Home Diseases and pests blue vitriol

blue vitriol

blue vitriol(copper sulfate, copper sulfate, food supplement E519)- inorganic compound, copper salt of sulfuric acid.

Physiochemical properties.

The formula of copper sulfate CuSo 4, the formula of copper sulfate CuSO 4 × 5H 2 O. Transparent hygroscopic triclinic crystals, bright blue. In air, it gradually disappears (loses water of crystallization). It has a nauseating metallic taste. Density: 2.284 g/cm3. Melting point: 1100°C.


The use of copper sulphate in the production of wine materials.

Copper sulfate is used to eliminate a defect in the taste or smell of wine materials. The maximum copper content in the product is 1.0 mg/l.

The use of copper sulfate in fish farms.

Copper sulphate is used to prevent infectious and parasitic diseases of fish. In particular, copper sulphate is used to disinfect fishing gear (nets, nonsense, nets, nets, etc.). Fishing gear is thoroughly washed from silt and fish mucus, cleaned of grass and other contaminants and dried. water.

Veterinary and sanitary rules for manufacturing plants sturgeon fish(beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon) regulate the use of copper sulfate. A complex of fish-breeding measures ensures the preservation of spawners, incubated eggs, reared larvae and juveniles.

In order to prevent the defeat of fish by diplostomosis, the bed of the ponds is dried, plowed; ponds are filled with water through sand and gravel filters; vegetation is mowed around the ponds, gulls - carriers of pathogens - are not allowed to accumulate, and mollusks are destroyed after the descent of the ponds.

For disinfestation of ponds, copper sulfate is used at the rate of 5 centners / ha.

The processing of ponds is carried out immediately after the end of rearing fish and draining the water. Before spring disinfestation, a provocative pour is carried out in the ponds. Such events are held annually.

The use of copper sulfate in electroplating.

Copper is one of the most common metals in electroplating. The copper coating is soft, reddish in color, quite ductile, and can be soldered well. In addition, copper is an excellent conductor of electricity. However, copper is rarely used for final coatings, as it quickly oxidizes under the action of atmospheric oxygen and, as a result, tarnishes.

The excellent leveling and opaque properties of copper make it ideal for use as a substrate prior to the deposition of other metals. In addition, due to its softness and ductility, copper is easily polished to a bright sheen, which makes it possible to obtain the same bright and shiny layer of another metal on it.

Copper is able to fill sharp-angled depressions and smooth out unwanted surface irregularities, allowing the base metal to be applied in a smooth, even layer. The leveling and opaque properties of copper make it possible to avoid the formation of pores and bubbles in the final coating.

As a metal substrate, copper (from a pyrophosphate electrolyte) can be deposited on aluminum, which, due to the presence of an oxide film, practically does not retain coatings of other metals deposited electrolytically. Copper is the only metal that can be deposited on the surface of zinc, lead, copper-lead and zinc die-cast products.

Copper plating in acidic electrolytes. In acidic electrolytes, copper is present in the form of divalent ions. Sulfate and fluoroborate electrolytes are most commonly used because they are stable in operation, have a high current efficiency (95-100%) and a high deposition rate. Electrolytes have a good leveling ability, especially in the presence of organic additives - derivatives of pyridine, hydrazine, and some dyes.

When using acidic electrolytes, it is not possible to obtain strongly adherent copper deposits directly on steel products due to the contact precipitation of copper. However, with the introduction of organic additives into such electrolytes, which inhibit the process of contact exchange, it is possible to obtain precipitates strongly adherent to steel. In industry, before copper plating of steel products in acidic electrolytes, a sublayer of nickel 0.3–0.5 µm thick is applied to them.

Electrolyte No. 1 - standard sulfate, with stirring with compressed air or mechanically, the cathode current density can be raised to 6-8 A / dm2. The quality and fineness of the precipitates obtained from this electrolyte increase with the introduction of 7-10 ml/l of ethyl alcohol.

Electrolyte No. 2 - used for the deposition of shiny copper coatings, has a leveling effect, requires high purity of the components.

Electrolyte No. 3 - used for the deposition of shiny coatings on parts of a simple configuration.

Copper plating in alkaline electrolytes.

Alkaline electrolytes can be divided into cyanide alkaline electrolytes and non-cyanide alkaline electrolytes. In non-cyanide alkaline electrolytes, copper sulfate is used.

From non-cyanic alkaline copper plating electrolytes most widespread received pyrophosphate electrolytes.

Electrolyte No. 1, the most commonly used in industry, requires a cathode to anode area ratio of 1:3 during operation. When coating steel, the parts should be immersed in the electrolyte under current, in addition, at the beginning of the electrolysis, a “current shock” should be given for 20-50 seconds.

Electrolyte No. 2 - used for copper plating of steel and zinc alloys.

Electrolyte No. 3 - used for preliminary copper plating of aluminum alloys.

Electrolyte No. 4 - used for direct copper plating of aluminum alloys.

In terms of scattering power, pyrophosphate electrolytes are not inferior to cyanide electrolytes. The microhardness and internal stresses of deposits obtained in these electrolytes do not differ significantly from those obtained in cyanide ones.

Disadvantages of pyrophosphate electrolytes are instability and insufficient adhesion of coatings obtained from them with steel. Most often used for applying copper to aluminum alloys, as well as in the metallization of dielectrics.

The use of copper sulphate in the systems of circulating water supply of industrial enterprises.

Any large industrial enterprise has heat engineering units and mechanisms for the normal operation of which heat removal is required. For example, compressed air compressors, supporting metal structures of melting and heating furnaces, etc. Water recycling systems industrial enterprises necessary for cooling stationary heat exchangers, machines and units in which cooling water does not boil at the heat exchange surface and water heating does not exceed 60 ° C when using fresh water sources and treated wastewater.

During operation, water intake wells and mesh chambers are overgrown with zebra mussel, mussels, etc. The processing of these structures is carried out with copper sulphate at the rate of 1-1.5 mg/l for copper. To convert the copper ion to a commercial product, the dose should be multiplied by 4. The frequency and duration of vitriol should be provided every two days for 1 hour.

Fighting water bloom in reservoirs (ponds) - coolers. The dose of copper sulphate is 0.1-0.5 mg/l, based on the volume of the upper layer of water in the reservoir with a thickness of 1-1.5 m or on the entire volume of water in the pond. The duration and frequency of treatment with copper sulphate is established empirically during operation.

Prevention of algae growth in cooling towers, spray pools and spray heat exchangers. The dose of copper sulfate is 1-2 mg / l. Duration 1 hour. The frequency of treatment with copper sulphate is 3-4 times a month.

The concentration of the copper sulfate solution in the solution tank should be 2-4%.

The use of copper sulphate for the protection of wooden structures.

The property of copper sulfate to inhibit the development of mold and fungi is found in wooden structures exposed to water.

For example, copper sulfate in combination with sodium bichromate is used to process wooden structures of river bridges. This increases the life of the bridge. And it is used in places where wood is a local building material.

To speed up the impregnation of wood, processing is carried out under pressure using special equipment. Exist various recipes preparation of the composition of impregnating solutions. According to one of them - the weight ratio of copper sulfate / sodium dichromate is 50/50.

The use of copper sulfate in animal husbandry in the treatment of fascioliasis.

Copper sulfate is used in animal husbandry to combat the disease fascioliasis (which has many folk names e.g. "liver bugs").

Fasciolasis - diseases of sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, horses, elks, bison, roe deer and other animals. In our country, they are caused by two types of fluke flukes - fasciola vulgaris and giant. Sheep, goats and cattle are especially seriously ill at a young age. Fascioliasis can also occur in humans.

In young cattle infected with fasciola, the average daily weight gain is lower by 10.4-11.2% compared to control animals. At the same time, 10.2-11.2% of feed units and 10.2-11.8% of digestible protein are overused to obtain 1 kg of weight gain in infected animals. The cost of 1 centner of weight gain obtained from animals infected with fasciola is 11.7-13.1% higher than that of control animals.

The amount of milk from sick cows, depending on the intensity of the invasion, decreases from 10-12 to 50% or more. Moreover, the milk of sick animals contains less fat, proteins and vitamins. Animals lose from 10 to 69% of their weight. The shearing of wool in sheep is reduced to 40%. In young cattle infected with fasciola, the average daily weight gain is 19.7% lower than in control animals.

Starting from 1953, research began to study the helminth fauna of animals and develop measures aimed at improving the farms that were unfavorable for fascioliasis, taking into account natural and economic conditions. Based on the study of the collected material on the helminth fauna of domestic animals and pigs and statistical data in the conditions of Ukraine, it was determined that fasciolosis of cattle and sheep is most common. Extensiveness of invasion of cattle ranges from 4 to 100%, in sheep - from 6.6 to 77.6% and is accompanied by the death of 12-38% of diseased animals. According to the 50s of the 20th century, cattle were infected with fasciola by 50%, sheep by 80 and sows by 20%.

For full development fasciola needs a number certain conditions: external environment (egg, miracidium), intermediate host - mollusk (sporocysts, redias and cercariae), then again external environment (cercariae and adolescariae) and definitive host-vertebrate animal (immature and sexually mature fascioli that secrete eggs). Thus, the external environment, intermediate and definitive hosts are the links of the epizootological chain. The loss of any link disrupts the biological cycle of fasciola, which prevents the appearance of an infectious principle in the external environment, and, consequently, the infection of animals. An important role belongs to freshwater molluscs - intermediate hosts of fasciola. 38 species of freshwater mollusks have been registered as intermediate hosts of fasciola. AT European countries the obligate (specific) intermediate host of common fasciola is the small pond snail (Galba truncatula).

To combat the small pond snail the best means for the extermination of molluscs are lime and copper sulfate.

Copper sulphate has long been a recognized limocide. Copper sulfate at a dilution of 1:50,000 kills all pond snails in 24 hours, and at a dilution of 1: 100,000 - within 1 hour. A solution of copper sulfate at a dilution of 1: 200,000 kills pond snails within 1 minute. Copper sulfate at a dilution of 1: 5,000 kills an average of 85% of molluscs. To create such a concentration, it is necessary to add 2 g of copper sulfate per 1 m 2 of area with an average depth of the upper soil layer saturated with water of 1 cm. With a slight pasture humidity, 5 liters of a solution of the same concentration per 1 m 2 of area is sufficient.

The effect of copper sulfate depends on the temperature and hardness of the water. At a temperature of 6 to 12 °, its effect is very insignificant, and only at a temperature of 18-20 ° and low water hardness can the desired result be obtained.

It is advisable to carry out the first treatment of mollusk biotopes at the end of May - beginning of June, the second - 3-4 weeks after the first, the third - at the end of July - August. Spring processing is considered the main one. It is recommended to introduce chemicals into biotopes manually and with the help of mechanical sprayers of various systems.

The use of copper sulfate against the disease of animals with ringworm (trichophytosis and microsporia).

Ringworm is a contagious, contagious disease of domestic animals caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Trichophyton Malmstem.

Cattle, horses, especially young animals, are susceptible to ringworm, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats are less likely to get sick. Among cats, the most common disease is microsporia, caused by fungi from the genus Microsporum Grubi. Dogs and horses are also susceptible to this disease, which must be borne in mind when making a diagnosis. Sick animals can be a source of infection for humans.

Infection occurs through direct contact of healthy animals with sick ones. In addition, scales, crusts and hair from the affected areas, as well as contaminated care items, are the source of infection.

Diagnosis of ringworm is based on clinical signs and confirmed microscopic examination hair, scales and crusts, taken by scraping from the periphery of the affected area of ​​the skin, not exposed to medicinal products. For the early detection of microsporia in cats and dogs, a luminescent diagnostic method is used.

When establishing the disease of animals with ringworm, the farm or part of it (farm, brigade) is declared unfavorable for the disease and the following measures are taken in it

a) in all animals susceptible to ringworm, the skin is carefully examined once every 5 days;

b) sick and suspicious animals are separated into separate groups and treated (cats with microsporia are to be destroyed). During the grazing period, sick animals are grazed in a separate group.

For the treatment of sick animals, a 20% solution of copper sulfate in ammonia is used.

Treatment of sick animals is carried out in a specially designated place. At the end of the treatment, the removed hair, crusts and cotton wool should be burned, the tools should be boiled, and the place where the animals were treated should be disinfected. The withdrawal of animals from disadvantaged ringworm groups is prohibited.

The use of copper sulphate against aspergillosis in birds.

Aspergillosis is a bird disease caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Aspergillus (mainly A. fumigatus), manifested by the development of the fungus in the respiratory apparatus - air sacs, lungs, less often trachea and bone air cavities. The disease affects turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons and wild birds. Young animals up to 1–1.5 months of age are especially susceptible. Apergillosis in young animals occurs in the form of enzootic.

Infection occurs through Airways. The sources of the disease are feed, litter, and other foci of this fungus that have developed indoors when sanitary and hygienic conditions are not observed.

The diagnosis is established by the clinical symptoms of the disease and on the basis of postmortem examination of dead birds. In case of difficulty, the diagnosis is confirmed by mycological examination of the affected organs. For diagnosing aspergillosis, the corpses of birds are sent to the veterinary laboratory, wrapped in parchment paper and packed in a dense, preferably metal container.

In order to prevent the disease of birds with aspergillosis, it is necessary:

a) strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic conditions of keeping and feeding,

b) prevent crowded keeping of birds and overcrowding in poultry houses;

c) in order to avoid the appearance of mold on grain intended for feeding to poultry, do not allow it to be moistened, use only conditioned, non-moldy grain for germination,

d) the eggs culled in the process of incubation fed to young animals of older ages should be thoroughly boiled for 30 minutes, and spoiled eggs should be destroyed,

e) use dry sand, peat or good-quality dry straw as bedding;

f) before laying eggs, disinfect the hatchery and incubators;

g) chickens obtained from incubators should be placed in completely isolated rooms, avoiding their contact with unfavorable livestock.

The use of copper sulphate against the disease of animals and birds with thrush.

Thrush is a disease caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans and is manifested by the presence of whitish deposits on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, goiter, tightly connected to the underlying tissue. There is also damage to the small intestine. Sources of infection are predominantly low-quality dairy products.

The most susceptible to thrush are young birds - turkey poults, chickens, in which the disease occurs in the form of enzootics. Calves, foals, piglets, puppies get sick less often.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of a clinical examination of patients, post-mortem examination and microscopy of pathological material taken from sick or dead birds (animals).

For research, the corpses of birds are sent to the veterinary laboratory, which are packed in a dense, preferably metal container. Scrapings from the affected areas of the mucosa (plaques, films) are taken into sterile or boiled dry test tubes and sent to them.

In order to prevent the disease of birds with thrush, the same preventive measures are carried out as with aspergillosis.

When thrush is established on the farm, a general inspection of animals and birds is carried out, and all identified sick and suspicious birds (animals) are placed in separate, dry, well-ventilated rooms and improve sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Patients with thrush are subjected to symptomatic treatment, the oral cavity is washed with weak disinfectant solutions. In order to prevent the disease of thrush, it is recommended to give the bird with drinking water within 3–4 days, a solution of copper sulfate at a dilution of 1: 2000–3000, using non-oxidizable (clay, glass, enamel) dishes. Severely ill young birds are slaughtered, and the carcasses are destroyed.

The use of copper sulphate against foot rot in sheep.

Foot rot - mostly chronic illness sheep less often than goats, manifested by inflammation of the skin of the interhoof gap, putrefactive decay of the horny tissue, exfoliation of the horn of the hooves and, as a result, lameness.

The causative agent of foot rot in sheep is Dichelobacter nodosus (previously called Bacteroides nodosus), a strict non-spore-forming Gram-negative anaerobe.

Adult animals of both sexes are susceptible, less often young animals after weaning (young lambs usually do not get sick). Sheep producers and samplers get sick more severely. Animals of all breeds get sick, but fine-fleeced sheep are usually sick more severely.

The source of the causative agent of infection is sick and recovered animals of bacteria carriers, in whose hooves the pathogen persists. long time. With them, in almost all cases, the pathogen is brought into a prosperous economy. Infection of animals occurs through indirect contact of sick sheep with healthy ones. Transmission factors are infected litter, floors of premises, soil of walking yards and pastures, manure, occasionally care items and footwear for attendants, and vehicles. The gateway for infection is the damaged skin of the interhoof gap. Hoof rot occurs more often in the form of epizootic outbreaks - when the pathogen enters a safe flock of sheep. At the same time, high contagiousness is noted with a rapid defeat of up to 50-90% of susceptible animals, then the disease takes on a stationary character with a lesion of up to 10-25% of the livestock. In addition to the presence of a pathogen, predisposing factors are very important for the development of the disease: high humidity at a positive temperature external environment, the presence of microtraumas, dirt, dampness, refurbishment of premises, lack of dry litter, hard coverings in walking yards, rare change of litter, rainy weather, damp, low-lying, swampy pastures, crowding of animals in winter period in damp rooms, etc. under which conditions are created for maceration of hoof tissues and for the penetration of the pathogen into them. Environmental factors cause the spread of hoof rot mainly in regions with heavy rainfall or waterlogged pastures and sometimes has a seasonal character - the number of sick animals increases in spring or autumn, although in general, in farms that are unfavorable for hoof rot, animals get sick all year round. The death of animals with foot rot, as a rule, is not observed, since malnourished sick animals are handed over for slaughter.

The disease begins with anxiety, the animal lifts and licks the affected limb. At the same time, an inflammatory process develops in the interhoof gap, characterized by reddening of the skin and hair loss. Then a transparent exudate appears on the surface of the skin, gradually turning into a grayish-white purulent plaque with a specific bad smell reminiscent of the smell of rotten cheese. In the future, the process passes to the horny tissue. The horny tissues of the inner walls of the hooves and soles become necrotic and melt to a gray-white creamy or cheesy state. The result is a detachment of the horn shoe, and in some cases - its complete collapse. Since this process is very painful, lameness develops, which is the main clinical sign of foot rot.

For the treatment of hooves, a 10-15% solution of copper sulfate is applied topically with an interval of 2-3 days. A solution of copper sulfate is used in the form of foot baths. The number of procedures is not limited. A solution of copper sulfate has a high penetrating power and does not destroy the tissues of the hooves. The activity of copper sulfate is greatly reduced in the presence of organic matter. When using copper sulphate, it must be borne in mind that the copper sulphate solution causes corrosion of metal baths, the ingestion of copper sulphate causes food poisoning, and the copper sulphate solution stains wool.

The farm (farm, flock) is considered free from foot rot 1 year after the last case of recovery or slaughter of sick sheep and final measures.

The use of copper sulfate for demercurization.

The use of copper sulphate is regulated by the rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for activities carried out during the liquidation of the consequences of metallic mercury spills.

For this, a 10% aqueous solution of copper sulphate is used. To prepare 1 liter of such a solution, 100 g of copper sulfate is required to be dissolved in 900 g of water. A 10% aqueous solution of copper sulfate is applied from the devices to the identified area of ​​​​infection with a consumption rate of 0.1-0.15 l / m 2

After 1 - 2 minutes of impregnation, a 10% aqueous solution of potassium iodide is applied to the same area with a consumption rate of 0.2 -0.3 l / m 2. As a result of the reaction, highly active demercurizing agents are formed, the interaction of which with mercury leads to the production of water-insoluble, low-toxic and non-decomposing under normal conditions to metallic mercury. chemical compounds. The iodine vapor released during the reaction between copper sulfate and potassium iodide is well absorbed by all surfaces, binding both sorbed mercury and its vapor. Copper iodide is formed on the surface treated with two initial solutions and dried, which, interacting with mercury, makes it possible to visually determine the places where mercury accumulates. A surface not contaminated with mercury, after drying, has a pale pink coloration of a mixture of salts. The surface in places where mercury accumulates acquires a reddish-brown color. The exposure ranges from 1-3 days (in direct contact with mercury) and up to 5-10 days (in contact only with the vapor phase of mercury). In rooms with mercury-resistant floor coverings (linoleum, granite, reinforced concrete, tile), a one-time treatment is sufficient. On the final stage demercurization work is carried out a thorough cleaning. A feature of demercurization works on a floor made of varnished parquet boards is the obligatory excavation of parquet slots with a flat knife with a sharp end of mercury-containing dirt.

The use of copper sulphate in the extraction of gold from technogenic raw materials and wretched gold-bearing ores.

The need for a constant increase in gold production over the years has led to the formation huge amount waste in the form of dumps and tailings. It is known that they contain a certain amount of valuable minerals, which are classified as inevitable losses due to the imperfection of technology and technology.

Currently, the technology of the agglomeration flocculation process is used and the waste is converted into revenue. Reagents for hydrophobization consist of such chemical compounds: copper sulphate, xanthogen, captax. The ratio of these chemical compounds is selected based on the composition of the raw materials. Consumption 40-100 grams of copper sulfate per ton of raw materials.

The efficiency of the sintering flocculation process for natural and technogenic raw materials (the content in the initial sample is 0.3 g/t) makes it possible to obtain a concentrate with a content of 7 g/t. This concentration allows further extraction of gold according to the traditional technological scheme.

The use of copper sulphate in primers.

Primers are compositions that include pigments, fillers and binders, which differ from painting compositions with a lower content of pigments. The purpose of the primer is to equalize the “pulling” ability of the surface, make its porosity the same, and increase the adhesion of the paint layer to the surface to be painted.

To fix previously painted surfaces, a copper-vitriol liquid primer, called "grass", is used. With the help of this primer, it is possible to “etch” contaminated surfaces in such a way that they do not require additional processing, unless, of course, the raw nabels are thin and strong enough to be painted without cleaning off.

Copper vitriol liquid primer, kg: copper sulfate - 0.2-0.3; animal glue (carpentry) - 0.2; laundry soap (40%) - 0.25; water - up to 10 liters. First prepare a 10% adhesive solution; then mix it with pre-dissolved soap. Separately dissolve vitriol and pour it into a mixture of glue and soap. Water is added up to 10 l and everything is thoroughly mixed.

The use of copper sulphate in soldering metals.

For soldering copper parts, tin is most often used, but such solder has one drawback: in soldering places, tin is ugly distinguished by a white spot or a white stripe against the copper background of the soldered parts. To eliminate this drawback, the following simple technique is recommended: the solder points are covered with a saturated solution of copper sulphate, for which 10 parts of vitriol are dissolved in 35 parts of water and the coated parts of the solder are rubbed, then the solder is copper-plated with an iron wire and in this way, after which the solder is re-coated with a solution of 1 parts of saturated copper vitriol and 2 parts of saturated zinc sulfate and rub this coating with a zinc stick. The soldering points treated in this way can be polished and then the protruding parts of the tin solder merge perfectly with the copper tone of the soldered parts.

Copper sulphate can be used as a means of repelling hares.

To protect against hares, take 30 gr. naphthalene, 350 gr. laundry soap, 40 gr. turpentine, 200 gr. vegetable oil, 10 gr. Copper sulfate and 1 l. water. Everything is mixed, after leaf fall in the fall, boles and bases of skeletal branches are coated with this mixture.

The use of copper sulfate as a fertilizer.

Apply copper sulfate 1 time in 5-6 years in early spring or in autumn (it is an alternative to pyrite cinder), consumption 1 g / 1 m 2. Before this, it is necessary to grind well and mix with the ground.

For foliar feeding of vegetative plants, the dose is 1-2 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Consumption of copper sulfate:

One teaspoon contains 6 g.

Crop: Apple, Pear, Quince Pest: scab, phyllosticosis and other spotting, moniliosis, desiccation Consumption of the preparation: 100 g per 10 l of water Consumption of the working solution: early spring spraying before bud break 2-5 l per tree.

Culture: Apricot, Peach, Plum, Cherry, Cherry Pest: clasterosporosis, coccomycosis and other spotting, moniliosis, curliness Consumption of the drug: 50-100 g per 10 l of water Consumption of the working solution: early spring spraying before bud break 2-5 l per tree .

Culture: Gooseberry, Currant Pest: anthracnose, septoria and other blotches Drug consumption: 50-100 g per 10 liters of water Working solution consumption: early spring spraying before bud break up to 1.5 liters per bush.

The use of copper sulphate against insect pests and plant diseases (anthracnose, septoria, spotting, phyllosticosis, rot).

1. For early spring spraying before bud break against fungal diseases: scab, black cancer, fruit rot, cytosporosis, septosporosis, brown leaf spot, apple anthracnose, pear, ornamental and other plum pocket, diseases on cherry peach leaf curl. Consumption: 100 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

2. For disinfection by immersing in a solution of copper sulphate for 3 minutes, followed by abundant washing with water: roots of seedlings after removal of growths of root bacterial cancer of gooseberry cuttings, currants of raspberry offspring against anthracnose, powdery mildew of strawberry (strawberry) whiskers against powdery mildew aerial parts of gooseberries, currants after pruning of diseased parts against powdery American dew. Consumption: 100 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

3. For soil disinfection by watering against diseases: black cabbage leg, gray tomato and white rot of Fusarium tomato or yellowness of cabbage, radish, turnip, swede. Consumption: 5 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

4. For wound disinfection fruit trees. For disinfection of wounds in fruit, an aqueous solution is prepared at the rate of 100 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. To combat root bacterial cancer in fruit and roses, root immersion is used after removing growths for 2-3 minutes in a 1% solution, followed by washing them with water.

5. For spraying before planting: potato tubers against late blight. Consumption: 2 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. The use of this technique in the fight against diseases and pests is permissible only if the potatoes are sorted out, the tubers are dry, without signs of disease. You should not expect an increase in germination from dressing if there are rotten and injured tubers in the batch. On the contrary, their treatment contributes to a sharp increase in the development of rot, especially after planting in waterlogged or insufficiently warmed soil, and leads to a decrease in the germination of potatoes. The preparations recommended for disinfection, as a rule, do not affect the infection inside the tuber, and their additional wetting with working solutions of disinfectants only favors its manifestation.

6. For spraying during the growing season (development): late blight of tomato, potato. Consumption: 20 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

7. To combat scab of gladiolus, iris, freesia, dahlia, delphinium. In the fall, after digging the soil, it is good to shed the gladiolus ridges with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 200 g per 1 sq.m or simply sprinkle copper sulfate over the surface of the dug up soil. In late May or early June, it is good to treat plants by leaves: 2 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

8. To increase the yield of planting material and its stability against adverse environmental factors, pre-sowing seed treatment: European spruce - a solution of copper sulphate 0.005-0.02%; Scotch pine - a solution of sulfuric acid copper 0.01%. The volume of the solution should exceed the volume of seeds by 3-4 times. The seeds are soaked in the solution for 12-18 hours. The treated seeds are slightly dried in the air in the shade to a state of flowability and immediately sown.

Recipes using copper sulfate in growing plants.

1 tbsp for 10 l + 1 tbsp. soap - spray with brown spot or leaf mold of tomatoes, seedlings of cabbage with downy mildew, repeat 20 days after planting the seedlings in the ground.

potatoes before budding from late blight and black leg 2 buckets per 100 m2 - 1 tsp + 3 tbsp. ash per 0.5 l of water - moisten the stems of cucumbers with a brush from the root rot of the cucumber.

1 tsp + 1 tbsp. ash - pour on sore spots with gray rot of cucumbers.

1 tbsp per 10 l - tillage before planting garlic and onions from fusarium - pickling garlic before planting from a bacterial disease.

100g per 10l - peach before flowering from leaf curl, repeat after 10 days.

soap-copper emulsion from powdery mildew (150 g of soap + 20 g of copper sulfate). They take laundry soap, rub it on a grater with large holes. Spraying of plants should be repeated immediately after flowering 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Safety precautions when using copper sulphate.

When working, observe General requirements safety and personal hygiene rules, use gloves, goggles, a Petal respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage. After work, wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

The procedure for poisoning with copper sulphate:

1. In case of contact with the skin, rinse the contaminated area with water.

2. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately large quantity water and consult a doctor for advice (it is advisable to have recommendations for use with you).

3. In case of accidental ingestion, signs of poisoning appear: nausea, salivation, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain - urgently call a doctor or take the patient to a doctor.

4. Before the doctor - rinse your mouth with water after vomiting. Do not use castor oil as a laxative and emetic!


Copper sulphate is obtained in industry by dissolving copper and copper waste in dilute sulfuric acid while blowing with air.

Copper sulphate is freely sold in garden stores. Many gardeners resort to its use, as a rule, with the beginning of the spring season. Consider how to use copper sulfate - properties, goals and objectives of the application.

Copper sulphate - Description of the appearance and inherent properties of vitriol

The drug looks like crystals with an azure blue tint. There is no smell and taste, although the composition includes about twenty-four percent copper. Due to this feature, the substance has several more names - copper sulfate, copper sulfate. The powder substance is perfectly diluted with water, alcohol, concentrated hydrochloric acid. Vitriol is not considered combustible, on outdoors has the ability to gradually weather. The scope of the drug is quite extensive, one of the directions is the use of vitriol in horticulture and agriculture.

Properties, main goals and objectives of the use of copper sulfate

How to use copper sulfate and for which plants

In order to avoid negative manifestations in the process of using copper sulfate, it is necessary first of all to carefully study the accompanying instructions. It is there that you will find all the details, how much and in what cases the composition of copper should be applied. After all, the effect of vitriol on a particular plant should be moderate, according to the recommendations and dosages.

For example, you wished to process a pear, an apple tree or a quince from scab, drying out and various spotted manifestations. To do this, you need to measure exactly one hundred grams of the drug in a ten-liter bucket of water. Spray the trees with the prepared solution at the rate of two to three liters each. The procedure is performed until the opening of the kidneys and the formation of leaves. In the same way, you can process a cherry tree, sweet cherry, apricot or plum.

Shrub species (, and others) must be treated for septoria and other spotting formations. About one and a half liters of solution is consumed for each bush.

If you are working with seedlings of bushes or berry plants, they root system can be immersed in a vitriol solution for prevention. After that, the soaked areas of the plant must be thoroughly rinsed and can be planted in the ground. The solution for this procedure is prepared at the rate of 10 g of the drug per liter of water.

For the purpose of the fertilizing effect, copper sulphate is allowed to be used in very small doses. This is only one gram of the drug for each square of the plot. In peatlands, this procedure is carried out with the beginning of spring or at the end of the autumn season once every five years. The powder granules must first be crushed and mixed with a small amount of soil.

Remember that a solution of copper sulfate is prepared in a special non-metallic container. In this case, the volumes should be prepared only for direct use, the drug is not diluted for storage.

Thus, you always have the opportunity to purchase and apply a good protective agent for your gardens and orchards.


Many living organisms are capable of causing serious damage to humans, domestic animals, plants, as well as destroying non-metallic, metallic materials and products made from them.

Of the numerous methods of plant protection, the most important is the chemical method - the use of chemical compounds that destroy harmful organisms. chemical method it is also effective for protecting various materials and products from them from biological damage. AT recent times Pesticides have been widely used in the fight against various pests.

Pesticides (lat. pestis - infection and lat. caedo - kill) - chemicals used to combat harmful organisms.

Pesticides combine the following groups of such substances: herbicides that destroy weeds, insecticides that destroy insect pests, fungicides that destroy pathogenic fungi, zoocides that destroy harmful warm-blooded animals, etc.

Most pesticides are poisons that poison the target organisms, they also include sterilizers (substances that cause infertility) and growth inhibitors.

2.1 Copper sulfate and its properties

Copper sulfate CuSO 4 crystallizes from aqueous solutions copper sulfate and is a bright blue crystals of the triclinic system with lattice parameters. Density 2.29 g/cm3.

When heated above 105°C, it melts with the loss of part of the water of crystallization and passes CuSO 4 . 3H 2 O ( blue color) and CuSO 4 H 2 O ( white color). Completely dehydrated at 258°C. Under the action of dry NH 3 on CuSO 4, CuSO 4 5NH 3 is formed, which exchanges NH 3 for H 2 O in moist air. With alkali metal sulfates, CuSO 4 forms double salts of the Me 2 SO 4 CuSO 4 6H 2 O type, colored greenish.

In industry, copper sulfate is obtained by dissolving metallic copper in heated dilute H 2 SO 4 while blowing air: Cu + H 2 SO 4 + ½O 2 \u003d CuSO 4 + H 2 O. It is also a by-product of the electrolytic refining of copper.

Copper sulphate is the most important technical salt of copper. It is used in the production of mineral paints, impregnation of wood, for the control of pests and plant diseases in agriculture, for the treatment of grain, for dressing leather, in medicine, in galvanic cells; serves as a starting product for obtaining other copper compounds.

Copper sulfate (copper sulfate) CuSO 4 - colorless crystals 3.64 g / cm3. When heated, they dissociate: CuSO 4 \u003d CuO + SO 2 + ½O 2 with the formation of the main sulfate CuO CuSO 4 as an intermediate product. At 766°C, the dissociation pressure of CuSO 4 reaches 287 mm. rt. column, and CuO CuSO 4 - 84 mm. rt. pillar. The solubility of CuSO 4 in grams per 100 g of water is: 14 (0°C); 23.05 (25°С); 73.6 (100°С). In the presence of free H 2 SO 4 solubility decreases. At pH 5.4-6.9 CuSO 4 is hydrolyzed to form basic salts. CuSO 4 is very hygroscopic, therefore it is used as a drying agent; when adding water, it turns blue, which is sometimes used to detect water in alcohol, ether, and others.

When heated, copper sulfate loses water and turns into a gray powder. If, after cooling, a few drops of water are dropped on it, the powder will turn blue again.

2.2 Ferrous vitriol and its properties

Ferrous sulfate (2)

The systematic name of Iron 2 is tetraoxociosulfate.

Physical properties: crystalline state, molar mass 151.932 g / mol, density - 1.898 g / cm3

Ferrous sulfate (2), iron (2) sulfate-inorganic binary compound, iron salt of sulfuric acid with the formula FeSO 4. FeSO 4 ∙H 2 O heptahydrate is trivially called iron vitriol. Crystalline hydrates are hygroscopic transparent crystals of light bluish-green color, colorless FeSO 4 ∙H 2 O monohydrate (tar kit). The taste is strongly astringent, ferruginous (metallic). In the air they gradually disappear (lose water of crystallization). Ferrous sulfate (‖) is highly soluble in water. A bluish-green heptahydrate crystallizes from aqueous solutions. The toxicity of iron sulphate is relatively low.

It is used in the textile industry, in agriculture as a fungicide, for the preparation of mineral paints.


Ferrous sulfate will stand out at temperatures from 1.82˚C to 56.8˚C from aqueous solutions in the form of light green crystals of FeSO 4 ∙7H 2 O crystalline hydrate, which is called ferrous sulfate in technology. Dissolves in 100 g of water: 26.6 g of anhydrous FeSO 4 at 20˚C and 54.4 at 56˚C.

Solutions of ferrous sulfate (‖) under the action of atmospheric oxygen gradually oxidize, turning into ferrous sulfate (׀׀׀):

12FeSO 4 + 3O 2 + 6H 2 O → 4 Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 + Fe (OH) 3 ↓

When heated above 480˚C, it decomposes:

2FeSO 4 → Fe 2 O 3 + SO 2 + SO 3


Iron vitriol can be prepared by the action of dilute sulfuric acid on scrap iron, shavings of roofing iron, etc. In industry, it is obtained as a by-product in the pickling of iron sheets, wire, descaling, etc. diluted H 2 SO 4 .

Fe + H 2 SO 4 → FeSO 4 + H 2

Another way is oxidative roasting of pyrite:

FeS 2 +3 O 2 → FeSO 4 + SO 2

It is used in the production of ink, in dyeing (for dyeing wool black), and for preserving wood.

2.3 Bordeaux liquid (copper sulfate + calcium hydroxide)

Chemical formula СuSO 4 3Cu(OH) 2

Bordeaux liquid, Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate + calcium hydroxide) - pesticide, protective contact fungicide and bactericide. In high doses, it has an eradicating effect on dormant forms of plant pathogens. It is used for early spring treatments of orchards, for vineyards, berry fields by spraying.

Physiochemical properties

Bordeaux mixture - basic copper sulphate with an admixture of gypsum. A properly prepared suspension is quite stable, has good adhesion, retention on the surface of plants and high fungicidal activity. This is a blue liquid, which is a suspension of colloidal particles of the active substance - metallic copper. A properly prepared preparation should have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. A strongly alkaline preparation is poorly retained on the surface of plants, and a strongly acidic phytocide. The reaction of the solution is established by immersing an iron wire or a nail in it: in an acidic environment, copper deposits appear on them, and in this case it is necessary to add lime milk to the solution. To increase the adhesion properties, liquid glass (silicate glue), casein glue, molasses, sugar, skimmed milk, eggs and synthetic surfactants are sometimes added to Bordeaux liquid.

Bordeaux mixture is made from blue vitriol and lime. We present the physicochemical properties of each of these substances.

СuSO 2 - copper (II) sulfate. The substance is white, very hygroscopic, low melting point, decomposes when heated strongly. CuSO 4 3H 2 O crystalline hydrate (chalcanthite, copper sulfate) has the structure [Сu(H 2 O) 4 ]SO 4 H 4 O.

It is highly soluble in water (cation hydrolysis). Reacts with ammonia hydrate, alkalis, active metals, hydrogen sulfide. It enters into reactions of complex formation and exchange.

Physical characteristics of CuSO 4

Molecular weight 159.6 g/mol;

Melting point ~ 200 °C;

Relative density 3.603g/cm3 (at room temperature).

Ca (OH) 2 - calcium hydroxide, slaked lime. The substance is white, decomposes without melting when heated. It is poorly soluble in water (a dilute alkaline solution is formed). Reacts with acids, exhibits basic properties. Absorbs CO 2 from the air.

Physical characteristics Ca(OH) 2

Molecular weight 74.09 g/mol;

Relative density 2.08 g/cm3 (at room temperature).

Action on harmful organisms

The fungicidal action of Bordeaux liquid is due to the fact that during hydrolysis under the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide, secretions of fungi and plants, the basic salt of copper sulfate decomposes and releases copper sulfate in small quantities:

CuSO 4 Cu(OH) 2 + H 2 O + 3CO 2 → CuSO 4 + 3CuCO 3 + 4H 2 O

If this process is intensive (at high humidity and temperature), then the protective effect of the fungicide will be short-lived, and damage to plants is possible.

The deadline for processing most crops ends 15 days before harvesting, melons - 5 days, tomato - 8 days before harvesting, subject to careful sprinkling during harvesting.

Bordeaux liquid is one of the universal fungicides with the longest protective effect (up to 30 days). In almost all cases, it has a stimulating effect on plants. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the period of its use. Best results are obtained from treatments shortly before infection. According to other literature data, it is more expedient to use the drug in the late autumn period and at the beginning of bud break. In these cases, it has almost no negative effect on the protected crop (lower phytotoxicity).

When plants are treated with Bordeaux liquid, basic copper sulfate precipitates in the form of a gelatinous precipitate, which adheres well to the leaves and covers them and the fruits of the plants with a protective layer. In terms of retention on leaves, Bordeaux liquid ranks first among fungicides. It has repellent properties for many insects.

Mechanism of action.

The biological properties of copper-containing preparations are determined by the ability of copper ions to actively react with lipoprotein and enzyme complexes of living cells, causing irreversible changes (coagulation) of the protoplasm. Copper ions entering the pathogen cells in a sufficiently high concentration interact with various enzymes that contain carboxyl, imidazole and thiol groups and suppress their activity. In this case, first of all, the processes included in the respiratory cycle are inhibited. They also cause nonspecific protein denaturation. Their selectivity with respect to beneficial organisms depends on the amount of copper ions that enter the cells and accumulate in them. Conidia and spores of fungi that germinate on the surface of plants in a drop of water are able to concentrate copper ions inside their cells, creating a concentration 100 or more times higher than in plant cells or outside.

Bordeaux mixture for many insects has repellent properties.

sustainable species.

Bordeaux mixture is not effective against shag and tobacco downy mildew, as well as against powdery mildew.

insecticidal and acaricidal properties. Bordeaux mixture for many insects has repellent properties.

Suppresses psyllids on potatoes. Shows ovicidal action.


Bordeaux liquid in terms of adhesion and retention on the surface of plants ranks first among protective fungicides. However, due to the high consumption of copper sulfate, the difficulty of preparation, and the possibility of damage to plants, this fungicide is replaced with copper oxychloride and organic preparations.

Registered preparations based on the Bordeaux mixture are approved for use in agricultural and personal subsidiary plots against diseases of sugar beet, fodder beet, table beet (cercosporosis), onion (peronosporosis), apricot, peach, plum, cherry, sweet cherry (coccomycosis, curliness, moniliosis), gooseberry (anthracnose, rust, septoria), etc.

Bordeaux liquid must not be mixed with organophosphate insecticides and other preparations that decompose in an alkaline environment.

Phytotoxicity: On the surface of plants in the presence of drop-liquid moisture, particles of basic copper sulphate are slowly hydrolyzed, and copper ions enter the water in a relatively small amount. At the same time, the risk of plant burns is significantly reduced. Such burns occur only with a significant increase in concentration, poor quality Bordeaux mixture, increased precipitation after processing, or acidic air pollution. Also, with improper preparation of the drug, growth inhibition and the appearance of a "net" on the leaves and fruits are possible.

The drug causes grinding of sweet cherry fruits with an increase in the content of sugars and dry matter, the formation of a "net" on the fruits and leaves of copper-sensitive apple varieties, "burns" the leaves and reduces the survival rate of budding due to drying of the rootstock bark. Heavy rainfall contributes to damage. Phytocidal activity also increases with the age of trees. On the Daibera black cherry variety, with sharp fluctuations in temperature and drought, Bordeaux liquid contributed to the summer leaf fall and the oppression of trees.

Toxicological properties and characteristics

Entomophages and beneficial species. The drug has low toxicity for bees, however, it is better to isolate the bees for the period of crop treatment and in the next 5 hours to one day. Quite toxic to the predatory mite Anistis (when applied at a concentration of 0.09%, its number on blackcurrant decreased by 3-4 times). Slightly toxic to Encyrtids and moderately toxic to Trichogrammatids. At a concentration of 1%, it has low toxicity for Encarsia puparia. The period of residual action for adults is not more than a day. Moderately toxic to Creptolemus.

The mixture is not poisonous to other predatory mites, coccinellids, larvae and adults of lacewings, predatory gall midges and Hymenoptera such as aphenylids, pteromalids, their neumonids.

Warm-blooded. Bordeaux liquid has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and humans. According to other literary sources, the drug for warm-blooded animals is moderately toxic: oral LD50 for mice 43 mg/kg, for rats 520 mg/kg. The concentrated drug irritates the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of poisoning

Eating fruits for the first time days after treatment with preparations containing copper sulfate causes nausea and vomiting.

Solution preparation

Bordeaux mixture is obtained by mixing a solution of copper sulfate with a suspension of quicklime. The quality of the prepared mixture depends on the ratio of components, the quality of quicklime and the preparation procedure. High quality is ensured when the ratio of components is 1:1 or 4:3 and the reaction proceeds in an alkaline environment. Preparation consists in slowly pouring a solution of copper sulfate in a small stream into a suspension of lime. Constant stirring is required. The resulting dark blue liquid should resemble diluted jelly.

If this process is disturbed, the content of copper hydroxide in the mixture increases, which oxidizes on the surface to insoluble copper oxide, and the number of large (up to 10 microns) particles increases, which reduces the stability and adhesion of the drug. The laboriousness of preparation and the need for equipment for this are the disadvantages of the Bordeaux mixture.

To prepare 100 liters of a 1% preparation, take 1 kg of copper sulfate and 0.75 kg of quicklime (if the lime is of poor quality, up to 1 kg). Copper sulphate is dissolved in a small volume of hot water and brought to 90 liters with water. Quicklime is quenched by adding water to it until a creamy mass is formed, and then milk of lime, the volume of which is also adjusted with water to 10 liters. Lime milk is poured with constant stirring to a solution of copper sulphate. With this recipe, it is also allowed to add a solution of copper sulphate to lime milk, however, strong solutions of these components should not be mixed, and a strong solution of copper sulphate should not be poured into a weak solution of lime milk. In these cases, spherical crystals of basic copper sulphate are formed, which are easily washed off from plants by precipitation. A similar phenomenon is observed with the aging of the drug.

For the preparation of Bordeaux liquid, containers made of materials subject to corrosion cannot be used.

Bordeaux mixture is prepared immediately before use and only in the required concentration. Do not dilute the prepared solution with water, as in this case it will quickly delaminate. At long-term storage aggregation of Bordeaux mixture particles occurs, causing their precipitation and poor retention on plants.

Today, manufacturers offer Bordeaux mixture in powder form. It is prepared by complete neutralization of copper sulfate with slaked lime, dried and micronized. Due to the special fineness of the particles, the working composition has maximum adhesion, and the resulting suspension is very stable.

- transparent hygroscopic crystals of a triclinic form, bright blue color. It is a blue copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. Well soluble in water concentrated solutions of hydrochloric acid, diluted alcohol, poorly soluble in ethanol. In air, it gradually disappears (loses water of crystallization). It has a nauseating metallic taste.
Density: 2.284 g/cm³. Melting point: 1100°C.

In nature, copper sulfate can occur in the form of minerals: chalcokyanite, chalcanthite, butite, etc.
In industry, copper sulfate is obtained by dissolving copper in heated dilute sulfuric acid while blowing air or as a by-product of the electrolytic refining of copper.

Chemical formula: CuSO 4 .5H 2 O.

The use of copper sulfate (copper sulfate).
It is mainly used to obtain various copper compounds, including copper hydroxide.
Also used in laboratories for the dehydration of alcohols, used in the manufacture of mineral varnishes and paints, acetate fibers.
Copper sulphate is used in the production of mineral paints, wood impregnation.
In agriculture, it is used for various purposes.
Most importantly, it is the oldest and most effective fungicide that is designed for spraying fruit and berries. ornamental trees and shrubs from scab, moniliosis, anthracnose and other diseases in early spring before bud break, as well as for disinfecting wounds in fruit trees. And in solutions of copper sulphate, the seeds are treated before sowing to destroy the spores of mold fungi on the seeds. Can be used as a rabbit deterrent.
Copper sulphate also achieved great success in construction, preventing rotting of wooden structures. Well removes rust stains from the surface after leaks and salt release on concrete surfaces.
It is also used for ore dressing during flotation, in the production of double-sided printed circuit boards, in the processes of galvanic and chemical copper plating.
AT Food Industry copper sulfate (food additive E519), a preservative and emulsifier, is used as a paint fixative.
It is used in electroplating when coating metal products with copper.

Physical and chemical parameters of copper sulphate grades A and B (GOST 19347-99) and fine copper sulphate (TU 2141-100-00194429-2003):
Name of indicator Norm for brand and variety
Grade A Mark B Finely dispersed copper sulphate*
Top grade First grade Top grade First grade Second grade
Mass fraction of copper sulfate,%:
in terms of CuSO 4 .5H 2 O, not less than
in terms of copper, not less than






Mass fraction of iron, no more 0,02 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,1 0,04
Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, no more 0,20 0,25 0,20 0,25 0,25 0,25
Mass fraction of water-insoluble residue, not more than 0,03 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,1 1,05
Mass fraction of arsenic, no more 0,002 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,028 0,012
Note: * - in finely dispersed copper sulphate, the content of a fraction finer than 0.63 mm is at least 95%.

Safety requirements for copper sulphate GOST 19347-99
Copper sulphate is non-combustible, fire and explosion-proof, according to the degree of impact on the body, it belongs to substances of the 2nd hazard class. The maximum permissible concentration of copper sulfate dust in terms of copper in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 0.5 mg / m³.

Degree of toxicity 3
Main properties and types of danger
Basic properties Blue crystalline powder. Hygroscopic.
Explosion and fire hazard Copper sulphate is non-combustible, fire and explosion-proof. May decompose when heated to form toxic gases. Containers may explode when heated.
The premises must be equipped with ventilation.
Human danger Once in the human body, it causes gastrointestinal disorders.
Harmful by inhalation, ingestion, eye contact. Cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, palpitations, in severe cases - loss of consciousness. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, skin redness, pain, swelling, redness, watery eyes.
In case of fire, burns are possible. Contact with hot food may result in thermal burns.
Individual protection means Protective overall suit L-1 or L-2 complete with an industrial gas mask with cartridges A, B.
Oil and petrol resistant gloves, overalls, safety shoes, protective equipment, "Petal" respirator or cotton-gauze bandage.
In case of fire - fire-retardant suit.
Necessary actions in emergency situations
General Take the wagon to a safe place. Isolate the danger zone within a radius of at least 50 m. Adjust the indicated distance according to the results of chemical reconnaissance. Remove strangers. Enter the danger zone in protective equipment.
Comply with measures fire safety. Do not smoke! Eliminate sources of fire and sparks.
Provide first aid to the injured.
In case of leakage, spill and placer Report to CSEN. Do not touch spilled substance. Spills should be protected with an earthen rampart, covered with inert material, collected in containers. Do not allow the substance to enter waterways, basements, sewers.
In case of fire Call the fire brigade.
Recommended extinguishing media are water, foam extinguishers and sand.
Neutralization Cover with sand or other inert material. Call experts for neutralization.
First aid measures summon ambulance. Fresh air, warmth, peace, clean clothes. Rinse skin and mucous membranes with water.

Packing, transportation and storage.
Copper sulphate for industry is packed in wooden barrels, plywood drums, wooden or plywood boxes with polyethylene film liners, in multilayer paper, laminated, polyethylene or polypropylene woven bags with polyethylene film liners, weighing no more than 50 kg or 25 kg (TU 2297- 149-00194429-01). It is allowed to pack the product in flexible "big-bag" containers of 1000 kg and 1250 kg.
Copper sulfate is transported by rail indoor vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods, by car in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in force in road transport, by water transport - with the placement of containers on deck or in deckless ships. The product packed in specialized metal containers is transported by railway in gondola cars or by road. Transportation of the packaged product is carried out by small carload shipments.
Copper sulphate, packed in barrels, drums, boxes and bags, is stored in closed warehouses; packed in containers - at container sites. Keep away from moisture.
Guaranteed shelf life - two years from the date of manufacture.

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