Home Garden on the windowsill South Africa country description. South Africa (South African Republic) description of the country, hot tours and attractions

South Africa country description. South Africa (South African Republic) description of the country, hot tours and attractions

Republic of South Africa

Republic of South Africa (South Africa) - a state in the southern part of the African continent, washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. On its territory there are small independent states of Lesotho and Swaziland, in the north it borders on Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia.

The name of the country is due to the geographical location of the country.





46,000 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 9 provinces.

Form of government


head of state

The president.

supreme legislative body

The bicameral parliament is the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces.

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Benoni, Bloemfontein.

Official language

English, Afrikaans.


80% - Christians, 10% - profess Hinduism, 8% - Islam.

Ethnic composition

77% - Africans, 12% - Europeans and their descendants, 11% - immigrants from Asian countries.


Rand = 100 cents.


On the territory of the state there are 20 climatic zones. The region of Natal province is characterized by high humidity, which is inherent in a hot tropical climate. The Cape Town region enjoys a Mediterranean climate with dry, hot summers and mild winters. The rest of the state has a tropical climate. The climate in South Africa is more moderate than in other countries located at the same latitudes, this is due to the sufficient height above sea level and the proximity ocean currents. Most precipitation falls in the east (1000-2000 mm per year), the least - on the Atlantic coast (less than 100 mm).


The flora of South Africa is rich - at least 20,000 species of plants grow here. From here, many flowers that are now common in Europe were once taken out - among them are geranium, gladiolus, and narcissus. There are more than 5,000 species of plants found in the Cape Town area that no longer grow in any other country in the world. A silvery tree has been preserved, the flower of which - national symbol SOUTH AFRICA. The main part of the country is savannas.


Among the representatives of the animal world of South Africa are elephant, rhinoceros, zebra, lion, giraffe, cheetah, aardvark, antelope, hyena, golden mole, tarsier, different kinds birds.

Rivers and lakes

The largest rivers are the Orange and Limpopo.


In Cape Town - the Castle of Good Hope, the South African Museum, which presents the findings of archaeological excavations in the vicinity and samples rock art Bushmen.

Useful information for tourists

Tips in a restaurant are 10-12% of the total order value (including drinks), porter service is from 2 to 5 rand per piece of luggage, a driver guide is 15-20 rand per person per day of work.
No vaccinations are required, unless you are planning a trip to the northeastern regions (areas where the malaria mosquito is present). Along with taking antimalarial drugs, it is recommended to wear long sleeves and use insecticides. Malaria mosquitoes are most active at dusk. Air conditioners and fans also reduce the risk of mosquito bites.

Answered by: Guest

1. The Pacific Ocean is the largest and oldest of all oceans. its area is 178.6 million | cm2. it can freely accommodate all the continents and islands combined, which is why it is sometimes called the great one. it is located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, North and South America in the east, Antarctica in the south. 2. The study and development of the Pacific began long before the appearance of written mankind. junks, catamarans and simple rafts were used to navigate the ocean. The expedition of 1947 on a raft of logs "kon-tiki" under the leadership of the Norwegian Tour Heyerdahl proved the possibility of crossing the Pacific Ocean in a westerly direction from the central part of South America to the islands of Polynesia. Chinese junks made trips along the ocean coast to the Indian Ocean. 3. The vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean lie in all climatic zones, except for the polar ones. several areas of high and low pressure, winds form, monsoons blow in the northwest of the ocean. typhoons often blow through. The properties of water masses largely depend on the climate. the temperature of surface waters is measured from -1 s (in the north) to +29 s (near the equator). precipitation over the ocean over evaporation, so the salinity of surface waters in it is somewhat lower than in other oceans. the warm waters of the ocean contribute to the work of corals, of which there are many. stretched along the eastern coast of Australia big reef. it is the largest "ridge" created by organisms. 4. economic activity of man to severe pollution of some areas of the Pacific Ocean. this was especially evident off the coast of Japan and north america. stocks of whales, a number of valuable species of fish and other animals have been depleted. some of them have lost their former commercial value.

Answered by: Guest

Africa: the coordinates of the extreme points is the second largest continent on our planet. it covers an area of ​​30 million square kilometers. Africa is connected to Eurasia by the narrow Isthmus of Suez. 8 thousand kilometers - it is at this distance that the mainland of Africa stretches from north to south. the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows: the northern one is Cape Ras-Engela (37.21 degrees north latitude). southern - Cape needle (34.51 degrees south latitude). 7.5 thousand kilometers - the distance between the western and eastern outskirts of such a continent as Africa. the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows: western - Cape Almadi (17.33 degrees west longitude). eastern - cape ras-gafun (51.16 degrees east longitude). The length of the coastline of the mainland is 26 thousand kilometers. this is small for a continent of this size. the reason is that the coastline of Africa is poorly indented. it should also be noted that the extreme points of Africa have other names. for example, Cape Agulhas is sometimes called Cape Agulhas. and Cape Ras Angela is sometimes called Cape Blanco. therefore, in the scientific one can also find these toponyms. Africa's position is unique. the fact is that the equator crosses this mainland almost in the middle. given fact leads to two important consequences.

In what part of the continent is the country located? What is the name of its capital?

South Africa is located in South Africa.

The capitals of South Africa are Cape Town (legislative), Pretoria (administrative), Bloemfontein (judicial).

What are the features of the relief (the general nature of the surface, the main landforms and the distribution of heights). Mineral resources of the country.

The most characteristic element of the relief is the Bolshoi Ledge, which is a steep slope of outlying plateaus and plateaus to a narrow strip of coastal lowland.

The country has a very rich resource base. South Africa traditionally ranks first in the world in terms of reserves of gold, platinum group metals, manganese and aluminoglucates. In addition, the country occupies a leading world position in the extraction of diamonds and coal. Most of the country's deposits are unique in terms of conditions and scale of occurrence of resources.

Climatic conditions in different parts countries (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation). What are the differences by territory and seasons?

The climate is extremely similar to the Mediterranean, with rainy winters and hot, dry summers. On the plateau, the average temperatures in the summer months are from 18 to 27 ° C, in winter from 7 to 10 ° C. To the south-west and on the Weld Plateau, frosts are possible for 6 months; droughts are typical. In the subtropics, the average temperature of the summer months is about 21 ° C, the winter months are less than 13 ° C, and precipitation is up to 700 mm per year. On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, there is a desert climate, the average monthly temperatures in winter are 11-15 ° C, in summer 18-24 ° C, precipitation is not more than 100 mm per year.

What kind major rivers and lakes are located.

Most of the permanent rivers belong to the Indian Ocean basin: the largest are the Limpopo with a tributary of the Olifants, Tugela, Great Fish. The Atlantic Ocean basin owns the country's largest rapids and unstable river. Orange (with tributaries Vaal and Caledon).

Natural zones and their main features.

Johannesburg, located in the center of the Weld at an altitude of 1740 meters, receives 760 mm of precipitation per year. For the protection of the animal world, national parks have been created - Kalahari-Gemsbok, Kruger, Natal, etc., reserves - Vaaldam, Giants Castle, Mkuzi, St. Lucia.

The peoples inhabiting the country. Their main activities.

Territories with fertile lands in the country are owned by white farmers - owners of private agricultural enterprises. Farms they widely use machinery and fertilizers and therefore get high yields. They grow corn, wheat, beans, sugar cane, citrus, cotton and other crops. Sheep and cattle farms are located on elevated plateaus with good pastures. Pasture animal husbandry occupies agriculture the most important place. The bowels of South Africa are rich in various minerals. This country is called a geological wonder. South Africa occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves and production of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium and iron ores. The country's economy is dependent on British and American monopolists, who lead the development of minerals and receive huge profits. There are many factories and factories in the country, industry is developing rapidly.


Geography and description of the country of South Africa

The official name of South Africa isRepublic of South Africa (South Africa). The Republic of South Africa (SAR) is located in the southern part of the African continent, it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The small independent states of Swaziland and Lesotho are located on the territory of South Africa. It borders Namibia to the northwest, Botswana and Zimbabwe to the north, Mozambique and Swaziland to the northeast. In the eastern part of the country, the Kingdom of Lesotho is located as an enclave. The western coast is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern coast by the Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline of South Africa is 2798 km. The total area of ​​the country is about 1.22 million square meters. km. Administrative-territorial division of the country: 9 provinces: Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape, Free State, Northwestern Province, Northern Province, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Goteng. Capital of South Africa: Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial).

Having bought last-minute tours to South Africa, you can get acquainted with the main attractions of South Africa - these are its natural resources. Most of the territory of South Africa is occupied by highlands, plateaus, plateaus and mountains, dissected by deep gorges with steep edges, along the bottom of which the rivers of the Indian or Indian basin run. Atlantic Oceans. In numerous reserves and national parks of South Africa, nothing threatens the diverse South African flora and fauna - this is also one of the areas of tourist interest in the country. In the very south of South Africa, the Capes of Good Hope and Needle, the most famous symbols of the state, protrude into the ocean. For centuries, hopes of discovery were associated with the first of them. sea ​​route from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, which were realized only after the navigators managed to go around the second cape. Also, many of the sights of South Africa can be seen by visiting Cape Town (Kapstad) - the oldest city in South Africa, located in a picturesque area at the foot of the legendary Table Mountain on the Atlantic coast.

Among lovers of exotic travel, last-minute tours to South Africa - the "Rainbow Country" - are becoming increasingly popular. Last-minute tours in South Africa are not only historical places, national parks, Sun City - the world-famous City of the Sun, the famous Victoria Falls, the Capes of Good Hope and Agulhas, but it is also a chic beach holiday. Last minute tours to South Africa will give you and your family an unforgettable experience, positive emotions and a lot of fun.

South African currency

The national currency of South Africa (South Africa) is the South African Rand. The South African rand has an international designation - ZAR. One South African rand is equal to 100 cents. The banknotes in circulation are 200 (orange) South African rand, 100 (purple) South African rand, 50 (pink) South African rand, 20 (brown) South African rand and 10 green) South African rand; South African currency in coins are coins of 5 (silver), 2 and 1 South African rands, as well as 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents. In circulation are coins of both old and new issues, the denominations of which, with different denominations, are quite similar to each other. For cash payments, only the currency of South Africa, the South African rand, is used.

Visa regime of South Africa

Citizens of Ukraine need a visa to South Africa to visit the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe or one of the neighboring Kingdoms of South Africa, you need to have a double or multiple entry visa. For citizens of Ukraine, a visa to South Africa is issued at the Embassy of South Africa, located in Kiev.

Documents for obtaining a visa to South Africa:
Depending on the purpose of the trip, visas are divided into different categories: tourist, private, business, trip to an exhibition / conference, for the purpose of education, medical care.

To apply for a visa to South Africa, you must provide the following package of documents:

Completed application form (we help with registration)

2 photos (3.5x4.5)

Valid passport + copy

Original national passport

Original document confirming the purpose of the trip (invitation, voucher, etc.)

Certificate from the place of work with an extract from wages for the last 6 months.

For private entrepreneurs: a copy of the registration documents of the enterprise + copies of their tax reports.

Bank statement on the availability of funds in the account

Reservation of tickets for a plane / bus (when traveling by car: a copy of the driver's license, a copy of the technical ticket and green card)

Medical insurance with a minimum coverage of 30,000 euros (we help with registration)

To apply for a visa to South Africa for children under 18, you must additionally provide:

Copy of birth certificate

Children's travel document

Permission from parents to leave the child

Certificate from the educational institution

The term for issuing a visa to South Africa is from 15 days.

This list is common to all visa applicants.

Before booking, please clarify the information and the list of documents for obtaining a visa to South Africa from the manager.

Time in South Africa

Weather and season in South Africa

There are twenty climatic zones on the territory of South Africa. In the Cape Town area, a climate similar to the Mediterranean prevails - dry hot summers, not very cold winters, precipitation - 600 mm per year. The rest of the country falls within the tropical climate zone. The province of Natal is characterized by high humidity and has the most pronounced subtropical climate with high humidity in summer. In summer, the average daily air temperature is about +30°C, at night the thermometer drops to +15 - +2O°C. Winter lasts from May to August. During the day the weather is dry, sunny and cool (up to +20°C), at night the temperature drops sharply to +5°C. In KwaZulu-Natal, winter is warmer: from +10 - +15°С at night to +25 - +27°С during the day. The tourist season in South Africa lasts all year round. In the African winter, when it rains over the coast, it is especially good to visit national parks located far from the coast. The best time to visit South Africa - from October to April.

Resorts (cities) of South Africa and their description

Western Cape (Cape Town, legendary Cape of Good Hope, wine routes, Garden Route)- province in southwestern South Africa. In the south it is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Formed in 1994 after administrative reform in the country. The provincial capital is Cape Town. Cape Beautiful is home to Cape Town, the Cape Peninsula with the legendary Cape of Good Hope, wine regions and famous road Gardens. virgin landscapes untouched nature, two oceans washing the shores of the province, a mild Mediterranean climate and at the same time excellent infrastructure allow the Western Cape to be the most important tourist region in South Africa. The province of the Western Cape is one of the leaders in the ranking of tourist attendance. Tours to the Western Cape are very popular among travelers who come here from all over the world for new exotic experiences.

There are several in the Western Cape unique features, on the basis of which the most popular tourist routes of the province are created. The first is the so-called "Wine Tour". Since the Western Cape is the center of African winemaking, with vast valleys where farms with vineyards spread, it would be a sin not to visit the famous centers of winemaking and not to try the amazing South African wine, which, by the way, is more and more appreciated all over the world. . The second popular tourist route is the famous "Garden Road" (Garden Road), which originates precisely in the Western Cape and, stretching through virgin forests, lakes and Mountain peaks, ends in the Eastern Cape, near the city of Port Elizabeth. The third, no less interesting tour in South Africa offers travelers to visit the famous ostrich farms in the city of Oudtshoorn, which is the center for the production of ostrich meat in South Africa.

Nature lovers will enjoy visiting the many national parks and reserves of the Western Cape, including one of the six largest botanical gardens in the world - the Fynbos Floral Region, as well as the cities of Hermanus and Gansbaai, where huge whales and great white sharks live in abundance. And finally, no one will be left indifferent by the elite luxury resorts Western Cape - Knysna, Mossel Bay, Plettenberg Bay.

Eastern Cape second largest province in South Africa. Its area is almost 14% of total area country. The Eastern Cape stretches along the southeast coast of South Africa. The coastline stretches from the Umtavuna River to the mouth of the Storms River, and on the mainland, the province borders the kingdom of Lesotho. The Eastern Cape is a land of amazing landscapes: soft outlines of green hills, clear contours of the southern spurs of the Drakensberg Mountains, yellow-sand valleys and savannahs with blue-veined rivers, huge tracts of wet forests.
But the main natural attraction of the Eastern Cape is its magnificent coastline. The gentle waves of the Indian Ocean wash over 800 km of untouched and clean coastline with wide sandy shores, picturesque lagoons and high rocky cliffs. These places are great for lovers active rest- surfing, diving, etc., and for connoisseurs of resort life. This coast has some of the best beaches in the world, and the underwater beauty of the coast fascinates even the most experienced divers.

Despite all the natural wealth, the Eastern Cape is still the poorest province in South Africa. Indigenous people provinces - tribes "Xhosa". They live mainly by agriculture, growing timber and corn. Tourism infrastructure and tours to the Eastern Cape are just beginning to develop. The most popular tourist routes are safaris in the unique reserves and national parks of the Eastern Cape, which are distinguished by the richest fauna and untouched nature. The most famous of them are the Eddo National Park, famous for one of the largest elephant populations in all of Africa, the Shamwari Reserve with all the representatives of the Big Five, the Kwande National Park, and the Cradok National Park.

KwaZulu Natal - a resort area with a conditional capital in Durban - a favorite vacation spot for South Africans with the beaches of the warm Indian Ocean, the famous Dragon Mountains, the birthplace of the most warlike tribe - the Zulus - this is a charming province of South Africa, most which is occupied by a hilly plain stretching from the coast of the Indian Ocean to the Dragon Mountains. It is the border between KwaZulu Natal and the Lesotho enclave state. The northern part of the province - Zululand - is a place with a rich history. In the 19th century, bloody battles took place here between European colonists and the warlike Zulu tribe. Now the former battlefields have become home to wild animals and birds: a significant part of the province is occupied by national parks and reserves.

The most famous of them are the Tembe Elephant Sanctuary and Phinda Game Reserve, a private safari park. The savannahs, swampy lowlands, bush thickets, and foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains are home to many animal species. But the main attraction for tourists in KwaZulu Natal is, of course, the so-called "big five" (elephant, lion, buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros). The waters of the Indian Ocean along some sections of the coast of KwaZulu Natal are also considered a protected zone. The seabed here is covered with coral reefs, which is a rarity in these latitudes.

Goteng - the most densely populated and at the same time the smallest in area. In fact, this is one giant metropolis, which includes financial, industrial and transport center South Africa - the city of Johannesburg. Here is one of the three capitals of the country - Pretoria. Recognizable by its jacaranda trees, Pretoria is home to many historic buildings.

In Pretoria, it is impossible to pass by the grandiose monument erected in honor of the Great Trek - the resettlement in the middle of the last century of the white African population of South Africa from the Cape Province to the north. Pretoria is an important political, administrative and Cultural Center country. Another famous city oldest city prospectors, - Kallinen. It developed around the First Diamond Mine, and many houses of the past century buildings have been preserved here to this day. World-famous diamonds were found in this mine, among which Cullinan is the largest diamond in the world - 3,106 carats.

Gotteng has the Sterkfontein Caves near Krugersdorp. Was found here famous skull Miss Ples, 250 million year old fossilized human remains.North of Johannesburg provides an opportunity to meet with representatives of various South African tribes.Visitors can spend the night in any family of their choice.Lion Park is located 10 kilometers from Johannesburg.There is a park in the city of Golden Reef attractions, where the atmosphere is recreated great era gold rush in the late 19th century.

Another of the most attractive tourist destinations in Goteng is Soweto. Here you can see the houses of many famous politicians, as well as the Hector Peterson Monument. It is also worth visiting the small house where former President Nelson Mandela lived before his imprisonment. Now there is a museum here.

North Western Province - the sixth largest province in South Africa. It borders Botswana to the north, the Northern Cape to the west, the Free State to the south, Gauteng to the southeast, and Limpopo to the east. It was formed in 1994 after the administrative reform. The provincial capital is Mafikeng. The largest city is Rustenburg.

The North-West Province of South Africa is famous for its magnificent Sun City. Northwest Province of South Africa is the main supplier of diamonds, gold and platinum. In the North-Western province of South Africa, not far from Rustenburg, is the "African Las Vegas" - a first-class resort and gambling center Sun City (Sun City), or "City of the Sun". The Sun City project was designed and implemented by Sol Kerzner, a major South African businessman. Near Sun City, tourists can ride the longest, highest and fastest cable car in the world - Zip slide 2000. Two kilometers long and with a height difference of about two hundred and eighty meters, this attraction allows you to reach speeds downhill up to one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. Near Sun City is the famous Pilanesberg National Park.

The Northwestern Province of South Africa also attracts with its unique natural conditions for outdoor activities. The local fauna is striking in its richness. It will be interesting to visit many caves. Moreover, many of them are of great interest from the point of view of studying the origin of man. There are lakes and streams in the area. the purest water. Here, tourists are recommended to visit the Pilanesberg National Park, as well as the reserves of Medikve, Botsalano and Faan Meintjies. The Center for the Reproduction of Wild Animals in Lichtenburg is very interesting. Also popular are: Reptile and Animal Park in Hartbeespoort, the Golden Reef amusement park, the Vaal River. Attract visitors and places that are associated with the Boer War.

Mpumalanga - the province is famous for its picturesque hilly landscapes and the most famous national reserve Kruger Park. National Park Krugera, the most famous National Park in South Africa, is known for its vast territory and the presence on its territory of the so-called "big five": lion, rhinoceros, elephant, buffalo and leopard. Kruger National Park is the national pride of South Africa, perfect example wildlife management.

worldwide famous park Kruger, founded in 1898 by Transvaal President Paul Kruger, is a role model for many parks in the world. In addition to the most innovative management system, Kruger Park is the most profitable national park in the world. Stretching for 350 km across the territory of 2 provinces (Mpumalanga and Limpopo), the park today occupies almost 2 million hectares. More than 250,000 animals from 147 species live here, including representatives of the "big five" (300 black rhinos, 2500 white rhinos, 8000 elephants, 900 leopards, 15,000 buffaloes and 2000 lions), in addition, 507 species of birds, 49 species of fish live here. and 148 reptiles, 336 species of trees grow.

Kruger Park is bounded to the south by the Crocodile River, to the north by the Sabie River, to the east by the Lebombo Mountains, and to the west by the Drakensberg Mountains. You can get here by transfer Johannesburg-Kruger Park or domestic flight - Johannesburg-Hodspruit (550 km); Johannesburg-Nelspruit (400 km); Johannesburg-Skukuza (500 km). Flights from Cape Town, Durban and other cities are possible. Recommended season to visit Kruger Park: from May to September (“dry” season).

Limpopo -the province with this funny name immediately brings us back to childhood, when, reading the fairy tale about "Aibolit", we first tried to imagine African landscapes - endless savannahs through which flows muddy river Limpopo, and along its banks there are rare cacti. In fact, it's not like that at all. Limpopo - the northern province of South Africa - amazes with the beauty of its untouched nature. This is a real kaleidoscope of beautiful natural landscapes - mysterious forests and mountains, wide full-flowing rivers with flowering valleys, savannas scorched by the sun, deep lakes.
The province of Limpopo is located in northern South Africa and borders Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Climatically, it is the warmest province in the country. In summer (October-March) the temperature exceeds +40C, there are heavy rains with thunderstorms. In winter, the heat subsides, the rains stop, and the sun shines brightly in a cloudless sky.
Only in the territory of Limpopo, known as the Great North, many places related to the history of mankind are concentrated, because it was here that traces of life and the remains of ancient people were found. The first nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of the province in the Stone Age. They left numerous cave drawings attracting the attention of tourists. At many archaeological sites, the secrets of the past of ancient peoples are still being discovered. In the Makapansgat Valley, for example, there are relics of the Stone and Iron Ages, and the treasures of Mapungubwe generally belong to time immemorial. In addition, this province was the scene of countless battles between the aborigines and the Dutch settlers during the Great Trek period, when the Boers began to move north in search of better lands.

During the apartheid period, this province was divided into several parts, but today it is one and indivisible. In 1994, the province was formed under the name Northern Province. But ten years later, they decided to rename it Limpopo, since it stands on this very river. Here, in the northern part of South Africa, there is practically no industry. Therefore, many areas of the province are still preserved in the form that they had before the appearance of man in these places: subtropical forests in the east, thickets of thorny bushes of the desert savannah - bushveld - in the central and northern regions. The adornment of the savannah in the north are lonely mopani trees and thousand-year-old baobabs. Closer to the mountains beat hot mineral springs, rivers abound with trout.

northern cape- the largest in area and, at the same time, the most sparsely populated province of the country. The "diamond capital" of the Kimberley, the Kalahari Desert, the Augrabis Falls, the Orange River are located here, and here you can observe the annual miracle - the flowering of the Namaqualand valley.

Kimberley, South Africa's diamond capital, grew up around diamond mines. Until now, in the center of this city-museum there is Big Hole ("Great Hole") - the world's largest mine-quarry, which marked the beginning of the "diamond fever" of the beginning of the century (for a small fee, you can still try to find a diamond yourself) . Today Kimberley is a modern city with wide streets, magnificent parks and gardens, comfortable hotels, its own tourist tram, the wonderful William Humphreys Museum of Fine Arts and, of course, the luxurious Mining Museum located on the edge of the Big Hole.

5 km. from the Kimberley is the still operating Bultfontein diamond mine, which offers guided tours. Of interest are the rapids of Thunder Alley and Egerton Rapids on the Orange River, the farm-reserve Lindbergh Lodge, from here (as well as from Sun City) most of the routes to the great Kalahari Desert begin.

During the global diamond rush, thousands of prospectors poured into the Northern Cape in search of treasured stones. Now this time is associated with adventure and romance, but then it was more associated with blood, sweat, tears, and a brutal struggle for power. Some found wealth here, many found despair. But, one way or another, diamonds gave life to these lands. And soon, on the site of the wretched huts of prospectors, solid houses of wealthy adventurers began to appear. And to this day, the Northern Cape does not dry out in its riches. A huge number of minerals are still being mined here, including diamonds. The monopoly on their exploration belongs to the world diamond leader De Beers, founded in 1888.

Free State (State) - The province of South Africa is located in the central part of the country, away from the ocean coast. The Free State itself is surrounded on all sides by the six provinces of South Africa and itself, in turn, encircles the Kingdom of Lesotho, an enclave state in South Africa.Tourism is not the most important economic sector of the Free State of South Africa. Therefore, there are no large entertainment complexes, hotels and other attributes of a successful tourist infrastructure. But this does not mean that there are no sights in the province at all. The Free State attracts tourists with the unique charm of these places - endless rolling expanses, farmlands immersed in blooming sunflowers, many historical and ethnic monuments.

The capital of the Free Province of Bloemfontein is one of the three most significant cities in South Africa along with Cape Town and Pretoria. Here is the Supreme Court of Appeal countries, which gave the city the status of the legal (judicial) capital of South Africa. WITHtoday Bloemfontein is a large transport node. Land and air roads diverge from here to all major cities of the country. The city has many industrial enterprises that do not spoil its charming appearance. Bloemfontein - very beautiful city. It combines the quiet charm of a provincial town and a modern metropolis in the Free State of South Africa. The city is clearly divided into squares of quarters by long, straight, wide streets. The high-rise buildings of banks, offices and hotels contrast with the squat buildings of Boer architecture. There is a lot of greenery in the city. Green carpets of lawns, neatly trimmed bushes and trees are pleasing to the eye. And a lot of old buildings that have been preserved here are buried all year round in the blooming splendor of rose bushes. It is not for nothing that "Bloemfontein" in Dutch means "fountain of flowers". Although today it is often called the "City of Roses" for an amazing attraction - the Royal Park "Garden of Roses", opened by the Prince of Wales in 1925. The park has about 4,000 rose bushes. Bloemfontein is often chosen for various festivals and conferences.

Entertainment and attractions in South Africa

Victoria and Alfred Waterfront (Cape Town)
The world famous shopping and entertainment complex in the Port of Cape Town takes its name from the 2 port harbors around which it was built in the early 90s in South Africa. More than 250 shops, souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes. This colorful place allows you to feel the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Cape Town.

Cape of Good Hope (Western Cape)

The reserve of the Cape of Good Hope with an area of ​​7750 hectares with the richest flora and fauna has been one of the visiting cards of the Western Cape of South Africa since 1938. Initially, the cape was called the Cape of Storms, and since the time of Bartolomeo Dias, who first rounded it in 1488, it bore this name for a long time. More than one hundred ships crashed on its rocks (the highest coastal cliffs in the world). Later, apparently in order to somehow smooth out the tragic aura of this place, the cape was renamed the Cape of Good Hope. Today it is one of the iconic viewing platforms for millions of tourists who come here.

Wine Routes (Western Cape)
South African wines, known since the founding of Stellenbosch in 1679, last years became popular not only in Great Britain - the traditional importer, but also in many countries of the world. The even climate and advanced technologies have allowed South Africa to come close in terms of supply to the top three wine-producing countries. Imagine - only in the Western Cape of South Africa there are more than 4,000 wine farms, usually producing several varieties of wine. Try and try.

garden road
One of the most picturesque areas in South Africa, and, perhaps, in the world. It extends along south coast countries from Mossel Bay to the Tsitsikamma nature reserve. Mild Mediterranean climate, wild forests and beaches stretching for tens of kilometers, many lakes, nature reserves, waterfalls. Many find it similar to Austrian Carinthia. However, the warm Indian Ocean, the richest flora and fauna, the ethnic flavor of these places in South Africa give them undeniable advantages over old Europe.

Kruger park
Kruger National Park - one of the largest parks in South Africa - runs through the territory of two provinces (Mpumalanga and Limpopo). Founded in 1898 by Transvaal President Paul Kruger, the park today spans almost 2 million hectares and is world famous for its game drives and abundance of fauna. More than 250,000 animals from 147 species live here, including representatives of the "big five" (300 black rhinos, 2,500 white rhinos, 8,000 elephants, 900 leopards, 15,000 buffalo and 2,000 lions), in addition to this, 507 species of birds, 336 species of trees, 49 fish species and 148 reptiles.

Table Mountain (Cape Town)
As a symbol of Cape Town, Mount Table serves as a natural landmark - primarily for tourists, as it is visible from most parts of the city. To visit Cape Town and not climb to the top of the mountain is considered, in some ways, a sin. This is one of the most beautiful viewing platforms in the world and one of the ten most visited tourist places on the planet. You can climb the Mountain both by funicular and on foot, but this activity is only for the young and full of energy - such a walk takes about two and a half hours. From here, from a height of 1086 meters, the whole city is at a glance.

Durban Beaches (Golden Mile)
The Golden Mile consists of 6 km of excellent sandy beaches, this name was given by the Portuguese navigators, who described them in their books as golden sands.

National Botanical Garden Kirstenbosch (Cape Town)
The botanical gardens, founded in 1913 on the eastern slope of Mount Table to preserve and develop the flora of southern Africa, are today recognized as one of the 7 best and most famous botanical gardens in the world. The territory of the garden is 528 hectares. Concerts are regularly held here during the summer. classical music. Various hiking trails run through the entire garden. The duration of the routes is from 45 minutes (1.5 km) to 3 hours (7.8 km).

Ostrich Farms (Oudtsworth)
A visit to Oudsworth is unthinkable without an excursion to one of the ostrich farms, of which there are more than 400 in South Africa. Of these, 4 have the status of Show Farms, where study tours are constantly organized. During the tour you can see ostriches in the most different periods their lives. The tour program also includes ostrich races, and for daredevils there is an opportunity to ride this magnificent bird. Blyde River Canyon (Mpumalanga)This stunningly beautiful and huge canyon (3rd largest in the world), carved by the Blade River, is one of the unique places in South Africa and in the world as a whole. Over many millions of years, unique boulders have formed here, which in an unusual way complement the surrounding forests and savannah.

The Republic of South Africa (SAR) is located in the southern part of the African continent, it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The small independent states of Swaziland and Lesotho are located on the territory of South Africa.

South Africa is a republic. The head of state is the president. Legislature- bicameral parliament. The administrative capital is Pretoria, the seat of parliament is Cape Town.

This is a country with beautiful nature and picturesque cities, peaks and boundless dusty plains. It has huge mineral reserves, which attracted Europeans here for the purpose of enrichment. The only country on the continent that differs in terms of economic development. It exports more diamonds than any other country in the world and owns huge gold reserves.

Twenty climatic zones are distinguished on the territory of the country. In the Cape Town area, a climate similar to the Mediterranean prevails - dry hot summers, not very cold winters, precipitation - 600 mm per year. The rest of the country falls within the tropical climate zone. The province of Natal is characterized by high humidity and has the most pronounced subtropical climate with high humidity in summer. In summer, the average daily air temperature is about +30 ° С, at night the thermometer drops to +15 - +20 ° С. Winter lasts from May to August. During the day, the weather is dry, sunny and cool (up to +20 ° C), at night the temperature drops sharply to +5 ° C. In KwaZulu-Natal, winter is warmer: from +10 - +15 ° C at night to +25 - +27 ° C during the day.

The population of South Africa is 43 million. people Blacks make up about 76% of the population and belong to many tribes of several language groups.

Among white residents of South Africa (13%), two groups can be distinguished: Afrikaners who speak Afrikaans and English-speaking whites. Afrikaners make up 60% of the white population of South Africa and are of Dutch, German, French or English origin.

English-speaking residents of South Africa - mostly immigrants from the UK, Portugal

and Greece. Another 9% of the population of South Africa are mestizos, descendants of white colonists and slaves exported from Malaysia and India. In 1860, another group joined the country's population - these are Indians brought from Madras to grow sugar cane, most of them live in the province of Natal (2-2.6%).

11 languages ​​of various nationalities and ethnic groups inhabiting the country: Afrikaans, English, and Debele, Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, Sutho, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Pedi.

The country has complete freedom of religion. Mostly Christians and adherents of local traditional beliefs as well as Hindus, Muslims and Jews.

South Africa is an industrial-agrarian country with a high level of economic development, the most economically developed state in Africa. South Africa occupies one of the first places in the world in the extraction of gold, platinum, chromites, manganese ore and diamonds, and the country also has developed ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, oil refining, cement, textile, and food industries.

Tourists are offered sightseeing tours of Johannesburg and Pretoria; visiting the Gold Reef City complex - an open-air museum recreating Johannesburg during the gold rush, descending into an underground mine, the process of pouring gold, an excursion to the world capital of ostriches Oudstorn, visiting the famous stalactite caves of Kango Gaves, waterfalls, ostrich and cheetah farms; excursion to the Maritime Museum of Bartolomeo Dias in Mossel Bay, the Shell Museum and the Caves of the People of the Sun.

The population of South Africa exceeds 49 million people (25th in the world). South Africa is characterized by a very large diversity among the people inhabiting the country, both on racial and national grounds.

The majority of the population, about 80%, are blacks belonging to various ethnic groups (Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Tswana, Sotho and others). This group also includes immigrants from other African countries (in particular, Zimbabwe and Nigeria).

The white population is about 10% and mostly consists of the descendants of the Dutch, French, British and German settlers who began to populate South Africa from the late 17th century; immigrants from Europe who arrived in South Africa in the 20th century; and Portuguese who moved to South Africa from the former Portuguese colonies in South Africa (Angola and Mozambique) after they gained independence in the mid-1970s. The majority of the white population of South Africa lives in major cities- Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. The percentage of the white population in South Africa is the highest among all African countries.

In modern South Africa, the AIDS epidemic and the high crime rate, especially among the black population, are a serious problem.

There is an increase in the emigration of the white population from the country and immigration to South Africa from countries with poorer economies, primarily from Zimbabwe.

The unemployment rate among blacks aged 15-65 is 28.1%, among whites - 4.1%.

The average annual income of a black working adult is about 12,000 rand, while that of a white adult is about 65,000 rand.

The religious beliefs of South Africans are very diverse. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and, of course, traditional African religions are common here.

The largest cities in South Africa are Johannesburg (population about 9 million), Cape Town (about 3.7 million), Durban (about 3.2 million), Port Elizabeth (about 1.6 million) and East London (about 1 million)

Languages ​​of South Africa

The very diverse ethnic composition of the population of South Africa also led to an amazing multilingualism in the country. South Africa has 11 official languages: English, Afrikaans, Venda, Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Swati, Northern Sotho, Sesotho, Tswana and Tsonga. Interestingly, in the English text of the Constitution of South Africa, signed by President Nelson Mandela on December 16, 1996, the state languages ​​are named in the language itself, and not in English (that is, the Zulu language is called isiZulu, not Zulu). Most of the country's inhabitants speak several languages.

Before the fall of the apartheid regime, only English and Afrikaans were official languages. English remains the main language of international communication and trade today. Afrikaans is spoken by the vast majority of whites and people of color in South Africa. The country's blacks prefer to communicate in their native Bantu languages, but almost all of them, especially the city dwellers, understand and speak English.

In recent decades, large cities have appeared and become very popular among the black population. new language, Tsotsitaals, a mixture of Afrikaans, Zulu and other African languages. This language grew out of the jargon of the city bottom and became especially used among young people, as it was a kind of "protest language".

In South Africa, you can also find national communities that speak German, Greek, Portuguese, Tamil, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Hebrew, Sanskrit and other languages.

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