Home Diseases and pests What does each color mean. Blue in psychology. Blue color - meaning in psychology

What does each color mean. Blue in psychology. Blue color - meaning in psychology

Today you can hear at evenings women discussing outfits - who has what color. Someone fits the eyes, someone slims, someone fat. Remember the knightly novels, they describe in great detail the coats of arms of barons, dukes, what color is done. Colors indicate social status, nationality, wealth, merit. They especially love red or purple, it meant royalty. What does red symbolize in Russia? We have red flags for the holiday, red lines and calendar days.

In some peoples, by the colors in clothes, one can determine the caste of a person, trainers personal growth argue that subconsciously we ourselves determine our caste and choose clothes based on it.

What does red mean

Thousands of interpretations can be found in Russia. Through red on the stage, they show passion and energy, meant young active people who know how to make money. A girl in a red dress automatically attracts attention, energy and a hot character are expected from her.

Red means a holiday, it is not for nothing that we exist. Our ancestors used the words red and beautiful as synonyms, remember the expressions "red sun", "red maiden". Also, this color symbolizes love, because what color is the card in the shape of a heart for Valentine's Day? Exactly - red! And the beloved, as a rule, are given red roses!

Russian flag

Everyone saw him, even those who live in another country. Among the colors there is red. Colors are not interpreted in different ways. There are various jokes that the name of the legendary KGB organization is encrypted in the colors - red, blue, white. These colors are not officially interpreted anywhere. But there are at least three well-established opinions. According to the first, red means the statehood of our Fatherland, white means freedom and independence, and blue is the color of the Mother of God. According to the second opinion, the colors of the flag mean the unity of the three branches of one people. Red means Great Russia, blue - Little Russia and white - Belarus. According to the third opinion, red is, again, the energy, power of the state and the blood that was shed in numerous wars.

Sometimes they are surprised. Previously, red was the color of kings, and in the twentieth century it became the color of revolution, freedom and blood. Remember the flag October revolution, it is red, and blood flowed like a river for this flag. Again, I recall the anecdote where Chapaev put on a red shirt so that no blood could be seen on him in battle.


What does red mean in Russia in the army can be said unequivocally - blood. Some military units have such an award as the guards flag. It is red and means the blood and life of the soldiers of this unit, who fulfilled their task to the end. If you read the history of the Great Patriotic War, then the banner of the guard was received not by subunits, but by their remnants after heavy battles, leaving the encirclement, and containing the enemy.

What does red mean for the military, you already understood. A conscript, once in a guards unit, realizes that something is wrong here. Officers, contractors, and some conscripts wear a small red flag on their chests. marines he is still depicted on the beret. In such troops, they are very proud of their history, and the newcomer begins to respect the armed forces and seeks to gain the right to also wear a red flag on his chest. There were exceptions in history, when the banner of the guard was given to a newly minted unit, but mostly it was tank formations from the new modern machines, they quickly fell on the battlefield, and the tankers did not remain in debt for long for such a reward.

Red in the armies of other countries

Now scarlet colors are used only in ceremonial uniform, in the field, everything matches the tone of the area. The symbols of this color are unambiguous for the military - again blood and the decision to go to the end. The warriors of Carthage put on purple clothes before the battle, this did not save them from the ubiquitous Rome, but added glory. The Spartans wore red cloaks, and they are still remembered as such (for example, the film about three hundred Spartans, where they hold the defense of Thermopylae, and then fight the Persians at sea). China also loves this color, and they have units named red warriors, red dragons, etc.


What does red symbolize in Russia? Yes, the same as in the whole world, except for the flowers of royalty. Perhaps the reason is that we have no kings for a long time, and presidents prefer dark-colored jackets. It is unambiguous that this is the color of energy and life, and then there are divisions into the energy of the holiday, joy, beauty and fury, strength and blood shed by someone.

If you use it in your clothes, don't be surprised that people turn around, especially if you are a girl. Although red lanterns are officially banned in Russia, everyone knows what they mean. No matter how psychologists say, red is not only annoying.

Since ancient times, people began to notice that colors have a strong energy, while noting that the predominance of a certain colors can cause both positive and negative attitudes.

Thanks to myths, legends, folklore and manuscripts can be safely asserted that in ancient times red was given Special attention... So, many archaeologists and ethnographers note that this color was quite widely used in rock carvings ancient people. In addition, it is known that many African tribes did not apply the red color to the body before carrying out various rituals, since, in their opinion, he possessed special mystical and magical powers... That is why the leader almost always wore a red robe.

In antiquity, red was associated with Mars, which was considered a symbol of strength, struggle, war and masculinity. Due to its bloody color, this planet was considered the "home" of the gods. IN ancient greece Mars was associated with the violent and aggressive Ares, and in Babylon - with the god of war Negal.

The color red in Ancient Egypt was considered sacred, because according to the legend, the blood of Osiris himself stained the lotus, so only the empress could rightfully wear red shoes. Magenta in the Roman Empire and Western Europe was also a symbol of imperial and royal power.

Psychology of red

Red is considered one of the most difficult in assessing the impact on the human psyche, since it causes polar emotions in people. For some, he is a symbol of power or love, and for others - aggression and destruction.

In psychology, there are many different techniques, which allow not only to study the influence of color on the emotional sphere of a person, but also to tell about his character. So, many tests show that choleric and sanguine people, who are considered the most active and emotional people, prefer red.

One of the most popular methods today is the Luscher Color Test, where red describes the following states and traits of a person's character: striving for achievement and conquest (victory), increased interest in everything around him and insatiability, increased activity and speed, ambition and high self-esteem, aggressiveness and irritability, nervousness and anxiety.

But this is just one example, because in fact, red in people evokes completely different emotions and associations. Among the positive epithets that this color is awarded are: fiery and passionate, hot and joyful, loving and sexy, dynamic and persistent, creative and fiery. Among the negative ones - bloody and aggressive, hostile and irritable, lustful and cruel, greedy and stubborn.

If you want to be the center of attention, then be sure to choose something red, as this color represents courage and determination. People whose clothes are dominated by this color are considered strong, energetic striving to be the first in everything. Red in clothes also symbolizes passion, optimism, emotionality, confidence and courage. It is most popular with young people.

But if you are going to go to an interview about new job, do not wear a red suit or dress. Since in an official setting, this color causes negative emotions(you may be considered an upstart and frivolous person with rather unhealthy ambitions).

By the way, there is interesting observations, which show that women and men perceive differently the interlocutor of the opposite sex, who is dressed in red. So, women, communicating with a man in a red suit, more often describe him as aggressive, eccentric and irritable, but men, on the contrary - the representatives of the opposite sex are called sexy, energetic and cheerful.

For a long time, people have attached importance to the interpretation of color. Each of the shades of the rainbow, as well as the main achromatic tones - black and white - was assigned a planet, element, character. Subsequently, this symbolism began to intertwine with human nature, people began to look for meaning in what shade they gravitate towards. A special place among all was held by the red color, which since antiquity has the meaning of "beautiful". What can he tell?

What does red mean in psychology?

Even in Russia, red was an indicator of beauty and all the positive qualities that a person has. A particularly attractive and pure girl was called a red maiden, the nickname of the outstanding Russian prince Vladimir was "Red Sun", which spoke of the respect and adoration of the ruler on the part of the people. And in Asian countries, a kind, open and complacent person is believed to have a red heart, while a petty and envious person has a black heart. However, red is not as safe and calm as it might seem. In all astrological charts it corresponds to the planet Mars, which is patronized by the Roman god of war. In addition, fire is rightfully considered the element of red, which means that it is just as multifaceted and contradictory, it has, in addition to positive side and destructive dangerous force... This perception is facilitated by the fact that red is the color of blood.

The key symbols of this color are joy, love and beauty, as opposed to aggression, revenge and war.

A person who subconsciously reaches for red is an extraordinary personality, easily amenable to excitement and provocation, impulsive. He is characterized by selfish impulses, vindictiveness. At the same time, such a person is an excellent leader and ruler, true friend, although he often pulls the blanket over himself. It is not easy to get along with him, since he will suppress a softer companion with his "I", and with an equal will be in constant rivalry and conflict.

However, the latter often becomes a pleasant addition, especially since the relationship of people in love with red, prefer the same bright, explosive, not overshadowed by everyday routine. For them, petty squabbles and arguments are a hundred times more desirable than peace and quiet. In addition, these people know how to love deeply and sincerely; so much so that this feeling sometimes overshadows everything and provokes rash actions. But before going into the maelstrom with his head, often a person under the red banner will weigh everything and check his love object more than once. If you are rewarded with such an arrangement on his part, you can be sure that you will not find a more devoted and faithful companion in life.

Red also speaks of vivid sexual desires: in intimate sphere such a person is an experimenter who will never let the other half get bored. However, unlike people living under the sign of blue or yellow flowers, he can get too carried away with the embodiment of fantasies, forgetting about someone else's comfort. The same applies to any public life, where the position "I" will act first, and after it - the "surrounding".

Purposefulness, willingness to go to the end, independence from outside opinions - these are the qualities that distinguish a person who chooses red. It was not for nothing that this shade was attributed to the rulers, it was a component of the royal mantle and cap of Monomakh, in some countries only the kings were allowed to wear red shoes. Dr. tradition - the royal signature in crimson ink today was transformed into a red pen by teachers in educational institutions... In addition, there is a lot of red in heraldry: it can even be considered the main color, since it is present in almost every coat of arms. Members of the House, whose banner has elements of red, speak of themselves as strong, domineering people, ready for revolution and struggle.

What do the red flowers mean?

The symbolism of color, in addition to its main facet, focused on the character of a person, is able to tell about other aspects. For example, a lot of attention is paid to shades flowering plants, which has long been transformed into the language of flowers, which was used by romantics of all times and peoples. The meaning of red roses is known even to those who have never gone into the details of symbolism: the scarlet queens of flowers have become an unspoken recognition in the most ardent, sincere and vivid feelings. But is everything so clear?

  • A red gerbera is more delicate than a rose: it is rather a compliment to the appearance or dignity of the person to whom it is awarded, but it has a secret behind it and a possible hint of light flirting. This is a good choice for congratulating a colleague or friend when the roses become frank, and no more options can be found.
  • Red-pink calla is a rarity, and therefore if you were given it, know that you are appreciated and distinguished from everyone. This flower is a symbol of the unearthly beauty of the one to whom it is presented, admiration and admiration for this person. If the scarlet calla appears in the house, it protects it from a difficult atmosphere of conflict.
  • Contrary to the previous flowers, the red lily is a sign of rebelliousness and pride. In some countries, this flower is associated with aggression, a hostile attitude: if it was presented anonymously, then the addressee has enemies.
  • The red chrysanthemum in its meaning is close to the scarlet rose, but the feeling hidden behind it is more majestic. It is not a burning passion that lurks in it, but a restrained love, mixed with respect and fidelity, ready to stretch like a scarlet thread through your whole life. In addition, in Asian countries, this flower is a symbol of wealth and high social status.
  • Red tulips can also tell about love, but it will be a gentle, pure feeling, often the very first and ardent, characteristic of adolescents. If, in addition to red, tulip petals have yellow spots, such flowers compliment the addressee's appearance, especially in relation to his eyes.

The value of red in the interior and accessories

A person does not always gravitate towards color so much that he is ready to distinguish it from others, and therefore it is impossible to judge him by the above psychoanalysis. However, the unconscious choice of a shade from a series of several different among themselves can tell a lot about a particular individual. In particular, this applies to preferences in the color of a car or laptop, as well as other small personal equipment, accessories, interior details.

Such people are optimistic and life-loving, but they are distinguished by gullibility. However, having made a mistake several times, they become more circumspect, sometimes even overly picky about every word. However, if you ask such a person about his life satisfaction, he will say that he is absolutely happy, no matter what.

If there are more and more small things or clothes of red color, this indicates a desire for change, a bright flash in the annoying monotony of life. A strong craving for this color is manifested during puberty, with activation hormonal background, as well as instability of the psyche, a tendency to maximalism and risk. Separately, it should be noted another group of persons: those who reject the color red, without even seeing the reasons. Most often, his rejection occurs due to psychological and emotional exhaustion, as evidenced by the cases of prisoners of war, in every possible way showing their dislike for him. Also, a permanent dislike for the color red is characteristic of people seeking peace, loneliness, fearing any quarrels and conflicts, who do not have a sufficient amount of self-confidence.

Psychologists advise using red in the interior only as an accent, since from the point of view of its influence on performance and the atmosphere in the team, this is not the best choice... Despite its strong emotional energy in question business relationship she acquires destructive force, indulges squabbles, aggression and tension. It is impossible to be in a room made in red tones for a long time: fast fatiguability, exhaustion.

However, if in the office it is necessary to motivate the activity of employees, red details are inserted against the general blue-green or beige background. At the same time, the red scale - a good option for cozy restaurants with subdued lighting, if red, along with balancing it with white, black or gold, becomes the base color, but does not shout about itself due to the general twilight. Additionally, it should be remembered that such a range in the interior increases the temperature in the room by 2-3 degrees and visually narrows the space.

Red is majestic, aggressive, capacious, but ambiguous. He has always been a privilege the mighty of the world this, but, at the same time, could cause conflicts, disputes, irritation. Red flowers are an indisputable sign Great love and passion. This part of the spectrum is the prerogative of emotional and bright personalities, real leaders in all aspects of life.

Let's analyze how red is perceived in psychology. It is not surprising that this color is often found in works of folk art, in national ornaments. Traditional love different nations to red was formed at the dawn of mankind, when people were simple and naive.

The role of red in psychology

Oh my beautiful red! Well, yes, beautiful and red are the same root words, and in ancient times they had and the same value... After all, beautiful is the same red, that is, beautiful in superlatives.

Of course, everyone is familiar with the expressions “spring is red”, “red sun”, “red maiden” or proverbs - “The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies”, “In the world and death is red”.

Nowadays, the meaning of these words has changed, and a child to whom a fairy tale is read may seriously wonder why the poor girl blushed, got angry, or what? Although, as already mentioned, it is the preschoolers who consider bright red the most beautiful color: the first thing they do is grab a cube of this color, choose a red pencil for drawing.

We can say that in their outlook they were close to children. Do you remember which colors were used back in rock painting? Red, along with black and white (this triad is also called the ancient primary colors) is the simplest, most ingenious and "straightforward" combination.

> Why are there cavemen and small children! After all, you and I, sometimes reserved and at times highly cultured people, coming to the store, first of all pay attention to things that glow like a ripe mountain ash. We may not buy them, but we will definitely notice!

Many women, finding themselves in clothing stores, acutely feel themselves beckon, irresistibly attracted to the rows of hangers hung with something crimson, although there may not be a single red cloth in their wardrobe.

Perhaps men feel the same way, walking in a car dealership among cars, one of which has the audacity to be this shamelessly seductive color. Someone will smile skeptically: "Yes, the color of a product is just one of the tools for attracting customers!" And he will be right. It remains only to figure out - what ancient springs of the psyche force us to react to it like people flaunting in animal skins ?!

As already mentioned, red has a very, very long history, because the rock "frescoes" in which it is actively used are about thirty thousand years old! These are the most ancient works of art that have come down to us.

What is red associated with?

The main meanings of red are strength and life. And our distant ancestors considered scarlet blood to be an analogue of force, since together with it forces leave a person, and he dies.

Red was also associated with concepts such as fire, beauty, power, power, joy, success, passion, libido (sexual and life energy). And at the same time, he symbolized aggression, blood, anger, struggle (including for survival), sacrifice.

Back in the Paleolithic era, red was inseparable from the rituals of sacrifice, initiation and healing. When the tradition of real sacrifice began to disappear, red became a substitute for sacrificial blood. In Christianity, this color symbolizes the blood of the Son of God, shed by him in the name of saving people. Red Easter eggs are called to remind of this sacrifice, because the blood of Christ sprinkled the skull of Adam, atoning for his sin.

The fact that red is the favorite color of national ornaments is partly due to the magical properties attributed to it: the ability to heal, protect from evil, attract success, strength and health. Therefore, the ornaments themselves and the things decorated with them often played the role of amulets.

There are many examples of the use of red as a symbol of struggle in history: it is the color of revolutionary Russia, and we all know that the Bolsheviks were called nothing else but “red”. The Chinese rebels called themselves "Red Warriors", and the leader of the English peasants, Wat Tyler, bore the nickname "The Red Horseman."

IN ancient egypt red was the sacred color of kings, the upper class, and warriors. The red lotus was considered a symbol of the blood shed by Osiris - the god of the spring rebirth of nature, which makes one think about the connection of this image with the figure of Christ.

And in antiquity, Hippocrates correlated red with one of the four temperaments - choleric, the element of Fire, and with anger. Later, in the Middle Ages, this color was "assigned" to one of the stages of the alchemical process - "Rubedo", "burning" associated with suffering and purification, and Sulfur - an element necessary for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone.

In the Chinese tradition, where all colors are related to the elements and internal organs, red has to do with the heart, as well as the element of Fire and the feeling of joy. And its animal symbol is the Phoenix. The Indian philosophical system associated colors with chakras - energy centers person.

What does red mean

The red color belongs to the lower chakra - Muladhara, associated with the Kundalini energy, with vitality, instincts. The name of the guna (one of the three "threads of the existence of the world") "Rajas", associated with the red color and active, aggressive beginning, is translated as "passion."

In the countries of Islam, it was believed that red carries a huge " vitality". Red stones such as rubies have been credited with giving their wearer courage, energy and power. He also symbolized erotic desires, for example, a red rose meant passionate love.

Nowadays, scarlet and crimson flowers, and roses in particular, are also considered to be a metaphor for love and passion. It is, of course, not only about Islamic states, now this symbol is international. It is not for nothing that on Valentine's Day it is customary to give not only all kinds of scarlet valentine hearts, but also flowers of shades close to them.

Red in psychology. Artist and philosopher Wassily Kandinsky in his famous work"On the Spiritual in Art" characterizes red as a lively, vital, restless color, expressing masculinity, strength, energy, determination, triumph, joy (especially light red). According to the master, the sound of fanfare corresponds to it.

In the Luscher color diagnostic system, red means the desire for a life rich in impressions, the desire to be the cause of the events that are taking place, the mindset for victory and success, as well as restlessness, fearlessness, expansion, impulsiveness, self-will, inability to think about the consequences.

« Psychological program»Red is expressed in words: pleasure from action, activity, enthusiasm. Psychological impact red is known even to those who have never specifically studied this issue: it tones up, increases emotional background, conducive to activity, excites, stimulates aggressiveness and basic needs (increases appetite, sexual desires).

Women knew this a long time ago, long before the advent of psychology. And if a representative of the fair sex wants to make an indelible impression on the opposite sex, to become more sexy, desirable and exciting, she puts on a red dress.

"Homeopathic" doses of red - nails and lips painted with this color - can have approximately the same effect. Do you remember the expression: "acts like a red rag on a bull"? And although there are suggestions that poor animals are annoyed not by the color itself, but by flickering in front of their eyes in order to awaken an aggressive beginning in anyone - red is quite suitable.

For example, it is a well-known fact: in rooms with walls of flaming tones, people quarrel much more often. It is generally strongly discouraged to use this color in a bedroom designed for rest and relaxation. An exception can be made only for couples who want to revive a faded passion.

IN physiologically red activates all functions of the body, in particular, enhances the electrical activity of the brain, excites, warms, increases muscle tone, blood pressure, accelerates the rhythm of respiration and heart rate. It is curious that a person in a red room will feel somewhat warmer than, for example, in a blue one.

And this despite the fact that objectively the temperature in both rooms is absolutely the same. As for the pressure, pulse and respiration, for some reason it seems to me that in an angry bull they can be slightly increased. His muscle tone will probably increase as well, until he becomes suitable for cracking down on this red-ragdaddy!

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what the color red is in psychology. You will learn the meaning of the color itself, as well as its shades. Find out how it affects people who are positive and negative sides... Let's talk about the use in the interior and clothing.

Historical background

  1. Scientists noted that ancient people, making rock carvings, used this red.
  2. The tribes of Africa covered their bodies with red paint before carrying out certain rituals. They were convinced of him magical properties... In this regard, the leader of the tribe dressed in outfits in shades of red.
  3. In the period of antiquity, a parallel was drawn between the red color and Mars. It was considered as a manifestation of strength, masculinity, belligerence.
  4. In Western Europe, it was recognized as a symbol of power.
  5. In ancient Egypt, it was defined as a sacred color. It was believed that only the empress had the right to wear shoes of this color.
  6. In antiquity, red was associated with love.
  7. In ancient times, among the Slavs, brides wore red dresses.
  8. If we consider the Christian culture, then this color is identified with the sacrifice (sacred), the blood of Christ.
  9. In European heraldry, it is defined by a symbol of power and strength.


Demonstrates strength, energy fuse, directly related to sensuality, increased activity, aggression and sexual energy... It energetically energizes and excites a person. Seeing something red, a person involuntarily thinks about the type of blood.

The symbolic meanings of this color are varied, at times contradictory. Red can symbolize beauty, fullness of life, joy, love, while combining a hostile mood, war. Since ancient times, he has been identified with sexual desires and aggressiveness. It symbolizes passion, both for love and hate, that is, it manifests itself as much as possible in feelings.

TO positive qualities include:

  • perseverance;
  • creation;
  • persistence;
  • assertion of rights;
  • striving for leadership;
  • dynamism.

Among the minuses are:

  • cruel attitude;
  • lust;
  • stubborn disposition;
  • intolerance;
  • violence, including physical;
  • destruction.


  1. Scarlet develops sensuality, while having a predisposition to fanaticism.
  2. Raspberry is manifested by the love of life, the achievement of goals, while there is unpredictability and impulsiveness.
  3. Fiery. There is a shade of orange, characterized by increased zeal, willpower. In doing so, it can help.
  4. Red-brown develops enthusiasm, self-confidence, does not seek to impress other people. Excessive use of this color leads to exhaustion and overwork.
  5. Maroon is characterized by the presence of willpower and a predisposition to deep reflection, while there is an obsession with past events that were unpleasant.
  6. The dark shade of red is characterized by indulgence.

What kind of people like

  1. In psychology, they personify with leadership inclinations and a desire to rule.
  2. Such persons can be selfish, stubborn and cruel.
  3. Red can also indicate a love of adventure, new discoveries.
  4. A lover of this color will not sit in one place, will always be in motion, have an optimistic outlook on life.
  5. Sociability, eccentricity of behavior, willpower and decisiveness, there are no obstacles on the way of a person, no difficulties frighten him.
  6. Irritability and irascibility. A person easily loses his temper, while calming down quickly enough.
  7. Powerfulness. He does not tolerate being controlled, trying to keep everything under control. In a career, this contributes to the achievement of success, in personal life, it gives rise to problems, especially if this individual is paired with the same competing and domineering person.
  8. Energetic people who strive for vigorous activity.
  9. In the psychology of women, the preference for this color indicates a desire to become a hunter, to show their activity in sexual relations, domination over a man. Girls who love red outfits are impulsive individuals who can be aggressive as well.

If a person hates this color:

  • he is an insecure person;
  • prefer to be alone with themselves, does not like to be paid attention to;
  • such an individual is afraid of conflicts and quarrels, because of which he often ignores his needs.

If a particular person used to like red very much, but now they do not, this indicates that there is moral or physical exhaustion. For example, this manifestation can occur in people who have experienced violence.

Impact on health

  1. Given the energetic power of red, it is recommended for people who are tired and have low self-esteem.
  2. He motivates, inspires to accomplishments, helps to reveal his own, to demonstrate talents.
  3. It is believed to help increase the number of red blood cells, since this color is the color of blood. Accordingly, it helps with anemia.
  4. Promotes opposition to pessimistic sentiments.
  5. Affects increased appetite. Therefore, it is better to avoid it if in this moment are on a diet. But if available, it is recommended to surround yourself with red things.
  6. Contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system.
  7. Going to gym, it is better to put on some things, accessories of red color or its shades. It is believed that this will allow the muscles to become more elastic, and the joints - mobile, helps to reduce the likelihood of injury, and increases the effectiveness of training.
  8. It is unacceptable to use in the presence of high temperatures.
  9. The abundance of red contributes to the appearance of headaches and.


  1. In clothes, red indicates a person's desire to be in everyone's sight, to attract attention to himself.
  2. Such things demonstrate the courage of their owner, his decisiveness.
  3. Such clothes are worn strong personalities who want to take leadership positions.
  4. These clothes are a manifestation of optimism, passion and emotional mood.
  5. When going to a meeting with a new employer, avoid red in your clothes. He can provoke negative emotions, create the wrong impression. You will be mistaken for a frivolous person with overestimated ambitions.

In the interior

To create coziness in the room, warm colors are used. So red and its shades can be used for interior decoration. But it should be borne in mind that this color can enhance human emotions, so you should not abuse it, especially for bright shades.

  1. You need to understand that scarlet curtains and walls can negatively affect the human psyche and even provoke bouts of anger.
  2. If you have problems with blood pressure, hypertension is diagnosed, then it is unacceptable to use this color in the interior.
  3. On the curtains, a red pattern can add comfort to a room.
  4. If you correctly furnish the room using the red color, then you can help the person who will be in this room become more confident, his energy reserve increases.
  5. When they want to decorate a holiday, they definitely use red elements that add solemnity.
  6. It is not recommended to oversaturate the dressing room and bedroom with red.
  7. Ideal for red in the interiors of the kitchen, hallway, sports hall, cabinet.
  8. In the children's room, it is unacceptable to use excess red. It can irritate the child's psyche, lead to.
  9. It is often used in the decor of restaurants, in the interior of these premises, as it increases appetite.

Now you know what red means in human psychology. As you can see, this color has both positive and negative qualities... It is necessary to take this into account, giving preference to things and the interior of this color. Do not forget what kind of people red objects are suitable for, how they affect the psyche.

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