Home Roses Otto von Bismarck - "Iron Chancellor" of the German Empire. Bismarck on Russia and Ukraine

Otto von Bismarck - "Iron Chancellor" of the German Empire. Bismarck on Russia and Ukraine


It is said that German Chancellor Otto Bismarck hired a coachman on his way to Petersburg, but doubted that his horses could go fast enough. "Nothing-oh!" - answered the driver and rushed along the road so that Bismarck became worried: “But you won’t dump me?” - "Nothing!" - answered the coachman. Then the sleigh overturned, and Bismarck fell into the snow, bleeding his face on a stump. In a rage, he swung a steel cane at the coachman, who scooped up a handful of snow with his hands to wipe Bismarck's bloodied face, and kept saying: "Nothing ... nothing, oh!" In Petersburg, Bismarck ordered a ring with the inscription "Nothing!". And when the “iron chancellor” was reproached for being too soft on Russia, he answered: “In Germany, only I say“ nothing! ”, And in Russia - the whole people.”

For more than a century there have been fierce disputes about the personality and deeds of Otto von Bismarck. Attitudes towards this figure varied depending on historical era. It is said that in German school textbooks the assessment of Bismarck's role changed no less than six times.

Not surprisingly, both in Germany itself and in the world as a whole, the real Otto von Bismarck gave way to myth. The myth of Bismarck describes him as a hero or a tyrant, depending on what political views the mythmaker adheres to. The "Iron Chancellor" is often credited with words that he never uttered, while many of Bismarck's really important historical sayings are little known.

Otto von Bismarck was born in the family estate of Schönhausen on April 1, 1815 in a family of Prussian landowners. Representatives of this genus mid-seventeenth centuries served the rulers of the province of Brandenburg. The ancestors of the Bismarcks - conquering knights - settled in these places during the reign of Charlemagne. All generations of this family served the rulers of Brandenburg in peace and military fields.

Wilhelmina, Otto's mother, came from a family of civil servants and belonged to the middle class. Such marriages increased in the nineteenth century as the educated middle classes and the old aristocracy began to coalesce into a new elite. At the urging of his mother, Otto and his brother were sent to Berlin for education. For 10 years of study, he changed three gymnasiums, but special interest did not find knowledge. And only in the gymnasium "At the Gray Monastery", where Otto moved in 1830, did he feel freer than in previous years. educational institutions. Of all the subjects, the young cadet was most interested in the politics of the past, the history of military and peaceful rivalry between different countries.

At the age of 17, Bismarck entered the University of Göttingen, where he studied law. When he was a student, he gained a reputation as a reveler and a fighter, distinguished himself in duels (later he boasted of victories in 27 duels more than once). The future chancellor did not bother himself with the sciences at all, giving most of his time fencing and beer. Having started his studies, Otto transferred to the University of Berlin, but even here he was more listed than he studied, since he hardly attended lectures, but mainly used the services of tutors who pulled him up before exams.

Nevertheless, he graduated from the university and immediately tried to enter the diplomatic service, but was refused - his "riotous" reputation affected. And then Bismarck decided to start from the bottom and became an official of the Berlin judicial department.

In 1837, Otto took the post of tax official in Aachen, a year later - the same position in Potsdam. There he joined the Guards Jaeger Regiment. In the autumn of 1838, Bismarck moved to Greifswald, where, in addition to performing his military duties, he suddenly began to study animal breeding methods at the Elden Academy.

An innate distaste for the lifestyle of a Prussian official forced Bismarck to resign in September 1839 and take over the management of the family estates in Pomerania. In private conversations, Otto explained this by the fact that, due to his temperament, he was not suitable for the position of a subordinate. He did not tolerate any superiors over himself: "My pride requires me to command, and not to fulfill other people's orders."

During the nine years that Otto ruled the ancestral lands, their value has increased by more than a third!

True, sometimes during the evening Bismarck lost at cards everything that he managed to save during the months of painstaking management. And sometimes he liked to play pranks: for example, he informed his friends about his arrival by shooting at the ceiling. For violent temper in those years, he received his first nickname - "mad Bismarck."

However, intellectually, the "mad Bismarck" was far superior to his Junker neighbors. On the estate, Bismarck continued his education, taking up the works of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, David Friedrich Strauss and Feuerbach. Otto was an excellent student of English literature, for Bismarck was more interested in England and her affairs than in any other country.

And yet Bismarck could not be just a landowner. The dream of a political career began to come true in 1847, when Otto von Bismarck became a member of the United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom.

The middle of the 19th century was the time of revolutions in Europe. Liberals and socialists sought to expand the rights and freedoms enshrined in the constitution. Against this background, the emergence of a young politician who is extremely conservative, but at the same time has an undoubted oratory was a complete surprise. The revolutionaries greeted Bismarck with hostility, but surrounded by the Prussian king, they noted an interesting politician who could benefit the crown in the future.

We must pay tribute to Bismarck: he did not change his electoral platform almost half a century. He defended the Prussian junkers and the king, who "alone has the power from God to decide the policy of the country." His internal politics later called "the constant duel between the people and the government."

From 1851, Otto von Bismarck, the "mad deputy" as he was now called, represented Prussia in the allied diet, which met in Frankfurt am Main. He continued to study diplomacy and successfully applied the acquired knowledge in practice.

In 1859, the king's brother Wilhelm, who was then regent, sent Bismarck as an envoy to St. Petersburg. There he became close to Russian minister Foreign Affairs Prince Gorchakov, who assisted Bismarck in his efforts to diplomatically isolate first Austria and then France. Gorchakov predicted a great future for Bismarck. One day he said, pointing to Bismarck: “Look at that man! Under Frederick the Great, he could have been his minister." In St. Petersburg, Otto von Bismarck not only mastered the Russian language, but managed to understand the character and mentality of the Russian people. It is from the time of work in St. Petersburg that Bismarck's famous warning about the inadmissibility of war with Russia for Germany, which will inevitably have disastrous consequences for the Germans themselves, will come out.

A new round of Otto von Bismarck's career took place after Wilhelm I ascended the Prussian throne in 1861. The ensuing constitutional crisis, caused by disagreements between the king and the Landtag on the issue of expanding the military budget, forced Wilhelm I to look for a figure capable of pursuing state policy " hard hand." Such a figure was Otto von Bismarck, who at that time held the post of Prussian ambassador to France.

The extremely conservative views of Bismarck made even Wilhelm I himself doubt such a choice. Nevertheless, on September 23, 1862, Otto von Bismarck was appointed head of the Prussian government. A week later, he delivered a famous speech in the Landtag: "The great questions of the time are not decided by speeches and not by decisions of the majority, but by iron and blood." Ignoring the liberal opposition, Bismarck completed military reform and strengthened the German army.

Over the next decade, Bismarck's policy of uniting Germany and raising Prussia over all German lands led to three wars: the war with Denmark in 1864, after which Schleswig, Holstein (Holstein) and Lauenburg were annexed to Prussia; Austria in 1866; and France (the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871). The result of these wars was the unification in 1867 of the German states into the North German Confederation, which, along with Prussia, included about 30 more countries.

All of them, according to the constitution adopted in 1867, formed a single territory with laws and institutions common to all. External and military policy Union was actually transferred into the hands of the Prussian king, who was declared its president. A customs and military treaty was soon concluded with the South German states. These steps clearly showed that Germany was rapidly moving towards its unification under the leadership of Prussia.

It should be noted that after the defeat of the Austrian troops, Bismarck managed to achieve the rejection of the annexationist claims of Wilhelm I and the Prussian generals, who wanted to enter Vienna and demanded large territorial acquisitions, and offered Austria an honorable peace (Prague Peace of 1866). Bismarck prevented Wilhelm I from "bringing Austria to its knees" by occupying Vienna.

The future chancellor insisted on relatively easy peace terms for Austria in order to ensure her neutrality in the future conflict between Prussia and France, which year by year became inevitable, since the southern German lands of Bavaria, Württemberg and Baden remained outside the North German Confederation. France did everything possible to prevent Bismarck from including these lands in the North German Confederation. Napoleon III did not want to see on his eastern borders united Germany. Bismarck understood that this problem could not be solved without a war.

The Franco-Prussian war that broke out in 1870, provoked by Bismarck and formally started by Napoleon III, ended in complete disaster for both France and Napoleon himself, who was captured after the battle of Sedan. No major European power stood up for France. This was the result of the preliminary diplomatic activity of Bismarck, who managed to achieve the neutrality of Russia and England. France had to give up Alsace and Lorraine and pay a large sum reparations.

On January 18, 1871, Otto von Bismarck proclaimed the creation of the Second Reich (German Empire). In the hall of mirrors at Versailles, the Prussian king Wilhelm I, who became the German emperor thanks to Bismarck, inscribed on the envelope an address - "the chancellor of the German Empire", thereby affirming Bismarck's right to rule the empire that he created and which was proclaimed by him.

Assessing his role in the unification of the country, Bismarck said that he always rejoiced when he managed to get even one step closer to the unity of Germany in any way. The victorious wars and the formation of a unified empire reconciled Wilhelm and Bismarck with most of the opposition, which from that moment began to enthusiastically welcome the aggressive policy of the first chancellor.

« Iron Chancellor"- so they began to call Bismarck. He ruled the German Empire for almost 20 years. During this time, Bismarck carried out reforms of German law, management and finance systems, and education reforms (it was the latter that led to conflict with the Roman Catholic Church). Fight against dominance catholic church(and German Catholics made up about a third of the country's population and had an extremely negative attitude towards the almost entirely Protestant Prussia) was called "Kulturkampf" (Kulturkampf - "struggle for culture"). During it, many bishops and priests were arrested, hundreds of dioceses were left without leaders. Now church appointments had to be coordinated with the state; clerics could not be in the service of the state apparatus.

However, Bismarck social laws(on insurance of workers in cases of illness and injury, on old-age and disability pensions), which laid the foundations social insurance. At the same time, Bismarck opposed any legislation regulating the working conditions of workers.

In the field of foreign policy, Bismarck made every effort to maintain peace in Europe, but at the same time the German Empire had to remain one of the leaders in international politics.

Bismarck, strictly speaking, never rushed beyond the boundaries of the European continent. He once said that if Germany were chasing colonies, it would become like a Polish gentry who boasts of a sable coat without having a nightgown.

Bismarck skillfully maneuvered in the European diplomatic theater. "Never fight on two fronts!" he warned the German military and politicians. To this end, Bismarck managed to successfully cope until his own resignation, but his cautious policy began to irritate the German elite. new empire wanted to take part in the redistribution of the world, for which she was ready to fight with everyone. The "Iron Chancellor" began to interfere with a new generation of politicians who no longer dreamed of a united Germany, but of world domination.

The year 1888 went down in German history as the "Year of the Three Emperors". After the death of the 90-year-old Wilhelm I and his son, Frederick III, who suffered from throat cancer, the 29-year-old Wilhelm II, the grandson of the first emperor of the Second Reich, ascended the throne.

The new Kaiser grew up an ardent admirer of the "Iron Chancellor," but the now boastful Wilhelm II considered Bismarck's policies too old-fashioned. Why stand aside when others are dividing the world? Wilhelm considered himself a great geopolitician and statesman. At one of the banquets, he said: "There is only one master in the country - this is me, and I will not tolerate another."

In March 1890, the 75-year-old Bismarck was sent into an honorable retirement, and with him his policies also resigned. Just a few months later, Bismarck's main nightmare came true - France and Russia entered into a military alliance, which England then joined.

Otto von Bismarck left Berlin, and crowds of people saw him off, recognizing his services to Germany - already during his lifetime he became an object of worship and imitation.

Bismarck died on his Friedrichsruhe estate on July 30, 1898, before he could see how Germany was rushing at full speed towards a suicidal war. Then no one knew that Wilhelm II, rejecting all the advice and warnings of Bismarck, would drag Germany into the First world war, which will put an end to the empire created by the "iron chancellor". The new Kaiser, who wanted to rule alone, took 28 years to lose everything...

Otto von Bismarck is buried in his own estate. The inscription on the gravestone says that a devoted servant of the German Kaiser Wilhelm I is buried here.

Monuments to Bismarck stand in all major cities of Germany, hundreds of streets and squares are named after him. They called him the “Iron Chancellor”, they called him Reichsmaher, but if you translate this into Russian, it will turn out - “ Reich creator". Sounds better - empire builder" or " nation maker».

Bismarck quotes:

Even the most prosperous outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek confession. These latter, even if they are corroded as a result of international treaties, will just as quickly reunite with each other, as separated droplets of mercury find this way to each other.

The great questions of the time are not decided by speeches and resolutions of the majority, but by iron and blood!

Anyone who has ever looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war.

Do not expect that once you take advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on the Jesuit agreements you signed, supposedly justifying you. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Therefore, it is worth either playing fair with the Russians, or not playing at all.

One and only one person should be responsible for every assigned task.

Politics is the science of the possible. Everything that lies beyond the bounds of the possible is pathetic literature for yearning widows who have long lost hope of getting married ...

The Russians cannot be defeated, we have seen this for hundreds of years. But you can instill false values, and then they will defeat themselves!

Woe to that statesman who does not bother to find a basis for war, which will still retain its significance after the war.

Even a victorious war is an evil that must be averted by the wisdom of the nations.

The press is not yet public opinion.

When the arguments end, the guns start talking. Strength is the last argument of a dumbass.

The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness.

the only healthy foundation of a great state is state egoism, not romance, and it is unworthy of a great power to fight for a cause that does not concern its own interest.

The revolution is conceived by romantics, carried out by fanatics, and scoundrels use its fruits.

Never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the election.

Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you are going to die tomorrow.

With bad laws and good officials, it is quite possible to rule the country.

Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford.

Life has taught me a lot to forgive, but even more to seek forgiveness.

Stupidity is a gift from God, but it should not be abused.

Collector of German lands "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck - a great German politician and diplomat. With his tears, sweat and blood, the unification of Germany in 1871 was completed.

In 1871, Otto von Bismarck became the first Chancellor of the German Empire. Under his leadership, Germany was unified by a "revolution from above".

He was a man who loved to drink, eat well, fight duels at his leisure, and arrange a couple of good warriors. For some time, the Iron Chancellor served in Russia as the ambassador of Prussia. During this time, he fell in love with our country, but he really did not like expensive firewood, and in general he was a miser ...

Here are the most famous quotes Bismarck on Russia:

The Russians take a long time to harness, but they go fast.

Do not expect that once you take advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on the Jesuit agreements you signed, supposedly justifying you. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Therefore, it is worth either playing fair with the Russians, or not playing at all.

Even the most favorable outcome of the war will never lead to the decomposition of the main force of Russia. Russians, even if they are dissected by international treatises, will just as quickly reunite with each other, like particles of a cut piece of mercury. This is the indestructible state of the Russian nation, strong in its climate, its expanses and its limited needs.

It's easier to break ten French armies, - he said, - than to understand the difference between perfect and imperfective verbs.

You should either play fair with Russians or not play at all.

A preventive war against Russia is suicide for fear of death.

Presumably: If you want to build socialism, choose a country that you don't mind.

“The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it ... it is necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia. To do this, you only need to find and nurture traitors among the elite and with their help change the self-consciousness of one part of the great people to such an extent that he will hate everything Russian, hate his own family, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time."

Of course, grand chancellor Germany was not describing today, but it is difficult to refuse his insight. The European Union must stand on the borders with Russia. By any means. This is an important part of the strategy. It is not for nothing that the United States reacted so painfully to these desperate throwing of the Ukrainian leadership. Brussels has entered this first significant geopolitical battle of its own.

Never plot anything against Russia, because she will respond to your every trick with her unpredictable stupidity.

In Runet, such an interpretation, more extended, is common.

Never plot anything against Russia - they will find their stupidity for any of our tricks.
The Slavs cannot be defeated, we have seen this for hundreds of years.
This is the indestructible state of the Russian nation, strong in its climate, its spaces and its limited needs.
Even the most favorable outcome of an open war will never lead to the disintegration of the main force of Russia, which is based on millions of Russians themselves...

Reich Chancellor Prince von Bismarck to Ambassador to Vienna Prince Heinrich VII Reuss
No. 349 Confidential (secret) Berlin 05/03/1888

After the receipt of the expected report for No. 217 of 28 last month, Count Kalnoki has raids of doubt that the officers of the General Staff, who assumed the outbreak of war in the fall, may still be wrong.
One could argue on this topic if such a war could possibly lead to such consequences that Russia, in the words of Count Kalnoki, “will be defeated”. However, such a development of events, even with brilliant victories, is unlikely.
Even the most prosperous outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Russian believers of the Greek confession.
These latter, even if they are later corroded by international treaties, will just as quickly reunite with each other, as the separated droplets of mercury find this way to each other.
This is the indestructible State of the Russian nation, strong with its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as through the awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after a complete defeat, will remain our product, an adversary seeking revenge, as we have in the case of today's France in the West. This would create a situation of constant tension for the future, which we will be forced to assume if Russia decides to attack us or Austria. But I am not ready to take on this responsibility and be the initiator of creating such a situation by ourselves.
We have an already failed example of the “Destruction” of a nation by three strong adversaries, much weaker Poland. This destruction failed for a full 100 years.
The vitality of the Russian nation will be no less; we shall, in my opinion, have more success if we simply treat them as an existing permanent danger against which we can build and maintain protective barriers. But we can never eliminate the very existence of this danger.
By attacking today's Russia, we will only increase her desire for unity; waiting for Russia to attack us can lead to the fact that we wait before its internal disintegration before it attacks us, and moreover, we can wait for this, the less we will be through threats to prevent it from sliding into a dead end.
f. Bismarck.

All the activities of the outstanding German politician, the “Iron Chancellor” Otto von Bismarck were closely connected with Russia.

book published in germany “Bismarck. Magician of Power”, Propylaea, Berlin 2013 under the authorship Bismarck biographer Jonathan Steinberg.

The popular science 750-page tome entered the list of German bestsellers. The interest in Otto von Bismarck in Germany is enormous. Bismarck stayed in Russia as the Prussian envoy for almost three years, and his diplomatic activity was closely connected with Russia all his life. His statements about Russia are widely known - not always unambiguous, but most often benevolent.

In January 1859, the king's brother Wilhelm, who was then regent, sent Bismarck as an envoy to St. Petersburg. For other Prussian diplomats, this appointment would have been a promotion, but Bismarck took it as a link. The priorities of Prussian foreign policy did not coincide with Bismarck's convictions, and he was removed from the court far away, sent to Russia. Bismarck had the necessary diplomatic qualities for this post. He had a natural mind and political insight.

In Russia, he was treated favorably. Since during Crimean War Bismarck resisted Austrian attempts to mobilize German armies for war with Russia and became the main supporter of an alliance with Russia and France, who had recently fought each other. The alliance was directed against Austria.

In addition, he was favored by the Empress Dowager, born Princess Charlotte of Prussia. Bismarck was the only foreign diplomat who had close contact with the royal family.

Another reason for his popularity and success: Bismarck spoke Russian well. He began to learn the language, barely learning about the new appointment. At first he studied on his own, and then he took a tutor - law student Vladimir Alekseev. And Alekseev left his memories of Bismarck.

Bismarck had a fantastic memory. After only four months of learning Russian, Otto von Bismarck was already able to communicate in Russian. Bismarck initially hid his knowledge of the Russian language and this gave him advantages. But one day the tsar was talking to Foreign Minister Gorchakov and caught Bismarck's eye. Alexander II asked Bismarck directly: "Do you understand Russian?" Bismarck confessed, and the tsar was amazed at how quickly Bismarck mastered the Russian language and uttered a bunch of compliments to him.

Bismarck became close to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince A.M. Gorchakov, who assisted Bismarck in his efforts to diplomatically isolate first Austria and then France.

It is believed that Bismarck's communication with Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov, an outstanding statesman, chancellor Russian Empire- played a decisive role in shaping the future policy of Bismarck.

Gorchakov predicted a great future for Bismarck. Once, already being chancellor, he said, pointing to Bismarck: “Look at this man! Under Frederick the Great, he could have been his minister." Bismarck studied the Russian language well and spoke very decently, and understood the essence of the Russian way of thinking, which greatly helped him in the future in choosing the right political line towards Russia.

However, the author believes that Bismarck, who had main goal- the creation of a strong united Germany - Gorchakov's diplomatic style was alien. To When the interests of Prussia diverged from the interests of Russia, Bismarck confidently defended the positions of Prussia. After the Berlin Congress, Bismarck broke up with Gorchakov.Bismarck inflicted sensitive defeats on Gorchakov more than once in the diplomatic arena, in particular, at the Berlin Congress of 1878. And more than once he spoke negatively and dismissively about Gorchakov.He had much more respect forgeneral of cavalry and Russian ambassador In Great BritainPetr Andreevich Shuvalov,

Bismarck wanted to be in the know about the political and secular life of Russia, so read Russian bestsellers, including Turgenev's novel The Nest of Nobles and Herzen's The Bell, banned in Russia.Thus, Bismarck not only learned the language, but also joined the cultural and political context of Russian society, which gave him undeniable advantages in his diplomatic career.

He took part in the Russian royal fun - bear hunting, and even killed two, but stopped this activity, saying that it was dishonorable to act with a gun against unarmed animals. In one of these hunts, he had frostbite on his legs so badly that there was a question of amputation.

Stately, representative,two meters tall andwith a lush mustache, 44-year-old Prussian diplomatenjoyed great success with“very beautiful” Russian ladies.Secular life did not satisfy him, the ambitious Bismarck missed big politics.

However, it took Bismarck only one week in the company of Katerina Orlova-Trubetskoy to be captivated by the charms of this young attractive 22-year-old woman.

In January 1861, King Frederick William IV died, and the former regent Wilhelm I took his place, after which Bismarck was transferred as ambassador to Paris.

The affair with Princess Ekaterina Orlova continued even after his departure from Russia, when Orlova's wife was appointed Russian envoy to Belgium. But in 1862, in the resort of Biarritz, there was a turning point in their turbulent romance. Katerina's husband, Prince Orlov, was seriously wounded in the Crimean War and did not take part in his wife's merry festivities and bathing. But he accepted Bismarck. She and Katerina almost drowned. They were rescued by the lighthouse keeper. On that day, Bismarck would write to his wife: “After several hours of rest and writing letters to Paris and Berlin, I took another sip of salt water, this time in the harbor when there were no waves. A lot of swimming and diving, twice dipping into the surf would be too much for one day.” Bismarck perceived I took it as a sign from above and did not cheat on my wife anymore. Moreover, King Wilhelm I appointed him prime minister of Prussia, and Bismarck devoted himself entirely to “big politics” and the creation of a unified German state.

Bismarck continued to use the Russian language throughout his political career. Russian words regularly slip through his letters. Already becoming the head of the Prussian government, he even resolutions on official documents sometimes he did in Russian: “Impossible” or “Caution”. But the favorite word of the “Iron Chancellor” was the Russian “nothing”. He admired its nuance, ambiguity and often used it in private correspondence, for example, like this: “Alles is nothing”.

One incident helped him to penetrate the secret of the Russian "nothing". Bismarck hired a coachman, but doubted that his horses could go fast enough. "Nothing-oh!" - the driver answered and rushed along the rough road so briskly that Bismarck became worried: “But you won’t throw me out?”. "Nothing!" - answered the coachman. The sleigh overturned, and Bismarck flew into the snow, breaking his face until it bled. In a rage, he swung at the driver with a steel cane, and the latter scooped up a handful of snow with his hands to wipe Bismarck's bloodied face, and kept saying: "Nothing ... nothing, oh!" Subsequently, Bismarck ordered a ring from this cane with the inscription with Latin letters: "Nothing!" And he admitted that difficult moments he was relieved, saying to himself in Russian: "Nothing!" When the "Iron Chancellor" was reproached for being too soft on Russia, he replied:

In Germany, only I say "nothing!", And in Russia - the whole people!

Bismarck always spoke admiringly of the beauty of the Russian language and knowingly about its difficult grammar. “It is easier to defeat ten French armies,” he said, “than to understand the difference between perfective and imperfective verbs.” And he was probably right.

The "Iron Chancellor" was firmly convinced that a war with Russia could be extremely dangerous for Germany. The presence of a secret treaty with Russia in 1887 - the "reinsurance agreement" - shows that Bismarck did not hesitate to act behind the backs of his own allies, Italy and Austria, in order to maintain the status quo both in the Balkans and in the Middle East.

Rivalry between Austria and Russia in the Balkans meant that Russia needed support from Germany. Russia needed to avoid an aggravation of the international situation, and she was forced to lose some of the advantages of her victory in Russian-Turkish war. Bismarck presided over the Berlin Congress dedicated to this issue. The Congress turned out to be surprisingly effective, although Bismarck had to constantly maneuver between representatives of all the great powers to do this. On July 13, 1878, Bismarck signed the Treaty of Berlin with representatives of the great powers, establishing new frontiers in Europe. Then many of the territories that had passed to Russia were returned to Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina were transferred to Austria, the Turkish Sultan, filled with gratitude, gave Cyprus to Britain.

In the Russian press, after this, an acute pan-Slavist campaign against Germany began. The nightmare of the coalition reappeared. On the verge of panic, Bismarck offered Austria to conclude a customs agreement, and when she refused, even a mutual non-aggression pact. Emperor Wilhelm I was frightened by the end of the former pro-Russian orientation of German foreign policy and warned Bismarck that things were moving towards an alliance between tsarist Russia and France, which had become a republic again. At the same time, he pointed out the unreliability of Austria as an ally, which could not deal with its internal problems, as well as the uncertainty of Britain's position.

Bismarck tried to justify his line by pointing out that his initiatives were taken in the interests of Russia as well. On October 7, 1879, he concluded a “Mutual Treaty” with Austria, which pushed Russia into an alliance with France. This was Bismarck's fatal mistake, destroying the close relations between Russia and Germany. A fierce tariff struggle began between Russia and Germany. Since that time, the General Staffs of both countries began to develop plans for a preventive war against each other.

P.S. Bismarck's legacy.

Bismarck bequeathed to his descendants never to fight directly with Russia, as he knew Russia very well. The only way to weaken Russia according to Chancellor Bismarck is to drive a wedge between a single people, and then pit one half of the people against the other. For this it was necessary to carry out Ukrainization.

And so Bismarck's ideas about the dismemberment of the Russian people, thanks to the efforts of our enemies, were embodied. Ukraine has been separated from Russia for 23 years. The time has come for the return of Russian lands to Russia. Ukraine will be left with only Galicia, which Russia lost in the 14th century and it has already managed to visit anyone, and since then has never been free.That is why the Bendera people are so embittered at the whole world. It's in their blood.

For successful implementation Bismarck's ideas were coined Ukrainian people. And in modern Ukraine, a legend is being circulated about a certain mysterious people - ukrakh who allegedly flew from Venus and therefore are an exceptional people. To of course, none ukrov and Ukrainians in antiquity It never happened. None of the excavations confirm this.

It is our enemies who are carrying out the idea of ​​the iron chancellor Bismarck to dismember Russia. Since the beginning of this process, the Russian people have already endured six different waves Ukrainization:

  1. from the end of the 19th century until the Revolution - in the occupied Austrians of Galicia;
  2. after the Revolution of 17 years - during the "banana" regimes;
  3. in the 20s - the bloodiest wave of Ukrainization, carried out by Lazar Kaganovich and others. (In the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s - 1930s, the widespread introduction Ukrainian language and culture. Ukrainization in those years can be considered as an integral element of the all-Union campaign indigenization.)
  4. during the Nazi occupation of 1941-1943;
  5. during Khrushchev's time;
  6. after the rejection of Ukraine since 1991 - permanent Ukrainization, especially aggravated after the usurpation of power by the orangeades. The process of Ukrainization is generously funded and supported by the West and the United States.

Term ukrainization now used for public policy in independent Ukraine(after 1991), aimed at the development of the Ukrainian language, culture and its introduction in all areas at the expense of the Russian language.

It should not be understood that Ukrainization was carried out periodically. No. Since the beginning of the 1920s, it has been and is being conducted continuously; the list reflects only its key points.

As you can see, dear readers, we mostly dedicate our articles to personalities immortalized by monuments. And here is, of course, an outstanding figure German history— Otto von Bismarck. In Germany, many streets and squares are named after him, he is an honorary citizen of hundreds of cities. The memory of Bismarck is immortalized in various forms: from commemorative plaques to memorial complexes and towers. Why? You will find out when you get acquainted with the life and work of the iron chancellor.

From the biography:

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schoenhausen (Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schoenhausen) was born on April 1, 1815 in the family estate of Schönhausen in Brandenburg (now Saxony-Anhalt). “I was destined by nature to become a diplomat, I was born on the first of April,” he joked. Mother - the daughter of a professor, father belonged to the Pomeranian Junkers. "Junkers", literally - "young people", is a special social category that existed before the Second World War. It was made up of large landowners of the eastern and central provinces of Prussia.

At the age of 17, Otto entered the law faculty of the University of Göttingen. Even then, his character manifested itself - independent, proud, stormy, proud. He led the life of a rake and a fighter. As a result, due to duels, he was expelled, but he nevertheless received an education: he graduated from the University of Berlin with a thesis defense in philosophy and political economy. The graduate first worked in the Berlin Municipal Court, then as a tax official in Aachen, and a year later in Potsdam. But the position of a petty official-executor is not for him. “My pride requires me to command, and not to carry out other people's orders” - this is his attitude. Bismarck had an iron will, physical endurance, a thunderous voice. He received the nickname "mad junker" from those around him.

Leaving the service in 1839, he retires to his father's estate and manages the household very successfully: incomes increase. In 1847, Otto von Bismarck starts a family. His chosen one was the noble, intelligent, attractive Johanna von Puntkamer. The marriage was not passionate love but proved to be durable.

And here is 1848. Remember the "Manifesto" by K. Marx: "A ghost is haunting Europe, the ghost of communism ...". Revolutionary fermentation swept almost all European countries. Bismarck, an ardent monarchist, does not accept revolutions. His saying is known: “The revolution is prepared by geniuses, the revolution is carried out by fanatics, and the rogues use the fruits of it.” He advocated armed suppression of unrest: "Gegen Demokraten helfen nur Soldaten - Only soldiers will help against the democrats," he said, as often, in aphorisms. He contrasted the revolution with a rigid militaristic centralized monarchical system.

In 1849, Bismarck became a member of the Prussian Parliament, where he constantly spoke from conservative monarchist positions. The Prussian king Wilhelm wrote about him: “An ardent reactionary. Use later." In the meantime - the appointment of a representative of Prussia in the allied diet in Frankfurt am Main, then envoy to Russia.

He served in St. Petersburg for three years (1859-1862), mastered the Russian language, and was close to the court. Having studied the country well, he warned - in no case to fight with Russia: “The indestructible Empire of the Russian nation, with its climate, its deserts and its unpretentiousness, having been defeated, would remain our natural and thirsty enemy for revenge ... the defeat of an entire nationality, even weaker, Polish , failed the great powers for a hundred years. We will do best if we treat the Russian nation as if it were a given danger against which we build protective dams. Don't go to war with Russia. And the “Nothing” ring says that this is a strange Russian country.”

There is the following historical anecdote about this ring. The ring really existed, it was made in Russia with an engraved inscription "Nothing". On the way to Petersburg, Bismarck hired horses, but he doubted that the supplied horses could go fast enough. "Nothing," replied the coachman. When the horses set off, they rushed at full speed. “Isn't it too fast?” Bismarck was worried. “Nothing,” the coachman replies again. Still, the sleigh turned over, and the German diplomat fell out and scratched his face. In his hearts, he swung at the coachman with his cane, and he calmly rubbed the victim's face with snow and said "Nothing!" From this cane, allegedly, Bismarck ordered a ring for himself, on which he immortalized the mysterious Russian word"Nothing". Then, perhaps, his famous aphorism was born: “In Russia they harness slowly, but they drive fast.”

Calling for a cautious attitude towards Russia, he repeated: “In Germany, only I say“ nothing! ”, And in Russia, the whole people.”

Later Bismarck a short time was envoy to France, but was soon recalled to Berlin to resolve an internal conflict between royalty and parliament on military reform. The king and his government insisted on increasing and re-equipping the army, the Landtag refused loans for this purpose. Bismarck, who arrived at the court of Wilhelm, was appointed Minister-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia. Despite the opposition, he successfully completed the reform, significantly strengthening the army. This happened at the end of 1862.

This is how the German Empire was created.

At the same time, Bismarck announced his program: "Great questions are not resolved by speeches and the majority, but by iron and blood." That's it, hard and clear. And he began to unite Germany by military means. At this time, in the middle of the 19th century, Germany consisted of about 40 specific principalities, duchies and counties. Formally central authority existed, but the king was elected by representatives of the largest latifundia and bishoprics and had practically no influence.

But historical process leads to the need to unite disparate destinies into a strong single state able to compete in the market of developing world capitalist production. Bismarck played a decisive role in creating a united Germany under Prussian rule. He believed in the strength of the Prussian army: "The sky did not stand stronger on the shoulders of the Atlanteans than Prussia on the shoulders of its generals" - and began the process of uniting the country with "iron and blood." Conducts three successive wars for the annexation of border territories inhabited by ethnic Germans.

First, the victorious war with Denmark (1864), which allowed the annexation of Schleswig and Holstein. In 1866, the war with Austria, as a result of which part of Bavaria, Hesse-Kassel, Nassau, Hanover, the free city of Frankfurt am Main lost their independence. Third and final 1870-1871 with France for the constantly disputed territories of Alsace and Lorraine. For France, it ended in a catastrophic defeat, the payment of a huge indemnity and the loss of border regions. The reason for the war was the famous "Ems dispatch", which was written in Ems by the Prussian king who was there. But Bismarck edited it into an offensive form. This provoked the French to immediately declare war. Such diplomatic methods did not bother Bismarck. He believed that "politics is the art of adapting to circumstances and benefiting from everything, even from what is disgusting."

On January 18, 1871, during the signing of peace in the mirror hall of the Palace of Versailles, the winners, raising their bare checkers, proclaimed Wilhelm, King of Prussia, emperor. This day was the day of the creation of the German Empire.

For Bismarck, a special position was introduced - chancellor. It was established by law that no minister had the right to address the emperor over his head. In fact, he became a co-ruler of the German Emperor Wilhelm the First. He was granted the title of prince. Bismarck's aspirations achieved. “I always rejoiced if I succeeded, by whatever means, at least three steps closer to the unity of Germany,” he said. And so, the German Empire was created.

To be continued.

Gorchakov's student

It is generally accepted that in many respects Bismarck's views as a diplomat were formed during his service in St. Petersburg under the influence of the Russian Vice-Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov. The future "Iron Chancellor" was not very pleased with his appointment, taking him for a link.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov

Gorchakov prophesied a great future for Bismarck. Once, already being chancellor, he said, pointing to Bismarck: “Look at this man! Under Frederick the Great, he could have been his minister." In Russia, Bismarck studied the Russian language, spoke it very decently and understood the essence of the way of thinking characteristic of Russians, which greatly helped him in the future in choosing the right political line in relation to Russia.

He took part in the Russian royal fun - bear hunting, and even killed two bears, but stopped this activity, saying that it was dishonorable to act with a gun against unarmed animals. In one of these hunts, he had frostbite on his legs so badly that there was a question of amputation.

Russian love

Twenty-two-year-old Ekaterina Orlova-Trubetskaya

In the French resort of Biarritz, Bismarck met the 22-year-old wife of the Russian ambassador to Belgium, Ekaterina Orlova-Trubetskaya. A week in her company almost drove Bismarck crazy. Catherine's husband, Prince Orlov, could not take part in the festivities and bathing of his wife, as he was wounded in the Crimean War. But Bismarck could. Once, she and Ekaterina almost drowned. They were rescued by the lighthouse keeper. On that day, Bismarck would write to his wife: “After several hours of rest and writing letters to Paris and Berlin, I took another sip of salt water, this time in the harbor when there were no waves. A lot of swimming and diving, twice dipping into the surf would be too much for one day. This incident became, as it were, a divine hint that the future chancellor would no longer cheat on his wife. Soon there was no time left for betrayals - Bismarck would be swallowed up by politics.

Ems dispatch

In achieving his goals, Bismarck did not disdain anything, even falsification. In a tense situation, when the throne was vacated in Spain after the revolution in 1870, Leopold, the nephew of Wilhelm I, began to claim it. The Spaniards themselves called the Prussian prince to the throne, but France intervened, which could not allow a Prussian to take such an important throne. Bismarck put in a lot of effort to bring things to war. However, he was first convinced of the readiness of Prussia to enter the war.

Battle of Mars-la-Tour

To push Napoleon III into conflict, Bismarck decided to use the dispatch sent from Ems to provoke France. He changed the text of the message, shortening it and giving it a harsher, more offensive tone for France. In the new text of the dispatch, falsified by Bismarck, the end was composed as follows: “His Majesty the King then refused to receive the French ambassador again and ordered the adjutant on duty to tell him that his Majesty had nothing more to report.” This text, insulting to France, was transmitted by Bismarck to the press and to all Prussian missions abroad, and the next day became known in Paris. As Bismarck expected, Napoleon III immediately declared war on Prussia, which ended in the defeat of France.

Cartoon from Punch magazine. Bismarck manipulates Russia, Austria and Germany


Bismarck continued to use the Russian language throughout his political career. Russian words now and then slip through his letters. Having already become the head of the Prussian government, he sometimes even made resolutions on official documents in Russian: “Impossible” or “Caution”. But the favorite word of the "Iron Chancellor" was the Russian "nothing". He admired its nuance, ambiguity and often used it in private correspondence, for example, like this: "Alles is nothing."

Resignation. The new emperor Wilhelm II looks from above

Bismarck was inspired by this word by chance. Bismarck hired a coachman, but doubted that his horses could go fast enough. "Nothing-oh!" - answered the driver and rushed along the rough road so briskly that Bismarck became worried: “But you won’t throw me out?”. "Nothing!" replied the coachman. The sleigh overturned, and Bismarck flew into the snow, breaking his face until it bled. In a rage, he swung at the driver with a steel cane, and the latter scooped up a handful of snow with his hands to wipe Bismarck's bloodied face, and kept saying: "Nothing ... nothing, oh!" Subsequently, Bismarck ordered a ring from this cane with an inscription in Latin letters: "Nothing!" And he admitted that in difficult times he was relieved, saying to himself in Russian: “Nothing!”

His name alone brings to mind the image of a tough, burly, gray-haired chancellor with a military bearing and a steely gleam in his eyes. However, Bismarck was sometimes quite different from this image. He was often overcome by passions and experiences inherent in ordinary people. We offer several episodes from his life in which Bismarck's character is revealed in the best possible way.

Gymnasium student

"The strong one is always right"

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of a Prussian landowner. When little Otto was 6 years old, his mother sent him to Berlin to the Plaman school, where the children of aristocratic families were brought up.

At the age of 17, Bismarck entered the University of Gottingham. Tall, red-haired Otto does not go into his pocket for a word and, in the heat of disputes with his opponents, fiercely defends monarchist views, although at that time liberal views were in vogue among young people. As a result, a month after admission, his first duel happens, in which Bismarck earned his scar on his cheek. After 30 years, Bismarck will not forget this incident and will say that the enemy then acted dishonestly, hitting surreptitiously.

Over the next 9 months, Otto has another 24 duels, of which he invariably emerges victorious, gaining the respect of fellow students and receiving 18 days of guardhouse for malicious violation propriety (including public drunkenness).


“I was destined by nature
become a diplomat: I was born on April 1"

Surprisingly, Bismarck did not even consider the option of a military career, although his older brother went that route. Having chosen the position of an official in the Berlin court of appeal, quickly hated writing endless protocols and asked for a transfer to an administrative position. And for this, he brilliantly passed the rigorous examination.

However, having fallen in love with the daughter of an English parish priest, Isabella Lorraine-Smith, he becomes engaged to her and simply stops coming to the service. Then he declares: “My pride requires me to command, and not to fulfill other people's orders!”. In the end, he decides to return to the family estate.

Mad landowner

"Stupidity is a gift from God,
but should not be abused

AT early years Bismarck did not think about politics and indulged in all sorts of vices on his estate. He drank without measure, reveled, lost significant sums in cards, changed ladies and did not disregard peasant daughters. A bully and a rake, Bismarck brought his neighbors to a white heat with wild antics. He woke up his friends by shooting at the ceiling so that the plaster fell on them. Rushed through foreign lands on his huge horse. Fired at targets. In the area where he lived, there was a saying; “No, not enough yet, says Bismarck!”, And the future Reich Chancellor himself was called there only as “wild Bismarck.” The bubbling energy required a larger scale than the life of a landowner. The turbulent revolutionary moods of Germany in 1848-1849 played into his hands. Bismarck joined the Conservative Party that was being formed in Prussia, launching his dizzying political career.

The beginning of the way

"Politics is the art of adapting
circumstances and benefit
from everything, even from what disgusts"

Already in his first public speaking in May 1847, in the United Diet, where he was present as a reserve deputy, Bismarck, without ceremony, crushed the opposition with his speech. And when her indignant roar of voices filled the hall, he calmly said: “I don’t see arguments in inarticulate sounds.”

Later, this demeanor, far from the laws of diplomacy, will manifest itself more than once. So, for example, Count Gyula Andrássy, the Austrian-Hungarian Foreign Minister, recalling the course of negotiations on an alliance with Germany, said that when he resisted Bismarck's demands, he was ready to strangle him in the truest sense of the word. And in June 1862, while in London, Bismarck met with Disraeli and during the conversation outlined to him his plans for a future war with Austria. Later, Disraeli would say to one of his friends about Bismarck: “Beware of him. He says what he thinks!

But this was only partly true. Bismarck could throw thunder and lightning if it was necessary to intimidate someone, but he could also be emphatically courteous if this promised a favorable outcome for him.


“Never lie so much as during the war,
after the hunt and before the election"

Bismarck was a supporter of forceful methods of resolving political issues. He did not see any other way for the unification of Germany, except for the one paved with "iron and blood." However, even here everything was ambiguous.

When Prussia had won a crushing victory over Austria, Emperor Wilhelm wished to solemnly enter Vienna with the Prussian army, which would certainly entail the sack of the city and the humiliation of the Duke of Austria. For Wilhelm, a horse had already been served. But Bismarck, who was the inspirer and strategist of this war, suddenly began to dissuade him and made a real hysteria. Falling at the emperor's feet, he grabbed his boots with his hands and did not let him out of the tent until he agreed to abandon his plans.

Bismarck provoked the war between Prussia and France by falsifying the "Ems dispatch" (a telegram sent through him by Wilhelm I to Napoleon III). He corrected it so that the content became offensive to the French emperor. A little later, Bismarck published this " secret document in central German newspapers. France reacted appropriately and declared war. The war took place, and Prussia won, annexing Alsace and Lorraine and receiving an indemnity of 5 billion francs.

Bismarck and Russia

"Never plot anything against Russia,
for any of your tricks she will answer
its unpredictable stupidity"

From 1857 to 1861 Bismarck was Prussian ambassador to Russia. And, judging by the stories and statements that have come down to our time, he managed not only to learn the language, but also to understand (as far as it is possible at all) the mysterious Russian soul.

For example, before the start of the Berlin Congress of 1878, he said: "Never trust Russians, for Russians do not even trust themselves."

The famous “Russians harness for a long time, but they go fast” also belongs to Bismarck. An incident that happened to the future Reich Chancellor on the way to St. Petersburg is connected with the fast driving of the Russians. Having hired a cab, von Bismarck doubted whether the skinny and half-dead nags could drive fast enough, which he asked the cab.

Nothing, oh ..., - he drawled, dispersing the horses along the bumpy road so quickly that Bismarck could not resist the next question.
- You won't kick me out?
“Nothing, oh ...” the driver assured, and soon the sleigh overturned.

Bismarck fell into the snow, leaving his face covered in blood. He had already swung at the cabman who had run up to him with a steel cane, but he did not hit him, hearing him soothingly say, wiping the blood from the face of the Prussian ambassador with snow:
- Nothing, oh... nothing...

In St. Petersburg, Bismarck ordered a ring from this cane and ordered that one word be engraved on it - "Nothing." Later, he said, hearing a reproach for an excessively soft attitude towards Russia: “In Germany, only I say“ Nothing! ”, And in Russia, the whole people.”

Russian words periodically slip through his letters. And even as the head of the Prussian government, he sometimes continues to leave resolutions in official documents in Russian “Forbidden”, “Caution”, “Impossible”.

Bismarck was connected with Russia not only by work and politics, but also by a sudden outbreak of love. In 1862, at the resort of Biarritz, he met the 22-year-old Russian princess Katerina Orlova-Trubetskaya. A stormy romance ensued. The husband of the princess, Prince Nikolai Orlov, who had recently returned from the Crimean War with a severe wound, rarely accompanied his wife in her bathing and forest walks, which the 47-year-old Prussian diplomat took advantage of. He considered it his duty to even tell his wife about this meeting in letters. And he did it in enthusiastic tones: "This is a woman for whom you could experience passion."

The novel could end sadly. Bismarck and his beloved almost drowned in the sea. They were rescued by the lighthouse keeper. And Bismarck took the incident as an unkind sign and soon left Biarritz. But until the end of his life, the "Iron Chancellor" carefully kept Katerina's farewell gift - an olive branch - in a cigar box.

Place in history

“Life has taught me a lot to forgive.
But even more - to seek forgiveness "

Dismissed by the young emperor, Bismarck continued to take part in political life united Germany. He wrote a three-volume book, Thoughts and Memories. The death of his wife in 1894 knocked him down. The health of the former Reich Chancellor began to deteriorate sharply, and on July 30, 1898, he died at the age of 84.

In almost every major city In Germany, a monument to Bismarck was erected, but the attitude of his descendants towards him varies from admiration to hatred. Even in German history textbooks, the assessment (formulation, interpretation) of the role of Bismarck and his political activity. On one side of the scale - the unification of Germany and the creation of the Second Reich, and on the other - three wars, hundreds of thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands of cripples returning from the battlefields. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Bismarck's example turned out to be contagious, and sometimes the path to the seizure of new territories, paved with "iron and blood", is seen by politicians as most effective and more glorious than all these boring negotiations, signing documents and diplomatic meetings.

For example, Adolf Hitler might have remained an artist if he had not been inspired by the heroic past of Germany and directly by Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, whose political genius he admired. Unfortunately, some of Bismarck's words are forgotten by his followers:

"Even a victorious war is an evil that must be averted by the wisdom of the nations"

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