Home Flowers Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choice of profession. The importance of the profession of a social worker: how to help people

Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choice of profession. The importance of the profession of a social worker: how to help people

Young, ambitious, full of energy, those who think that their whole life is ahead, the phrase "social worker" is not particularly clear and not interesting. Acquaintance with a social worker occurs when a person's strength leaves, illnesses, age pile on, and there is no one nearby who could support, and simply serve a well-known glass of water to everyone.

Who are social workers?

The profession of a social worker requires a lot of knowledge, skills and certain spiritual qualities from its owner. Caring for the elderly or infirm is hard and often rewarding work. The social worker visits his ward at least twice a week, buys groceries, prepares meals, cleans the house, does laundry, calls the doctor, takes him to the clinic, and more. Sometimes it’s very difficult with your own old people, and what can we say about completely alien grandparents.

Satisfied with life old man living in a friendly family, or lonely, but still full of strength, it is unlikely to seek help from a social service. The main contingent of social security agencies, just consists of lonely and not very happy older people. This is a rather complex group of the population, and for positive communication and cooperation, a social worker must be a psychologist, a negotiator, a cook, and an artist.

With, to put it mildly, very modest wages, it would be strange to assume that people with all these abilities and vocational training are lining up to become a social worker. Therefore, in social centers there is a very high turnover of personnel, a large percentage random people not inclined to this field of activity.

But what attracts people to the profession of a social worker? A fairly free work schedule, the ability not to hang around in the office from call to call, combining, solving your problems during the day, and just love and compassion for the old, infirm, in need of support and help, complete strangers.

So, until the social worker's salary is raised to a decent level, it remains to rely only on those who love their work, who need these "no one's" old people.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Since ancient times, people have lived in society. Human nature has the ability to empathize with other people. Different religions of the world teach mutual aid and encourage each other to help. Over time, groups of people have emerged in society who need help and care more than others. For example, such groups include people with congenital disabilities or those who have become disabled, accidentally (surviving a catastrophe), the elderly, lonely (having no relatives).

IN modern world in a number of countries are creating and revising social programs where it is clearly defined how much, to whom and what kind of assistance should be provided. The people working in this area are social workers.

In old age, a person becomes less active. This is mainly due to the deterioration of health, with a change in his financial situation. Therefore, older people need more attention, help, and sometimes care.

A social specialist must be competent and savvy, as well as:

  • understand the law;
  • follow job instructions;
  • impeccably use the rules of labor protection;
  • have knowledge of safety;
  • adhere to hygiene standards;
  • comply with fire safety regulations.

In addition to the above, the worker social service must master the basics of the psychology of the elderly. You yourself need to be patient, enduring, restrained, and, if possible, win over the ward to yourself. If necessary, you need to know and be able to provide first aid.

Getting started, first of all, it is necessary to identify among the population in the entrusted territory, those people who need help in maintaining household And increased attention care.

Responsibilities of a social worker

What does a social worker do and do? The social worker has the following responsibilities:

  • arranges financial assistance;
  • receives prescriptions for medicines;
  • buys products and always brings checks for reporting;
  • monitors the well-being of the ward;
  • can cook dinner and make tea;
  • makes sure that the house has water and heat;
  • delivers and picks up clothes from dry cleaning;
  • pay utility bills;
  • accompanies, if necessary, to cultural events;
  • helps with the preparation of various documents.

Conscientious and considerate social worker, the elderly person will always look forward to.

How to become a social worker

In youth, it is difficult to make the right choice of profession. If you find it easier to work with personal computer than with people, it makes no sense to train as a social worker. In this area, the following qualities will be useful: sympathy for an outsider, empathy, giving people their warmth and affection, care. Intolerance and discrimination are completely unacceptable. It is necessary to respect people of any faith confession, even you do not understand.

According to USE results is enrolled in a university. As a social worker, students in without fail study sociology, psychology, pedagogy, juvenile science, and other specialized subjects.

A very important part of the training is the passage of practice, where from all sides there is an assessment of what is happening in your life. This is a real opportunity to understand whether you can work in this area: do you find mutual language with people of a certain category, whether it is possible to get out of critical situations with dignity.

Do not miss:

During employment, it is not so much work experience that is important, which simply does not exist after graduation from the university, but your communication skills, the ability to resolve conflict situations. It is very difficult to force a person to do what he does not want, does not accept and does not understand. Therefore, working with the human factor always requires a lot of patience and strength.

The social worker, whose job responsibilities will be discussed below, is hired and fired by the head of the CSO. Exit from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in Articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.

General information

Persons who have:

  • higher;
  • primary vocational;
  • secondary special education.

Persons who do not have training in their specialty may be involved in activities. People who are subject to service are called wards. Such a status is acquired by a person when applying to the Council of Veterans, the CSO or the Committee of Social Protection, as well as when a social worker identifies those in need of care during a special round. Wards who have completely lost the possibility of self-service are sent to a nursing home.

Social worker: duties, employee salary

An employee of the CSO can perform certain instructions of the wards. They may not be included in the list of duties of a social worker, but they follow from the general meaning of his activity. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to lonely people and the disabled. For example, an elderly woman can hardly move because of serious problems with health. A social worker can take her to a bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and be able to take care of himself. The day of the CSO employee begins with phone call wards. The duties of a social worker include clarifying the assignments that should be executed, the list necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, based on an assessment of the employee's performance, he is assigned or not assigned a category. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10%, and after five years - 30%.


The following categories have been established:

  • Fifth grade. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. At the same time, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, employees with a complete secondary (general) education have the 5th category. In this case, they need to carry out activities in the profile for at least three years.
  • Sixth or seventh grade. To obtain this category, an employee may have a professional higher education. In this case, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, an employee may have a secondary specialized education. In this case, he must be in the state for at least three years.
  • Eighth grade. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is not less than five years, and they have higher education in their specialty.

Important Points

IN functional responsibilities social worker includes provision consumer services persons in need of assistance. An employee of the CSO is directly subordinate to the head of the department, deputy director, head of the center. The employee needs to be familiar with federal, local, and regional level, others regulations related to the regulation of its activities. The social worker, whose duties are contained in the relevant instructions, is responsible for his activities before the law. He must follow the rules of the CSO, know the norms and regulations for labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety, fire protection. Sine qua non quality performance tasks are considered to be compliance with the requirements for the organization of consumer services for the elderly and the disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards, to master the methods of first aid.

Basic prescriptions

The duties of a social worker include:

  • Provision of services that are included in the list guaranteed by the state.
  • Compliance with visiting schedule.
  • Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
  • Carrying out surveys among the company's employees.
  • Participation in the preparation of documents of employees who need it.
  • Informing employees about their obligations, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
  • Respect for confidentiality in relations with wards.
  • Execution of orders and instructions of the leadership of the CSO.
  • Coordination of activities with superiors.
  • Timely notification of the onset of incapacity for work.
  • Petition for the allocation of material assistance to employees in need of it.
  • Filling out documentation in accordance with the recommendations for doing business, making timely additions and changes.
  • Participation in public life CSO.

The rights and obligations of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


In case of violation of labor discipline, the employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TK. Timely execution official duties social worker guarantees effective help people who need it. Such an attitude towards one's activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be performed conscientiously and clearly. In many ways, the timeliness of assistance often depends not only general state ward, but also his life.

Determining Criteria

To perform the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee must also possess certain personal qualities. Formed moral and moral convictions, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, justice, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the whole list of qualities that a social worker should be endowed with.

Used Methods in Activity

Employee Responsibilities social protection consist not only in providing the necessary assistance to the wards. For the most effective implementation of their activities, employees are prescribed, in accordance with the Instruction, to develop and implement various methods, allowing to study problems in more depth and in detail, to choose the best means of solving them. Thus, a social worker in a school whose duties are related to helping children should act, among other things, as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using an educational approach in their activities, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstrations and modeling correct behavior, uses role-playing games, establishes the interaction between the student and the teacher. special attention deserve the duties of a social worker in a hospital.

IN this case a great responsibility rests on his shoulders. A person in a medical institution requires maximum sensitivity, care, and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties of servicing the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming personality disorganization, apathy in cases where it is not possible for a sick person to do this on their own. The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on the mobilization of the available internal resources of the ward. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this is of fundamental importance. There is also an advocacy approach to the implementation of activities by a social worker. In this case, the employee acts as a representative of the ward or a group of persons in need of it. In this case, the duties of a social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments, selecting reasonable accusations.

Employee Opportunities

The rights and obligations of a social worker are two categories that are closely related. Using his authority, the employee can effectively carry out his activities, the purpose of which is to timely assistance needy. The rights of a social worker are established in articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Also, its capabilities are defined in collective agreement and rules of the order of the CSO. In the process of performing his/her activities, the social worker has the right to:

  • Involve relatives and relatives in providing assistance that goes beyond the scope established by the Instruction.
  • Receive information from wards about the state of health, relationships with other family members.
  • Use the client's personal data when filling out the necessary documentation.

International practice

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the basis of the activities that a social worker performs are duties. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are participating in a large-scale humanitarian program to eradicate poverty, ensure primary education, stable support for the most disadvantaged segments of the population. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for multifaceted, integrated social work is especially high in crisis periods. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of most citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once in its entire history. However, the government of these countries always strives to eliminate emerging problems. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.

The role of the state

On the issue of providing citizens real help the state today occupies a side, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome this or that specific problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through the employees of the CSO reduces social tension. To put it bluntly, the state, using a social worker, "calms down" the needy population. In this case, the employee is in a rather difficult situation. By virtue of duty - professional and human - the social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. Along with this, it is the fulfillment of the state task of maintaining balance in society.


For the most qualitative performance of their duties, a social worker must possess various skills, abilities, knowledge in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology and others. Only in this case can he be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge possessed by a social worker, in combination with his individual qualities, should be assessed using appropriate methods. Analysis of the results, correction of shortcomings, filling in the missing information will undoubtedly contribute to a more effective fulfillment of one's duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire a more voluminous practical experience, theoretical knowledge. Of no small importance is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that negatively affect his activities. The individual qualities of an employee act as the basis for successful interaction with the ward and are considered an essential condition for his professional suitability.

The social worker profession is noble, but often thankless. Such work can only be done psychologically steady man who is ready do good for a very a modest fee.

What are the responsibilities of such a specialist? Where can he go to work? Is there any specific training required for him?

How to become a social worker

To get this profession, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a university or technical school. The competition among applicants in this field of activity is small, and employers are usually happy to accept those who wish to work in the state without qualifying "crusts".

In such circumstances, training is limited to short courses, less often to several weeks of internship under the supervision of an experienced curator.

You need to contact either state organizations(local complex centers for social services to the population, centers for helping families and children), or to some structures.

Sometimes a social worker can find a relatively good job in private house elderly, paid hospice.

Of course, you can learn if you want. This specialization is in some medical academies, in humanitarian universities

Responsibilities of a social worker

Responsibilities are determined by the institution in which the person works and what position he has.

The most common case is social work with home visits to clients. An elderly person who is not capable of full self-service, or a family in which a disabled child is brought up, can act as a client.

Social workers for pensioners and adults with disabilities:

  • bring products to order;
  • tidy up the apartment;
  • prepare or deliver hot food;
  • help to get and take the necessary medicines;
  • pay utility bills.

Parents of children with handicapped a specialist helps not so much by participating in household chores as by giving recommendations. Trained employees make the guys massotherapy conduct developmental classes for them.

Social workers who do not go home are responsible for the implementation of any programs directly on the basis of the center - for example, they run interest clubs for the elderly, are responsible for the art therapy program, and organize a school for parents of children with mental disabilities.

The most important advantage of the profession is its humanistic value. A social worker can confidently say that his life is serving people, and not meaningless earning and eating money. However, few people manage to endure such hard work.

Not everyone knows how to overcome disgust (ask yourself if you are able to change diapers for a bedridden paraplegic or wipe the saliva of a child with severe cerebral palsy).

Not every social worker has enough physical strength for regular shuttles between supermarkets and the delivery of heavy bags of groceries to different parts of the city.

Social work involves constant stress.

Sick and weak clients are sometimes capricious. They do not always say a heartfelt "thank you" for help.

Specialties: social work, law and organization of social security, jurisprudence ( social aspect), social pedagogy and psychology, others humanitarian specialties, including pedagogical ones.

Specialization depending on the social and age category of people served (orphans, lonely elderly people, disabled people, military disabled people, etc.)

Note. Training usually covers all specializations at once - the specialist chooses her profile independently either when writing a thesis (candidate, etc.) work, or during employment. In the field of social work, people who do not have a special education can work successfully, but preference in this case is given to people with higher education.

Required education (level of education, type of educational institution):

Secondary special(social worker, specialist in social work with in-depth training in law, social pedagogue) a college of social work or a teacher training college that trains specialists in this field.

Higher(social worker, social work specialist with in-depth training in law, social pedagogue - all highly qualified, manager in the field of social work, social psychologist) - faculties of social work of some public universities, non-state universities, faculties of psychology of some universities, other universities of social work and social psychology, universities of an entrepreneurial profile, educational institutions of the Orthodox Diocese.

Specific abilities necessary for successful mastery of the profession:

When entering an educational institution, they are not detected. However, it is necessary to have a pronounced tact in dealing with different people, including patients with poor hearing and perception and prone to deviant behavior. Very important good memory, patience and tolerance, expressed interest in the personality of a person and his problems, inborn desire help, listening skills more than talking to yourself.

Profiling subjects school curriculum and additional education:

Russian language and literature, history, psychology* and pedagogy*, the foundations of the first medical care*, physical education, life safety.

The nature and content of the work:

Individual assistance. Work in social service centers and guardianship and guardianship authorities: providing household assistance to elderly and disabled people under care, up to washing clothes and delivering products from the store, assistance in registration legal documents, psychological help through communication of interests, monitoring the conditions for raising children in foster families, assisting citizens who wish to adopt an orphan or take a child under guardianship in the search for a candidate for a child and paperwork, consulting assistance to desperately needy single people in the field of law.

Organizational work in the bodies of state guardianship and guardianship. Work in local government and self-government: recruitment for individual work with wards and control of their service, organization of new social service centers with daytime stays for needy pensioners and children from large families, the disabled, planning, organizing and conducting cultural and leisure work with these categories of citizens, attracting sponsors and patrons to provide material assistance to those in need people, participating in the distribution of local, federal and international humanitarian aid.

Charity Direction. Organizational and managerial work in non-governmental charitable organizations and foundations, public organizations, federations, trade unions and associations of the disabled, etc.: participation in the development and implementation of fundraising and donation campaigns with the subsequent distribution of the collected funds among certain categories of people in need, conducting various competitions with the issuance of grants of a social orientation (for example, to help patients diabetes, for the education of gifted children from large families, for sanatorium treatment of orphans, etc.) and other charitable work with the population.

Scientific-analytical and teaching activities. Work in scientific institutions social profile, and educational institutions socio-pedagogical sphere: conducting sociological research commissioned by government and commercial organizations, as well as international humanitarian structures, the study public opinion on certain issues of the social plan, teaching the basics of social work and social science, studying the practice social activities in regions and different states, speaking at scientific and practical conferences, preparation scientific articles on the social topics for corporate, industry and other publications and publishing houses.

Obvious advantages

interesting creative work, awareness of the special importance of the social mission of this profession - to help people solve a variety of life problems, which no other specialists solve, the opportunity to get acquainted with a mass of different interesting people, have many friends and develop a serious base for creating own business in almost every area of ​​the economy.

Pitfalls, obvious disadvantages

Success in this work is difficult to formulate at the initial stage of a professional career. A social worker without experience often cannot imagine what he can eventually achieve and what goal he should strive for. That's why this area opens the way to success only for people with an active life position, sociable, eager to communicate with a variety of people, striving to really help specific people and believing that it is real to change society for the better. People without an entrepreneurial streak, starting to work in the field of social work, tend to “get bogged down” in the routine of everyday worries and the preparation of various accounting papers. At the same time, born entrepreneurs, accustomed to thinking in straightforward business categories, are trying to turn social work into a kind of legal basis for recovering profits, as a result of which they create an unusual direction in this area for working with people in need of help, spoil the reputation of charitable organizations and ultimately As a result, they become disillusioned with their chosen profession.

Possible occupational diseases: of the musculoskeletal system (for specialists at the lower levels of the social service system), vegetovascular dystonia - the risk is insignificant.

Salary range (in rubles per month)

In Moscow and the Moscow region: 10,000 - 50,000 (usually 15,000)

In large regional centers: 6000 - 30,000 (usually 10,000)

In the outback of Russia: 4,000 - 15,000 (usually 6,000), in some regions it is difficult to find a job with a guaranteed salary

I warn you right away: anyone who thinks that a social worker only serves lonely old women, delivering food to them or washing clothes, one can say that he knows nothing about this profession. Meanwhile, since the mid-1990s, various non-state universities began to open in Russia, in which students receive higher education for a considerable fee in the specialty "social work". The question is, is a serious education necessary for someone who simply buys groceries, does laundry and irons, and takes out the trash?

Of course, any person should be able to do this, and old lonely people need such help, as well as Fresh air and water. But this does not mean at all that these people do not need anything more from a social worker.

In fact, a social worker for a ward is a savior in many matters, including legal ones, when it is necessary to correctly draw up a will or an annuity agreement, social services, documents for receiving a subsidy or a donation for property. And this is not all that often needs to be done by a lonely elderly person or a disabled person. That is, a social worker who brings him purchases from a store must also be a comprehensively developed, competent person, understand legal issues, be able, if necessary, to organize a specialist consultation for his ward, call a notary, a doctor, a plumber to the house and make sure that so that no one infringes on the interests of the ward.

And they also expect communication from this person. I remember, as a correspondent for the Moscow district newspaper Za Kaluzhskaya Zastava, I asked a social worker to visit “her” grandmothers. We first went to the supermarket, I helped the woman carry a heavy bag to the right house, and then I had to take part in a conversation with each of the three old women we visited. And each of them did not pay much attention to the food they brought and did not count the checks, even refused to take change, trying to switch their attention to a conversation about some event or about their niece, who would never come to visit her. One of the grandmothers former doctor forensic medical examination, even arranged something like a small holiday - she made us read an excerpt from a poem and handed us an orange as a prize. No matter how we refused the treat, nothing happened: I’m very offended and that’s it.

In principle, in order to communicate humanly with the elderly, even with academicians or former actors, it is not necessary to graduate from a university - it is enough to just be a kind, sympathetic person. It is without these qualities that there is nothing to do in social work.

Unfortunately, not only the supporters of goodness go to this sphere of mercy and charity, but also born businessmen who use the possibilities of charitable organizations for their own selfish purposes. Partly because of the actions of such people, social (especially charitable) work is perceived by many Russians with great distrust. And among some of the youth, an opinion has arisen that those who are not capable of anything serious go into social work.

But I think you have already understood that helping the helpless disabled and the elderly, as well as orphans, single mothers and large families, is a matter of the highest degree responsible and requires high education. In reality, a social worker is a jack of all trades. He is a psychologist, a sociologist, a lawyer, and a manager. It’s just that a career in this area begins most often from this stage - the provision of personal household assistance and work with those in need. social assistance and protection by people in social service centres.

The "pitfalls" in this area are most often non-standard and, if desired, easily overcome. Usually these are especially capricious wards who may complain to the district administration or the directorate of the social service center that you did not inform them of something, denied them something, were rude and even robbed. It happens that “compassionate” neighbors accuse a social worker of, for example, “eating an old woman”, bringing her fake medicines and overpricing them. This is our Russian mentality, and we must be prepared for this in advance. Of course, it is also better for quick-tempered and touchy people not to go to social workers.

But social work is a very broad field of activity. For example, graduates of the Russian State Social University, as published on its information boards, work:

  • in international, federal and regional social assistance funds
  • in institutions of social protection of the population
  • in HR services
  • in counseling centers
  • in hospitals and clinics
  • in educational and cultural-leisure institutions.

One of the Internet resources dedicated to social work states that

“All specializations of “Social Work” can be conditionally divided into three blocks:

– work with people: medical and social work, psychological and social work, social work with people with disabilities, social work in the education system

– organization and management: management in social work, organization of social work with the population, economics, law and management in social work

— analytics: social forecasting and modeling, history, methodology and theory of social work”

“First of all, ask yourself the question: who and in what organization would you like to work,” experienced experts in this field advise on this resource. - If this state structures extrabudgetary funds, then the university, respectively, should be state-owned. Such a diploma will help you get into the “caste” of highly paid specialists. Another thing is if you are going to create in social sphere creative team or public organization. In this case, you will need practical skills in working with grant givers, foundations, sponsors and investors. This is where you set your own salary. Therefore, teachers are also needed who have experience in implementing non-commercial projects, who can fill out an application for a financial grant, interact or lead public organizations cities. And, in my opinion, in this case there is no fundamental difference in which university (state or commercial, specialized or non-core) you will receive an education.

If you are a humanist, submit documents to the RSSU, MGUS or RosNOU. The list of entrance examinations of these universities does not include natural science disciplines. You will have to take the Russian language in USE form, history and, depending on the university, literature or social studies.

You know biology well - enter the Moscow State Pedagogical University or the Russian State Medical University. And all applicants of the Orthodox St. Tikhon humanitarian university should know the basics of Christianity, this subject here is a profiling one. At the Military Technical University, in addition to the usual entrance examinations, you will have to pass physical training standards and undergo military professional selection: an interview, psychological testing, medical board.

That is, social workers can work both as rescuers and psychologists in hot spots, rehabilitate people injured in a disaster or terrorist attack, as well as military personnel who took part in counter-terrorist operations.

It’s great when a social worker not only knows the legislation in the field of social assistance well, but also knows how to do a lot with his own hands, for example, provide first aid to an accident victim or his ward who just fainted at home, fix a faucet that has fallen off in the ward’s apartment, to convince a desperate orphan that everything in his life will turn out well.

Social workers also collect donations from citizens and organizations in order, for example, to save a particular child from a serious illness by referring him to a unique foreign clinic. They also seek the hospitalization of an in dire need of a single person or a child from large family to a federal specialized clinic, protect the rights of children from orphanages, including those who have left children's institution after reaching the age of 18. These specialists also work in penitentiary institutions, protecting the rights of those serving sentences and helping some of them return to a normal, law-abiding life after their release.

Finally, with such a specialty, you can simply open your own socially oriented business, combining profit with the creation better conditions for the life of pensioners, orphans, disabled people. The field of activity for highly qualified social workers is the broadest. Perhaps this is one of the most wide-ranging professions of our time. It also includes social pedagogy (for example, work with difficult teenagers in cooperation with the children's room of the police, etc.), and social Psychology, and lobbying the interests of categories of citizens in dire need of state support as in bodies local government, and in the State Duma of Russia.

And everywhere for successful work seething energy, a positive attitude to life, tolerance for the most impartial human actions, respect for people, preference for working for the good of society to work for one's own good are needed. It is clear that such work cannot proceed calmly and measuredly, without emotional upheavals and tensions, without scandals and disputes, without worries and rush jobs, up to falling into crisis situations. However, if you are more interested in helping people and improving the life around you than doing something specific, then you will overcome all the difficulties of social work.

And the last. Often, creative people who have not been able to realize themselves in art or culture go into social work. Because social work provides an opportunity not only to be needed by specific people (and to be loved by these people), but also to show all the qualities inherent in an actor, director, writer and artist. Social workers are the vanguard of a civilized society. If they exist in a society, then it has grown to a level at which it is not indifferent to the fate of its fellow citizens. Success.

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