problems that make you afraid of girls. Then, for each item, come up with a solution that will minimize or completely get rid of the problem. For example:

  • I have bad looks- need to lose weight good haircut, buy stylish clothes, take care of yourself;
  • no money for a relationship with a girl and a place where you can bring her- needs to be found new job move from parents to rented apartment, look for girls who are not demanding on material values;
  • I have low self-esteem- you need to evaluate yourself not by success among the opposite sex, but by personal achievements in any business (work, hobby, sport);
  • I don't know how to deal with girls- you need to consistently develop in this direction, after all, you are reading this article for a reason!

Recognizing the problem and finding a way to solve it is half the success, then everything depends on your determination and perseverance. You can read dozens of textbooks on a pickup truck, but never put the knowledge into practice and stay at the starting point. Pickup courses can help you take such an important first step. If you decide to work on yourself on your own, start doing something right now. However, there is no need to build illusions and immediately try on the image of an experienced macho, in a pickup truck, as in any other business, you need to move from small to big. For example, you can break through the initial barrier of insecurity, which prevents a girl from starting a conversation, with the following practical exercises:

  1. When walking down the street, ask any girl how to get to some place nearby, listen to her, thank her and continue to follow your business.
  2. When you see a pretty girl on the street going to a meeting, smile at her and say hello, you don’t need to stop.
  3. Go up to any girl and compliment her on any occasion, then wish her a nice day and leave.
  4. AT mall or a store, contact the girl who makes purchases and ask her women's opinion. For example, you want to buy a handbag for your sister, but you don’t know which one to choose, and so on. Keep the conversation going for at least a few minutes, asking clarifying questions of your choice, thank the girl for her help, and say goodbye.

Each exercise must be done 20 times. Since the exercises go on increasing complexity and take you out of your comfort zone more and more, you can move on to a new one only after completing the previous item on the list. And if you overcome your own insecurities and do everything right, upon completion of this practice, you will lose the lion's share of shyness in front of girls and feel that you do not need to make a titanic effort to maintain a conversation.

How to start a conversation with a girl - a practical guide

As your confidence grows, you will realize that you absolutely do not need any secret techniques and phrases to start a conversation. However, at the first time of practice, you can use ready-made developments to make your life a little easier.

The way you start a conversation with a girl largely depends on the place of your acquaintance, which can be divided into 3 conditional categories:

  1. The outside.
  2. Clubs and cafes.
  3. Thematic places.

The easiest way to act thematic places- at concerts, exhibitions, at the cinema, gym, on the beach, in the library and so on. In such cases, you are already united with the girl by common interests, so to start a conversation, you can simply ask her opinion about what is happening.

Approaching girls on the street is usually more difficult for beginners; there are several ways to start a conversation here. There is such a thing as an opener - this is the first phrase that you say to a girl when you meet. They are varied, up to shocking statements that unsettle the girl, but in most cases 3 types of openers work best:

  • directive - such openers directly demonstrate your interest in a girl, for example, “hello, you look cool, I want to drink a cup of coffee with you and get to know you better”;
  • neutral - common phrases without a clear pretext, you ask how to get somewhere, you are interested in time, etc.;
  • situational - used in the context of the case, for example, you see a girl walking a dog and are interested in what kind of breed it is, is it difficult to keep it, ask to stroke the dog.

To start a conversation with a girl, it is best for beginners to use neutral and situational openers, as they often lack the confidence needed to make directive phrases sound natural and convincing.

This approach is quite simple - you just ask a socially acceptable question, thereby starting a conversation, after which you take some phrase from her answer and transfer the conversation to a new track. In the process of dialogue, when the emotional barrier between strangers falls, and she begins to feel comfortable, you can demonstrate your interest in a girl by giving her a compliment or expressing sympathy directly.

The success of a conversation with a girl primarily depends on your internal state. You must behave confidently, which is manifested in posture, eye contact(you need to look into your eyes and not interrupt your gaze first), gestures (lack of nervous, jerky movements). You need to be positive, a smile on your face is a must. When communicating with a girl, never adjust from below, for example, the question " and you won't tell me whereWifithere is?” immediately betrays your insecurity, while the phrase “ hi, can you please tell me where i can find the nearestWifi, said in a confident voice with eye contact, tells the girl about your dominance.

If you do everything right, then she will not even realize that you are deliberately driving up to her, and she will tell her friends how she accidentally managed to meet a young man, and he turned out to be so interesting that she could not resist and gave her phone number.

The logical conclusion of any acquaintance is the exchange of contacts so that in the future you can invite her on a full date. It is best to take the phone at the most positive and cheerful moment of the conversation, when she is in high spirits. Again, do not ask the girl to give a number, but guide her, you do not need to invent some tricky phrases, say in a fairly confident voice “ you are very interesting, would love to continue our conversation over a cup of coffee, give me your number».

We figured out how to start a conversation with a girl, but it is equally important to know how not to mess things up in the process of dialogue. The first rule has already been announced - no need to adapt to the girl and demonstrate that you value her status higher than your own, the key to success with any, even the most beautiful and inaccessible women, lies in confident behavior.

It is important to listen to the interlocutor. Attempts to develop a dialogue using memorized phrases do not lead to anything good, because sooner or later the patterns end and you find yourself in a stupor. Do not ignore what the girl tells you, this information is not an exhaustive source of new topics for conversation. Be interested in her personality, tastes and opinions, girls love to talk about themselves, so in most cases it will be enough just to ask questions and nod with a smile during her chatter.

For the first time after meeting, do not try in any way to demonstrate to her own superiority, to confuse with questions or to quibble from scratch, do not be clever, behave simply and positively, and you will not have any problems in communication.

On this topic, how to start a conversation with a girl can be considered exhausted. And remember that theory is only a small part of success - everything is decided by practice, to which it is better to move on immediately!

Some people can keep up a conversation and easily translate it into any topic. Such skills increase self-esteem, allow you to make useful contacts and achieve success in business.

But how to keep up the conversation if this fails, and an awkward silence hangs? Such skills are easy to master, it is enough to know the basic rules of communication.

Ask open-ended questions

To keep the conversation going, avoid questions that can be answered with a clear "yes" or "no", as this will immediately lead the conversation to a dead end and create difficulties for further communication. For example, instead of asking if you liked a movie, it's better to ask what the other person thinks about its plot.
A detailed answer can be obtained by expressing your own opinion. The other person will definitely want to express their point of view, as a result of which a dialogue will be created.

Ask questions based on the other person's answers

How to keep up a conversation with people if he has reached a dead end? A good technique is to use the information coming from the interlocutor. After listening carefully to him, you can always cling to something and find a topic for continuing communication. If the question does not come to mind, it is enough to invite the person to tell about something in more detail.
The main thing is not to interrupt the interlocutor and give him the opportunity to speak out, to finish his thought, otherwise he may think that his reasoning is not interesting, and stop expounding them.

The environment is the best topic for conversation

How do you keep a conversation going if it doesn't add up from the start? best theme to be discussed environment. For example, if you are participating in a common event, talk about it. During dinner in a restaurant, you can discuss the atmosphere and interior of the establishment. At a party, a suitable theme would be music, food, decorations.

Be positive

One must remember simple thing A: People like to hang out with optimists. Therefore, you do not need to constantly complain about your failures, this will only alienate the interlocutor. Perhaps he wants to relax and forget about his own troubles, and not fill his head with other people's sorrows.

It is better to remember the positive moments, you can even tell some funny story. As you know, humor brings people together and allows them to find a common language.

Conversation with a girl

Communication with a man

A woman, when talking with a man, should remember that the representatives of the stronger sex love to be listened to. True, it is not always possible to understand the reasoning about cars or computers. How to keep up a conversation with a man in this case? A conversation can always be directed in the right direction, catching on to something familiar and finding a topic that is interesting to both.

The main thing is not to interrupt the man at the moment when he is talking enthusiastically, not to criticize him. Not the best topic would be a discussion of friends. It is better to leave it for friends. It is also advisable not to talk about diets.

Company conversation

A person who knows how to keep up a conversation in a company so as not to get negative attitude towards himself will not enter into pointless arguments and criticize others. He will remember that every speaker tries to find his listeners. That is why, when communicating in a company, he will try to pass off his own silence as an interest in the story. If the conversation is conducted by several people, it is easier to present yourself as an interesting interlocutor - it is enough to sometimes ask questions when there is a pause.

If you don't know how to keep a conversation going on any topic, educate yourself.
There are a few simple guidelines.

  1. Practice. Try to connect with everyone you come into contact with. It can be cashiers in a supermarket, people in line, colleagues. For communication, it is desirable to choose people with opposite values ​​and views. This will allow you to develop in different directions and expand the list of topics suitable for conversations.
  2. Read a lot. Choose literature on different topics, as these are sources of information that can be discussed in the future.
  3. Keep a notepad. Write down funny stories that happened to you in the past. They can be useful and become a topic for communication.
  4. Talk to your reflection in the mirror. As you know, this is how actors rehearse, why don't you adopt this style of training?
  5. Overcome shyness, because in many cases it is precisely this that causes stiffness in conversation.

What should not be done?

How to keep up the conversation and not cause the negativity of others? There are several warnings about what not to do during a conversation:

  • exalt oneself, try to show it better than it really is - such behavior repels others and creates barriers to further communication;
  • be tactless - if the interlocutor does not like the topic, it is better not to touch it, otherwise they will want to end the conversation with you as soon as possible;
  • use rude, vulgar speech with slang and profanity- it will be frowned upon in many circles;
  • extort personal secrets and lay out their ins and outs;
  • to interrupt the interlocutor, cut him off in mid-sentence - this is bad manners, which may cause the communication to end.

Sarcasm and scientific sayings French will also not be appreciated. There is no point in trying to be smarter. For pleasant communication, you need to win over a person.

Of course, talk to best friend you can talk about anything, but you also need to be able to enter into a dialogue with strangers. Moreover, there are plenty of topics for communication, you just have to choose the most suitable one. To be able not only to express your point of view, but also to listen to another person is a mandatory requirement for a pleasant and long conversation. If you follow these rules, the question of how to keep the conversation going will not arise.

During the first meeting with a girl or at the next date, if there were few of them, there are uncomfortable hitches or pauses in the conversation. The reason for silence is often excessive excitement, because of which even a very sociable person awkwardly falls silent at the most crucial moment.

To avoid such problems, it is worth preparing in advance for topics for conversation that will come to the rescue in difficult times.

The complexity of communication by correspondence lies in the impossibility of determining a person's emotions. It is difficult to understand whether the topic of conversation is pleasant or unpleasant for the girl.

If the answers are monosyllabic, the conversation is "not going well" - she probably does not like the subject of discussion.

It's a slippery slope, so it's important to choose universal and harmless themes:

  • animals;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • dreams, goals;
  • study, work;
  • relaxation;
  • travels;
  • favorite, memorable places;
  • literature, cinema, music;
  • relations;
  • food, drinks;
  • holidays;
  • friends;
  • clothes, fashion.

The best phone conversation topics

If it seems that the girl is trying to get away from the conversation, you should immediately change the subject.

No need to "squeeze", stubbornly ask questions to which she reluctantly answers. The conversation will be pleasant for both, if you follow the rules.

It is forbidden:

  1. Always talk about yourself.
  2. Interrupt the girl.
  3. Discuss ex.
  4. Ask too open questions.
  5. Disrespectful of the answers (perhaps her hobby will seem ridiculous or ridiculous, but this is the choice of the girl you like - you need to respect it).

Topics for conversation at the first meeting (date, walk)

Before the first date, guys and girls are worried, so they prepare for it carefully. But at the time of the meeting, so that the experiences do not turn into panic, it is better not to allow long pauses in the conversation. An awkward silence will only increase the excitement.

Topics for a first date:

  1. Favorite food. good topic for discussion with multiple directions: National cuisine, the best restaurants And so on. When food preferences are still unknown, one should not speak negatively about some dish, because it may be on the list of favorites of the interlocutor.
  2. Animals. It is not necessary to discuss only pets, it will be interesting to talk about wild animals.
  3. Rest, leisure. Ways of relaxation, preferred options for filling free time.
  4. Art (cinema, music, theater, painting). An extensive topic with a 100% hit on the interlocutor (there must be preferences).
  5. Travels. You can discuss your recent travels: where you were, what you liked, tell about your vivid impressions.
  6. Social connections. Are there friends, girlfriends? One or two close people or a large company - it is important to find out at the first meeting, perhaps the interests do not coincide.
  7. Interests, hobbies. An excellent topic for rapprochement if there are common ground (both are fond of swimming, reading, games). In the absence of such, there will be a reason to learn something new, perhaps to change the formed opinion.
  8. Anecdotes, funny stories. On the first date, it is better to talk about harmless situations from life. Black humor and vulgarity should be abandoned, since the reaction of the interlocutor is unknown.
  9. Study, work. You need to know where the girl studies or who works, so as not to get into an awkward situation. You should not immediately talk about a hated profession, suddenly she works just in this field or studies in a similar direction.
  10. Future plans. What goals do you want to achieve? Imagine your life in 5 or 10 years, invite her to do the same and describe the picture of perspectives.

Vulgar and anonymous topics for a sharp conversation

The similarity in sexual preferences with a girl is an excellent link for a couple's relationship.

To get a clearer picture, we can offer several situations:

  • Alone with the guy, the excitement grows, but he does not make any attempts to get closer. Will you show initiative?
  • The guy is not your type, but cute enough offers to move on to intimacy. Will you have sex out of pity?
  • A friend and girlfriend hint at a threesome, but the girl does not attract you. How will you do?
  • You're dating a guy who turns out to be a virgin. Can you help him become a man?
  • In a compartment alone with a guy, desire arises between you. Ready for sex with a stranger without obligation?
  • Imagine that for one day you turned into a man. What will you do? With whom would you like to try new sensations?
  • The guy suggests using sex toys. How will you react to this? Do you love role playing games?
  • You understand that only sex connects you with a young man, there are no other interests. Will you continue the relationship? For a long time?
  • He invited me to see a movie. We agreed to watch a comedy, but suddenly obscene photos appear on the screen. What is your reaction? Will you see?
  • Is it nice when they seduce you, speak frankly about their desire to engage in intimacy? Like compliments of an intimate nature?
  • I found out about a sale in a sex shop with a crazy discount (90%!). What will you buy?

If you run out of topics for conversation, what to talk about?

  1. Events for the day. Ask how the girl spent the day, what she did. Ask leading questions so that the answers are detailed. If she admitted to being sad, find out why.
  2. Shared fantasies. Set an unusual situation and imagine the development of events. For example, you were left alone on the planet or got on desert island. What will your life be like?
  3. Global problems. Discuss/Suggest alternative ways solving the problem of world hunger, wars, preventing ecological disaster. There is a wide range of destinations here. You can fantasize or offer real, relevant methods.
  4. New shared hobby. Together with the girl, choose a hobby that none of you have previously been fond of. Cooperative learning(if required) will unite, fresh topics for conversation will appear.
  5. Details of past conversations. Among the topics that have already been discussed, there are bound to be understatements. For example, a girl told about her favorite movie. Find out which actor's performance impressed her the most. What tapes with his participation did she still watch. You can take any topic: a book, a picture, a cartoon ...

Don't slow down. . .

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