Home Vegetables What do you do with a volt? How to summon the king of spades and what the dangers are. Black love spell with a volt doll

What do you do with a volt? How to summon the king of spades and what the dangers are. Black love spell with a volt doll

If you want to know how to summon the king of spades, then it’s time to familiarize yourself with the effective and effective rituals, which will make it possible to come into contact with this magical essence. They are very complex, so beginners are not advised to take on such magic.
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  • How to summon the king of spades, and who is it?

    Probably everyone knows from childhood who they are and the ladies, as well as the rituals of calling them. At first glance, such rituals seem very harmless, but in reality they are not.

    If you want to communicate with cute and good-natured creatures, then it is better to stop at the ritual of summoning the sweet gnome, the ruminant king. But it is better for more experienced sorcerers to undertake the rituals of summoning entities that are related to card suits.

    Who is the King of Spades? Some believe that this is a magical evil spirit that has existed since the time when basically regular cards were used for fortune telling and ancient rituals, and not for ordinary games. There is also a version that the king of spades is the embodiment of an imperious, cruel ruler.

    Some people are even sure that many cruel leaders, such as Napoleon, Charlemagne, Ivan the Terrible and others, were embodied in this figure. Psychics cannot come to a consensus, but it is reliably known that this is a very strong, insidious and evil spirit.

    Before you begin the ritual, think about whether you really want to make contact with this particular evil spirit and what you need from it. After all, if you just want to have fun, perform a ritual out of curiosity, then the evil spirit will punish you.

    Ritual to Summon the King of Spades

    There are several methods that will allow you to summon the king of spades, all of them are effective in their own way, but differ in the level of complexity. There are no simple children's rituals for summoning this evil spirits. It is believed that the ritual can only be performed at 12 o'clock at night on Monday.

    In order to carry out the ritual, arm yourself with a completely new deck (which you have not yet guessed or played on) of 54 cards. First of all, all cards of the suit of spades are taken from the deck and set aside. The rest of the deck is necessarily burned. This also applies to the colored joker.

    Make sure that there is no one else in the room except you. People or animals will disturb you. For lighting, be sure to use wax candles, but not church or paraffin candles. Mix the remaining cards of the spades suit and the black and white joker suit well, and then take out the first card. If it is not an Ace, King, Queen, Jack or Joker, then say:

    King of Spades, your humble servant is calling you.

    If the second card is of low value, then the words are repeated again. If the king goes to the very last, then the spirit that has manifested will fulfill your every desire. However, it should not be too simple, which you can do yourself, or too complex.

    The evil spirits will not be able to provide you with world domination or untold wealth. Also, the desire must be correctly formulated so that it cannot be interpreted in two ways.

    If the king does fall out as the first card, then he will answer 1 question. If you get jack, it should be said:

    King of Spades, your faithful knight is waiting for instructions.

    If the king comes up immediately after the jack, then it is the jack card that you should carry with you at all times. It is believed that he will be your guard, the card will serve as an amulet. When some danger comes your way or serious problem, then the jack will resolve it. However, after this the card will immediately disappear. Pulling out lady say these words:

    Come to your wife, king of spades.

    The appearance of a lady is a very negative sign. He talks about the problems that some woman will provoke. The only exception will be if the jack is already on the table or if the last card is still a king. If you can get it joker, Tell:

    The game has not started, but the joke was a success.

    The appearance of this card suggests that if you do not like the layout that already exists, the ritual can be stopped, and Negative consequences you will not be affected. If ace does not appear as the first card, then you can open the entire deck and get the king right away. When doing this, be sure to say:

    I call upon the king, I receive his power.

    It doesn't matter which card the spades come up with king, when it appears you should say:

    King of Spades! I request your audience!

    After these words, the candles must be extinguished. You can be sure that as soon as this happens, a summoned entity will appear in the room. Having appeared in the layout neither first nor last, the king can give you advice.

    However, he will give you a hint in the real world. For three days after the ritual, wait for signs that will help you get out of a difficult situation.

    The ritual comes to an end when the king's card is in hand. Ask him for advice/ask a question/ask for hints, then wait for an answer (in the latter case, just voice the situation). Now ask the spirit to disappear and leave the room. You can return to it no earlier than in half an hour.

    Alternative ritual for summoning the King of Spades

    To perform the ritual you will need to use a mirror. As you know, this is a portal between worlds. It is with its help that you can make contact with the necessary entities. The ritual consists of three main parts.

    The jack will test you for the first time, then the queen, and only then the king will deign to come to your challenge. But if you follow all the rules, then nothing bad will happen to you. At exactly midnight, sit in front of the mirror and light a candle. Using wax, draw a crown on the mirror surface and say:

    King of Spades, I challenge you.

    Now start looking into the mirror through the candle flame. When you feel someone is looking at you, blow out the candle. The jack will appear first. He will give you some task to complete within the next seven days.

    It is possible that you will also be asked some questions that should be answered clearly and honestly. Exactly a week later the ritual is performed again. This time a lady will give you a task. And only on the third Monday the king himself will appear.

    He will also give you a task and if you complete it, then in return (on the 4th Monday) the entity will grant you one wish. Be sure to say goodbye to your magical assistant, and then erase the painted crown from the mirror. Wrap the attribute in a dark cloth and place it in a dark place for three days. Only after this can the mirror be used again.

    Summoning the king is very difficult. This is a difficult ritual. In order not to become a victim of dangerous evil spirits, you need to be confident in your abilities and perform the ritual without mistakes. If everything is done correctly, you will receive help from one of the most powerful magical creatures.

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    The volt love spell belongs to the rites of black magic and is particularly powerful. At home, only a person with strong energy can perform a love spell on their own. Popularity this ritual This is due to the fact that this love spell is conditionally classified as an irreversible influence. And in fact, a love spell on a doll has a long-term effect. More precisely, we can say that the person will be under your influence while the enchanted doll is kept in a hard-to-reach, unknown place.

    A love spell using a doll can be used for various purposes, namely to:

    • Zombify the person you like and tie him to you forever;
    • Get out of your way worst enemy, making him fall in love with you, and then leave you;
    • Return the person to the family;
    • To ignite passion in a person;
    • Refresh your fading relationship with your loved one.

    You can neutralize the impact or reduce its strength with the help of a cemetery ritual. But you can completely remove the volt love spell only by destroying the enchanted doll.

    Preparation for the ceremony

    You need to make a doll that will be used in a magical ritual yourself. A product purchased in a store is not suitable, as it will not carry the required energy charge. To make a volt, any available materials can be used, but it is desirable that they be natural. Making a volt from wax is not difficult.


    For sewing it is recommended to use plain fabric, taken from the clothes of the person who is planned to bewitch. Scissors, threads and needles used for sewing must be purchased separately and after sewing the dolls should not be used for household needs. Any item that will be used in a love spell ritual should be purchased without change, although it is permissible not to take change. Also, under no circumstances should you bargain.

    It is very important that the manufactured doll resembles a person in its external outline, but it is not necessary to achieve an exact resemblance. The main thing is that all the main parts of the body are present: head, torso, arms and legs. Self-made Ragdoll should be the size of a person's palm. After top part The volta will be sewn, the doll will be stuffed with cotton wool or small scraps of natural fabrics. To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you need to include a photo of the person being bewitched. It is also allowed to use a wax doll for the ritual, and craftsmen can fashion it out of flour or carve it out of wood.

    After the doll is ready, it is named after the person being bewitched. The ceremony is carried out in any form. After this, to ensure the success of the ritual, several days before the ritual it is necessary to pay daily attention to the made doll. You should pick her up, call her by name, hold her close and talk to her. Thus, imagining her in the image of a loved one, we manage to convey to the doll the necessary charge of love energy.

    The ritual process

    A volt love spell is always carried out in complete privacy and absolute silence. This needs to be taken care of in advance. The ritual should be performed late at night with lit candles. During the ritual, certain parts of the body of the doll, which represents a loved one, are pierced with a needle.

    At the same time, the magic words are pronounced:

    • For the head:

      “I’m depriving you of your mind forever, only for strong love I conjure you. You will languish in a dark thought, and you will never hang out with anyone again.”

    • For heart:

      “In your heart I place a restless passion, in your soul an irresistible melancholy and dryness. Without me, you will not know sleep and peace.”

    • For the loins:

      "From everything earthly world I take you away and take you to myself without a trace. Only love for me forever and through. From this moment you are a slave to my body. Amen".

    To make a volt love spell more effective, the needle that will be used to pierce individual parts of the doll can be lubricated with your own blood. It is also recommended to drop one drop of blood on the doll. Some magicians recommend using the same magic words when piercing a doll with a needle, citing the fact that when the spell is repeated many times, the energy message increases significantly.

    The words in this case sound like this:

    “As sharp as this magic needle is, so will your thoughts about me be, as hot as this magic needle will be, so will your passion for me be, as strong as this magic needle, so strong will be your feelings for me. I don’t stick magic needles, but I kindle strong love in you, I sincerely love you, so I don’t cause pain, but I awaken deep feelings in you.”

    Ritual actions should be repeated several times. If you manage to completely detach yourself from influence real world, then you will definitely feel on a subconscious level that the impact has reached its goal. After this, the ritual should be stopped. After the end of the ceremony, the candles are extinguished, and the doll is wrapped in a piece of natural fabric and hidden in a place inaccessible to others, which should only be known to you. Other attributes magical ritual, including those used for sewing, must be taken out of your own home and buried in a vacant lot.

    A love spell using a volt begins to work very quickly. The first results become noticeable within a few hours after the ceremony. The moon enhances its impact, filling space with a powerful charge natural energy. In principle, this ritual can be performed at any time, the main thing is to completely renounce worldly problems and focus on the mystery of the ritual and your own feelings for the person being bewitched. But the most effective rituals are those performed during the full moon.


    It should be understood that no one should know about plans to perform a magical performance with a doll. It is very important that no one sees the finished volt or the process of making it. With the right attitude, the ritual is always successful. If the effect does not work, it means that someone saw your doll. This is very dangerous and it will not be possible to unite the destinies of two people. In this case, the person whom they tried to bewitch may become seriously ill and even die.

    A love spell using a volt is quite complex, as it requires strict adherence to many small details. The magical effect in this case is based on the creation energy connection aura of the person being bewitched to the created doll. Before performing the ceremony, it is important to analyze own feelings to the person you are going to bewitch. Using the strongest ritual of black magic, you must be absolutely sure that your feelings are sincere, and you are ready to live with your loved one all your life.

    Do not forget that removing this love spell is no less difficult than casting it. In addition, any magical action carries negative consequences. And sometimes they can be unpredictable if something goes wrong. At the slightest doubt in one’s own abilities, against the backdrop of completely decision taken To bewitch your loved one with the help of volts, you must refuse to perform the ritual yourself and turn to a professional magician.

    A volt love spell is the oldest way to influence a person at a distance. A figurine molded from wax or clay is identified with a person and becomes his copy. To achieve greater identification with the person being bewitched, biological traces of the person are added to the wax or clay - blood, saliva, hair or pieces of clothing. Next, the necessary manipulations are carried out with the doll, the effect of which is reflected on the real person.

    To carry out a volt love spell ritual, you need to make a wax likeness of a person and identify your beloved man with him. To do this, stock up on the required amount beeswax and the organics of the one being bewitched. If there is no organic matter, ashes from a burned photograph or ashes from a cigarette butt will do just fine.

    If you don’t have a photograph or a cigarette butt, you can simply write information about the person on paper - full name, age, eye and hair color - and burn it in the fire. These ashes are added to the wax. You can also use a note that the person wrote as an anchor - this will also work.

    Stay alone and melt the wax in a water bath - you can’t boil it, just warm it up. Add the indicated bindings there and wait until it hardens a little. When the wax becomes warm, mold the doll. During the work process, think about the person, say his name. Don't forget to indicate your gender characteristics - this is an important point!

    If you have a photo, you can cut out the face and glue it to the doll's head. Now you need to consecrate your product using the four elements. Pass the volt over the candle flame and say:

    “I consecrate you, creature of wax, with fire.”

    Similarly, successively pass the doll over the smoke of an incense stick (air element), sprinkle with salt (earth element) and sprinkle with water.

    When the volt is ready, raise it up and say:

    “I name you Sergei (here you say the name of your loved one).”

    Next, present the doll to the four cardinal directions: east, south, north, west. Turn around your axis and say the doll’s name loudly: “This is Vasily.” To be sure, you can write the person’s name on the volt using a needle.

    Now the doll has been entered into a report with the image of a person, and you can work with it. Love spells with volts can be soft or hard. A hard love spell is done in the black magic tradition with suppression of the will and complete submission. White love spells are used to kindle love in the heart, maintain fidelity or attract a loved one.

    Important notes on making the volt:

    • you can’t rush the sculpting process;
    • you need to constantly think about the person;
    • no need to achieve perfect figurine quality;
    • you need to sincerely believe that the figurine represents the person you want and is his copy.

    Remember that imagination plays one of the main roles in the art of magic, and doubts can completely nullify the result of the ritual.

    Bring back your loved one

    How to bring back a loved one using a wax figurine? To do this you need to wait for the waxing moon. Buy 150-200 grams of beeswax, melt it in a water bath until soft so that you can sculpt a figure. Add everything you have to the wax:

    • ashes from a photograph;
    • ashes from a person's clothing;
    • hair;
    • ash from a smoked cigarette.

    Now you need to name the figurine to match it with the person you are bewitching. Show the figure to the east side and say: “This is Kolya or Sergei,” turn to the south side and say the same words. Then you need to turn north and west. Now you have presented the figure to all cardinal directions and indicated the name.

    While you are making a wax doll, think about the man, say his name so that the process is not mechanical. Imagine that you are completely recreating the image of a person, even if it does not correspond to reality. The main thing in the process of making a volt is not the similarity with the physical parameters of a person, but your idea of ​​it.

    When the volt is ready, press an object magnetized by your loved one into the soft wax. It could be a button, a cigarette butt, a hair from the head, a handkerchief, etc. Now you can work with the doll. If your loved one has left you, imagine that he has returned and is sitting next to you. Organize a small puppet show like children do. You must be completely sure that this is not a doll, but a real person!

    If you want to bewitch a person, caress the figurine and speak words of love to it. At night, place the figurine next to the bed, wish Good night. In the morning after waking up, say hello to Volt and go to the kitchen to drink tea together. You should become inseparable from the figurine while you are at home. After some time, the love spell will work, and your loved one will be nearby.

    What to do with the figurine when your loved one returns? It must be disidentified from the image of a person and destroyed. Tell:

    “You were Sergei, but became a wax doll”.

    After this, melt the figurine and bury the wax under the roots of the fruit tree.

    To kindle the heart

    To kindle love in a man’s heart, make a wax doll on the waxing moon. Buy new sewing needles and a wax candle for the ceremony. It is advisable to buy a candle not from a church, but from beekeepers. The best option You will be making your own candles using wax plates.

    Prepare workplace for the ceremony and necessary items:

    • container for softening wax;
    • container for a water bath;
    • wooden or plastic boards for making dolls;
    • attachments to a person and his photograph;
    • three new sewing needles.

    After making the volt according to all the rules and naming it, do the following. Heat the needles over a candle flame and stick them into the doll one by one, starting from the head. After the head, you need to pierce the heart area, and then the doll’s stomach. At the same time, read the plot:

    Extinguish the candle with your fingers, wrap the volt with needles and the candle stub in a new white towel and hide it. The towel must be tied in three knots.

    If you need to destroy the volt, first disidentify it with the image of a person, and then bury it in the ground. But it’s better to melt the doll first and then bury the wax.

    Hard love spell with subjugation of will

    This love spell completely suppresses the will of the man being bewitched and forces him to obey. On Thursday, on the waning moon, you need to make a wax volt according to all the rules, be sure to add the bindings of the man being bewitched. The bindings can be a hair from the head, saliva (burn the bull from the cigarette he smoked), blood or ashes from a photograph. These bindings need to be added to the melted wax.

    Volt must be made while kneeling. All sexual characteristics must be present - this is a prerequisite. On Friday night, place the figurine in your shoe box, put a lace around your neck in the form of a loop and read the text:

    If you want to enhance the effect of the love spell, you can stick needles into the figurine - 6 pieces in the heart, 6 pieces in the solar plexus and one on top in the crown. Needles must be purchased specifically for the ceremony; old needles cannot be used. All items for the ceremony are purchased without change or against payment. When buying, say: I’m taking it not for myself, but for a love spell.

    Burden unrequited love pushes people to act impulsively. Wanting to receive the attention and love of an adored person, they strive to bewitch him with the help of magical powers. A love spell with a Volt doll is often used. It is quite effective, acts quickly, but belongs to the category of black magic and has dire consequences, which not everyone knows about. Resorting to such rituals is allowed in exceptional cases. Only people with powerful energy can perform a volt love spell on their own. The rest need to turn to professional magicians to perform the ritual.

    What is an involted love spell?

    The involuted ritual is aimed at changing the subconscious sexual-emotional relationship of the object of the love spell to its performer with the help of a charmed doll made by hand. In black magic it is called "volt". It is made arbitrarily from available materials, but requires precise adherence to certain nuances. You definitely need to endow the volt with your love energy.

    The influence is carried out through the astral body of a person, therefore it is necessary that the Volt doll have all parts of his body: head, neck, arms, legs, torso, as well as a heart and sexual characteristics: breasts, genitals. Through these energy points, the object of the love spell becomes attached to the “witch”. The volta should not be allowed to be seen by any stranger or the person on whom the ceremony was performed. This will lead to serious problems.

    It is advisable that a volt love spell be performed by a black magic specialist. Carrying out it yourself is a brave act, but the ritual may not work out or may traumatize the psyche.

    How does a volt love spell work?

    Love spell through “volt” can be used in the following cases:

    • to return an unfaithful husband to the family;
    • to restore former passion and fading love;
    • to attract the attention of your significant other;
    • to bind you more tightly to yourself;
    • if it is necessary to remove a loved one from the family;
    • to win the fight against your opponent.

    Important! The kickback for love spells for married people and those with a soul mate will be more severe. This should be kept in mind when deciding whether to conduct magical ritual with a doll.

    The handmade volt is subjected to ritual manipulations that will be passed on to real person after establishing a connection between the doll and the energy aura of the love spell object. The result will be outbreaks under magical influence feelings. Due to the connection to astral body a person, a volt love spell is considered almost irrevocable, which attracts many people desperate for love to it.

    The duration of the effect depends on maintaining the secrecy of the ritual. While the volt is hidden from prying eyes, a person is completely subject to the “witchcraft”. The love spell can only be removed if the doll is set on fire.

    The effect of a love spell on a volt is reflected in the person being bewitched in several stages:

    1. Well-being worsens, chronic diseases worsen.
    2. The person is irritated, quick-tempered, prone to bouts of depression and sudden mood swings.
    3. Pain in the neck or spine appears - this is a consequence of a broken will.
    4. Sympathy and attachment to the “witch” arises.

    What does a love spell per volt give?

    A Volt doll, created according to all the rules, gives the performer of a love spell unlimited power over the person being bewitched, turning him into a personal slave. The Volt ritual firmly connects two people energetically, sexually and spiritual level. But he is not always able to generate a real reciprocal feeling. If a person who previously loved another woman is bewitched, then he will not be able to be happy, he will feel internal disagreement and the impossibility of leaving. The love spell will keep him, but such a contradiction of feelings will make him mentally unstable. The action of the ritual, aimed at strengthening mutual relations, will bring both satisfaction in life.

    Making a volt

    To create the likeness of a person you need to use natural materials: wax, fabric, clay, wood. The most popular options are wax and fabric dolls. The figurines do not have to bear complete resemblance to a real person; it is enough to recreate special features. If the object of the love spell has moles, scars, scratches, or antennae, the volt will definitely reflect them.

    It is very important that the color of the raw material is as close as possible to the skin color of the person being bewitched. The material must first be mixed with a few drops of blood. It is necessary to place nails on the hands and feet, and hair on the head. To further identify the figure with specific person you can add ash from a smoked cigarette, a thread or button from his clothes and other biological traces. If sperm is available, it is mixed with material for making genitals, a button is sewn onto clothes, nails are mixed into raw materials for hands and feet.

    You can glue the face of the love spell object cut out from a photograph to the volt's head. If there is no photo, you should indicate the lips, nose and mouth. The scar or mole is placed in the same place as on a real person. The size of the volt should not exceed the length of the palm.

    The appearance of the figurine depends entirely on the imagination of its creator; the main thing is to put your soul into it when making it. The finished volt must be named after the beloved. “You were created by me and named (name of the object of the love spell).

    Advice! There is no need to rush in the process of making a volt; it is a way of connecting with the desired person not only on a subconscious level, but also on other energy channels.

    The wax version of the volt is molded from natural beeswax. Paraffin is not suitable for ritual. Manufacturing must take place in complete silence and privacy.

    A fabric volt can be sewn from a small piece of clothing from a loved one. Sewing supplies(threads, needles, scissors) must be disposable. You must buy them without haggling or change in any store and do not use them in the future. Sew all parts of the volta's body together. For volume, it is stuffed with cotton wool or scraps of fabric stained with the blood of a loved one. A heart is made from them and sewn on the left side of the chest. Nails are added to Volta's hands and feet. Hair is glued to the head, a photo is placed on the face, and if there is no photo, the main facial features are drawn, not forgetting to put moles, scratches and other marks in the right places. Indicate half a volt by sewing to it woman's breasts or penis. You can wear it if you wish.

    The finished Volt figurine is called the name of the love spell object.

    Further actions can be carried out only after 3 days have passed from the date the volt was assigned a name.

    How to make a love spell on volts correctly

    All 3 days must be devoted to volts increased attention– hold in your hands, talk, calling by name, press to your chest, visualizing your other half. With tactile contact, the doll absorbs the emotions and feelings of the ritual performer in order to transfer them to the object of the love spell.

    2 days before the love spell, you need to undergo a strict fast. The ceremony is carried out in a cemetery or at home in the phase full moon. The first option is the most powerful. The ritual is performed alone, fully concentrating on your feelings. All extraneous thoughts must be discarded.

    Magic words are read by heart, out loud. At the end of the ceremony, the volt is securely hidden. If someone accidentally finds the doll, the love spell will begin to act in a negative way and the volt will “destroy” its prototype. A loved one can become seriously ill, go broke, or hate the performer of the love spell.

    Attention! Make a love spell using volt on Sunday and church holidays it is forbidden. If the full moon falls on these days, the ritual must be rescheduled.

    Love spell in a cemetery using volts

    A huge energy flow, created by the souls of deceased people. Therefore, love spells cast there are incredibly powerful. Professional magicians recommend performing rituals in an old cemetery, where burials are no longer performed. It is very important to choose the right grave for the ritual. The energy is strongest at the graves of children and adolescents under 14 years of age, as well as happily married spouses. Birds should huddle near the burial site and dry winds should grow.

    Black love spell with a volt doll

    To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • 12 needles;
    • candy, bread or egg for the deceased;
    • water from the cemetery;
    • black fabric;
    • 5 wax candles;
    • volt;
    • a pre-selected grave of the same name as the chosen one.

    At midnight, 10 days before the full moon, you need to go to the cemetery, taking 12 needles, bury them in the grave, and after 9 days return and dig up the needles, leaving a ransom for the deceased and saying thank you for your help. Take some water from the cemetery. This could be water from a puddle, a barrel, a lump of snow or a piece of ice.

    Arriving home, they do a volt according to all the rules and spray it with water, whispering: “Washing dead water, I name you (the name of the object of the love spell).” Then they spread a black cloth on the table, draw a pentagram with chalk, and place lit candles in all its corners. Volta should be placed in the middle of the composition.

    Sit at the table facing the west side. Glowing needles from lit candles, one by one they stick them into the doll: into the body, arms, legs, mouth, ears, heart, eyes and genitals. Pronouncing the following words: “I’m driving into your body a red-hot needle so that he couldn’t live without me. From now on, (name of the love spell target) will only see (his name). Come only to me, hug, kiss and love only me.”

    After waiting for the candles to burn out, wrap the volt along with the needles in fabric and hide it securely. The result is the complete submission of the chosen one to the will and desires of the one who cast the love spell.

    On volt and 9 graves

    You need to go to the cemetery, taking with you a rope and a payoff for the deceased - bread, an egg, honey, go around 9 burials of the same name, leaving a payoff at each, and tying a knot on the rope, and reading a love spell request: “Standing at dead feet, I ask for help , I disturb the soul of the dead. Just as he cannot rise from the grave, so my beloved (name) cannot be without me. Only with me will he know pleasure, will he seek my love, will not know peace without me. The knot contains all the power of the deceased and it will be transferred to me.” With these words the rope is tied.

    After the cemetery, it is necessary to light candles in the church for the repose of all disturbed souls and leave candy and cookies for the memorial. Make a volt at home, name it, wait for several days, actively communicating with it, and begin the ritual at midnight.

    By the light of a wax candle, they wrap the volt with a rope tied in knots, saying:

    “9 knots, 9 souls in the assistants bewitch (the name of the beloved) to (their name). Just as no one can untie or break these knots, so no one can remove my love spell.” Having wrapped the volt in a thick cloth, you should remove it from prying eyes, and burn the candle for the next 9 days.

    Black wedding with volt dolls

    For the ritual you need two volts made of wax - a man and a woman. Modeling wax is purchased in different places. For all parts of the body, use different wax, without mixing it, melting it in separate containers.

    To make a doll of a performer, you can limit yourself to adding blood, and the volt of the person being bewitched is created taking into account all the subtleties. A woman’s doll is sculpted on Wednesday, and a man’s on Thursday. Before the ceremony, the finished figurines must be laid out in different places and make stands for them.

    The day for the love spell is chosen according to lunar calendar. It must be the Friday before the full moon. A table covered with black cloth is outlined with a protective circle. Black candles are placed in a circle on the table. Three red candles are placed in a triangle inside the circle. Red candles are lit clockwise, and black candles are lit counterclockwise. In the center there are volts on stands. 3 dried elderberries are thrown at their feet, and a saucer with copper or silver rings is placed between them.

    Alternately putting the rings on the heads of the dolls, they read the love spell: “I (my name), in the name of Satan, command that (the name of the chosen one) be united with me for centuries.” The ring is round, it has neither end nor beginning, so his love for me will become endless. United by a black wedding, humbled by dark forces, he will give his love only to me.”

    At the end of the wedding, the volts are combined with faces and are not removed until the full moon. Candles are lit every day after sunset.

    On a full moon, both volts along with the rings should be melted over low heat and buried in the ground under a young bush. Throw the berries near the threshold of the person being bewitched, and scatter the cinders and 13 small coins around to different parties at a crossroads.

    Love spell on volts at home

    There are several rituals with volts that can be performed at home.

    Ritual on volts and three needles

    Necessary ritual attributes:

    • 4 candles;
    • volt;
    • photo of a loved one;
    • 3 needles;
    • red thread;
    • new towel.

    The ritual takes place at night during the full moon. Light candles should be placed in the corners of the table, a photograph of your lover should be placed in the middle, and a volt on top of it. For some time it will absorb the energy of the person from the photo; it cannot be touched. It is better to relax and concentrate on the ritual, imagine a real person instead of the volt. When the image becomes clear, whisper: “I am true to my words and feelings. I bewitch my loved one and tie him for life.” Next, one at a time, they stick hot needles into the volt with the words: “I pour melancholy into his head, into his heart and into the place of lust.” After the ritual, Volt must be wrapped in a towel, tied crosswise with a red thread and hidden.

    Black bunch

    The ritual is performed with two fabric dolls, personifying the object of the love spell and its performer.

    Additionally you will need:

    • 3 red candles;
    • a piece of red cloth;
    • red thread;
    • needle;
    • box.

    By candlelight on a full moon night the dark forces are called upon: “The dark forces, dead souls, I’m calling you for help.” Men take the volta with their left hand, right hand hold it over him and read a love spell: “You were created by me to unite the fate of (your name and your chosen one). Repeat the same with the female figurine. Having brought the dolls together, they add: “Bring our paths together, (the name of your loved one) and bewitch your servant (your name). Made by a demon, sealed by a demon.” The volts are sewn together with double red thread, starting from the head of the female volt. They try to sew without knots. Having sewn the doll, they tie 3 knots on the Volta-man’s crown and secure them with candle wax, saying: “What the demon has sewn cannot be torn!”

    Both figures are placed in a box, wrapped in a red rag, and taken to the cemetery crossroads. There the bundle is buried, and a chicken carcass is left on one of the graves as a ransom.

    Love spell that subjugates the will

    On Thursday, on the waning moon, a wax volt is made while kneeling. Having waited until dusk the next day, they place him in a shoe box, put a noose made of cord around his neck, and read a love spell: “I call on higher powers to help find a fiery snake, so that I can kindle a flame in the heart of (the chosen one’s name), capture him captive, and be my slave forever do". You should stick 6 needles into the volta's heart, 6 into the genitals and one into the crown. Close the box, wrap it in cloth, and hide it.

    How long does it take for a volt love spell to work?

    The volt love spell begins to work immediately, after 9 days the chosen one, having realized the feelings that have arisen, gradually gets used to them, and the final binding occurs after lunar cycle. Deviations from the rules are possible: the result may appear after 14 days, after 6 months or after a year. The result is influenced by many factors: the distance between the performer and the object of the love spell, his environment and lifestyle, the amount of time that has passed since the last meeting.

    A volt love spell may not work. This is due to the following reasons:

    • violation of the rules for performing a love spell;
    • weak energy of the ritual performer;
    • outsiders learned about the ritual;
    • a love spell has already been cast on the chosen one;
    • The person being bewitched has very powerful energy.

    Comment! A volt love spell will not work if it is done on a person who is not familiar with the “witch”.

    The consequences of a love spell on volts

    Violence against a person is punishable, so forced love always results in unpleasant consequences. Even in cases where the love spell had required action, A higher power nothing was taken in return, serious trials should be expected. Ritual actions with volts affect both sides of the love spell. When trying to bind a loved one by magical means, it is recommended to carefully weigh all the arguments.

    Attention! A correctly made volt gives the performer unlimited power over the person being bewitched.

    If a love spell ritual is performed by a specialist, it is recommended to check his reliability. In dishonest hands, a love spell can harm not only the health of your loved one. He can be zombified, made sexually unrestrained, and used for selfish purposes.

    Consequences of a love spell on volts for the victim

    A person broken by a love spell is always susceptible to depression and frequent mood swings. Losing his peace of mind, he experiences anxiety, which is accompanied by nightmares or insomnia. Influxes of love that are incomprehensible to him do not please him and gradually develop into hatred. And the inability to leave is annoying and destroys the psyche. Over time, he begins to extinguish his feelings with alcohol, drugs, gambling. Despite the fact that a volt love spell causes an attachment to its customer, it cannot overcome memories and nostalgia, which often leads to impotence in men and infertility in women.

    Consequences for the customer

    The person who orders the love spell risks his or her health. After connecting the volt with the chosen one, the customer may need long-term treatment. Serious financial problems may arise that will be difficult to resolve.

    A cemetery love spell performed incorrectly through volts will lead to the connection of a dead entity with the performer of the ritual. She will begin to suck life and energy out of him, making him completely healthy man will quickly wither.

    Having met your true love Once a love spell is completed, nothing can be changed.


    A volt love spell, but a punishable way to tie a loved one to you. Besides, it won't sincere feeling, and forcibly inspired cravings and attractions will not bring satisfaction. It is better to captivate the object of your love for real, and not with the help of a love spell.

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