Home Useful properties of fruits Tasks for the formation of a syllabic structure. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word

Tasks for the formation of a syllabic structure. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word

, teacher-speech therapist, Tosno, Leningrad region.

To work on the syllabic structure of the word was the most successful, I propose to start with the development of spatial, dynamic and rhythmic factors of mental activity.

Exercises for the development of optical-spatial orientation:

Exercise 1. The child sits on a chair, eyes open or closed.

An adult rings a bell, holds it in front of the child, behind him, above and below the chair, to the right and to the left. It is necessary to correctly say where it rings (right, left, above, below, in front, behind).

Exercise 2. The child moves in space according to the verbal instructions of an adult (The robot goes forward …… stop. To the right… .stop. Down (under the table)… .stop).

Exercises for the development of somato-spatial orientation:

Exercise 3. The child independently shows: left little finger, right elbow, right toe, left wrist, left ear, etc.

Exercise 4. The child performs "cross" movements, showing: with the right hand left cheek, left side with right hand, left hand with right temple, middle finger right hand left shoulder etc.

Exercise 5. An adult silently performs movements, the child must repeat with the same arm or leg, avoiding specularity: right arm up, left leg to the side, right hand on the belt, etc.

Exercise 6. An adult asks a child to perform these movements without showing a pattern. The commands are taken from exercise 5.

Exercises for the development of orientation in two-dimensional space (on a piece of paper):

Exercise 7. An adult offers the child the following tasks: "" Put a dot at the top of the sheet (stick down), draw a cross on the right, draw a wave in the lower left corner (a straight line in the lower right corner), etc.

Exercise 8. From the point set on the sheet, without tearing off the hand, the child should draw a line at the command of an adult: "" We are going to the right ... ..stop, up ... ..stop, left ... ..stop, up ... .stop, etc. . ""

Exercise 9. Graphic dictation. The child is asked to draw: a cross to the right of the stick, a point to the left of the hook, an oval under a triangle, a square in a circle, etc.

Exercise 10. The child must continue the row.

…. “ …. “ …. “ ….

O! + Oh! + Oh! +

Exercise 11. The child is required to find an extra figure among similar, but inverted in space.

Exercises for the development of temporal-spatial orientation:

Exercise 12. Graphic dictation. For graphic dictation, the following tasks are offered: "" Draw first a house, then a person, and at the end a flower; on the tree draw first a leaf, then a hollow, at the end of a nest, etc. ""

Exercise 13. The adult interrupts the child's actions and asks the questions: ““ What did you do before? What are you doing now? What will you do next? ""

Exercise 14. Exercise consists in laying out pictures by the child on the topics "" Seasons "" "" "Parts of the day" ". Finally, the adult and child discuss the sequence of pictures.

Exercise 15. An adult and a child are talking on the topic "" Yesterday - today - tomorrow "".

Exercise 16. Let's move on to working with speech material. An adult gives a child a task:

  1. Listen to the words: poppy, soup, smoke. Count. Name the second word, first, third.
  2. Listen to sentences: Bonfire is burning. The bird is flying. Snowing. Count. Name the third sentence, the second, the first.

Exercises for the development of a dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements:

Exercise 17. Holding dynamic programs. The exercise consists of repeated independent repetition of the action by the child after the visual presentation of instructions by the speech therapist.

  1. Articulation exercises: open your mouth, bar your teeth, puff out your cheeks; tongue behind the right cheek, lips with a tube; pull in your cheeks, click your tongue, blow, etc.

2. Exercises for hands: thumb alternately touch the index, little finger, middle; put the hand on the table with a fist, edge, palm; "" fist on the table "" alternately show thumb, pinky, forefinger etc.

After practicing these exercises, you can proceed directly to overcoming violations. syllabic structure words.

In speech therapy work with children, overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is often highlighted and the importance of the development of the syllable structure of the word is underestimated. Difficulties in the pronunciation of individual sounds, as well as an emphasis on overcoming them, leads to the fact that the sound, and not the syllable, becomes the unit of pronunciation. This, to some extent, contradicts the natural process of speech development. Therefore, it is of particular importance to determine the correct relationship between the development of sound pronunciation and the mastery of the syllabic structure of the word. In this case, one should take into account individual level development of the speech of each child and the type of speech pathology (polymorphic dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia, childhood aphasia, rhinolalia). Special meaning in the work on the syllable structure of the word, I assign "" inclusion in the work "" in addition to the speech analyzer, auditory, visual and tactile.

Vowel level

Accurate perception and clear articulation of vowel sounds ensure the correct transmission of the syllabic image of the word, and also prevent the substitution and rearrangement of syllables in the word. At the stage of mastering articulatory gymnastics, children should be taught to a number of manual poses corresponding to vowel sounds (Fig. 2-7).

Thus, the traditional exercise "" Window "" (sound [a]) is accompanied by showing an open palm facing the child (Fig. 2).

Pose "" Tube "" (reminiscent of the articulation of the sound [y]) - the fingers are brought together "" in a pinch "", but not closed, and extended towards the child (Fig. 3).

Pose "Proboscis" "(lips as with the sound [o]) - similar, but the fingers are wider (Fig. 4).

Pose "" Fence "" (sound [and]) - palm into a fist with fingers to the child, thumb pressed, nails are visible (association with teeth) (Fig. 5).

Additionally, poses are introduced for the sounds [s] and [e].

The pose for the sound [s] is similar to [and], but the wrist is more advanced towards the child (association with the lower jaw extended forward) (Fig. 6).

The pose for the sound [e] is a rounded palm, as if squeezing a ball (Fig. 7).

Double sounds of letters "" e "", "" e "", "" u "", "" I "" are also designated manually, by two consecutive poses.

"" e "" = [j] + [e] - clenched fist with fingers to the child, thumb to the side, nails are visible [j] (Fig. 8) + posture of sound [e] (Fig. 7)

"" e "" = [j] (Fig. 8) + posture of sound [o] (Fig. 4);

"" u "" = [j] (Fig. 8) + posture of sound [y] (Fig. 3);

"" I "" = [j] (Fig. 8) + posture of sound [a] (Fig. 2).

When performing poses, the forearm is positioned vertically or at a slight angle.

Such manual accompaniment during articulatory gymnastics shows the volume of the posture ("" window ""), emphasizes the contrast ("" fence - tube "", "" tube - proboscis "").

Subsequently, when working on the syllable structure of words, the alternation of vowel poses makes it easier for the child to switch from syllable to syllable, prevents their omissions and replacements.

The following exercises are offered to children:

Exercise 1. The child repeats pairs, triplets and more sounds from more contrasting to less contrasting:

  • accompanied by hand symbols;
  • without them;
  • without visual support.
  • Syllables are suggested:

A - I - O

Y - A - I

I - O - S

Y - A - I - O

E - U - A - And etc.

Exercise 2. Training in pitch, volume, voice strength and tempo of pronunciation. The child pronounces a series of vowels:

On one exhalation, while smoothly (or abruptly);

Loud (quieter, very quiet);

Alternating loudness within one row;

Fast (or slow).

Exercise 3. To consolidate the work on vowels, the child is invited to:

  • pronounce the sound as many times as there are dots on the cube;
  • make a sound as many times as the speech therapist claps his hands;
  • come up with as many sounds as the stars are drawn;
  • chanting a series of sounds with clear articulation, repeating sounds for a speech therapist, reading letters, writing a series of letters (auditory and visual dictation): A U AND O; АУ ИА ОА; AUI IAU; AUA UAU; AUIA IUAO;
  • the same tasks with the emphasis on the percussive sound: A UA; A Have A, AU A;
  • guess which vowel symbol is shown by a speech therapist or another child;
  • make a number of sounds and depict with hand symbols;
  • recognizing a series of sounds by silent articulation and pronouncing them in a voice;
  • repeat sounds in reverse order;

the speech therapist taps out the rhythm, and the child must, in accordance with this rhythm, pronounce the vowel sounds as follows: A - AA, AA - A, A AA, A A A

Syllable level

It is advisable to carry out these types of work at the stage of automation and differentiation of sounds worked out by the speech therapist. Tasks can be as follows:

Compilation of all possible syllables from the proposed letters ("" Who is more? "");

  • Stringing rings on rods with simultaneous pronouncing of a chain of syllables (one syllable for each ring);
  • Exercise with fingers "" Fingers greet "" (for each contact of the fingers with the thumb of the same hand, pronounce one syllable);
  • Count how many syllables the speech therapist pronounced (syllables are direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants);
  • Name the stressed syllable in the chain of syllables heard;
  • Extension of syllables ("" Say one syllable more than me ""): sa-so… .;
  • Decrease in the number of syllables ("" Say one syllable less than me ""): sa-so-su-sy;
  • Tapping off syllable chains by touching large and medium or large and forefinger the leading hand, and the same syllables are tapped out with the same finger: sa-so-so, so-sa-so;
  • Memorization and repetition of a chain of syllables: sa-so-so, so-sa-so, sa-so-so, sa-sa-so, so-so-sa;
  • Come up with a syllable for the scheme: SG, GS, SGS, SSG, GSS;
  • "" Say the other way around "" (ball game): sa-as, tsa - ast;
  • "" Who is faster? "": Syllables are written in the table, the child must quickly find and read the syllable named by the speech therapist;
  • Writing syllables of various types under dictation;
  • Writing chains of syllables of various lengths with underlining of vowels or consonants, hard or soft consonants, voiced or voiceless consonants; performing sound-syllabic analysis of a chain of syllables (depending on the correction task)

Word level

Word processing order with different types the syllabic structure is proposed by E.S. Bolshakova in the manual "" The work of a speech therapist with preschoolers "" ". The author offers the following exercises:

Exercises to distinguish between long and short words:

Exercise 1. The child has chips, in front of him on the table is a long and short strip of paper. The speech therapist offers to listen to the word and determine whether it is long (sounds long) or short (does not sound long). Having heard the word, the child puts the chip under the long or short strip, respectively.

Exercise 2. In front of the child is a set of pictures with monosyllabic and polysyllabic words. It is required to divide them into two groups.

Exercises on the reflected chanted repetition of the words of the studied type

Exercise 3. Training the ability to pause between syllables. After the speech therapist calls the word, the child should repeat and tap it on the table in conjunction (BU… .SY, NOT… ..BO, LYu… ..DI).

Exercise 4. Sound analysis and synthesis.

  1. Counting syllables.
  2. Laying out strips, sticks according to the number of syllables.
  3. Choosing a suitable word scheme.
  4. Analysis of each syllable (counting and enumerating sounds).

This type of work is especially important when studying words with combinations of consonants. This group of words requires special attention. The following development order is proposed:

  1. disyllabic words with a concatenation in the middle of a word: first, words are given that begin with a vowel sound (game, glasses), then - words starting with a consonant (heel, nails), after that - words with two concatenations of consonants (swallow, leaves);
  2. confluence at the end of a word (bone, bridge);
  3. confluence at the beginning of a word (elephant, table);
  4. monosyllabic words with two combinations (pillar, tail);
  5. polysyllabic words with concatenations (library).

Exercise 5. Isolated pronouncing the words "" We are going up the stairs "". The child should, repeating the word by syllable after the speech therapist, climb the steps of the toy ladder with his fingers. There is a stop at each step.

Exercise 6. Variant of the game "" "We go up the ladder" ". Pronouncing a series of two or three one compound words from a closed syllable: SOUP - SMOKE, GOose - CAT, SOUL - ELK - MOUSE.

Exercise 7. Repetition of rows of words that are similar in sound composition:

  • differing in vowel sounds: SUK - SOK
  • differing in consonant sounds: SUK - SOUP
  • differing in consonant sound and place of stress: WATER - SODA.

Repetition exercises highlighting the stressed syllable.

Exercise 8. Two pictures are laid out. Their name contains the same number syllables, but differ in the position of the stressed syllable (Melon - WATER). The speech therapist silently slaps words with accents on stressed syllables. The child guesses the intended words.

Exercise 9. Naming words similar in sound composition, but differing in the place of the stressed syllable (LOCK - LOCK).

Exercises with rearrangement of syllables.

Exercise 10. Speech therapist pronounces a word consisting of two syllables. It is necessary to swap them and name the resulting word (LIVES - SKI, KI-RA - CANCER).

Exercise 11. Speech therapist pronounces three syllables. Children must make a word out of them (KU-KI-BI - CUBES, SA-GI-PO - BOOTS).

Exercise for assessing normativity.

Exercise 12. Speech therapist reads words, children raise a green flag if the word sounds right, and a red flag if it is wrong. The exercise is carried out based on pictures (PAVUK, VUTKA, KOCHE).

Exercises for the transition to continuous pronunciation.

Exercise 13. The speech therapist calls the word by postpositions, and the children guess the word (KA… .PUS… ..TA - KABUSTA).

Exercise 14. A speech therapist pronounces the first syllable of a word. Children guess what word was sounded (VED- - BUCKET, KUKH- - KITCHEN).

Exercise 15. The speech therapist says the end of the word, slapping it syllables. The child adds the first syllable and names the whole word (-REVO ... .. - DE! TREE).

Exercise # 16 . The speech therapist names the word by making a clap instead of the second syllable (or any middle syllable). The child adds a syllable and names the whole word (KO -! - SIDE - LO! KOLOBOK) .

Exercise 17. The speech therapist thinks out a word and puts on the typesetting canvas as many counters as there are syllables in it. Then the speech therapist names the first syllable: KA. Children guess the conceived word based on the number of tokens (KA - BINET, KA - LINA, KA - PETA).

Exercise 18. Syllabic analysis and synthesis.

  1. Of the proposed pictures, name those in which there is a given syllable (for example, MA): raspberries, tomatoes, popsicle, macaque, ant, lipstick.
  2. Put the pictures in such an order that the last syllable of the previous word and the first syllable of the next word are the same (SOVA, VATA).
  3. The speech therapist names the word by inserting the word “then” (“next”, “then”) between the syllables. The child makes up a word (PA, then UK - SPIDER).

After working out words of various syllabic structures at the word level, it is necessary to work them out on material of pure phrases, complete sentences, poems and other texts.

As a rule, children with severe speech pathology do not memorize poems, especially those consisting of 4 or more lines. Therefore, you should begin to learn couplets with them. Learning should be carried out based on subject pictures. When memorizing verses, you need to make sure that the children understand their content. To do this, the speech therapist asks a question on the picture. It is also recommended to conduct outdoor games accompanied by speech:

Train game

Green wagons run, run, run

And the round wheels are all thump, thump, thump.

(Children stand one after another and imitate the movement of a train).

Game "Geese"

Geese - geese!

Do you want to drink?

Geese - geese, here's the water!

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

So everybody run here!

(Children run to the driver)

Game "Fox and Geese"

Geese, geese, I'll eat you!

Wait, fox, don't eat!

Listen to our song:

Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Tired of listening to you!

I'll eat all of them now!

("Geese" "scatter," the "fox" "catches).

All of the above exercises are aimed at bringing the level of pronunciation of words by children to the norm as much as possible.

The exercises described are carried out on speech therapy classes 5 - 7 minutes each.


  1. Agranovich Z.E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words in children. - SPb "" "Childhood-Press" ", 2005
  2. Bolshakova S.E. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of the word in children. - M. "" Sphere "", 2007-12-11
  3. L.V. Bondarko Syllable structure and characteristics of phonemes // Questions of linguistics. - M., 1967 No. 1
  4. Esechko L.B., Formation of the syllable composition in the pronunciation of children with general underdevelopment speeches in kindergarten. // Defectology, 1974 №3
  5. Kurdvanovskaya N.V., Vanyukova L.S. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word. - M., "Sphere" ", 2007
  6. A.K. Markova Features of mastering the syllabic structure in children with speech impairments. // Abstract fis. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - M., 1963
  7. A.K. Markova Features of the assimilation of the sound-syllable structure of the word by children suffering from alalia. // School for children with severe speech impairments. - M., 1961
  8. Titova T.A. On the problem of violation of the syllable structure of words in children with alalia and dysarthria. - L., 1985

Formation of the syllabic structure of the word

One of the most difficult for correction among various speech disorders in preschool children is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllable structure of words. Violation of the syllable structure of words is usually detected when speech therapy examination children with general speech underdevelopment. This defect speech development characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or the addition of new syllables or sounds)... Speech therapy work to correct violations of the sound-syllable structure of the word is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders... And quite often, a speech therapist teacher can recommend such tasks for repetition at home. This is especially true for children with motor alalia.

Allocate two stages of work on the formation of the syllable structure of the word:

1) Preparatory stage-development of a sense of rhythm, stimulation of the perception of the rhythmic structure of the word.

It is recommended to carry out work on the formation of rhythmic skills:can be used different kinds walking with music and speech, dance moves combined with hand claps, speech in a certain rhythm, slapping rhythms,tapping the ball on the floor, using musical instruments- drum, tambourine, metallophone,simple dance exercises.Exercise to develop hand coordination: performing movements alternately with the right and left hands, and then simultaneously with both hands (left hand fist - right hand rib, etc.).

2) Correctional stage- reproduction of rhythmic beats in the child's own speech without disturbances, first by imitation, then in independent speech.

This stage takes place in the following order:

· - clarification of the articulation of preserved sounds;

· - pronouncing syllable rows varying degrees difficulties only with saved sounds according to the scheme:

Vowel + vowel / ay, ya, ua /
Consonant + vowel / ba-ba-ba /;
Vowel + consonant / am-am-am; ooh - ooh - ooh /
Vowel + consonant + vowel / apa-apa-apa /
Consonant + consonant + vowel / kva - kva - kva /
Vowel + consonant + consonant / aft - aft - aft /
Vowel + consonant + consonant + vowel / adna-adna-adna /

· - pronouncing words for an adult reflected, calling words from pictures, making sentences with familiar words.

There are 14 types of syllabic structure of a word according to the increasing degree of complexity (classification of words according to A.K. Markova). It is also necessary to take into account this classification (see Appendix 2) when teaching reading. Complication consists in increasing the number and using different types of syllables:

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables ( hunting, raspberry).

3. Monosyllabic words ( house, poppy).

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable ( sofa, furniture).

5. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word ( bank, branch).

6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (compote, tulip).

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable ( hippo, phone).

8. Three-syllable words with consonant concatenation ( room, shoes).

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable ( lamb, ladle).

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants ( tablet, matryoshka).

11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word ( table, wardrobe).

12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word ( lift, umbrella).

13. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants ( whip, button).

14. Four-syllable words from open syllables ( turtle, piano).

At the heart of work on a speech rhythm or rhythm at the word level is the slapping of words by syllables with the emphasis of the stressed syllable in a voice and a louder clap.

Violations of the syllable structure of a word are retained in the speech of preschoolers with OHP longer than deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The syllabic structure of a word, mastered in an isolated pronunciation, is often distorted again when the word is included in a phrase or independent speech.

The assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word is one of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and further successful education of a child at school.

Annex 1

Norms for the development of the syllabic structure of the word

in children of different age categories:

3 years: reproduction of words consisting of:

Of 2 syllables, for example, (cotton wool, willow, owl, etc.),

Of 3 syllables (cab, car, ducklings, etc.)

From 1 syllable, for example (poppy, juice, smoke, etc.)

4-5 years old:word reproduction:

From open syllables without a confluence of consonants (raspberries, buttons, tomatoes ...);

Of 4-5 syllables with a confluence of consonants at the beginning, middle, end of a word (snow, cabbage, roof, cat, bridge, birdhouse, yogurt, medicine, draft, TV, frying pan, whistle, policeman, aquarium, hairdresser, construction ... )

The child should be able to:

Name subject pictures;

Repeat words for an adult;

Answer questions (Where is the hair cut? ..).

After 5 yearschildren repeat sentences after adults with a high concentration of difficult words, for example:

The plumber was fixing the plumbing.

The policeman regulates the traffic.

Colorful fish are swimming in the aquarium.

Builders are working on the construction of a high-rise building.

Hair is trimmed at the barber shop.

In addition, children can independently compose sentences for plot pictures.

Children school age must be able to complete tasks, both orally and in writing:

Reading words of complex syllabic structure;

Reading sentences saturated with different types of words;

Reading tongue twisters;

Cheating difficult words and sentences.

Appendix 2

Types of syllabic structure of a word in ascending degree of difficulty

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables:

melon, water, soap, cotton wool, coffee, fly, owl, children, perfume, moon, legs, willow, vase, notes, goat, teeth, miracle, sleigh, summer, winter, fox, goat, foam, mud.

Tanya, Katya, Vitya, Olya, Sanya, Petya, Valya, Vadya, Zhenya, Kolya, Tolya, Galya,

I walk, I wear, I carry, I carry, I walk, I give, I run, I take, but I, I sing, I sow, I blow.

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables:

shovel, dog, cubes, boots, cabin, Panama, ducklings, head, raspberry, newspaper, mimosa, berries, car, coin, wheel, milk, cow, road, magpie, hut, mountain ash, viburnum, vegetables, weather, work, birch, guys, dried apricots, replacement, lights, log, beard, care, knee, head, hoof, rainbow, iron, boots, cart, pajamas

3. Monosyllabic words from a closed word:

poppy, bow, ball, whale, forest, beetle, catfish, juice, oak, lion, honey, house, cat, goose, smoke, nose.

Don, son of couples, cat, noise, weight, than, hall, beat, lived, washed, gave, sang, sat down, lie down, sit down, sing, give, rash, lei.

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable:

lemon, broom, spider, banana, fire, package, can, hammock, wagon, loaf, iron, rooster, skating rink, sofa, scoop, rope, belly, giraffe, stump, day, shadow, salon, sofa, one, parade, ferry, sail, bazaar, banana, ballet, ram, fire, cook, flight, buffet, bud, bouquet, pilot, python, pie, bison, ticket, beads, cock, pencil case, pepper, runner, herd, coupon, basin, ax, goods, tomato, patrol, salad, boot, net, pike perch, twig, plant, castle, smell, sunset, skating rink, wild boar, carpet, goat, pheasant, torch, fakir, peas, lawn, city, voice, wagon, finale, owl, date, virus, temple, turn, bend, minx, hut, naughty, stocking, cast iron, eccentric, puppy, goldfinch, twitter, sock, knife, number, burdock, curl, tray, bag

5. Two-syllable words with a confluence in the middle of a word:

bank, skirt, letter, branch, letters, duck, bath, threads, cap, fork, pumpkin, slippers, window, skates, T-shirt, taxi, fleece, days, tambourines, tow, place, dough, squirrel, family, modeling, fishing line, aunt, cat, mouse, bump, bangs,

Kostya, Nastya, Gerda, Tishka, Zhuchka, Toshka.

I hold, crawl, keep quiet, twirl, take, pick.

6. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants:

edging, tile, compote, bow, forester, watering can, kettle, tray, album, rain, cactus, fountain, bear, bagel, magnet, tulip, turkey, dolphin, costume, compass, soldier, peacock, coat, broth, shepherd,

Sergey, Matvey, Anton, Pavlik.

He pushed, had time, turned, drew, endured, cleaned.

dish, pancakes, elephants, wall,

Swim, swallow, knock

Grisha, Stepan, German, Andrey, Sveta

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable:
bun, plane, tomato, suitcase, hippo, cockerel, pineapple, cornflower, telephone, drum, diver, parrot, hammer, captain, calf, shop
pelican, patty, plane, icebreaker,
8. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants:

apple, chess, sausage, candy, cuckoo, dumbbells, room, gate, boots, snail, cabbage, fishing rod, needle, gazebo, felt boots, girl, frog, tent, firecracker, plate, pin.

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable:

panama hat, button, banquet, swimsuit, pipette, room, herring, minute, gate, dumbbells, snail, hodgepodge, soldering iron, knee, file, bus, grasshopper, octopus, Indian, automatic machine, lamb, dog rose, gardener, monument, rug, alarm clock, orange, grapes, hunter, pendulum, coffee pot.

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations:

matryoshka, hut, toy, Dunno, rifle, light bulb, antenna, pills, carrot, jump rope, strawberry, carnation, bench, turkey, football player, accordion

11, 12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning or at the end of a word:

Pronunciation of syllable series with given consonants:

know - know - know - know
gna - gno - gnu - gnu
klya - klyo - klyu - kly
aphids - aphids - aphids - aphids
nta - nto - ntu - nty
hundred - one hundred - stu - st
bottom - bottom - bottom - bottom
ft - ft – ft - ft, etc.

flag, bread, gnome, wardrobe, sign, bottom, glue, bow, leaf, bolt, bush, tank, cupcake, umbrella, lift, screw, days, stumps, bend, maple, weave, fabric, aphids, who, wedge, aphid, scarf, bolt, mince, hill, bridge.

13. Two-syllable words with two combinations:

star, barbell, nest, matches, chicks, flags, hockey stick, nails, whip, cage, cranberry, rolling pin, button, satellite, books, penguin.

Formation in children of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech, which makes it possible verbal communication and preparing for schooling is one of the important tasks in common system work on teaching the child the mother tongue in kindergarten and in the family.

For education full-fledged personality it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with the team. It is important that children learn as early as possible native speech, spoke correctly, clearly, expressively. The correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary for a child when he begins to master literacy. The practice of speech therapy work shows that it is often in the foreground in preschool age the correction of sound pronunciation is put forward and the importance of the formation of the syllable structure of words is underestimated, and this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia in schoolchildren.

Among the various speech disorders in preschool children, one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllable structure of words. This defect in speech development is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllable composition (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or the addition of new syllables or sounds). Violation of the syllable structure of the word is usually revealed during speech therapy examination of children with general speech underdevelopment. As a rule, the range of these violations varies: from minor difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllable structure in conditions of spontaneous speech to gross violations when a child repeats two- and three-syllable words without concatenation of consonants, even with reliance on visualization. Deviations in the reproduction of the syllable composition of a word can manifest themselves as follows:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:
- syllable reduction;
- lowering the syllabic vowel;
- an increase in the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels.
2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:
- rearrangement of syllables;
- permutation of sounds of adjacent syllables.
3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:
- reduction of consonant confluences;
- insertion of consonants into a syllable.
4. Assimilation of syllables.
5. Perseveration (cyclical repetition).
6. Anticipation (replacement of previous sounds with subsequent ones).
7. Contamination (mixing of word elements).

Violation of the syllable structure of words can persist in children with speech pathology for quite a long time, revealing itself every time the child encounters a new sound-syllable and morphological structure of the word.

The choice of methods and techniques of corrective work to eliminate this violation is always preceded by an examination of the child, during which the degree and level of violation of the syllable structure of words is revealed. This will establish the boundaries of the level accessible to the child from which correction exercises should begin.

This type of work is based on the principle of a systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders and the classification of A.K. Markova, which identifies 14 types of syllabic structure of a word according to the increasing degree of complexity:

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).
2. Three-syllable words from open syllables (hunting, raspberry).
3. Monosyllabic words (house, juice).
4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (sofa, furniture).
5. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word (bank, branch).
6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (tulip, compote).
7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippo, phone).
8. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (room, shoes).
9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).
10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (pill, matryoshka).
11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word (table, wardrobe).
12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of a word (lift, umbrella).
13. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (whip, button).
14. Four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle, piano).

Correctional work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words consists of the development of speech and auditory perception and speech motor skills. I built my work in two stages:

- preparatory; the goal of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of words native language;
- correctional; the goal of this stage is the direct correction of defects in the syllable structure of words in a particular child.

On preparatory stage I did the exercises first on a non-verbal level and then on a verbal one.

Exercise "Repeat the same"

Purpose: to teach to reproduce a given rhythm.
Materials: ball, drum, tambourine, metallophone, sticks.
The course of the exercise: The speech therapist sets the rhythm with one of the objects, the child must repeat it in the same way.

Exercise "Count correctly"

Purpose: to teach how to count sounds.
Material: children's musical and noise instruments, cards with numbers, a cube with dots.
Exercise progress:
Option 1. The child claps his hands (knocks on a tambourine, etc.) as many times as the number of dots on the die.
Option 2. The speech therapist reproduces sounds, the child counts them and raises the card with the corresponding number.

Choose a Scheme Exercise

Purpose: to teach to correlate the rhythmic pattern with its scheme on the card.
Material: cards with patterns of rhythmic patterns.
Exercise progress:
Option 1. The speech therapist sets a rhythmic pattern, the child chooses the appropriate pattern on the card.
Option 2. The child reproduces a rhythmic pattern according to a given pattern.

Exercise "Long - short"

Purpose: to learn to distinguish between long and short sounding words.
Material: chips, long and short strips of paper, pictures.
Exercise progress:
Option 1. Speech therapist pronounces words, the child puts the chip on a long or short strip.
Option 2. The child names the words in the pictures and puts them into two groups: a long strip and a short one.

At the correctional stage the work was carried out at the verbal level with the obligatory “switching on” of the auditory, visual and tactile analyzers.

Exercises at the level of sounds:

  1. “Say the sound A as many times as there are dots on the cube. Say the sound O as many times as I clap my hands. "
  2. "Find out what sound (series of sounds) I made." Recognition by silent articulation, pronunciation with voice.
  3. Determination of a stressed vowel in a stressed position (in a series of sounds).

Exercises at the syllable level:

- Pronounce a chain of syllables while stringing rings on a pyramid (building a tower from cubes, shifting pebbles or beads).
- "Fingers greet" - pronouncing a chain of syllables with a touch on each syllable of the fingers of the hand with the thumb.
- Count the number of syllables pronounced by the speech therapist.
- Name the stressed syllable in the chain of syllables heard.
- Memorization and repetition of a chain of syllables of different types.

Exercises at the word level:

Ball game

Purpose: to teach to slap the syllable rhythm of the word.
Material: ball.
Course of the game: the child beats the rhythm of the word given by the speech therapist with the ball.

Game "Telegraph"

Purpose: to develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: sticks.
The course of the game: the child "transmits" the given word by tapping out its rhythmic pattern.

The game "Count, do not be mistaken"

Material: pyramid, cubes, pebbles.
Course of the game: the child pronounces the words set by the speech therapist and lays out stones (pyramid rings, cubes). Compare words: where there are more pebbles, then the word is longer.

Purpose: to teach how to divide words into syllables, while performing a mechanical action.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: children pass the ball to each other and at the same time call the syllable of the given word.

Game "Say the correct word"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish correctly sounding words.
Material: pictures.
The course of the game: the speech therapist pronounces the words incorrectly, the child names the words correctly (if it is difficult for the child to complete the task, then pictures are given to help).

Exercise "What has changed?"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish between different syllable structure of a word.
Material: pictures.
Exercise: The child explains the difference between words.
Words: cat, cat, kitten. House, house, house.

Find the Longest Word Exercise

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures.
The course of the exercise: the child chooses from the proposed pictures the one that depicts the longest word.

Exercise "Count, do not be mistaken"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to divide words into syllables.
Material: pictures, cards with numbers.
Exercise progress: Speech therapist shows pictures, children show a number corresponding to the number of syllables in a word (a complication option is the number of a stressed syllable).

Exercise "Which word is different"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish words with different rhythmic structure.
Material: pictures.
Course of the exercise: the speech therapist calls out a series of words, the children determine superfluous word(use pictures if children find it difficult).
Words: tank, cancer, poppy, branch. Wagon, bud, loaf, plane.

Exercise "Name the same syllable"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compare the syllable structure of words.
Material: pictures.
Course of the exercise: the child must find the same syllable in the proposed words (plane, milk, straight, ice cream).

Game "The end of the word is yours"

Purpose: to teach how to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: the speech therapist starts a word and throws the ball to the child, he adds the same syllable SHA: ka ..., wa ..., Yes ..., Ma ..., Mi ...

Game "What word came out?"

Purpose: to exercise in the simplest syllabic analysis.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: the child, throwing the ball to the speech therapist, pronounces the first syllable. The speech therapist, returning the ball, says the second syllable and asks the child to name the word in full.

Child: Speech therapist: Child:
ket bouquet
fet buffet
Boo tone bud
ben of tambourine

Exercise "Name affectionately"

Purpose: to learn to clearly pronounce words of the 6th type of syllabic structure when forming nouns.
Material: ball.
The course of the exercise: the speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, names the object. The child, returning the ball, calls it "affectionately".
Bow - bow, bandage - bandage, bush - bush, scarf - scarf, leaf - leaf.

Exercise "Spell the word correctly"

Purpose: to learn to pronounce words of the 7th type of syllabic structure clearly, to develop auditory attention and memory.
Material: subject pictures.
Exercise progress: the speech therapist shows a picture and pronounces the sound combination. The child raises his hand when he hears correct name subject and names it.

Speech therapist: Child:
Lomaset plane

Game "Syllabic Cubes"

Purpose: to exercise in the synthesis of two-syllable words.
Material: cubes with pictures and letters.
The course of the game: children have to assemble words from two parts.

Word Chain game

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to analyze and synthesize two-three-syllable words.
Material: cards with pictures and words divided into parts.
Game progress: children lay out a chain of words (pictures) like dominoes.

Game "Logokub"

Purpose: to exercise in syllabic analysis of one-, two- and three-syllable words.
Material: cube, a set of subject pictures, cards with numbers.
The course of the game: children choose from the general set of pictures those that correspond to a given number of syllables and fix them on a certain face of the cube.

Train game

Purpose: to teach to select words with a given syllable scheme.
Material: a train with carriages, a set of subject pictures, schemes of the syllabic structure of words.
The course of the game: children are invited to help "seat passengers" in the carriages in accordance with the number of syllables.

Game "Pyramid"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllable composition of a word.
Material: a set of subject pictures.
The course of the game: the child must arrange the pictures in a given sequence: one at the top - with a monosyllabic word, two in the middle - with two-syllable words, three below - with three-syllable words.

Exercise "Collect the Word"

Purpose: to teach how to synthesize two-three-syllable words.
Material: cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Exercise progress: each child lays out one word. Then a set of cards is exchanged and the game continues.

Exercise "Find the word"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to analyze the syllabic structure of words.
Material: subject pictures, cards with diagrams of syllabic structure. Word cards (for reading children).
Exercise progress:
Option 1. The child selects schemes for pictures.
Option 2. The child selects pictures for schemes.

The game "Let's put things in order"

Purpose: to improve syllabic analysis and synthesis.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on tinted paper.
Course of the game: children choose from the total number of syllables and arrange them in the right order.

Game "Who is more"

Purpose: to improve the ability to synthesize words from syllables.
Material: a set of cards with syllables on paper of the same color.
The course of the game: from the total number of syllables, children lay out as many variants of words as possible.


  1. Agranovich Z.E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words in children. SPb: Childhood-Press, 2000.
  2. Bolshakova S.E. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of the word in children. Moscow: Sphere, 2007.
  3. Volina V.V. Learning by playing. Yekaterinburg: Argo, 1996.
  4. Kozyreva L.M. We read syllables. A set of games and exercises for children 5 - 7 years old. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2006.
  5. Kurdvanovskaya N.V., Vanyukova L.S. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Moscow: Sphere, 2007.
  6. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschoolers. Saint Petersburg: Union, 1999.
  7. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. Moscow: Aquarium, 1996.
  8. Tkachenko T.A. Correction of violations of the syllable structure of the word. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2001.
  9. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten... Moscow: 1991.
  10. Chetverushkina N.S. Syllabic structure of the word. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2001.

The number of children suffering from TNR is increasing every year. Most of them, to one degree or another, have a violation of the syllable structure of the word (SSS). In speech therapy work with children, overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is often highlighted and the importance of the development of CVS is underestimated. Difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds, as well as focusing on overcoming them, lead to the fact that the sound, and not the syllable, becomes the unit of pronunciation. This, to some extent, contradicts the natural process of speech development. Therefore, it is of particular importance to determine the correct relationship between the development of sound pronunciation and the mastery of the syllabic structure of the word. Correction of CVS is one of the priority tasks in speech therapy work with preschoolers with systemic disorders speech. The formation of CVS affects the success of mastering the grammatical structure of speech, assimilation sound analysis, writing, reading.

Since this topic has not been sufficiently studied and covered in the educational and methodological literature, speech therapists have difficulties in organizing work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word: in the systematization and selection of speech didactic material, providing classes with lexical richness.

This manual presents a system of work on the syllable structure of a word, based on an analysis of the literature on this issue and on personal pedagogical experience.

Types of violations of the syllable structure of the word

A.K. Markova identifies the following types of violations of the syllable structure of the word:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:

  • Abbreviation (omission) of a syllable: "skein" - a hammer;
  • Lowering the syllabic vowel: "pinino" - piano;
  • An increase in the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels into consonant clusters: "komanata" - room;

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

  • Permutation of syllables: "devore" - tree;
  • Permutation of sounds of adjacent syllables: "hebemot" - behemoth;

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

  • Reduction of consonant confluences: "tul" - chair;
  • Inserts of consonants in a syllable: "lemon" - lemon;

4. Assimilation of syllables : "Cococonuts" - apricots;

5. Perseveration (cyclical repetition of one syllable).

6. Anticipation (replacement of previous sounds with subsequent ones): "nananapples" - pineapples;

7. Contamination (mixing the elements of words): "kabudka" - kennel + booth.

Stages of work on the syllable structure of the word

For the formation of the syllable structure of a word, such non-speech processes as optical-spatial orientation, the possibility of tempo-rhythmic organization of movements and actions, the ability to serially-sequential information processing are significant. These non-speech processes are the basic prerequisites for mastering the syllable structure of a word.

In corrective work to overcome cardiovascular system disorders, 2 stages can be distinguished:

  • preparatory, the purpose of which is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of words in the native language; work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material;
  • proper correctional, the purpose of which is the direct correction of CVS defects in a particular child; the work is carried out on verbal material.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage includes work in the following areas:

  • formation of spatial representations and optical-spatial orientation;
  • development of temporal-spatial orientation;
  • development of dynamic and tempo-rhythmic organization of movements.

The following are examples of games and exercises to develop these functions. At the preparatory stage, these games and exercises can be used simultaneously, that is, all areas of work can be included in one lesson. Exercises are used not only in speech therapy classes, but also in classes for the development of elementary mathematical representations, in a music lesson, in drawing, physical education, in classes to familiarize yourself with the world around you.

I. Formation of spatial representations and optical-spatial orientation

1. Orientation in your own body

  • "This is what we are"("Show your belly, your back": Belly - in front, back - behind. Where is the tummy? Where is the back?).
  • "Putting things in order"(in front of the child, mittens, gloves, sandals, etc. - "Find a pair", "Put the sandals correctly").
  • "Hands and Footprints"(The child is offered the contours of several palms and traces and the contour of the palm, to which a pair of the proposed options must be found).

2. Orientation in three-dimensional space

  • "Train"(Toys are placed in a column in front of the child and questions are asked: "Who is in front? Who is behind? Who is far away? Who is close?")
  • "Collect a fairy tale"(In front of the child - a set of toys or objects: "Put the horse close to the house. Put the little man between the house and the tree").
  • "Find the treasure"(orientation according to the schemes).
  • "Where the steam locomotive hums"(determining the location of the sound).

II. Development of temporal-spatial orientation

  • "The bunny went to visit"(A child in the role of a bunny follows the instructions to visit a squirrel, a hedgehog, a frog. Who had it first, then, at the very end?)
  • "What first, what then"(An adult gives the child tasks: 1) first jump, then squat down, at the end clap your hands; 2) first shake the bear, then feed the bunny, at the end dress up the doll - the child performs, and then describes the sequence of his actions).
  • "Look and Repeat"(An adult shows a series of movements, a child looks, then repeats all movements in the desired sequence)

III. Development of dynamic and tempo-rhythmic organization of movements

Areas of work:

  • Improving general motor movements
  • Perfection fine motor skills
  • Development of articulatory motor skills
  • Developing a sense of pace
  • Formation of a sense of rhythm

Improvement of motor movements: general, fine, articulatory

Purpose: development of the spatial organization of movements; development of switchability of movements; development of the ability to reproduce a given sequence of movements.

  • "Do as I do"

The speech therapist performs a series of at first two, then three or four movements, the children follow the instructions: "Do as I do", "Continue yourself": 1) Sit down - stand up, sit down - stand up, ... sides - on the waist, ... 3) Leg forward - backward - to the side, forward - backward - to the side.

  • "Skillful hands"

The alternation of various poses: 1) Fists - palms, ... 2) Rings - ears - horns, ... 3) Fingers greet.

  • Articulation exercises

Alternation of different poses of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: 1) "Frog" - "Proboscis" - "Bagel"; 2) "Watch"; 3) "Shoulder" - "Needle".

Developing a sense of pace

Purpose: to teach to distinguish, reproduce, characterize the tempo based on tactile-kinesthetic, visual, auditory sensations.

  • "Mouse and Cat"

An adult shows children how easily and quickly a mouse runs on tiptoes, and a cat slowly creeps behind it. Movements are performed in a circle to the sounds of a tambourine. On frequent blows - fast, like mice, on rare - slowly, calmly, like a cat.

  • "Cams - palms"

An adult reads a poem, and children perform hand movements at the right pace:

Anyone has two fists, hit one on the other lightly:
Knock knock, knock knock.
Well, the palms do not lag behind, they beat them cheerfully after them:
Clap clap clap clap.
The fists beat faster, to which they try:
Knock knock knock, knock knock knock,
And the palms are right there, and crumble:
Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Formation of a sense of rhythm

Objectives: to teach to perceive metric relations (accented unaccented beats prerequisite for mastering stress), to distinguish and reproduce the rhythm on the basis of tactile-kinesthetic, visual, auditory sensations.

  • "Thunder" (clap your hands loudly, or quietly, leaning on the drawing - a large cloud - a loud clap, a small cloud - quiet).
  • Graphic exercises for switching: "Beads" (alternation of beads different color- for example, red - yellow - red - yellow, etc.), "Track" (alternation of two or three geometric shapes, various items).
  • Reproduction of rhythms based on clarity, on the schemes: "Snowflakes", "Rain", "Woodpecker" ("Rain" - a big drop - a long clap, a small drop - a short one).
  • Reproduction of a given rhythm by ear: "Zainka and spoons"

In an adult's arms wooden spoons, children stand in a circle. The adult goes around the circle and hums: The little gray zainka went to visit. Zainka found a gray spoon. I found the spoons, went up to the house. Stops behind the child's back and knocks on spoons: knock - knock - knock. The child asks: "Who is there?" The adult answers: "It's me, Bunny, and who are you?" The child answers: "...." The adult continues: "Come on, ... come out, knock on the spoons with me!" An adult plays a child on spoons of any of the suggested rhythms: / //; // /; // //; / // / etc.

Correctional stage

Correctional work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels. Go to next level is carried out after mastering the material of the previous level.

The following levels are distinguished:

  • vowel level;
  • level of syllables;
  • word level;
  • the level of short sentences;
  • the level of pure phrases, poems and other texts.

Particular importance at each level is given to "inclusion in work" in addition to the speech analyzer, also auditory, visual and tactile. Exercises for each level are suggested below.

Working on vowels

  • Pronouncing a series of two, three or more sounds:
  • accompanied by symbols ("Little Men - Sounds")
  • without visual support.
  • Pronunciation of a number of vowels with emphasis on one of them (also - based on clarity and without it - by ear).
  • Recognition and pronunciation of a number of vowels by the silent articulation of an adult.
  • "Musical ball"

An adult, throwing a ball to a child, makes one or two (more in the next step) sounds. The child repeats and returns the ball.

  • Pronunciation of a number of vowels, changing the volume, tempo, "mood" (sad, spiteful, affectionate) of the voice.
  • Pronounce as many vowels as there are in the meadow of flowers.
  • Stand up when a series of two (or another specified number) sounds are heard.

Working on syllables

The work is carried out with different types syllables:

  • with a common consonant (for example, the exercise "Katai snow woman"- imitating movements, say: ba - bo - boo - would);
  • with a common vowel ( ka - ta - ma - va);
  • reverse syllables (Say "Av - av" as many times as the number of dots is drawn);
  • closed syllables, their rows and pairs (various onomatopoeia);
  • direct and inverse syllables with opposition sounds: by hardness - softness, voiced - deafness (“We hammer carnations with a hammer: ta - yes - that - yes, then - before - then - before ");
  • syllables with confluence.

Techniques and exercises:

  • "Musical ball" (see "Working on vowels")
  • The combination of pronouncing syllabic rows with some kind of rhythmic movement: with drawing or tracing broken lines; with the unfolding of sticks, circles; with finger drawing of patterns in cereals, poured into a small box.
  • Working with rhythmic schemes (Exercise "Hen": the child is offered a rhythmic scheme // / // / /// / /, you need to voice it: co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co).

Work on the word

A.K. Markova identifies the following types of word syllabic structure:

  • Two-syllable of open syllables ( willow, children).
  • Trisyllabic of open syllables ( hunting, raspberry).
  • Monosyllabic ( house, poppy).
  • Biosyllabic with a closed syllable ( sofa, furniture).
  • Two-syllable with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word ( bank, branch).
  • Two-syllable words from closed syllables ( compote, tulip).
  • Trisyllabic words with a closed syllable ( hippo, phone)
  • Trisyllabic consonants ( room, shoes).
  • Trisyllabic with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable ( ladle).
  • Trisyllabic words with two combinations of consonants ( matryoshka).
  • Monosyllabic with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word ( table).
  • Monosyllabic with a confluence at the end of the word ( umbrella).
  • Biosyllabic with two consonants ( button).
  • Four-syllable words from open syllables ( turtle, piano).

Work on words is carried out sequentially - the transition to words of a more complex syllable structure is carried out as the words of the previous type are mastered.

Games and exercises used in the process of practicing words with different types of syllabic structure

  • Syllabic tracks (there are traces on the tracks - depending on the number of syllables in the word - the child says the word, stepping on each syllable on the next track).
  • Syllabic rulers.
  • Syllabic houses (1. The number of syllables corresponds to the number of floors in the house - 3 houses with different amounts floors - the child pronounces the word, counts the syllables and puts the picture in the desired house. 2. The number of syllables in the distributed words depends on the inhabitants of the houses: cancer - 1 syllable, rooster - 2, frog - 3 syllables).
  • "House - castle - hut" (distribution of words depending on the number of syllables in these buildings: to the house - words from one syllable, to the castle - two-syllable words, to the hut - words consisting of 3 syllables).
  • "Clock" (find and show with an arrow a word of two (1, 3, 4) syllables)
  • "Think out the word" (choose a word for the scheme - with reference to pictures and without them, for example, CA _; CA _ _)
  • "Steam locomotive" (a steam locomotive consists of several cars, cars differ in the number of windows, depending on this, words are distributed - in a car with one window - monosyllabic words, with two - disyllabic, etc.).
  • "Television" ( Visual material"Television". There are 1-4 vowels on the screen. The child is offered pictures. You need to choose a picture that matches the diagram on the screen. For example, on the screen the letters U A. And the pictures to choose from: house, pear, rose).

Work on phrases, sentences, texts

  • "Additives" (There are pictures in front of the children. The adult begins, the child finishes, and then repeats the phrase. For example, prickly ... (hedgehog); balloon); sly Fox)).
  • "Snowball" (Words are accompanied by movements of the hands from top to bottom, how many words, as many movements, as if “walking up the stairs.” The number of words gradually increases. Each time we begin to “walk” from top to bottom again. For example: Birdie. A bird is flying. A beautiful bird is flying. A beautiful little bird is flying.).
  • Work on pure phrases, nursery rhymes, jokes, poems.

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