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Political preferences. Test "political coordinates"

In your acquaintances, loved ones, loved ones, you always look for some similarities with yourself: similar desires, hobbies, views... the more you learn about a person, the more you can say about what kind of person they are. Today you have the opportunity to learn even more about the views of your VKontakte friends, namely, about the political worldview. We suggest you take a test to analyze your political views yourself and get your friends interested in this test. Who knows, what if you are lucky enough to find a like-minded person? That is why today we present to your attention the “Political Views Test” application. To go to it, just click on link. But first, read the review so that you don’t have any questions while taking the political test!

Test application review

When you launch the application, you will be prompted to follow a certain path in order to determine your Political Views. This path consists of 65 questions, answer options for which will be provided to you. The questions in the test relate exclusively to your own views both on politics and its figures, and on social and economic situation in the country.

The number of answer options that you are offered is from two to thirteen. Some questions have an unambiguous short answer “yes” or “no”, while others have entire theories formulated. There are also questions for which there may be several possible answers. In general, this test will help a lot if no one writes to you, to go to the article “What to do if no one writes in contact”, click on.

When you answer the last, 65th question, you immediately receive an answer. Please note that you are not asked to go to another site or send a message with mobile phone, or something like that. At the same second, the “Political Views” window opens in front of you with the result of the passed test. In it you can see your political portrait. It includes:

  • Table of political views: in percentage terms you can see how far your views are left or right; authoritarian or democratic; scientistic or anti-scientist.
  • Dominant worldview: the percentage shows how much of an anarchist, social democrat, Marxist, liberalist, fascist/Nazi you are.
  • Political coordinates: on coordinate plane Your political coordination is indicated, in addition, the views of some politicians whose views are close to you.
  • Level of protest potential: if you hover your cursor over the percentage graph, you can find out how ready you are to express your protest.
  • Summary: taking into account all the above indicators, the program has compiled your political summary, which indicates the basis of your political worldview, your affinity for certain ideas and methods of politics.

It should be noted that after each graph there is a small icon in the form of a globe. If you hover your mouse over it, you can find out percentage your views to all the views of the people who took the test.

The application allows you to see the results of this test of your friends who passed it. You yourself can tell your friends the results of your test, or you can publish them on your VKontakte wall. This program will also notify you that one of your friends has taken this test, and you can view the results. The analysis of political views is quite accurate, since the results of the analysis of political views are performed on the basis of a correspondence counting algorithm.

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1. It's free. This free online test for determining political coordinates is provided to you absolutely free of charge. It will help you locate yourself along the two main political axes, placing you in one of the four main quadrants that are commonly found in Western democracies.

2. No hidden motives. Although there are other political orientation tests, many of them phrase questions in a way that allows respondents to tailor the answers to their own political point of view. There are no ulterior motives in this test, and the questions are formulated without bias or “rigging”.

3. Modern. Several of the most popular tests of political coordinates were compiled more than 10 years ago and/or were associated with specific elections. One way or another, the questions in the tests revolved around problems that were characteristic of those times, and not for the modern political balance of power.

4. Compiled with the help of professionals. This test was created by the efforts of researchers who work professionally in the field political sciences and political analysis.

Test: Political coordinates

This free test will help determine your political beliefs on the main political scale of Western democracies. There are other tests for determining “political coordinates” and “political views”, which are often criticized for using various tricks to push the respondent to certain answers, for example, by shifting emphasis or formulating questions in such a way as to provoke emotional reaction respondent. Unlike them, in this test the questions are formulated without any “juggling” or manipulation.

Question 1 of 36

Speculation on stock exchange are less desirable than other economic activities.


The IDR Labs Political Coordinates Test is the property of IDR Labs International. The Political Compass Test is a registered trademark of Pace News Limited. The Vote Compass is a registered trademark of Vox Pop Labs Inc. Neither Pace News Limited nor Vox Pop Labs Inc. have no connection with this site.

This test was developed with the help of professional political analysts and respondents from across the political spectrum. Even so, please keep in mind that these tests are only indicators - a first look at the system to give you a head start.

Tests for political coordinates, whether professional or "official", which are used in academic research, or free online tests like this one, are just indicators that can give you general idea about your political point of view. No test ever created can determine your political beliefs with complete accuracy and reliability, and no political affiliation test can replace your deep familiarity with the politics of your country.

The authors of this free online political coordinates test are certified in the use of various personality tests and work professionally in the field of psychology, political psychology and testing personal qualities. Before taking our free online test, please note that test results are provided as is, free of charge, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more detailed information about online test for political coordinates, please familiarize yourself with

is a system of views, ideas, ideas that express the interests of a particular society or social community.

Political ideology focuses on political ideas, theories, interests. It represents a certain concept of understanding and interpreting political existence from the point of view of the interests and goals of a certain political elite.

Ideology can be presented as a form of corporate consciousness, as an ideological doctrine that justifies the claims of one or another group of people to power.

Each ideology has its own point of view on the course of political and socio-economic development of society, its own methods and means of solving the problems facing society. Therefore, the main function of political ideology is to master public consciousness. K. Marx believed that when ideas take possession of the masses, they become a material force.

Political ideology is characterized by the following:

  • expression and protection of the interests of a certain social community (group, class, nation);
  • implementation in public consciousness their evaluation criteria political events, political history;
  • integration (unification) of people based on common assessments, value orientations, political ideas;
  • organization and regulation of people's behavior on the basis of general ideological norms and values;
  • justification of motives political behavior and mobilization of social communities to implement the assigned tasks;
  • legitimization of power: rational justification (justification) of the activities of the ruling elite.

It should be noted that ideology is the spiritual weapon of the elites. It is the elites who develop (update) and introduce political ideology into broad social strata, trying to attract to their side the maximum number of adherents of their ideas. Naturally, these elites primarily pursue their personal goals and interests.

There are three main levels of functioning of political ideology:

  • theoretical-conceptual, on which the basic provisions are formed and the ideals and values ​​of a certain class, nation, social community are justified;
  • programmatic and political in which socio-philosophical principles and ideals are translated into the language of programs and slogans, a normative basis for the adoption of management decisions and political behavior of citizens;
  • updated, which characterizes the level of citizens’ mastery of ideas, goals, and principles of a particular ideology. At this level, the degree of influence of ideology on the practical activities of people is determined.

Main types of political ideology

There is no established classification of political ideology. The reason for this situation is the complexity of the phenomenon under consideration. It is necessary to understand the signs by which they distinguish well known species political ideology.

The struggle of ideas on issues of social development is an ancient phenomenon. However, only from the 17th century. political and ideological currents began to take shape in various organizations and teachings that actively opposed each other. One of the earliest such teachings is traditionalism. This is a religious monarchical protective doctrine presented by J. Bossuet (“Politics extracted from Holy Scripture") and other political authors. This direction political thought gave in the 18th century. the beginning of the political ideology of conservatism, which became a response to the ideology of liberalism, which expressed the ideas of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.

Thus, traditionalism (later - conservatism) and liberalism as varieties of theoretical models of the structure of society were divided in accordance with the assessment the role of the state in political system society. This is the first basis for the division of political ideologies. One direction in its various modifications defends the idea of ​​preserving (“canning”) the traditionally leading, even overwhelming role of the state in public life. The second direction, since the era of bourgeois revolutions, has been promoting reformism, a change in the functions of the state, a weakening to one degree or another of its role in managing political processes.

Historically, the names “right” and “left” were assigned to these directions of political thought: during the Great French Revolution, at meetings of the National Assembly in 1789, deputies - supporters of changes in the social order in the direction of freedom and equality - sat on the left or the speaker, and opponents of change sat on the right who sought to preserve monarchical and noble privileges.

Reformism already in the 18th century. divided into radical and moderate movements. This is the second basis of division - according to the depth of the proposed transformations. Radical political ideologies include anarchism, preaching the immediate destruction of the state as a governing body of society, and Marxism, advocating the gradual complete withering away of the state. Moderate political ideologies include liberalism, social democracy and their modifications.

Over the past centuries, ideas for strengthening statehood have been formalized in such subtypes of conservatism as monarchism, clericalism, nationalism, racism (including fascism), etc.

The basic ideas of some political ideologies are as follows.


Became historically the first political ideology, the founders of which were J. Locke and A. Smith. Their ideas substantiated the process of becoming an independent individual - a representative of the emerging bourgeoisie. The economically active but politically powerless bourgeoisie expressed its claims to power in liberal doctrine.

The basic values ​​of liberal ideology are the sacredness and inalienability of natural rights and freedoms of the individual (the rights to life, freedom and private property), their priority over the interests of society and the state. Individualism was the main social and economic principle. IN social sphere this principle was embodied in the affirmation of the absolute value of the human person and the equality of all people, the recognition of the inalienability of human rights to life. In the economic sphere, the idea of ​​a free market with unrestricted competition was promoted. In the political sphere, a call was formulated to recognize the rights of all individuals and groups to manage social processes, to implement the separation of powers, the idea rule of law with limited opportunities to intervene in the life of society.


The basic values ​​are order, stability and traditionalism. These values ​​stem from political theory, according to which society and the state are the result of natural evolution, and not the contract and association of citizens, as liberalism believes. The logic of progress is set from above, so there is no need to interfere with the progress historical development. The principles of private property, market and free enterprise are a natural result of the development of society. The political ideals of conservatism are a strong state, clear political stratification, when power belongs to the elite, and freedom is the conscious loyalty of citizens and groups.


Communism as an ideology was formed on the basis of Marxism. In contrast to what was dominant in the 19th century. To liberalism, Marxism formulated the doctrine of building a just society in which the exploitation of man by man will be ended and all types of social alienation of man will be overcome: from power, property and the results of labor. Such a society was called communist. Marxism became the worldview of the proletariat, which emerged as a result of the industrial revolution.

The basic values ​​are the following:

  • public ownership of the means of production of material goods;
  • class approach to regulation social relations (the main objective— protection of the interests of the poor during class struggle for the eradication of private ownership of the means of production; proletarian revolution is the way to achieve this goal);
  • raising a new person who despises material gain and is focused on moral incentives to work;
  • taking care of public interest instead of individualism, work for the common good (“he who does not work, neither shall he eat”);
  • the ideal of equality and the principle of egalitarianism, i.e. “equality of results” versus “equality of opportunity” in liberalism;
  • communist party as the main mechanism for integrating elements social structure(to fully implement this function, the party must merge with the state, which, under its leadership, will gradually be replaced by a system of public self-government).

Socialist democracy

Social democracy has become today the political doctrine of centrist forces. His ideas originated as a “left” ideology, as one of the currents within Marxism. The foundations of social democracy were formed in late XIX V. and went down in history as social reformism. Their recognized founder is the German political philosopher E. Bernstein. In the book “Problems of Socialism and the Tasks of Social Democracy” and other works, he rejected many of the provisions of Marxism: the aggravation of the contradictions of bourgeois society, the need for revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat as the only path to socialism, etc. In his opinion, the new situation in Western Europe allows us to achieve the establishment of socialism through non-violent democratic pressure on the political and economic positions of the bourgeoisie, the implementation of structural reforms in all spheres of public life, and the development of various forms of cooperation. Many of these ideas have become part of the political doctrine of modern social democracy. This doctrine was formulated in the concept of democratic socialism. The following ideals are proclaimed as the main values: Liberty; justice; solidarity. Social Democrats are convinced that democratic principles should extend to all areas: the economy should be pluralistic; the opportunity to work and receive education should be provided to everyone; etc.


Let's consider nationalism. This concept is often perceived negatively, which is essentially not entirely true. We can talk about the presence of two types of nationalism: creative and destructive. In the first case, it contributes to the unity of the nation; in the second, it is directed against other peoples and poses a threat not only to someone else’s society, but also to one’s own society, turning nationality into a supreme and absolute value to which all life is subordinated.

It is generally accepted that ethnic origin is the most common characteristic that unites a nation. If people talk about themselves as Yakuts, Russians, Jews, etc., then they indicate an ethnic group, but when they call themselves Russians, they include a political component in this concept - citizenship. The USA, Russia or Switzerland, for example, include several ethnic groups. Conversely, people belonging to the same ethnic group can live in different countries. The Germans live in Germany, Liechtenstein, and the Austrians and Swiss are of German origin. A nation is a collection of different ethnic groups that closely interact, unite within the borders of a given country and identify themselves with it.

In the ideology of nationalism, the idea of ​​an ethnic group merges with the idea of ​​a country for this ethnic group. On this basis, movements arise that persistently demand the combination of political boundaries with ethnic boundaries. Nationalism can accept the presence of “non-nationals” in the name of the nation or advocate their assimilation, expulsion, even destruction. Most researchers insist on the pathological nature of nationalism, its fear of the foreign and therefore hatred of it, its closeness to racism and chauvinism. Thus, nationalism turns into one of the most dangerous modern ideologies.


Unlike liberalism, conservatism and communism, which defend the interests of individual social groups, fascism is based on the idea racial superiority and calls for the integration of the population around the goals of national revival.

Fascism (from Italian fascio - bundle, bundle) is an ideology that promotes chauvinistic nationalism, complemented by racism and anti-Semitism. Some researchers consider fascism to be a single phenomenon, while others proceed from the fact that each country developed its own specific fascism. Classic examples are Italian fascism and German national socialism (Nazism). The fascists were not only extreme nationalists, but above all radical statesmen. For fascist theorists, it is the state, led by a leader, that is the embodiment of group consciousness.

Historical forms of fascism were brought to life by deep economic crisis late 20s XX century Under these conditions, classical liberal values ​​ceased to be the main motives human activity and factors of social integration. The processes of impoverishment of the population, the destruction of the previous social structure and the emergence of significant marginal and lumpen groups devalued the liberal ideals of a free individual. In such a situation, the values ​​of national revival and unity played an inspiring role. They became especially relevant for Germany, since the national identity of its population was most humiliated by the defeat in the First World War of 1914-1918. The German model of fascism was distinguished by a high level of totalitarian organization and overt racism. Despite the defeat of Germany in 1945 and the ban on this ideology, fascism re-emerges from time to time in the form of neo-fascist parties. Economic difficulties, interethnic contradictions and other crisis phenomena provoke neo-fascist manifestations.


Anarchism takes positions in many respects opposite to fascism in relation to the state. Anarchism (Greek anarchia - lack of command, anarchy) is:

  • ideology that proclaims its supreme goal achieving equality and freedom through the abolition of any forms and institutions of power with their coercive nature in favor of associations based on voluntary cooperation between individuals and groups;
  • any ideas directed against the state, as well as practices corresponding to them.

A number of anarchist ideas appeared in ancient times. But a developed theoretical system of anarchism was created by the English writer W. Godwin, who put forward the concept of a society without a state in his “Inquiry into Political Justice” (1793). The development of the economic basis of anarchism and the inclusion of this concept in scientific circulation were carried out by the German thinker M. Stirner (“The One and His Property,” 1845). He proposed an egoistic version of economic anarchism (“union of egoists”), consisting of mutual respect and the exchange of goods between independent producers.

Russian thinkers made a great contribution to the development of anarchist doctrine. M. A. Bakunin defended (“Statehood and Anarchy”, 1873) the idea of ​​the revolutionary destruction of the state and the creation of a free federation of peasant and proletarian communities collectively owning the tools of labor (collectivist version of anarchism). P. A. Kropotkin, on the basis of the biosocial laws he formulated, called for mutual assistance (“Mutual assistance as a factor of evolution”, 1907; “ Modern science and anarchy”, 1920) move towards a federation of free communes through the destruction of private property and the state (the communist version of anarchism).

Modern forms of anarchism are very diverse. Today in the literature one can find references to ecological, countercultural, ethnonational anarchism, etc. The anti-globalist movement has obvious neo-anarchist potential (one of the ideologists is the Italian T. Negri).

The role of ideology in politics

Ideology in politics is called upon to substantiate the interests and values ​​of certain social strata, classes, ethnic groups, and concessions. Each ideology strives to prove the legitimacy of its views, ideas, values ​​and the inconsistency of others. Thus, V.I. Lenin introduced the category “scientific ideology”. He believed that pre-Marxist ideologies contained only scientific elements, but only Marxism can be considered a scientific ideology.

Political ideology is developed and justified by representatives of political elites for dissemination among the population. And what more people become adherents of a particular ideology, the greater the chances for this elite to gain political power.

Political ideology has the ability to unite large groups of people to achieve certain goals. It gives meaning and direction social movement. At the same time, it is important that the main provisions of this idea express the interests of these people. Fascism in Germany in the 30s. XX century became widespread because in his speeches Hitler touched on the most pressing problems of the German people and promised to solve them in the near future. The Bolsheviks promised the people, exhausted by war, famine and devastation, that “the present generation will live under communism,” and many believed these populist promises. The people, fooled by communist ideology, themselves contributed to the rise to power of political adventurers (Bolsheviks).

Political ideology can unite and divide people, make them allies or enemies, warriors or pacifists. Therefore ideology is powerful weapon in political struggle.

The absence in the country, in the society, of a dominant ideology capable of uniting and mobilizing people to achieve public goals makes society and the state an amorphous formation, where everyone pursues their own personal or group goals and interests, rejecting social responsibility for the future of the country.

During the period of struggle against totalitarian communist ideology in Russia (late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century), a course was taken towards de-ideologizing the country. In Art. 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that no ideology can be established as a state ideology. At the legislative level, this article should promote ideological pluralism. Politics is also a struggle of ideas in which the most attractive (meeting the interests of the majority) ideology wins. Usually the ruling class is the bearer of the dominant ideology. In Russia, such a “class” is the party “ United Russia”, which, in fact, does not have a sufficiently clear ideology attractive to the masses. Therefore, real power " Ruling class"is not supported by ideological power.

It is not at all necessary that ideology be directed against someone. People can also be united by completely humanistic ideas on a national scale, for example, ideas for the prosperity of the country, ideas for fighting poverty, ideas for preserving the population, etc.

The best test for political views that can be found on the entire Internet can rightfully be considered.

The test itself consists of 70 questions, to which 5 answer options are given. Each question represents some kind of socio-political statement with which you can either completely agree or express your neutrality, or express your complete disagreement.

The test has 4 axes (diplomatic, economic, social, state), which have two extremes that can be conditionally called characteristic of the right and left political wings.

Thus, the diplomatic axis is divided into:

  • Nationalism. This is a typical right-wing trait, implying patriotism and sincere love to his people. A nationalist always puts the interests of his nation and its culture above others. Vivid examples of nationalist states are Tsarist Russia, France and Germany shortly before the First World War. This period generally marked the heyday of nationalism in Europe. At the same time, I ask you not to confuse it with Nazism - an extreme form of xenophobia, only based on nationalism.
  • Globalism. This is a typical leftist idea that puts internationalism above all else. The ultimate goal of globalism is to unite the whole world into one single state, in which people would be in an equal state among themselves, regardless of ethnic, cultural and religious contradictions. Modern Western globalists advocate the importation of migrants into the developed countries from economically undeveloped and culturally distant states (mainly from the Muslim world, Africa and Asia). A striking example globalism can be served by the policies of the European Union and the USSR.

The economic axis varies between:

  • Market. Because capitalism, where the individual takes over society. It implies free enterprise and private property. A striking example of a capitalist state is the United States.
  • Equality. Those. socialism, which is a typical leftist trait. The We takes precedence over the Self, thereby giving priority to society rather than the individual to achieve overall equality and justice. Socialism also implies the rejection of private property in favor of public property for the equal creation and distribution of goods among all people. The apogee of socialism is communism. An example would be Soviet Union.

The contrast between market and planned (socialist) economies is especially noticeable when comparing South Korea and North Korea. However, I am not hinting at anything, but only stating the current state of affairs.

The social axis implies personal beliefs, such as:

  • Traditionalism. A typically right-wing idea, which implies loyalty to the traditions of one’s people. This also includes conservatism and religiosity, which is understandable to everyone. An example of a traditionalist society can also be the United States (especially the one from the middle of the last century), as well as Spain during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.
  • Progressivism. Implies a desire to achieve radical social change to achieve a better society. A typical leftist trait that combines atheism, feminism, gay marriage, vegetarianism and many other things that progressives believe will make society a better place. A clear example the USSR of the time of Ulyanov (Lenin), as well as the Swedish Caliphate of our days, can also serve. Well, or the near future.

The state axis is divided into:

  • Authoritarianism. The state takes everything into its own hands, interfering in the lives of its citizens, determining the development of society.
  • Freedom. The state does not interfere in the affairs of its citizens, but is only a guarantor of freedom for everyone.

Dividing these things into right and left wing is somewhat problematic, but traditionally it is believed that freedom is characteristic feature for the political right wing. But history knows examples of both authoritarian right-wing regimes, mainly fascist, and “free” left-wing regimes, mainly communist. Free states with a typical right-wing bias include the United States, and authoritarian right-wing regimes include the regime of General Franco in Spain (1939-1975) and the regime of Augusto Pinochet in Chile (1973-1990). The Soviet Union and the DPRK again classically belong to the authoritarian left, and Sweden and others can be defined as “free” left Scandinavian countries. Moreover, I did not just isolate Sweden, because... it's in politically absolutely left country, which confidently follows the socialist path, freedom and in which several are already wearing

This page presents a test with which you can determine your ideological type, described by the model of “political coordinates” (or “political compass”).So, in total there are four types of ideologies, which for convenience are usually written in English words: authoritarian left(AL), authoritarian right(AR), libertarian left(LL) and libertarian right(LR). As you can see, each ideology is represented by a combination of two terms: they describehow a person understands individual and economic freedoms.

The authoritarian/libertarian division determines a person's attitude towards individual freedoms. So, authoritarian believe, that in order to achieve public order, citizens must delegate part of their powers to the authorities, which on their behalf will shape the course of further development of the country, whereas libertarian believe, Whatthe state does not have the right to impose its laws if the citizen from whom they are required to comply has not given his consent.

As a consequence, carriers authoritarian types of ideologies adhere to statist views on the structure of the country: they believe that there should be a government (not necessarily democratic), whose task is to organize people and subject them to law, without which, in their opinion, the existence of a civilized society is not possible. In turn, carriers libertarian ideologies are anarchists: they believe that society is adapted to self-organization and that in fact there is no need to obey laws. Being open to cooperation and understanding the rules of the game that they have signed up for, people will not break them. In the understanding of anarchists, in life, as in a game of chess, most people will not play against the rules, since in this case, firstly, they will not get pleasure from the game itself, and, secondly, they will lose confidence in themselves in front of others members of the community.

The left/right scale determines a person’s views on economic freedom: left come fromfrom the position that private property does not exist or should not exist and, as a consequence, the poor and the rich, while in the opinion right Every person is free to dispose of his property as he pleases, which is why poverty individuals is perceived by them as a consequence of the fact that a person was deprived of this right or limited himself in it.

At the intersection of these scales, four ideologies are formed: AL, AR, LL And LR. Let's look at how they are presented in modern society:
Often authoritarian leftists adhere to the ideas of socialism. Supporting the state, they consider its main task to be the redistribution of wealth in society by collecting taxes from the rich and distributing them in favor of the poor.For this reason, AL believe that the state has the right to regulate the economy: impose duties, raise taxes, build factories at its own discretion, etc. They support funding free medicine and education.Today, AL includes modern Russia, Scandinavia, most EU and CIS countries. The worst option for the development of this ideology is a state in which power belongs entirely to individuals, forming it national course (North Korea, Venezuela, poor authoritarian countries in Africa). In such states there is strict censorship, and all big business belongs to the authorities.

In its turn authoritarian right-wingers often have conservative views. They oppose the right of the state to interfere ineconomic activity of citizens. In their understanding, its role should be limited to maintaining public order and the security of the free exchange of goods and services (the market). According to AR, the right to private property is sacred, so they advocate cutting taxes and reducing the share state enterprises. As a result, in countries with this ideology there is no free medicine and education.AR includes Poland, Republican states of the USA, and Japan. The worst option for the development of such an ideology is a state where economic freedom and a high standard of living are combined with a complete absence of individual freedoms (Singapore and the UAE). Often in such a society homophobia, sexism, religiosity and censorship prevail.

The libertarian left is the bearer of the anarcho-communist(as they say today) ideology. In their understanding, the equality of all people is achievable by building a stateless society that functions through self-government, and not the presence (as inAL) vertical branches of power. LL oppose the compulsion to live “correctly” and believe that sooner or later society itself will come to the understanding that mutual assistance is The best way overcoming inequality. The main theoretician of anarcho-communism is the Russian philosopher Peter Kropotkin. It should also be understood that today this ideology has not been implemented anywhere, but there are countries striving for it (Finland and Switzerland).

The libertarian right represents the ideas of anarcho-capitalism. Like LL, they believe that the state is evil, since society is capable of self-organization even without its coercion. URespecting the right of every person to dispose of their property, they see market relationships as the basis of everything:It is more profitable for each person to produce and exchange goods and services, living in peace with other people, rather than resorting to violent methods to achieve well-being. The ideal world of LR is one where every person realizes himself through creative activity, creating goods that other people need. The main theorists of ancap are famous economists Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises. Of course, it should be understood that such a society cannot exist without high level education of the population: otherwise, a war of all against all may begin, reminiscent of the times of the Wild West.

Please note that this information is not sufficient to fully understand all the differences between the ideologies described. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend starting to familiarize yourself with the definitions of the terms I used that are not previously known to you.

At the end of the test you will receive two values ​​corresponding to the scales“authoritarian/libertarian”and “left/right”: the closer they are to the number 0, the more “authoritarian” or “left” qualities are manifested in your ideology, the closer to the number 39, the more “libertarian” or “right” are manifested.For example, a result of “35 and 33” means that you are a staunch libertarian right (LR).

Since not all people are carriers of a pronounced ideology, intermediatetypes: relatively speaking, they can be called “social democrats” (between AL and LL), authoritarians (between AL and AR), liberals (between AR and LR), anarchists (between LL and LR) and centrists (ideology without significant dominanceany poles).

So, let's move directly to the test itself:

When answering questions, try not to rush. Answer honestly: as is correct in your opinion, and not as is customary in the society where you live. try to giveas many confident answers as possible (avoid the options “Rather, yes” and “Rather, no”) - in this case, the result is more likely to indicate a pronounced ideology.

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