Home Flowers Examples of the influence of the interaction of various spheres of society. Examples of interaction between the spheres of society among themselves. A historical example of the interaction of the spheres of society. Interaction of spheres of society: examples from the media

Examples of the influence of the interaction of various spheres of society. Examples of interaction between the spheres of society among themselves. A historical example of the interaction of the spheres of society. Interaction of spheres of society: examples from the media

Let's read the information.

Social scientists note that an unambiguous division of the spheres of society is possible only within the framework of its theoretical analysis, however, in real life characterized by their close relationship, interdependence and intersection (which is reflected in the names, for example, socio-economic relations). That is why the most important task of social science is to achieve the integrity of scientific understanding and explanation of the laws of functioning and development of the social system as a whole.

Consider examples.

Spheres of society

Relationship Example

Economic and political

1. Carrying out reforms to reduce taxes helps to facilitate the activities of entrepreneurs.

2. In the context of the economic crisis, the President of the country called early parliamentary elections.

3.On parliamentary elections the party that advocated a reduction in the tax burden won.

4. As a result of tax reforms, the pace of industrial development has increased.

5. Growth of state appropriations for the production of new types of weapons.

Social and political

Representatives of the so-called "middle strata" - qualified specialists, workers in the information sphere (programmers, engineers), representatives of small and medium-sized businesses participate in the formation of leading political parties and movements.

Economic and social

A high grain harvest, increased competition led to a decrease in prices for this product. Following this, prices for meat and other products fell. This allowed large social groups of low-income citizens - pensioners, big families with one breadwinner - significantly replenish your consumer basket.

Economic, political, spiritual

The political party has developed and substantiated a program to overcome the decline in production.

Economic and spiritual

1. Economic opportunities of society, the level of mastery of a person natural resources allows the development of science, and vice versa, fundamental scientific discoveries contribute to the transformation of the productive forces of society.

2. Financing activities by the patronmuseum.

Economic, political, social, spiritual

In the course of the market reforms being carried out in the country, a variety of forms of ownership has been legalized. This contributes to the emergence of new social groups - the entrepreneurial class, small and medium-sized businesses, farming, and specialists in private practice. In the field of culture, the emergence of private mass media, film companies, and Internet providers contributes to the development of pluralism in the spiritual sphere, the creation of essentially spiritual products, multidirectional information.

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Intellectual games "Social science"

  • What are spheres public life?
  • What are the areas of public life?
  • How are different spheres of society interrelated?

The structure of society has always interested people. Have you thought about it? For many centuries, scientists have tried to create a model, an image with which to reproduce human society for study. It was represented in the form of a pyramid, clockwork, likened to a branched tree.

Spheres of society

Society is rationally arranged. Each of its spheres (parts) performs its functions, satisfies certain needs of people. Remember what needs are.

    Spheres of public life - areas of public life in which the most important needs of people are satisfied.

Scientists identify four main areas of public life: economic, political, social and spiritual. Such a division is conditional, but it helps to better navigate the diversity of social phenomena.

The economic sphere includes firms, enterprises, factories, banks, markets, mines, etc. That is, everything that allows society to produce such a quantity of goods and services that will satisfy the vital material needs of people - food, housing, clothing, leisure, etc. .d.

The main task of the economic sphere is the organization of activities large groups people to produce, consume (buy and use what they buy for their own purposes) and distribute goods and services.

IN economic life the entire population is involved. Children, pensioners, the disabled, for the most part, are not producers of material goods. But they participate in the exchange - when they buy goods in a store, distribution - when they receive pensions and benefits, and, of course, in the consumption of material goods. You are not yet creating wealth, but you are actively consuming it.

The political sphere includes the state and bodies state power and management. In Russia, these are the President, government, parliament (Federal Assembly), local authorities, army, police, tax and customs service, as well as political parties. The main task of the political sphere is to ensure order in society and its security, resolve social conflicts, adopt new laws and monitor their implementation, protect external borders, collect taxes, etc.

The social sphere includes the daily relationships of citizens, as well as the relationships of large social groups in society: peoples, classes, etc.

The social sphere also includes various institutions for ensuring the life of people. These are shops, passenger transport, utilities and household service(housing management companies and dry cleaners), public catering (canteens and restaurants), healthcare (clinics and hospitals), communications (telephone, post office, telegraph), as well as leisure and entertainment facilities (culture parks, stadiums).

An important place in the social sphere is occupied by the bodies of social protection and social security. They are designed to provide social assistance to those in need: pensioners, the unemployed, large families, the disabled, low-income people. You learned about how social assistance is provided to families in the 5th grade.

The spiritual realm includes science, education, religion and art. It includes universities and academies, research institutes, schools, museums, theaters, art galleries, cultural monuments, national art treasures, religious associations, etc. It is in this area that the accumulation and transfer of the spiritual wealth of society to the next generations is carried out, and people and entire societies find the answer to the question of the meaning of life and their existence.

What areas of public life are depicted in the photographs? Justify your answer.

The relationship of the four spheres of society

So, we have identified four main areas of modern society. But this does not mean that they exist separately from each other. On the contrary, they are closely related and influence each other. For example, if the country's economy does not fulfill its tasks, does not provide the population with a sufficient amount of goods and services, does not expand the number of jobs, then the standard of living drops sharply, there is not enough money to pay wages and pensions, unemployment appears, and crime grows. Thus, success in one, economic, sphere affects well-being in another, social.

The economy can also have a strong influence on politics, there are many examples of this in history.

Additional reading

    The Byzantine Empire and Iran waged long-term wars with each other over which of them would collect duties from merchants who led caravans along the Great Silk Road. As a result, they exhausted their forces in these wars, and the Arabs took advantage of this, who captured from the Byzantine emperors most their possessions, and conquered Iran entirely.

    Explain how this example shows the relationship between the economic and political spheres.

The social sphere is directly connected with political life. Changes in the political sphere, such as a shift in power, the arrival of other politicians to rule the state, can worsen the living conditions of people. But it is also possible Feedback. The reason for the change of power was often the indignation of the masses of the worsening of their situation. For example, the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist also because the taxes that the emperor established were unbearably high for his subjects and they preferred the power of the barbarian kings to the imperial one.

Summing up

There are four spheres of public life: economic, political, social and spiritual. The spheres of public life satisfy the basic needs of people and are closely interconnected with each other.

Basic terms and concepts

Spheres of society: economic, political, social, spiritual.

Test your knowledge

  1. What areas can society be divided into? Give a brief description of each area of ​​society. What is their significance for society?
  2. Explain how different areas of society influence each other. Use the diagram on p. twenty.
  3. What do you think is the most important area of ​​society? Explain your answer.


        Quiet my home!
        Willows, river, nightingales...
        My mother is buried here
        During my childhood...

        Where I swam for fish
        Hay is rowed into the hayloft:
        Between river bends
        People dug a canal.

        Tina is now a swamp
        Where he loves to swim...
        Quiet my home
        I didn't forget anything.

        New fence in front of the school
        The same green space.
        Like a happy crow
        I'm sitting on the fence again!

        My wooden school! ..
        The time will come to leave -
        The river behind me is foggy
        Will run and run...

In modern society, the following are necessary and vital: a) human reproduction; b) creation, storage, distribution and consumption of material assets; c) determination of rights and freedoms, social position of the individual and other social subjects in society; d) reproduction of the spiritual values ​​of society, consciousness and worldview of people, satisfaction of their spiritual needs; e) implementation of policy and power-legal relations.

In accordance with these needs of society, four main spheres (subsystems) of the life of society are distinguished: material and production (economic); social; political and spiritual. The concept of "sphere of life of society" expresses a variety social organization, which has a special purpose, content, patterns and associations of a circle of people, ways and means of functioning, defined by the limits of distribution. The spheres of society's life are interpreted as basic and non-basic, large and small. Their presence and number are determined by the specific historical conditions of the development of society, other circumstances.

The study of the spheres of public life, the analysis of their elements shows that this problem is of great theoretical and practical importance. The understanding of the sphere of social life is based on a certain side, part or area of ​​social life, relatively independent and structured. The categorical status of the sphere of social life is of a deeper nature. It consists not only in the selection and analysis of a particular sphere, but also in the establishment and disclosure of its connections with other aspects (spheres) of public life, as well as between elements of content.

The spheres (subsystems) of the life of society are the areas of human activity necessary for the normal functioning of society (industrial, scientific, political, family, pedagogical, religious, military, etc.), where material and spiritual benefits are created, as well as satisfaction the needs of the subjects. Knowledge of the spheres of the life of society, the laws of their functioning and development, allows us to see the place and role of a person in them, his living and working conditions, the correlation of the interests of the individual and society, their mutual duties and responsibilities, as well as the immediate and more distant prospects for the development of both society and society. individual personality.

The maturity of the development of the main spheres of society's life is ultimately an indicator of the state of the whole society and its ability to further development production, culture, politics, military affairs, etc. All spheres of the life of Russian society are somehow connected in their functioning with the life of the Armed Forces. Knowing and taking into account the specifics of their functioning contribute to the understanding of this relationship, determine the direction of influence on the consciousness of servicemen.

Society is a dynamic system, various subsystems (spheres) and elements of which are updated and are in changing relationships and interactions. The person takes part in different areas the life of society, since by a certain side of its activity it is included in any of the types of structure of society. The production of material goods determines the social, political, spiritual and other processes of life, which, in turn, are relatively independent areas and affect material life. The structure of society (economic base and superstructure, ethnic communities, classes, social strata and groups, individuals) serves as the basis for highlighting its spheres of life. Consider the main areas.

Under material and production(economic) sphere the vital activity of such a society is understood, in which material values ​​(benefits) are reproduced, stored, distributed and consumed, the material needs of people are satisfied. The material-production sphere is not identical in everything with material life as the primary level of society's life. It relates to the spiritual life as a secondary level. In material life, together with the material-production sphere, the sphere of reproduction of the person himself is included as a process of implementing the laws of population, as well as other types of practice. Material life as the primary level of existence of society is social being.

Material production is decisive, but not the only factor in social development. It gives rise to the need for the functioning of other areas, which also become factors historical development. The essence of this process lies in the fact that material production takes the form of other social relations, and these "non-economic" relations in the process of development acquire new features and laws. They are more and more "moving away" from material and economic relations, but at the same time they retain their transformed essence. In the most concentrated form, the essence of basic relations is preserved by politics, and in smallest form- Spiritual relationship. Thus, each of the spheres of society's life acquires relative independence, exerting its influence on the material and production sphere, as well as on each other.

The material and production sphere is the leading cause, condition and prerequisite historical process because people must have material means in order to live. It is a manifestation of necessity and, at the same time, freedom in society, becoming a kind of vector for other areas of public life. Other spheres of the life of society, rising above it, constitute the unity of superstructural activities and social relations.

The main criteria of this sphere are: the development of the tools of labor activity; mechanization and automation of production processes; availability of new technologies; implementation vocational training entities in material production; material standard of living of people.

To comprehend the processes taking place in this sphere of society's life, will allow consideration of its structure, that is, the totality of the elements of the sphere and the connections between them. The material and production life of society includes:

- material and production individual labor activity;

– vital activity of industrial subjects;


- the life of people in the field of transport, communications and services;

– activities of entities in the field of raw materials and energy resources;

- the financial life of society;

– scientific and technological progress in this area;

- the functioning of the economic consciousness of people;

- the system of economic relations between people;

- a system of norms of material and production life;

The material and production sphere of society's life performs the following functions: the reproduction of material wealth, economic and organizational, the function of integration and differentiation of economic life, managerial, communicative, educational and economic, prognostic, regulatory, and others. The indicators of this area are the leading estimates general development state and determine its place among other countries.

Directly related to material and production social sphere , the content of which is the life activity of people as members of social communities and subjects of relations, characterizing their position in society from the standpoint of social equality or inequality, justice or injustice, rights and freedoms.

Any society consists of many people who are not just a number of separate individuals. In this set, certain social groups are formed, which differ from one another and are in different proportions between themselves and the whole society. In this regard, human society is a complex set of different groups, their connections and interactions, i.e. it is socially structured.

The social sphere of society's life is associated with the position (status) in society and the development of certain social communities, their interaction, and role in society. This area reflects, for example, the state and characteristics of the existence of ethnic communities, groups (strata) of the population by age, gender, social security, regions, etc., interaction with each other and with society as a whole. It also reveals the laws of social relations, their classification and role in society.

The social sphere, like no other, actualizes the needs and interests of citizens and social communities, the nature and completeness of their satisfaction. It most conspicuously manifests the quality of the realization of human rights and freedoms, his duties and responsibilities to himself and society.

In the social sphere, reproduction of the population is carried out. The family as the initial cell of society not only ensures the preservation and growth of the population, but also largely determines the socialization of the individual, his education and upbringing. The criterion for the development of the social sphere of society is primarily a measure of harmonious improvement and self-expression of the individual. Other criteria are: lifestyle, the state of medical and other types of social security, education and upbringing, population growth, etc. The core of social relations is the relationship of equality and inequality according to the position of individuals in society. With a lack of, for example, housing, food, clothing or medicines, the social sphere does not play such major roles as maintaining people's health, ensuring the necessary life expectancy, restoring physical strength spent by a person on work, compensation for the costs of psycho-emotional and nervous system etc.

A normally functioning sphere of social relations “continues” material and economic relations to the greatest extent, since it implements the results labor activity: the cycle of distribution relations ends, the cycle of social consumption relations continues, and the cycle of individual consumption relations is fully realized. The social sphere itself does not create material wealth. They are created in the field of production. But the social sphere, organizing the conditions and the process of consumption, supports a person in a state of vital activity, restores him as a living productive social and personal force.

A certain position of people in society, the basis of which is the type of their labor activity (worker, entrepreneur, collective farmer, farmer, engineer, military man, poet, artist), is fixed by specific legal acts(Constitution, laws, decrees, resolutions, orders of state power). When social relations are formed on the basis of the coincidence of people's interests, they take on the character cooperation. If the interests of people, social groups do not coincide or they are opposite, then social relations become relations. fight. And then critical issue relations becomes the modernization of power management, the reorganization social order, changing the position of various classes, nations, social groups in society. Social relations in this aspect are modified in political relations.

Political and legal sphere of society associated with the activities of subjects to reorganize power relations on the basis of law. This is a subsystem of social relations, the content of which is the exercise of power in society by a specially created institution (state) using legal norms and guarantees, the realization of the interests of citizens in relation to power. The political life of society and the activities of its institutions today are inseparable from the law and legal norms established by the state.

This area arose on the basis of the awareness by various social communities of their political interests and needs associated with the conquest of power, the use of power functions, with lawmaking and the implementation of laws. The specificity of the political sphere is also manifested in the fact that the needs of social communities and groups, being meaningful, are expressed in political goals, ideas and programs and determine the purposefulness of the struggle of social forces for fundamental interests. It includes a system of political institutions: the state, political parties, other public organizations, unions and movements, as well as law as an institution of society. The totality of the institutions of the political life of society forms its political organization. The political sphere of the life of society also includes the political and legal consciousness of subjects, political and legal relations, political and legal culture and political activity for the exercise of power in the country.

The main criteria of the political and legal sphere of society are: consistency of state policy with the interests of the country's citizens and the rule of law; availability and observance of political and legal freedoms; democracy; the rule of law in the political life of the country, etc.

The structure of the political and legal sphere of society consists of:

– subjects of political and legal relations;

- a set of political and legal institutions of the state;

- the functioning of the political and legal consciousness of the subjects;

- political and legal activities.

The main functions of the political sphere of society include: imperious, regulatory and legal, ideological, ensuring the security of society, the individual and the state, communicative, property and distribution, organizational and managerial, controlling and coercive, law-making, etc.

Availability political regime, the nature and method of interaction between power, personality and society political systems can be divided into totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic.

The main regulator of social relations, along with others, is law, understood as a system of generally binding norms (rules) established and sanctioned by the state, enforced voluntarily or forcibly. Law as a social phenomenon is characterized by the following features: a) universally binding - the rules of law regulate the behavior of all members of society, they are binding on everyone to whom they are addressed, regardless of the attitude of certain persons towards them; b) formal certainty - the rules of law are established by the state in special acts, accurately and in detail reflect the requirements for the behavior, communication and activities of all subjects of society; c) enforcement of the rule of law is carried out voluntarily on the part of the subjects and forcibly - on the part of the state (if necessary); d) the rules of law are designed for an unlimited number of cases and facts.

In society, law performs very extensive and diverse functions. First, it consolidates the foundations of the existing system; secondly, it contributes to the development of positive social relations; thirdly, it introduces a certain order into society and the activities of the state, creates the prerequisites for their purposeful and expedient functioning; fourthly, it acts as a criterion for the lawful and unlawful behavior of people and social communities, is the basis for the application of state coercion measures to violators of law and order; Fifthly, law plays an educational role, developing in people a sense of justice, legality, goodness, and humanity.

Spiritual sphere of society is closely related to the reproduction of the individual and public consciousness, with the satisfaction of the spiritual needs of the subjects and the development spiritual world person. This is a subsystem, the content of which is the production, storage and distribution of society's values ​​(science, education, upbringing, art, morality) to regulate the activities of institutions and subjects of spiritual life.

The main criteria for the spiritual sphere of society's life are: the development of individual consciousness; the ability of a person to realize himself, his relationship with nature and society; humanistic orientation of public outlook; state of spiritual values; the degree of their consistency with the needs and interests of the individual and other subjects of society; state of education, upbringing, science, art; practical implementation freedom of conscience of citizens.

As subsystems of the spiritual sphere of society in philosophical literature distinguish: reproduction of individual and social consciousness, personal and social outlook; scientific life; artistic and aesthetic life; educational process; spiritual and moral life; functioning of religion, freethinking and atheism; information life of society. They ensure the formation and development of personality, the preservation and transmission of spiritual values. A kind of integral indicator of the development of the spiritual sphere of society and other spheres is spiritual culture.

Each of the subsystems of the spiritual sphere of society's life covers certain fragments of the functioning of individual and social consciousness, personal and social worldview. But these subsystems are not limited to functioning consciousness. They also represent the active and productive side of spiritual life, i.e. the very activity of subjects in the production, distribution, circulation and consumption of spiritual values. For example, science is not just a sum special knowledge, it is the totality scientific institutions, the most complex process of spiritual production.

In this way, science, ideology and social psychology, education and upbringing, art, religion, morality have become in society specialized types of spiritual activity. All of them fit into the general system of the division of labor, acting as its varieties. This circumstance distinguishes the subsystems of the spiritual sphere of life from the components of social consciousness. In the process of historical development, all areas of the spiritual sphere interact with each other, enrich each other.

Main spiritual life functions societies are: the reproduction of individual and social consciousness; creation, storage, distribution and consumption of spiritual values; worldview; methodological; regulatory; communicative; scientific and educational; artistic and aesthetic; educational and educational, etc.

The spheres of the life of society, acting as integral formations, are in close interconnection, influence each other, intertwine, complement each other, characterizing the unity of the entire social organism. Connections, existing between the spheres, diverse. The most characteristic are subordinate ones. The specificity of these connections lies in the fact that the spheres of life in society play different role. For example, it is known that the basis of all types social activities people favors economic sphere. It, in turn, is the main determinant of other spheres: social, political, spiritual. For example, the social sphere determines the political and spiritual, and the political determines the spiritual.

The first mediating link, where the economic interests of social forces correlate with other interests of these, as well as other social communities, is the social sphere of society.

Origin and development social structure society is determined by many factors, and primarily economic. Under the influence of economic activity, the interests of subjects, their working and living conditions, health, and leisure are formed and changed. The concrete historical system of production relations forms the basis of the economic position of classes, national, professional and other types of social groups. The specific material organization of society determines the nature of the development of social communities, the processes of their interaction.

The specific social potential of a certain type of society is also a condition for solving the fundamental problems facing it. But in the social sphere of society, as a rule, only prerequisites for the transformation of social communities and individuals into subjects conscious activity. These prerequisites create the ground for the transition from the social to the political existence of social groups, where their activities are associated with power and legal relations. Therefore, the economic and social spheres led to the emergence of the political and legal sphere of society.

Main determinant of the political and legal sphere of society is political power . Its essence lies in the implementation of the will of citizens directly or through certain institutions (the state, etc.) regarding the management of society on the basis of the powers granted by law, the solution of important tasks of social development, ensuring the integrity and independence of society (country). The nature of the policy of specific social subjects is determined by their economic and social position. IN class society policy primarily reflects alignment of class interests. Through it, the social needs of various categories of citizens are realized.

As noted by G.V. Plekhanov, the oppressed classes strive "for political domination in order to help themselves by changing existing social relations and adapting the social system to the conditions of their own development and well-being." That is why the political and legal sphere of society is determined by its class structure, class relations, and then the demands of the political struggle. Consequently, the political and legal sphere of society's life differs from other spheres in the greater activity of subjects in power relations. It comprehends, forms and implements the fundamental interests and goals of peoples, ethnic communities, classes and social groups, their relations of cooperation or struggle. The political and legal sphere is also the relationship of states, coalitions of states.

In addition, politics, reflecting economic and social needs from the standpoint of the power interests of specific subjects, develops the initial provisions of spiritual production, the nature of the distribution and consumption of spiritual values. Political forces influence the formation of ideological views and the nature of the functioning of social psychology, relations in society and its individual institutions, including the armed forces.

In conditions of general dependence on the economy, the development of the spheres of society is carried out according to its own laws. Each of them has the opposite effect: spiritual - on the political, legal, social and economic; political and legal - social, spiritual and economic; social - economic, political, legal, spiritual. The state of the spiritual sphere of society provides information to the political and legal sphere, puts forward the next tasks for it, determines those political values that need to be developed in specific conditions development of society. On the basis of ideas developed in the spiritual sphere of society, the efforts of people are aimed at the fulfillment of certain tasks and programs. And the political and legal sphere affects the nature of social programs, relations, the quality of implementation social needs and interests of nations and social groups, the extent to which the principles of social justice, equality and humanity are implemented in society.

Thus, the social sphere of society, acting as an active force, also affects all aspects of society. Depending on belonging to one or another social group people develop different attitudes towards property, forms of distribution of material wealth, rights and freedoms, way of life and standard of living. The state of life of the whole society, its stability and stability in historical development depends on the harmony of the relationships between classes, ethnic communities and social groups.

Society structure

Any structure is a set of elements united by the forms of their interaction. In relation to society, these are people + forms of their relations. These relationships can be represented in three dimensions:

Like levels.

as social groups.

Integral in terms of norms and values ​​(like culture, but in a narrower sense).

Levels: In terms of levels, society is presented as a set of roles, positions and functions that people occupy, being included in collective activity of all mankind. This is the position of the individual in the composition of the level, turned, as it were, outward:

The leading level is social. It is mutual in the composition of humanity. Inclusion in different social groups.

material level- a part of nature, practically included in culture or an object included in the subject. This is a material and energy system, the existence of people, which consists of: tools - objects of nature combined by man, with the help of which he acts on the rest of nature

What influences.

What is affected.

Economic level= 1 + 2, i.e. a historically specific way of connecting people with the material conditions of their existence.

Political level- the economic level, turned into the sphere of the subject and presented as a relation of ownership, fixed through the relation of power. The political level can be represented as a sphere of government, at this level the struggle for power takes place.

Spiritual Level or the sphere of public knowledge, several sublevels are also distinguished here:

Socio-psychological sublevel, i.e. sphere of mass feelings and moods.

The journalistic sublevel of public consciousness, where the primary comprehension of sociocultural reality is made.

The theoretical sphere where the most rational and consistent connection of socio-cultural reality is made. This sphere is made up of science, art, religion, etc.

Spiritual superstructure of society = 4 + 5.

Social communities- these are groups in which people are united by the presence of common socially significant features. If the levels are turned outward, then the principle of generalization is directed inward, i.e. it is a way of internal interaction of people. Social communities are extremely diverse, because there are countless principles that introduce the same people into different social groups. For example: classes, nations, professional groups, family, pensioners, territorial entity (population), political entities(electorate), small groups (interest groups).

ethnic groups(nation). Unique social groups that arise and develop historically. But they are fixed genetically, i.e. biologically.

Nation- a complex social organism, which is a unity of socio-economic and ethnic features. This is a stable historical community of people that has developed on the basis of the common economic life of people in combination with a common territory, language, culture, consciousness and psychological makeup.

ethnic population- one of the characteristics of a person, along with the time of his existence in culture, the ratio to a particular social group, etc.

The primary principle of the formation of an ethnos is opposition according to the principle "we - they". In the future, as culture develops in an ethnic group, 3 groups of features are determined that define its specificity:

national character(ethnic psychology).

national identity.

The national character is a set of ideal ideas and real behaviors determined by the common psychological makeup of the people.

The national character is not inherited genetically, but is formed socio-historically, for example: the Germans, who today are considered neat and punctual people, back in the 19th century. regarded as a nation of romantics and poets. The national character of modern Germans is the result industrial revolution, the same difference in the character of West and East Germans, which arose over the course of 50 years.

Self-consciousness of the ethnos- a way to distinguish it from others. Self-consciousness manifests itself only when the ethnos has passed a certain path of historical development. At the level of historical zero, this has no self-name and coincides with the concept of people, Chukchi - people. It is important that the ethnic group calls itself, for example: a Russian in Turkey calls himself a Cossack, and in Finland - Vienna. For the productive existence of an ethnic group, contact with other ethnic groups is necessary, i.e. exchange of collective experience, culture. It is thanks to contacts that the ethnos goes through the historical path of development - a tribe, a primitive communal system. The diversity of the ethnos is a condition for the productive and further existence of mankind.

Classes- a social community that stands out according to the economic principle. Classes come to the first leading place in the existence of society only in the theory of capitalism, when the economic property principle becomes the leading one. National and professional groups dominate.

classes large groups of people are called, differing in their place in a historically defined system social production, in their relation to the means of production, in their role in public organization labor, and consequently, according to the methods of obtaining and the size of the share of social wealth that they have. Classes are such groups of people, of which one can appropriate the labor of another, due to the difference in their place in a certain way of social economy.

The class theory is expressed in two versions:

In the Marxist version the main class-forming principle is the economic relations of people in the form of the relationship of people to the means of production, which is fixed as a form of ownership.

Classes are large groups of people who differ in their place, historically specific economic system, in their relation to forms of ownership and, in their role in the system of division of labor and in terms of obtaining social wealth (V.I. Lenin).

According to the Marxist version, classes are united in opposition, antagonistic in subclasses - slaves, slave owners, serfs, feudal lords, hired workers - capitalists.

In the bourgeois-liberal version The main exemplary class principle is the economic factor, but not in the form of property relations, but in the form of the level of monetary income.

There are 3 main classes 0.25 - 1% of the population:

Higher - 20% (in developed Western countries).

Medium - 60 - 70% (millionaires and the political elite of managers, civil servants, middle and petty bourgeoisie who can live off their labor)

The lowest - 20 - 30% (those whose income does not allow them to rise above living wage). In Russia, the ratio is reversed, some sociologists argue that middle class accounts for no more than 10%.

Culture. Culture is an integrable characteristic of society in terms of structure. In this aspect, new components are revealed in the existence of society.

Extra-scientific generally accepted ideas of the concept of "society" and "culture" coincide: this is what radically distinguishes man from nature. Society is not nature, a concept that characterizes a radical difference in human life activity of natural processes. In this case, society as culture is understood as all the changes that occur in nature under the influence of man.

However, there is a difference between the concepts of society and culture:

Society is the social interaction of people, which is presented as a reality of the current day, i.e. culture in the present. Culture proper is the collective experience of mankind in the past, present and future. Therefore, these 2 aspects are studied in different sciences: society is studied by sociology, and culture by philosophy.

From the point of view of philosophy, human culture is represented by two major components:

Tool culture, i.e. technique of tools of labor, ways of human influence on nature. This is the so-called material, technical culture or the second artificial nature.

Communicative culture is the ways in which people influence each other, presented different forms communication. Here they distinguish: natural speech (language), images of art, science, management, law and morality.

If the tool culture is directed, as it were, outside, from the world of people to the world of nature, then the communal culture is directed inward into the sphere of interhuman interaction.

Culture is a specific human way of being in the world. Animals do not create culture and are not expounded in it, because, as it were, they carry tools of labor on themselves in the form of innate adaptations (teeth, claws, wool, etc.), external, artificially combined objects of nature, thus turned into tools of labor. Therefore, people are able to carry out their vital activity only together with other people, collectively. However, collections of animals in humans are added to learning i.e. a process of communication in which human individuals learn collectively developed ways of marking tools. Therefore, the instrumentality of a person reaches a new qualitative control in comparison with animals: animals can use artificial tools, but not ways to transfer this drink to others.

That's why universal component in culture is leading. Culture, i.e. people live in reproduction - i.e. transfer of collective experience. In the course of history, 3 forms of such transmission have been developed:

The oldest form - from the viewer to the average according to the formula "Do as I do."

The transfer of experience is not direct, but with the help of the principles of prescriptions and prohibitions (traditions), according to the formula "Do this."

In the form of ideals, laws and values, according to the formula "This is the truth, goodness, truth."

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of culture and civilization. Most modern researchers agree that civilization is a technological material basis culture, on which spiritual culture is built according to its own laws.

Society is a dynamic system of human interaction. This is one of the definitions. Keyword it contains a system, that is, a complex mechanism that consists of spheres of social life. There are four such areas in science:

  • Political.
  • Economic.
  • Social.
  • Spiritual.

All of them are not isolated from each other, but, on the contrary, are interconnected. We will analyze examples of interaction in more detail in this article.

Political sphere

Spheres are areas in which the basic needs of society are satisfied.

Political includes state authorities and administration, as well as various political institutions. It is directly related to the apparatuses of coercion and suppression that legitimately use force with the approval of the entire society. satisfies the needs for security, protection, law enforcement.

It includes:

  • The president.
  • Government.
  • Local authorities.
  • Strong structure.
  • Political parties and associations.
  • Local self-government bodies.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is designed to satisfy the material needs of society. If only adult citizens take part in political life, then absolutely everyone, including old people and children, takes part in this life. All people are consumers from an economic point of view, which means they are direct participants in market relations.

Key concepts in the economic sphere:

  • Production.
  • Exchange.
  • Consumption.

Firms, plants, factories, mines, banks, etc., take part in production.

Interaction of the political and economic spheres

Let us give examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. The State Duma The Russian Federation adopts laws that all citizens must comply with. Some adopted normative-legal acts may influence the change in the sectors of the economy. For example, the licensing of certain types of activities leads to a rise in the cost of certain products due to the additional costs associated with innovation.

Specific examples of interaction between the spheres of society can be illustrated in the light of recent events. Against Russian Federation imposed international economic sanctions. In response, the authorities of our country introduced counter-sanctions. As a result, some European food and medicine products do not reach the Russian market. This led to the following consequences:

  • Rising prices for products.
  • The absence on the shelves of many goods, analogues of which are not produced in Russia.
  • Development of some sectors of the economy: animal husbandry, horticulture, etc.

But it is a mistake to believe that only power influences business, sometimes the opposite is true. Reverse examples interaction between the spheres of society, when economists dictate terms to politicians, can be brought into practice by lobbying for laws. A recent example is the so-called Rotenberg law in Russia, according to which millionaires who fall under Western sanctions will be paid compensation from the state budget.

Social sphere

The social sphere satisfies the needs of society in education, medicine, service, leisure and entertainment. It includes everyday communication citizens and large groups of people.

Political and social sphere

Politics can affect the social life of a country. The following examples of interaction between the spheres of society can be given. Local authorities cities banned the opening of any entertainment establishments: clubs, night bars and cafes in one of the criminal areas on the outskirts of the city. As a result, the crime rate in it has fallen, but residents have to travel longer to places of recreation and entertainment.

The following example: in a crisis, a district municipality is experiencing In order to reduce costs, it decides to close one of the schools. As a result, there is a reduction teaching staff, children are transported to another locality every day, and money is saved on the maintenance of facilities, since, according to the law, all the costs of their maintenance are borne by the local authorities.

Social and economic spheres

The economic development of the country has a strong impact on social life. Here are just some examples of interaction between the spheres of society. The financial crisis reduced the real incomes of the population. Citizens began to spend less on entertainment and leisure, limiting trips to paid parks, sports clubs, stadiums, cafes. The loss of customers led to the ruin of many companies.

There is also a relationship between politics, economics and social development country. Let us give examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. Instability in the Middle East and the depreciation of the ruble by half, combined with active development, have led many to cancel traditional trips to Egypt and Turkey and began to rest in Russia.

This example can be broken down into its components:

  • Political - instability in the Middle East, the measures of the authorities to increase domestic tourism.
  • Economic - the devaluation of the ruble led to a significant increase in prices for tours to Turkey and Egypt, while maintaining domestic prices.
  • Social - tourism belongs to this area.

spiritual realm

Many mistakenly assume that the spiritual realm is related to religion. This misconception comes from the course of history, where, under the relevant topics, church reforms certain periods. In fact, although religion belongs to the spiritual realm, it is not its only component.

In addition to it, these include:

  • The science.
  • Education.
  • Culture.

With regard to education, the most attentive readers will rightly ask that we previously classified it as social area when analyzing examples of the interaction of the spheres of society with each other. But education refers to the spiritual as a process, and not as the interaction of people. For example, attending school, communicating with peers, teachers - all this belongs to the social area. The acquisition of knowledge, socialization (education), self-realization and self-improvement is a process of spiritual life, which is designed to satisfy the needs for knowledge, improvement.

Spiritual and political spheres

Sometimes politics is influenced by religion. Let us give examples of the interaction of spheres with each other. Today Iran is a religious state: all domestic politics laws are adopted solely in the interests of Shiite Muslims.

Let us give a historical example of the interaction of the spheres of society. After the October Revolution of 1917, many churches were blown up, and religion was recognized as "opium for the people", that is, a harmful drug that must be disposed of. Many priests were killed, temples were destroyed, warehouses, shops, mills, etc. were formed in their place. This also affected social life: there was a spiritual decline in the population, people stopped honoring traditions, did not register marriages in churches, as a result of which unions began to break up . In fact, this led to the destruction of the institution of family and marriage. The witness of the wedding was not God, but a man, which, we agree, is a huge difference for a believer. This continued until the Great Patriotic War until Stalin officially restored the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church legally.

Spiritual and economic spheres

Economic development also affects the spiritual life of the country. What examples of interaction between the spheres of society prove this? Psychologists note that during the period of economic crises, a depressed state of the population is observed. Many people lose their jobs, their savings, their businesses go bankrupt - all this leads to psychological problems. But in Russia, the practice of private psychologists is not developed, as, for example, in the United States. Therefore, religious sects arise that draw "lost souls" into their networks, from which it is sometimes very difficult to escape.

Another example - South Korea. The lack of minerals and other resources influenced the fact that this country began to develop science and tourism. This gave its results - today this country is a leader in the field of electronics and is among the ten most developed countries in the world. Politics, economics and social development clashed here at once.

Spiritual and social spheres

The line between spiritual and social life is very thin, but we will try to explain it through examples of the interaction of spheres of social life. School attendance by students, admission to institutes - all these are the relationship of two spheres, as people communicate (social) and perform various rituals (spiritual).

Examples of interaction between the spheres of society from history

Let's remember a little history. It also contains examples of the interaction of various spheres of society. Take Stolypin's reforms at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, the community was abolished, Peasant banks were created, which issued loans to migrants, they made preferential travel at the expense of the state, and created a small infrastructure in Siberia. As a result, thousands of peasants from the land-poor South and the Volga region rushed to the East, where the cherished hectares of free land awaited them. All these measures allowed:

  • weaken peasant landlessness in the central provinces;
  • to develop the empty lands of Siberia;
  • feed people with bread and replenish the state budget with taxes in the future.

It serves a prime example interaction of politics, economy and social life of the country.

Another situation is the dispossession of peasants, as a result of which many hardworking rational owners were left without a livelihood, and parasites from the Kombeds took their place. As a result, many died of starvation, and rural farming was destroyed. This example shows the impact of rash political decisions on the economy and social life.

Interaction of spheres of society: examples from the media

Channel One announced the decision by the Russian authorities to bomb terrorists banned in Russia " Islamic State» . The Federal Channel also reported that the authorities intend to resume negotiations on the Turkish gas pipeline to Europe.

All information from the source that refers to It illustrates examples of interaction different areas society. In the first case, political and social, since the decision of the leadership of our country will lead to consequences in the Middle East. History c shows the relationship between politics and economics. The agreement between the countries will develop the gas industry and replenish the budgets of both countries.


Examples of interaction between spheres of society prove that we live in a complex system. A change in one subsystem necessarily affects others. All areas are interconnected, but none of the four is the main, dominant, on which all the others depend.

Law acts as a superstructure. It is not included in any of the four, but it does not stand out in the fifth. The right is the binding tool above them.

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