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Lemuria civilization. Lemuria. Ancient civilization. Pedigree of humanity and religions

Lemuria is a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result natural disasters... Another name for this civilization is My (although for some researchers My is a continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while only the present Indian is assigned to Lemuria). Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, but at the same time there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they became extinct and whether they died out at all.

The peak of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and the southeastern part of Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of the hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates. Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses who lived in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures living on the mountain and appearing in cities only to stock up on food. These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and just disappeared, as if disappearing into thin air. Among people, the opinion was established that these creatures have the ability to penetrate other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he was able to see through binoculars a gray marble temple standing on a mountain in the middle of the forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be thoroughly investigated, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among the people stopped.

The most convincing are the "Lemurian" hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), an American predictor. In his records, the civilization of Lemuria is presented at the time of its disappearance as spiritually elevated (in comparison with the Atlanteans, who, according to Cayce, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people the American predictor determined very rarely: according to him, there was no need for them to stay on Earth, since there was no need to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country My, made by Edgar Cayce, have been largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens (our species) western part Lemuria. Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Cayce's assumptions, the Nazca underwater ridge was discovered, which was once land and connected the coast of modern Peru with the archipelago, which is also now submerged, which corresponded to Cayce's descriptions. According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the nearest time to our time Ice age when, due to the melting of ice, the water level of the world's oceans rose sharply. But My civilization then continued to flourish on the "wreckage" of the former giant continent. The period of its decline, Casey considered the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian scientist-contactee Vasily Rasputin was guided in describing Lemuria by information he allegedly received from the Cosmos and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates rather exact numbers, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. Some territorial and chronological details can be gleaned from his descriptions: Lemuria existed in the 320-170 centuries BC. NS. on the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the shores of Antarctica. The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians lacked physical and etheric bodies (which are among the bodies that humans have), which is why people could not see them, except for those people who had a special energy. If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, moving into other dimensions. In the course of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. This hypothesis explains mysterious disappearances and the appearance of the Lemurians at Mount Shasta. But territorially, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In the 170th century BC. NS. due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, at the same time almost all of its population perished. The surviving Lemurians, who already possessed physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled on a new continent (Atlantis), which existed for the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria. Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in the sense that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually elevated race: according to Rasputin, they were centenarians, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and multiplied by self-copying (having no gender division). Having acquired a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), which was engaged in religious philosophy and the occult. In this case, too, occult experiments and predictions became the basis for conclusions about an extinct civilization. According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet for the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different eras, seven main races will live (each race has seven subraces): supreme invisible beings; hyperboreans; lemurs; Atlanteans; people; a race originating from humans who in the future will dwell in Lemuria; the last terrestrial race to fly from Earth to Mercury. Lemurs, or the disappeared inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4–5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to telepathically communicate, having three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed walking the same back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands. Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved, creating a civilization, and became more like people. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nikolai Roerich (1874-1947). According to the "myth" compiled by him, which coincides in many respects with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the continent of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created, in turn, from the First Race. Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were sexless and did not have a physical body (they were etheric beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually, their bodies became denser and physical, all creatures evolved, a separation of the sexes took place. Having received a physical body, people began to die, and not be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago) people were endowed with mind and soul. The continent of the Third Race was located along the equator, on the site of most of the present-day Pacific and Indian Oceans. It included the current Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria. In the south, the mainland boundary did not reach the Antarctic Circle a little, in the west it skirted South Africa from below and bent northward to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race, who lived on Lemuria, had a height of about 18 m, but it gradually decreased to 6 m. This assumption of Roerich is indirectly confirmed in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues in the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic features of appearance. The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explain the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those times. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-like cities: the remains of these cities are the cyclopean ruins on Madagascar Island and Easter Island.

The decline of the Lemurian civilization coincided with the sinking of their continent under water, its fragmentation into separate continents and islands, which occurred as a result of natural disasters, accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is where all the hypotheses about Lemuria agree.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, occurred at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the continent sank under water 700 thousand years before the beginning of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

Various information about Lemuria, given above, formed the basis for the research works of William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as geological and biological confirmation of the existing hypotheses about Lemuria. Among the confirmations - scientific fact that the modern land was previously covered by the waters of the ocean, and in the place of the modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, speaks of the existence of early times the vast southern mainland.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna tentatively determine the land areas that were connected by the ancient continent, and are now located on different continents and islands. At various times, the southern mainland was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. So, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent that is considered the "cradle of the human race" in the above studies.

In list archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization, the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and the city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; the remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2 thousand km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a half ring on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn); monolithic stone arch on Tongatapu island (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); Cyclopean structures and remains of paved roads on the seabed near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta; remains of the skeletons of giant people (found in the United States, Australia, South Africa, Georgia and elsewhere).

At present, anthropological scientists admit the existence of the descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied forest areas, including beyond the probable territory of the lost continent: a new race could displace the Lemurians into more severe habitats. However, only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lemuria- a mythical sunken continent in the Indian Ocean. The name is associated with the name of the Madagascar primate lemurs, which are not found anywhere else. From this, the supporters of the Lemurian hypothesis conclude that the island of Madagascar is part of the now sunken continent. At the same time, the indigenous population of the island is anthropologically closer to the inhabitants of Indonesia than to the African Negroids.

The hypothesis of the existence of Lemuria was first put forward in 1864 by the zoologist F. Sclater in order to directly transfer lemurs from Africa to India. One of the founders dialectical materialism- Friedrich Engels - in the essay "Dialectics of Nature" suggested that intermediate evolution between ape-like ancestor and a man lived on a sunken continent:

Many hundreds of millennia ago, in a still not amenable precise definition the era of that period in the development of the Earth, which geologists call Tertiary, presumably by the end of this period, lived somewhere in a hot zone - most likely on a vast continent, now located at the bottom of the Indian Ocean - an unusually highly developed breed of anthropoid apes.

Mythological data

The pseudoscientific theory of the existence of Lemuria is based on Indian mythology, where there is information about the sunken in Indian Ocean cities that were patronized either by demons (Tripur) or Krishna (Dvaraka) and Shiva. Already in the twentieth century, when it became known about the absence of a sunken mainland between Madagascar and Hindustan, some supporters of the existence of Lemuria hastened to "transfer" the disappeared land to the Pacific Ocean, but this version did not gain wide popularity among the public, since there was already Pacifida (sometimes also called Mu).

Esoteric interpretation

see also

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  • W. Scott-Elliot
  • A. M. Kondratov "Address - Lemuria?"


Excerpt from Lemuria

- Go, - he said, nodding his head to Alpatych, and began to ask the officer something. Greedy, frightened, helpless glances turned to Alpatych when he left the governor's office. Now involuntarily listening to the close ones and the ever-increasing shots, Alpatych hurried to the inn. The paper given by the governor to Alpatych was as follows:
“I assure you that the city of Smolensk does not yet face the slightest danger, and it is unbelievable that it would threaten it. I am on the one hand, and Prince Bagration, on the other hand, is marching towards the formation in front of Smolensk, which will take place on the 22nd, and both armies will begin to defend their compatriots in the province entrusted to you with combined forces, until their efforts remove the enemies of the fatherland from them or until they are exterminated in their brave ranks to the last warrior. You see from this that you have the perfect right to calm the inhabitants of Smolensk, for whoever is protected by two such brave troops can be sure of their victory. " (Prescription of Barclay de Tolly to the civil governor of Smolensk, Baron Asch, 1812.)
The people scurried about restlessly through the streets.
Carts loaded on horseback with household utensils, chairs, and lockers now and then drove out of the gates of houses and rode through the streets. In the neighboring house of Ferapontov there were carts and, saying goodbye, the women howled and sentenced. The mongrel dog, barking, spun in front of the pledged horses.
Alpatych, with a more hasty step than he usually walked, entered the courtyard and went straight under the shed to his horses and cart. The coachman was asleep; he woke him up, ordered him to lay it, and went into the passage. In the master's room one could hear the crying of children, the woman's tearing sobs and the angry, hoarse cry of Ferapontov. The cook, like a frightened hen, shook herself in the entryway as soon as Alpatych entered.
- He killed to death - beat the mistress! .. So he beat, so dragged! ..
- For what? - asked Alpatych.
- I asked to go. It's a woman's business! Take me away, he says, do not ruin me with small children; the people, he says, all left, what, he says, are we then? How he conceived to beat. So he beat, so dragged!
Alpatych, as it were, nodded his head approvingly at these words and, not wanting to know anything more, went to the opposite door, the master's room, in which his purchases remained.
“You villain, destroyer,” shouted at this time a thin, pale woman with a child in her arms and a handkerchief torn from her head, bursting out of the door and running down the stairs to the courtyard. Ferapontov went out after her and, seeing Alpatych, straightened his waistcoat, hair, yawned and went into the room behind Alpatych.
- Do you want to go? - he asked.
Without answering the question and without looking back at the owner, going through his purchases, Alpatych asked how much the owner followed for a stay.
- Let's count! Well, have you been with the governor? - asked Ferapontov. - What solution came out?
Alpatych replied that the governor didn’t say anything to him.
- In our case, are we going to take away? - said Ferapontov. - Give me seven rubles for a cart to Dorogobuzh. And I say: there is no cross on them! - he said.
- Selivanov, he hit it on Thursday, sold flour to the army at nine rubles a sack. Well, will you drink tea? He added. While the horses were being laid, Alpatych and Ferapontov drank tea and talked about the price of bread, about the harvest and favorable weather for harvesting.
- However, it began to subside, - said Ferapontov, having drunk three cups of tea and getting up, - we must have taken it. It has been said that they will not be allowed in. So, the strength ... And the mixture, they said, Matvey Ivanovich Platov drove them into the river Marina, eighteen thousand, or something, in one day he drowned.
Alpatych collected his purchases, handed them over to the coachman who came in, settled with the owner. At the gate sounded the sound of wheels, hooves and bells of a wagon leaving.
It was already well past noon; half of the street was in the shade, the other was brightly lit by the sun. Alpatych looked out the window and went to the door. Suddenly I heard strange sound distant whistle and blow, and after that there was a merging rumble of cannon fire, from which the windows trembled.
Alpatych went out into the street; two people ran down the street to the bridge. Whistles, cannonballs and the bursting of grenades falling in the city were heard from different directions. But these sounds were almost inaudible and did not pay attention to the inhabitants in comparison with the sounds of firing heard outside the city. It was a bombardment, which Napoleon ordered to open in the city at five o'clock, from one hundred and thirty guns. At first, the people did not understand the significance of this bombing.
The sounds of falling grenades and cannonballs aroused only curiosity at first. Ferapontov's wife, who had never stopped howling under the shed before, fell silent and with a child in her arms went out to the gate, silently looking at the people and listening to the sounds.
The cook and the shopkeeper came out to the gate. Everyone, with cheerful curiosity, tried to see the shells flying over their heads. Several people came out of the corner, talking animatedly.
- That is the power! - said one. - Both the lid and the ceiling were smashed to pieces.
“It blew up the earth like a pig,” said another. - That's so important, that's so encouraging! He said laughing. - Thank you, bounced, otherwise she would have smeared you.
The people turned to these people. They paused and told how they got into the house near their very core. Meanwhile, other shells, now with a fast, gloomy whistle - cannonballs, now with a pleasant whistle - grenades, did not stop flying over the heads of the people; but not a single shell fell close, everything endured. Alpatych got into the wagon. The owner stood at the gate.
- What I have not seen! He shouted at the cook, who, with her sleeves rolled up, in a red skirt, swinging her bare elbows, walked up to the corner to listen to what was being told.
“That’s a miracle,” she said, but, hearing the voice of the owner, she came back, tugging at her tucked up skirt.
Again, but very close this time, something whistled, like a bird flying from top to bottom, fire flashed in the middle of the street, something fired and covered the street with smoke.
- Villain, why are you doing this? - shouted the owner, running up to the cook.
At the same instant, women howled plaintively from all sides, a child began to cry in fright, and silently crowded people with pale faces around the cook. From this crowd, the groans and sentences of the cook were heard more than anyone else:
- Oh oh oh, my darlings! My darlings are white! Don't let die! My darlings are white! ..
Five minutes later, no one was left on the street. The cook with a thigh shattered by a pomegranate splinter was carried into the kitchen. Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontova's wife with children, the janitor sat in the basement, listening. The roar of guns, the whistle of shells and the pitiful groan of the cook, prevailing over all sounds, did not cease for an instant. The hostess then rocked and persuaded the child, then in a pitiful whisper asked everyone who entered the basement where was her owner, who remained on the street. The shopkeeper who entered the basement told her that the owner went with the people to the cathedral, where they raised the Smolensk miraculous icon.
By dusk, the cannonade began to subside. Alpatych left the basement and stopped at the door. Before the clear evening her sky was covered with smoke. And through this smoke a young, high-standing sickle of the moon shone strangely. After the silence of the former terrible roar of guns, silence seemed over the city, interrupted only by the rustle of steps, groans, distant screams and the crackle of fires, which seemed to be widespread throughout the city. The groans of the cook have now died away. Black clouds of smoke from the fires rose and spread from both sides. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a ruined bump, in different uniforms and in different directions, soldiers passed and ran. In the eyes of Alpatych, several of them ran into Ferapontov's yard. Alpatych went out to the gate. Some kind of regiment, crowding and hurrying, blocked the street, going back.
`` They are renting out the city, leave, leave, '' the officer who noticed his figure told him, and immediately turned to the soldiers with a shout:
- I'll let you run around the yards! He shouted.
Alpatych returned to the hut and, having called the coachman, ordered him to leave. Following Alpatych and the coachman, all of Ferapontov's household went out. Seeing the smoke and even the fires of the fires now visible in the beginning of twilight, the women, who had been silent until then, suddenly began to shout, looking at the fires. As if echoing them, the same cries were heard at other ends of the street. Alpatych, with the coachman shaking hands, was straightening the tangled reins and horses' trims under the shed.


LEMURIA (Lemuria, Mu) is a hypothetical ancient country, a continent that disappeared from the map as a result of cataclysms.

Interest in the mysterious country began to be shown in the second half of the 19th century due to two facts. First, zoologists and biologists stumbled upon the inexplicable similarities of some animals and plants from areas S-V... Asia and Yu.-V. Africa and Madagascar (including monkey lemurs or poppies, which gave the name to the theory).

Secondly, in California, on Mount Shasta, there lived some strange humanoid creatures, which, according to the stories of others, could change the laws of nature, including penetrating into dimensions inaccessible to human perception. From time to time, they appeared out of nowhere in nearby cities, and bought up all the food in them, offering huge gold bars in return. According to them, they were the last surviving representatives of a certain ancient race of Lemurians, whose continent died under water. People were very frightened by their ability to dissolve in the air, although they did not harm anyone. There was only one eyewitness who once looked through binoculars at the edge of the forest that covered the mountain, a temple made of gray marble, but as soon as the exploration boom began on the mountain, the creatures disappeared.

Lemuria by Edgar Cayce

For more than twenty years after he began receiving revelations, Cayce covered Atlantean issues in his many hundreds of "records", with much less mention of the names Mu or Lemuria. When asked why, he replied that the Atlanteans had accumulated a huge karmic debt numerous reincarnations are needed to fix it. Virtuous Lemurians, spiritually elevated towards the end of their civilization, are much freer during the cycle of rebirth.

Among his clients, Keyes found much fewer "descendants" of the Lemurians, since the Pacific ancestral homeland had passed the stage of militant materialism, which to a greater extent characterized Atlantis. However, the information provided by Keyes about Mu or Lemuria was largely confirmed by subsequent discoveries in geology and archeology.

The main point of his "prophecies" was the declaration of the prosperity of the land of Mu in the territory of the now lifeless Gobi Desert. Living conditions then were extremely different from modern ones, the deterioration of the climate began after the Flood.

While Cayce's chronology is questionable, his brief references to Lemuria are far less ambiguous and more convincing. Among the first statements he made about the lost ancestral home, the main answer was geographic and geological conditions the appearance on Earth of homo sapiens-sapiens (man of sapience). "The Andes or the Pacific coast of South America," he said, "then occupied the western part of Lemuria." Sixty years later, the Oceanographic Society of California has published a series of maps reflecting the latest discoveries in the study. deep sea... One of the details, the underwater Nazca mountain range, which is more than 300 kilometers long, once connected the Peruvian coast in the Nazca region with the sunken archipelago. In 1932, Keyes identifies an underwater structure unknown to science prior to the 1990s, thus providing independent evidence for the existence of Lemuria.

Keyes noted that part of Lemuria began to plunge into the ocean 10,700 years ago. This period of time remarkably coincides with the end of the last Ice Age, with the melting of glaciers, the level of the world ocean has increased significantly. Lemuria and its culture continued to flourish even after the disappearance of some territories of the giant continent. Keyes spoke little about the decline of Lemuria, mentioning only that it happened before the final destruction of Atlantis.

He was more interested in the significance of the achievements of the Pacific kingdom, which continued to shape the future reincarnations of people seeking his spiritual guidance. When asked why among his clients the former "Atlanteans" significantly outnumber the "Lemurians", he replied that the karmic debt of the Atlanteans is much greater due to their catastrophic behavior. Karma is the consequence of our behavior. Struggling for social balance and individual harmony, the Lemurians largely escaped the need for reincarnation as a means of correcting the consequences of previous lives, and continued to fulfill their spiritual destiny on levels outside the earthly plane.

Descriptions of Lemuria V. Ya Rasputin

Below are descriptions of Lemuria received by the contactee V. Ya Rasputin (published in 1999 in the computer bulletin "Terra Incognita"), they provide the following details:

"... From 320 to 170 century BC the country of Lemuria existed. It spread from the Aegean Sea to the shores of Antarctica.

The population was made up of Limurians, numbering 107 million 319 thousand. This race could not be counted among the people, because a person has 7 bodies, and a Lemurian has only 5 (there was no physical and etheric body), i.e. for humans, they were simply invisible, and only people possessing the energy of the third eye (ajna) could see this population.

They are similar Bigfoot, which can materialize and disappear, passing into another dimension. The Lemurians had the astral body as their main body. As a result of evolution, they began to acquire etheric and physical bodies. The population of Lemuria was concentrated south of the island of Madagascar and up to the shores of Antarctica ...

At the beginning of the 170th century BC. the breakup of rocks occurred and the southern densely populated part of Lemuria was swallowed up by the waters of the Indian Ocean. In the depths of the ocean, 98 million 563 thousand Lemurians died, and the surviving and materialized people who acquired 7 bodies began to be called Atlanteans. And from the 170th century BC. the continent of Atlantis was formed, which existed for 150 centuries and suffered the same fate as Lemuria ...

Lemurians, who did not have a physical body, could move in space no worse than birds and pass through any obstacles. There have never been wars in Lemuria, since the physical body is destroyed in a war, and then the remaining 6 bodies perish, and if there is no physical body, then the rest of the bodies cannot perish ... The life span of the Lemurians lasted over 1,000 years and only after this time the disintegration began thin bodies... Life continued at the cellular level ... The Lemurians lacked digestive organs and salivary glands. In humans, energy is produced as a result of digestion, the more a person has eaten, the more energy is released and it is distributed throughout the organs, contributing to their work. But man has another way (like the Lemurians). You must learn to take space energy, which enters a person through the atlas (7th cervical vertebra), and guide it through the organs, saturating them with energy. And then a person can find new life... His aspirations will be aimed at raising the spiritual level, because food brings a person down, especially meat, and he must live uplifted.

The Lemurians did not have material wealth, therefore they had nothing to share, they also did not have suits, dresses and cars. A person lives and works in order to eat well, acquire a fashionable thing, etc. This is where the absurdity of being lies. The Lemurians had no division into male and female - they were asexual. Each Lemurian could create a similar one by cloning individual cells and a copy was obtained that looked like two drops of water to the original.

The Lemurians were a highly developed nation, they did not have attachments to material values ​​because they did not have them, and there was no attachment to the family - there was no family, there was clannishness. They lived in small groups of 7-9 Lemurians in a clan in harmony with nature, similar to paradise life.

As they acquired the etheric, and later the physical body, the Lemurians degraded and turned into ordinary people, with its weaknesses and shortcomings. They acquired evil, cruelty, greed, jealousy, indifference, envy ... The most difficult times for the peoples of the Earth were marked by the appearance of the Messiah. The main dates that have reached us from time immemorial are the date of the coming of the Messiah in 1702 BC before the death of Lemuria. The Messiah was a woman, at that time asexual beings lived in Lemuria.

In 8002 BC. the next coming of the Messiah - it was the man Gefostle, later the priest of Atlantis, and after her death - was the first pharaoh of Egypt ... "

Lemuria in Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine"

Elena Petrovna Blavatsaya

Also, studies of the question of the existence of an ancient country were carried out in the Theosophical Society, founded by E.P. Bavatsky, who published a number of conclusions based on occult experiences and clairvoyance, and affecting a period of history stretching about 60 million years.

Basically, they boiled down to the following.

There are 7 main races on planet Earth, each of which has 7 subraces.

The first is some invisible creatures of protoplasm that live in the eternal holy land. They are called the supreme Lha beings.

The second is the race that inhabited the Arctic zone and is known as the Giporboreans.

The third is the huge brainless ape-like creatures of the Lemurs.

The fourth is the race of the absolute people of the Atlanteans, destroyed by black magic.

The fifth is us people.

The sixth is the race that will develop from us and will live again in Lemuria.

The seventh race is the race that will finish the history of life on Earth and fly to Mercury.

Lemurs were creatures of 4-5 meters in length, with 2 eyes in the front and one at the back of the head and with feet of such a design that allowed them to walk both forward and backward. They had no foreheads, their faces were flat except for elongated trunk noses. In the beginning, they were oviparous hermaphrodites, but by the time their 5th subrace appeared, they discovered the joy of sex, and due to the lack of a brain, during the rutting period, they began to intercourse with the surrounding animals, from where the monkeys went. Lemurs did not have a brain, but with the power of mental will they could move mountains. They had no speech and they communicated with each other using telepathy. Their continent covered almost the entire southern hemisphere, and spread from the Himalayas to South Pole covering an area that includes southern Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America, etc.

Their development confused Lha, as it went against the cosmic plans for the settlement of the Earth, and a split occurred in the Lha environment on this occasion, ending with the Lemurs discovering the secret of individual immortality and birth. This led to the emergence of the 6th and 7th subraces of Lemurs, which began to create the rudiments of art and civilization, and take on a human form.

However, by this time due to flooding different parts their continent Lemuria began to fall apart. Peninsula of Lemuria in Atlantic Ocean, which continued to remain above the water, formed Atlantis. In addition to them, Lemurs laid the foundation for Papua, Hottentott, Cro-Magnol and blue-skinned Indians.

Nicholas Roerich - the myth of Lemuria

Nicholas Roerich

a) The beginning of the Third Race.

The First Race created the Second by means of "budding"; The Second Race - "Then Born" - gave rise to the Third Root Race in a similar, but already more complex process: it developed the "Born from the Egg". "Sweat" intensified, its drops increased and became spherical bodies - large eggs, which served as an external container for the birth of a fetus and a child. The spheroidal nucleus developed into a large soft ovoid shape and gradually hardened. "Father-Mother" singled out an embryo in which a human fetus grew for several years. After a growing period, the egg developed, and the young human animal would break it and leave without any help, like birds in our time.

At the beginning of the Third Race, the Sons of Wisdom descended to Earth, for whom it was their turn to incarnate as the EGOs of human Monads. They saw the lower forms of the first people of the Third Race and rejected them, neglected the first "Then born" - "They are not quite ready yet." The Sons of Wisdom did not want to enter the first "Eggborn".

“We can choose,” said the Lords of Wisdom. The Incarnating Forces chose the ripe fruits and rejected the rest. Some entered the Chkhaya, others propelled the Spark, others abstained from the Fourth Race. Those who entered eventually became Arhats. Those who received only the Spark remained deprived of the highest knowledge - the Spark burned weakly. Still others remained deprived of Reason - their Monads were not ready, they became "narrow-headed".

b) Separation of sexes.

Until about the middle of the Third Race, both humans and animals were etheric and asexual organisms. Over time, the bodies of animals became more and more dense. Likewise, the forms of antediluvian animals evolved and multiplied. The "dragons of the deep" and flying Serpents were added to the reptiles. Those that crawled on the ground received wings. Those with long necks who lived in the waters became the progenitors of birds. So pterodactyls and plesiosaurs were contemporaries of man until the end of the Third Race.

Mammals were at first hermaphrodites - "all living and reptiles, giant fish-birds and snakes with armored heads." Then there was a separation of the sexes. The animals split into male and female and began to procreate.

After the animals received solid bodies and separated, humanity began to separate as well. The Third Race, in its original period, was almost asexual. Then she became bisexual or androgynous - very gradually, of course. And only after a long time did the Third Race split into two distinct genders.

The transition from the first transformation to the last took countless generations. The embryonic cell, emanating from the progenitor, first developed into a bisexual being. Then she began to develop into a real egg, which began to give birth, gradually and almost imperceptibly in its evolutionary development, first creatures in which one sex prevailed over the other, and finally - certain men and women.

Individual units of the Third Race began to separate in their shells or eggs even before birth and emerged from them as infants, male or female. And as the geological periods changed, the newly born sub-races began to lose their former abilities. By the end of the fourth sub-race of the Third Race, babies lost the ability to walk as soon as they were freed from their shell, and by the end of the fifth, humanity was already born in the same conditions and through the same process as our historical generations. This took, of course, hundreds of thousands of years.

After the separation of the sexes and the establishment of human origin through sexual combination, the Third Race experienced death. The people of the first two Races did not die, but only dissolved, absorbed by their offspring. Like a phoenix, the original man was resurrected from his old body in a new body. With each generation, he became more dense, physically more perfect. Death appeared only after man became a physical creature - death came with the completion of the physical organism.

All these transformations - the division of man into two different sexes and the creation of man "with bones" - took place in the middle of the Third Race, seventeen million years ago.

c) First fall.

After the separation of the sexes, the Third Race no longer created - it began to give birth to its offspring. Still devoid of reason in the era of separation of the sexes, she also gave rise to abnormal offspring. Those who did not have the Spark, the "narrow-headed" ones, were combined with the females of some animals. From them they gave birth to mute, bent monsters, covered with red hair and walking on all fours.

During this period, people were physiologically different compared to those that they represent now. The "female animals" were as different from those we know now, as those "people" were different from the people of our day. Primitive man was man only in his outward form. He had no reason at the time when he gave birth to monkeys with a female animal monster. The ancestor of the real anthropoid animal, the monkey, is a direct offspring of a person who did not yet possess reason, who defiled his human dignity, having physically descended to the level of an animal.

The "Sons of Wisdom" warned the Third Race not to touch the fruit forbidden by nature. The Kings and Lords of the Third Race have imposed the seal of the prohibition on sinful intercourse. But the warning was not accepted.

People realized the obscenity of what they had done only when it was already too late, after the angelic Monads from higher spheres embodied in them and endowed them with understanding.

d) The endowment of a person with reason.

Each world has its own Mother Star and Sister Planet. So, the Earth is an adopted child and younger sister Venus, although her people belong to their own kind.

Since Venus has no satellites, this planet adopted the Earth, a product of the Moon. The ruler of the planet loved his adopted child so much that he incarnated on Earth and gave her perfect laws, which in later centuries were neglected and even rejected.

Planet Venus, the harbinger of dawn and twilight, the most radiant, most intimate, powerful and mysterious among all the Planets. Venus receives from the Sun twice as much light and heat as the Earth. She is a "little sun" in which the sun's heat accumulates the supply of its Light.

It gives the Earth one third of the supply it receives and keeps two parts for itself.

The evolution of Venus is one third ahead of the earth. "Humanity" of Venus is the following the highest step compared to humanity on Earth. The "people" of Venus are as much above us as we are above our animals. Therefore, the planet Venus is the spiritual prototype of our planet, and the Lord of Venus is its Guardian Spirit.

The Third Race of our earthly humanity was under the direct influence of the planet Venus. In the middle of the evolution of the Third Race, representatives of its highly developed humanity came to Earth from Venus, the "Sons of Reason" (Manasa-Putra) - Light Beings, who are referred to as the "Sons of Fire" due to Their sparkling appearance. They appeared on Earth as Divine teachers of young humanity.

Some of the "Sons of Mind" acted as guides for the Third Wave of the Logos life, bringing into the animal man the spark of monadic life, from which Mind-Manas is formed. A ray of Divine Mind illuminated the area still asleep human mind- and the rudimentary Manas turned out to be fertilized. The result of this union was the embryonic "abiding body" - the fiery body of man.

Thus, the individualization of the spirit took place, its involution into form, and this spirit, enclosed in an "abiding body", is a soul, an individual, a true man. This is the hour of a person's birth, for although his essence is eternal - it is not born and does not die - his birth in time, as an individual, is quite definite. The human soul, created "in the image of God," then began its evolution.

e) The mainland and the people of the Third Race.

At that time, the Third Race lived, that is, 18 million years ago, the distribution of land and water on the globe was completely different from what it is now. Most of the present land was then under water. Neither Africa, nor the Americas, nor Europe existed at that time - they all rested on the bottom of the ocean. Also, little existed from present-day Asia: the Pre-Himalayan regions were covered by seas, while beyond their borders stretched the countries now called Greenland, Eastern and Western Siberia, etc.

A gigantic continent stretched along the equator, covering most of the present-day Pacific, as well as the Indian Oceans. This mainland covered the entire region from the foot of the Himalayas, separating it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great Shamo (Gobi) desert; from Chittagon westward to Hardwar and eastward to Assam. From there it spread southward through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, sweeping on its way as we move south of Madagascar with right side and Tasmania on the left, he descended, not reaching a few degrees to the Antarctic Circle; and from Australia, which at that time was internal area on the mainland, it went far into the Pacific Ocean beyond Rapanui (Teapi or Easter Island). In addition, part of the mainland stretched around South Africa into the Atlantic Ocean, curving northward to Norway.

This continent of the Third Root Race is now called Lemuria.

The earliest humanity was a race of giants. The first Lemurians were 18 meters high. With each subsequent sub-race, their growth gradually decreased, and after several million years it reached six meters.

Lemurians - Forbidden Archeology

In 1821, in the United States in the state of Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, and under it two human skeletons 215 centimeters high. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1877, not far from Evreki in Nevada, prospectors worked at a gold mine in a desolate, hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over the cliff ledge. People climbed the rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg along with the patella. The bone was walled up in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with pickaxes. Appreciating the uncommonness of the find, the workers brought it to the Evreku Kamen, in which it was embedded

the remainder of the leg was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and represented the knee joint and the intact bones of the leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and concluded that the leg was clearly human. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the foot size - 97 centimeters from knee to foot. The owner of this limb during his lifetime was 3 meters 60 centimeters tall.

Australian researchers have found, among other things, a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters weight 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant humans on the shores of Lake Eliza in Central Africa. 12 men buried in a mass grave had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge stream protruding above the surface of the

a stone on which one could see the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had survived completely, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters in height. In 1930, near Basarst in Australia, prospectors at the mines of jasper often found fossilized prints of huge human feet. Anthropologists called the rasugigant people, whose remains were found in Australia, mega-anthropuses.The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropes are similar to giantopi-tecs, the remains of which were found in China Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the height of the Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in the river sediments, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs , plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens I would hardly be able to work with instruments weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specially investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropuses, carried out excavations at a depth of three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge rock sticking out above the surface of a stream, on which they could see the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had survived completely, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a person six meters tall.

Ivan T. Sanderson, a renowned zoologist and frequent guest on the American show Tonight, popular in the 1960s, once shared with the public an interesting story about a letter he received from a certain Alan McSheer. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer on the construction of a road in Alaska. He reported that workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The skulls reached 58 cm in height and 30 cm in width. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. Each skull had a neat round hole at the top.It should be noted that the custom of deforming the skulls of babies in order to force the heads to take on an elongated shape as they grew, existed among some Indian tribes of North America. The vertebrae, as well as the skull, were three times larger than that of modern man... The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.

In 2008, not far from the town of Borjomi, in the Kharagauli reserve, Georgian archaeologists found the skeleton of a three-meter giant. The skull found is 3 times the size of the skull of an ordinary person.

The size of the Lemurians is evidenced by the statues they erected to the size of their bodies. Most of the giant statues discovered on Easter Island, part of the flooded mainland of Lemuria, were between 6 and 9 meters high. The remains on Easter Island are the most striking and eloquent monuments of primitive giants. They are as great as they are mysterious. It is enough to examine the heads of these colossal statues, which remained intact, in order to recognize at first glance the traits of the type and character attributed to the giants of the Third Race. They seem to be poured out of the same form, although they differ in features; they are of a certain sensual type.

The Lemurians were people of a strange superhuman physical strength, which gave them the opportunity to defend themselves and keep at a distance the giant monsters of the Mesozoic and Xenozoic periods. Fantastic and terrible animals coexisted with man and attacked him, just as man attacked them. Surrounded by such terrible creatures in Nature, man could survive only because he himself was a colossal giant.

d) Lemurian civilization.

When the Third Race separated and fell into sin, giving birth to animal people, the animals became ferocious; both people and they began to destroy each other. Until that time, there was no sin, there was no taking of life. After the separation, the bliss of the first races came to an end. The eternal spring began to change constantly and the seasons followed. People could no longer live in the First Country (Eden of the first races), which turned into a white frozen corpse. The cold forced people to build shelters and invent clothing.

Then people prayed to the highest Fathers (Gods). "Wise Serpents" and "Dragons of Light" also came to the Forerunner of the Illuminated (Buddhas). They descended and began to live among people, instructing them in the arts and sciences.

At the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Race had no beliefs that could be called religion. That is, he knew nothing of any belief system or external worship. But if we take this term in its meaning, as something that unites the masses in one form of reverence, expressed to those whom we feel superior to ourselves, in a sense of reverence - like the feeling expressed by a child in relation to a beloved father - then even the earliest Lemurians, from the very beginning of their intelligent life, they had a religion and a very beautiful one. Did they not have their own light Gods around them, even among themselves? Did not their childhood pass around those who gave them birth and who surrounded them with their cares and summoned them to a conscious, intelligent life? It was the "Golden Age" of those ancient times. The century when "Gods walked the Earth and freely communicated with mortals." When this Age ended, the Gods departed - that is, they became invisible.

So, the Gods were from the beginning of time the Rulers of mankind, incarnating as the Kings of the Divine Dynasties. They gave the first impulse to civilization and directed the minds that endowed humanity with inventions and the improvement of all arts and sciences. They appeared as Benefactors of the People.

Fire, obtained through friction, was the first secret of Nature, the first and main property of matter, which was revealed to man. Fruits and cereals, previously unknown on Earth, were brought by the Masters of Wisdom from other planets for the use of those whom They ruled. So, wheat is not a product of the Earth - it has never been found in the wild.

With the advent of the Divine Dynasties, the beginning of the first civilizations was laid. And then, as now in some areas of the Earth, humanity preferred to lead a nomadic and patriarchal life, in others the savage barely began to learn how to build a hearth for fire and protect himself from the elements; his brothers, with the help of the Divine Reason that inspired them, built cities and were engaged in arts and sciences. Nevertheless, while their brothers-shepherds used miraculous powers by birthright, the "builders", despite civilization, could now master their powers only gradually. Civilization has always developed the physical and intellectual side at the expense of the mental, spiritual. The mastery and control of one's own psychic nature were among early humanity properties innate and as natural: as walking and thinking.

The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the leadership of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics perfectly. The Lemurians built their huge rock-like cities from rare soils and materials, from erupted lava, from white marble mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built on the part of the mainland that is now known as the island of Madagascar.

The earliest remains of the ruins of Cyclopean structures were all the work of the last sub-races of the Lemurians; the stone remains on Easter Island were also of a cyclopean nature. This island belongs to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. A sudden volcanic eruption and the rise of the ocean floor lifted this little relic of the Archaic Ages - after it was flooded with the rest - intact, with all its statues and volcano, and left as a witness to the existence of Lemuria. Amazing giant statues are bright and eloquent witnesses of the lost continent with a civilized population on it.

Easter Island Giants

g) End of Lemuria.

The birth and death of the Root Races is always accompanied by geological change the globe... They are caused by changes in the tilt of the earth's axis. The old continents are absorbed by the oceans, other lands appear. Huge cities, mountain ranges rise where they were not before. The surface of the globe changes completely every time. This is the LAW, acting at its appointed time, in strict accordance with the Laws of Karma. The "experience of the fittest" peoples and races was affirmed timely assistance; the unsuitable ones - the unsuccessful ones - were destroyed, being swept away from the surface of the Earth.

After the Third Race reached its zenith, it began to decline. This was reflected in the mainland as well.

Race - Lemuria: he began to sink slowly. A huge continent that reigned and towered over the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, began to split up in many places into separate islands. These islands, huge at first, gradually disappeared one after another. The largest remnant of the vast continent is now Australia. The present island of Ceylon during the Lemurian period was the northern plateau of the vast island of Lanka, on which the Third Race ended its destiny.

Lemuria was destroyed by volcanic action. She plunged into waves due to earthquakes and underground fires. The cataclysm that destroyed the vast continent occurred due to underground convulsions and the opening of the ocean floor. Lemuria died about 700 thousand years before the beginning of what is now called the Tertiary (Eocene) period.

flowering of Lemuria

tertiary period

The remnants of the ancient Lemurians at the present time are the so-called peoples of the Ethiopian type - blacks: Negroes, Bushmen, Australians, etc.

the first mother of humanity (Eve)

Our story will focus on the ancient civilization of Lemuria, which, according to many versions of unofficial scientists, researchers and esotericists, is considered to be the genealogy of humanity, and of many modern religions in general.

It is believed that many civilizations have visited planet Earth and that global catastrophes have occurred on the planet several times. Therefore, today we will try to look at that ancient time when there was a highly spiritual race called Lemuria. We will also talk about another theoretical connection with the origin and genealogy of the oldest religions in the world.

Darwin's theory and real facts of human development

Many people know Darwin's theory of the origin of life and populations on the planet. It is based on natural selection, where the fittest survive. Well, and there, supposedly, there were some monkeys before, and now a man took a stick and made fire, that's about the following theory. And of course, not only esotericists, but also scientists do not agree with him today. And by the end of his life he himself did not speak very flatteringly about her, just scientists did not come up with anything more interesting.

So, for example, not far from Mexico, a pyramid was discovered underground, dating back to the 5th millennium BC, when, according to historians, there should have been no civilization in this place.

And according to some archaeologists, our Earth in early times was inhabited by giant people. So in Australia, anthropologists found a tooth, almost 7 cm in length and, accordingly, a person's height would be under 7 meters - his age was 9 million years.

Secrets of the people of the giants of the past

In Turkey, found bones suitable for a person's height of 5 meters. And on Easter Island there are huge statues over 20 meters high and weighing 50 tons, and according to local legends- they were built by the race of "masters who fell from the sky."

According to research, Easter Island is the remnant of the surviving continent of Mu, once the land of the Lemurians. This continent sank about 25 thousand years ago. Scientist James Churchward, who studied scriptures in Tibet, believes that the Mu continent used technology that surpassed gravity and made it easy to move huge objects.

And also, for example, Filipinos - surgeons (healers) who perform operations without tools and pain relief, believe that their ancestors from the continent of Mu passed on knowledge to them. Further - on the island of Yukotan there is a temple where the inscription has been preserved: "This temple was built in memory of Mu, the birthplace of our sacred mysteries."

Helena Blavatsky and scholars on Lemuria or the continent of Mu

Blavatsky was also an esoteric, scientist and traveler - in her book "The Secret Doctrine", she writes that despite the fact that the Earth was visited by many extraterrestrial civilizations, it was the inhabitants of Lemuria who were our real ancestors.

According to her research, the Lemurians were up to 20 meters tall, while the later civilization of our planet Atlantis was only 6 meters tall.

Well, after the Atlanteans comes the Aryan race (Aryans) - this is you and me. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that Egyptian pyramids and the Great Sphinx were also built by the Lemurians and Atlanteans.

Esotericists and scientists about the extinct civilizations of giants

Other scientists believe that the Lemurians had the most advanced civilization in the world and they, for example, had aircrafts that could easily navigate space.

And the famous Indian Guru Sathya Sai Baba said that they set their spaceships in motion by the power of thoughts or mantras.

The famous professor Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in one of the destroyed temples, found giant footprints - 90 cm long and, according to calculations, the height should be up to 10 meters.

A small excursion to America - the Smithsonian Institution recognized the fact of its destruction in 1900 of several thousand human skeletons, up to four meters in height, and which they destroyed on the orders of their leaders in order to defend the theory of the existence of only human evolution. They found these giant skeletons during excavations throughout America.

What is Lemuria?

According to the data obtained theoretically by esotericists from various Ascended Masters, the Lemurian Epoch lasted from 4,500,000 years before the birth of Christ and up to about 12,000 thousand years ago. At that time, Lemuria occupied a huge space, most of which is located under the Pacific Ocean.

It also included Hawaii, Easter Island, Fiji Island, Australia and New Zealand... Lemuria is much older than Atlantis and usually the Lemurians lived up to 20 or 30 thousand years. About 25 thousand years ago, great destruction occurred in both Lemuria and Atlantis.

Wars of ancient civilizations

These two civilizations fought against each other, as the Atlanteans believed that other less advanced civilizations needed to be controlled. There were no winners in a thermonuclear war. Since people lived for a long time, they realized that retribution for their behavior would come, and those who committed the destruction would have to suffer themselves.

Knowing that Lemuria would disappear, people petitioned Little Shambhala to build their new underground city under Mount Shasta in America. The Lemurians built their city inside the mountain and named it Telos, which translates as "Oneness with the Spirit."

It is believed that Lemuria went under water in one night, when everyone was asleep and only 25 thousand people were saved. Many priests who remained faithful to the Light remained at their posts - they drowned and prayed, softening the karma of fear and horror of the dying inhabitants of Lemuria.

Did the country of Lemuria and the Lemurians die?

As you know, in the Lemurian temples there were centers of the eternal and indestructible Sacred Fire of God, and they were transferred by part of the priests to Telos, in new town and the place of life of the surviving Lemurians.

As we can guess from these unconfirmed revelations by science, not all of Lemuria perished - some of its inhabitants currently live in Mount Shasta in the 5th dimension and their mission is to help humanity in the ascension of the entire planet.

Earth after the destruction of the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis

Not only Lemuria went under water, but Atlantis also went under water for 200 years. It is believed that this continued for 200 years. Indeed, for several hundred years, through the war-polluted atmosphere of the earth, sunlight did not pass to the earth at all.

Most of the animals and plants have disappeared. The consequences of the disaster were very grave and few people survived from the world's population, and those who survived were awaited by hunger and disease. Likewise, the height of people in later times gradually decreased.

By the way, the growth of a modern person, it is believed that it will also grow accordingly. spiritual development people on the planet. Moreover, even scientists have proven that earlier, more ancient people were indeed shorter, and even a couple of hundred years ago.

Superpowers of the Lemurians

The Lemurians were fluent in atomic energy. They had developed telepathy and clairvoyance. And they controlled most of their technologies with their minds and set them in motion with their minds. In addition, they could harness the energy of the crystals. Their spaceships were invisible and silent.

Stellar seed biology of the Lemurians

The Lemurians are the root race of planet Earth, much older than the Sumerian civilization and the Indus Valley civilization. Although there were others before the civilization of Lemuria - nevertheless, for a person it is they who are the progenitors or real pro ancestors.

The Lemurians themselves essentially became a race that received seed biology from the stars. Man as we see him at present would not exist if seed biology did not come along with the Pleiadians through the Lemurians.

In our galaxy, called the Milky Way, there is a cluster of stars called the Seven Sisters, or star cluster Pleiades. So they visited the earth many years ago and gave rise to the Lemurian civilization. It was they who sowed the seeds of the quantum divine DNA in man.

By the way, at that time there were about 17 types of human beings. The Pleiadian civilization is a very spiritually advanced race and in their dimension of consciousness there is no time or space. The Pleiadians arrived on planet Earth in accordance with their divine plan, which earthlings will learn about in the future.

What was the Lemurian civilization like?

Lemuria was also an advanced civilization, but not technically, but by its own consciousness. The Lemurians knew how to heal with magnetism. They knew everything about their DNA and even knew its shape, without microscopes.

Since their DNA was 90 percent activated, they knew everything about the solar system and the galaxy. And they even knew that future generations would lose supernatural abilities and DNA would function at the 30 percent level that is observed in modern humans.

According to research, most people belong to any religion in the world and there are even countries where religion and politics are inseparable - for example, we can name countries such as Tibet, Sri Lanka, Laos and many Arab countries. And we just have to consider where they come from these state religions.

If we turn to such famous religions world like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, as well as many mystical and shamanic religions of Africa, Asia and other countries - then we can see that they arose rather as a revelation through various Prophets or Saints of the past. In other words, they did not arise on Earth, but were betrayed by someone or something.

With the loss of divinity, fear arises

When a person does not understand his divine essence, the struggle for survival and fear of the forces of nature begins. All pagan gods or worship of the elements of nature arose out of fear of the unknown.

And how can we understand, with the loss of understanding about their quantum or interdimensional nature, when a person does not understand himself, he tries to understand himself through the external, through worship of something external.

Why does a person strive for faith in God?

If we take ancient Lemuria, then religion was simply not needed there - the Lemurians already knew about spiritual world... But already subsequent generations of people have lost this divinity in themselves.

Now we can understand where a person's striving for God and for faith in the divine comes from - the fact is that the genealogy of a person goes back to Lemuria, when the divine quantum part of DNA and knowledge about it was transferred to a person.

Where did they come to us, and where did the most ancient religions originate?

It is generally believed that religions came from the east, from Ancient egypt or the Aryan Civilization or even the Sumerian Ancient Civilization, but you need to understand that, in turn, these civilizations arose as a continuation of the Lemurian civilization that gave a divine component in human DNA.

For example, we find in the Vedic religious culture that their gods and progenitors were of immense growth. And in the destroyed civilization, the Maya found inscriptions saying that they thank the Mu (LEMURIA) civilization for spiritual training.

Jesus Christ was Limurian?

It is believed that Jesus Christ himself in the past was a Lemurian and came to planet Earth from distant space. It is known that during the birth of Jesus a huge star appeared in the sky and it was named the Star of Bethlehem.

Moreover, the Gospel of Matthew mentions not a star, but a mysterious celestial phenomenon, which the Magi called a "star", and this star appeared at sunrise and then headed towards the birth of Jesus and stopped over the house where he was born.

But according to some evidence not confirmed by science, the Star of Bethlehem is also a name spaceship on which in the distant past Jesus Christ flew and lived for some time in Lemuria.

Christianity and its origins in India and Nepal

The early teachings of Christianity were based on the law of karma and reincarnation. These exercises were prudently ruled out by the top Christian Church... All records of early teachings are kept in the library at the Vatican.

Probably many people know about early years Jesus Christ when he wandered the world. There is also the Tibetan Gospel, which says that Jesus lived in India and Nepal, where there are reports that Indian merchants in contact with Jerusalem saw Jesus in India.

It goes without saying that in India one of the teachings was the doctrine of reincarnation and karma. In the same place, Jesus received a teaching on activating his body of Light, Merkaba or DNA (what is usually called aura, about which we have already written on our portal in some detail).

The True Nature of Christ's Teachings

The essence of Christ's teaching is Love and this is one of the main teachings in more advanced civilizations, starting from the fourth dimension and above.

The fact that the fathers and founders of the Christian Church worship some kind of external God is due to the fact that the Roman Empire not only crucified Christ because of its ignorance, but also used his name to rule over the Jewish people and enslave other foreign states.

But of course this was in the past and everything will definitely change, including modern, most often very perverted Christianity, perhaps the activities of our portal will help this return to the true origins of many unjustifiably forgotten religions.

And of course esotericists who believe in this story note that Jesus was a Lemurian and is not an object of worship - this is one of our family, our ancestry. For example, you live in a family, and no one demands or asks to bow down, for example, to a brother or father, or a sister.

The family simply respects and loves each other, because it is love that is much more important than worship, even the Bible itself says that God is precisely love, purity and light from this love, and not something else.

Buddhism its origins

Buddhism as another main religion, as we know, is associated with Buddha Shakyamuni and his main teaching is the destruction of our suffering by distance or destruction of our desires that make us suffer.

I personally have no information about how Buddhism is connected with the civilization of Lemuria, because as the Buddha himself said, he has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, and one kalpa is about 40 billion years.

Hinduism its earliest origins

Here we can say about Hinduism, its origins go back to ancient civilizations. Since the Vedas say that their ancestors and spiritual teachers were several meters tall, and this was only possible during the ancient civilizations.

Mayan religious civilization

There are records that the Maya owes its development to the civilization of Lemuria, which considers the Lemurians to be their Teachers.

As many people know, the word Maya is translated as an illusion and the Mayans knew perfectly well the illusion of time and space. At one time they had a lot of gold, and when the conquerors came for this gold, all the inhabitants of the Mayan civilization simply disappeared somewhere, and no one knows where. It is believed that they are now in the 5th dimension, where the legendary Shambhala is.


We can say with a great deal of confidence that the human ancestry originates from the civilization of Lemuria.

We can also assume that most religions originate from Lemuria or Atlantis, from where the teachings of the priests of Lemuria or Atlantis passed from one civilization to another up to the present moment.

Each of us carries the seed of divinity inside, so to speak, our soul, inside our DNA and to connect with our divinity - this does not mean to see God from the outside, but to see or even better connect with him from the inside.

After all, all the wise world religions, before their perversion, believed that one can know God only within oneself and as a result of one's inner work, but not outside, in some strange ritual processions and other modern religious prejudices and zaboon.

Look for true faith and God within yourself!

Therefore we the only advice today, regardless of whether you believe in the existence of the mythical ancient civilization of Limuria and the life of the giants of the Limurians or not, our advice today is to pay less attention to the external aspects of faith and religion, and instead work more on inner search and self-development.

Look for the truest faith always within yourself, then quite quickly you yourself will be able to understand what is more important in this world and what is not, and, so to speak, separate the seeds of knowledge from the chaff of ignorance.

Helena Blavatsky assured that "the history of the primary Races is buried in the grave of time, not for the Initiated, but only for the ignorant science." In her "Secret Doctrine" she wrote that there were 5 races of people on the planet. The first - "self-born" - were angelic creatures 50-60 m in height, they had one eye (the one that we now call "the third") and multiplied by division. The second race - the "post-born" or "immortals" - were ghost-like creatures about 40 m high, also one-eyed, but reproducing by budding and spores. The third race, called "twofold", "androgyne" or "Lemurians", had a longer period of existence and the greatest variability within itself. Within this race, a separation of the sexes took place, bones appeared, the body became denser, and from four-armed and two-faced about 20 m in height, they turned into two-armed and one-faced, already smaller in size. Representatives of the fourth race, called Atlanteans, were two-handed and one-faced, about 6–8 m tall and had a dense body. The fifth race, the Aryan, is already us.

In contrast, almost no expeditions were sent to study Lemuria. Few studies have not found any convincing evidence of the existence of a large island or continent with an advanced civilization. And the famous theory of continental drift, proposed by the German geographer Alfred Wegener in 1912, excluded the idea of ​​sunken continents from scientific use. The hypothesis of the so-called uniformization prevailed, affirming the evolutionary, calm and, to a certain extent, monotonous nature of the development of our planet. The data on the geology and geomorphology of the bottom of the Indian Ocean, recognized by most scientists, did not allow the existence of significant land areas here.

But many enthusiasts did not let Lemuria "drown" completely. The hypothesis of large-scale cataclysms in the history of our planet has also revived. Many of the geologists in the 1950s-1960s also wrote about the fact that the Indian Ocean could once have been dry land. The Arabian Peninsula and Hindustan find their continuation within the bottom of the Indian Ocean. And therefore, as the famous Soviet geomorphologist O.K. Leontiev wrote, “obviously, it should be considered as a complexly constructed transitional area, formed as a result of intensive fragmentation and differentiated subsidence of the continental outskirts”. True, later Leontyev changed his point of view and abandoned this hypothesis.

Professor D.G. Panov in his book "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" writes: "Even at the beginning of the Quaternary period in the Atlantic Ocean, and possibly in other oceans, modern oceanic ridges were raised high above sea level, and among deep sea depressions in place the guyots distinguished many islands. Due to this, the oceans had an intricately dissected appearance and broke up into a number of separate seas, separated either by land bridges or by archipelagos of small islands.

New movements of the ocean floor, most likely associated with the general uplift of the continents, led to the revitalization of the ocean floor. Separate islands and the oceanic ridges began to sink. The old land was destroyed and went under the level of the ocean. In connection with this, the picture of the distribution of plants and animals has changed, and perhaps the settlement of peoples has also changed. " Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Belousov, in a number of his works devoted to the origin of continents and oceans, defended a similar point of view, according to which vast areas of land in the Pacific and Indian oceans went under water.

The first tangible evidence of ancient land on the site of the Indian Ocean was obtained by the Swedish research ship Albatross in 1947. A few hundred miles off the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka, he found a vast underwater plateau, which is solidified volcanic lava. During the eruption of a volcano (or volcanoes), lava filled the valleys that had not yet sunk. Perhaps this cataclysmic cataclysm coincided with the sinking of the kingdom of Kumari Nadu under the water.

1999 - A ship doing research in the Indian Ocean returned with interesting news. Researchers have found indirect evidence that a continent three times the size of modern Australia once sank there. Among the specimens found in the sediment were pollen and pieces of wood.

2013, end of February - a group of volcanologists, geologists and oceanologists made an incredible discovery: at the bottom of the Indian Ocean they found a whole continent that they could not find earlier. It turns out that he was simply not noticed under the islands of Mauritius, Reunion and Rodriguez. All of them belong to the Mascarene Islands and appeared as a result of volcanic activity. Mauritius is the oldest of these islands. It is about 10 million years old. Reunion and Rodriguez are younger - they are 2 million years old.

And the most interesting thing is that the Reunion is still being formed. It is home to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, one of the most active in the world. It is because of the relative youth of these islands that scientists did not expect to find something new near them. However, absolutely suddenly, the satellites discovered a strange anomaly in this area of ​​the World Ocean. The fact is that the thickness of the earth's crust here is more than 25 km, while in the oceans this value usually does not exceed 12 km. So geophysicists accidentally stumbled upon a huge lithospheric plate.

If the scientists' version is correct, then Atlantis, Hyperborea, Pacifida and Lemuria could actually have perished during tectonic catastrophes and were swallowed up by the ocean. According to a number of researchers, the most ancient intelligent inhabitants of the Earth could have lived there - the proto-civilization that died in the catastrophe. From there take roots and myths about Atlantis, the continent of Mu and other dead lands.

And here it is necessary, perhaps, to make one clarification. Both Atlantis and Hyperborea over the course of many centuries of human history were perceived as completely independent, albeit semi-mythical, objects. This is not the case with Lemuria and the Pacifis, also known as the continent of Mu. They are often identified, which creates a lot of confusion.

On the one hand, Lemuria and Pacifis could have previously formed a single continent, later split up and sunk. On the other hand, we already have so little information about these hypothetical lands that, probably, it is not necessary to arrange additional confusion of coordinates, quotes and concepts. Therefore, following the majority of researchers, we will locate Lemuria exclusively in the Indian Ocean. And now let's move on to the chronicles of the Pacifis, which was once spread over the vast expanses, which were called by various peoples either the South Sea or the Eastern Ocean. 1520 - the navigator from Portugal Fernand Magellan gave these sea expanses a paradoxical name - the Pacific Ocean.

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