Home Beneficial properties of fruits Aquarius in February of the year accurate horoscope. Finance and shopping

Aquarius in February of the year accurate horoscope. Finance and shopping

Last month winter will be the first month of your financial well-being and prosperity you never dreamed of. Finally, there will be an opportunity to pamper yourself and afford what you previously did not have the money, effort and resources for, but be careful, as there is a chance to waste a lot of money.

New doors and opportunities will open before you additional income. You can not only make your life brighter and more interesting, but also buy what you previously did not have enough time, energy and money for.

In addition, Aquarians will voluntarily want to help their relatives, do something interesting, bright and tempting for them, which they could not afford before. The main thing is to avoid chaotic and spontaneous purchases, which can lead to disappointment.

Aquarius Woman: Financial Horoscope for February 2020

Your material possibilities will become much wider. You can not only achieve what you want, but also do something interesting for yourself and pleasant for others. At the same time, you will not only be able to spend your savings, but also find new and unexpected sources of income. For example, you can purchase rare and healthy oils, branded cosmetics that will make you brighter and more interesting to the opposite sex, allow yourself to change your usual image, making it bright and more colorful than before.

You will be happy with your changes, you will be able to earn more, and some Aquarians will receive a long-awaited promotion that they did not expect before.

It is for this reason that representatives of the sign should expand their horizons and not be afraid to make large purchases for themselves and for other people. This month it is better to spend money on helping loved ones, gifts for children, buying beautiful, expensive and stylish things, including precious metals, quality personal care, travel, traveling and purchasing things you need for your hobby. However, beware of thoughtless spending, especially in the presence of other people. In a store, especially during sales, you can simply be confused.

Aquarius Man: Financial Horoscope for February 2020

Men should not skimp on hobbies or work. You can make a favorable impression on others if you create a bright image for yourself or buy a couple stylish accessories that will highlight the originality of your image and style. For example, if you often perform on stage or engage in stage performances, then try to create a stylish and bright image. A new shirt, hat or leather bracelet will come in handy for your new, bright and interesting look.

You will be happy because you will be able to do something that you didn’t have the means to do before, but beware of deception and fraud, especially on the Internet. It is better to use cash than to lose it on dubious sites.

A love horoscope for the Aquarius zodiac sign for February will help single people meet their soulmate, and married couples will be able to strengthen their relationship! All this is possible if you follow the advice of our horoscope. After all, the stars know almost everything about us. Astrological forecast for February 2020 about love for the Aquarius sign will help you avoid separations and divorces. So, horoscope for February 2020 Aquarius love read on.

Love horoscope for February 2020 Aquarius

The love horoscope for February 2020 promises to Aquarius strong feelings to the new chosen one. You will plunge headlong into the relationship and also begin to plan life together. Maybe think a hundred times and get to know your partner better? Moreover, Aquarius was too hasty with intimacy. Try to experience a truly spiritual connection so as not to create a lot of problems and become disappointed in your loved one. Friendly relations at this stage will be appropriate, so pacify your passion and sexual appetites.

February 5 (New Moon) is a great day to strengthen love affair. If Aquarius uses the accumulated energy wisely, he will be able to look at his relationship with his partner differently. Although, there is a chance that you will run away faster than expected. It is possible that such a seemingly difficult moment will benefit both.

The love horoscope for February 2020 for Aquarius predicts meetings with people whom he has not seen for a long time. Some of them will again arouse your sympathy, and even a violent feeling. Don't try to go against what your heart tells you. But, if Aquarius already has a chosen one, then a light romance on the side will turn out to be painful and even destructive.

Love Horoscope for February 2020 Aquarius man and Aquarius woman

The love horoscope for February 2020 asks Aquarius to be more careful in communicating with the chosen one. The habit of making impossible promises to your loved one will play a cruel joke on you this month. February is the time when relationships value not empty vows, but practical actions. Without seeing evidence of your good intentions, your partner simply will not believe you.

The probability of breaking up unstable couples is very high. At the same time, it will no longer be possible to return everything to normal. Uranus will put everything in its place, make you understand mistakes and draw valuable conclusions that will help improve your future life.

In the family or in communicating with new acquaintances, the individuality of Aquarius will play a positive role. Well, you definitely know how to charm. Charm alone won't get you far. In February, 100% honesty, confidence in the future and consistency are important in relationships. If you say one thing and do something completely different, you will be alone.

The horoscope believes that it is pointless for a lonely Aquarius to look for a partner after February 7–10, although getting to know each other for the sake of friendship will be useful. Immediately take a closer look at Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces. Perhaps already in the spring friendly relations with one of them will develop into a stormy and passionate romance.

Love horoscope for February 2020

Your significant other will become the center of your life in February. You have to take on some affairs and responsibilities of your loved one that he cannot cope with, solve his problems, become his main adviser and even, perhaps, his “vest”. You will find yourself in this role until the 21st.

The position of the planets favors the resolution of any legal issues. This great time for signing a marriage contract, divorce and division of property, court in order to achieve alimony.

It’s good to start your life together now. Free Aquarians will feel popular in February. Your courtesy, friendliness and tact will be highly appreciated by the opposite sex. Perhaps the beginning of a whirlwind romance in which your passion will be revealed in all its glory. Such sensual relationships you most likely haven't had one yet. You have every chance to make sure they get married.

Love horoscope

February will turn out to be a promising period for Aquarius in terms of establishing their personal life. Single representatives of this zodiac sign will feel ready to create a strong couple. They are highly likely to start an affair at the end of the month. The relationship between Aquarius lovers will be in danger of breaking. This can happen due to the fault of a partner who is not ready to accept important decisions. Life family men and women will be filled with pleasant events: walks, entertainment and trips.


In the personal life of Aquarius at the end of winter, everything goes well. The time you spend with your loved ones will be enjoyable and exciting. Married Aquarians will have the opportunity to refresh their feelings and breathe new energy into them fresh air, which the children of Aquarius will contribute a lot to.

At this time, in the worldview of many Aquarius, there will be a reassessment of some values; many representatives of the sign will weigh all their achievements in the family field, and there are a lot of them. Aquarians are wonderful guardians of the hearth; the children growing up in their family are superbly brought up and educated. Appreciation of the exciting moments experienced together, both pleasant and not so pleasant, good memories of the past will allow Aquarius family members to appreciate even more what they have at the moment.

Lonely Aquarius in February will have a lucky chance to find their happiness in love relationships. You just have to make at least minimal effort - be in society more often, change your image, don’t be afraid to diversify your circle of acquaintances and attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. This fully applies to Aquarius women. Behind your deliberately emphasized ascetic appearance, it is very difficult for potential lovers to discern your passionate and ardent nature. Be a little bolder and more risky in your choice of clothes and makeup, don’t be shy to stand out from the crowd, express your emotions more boldly.

Love horoscope for Aquarius Women: February 2020

Women will reconsider their attitude towards men in general and adjust their expectations. Some of them will be able to refuse excessive demands and will become more rational in choosing a partner. If you are dating a man or living together, then try to test your feelings for strength. This will help you realistically assess your prospects, strengths and weaknesses. family life.

Aquarians who are looking for their soul mate will be able to focus their attention on an interesting and promising man. Some will feel in love and begin to woo the person they like, but the success of this will depend on whether you have common ground or not. You can easily both get rid of unrealistic expectations and achieve success and love.

You will be pleased that you can cope with all the difficulties and decide to pamper your loved one with pleasant surprises. If you have not yet achieved love, choose a gentle, flirty and slightly childish image - this is what will accompany your success in love. For divorce or separation unpleasant person choose the end of February - at this time you will be able to find the right words or leave gracefully.

Women in love will be able to feel happy if they begin to act independently and take the initiative, but for married women it is better to allow themselves a little spoiling and laziness - they will make your relationship easier and more enjoyable.

February 2017? a month rich in events affecting the life of Aquarius. The onset of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 (around 3:40 Moscow time) can affect personal relationships and business contacts. There is a high probability of fateful changes occurring. To avoid negative consequences It is not recommended to make hasty decisions during this period. Moreover, this is far from best time for marriage and starting new business contacts. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 advises that it is better to wait for some time before formalizing an official relationship.

On material well-being Aquarius may be affected by a solar eclipse, which will begin on February 26, 2017 at approximately 18:00 Moscow time. During this period, you should also not make significant decisions, since the risk of losses is high.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius

The upcoming eclipses are not in the best possible way may also affect the personal relationships of Aquarius. Possible emotional outbursts will only provoke conflicts and sow discord between loved ones. This is not the best time to get married either. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 recommends not to rush to formalize relationships during this period. To create more strong family It's worth waiting a few months.

Favorable days for love in February 2017 for Aquarius: February 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26.

Financial horoscope Aquarius for February 2017

Despite all the efforts and efforts made in business sphere, upcoming eclipses can negatively affect the financial environment. The decisions made run the risk of subsequently being incorrect and will require additional time to resolve problems.

During the rest of February 2017, Aquarius should continue to complete the previously assigned tasks. But the Aquarius horoscope does not recommend starting a new job in February 2017. On the contrary, there has never been a better time to quit an unsuitable position. However decision it will no longer be possible to change.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for the Aquarius sign: February 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Health horoscope for the Aquarius sign for February 2017

If Aquarius in February 2017 chooses proper nutrition, moon eclipse, during which the body’s resistance weakens, will pass almost unnoticed for them. Eating light and almost lean food, partial, or better yet complete abstinence from alcohol, will help avoid additional stress. The horoscope for February 2017 also recommends being careful when taking medications.

You will enjoy being the center of attention - in February you will be surrounded by everyone's admiration. It is not surprising that your interests during this period will focus mainly on flirting and romance. This is your month, because now qualities that are usually characteristic of Leos will appear in you - pride, the desire to rule and reign.

Aquarius men like everything in their lives to go according to plan, but they themselves constantly change the rules of the game. For example, at the beginning of February you will strive to become a leader in your company and invite your friends the new kind activities. And at the end of February you will already want to make a profit from this venture. And if this doesn't happen, you will be very disappointed.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius woman

  • Favorable days for Aquarius women in February 2017: February 9, 14, 17, 21, 26.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius women in February 2017: February 3, 10, 27.

Love. Premonitions rarely deceive you. Therefore, it is worth listening to your intuition - especially if you have met someone who is very interested in you.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Recently, your relationship with your loved one has been smooth. But now the period of surprises has come.
  • From 11 to 20 February. The week is perfect for romantic dates and love. No matter what your partner does, you will find the most sublime explanations for his actions.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Passions are running high. You are temperamental and courageous, unlike your beloved. It's time to take the initiative.

Health. Working hard will bring income, but can weaken your health. Beware of overexertion, try to be distracted more often. Take care of the routine.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Prepare something unusual for your family - some exotic dish with lots of seasonings. And after lunch you can discuss your problems with them.
  • From 11 to 20 February. If you go to the store dietary nutrition, you can buy a lot of useful things for your family there.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Responsibilities will seem tedious - for example, you will have to take care of sick relatives.

Finance. Now you can easily convince your boss that you simply need a promotion.

  • From 1 to 10 February. The week is favorable for your competitors - but this is not a reason to surrender to their mercy. Keep your finger on the pulse and monitor the enemy.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Troubles will come from places you don't expect. Out-of-town relatives whom you have already forgotten about will show up, or a planned trip may be disrupted.
  • From 21 to 28 February. At work you will find a lot of informal communication. It is necessary to discuss all pressing issues with colleagues and agree on joint actions.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius man

  • Favorable days for Aquarius men in February 2017: February 14, 17, 21, 25.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius men in February 2017: February 8, 15, 31.

Love. An interesting meeting and acquaintance awaits you. You will immediately feel sympathy and interest for each other.

  • From 1 to 10 February. You will turn the heads of all the girls in the office and displease the men. At the end of the week, you may make a mistake - and your colleagues will not forgive you for this. Be careful!
  • From 11 to 20 February. Problems in your personal life that seemed insurmountable to you can be solved with a creative approach.
  • From 21 to 28 February. You will learn some secret related to your beloved. In the second half of the week this will be a reason for heated discussion.

Health. Pay attention to your health - if necessary, take time off from work and visit doctors. Get more rest.

  • From 1 to 10 February. It is important that you spend this week with your family, although you will really want to go somewhere. Staying comfortably at home is best for your health right now.
  • From 11 to 20 February. It's time for preventative procedures or routine examinations. Don't miss the favorable period.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Disputes will break out in the family over treatment chronic illness. Elderly relatives need your help. Act more confidently, they will definitely listen to you.

Finance. Your unexpected secrecy will play into your hands. At the decisive moment, you simply feel in your gut that you need to remain silent, to hide something important. And it is right.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Less talk - more action. Your work communication may result in a discussion mutual claims and shortcomings. Try to move the conversation in a positive direction.
  • From 11 to 20 February. You are in an excellent mood, and all family members are simply obliged to share it with you. Therefore, you can go shopping, visit, or have fun somewhere together.
  • From 21 to 28 February. They may want to give you some kind of royal gift or surprise - but you will have to pay for delivery, and this will spoil the joy somewhat.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius child

Daughter. Deep down, an Aquarius girl often considers herself smarter and prettier than her friends, but she should keep these thoughts to herself. On her birthday, your daughter may be thinking about becoming a leader in the company. Once these ambitions come out, ex-girlfriends may unite against her. The conflict will most likely escalate in early February. Help the girl deal with it.

Son. Your child will have the feeling that they can forget about past failures and start new life. The son will cheerfully celebrate his birthday, receive many gifts, friends will surround him with love and attention, and for a true Aquarius this is much more important than congratulations from his parents. True, in February children's team disagreements may arise. Your intervention will be needed.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Aquarius horoscope for February 2017.

In February 2017, Aquarius needs to be very careful. The fact is that you will be a little absent-minded all month, and therefore you may miss something. You know how the girl who read “War and Peace” went crazy when she accidentally closed the book without a bookmark. Likewise, Aquarians may forget about something important in February 2017. Well, for example, inviting someone to your birthday, or forgetting gifts after your birthday.

Yes, and in general next month Aquarians will be a little “February”. That is, “frosty”. Therefore, you will watch with big and round eyes those who are scurrying around trying to save this world, Private Ryan or Roger Rabbit. You will not only serenely watch, but also wait. But what to expect is not clear: either guests from the past, or the future Spring, or the Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017.

By the way, as the horoscope shows, “guests from the past” next month will really influence your life, mood and events. The key point that will help you understand this difficult issue for you will be Love and Jealousy. Firstly, if a person says that he loves you, this does not mean that he loves only you, and secondly, maybe you yourself do not love, but are simply jealous. After all, as the site’s astrologer says, Love is a rainbow, and jealousy is rain and the tears of the sky, so love, like a rainbow, is not possible without rain, but rain is jealousy without love (without a rainbow).

And, considering that Tomorrow Today will definitely become Yesterday, and departed Love is just memories, in February Aquarians need to be prepared for parting (if you have not already done this in January).

In general, as we have already said, Aquarius will be more observers than participants in events. And this is while Luck and February smile on the brave... And then, together with Aquarius, he laughs at them for a long time. Although you will still be able to attract her to your side next month after she laughs enough at the careless and... True, in the professional sphere, Aquarius will not be able to be only observers. Aquarius expects a particularly busy schedule in the second ten days of February. But, by the end of the month, Aquarians will once again be convinced that Life is a continuous holiday, just not always yours, and they will want to change this, and most importantly, that most likely you will succeed, but already in March, and more about We will tell you about this next month.

After all, as we have already warned in detail, this year you will face a painful, painful and unpleasant return... to real world. And even if you have never suffered from escapism, and were not a nerd, a geek, a hippie, an emo or a gamer. The Year of the Rooster will force you to take off your rose-colored glasses and return to the real world.

And most likely this will happen after solar eclipse February 26, 2017. Aquarius, do you know this strange feeling when, at the sight of real friends, you feel sad and want to call them ex? And when you go on the Internet and see virtual friends, you are happy with them, and you want to communicate with them and call them real. If you are not familiar, then congratulations, you have not yet completely become infected with the Internet. In any case, Aquarius, don’t despair - it’s great in real life! You'll like it!

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius favorable days- 1, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22 and 24.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius unfavorable days - The world would not have been created if its Creator had thought about how to cause trouble to anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius work, career and business. In the first ten days of February, Aquarius suddenly really wants to work. It is advisable that this desire of yours lasts as long as possible until the end of the month. This will allow you not only to make serious progress in your career, but also in matters of your own image and authority in your own eyes. And for Aquarius, their own self-esteem is sometimes better than the praise of their superiors.

So, even despite the fact that many employers perceive the protracted crisis as a chance to feel like a slave owner, Aquarius is better off not delving into this issue, and not waiting for praise from management, but doing specific work. Although it is quite possible that in February you will also have to take it home. Or stay late at work. Try not to leave anything to the last minute, as changes or additions to your plans, scope, work and responsibilities are possible within a month. And although work could only make a “tired monkey” out of a monkey, in February it will make out of some Aquarius a monkey completely satisfied with itself and life, oh, excuse me, man.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius Finance. In February, Aquarius will want something big and clean... either to wash an elephant, or a lot of money. The horoscope does not promise an elephant, but financial income of the same size can go a long way.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius. Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius Love. Real love, like chickenpox in childhood - almost everyone gets it in childhood, but only some have permanent scars. For many Aquarius next month, these scars will also “itch and itch.” So in February 2017 there will be a lot of talk about exes, or past ones. What to do with these scars? The method is the same - smear it with brilliant green and forget it, or even better, hammer it. In any case, Aquarius cannot avoid the bustle of relationships in February 2017. Either early spring hormones will attack you already in February, or a lack of vitamins and mutual understanding with your partner, but even deeply family Aquarians will think more than once about their relationships next month. Do not make “hot decisions” and conclusions, as we said at the very beginning - in February 2017, Aquarius is better off observing. Yes, and it’s not for nothing that they say that birds can be seen by their droppings, and relationships by what remains after them. If you don’t see what you like in the rest, maybe you just need to carefully dig deeper into this “droppings” again, forgive the relationship. In the end, in family life, as in a fairy tale, Good always defeats evil, which means whoever wins is good. Perhaps the most important thing is to remain with goodness and then Aquarius will definitely be the winner.

For lonely Aquarius, the horoscope hints that it would be nice to meet someone. Even as an easy medicine and prevention against complexes inflated by drafts and to increase immunity and self-esteem. You can never determine in advance which side of the sandwich to butter, and what new acquaintances will bring into your Life. But February is the month when it’s time to think about Spring. So Aquarius, we’re not sitting at home, but looking for Spring!

At the end, the horoscope for February once again reminds Aquarius where we started. Be very careful next month. And not only in relation to yourself, but also to your loved ones. In order not to get into a situation where the Petrovs only realized from the signs in the elevator that their daughter had not entered...

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