Home Trees and shrubs What does Taurus mean according to a woman's horoscope? Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - what kind of guys a Taurus girl likes. Go the beaten path

What does Taurus mean according to a woman's horoscope? Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - what kind of guys a Taurus girl likes. Go the beaten path

With the help of the stars you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person; just find out his date of birth and look at the horoscope. Of course, it is very difficult to find 100% matches in the description of the zodiac sign and a person’s character, but the main features can be predicted with high probability. In this article we will consider the character of women born under the sign of Taurus.


“Patience and work will grind everything down” - words that most accurately characterize stubborn Taurus.

The Taurus woman rarely changes her life attitudes, so she tends to choose the beaten path. Their rationalism does not allow participation in adventures, because the outcome of risky undertakings is unpredictable. Even following a certain plan of action, the Taurus woman usually tries to think through other options for the development of events in order to be ready for anything. However, despite their static character, they have a very rich inner world.

People born under the auspices of Taurus are rightfully considered one of the most homely and family-oriented people. This is especially clear when we're talking about about the fair sex. They are gentle, patient and very economical people. In their apartment, every thing has a purpose, and general form The interior is decorated laconically and tastefully. As a rule, this woman is not attracted to noisy parties and public events; she more willing will hold free time at home, surrounded by family and friends, and will spend the money saved on arranging his nest.

Outwardly, the representative of this sign looks quite feminine. She usually has beautiful, glowing skin. A beautiful neckline and soft features always attract the attention of men, which this woman is not at all surprised by. Her equanimity and confident behavior add even more charm to her appearance. Her silhouette is not devoid of rounded shapes, and if the Taurus woman does not follow her diet, she can gain overweight.

In front of everyone positive qualities oh lady Taurus does not tolerate comments and objections. She really likes everything to be according to the plan drawn in her head, and is sincerely upset when they try to disobey her. If she is often unfairly offended, she may harbor a grudge, and the person will not soon be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes.

There are many famous singers and actresses among Taurus; they often have a naturally pleasant voice. Among them are Natalia Oreiro, Rene Zellweger, Penelope Cruz, Natalia Andreichenko, Marina Vladi, Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

Natalia Oreiro

Penelope Cruz

Svetlana Svetlichnaya


The value of girls born under this sign lies not only in their thriftiness and reverent attitude towards home. They are real women who do not try to compete with a man by pulling the blanket over themselves. Taurus respects him in his companion masculine qualities and knows how to maintain the balance of energy in the union.

After all, her ideas about the family can be called absolutely classic: the husband is the breadwinner, the wife is his support, the keeper of the hearth and the mother.

From an astrological point of view, Virgo and Capricorn are suitable life partners for her. They also support traditional ideas about marriage and are able to make a wonderful couple with Taurus. Cancer and Pisces will also get along quite well with her, the main thing is to be able to compromise and accept some of the partner’s inconsistencies with the ideal. Astrologers consider the union between two Taurus not very successful, since at least one of the partners must be more active, and sometimes capable of taking risks, in order to move forward. Astrologers do not recommend Taurus-Sagittarius and Taurus-Aquarius marriages. The first one is too unstable and independent for her, the second one is even worse - he always has his head in the clouds and expresses incredible ideas.


The Taurus woman is ready to disappear into caring for her family and home. She gladly receives guests, treats them to a variety of dishes, creates an environment conducive to communication and demonstrates herself as an exemplary wife. Children appreciate her love and even in adolescence can share their problems with their mother, knowing that she can give useful advice and gently guide you to the right decision.

Like any insult, she will definitely remember her partner’s flirting with other women and will keep everything to herself, suffering from the injustice that is happening. But she is unlikely to let her man get away with such behavior. Gradually, quiet aggression will result in righteous anger, and then the person who dares to offend her will receive a huge scandal with far-reaching consequences.

Winning the heart of a Taurus lady is not so easy, because she prefers to decide for herself who she should be with, and she clearly knows what she wants. Annoying seducers often fail with her. They can help charm this lady expensive gifts, exquisite restaurants and the impeccable appearance of the suitor himself. Primitive intimacy, even in extreme conditions, is not to her liking. It is much better if everything happens in an elegantly furnished apartment, with all the attributes of a romantic night of love. If a man prepares everything properly, then she will not skimp on affection and passion.

If a representative of this sign has met her great love and the person suits her in everything, then she will be devoted to him to the end. Undoubtedly, she has many positive qualities, but her husband must also correspond and be on the same level with her. A man who relaxes too much in marriage with her and begins to take her virtues for granted risks becoming a cuckold.

Having realized that her partner is not “the one,” Taurus is able to be polygamous, love several men at once and at the same time value relationships with them.

Career and finance

Since Taurus values ​​stability in everything, money is very important to her, because it gives her a much-needed sense of security and confidence in life. tomorrow. Our heroine is not chasing easy prey and knows that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so she is ready to work hard and hard. People who have achieved everything through their hard work evoke genuine admiration from the Taurus woman.

Most often, her area of ​​interest is specific activities with clearly defined responsibilities. If this is a creative specialty, then it should be related to the arrangement, repair or design of a house, handicrafts, agriculture. Such a woman can show herself well in the sale of property. She likes to create beautiful things. You can realize yourself in this area as a couturier or a fashion magazine publisher, for example.

But despite the craving for beauty, such a woman rarely becomes a “free artist” who creates at the behest of a capricious muse. Taurus is characterized by high efficiency and spares no effort at all on the path to success. Her will and determination can be envied - natural restraint and the ability to behave correctly in society help with this. Taurus may seem too slow at work, but they are able to really delve deeply into the essence of the matter, not missing important details that others may overlook. Having become a boss, which a Taurus woman is quite capable of, she remains polite and friendly in her interactions with colleagues, makes informed decisions and will never sacrifice work for the sake of personal matters.

As you know, each zodiac has 30 degrees in the zodiac circle, and they are divided by astrologers into decades.

Here are the main distinctive features Taurus born on different days.

The first ten days (from April 21 to May 1) are ruled by the planet Venus. Astrologers endow these women with higher sensuality than their “colleagues” in the constellation. Important years in life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57. Such women especially love to enjoy life, are drawn to beauty, and sometimes they themselves try to develop vocal and theatrical talents.

The second decade (from May 2 to May 11) experiences the powerful influence of Mercury. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. Luck favors them in such professions as lawyer, teacher, salesman, editor, diplomat.

They are especially careful and know how to make the right decisions to advance their careers.

The third decade (from May 11 to May 20) is under the auspices of Saturn. These are truly stubborn Taurus, but they often limit themselves to too narrow limits. But in their quest for success they can move mountains and achieve impressive results. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. It is recommended to include all professions related to land, real estate, as well as management, entrepreneurship and engineering in their area of ​​interest.


The main animal mascot of this sign is the bull, which is not surprising, since this is the “face” of the constellation. The owl gives wisdom and self-control to the Taurus woman. And for those who especially value career success, astrologers advise acquiring a horse figurine as a symbol of efficiency and success.

According to professional astrologers, stones as talismans for Taurus should not be too active. Their the main task– concentrate and direct the innate energy of representatives of a given zodiac in the right direction.

Taurus women value their loved ones very much and stability in love and professional relationships is important to them, so most astrology experts recommend that they wear turquoise jewelry. In order for a man to be devoted to his partner, she can sew small stones of this mineral into the lining of her clothes.

For Taurus who have not yet tied the knot, who are searching for themselves and striving for knowledge, sapphire will be useful. He will also help to attract a wealthy gentleman who will help her fulfill all her dreams. Since Taurus is sensitive and vulnerable, they can be advised to wear green agate. It will help drive away sad thoughts, get rid of the blues and increase your energy. Green agate also helps to weed out everything unnecessary and concentrate on what is truly important.


Green agate

Jasper is another natural stone recommended for our heroine. The mineral protects against negative forces, the evil eye, envy, and helps attract success. Bloody jasper is especially good for those born in the first ten days - from April 21 to May 1. Relieves its owner from accumulated fatigue, restores vigor and self-confidence.

Coral boosts vitality Taurus born from May 2 to May 11. Helps remove negative attitudes that make her doubt herself. Representatives of this sign whose birth date falls in the third decade are especially recommended to wear diamond jewelry.

The stone increases the sociability of its owner, develops everything in a person best qualities and gives the ability to think clearly in any situation.



What plants are suitable?

Taurus is instinctively drawn to farming and gardening, because this is the first sign zodiac circle elements Earth. You can often see indoor flowers in her house. For her, growing plants is not just an opportunity to decorate her home and bring comfort to it, it is something that helps her feel harmony and restore her strength.

Taurus has many mascot flowers.

To maintain positive energy in the house and attract success, they are advised to “plant” the following plants:

  • Kalanchoe;
  • cyclamen;
  • primrose;
  • tulip;
  • lily of the valley.



All of them are plants that attract wealth, but Special attention Astrologers advise turning Taurus to Kalanchoe. With a neat appearance, it has great power. This green friend will become not just a talisman for its owner, but will also help in the fight against many ailments. Cyclamen will help Taurus find harmony with themselves and bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Among the trees, Taurus talismans are called:

  • hazel;
  • aspen;
  • linden;
  • ash.



All of them are very firmly anchored in the earth, and Taurus, in a sense, also have “powerful roots,” which is expressed in their reverence for ancestors and traditions. These trees are also characterized healing properties. You can use them to make a small amulet that will protect the owner from negativity and attract good luck.

Oak, hazel and linden allow these women to gain energy for great achievements. Aspen helps soft Taurus to defend their opinion, despite the pressure of others. Walnut increases the communication abilities of modest representatives of the zodiac sign and helps to maintain strength for work.

Lucky numbers

According to numerologists, our lives are ruled by numbers, and every person, in one way or another, experiences the magic of numbers.

Every month Taurus has favorable days. They are conducive to carrying out business meetings, financial transactions and even romantic dates. 2 is the number of contact of opposites. At the same time, it represents the number of balance, which means its energy is consonant with Taurus. Lucky number by date of birth for Taurus it is 4. This is a symbol of a square: it is characterized by strength, stability, like the harmony of the four elements or four seasons. Also successful will be the endeavors that Taurus started on the 3rd of any month.

The main figure that determines lucky days Taurus is the number 6. In addition, they are favored by other numbers that are multiples of six. They have two threes or three twos.

According to numerologists, all this should be taken into account when setting dates for important events.

We take into account the eastern horoscope

To more accurately tell about the personality of a Taurus woman, you need to take into account her year of birth according to the Eastern calendar.

The Rat-Taurus is a classic businesswoman who at the same time manages to keep the house in order and look good. However, in order to please this “Miss Perfection”, a man will have to try, because she makes high demands not only on herself, but also on those around her.

Due to extraordinary mental abilities and endurance, the Ox-Taurus woman is able to build good career and a strong exemplary family. Being very serious and practical, she will not devote too much time to her beloved and is unlikely to please her friends with her visit. Waste spending and wasting time at parties are not for her.

Tiger-Taurus is very brave, but not aggressive. However, her self-confidence allows her to achieve whatever she wants, without quarrels and scandals. The undoubted advantages of Taurus-Tiger are the desire for justice and a sense of duty, elevated to the rank of a life principle.

Taurus-Rabbit loves the comfort of home very much and surrounds himself only with truly loved and dear people. New acquaintances rarely come into her circle, but she does not suffer from this at all.

The Snake loves to speculate on any topic and get to the heart of any issue. It is difficult to deceive her, because she perfectly predicts people's actions. Thanks to her inner attractiveness, Taurus born this year attracts people to her without showing any visible effort.

Openness to the world and a desire to communicate are the distinctive qualities of the Taurus Horse. And thanks to her endurance and lack of timidity, she achieves great success at work.

Goat (Sheep) -Taurus is courageous in everything that concerns business sphere, but can be defenseless and even naive in relationships with the opposite sex. This girl needs an understanding man who can support her.

The Monkey, born under the sign of Taurus, is a very lively person and a born leader. She is not afraid to get involved in a verbal duel and is confident that she knows the answer to any question.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are somewhat softened by the sign of Taurus, endowing such a lady with prudence and prudence. Before rushing into battle, she will restrain herself, but if she is angered, she will attack the enemy. Especially if you need to defend the weaker or unfairly offended.

The Taurus Dog is very careful and prudent, so he plans everything down to the smallest detail. In her head there are many options for the development of events for any occasion.

She doesn't like surprises.

The Pig knows how to plan his life well, but he doesn’t mind taking risks at all. She is multifaceted and in communication shows herself with different sides. For the family - affectionate and caring, for strangers - closed, at work - tough, with loved ones - soft, etc.

A lady born under the constellation Taurus is very attractive and can make an excellent match for any man. An excellent housewife who will always find time to take care of the house and herself, will not leave indifferent anyone who appreciates classic family values. The main thing is to be worthy of this lady: do not skimp on gifts, manifestations of affection and love.

Ruling planet:♀ Venus. Element: Earth.

Taurus woman

The Taurus woman is definitely strong personality, but she is smart enough not to show this to a man. One can only envy the integrity of her amazing nature. In order to be out of competition, she does not need to rush forward or prove anything to anyone. Her poise, self-confidence, calmness and attentiveness speak for themselves.

The world in the eyes of the Taurus woman is stable and harmonious, because it rests on true values. It is for others that the winds blow and the crisis rages, and those around them do not live up to the hopes placed on them. The Taurus woman knows how to accept both the situation and people as they are - with all their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the storms of fate are not afraid of her; therefore, friends and acquaintances are drawn to her like sunflowers to the sun.

The Taurus woman rarely strives for highly intellectual or spiritual circles - people in them seem to her to be far from sincerity and real, everyday issues. In other words, they are floating in the clouds, while the practical Taurus stands firmly on the ground. For herself, she clearly defines the line when the mind goes into abstruseness, and tries not to cross it. However, at the same time, she cannot be called insufficiently educated; it’s just that her knowledge is based not on Kant’s philosophy, but on experience, common sense and understanding of the nature of things.

Likewise, in dating, the Taurus woman does not look for external attributes of recognition. Snobbery is alien to her and it doesn’t really matter whether you are the director of a holding company, an artist in free flight or a visiting migrant worker. If she senses a lively, interesting personality in you, then in any case she will respect you and include you in the category of her friends.

To be a friend, and even more so a lover of a Taurus woman, is a great success, because next to her it is so good, warm and calm. However, you will be surprised to see how menacing and angry she can become if something threatens her loved one! Having come to your defense, she will not back down until the last moment. If you or her loved ones Hard time will need help, will be ready for almost any sacrifice.

At the same time, seeing a Taurus woman in an ordinary, non-extreme environment, it will seem to you that her main purpose is to be the center of harmony and comfort. She appreciates natural beauty in all its manifestations, and tries not only to enjoy it, but also to create it herself. She is an excellent cook, loves nature and art, and often displays various creative talents herself - drawing, playing music, singing.

In other words, Taurus belongs to that amazing type of woman in whom self-confidence and the ability to show unbending firmness are combined with calm optimism, tenderness, caring and understanding.

She likes everything that caresses her senses, be it the mesmerizing sounds of music, a riot of colors autumn landscape, the subtle aroma of perfume or the feeling of warm sand pouring through your fingers.

That is why, if you want to charm a Taurus woman, give her these sensations. If you take her to an ethnic music concert, to an art gallery, or even just go out into nature with her, be sure that she will look at you with completely different eyes.

Another amazing quality of Taurus is that she is practically incapable of jealousy. Of course, we are talking about baseless jealousy, and not about inexorable facts. She will calmly and even humorously react to the fact that you were looking at the miniskirt, and is able to laugh with you about this. Furthermore, if she sees that women like you, this will be a definite “plus” for her. However, keep in mind: her tolerance has nothing to do with real betrayal. When Taurus is betrayed, her anger is truly terrible.

The Taurus woman's ability to listen and understand people makes her a wonderful wife, mother and housewife. She knows how to refrain from reproaches, does not lose her temper over trifles, is able to patiently teach a child to use the potty, and will no less patiently listen to her husband talking about his problems at work. Her calm smile - best medicine from both depression and illness, and her ability to cheer up at the right moment and give practical advice sometimes borders on psychic abilities.

The comfort that a Taurus woman creates in her home is legendary, and her ability to manage money can, over time, give this comfort a touch of unobtrusive luxury. In other words, the Taurus woman is ideal companion a life that a man can only dream of. The only thing she will not forgive you (and at these moments she is even capable of giving vent to violent anger) is tactless criticism addressed to her. Although, if you think about it, what can you criticize her for?

The Taurus woman attracts a man with her calm calm and realism. It's hard to say what needs to happen to throw her off balance. One can envy her equanimity and calmness. Sometimes it seems that she doesn’t feel anything at all and doesn’t care about much. When in fact she doesn’t like to show off her feelings. Doesn't see any real need for this.

She takes life realistically and seriously. She considers everything from the point of view of common sense realism, without succumbing to surging feelings; she knows how to control them and express them if they are truly justified.

The Taurus woman’s love is earthly, where earthly values ​​are most important - comfort, coziness, money, material security. She has a penchant for everything luxurious, chic, as comfortable as possible, so that she makes less effort. Although on the other hand, she knows how to work, work, and earn money.

The manifestation of love is also earthly, where the main emphasis is placed on everyday worries and worries, basic needs, food, sleep and home comfort. That's why she's of little interest global problems. Although sometimes the problems of acquaintances and friends may not be of interest either. She can isolate herself from others and be content with her own zone of comfort and convenience.

In relationships, as in life, she does not like sudden changes, because they violate her love for stability and calm. Life with a Taurus woman is suitable for those who are tired of impermanence and want a stable existence and can be content with simple earthly joys.

Positive qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • Discretion
  • Realism
  • Practicality
  • Determination
  • Perseverance
  • Perseverance
  • Hard work
  • Constancy
  • Loyalty
  • Stability
  • Calm
  • Devotion

Negative qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • Relaxation
  • Inertia
  • Monotony
  • Stubbornness
  • Materialism
  • Callousness
  • Restraint
  • Slowness
  • Monotony

See also Characteristics of Taurus Characteristics of people of the earth element

Taurus woman in bed

Being an earth sign, all earthly joys are not alien to her. This includes not only tasty food, but also pleasant pleasures from touching, foreplay, caress, tenderness and sex itself. Moreover, she likes all bodily, gentle touches, especially if they are filled with sensuality, tenderness and romance.

She loves sex, although sometimes she may not attach as much importance to it as the opposite sign Scorpio. But in any case, he will not deny himself pleasures. She often has developed sensuality, she likes everything tender and soft. For example, furs, fur coats, soft fabrics.

She also gets pleasure from touching everything tender; she doesn’t mind being pampered in bed with her beloved man. The main thing is that he fully satisfies her needs, understands her desires and is a faithful and reliable life partner.

The Taurus woman in bed is often not a fan of everything standard and traditional. She gets more pleasure from everything permanent. And unexpected surprises can hardly surprise her. It is equally important that the environment itself is as comfortable, cozy and convenient as possible.

See also Taurus in sex

Who is suitable for a Taurus Woman?

The Taurus woman is suited to men who can satisfy her all earthly needs. She may or may not have many needs. But in any case, she highly values ​​money, all earthly and material goods. And the more a man can provide them, the better it will be.

She will also pay attention to the man’s ability to earn money, how promising their relationship is and whether a real future is possible. And it will happen if a man can make her life as comfortable, convenient and cozy as possible.

A Taurus woman will find it easier with a man

  • Generous
  • Positive
  • Active
  • Purposeful
  • Financially independent
  • Hardworking
  • Economic
  • Practical
  • Realistic

It will be difficult for a Taurus woman to be with a man

  • Those in financial need
  • Those who don't know how to earn money
  • Impractical
  • Overly emotional and touchy
  • Imperious
  • Unpredictable
  • Fickle

Taurus woman in a relationship with a man


How to win a Taurus Woman

How more man will be financially independent, the greater his chances of winning a Taurus woman. Often, a Taurus woman in love relies solely on a sober calculation of what benefits a given relationship can bring, without taking into account feelings and emotions.

For another type of Taurus woman, not only the material, external content will be important, but also the internal, spiritual, the very character of the man. But in any case, the material side will not be ignored.

After all, she needs stability in life, she wants to experience all earthly joys. Consequently, she will pay more attention to how much a man shares her views, meets her requirements and whether he fits her ideal man. All this needs to be clarified so that there are no misunderstandings later. Why does a Taurus woman remain cold and indifferent to beautiful words about love.

She will be touched more by earthly attention. When behind eloquence there will be earthly actions, and not just fantasies, and unpredictability. She also highly values ​​the constancy and reliability of her chosen one. How constant, faithful, devoted he can be. And no less important is his ability to make money. Because love for a Taurus woman begins with simple earthly joys.

It should also be taken into account that a Taurus woman is usually slow to get along with people; she is not used to quickly trusting, opening up, or letting people get close to her. She needs time for everything. Even for her feelings, they manifest themselves slowly, but they will be stable and constant.

See also How to win a Taurus woman How to make a Taurus woman fall in love

Taurus woman in marriage

For a Taurus woman in marriage, the main thing is that a calm environment reigns at home and no one disturbs her stability and tranquility. She likes to have a big house of her own, perhaps with land plot, it could be beautiful garden, or in good view on nature. As a last resort, an apartment will do, but be sure to have all the amenities.

In a home environment, it is desirable to have chic and luxurious things. She loves everything soft and fluffy that can please her sensuality. For example, soft fabrics, velvet, furs, fur coats, wool. As for food, she is not particularly picky. He loves to eat delicious food, but he also has the ability to cook well.

But how developed they are depends on her. Sometimes a Taurus woman tends to relax and be lazy, especially when she has already achieved a lot, then why not relax. She also prefers to relax with maximum convenience and comfort, so that there are fewer sudden movements and surprises.

But also taking into account the material side of the holiday, so that the price corresponds to the quality. In general, she is not a fan of anything extreme, unexpected and unpredictable, because this also disturbs her love for stability and calm.

How to get a Taurus Woman back

Typically, a Taurus woman is not inclined to break off relationships. She wants stability and constancy. She takes relationships seriously and can endure a lot so as not to destroy what was created. But on the other hand, if she doesn’t succeed in creating anything, then she will most likely quickly give up and forget.

And if there are a lot of things connected, then it will take a long time to think about what to do next. She is not a fan of quick and drastic changes. He approaches everything slowly, so the desire to leave or return must also mature slowly.

In general, it is difficult for a Taurus woman to wean herself from the earthly joys that she had in marriage; nostalgic memories of the past, homeliness, and comfort may arise. And if she sees that the chosen one has changed and is ready to sacrifice a lot to preserve the relationship, then she can return. But only on the condition that she still has feelings and trust for him.

See also How to get a Taurus Woman back How to make peace with a Taurus Woman

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

The Taurus girl is charming and gentle thanks to her patroness, Venus. These ladies adore beautiful things, refined cuisines, expensive wines, one might say that they are ruinous for their fans, so a man who takes care of a Taurus woman will always be “on his toes.”

Taurus woman: character and characteristics

The character of such girls is not simple, but it is very comfortable and pleasant to spend time with them. These girls are the salt of the earth, they combine amazing qualities that many men seek throughout their lives. It is worth saying that they are very discreet ladies and rarely show their Bad mood others, but if they lose their temper, they can even frighten strong man. The Taurus girl believes that her fate is in her own hands and whether she will be happy depends only on her. She matches perfectly with the following signs:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

Characteristics of girls under the sign of Taurus

The Taurus woman's character is very persistent. She is a strong personality. People around her value this woman for her directness, reliability and developed sense of responsibility. But these ladies do not tolerate people disagreeing with them and objecting, especially in front of third parties. She is strict with children, but in moderation; she cannot tolerate disobedience, negligence, sloppy appearance. Such things make Taurus women very angry and infuriated.

The zodiac sign gave this woman a sense of harmony. She is very talented and has a great eye for art. You will never find artificial or dried flowers in her home. Taurus people know how to please people and are very hospitable.

These girls react very sharply to smells, they are of great importance to her, so choose a good scent if you want to please such a lady. And if you want to please her, give the Taurus woman a good perfume, just find out in advance what scent she likes.

They are always a reliable support for their husband, who will not complain about difficulties in vain, especially in moments of financial troubles.

As you can see, the characteristics of the sign are very attractive; the list of positive character traits of these women is quite long. But don’t think that this angel will never show you his claws. If the Taurus’s patience runs out, then it will be bad for everyone around him and especially for the offender! Therefore, protect the peace of your Taurus girls from stress.

Relationships with Taurus

The Taurus woman does not idealize her chosen one and perfectly sees his shortcomings, as well as strengths. She knows exactly what kind of partner she needs. However, he does not make any special demands on the chosen one, other than to remain faithful.

The Taurus girl is eager to experience life and respects experienced men who are ready to discover something new and unknown for her. These are earthly girls, even in their youth they do not dream of movie heroes, preferring someone more accessible to them. They do not believe in platonic love; they devote a lot of time to the aspect of sexual relationships. These are sensual ladies, and if a man cannot satisfy them, then they leave him for the sake of another - this characteristic is worth taking into account.

Nata Karlin July 27, 2018, 19:04

Taurus are women for whom nature has not stinted on the best. They are beautiful, energetic, charming and in any company they strive to become the center of attention. Quite rightly, Taurus women are the subject of undisguised interest among men.

The most important characteristic Taurus women's zodiac sign is restraint. Many ladies would like to acquire such an ability, but not everyone is given this. In addition, she is characterized by calmness, determination, stubbornness, pride, and a desire for financial stability.

If you describe all the qualities of a lady of this zodiac sign in a few words, then the phrase “real lady” will fit perfectly

The character of the Taurus girl is very calm. She is always restrained, measured and thoughtful, and will never allow herself a sharp verbal attack or insult towards another person. At the same time, he will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself. Her external beauty is harmoniously combined with willpower and angelic patience. She rarely loses her temper and, as a rule, these outbursts of anger are short-lived. However, you should not test her patience, appearances can be deceiving, it is not endless. The Taurus woman does not forgive insults; she is vindictive and unbearable if attacks on her self-esteem occur regularly. With age, this lady begins to like the luxury and comfort of her home more and more; she can rarely be forced to go on a trip, and there can be no talk of moving to another place of residence.

The Taurus woman is special, regal and calm grace, she is fully endowed with natural charm, pleasant manners and a languid look. In her company, many people find that same peace of mind and find the desired moral support. Innate feeling taste and style allows her to choose only the most good cosmetics and clothes, while saving money. The lady of this zodiac sign simply loves chic and strives to achieve prosperity, saving money from her youth. She needs a man who will provide a comfortable existence and can satisfy all her needs.

The Taurus woman is distinguished by her regal and calm grace.

As a rule, Taurus women have feminine forms, are plump and do not give of great importance own weight. It should be noted that extra pounds do not spoil the impression of the lady herself. The essence of a woman of this sign is to show the world what beauty and health really are, and not painful dieting that has a bad effect on appearance.

Taurus women are great workers. Patience, determination and willpower help them achieve success in their careers.

They do all the work, if not with great pleasure, then with zeal and receive true satisfaction both from the process itself and from the results of work. However, out of all types of activities, they will choose the one that brings the most income, regardless of whether they like it or not.

Compatibility of Taurus women with other zodiac signs in love, marriage, friendship and work

Love for a Taurus woman is a serious activity that requires precise calculations and meaningful actions. Usually, she chooses her own partner. The persistent courtship of a gentleman whom she considers unpromising will never lead to anything. Taurus woman is overwhelmed sexual energy, and partners feel it without words. Using rational thinking and excellent intuition, she immediately weeds out unnecessary gentlemen, establishing relationships with those who are most suitable as candidates for her hand and heart.

Love for a Taurus woman is a serious and meaningful activity

The Taurus woman is very jealous and possessive by nature. Observing the changed behavior of her partner, she for a long time waits, keeping calm and driving away intrusive thoughts. But sooner or later, these relationships can simply burst, like soap bubble , if the Taurus woman’s cup of patience runs out. In this situation, the culprit will have a hard time, because the Taurus lady is scary in anger. It is unlikely that it will be possible to return a lady who has been offended in her feelings to the bosom of her family.

In marriage, a woman of this zodiac sign is an excellent housewife, a caring wife and mother.

She is a great cook because she loves to eat delicious food herself and believes that the way to her beloved husband’s heart is through his stomach.

As a life partner, the Taurus woman chooses people who are just as generously gifted by nature as she is. They are compatible with men who can combine external and internal beauty, good health and preferably a thick wallet. This lady really loves gifts, trips to good restaurants and clubs, trips to beautiful places.

The Taurus woman becomes a wonderful life partner. She respects her man and will never claim leadership unless he allows it. In this woman’s house there is always order and the delicious aroma of cooking dishes is in the air. She loves guests, however, only those that are in mandatory warn of their arrival.

The Taurus lady loves gifts and trips to beautiful places

For a woman of this zodiac sign, the life of her own children is extremely important. She is completely immersed in their affairs and concerns, trying to live with her children every hour. She always has fold up warm and trusting relationship both with daughters and sons.

Compatibility chart for Taurus woman with other signs Western horoscope in love, friendship, work:

Taurus woman and man:Compatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityCompatibility in friendship and work
a lionAverageAverageAverage

Taurus woman in bed - what is she like?

Even in relatively at a young age Taurus woman seems sophisticated life experience a lady against the backdrop of carefree and flirtatious peers. In sex she is ardent and passionate, however, without excessive romanticism. It should be noted that a man who does not conquer her on the first intimate date completely loses all chances of conquering her the second time.

Taurus women are distinguished by their special sensuality, which they place above all other manifestations in the love sphere. They make wonderful mistresses for those men who know how to feel the desires of a lady, who are patient and calm.

It is easy for them to adapt to the desires of their partner, while the level of return will be equal to force man's sexual desire

IN sex life in a Taurus woman best compatibility with Cancer, Leo and Gemini.

How to win a Taurus girl: all the ways to conquer your heart

Men who had to face their life path with a Taurus woman, her willpower and charisma immediately caught my eye. This lady is at work poses a serious threat to competitors, and it’s better for rivals in love not to get involved with her at all. The Taurus lady initially makes serious demands on men. You need to consciously meet her criteria in order to be able to please her and claim the lady’s favor. Very often, a Taurus woman chooses as her life partner a man who has reached certain heights in his career.

You can win the heart of a Taurus woman only if you are potentially able to achieve what you want, active and purposeful. A lady of this zodiac sign will never pay attention to a redneck, a boor, a troublemaker and an envious person. She won't tolerate a quitter, dissuading himself from work by any means. Next to a Taurus woman there must be ideal man, able and aware of how to make money. She must be absolutely sure that her offspring will grow up in prosperity and prosperity.

At work, the Taurus woman poses a serious threat to competitors

You can make a Taurus lady fall in love with you only with a sincere attitude and gifts. Moreover, the more expensive the offering, the more attention the suitor will receive. If you managed to approach a lady of this zodiac sign at an honorable “friend” distance, try keep her attention, becoming a real reliable support. Solve her problems and troubles, because for her, a man’s dedication is the main indicator of his love.

Seducing a Taurus woman is not that easy. Even if you succeed, know that, apparently, this is her personal decision and desire.

The lady of this zodiac sign takes her reputation very seriously and will never enter into intimate relationship with a stranger

How to understand that a Taurus girl is in love: main signs

A Taurus girl in love tries in every possible way to demonstrate her advantages. She turns her already impeccable appearance into a real work of art. She knows her strengths and weaknesses very well and focuses on the former with enviable skill. If she speaks to a man chosen as a lover, her speech becomes smooth, soft, and there are languid notes in her voice.

A woman under the sign of Taurus knows her strengths and weaknesses very well.

Her eyes never leave the object of her passion for a moment. Even if she does not see the man, it seems that her eyes are everywhere, because the Taurus woman literally feels the presence of her lover on her skin.

The main features of the behavior of a Taurus woman in love are as follows:

  • she looks in the mirror more often;
  • looks simply great;
  • her look is radiant and happy;
  • tries to cook something tasty in order to feel the fullness of the joys of the world;
  • shows interest in sports and his own figure;
  • buys new things.

Gift for a Taurus woman: options for interesting gifts

Presents for a Taurus woman should be rational and justified from a reasonable point of view. For example, if you give a lady of this zodiac sign a huge bouquet of flowers, she simply will not understand the generosity of this gesture. But she will be really happy with some categories of gifts:

  • Hobby. If you know for sure that a Taurus woman has a certain hobby, try to please her by presenting something on the topic. For example, avid cooks will be pleased to receive items kitchen utensils, items for table setting, large encyclopedia with recipes or a set of exotic seasonings.

Gifts for a Taurus woman should be rational

  • Fashion. Taurus ladies treat things with special trepidation. They have excellent taste and always dress stylishly. If you know about a lady’s preferences, feel free to buy clothes, cosmetics, accessories, and perfumes. However, it must be borne in mind that all things must be High Quality. If you are not familiar with it, you should not choose this option.
  • Interior. As a true housewife and connoisseur of beautiful things, the Taurus woman will be delighted with high-quality and fashionable pieces of furniture, household appliances. The ultimate dream of hers is a great car.

It is worth paying attention to costume jewelry and jewelry

Ladies of this zodiac sign are very fond of everything beautiful and sophisticated. However, a small gold ring may impress her less than a large set of stylish jewelry.

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