Home Grape Greenwich Mean Natal Chart. Astrology. Natal chart: we read the future by houses and planets

Greenwich Mean Natal Chart. Astrology. Natal chart: we read the future by houses and planets

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"Vedic horoscope online" is unique project for Vedic astrologers and people interested in astrology (Jyotish). All features of the system are described here http://vedic-horo.ru/features.php, and with detailed guide user can be found here http://vedic-horo.ru/manual.php

1. The project has ample opportunities for building and analyzing an astrological chart online, namely: displaying the chart in both southern and northern styles, a list of the main ayanamshas is presented to choose from. Implemented the calculation of basic data on the map - the position in the house, sign, nakshatra, etc., plus functional beneficence, Karaka, Avastha, Gandanta, Mrityu Bhaga, Dig Bala, Marana Karaka Sthana, etc. and the annual chart (Varshaphala), yogas are also calculated (over 200 combinations), special Lagnas, Ashtakvarga, Upagrahi, Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, Chara dasha Jaimini K.N. Rao, Narayana dasha, a full section for the analysis and selection of Muhurta, analysis and search for Transits, Ashtakuta ( astrological compatibility) and other benefits.

2. System " Vedic horoscope online" includes decoding (interpretation) of the horoscope. Links that open interpretation texts when clicked are bluish in color and a hand sign appears when hovering over them. According to your birth chart, you can get a transcript by the position of the planet in the house and the sign of the zodiac, the position of the ruler (owner) of the house in the house. In addition, the system has general information about each planet - you can understand what it shows in the astrological chart, what strong and weak features it has endowed you with. There are also transcripts for each astrological house - to see them, you need to click on the required house number in the natal chart itself. Vedic astrology has nakshatras in its arsenal, for each of which you can find the necessary information - first of all, pay attention to which nakshatra is occupied by the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun. Plus, you can get an exhaustive interpretation of the signs of the zodiac - for this you need to click on the name of the zodiac sign in the natal chart. To understand what zodiac signs have on you highest value- just as in the case of nakshatras, see where the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun are located, plus the cluster of planets.

3. At the project "Vedic horoscope online" available unique feature- store your own database astrological charts online, and all conditions are created for this. You can create sections and subsections of any nesting, forming a structure for storing maps. Cards can be loaded into the system by simply dragging them into the browser with the mouse from popular astrological programs: Jagannatha Hora, Parashara's Light or Grahas. You can also edit birth data, description and life events, in addition, maps from the system can also be saved to a computer in one of the three previously announced formats of the astro program. Below are screenshots of star style(can be set in settings).

4. There is confidence that every astrologer is a researcher at heart, and therefore the system has a functionality that allows you to find people by almost any astrological combination, as well as life events and categories. You can search both within the database of your own maps and in the Astro-Databank database, the number of which exceeds 53,000 people, for each of which there is a birth time reliability rating (Rodden Rating), gender and life events and categories associated with a person, which can also be indicate during the search, as well as in the search results there will be links to the Astro-Databank and Wikipedia website with the biographical data of the person found. This functionality allows you not only to check the principles from the classical works on Vedic (Indian) astrology, but also to identify patterns yourself - by tracing what these people have in common, how this or that combination manifested itself in life. In the search criteria, you can specify, for example, the Moon in Aries in the 9th house in D1 or Jupiter in trine from AK in D9, or both criteria at the same time and the system will find these people.

For anyone who is interested in astrology, it is no secret that a person's horoscope is informative and multifaceted. But from what side should one approach interpretation and not drown in an ocean of different meanings? This article will guide you step by stephow to read a natal chart.

A typical mistake of astrologers

Often, even at a consultation with a practicing astrologer, you can get such a set of interpretations: you have the Moon in Taurus - you love comfort, Tasty food and Mars in Leo - you are a proud person.

These interpretations may contradict each other. As a result, instead of understanding yourself, you get a mess in your head. And the astrologer looks at you with a mystical look, believing that you yourself must see the truth.

As they say, personality is a complex thing. For example, at work you are a strict boss, and at home you are a caring mother. The main skill of an astrologer is to learn to synthesize different meanings horoscope, collect from one image of a person.

So, now let's find out how to read a person's natal chart, where to start.

Step number 1. Elements and temperament

Before analyzing the planets and signs, determine the main and weak elements of the horoscope. The energies of air, fire, earth and water denote the temperament of a person. The elements show the general background of the personality, on which the main events will already unfold.

Imagine that you are painting a picture. Sketches, the first sketches are planets and signs. And the background, the background is temperament.

Step #2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant

After we have determined the general background of the horoscope, we proceed to the analysis of the most important functions of the psyche and soul.

The sun is the core, the center of the personality, the true meaning of life, why did you come into the world. Astrological predictions in the magazine are based precisely on the solar sign. For example, the Sun in Taurus - main point- beauty, matter, money, practicality and simplicity. that makes the world full, that force that lifts you off the couch and brings happiness and success.

The moon is the center of psychic energy, the perception of the world, the point of inner comfort. Basic needs, the ability to change, the talent to adapt favorably to circumstances. Mom image. - this is more than half of the information.
Ascendant - how you manifest in the universe. Physical body how other people perceive you. The material embodiment of the spirit. shows social and earthly tasks.

  • Sun - I, personality, my true meaning
  • Moon - how the world is reflected in me, a point of comfort, needs
  • Ass is my physical embodiment

Step #3: Gathering Map Details

The next step is to add psychological picture personal planets that show different functions and tasks.

  • Mercury - speech, thinking, communication, learning
  • Venus - eros, love, finance
  • Mars - activity, strength, ability to overcome obstacles

Mercury shows how you think, learn, work with information. How you communicate, commercial skill, doing household chores. Logical or creative thinking.

Venus is a manifestation of love, feelings, a point of pleasure and attractiveness, a man has the image of a beloved woman. Significator of marriage. Pocket money, easy income and spending. Art, creativity in general.

Mars - a manifestation of aggression, a way to overcome difficulties, problems, defending one's positions, behavior in conflict situations, business start and operation in general.

Do not forget, in addition to the interpretation of the planet in the sign, about aspects that make significant additions. For example, Mars in Aries is passionate, quick-tempered, hot. But the square from Saturn cools him down a bit, gives him strategy and endurance.

Step #4: Identify Weaknesses

Almost any horoscope has vulnerable points: affected planets, problematic Houses and tense aspects. And this often brings difficulties and misunderstandings.how to read a natal chart, when everything is good in one place, but there is a problem in another.
The planet is amazed if

  • there is a predominance of tense aspects
  • being in the sign of exile and fall
  • burning by the sun
  • connection with Lilith, evil stars

Stressed sections of the map are the source of problems, blocks and sets that the native needs to work with.

Step 5. Event level

Houses or sectors of the map are responsible for the event level. In other words, the House shows where it is required by circumstances to manifest this or that planet. For example, Mars in VIII - disputes over money.
To interpret, one must evaluate

  • steward - generally responsible for the affairs of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Through what and how the House is realized.
  • cusp - gives a description
  • planets inside - strong positive or negative factors affecting the affairs of the House

Making a synthesis

Often, in order to find out more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely: fortune telling on cards, coffee, mirrors and others. magic tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire shows itself well, but more informative method is , wherein

the main tool can be called a natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical place of birth of a person and is the basis individual horoscope.

Features of compiling a natal chart

For those who are just starting to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some binding rules, which will help to carry out a qualitative analysis and, as a result, correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner runs the risk of getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require implementation natal horoscope, you will be able to correctly determine the cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in some particular astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with decryption- this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises are worth waiting for, and what events can be avoided. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in signs and determine the aspects that affect the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After such simple actions, in the end we will get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in this case can be used online interpretation, but, if you really want to practice astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Decoding astrological houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person's life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • 1st symbolizes the temper of a person;
  • 2nd stands for acquisition, whether real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • 4th stands for home;
  • 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • 6th - this is the real thing that is on this moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is alienation.
  • 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • 10th denotes independence, as well as position in society;
  • 11th is aspiration, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for Willpower and Achievement.

Deciphering the heavenly bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies mean and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately builds an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own, having familiarized yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The heavenly body of the Sun is associated with the personality of a person, its shortcomings, as well as virtues. Mercury is responsible for communications. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars means the degree of activity shown in solving important tasks. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable deeds. And Pluto is nothing but intrapersonal metamorphoses.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their features to all indicators, and this directly affects the fate of a person.

As for the aspects, they represent the connection of an individual nature between the planets and show the nuances that allow the individual to become unique.

Deciphering "strange icons"

When all indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the "strange icons" that are available on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu-karma);
  • The circle on which the letter “K” is placed is the career area (Middle of the sky);
  • The letter "H" - family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Deepness of the sky);
  • The inverted "Omega" is responsible for the purpose of a person in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded icon of the month is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of the shaded month located on the cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • "Ms" - human relationships (Descendant);
  • "As" - symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio points to strong personality involved in the surrounding world.

Horoscope by date of birth

We suggest you use free service for compiling a personal natal horoscope and for deciphering a natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the receipt of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about the independent decoding of the natal chart

Individual horoscope online (free)

On this page you can build your individual birth horoscope (natal chart) online and get its computer interpretation for free. The interpretation of the horoscope, which you will receive by filling out the form below, can be considered the first approximation to the full interpretation of the individual horoscope.

To study your personal horoscope you can sign up for a consultation with an astrologer who will carefully examine your natal chart and draw up your astropsychological portrait, tell you about the strengths and weaknesses Your character. You will receive comprehensive information on how to use the potential of your personality to the maximum.

Now on the page you see the "Actual horoscope" - a map with the position of the planets at a given time for Moscow.

To build a birth horoscope (natal chart) enter your name, date and time of birth. The page defaults to setting the time in GMT (Universal Time) mode. If you are entering a local time of birth, be sure to toggle the checkbox to "local" time. Do not forget that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! Permissible approximation - plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select from the list the country, region and city where you were born. You do not need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not in the list, you can choose the city closest to your place of birth, but the horoscope will not be so accurate. Next, click the "Create Horoscope" button.

The page will show " Natal horoscope" with your birth card. To get free full interpretation Your individual horoscope, select "Interpretation" from the "Horoscope" drop-down menu.

Please be careful not to make mistakes when entering data.

Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the relationship between location celestial bodies at the moment of birth of a person and his character, appearance and life events. Astrology is rooted in the distant past of human civilization. A natal chart compiled by date of birth with a decoding of the most important astrological indicators will help you understand your fate and destiny.

Individual horoscope

Translated from Latin“natal” means “native”, that is, the natal chart is the landmark that a person receives at birth, what he comes to life with. Here his talents and inclinations, circumstances of life and achievements are indicated, fatal events and personal will.

Forecasts, which are made according to the solar sign of the Zodiac, reflect the most general trends. To understand your individuality and foresee the main events of your subsequent life, you can independently draw up a horoscope by date of birth. How to use the information received will indicate the location of the planets and important points in the signs of the Zodiac and houses.

For those who are just getting acquainted with astrology, it is better to start by compiling own card. To do this, you need to know the place, date and as much as possible exact time of his birth. Technical work and accurate calculations can be entrusted to the astroprocessor, computer program, which includes astrological ephemerides. They make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the planets in the desired period of time.

Planets and zodiac signs

Knowing the primary properties of the planets and the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you can begin to decipher the natal chart yourself. The strongest, most pronounced planet in the horoscope creates a certain type of personality. Each zodiac sign is associated with one or two rulers who have an energy related to it:

The sign that a planet rules is its abode. Being in this sign, she gains strength. Here her qualities are clearly manifested. The opposite sign for her is the place of fall. Getting here, the planet acquires a weak status and can create difficulties.

For example, Venus in Taurus appears strongly and harmoniously. In Scorpio, she is in a fall, here she is uncomfortable. Scorpio is not in tune with Venus.

Four elements in the cosmogram

Three zodiacal signs belong to each of the four elements. To understand the personality traits, you need to evaluate which element in the cosmogram is represented more strongly. The more planets are in the signs of the elements, the more it is expressed in the horoscope:

Principles of horoscope analysis

The cosmogram shows the basis of personality, its basic potential. It is easy to make a natal chart yourself. How the planets in the signs of the Zodiac are associated with the inclinations and abilities of the individual can be understood using principles of horoscope analysis:

It is important for beginners to remember that no matter where the Sun is at birth, others planets can be in different signs . A typical representative a sign is one who, in addition to the daylight, has several planets located in the same sign. Especially if they rule the Ascendant and Meridian.

You can recognize such a person by pronounced character traits. It is more difficult to decipher information relating to those who have a sunny zodiac sign there are no other planets.

Astrological houses

It is necessary to take into account the meaning of the houses of the horoscope in order to independently draw up a natal chart with decoding. How the astrological sector affects, allows you to understand the top of the house, that is, the point at which it begins. Like the sign of the Zodiac, the house has a ruler who will show how successful things will be in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example, if the 7th house begins in Taurus, it is ruled by Venus. To make a forecast for partnerships and marital relations, you need to proceed from the location of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Meanings of astrological houses.

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