Home Useful Tips Exercises for violation of the syllable structure. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children

Exercises for violation of the syllable structure. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children

Formation syllabic structure the words

One of the most difficult to correct among a variety of speech disorders in children before school age is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllable structure of words. Violation of the syllable structure of words is usually detected when speech therapy examination children with general underdevelopment speech. This defect speech development characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of complex syllabic composition (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or the addition of new syllables or sounds)... Speech therapy work to correct violations of the sound-syllable structure of the word is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders... And quite often, a speech therapist teacher can recommend such tasks for repetition at home. This is especially true for children with motor alalia.

Allocate two stages of work on the formation of the syllable structure of the word:

1) Preparatory stage -development of a sense of rhythm, stimulation of the perception of the rhythmic structure of the word.

It is recommended to carry out work on the formation of rhythmic skills:can be used different kinds walking with music and speech, dance moves combined with hand claps, speech in a certain rhythm, slapping rhythms,tapping the ball on the floor, using musical instruments- drum, tambourine, metallophone,simple dance exercises.Exercise to develop hand coordination: performing movements alternately with the right and left hands, and then simultaneously with both hands (left hand fist - rib right hand etc.).

2) Correctional stage- reproduction of rhythmic beats in the child's own speech without disturbances, first by imitation, then in independent speech.

This stage takes place in the following order:

· - clarification of the articulation of preserved sounds;

· - pronouncing syllable rows varying degrees difficulties only with saved sounds according to the scheme:

Vowel + vowel / ay, ya, ua /
Consonant + vowel / ba-ba-ba /;
Vowel + consonant / am-am-am; ooh - ooh - ooh /
Vowel + consonant + vowel / apa-apa-apa /
Consonant + consonant + vowel / kva - kva - kva /
Vowel + consonant + consonant / aft - aft - aft /
Vowel + consonant + consonant + vowel / adna-adna-adna /

· - pronouncing words for an adult reflected, calling words from pictures, making sentences with familiar words.

There are 14 types of syllabic structure of a word according to the increasing degree of complexity (classification of words according to A.K. Markova). It is also necessary to take into account this classification (see Appendix 2) when teaching reading. Complication consists in increasing the number and using different types of syllables:

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables ( hunting, raspberry).

3. Monosyllabic words ( house, poppy).

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable ( sofa, furniture).

5. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word ( bank, branch).

6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (compote, tulip).

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable ( hippo, phone).

8. Three-syllable words with consonant concatenation ( room, shoes).

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable ( lamb, ladle).

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants ( tablet, matryoshka).

11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word ( table, wardrobe).

12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word ( lift, umbrella).

13. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants ( whip, button).

14. Four-syllable words from open syllables ( turtle, piano).

At the heart of work on a speech rhythm or rhythm at the word level is the slapping of words by syllables with the emphasis of the stressed syllable in a voice and a louder clap.

Violations of the syllable structure of a word are retained in the speech of preschoolers with OHP longer than deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The syllabic structure of a word, mastered in an isolated pronunciation, is often distorted again when the word is included in a phrase or independent speech.

The assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word is one of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and further successful education of a child at school.

Annex 1

Norms for the development of the syllabic structure of the word

in children of different age categories:

3 years: reproduction of words consisting of:

Of 2 syllables, for example, (cotton wool, willow, owl, etc.),

Of 3 syllables (cab, car, ducklings, etc.)

From 1 syllable, for example (poppy, juice, smoke, etc.)

4-5 years old:word reproduction:

From open syllables without a confluence of consonants (raspberries, buttons, tomatoes ...);

Of 4-5 syllables with a confluence of consonants at the beginning, middle, end of a word (snow, cabbage, roof, cat, bridge, birdhouse, yogurt, medicine, draft, TV, frying pan, whistle, policeman, aquarium, hairdresser, construction ... )

The child should be able to:

Name subject pictures;

Repeat words for an adult;

Answer questions (Where is the hair cut? ..).

After 5 yearschildren repeat sentences after adults with great concentration compound words, for example:

The plumber was fixing the plumbing.

The policeman regulates the traffic.

Colorful fish are swimming in the aquarium.

Builders are working on the construction of a high-rise building.

Hair is trimmed at the barber shop.

In addition, children can independently compose sentences for plot pictures.

Children school age must be able to complete tasks, both orally and in writing:

Reading words of complex syllabic structure;

Reading sentences saturated with different types of words;

Reading tongue twisters;

Cheating difficult words and sentences.

Appendix 2

Types of syllabic structure of a word in ascending degree of difficulty

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables:

melon, water, soap, cotton wool, coffee, fly, owl, children, perfume, moon, legs, willow, vase, notes, goat, teeth, miracle, sleigh, summer, winter, fox, goat, foam, mud.

Tanya, Katya, Vitya, Olya, Sanya, Petya, Valya, Vadya, Zhenya, Kolya, Tolya, Galya,

I walk, I wear, I carry, I carry, I walk, I give, I run, I take, but I, I sing, I sow, I blow.

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables:

shovel, dog, cubes, boots, cabin, Panama, ducklings, head, raspberry, newspaper, mimosa, berries, car, coin, wheel, milk, cow, road, magpie, hut, mountain ash, viburnum, vegetables, weather, work, birch, guys, dried apricots, replacement, lights, log, beard, care, knee, head, hoof, rainbow, iron, boots, cart, pajamas

3. Monosyllabic words from a closed word:

poppy, bow, ball, whale, forest, beetle, catfish, juice, oak, lion, honey, house, cat, goose, smoke, nose.

Don, son of couples, cat, noise, weight, than, hall, beat, lived, washed, gave, sang, sat down, lie down, sit down, sing, give, rash, lei.

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable:

lemon, broom, spider, banana, fire, package, can, hammock, wagon, loaf, iron, rooster, skating rink, sofa, scoop, rope, belly, giraffe, stump, day, shadow, salon, sofa, one, parade, ferry, sail, bazaar, banana, ballet, ram, fire, cook, flight, buffet, bud, bouquet, pilot, python, pie, bison, ticket, beads, cock, pencil case, pepper, runner, herd, coupon, basin, ax, goods, tomato, patrol, salad, boot, net, pike perch, twig, plant, castle, smell, sunset, skating rink, wild boar, carpet, goat, pheasant, torch, fakir, peas, lawn, city, voice, wagon, finale, owl, date, virus, temple, turn, bend, minx, hut, naughty, stocking, cast iron, eccentric, puppy, goldfinch, twitter, sock, knife, number, burdock, curl, tray, bag

5. Two-syllable words with a confluence in the middle of a word:

bank, skirt, letter, branch, letters, duck, bath, threads, cap, fork, pumpkin, slippers, window, skates, T-shirt, taxi, fleece, days, tambourines, tow, place, dough, squirrel, family, modeling, fishing line, aunt, cat, mouse, bump, bangs,

Kostya, Nastya, Gerda, Tishka, Zhuchka, Toshka.

I hold, crawl, keep quiet, twirl, take, pick.

6. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants:

edging, tile, compote, bow, forester, watering can, kettle, tray, album, rain, cactus, fountain, bear, bagel, magnet, tulip, turkey, dolphin, costume, compass, soldier, peacock, coat, broth, shepherd,

Sergey, Matvey, Anton, Pavlik.

He pushed, had time, turned, drew, endured, cleaned.

dish, pancakes, elephants, wall,

Swim, swallow, knock

Grisha, Stepan, German, Andrey, Sveta

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable:
bun, plane, tomato, suitcase, hippo, cockerel, pineapple, cornflower, telephone, drum, diver, parrot, hammer, captain, calf, shop
pelican, patty, plane, icebreaker,
8. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants:

apple, chess, sausage, candy, cuckoo, dumbbells, room, gate, boots, snail, cabbage, fishing rod, needle, gazebo, felt boots, girl, frog, tent, firecracker, plate, pin.

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable:

panama hat, button, banquet, swimsuit, pipette, room, herring, minute, gate, dumbbells, snail, hodgepodge, soldering iron, knee, file, bus, grasshopper, octopus, Indian, automatic machine, lamb, dog rose, gardener, monument, rug, alarm clock, orange, grapes, hunter, pendulum, coffee pot.

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations:

matryoshka, hut, toy, Dunno, rifle, light bulb, antenna, pills, carrot, jump rope, strawberry, carnation, bench, turkey, football player, accordion

11, 12. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning or at the end of a word:

Pronunciation of syllable series with given consonants:

know - know - know - know
gna - gno - gnu - gnu
klya - klyo - klyu - kly
aphids - aphids - aphids - aphids
nta - nto - ntu - nty
hundred - one hundred - stu - st
bottom - bottom - bottom - bottom
ft - ft – ft - ft, etc.

flag, bread, gnome, wardrobe, sign, bottom, glue, bow, leaf, bolt, bush, tank, cupcake, umbrella, lift, screw, days, stumps, bend, maple, weave, fabric, aphids, who, wedge, aphid, scarf, bolt, mince, hill, bridge.

13. Two-syllable words with two combinations:

star, barbell, nest, matches, chicks, flags, hockey stick, nails, whip, cage, cranberry, rolling pin, button, satellite, books, penguin.

The number of children suffering from TNR is increasing every year. Most of them, to one degree or another, have a violation of the syllable structure of the word (SSS). In speech therapy work with children, overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is often highlighted and the importance of the development of CVS is underestimated. Difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds, as well as focusing on overcoming them, lead to the fact that the sound, and not the syllable, becomes the unit of pronunciation. This, to some extent, contradicts the natural process of speech development. Therefore, it is of particular importance to determine the correct relationship between the development of sound pronunciation and the mastery of the syllabic structure of the word. Correction of CVS is one of the priority tasks in speech therapy work with preschoolers with systemic disorders speech. The formation of CVS affects the success of mastering the grammatical structure of speech, mastering sound analysis, writing, reading.

Since this topic has not been sufficiently studied and covered in the educational and methodological literature, speech therapists have difficulties in organizing work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word: in the systematization and selection of speech didactic material, providing classes with lexical richness.

This manual presents a system of work on the syllable structure of a word, based on an analysis of the literature on this issue and on personal pedagogical experience.

Types of violations of the syllable structure of the word

A.K. Markova identifies the following types of violations of the syllable structure of the word:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:

  • Abbreviation (omission) of a syllable: "skein" - a hammer;
  • Lowering the syllabic vowel: "pinino" - piano;
  • An increase in the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels into consonant clusters: "komanata" - room;

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

  • Permutation of syllables: "devore" - tree;
  • Permutation of sounds of adjacent syllables: "hebemot" - behemoth;

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

  • Reduction of consonant confluences: "tul" - chair;
  • Inserts of consonants in a syllable: "lemon" - lemon;

4. Assimilation of syllables : "Cococonuts" - apricots;

5. Perseveration (cyclical repetition of one syllable).

6. Anticipation (replacement of previous sounds with subsequent ones): "nananapples" - pineapples;

7. Contamination (mixing the elements of words): "kabudka" - kennel + booth.

Stages of work on the syllable structure of the word

For the formation of the syllable structure of a word, such non-speech processes as optical-spatial orientation, the possibility of tempo-rhythmic organization of movements and actions, the ability to serially-sequential information processing are significant. These non-speech processes are the basic prerequisites for mastering the syllable structure of a word.

In corrective work to overcome cardiovascular system disorders, 2 stages can be distinguished:

  • preparatory, the purpose of which is to prepare the child for the assimilation of the rhythmic structure of words native language; work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material;
  • proper correctional, the purpose of which is the direct correction of CVS defects in a particular child; the work is carried out on verbal material.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage includes work in the following areas:

  • formation of spatial representations and optical-spatial orientation;
  • development of temporal-spatial orientation;
  • development of dynamic and tempo-rhythmic organization of movements.

The following are examples of games and exercises to develop these functions. At the preparatory stage, these games and exercises can be used simultaneously, that is, all areas of work can be included in one lesson. Exercises are used not only on speech therapy classes, as well as in classes for the development of elementary mathematical representations, in a music lesson, in drawing, physical education, in classes to familiarize yourself with the world around you.

I. Formation of spatial representations and optical-spatial orientation

1. Orientation in your own body

  • "This is what we are"("Show your belly, your back": Belly - in front, back - behind. Where is the tummy? Where is the back?).
  • "Putting things in order"(in front of the child, mittens, gloves, sandals, etc. - "Find a pair", "Put the sandals correctly").
  • "Hands and Footprints"(The child is offered the contours of several palms and traces and the contour of the palm, to which a pair of the proposed options must be found).

2. Orientation in three-dimensional space

  • "Train"(Toys are placed in a column in front of the child and questions are asked: "Who is in front? Who is behind? Who is far away? Who is close?")
  • "Collect a fairy tale"(In front of the child - a set of toys or objects: "Put the horse close to the house. Put the little man between the house and the tree").
  • "Find the treasure"(orientation according to the schemes).
  • "Where the steam locomotive hums"(determining the location of the sound).

II. Development of temporal-spatial orientation

  • "The bunny went to visit"(A child in the role of a bunny follows the instructions to visit a squirrel, a hedgehog, a frog. Who had it first, then, at the very end?)
  • "What first, what then"(An adult gives the child tasks: 1) first jump, then squat down, at the end clap your hands; 2) first shake the bear, then feed the bunny, at the end dress up the doll - the child performs, and then describes the sequence of his actions).
  • "Look and Repeat"(An adult shows a series of movements, a child looks, then repeats all movements in the desired sequence)

III. Development of dynamic and tempo-rhythmic organization of movements

Areas of work:

  • Improving general motor movements
  • Perfection fine motor skills
  • Development of articulatory motor skills
  • Developing a sense of pace
  • Formation of a sense of rhythm

Improvement of motor movements: general, fine, articulatory

Purpose: development of the spatial organization of movements; development of switchability of movements; development of the ability to reproduce a given sequence of movements.

  • "Do as I do"

The speech therapist performs a series of at first two, then three or four movements, the children follow the instructions: "Do as I do", "Continue yourself": 1) Sit down - stand up, sit down - stand up, ... sides - on the waist, ... 3) Leg forward - backward - to the side, forward - backward - to the side.

  • "Skillful hands"

The alternation of various poses: 1) Fists - palms, ... 2) Rings - ears - horns, ... 3) Fingers greet.

  • Articulation exercises

Alternation of different poses of the organs of the articulatory apparatus: 1) "Frog" - "Proboscis" - "Bagel"; 2) "Watch"; 3) "Shoulder" - "Needle".

Developing a sense of pace

Purpose: to teach to distinguish, reproduce, characterize the tempo based on tactile-kinesthetic, visual, auditory sensations.

  • "Mouse and Cat"

An adult shows children how easily and quickly a mouse runs on tiptoes, and a cat slowly creeps behind it. Movements are performed in a circle to the sounds of a tambourine. On frequent blows - fast, like mice, on rare - slowly, calmly, like a cat.

  • "Cams - palms"

An adult reads a poem, and children perform hand movements at the right pace:

Anyone has two fists, hit one on the other lightly:
Knock knock, knock knock.
Well, the palms do not lag behind, they beat them cheerfully after them:
Clap clap clap clap.
The fists beat faster, to which they try:
Knock knock knock, knock knock knock,
And the palms are right there, and crumble:
Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Formation of a sense of rhythm

Objectives: to teach to perceive metric relations (accented unaccented beats prerequisite for mastering stress), to distinguish and reproduce the rhythm on the basis of tactile-kinesthetic, visual, auditory sensations.

  • "Thunder" (clap your hands loudly, or quietly, leaning on the drawing - a large cloud - a loud clap, a small cloud - quiet).
  • Graphic exercises for switching: "Beads" (alternation of beads different color- for example, red - yellow - red - yellow, etc.), "Track" (alternation of two or three geometric shapes, various items).
  • Reproduction of rhythms based on clarity, on the schemes: "Snowflakes", "Rain", "Woodpecker" ("Rain" - a big drop - a long clap, a small drop - a short one).
  • Reproduction of a given rhythm by ear: "Zainka and spoons"

In an adult's arms wooden spoons, children stand in a circle. The adult goes around the circle and hums: The little gray zainka went to visit. Zainka found a gray spoon. I found the spoons, went up to the house. Stops behind the child's back and knocks on spoons: knock - knock - knock. The child asks: "Who is there?" The adult answers: "It's me, Bunny, and who are you?" The child answers: "...." The adult continues: "Come on, ... come out, knock on the spoons with me!" An adult plays a child on spoons of any of the suggested rhythms: / //; // /; // //; / // / etc.

Correctional stage

Correctional work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels. Go to next level is carried out after mastering the material of the previous level.

The following levels are distinguished:

  • vowel level;
  • level of syllables;
  • word level;
  • the level of short sentences;
  • the level of pure phrases, poems and other texts.

Special meaning at each level, in addition to the speech analyzer, the auditory, visual and tactile ones are also assigned to “putting in work”. Exercises for each level are suggested below.

Working on vowels

  • Pronouncing a series of two, three or more sounds:
  • accompanied by symbols ("Little Men - Sounds")
  • without visual support.
  • Pronunciation of a number of vowels with emphasis on one of them (also - based on clarity and without it - by ear).
  • Recognition and pronunciation of a number of vowels by the silent articulation of an adult.
  • "Musical ball"

An adult, throwing a ball to a child, makes one or two (more in the next step) sounds. The child repeats and returns the ball.

  • Pronunciation of a number of vowels, changing the volume, tempo, "mood" (sad, spiteful, affectionate) of the voice.
  • Pronounce as many vowels as there are in the meadow of flowers.
  • Stand up when a series of two (or another specified number) sounds are heard.

Working on syllables

The work is carried out with different types syllables:

  • with a common consonant (for example, the exercise "Katai snow woman"- imitating movements, say: ba - bo - boo - would);
  • with a common vowel ( ka - ta - ma - va);
  • reverse syllables (Say "Av - av" as many times as the number of dots is drawn);
  • closed syllables, their rows and pairs (various onomatopoeia);
  • direct and inverse syllables with opposition sounds: by hardness - softness, voiced - deafness (“We hammer carnations with a hammer: ta - yes - that - yes, then - before - then - before ");
  • syllables with confluence.

Techniques and exercises:

  • "Musical ball" (see "Working on vowels")
  • The combination of pronouncing syllabic rows with some kind of rhythmic movement: with drawing or tracing broken lines; with the unfolding of sticks, circles; with finger drawing of patterns in cereals, poured into a small box.
  • Working with rhythmic schemes (Exercise "Hen": the child is offered a rhythmic scheme // / // / /// / /, you need to voice it: co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co).

Work on the word

A.K. Markova identifies the following types of word syllabic structure:

  • Two-syllable of open syllables ( willow, children).
  • Trisyllabic of open syllables ( hunting, raspberry).
  • Monosyllabic ( house, poppy).
  • Biosyllabic with a closed syllable ( sofa, furniture).
  • Two-syllable with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word ( bank, branch).
  • Two-syllable words from closed syllables ( compote, tulip).
  • Trisyllabic words with a closed syllable ( hippo, phone)
  • Trisyllabic consonants ( room, shoes).
  • Trisyllabic with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable ( ladle).
  • Trisyllabic words with two combinations of consonants ( matryoshka).
  • Monosyllabic with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word ( table).
  • Monosyllabic with a confluence at the end of the word ( umbrella).
  • Biosyllabic with two consonants ( button).
  • Four-syllable words from open syllables ( turtle, piano).

Work on words is carried out sequentially - the transition to words of a more complex syllable structure is carried out as the words of the previous type are mastered.

Games and exercises used in the process of practicing words with different types of syllabic structure

  • Syllabic tracks (there are traces on the tracks - depending on the number of syllables in the word - the child says the word, stepping on each syllable on the next track).
  • Syllabic rulers.
  • Syllabic houses (1. The number of syllables corresponds to the number of floors in the house - 3 houses with different numbers of floors - the child pronounces the word, counts the syllables and puts the picture in the desired house. 2. The number of syllables in the distributed words depends on the inhabitants of the houses: cancer - 1 syllable, rooster - 2, frog - 3 syllables).
  • "House - castle - hut" (distribution of words depending on the number of syllables in these buildings: to the house - words from one syllable, to the castle - two-syllable words, to the hut - words consisting of 3 syllables).
  • "Clock" (find and show with an arrow a word of two (1, 3, 4) syllables)
  • "Think out the word" (choose a word for the scheme - with reference to pictures and without them, for example, CA _; CA _ _)
  • "Steam locomotive" (a steam locomotive consists of several cars, cars differ in the number of windows, depending on this, words are distributed - in a car with one window - monosyllabic words, with two - disyllabic, etc.).
  • "Television" ( Visual material"Television". There are 1-4 vowels on the screen. The child is offered pictures. You need to choose a picture that matches the diagram on the screen. For example, on the screen the letters U A. And the pictures to choose from: house, pear, rose).

Work on phrases, sentences, texts

  • "Additives" (There are pictures in front of the children. The adult begins, the child finishes, and then repeats the phrase. For example, prickly ... (hedgehog); balloon); sly Fox)).
  • "Snowball" (Words are accompanied by movements of the hands from top to bottom, how many words, as many movements, as if “walking up the stairs.” The number of words gradually increases. Each time we begin to “walk” from top to bottom again. For example: Birdie. A bird is flying. A beautiful bird is flying. A beautiful little bird is flying.).
  • Work on pure phrases, nursery rhymes, jokes, poems.

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables.

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables.

3. Monosyllabic words.

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable.

5. Two-syllable words with a concatenation of consonants in the middle of the word.

6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables.

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable.

8. Three-syllable words with consonant concatenation.

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable.

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants.

11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning or middle of a word.

12. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants.

13. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and middle of the word.

14. Polysyllabic words from open syllables.

Two-syllable words from open syllables

(1st type of syllabic structure.)

1. 1. Exercise "Find out who it is?" Target:

    Learn to clearly pronounce two-syllable words with repeating syllables.

    To teach one-word answers to the questions posed based on plot pictures.

    Develop auditory attention and memory.

Equipment: plot pictures.

The course of the game exercise.

The speech therapist lays out 5 plot pictures in front of the child, while pronouncing sentences to them:

Mom bathes Vova.

Dad plays with his son.

Uncle goes home.

A woman made of snow is standing in the yard.

The nanny walks with the children.

And then invites the child to answer the questions:

Speech therapist: Child:

Who is bathing Vova? Mama.

Who is playing with his son? Dad.

Who is standing in the yard? Woman.

Who walks with the children? Nanny.

Who is going home? Uncle.

1.2. Exercise "the end of the word is yours." Target:

  1. Learn to pronounce words of type 1 syllabic structure.

  2. Exercise in the simplest syllabic synthesis.

    Activate and expand vocabulary.

Equipment: ball.

The course of the game exercise.

The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces the first syllable. The child, returning the ball, speaks the second syllable, then says the whole word.

Speech therapist: Child: Speech therapist: Child:

But the note is ba bath

Va vata nanny nanny

Yes date dy melon

Ha TA hata To NYa Tonya

Me mint A Anya

Beat Va Vanya

Fa Fata Ta Tanya

Ka Katya and go

Pe TYa Petya bu DI wake up

Vi Vitya ve vedi

Mi Mitya ho go

(The lexical material of this exercise can be divided into two sessions. The meaning of words unfamiliar to the child needs to be clarified).




As a rule, children with severe speech pathology do not memorize poems, especially those consisting of 4 or more lines. Therefore, you should begin to learn couplets with them. Learning couplets should be carried out with the obligatory reliance on subject and plot pictures, toys. When memorizing verses, you need to make sure that the children understand their content. To do this, the speech therapist asks questions about the picture. Often, learning poems is accompanied by exercises aimed at developing imitation and coordination of speech with movements. It is also recommended to conduct outdoor games accompanied by speech. For the best "entry" of the child into the role, you can offer him an appropriate mask or appropriate attribute (for example, a pipe). At this stage, it is advisable to use such rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes, in which there is multiple onomatopoeia; this prepares the child's speech apparatus for mastering the syllable. During classes with "non-speaking" children, it is recommended to conjugate the pronunciation of rhymed lines by the speech therapist and the child (within the limits of the child's speech capabilities), reading poems by the speech therapist and the child by roles. For example:

Speech therapist: Geese! Geese! Child: Ha-ha-ha!

Speech therapist: Do you want to eat? Child: Yes Yes Yes!

If a child memorizes a poetic form of two lines, you can expand the volume of memorization to 4-6 lines. The speech therapist selects literary material based on the tasks of this stage of correctional work. At the same time, work is underway to clarify the sound pronunciation or automate the delivered sounds on the basis of learned verses, nursery rhymes, jokes.

At the initial stage of correctional work

Nursery rhymes, jokes, poems

1. Ta-ra-ra! Ta-ra-ra!
The horses are gone from the yard!

2. Don-don! Don-don!
The cat's house is on fire!

3. BBC, - the car hums. -
I will not go without gasoline!

4. Kva-kva-kva, - the frog cries.
Ku-ku-ku, the cuckoo shouts.

5. Ahi-ahi-ahi-oh!
Masha was sowing peas!

6. Our ducks in the morning:

quack-quack-quack-quack! Our geese by the pond:

ha-ha-ha-ha! And a turkey in the middle of the yard:

ball-ball, balda-bald!

Our gulenki at the top:

gru-gru! Our chickens in the window:

And how Petya the cockerel Early in the morning will sing to Us: ku-ka-re-ku!

7. Ku-ka-re-ku! I guard the chickens!
Ku-dakh-takh-takh! I got lost in the bushes!
Pee-pee-pee! Drink water!
Mur-mur-mur! I'm scaring the chickens!
Kra-kra-kra! Tomorrow morning rain!
Moo! Milk to whom?

8. Two dogs are very strict
We were told at the doorstep:

Av-av-av! Woof woof woof!

9. Oh, gu-gu-gu-gu-gu-gu-gu!
Do not spin in the meadow!

10. White geese went out to the meadows,
The geese shouted: "Ha-ha-ha!"

11. The geese began to shout like a goose again:

Ha-ha-ha! The cats purred:

Mur-mur-mur! The birds chirped:

Chick-chirp! The horses whinnied:

And-and-and! The flies buzzed:

W-w-w! The frogs croak:


And the ducklings are quacking:

Quack-quack-quack! Piglets grunt:

Oink oink oink!..

12. A siskin whistled: “Few-fu-few!
I drink dewdrops in the morning. "

13. Tili-tili-tili-tili!
Three goats were mowing the grass!

14. “Ha-ha-ha! - the goose cackles. -
I am proud of my family ”.

15. The cockerel does not sleep in the morning,
Loudly, loudly he shouts:


16. I am slim and handsome,
I shake my mane.

And hooves: top-top, And on a stone: clink-clap.


17. Chick-chick-chick, chickens.
There is water in the tub.
Who's afraid of me

I will not give any water to those.

18. He shouts: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" -
The sun, the river, the breeze.

And flies to the whole district: "Good afternoon, ku-ka-re-ku!"

19. There is a fence in the yard.
Yegor climbed the fence. -

“Kud-ku-da! - the rooster cries. - Rip all feathers to the fluff! "

20. Chickens sat on the fence

And they started to talk: “Co-co-co, co-co-co! We flew high! "

21. Ay, gu-gu-gu-gu-gu-gu-gu!
Do not circle in the meadow!
There's a puddle in the meadow
The head will spin!

22. By the forest at the edge,
High on a bitch

In the morning the cuckoo sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku!"

23. Jump-jump-jump!
Young blackbird!
I went for some water,
Found a young man!

24. Ay, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!
A raven is sitting on an oak tree!
A raven sits on an oak tree
And plays the trumpet!

25. Ding-dong! Ding dong!

An elephant is walking in the alley. An old, gray, sleepy elephant. Ding dong! Ding dong!

26. Where-where! Where-where!
Come on, come on, everyone here!

Quickly to your mother under the wing! Where did you get carried away ?!

27. The locomotive hummed

And he drove the trailers.

Choh-choh-choh, choo-choo-choo!
I will rock you far!

28. - Beetle, beetle, buzz,
Where are you hiding, tell me.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I'm sitting in a tree.

29. Siskin sat in a cage,
A siskin in a cage sang loudly:

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu!
I'll fly free!

30. Lyuli, Lyuli, people! The ghouls arrived.
We sat down on the bed and began to coo.

31. Bayu-bye, byu-bye.

You little dog, don't bark! Whitepaw, don't whine, don't wake up my Tanya.

Development exercises

Imitations and formation

Coordination of speech with movements

1. Knock-knock-knock-tok! Hit it hard, hammer! (Children imitate hammering.)

1. We clap our hands: clap-clap-clap. We stomp our feet: top-top-top. We shake our head: well, well, well. We raise our hands. We give up.

We shake hands and run around.

(Children perform appropriate movements.)

3. Doll, doll, bye-bye!
Sleep well, go to sleep!

(Children imitate the doll's motion sickness.)

4. Meow-meow - the cat squeaks.
His stomach hurts.

(Children are stroking their tummies.)

5. Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chuh-chug!
The train is racing at full speed!

(Children stand one after another and imitate the movement of a train.)

6. Little feet walked along the path: top-top-top.
(Children stamp their feet.)

7. Jump-jump! Jumping gallop! Here's my checkbox!

(Children jump up, and then "reach" from behind the "flag".)

8. Beat the drum, beat the drum!
Beat the drum louder! Tra-ta-ta!
(Children imitate drumming.)

9. Here are the soldiers coming, here they are, here they are!
They are carrying guns on their shoulders, they are carrying them! Tra-ta-ta!
(Children march with "guns" on their shoulders.)

10. Here's the hunter in the forest is coming, it goes, it goes. He will kill the gray wolf, he will kill, he will kill. Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang bang Bang! Paph! (Children march and simulate gunfire.)

Outdoor and round dance games

Game "Train".

Green wagons

run, run, run And the round wheels

all thump, thump, thump. (Children stand one after another and imitate the movement of a train.)

Game "Geese".



Do you want to drink?

Yes Yes Yes!

Geese-geese, here's the water!

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

So everybody run here!
(Children run to the driver.)

Game "Chickens" (round dance).

The chicken went out for a walk

pinch fresh grass. And behind her are the children - yellow chickens. “Co-co-co, co-co-co! Don't go far! Row with your paws, look for grains! "

An outdoor game "Fox and Geese".

Geese, geese, I'll eat you!

Wait, fox, don't eat!
Listen to our song:

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!

Tired of listening to you!

I'll eat all of them now! (The "geese" scatter, the "fox" catches.)

Game "Chickens and Rooster".

Rooster: - Come out, hens,

collect the crumbs. There are many flies here

on my track.

(Chickens flapped their wings:

co-co-co! Chickens pounded with their beaks:


Cat: - I will go out, I will go out on the path,

Where chickens look for crumbs, meow meow!

Game "Shepherd".

Early-early in the morning the shepherd boy:

"Tu-ru-ru-ru!" And the cows pulled him in tune:


You, Burenushka, go, Take a walk in the open field, And you will return in the evening, You will give us milk to drink. (The shepherd “grazes the flock”, “plays with the horn”, calls the cows: “Tu-ru-ru!” The cows answer him: “Mu-mu-mu!”)

Depending on the stage of correctional work, children can be offered the following exercises.

1. Memorizing phrases with different types syllables and a repetitive syllable (violation of the pronunciation of these sounds is the most common).

Sha-sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good. Sho-sho-sho-sho - we speak well. Shu-shu-shu-shu - help the baby. Shi-shi-shi-shee - there are kids in the clearing.

Ash-ash-ash - give me a pencil.
Osh-osh-osh - I have a knife.
Ush-ush-ush - warm shower.
Ish-ish-ish - I have a baby.
Ashka-ashka - a bug flies.
Oshka-oshka - there is a cat on the window.
Lug-lug - frog-frog.
Ishka-ishka - little mouse.
Ms. Ms. Ms. - we saw a hedgehog.
Zh-zh-zh - hedgehogs are running.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - help the hedgehog.
Jo-jo-jo - I'm going to the Peugeot.
Cha-cha-cha - give me a roll.
Cho-cho-cho - oh, how hot!
Chu-chu-chu - I want to walk.
Chi-chi-chi - red bricks.
Ach-ach-ach - the doctor came.
Och-och-och - night is coming soon.
Uch-uch-uch - I have a key.
Ich-ich-ich - Red brick.
Achka-Achka - I have a car.
Uchka-uchka - I have a pen.
Ichka-Ichka - I have a bird.
Points-points - I have a barrel.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - a bunny walks without a raincoat.
Schu-schu-schu - I'm looking for you.
Cabbage soup - we ate cabbage soup.
More - I'm in a raincoat.
Asch-asch-asch - I have a raincoat.
Osh-och-och - horsetail has grown.
Ushch-uzh-uzh - ivy grew.
More-more-more - bream in a saucepan.

Sa-sa-sa - here is a wasp flying.

Su-su-su - I'm not afraid of the wasp.

Sy-sy-sy - there is no wasp.

So-so-so - Sonya has a wheel.

As-as-as - I drink kvass.

Was-was-was - the dog has a nose.

Is-is-is - I eat rice.

Us-us-us - I eat mousse.

Asuka-asuka - Sonya has a mask.

Claim claim - Sonya has a bowl.

Osca-osca - Sonya has a nipple.

Uska-uska - Sonya has a blouse.

For-for-for- here comes the goat.

Zy-zy-zy - there is no goat.

Zu-zu-zu - I'm not afraid of a goat.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - here comes the sheep.

Tso-tso-tso - we washed our face.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - I'm not afraid of the sheep.

Tsy-tsy-tsy- no sheep.

Ets-ets-ets - we ate a cucumber.

La la la - shovel and saw.

Lo-lo-lo - there is an oar in the boat.

Lu-lu-lu - bought a saw.

Ly-ly-ly - new tables.

Al-al-al- dark basement.

Ol-ol-ol - washed the floor.

Ul-ul-ul is a broken chair.

Il-il-il - I washed the floors.

Alka-alka - I have a stick.

Olka-olka - I have a needle.

Ilka-ilka - I have a fork.

Pa-pa-pa is a high mountain.

Ro-ro-ro is a new feather.

Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes fly.

Ru-ru-ru - we start the game.

Ar-ar-ar - a mosquito is flying.

Or-or-or - I have an ax.

Ur-ur-ur - don't chase the chickens.

Ir-ir-ir - we are for peace.

Arch-arch - I have a brand.

Orc orc is a steep slide.

Irka-irka - I have a hole.

Urka-urka - Murka's cat.

Children are encouraged to clap for each syllable or specific sound (depending on the task).

2. Coming up with a pure phrase for a given syllable: Ca-sa-
- ...

3. Memorizing phrases, performing movements in the process

4. Reading simple verses, phrases, sentences,
texts in conjunction with an adult.

5. Game "Telegraph": send a telegram: I'm going home(tap out the rhythmic structure of words in a sentence):! !! !!;
similarly - using stress:! !! !!.

6. Singing chants with a clear rhythmic structure
with musical accompaniment: Co-co-co, co-co-co- not ho
go far.

7. Finish off unfinished words in sentences: On
the cat is warming up in the sun ..., looking at him shche ... The mouse has a baby mouse ... and the fox
- fox ...(What is the same syllable added?)

8. Writing sentences with complex syllabic words
structures for subject and subject pictures.

9. Change in cases of words of complex syllabic structure:

Who is this? - Policeman. No one? - Policeman.

Will I help someone? - Policeman. I see who? - Policeman. Talking to whom? - With a policeman. Who am I talking about? - About the policeman.

10. Choose from three words the one that suits the rhyme:

Whispers in my ear at night Different tales ...

(feather bed, pillow, shirt).

11. Come up with a rhyme on your own:

Where it was empty in the spring, In the summer it grew ...


We collect in a basket Very large ...


12. Game "Tell me a word" (for the development of feelings in children
rhyme and linguistic flair).

Monosyllabic words

It's dark at night. Quiet at night. Fish, fish, where are you ...


Hey, let's play soccer! Shoot into the goal ...


We are taking the boards up the mountain, We will build a new one ...


The bear cries and roars: Asks the bees to give ...


A beetle flew in from the forest And climbed a fat ...


There lived one eccentric in the forest, He bred in the forest ...


Ding-dong, ding-dong! Walks in the alley ...


Ten nights Aibolit Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't ...


Suddenly they see: standing at the wheels of a huge disheveled ...


For chicks and animals, a child is also needed ...


Two-syllable words

A goat looked through the door - Very sad ...


The owl does not sleep at night, After all, the owl is nocturnal ...


The monkey says to the bear: “I was visiting ...

(mouse) *.

The sun is shining very brightly. The hippopotamus became ...


As if a white ice fell on a thin ice ...


And the elephant, all trembling, So she sat down on ...


The old man will not have to drink in silence ...


Like our daughter Pink...


Dad did not listen to the bunny - they squeezed the bunny...


It's dark for us. We ask dad to turn it on brighter ...


Three-syllable words

Often a redhead walks to the lake ...


We lived at the dacha in the forest different birds: Magpies, swifts, sparrows and ...


Clinging to the back tire, Bear going on ...


AND to be naughty without a break The whole day could ...


Squirrel dropped a bump Cone knocked ...


The duck began to sing to the mouse: - Ha-ha-ha, sleep, ...


Among the fat pigeons, a skinny one gallops ...


Only is the cockerel alive, our Golden ...


Cucumber, cucumber, Do not go to that end. There the mouse lives, you have a tail ...

(chews off).

Angry like a she-wolf, Burns like mustard. What is this miracle? This is indeed...


Four-syllable words

And next to them, the hippos Grabbed ...


Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree - Thorny ...


And the Elephants prowl along the road and ...


In the meadow among the insects, a commotion arose - Pushed aside a family of daisies Giant - ...


Gold and young. In a week, he became gray-haired. A day later, my head went bald. I'll hide in my pocket Former ...


13. Reading sentences and connected texts with words previously divided into syllables by a speech therapist.

14. Reading sentences and connected texts with the child's independent preliminary division of words into syllables.

15. Reading poetry and stories with tapping out the rhythm and recording a rhythmic pattern:

16. Writing words and sentences under dictation by syllables
(first, the speech therapist prompts the boundaries of syllables with a voice, then
the task is performed by the child independently).

17. Pronunciation, reading, memorization, copying, auditory dictations of tongue twisters.

B, Bb, P, Pb

A bull is dull-lipped, a dull-lipped bull. The bull's white lip was dull.

All beavers are kind to their beavers. Fish in the hole - a dime a dozen.

T, t, d, d

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Arboretum rhododendrons.

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.

К, кь, г, гь

The crab made a rake to the crab. Crab handed a rake to the crab: "Hay rake, crab, rake."

The tree has pins for splitting.

The cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood. He put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood!

The cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakov style.

B, Bb, F, Fb

Pharaoh's favorite

Jade replaced sapphire.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system. Verzila Vavila cheerfully turned the pitchfork.

L, L, M, L, H, H

Malanya the chatterbox chattered milk, blurted it out, but didn’t blur it out.

Mila bought mimosas for mom. Once he lied, he became a liar forever.

L, Lb, P, Pb

Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,

two woodbreakers talked about Larka,

about Varka, about Larka's wife.

Lara plays the piano at Vali's.

Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets. We sat down in the sleigh by seven ourselves.

Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sled skok, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

From body to body

there was an overload of watermelons.

In a thunderstorm, in the mud, from a load of watermelons

the body collapsed.

С, СЬ, Ш, Ж

Forty mice walked, they found forty pennies. Two simpler mice found two pennies each.

A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snag. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying. What goes around comes around.

H, u, c

Two puppies cheek to cheek Pinch the brush in the corner.

The sentimental Varvara overestimated the sentimental Vavila.

The heron was wet, the heron was dry, the heron was withering, the heron was dead.

The good fellow against the sheep, against the good fellow - the sheep itself.


The speech therapist will choose specific types of exercises independently, depending on the level of speech and intellectual development of the child, his age and the type of speech pathology. In parallel with the work on improving the syllable structure of words, it is necessary to work on the sound filling of words and the correction of sound pronunciation, since all these are decisive factors in phonetically correct formation the child has words.

As studies by G.M. Lyamina have shown, on the part of an adult, it takes from 70 to 90 repetitions of a new word before the child gains a foothold in the independent use of this word. It is natural to assume that a child with speech underdevelopment at the first stage of learning needs more repetitions. Therefore, work on correcting the syllable structure of words should be carried out for a long time, systematized, according to the principle from simple to complex, taking into account the leading type of activity of children (classes in game form) and with the use of clarity.


1. Bolshakova E.S. Speech therapist work with preschoolers (games
and exercise). M .: Education, 1996.

2. Gorodilova V.I., Kudryavtseva M. 3. Reading and writing. -
SPb .: Delta, 1997.

3. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming OHP in preschoolers. - M .: Education, 1990.

4. A. N. Corte Dyslexia and dysgraphia in children. - SPb .:
Hippocrates, 1995.

5. N. I. Kuzmina, V. I. Rozhdestvenskaya Education of speech in
children with motor alalia. - M .: Education, 1977.

6. Speech therapy / Ed. L. S. Volkova. - M .: Education, 1989.

7. Lyamina G.M. Development of speech in early age// Preschool education. - 1960. - No. 9.

8. Lyamina G.M. Early stages of formation speech activity // Preschool education.- 1970.- № 7.

9. Maksakov A.I. Is your child speaking correctly. -
Moscow: Education, 1988.

10. E. M. Mastyukova Ontogenetic approach to structure
defect in motor alalia // Defectology.- 1981.- № 6.

11. Psychodiagnostic methods in pediatrics and children
psychoneurology / Ed. D.N. Isaeva, V.E. Kogan. - SPb .:
Ed. PMI, 1994.

12. Rozhdestvenskaya V.I., Radina E.I. Upbringing correct speech in preschool children. - M .: Education,

13. Rybina E.V. Didactic games to prepare for sound analysis// Defectology. - 1989. - No. 4.

14. Sadretdinova G.F., Smirnova M.V. Planning and content of classes with children 3-4 years old, suffering from general speech underdevelopment. - SPb .: Publishing house. Center "Harmony".

15. T.A. Tkachenko Speech therapy notebook: Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills.- SPb .:
Childhood Press, 1998.

AGE ................................................. .................................................. ............. 3


Methodology for examining the state of the syllable structure of words ......... 9

Methodology for corrective work to overcome violations
syllable structure of words ............................................... ................................... eleven

Preparatory stage................................................ ............................ 12

Working on non-verbal material .............................................. 12

Working on verbal material .............................................. ..... 13

Corrective stage................................................. ................................. 15

Vowel level ............................................... ........................ 15

Syllable level ................................................ ........................................ 16

Word level ................................................ .......................................... 17

Working out the syllabic structure of words on the material of pure phrases,
complete sentences, poems and other texts ................................ 25

at the initial stage of correctional work ......................................... 26

Exercises to develop imitation

and the formation of coordination of speech with movements .............................. 30

preschool and primary school age ..................................... 41

Conclusion................................................. .................................................. .......... 44

Literature................................................. .................................................. .... 45

Educational edition Zoya Evgenievna AGRANOVICH



The number of children suffering from general speech underdevelopment is increasing every year. This type of disorder in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a specific manifestation of a speech anomaly, in which the formation of the main components of the speech system is impaired or lags behind the norm: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. Most of these children have some degree of distortion. syllabic structure of the word, which are recognized as leading and persistent in the structure of the speech defect of children with general speech underdevelopment.

The practice of speech therapy work shows that the correction of the syllable structure of a word is one of the priority and most difficult tasks in working with preschoolers with systemic speech disorders. It should be noted that this type of speech pathology occurs in all children with motor alalia, in whom phonetic disorders speeches are not leading in the syndrome, but only accompany vocabulary disorders. The importance of this problem is also evidenced by the fact that the insufficient degree of correction of this type of phonological pathology in preschool age subsequently leads to dysgraphia in schoolchildren on the basis of impaired language analysis and word synthesis and phonemic dyslexia.

A.K. Markova's studies on the peculiarities of the assimilation of the syllable structure of a word by children suffering from alalia show that the speech of children is replete with pronounced deviations in the reproduction of the syllable composition of the word, which persist even in the reflected speech. These deviations are in the nature of one or another deformation of the correct sounding of the word, reflecting the difficulty of reproducing the syllabic structure. It follows from this that in cases of speech pathology, age-related disorders do not disappear from children's speech by the age of three, but, on the contrary, acquire a pronounced, persistent character. A child with a general speech underdevelopment cannot independently master the pronunciation of the syllabic structure of a word, just as he is not able to independently learn the pronunciation of individual sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the long process of spontaneous formation of the syllable structure of the word with a purposeful and conscious process of teaching this skill.

Numerous studies carried out within the framework of the topic under consideration contribute to the clarification and concretization of the prerequisites that determine the assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word. There is a dependence of mastering the syllable structure of a word on the state of phonemic perception, articulatory capabilities, semantic insufficiency, and the child's motivational sphere; and according to recent studies - from the features of the development of non-speech processes: optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic and dynamic organization of movements, the ability to serially-sequential information processing (G.V. Babin, N.Yu. Safonkina).

V domestic literature the most widely presented is the study of the syllable structure in children with systemic speech disorders.

A.K. Markova defines the syllable structure of a word as an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables of varying degrees of complexity. The syllable structure of a word is characterized by four parameters: 1) stress, 2) the number of syllables, 3) a linear sequence of syllables, 4) the model of the syllable itself. A speech therapist should know how the structure of words becomes more complicated, and how the structure of words becomes more complicated, and examine the thirteen classes of syllable structures that are the most common. The purpose of this survey is not only to determine those syllabic classes that are formed in the child, but also to identify those that need to be formed. The speech therapist also needs to determine the type of violation of the syllable structure of the word. As a rule, the range of these violations varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronunciation of words of complex syllable structure to gross violations.

Violations of the syllable structure in different ways modify the syllable composition of the word. Distortions are clearly distinguished, consisting in a pronounced violation of the syllable composition of the word. Words can be deformed by:

1. Violations of the number of syllables:

a) Elysia - abbreviation (omission) of syllables): “skein” (hammer).

The child does not fully reproduce the number of syllables in the word. When reducing the number of syllables, syllables may be dropped at the beginning of a word (“na” - the moon), in its middle (“gunitsa” - a caterpillar), the word may not be fully agreed upon (“kapu” - cabbage).

Depending on the degree of speech underdevelopment, some children reduce even a two-syllable word to a monosyllabic one (“ka” - porridge, “pi” - wrote), others find it difficult only at the level of four-syllable structures, replacing them with three-syllable ones (“puvitsa” - a button):

The omission of the syllabic vowel.

The syllable structure can be reduced due to the loss of only syllabic vowels, while the other element of the word - the consonant is preserved (“prosonic” - pig; “sugar bowl” - sugar bowl). This type of violations of the syllable structure is less common.

b) Iterations:

An increase in the number of syllables due to the addition of a syllable vowel in the place where there is a confluence of consonants ("tarawa" - grass). This lengthening of the structure of a word is due to its peculiar dismembered pronunciation, which is, as it were, “unfolding” the word and especially the concatenations of consonants into constituent sounds (“airship” - airship).

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

Permutation of syllables in a word (“devore” - tree);

Rearrangement of sounds of adjacent syllables (“hebemot” - behemoth). These distortions occupy a special place, with them the number of syllables is not violated, while the syllable composition undergoes gross violations.

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

Reduction of consonant confluence, which turns a closed syllable into an open one (“kaputa” - cabbage); a syllable with a confluence of consonants - into a syllable without a confluence (“tul” - chair).

This defect is distinguished by T.B.Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina as the most common when pronouncing words of various syllable structures by children suffering from OHP.

Inserting consonants in a syllable ("lemon" - lemon).

4. Anticipation, those. assimilation of one syllable to another (“pipitan” - captain; “vevesiped” - bicycle).

5. Perseveration(from the Greek word for "persistent"). This is an inert stuck on one syllable in a word ("pananama" - panama; "vvvalabey" - sparrow).

The most dangerous is the perseveration of the first syllable, because this type of violation of the syllable structure can develop into stuttering.

6. Contamination - joining parts of two words ("refrigerator" - refrigerator and bread box).

Everything listed types distortions of the syllable composition of a word are very common in children with systemic speech disorders. These disorders are found in children with speech underdevelopment at different (depending on the level of speech development) levels of syllabic difficulty. The retarding effect of syllabic distortions on the process of mastering speech is further aggravated by the fact that they are very persistent. All these features of the formation of the syllabic structure of the word interfere with normal development. oral speech(the accumulation of vocabulary, the assimilation of concepts) and impede the communication of children, and also undoubtedly interfere with sound analysis and synthesis, therefore, interfere with learning to read and write.

Traditionally, in the study of the syllable structure of a word, the possibilities of reproducing the syllable structure of words of different structures are analyzed according to A.K. Markova, who distinguishes 14 types of the syllable structure of a word according to the increasing degree of complexity. Complication consists in increasing the number and using different types of syllables.

Types of words (according to A.K. Markova)

Grade 1 - two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).

Grade 2 - three-syllable words from open syllables (hunting, raspberry).

Grade 3 - monosyllabic words (house, poppy).

Grade 4 - two-syllable words with one closed syllable (sofa, furniture).

Grade 5 - two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of the word (bank, branch).

Grade 6 - two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants (compote, tulip).

Grade 7 - three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippo, phone).

Grade 8 - trisyllabic words with a confluence of consonants (room, shoes).

Grade 9 - trisyllabic words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).

Grade 10 - trisyllabic words with two combinations of consonants (pill, matryoshka).

Grade 11 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word (table, wardrobe).

Grade 12 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word (lift, umbrella).

Grade 13 - two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (whip, button).

Grade 14 - four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle, piano).

In addition to the words included in the 14 classes, the pronunciation of more complex words is assessed: “cinema”, “policeman”, “teacher”, “thermometer”, “scuba diver”, “traveler”, etc.

The possibility of reproducing the rhythmic pattern of words, perception and reproduction of rhythmic structures (isolated beats, a series of simple beats, a series of accented beats) is also investigated.

Types of jobs:

Name subject pictures;

Repeat the words reflected behind the speech therapist;

Answer the questions. (Where do they buy groceries?).

Thus, during the examination, the speech therapist reveals the degree and level of violation of the syllable structure of words in each specific case and the most typical mistakes that the child allows speech, identifies those frequency classes of syllables, the syllable structure of which is preserved in the child's speech, classes of the syllable structure of words that are grossly violated in the child's speech, and also determines the type and type of violation of the syllable structure of the word. This allows you to set the boundaries of the level accessible to the child from which correction exercises should begin.

Many modern authors are dealing with the issues of correcting the syllabic structure of a word. In the methodological manual of SE Bolshakova "Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of a word in children" the author describes the reasons for the difficulties in the formation of the syllable structure of a word, the types of errors, the method of work. Attention is paid to the development of such prerequisites for the formation of the syllable structure of a word as optical and somato-spatial representations, orientation in two-dimensional space, dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements. The author proposes a method of manual reinforcement, which makes it easier for children to switch articulation and prevent skipping and replacing syllables. The order of mastering words with a confluence of consonants is given. The games of each stage contain speech material, selected taking into account speech therapy training programs.

The order of working out words with different types of syllable structure was proposed by E.S. Bolshakova in the manual “The work of a speech therapist with preschoolers”, where the author proposes a sequence of work that helps to clarify the outline of the word. (Types of syllables according to A.K. Markova)

V teaching aids“Formation of the syllable structure of a word: speech therapy tasks” by NV Kurdvanovskaya and LS Vanyukova highlight the features of correctional work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with severe speech impairments. The material was selected by the authors in such a way that when working on the automation of one sound, the presence of other, difficult to pronounce sounds in the words is excluded. Given illustrative material is aimed at the development of fine motor skills (pictures can be colored or shaded), and the order of its arrangement will help the formation of a syllable structure at the stage of onomatopoeia.

In his textbook “Speech therapy work on overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children” Z.E. Agranovich also proposes a system of speech therapy measures to eliminate such a difficult for correction, specific type of speech pathology as a violation of the syllable structure of words in children of preschool and primary school age. The author sums up all the correctional work from the development of speech and auditory perception and speech motor skills and identifies two main stages:

Preparatory (the work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material; the purpose of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of words in his native language;

Actually correctional (the work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels (the level of vowels, the level of syllables, the level of the word). The author assigns a special meaning at each level to “inclusion in work”, in addition to the speech analyzer, also auditory, visual and tactile. The purpose of this stage - direct correction of defects in the syllable structure of words in a particular child-speech pathologist.

All authors note the need for specific purposeful speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of the word, which is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders.

Carrying out specially selected games in group, subgroup and individual speech therapy classes creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children with general speech underdevelopment.

For example, didactic game"Funny Houses".

This didactic game consists of three houses with pockets for inserting pictures, envelopes with a set of object pictures for a variety of game options.

Option number 1


Purpose: development of the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of object pictures: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, rhinoceros, zebra, camel, lynx, squirrel, cat, rhino, crocodile, giraffe ...)

The course of the game: the speech therapist says that new houses have been made for the animals in the zoo. The child is asked to determine which animals, in which house, can be put. The child takes a picture of an animal, pronounces its name and determines the number of syllables in the word. If it is difficult to count the number of syllables, the child is asked to “slap off” the word: pronounce it by syllables, accompanying the pronunciation with clapping hands. By the number of syllables, he finds a house with the corresponding number of flowers in the window for the named animal and puts the picture in the pocket of this house. It is desirable that the children's answers are complete, for example: “In the word crocodile three syllables ”. After all the animals have been placed in the houses, it is necessary to say the words shown in the pictures again.

Option number 2


Purpose: development of the ability to guess riddles and divide words-answers into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of object pictures: squirrel, woodpecker, dog, hare, pillow, wolf).

The course of the game: the speech therapist invites the child to listen carefully and guess the riddle, find the picture with the answer word, determine the number of syllables in the word (claps, tapping on the table, steps, etc.). By the number of syllables, find a house with the corresponding number of windows, insert a picture into the pocket of this house.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And climbs the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Sleeps in the booth
The house is guarded.
Who goes to the owner
She lets you know. (Dog)

Stuffed with fluff
Is it under your ear? (Pillow)

Knocking all the time
Hollows trees
But it doesn't cripple them,
And only heals. (Woodpecker)

White in winter,
In summer gray
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)

Who in the cold winter
Wanders angry, hungry. (Wolf)

You can just use the pictures, the names of which consist of them. different amounts syllables. The child takes the card, names the picture shown on it, determines the number of syllables in the word and independently inserts it into the corresponding pocket of the house, depending on the number of flowers in the window.

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