Home Potato Calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic: calendar-thematic planning in the middle group on the topic: "spring walks the planet." Calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic: Complex-thematic plan. Topic "K n

Calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic: calendar-thematic planning in the middle group on the topic: "spring walks the planet." Calendar-thematic planning (middle group) on the topic: Complex-thematic plan. Topic "K n

0220914 Topic of the week: Spring
Sections of the thematic block:
2. Seasonal changes in spring.
3.Regional component
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about the spring season.
Duration: from 04/17/17 - 04/30/17
Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity
Responsible: educator Frolova E.V.
Deadline: 04/27/17
Interaction with family and society:
Folder design - travels on the theme: "Spring".
Resp .: Frolova E.V.
Date: 17.04.17
2. Invite parents to take part in the replenishment of the sports corner in the group.
Resp. Frolova E.V., parents
Date: 04/18/17
3. Suggest parents to organize a home experimental laboratory within the framework of the project "Amazing is near!"
Resp. Frolova E.V. Parents:
Date: 04/19/17
4. Organize an excursion to the GDK park
Resp. Frolova E.V.
Date: 04/27/17
5. Offer parents advice on "how to dress a child in spring"
Resp. Frolova E.V.
Date: 25.04.17

Complex morning exercises №18
"Spring came!"
Purpose: to create conditions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health; development of physical activity; education of organization.
Walking and running between objects placed in one line (distance between objects 0.5 m).
Rolling small balls in a forward direction at the signal of the teacher and running after them to the other side of the site. Walk to the other side to the starting line (2 times).
Small ball exercises
2.I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in right hand... 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, pass the ball to the other hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - hands down (5-6 times).
3. I. p. - leg stand apart, the ball in the right hand. 1 - slope to right leg; 2-3 - roll the ball to the left, back to the right; v starting position... The same with an inclination to the left leg (4–5 times).
4. I. p. - the main stand, the ball in both hands at the bottom. 1 - sit down, take the ball forward; 2 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).
5. I. p. - lying on his back, the ball in both hands behind the head. 1-2 - with a simultaneous movement to raise the right (left) leg and arms with the ball, touch the knee with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).
6. I. p. - stand feet apart, the ball in bent arms in front of you. Throwing the ball up (low) and catching with both hands. It is performed arbitrarily.
7. Walking in a column one by one, the ball in the right hand, raised above the head.
Exercising after a nap
complex "Nebolika"
1. I.P .: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch.
2.I.P .: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), massage thumbs legs, starting from the pad to the base.
3. I.P. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nails to the base with pressure (internal and external).
4. I.P. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking hands - from fingers to shoulder.
5. I.P. the same, tightly close your eyes for 5 seconds, open, repeat 5-6 times.
6. I.P: o.s., walking in place with a high knee lift.
MONDAY, April 24, 2017 Spring. Seasonal changes in spring.

1. Conversation Conversation on the topic: "Labor of adults in the spring." Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of communication skills and abilities in children, the formation of an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe work of adults in the spring.
2.Individual work(education of cultural and hygienic skills) with Yulia M., Zhenya.
Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's washing skills and habits, in behavior at the table, and to use cutlery correctly. Anchoring them in independent activity.
3. D / and with the subjects "Who will come, let him take" Create conditions for the formation of children’s ability to describe an object, find its essential features, find it by description.
4. Individual work on sensory development With Ilyas, Milena, Savely. DI: "Wonderful bag." Purpose: To create conditions for the consolidation of the concept of "size", "form". EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES
№1 9.00
Activity: Musical
Topic: "the beauty of spring prmroda"
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about the beauty of spring nature "
. To relate the heard music with movement, to show interest in the perception of music.
Start singing on your own after the introduction, sing in concert.
. Independently find expressive movements to convey the character of the characters' movements.
№ 2 9.30
Activity: Communicative (fiction)
Topic: Reading poems about spring.
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to listen to poems.

WALK I: health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity.
1. Observation of inanimate nature. Observing the weather. Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating the concept of seasonal changes in nature.
2. Labor assignments. Help with garbage collection on the site. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of labor skills, the ability to work together.
3. Individual work. Mila, Varya T., Eva B. "Who will jump higher." Purpose: to create conditions for the exercise of children in high jumps, the development of strength, agility.
4. Independent play activity (external material) Games with external material (trucks, dolls, dressed for the season). Purpose: To create conditions for the development of independence and initiative through play activities.
5. P / i (running) "Crucian carp and pike", "Air, earth, water". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention, speed of reaction, ideas about the rules of the game.
1. Role-playing game. "Spring chores" Purpose: to create conditions for the development and enrichment of role-playing games, the formation of the ability to independently distribute roles and agree on the course of the game.
2. Individual work on the development of speech With Misha, Alisa, Ilyas "Vesna" storytelling using a mnemonic table.
Purpose: To create conditions for the development of coherent speech, enrichment of the vocabulary (adjectives)
3. Perception fiction Reading F. Gavrilov's poem "Spring" Purpose: To create conditions for teaching children to listen to poems, helping children to perceive the content of the work correctly.
1. An outdoor game "We are funny boys"," Mousetrap ". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention and speed of reaction.
2.Gaming physical exercises"Bring it on - don't drop it." Purpose: to create conditions for exercise in the ability to carry the object carefully.
3.Self-playing game activity with portable material
Purpose: to create conditions for leading children to create play ideas on their own.

During meals, encourage children to be independent, to form the ability to hold a spoon correctly.
Continue to work to enrich children's sensory experiences.
Contribute to the accumulation of experience of benevolent relationships with peers: pay attention to a child who has shown concern for a friend, who has expressed sympathy for him.

(it is indicated how the environment is supplemented for the implementation of the planned) All centers are indicated, enrichment of the subject-developing environment on the site
Book Center
Materials: illustrations "Spring signs" "

Materials: a twig of an ash tree, magnifying glasses for examining swollen buds.
Goal: create conditions for development cognitive interest and curiosity
Art center
Materials: blanks for drawing willow twigs, pencils, glue, brushes, napkins.
Goal: create conditions for development creativity.
Game Library Center
Materials: CI "Seasons"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention, thinking

Materials: building kit for designing a ship
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of building and constructive abilities.
Centers: role-playing game
Materials: attributes for staging the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the ability to independently play the situation, share play material, combine the plots of the game into one.
Sports section. Materials: skittles, ball. Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of skills and abilities in children to roll the ball directionally. Purpose: To create conditions for the independent activity of children in centers of children's activity - to focus attention on the submitted material.
Walk: buckets, wooden spoons, cars, dolls, dressed for the season.
Interaction with parents Invite Lyova's family to conduct the morning circle Purpose: to create conditions for the formation partnerships with parents.
TUESDAY 25 April 2017 Spring. Seasonal changes in spring.
Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF A DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood
1.Exercises for the development of speech breathing. "Football". Purpose: To create conditions for strengthening the respiratory muscles of children, the development of physiological respiration.
2.D / u ( sensory development). "Parachute" Purpose: To create conditions for the consolidation of children's knowledge of shapes, colors, development fine motor skills hands.
3.Individual work (speech development). With Eva B., Sasha K. "Continue the sentence" (based on the illustration "Spring has come"): Create conditions for activating the vocabulary, developing perception, attention, thinking; development of coherent speech, the ability to finish sentences.
№1 9.00
Kind of activity: Cognitive research(FEMP)
Topic: Pyramid. Times of Day. Account within 5.
technological map:26
Individual work: helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
№2 9.30
Activity: Motor
Purpose: To create conditions for children to exercise in walking in pairs, in maintaining a stable balance when walking on a reduced support area; repeat long jump from a place.
Individual work: helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
WALK I: Purpose: Health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity
1. Observing wildlife ( animal world). Sparrow observation. Purpose: to create conditions for expanding the understanding of seasonal changes in the life of birds.
2. Individual work. Development of movements. "Merry Sparrows" Masha I., Julia S., Kira. Purpose: to create conditions for jumping on two legs with forward movement at a distance of 2-3 m.
3. Labor assignments. Bird feeding Purpose: To create conditions for fostering respect for birds.
4. Outdoor games. "The Crow and the Sparrow", "Above the Feet from the Ground." Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of physical activity of children, to move at the signal of the teacher, the ability to follow the rules of the game, to develop dexterity and speed of movement.
5. Independent play activity "Horses", Purpose: To create conditions for the development of independence and initiative through play activities, communication skills.
1.Individual work (on musical education) With Savely, Nikita, Zhenya, Makar, Arseny Musical and rhythmic movement "Merry balls" (music by M. Satulina)
Purpose: To create conditions for the development of children's skills and abilities to jump and run in accordance with the nature of the music.
2. Self-activity in the corner of sensory development; board games CI "Combination of colors" Purpose: To create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, memory.
3. Didactic games (for the development of hearing, for the classification of objects, etc.) CI "Seasons" Purpose: To create conditions for the development of auditory perception in children, the ability to classify natural phenomena by time.
4. Perception of thin. Literature: Reading. story by N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai". Purpose: To create conditions for the development of auditory perception in children and a stable interest in the reading process, memorization of the read work.
1. Outdoor exercise: "Jump over objects." Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of basic movements in children, to foster interest in physical culture and healthy way life.
2. Outdoor games: "Mousetrap", "Trap". Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of physical activity of children, to move at the signal of the teacher, the ability to follow the rules of the game, to develop dexterity and speed of movement.
3. Independent play activity. S / R game: "Spring chores". Purpose: To create conditions for enriching children's knowledge about the work of adults in the spring, for the formation and development of communication skills.
Joint activities of an adult and children in (regime moments)
Support children in their efforts to continue learning about hygiene and household activities: wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, as they become dirty.
Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands in a variety of ways. different types activities
Form the habit of behaving calmly indoors and outdoors, not running, following an adult's request.
Organization of an environment for free independent activity
Create conditions for the development of children in various centers
Book Center
Materials: illustrations Migratory birds»Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to consider illustrations
Center for Experimentation, Science
Materials: diagram of the experiment "How water moves in the soil."
Purpose: to create conditions for self-study soil properties.
Art center
Materials: musical instrument "Metalophone" for sounding a spring drop.
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of independence, initiative, musical abilities.
Game Library Center
Materials: CI "Name the migratory birds" Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating the idea of ​​migratory birds, the development of attention, thinking.
Center for Building and Construction Games
Materials: wooden construction set. Purpose: creating conditions for designing a boat for Mazai's grandfather.
Center for Role-Playing Games
Materials: attributes to SRI "Seed Shop"
Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of communication skills.
Walk: attributes to HRE "Spring chores", jump ropes, rings and ring throw.
Interaction with parents Invite Masha I.'s mother for outdoor games for a walk in the afternoon. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of partnerships with parents.
WEDNESDAY, 26 April 2017 Regional component.
Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF A DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood
1. Conversation "Adult labor in the spring in our city" Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​the work of adults in the spring, the development of communication skills.
2. Observations of indoor plants, experiences, work. Observation of the vegetable garden at the window.
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of independence, the development of cognitive and research qualities.
3. Fun games. "Man's buff with a bell"
Purpose: To create conditions for the entertainment of children, creating a good, joyful mood in them.
4. Methods and techniques of socio-game technology The game "Flies, does not fly". Purpose: to create conditions for awakening children's interest in each other, ensuring a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.
№1 9.00
Type of activity: Cognitive - research (world around)
Theme: Spring. Spring signs.
Technological map number: 26
Individual work: helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
№2 9.30
Type of activity: Fine (modeling)
Subject: A bunny jumped out into a forest clearing.
Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of the ability in children to sculpt in a constructive way from plasticine.
Individual work: helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
WALK I Purpose: Strengthening health, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity
1.Observation of the phenomena public life... Observing the work of the janitor.
Purpose: To create conditions for fostering the desire to help, the formation of the ability to evaluate the results of work, fostering respect for people of work, the development of speech.
2. Labor assignments. Assistance in collecting branches on the site (subgroup). Purpose: To create conditions for the education of the ability to work together; bring the work started to the end.
3. P / and "Merry Sparrow", " Sun bunnies". Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of physical activity of children, to move at the signal of the teacher, the ability to follow the rules of the game, to develop dexterity and speed of movement.
4.Individual work. With Zarina, Eva P., Nikita, Sasha. P / exercise: "These are the fast legs", Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of the ability to quickly move on toes, with wide strides.
5. Independent activity drawing with a stick on the ground. Purpose: To create conditions for the development of independence, creativity.
1. Perception thin. Literature: Reading the story of K.D. Ushinsky "Bees on reconnaissance". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of auditory perception in children and a steady interest in listening to stories.
2. Entertainment, leisure. Leisure
Objective: To create conditions for the emotional well-being of children.
3. Games with toys for the development of fine motor skills. Laying out patterns from sticks
Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of play skills and abilities in children with objects, the development of fine motor skills of hands.
4. Independent artistic activity Apple blossom.
Purpose: creating conditions for the development of creative abilities, the ability to act according to the plan.
1. Game physical exercises, outdoor games IU: "On a narrow bridge", PI "Mousetrap". Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of physical activity of children, to move at the signal of the teacher, the ability to follow the rules of the game.
2. Independent play activity of the SRI "Let's go to the dacha". Purpose: To create conditions for the formation and development of communication skills.
3. Didactic game to familiarize yourself with the world around you "Run to the tree, which I will name." Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of children's knowledge about different types of trees, and the development of communication skills.
Joint activities of an adult and children in (regime moments)
1. Improve self-service skills: dress and undress, maintain order in the locker; encourage children to be careful in their clothes while eating.
2. To create in children a cheerful, joyful mood, a desire to play calmly and independently.
3. To promote the musical development of children through games and exercises aimed at sensory development in the field of sound perception.
Organization of an environment for free independent activity
Create conditions for the development of children in various centers Book Center
Materials: illustrations "Spring has come"
Purpose: to create conditions for self-examination of illustrations
Art center
Materials: plasticine, oilcloths, stacks for sculpting bird beds. Purpose: to create conditions for self-sculpting.
Center for Experimentation, Science
Materials: collection of seeds. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of curiosity, cognitive and research qualities.
Center for Role-Playing Games. Materials: attributes for SRI "Seed Shop" Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to independently distribute roles and agree on the course of the game.
The center of the game library. Materials: CI "Seasons". Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature.
Center for Construction and Constructive Games. Materials: a scheme for constructing characters from fairy tales from triangles, a set of triangles. Objective: To create conditions for the development of constructive skills.
Walk: attributes to the HRE "Let's go to the dacha", buckets, skipping ropes, sticks for drawing.
Interaction with parents Suggestions on the benefits of walking and excursions for a variety of experiences that generate positive emotions and feelings. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of partnerships with parents
THURSDAY 27 April 2017 Regional component.
Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF A DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood
Morning happy meetings: Ensure the gradual entry of children into the rhythm of group life
Individual work (fine motor skills) With Vary D. "Magic box" Write a number
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills of hands, memorizing numbers
Word games "Speak a word"
Purpose: to create conditions for enhancing the use of antonyms.
Didactic games (musical) Game "Guess-ka"
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about the pitch.
Type of activity: motor
Purpose: To create conditions for the exercise of actions on the instructions of the teacher in walking and running; to teach the correct grip of the hands by the edges of the bench when crawling on the stomach; repeat the exercise in balance.
Type of activity: constructive-model
Topic: Primroses (construction from waste material).
Technological map No.: No. 26
Individual work - helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
WALK I: health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity
1. Observation of inanimate nature. Observing the sky.
Purpose: to create conditions for the continuation of the formation of ideas about seasonal changes, the development of observation, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.
2. Labor assignments (subgroup) Assistance in cleaning branches on the site.
Purpose: to create conditions for a joyful mood from the work performed
3. Outdoor games "Air, earth, water", "Trap"
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to quickly act on a signal.
4. Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing, catching) With Margarita, Marta, Eva B., Makar Sh., Lida "Hit the target"
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to throw the ball into
hands, catching it with both hands.
Perception of fiction Guessing riddles on the theme "Seasons"
Goal: create conditions for development logical thinking, the formation of interest in listening and guessing riddles.
Building games "Building a farm"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of building skills, imagination.
Role-playing game "Theatrical buffet". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of communication skills, the formation of an idea of ​​the rules of etiquette in the theater.
Joint activity in the center of artistic and aesthetic development Decoration of scenery for staging the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of partnerships between adults and children.
1. Observation on a walk 1. Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating the idea of ​​seasonal changes in the weather, the ability to distinguish overcast, clear, cloudy. 2.Elements sports games"Field hockey"
Purpose: to create conditions for exercise in running with an apparatus, the ability to hit the ball accurately. 3. Didactic games "Find objects of a square, triangular shape"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of memory, observation. Joint activities of an adult and children in (regime moments)
Remind kids to save correct posture v different types activities
Continue to educate respectful attitude to others. Explain to children that they should not interfere with the conversation of adults. It is important to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily. Continue to foster a caring attitude to the elderly, a desire to help them.
Across situational conversations, play exercises continue to develop interest in art
state and musical culture, to educate artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich children's musical impressions, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature
Organization of an environment for free independent activity

(it is indicated what complements the environment for the implementation of the planned) center of the book Materials: reproduction of A. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived". Purpose: to create conditions for self-examination of illustrations.
art center Materials: Coloring "Spring on the street", pencils Purpose: to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills, color perception of children
Game Library Center Materials: CI "When does this happen?" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, memory, logical thinking.
center for experimentation, science Materials: a willow twig for examining the buds Purpose: to create conditions for the development of curiosity, cognitive and research qualities.
center for building and constructive games Materials: building blocks "Assemble a fairy tale". Objective: to create conditions for the development of constructive skills
center of SRI Materials: attributes for SRI "Seed Shop" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of communication skills, the development of the ability to negotiate in the distribution of roles.
walk - paddles, balls, clubs, flags, buckets.
Interaction with parents Invite parents to play outdoor games. Purpose: to create conditions for combining efforts for the development and upbringing of the child, the development of partnerships.
FRIDAY 28.03.17 Regional component.
Joint activities of an adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)
I HALF OF A DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood
Morning of joyful meetings: Ensure that children gradually enter the rhythm of group life
Examining albums, illustrations Examining the album of illustrations "Spring in our land"
Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​seasonal changes in the native land.
Individual work on the development of speech (vocabulary, grammar) with Arseny, a story about spring according to a mnemonic table.
Purpose: to create conditions for enriching the vocabulary, the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech.
Didactic games for acquaintance with the environment, natural world Interactive game "Spring"
Purpose: to create conditions for expanding ideas about the signs of spring, the spring season.
Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, viewing illustrations) Interactive game "Rules of the road"
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation in children of knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road, the development of visual perception.
Activity: visual (drawing)
Theme: Spring has come
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the ability to convey the impressions of spring in drawing, for exercise in drawing with paints, the development of the ability to successfully place images on a sheet, the creative abilities of children.
Activity: musical
Topic: “Spring. Seasonal changes "
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of ideas about seasonal changes in spring.
Distinguish sounds by pitch, movement of melodies up and down, gradual and abrupt. 2. Use familiar elements dance moves in free dances.
Individual work - helping children with difficulties in completing the assignment.
WALK I: health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity
Observation of seasonal changes, targeted walks and excursions Tour of the territory of the kindergarten
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature.
Labor activity (subgroup) Collecting ash seeds.
Purpose: to create conditions for fostering the desire to work together.
Outdoor games "Who is faster", "Geese-geese"
Purpose: to create conditions for improving the ability to run, climb, jump; development of the reaction.
Individual work on the development of basic movements (climbing) Zarina, Milena, Yulia S., Eva B. Purpose: to create conditions for exercise in climbing over obstacles.
Awakening gymnastics. Walking on massage paths, hardening. Purpose: to create conditions for strengthening the immunity and health of children; holding hygiene procedures; education of self-service skills.

Theater Friday (cultural and leisure activities, holidays, entertainment, theater) "Spring is knocking on the windows"
Purpose: to create conditions for creating an atmosphere of emotional response of children, the development of physical abilities.
1. Observation on a walk 1 Purpose - to create conditions for the formation of attention, memory and speech of children.
2. Subject role-playing game "Let's go to the dacha".
Purpose: to create conditions for expanding the area of ​​independent actions of children in choosing a role, developing and implementing a plan, using attributes.
3.Is self motor activity children "Mousetrap", "Crow and Sparrow". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of the ability to comply with the rules of the game, to play in a team.
4. Didactic games "Describe, I'll guess"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention, the ability to navigate in space. Joint activities of an adult and children in (regime moments)
Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games, invent your own games.
Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea.
Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating the ability to hold a spoon in your right hand, take food with your lips, bite it off in small pieces, chew with your molars, not your front teeth; motor development; education of cultural and hygienic skills.
Replenish literary baggage with riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs and sayings
Organization of an environment for free independent activity
1. To create conditions for the development of children in various centers
(it is indicated what complements the environment for the implementation of the planned) center of the book Materials: the book "The Seasons". Purpose: to create conditions for self-examination of illustrations
art center Materials: plasticine for modeling birds that have returned home. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills of hands, creativity.
center of the game library Materials: CI "Seasons" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, memory.
Experimentation Center Materials: "Plants drink water" experiment scheme Purpose: to create conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities.
center for building and constructive games Materials: waste material (candy wrappers, threads, plasticine, tubes) for designing flowers. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of constructive abilities.
center of SRI Materials: attributes for SRI "Spring troubles" Purpose: to create conditions for the development of communicative qualities.
walk - attributes for the game "Let's go to the dacha", balls, cars, jump ropes.
Interaction with parents Invite parents to take part in the replenishment of the group's centers on the topic of the week. Purpose: creating conditions for partnerships with parents

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Calendar-thematic planning v middle group... Thematic a week "Spring". library of materials. Answer: Frolova E.V. Date: 17.04.17. 2. To invite parents to take part in the replenishment of the sports corner in group.

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Planning on week on the topic "We meet spring... "- Knowledge

Calendar-thematic planning on the topic "We meet spring and feathered friends "developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. In accordance with the theme weeks selected games and other activities during all days weeks.

Znanio.ru> Planning for a week by

Calendar planning on March v middle group

Calendar planning on everyday v middle group.Situational conversation: "Flammable objects" Purpose: to help children remember well the main group fire hazardous items that cannot be used independently.

Intolimp.org> Scheduling

Promising planning (Spring) average group.

Counseling for educators. Promising planning (Spring) average group.Formation of elementary mathematical representations D.m .: envelope, plan, in which M (4 a week. Spring... Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing) "The kids ran out ...

Moi-detsad.ru> Perspective

Complex-thematic plan educational work...

Pandia.ru> Complex-thematic

Pedagogical development | Planning walks v middle group "Spring"

Bashkortostan Material name: methodical development Theme: Planning walks v middle group "Spring"Date of publication: 04/25/2017 Section Purpose: to consolidate the idea of spring... Pay attention to changes in the sky. 4 a week.

Pedrazvitie.ru> Pedagogical development | Planning

Calendar planning | 1 A week

Calendar planning. Group _____average _ Month_1 - April 24 (4 weeks) _. Days weeks on this topic " Spring" - 1 a week.Conversation with all the children: about what they did yesterday; what kind plans on today; wishes of children (what would like Individual conversations with parents about the educational and upbringing process in group.

StudFiles.net> Scheduling |

Topic: 22. in the spring…" (1 a week) - Thematic ...

Thematic plan work v middle group under the Kindergarten 2100 program. in the spring…" (1 a week). Topics of the days: " Spring came! "," Friends spring- the sun, icicles and a stream "," Birds arrive from the south "," Animals in the spring"," The awakening of nature. "

Top-bal.ru> Topic: 22.

Average group№6 Topic weeks « Spring came "

Home »THEMED WEEK » Average group№6 Topic weeks « Spring came. " Information about the educational organization. week we will continue to get acquainted with in the spring like the season of the year. We offer you games and tasks for joint ...

Dsklyuch2.omr.obr55.ru> Middle group №6 Topic

Approximate thematic planning v middle group on...

Thematic planning v middle group aimed at expanding and replenishing the vocabulary of children middle Preschool Vocabulary: month, Spring, puddles, streams, ice floes, buds, leaves, grass, snowdrop, thawed patches, icicle, nest, meadow, step, come ...

PlanetaDetstva.net> Approximate thematic

Calendar-thematic plan on week v middle group on...

Date of publication: 2017-11-23 Calendar-thematic plan on week v middle group on the topic "The street is full of surprises" Sosnina Svetlana Sergeevna Plan contains information about working together educator with children, independent activities of children ...

Zarkua Alena
Planning educational work for a week in middle group"Spring"

(on week from 13.03.2017 to 17.03.2017)

Theme: « Spring»

Final event: Exhibition of children works"Spring landscapes"... Final date activity: Friday 17.03.2017

activity: Zarkua A.V.

Day weeks

Integration educate educational Wednesday group)



Individual Educational

Morning: Phys. development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Chatting with children "Signs spring» Target: to summarize children's ideas about signs spring, develop monologue and dialogical speech.

Reading a poem « Spring»

G. Ladonshchikova. Discussion.

N / a "Burn, burn clearly".

Individual conversations about the environment the world: what the child saw on the way to the d / s, natural, seasonal changes. Lev G, Arina M, Slava P. Consideration of illustrations, posters about spring and spring phenomena... View presentation « Spring came» ... Discussion.

Di "Four Seasons" Target: to consolidate knowledge about the seasons, their sequence.

Prepare equipment for viewing the presentation. Introduction of posters, illustrations on the topic. Replenishment of the corner of thin. literature with stories and poems on the topic.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Introduce parents to the topic weeks, offer to participate in the collection of material on the topic.

Consultation for parents: "Watch with the kids"

Speech development

Physical development

1. Development of speech. Theme: "To us Spring strides in brisk steps " nsportal.ru ›… sad… 2016/11/14… v-sredney-gruppe… vesna

Target: creating conditions for generalizing children's ideas about spring, learn to name the signs spring know the names of the spring months; Expand vocabulary on this topic « Spring» ; To develop coherent speech, articulatory motor skills and speech activity in children. To foster a respectful attitude and love for nature.

2. Physical education lesson on a walk. Theme: « Spring - Vesnyanochka» pedportal.net ›Pedportal› Physical culture ›kartoteka-quot ...

Target: to create a social situation of development in children of agility, endurance, the ability to navigate in space. develop the ability to change the direction and speed of movements on a signal; Attention; the ability to imitate movements; form the need for physical activity.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Hood aesthetic development

Walk No. 10. Observation of shrubs and trees. (T. G. Kobzeva, p. 192)... - teach to recognize and distinguish trees and shrubs by characteristic features; to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe root as a part of the plant located underground.

P / game "Homeless hare", "Frogs".

Development of movements Sonya M, Matvey A, Vanya A.

Target: to consolidate skills in jumping across two objects.

An experience "What's in the package?". Target: to reveal the properties of air, compare the properties of water and air. Conclusions. Discussion. Independent activities of children for a walk, games of their choice. Invert

Work before bedtime Reading Russian folk tale"How Spring Overcame Winter". Discussion. Development of CGN.


Conversation on the topic "Drop"... Expand children's understanding of spring, enrich their knowledge with new

words and concepts.

CHL: I. Tokmakova « Spring» ... Discussion.

Play exercise: "Say with the word spring"

Target: to teach to select the words that are necessary for the meaning and to harmonize them with nouns. Ulyana K, Diana K, Ilya R.

Di "It happens or not",

Board game "Seasons" Target: to consolidate the rules of the lotto game.

Offer children drawing, coloring, stencils on the topic. Create game situation for cognitive activities, having prepared: d / i, board games.

Replenish the corner thin. lit-ry.


Watching the weather in the evening. Develop memory, attention, observation, speech. P / game "Colored cars". Learn to follow the rules of the game.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 13.03.2017 to 17.03.2017)

Theme: « Spring»

Final event: Exhibition of children works"Spring landscapes"... Final date activity: Friday 17.03.2017

Responsible for the final activity: Zarkua A.V.

Day weeks

Integration educate areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization for developing Wednesday for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms group) Interaction with parents / social partners



Individual Educational security activities

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation "Animals in the spring» - to acquaint children with seasonal changes in the life of animals in spring - molt, end of hibernation, offspring care.

Guessing and guessing riddles on the topic - to enrich the vocabulary of children.

D / y "Choose the appropriate picture" Target: to consolidate knowledge of the signs spring.

Di "Count" Target: learn to reconcile numbers with noun.

With Alice G, Katya Z.

Examining illustrations of wild animals in the spring» Target: to consolidate ideas about changes in animal life in the spring.

DI "Wild-Homes" Target: Exercise in the classification of animals.

Exposing themes. pictures. Poster "Wild animals".

Replenishment of the corner of thin. literature with stories, poems, proverbs on the topic. having prepared: d / i, lotto, mosaic, etc.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children


a walk to the spring park, square, reversing the child's attention to the bright spring

sun, puddles, streams.

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Hood aesthetic. development

1. FEMP. Theme. Lesson 18. (E. V. Kolesnikova, p. 52)

Target: to consolidate the ability to count within 5; learn to correlate the figure with the number of objects; learn to establish equality groups of subjects when objects are at different distances; teach to see geometric shapes in the contours of surrounding objects; uncover on specific example concepts "quickly", "slowly".

2. Music. By plan musical director.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Hood aesthetic development Walk 11. Birdwatching. (T. G. Kobzeva, p. 193)... - to identify the features of adaptation of birds to different seasons.

Signs, sayings, proverbs.

P / game "Homeless hare", "Hares and the wolf".

"Walk the bridge"- to develop coordination, balance. Lisa M, Alisa N., Vika B.

Situational conversation “What will happen if it doesn’t come Spring Target: to educate children to express and prove their point of view, to develop imagination.

Labor - to collect there is large debris on the site. Target: to cultivate the skills of hard work. Independent physical activity of children on the site.

Work Before going to bed Remind the children to carefully put their belongings on the chairs. CGN development.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

C / r game "Journey through the spring city". Target: Developing interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children.

Memorizing a nursery rhyme "Go Spring, go red " Target: develop memory, exercise in expressive reading poetry. Sonya M, Rostislav Z. Club hour: on manager's plan.

Self-play activity: board games - teach children to negotiate interaction, discuss game actions. Develop independence in organizing games. Create conditions for s / r games.

Replenishment of the corner of thin. literature with stories on the topic.

Create a game situation for the cognitive activity of children, having prepared: d / i, lotto.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.


Observing evening sky. Target: to improve the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in nature.

N / a "Dexterous and fast" Target: improve the ability to act on a signal.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 13.03.2017 to 17.03.2017)

Theme: « Spring»

Final event: Exhibition of children works"Spring landscapes"... Final date activity: Friday 17.03.2017

Responsible for the final activity: Zarkua A.V.

Day weeks

Integration educate areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization for developing Wednesday for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms group) Interaction with parents / social partners



Individual Educational security activities

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation "Plants in winter"- expand

children's perceptions of change in the plant world in the spring... Discussion.

Guessing and guessing riddles on the topic - enriching the vocabulary of children. Di "Seasons"

Target: Pick up pictures-signs to different times of the year. Consolidate knowledge about the seasons with Yaroslav and Rostislav Z.

Viewing pictures « Spring in the forest» .

Reading a story With Vangeli "Snowdrops", conversation about primroses. Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of primroses. Clarify what parts the flower consists of. Why it is necessary to protect flowers, and what role they play in nature. Exposing plot pictures « Spring in the forest» .

Replenishment of the corner of thin. literature with stories and poems on the topic.

Create a game situation for the cognitive activity of children, having prepared: d / i, lotto.

Directly educational activities

Physical development

Hood aesthetic development

1. Physical education. By .

2. Artistic and aesthetic development

Painting. Theme: « Spring forest» nsportal.ru ›Kindergarten› Drawing ›2015/09/12 / vesna-v-lesu

Target: create conditions for the formation in children visual skills, development of creativity, imagination, imaginations... Expand children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature. To shape visual skills and abilities.

Be able to place several images... Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities... Orientation in space, sense of color. Instill neatness when drawing. Shape emotionally - positive attitude to the drawing process itself. Arouse a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Hood aesthetic development Walk 12. Watching the wind. (T. G. Kobzeva, p. 194)... - expand and consolidate children's knowledge about inanimate nature; continue to acquaint with the properties of air; remind the importance of wind for plants.

Signs, sayings, proverbs.

P / game "The Hunter and the Hares", "Hares and the wolf".

Individual Work on the development of movements. "Who's Next?". Goals: teach to jump in length from a place and with a run; develop the strength of the jump. Matvey K, Vera Ch. Situational conversation "What should be done after the walk?"-to develop children's skills to fold clothes neatly in a booth, repeat the algorithm for washing hands and face. Removal of equipment for work and games on the site. Independent activities of children for a walk, games of their choice.

work before bedtime Reading B... Tokarev "Spring Tale"... Discussion. CGN development.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

Reading stories by N. Usova "Violet", "Lily of the valley" Target: continue to teach children to listen carefully to stories, answer questions about their content.

Develop thinking, memory, teach to actively participate in the conversation.

Di "Find an object by its shadow". Target: to learn to distinguish a subject by its contour, to develop visual perception, attention, thinking. Vika X, Dasha A.

Club hour: on manager's plan.

Viewing a photo album "Spring flowers".

Submit stencils with depicting flowers... Create conditions for drawing.

Didactic and board games of the choice of children. Create a game situation for the cognitive activity of children, having prepared: d / i, board games, loto, dominoes

Replenish the iso corner with materials for children's creativity.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.


"Whose link will gather faster"

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 13.03.2017 to 17.03.2017)

Theme: « Spring»

Final event: Exhibition of children works"Spring landscapes"... Final date activity: Friday 17.03.2017

Responsible for the final activity: Zarkua A.V.

Day weeks

Integration educate areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization for developing Wednesday for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms group) Interaction with parents / social partners



Individual Educational security activities

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation "We are going to rest" repeat the rules of behavior in the forest with the children, discuss what dangers lie in wait for us in the spring in the forest.

Di "Dangerous - not dangerous", consolidate knowledge of dangerous objects.

Indus work with Ilya R, Sofia M, Slava P, D / i "What why?"

consolidate knowledge of the sequence of the seasons.

Di "Come up with a proposal": develop speech activity

Consideration of illustrations for the book by G.P.Shalaeva, O.M. Zhuravleva "Rules of Conduct for Well-Bred Children".

Di "where to call?" consolidate the knowledge of children tel. emergency services 101.02, 03.

Introduce the book by G. P. Shalaeva, O. M. Zhuravleva “Rules of conduct for educated children. Chapter "In the woods".

Independent activities of children in employment centers.

Д / и, board games for children on the topic. Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Consultation for parents "Rules of conduct on the road when transporting children".

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development

Hood aesthetic development

Env. peace. Theme: « Spring in the forest» nsportal.ru ›… okruzhayushchiy-mir… k… vesna… zanyatie…

Target: Create a social developmental situation to consolidate and expand children's knowledge of characteristics spring... Learn to find these signs in nature. Consolidate knowledge about flora and fauna in the spring... Develop aesthetic perception nature, the ability to notice beauty, enjoy it, protect it. To foster a desire to protect and preserve the forest, to observe the rules of conduct in the forest.

2. Music (By plan muses... head).


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Walk 13. Watching insects. (T. G. Kobzeva, p. 195)... - expand and consolidate children's ideas about insects, about the features of their behavior; cultivate curiosity, a joyful, caring attitude towards the awakening nature.

P / game "Kittens and puppies"

Outdoor play "Do not fall" goal: development of balance. Ulyana K, Sonya K, Alisa N. Experience "Soil condition depending on temperature"- to reveal the dependence of the soil condition on weather phenomena. Draw conclusions and discuss them. Organize independent play activities for children with portable material. To foster a desire to play together, together, yielding toys to each other.

Work before going to bed Reading verse-I o spring A... Barto « Spring is coming» ... Discussion. CGN development.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

Reading by E. Baratynsky « Spring, Spring» ... Conversation on the read.

Why do I like Spring» - learn to write a descriptive story.

Individual work on coherent speech. "What in the World Doesn't Happen". Target: to teach to find and discuss mistakes when looking at pictures that are absurd. Dasha U, Vika A, Vanya A. Drawing "Spring landscapes"- to promote the development of children's creative abilities, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing, to foster interest in landscape painting and accuracy in work... Create a play situation for the cognitive activity of children. Replenishment of the corner of thin. literature with stories on the topic.

Replenish the iso corner with materials for children's creativity.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.


Independent play activities of children on the site, games of their choice. Remind you of a friendly attitude towards each other. N / a "Day Night"... Continue observing passers-by.

PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK(on week from 13.03.2017 to 17.03.2017)

Theme: « Spring»

Final event: Exhibition of children works"Spring landscapes"... Final date activity: Friday 17.03.2017

Responsible for the final activity: Zarkua A.V.

Day weeks

Integration educate areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational regions Organization for developing Wednesday for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms group) Interaction with parents / social partners



Individual Educational security activities

Morning: Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Reception of children. Morning exercises.

D / and "Say it differently" (to form the ability to select synonyms for different words based on pictures).

Making riddles about spring, spring phenomena.

I / y "Giraffe has spots and spots" Di "One - many" Target: exercise in education plural nouns. (cloud - clouds).

Vadim M, Liza M, Dasha U.Situational conversation "What can spoil your mood?"

Di "Sad and fun"- develop the ability to show moods using facial expressions. Invite the children to draw their mood on the stencil of their palm. Create a game situation for the cognitive activity of children, having prepared: d / i, lotto.

Refill the iso corner with colored pencils for drawing the palm.

Independent activities of children in employment centers. Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Ind. conversations with parents "How and what to do with children at home"

Directly educational activities

Physical development

Hood aesthetic development

1. Physical education. By physical education worker's plan.

2. Application: Theme: "Snowdrops" nsportal.ru ›detskiy ... applikatsiya ... v-sredney-gruppe ...

Target: Arouse interest in the awakening spring nature, introduce spring changes, give an idea of ​​primroses (snowdrop)... Teach children to transmit characteristics flowers and leaves in applications: their shape, color, size. Fasten cutting techniques by eye from paper folded in half.


Physical development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Hood aesthetic development Walk 14. Observing the sun. (T. G. Kobzeva, p. 197)... - to consolidate the knowledge that in the spring the sun begins to shine brighter and more often, therefore it becomes warmer.

Signs, sayings, proverbs, riddles.

P / game "Trap".

Exercise children to walk and run "Snake" between subjects with Katya Z, Maxim K, Yaroslav and Rostislav Z. Situational conversation "What dangers lurk in the street in the spring Target: educate the rules safe behavior... Independent activities of children for a walk, games of their choice. Invert attention to the relationship of children, to the way out of conflict situations.

Work before bedtime Reading verse S. Marshak "Run away, streams"... Discussion. CGN development.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Walking on a massage mat.

Solving problem points "What if…"... Develop the logical thinking of children, develop speech. Form the ability to listen to others.

"Connect the Shapes"... Target: Exercise children in drawing figures by points (Tree, navigate on a sheet of paper. Vika A., Maxim K, Katya Z.

Games in the design center. "We are builders" Target: to consolidate the ability to carry out buildings from various parts of the constructor.

Д / и, board games for children.

Suggest coloring pages. Create conditions for the final work- Exhibition decoration "Spring landscapes". Target: to consolidate knowledge on the topic weeks, create a joyful mood from the result.

Prepare a constructor.

Independent activities of children in employment centers.


Weather observation, compare morning and evening weather. Invert attention of children to changes in nature. N / a "Fun exercises"-to develop coordination of movements.

From 28.03 to 1.04

Software content:

1. Enrichment of children's ideas about spring: seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, labor activity(the sun shines brightly, there are rains, the earth and water are warmed up by the sun, become warm, snow melts, icicles; buds appear on trees, bushes, plants grow and bloom; birds arrive, start to build nests and hatch chicks, animals wake up from hibernation, appear insects; children are lightly dressed, can play with sand, water).

2. Development of emotional responsiveness and a variety of experiences of children in the process of communicating with nature: benevolence, admiring the beauty of nature, curiosity when meeting objects, surprise, empathy, sympathy.

3. Enriching the experience of research activities to study the qualities and properties of objects of animate and inanimate nature, enrich the experience of research activities.



Scheduling on the topic: "spring strides the planet"

V senior group MKDOU kindergarten number 15


Compiled by the teacher: Mukhamedzhanova Alina Radikovna

Day of week


Group, subgroup




Speech development;

Morning exercises

Examining the album, illustrations with the season spring.

Did / game: "When does this happen?"

A conversation about the signs of spring.

Reading. Reading the poem "Spring"

G. Ladonshchikova.

Individual conversations about the world around us: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal changes. Rita G. Nikita B. Ruslan A.

Conversation "Why wash your hands before eating?"

To strengthen the ability to hold the spoon correctly, eat it neatly.

Introduce masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", create conditions for theatrical activities.

Create conditions for modeling from plasticine according to the intention of the children. Purpose: development of mmr, imagination.

Invite parents to bring photos for the "spring has come" photo exhibition

Cognitive development

Expand children's understanding of insect diversity. Consolidate knowledge about the structure of insects. Form a respectful attitude towards the surrounding nature... Learn to guess riddles about insects. O.a. Solomennikova 59

According to the music worker's plan.


Cognitive development;

Bird watching

Under / game "The Sun and the Rain"

D / game "Speak the other way around"

P / and "Burners", to teach to observe the rules of the game, to act on

P / and "Sparrows and the car", teach children to run quickly on a signal, but not bump into each other. with Sasha P, Kirill Z. Oleg Ts.

Work on the site: shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path: teaching to achieve

completing the assignment with joint efforts.

situational conversation. "Why don't we take books and small toys with us for a walk in rainy weather"

Work before bed

Reading of A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring". Purpose: To acquaint with the poem. Learn to name the signs of spring.

(methods of understanding speech, activation, enrichment of the vocabulary (spring, spring, vesnianka), stimulating the joint construction of a statement of 2-3 sentences with an adult).


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Purpose: to teach to distribute roles, play together.

Conversation: "Spring has come."

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the changes in living and inanimate nature that occur in spring (the sun shines brightly, it rains, the earth and water are warmed by the sun, become warm, the snow melts. piece of music("Sounds of a drop", "sounds of spring").

Individual work: play

exercise "Find a toy" for the development of attention and thinking, color perception. Polina V. Sonya M. Alina Sh.

Game situation "Dolls woke up and dress"

Create conditions for the Game "Find drawings related to spring",

Independent activity at the choice of children.


Observation of the labor actions of adults in the flower garden and vegetable garden. An outdoor game: "who will collect the most flowers."

Day of week


Integration educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in security moments



social and communicative development; cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

C: foster interest in exercise.

To learn to notice changes in nature, to compare the weather in spring and winter, to foster interest and respect for nature.

Didactic game find the same. Purpose: to promote the development of sensory standards, highlighting signs.

Board games of choice for children.

Kirill P. Daniil M. Vitya P. Individual conversations about the world around him: what the child saw on the way, natural seasonal and weather changes.

Game situation "Let's tell the doll Masha how to dry himself properly."

Learn to eat carefully with a spoon and drink from a glass.

C / r game

"Polyclinic". Develop the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated with toys

action. Create conditions for a board-print game: cut pictures.


a walk in the spring park, square, drawing the child's attention to the bright spring

sun, puddles, streams;

Directly educational activities

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)

Drawing "Vase of flowers",

convey the characteristic features of colors in the drawing, use a different palette of colors, create a plot composition in the drawing.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Observation of the work of adults.

Outdoor games "Catch up

couple ", to exercise children in a fast run.

An active play "don't fall" goal: development of balance. Lesha, Katya, Nikita.

Labor on the site: putting in order the site. Purpose: to teach accuracy.

Take out the shoulder blades and buckets. Let's help the janitor.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Strengthen the ability of children to dress independently after sleep.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Examining the photo album "Spring Flowers".

Listening to the audio recording "Mama", music. Tchaikovsky

Introduction of the game "Cut pictures" (professions of mothers) - visual attention.

labor orders for the care of indoor plants

water the plants, remove dust. Sonya B. Rita Ge. Anya Sh.

Encourage children to do elementary rules eating behavior.

Create conditions for Didactic games: "Where is the sun?"

P. and "Hares and the Wolf", "Train", "Catch Me"


Game - discussion of "who is wearing what" labor orders for cleaning the territory.

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security



social and communicative development; cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Purpose: to develop an interest in physical exercise.

Canteen duty

C: fostering the desire to do what is possible

help for adults

S. Prokofiev's tale "About Mom".

Learn to listen to fairy tales, develop attention, memory, evaluate the actions of the heroes.

Yana Sh. Nastya S. Polina Vas.

Nursery story "Like our cat's fur coat is very good."

Situational conversation about the benefits of vitamins in the spring,

which are contained in fresh vegetables and fruits

Add materials for painting "the icicle is melting" "the rain is falling" "the wind is blowing". To create conditions for the role-playing game “let's get together with the doll for a walk”.


together with the child of birds, observe their behavior;

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Lesson 1. Strengthen the ability to move in a given direction. Explain that the score does not depend on the size of the items. Learn to compare objects in size, arrange them in descending order. I.a pomoraeva 43

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the plan of the music director


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Observing the state of the weather, learning to determine the time of the year by characteristic features. Invite the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds have done (blocked the sun), note which sky is (gloomy), what the weather is (cloudy). An outdoor game: “Take care of the object”, teach to act and navigate by a signal, in space, to develop dexterity. Individual work: throwing snowballs at a distance with the right and left hand.

throwing snowballs at a distance with the right and left hand.

With Zhenya K. Denis M. Juliana.

Labor on the site: cleaning the site, teach them to keep clean and tidy on the site, encourage

provide assistance to adults;

Create conditions for illustrative play to convey different images of birds. Purpose: to promote the development of imagination, creativity.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading E. Charushin "Cat" consider illustrations for the work.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Improve gymnastics after sleep

D.I .: "Colorful water", "Winter or spring?",

S.R.I. Examination of the illustrations "Steamer, boat, boat". To acquaint children with water transport.

Hearing a piece of music "sun" muses. M. Rauhvenrasl. A. Barto.

playing on musical instruments(on the metallophone "Droplets are ringing" (loudly).

Individual work: play exercise"Who hid where?" goal: development of attention and thinking.

Polina V. Sonya M. Alina Sh

D / n: "Let's show Mishka how to put things in the locker"

Independent activities of children to maintain order in the group (cleaning building materials, toys, washing toys).


Elementary labor orders for cleaning the site. Outdoor game: "walk along the path" "traps" "fox and hares"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security



social and communicative development; cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

C: to foster interest in physical. exercise.

Conversation with children “How I help my mother”. Discuss with the children why it is so important to help elders, teach them to talk about their help to a loved one... Develop vocabulary. Drawing with colored pencils "trickle" is a game with visual material. Purpose: to teach how to choose colors when painting natural phenomena.

Oleg Ts.Kirill Z. Sasha P,

Developing mosaic for the development of the ability to correlate individual elements and the whole image, to select fragments by color and shape.

Exercise based on the nursery rhyme: The palms rub against each other, hug each other.

My right is my left, my left is my right.

Consultation "Prevention of Children's Diseases in Spring".

play with

a child in the game "Sun bunnies" with the help of a mirror

Directly educational activities

Speech development

Reading A. Krylov's poem "an unpleasant incident". Teach children to perceive language and artistic features poetic text.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Signs early spring... Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the season; learn the signs of an early

spring. On a sunny March day, pay attention to the signs of spring: bright, dazzling

sun, high sky, light white clouds. On the south side, the snow is melting in the sun, and

icicles appear.

Ruslan A. Nikita B. Rita Gn,

P / and "Hares" goal: to consolidate the skills of repulsion when jumping on two legs.

Work on the site: clearing snow from paths, teaching to work together, helping each other. P / and "Throw on".

Take out panicles, paddles, scrapers for the game. An outdoor game "catch up with a couple" goal: to train children in a fast run.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Reading the tale "Why do cats wash after eating."


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Improve gymnastics after sleep

Designing "Ship" (folding out of paper).

Reading. Reading the fairy tale "Bear Sun" N. Sladkov.

P. and. "At the Bear in the Forest."

MD / and "Guess who sings", to develop children's auditory memory and

perception, learn to concentrate.

Kirill P. Daniil M. Vitya P.

game exercise "Pick up the words" for the development of logical thinking, auditory perception.

Teach children to tidy themselves up after an afternoon nap: dress, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb your hair.

Learning Ukrainian folk song"Ah, spring!"

D. and "repetition of names geometric shapes when performing assignments "

play at

educational games aimed at introducing children to changes in nature


Water games "funny boats"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security



social and communicative development; cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Purpose: to foster interest in physical. exercise.

Articulatory gymnastics "Horse", "Needle"

Conversation on the topic "Drops". Expand children's understanding of spring, enrich their knowledge with new ones

words and concepts. A characteristic phenomenon for the beginning of spring is the appearance of icicles. Talk about birds aim: to talk about the behavior of birds in winter. Didactic game of association.

D. and. "Tell me what your friend is wearing, what you yourself are wearing." Lesha T. Dasha K. Katya A.

Exercise "Whoever does not roll up a sleeve will not get some water"

Add the masks of the heroes of the fairytale teremok. Create conditions for theatrical activities. Create conditions for modeling from plasticine at the choice of children.


attention of the child to the clothes of adults and children, its change in accordance with weather conditions.

Directly educational activities

Artistic aesthetic development

"Jug" to sculpt objects from a whole piece of clay, transferring the shape of the structure.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Monitoring the janitor's work. Objectives: To continue to foster respect for work

adults; to teach to come to the aid of others. Draw the attention of children to the cleaned

territory. Tell them about the peculiarities of the janitor's work, its need for people. Call at

children desire to be clean. P / and "Horses" Purpose: to exercise in running, develop endurance and dexterity.

Rita G. Anya Sh.

Work on the site: clearing areas from freshly fallen snow.

Objectives: to teach children to help adults; teach the correct skills for working with the shoulder blades; to consolidate the ability to clean up inventory after work in the same place.

Create conditions for observing the work of adults, pay attention to labor actions and the result of work.

An outdoor game "sparrows"

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Encourage children to help each other with dressing after sleep.Hearing a piece of music "winter has passed" muses. N. Metlova lyrics M. Klyukova.


social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Plot - role-playing games: "A family",

Game "Fix mistakes".

Situational conversations with children about caring for their mother.

Consideration of plot illustrations "Dymkovo toy".

Productive activity: cuts and sticks, which are round and oval.

P. and. "Don't run into a circle", "From bump to bump"

Yana Sh. Nastya S. Polina Vas. Sonya B.

Board game "What

from where ”, on the development of attention, associative thinking, observation, perseverance.

D / and "Show Dunno how to properly wash and dry your hands"

Add stencils with flowers. Create conditions for drawing.

to convert

attention of the child to the clothes of adults and children in accordance

with weather conditions


Watching the trees. An outdoor game "birds in nests" "mice in the pantry"

Theme: "spring strides the planet"

From 28.03 to 1.04

Software content:

  1. Enrichment of children's ideas about spring: seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, work (the sun shines brightly, it rains, the earth and water are warmed by the sun, become warm, snow melts, icicles; buds appear on trees, bushes, plants grow and bloom; birds arrive, begin to build nests and hatch chicks, animals wake up from hibernation, insects appear; children are lightly dressed, can play with sand, water).
  2. The development of emotional responsiveness and a variety of children's experiences in the process of communicating with nature: benevolence, admiring the beauty of nature, curiosity when meeting objects, surprise, empathy, sympathy.
  3. Enriching the experience of research activities to study the qualities and properties of objects of animate and inanimate nature, enrich the experience of research activities.

Cognitive development (femp)


Lesson 1

I.A. Pomoraeva, page 43

Speech develop


Reading RNS "Unpleasant case"

Ushakova, 68

Artistic and aesthetic development (modeling)


Cognitive development (broadening one's horizons)



O.A. Solomennikova, page 59

Artistic aesthetic development (rice)


"vase with Flowers"

T.S. Komarov, p.

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