Home Diseases and pests Is it possible to lose weight with a treadmill. Detailed instructions - how to exercise on a treadmill

Is it possible to lose weight with a treadmill. Detailed instructions - how to exercise on a treadmill

Walking on a treadmill has many benefits. It helps to develop endurance, improves metabolic processes, eliminates excess fat. Fast walking according to the effect obtained is comparable to working on an elliptical trainer, or with a long one. But, if we consider this option of loading with physical and psychological point vision, it is much easier for novice athletes, helps to gradually gain good physical shape and develop sports skills. What else is useful for walking? Let us further consider the features of this type of cardio load, its benefits and training options.

What muscles are working?

Walking on a treadmill contributes to the harmonious and versatile development of the body. Like running, walking affects all skeletal muscle groups:

  1. Leg muscles. The load is received by the gluteal, calf and thigh muscles.
  2. Musculature of the shoulder girdle. Fast walking engages the shoulder girdle during rhythmic arm movements.
  3. The cardiovascular system. Aerobic exercise maintains the tone of the heart, blood vessels, and trains the respiratory system. Also, the smooth fibers of the vessels, the heart muscle, receive the load.
  4. Intercostal and press-forming muscles. Their participation in walking is indirect, but they provide respiratory movements.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which muscles work when walking on a treadmill. Of course, you should not expect the development of biceps from walking. However, regular cardio training is a guarantee taut figure and elastic muscles. Walking at a sports pace is indispensable if the goal of training is to “dry” the body. This version of the load provides a more efficient work of the body, and not its individual sections. Other simulators are designed to form an athletic relief and develop muscles, for example, complexes with weights and free weights.

Why is walking useful?

The benefits of walking on a treadmill are clear. Improving blood circulation and, as a result, increased tone organism as a whole, helps in the formation strong immunity and stress tolerance. In addition, walking on a treadmill helps to lose weight. An hour of work on the simulator (at a moderate pace) allows you to effectively burn about 300 calories.

Regular inclusion of cardio in the training plan ensures the acceleration of metabolism. And this is a double whammy extra pounds due to:

  • more quick release from the accumulated fat layer;
  • a set of high-quality muscle mass without subcutaneous fat.

The benefits of athletic walking include the development of endurance. And this is a mandatory attribute for crossfit, classic strength training, bodybuilding, martial arts, cycling and swimming.

Fast walking on a treadmill is ideal for weight loss. Among athletes, such training is called "drying" the body. It is also an effective cardio training for developing endurance. His useful action for the body as a whole is expressed in the improvement of blood circulation without undesirable load for knee joints.

  1. Anyone with knee problems. These are injuries and chronic diseases. Walking on a treadmill will allow you to maintain a stable physical shape without aggravating the condition of your knees.
  2. Anyone who is just starting to master training in the gym and selects personal complex exercises. Walking is a great cardio exercise for building endurance.
  3. All athletes who suffer from hypertension. Interval walking allows you to keep your heart rate while walking on a treadmill within 115-130 beats per minute.
  4. Anyone who has just gotten rid of addiction- smoking, whose respiratory system is not able to withstand intense stress. Regular walking for a month will help you forget about shortness of breath. It will ensure the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels, the necessary oxygen supply to muscle cells. That will allow you to move on to full-fledged workouts in the gym in the future.

Rules for efficient walking

Walking fast on a treadmill will bring maximum benefit If you organize your workouts correctly, make them regular. Five rules of effective cardio are given in the table.

No. p / p rule Rule Description
1 Thorough warm-up It helps to avoid injuries and muscle strain, to increase the effectiveness of training will help a thorough warm-up of the knees, joints of the lower leg before it starts. Don't forget to stretch your quadriceps and calf muscles.
2 Drinking regime Intense sweating during brisk walking on a treadmill provokes a violation salt balance. This can be avoided by drinking enough water in small sips during cardio.
3 Constant stride length Steps the same length during training - the key to a uniform pace and effective load.
4 Final hitch It is recommended to complete the workout by walking at a walking pace (at least 10-20 minutes). This is the time of fat-burning (metabolic) processes in the body, which occur due to increased heart rate.
5 Determining the optimal duration of a workout FROM scientific point of vision, lipolytic processes at full capacity begin in the body only after 40 minutes of training. However, a kadio lasting more than 80 minutes leads to decay processes. muscle tissue. Optimal time walking on a treadmill to burn fat is 60 minutes.

How to lose weight with walking?

The process of breaking down fat and losing weight while walking fast on a treadmill is by no means a myth. Knowledge of physiology and technical aspects allows you to make training as effective as possible. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. First, the effectiveness and efficiency of a treadmill walking program for weight loss depends on the choice of time of day for training. The ideal option for enhancing fat burning is in the morning before meals. Why exactly? In the morning, catabolic processes predominate in the body. The level of glycogen in the liver, muscles is minimal. Therefore, the main source of energy is subcutaneous (visceral) fat. It is actively consumed by the body during the morning workout on an empty stomach.
  2. Secondly, it is recommended to include walking in the training program after strength (functional) training. Moderate-intensity cardio increases calorie expenditure, which provides an increased fat burning effect.
  3. Thirdly, the effectiveness of classes depends on their regularity. Optimal quantity training per week, if no other loads are provided, is 4-5 sessions. If you are an adherent of strength training and weight training, include walking on the treadmill less often (2-3 times a week).

One more secret effective workout on the treadmill is variety. Increase endurance, the formation of reserves respiratory system promotes alternation of walking at a fast pace with running. Great option training - interval walking (alternately at a fast pace, walking step). You can increase the load by opting for incline walking on a treadmill. Choose from the options below the one that suits you. Regular exercise allows you to lose weight, as well as not to gain it in the future. By adjusting two parameters: the angle of the track, the speed of movement, you can adapt the workout for yourself.

To achieve ideal physical shape, walking on a treadmill is combined with proper nutrition. Gradual weight loss with this approach will give the desired and most importantly stable results.

Workout program

How to create an effective interval training for beginners and intermediate athletes? How to alternate walking speed? Sample training options are shown in the table below. The training scheme is repeated 3-4 times in one session, so that the total duration of the cardio load is 60 minutes.



Walking time (in minutes) Walking speed (in km/h)
Elementary 10 5-6
4 8-9
2 10-11
Average 5 3-4
5 6
5 8
5 10

In addition to alternating walking at a fast pace and walking, changing the angle of the tape will help increase energy consumption. Walking uphill on a treadmill with low-intensity walking in this case alternates with walking at a more intensive pace on a more even surface.

An advanced workout option is walking on a treadmill using weights. Their use significantly increases the load, but as a more difficult stage of training on the simulator, it is not suitable for everyone. This cardio option is ideal for young people whose goal is to strengthen muscles and lose weight in a short period of time. The selection of weights should take into account the current physical form. An increase in the load on the muscles and joints requires a careful and gradual increase in the weight of the weighting agent. It is not recommended to practice such training more than 3-4 times a week, so that the muscles have time to fully recover and relax.

Treadmill will be an excellent solution for beginners in sports and lovers of intense exercise. The main advantage of this simulator is the ease of installation. It is enough to allocate a little free space in your house or apartment, and you can perform training plan at any convenient time.

However, those who try their hand at this activity are wondering how much you need to walk on the treadmill and what is useful. There is no single answer here, because various factors must be taken into account.

How useful is a treadmill?

Physical activity brings undeniable benefit for the body. Some people prefer to purchase inexpensive sticks for nordic walking, then it is more comfortable for others to engage in a running simulator.

This simulator stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels, increases the ability to endure high loads. As a result, blood pressure returns to normal, excess calories are burned, muscles are strengthened and mood is improved.

The most relevant for many is the question of how much you need to walk on the treadmill to lose weight. After all, excess weight brings many inconveniences and causes various disorders in the body. For example, shortness of breath appears, the load on the heart and other systems increases.

How to determine the duration of classes?

In order for the simulator to bring a positive result, you need to know how much you need to walk on the treadmill at least. AT general case It is recommended to practice five times a week. Only then can you see the results of your efforts.

The duration of each workout may vary, but should not be reduced to 30 minutes. Then the effect will be most pronounced.

First you need to set up the simulator. If you are going to run, then the rotation speed of the canvas should be from 10 km / h.

The duration of the classes also depends on the effect to be achieved. How much should you walk on a treadmill to lose weight? In addition to the standard 30 minutes a day, you should periodically increase the time of training. Once a week, the lesson should be extended to one hour, and twice a week - up to 45 minutes.

To attain best result in losing weight, you can combine several types of activities. For example, you can go to the pool or buy scandinavian sticks KV+ Adula (here is the description). The HF+ Adula fits perfectly in a suitcase or backpack and is therefore the choice of many. So the load on the muscles will alternate, and excess weight will go away much faster.

How to work with a treadmill?

It is not enough to know how much you need to walk on the treadmill per day. It is important to observe certain rules that will benefit the body:
  • Training should start with a small charge. This will help you properly tune in and prepare your muscles for stress.
  • The systematic exercise will help strengthen the body and lose weight.
  • Start with small loads. It is better for beginners to practice at low speed for a certain period of time. Try to walk quickly on the track, and only then move on to running loads.
  • The best time to exercise is in the morning when you burn more calories. In addition, jogging will help you cheer up before the start of the day.
  • You need to run along the track with a straight back, and put your foot on the heel, then rolling onto the toe.
  • Consume more water. During exercise, you can drink a little four times an hour to make up for the lack of fluid.
  • Before stopping the load, you need to slow down and walk a little.
With the right organization of classes, the treadmill will bring undeniable benefits to the body. As a result, you will increase your stamina and be able to lose weight.

Women and men looking to burn fat and lose weight should know how to exercise on a treadmill to lose weight. Yes, you heard right, you can just run on the simulator, or you can perform certain exercises that contribute to enhanced weight loss. Proper training using a treadmill helps not only to lose weight, make your figure beautiful, but also helps to restore breathing, pressure, improves heart function.

Treadmill for weight loss

Many people can spend hours on such a simulator, and the weight does not go away or decreases very slowly. For the result to be more intense, you need to know how to exercise on the treadmill in order to lose weight. Coaches recommend performing a series special exercises depending on your needs and the amount of excess weight. Jogging in the morning is good not only for burning fat, but also for overall health.

If you don’t have the opportunity to run every day, then classes on a treadmill for weight loss will suit you perfectly. Modern models of simulators allow you to control the heart rate, the number of calories burned. The training program on the treadmill for weight loss, laid down by the manufacturer, perfectly replaces the trainer, but if you wish, you can install and exercise on your own regime.

You can increase the effectiveness of loads by following a certain diet, adhering to proper nutrition. Give up fatty, fried, smoked, minimize the consumption of sweet, starchy foods, and rather replace it with dried fruits. Cook food in a double boiler, oven or boil, make your menu so that it is dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks completely from the diet, drink only pure mineral water without gas.

How to run

Before you start exercising, you must definitely do a little warm-up and warm up the muscles. It is impossible to start classes immediately with a run, the first 10 minutes must be given to walking, so you will prepare the body for more heavy loads. Next, set a small load in the device (up to 75% intensity) and increase it gradually, every 2 minutes.

Reaching maximum strength run, slow down and run like this for 2 minutes, then increase the intensity again to maximum. So you give the muscles the necessary load, but do not overwork. deal with maximum speed need within 5 minutes. It is impossible to end the workout abruptly, its finale should be a hitch (running at a slow pace, then walking), and then rest.

The duration of the entire lesson is 30-60 minutes. Longer running is not recommended, since excessive stress on the spine and joints can lead to undesirable consequences. For beginners, it is better to start classes with a 20-minute jog. During training, you need to monitor your pulse, its frequency is calculated according to the scheme: 220-age in years. To feel comfortable while exercising, choose comfortable shoes and loose clothing.


Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is very effective in the fight against excess weight and body fat. This cardio workout is different pace, with different intensities. First you need to warm up and start walking at a slow pace along the horizontal canvas of the simulator. Next on help will come incline function, which changes the degree of inclination of the base of the treadmill. Every 2-3 minutes it needs to be increased by two divisions.

The entire lesson should last at least half an hour, and better hour and more. After half the lesson, the degree of inclination of the canvas must be reduced (every 2 minutes by 2 degrees). The pace of training is 5-7 kilometers per hour. Control your breathing while walking for weight loss, if it goes astray, reduce the intensity. Observe the hydrobalance in the body before and after training.

Exercises on the treadmill

Those who are interested in how to work out on a treadmill to lose weight should know that this machine is not only used for running or walking. It can be used to perform many other cardio exercises that help reduce body weight. Having chosen the appropriate intensity for yourself, try to do:

  • lunges (you can use dumbbells);
  • side step running;
  • running, sweeping the lower leg;
  • interval running;
  • walking on an incline;
  • jumping out of a sitting position.

Warm up

Before you start exercising on the treadmill to lose weight, you must definitely warm up. So you prepare the body, muscles and joints for the upcoming loads. Beginners should do light exercises: torso and head tilts, walking, knees high, etc. The duration of the warm-up is at least 10 minutes. Experienced athletes can perform strength exercises and stretch your muscles. Their preparation for the main workout should last up to half an hour.

walking uphill

This type of treadmill workout consists of two workouts: strength and cardio. This combination helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and also helps to lose weight much faster. Stress on different types muscle grows with an increase in the angle of inclination of the base of the treadmill, gives a much greater effect and benefit than walking on a flat plane. Thanks to this, walking uphill deserved a lot positive feedback losing weight.

interval running

This type of training consists in changing the loads and intensity of running during the session. Before jogging, a warm-up is carried out, then there is a run at a calm pace, then an intensive run. active phase training is again replaced by light, and then the load again increases to the maximum. After that, the intensity decreases and the interval run ends with a hitch. The advantage of this training fast weight loss, minus - you can not train with pain in the joints, uneven heart rate, dizziness.

How much to run on a treadmill to lose weight

Many do not know how to lose weight on a treadmill, and even more so, how much time you need to train. The optimal time recommended by trainers is 40-60 minutes. It is better for beginners to start exercising from twenty minutes, increasing the jogging time gradually. Do not exhaust yourself with daily workouts, from this you are unlikely to be able to lose weight faster. Going to the gym three times a week is enough.

Video: running on a treadmill

Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Consider the option - a treadmill! According to experts on healthy lifestyle life, it is an effective tool for weight loss. Big Advantage training is that you can practice them at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside the window. So, this fall you will be able to run to the figure of your dreams!

Overweight and obesity, in addition to self-doubt, can lead to serious consequences. Doctors and scientists do not tire of repeating that all the "excess" that we wear every day increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Here's Why Weight Loss Is Key wellness and the path to a healthy and long life.

For people with large quantity extra pounds treadmill is a useful and versatile means of losing weight. You can do it both at home and in the fitness center. But any vigorous activity should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor.

And remember: only trained “fighters” can run on the treadmill during the first workout, beginners will have to take their first steps at a leisurely pace!

Classes on the street or a treadmill: what to choose?

The treadmill has a lot of advantages. In addition to the simplest - convenience, there are positive points who want to give Special attention. The first and most important thing is the accuracy of classes. With the Smart Trainer, you can estimate your speed, distance and calories burned in each workout. But the benefits don't end there! You can schedule classes to get the parameters you need. It's no secret that the more effort you put in, the better the result will be.

In addition, the treadmill allows you to multitask. You can watch your favorite series foreign language and listen to your favorite music without being distracted from training! And this is another plus, because many beginners quit training precisely because they seem boring to them!

Treadmill workouts for weight loss are not for everyone. If you have joint problems, vigorous exercise will only exacerbate the problem. Sooner or later physical activity will bring pain. To protect your joints, you need to correctly choose shoes for classes and pay attention correct technique running. In some cases, it is better to prefer training on a rowing machine or exercise bike altogether.

At risk for weight loss "with consequences" are also people who have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, tachycardia. With these problems, you can train only in the company of an experienced coach who will select the optimal load and sport.

Platform or flat-soled shoes are not suitable for running. Sports shoes should be with a good cushioning system.

Running is not as healthy an activity as many people think. While running, especially on hard surfaces such as asphalt roads, you get a shock load on your knees and spine, and many residents of megacities already have joint problems. I had a case when a girl with scoliosis of the 2nd degree came to the gym for a long time and ran on the track for at least 50 minutes 3 times a week. I approached her to ask what caused the choice of load, to which she replied that she had a curvature of the spine, and the doctor forbade strength exercises, so she runs to keep fit. Fortunately, I was able to explain to her that by running she only aggravates the situation, and offered an alternative version of strength training that does not harm the spine and at the same time helps to burn fat.

Soon my ward reached new heights of physical form. By the way, her spine became smoother, which was later noted by the doctor.

For sports fans, I would recommend replacing running with intensive walking uphill or imitation of climbing stairs, especially since modern fitness clubs are equipped with equipment with such functions. Remember, the main thing is the heart rate zone in which you work. And joint health, of course.

If you can’t imagine life without running, choose special shoes for yourself that soften the impact of the foot on the ground, and also examine the condition of your feet and, if necessary, order special insoles.

You can wind “circles” on the treadmill every day and not lose weight, but doing it three times a week will show an excellent result. What determines the success of an event? How to practice to see the desired value on the scales?

All your efforts on the popular simulator will be in vain if you do not adjust your diet and training regimen. This is the only way to burn fat and lose weight.

Menu for weight loss: An hour before the planned lesson, you should eat carbohydrate food. The ideal option is cereals or fruits, vegetables. The optimal rate of carbohydrates for effective fat burning is contained in 4 tablespoons of porridge! They will be completely used up in 45 minutes of loading on the simulator.

Concerning correct mode classes, a person who is losing weight has two options for a possible construction:

  • Long workouts at a moderate pace.

The lesson should last at least 40 minutes, optimally - 60. It can be light running or walking. At the same time, it is important to monitor the heart rate, it should be approximately equal to 60-70% of the maximum (how to calculate this - a little later). This type of training is suitable for obese people. For muscles, this load is not so significant that after it a day of rest is required. Therefore, you can work in this mode every day.

  • Interval training.

They, as a rule, alternate with regular workouts and are best practiced in “courses”. 2-3 weeks you work hard, and then spend a week at a moderate pace. Training is permanent, only the type of load changes. It is best to start with one-minute accelerations, alternating them with three minutes of work at a moderate pace. Classes gradually need to be complicated, reducing the "rest" and increasing the duration of high-speed intervals. But don't overdo it!


If you run for an hour every day and do not complicate your workouts, over time the body will get used to such a load and begin to spend less effort, and therefore calories, on its implementation. For health, this is a good load, but not for weight loss. To lose weight, you need to work!

Depending on the initial weight, you can lose 1-3 kg per month of training on the treadmill. Highly fat people lose weight, as a rule, faster and can hope for higher rates. How to plan a workout? To get started, do some simple math!


During exercise on the treadmill, you need to control the heart rate (HR). It should be equal to 50-70% of the maximum norm - this is the "fat burning" mode. Classes at a different pace will be ineffective for losing weight.

What heart rate value will bring the joy of losing weight to you? It can be calculated using the formula:

From your maximum heart rate (220), subtract your age. Multiply the resulting value by 0.5 (0.6 or 0.7). The result will mean 50% (60 or 70% respectively). By adhering to the necessary rhythm while exercising on the simulator, you will definitely build up.

The main indicator that you need to control when doing cardio is the pulse. The logic is very simple - you need to bring the body into a state where it will consume a lot of oxygen and use it to oxidize (that is, burn) hated fats. You have probably seen in films and fashion clips how an athlete runs along the track in a mask and with a bunch of sensors on his body. If you want to burn fat actively, you cannot do without such studies. Joke! Yes, accurate data would help you a lot, but you can do without extremes.

There are special formulas by which you can calculate your target heart rate, but I will tell you even more. simple ways. Many gym machines have heart rate monitors. It is worth taking them with your hands, and they will begin to track the work of your heart. Of course, not with absolute accuracy, but super-accuracy is not so important to us. Stay in the range of 130-135 heart beats per minute and you will surely find yourself in the right heart rate zone.

Another little secret for you: try to breathe through your nose. As soon as such breathing becomes insufficient for you, and you begin to grab air with your mouth, gradually reduce the pace to return to the target heart rate zone. In my experience, this works flawlessly.

After a couple of weeks of training, you will no longer be interested in just moving evenly, with a constant pulse. It's time to try interval training! This means that on a short time, no more than a minute, you accelerate and go beyond the comfortable heart rate, and then slow down and recover. By the way, this is a great way to track your progress - the faster you recover from the acceleration, the higher your fitness level!

Initial level of training:

  • Warm-up - walking at a speed of 4-6 km / h for 10 minutes
  • Walking with a treadmill incline of 6 degrees. Speed ​​4-6 km/h, 7 minutes.
  • Zero slope running. Speed ​​7-9 km/h, 2 minutes.
  • Run at an intense pace for 1 minute.

Expert comment

For those who have not run before, I recommend starting with 2-3 times a week, no more. It is impossible for the body to abruptly give an exorbitant load if it is not ready for this. Otherwise, there is a risk of rejection and a health hazard. Increase the load should be no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. By increasing the load, we mean the number of workouts per week, the increase in running speed, or the duration of the workout. If you wish, running daily is not forbidden, you need to come to this smoothly, you cannot force yourself to do it daily if the body is not ready.

Average level of training:

  • Warm-up - walking at a speed of 4-6 km / h for 10 minutes.
  • Zero slope running. Speed ​​7-9 km/h, duration - 7 minutes.
  • Walking with a slope of 2 degrees, duration - 3 minutes.
  • Walking with a slope of 4 degrees, duration - 2 minutes.
  • Walking with a slope of 6 degrees, duration - 5 minutes.
  • Decline, walk down, stop.


During training, a set of exercises should be repeated 3-4 times, while the warm-up exercise is omitted.

We all know that cardio load is one of the most effective. Just think, you can burn up to 700 calories on a treadmill! In addition, running strengthens blood vessels and the circulatory system! You need to start training with a step, and gradually increase the speed. To increase blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen, it is important to breathe through the nose, and inhale deeply.

In order to get the effect of running, you need to do 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. There are several types of running from which you can see the result.

  • Training should be interval, that is, you alternate between a fast pace and a slow one. Run a minute, walk a minute. So that the body does not get used to it, you increase the load, when you get tired, slow it down.
  • The second option is long workouts when fat burning is turned on within 65-75% of the maximum allowable heart rate.
  • The third option is not running, but walking uphill. Thus, you increase the load, but your knees do not suffer, in my opinion, this is the most The best way for weight loss.

If you feel that the load is easy for you, increase the load by 5%.

Running is real exercise stress through which you can lose weight. But do not forget, no matter how often you torture yourself on a treadmill, it is important to eat right, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

How to make your workout harder?

While working on a treadmill seems difficult to you, you lose weight. After a productive exercise, the body needs time to recover, which means that it spends more energy, and as a result, a person loses weight. If the exercise regimen is comfortable, additional calorie burning does not occur, in this case it is much harder to lose weight: it is necessary to review the nutrition menu and the time of physical activity.

If treadmill training is no longer giving the desired result, complicate it! Healthy lifestyle experts recommend experimenting with the speed and angle of the machine, as well as using weights in addition or pairing running with dumbbell throws.

Among the many ways to make a figure slimmer, not last place takes a run. Modern conditions lives lead many to workout in the gym or at home with the help of a special simulator. The benefits of such exercises for weight loss are undeniable, so the question of how to lose weight on a treadmill is one of the most relevant when drawing up an individual training program. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account many factors and use different types of running.

Can you lose weight on a treadmill

A good cardio load can not but affect the state of the body. It is a source of energy and health. It doesn't matter where you do it: on the street or in the room, it is important how you do it. If your treadmill workout left you sweaty and short of breath, then a certain amount of calories have been lost. The main thing is to train regularly and do it correctly, that is, monitor the maximum heart rate (MHR) so as not to overstrain, but also not to be lazy, giving yourself a good load.

There are two opinions about losing weight with a track. Some people think that running alone is enough for it. Others are sure that real weight loss begins when cardio training is added proper food, which affects the basic metabolism and a certain mode of exercise. It is important that you eat nothing but carbs before your workout. When they are processed, energy will begin to flow from the consumable body fat.

What gives a treadmill for a figure

No matter what simulators and equipment we work with, everyone really wants to see a noticeable result on their figure. The treadmill strengthens the muscles of the whole body, because during the run all parts are actively working. The main focus is on the legs, the hips and calves work the most. If you do not hold on to the handrails, but energetically help yourself with your hands, then the shoulder girdle and arms are working just as actively. Thanks to this, you force the heart and lungs to work intensively.

How to do it right on the treadmill

A treadmill is a lightweight version of jogging. It is easier to train on it than on the street, because it helps a person at the expense of own movement and handrails to hold on to. How to lose weight on a treadmill in such conditions? You need to train yourself to run without handrails and choose different degrees of incline. This will make your workouts look like a real street run. It is important to achieve as much as possible longer duration classes, do not forget about the warm-up, wear comfortable shoes, drink liquid in small quantities.

How much to run

The duration and frequency of treadmill workouts depend on what result you want to achieve. If the task is only to lose weight slightly, tighten muscles and tone yourself, then short 15-minute workouts are enough, preferably 5 times a week. You don’t need to drive yourself hard: keep a moderate rhythm, gradually bringing the time up to half an hour.

How to lose weight on a treadmill by a few pounds? In this case, the duration of the workout should be 40 minutes or more. Only during this time the body begins to burn fat. You can start with short runs with a constant increase in load and time. You can do this three times a week, on the other days the muscles need to be given a rest, because such a run should make you sweat well.

What muscles work

The treadmill makes all the muscles of the body more toned. They do not inflate, but "dry", that is excess fat goes around them. Brought to tone muscle mass becomes more noticeable. Most of the load is received by:

  • calf muscles, which are located from the knee and below. Exercises on them will make legs slimmer, increase too small calves or tighten large ones.
  • The quadriceps are the muscles that form the thighs. They are located at the top front of the leg. They are involved in the movement to the rise.
  • The biceps femoris is rear surface, which is inflated during a fast run.
  • Gluteal muscles are involved in any type of running and the buttocks become elastic.
  • Shoulder girdle. It is activated by active hand swings.
  • Heart muscle. Increased breathing makes the heart work several times more intensively. Heart rate-dependent modes control the heartbeat and work out the endurance of the heart.
  • Intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles work due to intensive breathing.

How many calories are burned

Exercise programs may show various data, but those that reflect calories burned are not entirely correct. So, in the first minutes of training, not body fat, and water. Further indicators depend on the intensity of training. Brisk walking burns up to 300 calories - this pace is suitable for beginners. If we consider easy running, then it helps to waste up to 500 calories per hour. At this intensity, a person begins to lose weight. How to lose weight on a treadmill? Run with full dedication to achieve a loss of 800 kcal / hour.

Exercises on the treadmill

With a treadmill you can do a lot of different things. useful exercises. Thanks to him, they become many times more effective. Try executing:

  • lunges directly along the moving canvas forward and to the sides;
  • side step, which can be done at different speeds;
  • dynamic bar, that is, walking with your hands;
  • walking;
  • running with different slopes.


You can start exercising on the simulator with a normal walk. A treadmill for weight loss is suitable if your physical fitness is very weak. It is chosen by people in old age or after illnesses. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is not as effective as running, but gradually it prepares the body for more serious stress, and with regular exercise, slowly but leads to weight loss. By doing this exercise, you are minimizing the threat of overload. The optimal speed for sports walking is up to 7 km / h, the duration is about an hour.

There is a type of walking called jogging - this is a movement close to running, which is performed at a speed of 7 to 10 km / h. During jogging, a person may experience short states of "flight" when both legs are in the air at the same time. Classes at this pace are more effective than simple walking, have a better effect on weight loss, and train the cardiovascular system. This exercise is perfect for those who want to get rid of cellulite and tighten the body.


Running on a treadmill for weight loss starts at a speed of 10 km / h. It is recommended to perform steps from the toe. You need to realistically assess your physical fitness and not drive yourself from the very first workouts. The recommended heart rate while running is 120 to 130 beats per minute. A heart rate monitor will help you calculate it. As soon as classes at the chosen pace cease to tire you, then it's time to increase the load, otherwise there will be no effect for losing weight. You need to move smoothly, keep your arms bent at the elbows, shoulders and chest straightened. Breathe deeply through your nose.

Incline walking

An incline on the treadmill is a way to make your workout harder and harder. It forces the body to lay out 100-200% more. During such classes, there is an intensive process of burning calories and losing weight. To achieve maximum effect from walking with an incline, during one workout, alternate all the levels that are on your simulator from the smallest to the largest and vice versa. When you get used to all the load that the simulator can give, use weights (backpack, armlets, belt).

Treadmill workout program for weight loss

The training program must be drawn up individually, based on the capabilities of your body and on the tasks set. On a mechanical simulator, you will have to do the calculations manually; the built-in computer will facilitate this task. In any case, you need to determine several indicators for exercising on a treadmill for weight loss: duration, speed, angle of inclination of the track. The increase in load and duration should occur every 2 weeks by 5%, but you can increase one thing, and not both at the same time.

Whatever weight you want to lose and whatever program you choose, the result can be different: instead of 5, you can lose 1 kilogram, or you can lose 8. It depends on the initial weight (more overweight people lose weight faster), on the number and duration of training, from nutrition. Wanting to lose weight, you can’t rely only on training, because diet, a minimum of alcohol are the same the necessary conditions. Here are two types of training programs for weight loss:

  • Long workouts. Practice for 40 to 60 minutes. Keep a moderate pace. If you chose walking to get started, you can do both daily and twice a day to lose weight.
  • Interval training. They will look like a 1-minute brisk run and a 3-minute recovery walk. As time goes by, the task increases. Classes are held in the form of load and rest 1:1, then 2:1.

Warm up

You should always start a lesson with a warm-up. This rule applies to any kind of training, because it warms up the muscles and helps to avoid injuries and sudden overloads. The warm-up for running on the track should last 5 minutes. Bring to a speed of 5 - 6.5 kilometers without a slope. After running 2 minutes, increase your speed by 0.3 km per hour and do this every next 30 seconds until you reach 5.5 km. From time to time, grab onto the handrails and walk for a few seconds on your toes, then on your heels. It loosens the shin.

interval running

How to lose weight fast on a treadmill? This will help interval training, that is, the alternation different speed running. There are two types of classes: with time limits or lasting as long as there are strengths. The second variant has no clear gaps and is called fartlek (playing for speed). It involves running to failure, then recovery walking. You can repeat it until the onset of hollow fatigue. Clear intervals may look like this: a minute of sprint, 2 walks; 4 sprints, 7 walks. Proven: calories continue to burn even after the end interval running.

Treadmill for beginners

Unprepared people should adequately assess their capabilities. How to lose weight on a treadmill if you have never exercised before? Start by simply walking for about 15 minutes a day. Breathing may become slightly rapid, but without the appearance of shortness of breath and other uncomfortable sensations. The first 2-4 weeks you should develop the endurance of the body. For the first three months, there should not be any intense loads, and especially interval ones.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for weight loss

Movement brings our body great benefit, a Heavy traffic can literally revive the body and breathe into it new life. So classes on a treadmill for weight loss lead to numerous positive results. Among them are:

  • increased endurance;
  • strengthening all the muscles of the body, due to which the figure is tightened;
  • burning fat deposits and the disappearance of cellulite;
  • improving metabolism and increasing metabolism;
  • acceleration of blood flow, which provides a better enrichment of cells with oxygen;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Video: How to run on a treadmill to lose weight

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