Home Trees and shrubs Yoga classes in the last month of pregnancy Yoga for pregnant women: what you can and cannot do while expecting a baby

Yoga classes in the last month of pregnancy Yoga for pregnant women: what you can and cannot do while expecting a baby

To achieve positive results in any practice in the early stages of pregnancy, you must take into account the advice of doctors and experienced instructors, listen to the state of your body and adjust the program accordingly. The well-being of the expectant mother during the remaining 24 weeks depends on how correctly the physical activity for the pregnant woman is selected in the first trimester.

Should i do yoga in the first trimester of pregnancy? As with many other questions regarding the course of pregnancy, you may come across great amount opinions, often directly opposite.

Many yoga teachers believe that you can continue to practice calmly subject to reasonable and obvious restrictions (if the yoga / pranayama posture causes discomfort - you need to choose another variation or stop the practice), others believe that with the onset of pregnancy, a woman should adhere to strict restrictions and attend only special classes.

Some doctors traditional medicine it is generally not recommended to engage in physical activity in the first and third trimesters (yoga for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester).

One way or another, the opinion of most doctors and yoga teachers is that yoga, starting from the first trimester, helps a woman to become aware of the onset of motherhood, tune in to a positive pregnancy and maintain good health.

Naturally, you need to remember that yoga in the first trimester should be done with extreme caution for several reasons:

    A yogini who practiced before pregnancy, "only yesterday" freely performed all the asanas of her usual complexity, and today it is necessary to observe the restrictions to which she has not yet had time to get used to.

    Adjusting the intensity and nature of yoga practice in the first trimester may seem completely premature and unnecessary to her due to the fact that early date few physical changes are seen and there is still no full awareness of the changed status and condition of the woman - the future mother.

    But you need to remember that a woman's body begins to change immediately after conception: the hormones estrogen (1000 times!) And progesterone (10 times) increase, instability is created in the body due to softening connective tissue, ligaments and tendons and smooth muscle tone.

    All of these changes are necessary to create space for the growing baby, placenta and uterus. Therefore, at this stage of the birth of a new life, in no case should you overload either the body or the psyche of a woman - the first trimester is considered the most delicate period, and the risk of miscarriage is the highest here. The condition of the child at birth and in the future depends on how well this time passes.

    From "visible" changes - during normal practice, you may feel unusual discomfort, dizziness, nausea, fatigue.

    Of course, not every woman is prone to such "troubles", but no one knows how the body will behave during such a period of large-scale changes. Therefore, during any of the practices, it is necessary to carefully monitor the inner feelings and well-being. However, many practitioners report that yoga helped fight nausea and fatigue.

    If you are determined to practice both asanas and pranayama during pregnancy, it is recommended to take short breaks between these practices: for example, one day you can do exercises in the morning and pranayana in the evening; or there should be a gap of at least 15 minutes between exercises and pranayama.

    Basic principles

      if you are just starting to practice, then it is better to work out all the poses with an instructor for a start, after which you can practice at home without unnecessary fears and risks. If this is not possible - study very carefully all the subtleties of each asana and practice;

      be sure to warm up before exercising;

      entering any pose should be smooth and measured, control your breathing and listen to the sensations. Yoga during pregnancy shouldn't be uncomfortable. Eliminate any positions that are uncomfortable for you. Also eliminate jumping when changing poses;

      devote about a third more time to relaxation practices and correct breathing;

      classes should not be perceived by you as a duty! You need to practice for pleasure, to relax the body and improve mood.


    Although yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester is excellent and physical activity, the body should be protected as much as possible and given indulgences.

    When choosing exercises, more attention should be paid to practices such as pranayama, yoga nidra, meditation, performing Shavasana (as a self-sufficient practice, and not only at the end of the selected sequence) - to improve well-being, relax, and overcome stress.

    If you do yoga at home, follow the guidelines and restrictions described in this article, as well as in the general article on yoga practice during pregnancy (asanas for pregnant women).

    With the onset of pregnancy, you can engage in your usual practices and complexes, but subject to the restrictions specified in the next paragraph.

    Separate groups Asanas practiced during the period under review can bring special benefits to the body:

      standing postures that help strengthen the legs: Uttita Trikonasana and Uttita Parsvakonasana (but not the versions of Parivritta - involving pressure on the abdominal cavity), Virabhadrasana 1 and Virabhadrasana 2;

      sitting bends to relieve lower back pain and shape correct posture: Janu Shirshasana, Triang Mukha Eka Pada Pashchimottanasana, Pashchimottanasana - with bolster support, pillow or folded blankets, Marichiasana 1 (with bolster and belt);

      asanas sitting / reclining, revealing hip joints and bundles: Baddha Konasana and Ardha Padmasana (at the wall), Supta Baddha Konasana and Matsyasana - on the bolster;

    What asanas cannot be done

    In the book "Yoga for Women" by Geeta Iyengar it is indicated that up to 3 months you can do all asanas, except for those aimed at working with the abdominal cavity and lower back. This limitation is fair, but does not take into account main task 1 trimester of pregnancy - preserving the fetus and avoiding the threat of miscarriage.

    You can practice yoga more actively in the second trimester (yoga for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester), but in the first we still recommend strictly limiting some groups of asanas:

      asanas aimed at working with abdominal cavity and loins: Paripurna Navasana, Urdhva Prasarita Padottanasana, Supta Padangusthasana;

      An exception to the belly poses is Bhujangasana (cobra pose), which is considered very useful if the emphasis is on pressing the pubic bone to the floor and lengthening the torso by stretching the entire lower back, while you need to actively use and strain your legs - with this method, you will not put direct pressure on lower part belly.

      inverted postures that cause blood to drain from the uterus - stands on the head, hands, forearms: Pincha Mayurasana, Salamba Shirshasana, Adho Mukha Vrikshasana. This group of restrictions includes such inversions as Salamba Sarvangasana (but not Viparita Karani), Halasana;

      deep backbends, strongly stretching the abdominal muscles: Eka Pada Raja Kapotanasana, Kapotanasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana;

      despite the fact that the uterus is still quite small and located in the pelvis, it is also recommended to avoid deep twists already in the first trimester, while you can continue the practice of twisting the sections located in the upper part of the spine;

      Many women in the first trimester of pregnancy may also feel pulling chest pains, in which case it is also worth avoiding asanas on the stomach with an emphasis on the chest.

    Correct approach in the first trimester

    If you correctly select and responsibly perform exercises, listening to yourself and your feelings, then yoga will become the key to well-being, positive mood and a stable state of the body.

    Unlike running, aerobics, gymnastics, yoga does not overload the body - on the contrary, the energy in the body is stored and multiplied, thanks to which the organs function stably and without interruptions.

    Remember, pregnancy is a natural process. Yoga helps the unborn baby to develop in a comfortable, pleasant environment, since the mother's body will not be exposed to stress and overload. Lack of anxiety and self-confidence - important conditions to ensure that the child is born strong and healthy.

Many expectant mothers think about the benefits of yoga for pregnant women, but not everyone dares to go for it. I will try to answer the questions that are most often asked by pregnant women. Perhaps the answers to them will help you too.

How can yoga help during pregnancy?

Yoga for pregnant women is specially designed for women on any (about the features of practice during - see the answer on next question). It helps expectant mothers to cope with possible physical discomfort (, pain in the back or sacrum, etc.). Also, yoga classes help women cope with mood swings and outbursts of emotions, allow them to feel harmony with themselves and feel full of strength and energy. At the same time, the body and mind are gently preparing for childbirth. There are many breathing techniques in yoga. Some of the techniques are specially designed for pregnant women, because they help to relax, deepen breathing (since the mother's breathing is nutrition for the child), feel in balance and harmony, and allow you to control your emotions. The techniques women have learned during pregnancy will help them during childbirth: the woman in labor will be able to relax and thus help herself and her baby gently and easily go through this wonderful experience. Also yoga helps to establish a bond between mother and child, which is important point for the further full development of the baby.

Can everyone do yoga while pregnant? Are there any contraindications?

If you are in doubt whether you can practice, please consult a trusted doctor. You can and should do it, listening to your feelings. However, it is not recommended to start doing yoga for women who have not done yoga before pregnancy. At this time, important changes are made in the body, pregnancy is "established" and the vital organs of the child are laid, so it is advisable to spend this time in a calm, familiar environment, to be alone with yourself, to rest more often, relax, meditate, just feel and enjoy to your new state. Physical activity during pregnancy should also be limited if a woman is observed. There are methods in yoga to help with low attachment of the placenta, in which case you can practice them. When the placenta rises, gentle practice can begin. Be sure to warn your instructor about these circumstances.

What if a woman has never done yoga and is afraid that she will not be able to do the exercises?

Yoga for pregnant women is for women different levels preparation, it does not imply possession of any special skills or asanas (yoga postures). Yoga for pregnant women is an adapted yoga that excludes even potentially dangerous exercises (such as backbends, lying on the stomach, closed crunches, etc.). The teacher usually asks if the woman was engaged in any kind of physical activity before pregnancy and, based on this, builds a lesson and varies the load. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid - in any position or exercise, if you feel that you are tired, you can always rest on your own. Only you yourself can feel your body, understand its signals. For any woman, you can choose techniques and asanas that are pleasant and comfortable for her.

Nowadays, in every district there are courses for preparing for childbirth ... A third of the class, as a rule, is devoted specifically to special physical exercises for pregnant women (gymnastics, breathing exercises). Isn't that enough?

Yes, indeed, there are now enough different courses and schools for future parents. The fact is that yoga is a very ancient practice that has a holistic (holistic) character and affects both physical body(incl. hormonal background), and emotions, spiritual balance. Breathing techniques that we study in yoga will help women during pregnancy, during childbirth, and in later life: for recovery after childbirth, during depression, PMS, pain, and much more. It seems to me that the birth preparation courses use techniques that are intended only for childbirth, that is, after the baby is born, you can forget about them. This is how they differ from yoga classes for pregnant women. As for physical exercise, then it is important to note here that in yoga we learn to move with breathing, since childbirth is a movement, while associated with tension, strong sensations, and sometimes pain. Therefore, it is better to breathe in motion, alternately straining and relaxing the body, learn to maintain deep breathing even while performing exercises that may seem difficult. It is very important to understand that it is through breathing that you can relax and release pain. Then this skill is fixed in the body. And even during childbirth, the woman will continue to breathe correctly.

Yoga considers a person holistically, therefore, for postpartum period there is a post-natal practice that helps a woman to recover gently. There is also baby yoga, women's yoga and much more - practices that support us at various moments in life.

When is it too late to come to class?

You can come to classes at any time. The practice is adapted to the level of training and condition. Classes will bring undoubted benefits. Great importance has regular independent practice.

Will exercising in childbirth help?

Of course, yoga for pregnant women is designed to help a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth, and even after it. If a woman exercises regularly, then her body gently prepares for childbirth, the pelvic area opens, she learns to breathe and relax, feel her body, move with her breath. It is very important for a woman to learn to feel and hear the signals of her body, which itself will prompt the position for contractions and childbirth.

Are there any differences in classes for women in different trimesters?

Of course. In the 1st trimester, women need complete relaxation, rest, yoga nidra, and the development of deep full breathing. From and up to the most pregnant women active period when it is possible and necessary to move more, increase the level of energy, accumulate strength, establish a connection with the child, build body position, posture, learn to sit, stand up, lie down correctly. Starting from, there comes a period of "slowing down", it becomes more difficult to perform some asanas, so we use more blankets, pillows to support the body. During this period, preparation for childbirth is underway, we study labor breathing, we relax more. It is important to remember that after 35 weeks it is necessary to drink plenty of water to maintain the functions of the placenta.

It happens that the deadline has already come according to calendar standards, and the child is not yet ready to go out, then some doctors suggest an artificial one, but this is not the best way. In this case, we advise you to contact more natural methods... Talking with a child, breathing ujai, pelvic micromovements, singing the "U" sound, massage of the perineum and drinking brewed raspberry leaves. All this will help the labor to begin.

Many pregnant women are afraid to do gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women. very worried about the child. How useful are the activities for the child?

In general, yoga for pregnant women is meant for both the mother and the baby. During classes, the mother communicates with the baby, a connection is established with the child. If the mother is in harmony and well, then the child feels it, and he is also happy. During deep breathing the child receives more nutrition. All movements and asanas that we perform help the child to "stand" correctly in the birth canal and to be born more easily. So there are many advantages for a child too!

Will yoga classes for pregnant women make it easier to recover from childbirth? How soon after giving birth can you start yoga again?

Of course, during yoga classes, a pregnant woman's body will get stronger, she will learn to control her breathing, she will learn how to work with the muscles of the pelvic floor. Especially for recovery after childbirth, there is postnatal yoga, which is precisely aimed at helping a woman to adapt in a new quality for herself. If before childbirth the emphasis in practice was on opening, then after childbirth it is necessary to "close". This is a completely different practice, which can be practiced only after the last discharge has passed. Let me remind you about the importance of rest for a woman after childbirth: rest should be at least 1 month - this time is intended to be with yourself and your child, get used to your new state (even if childbirth is not the first) and just give yourself time to recover ... During this month, you can gently begin to "close" the perineum with breathing and restore sensitivity and muscle tone. Running and swinging the abs are not suitable for recovery, as it is necessary to close the muscles from below and strengthen the abdominal muscles on the "inside out" principle. Therefore, after childbirth, you cannot move quickly, stand with legs wide apart, do squats, focus on appearance. Full recovery postpartum occurs about 6 months after the end of breastfeeding, as during breastfeeding hormones are released that "soften" the woman's body.

Dear women, try to listen and feel yourself and your body, love, accept it and yourself in all your manifestations. I wish you happiness, love and harmony!


Good article Yoga is good in general and for pregnant women in particular!

Comment on the article "Is yoga good for pregnant women?"

Yoga and pregnancy. Hello everybody! A friend of mine highly recommended doing yoga for pregnant women. But after my two threats, to be honest, it's somehow dumb to tie even the laces itself. Although everything seems to have stabilized a long time ago. I think how useful it is ...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. Good afternoon. Girls, please advise classes for pregnant women: fitness, yoga from any. they said the placenta in the early stages may not attach correctly during yoga.


Only during this pregnancy I am actively involved in sports, I am also very afraid of gaining 30+ again. And only sports saved me from toxicosis. But I power training and I started before I was pregnant.

Any gym, convenient for you ter-but, for the price and for the state of comfort is not. I go throughout my pregnancy 2-3 times a week (according to my health) - I started walking when the weight went up sharply, well, I'm not an avid athlete). It was never a pleasure for me). An hour of strength in the group (normal) and an hour on the track is not a run, a quick step. I gained 1 kg in 2 months.

I do not advise anyone, I support such a schedule and such activities, I feel comfortable in the gym and especially pleasant, I see the result on the scales).

I know that it is impossible, I talked with the doctor in the LCD and with the coaches, when in the group they do an exercise that I cannot, I do the light version that I can).

How should yoga practice differ on different dates pregnancy? How to get rid of: Back pain and / or sacrum pain Shortness of breath Heartburn Edema Heaviness in the lower abdomen, pulling sensations in the pelvic area Early toxicosis, gestosis Insomnia Hypertonicity of the uterus.

Jumping in early pregnancy: miscarriage, bleeding, and other complications. Because I swam in the pool all my pregnancy and jumped into the water until the 7th month. Pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, at an earlier date, another nurse once wanted to kick me out.


Girls, thanks!

Swim as much as you want)) about reducing the load - it is recommended to reduce it, but this is sooo individual. It is believed that healthy pregnancy you can not reduce, but if you are already worried, then maybe there is a reason? I did not reduce, then I switched to yoga.

Gymnastics for pregnant women. Lifestyle. Pregnancy and childbirth. This exercise can be done in late pregnancy, in the gym. Proper gymnastics is divided into several complexes depending on the duration of pregnancy. At least 4 complexes.


The latest Shape-Mom has a power pack for pregnant women. Helps to keep the butt from drooping. :)
Yoga from Shape-Mom is super, I am not overjoyed with this complex!
There is also a special video - but that's if you have the willpower. :)

About yoga with a threat ... Lifestyle. Pregnancy and childbirth. As for yoga with a threat .. Girls, I lie here and drink progesterone, but I am concerned about the question - I do yoga, the instructor came home to me, and now, as I got pregnant, I never did it.


There is special programs for pregnant. When I went to yoga, a lot of pregnant girls came to groups and did a special program. But at the moment of the threat, I would not recommend doing it. (although yoga is a cool and useful thing) ... nevertheless, I think that first the threat should be removed and then according to the condition. All the same, this is physical activity.
And to warn the instructor that pregnancy, let him develop a special program

You can, you can, although it probably depends on the threat. I was in my first pregnancy (there was just hypertonia and some kind of problem with hormones thyroid gland) she was engaged in almost the entire pregnancy, and she came to the group without any preparation. And she worked almost until the very birth. Neither me nor the girls from my group - no one hurt themselves. And during the 2nd pregnancy (hypertonicity + placenta previa), she also worked for about 2 months in the second trimester, there was nothing but benefit:

Very good relieves stress, irritability,
- from a moderate load, the muscles "rejoice", you feel vigorous and energetic
- internal organs(for example, the same intestines) begin to work better after inverted poses, because the child's pressure decreases and they are better supplied with oxygen,
- moderate deflections are prevention of stretch marks, since the skin itself is stretched in advance, without waiting for the child to stretch it
- the supply of oxygen to the child improves during breathing exercises(although pranayama, if it has not been mastered before pregnancy, is not advised to do)
- the muscles of the pelvic floor are strengthened, which is said to be very useful during childbirth and subsequent recovery
- the skill of forced muscle relaxation appears, i.e. when you can relax arbitrarily by on their own(it came in handy during examinations on a gyn. chair)

According to my own observations, after have a good job with high-quality savasana, the hypertonicity went away by itself without any pills. In the end, if you have individual sessions You yourself can ask the instructor to focus on recovery poses. And just lying and breathing correctly - this, in my opinion, cannot hurt. And there is really no need to do any yoga acrobatics.

In general, I really regret that now I do not have the opportunity to do yoga, because we parted with the nanny and I have no one to leave my older child with. And at home, you can't do it on your own, because as soon as you get comfortable, someone will call, or you will see dust under the bed, or remember that you put pasta to cook, or the neighbors will start drilling, or the child will wake up. In general, it is impossible to renounce reality: ((

12/06/2005 10:43:06 PM, Sasha's mom (36)

Knowing that I was pregnant, I did aerobics for 2 months. Then the doctor scolded me very much, tk. it almost ended badly for me. You can do it only after consulting a gynecologist and at 200% health.

I, not knowing about pregnancy, signed up for aerobic ... as I found out, I asked the doctor, he replied "do whatever you like, if only unpleasant sensations was not. "so I am doing (now 15 weeks) ... I really try not to get carried away with classes on the press-masik rebels, he does not like it. But in general, I'm glad that I decided to still be like ... my back does not hurt when I walk Regularly. In a month, my course will end and I plan to switch to yoga for pregnant women. And practice has shown that the pool is VERY helpful for back pain.

The unusual state of a woman when she is expecting a baby has always caused a lot of controversy among specialists. A couple of years ago, most of them would have answered no to the question: is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy. And today, expectant mothers will most often receive a positive response to the opportunity to practice yoga in such an interesting position. Special centers are opening where yoga classes for pregnant women are held outside the home, professional instructors are releasing training videos. What features are worth knowing, getting carried away with yoga on this life stage and can yoga do harm expectant mother and the baby - all this is written in this article.

Benefits and contraindications

One of the fundamental elements of yoga is the technique of even, healthy breathing. This technique is very important for expectant mothers. Indeed, through oxygen breathing, not only the woman herself is provided, but also the fetus, for which the correct breathing of the mother is the key to timely development.

The course of practice includes the following yoga postures for pregnant women:

  1. Asana of a butterfly sitting down to rest. In a seated position, connect your feet and heels, pull your legs to your stomach as much as possible. The main thing to remember is that when performing an asana the most important rule is the maximum ease of execution. The back should be straight. You need to be able to feel how the body is stretching upward, while the relaxed buttocks are directed downward. The practitioner's hips are pulled apart and not tense. It is necessary to take a deep breath several times in a row, while inhaling, lean against a vertical surface. Tilt your body and head forward a little, and try to keep your arms relaxed. Take a few breaths with the stomach, while the body also slowly leans forward. Then you need to bend back a little to feel the position and relaxation of the hips. The buttocks are directed downward. In this pose, several deep breaths are taken. To get out of the accepted pose, you need to smoothly grab yourself with your arms, stretch and take starting position... This asana promotes the development of flexibility in the pelvis, which will have a beneficial effect on the course of the labor process.
  2. Asana of a lazy cat and a vigorous cow. This pose is considered to be very popular among expectant mothers. It is recommended by doctors to develop the ability to relax during painful contractions. Often this exercise is done even by women who have never practiced yoga. To perform it, take the original pose on all fours. This position should be comfortable for the pregnant woman. Rest your palms on the floor, they should be strictly under your shoulders. The practitioner's head is relaxed. Bend your toes. Bend your back slowly and smoothly up. Each vertebra should stretch towards the ceiling. In the accepted position, breathe deeply. And then slowly take the starting position. It is important to be able to relax the stomach, it should go down. Stretch the buttocks up, and gently bend the back. Raise your head and look forward and to the sides. Direct the breath to the lower back. If you practice this asana several times a day, your back muscles will become more flexible.
  3. Exercise aimed at systematic lifting of the pelvis in the supine position. Such a task has a beneficial effect on the state lumbar muscles, removes pain, which often occur in pregnant women in this area. To perform it, lie on your back and rest your feet on a vertical surface. Raise the pelvis slightly above the floor, knees should be directed towards the ceiling. The practitioner's shoulders and neck are relaxed as much as possible. Breathing is unhurried, deep, meaningful. After several breathing cycles in this position, slowly lower the pelvis onto a horizontal surface. The task is repeated several times.
  4. Asana of the newborn. This exercise is especially recommended for women who are prone to gaining overweight during pregnancy. In addition, such yoga classes during pregnancy help relieve excessive tension in the spine and strengthen the pelvic muscles. To perform it, you need to take a comfortable body position, getting on all fours. In advance, it is necessary to roll a blanket into a strong roll and put it in front of the practitioner. The knees should be apart and the feet connected. Slowly lower the buttocks on the feet, during this action you need to feel how flexible and obedient the spine becomes. Then put your forehead on a rolled blanket. The neck, shoulders, lower back, buttocks and abdomen should be as relaxed as possible. Take a few deep breaths, imagining how leisurely, even breathing has a beneficial effect on the baby.

The most important thing is to take a comfortable posture before starting the practice, not to be distracted by the surrounding reality, to be able to establish contact with the baby. Pregnancy yoga postures should be very comfortable. The body of a pregnant woman rests during the performance of asanas, and with this the muscles become more elastic and prepared. You need to learn to listen to yourself and your body, be able to receive a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood during such classes. If you still have doubts about whether yoga is harmful or beneficial for pregnant women, it is better to get the advice of a competent specialist.

Yoga classes promote harmonious development soul and body... They help to seek harmony in oneself, to listen to one's own inner peace... In addition, yoga has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, improves well-being, and tones the muscles.

Pregnancy is by no means a reason to stop doing yoga. On the contrary, many asanas will help you not only put yourself in order, but also find peace of mind and relieve stress, because everyone knows how vulnerable nervous system women during pregnancy.

The benefits of yoga for the body during pregnancy

Usually, excluded various exercises for twisting and bending from a lying position. You should also not do strong forward bends.

During class, carefully listen to your own feelings- there should be no tension, pain or other discomfort. If it appears, stop the activity and rest. Take small steps between asanas. breaks, avoid feeling of tension in the body.

The greatest care should be taken in the first trimester pregnancy, up to 12-14 weeks.

Useful yoga exercises during pregnancy, basic postures

Before starting classes, take comfortable posture(for example, sit in Turkish), relax and calm down, mentally prepare for the beginning of the practice, feel your whole body and inner connection with the child. Perform each asana at a convenient time for you, on average, this is five breathing cycles, each of which includes a deep diaphragm inhalation and gradual exhalation.

Butterfly pose

Sit down and bring your heels and feet together, pulling them towards your stomach as much as you feel comfortable in this position. Put your hands on your feet, relax. Straighten your back, stretching your spine. It is important to feel how your back stretches up and your buttocks move down at the same time. The thighs gently spread out to the sides and relax.

Then take two or three deep breaths and rest your hands on the surface in front of you. The head, shoulders, neck should be moved slightly forward, and the shoulders and elbows should be relaxed as much as possible.

Take a few deep belly breaths, leaning forward slowly. Bend over to feel your thighs expand and relax. Feel the buttocks gently rush down, until you feel a pleasant tension. In this pose, do two to three cycles of deep breathing.

To get out of the pose butterflies, first bring your hands back to your body, and then stretch, returning upper part body in an upright position.

Thanks to this pose increases the flexibility of the pelvis, which will contribute to a favorable course of labor.

Cat and cow pose

it main pose for pregnant women, which is practiced to relax even those women who have never heard of yoga. It is also recommended by obstetricians.

Baby pose

Starting position - standing On knees... Place a rolled-up blanket in front of you. Spread your knees slightly to the sides, and connect your feet to each other. Gently lower your buttocks onto your feet, while feeling the spine stretch. Sink on your forearms and rest your forehead on a blanket. Relax completely cervical spine, shoulders, lumbar, stomach, buttocks. Breathe slowly and deeply. Imagine how your breath envelops your baby, as it were, giving him peace and comfort.

During pregnancy future mom and her close people often try to protect her from all kinds of physical activity, which does not benefit the pregnant woman, but, on the contrary, can cause harm.

Swelling, back pain, constipation, excess weight, changeable mood - these unpleasant moments that accompany such a bright period can be avoided if you choose the right physical activity. One of these practices is yoga for pregnant women, which is a set of exercises that positively affects yoga on bearing a baby and the well-being of the expectant mother, and also helps to prepare the body for childbirth.

This practice differs from standard yoga in that it is performed without complete dedication, the postures are less intense. In addition, certain asanas are contraindicated during pregnancy, while others must be performed with caution. There are special yoga courses, which should be started in the first months. interesting situation, and do it up to 36 weeks. In such classes, expectant mothers will master the techniques of relaxation, proper breathing, which will help physically prepare for the birth of a child and relieve unnecessary stress.

How can yoga help during pregnancy?

    yoga teaches you to breathe correctly, which is important during contractions, and provides the unborn baby with the necessary amount of oxygen.

    in special classes Special attention are given to the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, which are directly involved in the passage of the child along birth canal, so, this process is faster and less painful.

    certain yoga asanas can help with minor problems, for example, with incorrect presentation.

What should a pregnant woman remember when starting a yoga class?

When doing yoga, you need to monitor your well-being, if discomfort arises, you must immediately get out of the pose. For exercise, choose comfortable clothing and be sure to drink. Before enrolling in courses, you need to inform the supervising doctor about such plans and obtain permission from him.

A pregnant woman who has practiced yoga before conception and has sufficient training (for example, a medical or sports education) can compose and do the exercises herself at home. In other cases, you should be under the supervision of the instructor. In addition, by attending courses, the expectant mother can exchange experiences and experiences with other pregnant women.

When choosing courses, you should definitely ask a yoga instructor where he studied, what certificates he has, how long he has been doing yoga.

Every woman can and should do physical activity during pregnancy, and this can be done with the help of yoga.

The main problem was to get started. I tried to figure out the terms, but there are really a lot of them. At the same time, it seemed to me that it is often possible to grasp the essence of the definitions only by experiencing them in practice. As you can imagine, I already have much more questions than answers, so I was very glad to meet Anna, who won me over with the ease and simplicity with which she talked about hatha yoga and asana. More surprising was the fact that Anna began to practice yoga on her own with the help of the most ordinary disk and, moreover, during her first pregnancy. I think that in our conversation you will find answers to the most FAQ about yoga for pregnant women and not only.

Anna, how did you hear about yoga for pregnant women?

I stumbled upon a yoga disc in a store by accident. And since I always wanted to do this, I decided that I would not postpone any longer. :-)

I know that you studied in two higher education during pregnancy. educational institutions, and there was very little free time, but at the same time you found the opportunity to do yoga, and even on your own. How did you decide on this?

The decision was easy. I was terrified that during pregnancy without physical activity I will creep so that I will not fit into any trousers. And so she happily grabbed the opportunity to do at least something.

Did you have some initial physical training or is it not necessary to practice yoga?

Generally it was. I am 4 years old rhythmic gymnastics was engaged. Then there were dances, shaping, but this was in order not to lose shape. Although I think that yoga, in principle, does not need preparation. In the summer I went to qigong with elements of yoga, and in the group there were women in their 40s who came for the first time. I must admit they did a great job. At first, not everything worked out, but without training the first time you will not achieve anything anywhere.

What did yoga give you?

First, a lot of positive emotions. The mood during yoga and after was just wonderful. In addition, I had absolutely no toxicosis, neither early nor late. There was also no back pain, which many pregnant women complain about. I didn’t lie to preservation, didn’t undergo any treatment during pregnancy. And I tend to think that the reason for my wellness it was yoga. In addition, when the tummy begins to grow, and the range of activities narrows, yoga allows you not to feel as if you are being deprived of something. Because every day, adding a new asana to the already learned complex, you discover something new!

Does it take a lot of time?

Typically 15 minutes to half an hour. It all depends on the mood that women expecting babies change sooo often. :-) In general, it is recommended to practice yoga either in the evening or in the morning. Moreover, it is believed that classes in the evening help to improve well-being, and morning classes are for beauty. I don’t know what it’s connected with. Probably, only the founders of the school can answer this question. I studied when there was time and desire. And if I understood that today I didn’t want to raise my legs higher than my head, then I chose more “calm” asanas. However, I did two or three exercises a day without fail.

Have you consulted your doctor before starting yoga classes?

No, I didn't. :-) I really did not like my doctor in antenatal clinic... She forbade me to eat fruits and vegetables in the summer, although all the test results were normal. In general, she lost my trust at the first visit, and therefore I told her as little as possible about everything that was happening to me.

Is the disc really enough to start practicing and love yoga? But what about the control of specialists over the state of the pregnant woman and the correctness of the performance of certain elements of yoga?

To start and fall in love, the disc is enough. But if you want to move on, a coach is already needed, since yoga implies not only exercises, but also meditation, which it is better not to get into without a mentor. Regarding the correctness of the elements of performance, it seems that I came across a good disc. :-) There the asana is described in such detail that it will not be possible to do it wrong with all the desire. And the control over the pregnant woman, that is, over me, was carried out by a doctor from a paid clinic. And as I said, throughout my pregnancy, my condition was excellent.

Did your yoga practice help in childbirth?

I'm sure yes! I gave birth to a baby in five hours. Even the doctors were surprised at this. :-) Of course, I can't say that the birth was completely painless, but everything went well: without consequences for the baby and mother. :-)

Where do you advise those who have never done this to start?

Get rid of the prejudice that you cannot do anything during pregnancy. And then everything is simple: sit in the lotus position and enjoy.

Do you continue to do yoga now?

Yes, now I'm just doing hatha yoga.

If I understand correctly, yoga for pregnant women is separate species yoga, which everyone can start doing, regardless of their training. Hatha yoga is already more high level or just another direction?

Yoga for pregnant women was also hatha yoga, but in a softened version. Anyone can do both. During pregnancy, my friend did yoga with me, although she did not expect a child. She just enjoyed the class.

Will you teach your child yoga?

Of course! Now she, for now, perceives yoga as a game. :-)

Anna, thank you for your answers, which will help many to discover yoga: its complexity and simplicity at the same time.

On my own I would add, I certainly agree that the first step is to get rid of prejudices. If you succeed, then yoga will be available and useful activity, the development of which you can begin even during pregnancy, getting only positive emotions from this.

Yoga for pregnant women video lesson

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