Home Flowers Prayer to the Lord in finding a job. Who to pray to to find a good job, which icon to turn to

Prayer to the Lord in finding a job. Who to pray to to find a good job, which icon to turn to

Many people despite a good education and their abilities, cannot find a job or are faced with different problems preventing progress in career ladder... In such a situation, you can ask for help from the Higher Forces, using prayers for successful work. For sacred words to work, it is important to have unshakable faith and good thoughts. There are different ones that will help in specific situations... You can read prayers at any time, but the main thing is to do it every day, and, if necessary, several times. If possible, go to church and place a candle in front of the image of the saint.

Prayer for work so that everything goes well with Tryphon

People who have difficulties at work are helped by Saint Tryphon, who can be contacted with any problems, for example, when searching suitable place, for career advancement, before a meeting in charge, etc. It is best to have his icon in front of your eyes. The prayer to Saint Tryphon sounds like this:

“Oh, Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I appeal to you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me how you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, dying, said that the one who, being in sorrow and need, will call you in his prayers, he will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from the demon and healed from the disease, hear me too and help me, preserving always and in everything. Become my helper. Be me protection from wicked demons and a guiding star to the Heavenly King. Pray to God for me, may he have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. May he remain beside me and bless what I have conceived and increase my welfare, so that I work for the glory of the name of his holy! Amen!"

Prayer for well-being at work Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matrona is the main helper of all people who turn to her with sincere prayers. The miracle worker helps in various issues, including those related to. If you want to find worthy place, raise wages or get new position, read this prayer in front of the icon:

“Our mother, Matronushka the Holy One, help the blessed servant of God (name) with your sacred words to find the service needed for salvation, and spiritual growth, so as not to give up the personal spirit to the sinful, worldly and vain. Give strength to find a merciful giver of work, respecting the covenants of the Lord, not forcing him to be forced to work on Holy Sundays and holidays. Yes, protect me, the servant of God (name) in the service from all temptation and anger of black, may this work become only for the good and salvation, for the benefit of the Fatherland and the Lord, and happiness for the parents. Amen".

Strong prayer for good luck in work to Nikolai Ugodnik

During his lifetime, Nicholas the Wonderworker helped all people in need to cope with various problems, but now people can turn to him in their prayers. The presented prayer can be used by students who want to find a decent job, as well as people who are afraid of being fired or want to advance in their careers. The prayer to Nikolai the Pleasant sounds like this:

“Holy Pleasant Nicholas, general benefactor. Free my soul from the fierce evil, and the pesky envy of the nasty people. If my work does not go well, and the accursed intent is to blame for everything, do not punish my enemies, cleanse their souls from their own turmoil. And if there is sinful soot on me, accept the request for sincere remorse, grant me miraculous help for the work of the righteous. They sent me a service, so that it would be conscientious, and labor remuneration according to merit. May it be so. Amen".

Getting a good high-paying job is not easy. Often, with sufficient experience and education, a suitable option does not come across, or employers give preference to other candidates.

You can't give up and hope for chance. It is worth remembering about the higher powers that will never leave a person if he humbly asks for something.

What is the right way to offer a prayer for material wealth?

When we turn to God with a material request, many have an idea about the moral side of this issue. Do not worry, Higher powers encourage honest work, which means that prayer for work is quite appropriate..

However, you need to ask for help correctly.

Don't pray for a big paycheck, a high position, and wealth. It would be more correct to ask for a job suitable for the applicant, which will contribute to the realization of abilities, bring joy and bring profit and prosperity.

You can pray both at home and at. The main thing is to concentrate try to ponder every word, because indifferent reading of memorized phrases will not bring any benefit.

Start your prayer with repentance for your sins, read the "Our Father"... Remember who you hurt, ask God for forgiveness for this. Ask for blessings sincerely, then your desires will be heard.

Who should we pray to about getting a job, and what prayers should we read?

They turn to the saints for help in finding a job. They lived a righteous life, for which they were rewarded with the opportunity to perform miracles.

Holy Saints Intercede with God for the one who is praying, thereby helping him to overcome difficulties. There is a special prayer for addressing each saint. Here are a few of them.

Saint Tryphon

To find Good work with a good salary, you can contact Saint Tryphon.

Saint Tryphon during his lifetime he was distinguished by compassion and kindness. From heaven, he continues to support the needy and the afflicted.

If you sincerely want save yourself and your family from poverty and debt, to rid yourself of ill-wishers in the service, then the great martyr Tryphon will definitely come to your defense.

“O holy martyr of Christ, Tryphon, who provides ambulance assistance to all who come running to you! Hear the Lord slave (name) praying to you! Now and for every hour, pray for us, who honor your memory, unworthy sinners, at the Throne of the Lord. You, the saint of the Lord, shone with great miracles, healing all who turned to you in faith. You stood up for everyone who was in sorrow. You turned to the Lord with prayers so that He would intercede for everyone who mentions your name, in all adversity and sorrow. To be delivered from all human evil. And just as you healed the daughter of a king in Rome-city from the devil who tormented her, so protect me from evil libel, misfortune, illness, evil, the intrigues of the enemy. Pray to the Lord for me. Be an assistant in my affairs. Drive the evil and evil spirits away from me. Ask the Lord for joy for me, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Matrona of Moscow

You can pray to her by visiting her grave or bowing to her relics stored in the Moscow Intercession Monastery. If this is not possible, you can pray at the icon with its face.

Blessed is the patroness of orphans and homeless so do kind deed- distribute sweets to the children, take clothes to the shelter, then Mother will reward you.

“Holy blessed our Mother, help with your holy prayers the servant of God (the name of the rivers) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he can grow rich in God and not waste his soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not violate the commandments and does not force those who work under his command to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (the name of the rivers) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of parents Amen. "

Mitrofan Voronezh

Elder Mitrofan was distinguished by his ability to understand neighbors, by mercy, he was the defender of the poor, widows, orphans.... He is asked for healing, prosperity, career.

He will help in any, even a difficult problem, as long as you sincerely ask him for intercession as follows:

“Father Mitrofan! I pray you listen to us, servants of God (names). We turn to your face for help, pray for us before the Merciful God for forgiveness and deliverance from sorrows and failures, for the granting of a worthy life, for the end of troubles and failures. We glorify your infinite compassion and our Lord our God forever and ever. Amen."

Spiridon Trimifuntsky

They turn to Saint Spyridon with a request for admonition, getting rid of loans, debt burden, and finding a good job. The saint does not like lies and hypocrisy, he helps only truly believers.

“O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray to the merciful Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to His mercy. Ask us, unworthy servants of God, from Christ God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical illnesses and troubles, from all yearning and slander of the devil. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our iniquities, a comfortable and peaceful life, may he grant us the end of a life of shameful and peaceful life and vouch for us in the coming life of eternal bliss, may we constantly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Pleasant is the strongest defender who is capable of any miracles. Helps in any area human life, the main thing is to appeal to him from the heart.

“I appeal to you, Pleasant Nikolay, and ask for miraculous help. Let the search for a new job be successful, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss not be angry, but the matter is molding. Let the salary be paid, and the job is pleasant. If an envious person appears, let his anger fall apart. Forgive me all my sins and do not leave as before on difficult days. May it be so. Amen."

Xenia of Petersburg

Left a widow at the age of 26, Ksenia left everything earthly, distributed property, changed into a man and spent her earthly life in prayer and foolishness. The gift of foresight of the future came to her, and the mercy of God visited the people around her.

“O holy mother Xenia! You are our intercessor and prayer book before the Lord! We humbly ask before your bright face. Beg the Lord for forgiveness for our known and accidental sins. So that He enlightens our mind and clears our conscience from impure thoughts and filth, from arrogance and insolence. So that our work brings benefit, blessed by His heavenly hand. You, Xenia, all-blessed, our protector and hope. Together with you we praise the Lord! Amen!"

We often forget that it is necessary to share with the saints not only troubles, but also joys, thank for what we have, read church holidays, attend services.

It is not surprising that requests made to God and the saints in moments of despair often go unfulfilled. remember, that prayer should be done daily, not just after the interview, only to be hired. This will help you focus on your goal, clear your thoughts, and add confidence.

However, faith is not all that is needed to get a job. Keep looking, attend interviews, and prayer will support you in difficult times.

Today among the people different professions there is a lot of competition, so finding a suitable job is not easy. To increase your chances of success, you can turn to the Higher powers for help. In this case, information about which icon is needed to find a job will be useful. There are several saints who help in this particular area, so you need to purchase their images for your home iconostasis.

Which icon should I pray to find a good job?

There are several icons that can help you find a decent job.

Image of the Martyr Tryphon

As a child, the saint received from God the gift of performing miracles for people in need. His sincere prayers helped a huge number of people avoid various troubles. Martyr Tryphon reacts to the sincere appeals of people and transfers them to the Lord. Today, many people turn to him to find a suitable job for themselves. Knowing which icon to pray to in order to find a job, read the following prayer text before the image of Tryphon:

“Oh, holy Martyr Tryphon of Christ, an early helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, a hasty representative! Hear now and for ever the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory. You yourself, a servitor of Christ, you yourself promised, before your departure from this life of this corruptible, to pray for us to the Lord and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow will begin to invoke holy name yours, let him be spared from every mischief. And as if you sometimes healed the Tsarev's daughter in Rome with the city of the devil tormented by the city of the devil, save us from his fierce intrigues throughout all the days of our life, especially on the terrible day of our last, gasp for us, when the darkness of the ghosts of cunning demons surround and frighten we will be started. Then be our helper and quick exorcist of wicked demons, and the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, may he grant us partakers of the everlasting joy and joy, and with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen".

The image of Spiridon Trimifuntsky

If you are interested in which saints to pray in order to find a good job, then turn with your requests to Spyridon, who helped those in need during his lifetime. Today many unemployed people read before his prayer in order to find a good place work, and businessmen pray to the saint to receive valuable parting words. Before the image of Spiridon, read the following prayer:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant many of our sins forgiveness, a comfortable and peaceful life, may grant us, the deaths of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The image of Nikolai the Pleasant

When figuring out who to pray to in order to find a job, this saint, whom believers consider their main helper, must not be overlooked. The saint helps all believers in any good deed, including in the search for a suitable job. The following words should be read before the icon:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad one in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help the accursed one, pray the Lord God, all creatures of the Sourer, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever. Amen".

The image of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

The saint was known during her lifetime even during her earthly life. People who turned to her with their requests received what they wanted in a short period of time. It is for this that Ksenia of Petersburg was nicknamed "ambulance". There is a lot of evidence that prayers to this saint help in finding work. Prayer to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg sounds like this:

“O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! She who lived under the roof of the Almighty, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, who suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rest in peace under the shadow of the Almighty. Today the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies thee. Forthcoming at the place of your burial, in front of your saint's image, as if you live with us, we pray: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as if she has boldness towards Him. Seek eternal salvation for those flowing to you, our generous blessing for good deeds and undertakings, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Appear with your holy prayers before our All-merciful Savior for us unworthy and sinful. Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, to illuminate infants with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and young women in faith, honesty, fear of God to educate and success in teaching them to bestow; heal the ailing and the ailing, family love and consent was sent down; For those who are monastics, honor good deeds and protect them from reproaches, strengthen the shepherds in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and our country in peace and serenity, pray for those who have been deprived of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the hour of death. You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance, we send you thanksgiving and with you we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen".

The image of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow

This saint is popularly called Matushka Matrona, because even during her lifetime there were queues of people with their problems for her, and she did not refuse anyone. Thanks to valuable advice people were able to find their real professional vocation. Today great amount people turn to this saint in order to find a high-paying job. There is a special prayer for this purpose:

“Holy blessed our mother Matrona, help with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he can grow rich in God and not waste his soul on the worldly - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not trample the commandments of God and does not compel those who work under his command to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (name) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of parents. Amen".

Complete collection and description: strong prayer to take on desired job for the spiritual life of a believer.

For many people, trying to find good workplace with high wages and a friendly team are not crowned with success. This can be explained not only by economic instability, but also by high competition in the labor market. However, in order for fate to reward you with a decent job, you can slightly contribute to this. In such situations, it is enough to use conspiracies to get a job. They help you quickly find the right vacancy, get a position and win the favor of your superiors.

Applying this or that conspiracy to work, you can significantly change your destiny. And this applies not only financial condition, but also position in society.

Highlights for performing rituals

To use magic and special prayers to successfully get a high-paying job, you need to consider the main points. First, it is optimal time for performing rituals. How effective the conspiracy will be for work directly depends on the stage of the moon. It is best to do rituals to attract good luck in such a responsible business during the growing month. It is considered a symbol of enrichment and multiplication.

Secondly, it is the choice of the day of the week. To make your plans for a good job come true, perform rituals on Wednesdays. As the centuries-old magic practice, this day is the most successful for the use of money conspiracies.

And, of course, for greater efficiency and realization of what you want, you should not talk about what you have planned. Nobody needs to know what you are planning. To be hired for a new, better job, observe complete confidentiality in your intentions to use magic. At the same time, the key to success is a sincere belief in a positive result, as well as concentration of attention. Before performing the ritual, be sure to read all the recommendations and think it over carefully.

A ritual for those in need of a new job

This conspiracy for a good job is suitable for those who are in search of one. Before going to a new employer, perform the following ceremony. To be accepted to the position you are interested in, prepare white round bread and salt for the ceremony.

Before the interview, take bread in one hand and salt in the other. After kissing the edge of the bread, say the words of the prayer:

“As the bread of God is worshiped and is welcomed everywhere, so let me be received everywhere as well. As the bread of God is served with bow and salt, so let me, the servant of God (state your name), be honored. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Having said this conspiracy three times, put the items on the table and go to get a new job. You will see that you will not only become attractive to the new management, but also get the vacancy you are interested in.

Rite of passage for successful employment

To be hired for a decent job, read a special conspiracy before passing the checks. It must be pronounced at the employer's doorstep. It is desirable that no one sees you while pronouncing the prayer.

Magic words need to be pronounced as follows:

“My angel, my guardian, be with me all the time. Help me, because I am on a bright path. May the doors I need open, may everything I have conceived come true, may people smile at me, rejoice. Three fish swim in the blue sea-ocean. They have three crowns on their heads. The one who counts all the teeth on the crowns of those will be able to kill my luck. Lock, key, tongue. "

After completing the ritual with the word "Amen", feel free to enter the office to the authorities. After casting this spell, you are guaranteed to get a prestigious job.

A rite of passage for those who want to get a great job quickly

Use this method... This conspiracy for successful employment should also be read before the interview.

When going to a new employer, sit on a stool by front door... Call a cat and pet her. At the same time, repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“I’m going to be hired for a good job, on a black cat. Let there be no refusal to me, let me get a robot. So that no one would know a bad word about me either in the day or in the morning, so that no one would speak against me either in summer or in winter. Let everyone love, respect, appreciate and not underestimate me. It is not self-interest that leads me, but good thoughts, need. Let my business end in a good end. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, take three cat hairs. Put them in your inside pocket or wallet and go for an interview. Having with you the charmed hairs, you can be sure of the success of the event and the successful placement of a new job.

Rite of passage to attract good luck in finding a job

To attract good luck and get the desired position, this conspiracy can come in handy. To get the job you dream of, do the following.

Determine when the waxing moon phase will come. Purchase a handkerchief during this period white... On the same day, read the conspiracy. Taking the purchase in your hands, say the text of the prayer:

“I whisper for good luck on the road, success at work, luck in the search. It will be a joy for me, the servant of God (my name), to get a new job. Where I go, there I will find her. I will not hear a refusal, I will not see anger. Amen".

The magic words should be repeated three times in a row. After that, put the charmed item in your wallet. To quickly get a new and good job, always wear this scarf with you.

Rite of passage for quick and successful employment

There is another surefire magical way to take you to a very prestigious and highly paid job. If you do not yet have notes regarding the work, but you are in search of a worthy position, apply this conspiracy.

The ritual should be performed with a glass glass filled with holy water in front of you. Looking at him, say the words of the prayer:

“I call upon the forces of nature, the power of water. Help me, the servant of God (your name), find a job. So that merchants who are capable and not greedy took me to them, so that they would not deprive me of attention and gold. I AM - best master and a connoisseur. Everyone will be happy for me, but they will hurry to give gold. Amen".

After speaking this magical text three times, drink the charmed liquid. The effect of this conspiracy will not be long in coming. Within a few weeks you will be able to find a decent job and find a job without any problems.

Prayer to work so that everything works out

Many people, despite the fact that they know all the intricacies of work, do a good job of their duties, still face various troubles. Someone dreams of an increase in wages, and someone wants to move up the career ladder. To obtain additional forces and faith in yourself, you can turn to the Higher powers through prayer for successful work. There are different prayer texts that help you cope with different problems and achieve the desired result. The main thing is that the words come from a pure heart, since any evil thoughts can lead to the fact that the Higher powers will not help, but, on the contrary, will punish.

Prayer to work so that everything works out

There is a large number of prayer texts that can improve the situation in the work area. There is a prayer that you can say every day so that you will be successful in all matters. First of all, reading a prayer before work for good luck is before some important event, for example, before the delivery of a report or an important meeting. Waking up in the morning, stand in front of the icon of Christ and read these words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Bless me to work hard for good own life... Help me find a new job and give me good luck in my old career. Deny all mistakes, mistakes and protect from unsuccessful deeds. As the work argues, so the salary is built, if everything works out, the boss does not swear. May it be so. Amen!"

Prayer before a job interview

It is difficult to find someone who would not be nervous before a job interview, especially if the place is desired. In most cases, unnecessary nerves harm a person, and he gets lost, forgets the correct answers to questions, etc. Each has a guardian angel, who is not only a guard, but also a kind of mentor. You can contact him with a variety of questions, including to provide support during the interview. Before reading the prayer, light a candle and first read Our Father, and then say the following words:

"My guardian angel, come with me, you are ahead of me, and I am with you."

The invisible helper will certainly respond to the request and give confidence in himself.

Prayer to keep you out of trouble at work

The next prayer text is addressed to St. George the Victorious, who helps to cope with various problems. Reading a prayer is necessary in order to protect yourself from troubles, for example, from making mistakes or the anger of a boss, and it also helps to attract good luck. The presented prayer can be read in a difficult situation to gain faith and strength. She will help to remove

enemies and envious people out of the way and get favor from the leadership. You need to read the prayer in front of the icon of St.George the Victorious, bowing before it 40 times, and it sounds like this:

"George the Glorious, George the Victorious,

You yourself conquered the enemy regiments,

Conquer you and the heart of my enemy, the servant of God (name).

For now, for eternity and for eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Prayer to be hired - to whom and how to pray

Every adult has at least once in his life had to deal with the search for work and the "charms" of employment. And even high personal and professional quality candidates are not always able to give a 100% guarantee of obtaining the desired position. The job search procedure can take quite a while. long time... A special Orthodox prayer is capable of significantly shortening this period, attracting luck to the side of the applicant and creating all the conditions for him to be quickly hired.

How does prayer work for getting a job?

V modern world where competition is fierce, it is very difficult to get a high-paying job without the help and support of powerful people. However, each applicant can enlist the assistance of higher forces if he uses Orthodox prayers in the process of his employment. Prayers for getting a job help any candidate to bypass all possible obstacles on this path and take the desired position.

The Orthodox prayer for help in finding a job is a highly effective tool, but you cannot pin all your hopes on it. The success of the job seeker largely depends on his personal characteristics... Heaven will not help people who are lazy. Higher powers favor only those who are accustomed to achieving everything with their hard work, perseverance and purposefulness, because the holy helpers of God themselves were tireless workers during their lives. It is hardworking, active and energetic candidates that have more chances of successful employment.

The most effective Orthodox prayers when looking for work and employment

You can ask for help in work both directly to the Lord himself and to His saints - the second category of prayer texts is the most in demand. To find a good job, believers most often address their prayers to the holy Martyr Tryphon, the blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow and the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. Some also ask Jesus Christ for help.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow to find a good job

Even during her lifetime, the flow of the suffering and needy did not stop to blessed Matronushka - they all came to her with their requests. The blessed eldress continues to help people even after her death. The prayer for work, addressed to Matronushka, provides good assistance to those who really want to find a quick and reliable job. The words in it are:

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon for help in his search

The Holy Martyr Tryphon enjoys great veneration among Orthodox Church and believers. People pray to him for deliverance from evil spirits, in case of material and housing problems. It is also possible to offer a prayer to Saint Tryphon in order to quickly and without problems take on the desired work. The prayer text is as follows:

Hear also the text of the prayer for work in this video:

Prayer to the Monk Seraphim of Sarov to quickly find a money job

You can ask Saint Seraphim of Sarov for help in finding a job not only for yourself, but also for your relatives, loved ones, friends - for those people whose fate is not indifferent to you. The prayer addressed to the holy righteous man and wonderworker sounds like this:

Prayer to the Lord to quickly find a good job

The prayer for help in finding work, directed to the Almighty, is one of the most powerful, therefore it will certainly be heard by heaven. You need to pronounce it at any stage of employment: viewing ads, calling potential employers, submitting a resume, before and after an interview, etc. The process of reading this prayer should always be accompanied by the sign of the cross. The prayer text itself sounds like this:

When you manage to find a good position and gain a foothold in it, it is imperative to thank the Creator for the support and assistance provided.

How to pray to be hired?

Any Orthodox prayer acts as a link between higher powers and a believer. For a prayer request to help you find a good job, it is not enough just to select any of the above texts and pray with its help. The prayer must be read carefully, its content carefully studied so that the aspirant can understand the very essence. It is advisable to memorize the text and read it from memory.

It is also allowed to turn to the Lord and the holy wonderworkers and in your own words... The main thing is that they are pronounced sincerely and come from the heart. Communication with God will bring the greatest result if it is performed in holy places - temples, churches, chapels. But this does not mean that it is impossible to pray outside these institutions - prayer can be used at home, in the office - in any place convenient for the applicant. An important condition- a person must be morally disposed and ready to talk with representatives of higher powers... It is good if the prayer is read in front of the icon of the saint (even if it is small in size).

The words Orthodox prayer it is best to say about getting a job in a whisper, with understanding, articulating clearly and passing each of them through yourself. You need to talk with God and His holy helpers in a calm, peaceful state., an irritable, angry mood is categorically not suitable for these purposes. The head of the prayer should be free from problems, thoughts - devoid of evil intent.

A prayer request to be hired is recommended to start by saying “ Our Father”. After it, you can already read the prayer itself, addressed to a specific saint. It is also imperative to apply on yourself three times before and after each reading. sign of the cross . Best effect gives a prayer spoken on your knees. Also, regular attendance at a liturgical institution helps to improve performance.

A prerequisite is not to forget to thank the higher powers if the job search is crowned with success. Heaven helps worthy people in short terms... Those who are obsessed with laziness will have to sweat, put more independent efforts into employment.

I have been looking for work for 3 months already, interrupting odd jobs... Thanks for the prayers! I am sure that with the help of higher powers I will be able to find a job very soon.

It's just some kind of miracle! Just yesterday I was offered a good position, before that I had been praying hard for several days. I’m just happy, because I had to sit at home for half a year, for some reason, women with small children are reluctantly employed in our country ...

I ask all the holy gods, Guardian angels who can help my whole family with a good, well-paid job, God helped me and my husband soon get a job so that everyone would be healthy, send your elder son on an honest path so that it is formed, in the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Lord, help my son Michael find a decent financial job to realize his abilities for the benefit of his loved ones In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Thanks to the holy martyr Tryphon! Thanks. They prayed. It helped.

Help the Holy Martyr Tryphon my son Michael to find a worthy, financial job.

Help the Holy Martyr Tryphon my son Michael to find a worthy, monetary job. Amen.

God help my daughter Anna find a decent job.

O Holy Martyr Tryphon, you help everyone, help me, the servant of God Irina, and my son Oleg, help me so that the eye is healthy and Irina was called to the desired job, wherever I want, help my son in his studies so that he gets a diploma at the university, Thanks for your help.

Lord, merciful, help my son, your servant Michael, find a job so that he can find his place in this life, in the name of the father and son, and the holy spirit, now and forever and forever. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help the servant of God Oleg to safely solve the problem with work

God help my daughter Christina get a job after graduation. Let not on the highly paid main thing in the specialty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my daughter Elena get a job, she needs to feed her two children. Close your mouth and eyes to envious and spiteful critics. In the name of father and son and holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon help my son Michael in resolving the issue of work tomorrow. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon help my son Artemy, your servant, find a good job, help him become a worthy man. Amen. Amen. Amen

All saints pray to God for us when applying for and looking for work

Lord, help my husband on new job to make it all good

Lord, I thank you that you heard me and returned to me what was previously stolen. This is a miracle!

Holy Fathers, I ask your prayers for finding a job for your daughter. Amen.

Lord, help me find a favorable job! Amen

Lord, help my son Vladimir to get a good job, which he has been waiting for a long time, but the issue is still not resolved. I put my trust in you, Almighty, with prayer and faith. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Lord Hear my prayers, I pray and I beg, help the Lord Almighty to find me a job Amen Amen Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my beloved servant of God Sergei to embark on the righteous path to stop drinking. Please help him get a good job and find a place to live. I beg you to help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, our great and merciful Father, holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov, prayerfully and in the lowest, I ask for your help and blessing for my daughter Anastasia to find a good job so that we do not experience material difficulties, hardships and debts when we receive it. I will pray tirelessly that the grace of God will descend on us. May your will and your kingdom be done!

Lord, our great and merciful Father, holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov, prayerfully and humbly I ask for blessings and help in finding a job for my son, God's servant Dmitry. In the name of father and son, and holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

I belittle all the Saints. Help me and my husband find a good job and quickly. In the name of

father and son and holy spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!

Tryphon! Matronushka! Seraphim Sarovsky! I beg you, pray pray to the Lord our God for the early employment of my husband God's servant Igor to the administration in the team to A.V. Rusin for a respected and highly paid position. I beg you help! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Seraphim, Tryphon and Matushka Matrona help me, the servant of God Anna, find quickly a good decent job in a good team with high pay. I will pray for you. Help, I beg. In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

The Lord Most High, the holy martyr Tryphon, the blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow and Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky! Help me slave God's love quickly find a good and highly paid job with a good team in order to be realized for the benefit of your loved ones and not feel the need. Prayerfully ask for help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, forgive my sins, thoughts and deeds, help me, Lord, your sinful servant will rush to work and deliver me from the employers crafty and dishonest, I pray you, Lord, amen

Oh, righteous eldress blessed Matronushka!

Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov!

Help me, Tarasy and my son Anthony with work.

Give us a worthy job for sinners. Forgive us for our request.

Lord, help me in finding a decent job and forgive my sins.

Saints forgive me, please help me in my request to find a good job. Forgive me.

Saints, help me in finding a correct, worthy job and a good team to work for the good of the Russian people and Mother Russia. and forgive me all my sins

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints, grant my son Sergei a job you love. Grant him a job in which he could realize all his talents and abilities that You gave him. Grant him, Lord, that job that will bring him joy and consolation, in which he could bring many benefits to his neighbors, and wherever he is. received a decent wage for his work. Lord, hear me and help my son Sergei. Amen

holy saints help my son the servant of God Dionysius get a job in the name of the father and son and the holy spirit amen

Lord, help me, find a job, I have been looking for a year, I have no more strength. Forgive my sins. Amen.

God! And all the Pleasure of God! Help me get a safe job and have a good income for the good of my family and to help those in need! Slave God's Mary... In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the age of centuries. Amen.

Lord, Heavenly Father, help my son Eugene find a job. Lord, please us !!

Lord Almighty. I pray for my son, let him be offered a good contract. You helped me when I was looking for a job and prayed to you. There were many offers and I still found a job to my heart. Thank you to all the Saints for your help and support. Amen!

Thank God for everything I have. Bless and save. Help me find a job. Thank God……

Righteous Blessed Matronushka! Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov! Help my daughter, God's servant Irina, find a decent job, give her strength. health. knowledge! Thank you and bow to you.

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Basically, people turn to God in their prayers, but there are saints who can help find a job and stay on it. So, it is possible for the icon of the Mother of God, the icon "Quick to Hear" and the icon of the Nine Holy Martyrs of Kyziches. Pavel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Holy Martyr Tryphon and Xenia of Petersburg are helping in their search for work. The main condition for prayer is the sincerity of the one asking, who can also turn to his heavenly patron or patroness for help.

It is advisable to pray for a job search in the church, but the Lord will also hear those praying at home - the main thing is that the desire should come from the heart.

No need to ask God for a cool job with big salary- one should ask for the one that is most suitable for the one asking and will be good for him. The ability to formulate requests is when referring to higher powers extremely important - after all, people often do not know what they want, so their prayers remain unanswered. Through failures, the Lord tries to teach people to understand their needs and trust him - after all, no one is given tests beyond their strength, and those who trust God will always come out on the right path.

Job search prayers

You can pray both in your own words and special prayers... For example, the following will help you find a job: “Lord! Grant me a job you love. Grant me a job where I could realize all the talents and abilities that You have given me. Which will give me joy, and on which I could bring many benefits to people, receiving a worthy reward for it. "

Before reading each prayer, be sure to read Our Father and cross yourself three times.

To achieve success in business and improve achievements in the field of the job found, you need given prayer: "God! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for success in all the works of my hands, if it is Your will. Grant me success, help me to work so that this work will bear fruit. Tell me what and how I need

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