Home Preparations for the winter Olympiad tasks in history 5. Russia will have a flag and anthem. Who are the stars of the Russian national team?

Olympiad tasks in history 5. Russia will have a flag and anthem. Who are the stars of the Russian national team?

Exercise 1. What cultural monument are we talking about?

This magnificent structure was built in Egypt around 2570 BC. e. near Memphis, in Giza. The height reaches 146.5 m. The construction took about 2,300,000 stone blocks.

Task 2. In 1900, archaeologists excavated the leader's burial ground, where the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels were found. It was established that the burial was made 7240 years ago. In what year was the leader buried?

Task 3. Rome was founded in 753 BC. e. How many years passed from the founding of Rome to the first mention of Moscow in the chronicle?

Task 4. Choose 1 correct answer in each task.

1) This text was written in cuneiform in big stone. It is the oldest set of laws in the history of mankind. This is about

A) the Bible B) the laws of King Hammurabi C) the laws of the Dragon D) the laws of Lycurgus

2) The "Kingdom of Countries" was called:

A) Neo-Babylonian kingdom B) Assyrian power

C) the Persian Empire D) the Qin Empire

3) The ancient Greeks calculated their chronology from

A) the beginning of the Trojan War B) the first Olympic Games

C) the founding of the first colony D) Solon’s reforms

Task 5. Choose several correct answers in each task:

1) The heroes of the Iliad are:

A) Achilles B) Polyphemus C) Cassandra D) Penelope D) Hector E) Agamemnon G) Theseus

H) Alkina I) Circe C) Patroclus L) Priam

2) Highlight the most important features of the Greek colonies:

A) formed as a result of conquests

B) arose during the process of peaceful resettlement

C) as a rule, they were at enmity with the local population

D) were located on the sea coast, near convenient harbors

D) were exclusively trading settlements, their inhabitants did not engage in agriculture

E) the colonists created their own polis similar to the one they left, supporting with

him friendships

Task 6. Place the events in chronological order.

1) Reign of Qin Shi Huang

2) Greek conquest of Troy

3) Construction of the Cheops pyramid in Egypt

4) Reign of Hammurabi

5) The first Olympic Games

6) Appearance single state in Ancient Egypt

7) Siege of Megiddo by Thutmose III

Task 7. Insert “catchphrases” instead of the gaps.

A lot of catchphrases came into our language from ancient Greek mythology.

1) We call hard, endless and fruitless work...

2) The expression ... has long been used to designate a person’s weak, vulnerable place.

3) If a person finds himself in a situation where danger threatens from two sides, they often say that he found himself...

4) A very littered, dirty place, where everything is lying around in disarray, people still call it...

5) The subject that caused any quarrel is called...

Task 8. It is known that the Egyptians paid a lot of attention to observing starry sky. Priest-astronomers compiled it detailed maps. On these maps, the stars are grouped into constellations, which are given the names of the animals and objects whose outlines they resembled. The constellations of the Bull, Crocodile, and Hippopotamus are marked on Egyptian maps. Constellation Ursa Major The Egyptians called it "Ox Leg". And Egyptian astronomers called the five celestial bodies “stars that are never at rest.”

1) Why did the Egyptians pay a lot of attention to studying the starry sky?

2) Why were the priests doing this?

3) What facts from the life of the ancient Egyptians indicate that it was developed there?

4) Give modern names to the five stars “that are never at rest.” Why did the Egyptians give them this characteristic?

Task 9. Answer questions about biblical stories:

1) What two parts are all the books of the Bible divided into?

2) What is translated from Greek language What does the word "Bible" mean?

3) What were the names of the first people, according to the Bible?

4) The mountain where the prophet Moses received the Ten Commandments from God

5) The mountain on which the ark of righteous Noah stopped after the Flood?

6) From what event do we calculate chronology?

7) Small Jewish village where Jesus Christ was born?

8) The capital of the Hebrew Kingdom and the modern state of Israel?

9) The name of the disciple of Christ who betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver?

10) The mountain on which Christ was crucified?

11) Sacred symbol Christianity, a symbol of Salvation?

12) What are the disciples of Christ called who spread His teaching among different nations?

Task 10. Explain the meaning of the “catchphrases” that came to us from the Bible:

1) Judgment of Solomon

2) Ascend Golgotha

4) Pandemonium of Babel

5) Wolf in sheep's clothing

6) Kiss of Judas

7) Golden calf

Write down in one column the expressions whose source is Old Testament, and in the other - expressions taken from the New Testament.

Task 11. You need to build a pyramid consisting of 9 tiers. Each tier is one word representing a concept or name from history. Ancient Egypt. Among these words are: a device for raising water, material for writing, the name of the one whose tomb Carter found, the surname of the one who revealed the secret of Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptian symbol life, one of the wonders of the world, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, the names of the solar gods, “the key of life.”

The purpose of the History Olympiad: search and further development intellectual and cognitive abilities gifted students of secondary schools and lyceums who are truly interested in history.
This is the most effective tool for selecting talented guys.

History Olympiad 5th grade with answers

History Olympiad 5th grade

Olympiad tasks in history grade 5 with answers

Exercise 1.

You must choose the correct answer

1. In what primitive group main role played family relationships?

A. in the human herd B. in the tribal community C. in the state

2. What allowed to primitive man survive the Ice Age?

A. gathering B. metal tools C. mastery of fire

3. Who ruled the clan community in primitive society?

A. kings B. priests C. elders

4.The creature that guarded the pyramids:

A. priests B. sphinx C. wars

5. “Home” of the gods in ancient Egypt:

A. sarcophagus B. pyramids C. temple

6. Egyptian pharaoh, to whom the largest pyramid was built:

A. Akhenaten B. Cheops C. Tutankhamun

7. What is the name of Egyptian writing?

A. cuneiform B. hieroglyphs C. Icons

Task 2.

You are presented archaeological finds in burial ancient man, from which it is necessary to draw scientific conclusions about the activities and life of ancient people.

The remains of a man lying on his side,
- a spear with a copper tip,
- clay jug at the head

Task 3.

1. The manufacture of various products is called.......
2. Belief in witchcraft and werewolves is called.......

Task 4.

Determine the sequence of events.

A. the emergence of a neighborhood community

B. uniting communities into a tribe

B. formation of the human herd

D. the emergence of the first states.

Task 5.

1. Draw 3000 BC on a time tape. and 2000 BC What happened before and for how long?

2. Draw 766 BC on the time tape. and 2008 AD What happened before and for how long?

3. Draw 490 BC on the time tape. and 476 BC What happened before and for how long?

Task 6.

Historical sources there are:

1) written
2) .....
3) .....
4) .....

Task 7.

Find a pair:

Auxiliary historical science

What does he study?

1. numismatics

A) the science of time

2. heraldry

B) the science of measures of length and volume

3. metrology

C) the science of coins (money)

4. chronology

D) the science of coats of arms

Answers to the tasks of the History Olympiad, grade 5:

Exercise 1.

1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - c, 4 - b, 5 - c, 6 - b, 7 - b

Task 2

Evaluated by the commission depending on the conclusions drawn

Task 3.

Craft, magic

Task 4.

C - b - a - d

Task 5.

1. 3000 per 1000
2. 2008 at 232
3. 490 by 14

Task 6.

Oral, material, modern

Task 7.

1 2 3 4
V G b A

1. Write down what is shown


Olympic task. 5th grade. FI ______________________________

1. Write down what is shown

__________________________________ ___________________________

__________________________________ ___________________________

__________________________________ ____________________________

__________________________________ ____________________________

2. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

Hunting, human herd, gathering, tribal, tools, fire.

The first group of people was __________________, then the __________ community appeared. Main occupation primitive people there were ____________ and ___________. Having mastered _________ and learned to make a variety of __________________, primitive people populated large areas of Asia, Africa and Europe.

3. Solve the crossword puzzle.


2.Image of God.

6.Primitive elephant.

7. The first group of people.

11. Union of several clans.



    "DEZELEMLIYE" - __________________________

    "YARIISTO" - ________________________

3. Solve the crossword puzzle.


1.The first occupation of ancient people.

2.Image of God.

3. One of the first tools.

4.The occupation of primitive people, which appeared approximately 10 thousand years ago from question No. I.

5. A period of time equal to 100 years.

6.Primitive elephant.

7. The first group of people.

8. Science that studies the past of mankind from ancient times to the present day.

9. An association of people that replaced the first group of people.

10. Science that studies the past from material remains.

11. Union of several clans.


12. A type of economy in which people learned to create their own food.

4. Rearrange the letters in the words and you will get:

    Belief in existence supernatural powers, gods or God "GILIYARE" - ___________________________

    An activity that arose from gathering, reliably providing people with plant food "DEZELEMLIYE" - __________________________

    The name of the science that studies the past of mankind "YARIISTO" - ________________________

"6th Olympiad IST 1314"

1. Write down what is shown

________________________________ ____________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________

B. Conquest of Rome by Alaric.

5. Answer YES or NO.

Olympiad task in history. 6th grade.

FI _________________________________________________

1. Write down what is shown

A______________________________ B___________________________

________________________________ ____________________________

B _____________________________ D ___________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________

3. Correct mistakes in words:

feadal, borshchina, desitina, donzhan, mosaic, emperor, vassal.

4. Arrange events in chronological order:

A. Fall of the Western Roman Empire.

B. Creation of the Frankish kingdom.

B. Conquest of Rome by Alaric.

D. Clovis's adoption of Christianity.

D. Conquest of Gaul by the Franks.

5. Answer YES or NO.

At first, the main occupation of the Germans was cattle breeding._______

The Germanic invasions contributed to the revival of the Western Roman Empire. ________

The word "feud" translated from Latin language means "land ownership". _______

A vassal is a military servant of a lord. _______

    quitrent, corvée, feud, allotment.

    Sickle, scythe, sword, flail.

6. Insert the missing words from the list into the text (there are extra words in the list):

Power, Christianity, squad, Gauls, militia, royal, kingdom, assembly, counts, 500, 800, corvee, churches, king.

Around ____ the Frankish ________________ arose. Clovis became ___________. Strengthening his ___________, he accepted _________________ and received the support of ___________. The center of government of the country became the __________________ courtyard. ___________ were appointed to manage the regions. In case of war, people's _______________ were still collected, but permanent military force became _______________.

7. Complete the concept in question:

    The person who received the land allotment for military service - _____________.

    Large groups people who differ from each other in the rights and responsibilities assigned to them that are inherited - _________________________.

    The responsibilities of peasants in relation to the feudal lord are _____________________.

    Church ministers, one of the main class groups medieval Europe - __________________________.

8. Eliminate superfluous word from a logical series (underline carefully).

    quitrent, corvée, feud, allotment.

    Sowing, harvesting, threshing, preaching.

    Sickle, scythe, sword, flail.

9. Fill in the missing letters:

Barbarians, agriculture, Romans, Va___al, Ga___ia,

quadr__mind, pargam__n, m__narch, friend___ik, Carolings.

10. Rearrange the letters in the words and write down what you get.

SHABIRAN - _____________ VOSELIOS - ______________

RYSONE - _______________ GDILOKHV - ________________

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"7 Olympiad ICT"

FI _________________________________________________





6. Insert the missing letters:

Olympiad task in history. 7th grade.

FI _________________________________________________

1. Write down what modern events these images are associated with



2. Correct the mistakes in words:

Kapetal, absolutism, manofaktura, desitina, reformation.

3. Write down about whom at the beginning of the New Age they could say “Look, there’s a bag of pepper coming” _________________________________


4. Write down the name of the person about whom Victor Hugo wrote:

“There are unfortunate people: ___________________________ cannot write their name on the opening.”

5. By what principle are logical series formed:

    Bombard, cannon, musket, carbine, pistol. _____________________


    Nicolaus Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei _____________


    Martin Luther, Thomas Munzer, John Calvin _____________________


6. Insert the missing letters:

Astr__labe, compass, Protestant, Indianism, Lutheranism, Indians (in America), book reading, carave__a, Calvinism, geography.

8. Write it downwho, when, where

About bargaining for scapegoats, sin

False beliefs, excessive taxes

It was openly stated in the leaflet

The same thing they said at home.

1 Isaac Newton

A) law universal gravity

2 Galileo Galilei

3 John Locke

C) The universe has no edge

4 William Harvey

D) “And yet she spins!”

5 Nicolaus Copernicus

7. Among the inventions and improvements listed below, highlight those that made it possible to make the Great Geographical Discoveries: gunpowder, silk, caravel, porcelain, screw, new sources of energy - windmills and coal, compass, firearms, paper, printing.

8. Write it downwho, when, where did what was described in the poem. What was the name of this leaf? What process begins in Europe after this? The monk stepped onto the porch and nailed

Abstract sheet for the church portal.

It was a trading day. There were more people walking around.

The crowd looked up and read the paper.

About bargaining for scapegoats, sin

False beliefs, excessive taxes

It was openly stated in the leaflet

The same thing they said at home.


9. Complete the concept in question:

    A form of government in which power belongs to one person (the monarch) - _____________________________

    Funds invested in production for the purpose of making a profit - ______________________

    A society based on private property and a market economy - ____________________________

    An enterprise based on manual labor hired workers, where there is a division of labor into separate production operations ____________________________

10. Relate the scientist and discovery, invention, activity.

1 Isaac Newton

A) the law of universal gravitation

2 Galileo Galilei

B) discovered the secret of blood circulation

3 John Locke

C) The universe has no edge

4 William Harvey

D) “And yet she spins!”

5 Nicolaus Copernicus

D) the doctrine of natural (innate) human rights - to life, freedom, property

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"8th Olympiad ICT"


_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

CIPHER: ___________ Olympiad task. Story. 8th grade.

1. Write down who is depicted, the history of which states these people are connected with, how their career ended:

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

2. Select from the list and sign who owns the inventions:

A. Bell, G. Marconi, T. Edison, I. Singer, C. Darwin

________________ _____________________ ____________________

3. The history of which state is presented on the map (time, process, personality, outcome)


7. Answer YES or NO.

4. Complete the concept in question:

    An ideological and political movement based on the idea of ​​preserving traditional values ​​and the old order in society ______________

    Political or military alliance of states for joint action _____________________

    Socio-political movement that proclaimed the principle of civil, political, economic freedoms __________________

    Type of socio-economic system, the features of which are private ownership of the means of production, competition, free market, wage labor - ________________________________

5. Fill in the missing letters:

Industrialization, carbnaria, compr__mi__, naturalism, sentimentalism, r__ism, metropolis, o___position, pr__tect__rat, __ligarchy.

6. Select from the list and write down who we are talking about:

D. Mazzini, G. Ford, D. Byron, M. Faraday, D. Stephenson.

    Discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, received the nickname “Lord of Lightning” from his contemporaries _________________________

    He invented radio at the same time as the Russian scientist, but he managed to patent this invention earlier ___________________________________

    Built the first railway in England in 1825, connecting the cities of Stockton and Darlington. ____________________________

    He created the Young Italy society, which aimed to unite the country. He considered revolution to be the only way to achieve this goal.

    He was the first to begin mass production of inexpensive cars using an assembly line assembly system _____________________________

7. Answer YES or NO.

    During the 19th century, there was a process of transition from a traditional society to an industrial one in the process of militarization ____________

    The main threat of revolutionary events in Europe in the 19th century came from France ________

    The problem of national unification in the 19th century faced Italy, Germany, Russia __________

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"9th Olympiad ICT"

[the party] seeks to rely... on the communal and labor views, traditions and forms of life of the Russian peasantry..."

13. Read the statement and write down whether you agree with it or not.


A. The main method of struggle of the Cadets was revolution.

B. The interests of the peasants were most taken into account in the programs of the Socialist Revolutionary and AKP parties.

IN. The main method of struggle of the monarchist parties was to carry out reforms.

G. The program of the monarchist parties reflected the interests of the bourgeoisie and nobles.

D. Due to disagreements, the AKP split into the Bolshevik and Menshevik parties.

E. The liberals' goal was preservation.

AND. Nicholas II was an honorary member of the Social Democratic Party.

14. Write down the names of the parties:

A. Liberal direction.

B. Socialist direction.

15. Answer the questions:

    When and in what country did this cartoon appear?

    What events are associated with the appearance of this cartoon?

    Describe the characters in the cartoon, their actions - what is the meaning in it.

    Give the cartoon a title.

Olympic task. Story. 9th grade.

1. Before you are the names of Russian military leaders. Highlight participants' names Russo-Japanese War(write in numbers).

    Captain 1st rank V. Rudnev.

    General P. Rannenkampf.

    Admiral S. Makarov.

    General A. Samsonov.

    General A. Kuropatkin.

    General R. Kondratenko.

    General M. Alekseev.

    Vice Admiral 3. Rozhdestvensky.

    General A. Brusilov.

2. Write a title reflecting the content of the proposed characteristics:

1. The desire to weaken competing states in economic and military development;

2. The desire for a military resolution of political and economic contradictions with the help of established military alliances;

3. The desire to preserve existing colonies and capture new colonies, for domination and profit.

3. Write a title reflecting the content of the proposed characteristics:

1. Insufficient capabilities of the League of Nations to perform the functions assigned to it.

2.The desire of the defeated states to return lost territories; the formation of revanchist sentiments; the emergence of political forces preaching totalitarian ideas (fascism).

3. Dissatisfaction of the victorious powers with the terms of the treaties and the strengthening of their former allies.

4. Actual disregard for the interests of colonial and dependent countries.

5. Underestimation of the economic problems of the post-war world order, the desire to rob the vanquished rather than contribute to the restoration of their economy.

4. Write down names historical figures, which we are talking about:

A. After some events, he received the nickname “Count of Polus-Sakhalinsky” in society.

B. in December 1904 he presented the Japanese Emperor with an unexpected and very pleasant surprise.

IN. He headed the most radical party group after the collapse of the RSDLP.

G. was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, “preeminent and dominant.”

D. believed that Russia could be helped to preserve autocracy by a “small victorious war”

5. Write down what unites the above concepts:

A. “Prodvagon”, “Nobel-Mazut”, “Nail”, “Produgol”.

B. cartels, syndicates, trusts, concerns.

V. Cadets, Socialist Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, Octobrists.

6. Write down what we are talking about (event; date; country; characters; what this event led to).

The assassination attempt was carefully prepared. But the terrorist was captured and thrown into prison, where he died in 1918. His corpse was secretly buried in the prison yard. He was aware of the consequences terrorist attack for themselves, but the members of the organization did not think about the consequences of the assassination attempt for the whole of Europe and the world.”

7. Write down what we are talking about (event or process; date or time period; country or countries).

“The catastrophe, in essence, has already broken out in .....; and its first sign is unemployment, which now engulfs millions of people. Those who have lost their jobs are in dire poverty and suffering from hunger. And those who still have work live under the constant threat of unemployment. wages... And the arbitrariness of corporations in the field of food prices!....”

8. Write down what we are talking about (event, date, countries - where it happens, who is to blame for what is happening).

“At 5 o’clock the stunning roar of the guns began, and heavy shells began to explode dully above... and over many villages... The nostrils of the people closer to the front drew in the smell of some kind of hellish essence. Those who stood closer to the northern trenches were in front.... , saw two strange ghost of a greenish-yellow mist, slowly creeping and gradually blurring until they merged into one, and then, moving on, dissolved into a bluish-white cloud... Soon the officers behind the front of the British troops were shocked to see a stream of people fleeing in panic, those who were striving and the rear... The fugitives left behind them at the front a breakthrough more than 4 miles wide, filled only with the dead and half-dead.”

9. Read the text and write down: which states fought + when; what battle are we talking about + date; what are the results of the war?

This attack was unexpected for the Russian squadron: the ships were poorly guarded. Some of them were illuminated. During the first attack, three large Russian ships were disabled. The enemy, unable to immediately destroy the Russian squadron, blocked it in the harbor, flooding the fireships. This was the beginning of the siege.

While the main squadron was fighting the enemy, two ships - a cruiser and a gunboat - took on an unequal battle in another bay. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, the commanders gave the order to blow up and scuttle the ships. This feat became the subject of one very popular song.

10. Read the text and write down: what battle are we talking about + date.

This battle is called the last chord in a war that was supposed to be victorious. The squadron, which had previously traveled around Africa, entered the battle. When the squadron was just passing by Madagascar, it became known about the death of the fleet that it was going to the rescue of. The forces were unequal. The battle took place in the Korea Strait. Most of the squadron's combat units were sunk as a result of the battle, three ships broke through to Vladivostok, four battleships surrendered, and the wounded commander-in-chief also surrendered.

11. Write down which party belongs to this program? “...It sets itself the unwavering goal of developing national Russian self-awareness and the strong unification of Russian people of all classes and conditions for general work for the benefit of our dear fatherland - Russia, united and indivisible... The good of the motherland lies in the unshakable preservation of Orthodoxy, Russian unlimited autocracy and nationality...

The Russian people, the gatherer of the Russian land, ... have primary importance in state life and state building.

The State Duma, alien to all restrictions of the supreme royal power, must be national-Russian.

12. Write down which party this program belongs to? The party...considers itself as one of the detachments of the army of international socialism and conducts its activities in the spirit of the general interests of its struggle, in forms corresponding to Russian reality...

Will defend... the recognition of the following human and civil rights as inalienable: complete freedom of conscience, speech, press, unions, freedom of movement and choice of occupation... universal and equal suffrage for every citizen...

... established on these principles democratic republic with broad autonomy of regions, both urban and rural; possible greater use of federal relations between individual nationalities, recognition of their unconditional right to self-determination... In matters of reorganization of land relations...

Dmitry Simonov
from Buenos Aires

The Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in Buenos Aires from October 6 to 18. Andrey KONOKOTIN, Director of Sports of the Russian Olympic Committee and Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in Olympic Sports Events, told SE about who was included in the Russian national team, how the preparation for the competition took place and what prospects our athletes have.

How many athletes do we have and who are they?

The Russian Olympic team included 94 athletes, including 46 boys and 48 girls. In total, taking into account coaches, specialists, medical personnel, and members of the operational headquarters, the team consists of 167 people. Our guys will take part in competitions in 27 sports. This is absolutely best result for the entire duration of these events. At the previous Games in Nanjing, our team took part in 20 sports.

According to the IOC regulations at the Youth Olympic Games the number of participants from one country in individual sports cannot exceed 75 people. Regardless of how many athletes successfully qualify. We have 86 athletes who have passed the selection process. Unfortunately, we had to make staff reductions.

At the same time, they tried to make sure that the Russian team was represented in more sports (at least one athlete in each). From the selected sports, only badminton was excluded (due to the low personal rating of the athletes and, accordingly, low chances of winning medals) and weightlifting, which was simply not allowed to participate in the Games by its international federation. As you know, the restoration of the rights of the Russian Weightlifting Federation is expected only after October 17, when the Games will already be coming to an end.

As for team sports, which include mini-football, beach handball, rugby sevens and field hockey, one country can be represented by only two teams, and necessarily in different types sports. We will have futsal teams for boys and beach handball teams for girls. Also taking part in the Games will be a women's three-on-three basketball team and men's and women's beach volleyball teams - where athletes qualify for individual rather than team sports quotas.

If we talk about regional representation, then, as usual, among the leaders are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region and the Krasnodar Territory.

The Russian team includes 9 international-class masters of sports, 25 masters of sports, 45 candidates for master and two undisputed athletes.

Medal plan

There is no medal plan as such. But the Russian team is always faced with the task of fighting for a prize in the unofficial team competition. There is reason to believe that this time we will cope with this task!

At the two previous Youth Olympics, Russia took second place behind China. I think that this time the main fight will take place between our teams. Strong teams are expected from the Americans and Germans. By preliminary calculations, in order to finish in first place, we are talking about 33-34 gold medals.

But we must understand that making tough predictions in youth sports is a thankless task. Indeed, unlike the adult Olympics, sometimes the full picture is missing here current state rivals, you don’t always understand who your main competitors are. Young people are characterized by changes in shape; puberty. Or someone may increase sharply. Sometimes jumps in results occur in just six months.

Which species should fans watch out for first?

Swimming. Boxing. Struggle. Judo. Taekwondo. Bullet shooting. Artistic and gymnastics. Mini football. Brakedance.

Who are the stars of the Russian national team?

The most famous athlete is the representative of Moscow, Kliment Kolesnikov, who this year became a three-time European champion in swimming among adults, and last year was fourth at the World Championships.

Anastasia Shamonova is a three-time winner of the world boxing championship.

Christina Adebayo - world championship winner and three-time champion Europe Taekwondo, more than a year never lost in the international arena.

There are strong athletes in all sports. Otherwise, they simply would not have made the team.

I am sure that the most experienced athletes, who have already achieved heights at the adult level, will still be interested in competing at the Youth Games. You may have several adult Olympics in your career, but the Youth Olympics are definitely only one. It will remain in the memory; it is a definite milestone in the life and career of young athletes.

New sports

At these Games there are sports new to the Olympics - breakdancing, karate, rock climbing, roller sports and acrobatics, which were introduced instead of group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics.

And also new disciplines - mini-football, field hockey "5 on 5", beach handball.

In breakdancing, Russia is represented by two athletes who are quite highly rated in the world. According to the head of the Dance Sports Federation, Nadezhda Erastova, who is rooting for her guys with all her heart, there is a chance for medals!

Russia will have a flag and anthem

If we compare it with Pyeongchang, where the head of the delegation was Stanislav Pozdnyakov, and I was his deputy, then the sensations, of course, are very different. It is a great joy and pride for both the guys and us to perform under our flag, wear uniforms with Russian symbols, and listen to our anthem in case of victories. Of course, we are pleased that after the Games in Korea, OCD was fully restored. Just don’t forget what your responsibilities are.

Like housing, like arenas, like weather

The athletes live in the Olympic Village. Apartment type accommodation. Quite spartan. From 4 to 8 people in an apartment. One shower/toilet for four. But, as you know, even adult Olympic athletes are accommodated modestly. I am sure that, as always, this will not prevent the athletes from showing good results.

The competition will take place in four olympic parks, quite distant from each other. Shuttles to the facilities will be provided for athletes. The most for a long time the journey takes about 60 minutes, which is quite tolerable.

It's spring in Buenos Aires. The temperature is comfortable - around 17-20 degrees during the day.

Fans will be able to attend the competitions for free.

Should we expect provocations against Russia?

We naturally accept everything necessary measures security. But I don’t think we should expect political provocations. Even in Pyeongchang, where things were very difficult, there seemed to be only one incident.

Appropriate work has been done with the guys. We hope that athletes from other countries will be as friendly as possible. Still we're talking about about very young people who, as a rule, are far from politics.

Will there be strict doping controls?

Will it increased attention doping officers to Russia? I won’t undertake to predict.

I can only assume that the volumes of samples taken will still not be the same as at the adult Olympics. Although in those sports that are traditionally supervised by WADA, this will happen more often than in conventional breakdancing.

Now everyone has learned so much from the experience of past years that, I hope, everyone has realized that this is not worth doing. The ROC, for its part, pays increased attention to this issue. So, on June 1, Children’s Day, together with RUSADA, the Russian Ministry of Sports and Moskomsport, we held a forum of young Olympians dedicated to anti-doping topics. About 400 athletes were involved, about half of whom were potential participants Youth Games. On the eve of the departure in Novogorsk, during the final training camp organized by the ROC, an anti-doping seminar was held for members of the Olympic delegation.

I hope all this brings positive results!

Will medalists be given cars?

As you know, awards from the state are given to Olympians in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation. There is no such order in relation to the Youth Games. So don't expect prize money or cars.

And in principle, in such at a young age athletes should hardly prioritize the material side. It can even cause harm, leading you astray. The guys have everything ahead. Youth Games can be a springboard to a career for many. And those who achieve sporting heights, over time, they will certainly receive everything they conquer and deserve.

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