Home Fruit trees The art of being yourself. "immortal regiment" - a massive cult of the dead

The art of being yourself. "immortal regiment" - a massive cult of the dead

only in Moscow. There are heated discussions on the Internet: the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya, went to the procession with a portrait of Nicholas II, next to the martyr tsar - posters and flags with a portrait of Stalin. IN Nizhny Novgorod Deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov carried a portrait of his grandfather, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov, for which he was severely criticized. With whose photo to go to the procession? Is it possible to raise the question of the "right" or "wrong" Immortal Regiment? The well-known Russian journalist, president of the All-Russian public organization media workers "MediaSoyuz" Elena Zelinskaya.

In my family, as probably in many families of blockade survivors, Victory Day is a day of remembrance and gratitude. Not a chain of accidents, but the lives and hard military labor of many people - this is the reason why my mother remained alive, and therefore I and our children live. The driver who drove the car on the breaking ice of Lake Ladoga, the militias who dug trenches around the city, soviet soldiers who liberated the Kuban, where on the last line of survival there was an orphanage evacuated from besieged Leningrad ... Strangers and relatives.

All my relatives shared the fate of the Fatherland, no one escaped and no one shied away: eight people lie in mass graves on Piskarevka and two on Levashovsky. One with a burnt face, the other reached Berlin, the third was shell-shocked near Vyborg, on the day when a truce had already been declared. And that same aunt of mine, whom they say I look like, served as a doctor on an ambulance train and fought until the age of 47 ... None of them are with us anymore. Grandfathers from the paternal side, Siberian farmers, perished during collectivization, and how they would have fought along with their fellow countrymen when they defended Moscow ...

Immortal regiment and Immortal barracks in the fate of one family. With whose portrait should I go along the Nevsky?

On the question of whether it is necessary to make a sign “Last address” on the wall of the house where grandfather was taken from, my mother answered: either everyone here needs it, or no one. And so many died, even if you hang all the walls ...

But here's what's important to me now. A noble impulse of gratitude swept up hundreds of thousands of people and brought them to the streets of the city with portraits of their relatives - so it should be so.

Not political chatter, not an imposed set of slogans, but the warmest, brightest thing that a person has - an appeal to his family, to his great-grandfathers, to his roots - that's what turned out to be important for everyone.

It turned out that it was important to be involved in something that is bigger than you, more significant, without which you are like a blade of grass for manipulation. And here you are walking with a portrait of your grandfather, among thousands and thousands of the same noble faces in old photographs - and you are not alone.

And all the disputes recede - about exact, inaccurate dates, about ticks of the state, about failures and lies of reports. The main place is taken by an ordinary person, with eyes similar to yours, who was on fire in a tank, so that today you and your children walk along the bright Nevsky.

Here's what you definitely don't need - it's to rank gratitude by rating. One will go to the procession, the other will quietly remember at home, the third will cry at the grave, the fourth will defend the liturgy, and someone will go to the Nursing Home with gifts, and another will write an angry text: behind the hype, they forget to provide those who are still with us with housing and decent medical care.

There is nowhere for us to escape from opportunists and manipulators, those who will try to use the people's experience to cut down dividends. And there is nowhere to hide from fools who will wind a ribbon around everything that moves. And it's hard to resist the militaristic frenzy - a contagious thing.
But I think we can handle it: our fallen ones will not leave us in trouble. There are so many of them - a whole Immortal regiment.

What is the meaning of the action Immortal Regiment, which in a couple of years has become new tradition national celebration of the holiday of the great Victory? This is a holiday with tears in the eyes. On this day, we remember our grandfathers and fathers. We remember those who died and those who survived the war. The memories bring tears to my eyes. But May 9 is a holiday and we have a festive mood. On this day, every patriot of Russia feels like a descendant of the winners, filled with pride and respect for those who defended the country from the Nazis different countries gathered under the banner of Hitler.

It's no secret that the history of the creation of the Immortal Regiment campaign resembles a detective story. Until now, "independent journalists" and NGOs are trying to take the initiative to create the Immortal Regiment idea. They claim the idea is theirs. But only this was the goal of the “grantees” was simple: to atomize the common feat of the whole people into separate feats individual participants wars that have passed it or In order to further reformat the very Spirit of Victory, the triumph of the winners and their descendants, turn “joy with tears in their eyes” into memorial events, where there will be plenty of room for “tears” and.

And how did it all turn out on May 9, 2015, and then on May 9, 2016? In fact, we saw how our people spontaneously reformatted the idea so much that there was not a trace left of the initial orientation towards “personal memory” in isolation from the Spirit of Victory. We have witnessed a nationwide procession under the huge Banner of Victory.

At the call of the heart, people walked in a column with portraits of their ancestors, with portraits of the marshals of Victory, with St. George ribbons, under the Banner of Victory.

And our president led the people's movement. Let's ask ourselves: what procession, what Immortal regiment led by Putin? A mourning action, a memorial procession in which everyone is left alone with family grief and tragedy, or a holiday when we remember veterans and loved ones, aimed at national unification, where is the common joy and Victory?

It is obvious that our national leader walked ahead of the celebratory, and not the mourning procession.

As a result, we got a new facet in the old and familiar format of the Holiday, where, first of all, we try on the role of Winners in the war. We are touching the triumph and the nationwide feat, the sacred meaning, familiar to us from childhood, which can be called the Russian “habit of winning”. IN again The "wise" attempt to reformat, blur the "Russian spirit", atomize the descendants of the winners failed.

It is important and necessary to remember the history of the creation of the Immortal Regiment. So that no one can even try to turn it into a mourning, separating procession again.

In May 2015, I wrote in the article "The Immortal Regiment - People's Format":

“However, one must clearly understand that such attempts to change the memory of the people and steal our Victory will never stop. And this means that the organization of the celebration of Victory Day cannot be left to chance. The state needs to take new form holding the Holiday in order to prevent in the future, under the guise of holding a march of the “Immortal Regiment”, to introduce a “Trojan horse” of “personal memory” on the holiday on May 9 to the detriment of the national Feat. Does it understand power? I think that Putin's exit to the streets of Moscow with a festive column,.

Here is the situation in 2017. The head of the Tula regional branch of the Great Fatherland Party N. M. Irkhin received an invitation from the Administration a few days ago Tula region to sign an inter-party agreement on the non-use of party symbols in during the procession of the "Immortal Regiment".

We had no doubts about the need to sign this agreement, since the Air Defense considers that at events of this kind, the use of party paraphernalia is inappropriate. However, samples of the contract were distributed for signing, in which this was not at all about this. In particular, the paragraph "Obligations of the parties" read:

"Tula regional branches political parties take part in the events specified in clause 1 (the procession of the "Immortal Regiment") of the Agreement without the use of any party symbols, AS WELL AS WITHOUT THE USE OF PORTRAITS OF THE GENERALISSIMO, MILITARY LEADERS AND A COPY OF THE BANNERS OF THE WWII TIMES AND THE PRESENT.

We agreed with the inappropriateness of using party symbols, but could not agree that the portraits of Marshals of Victory Rokosovsky, Konev, Zhukov, Generalissimo Stalin, and other military leaders had no right to be present at this procession!

And even the Banner of Victory, as it turned out, is here ... also inappropriate! His surprise at a similar text by N.M. Irkhin and expressed at the meeting, refusing to sign the agreement. Clearly and clearly emphasizing why we will not sign such texts, not intending to use party symbols during the procession of the Immortal Regiment.

Then, literally a couple of hours later, an article appeared on the Tula News news agency, telling that ... The Great Fatherland Party refused to sign an agreement on the non-use of party symbols. But everything is clear here - Mr. Mazov, the owner of this news agency, concurrently - a representative of the "ROST" party. Small intrigues.

But what caused the strange proposals and restrictions prescribed in the proposed Agreement, this is a much more serious question. No matter how you judge, with what measure do not fit, but such restrictions are not permissible. Only two types of restrictions are allowed: party symbols are not allowed (moral restriction) and everything that is prohibited by the Criminal Code (legislative restriction) is not allowed.

And who and on what basis is trying to ban people from carrying portraits of the marshals of Victory? Based on the fact that for some reason you need to carry a portrait of ONLY your relative? And why? Here is a veteran who has ten descendants, who will forbid them to carry a portrait of their grandfather and a portrait of the marshal, under whose command he took Berlin? And if the descendants of Marshal Zhukov fell ill, then his portrait will not be on the march of the Immortal Regiment? And if they live in Moscow, then in Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and hundreds of other cities, his portrait cannot be on this Victory action?

But there are no descendants - so there is no portrait on the march of the Immortal Regiment? So what? And what, someone will check the degree of kinship with millions of people who carry portraits of heroes, find out who is who and who has to?

The agreement proposed in Tula for signing was called "On the Non-Use of Party Symbols." Those. information about the Generalissimo, the Banner of Victory, etc. were simply camouflaged, hidden in this agreement. The question is why they were afraid to openly name the agreement - “on the non-use of party symbols, the Banner of Victory, etc. "? Were you afraid to speak openly about it?

On the radio I am listening to an interview with one of the organizers of the action of the Immortal Regiment. He says things that are reasonable and correct. If you don’t have a relative who fought, or if you don’t have a portrait of him, you can come to the Moscow office of the Immortal Regiment. Elderly people pass portraits of their loved ones there. There is no strength, no health, but there is a desire that the father, albeit in a portrait, walk along Red Square. Help. Take this portrait, go through. So you can carry a portrait of a non-blood relative? Of course!

And in Tula, they tell us not to go with a portrait of Marshal Rokossovsky? In 2016, I personally went to the march of the Immortal Regiment in St. Petersburg with. Why? Because I respect him immensely, and my daughter carried the portrait of my grandfather, a front-line soldier. And I want Marshal Rokossovsky to walk along Nevsky Prospekt. In the logic of the Tula authors of the agreement, I should ... not be allowed to the procession. I am an intruder.

I would like to ask: is this stupidity or exactly what I warned about two years ago - new attempts to turn Victory Day into a day of mourning?

Just imagine: on the procession in honor of Victory Day, the banner of Victory should be banned!

And the last - a portrait of Stalin at the procession of the Immortal Regiment. Is not Secretary General a portrait is a portrait of a soldier. He served in the army during the war military rank. On July 8, 1941, Stalin was appointed Supreme Commander. July 19, 1941 by decision of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR I. V. Stalin was appointed to the post of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. Headed State Committee defense of the USSR (GKO USSR) - created at the time of the Second World War emergency body management, which possessed the entirety of military, political and economic power in the USSR.

What is the name of a person who served in the army during the war? Veteran. the federal law No. 5 "On Veterans" (as amended on 12/19/16) reads:

"To the Veterans of the Great Patriotic War relate:

1) participants of the Great Patriotic War:

a) military personnel, including those who were transferred to the reserve (retired), who underwent military service(including pupils of military units and juniors) or temporarily located in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the army in the period civil war, the period of the Great Patriotic War or the period of other military operations to defend the Fatherland, as well as partisans and members of underground organizations operating during the civil war or the period of the Great Patriotic War in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR;

Stalin is a war veteran, to the same extent as all marshals, generals, officers, admirals, soldiers, foremen and midshipmen, sailors. Like all those who brought the Victory closer and achieved it.

Stalin was awarded many awards for military and labor feats and this has never been disputed by anyone. Among his awards are two Orders of Lenin, the Order of Suvorov, I degree, the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", the Order of Victory, the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Who can forbid carrying a portrait of veteran I.V. Stalin, who was awarded many state awards, among the portraits of other veterans?

No, no decrees, no courts that would deprive Stalin of the title of veteran, would deprive him of the awards that the state awarded him in modern times.

Which he headed, and which defeated Nazism.

These are the thoughts that come at a time when we are waiting for the next anniversary of the great Victory.

She must be protected. Protect from falsifiers of history. From lies and slander.

We must also protect the Immortal Regiment, as now an integral part of the tradition of celebrating Victory Day.

The Immortal Regiment is the one that scored in last years popularity, social movement in memory of the participants of the Second World War. It is believed that it was organized by Gennady Ivanov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Tyumen Region. In 2007, he organized the "Parade of Winners", during which people carried portraits of their veteran relatives.

What is the Immortal Regiment?

The Immortal Regiment is an action in memory of the participants in the Second World War who defended our Motherland. The procession is a civil initiative, and participation in it is the desire of the citizens themselves. People bring posters with portraits of their relatives, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, to the march of the immortal regiment. As a sign of gratitude to those who went through the war or remained forever on the battlefield, people carry portraits of their relatives. The action does not carry any political connotation and was invented only to honor and preserve the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Immortal regiment: where to come?

In each city, the Immortal Regiment starts from a certain point and usually passes through the central streets of the city. On the official website of the movement there are announcements about where each specific action will take place on May 9th. The Immortal Regiment campaign is held in different cities Russia.

Immortal Regiment: do I need to register

One of important points shares Immortal Regiment remains the creation of the annals of the regiment. To “record grandfather in the regiment” you need to register on the movement’s website. IN personal account you can tell the story of your family so that the memory of the feat remains for future generations.

Who can be enrolled in the Immortal Regiment?

Any relative who in one way or another took part in the defense of the Fatherland can be recorded in the immortal regiment. This is not necessarily a participant in hostilities. Home front workers, partisans, prisoners of concentration camps, and everyone who suffered but fought during the Second World War are accepted and considered heroes in the Immortal Regiment.

How to make a portrait?

A small photo will not be visible during the procession of the Immortal Regiment, so it is recommended to print it on a banner and attach it to a special stick so that the photo can be seen above the crowd. You can prepare such photographs yourself by using a picture from family album. It will be enlarged at the photo studio or at the points of acceptance of orders. The recommended size is approximately A4 (20x30 cm). So that the photo does not suffer from the elements or during the procession of the Immortal Regiment, it can be laminated.

Can the whole family participate?

Everyone can participate in the action, children often carry portraits of their great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers in the Immortal Regiment. IN social movement the whole family can participate.

What is prohibited?

The stock has its own charter. During the procession of the Immortal Regiment, any political slogans are prohibited. Other rules apply:

1. The "Immortal Regiment" considers its main task to be the preservation in each family of a personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Participation in the "Immortal Regiment" implies that everyone who remembers and honors his relative - a veteran of the army and navy, a partisan, an underground fighter, a resistance fighter, a home front worker, a prisoner of a concentration camp, a blockade, a child of war - on May 9 takes to the streets of the city from his (her) photograph, or if there is no photograph, with his (her) name, in order to take part in the parade in the column of the “Immortal Regiment”, or independently pay tribute to memory by bringing a banner with a portrait, name, or photograph, to the Eternal Flame, other memorial place. Participation in the Immortal Regiment is strictly voluntary.

3. "Immortal Regiment" - Non-commercial, Non-political, Non-state Civic Initiative. Every citizen can join the ranks of the Regiment, regardless of religion, nationality, political and other views. The Immortal Regiment unites people. Anything that serves another is unacceptable to us. One country - one Regiment.

4. Immortal Regiment cannot be an image platform. The use of any corporate, political or other symbols * in everything related to the Immortal Regiment is excluded.

5. The regiment cannot be personalized in any, even the most respected person: a politician, a public figure (including a historical one), an official. The regiment is millions of the departed and their descendants.

6. Coordination and assistance in holding the parade of the Regiment on May 9 is carried out by the headquarters of the “Immortal Regiment”, which, along with the organizers of the Civil Initiative on May 9, 2012, includes organizations and citizens who unconditionally share the provisions of the Charter and have expressed their readiness to become coordinators of the Regiment in their region.

7. In order to preserve the Charter, decisions contentious issues, the expression of the collective opinion of the cities of the Civic Initiative, the Open Council of the Regiment was formed. Each coordinator who has experience in holding the “Immortal Regiment” in his region in accordance with the principles of the Charter can enter it by declaring his desire.

8. Changes and additions to the Charter can be made by the decision of the majority of cities Open Council Shelf.

9. Our final goal- turn the "Immortal Regiment" into a nationwide tradition of celebrating May 9 Victory Day.

Around noon, the paramilitary part of the holiday on May 9 in the center of Moscow was over - the planes flew to their base airports, the armored vehicles left for Khodynka, and from there, in their own units. It's time for a more civil part celebratory event. The march of the "Immortal Regiment" was planned for three o'clock in the afternoon. To this day, I confess, I have only remotely heard something about this event. However, when the Victory Parade ended and I had an alternative in the form of wires from heavy equipment with Khodynka field, I ended up choosing to march down Tverskaya Street.
When I understood the essence of this action, I was simply delighted with this idea.

On the site of the civil initiative Immortal Regiment, about 250 thousand people were registered for the march in Moscow, but according to my estimates, the number of participants in the procession greatly exceeded this figure. In the press, the figure is more than half a million, and I am ready to believe and even in big number, because I saw with my own eyes how many people passed in front of me and with me.

I posted in this report a relatively small selection of photos from Tverskaya Street and Red Square

It was possible to join the general column from several points, starting from Belorusskaya, but they say that people started walking from the Dynamo metro.
Since I was filming from Mayakovka, I got into the convoy from this part of Tverskaya Street. Many people prepared in advance for the procession, having prepared in advance photographs of their relatives who went through this terrible war. Many came with whole families, adults and children were dressed in military uniforms of that period, but many walked just like that, without any paraphernalia and even photographs.

People very carefully carried portraits of their heroic ancestors.

The number of portraits of front-line soldiers was amazing.

The people were in a great mood. On the one hand, everyone had a feeling of celebration, and on the other hand, people felt proud that they could be involved in this event. I can say that, judging by the emotions I saw, this was all done without any coercion on either side, simply at the call of the heart. It is probably possible to plan such an action by forcing several hundred, maybe even several thousand people, but by no means half a million. And the faces of many people reflected such spirituality that it was impossible to suspect them of some kind of self-interest from participating in this event.


An endless stream of people began to move along Tverskaya Street, starting, probably, at one in the afternoon, maybe even earlier. With every minute it was filled with more and more big amount of people. At first they were still streams, but after an hour it was a full-flowing river.
After I saw the footage of the television broadcast, in which the entire Tverskaya Street was visible, filled with people, and it was very very impressive. Of course, I didn’t succeed in filming this, but from the height of my position one can also understand the scale of the action.




It was extremely curious to look at both the participants in the procession and the photographs of the front-line soldiers, whose memory they wanted to honor

On the march you could meet people different ages and social classes. These were children and the elderly, officers and Suvorov, students and pensioners.

Legs of Victory

I am glad that young people honor the memory of their ancestors. We must not forget that terrible war

Let's smoke, comrade one by one
- Let's smoke, my friend.





Most of the banners were obviously not made with the help of professional printing, everyone got out of the situation based on their abilities.


Someone carried a banner with one portrait, some carried two, and some had large pillars with several photographs in bunches.


To Tverskaya for the safety of all participants They were only allowed in after screening.



People somehow attached stick-holders to banners

And someone didn’t attach anything at all, just carried a photo from a home album

Someone restored torn photos


battle banners

Fighter in full uniform



There are not so many real war veterans left and attention to them is always special. They say the veterans came to Bolshoi Theater but I didn't get there

Everyone celebrates the Victory and participates in events in their own way.

Grandfather does not participate in the procession, but participates in the action :)
He received a storm of applause and cheers.


There were a lot of children

Elderly people also participated in the march, despite the fact that it lasted quite a long time.

Girls, as always, use any event to show themselves :)

Great poster. Excellent preparation

Portraits, portraits...

We are already at the building of the Government of Moscow

The Kremlin appeared ahead. The way from the Belorussky railway station to the Red Square was almost 4 kilometers



Many foreigners could be included among the participants. Chinese representatives were very pleased with everything that was happening around


From time to time, a loud "Hurrah!" was heard on Tverskaya, which was picked up by everyone and instantly covered the entire street in a wave. It was quite exciting


- No pasaran

War songs sounded everywhere

Looks like Ruttger Hauer


Before taking a selfie, you need to clean yourself up.

Parade by parade, and lunch according to the schedule :)



Descendants of children of the Spanish Civil War




Over the past few years, the tradition of participation in the Immortal Regiment has been gaining momentum among Russian residents who lost their loved ones in the terrible war of the past century. A decisive advantage over any other initiatives - the origin among the people, allows us to consider the Immortal Regiment as a promising and unifying event.

For everyone who had a relative who participated in the Second World War, it becomes a place of memory. On the one hand, the connection between the person carrying the photo and the one depicted on the banner is visible, on the other hand, those people who are not alive are visible in the procession. Someone died during the war and did not live to see the victory, someone left quite recently. Alas, veterans - and this is becoming more noticeable every year - are gradually leaving this world. Together with them, the memory of how much was lost in the war, how much had to be restored, how important it was not to repeat the horror and nightmare of the war years could go away. The memory of veterans, and now the memory of veterans does not let you forget the main thing - you need to remember how terrible and merciless the war was and you need to be glad that it is over, you need to be grateful to those who went through this terrible ordeal. The Immortal Regiment allows us to preserve this memory, which is as important as it is terrible for many people. And

What gives the tradition of the Immortal Regiment

In its uniqueness, the Immortal Regiment becomes that bonding and unifying tradition that gives the annual Victory Parade new life. On May 9th, Victory Day, the focus has always been on the people who took part in the war. They remain in the center even now, thanks to the continuity of generations. It is here that the words that it is difficult to find a family in which there are no victims of the war are illustrated by an impressive number of people who go to the procession with the memory of their ancestors. In their hands they hold banners with a photo and the name of their family member - and this action becomes extremely important, both within an individual family and within the entire country. The feeling of unity, a community that passes through the years and generations, becomes an important emotional sign of this movement. The action of the Immortal Regiment attracts attention with the spirit of uniting the most different people in memories of their ancestors. So, in the 2015 parade, the president took part in the Immortal Regiment Russian Federation— Vladimir Putin.

What is the meaning of movement

The Immortal Regiment has a distinct and simple task- to keep the memory of the participants in the Great Patriotic War in the hearts of their descendants, to pay tribute to the people who brought our people the Great Victory over fascism.

Each participant who took to the streets of the city with a photo of a relative becomes living evidence that the memory is much longer than the lives of people, and it is preserved by descendants, even after the death of the war participants.

How to get involved

In order to become a participant in the procession, incredible efforts will not have to be made. If the passage of the people's Immortal Regiment is expected in your city, you just need to find out where and at what time the column starts. Since the association is popular, there are no special requirements for appearance no.

It is important to understand that the movement in the column can be quite long in time - not everyone
a person, especially at a respectable age, can withstand it. In this regard, you should calculate your strength.

In case there is a person whose memory I would like to honor with participation in the Immortal Regiment, but there is no strength to go the whole way of the procession, you can resort to the services of volunteers. As a rule, in the cities where the procession is held, public youth patriotic organizations offer the help of the guys who join the Immortal Regiment, helping those who do not have the strength to carry banners.

In addition, such organizations present in the procession portraits of those people who have no relatives left, or they have not been found.

Thus, there is an opportunity to join the procession, in the position of a volunteer.

To participate in the procession should be prepared in advance. Fortunately, the long-celebrated Victory Day always takes place on May 9 and, as a rule, the venue for all celebrations is known in advance.

The main thing is, of course, to have a photograph depicting a participant in the Great Patriotic War. For a banner, the photo will need to be enlarged. In some major cities on the eve of Victory Day, they organize points where they help to process (scan, enlarge and print) a photo for free. If there are no such points in your city, you will have to cope on your own. Similar photo processing services, as a rule, are provided in any photo studio.

It is necessary to bring a ready-made banner with a photograph pasted on it to the place where the parade begins. The need for a banner lies in the fact that the photo will be more convenient to carry, its visibility increases, and the degree of interference for the surrounding people is reduced. However, if there is no other way out, you can take just a photo with you.

It is important to make the image large enough to be visible.

The immortal regiment is represented not only by the procession on May 9th. There is also a site where everyone is invited to post a photo of their relative, as well as a story about him. It is worth noting that this part of the organization is also important for its function, because by and large a whole database of stories is collected.
people who once accomplished a great feat. And each of the relatives of these people can write their own history, preserving memories for centuries.

In short, there are very few conditions for participation in the Immortal Regiment. It will only be enough to make a banner with a photograph of a relative (who fought for the freedom of our Motherland) and come with it to the parade on Victory Day. But the effects generated by this procession, which is already becoming an annual event, are obvious and numerous. On the one hand, people feel their participation in the traditions of the entire state, on the other hand, the procession becomes a personal story for each participant who decides to honor the memory of their ancestors who fought. With each new year, more and more participating cities appear that join the Immortal Regiment - presumably, the tradition can gain a foothold and become milestone in celebration of Victory Day.

Video of the procession of the Immortal Full in Moscow

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