Home Blanks for the winter Lunar horoscope by date of birth. Lunar Taurus - characteristic

Lunar horoscope by date of birth. Lunar Taurus - characteristic

Moon and hair cut

Taurus has a beneficial effect on general state hair. it good time in order to get a haircut. A haircut will have a positive effect on your emotional background, will give your hair new strength and a boost of energy, which will have a very wonderful effect on your appearance! On this day, wellness procedures at home with the help natural ingredients will bring even more benefits than in the salon. Any procedures related to hair, whether it is coloring gray hair, plucking hair, strengthening procedures will be beneficial at this time.

Moon and vegetable garden

Taurus is a very fertile and highly productive zodiac sign. The seeds of the plants that have been planted these days will give a bountiful harvest, and the fruits will be very safe. But using the seeds of these plants for sowing is not worth it because of their short storage and low germination capacity. If you still managed to plant these seeds, then be prepared for a long germination. However, there will be a lot of shoots, and the flowering of plants will be long and beautiful. The seedlings will have strong roots and small size, but this will not affect the crop, which promises to be abundant. Such plants tolerate frost well and tolerate sharp temperature changes well, however, they often get sick, so they produce poor quality seeds.

Moon and human character

The position of the moon determined the presence of an inner core in the character of Taurus. With an independent view of things, Taurus demonstrates a clear inner position. His reaction to people and events is usually quite reserved. They say about such people: "This is a reliable person in all respects." Demonstrating firmness, integrity of character, Lunar Taurus rarely changes his principles in force majeure, remaining confident in his own abilities.

Moon in Taurus makes a person pleasant to talk to. He does not assume importance, does not seek to impose his will and control people. His loyalty attracts. Lunar Taurus does not require immediate answers or immediate results.

We can say that he is an outside observer. But this is also the weakness. A laissez-faire policy can sometimes hurt. In new circumstances, a person acts according to the old schemes, when it is necessary to be active, comparing his actions with the changed conditions.

Lunar Taurus has a huge stock of common sense. Once he has made a decision, he will never back down. Even if the goal has lost its meaning, has lost its former attractiveness. Taurus will not deviate from internal principles in achieving it. He doesn't care what others say. As soon as the goal is achieved, Taurus will come up with another one, without listening to advice.

The moon helps Taurus achieve stability and reliability. She develops character towards frugality, not wastefulness. A person is so eager to streamline life that an obsession with success, with a position in society becomes a habit.

Positive character traits of the lunar Taurus: practicality, perseverance, caring, sensitivity, great inner strength. Negative traits: insensitivity to others, unwillingness to adapt to changes, stubbornness, the prevalence of excessive materialism.

Moon and human emotions

People born under this sign do not have ardent passion. But on the other hand, they are distinguished by earthly sensuality, which is impossible not to see.

Taurus know how to restrain their emotions. If they are attracted to someone, they are unlikely to demonstrate their disposition right away, even being absorbed in strong feelings.

Taurus is often reproached for slowness, but perhaps it arises from their desire to be sure or, according to at least, try to be confident in your experiences.

Taurus cares little about the attempts of others to unbalance him. But if someone really pisses him off, Taurus will sweep away everything in its path.

Taurus' inner emotions are sincere and last for a long time. It is very caring but secretive person... He can calm anyone, his advice is always useful. The emotional stability and practicality of Taurus affects people positive influence... At the same time, he strives for restrained relationship, because he wants to live at his own pace.

Moon in Taurus gives such a person a chance to listen to himself, and usually he takes advantage of it. Therefore, unlike other signs, he has enough patience and perseverance to achieve the goal.

Taurus' persistent desire for consistency in own life(especially it concerns emotional sphere) is explained by self-doubt. The feeling of stability is necessary for him to gain emotional integrity.

Moon and career

Moon Taurus is reliable and the strong man... His inner strength and volitional qualities allow him to achieve his goals. He is quite energetic, the reserve of strength is almost never depleted. Taurus has a truly incredible ability to influence the course of events. But, despite the energy inherent in him, it is difficult for Taurus to get down to business without an external impulse. He needs to be encouraged to work. Lunar Taurus is heavy on the rise. But as soon as he starts to act, no one will stop him.

He is ready to work hard and daily for the sake of what he believes in. The moon helps Taurus to succeed, because it guides him towards achievement. concrete results rather than hovering in the clouds in the workplace. In the process of Taurus activity, intuition never fails. If he uses foresight, recognition and promotion await him.

Lunar Taurus does not need to be reminded that patience and work will grind everything, he knows this very well himself. Clearly realizing that it will take him not hours, weeks or even months to implement the most daring plans, he still gets down to work. Success attracts him.

People born under this sign choose the highest step in career ladder... The main motive is to provide a decent, beautiful, stable life for yourself, your loved ones, not only in the present, but also for several years in advance. Sometimes the goal of all his work is the desire to secure the future, to save money for old age.

The moon rewards Taurus with the perseverance necessary to overcome difficulties and achieve high results. Often Taurus themselves create difficulties where they do not exist, but they also overcome them themselves.

Moon and love relationship

People of this sign are capable only of a sincere, deep feeling. They like courtship, the manifestation of care from the other. In their soul mate, Taurus values ​​beauty, charm, and independence. He will decide on a lasting love relationship only if he feels a deep inner connection with a person, because the most important thing for Taurus is to find a soul mate in this world. It will be very difficult for him to trust a person about whom Taurus cannot say that he is the only one. Unlike others, Taurus can sit and wait for a loved one as long as necessary. He has a colossal charm, instantly transforms, feeling love, becoming eloquent, persistent, irresistible. He is ready to defend his position when it comes to choosing a life partner, with all determination and consistency.

He often doubts his sympathies, since he belongs to the category of people who have an innate fear of the possibility of mistakes. There are many people among Taurus who are making every effort to establish love relationships not for a short period, but for long time, excluding the possibility of disruption of plans.

Flirting with a person of this sign is impossible. Taking everything too seriously, he strives for a stable relationship with his soul mate, taking simple, non-binding courtship as a waste of time. He does not consider it possible to consider passion as a manifestation of one of the sides of love.

For a person of the Taurus sign, the presence of a certain goal and firmness in achieving it is characteristic. Having met his soul mate, Taurus will never leave the chosen one on his own initiative, putting up with his shortcomings. He is incredibly loyal and possessed by a spirit of justice.

Sometimes it is believed that Taurus, being too carried away practical side life, capable of depriving loved ones of romance. This is not true. Taurus can be very romantic. It is they who are able to overwhelm the beloved with messages about various dates and events, each time finding the right words.

Outwardly restrained, Taurus has become increasingly sensitive over the years. His love does not subside, but, on the contrary, only flares up.

Most of life with a loved one of this sign will be calm, comfortable, romantic. People feel secure with Taurus in all respects.

Moon and family relationships

Security and stability are the main values ​​that a person born under the sign of Taurus will achieve in life. In this respect, he has no equal. Therefore, he will do everything to family life was also as stable and reliable as possible. He loves his home because it is here that he will find refuge in difficult moment... The world is constantly changing, but Taurus wants to bring it to stability. The family will make his dream come true. He feels calm in his house. The family represents peace and happiness.

Moon Taurus are friendly and reliable people, many are used to turning to them for support and approval. On the other hand, they firmly adhere to their views and can stand unshakably, like a rock, in the event that they try to instill something in them that is completely incompatible with their position. Therefore, they make all decisions in the family. Sometimes their views are uncompromising, which is why misunderstandings and quarrels are frequent.

At the same time, Lunar Taurus is strongly connected with the family, with its traditions, loves to feel the continuity of close family ties and to do everything to preserve them. This is exactly the sign that observes family rituals in his home, rallying relatives.

Lunar Taurus make wonderful parents, because their main advantage is patience and the ability to give in.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in Taurus in the interval:

0 ° - 10 °=> sincerity, benevolence, firmness of character, love for material values ​​and physical pleasures;

10 ° - 20 °=> a realistic outlook on life, everyday practicality, prudence, prudence, with a negative configuration with the Sun (in Aquarius, Scorpio and especially in Leo) - selfishness;

20 ° - 30 °=> enterprise, composure, ability to concentrate, serious attitude to life, excluding frivolous actions.

Why is a man getting married? What needs is he trying to meet in a relationship? The Moon knows these secrets. It is she who symbolizes the role that a woman should play in a man's life. Let's ask Vasilisa Volodina, a famous professional astrologer, in addition, she can rightfully be called an expert in the relationship between a man and a woman, what is needed a man with the Moon in Taurus:

Man with Moon in Taurus, Moon in Virgo or Moon in Capricorn psychologically survives in our society with the help of order, discipline. He is trying to give his existence some permanent form. Feels safe, confident in tomorrow only when circumstances do not change quickly, when the established way of life does not presuppose shocks and sudden shocks. Better to let everything be inert and the same day after day! This is his main internal need - the constancy of events and deeds, the stability of the established order of things. It is in this that he finds a subtle sense of personal happiness.

A man with the Moon in Taurus, in Virgo, in Capricorn is internally afraid of the future, because it can bring changes - who knows what is there, beyond the horizon! And he prefers to stay in today, changing very slowly, or doing everything to ensure a peaceful existence. Therefore he will choose as his wife the one who, by his actions, increases reliability and stability every living day. In a word, he will choose "Hostess".

The name of this type does not imply that a woman is necessarily a housewife. She should be the Mistress of his life - be able to organize it rationally, conveniently, understandably. Its appearance should reduce the amount of chaos and accidents in its everyday reality and increase the predictability of events. First of all, due to the ability to conduct life. It doesn't matter if she will iron shirts, ask her husband to do it himself, or earn money for a housekeeper, but the shirts must be ironed, period. And on time. Children should be clean and well-groomed, with prepared lessons - this is how it should be. Dinner must be ready at the right time, it doesn't matter if she knows how to cook at all, but there must be food in the house at a strictly defined time.

That is, if you, dear reader, want to really build up with this man serious relationship, first of all from you it will take the ability to establish life as a well-functioning system- to distribute to all household members the duties of justice and monitor the implementation of these tasks. Maintain the regime and discipline that he considers to be the only right ones. But how to do it - calmly, with fervor, fun or very tenderly - you should have already understood by studying the chapter on the position of Venus in his horoscope. Do not confuse demeanor and essence of action.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger (July 30, 1947, Moon in Capricorn, Venus in Cancer), being quite recently in a strong marriage with Maria Shriver, demanded from their four children strict observance of order - daily early rise, sports. Things scattered around the house were thrown into the fireplace. One can only guess what it cost Maria herself for many years to build order in the house of the world famous artist and politician.

The star of our series "Streets of Broken Lanterns" Aleksey Nilov (January 31, 1964, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Pisces) is not so tough in demands, it is enough for him that his wife maintain order for him. Alexey was married many times, but ultimately settled on a woman who does not make an artistic career. In one of his interviews, he says: “Lena takes care of me, takes care of the house. Invoices, payments, from which I am a fool of the moment ... "

Keep in mind that from the outside such men look surprisingly calm and balanced, but from the outside. Only those close to you know how they really are cynical, evil, indomitable, if the situation suddenly changes and stable soil floats out from under your feet. God forbid you to bring a man with by the earthly moon out of balance!

A vivid example is the singer Philip Kirkorov (April 30, 1967, Moon in Capricorn, Venus in Gemini), imposing, cheerful, balanced and joyful - but only outwardly. As soon as journalist Irina Aroyan asked an unplanned question at a press conference, a storm of insults followed. The same thing happened during another sensational scandal with the director Yablokova, when the king of pop has gone to assault.

Of course, men of this type do not always react to surprises in this way. More often they still try to control themselves, but it is really difficult for them psychologically to experience any unplanned situations. Therefore, in addition to an established system household relations a man with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn needs a clear understanding of the future. No, no, you are not required to be a fortuneteller, but the future must be outlined at least in the form of a plan, then he will be calm.

Therefore, the duties of the Hostess also include a tactical role - planning family goals, purchases, and affairs. Constantly indicate for him directions of action and help him to go. Something like: "When you marry me, first we will buy a refrigerator, then a car for you, then a fur coat for me, then we will give birth to children and save up for the dacha." It may seem funny and boring to you, but for him such a "plan" is a guarantee inner peace: « A woman is understandable and predictable, it is clear what she wants, so we are on the way with her". He will feel at ease if he knows in advance, for example, where your family will spend the next six months' bonus - to buy a house in Portofino, to repair their beloved Lada, or to help relatives from Norilsk.

Do not flatter yourself, such "planning" does not mean at all that a woman can turn this gentleman at her discretion, moving him towards her goals. If a man does not want to become a millionaire and bathe you in gold, you will not force him to achieve this (Jupiter, Saturn and some other factors of the horoscope motivate him to earn money and social achievements). Most likely, only formal plans will be entrusted to you, not the main ones - those that increase the clarity of life, give a sense of reliability.

But it also happens in another way. For example, US President Ronald Reagan (February 6, 1911, Moon in Taurus, Venus in Pisces) regularly listened to the advice of his wife Nancy about what time to start certain government projects, meetings, public performance, and did not lose in the least from it. The period of his presidency is recognized as one of the most calm in the history of the United States. Of course, Nancy and the astrologer she turned to for these recommendations helped the president not only in tactical planning of meeting times, but also made recommendations for more high order- is it worth deploying certain projects in principle.

That is, Nancy strategically influenced not only Reagan himself as a man, but also the life of the entire state through him. Many famous men with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, wives give themselves completely exactly household ... Well, those who do not yet consider themselves a star are more likely to acquire a spouse with some kind of profession, so that if something happens, the family retains a certain level of material stability. But efficiency is required of you in any case, there will be no relief!

A very illustrative example of high demands on a life partner is the brilliant writer and thinker Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (September 9, 1828, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Leo). He was fond of women many times in his youth. Then, quite reasonably, after much deliberation, he decided to marry Sophia Bers. This is how he describes his married life and worries Sofya Andreevna herself in her diary on December 16, 1887: “This chaos of countless worries, interrupting one another, often leads me to a dazed state, and I lose my balance. It's easy to say, but at any given moment I am concerned about: students and sick children, the hygienic and, most importantly, the spiritual state of the husband, big children with their affairs, debts, children and service, the sale and plans of the Samara estate ... the new edition and the 13th a part with the forbidden “Kreutzer Sonata”, a request for a section with an Ovsyannikov priest, proofs of the 13th volume, Misha's nightgowns, Andryusha's sheets and boots; do not delay payments for the house, insurance, property obligations, passports of people, keep accounts, rewrite, etc. and so on. - and all this must certainly directly affect me. "

And although at the end of his life Tolstoy tried to escape from his wife and the well-arranged life she had built by her forces, this was a struggle not with her, but with himself. With their inner fears and instincts. After all, he chose Sofya Andreevna precisely for possessing these rational qualities and for many years was happy in a world where order, comfort and mode of existence were provided by his wife, who gave birth to 13 children and was able to cope with this household and also help her husband in his writing business.

Based on materials from V. Volodina's books.

Each horoscope is as unique as its owner. In addition to the position of Venus in the sign, there are many other indicators in the horoscope that determine how a man will behave in a relationship and what to expect from a woman. Ask a professional astrologer how your man's heart opens.

People with the Moon in Taurus are usually calm, serious, self-possessed and patient. They are quite predictable, since they are distinguished by the stability of their views, they are conservative, therefore they are not inclined to change their views and opinions. They always have a realistic outlook on life, materialistic interests are superior to idealistic ones. Stability, security, a strong material base - this is the foundation on which they build their lives. They are usually very attached to the family, love nature, animals, and a sedentary lifestyle. They are excellent farmers, gardeners, flower growers, gardeners and livestock breeders. For fruitful work, they need a harmonious microclimate at work, a calm, quiet work environment. A man with the Moon in Taurus tries to benefit from any business and enterprise and stubbornly defends his interests, which are always pushed to the forefront of life.

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The moon in the sign of Taurus is sensual, therefore it strives for all earthly joys, pleasures, pleasures. People with the Moon in the sign of Taurus know a lot about love affairs and, as a rule, they are thoughtful, sensitive lovers and good husbands and wives. They have excellent taste, they have a subtle feel for the color, shape, texture of the material, they have plasticity and a sense of rhythm. They are beautiful themselves, and love to surround themselves with expensive and beautiful things. Reliable as comrades, they can be trusted, they are honest and decent. Although they are power-hungry, they are not aggressive, wayward and not devoid of worldly cunning, but diplomatic.

If damaged- excessive sensitivity and impressionability, excessive sensuality, increased interest in opposite sex, sentimentality, touchiness, moodiness.

The configuration between the Moon in the sign of Taurus and Venus in male horoscopes often indicates fast, not burdensome love affairs or fleeting intrigues, in women's horoscopes - for an abundance of charm and charm.

Characteristics of the Moon in Taurus

keyword- emotional stability

Positive qualities of the Moon in Taurus: conservatism, desire to keep what has been achieved, realism, practical inclinations, endurance, constancy in feelings and sympathies, striving for harmony, a sense of beauty, art and music, connection with nature.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Taurus: stubbornness oversensitivity, convenience, antipathy to change, dependence on mood, tendency to depression.

Features in male horoscope: in contact with Venus (aspect to the Moon) indicates frequent love affairs.

Features in female horoscope: special charm.

Health disorders: throat diseases, strong tissue formations in the neck, inflammation of the tonsils, eye diseases.

Moon in Taurus in the natal chart:

You are attached to everything material, therefore your emotions are also directed towards material comforts and possessions. When the Moon is in Taurus, a person wants to have all the best and is rarely content with little. The moon is exalted in Taurus, this enhances its quality of stability and softens the changeable side.

In any situation, you always feel adherence to your ideals. You are blindly betrayed, sentimental, warm-hearted, kind and shy. You may lack originality, but then try not to be too harsh. You are slow, but your senses are heightened. You have very good memory... Before you commit ka any action, you think it over very well, taking a logical conclusion, guided by ethical rules and ideals. You take everything new and unfamiliar very slowly and carefully. Difficulty changing your mind. And when you have already made a decision, you do not want to hear any objections.

You are a determined person with well developed intuition and the ability to reason soberly. You want to be successful everywhere and in everything. You love collecting and collecting not only when it comes about earth, works of art and other material values, but when it comes to friends, you have a subtle sense of touch and taste and, perhaps, a pleasant voice - both when you talk and when you sing, you love music, art, dance and everything what brings pleasure. You also constantly feel the need to satisfy your physical desires.

You only welcome ideas that fit your persistent temperament. You have a tendency towards being too conservative, narrow-minded and traditional. Beware of excessive feelings of pride, laziness, jealousy, and stubbornness. When you set a goal, you move towards it slowly but surely.

You rarely step back from family traditions, from what you once learned or the ideals that your mother chose for you. You are closely related to your mother, although this connection may not always bring happiness. You are devotee and loving person with strong and permanent bonds of friendship, love and marriage.

In a man's horoscope, she attracts women who awaken his ambitions.

The moon in exaltation contributes to the emotional stability of Taurus, his desire to create a family that stabilizes life, decorates his own home, determines his attachment to good and tasty food, makes him gentle and caring towards children and pets. The moon gives Taurus homeliness, femininity, an emotional attitude to events that affect the strength and stability of the family, the prosperity of the clan. The moon is correlated with a sense of security, which is why Taurus has a strong need to have a good economy that guarantees satiety and security. The moon worries about food supplies, fears circumstances that could destabilize an established life, worries about possible changes, makes sure that everything that has diminished is restored.

Wet Moon makes Taurus a fertile and fertile sign in the zodiac, promotes work fertility and lactation function in women.

The Mystery Principle allows the Moon to keep deep inside Taurus its intimate, it is not available prying eyes... Outwardly, he is calm and decently restrained, but cautious, prudent, anxious, intuitive. He senses the creeping danger, the falsity, the coming changes. A stereotype and strong instinct drives his passions.

Moon in the decanates of the sign of Taurus

Sincerity, benevolence, firmness of character, love for material values ​​and physical pleasures.

Realistic outlook on life and everyday practicality. Prudence, prudence, selfishness.

Entrepreneurship, the ability to concentrate on one thing, a serious attitude towards life, excluding frivolity.

Historical persons with the Moon in the sign of Taurus

Henry III, Louis XI, Louis XVIII, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Nicolas Poussin, Joseph Chamberlain, Wernher von Braun.

Moon transit through the sign of Taurus

These days, the soul softens, tenderness appears, the feeling of love intensifies, aesthetic taste becomes thinner, gastronomic needs increase, and appetite increases. People become calmer, more detailed, down-to-earth and cautious, but at the same time slowed down, as if sleepy and even somewhat lazy. Sensitivity and susceptibility to the beauty of the surrounding world increases, as well as the desire for the little joys of life. The Moon in Taurus gives rise to a desire in people to enjoy the comfort, clean up the house, take care of flowers, work in the garden, draw, listen to music. Their flair for earthly affairs is sharpened and commercialism is more vividly manifested, so people at this time are not inclined to spend money. Children usually become calmer and more assiduous, but require attention and affection. Only fresh food and diet should be consumed, fasting is not recommended.

With tense aspects, people become more stubborn, obstinate, capricious, resentful or apathetic. It can be difficult to persuade them to do something, as people become more suspicious and distrustful. Often during this period, appetite increases, and a person cannot resist the desire to eat something tasty.

Good time:

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • to continue and complete previously started cases, especially those related to property, possessions, agriculture;
  • for cases that take a long time to complete;
  • for commercial activities;
  • for exchange transactions, capital investments, financial transactions, execution and signing of a will, money documents, transfer and receipt of money;
  • for detailed negotiations, conclusion of contracts;
  • for everything related to art, fashion, jewelry, cultural events and entertainment;
  • for artistic or social activities, needlework, work in all types of arts;
  • to meet and communicate with the right people;
  • to strengthen emotional ties, love, acquaintances, especially with women and artists;
  • for cultural events, engagement, weddings, receiving guests, organizing banquets and parties with refreshments;
  • for apartment affairs - buying real estate, exchanging, moving, preferably on the 2nd, 8th, 21st and 25th Lunar day), repairs, cleaning, the beginning of a new building;
  • for the purchase of agricultural implements, building materials, furniture, durable items, clothing (bought with the Moon in Taurus, it will be worn for a long time), as well as fashionable things, cosmetics;
  • to buy exquisite items or jewelry;
  • for agriculture and animal husbandry;
  • for planting trees, shrubs, root crops, everything that grows slowly and must be winterized and stored until spring or the next harvest;
  • for harvesting root crops.

Bad timing:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for cases involving risk and the need to make quick decisions;
  • for work involving fire and metal, hazardous tools;
  • for surgical intervention in the neck, throat, larynx, pharynx, trachea, thyroid gland, removal of tonsils and moles;
  • for the treatment of the above organs, injections, transfusions or bleeding.


  • for money, as it can be spent on pleasure or it can be stolen;
  • stomach problems due to overeating.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbols"

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These people are very pleasant to the environment, as they do not tend to demand immediate answers and give themselves false importance. Lunar Taurus is a person whose Moon in the horoscope is in Taurus.

Moon Taurus - who is he

This is a person who is reliable in all respects by characteristics. Although, this sometimes has its drawbacks. After all, overdoing it with calmness and taking on a detached position, Taurus can harm himself if in this moment it will be necessary to be active in any changes.

The influence of the Moon on Taurus contributes to the development of excellent intuition, gives a huge potential for common sense and a willingness to withstand numerous tests in the name of achieving the ideal. In addition, the lunar type of Taurus is shy, kind and quite sentimental.

Have excellent memory, but poor developed ability creation original ideas... Such people reason soberly, but it is difficult for them to change their opinion about something.

Moon Taurus have an innate excellent taste and talent for gardening and different types art. Most of them have pleasant voices and love to sing, but their other senses of touch are well developed. They love to collect, but not only works of art, but also friends.

In addition, they have a heightened sensitivity to comfort and to their material condition, and also strongly react to harmony and disharmony in relations with the outside world.

Lunar Taurus type in relationships

Lunar Taurus, like ordinary Taurus, are very sexy. As with all aspects of life, they strive to have the very best in relationships. And if the lunar type of Taurus decided that he met exactly the person he needed, he turns into one of the most persistent admirers in the entire zodiac.

Perhaps the reason for such a persistent desire of Taurus to ensure consistency in his life and in his relationships is some kind of self-doubt, which is hidden in the depths of his soul and which he needs to overcome.

Lunar Taurus sincerely wants a deep and meaningful relationship, but at the same time he needs to live in his own rhythm and time. He is not interested in frivolous relationships, and he generally considers divorce unacceptable and even this word itself is excluded from his vocabulary.

And if it comes to breaking up relations, then Taurus prefer to be abandoned. Representatives of this sign also understand that in order to romantic relationship turned into love, they need time. And it is love that occupies one of the highest positions in the priorities of the lunar type of Taurus.

The bright side of the Moon in Taurus
You become more reliable, tenacious, warm-hearted, loving.
Dark side Moons in Taurus
You become more stubborn, inflexible, distrustful, your sense of ownership intensifies, you are afraid to get out of a well-worn rut.

Reliable Taurus stabilizes and enhances the influence of the Moon. Moon in Taurus gives you great ability to concentration. You carefully weigh your sensory feelings before making a decision, less succumb to momentary impressions. It takes time to come up with a solution - you have to be sure of all the facts - but then you cannot be persuaded. Lunar Taurus slowly assimilates information. By doing this, you will be determined and unswerving to follow your course. Taurus is a sign of material property; a man with the Moon in Taurus is an accumulator that collects earthly values. You are less emotional than representatives of other lunar signs.

While adapting well to society, you dislike crowded parties and noisy crowds. Your idea of perfect evening associated with a candlelit home dinner with a few close friends.

Lunar Taurus, as a rule, is monogamous, and therefore, deciding to associate fate with him, be prepared to bear responsibility for this decision. No "trial marriages", no "getting married"! Only once - and forever. Note that if Lunar Taurus really loves you, it will be very difficult for you to free yourself from family ties with him, if not impossible. Lunar Taurus can "mature" for a very long time before deciding to marry, but if he has already decided, then no one and nothing will make him change his mind. The feelings of the lunar Taurus are very deep, although they do not have violent manifestations. Light flirting is impossible with lunar Taurus: he is always tuned in to a long, serious relationship. He needs stability and order in everything. Yes, he will not rush headlong into an ardent passion, and do not hope. But he is a very reliable person. Lunar Taurus will not immediately show you his feelings. If you get his attention, he will most likely be looking at you for a long time from afar. Even if you let him know that you are also not indifferent to him, he is unlikely to immediately take the first step towards. He needs to think over everything and ripen to everything. If you want to establish a closer relationship with Lunar Taurus, take matters into your own hands. But the main thing is not to rush him, do not demand any quick decisions. The time will come, and he himself will grow up to everything. And then no one will force him to change his mind. With all this, one should not assume that this is a boring and apathetic person. Moon Taurus is endowed with a deep passion, he just often suppresses his emotions. But remember the adage that calm waters are deep! If only you can adapt to his somewhat slower rhythms, life with him will be calm, stable, not promising changes. And remember that Taurus does not like frivolity, he is shocked by too bright and frank display of emotions, he does not like extravagant behavior and absolutely does not tolerate ridicule in his address, especially in front of witnesses. At the same time, it is very important for the lunar Taurus that you demonstrate your love to him, openly show care, warmth, and attention. It is very important to demonstrate your understanding of the feelings of lunar Taurus. Remember that, stumbling upon coldness, Lunar Taurus will simply withdraw into himself. In love, Lunar Taurus feels best in a close, reliable union. Your security increases when you share shelter and pleasure with someone you love and love. You are looking for a true soul mate and, having found it, you become happy and faithful. The other side of the coin is that Lunar Taurus tends to stay in an unhappy marriage or romance for too long. Because of your need for security and dislike for change, you give up new experiences and are content with what you have.

Whatever your zodiac sign, the Moon in Taurus emphasizes your stamina, conservatism, sensitivity and sensuality, the need for protection and love.

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