Home Preparations for the winter Dictations in the Russian language. Test dictations in the Russian language

Dictations in the Russian language. Test dictations in the Russian language

Dictations in Russian for 5th grade

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

Late autumn has arrived. The weather is stormy. A sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly fall to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds. The alleys of the garden became empty and silent. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds from the surrounding parks flocked here for the festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It’s nice to sit under a white-trunked birch tree and look for a long time at the golden colors of the forest and the purple edge of the sky.

Quiet, cozy. The soul is light and calm.

Dictation No. 2.

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs hide under snags.

The prickly hedgehog slowly crawls through black hummocks, small clearings, and dangerous ravines.

On autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare himself a wide, warm hole. Day and night he drags fragrant leaves, soft moss, dried blades of grass and twigs into the house. I would like to make sure he has a comfortable bed.

A snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog took refuge under such a fluffy blanket. He has wonderful dreams and we are happy for him. WITH good mood The hedgehog will wake up and then go to inspect his farm.

Dictation No. 3.

Winter sorceress.

In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and then real winter came.

The cold wind is howling terribly in the field, and a blizzard is blowing. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost froze the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its thick crowns will last all winter, and their power cannot be broken even by an evil hurricane.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She appears black among the dazzling, untouched whiteness of the light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell onto the path.

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

Dictation No. 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning until late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest. You don’t have time to follow their movements at all.

Mischievous squirrels will climb to the top of a huge pine tree and jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food supplies: tasty mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

These wonderful housewives will hide what they found in the forest storerooms.

They will make warm nests in the hollow house, and soon little squirrels will appear in the new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be raised by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will escape from frost, harsh winds and snowfalls. Live securely in warm, cozy nests.

Dictation No. 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night! On the sides of the road, young trees stood frozen: birch, spruce, pine, aspen.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping earth, and the bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut. The gloomy sky is replete with frequent stars and looks down on the night earth.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly a slight rustling of leaves was heard to the left. “Yes, it’s a squirrel!” - I shouted. Leaves fell on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

You can already feel the approach of winter. Soon the ice will freeze the river, its banks will be covered with a fluffy carpet.

The beam throws light onto the clearing, and the trees glow with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Hello, moonlit night!

Dictation No. 6.


Spring is an amazing time of year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. The snow has long disappeared from the fields in muddy streams. From the junction to the nearest village, the winter rye is green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. There is no longer any feeling of dampness in the air, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to be shaken up and filled with some new sounds. The joyful hubbub of birds can be heard from the surrounding groves, arable fields and pastures. The sound of a truck was heard at the crossing. “Egorych, open the way!” - the driver shouts cheerfully.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, a delicate stem gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature celebrates spring renewal. Hello Spring!

Dictation No. 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given up their fruits, and she is just beginning to decorate herself with crimson-red clusters. The cold weather sets in, and the birds eat the bittersweet berries.

You will find rowan trees everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in clearings. It grows near houses, spreads branches from behind the fence, settles down on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes privacy. Trees feel better around rowan trees because a huge number of birds flock to them and destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. The rowan tree does not give up, and every autumn its charming outfit enchants us again.

We expect to see mountain ash next fall as well. See you, miracle tree!

Dictation No. 8.


Once a mother called her son: “Yura, look who I brought!”

Mom was holding a purse, and someone in a fur coat was fussing about on a bed of soft leaves.

An oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears appeared from the wallet. The animal's face turned out to be very funny: everything was gray at the top and bottom, and wide black stripes stretched in the middle from the nose to the ears.

The baby's fur was light gray, and his legs were dark, as if he was dressed up in boots and mittens.

Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was going on. He took the entire pacifier and closed his eyes. Wonderful little badger, funny animal!

Dictation No. 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually winter in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snow flickering in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares and mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals.

But the polar night is ending. You won’t notice owl’s nests in the stone scatterings, because they are located almost at the very feet. Warmth in the nests is maintained in severe frosts, as they are covered with light down.

I found such a nest in a crevice. Suddenly, a huge white bird took off from under my feet, and its open wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

“Sergey, what’s there?” - my friend was surprised. A frightened chick huddled in the nest, and warm eggs remained lying nearby.

Dictation No. 10.

To my homeland.

In early spring, flocks of birds unite on the southern coasts of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry up and go home!” - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless chains of flights reach their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during the journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The hardiest ones fly to the White Sea. Here they are located along the sandy shores, divided into pairs to build nests and hatch chicks.

In the fall, the chicks grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to flock together before flying to warmer climes. But you can’t live long in a foreign land.

Every spring you see tired caravans returning to their homeland.

Dictation No. 11.


One day, Gaidar went to meet the guys at the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to be boasting: “I’m a famous dad’s daughter and I’ll grow up soon!”

While reading the fairy tale “Hot Stone,” everyone sat quietly, but Zhenya first looked around from above, then stomped restlessly and began to run down the stairs.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: “Take the girl away, she’s in the way!” Zhenya shrank, got scared and immediately became quiet.

Gaidar read the story to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love for the writer, about respect.

“To Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

Dictation№ 12


Chickens are the jungle cat’s favorite treat. One day a predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. The annoying bird settled over his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to be teased by the clucking of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful companion. He restrained his impotent anger and hatred towards his obsessive companion. Then he began to make his way to the village. The magpie still did not leave him and still continued to guard him.

The cat had to disappear into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with a wound that had not yet healed, received in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and perhaps a little windy. He flew into the city in a tank with scouts and then was left alone. Strictly speaking, he should have been in the hospital, but is it possible to lie down on the day of entering a dazzling white city seething with excitement? He didn’t sit down until late at night, but kept wandering the streets, engaging in conversations, explaining something, or simply hugging someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if healed by a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, healed inexplicably for a long time, almost until Sofia itself.

But when he, leaning on a stick, got out of the headquarters bus onto the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, without waiting for someone to hug him, began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze . He could barely stand on his feet then, his head was spinning, and his fingers were cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours in the squares, in the barracks, and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was carried in his arms. He talked about Russia and the Slavs as if he were at least a thousand years old.


There was silence; all that could be heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping people. Somewhere a lapwing was crying and occasionally the squeak of snipes could be heard, flying in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Egorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and from there looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. Only the hills were closer, and there was no mill, which remained far back. Having nothing else to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the mud, brought him in his fist to his ear and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When he got tired of the music, he chased a crowd of yellow butterflies that were flying to the sedge for a watering hole, and without noticing, he found himself again near the chaise.

Suddenly, quiet singing was heard. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her in vain; she assured that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was in unbearable pain, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in the fall I would closely watch the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when a leaf leaves the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I've read in old books about the sound of falling leaves, but I've never heard that sound. The rustle of leaves in the air seemed as implausible to me as stories about hearing grass sprouting in the spring.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the grinding of city streets, could rest and catch the very pure and precise sounds of the autumn land.

There are autumn nights, deaf and silent, when calmness stands over the black forested region.

It was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, the old maple under the fence and the nasturtium bush tousled by the wind.

I looked at the maple and saw how a red leaf carefully and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped in the air for an instant and began to fall obliquely at my feet, slightly rustling and swaying. For the first time I heard the rustling of a falling leaf - a vague sound, like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and filmmakers often cross the line of reasonable risk.

It is not dangerous, but it is almost impossible to photograph wolves in nature. It is dangerous to photograph lions, very dangerous to photograph tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how a bear will behave - this is a strong and, contrary to the general idea, a very active animal. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a mother bear and her cubs were grazing. The calculation was that it was autumn and the mother no longer guarded her offspring so jealously. But I was wrong... When the camera clicked, capturing the two babies, the mother, dozing somewhere nearby, rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: under no circumstances should I run - the beast would rush after me. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking intently at me, rushed after the baby.

When photographing animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, not get into trouble. All animals, with the possible exception of the connecting rod bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: man’s carelessness provoked the attack of the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to photograph animals without frightening them or risking an attack, most often a forced one. In addition, unafraid animals that are not aware of your presence behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots are obtained with knowledge and patience, an understanding of the distance, which is unwise and even dangerous to violate.

Path to the lake

The morning dawn is gradually flaring up. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare treetops in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby there is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is explained by the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name Borovye lakes, as in time immemorial They were christened by the old-timers of these places. And to the southeast of Borovye Lakes there are gigantic swamps. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.

At this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with a very unpleasant name - Pognomu Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to get ready for the road. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting boots, prepared food for the road so as not to waste time lighting a fire, and set off.

We made our way to the lake for two hours, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame the thickets of some tenacious and thorny plant, then half-rotten slums, and an island appeared ahead. Before reaching the wooded hillock, we fell into the thickets of lily of the valley, and he correct leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who gave them a geometrically precise shape, began to sparkle in our faces.

In these thickets we indulged in peace for half an hour. You raise your head, and above you the tops of the pines rustle, resting against the pale blue sky, along which not heavy, but summer-like, semi-airy, fidgety clouds move. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by thick growth of grass.(247 words)


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means uninteresting.

As soon as Chichikov, bending down, entered the dark, wide entryway, built somehow, a cold air immediately blew across him, as if from a cellar. From the hallway he found himself in a room, also dark, with lowered curtains, slightly illuminated by light, not descending from the ceiling, but rising to the ceiling from under a wide crack located at the bottom of the door. Having opened this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overly amazed at the chaos that appeared. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all the things were brought here and piled up haphazardly. On one table there was even a broken chair and there was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. There also stood a cabinet leaning sideways against the wall with antique silver that had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain acquired God knows when. On the bureau, which was once lined with a lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only yellow grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a bunch of pieces of paper covered with small handwriting, covered with a green marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg on top, some old book in a leather binding with a red edge, a lemon, all dried up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of chairs that had long since fallen apart, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a piece of a rag picked up somewhere and two feathers stained with ink . To top off the strange interior, several paintings were hung very crampedly and awkwardly on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I remember with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old landowner’s house in central Russia.

Quiet, clear summer dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, recently painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun played here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, a pink prince took off his sword, rushing to help his beloved, trees glowed blue in the winter frost, and a spring lily of the valley blossomed nearby. And outside the window a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of early peony flowers, light and delicate, rushes through the old window, which is wide open.

The low house, hunched over, goes away, grows into the ground, and above it the late lilacs are still blooming wildly, as if they are in a hurry to cover up its squalor with its white-lilac luxury.

Along the narrow wooden steps of the balcony, also rotten from time and swaying under our feet, we go down to swim to the small river located near the house.

After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe not far from the thickets of coastal reeds. A minute or two later, touching a branch of a dense hazel tree growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie-babbler lands on a tree. What does she not talk about! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually the polyphonic hubbub of birds fills the garden, brightly colored in summer.

After enjoying the swim, we head back. The glass door leading from the terrace is slightly open. On the table in a simple clay pot is a bouquet of skillfully selected, freshly picked, not yet blooming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden toiling bees hover with an even hum.

How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long can I remember this feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood!

Greatest Shrine

Thanks to the efforts of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small Karelian birch box filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, are not ashamed of feelings and are not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth, we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - to rarely respond to insults, to control our face, to restrain the trembling of our hearts. But the burden of years wins, and strict consistency of feelings no longer seems the best and most important. Now, as I am, I am ready and able to kneel in front of a box with Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of prying ears: “I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine.”

And no skeptical philosophy, no smart cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because I am guided by love, and it is not subordinate to reason and calculation.

The soil in the box had dried out and turned into lumps of brown dust. I sprinkle it carefully and carefully so as not to waste it on the table, and I think that of all human things, the earth has always been both the most beloved and closest.

For you are dust, and to dust you will return.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)


Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places along untrodden paths. In the distance, unclear and foggy, I already imagined a picture of my native village. Walking hastily along the uncut grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, rickety from antiquity, but still welcoming and dear. I wanted to quickly see the street I knew from childhood, the old well, our front garden with jasmine and rose bushes.

Immersed in my memories, I quietly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house that had not changed at all since I left here. All these years, for many years, no matter where fate took me, no matter how far I was from these places, I always invariably carried in my heart the image of home as a memory of happiness and spring...

Our house! It is, as before, surrounded by greenery. True, there is more vegetation here. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush grew, on which a delicate rose bloomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined in the flowerbeds and paths that have grown into the ground, not cleared by anyone and not covered with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, was completely peeling, dried out and fell apart.

Nettles occupied an entire corner of the flower garden, as if they served as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle there was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a fine May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose was definitely crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning...


Behind the large house there was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with a parquet floor, which must have been the living room; an antique piano, and on the walls there are engravings in wide mahogany frames - and nothing more. All that remained of the former flower beds were peonies and poppies, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; along the paths, stretching out and interfering with each other, grew young maples and elms, already plucked by cows. It was dense, and the garden seemed impenetrable, but this was only near the house, where poplars, pines and old linden trees of the same age still stood, surviving from the previous alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no more hovering, no cobwebs were getting into your mouth or eyes, the breeze was blowing; The further you went, the more spacious it became, and already there were cherries, plums, spreading apple trees and pears growing in the open space so tall that you couldn’t even believe that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city traders, and it was guarded from thieves and starlings by a foolish man who lived in a hut.

The garden, thinning out more and more, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a stretch, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with a thatched roof was making an angry noise, frogs were croaking furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally moved, and the river lilies trembled, disturbed by the cheerful fish. The quiet blue reach beckoned, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that in the forest of some golden-red pine tree a twig will fall out of the white pine body. A year or two will pass, and this hole will be inspected by the dawn - a small bird exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, hay, fluff, twigs into an empty twig, build itself a warm nest, jump out onto a branch and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right there, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree, waiting for the evening dawn.

But then the song thrush, from some height on the hill, the first to see signs of dawn, whistled its signal. The dawn bird responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from branch to branch higher and higher, from there, from above, she also saw the dawn and responded to the song thrush’s signal with her own signal. The hunter, of course, heard the thrush's signal and saw how the dawn bird flew out, he even noticed that the dawn dawn, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear that it made a sound: the voice of the little bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man standing below could not see the dawn. The time has come - dawn rose over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a twig, a bird would open its beak, then close it. This is the dawn singing, the dawn is praising the dawn, but the song cannot be heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird is glorifying the dawn, and why he doesn’t hear the song is because it sings to glorify the dawn, and not to glorify itself in front of people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to glorify the dawn, and not the dawn itself, then the spring of the person himself begins. All our true amateur hunters, from the smallest and simplest person to the largest, breathe only to glorify spring. And how many are there? good people there is in the world, and none of them knows anything good about themselves, and everyone will get so used to him that no one will even guess about him how good he is, that he only exists in the world to glorify the dawn and begin his human spring


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the road. Having passed through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of bent willows, I went out to the bank of the small river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before leaving, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having pulled away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the bend in the river, the gilded domes of the church appeared clearly visible against the background of lead clouds on the horizon, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to repair my boots, or boots, that had been wet for a long time. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something unusually attractive in the precise movements of his muscular arms.

Having satisfied my hunger in the nearest cafe, where I had beetroot borscht, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh at my service, I went to wander around the city. My attention was drawn to the plank stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered. The juggler had already finished his performance and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. After dancing some kind of dance that resembled tap dancing, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped tights. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and was not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having walked around almost the entire town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the river bank, covering myself with an old waterproof raincoat.

5th grade, 1st quarter

In the morning, the guys from the neighboring village and I went fishing. The sun has already illuminated the forest and a small river with low banks. From the green meadows came the sweet smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees. Hardworking insects were in a hurry to collect the honey harvest.

On the near shore, fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch. By lunchtime there was fish splashing in my blue bucket.

But then a huge cloud appeared on the horizon. She was quickly approaching from behind the forest.

The leaves of the bushes began to stir alarmingly. There was a faint whiff of dampness. It was getting darker and the songbirds fell silent. Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and blew away the leaves. Torrential rain poured down. We ran home, but were soaked to the skin. (101 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of words

illuminated, small, catch / charged, honey, smell.

2. Analysis of the sentence by members, identification of parts of speech

On the near shore, fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch./

Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and blew away the leaves.

5th grade, 2nd quarter

In a thunderstorm.

It was a hot July day. The sun burned the dry earth with slanting hot rays. Thick dust underneathAnd rushed along the road and filled the hot air. The clouds gathered into a large purple cloud. Distant summer thunder roared.

And now the clouds began to cover the sun. It peeked out from behind the clouds for the last time and disappeared. Everything in nature has changed dramatically.

A whirlwind came and the aspen grove began to tremble. From gusts of strong wind, young aspen trees bend almost to the ground. Bunches of dry grass fly across the road. Thick reeds rustle dully by the river. Dazzling lightning flashed and a deafening clap of thunder sounded. The first large drop of rain fell. A torrential downpour poured down. (96 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordsthe sun / stood.

2. Morphemic analysis of words

trembled further, river/aspen, swooped down, hit

3. Full parsing of sentences

Thick dust underneathAnd floated along the road and filled the hot air./

It peeked out from behind the clouds for the last time and disappeared.

5th grade, final control

A few years ago, a beautiful building went up in the center of the capital. on hisfacade interesting watch appeared. Every hour, black doors open on the dial, and behind them appear heroes of folk tales.

You enter the theater expecting to meet an amazing world. In the theater museum you will get acquainted with dolls from different countries. IN winter garden you will see a tree with wonderful birds. Fish are splashing in the pond.

“It’s so beautiful here!” - the guys say.

On the floor above is auditorium with multi-colored chairs: red, blue, yellow, green. This was done so that the guys would not confuse the places.

The bell rings and spectators gather in the hall. The doors close silently and the performance begins. (100 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordsblack/yellow.

2. Morphemic analysis of words

multi-colored, gather/appear, body of water

3. Morphological analysis words

center (from 1st sentence)/body of water (from the last sentence of the second paragraph)

4. Drawing up sentence diagrams

last of the 1st paragraph, sentence of the 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence of the 4th paragraph / last of the last paragraph, sentence of the 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence of the 4th paragraph.

6th grade, 1st quarter


August is the best time in the Urals. At this time, nature takes a break from the hot summer. The succulent grasses have already faded, the leaves on the birches and lindens are beginning to turn yellow. These are the first harbingers of the coming autumn. The air was saturated with fragrant herbs.

On such a day you walk along a narrow forest path among the giants of a pine forest. The dog Azor is in a hurry nearby. He tracks the game, diligently rummaging through the bushes. Here is a wood grouse running and flapping its wings helplessly. Little wood grouse cannot fly yet, but they already understand the danger. The chickens run up to the hummock and hide their heads in the moss. You stand and admire the little tricks of the wood grouse. (93 words.) (According to F. Tarkhaneev.)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordsday/ game

2. Morphemic analysis of words

tricks, pine, leaves run up, small, you admire

He tracks the game, diligently rummaging through the bushes./

The chickens run up to the hummock and hide their heads in the moss.

6th grade, 2nd quarter

Don't touch birds' nests.

Feathered - great masters. Among them there are carpenters and diggers. basket makers, moulders, potters.

The shore swallow is a wonderful digger. She burrows into the ground no worse than a mole. The warbler builds a house that would not only protect it from bad weather, bad weather, but would also be hidden from the eyes of a predator. She takes a liking to three reeds nearby and begins to weave a basket.

And how many birds build their houses right on the ground: in the grass, in a hole, under a hummock! You walk straight across the field, and something evaporates from under your feet.And the bird howls. It will fly out and use various tricks to lead it away from the nest.

There is no need to disturb her or touch the nests. Where there are useful birds, there are fewer harmful insects, more and better harvest from our fields, vegetable gardens, orchards.

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of wordsdiggers, leads / protected, by tricks

will fly out, basket makers/bird, bad weather

basket (from the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph) / bad weather (from the 3rd sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

4. Drawing up diagrams

1st sentence from 2nd paragraph,

1st sentence from 3rd paragraph,

last sentence from the 3rd paragraph.

6th grade, final control

Give up urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear unclear rustles and sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds could be heard from the river. Suddenly, soft voices were heard from under the floor. They sounded like the whispers of chicks who had awakened in the nest. I was overcome by the desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I realized that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful animals. They don't harm anyone. They are not afraid of anyone, destroy harmful insects, and fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs go to sleep. Their small dens are covered with snowdrifts, and they sleep peacefully in them all winter. (108 words.) (According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of wordslisten, calm / awakened, urgent

2. Derivative analysis of words

rivers, no one / snowy, no one

3. Morphological analysis of the word

sandy (from the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph) /written (from the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

4. Drawing up diagrams of the 1st and last sentences of the last paragraph.

7th grade, 1st quarter

The coming autumn can be felt in everything. The sun no longer burns or sparkles, but shines very gently and welcomingly. Empty fields open up to an immense horizon. The air is clear and fresh. The ruts of country roads, rolled during grain harvesting, have a leaden sheen. The cries of birds flying away can be heard. This is the last greeting to the summer guests.

The lush and rich forest outfit is still replete with all colors. Trembling aspens turn silver, golden birches rustle, emerald spruces turn green. The wind will soon tear off this colorful outfit, and the naked trees will stand under the icy breath of winter.

Heavy clouds, driven by the wind, cover the entire sky. The sun rarely comes out, but in the blue autumn sky it seems brighter.

Grammar task.

2.Full parsing of the sentence

The ruts of country roads, rolled during grain harvesting, have a leaden sheen. /

Heavy clouds, driven by the wind, cover the entire sky.

7th grade, 2nd quarter

First time at the theater.

When I was six years old, my father and I were walking around Leningrad one day. And suddenly, walking with me along Ostrovsky Square, my father asked: “Do you want to go to the theater for a minute?”

I have never been to a theater in my life, and my answer is not difficult to guess.

We entered the box when the action had already begun. Deep below me was a black abyss drowning in darkness. My eyes got used to the twilight, and I was delighted to see the hall filled with spectators and the dimly lit stage. On it stood a bridge of grandiose proportions, thrown at an oblique angle from one end of the stage to the other. It was flooded moonlight, and near the embankment some people were talking.

This set became my first strong impression that the theater gave me. (116 words.) (According to Yu. Alyansky.)

Grammar task.

1. In the dictation text, it is necessary to indicate suffixes for all participles.

2. Morphological analysis of the wordpassing (from 1st sentence)/ seeing (from the 3rd sentence of the 3rd paragraph).

3.Full parsing of the sentence

Deep below me was a black abyss drowning in darkness./

This set became my first strong impression that the theater gave me.

7th grade, final control

The fate of the second bread.

Today it is difficult to believe that some two or three hundred years ago no one in any European country wanted to grow potatoes.

The homeland of potatoes is America, where they have long served as food for the Indians. When it was brought to Europe, no one knew how to handle it. It was grown in gardens next to flowers. They tried to eat its fruits, but they were bitter and caused poisoning.

Then the French Finance Minister resorted to a trick. In different parts of the country, soldiers began to sow plowed fields with some kind of plant. Carrying out guard duty during the day, the soldiers left for the night. The peasants, seeing the guards, thought in their own way: “A valuable plant if it is protected.” The men waited for darkness and ran to the field, dug up valuable tubers and planted them in their gardens. Potatoes grown in France found their way to other European countries. (122 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphological analysis of the wordgrown (from last sentence)/seeing (from the 4th sentence of the last paragraph).

Carrying out guard duty during the day, the soldiers left for the night.

Potatoes grown in France found their way to other European countries.

8th grade, 1st quarter

Mysterious box.

Chaliapin had a voluminous leather briefcase, covered with many labels of travel companies from different countries and cities in which the singer toured. All the years he lived abroad, Chaliapin carried the briefcase with him, trusted no one, and almost never let it out of his hands.

There was a small box in the briefcase. Not only people who worked with Chaliapin, but also relatives had no idea about its contents.

Arriving in a new city and entering the room prepared for him, Chaliapin took a box out of his briefcase and placed it under the bed.

Knowing Chaliapin’s tough temperament, no one dared to ask him about the box.

It was mysterious and incomprehensible.

After the artist’s death, his widow opened the tightly sealed box.

It contained a handful of Russian soil, taken by Chaliapin before leaving abroad. A handful of Russian soil.

Grammar task.

Morphological analysis of the wordtaken / boarded up.

2. Full parsing of the sentence

Knowing Chaliapin’s tough temperament, no one dared to ask him about the box./

It contained a handful of Russian soil, taken by Chaliapin before leaving abroad.

8th grade, 2nd quarter

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature. Almost the same can be said about the forest. The complete beauty of any area lies in the combination of water and forest.

Forests are guardians of water. Trees shield the earth from the scorching rays of the summer sun and from the drying winds. Coolness and dampness live in their shadow and do not allow flowing or standing moisture to dry out.

Red forest refers to all tree species: pine, spruce, fir and others. Oak, elm, linden, birch, alder and others are called black forest. It also includes berry trees such as bird cherry and rowan. All species of bushes: viburnum, hazel, honeysuckle, wolf's bast, rosehip, blackwood and common willow - should be classified as black forest.

The spreading white-trunked birch is good. The maple tree with its paw-leaves is also good. The perennial oak tree is stocky, strong, tall and mighty. (125 words.)

Grammar task.

1.Full parsing of the sentence

Trees shield the earth from the scorching rays of the summer sun and from the drying winds./

The perennial oak tree is stocky, strong, tall and mighty.

2. Mark one-part impersonal sentences in the text.

8th grade, final control

About dictionaries.

All sorts of thoughts sometimes come to mind. For example, the idea that it would be nice to compile several new dictionaries of the Russian language (besides the already existing general dictionaries).

In one such dictionary you can collect words related to nature, in another - good and apt local words, in a third - words of people of different professions, and in a fourth - garbage and dead words, all the bureaucracy and vulgarity that litter the Russian language. This last dictionary is needed in order to wean people from stupid and broken speech.

The idea of ​​collecting words related to nature came to my mind that day when, on a meadow lake, I heard a husky girl listing different herbs and flowers. This dictionary will, of course, be explanatory. Each word should be explained, and after it should be placed several excerpts from the books of writers, poets and scientists who have a scientific or poetic connection with this word. (According to K. Paustovsky.)

Grammar task.

Mark the grammatical basis in the text in single-component impersonal sentences in complex sentences.

Mark incomplete sentences in the dictation text.

9th grade, 1st quarter

At the beginning of autumn.

A maple leaf silently flew through the open window and landed on my papers. It looked like a palm with fingers spread wide apart. It was as if someone’s hand reached out to the table and covered the written lines.

I closed my notebook, placing the first autumn leaf on the unfinished page, and went out into the garden.

The garden was silent and empty in autumn, like a boarded-up house. I walked through the meadow to the river, undressed and threw myself into the water - for the last time! The body burned with icy cold and took away my breath. Having climbed ashore, I squeezed my back into the slightly warm sand and remained there lying motionless in a comfortable, warming sand cast from my body.

Above me the sky spread out like an icy blue. Not a bird on it, not a cloud. Only sometimes, high, high, a lonely strand of cobweb will sparkle with a silvery flash, sparkle and disappear. And then you have to strain your eyes for a long time to see her again. (According to E. Nosov.)

Grammar task.

Parse the sentence

I closed my notebook, placing the first autumn leaf on the unfinished page, and went out into the garden./

Only sometimes, high, high, a lonely strand of cobweb will sparkle with a silvery flash, sparkle and disappear.

2. Mark the grammatical basis in the text in single-component impersonal sentences as part of complex ones.

9th grade, 2nd quarter

Every year, one of the most famous flower gardens in the world, located in Denmark, hosts an exhibition of tulips. The homeland of tulips is Turkey, and not Holland, as many people think.

The tulip, whose cup resembles a turban, originally grew as a wild flower, then for centuries was used in Turkish art as decorative element. In the capital of the Ottoman Empire, huge gardens planted with tulips were created.

The first bulbs of the precious flower were brought to Europe by travelers and diplomats. When a tulip came to the continent, people fell passionately in love with it and elevated it to a cult. It reached its peak of fame in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb was equal to the cost of a painting or sculpture by a famous master. The tulip was considered one of the wonders of nature, which should be represented in the garden of every self-respecting collector.

The Dutch began to grow it with such diligence that in a certain sense took this flower for themselves.

Grammar task.


1st sentence/last of 3rd paragraph.

2. In the dictation text, mark all participles.

9th grade, final control

Old musician.

The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the Pushkin monument, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard. Having climbed the steps to the pedestal itself, the musician touched the strings of the violin with his bow. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician placed the violin case on the ground; it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it so that you could eat whenever you wanted.

Usually the old man came out to play in the evening: for his music it was necessary for the world to become quieter. The old man suffered from the thought that he was not bringing people any good, and therefore he voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. The sounds of the violin were heard in the air and reached the depths of human hearts, touching them with gentle and courageous power. Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it: the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.

Grammar task.

Do a full parse

1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph / 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph.

10th grade, entrance control

By the sea.

Under the light blow of the sultry wind, the sea shuddered and, covered with small ripples that brilliantly reflected the sun, smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the space between the sea and the sky there was the splash of waves running up onto the gentle shore of the sand spit. Everything was full of living joy: the sound and shine of the sun, the wind and the salty aroma of water, the hot air and yellow sand. narrow, long braid, piercing with a sharp spire into the boundless desert of water sparkling with the sun, it was lost somewhere in the distance, where a sultry haze hid the earth. Hooks, oars, baskets and barrels were scattered randomly on the spit. On this day, even the seagulls are exhausted by the heat. They sit in rows on the sand, with their beaks open and their wings down, or they swing lazily on the waves. When the sun began to descend into the sea, the restless waves either played cheerfully and noisily, or dreamily and affectionately splashed against the shore. Through their noise, either sighs or quiet, tenderly calling cries reached the shore. The sun was setting, and the pinkish reflection of its rays lay on the hot yellow sand. And the pitiful willow bushes, and the mother-of-pearl clouds, and the waves running up the shore - everything was preparing for the night's peace. Lonely, as if lost in the dark depths of the sea, the fire of the fire flared brightly, then died out, as if exhausted. All around was only the immense, solemn sea, silvered by the moon, and the blue sky strewn with stars.

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of words

running up, boundless, affectionately/randomly, immeasurable, silvered

2. Make a complete parsing of the sentence

Everything was full of living joy: the sound and shine of the sun, the wind and the salty aroma of water, the hot air and yellow sand./

And the pitiful willow bushes, and the mother-of-pearl clouds, and the waves running up the shore - everything was preparing for the night's peace.

10th grade, 1st semester


Even as a child, I fell in love with the tall green linden trees that surrounded our village garden. A wide linden alley was once planted by the peasants of our village. We loved to play under the tall linden trees and watch life awaken in the young garden in the spring. In the green tops of the linden trees birds sang, starlings and blackbirds whistled.

The once beautiful tall linden trees, along with other trees, grew almost everywhere in Russian forests. White, pure linden wood was highly prized. From light, pliable linden wood, skilled craftsmen sharpened a beautiful wooden dishes, cut out spoons. In villages, clean linden boards were used to make tabletops for dining tables. The bark was stripped from fallen trees, soaked in water, and made into bast and matting. Now you won’t see mature, large linden trees in our forests. Only in the distant Trans-Urals did I see tall linden trees growing freely in deep forests.

Linden is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, cheerful and gentle trees. Linden sweet honey has long been famous. Linden foliage is good and tender. In autumn, linden sheds its yellowed leaves before other trees, and fallen yellow leaves lie like a dry, rustling carpet at the roots of bare trees. You used to walk along fallen linden leaves, rustling under your feet, and admire familiar trees, preparing for a long winter.

Young linden trees are now planted in parks and big cities. Linden trees take root easily and grow quickly. Their fresh green foliage decorates the noisy city streets, pleasing the eye of a tired city man.(214 words.)

I. S. - Mikitov

Grammar task.

1.Morphological analysis of words

yellowed/ rustling

2. Morphemic analysis of words

surrounded, throws off, wooden / fallen, awakens, high

10th grade, final control

In search of truth.

He filled a syringe with the blood of a typhus patient and injected it into his vein...

It was in Odessa in one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Three days later, alarming news spread across the university’s classrooms and classrooms: Professor Mechnikov was dying.

Although the thermometer stubbornly climbed upward, he wrote down his observations himself until delirium began. A large head with early gray hair at the temples and beard tossed about on the pillow. His wife was crying quietly at his bedside. What is this? Suicide? A fit of madness? He alone knew the real reason. When the crisis passed, Ilya Ilyich’s face lit up with a joyful smile. He found out the truth!

Mechnikov did the same when studying cholera. He was lucky: he didn’t get sick. But his assistants followed the teacher’s example. One of them fell ill with a very severe form of cholera. Despite the fact that the patient’s condition was hopeless, Mechnikov managed to snatch him from the hands of death. Twenty years later, in the article “Martyrs of Science,” he wrote that at all times scientists have risked their health in search of truth. He wrote about many whose exploits he admired and whose example he followed. Although he conducted experiments on himself, there is not a single word about this in the article.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was awarded many awards, but remained indifferent to the honors. He considered the only reward to be the discovery of truth that could benefit humanity.

Giving his last instructions to his friends before his death, he demanded that he be opened. And after death he wanted to serve science. (230 words.)

(According to M. Yarovinsky)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of words

studying, did/times, spent.

2. Derivative analysis of words

did, assistants/wrote, alarming.

1st sentence of the last paragraph/last sentence of the 4th paragraph

11th grade, entrance control

If you want to understand the soul of the forest, walk through a forest stream and follow its banks up or down.

I'm walking along the bank of a stream in early spring. And this is what I see, and hear, and think here.

I see how, in a soft place, flowing water meets a barrier in the roots of spruce trees and this causes bubbles to bloom. When these bubbles are born, they rush quickly and immediately burst, but some of them get knocked down at a new obstacle into a far-visible snowball. The water encounters new and new obstacles, and nothing is done to it.

The trembling of water from the sun casts a shadow on the trunks of the fir trees and on the grass. From the reach, the water silently rushes on. And where there is a blockage, the water seems to murmur, and then this splashing can be heard. But this is not a complaint, not despair: water does not know these feelings.

Some grasses have long since emerged from under the water and now constantly bend over in the stream and respond together to the trembling of the shadows. And the cold of the stream.

Let there be a blockage on the way, let it! Obstacles make life: without them, the water would immediately go lifeless into the ocean.

And until the last drop runs away, until the spring stream dries up, the water will tirelessly repeat: “Sooner or later, we will end up in the ocean.”

It was so good that I sat down on the roots and, while resting, heard the mighty streams calling to each other down there, under the steep slope. The stream has tied me to itself, and I cannot move aside, It's getting boring.

This is the eleventh year since I, early, undressed in the spring, when the wolf's bast blooms,anemones and primroses, I pass through this clearing. And my eye was caressed, and the aroma of poplar resin and birch bud - everything came together.

(According to M.M. Prishvin.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of words

dissolves, caressed, lifeless/calling to each other, silently, flowing.

3. Full parsing

1st sentence / 1st sentence from the 3rd paragraph.

11th grade, 1st semester

Meshchera region.

There are no special beauties or riches in the Meshchersky region, except for endless forests, endless meadows and unusually fresh air. But still, this amazing region has great attractive power. He is as modest as Levitan’s immortal paintings. But this is precisely where the beauty and all the charm of Russian nature, imperceptible at first glance, lies.

What can a person who comes here for the first time see here? Flowering or mown meadows, overgrown pine forests, unique smells that are dearer to Russian people than all the exquisite fashionable perfumes.

I had to visit these places several times a year. In October, when the grass is covered with frost at dawn, it is good to spend the night in stacks, as if in warm indoor spaces. After all, hay in stacks keeps you warm throughout the cold winter.

It’s so solemn and quiet in the pine forest of the Meshchera region that the bell of a lost cow can be heard almost a kilometer away, especially on windless days. On windy days, the forests make noise with the incessant roar of the ocean and the tops of the pine trees bend after the passing clouds.

In the Meshchera region you can see forest lakes with dark water, vast swamps covered with alder and aspen, lonely foresters’ huts charred from old age, yellow sands, juniper, schools of cranes and unforgettable beautiful stars familiar to us at all latitudes.

In this region you can hear the alarming cries of quails and hawks, the endless knocking of woodpeckers, the heartbreaking howl of wolves, the rustling of rain, the evening playing of harmonica, and at night - the multi-voiced crowing of roosters and the sound of the village watchman's mallet. (221 words.) (According to K.G. Paustovsky.)

11th grade, final test

In the forest.

We move slowly, step by step, wading across a shallow forest stream. I’m a little scared, because I don’t see anything, not even water, but I don’t show any fear. Finally, we come out onto a sandy shore not far from a forest clearing.

Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat, and I vaguely see the back of my companion and some vague outlines. Against the gray background, the nearby pines loom vaguely with their straight, bare trunks, and in their immobility amid the undisturbed silence, something stern is felt. Suddenly my ears are struck by strange sounds, and I involuntarily shudder. These are some kind of high, unusually sonorous moans, published by dozens of voices. I can’t tell where they are coming from: right, left, in front or behind. Everything became quiet, and everything again plunged into its former imperturbable silence. Suddenly my companion became wary. Obviously, his sophisticated hearing picked up some sounds, but no matter how hard I listened, I could not distinguish anything. We made about eleven more runs when I finally heard the capercaillie playing.

(157 words.) (According to Kuprin.)

Grammar task

Parse the sentence.

I can’t tell where they are coming from: right, left, in front or behind.

Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat, and I vaguely see the back of my companion and some vague outlines.

2. Mark in the text in one-part impersonal offer as part of a complex grammatical basis.

Dictations in Russian for 5th grade

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

Late autumn has arrived. The weather is stormy. A sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly fall to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds, because they have flown south. The alleys of the garden became empty and silent. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds from the surrounding parks flocked here for the festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It’s nice to sit under a white-trunked birch tree and look for a long time at the golden colors of the forest and the purple edge of the sky.

Quiet, cozy. In the vast thickets of the forest you can hide from the autumn wind. The soul is light and calm.

(115 words)

Dictation No. 2.

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs hide under the snags.

The prickly hedgehog slowly crawls through black hummocks, small clearings, dangerous ravines, past narrow streams.

On wonderful autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare himself a wide, warm hole. Day and night he drags fragrant leaves, soft forest moss, dried blades of grass and twigs that he found in the forest into the house. I would like to make sure he has a comfortable bed.

A huge snowdrift covered the hole, and the hedgehog took refuge under such a fluffy blanket. Fine happy hedgehog live in your hole! He sleeps here, has wonderful dreams, and we are happy for him. The hedgehog will wake up in a good mood and then go to inspect his farm.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 3.

Winter sorceress.

Winter struggled for a long time with the stormy autumn. In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and then real winter came.

A cold, sharp wind is howling terribly in the field, and a blizzard is blowing. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost froze the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its thick crowns will last all winter, and their power cannot be broken even by an evil hurricane. Willows, birches, and rowan trees drowned in dense snowdrifts.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She appears black among the dazzling, untouched whiteness of the light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell down onto the path. Where is she in such a hurry?

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning until late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest. You don’t have time to follow their movements at all.

“Mom, I see squirrels!” - exclaimed the joyful baby. And the protein has already disappeared.

Mischievous squirrels will climb to the top of a huge pine tree and jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food supplies: tasty mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

These wonderful housewives will hide what they found in the forest storerooms.

They will make warm nests in a cozy hollow house, settle in them, and soon little squirrels will appear in new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be raised by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will be saved from severe frosts, sharp, cold winds and heavy snowfalls. Live securely in warm, cozy nests.

(120 words)

Dictation No. 5.

Moonlight night.

A good autumn moonlit night in the vicinity of the village of Ilinskoye! On the sides of the road, young trees stood frozen: birch, spruce, pine, aspen.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping earth, and the bright yellow moon illuminates the forester’s hut, which is located near the narrow Lyuban River. The gloomy sky is replete with frequent stars and looks down on the night earth.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly a slight rustling of leaves was heard to the left. “Yes, it’s a squirrel!” - I shouted. Leaves fell on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

You can already feel the approach of winter. Soon the ice will freeze the river, its banks will be covered with a fluffy carpet, and a huge snowdrift will cover the forester’s hut.

The beam throws light onto the clearing, and the trees glow with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. There are crimson lights all around late autumn. Hello, moonlit night!

(120 words)

Dictation No. 6.


Spring is an amazing time of year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. The snow has long disappeared from the fields in muddy streams. From the junction to the nearest village, the winter rye is green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. In the distance there was a birch grove, and at its edge there were young bushes. There is no longer any feeling of dampness in the air, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to be shaken up and filled with some new sounds. The joyful hubbub of birds can be heard from the surrounding groves, arable fields and pastures. The sound of a truck was heard at the crossing. “Egorych, open the way!” - the driver shouts cheerfully. In the thicket of the forest, in every furrow someone’s whisper is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, a delicate stem gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature celebrates spring renewal. Hello Spring!

(119 words)

Dictation No. 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given up their fruits, and she is just beginning to decorate herself with crimson-red clusters. The cold weather sets in, and the birds eat the bittersweet berries.

You will find rowan trees everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in clearings. It grows near houses, spreads branches from behind the fence, settles down on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes privacy rather than dense thickets. In some places the trees feel better near the mountain ash because a huge number of birds flock to it and destroy the pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. The rowan tree does not give up, and every autumn its charming outfit enchants us again. “This is last year’s beauty!” - we exclaim joyfully.

We hope to meet the mountain ash next fall, when we come to admire its crimson clusters.

See you, miracle tree!

(119 words)

Dictation No. 8.


One day my mother called her youngest son: “Yura, look at the butuzik I brought!”

Mom was holding a purse, where someone in a fur coat was fidgeting on a bed of soft leaves.

“Come out, baby, don’t be afraid,” my mother suggested. Instantly, an oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears appeared from the wallet. The animal's face turned out to be very funny: everything was gray at the top and bottom, and wide black stripes stretched in the middle from the nose to the ears.

What a wonderful baby he was! Some kind of plump, clumsy butuz. The fur is light gray, and the legs are dark, as if he was dressed up in boots and mittens.

Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was going on. He took the entire pacifier and closed his eyes. Wonderful little badger, funny animal!

(119 words)

Dictation No. 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually winter in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snow flickering in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares and mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals. It's rare that a little hare can avoid being caught in the sharp claws of a dangerous owl when she's about to hunt.

But the polar night is ending. You won’t notice owl’s nests in the stone scatterings, because they are located almost at the very feet. Warmth in the nests is maintained in severe frosts, as they are covered with light down.

This is exactly the nest I found in the crevice. Suddenly, a huge white bird took off from under my feet, and its open wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

“Sergey, what’s there?” - my friend asked in surprise. A frightened chick huddled in the nest, and warm eggs remained lying nearby.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 10.

To my homeland.

In early spring, flocks of birds unite on the southern coasts of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry up and go home!” - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless chains of flights reach their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during a long time, the hard way Some birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The hardiest ones fly to the White Sea. Here they are located along the sandy shores, divided into pairs to build nests and hatch chicks. All summer long, caring parents raise their children.

In the fall, the chicks grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to gather in flocks before flying to warmer climes. There is everything for a carefree life: sun, sea, wonderful vegetation.

But you can’t live long in a foreign land. And every spring you see how tired caravans return to their homeland.

(119 words)

Dictation No. 11.


One day, Gaidar went to meet the guys at the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to be boasting: “I’m a famous dad’s daughter and I’ll grow up soon!”

While reading the fairy tale “The Hot Stone,” everyone sat quietly, but Zhenya first looked around from above, then stomped restlessly and began running up and down the stairs. The boys looked at her menacingly and would have poured them out, but they were embarrassed by the famous writer.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: “Take the girl away, she’s in the way!” Zhenya shrank and burst into tears, but the overjoyed boys still pulled her off the stage.

Gaidar read the story to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love for the writer, about respect.

“To Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

(120 words)

School Olympiad in Russian language



Chickens are the jungle cat’s favorite treat. One day a predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. The annoying bird settled over his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to be teased by the clucking of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful companion. He restrained his impotent anger and hatred towards his obsessive companion, who sat on the branches of a pine tree. Then he began to make his way to the village. The magpie still did not leave him and still continued to guard him.

Suddenly the cat arched his back, looked fiercely at his tormentor and sharply shouted: “Kha!” Then he jumped to the side and disappeared into the thickets, while the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

(119 words)

Control dictations for 5th grade

Summer is ending. The fires of leaf fall are getting brighter and brighter. Autumn painted birch and maple trees yellow, and the aspen leaves turned red. She went to the forests, to the fields, to the meadows, removed the golden grain from the fields, and in the meadows swept the fragrant haystacks into tall stacks.

Schools of birds rose into the sky: cranes, ducks, geese. Here, just under the clouds, large white birds fly and send farewell greetings to their native places. "Goodbye, birds!" - people see them off.
Autumn is in a hurry, in a hurry. The motley collection of leaves is washed away by the cold rain. The sun came out from behind a cloud, and under its gentle rays the gloomy picture of autumn changed. (92 words)

(According to G. Skrebitsky)


The last smile of the sun fades and fades on the tender greenery of the birch tree. Its sticky leaves are blooming. Once a year there is such a fresh scent.
The first star is already entangled in the ligature of the branched top and looks at the ground with curiosity. Birds are pouring in: robins, finches. The most vocal singer at this time is the blackbird. You not only hear it, but also see it. He sits on the top of a spruce tree, spins and sings loudly.
The radiant colors of the sunset shimmer wonderfully. As dusk deepens, its purple fades. The ringing evening fades into the darkness of the night. The blackbird whistled one last time and flew away. Suddenly a rushing stream began to speak, and the voices of birds stopped echoing the singing of the water. A charming moment of forest silence! (101 words)

(According to D. Zuev)


We wandered through the forest for a long time. The day was ending and twilight was approaching. The distant sun went beyond the horizon and cast its last rays onto the earth. The forest clearings filled with thick darkness, and it crawled from the ground to the tops of the trees: spruce, pine.
But the birds fell silent, only sometimes the lonely voice of a bird is heard. Soon we began to notice the outlines of the branches with great difficulty, because the rays of the evening sun barely illuminated the forest.
When the sun disappeared behind the treetops, the trace of the familiar path began to disappear.
The first star appeared above the Christmas tree. The night was coming into its own. “It’s time to go home,” we decided. (91 words)


IN mature age I have watched the sunrise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops of the heads, when the black tops of the trees are clearly visible against the sky. There is dew on the grass. A spider's web stretched out in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. It smells like resin on a dewy morning. You try to make a path through the thicket of the forest to the river.
I saw the sun rise over my native fields, over the dense thickets of bushes near the river. The transparent mirror of the water reflects the pale stars, the thin crescent of the month. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. The cool dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day. (100 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

In the Pamir mountains

We are in the Pamirs. Rocky ridges rise above the pinkish clouds. There are villages in the valleys where gardens grow and people sow barley and wheat.
Along the banks of the rivers there are ruins of ancient fortresses. Now their walls and loopholes are overgrown with dense vegetation. Black jackdaws make nests in deep cracks, and snakes nest in the crevices of rocks. One of them sparkled in the sun and disappeared among the stones.
We approach the foot and settle down here to rest. With pleasure we inhale the aroma of flowering plants. Suddenly we notice drawings on the rocks. This artist many centuries ago painted animals, people, and wrote numbers. Rock art tells about the ancient Pamirs. We looked at these amazing drawings for a long time. (102 words)

Protect the forests!

Our forests often die from ruthless treatment. People unknowingly throw a match, and large areas of the forest die from its fire. A lot of forests are being cut down. It's easy to cut down a tree, but it takes decades to grow it.
A forester monitors the planting of young trees. He identifies places that were damaged by fire, outlines where it is necessary to clear the forest of windfall, allocates areas for loggers to work, and participates in the fight against forest pests. Caterpillars sometimes eat growing shoots and eat leaves. Hares and mice gnaw the roots of young trees. But the forest also has friends - birds. They are excellent assistants to foresters.
Take care of the forest, guys! This is our wealth. (98 words)


On a moonlit night it is light in a birch forest. The light of the moon is reflected on the snowdrifts, and the forest looks like a huge hall with white columns. The silence of a clear winter night is full of secrets.
A bear is dozing in a den, but he listens sensitively to life. winter forest. Snowflakes rustle barely audibly on the bark of old aspens, slide along the slender peaks, and cling to the pine needles.
The night is coming. Complete silence. And suddenly the snow crust crunched and the dry wood crackled. The bear ruffled its feathers, pricked up its ears, and flashed its eyes. Yes, these are moose! The couch potato calmed down, put his head on his front paws, and closed his eyes.
The bad weather will clear up, snow will fall in flakes, and the wind will howl in the peaks. The bear will be lulled to sleep by the lullaby of the blizzard. He is sweetly dozing in his den.
March is the last month of hibernation for the forest owner. (108 words)


In April, the last snow melts in the fields, cheerful streams ring through the ravines, and rivers break the winter ice. The earth awakening from its winter sleep smells like spring. Resinous, fragrant buds are inflated from the trees in the forest.
The white-nosed rooks have already arrived. Starlings bask in the sun. With songs, vocal larks rise into the blue heavenly distance.
A special hour is coming in Russian nature. Invisible blue gates will open up to the sky, and schools of migratory birds will appear. From the warm south to the cold seas their cheerful voices will be heard.
Forest sounds are also varied. A transparent drop fell from a slender birch tree, and a thin, crystal ringing was heard. The hunter’s sensitive ear can already sense the whisper of the awakened earth. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


Real spring comes from mid-March. The roofs are leaking and long icicles are hanging down. Sparrows chirp joyfully under the rays of the bright sun. On forest paths, prickly snow falls under your feet.
Gardens are already blooming in the south. An army of migratory birds is preparing to travel. From distant Africa they set off on a long journey. The first close guests are rooks. In old parks, they build their nests on tall trees and fill the surrounding area with noise and din. Soon the first larks will appear on the spring thawed patches.
The sun is getting hotter every day. Spring streams run under the snow. April will come soon. April is the noisiest month of spring water, the awakening of the earth, the rapid movement of juices. (98 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)



Yegorushka listened for a while, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, drawn-out song made the air more stuffy, hotter and more motionless... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress. Spelling of vowels not checked by stress. Spelling n And NN in adjectives; noun endings; indefinite pronouns with - That; adverbs; Not And neither With in different parts speeches; derivative prepositions; particles would with other words.

Punctuation marks in complex and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence (with repeated conjunctions and with a generalizing word); at separate definitions expressed by adjectives and participial phrases; at comparative speeds.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

(“zero” slice).


Egorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially noticeable now after eating, ran to the sedge and from here looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. From behind the rocky hill rose another, wider one; a small village of five or six courtyards was built on it. There were no people, no trees, no shadows visible near the huts, as if the village had suffocated in the hot air and dried up. Having nothing better to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.

Suddenly, quiet singing was heard. Somewhere not nearby, a woman was singing. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from underground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that it was the grass that was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her in vain; she assured that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought; there was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was in unbearable pain, sad and sorry for herself.

Yegorushka listened for a while, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, drawn-out song made the air more stuffy, hotter and more motionless... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)


    Parse the words according to their composition: strange, sun, listened

    Execute phonetic analysis words: Egorushka, singing.

    Parse the sentence syntactically.

Having nothing better to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

(“zero” slice).

From the early childhood and until old age, a person’s entire life is continuously connected with language.

The child has not yet learned to speak properly, but his ear is already catching the murmur of grandmother’s fairy tales and mother’s lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are a language.

A teenager goes to school. A young man goes to college or university. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, he sees for the first time the immensely complex Universe reflected in words. Through the word, he learns for the first time about what his eyes have not yet seen.

The new person is related to ancient thoughts, with those that formed in the heads of people thousands of years before his birth. He himself gains the opportunity to address his great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And all this thanks to language.

And you, and I, and each of us - we all think constantly. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language. Without it, it is impossible to work in concert, together with others. Without his help it is unthinkable to move science, technology, crafts, and art forward one step further.


    Write out keywords text.

    Find synonyms and antonyms for the words:

joyful -


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance Art.



written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance Art.

What was new in Renaissance art was that ideas about deity and heavenly powers are no longer interpreted as an incomprehensible mystery and, most importantly, this art is imbued with faith in man, by virtue of his intelligence and creative capabilities.

Art sought not only to fill churches and palaces, but also to find a place for itself in city squares, street intersections, on the facades of houses and in their interiors. It was difficult to find a person indifferent to art. Princes, merchants, artisans, clergy, and monks were often people knowledgeable in art, customers and patrons of artists.

The development of art was greatly facilitated by the accumulation of quickly acquired wealth in large cities. But easy success did not spoil even the most greedy artists for fame and profit, since the strict principles of the guild organization of artistic work were still strong. Young people were trained by working as assistants to mature masters, which is why the artists knew the craft so well. Works of art were created with care and love. Even in cases where they do not bear the imprint of talent or genius, we are invariably admired by beautiful craftsmanship.

(From the encyclopedia of a young artist) (168 words)


    Select a complex sentence from the text and perform syntactic analysis.

    Write down phrases with the most frequently occurring word in the text.

First half of the year

1 quarter


When the boy was sat down, he seemed to calm down somewhat. Despite the strange sensation that filled his entire being, he still began to distinguish individual sounds. Dark gentle waves continued to rush uncontrollably, and it seemed to him that they were penetrating inside his body. But now they brought with them either the bright trill of a lark, or the quiet rustle of a blossoming birch tree, or the barely audible splashes of the river. A swallow whistled with its light wing, describing strange circles nearby, and the midges rang.

But the boy could not grasp these as a whole, could not connect them. They seemed to fall, penetrating into the dark head, sometimes quiet, unclear, sometimes loud, bright, deafening. At times they crowded together, mingling unpleasantly into an incomprehensible disharmony.

And the wind from the field kept whistling in his ears, and it seemed to the boy that the waves were moving faster and their roar obscured all other sounds. And as the sounds faded, a feeling of some kind of tickling languor poured into the boy’s chest. The face twitched with rhythmic tints running across it; the eyes closed and then opened again, the eyebrows moved anxiously, and a question, a heavy effort of thought and imagination, made its way through all his features. The consciousness, not yet strengthened and overflowing with new sensations, began to exhaust itself: it was still struggling with the impressions surging from all sides, trying to stand among them, merge them into one whole and thus master them, defeat them.

But the task was beyond the capabilities of the child’s dark brain, which lacked visual representations for this work.

The boy groaned quietly and leaned back on the grass. His mother quickly turned to him and also screamed; he lay on the grass in a deep faint. (245 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko)

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of a word; vowel in verb suffixes. Spelling adverbs.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of a sentence; in sentences with isolated members; in complex and non-union complex sentences. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections.


Chekhov is on his way.

(I. Stepanov)

3rd quarter


Chekhov is on his way.

We have already experienced a lot of painful road inconveniences and disappointments, but nowhere have we seen such a difficult road, such an impassable crossroads, as between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. Here, together with the coachmen, we had to fight the cold, spring slush, colossal river floods, and dirty pits without rest. How many times has the cart broken down! How long it was necessary to sit on the banks of various rivers in the rain, cold, wind and spend days and nights waiting for ferries and boats. And how sad it was to get off the cart and splash through icy puddles, mud, in felt boots, swear, not sleep for twenty-four and thirty hours in a row, eat only bread and tea, and even go hungry in the provincial towns of Siberia, because you couldn’t get a single sausage in the shops , no cheese, no meat, and not even herring.

He never lacked life observations. The impressions of his adolescence and youth were not forgotten, and as an artist he was able to expand them, tone them, and thanks to this, sitting

on Malaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, he could write 120 - 130 stories a year. But on the road, I barely had time to keep a travel diary, send short letters to relatives and small correspondence to Suvorin for Novoye Vremya.

A whitish fog crawled low along the ground. It was gloomy in the silent ocean of the cold taiga. The cold was inexorably pestering, and it already seemed that summer would never come in Siberia.

It was sad to look at the ugly road, which seemed

some kind of monstrous black smallpox had destroyed everything; it was even sadder to think that this road, deadly for people and horses, was the only thread along which civilization stretched from Europe to Siberia. (250 words)

(I. Stepanov)


annual test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Another day passed, and the hussar completely recovered. He was extremely cheerful, joked incessantly with Dunya, then with the caretaker, whistled songs, talked with passers-by, entering their travel documents in the postal book, and the kind caretaker liked him so much that on the third morning he was sorry to part with his beloved guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was getting ready for mass. The hussar was given a wagon. He said goodbye to the caretaker and Dunya and volunteered to take her to the church, which was located on the edge of the village. Dunya stood in bewilderment.

“What are you afraid of? “- her father said to her, “after all, his honor is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church.” Dunya sat down in the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped onto the handle, whistled, and the horses galloped off.

The poor caretaker did not understand how he could allow his Duna to ride with the hussar, how blindness came over him and what happened to his mind then. Less than half an hour had passed before his heart began to ache, and anxiety took possession of him to such an extent that he could not resist and went to mass himself.

(A.S. Pushkin. Stationmaster) (172 words)


    Find outdated words in the text and give them an interpretation.

    Sort out the words according to their composition: deliver, third, guest, blind, allow.

    Select an offer with various types connections and perform parsing.

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