Home Perennial flowers Accurate horoscope for September Libra. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for September

Accurate horoscope for September Libra. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for September

Of course, Libra, as always, will be helped by their powerful heavenly patrons. We have already said that at the beginning of this autumn Libra will have few major problems (the heavenly “guardians” of the representatives of this zodiac sign). It's time to find out which planets and at what moment will illuminate your September existence with their attention.

So, your main mentor and teacher in this period of life will be Saturn (wise Saturn, who, it would seem, does not know what vanity and confusion are). Of course, your powerful friend will do everything to ensure that your life is not replete with any problems, but there is always a risk that you yourself, with my own hands, create these problems! In September, you should not allow yourself to be too arrogant (it can cause a lot of problems for you, which will be very difficult for you to get rid of).

In addition to Saturn, the most romantic of planets, Venus, will show a keen interest in your destiny. The “Priestess of Love” will take your personal front under her wing, and this will allow you to forget about any problems related to the sphere of interpersonal relationships for the entire month of September.

However, your September existence clearly cannot be called idyllic, and there are plenty of reasons for that! Two powerful planets will immediately turn against you, and you will have to quickly decide how to protect yourself from this negativity. Neptune and Uranus are the names of your September antagonists. What problems can they bring you? Yes, very different and in very different life spheres! And again the advice is relevant - in September 2017, control your every step, avoid excessive impulsiveness and arrogance. Also, if you need any advice, feel free to ask others for help and never try to go it alone!


Libra probably got its name from the outline of the constellation, repeating the shape of a scale with two bowls. But not only for this. At the representative air sign I have a special gift - to correctly interpret all phenomena in society and soberly assess the situation. Although this sign is distinguished by its cardinal, balanced and rational thinking, it is very important that next to it there is a person who sparks activity and motivates Libra to achieve results. Love horoscope for September, Libra will help you figure out what else this person might be like and what to expect from the autumn month.


These women have natural charm and easily adapt to any man. In some cases it even looks like masochism. They are able to sincerely rejoice at the success of their partner, but only if they feel reciprocity. They will not tolerate the lack of feelings and inappropriate behavior of others for a long time and will soon find happiness on the side.

Libra women are prone to sentimentality and are very dependent on public opinion. To the detriment own feelings they can even marry a successful and handsome man without love, than to connect life with a partner who has no position or money. A man initially creates a love tandem with her on a practical level.

When courting a Libra woman, keep in mind that she is not inclined to fall in love at first sight; she is guided by her mind. The ultimate goal For her there will always be marriage, due to the urgent need to have a partner. She will follow strong man, indulging his desires. Co weak representative the male half feels like she is the mistress of the situation. In neither case does this bring complete satisfaction to a man, since love union implies only physical intimacy.

In different age periods For a Libra woman, the following are most suitable:

  • Twins;
  • Aquarius;
  • Scorpion;

In more mature age A Libra woman will find compatibility with Pisces and Sagittarius, thanks to their share of romanticism and idealism.

The month of September is notable for its stability and intensity at the same time. According to the horoscope in September, ladies who are in love relationships, will be able to enjoy life and expect unexpected surprises from the other half. This not only has to do with gifts, but also with drastic changes. You will be surprised at the changes that have occurred in your partner.

Lonely Libras should make a thoughtful decision in a moment of uncertainty. Among the contenders for your heart, you will have to choose one. Otherwise, there is a risk of the situation getting out of control. The horoscope advises you to finally take responsibility - the right solution lies on the surface!


Such a man is well brought up and educated, very responsive and appreciates good manners. Being in love, he tends to idealize his beloved and is ready to do anything for her. Unlike Libra women, men often fall in love at first sight. Woman love marriage can conclude with him by taking the initiative. And it will make his task much easier!

The representative of the air sign takes family ties seriously. However, due to his natural charm, he is constantly surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex. This upsets the wife. Accurate horoscope recommends that a woman immediately try on the role of a wife. He demands quite a lot from his companion, while he himself is not an ideal. Are you ready for such a relationship?

Libra men are the fairest fathers. When punishing, he will always explain to the child why this is happening.

In September family life will be a little problematic due to illogical actions that contradict the nature of the sign. This will cause a negative reaction from the romantic partner and disapproval from older family members. The horoscope advises to include diplomacy and reason, only in this case you will win!

Impact in September higher planets negatively, so Libra needs to take their will into a fist and confidently move towards their intended goal. In case of failures, do not blame others, they have nothing to do with it. Also this great time to enrich your spirituality. This will not only lead to success in business, but will also help in love.

A single Libra man will feel the urge to remain single forever. This is explained by the fact that only unworthy women will be encountered along the way. A successful acquaintance is possible only at the end of the month.

Mercury, which is the patron of this sign according to the horoscope, is favorable to an alliance in September with the signs:

  • Gemini.

Troubles and disappointments can come from connections with the sign:

  • Calf;
  • Sagittarius;

You should not be overly fascinated or, on the contrary, upset; fateful changes are determined for you by your horoscope for October.


In 2017, according to the horoscope, we cannot do without a fight. Despite diplomacy, it will be difficult to get what you want. In September, you will rightfully be able to show all your cruelty. Friends will help you defend yours. But the last word the horoscope is left to you. Advice: stop giving great importance what others say about you.

The exact solution to all problems is to overcome your indecision. The choice between a handsome, strong man versus an obvious intellectual for Libra women will turn out to be too long. According to the horoscope, there is a chance of remaining lonely. Thus, in September, Libra’s adventurism will be punished.

Men building a career will be luckier than female. A calculating mind will come in handy in the second half of the month, when the outgoing Moon will be replaced by Jupiter. According to the horoscope, you will have to perform routine work, the reward for which will not have to wait long.

The horoscope for 2017 promises many new acquaintances. In September, the talent to attract attention will prevail over Libra. By the end of the month, you may accumulate many problems, the solution of which will be beyond your capabilities. Try not to stand out too much.

The Libra love horoscope advises you to take a closer look at Aries. It is possible to create strong love relationships up to the birth of children. Be careful when spending your weekend outside the city.


Saturn in Virgo will make you think about your life. According to the horoscope this is perfect time to eliminate regrets and find a way out of current dilemmas. In September, you are ready for a new beginning in love and business environments. Remind yourself to schedule regular visits with your doctor. According to your horoscope, you should avoid colds or flu, which you can easily catch. Dress according to the season.

The horoscope advises you to plan a vacation. In September, Libra women will not have time to work. The search for love contacts will become more relevant for the sign than the financial component. Be careful, old partners want to take the love union to the next level. new level. Think carefully, do you want to step on the same rake?

“When building a relationship with Libra, you yourself will have to learn to weigh the pros and cons. When you ask your partner for advice, you may receive nothing but silence in response. It will seem like you are being ignored. But that's not true! Until Libra has decided on the answer, they do not consider it necessary to notify about it. Unfortunately, at this stage of the relationship, most unions fall apart. As usual, due to misunderstanding. But is this love then?

The horoscope for 2018 predicts that Mars will be responsible for the energy at your work in September. The beginning of the month will be busy and stressful. The stars advise men to stay away from win-win situations. Use your discretion and remember that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.


The moon makes men and women move faster towards their personal goals. Instead of challenging the dream, Libra will again begin to explore their idea in detail and consider its implementation in October. The horoscope for 2019 suggests taking a break from endless doubts. In September it will be favorable to get together with a group and have a good time with friends. In addition, Libra will have enough time to think about their love desires. If you already have a spouse, then make time for love and togetherness.

According to your horoscope you will meet interesting people in professional life. This will help you acquire new skills and opportunities. Love horoscope for September Libra draws your attention to sudden change in fate. In September, taking steps into the unknown can pay well for it.

Lonely representatives of the sign, tired of weighing the pros and cons of people they are interested in, can use the zodiac forecast by date of birth. Love relationships become stronger by knowing which vegetable is your fruit.

As the horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Libra will open up a lot of new perspectives. Fateful events and meetings are likely that will make you look at life differently. The tense moments are over, you can safely take on the development of long-cherished projects.

Avoid putting finances first, pay more attention to your morale. You need spiritual food that you can take away from fellowship with wise people. Fill your need for knowledge, put your thoughts in order, decide what you want from the future. Don't avoid changes in life, learn new skills and expand your horizons.

The period is favorable for creative Libra; they will be able to develop their talents and realize them profitably.
At the end of the month, many Libras will feel the need for solitude.


The Libra horoscope for September 2017 does not promise representatives of the sign serious illnesses, but your energy level is low now, so take care of your health, avoid excesses and bad habits.

Watch your diet, do not indulge in animal foods and spicy foods.

It is better to entrust the treatment of existing diseases to specialists, rather than to relatives who are “versed” in these issues and to alternative medicine.

Consultations with doctors and cosmetologists in September will leave you satisfied.


In September, Libra's career takes shape the best way. By proving yourself to be an executive and responsible employee, you will achieve success. Don't chase high goals, and move forward scrupulously. Now you have a lot of intellectual work that needs to be completed on time. Some Libra will come to the conclusion that they should improve their skills and learn new skills.

Representatives of creative professions will feel a surge of inspiration. An unexpected situation will contribute to the development of social activity and cooperation with other people.

Libra leaders will have difficulties with their subordinates. Libra - subordinates should be more careful in the team, because in September gossipers become more active.

Legal problems are likely.


The financial horoscope for Libra for September 2017 does not foretell any significant changes in the financial situation.

However, Libra, who has undergone a reassessment of values, will want to strive for more, change jobs, and find additional sources of profit. September has prepared some great deals for you.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Libra will want novelty and thrill. Old relationships in which something did not suit you will begin to weigh on you. Discuss the situation calmly and peacefully figure out where to move next. Those who want to maintain a relationship should pay more attention to their other half, maintaining the flame of love and passion.

The first half of the month is a good period for making new acquaintances, one of which may end in a bright romance. Relationships with friends become important and meaningful; you can count on their support.

The end of the month is a difficult time when disagreements will arise more and more often. Try to come to a compromise.

Man - Libra

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, a Libra man striving for career growth should start looking for like-minded people. You can count on career growth and increased income. By investing now in a profitable project, you will increase your capital.

Do not neglect sports activities and participation in team games in September. Even ordinary morning running and visiting the pool will benefit your health and well-being.

Be bolder in your love relationships. Your chosen one is waiting for decisive action from you. Don’t delay in proposing marriage if you have met your person.

Woman – Libra

Routine at work will bore women of the Libra sign; now you want creative freedom.

Possible exacerbation chronic diseases, so don’t delay visiting your doctor.

There will be difficulties in love relationships. You will not like criticism and pressure from your partner, and you will suffer from jealousy. Take a break from your problems for a while by finding something you enjoy that will help you gain self-confidence.

It is important for bright representatives of the star zodiac to prepare for an interesting series of events. In the first month of the autumn season, they will have to think a lot and very often decide something abruptly. It won’t be possible to sit in silence now; fate demands that Libra become more decisive. The horoscope for Libra for September confidently indicates that by slightly changing their own character traits, the zodiac signs will be able to experience the most positive impressions of a prosperous life.

Interesting and exciting events of the coming month will leave only vivid impressions in the souls of zodiac representatives. Of course, they will have to try to resolve everything only in a successful manner, so that the results of the work done are pleasing and encouraging. It is this month that you can actively begin to resolve the most protracted cases and plans. If something tormented Libra, and they did not know what to do in this or that situation, then now solutions will come to their minds in a completely uncomplicated way. In almost all situations, fate itself will tell you what to do or what is important to do.

The warning of the month is that the star constellation should categorically refuse to participate in dubious and risky matters. It is very important to live in real events, and not think about what may never come true. The risk now, in any case, will be unjustified, therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of negativity in life, it is necessary to sharply deviate from dubious and criminal matters.

The love horoscope for Libra for September 2018 warns star representatives that personal problems can completely overwhelm them free time. In personal life, it is also important to completely distance yourself from risk and falsehood. Although surrounded by star representatives it is planned a large number of fans, it is strictly forbidden to believe everyone in a row. Star representatives need to be wary of personal relationships that are built on financial calculations or moral envy.

The star representative has a lot of communication ahead, and new people may appear in the life of Libra who will make a certain contribution to the fate of the star sign. During this month, you need to find free moments that you can always devote only to yourself. It is very good to take care of your body, as well as your soul. If Libra loves to read, then going to the library will be useful. It is also important to remember that frosty cold weather will come very soon, and harmful viruses will fly in the atmosphere. To protect your own body from the attack of diseases and epidemics, it is important to start hardening procedures right now.

The zodiac sign will not be bored now; fate will constantly require them to be active and positive. It is important for Libra to accumulate strength in order to enter into full swing in the fall. new way their personal life. They will overcome all obstacles with dignity, but for this they must not succumb to despair or sadness.

Almost throughout the entire month of September, beautiful ladies will be indecisive. One side of the scale will tip towards activity and positivity, and the other side of nature will require calmness and solitude. Since ladies do not understand their desires at all, they can often argue with partners or relatives. The month will become quite stressful for those women who do not understand what they truly desire.

But those same beautiful ladies, who have clear intentions in their souls, will become quite successful and successful. They have a future ahead of them interesting life, filled with many bright events and fateful circumstances.

Horoscope for September 2018 for the Libra man

The entire stronger half of the zodiac sign will be almost completely immersed in everyday worries and professional troubles. Often they will not even have a free minute to devote to their personal affairs. A similar attitude towards own life It will only be beneficial; all men will now be able to redo a lot of previously accumulated cases.

The health horoscope for Libra reminds you that the time has already come to actively engage with your own body. In September it is good to complete the full medical examination, which will definitely help to find out the true causes of existing ailments and physical suffering.

Love horoscope for September 2018 for Libra

If the representatives of the star sign build correctly own behavior, then everything in their personal life will turn out smoothly and beautifully. But as soon as Libra starts contradicting own desires how they will feel the whole storm of passions that is raging in their body.

Lone star representatives this autumn season are not recommended to plan for serious circumstances that relate to their personal life. The moment is ideal for active and pleasant acquaintances, but you should not tune in to a long-term relationship.

U family Libra many everyday problems can fade into the background. But this will only happen when the representatives of the constellation find something interesting to do for themselves and their partner.

Health horoscope for September 2018 for Libra

Beautiful and warm weather is expected throughout the month, which will not provoke the appearance of colds or infectious diseases. But it wouldn’t hurt for Libra to prepare in advance for the upcoming winter season. Hardening procedures are well suited for this, which you can choose at your own personal discretion.

Time is a wonderful time to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Sufficient and affordable quantity fresh vegetables, as well as fruits, will fill the body with a full supply of fortified components.

Financial horoscope for September 2018 for Libra

Career matters are a priority for representatives of the star sign; they are now lucky and manage to do everything quickly and safely. The moment is good for moving up the career ladder, since there are a lot of different and varied opportunities for this.

The financial horoscope for September 2018 for Libra confidently notes that there will be no particular problems with material resources. But fate foretells Libra to pay off the debts they have accumulated over the years. certain period. Perhaps, closer to the end of September, star representatives will have a wonderful chance when they can earn money or receive sufficient financial enrichment. Such “gifts” of fate must be treated with prudence; one cannot immediately begin to waste the wealth received.

In September, Libra will be able to be as impartial and fair as possible in their actions. This is the month when events will develop in some mystical way, in a completely incomprehensible and unpredictable plot. Inexplicable circumstances will always interfere with your affairs.

In September, Libra may pay too much attention to the people around them and forget about their own needs and desires. Probably someone will become interested in religion, which will give strength and energy to achieve various goals. Some may become so involved in religion that it leads them to meetings and religious groups. Your unhealthy interest in everything mystical may not please those around you, so they will quickly bring you back to earth.

In addition, in September Libra may show special interest to charity and social activities. There is a possibility that you will have to work and live among depressed people.

This is the month when Venus has a powerful influence on your destiny. Therefore, you may take many events too close to your heart.

Libra career horoscope for September 2017

In the sphere of career and work, insights and mystical insights can come to Libra. This is the time to listen to your intuition and your insights, especially if you own your own business.

If you are employed, there is a possibility of conflicts with management, in which case it is better to estimate for yourself a not-so-good forecast for the month. Throughout the month, it is important to train your mind to prevent such cases. Communication this month and new contacts will not bear fruit, so you should not even work in this direction. In addition, you should avoid political topics and participation in such events at all costs.

If you are one of the students, then your arrogant mood can play a cruel joke on you. In September it will be very difficult for you to concentrate on details and technical areas. It can be especially difficult for medical students.

From a financial point of view, the horoscope predicts a good income. You can also get good financial support from loved ones. Try not to spend all your money on religious activity and donations, and this opportunity is very great. In September you have all the strength and opportunity to earn big money, so move forward with full confidence.

Libra love horoscope for September 2017

Due to the powerful influence of Venus, Libra will want love more than ever, and in existing relationships peace and harmony will reign. If you are single, you may have more than one admirer. There is a high probability of serious steps like marriage. If you were planning a pregnancy, then September is a favorable month for this.

Libra health horoscope for September 2017

Health will delight you throughout September. The only thing is there is a possibility nervous tension, so think about how to learn to control your imagination and not take words thrown at you to heart.

Favorable days in September 2017

  • Physical strength and energy: 1, 2, 3, 22, 23, 24, 25;
  • Successful days in business and work: 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23, 24, 25; 26;
  • Luck and optimism: 1, 2, 3, 15, 16; 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 23;
  • Strong imagination: 20, 21;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 4, 5, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25;
  • Emotionality, sensitivity: 12, 13, 18, 19, 30;
  • Luck in love: 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 30;
  • Desire for loneliness: 15, 16;
  • Probability of accidents: 4, 5, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25.

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