Home Diseases and pests The first and present people on earth. How man appeared on Earth

The first and present people on earth. How man appeared on Earth

The evolutionary theory of the origin of humanity is the most common in the modern scientific community.

This theory assumes that humans descended from the great apes, through gradual modification and under the influence of external factors. The adherents of the theory of evolution operate with a lot of evidence, however, not all of them can be taken unambiguously.

According to the theory of evolution, there were three stages in the evolution of mankind: periods of successive existence of anthropoid human ancestors, the existence of ancient people and the development of modern man.

Creation theory

Views that were based on the fact that man was created by God or higher intelligence, appeared much earlier than the theory of evolution. In different philosophical teachings, the act of human creation was attributed to various deities.

The most important proof of this theory is the similarity of myths completely different nations, which tells about the origin of man.

The theory of creation or creationism is held by the followers of almost all religions prevalent today.

Creationists reject evolution and cite hard facts in their favor. For example, it is reported that experts in computing technology failed to reproduce human vision. Even Darwin admitted that the human eye could not be developed by natural selection.

An area of ​​research that seeks to find scientific evidence for the divine creation of the world is called "scientific creationism." However, the scientific community does not recognize the theory of scientific creationism as convincing.

External interference theory

According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth is associated with the intervention of other civilizations. Some consider people to be direct descendants of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Ancestors modern people landed on Earth in prehistoric times.

There is also an assumption that humans arose on Earth by interbreeding aliens with the ancestors of modern humans.

In various works on the theory of external interference, civilizations from the planetary system of Sirius, planets from Libra, Scorpio and Virgo are mentioned as direct ancestors or producers of earthlings. As evidence of this theory, images of Mars are cited, in which you can see the remains of structures very similar to the Egyptian pyramids.

At its core, the theory of extraterrestrial interference is little from the theory of the divine creation of man, only here representatives of other, more advanced civilizations act as a god.

Each child at a certain stage of his development begins to think about where he came from. Mankind as a whole, accumulating knowledge on the way of its development, could not but become interested in the question of how life originated on our planet and what processes led to the emergence of Homo sapiens.

Unfortunately, today there is no reliable and consistent theory on this score. We managed to ascend into space and create an artificial intelligence, but so far we have not made any progress in understanding our own origins. Everything that we know about the origin of living organisms in general and of man in particular lies in the field of unproven theories.

The origin of life on earth

According to the generally accepted view today, life on the planet originated as a result of random chemical reactions leaking. Water solution multitudes chemical elements influenced by powerful electrical discharges(lightning) served as a nutrient broth for the creation of the first molecules of the simplest proteins. It took millions of years of evolution for these protein molecules to form the simplest living cells, which later managed to unite into complex multicellular organisms.

This theory, for all its simplicity and clarity, does not explain very many points. For example, it is completely incomprehensible that every cell of every living creature has a genetic code - a complex chain of protein molecules, which consists of only four "letters" and contains all the necessary information for the development of a cell. But even if we agree that such a complex structure arose by chance in the course of spontaneous biochemical reactions, further development life on the planet contains too many "blank spots" for researchers.

Darwin's theory: not everything is so simple

The generally accepted theory of Darwin, which today underlies modern biology, turns out to be unable to explain either the huge variety of species of living things, among which one can often find very strange specimens that are not well adapted to biological competition. And the very path of development, according to which life developed from the simplest to more and more complex creatures, can not always be confirmed with the help of archaeological excavations.

So, it is still unclear how birds and mammals could have originated from lizards - science has so far been able to detect a single organism with a "transitional" body structure or its remains. And the very theory of the accumulation of gradual changes in morphology by random mutations turned out to be, to put it mildly, unconfirmed. Yes, changes in the structure of organisms can occur with a change external conditions however, they tend to be quite targeted.

The number of non-viable mutations is too low to seriously speak of any kind of natural selection. So, laboratory mice grown at a lower temperature than usual environment, already in the next generation acquire a thick coat and a thick fatty subcutaneous layer. The percentage of "failed" mutations is so low that it may not be taken lightly. There is a completely purposeful change in species qualities, leaving no room for chance.

Human Origins

Until now, Darwin's theory has not been able to convincingly explain one of the main mysteries of biology - anthropogenesis, or the origin of Homo sapiens. We all know that humans belong to the class of primates, i.e. to the same class of living things as apes. However, there is still no convincing evidence of the existence of common ancestor in humans and monkeys. Everything archaeological finds made in different time, turned out to be, upon careful study, either the fruit of delusion, or more or less skillful forgeries.

However, the "divine" theory of the origin of people does not suit scientists. Darwinian natural selection is being replaced by more exotic assumptions, from the participation of reasonable external forces- for example, aliens or the mysterious Superintelligence - before the appearance of people from somewhere in parallel spaces. This riddle, like many of the challenges facing modern biology, is still waiting for its decision. Perhaps it will be found in the coming years, or maybe humanity will find out the answer after several centuries.

Many of us at least once in our lives wondered how a person appeared. No less interesting is the riddle of the origin of the Earth. Nobody succeeded in completely removing the veil from these secrets. Philosophers have speculated on these topics for centuries. To date, neither thinkers nor scientists have provided one hundred percent proof of any theory that explains where people came from on Earth. There are many assumptions, but we will try to distinguish four main groups of hypotheses.

Evolution theory

How did man come about according to this theory? It is believed to be descended from great apes. The gradual transformation of the species took place under the influence of natural selection. There are four stages of this process:

  • The period of existence of the Australopithecus ( alternative name- "southern monkeys"). They had already mastered upright posture, were able to manipulate various subjects in the hands and built herd relations. The weight of the Australopithecus was about thirty to forty kilograms, and the height was 1.2-1.3 meters.
  • Pithecanthropus (the most ancient man). In addition to all the above characteristics, the ability to make fire and handle it has appeared. There were still ape-like features in the form of the facial skeleton and skull.
  • Neanderthal ( ancient man). General structure the skeleton was almost the same as that of modern humans, but the skull had some differences.
  • Modern man. Appeared in the late Paleolithic period (from seventy to thirty-five thousand years ago).


The inconsistency of the theory considered above is as follows: scientists have not been able to explain how, due to mutations, more complex shapes life. The catch is that as a result of mutation, individual genes are damaged, therefore, the quality new form decreases. No one useful result this process has not yet been found.

Guests from other planets

This version of how man appeared is based on the assumption of external interference in the development of our planet. The leading role in the theory under consideration is assigned to extraterrestrial civilizations. It is thanks to them that people appeared. Simply put, the first human on Earth was a direct descendant of an alien. There are other options as well. Among the most common are the following:

  • Homo sapiens came about thanks to the possibilities of genetic engineering.
  • The first humans appeared in a homunculated manner (in vitro).
  • The evolutionary development of life on Earth is governed by a higher mind.

Creation theory

How were people born according to this hypothesis? Man was created by God himself out of nothing, or the material was not used biological (if we take creationism into account). According to the most famous biblical version, the first people - Eve and Adam - appeared from clay. Representatives of other peoples and beliefs have their own versions on this score. None of them require proof. Faith is the main argument.

Some modern theological movements consider the variation evolutionary theory adjusted for the fact that the first man on Earth appeared from a monkey, but by the will of God.

Spatial anomaly theory

How did a person appear according to this hypothesis? It somewhat resembles evolutionary, but has its own characteristics. So, the presence of both random factors and a specific program for the development of life is allowed. There is a humanoid triad (aura, matter and energy) or a spatial anomaly. The latter includes such an element as anthropogenesis. It is argued that the biosphere of humanoid universes develops according to the standard scenario at the level of informational substance (aura). Under favorable conditions, the emergence of a humanoid mind occurs.

More about one of the common theories

Most conservative scholars argue that our oldest ancestors- small tree animals, a bit reminiscent of modern tupai. They inhabited the Earth at least sixty-five million years ago, during the extinction of the dinosaurs. About fifty million years ago, highly organized animals, similar to monkeys, appeared. Over time, the development of one of the groups of primates took a special path, which led to the emergence great apes twenty-five million years ago.

Today, most representatives of one hundred and eighty groups of primates live in regions of the tropics or subtropics. But it was not always so. About fifty million years ago, the climate on our planet was much warmer, so the ancestors of modern monkeys occupied much larger territories.

Features of life in trees

Early primates perfectly mastered the art of tree climbing. For successful life at the height, they had to learn how to firmly cling to branches and correctly estimate the distance. The first property was developed thanks to movable fingers, and the second - with the participation of eyes directed forward, providing the so-called binocular vision.

The incredible story of "Lucy"

D. Johansen, an American anthropologist, in 1974 managed to do one very important discovery... He carried out excavations on the territory of Ethiopia and found the remains of the female of the aforementioned "southern monkeys". They began to call her "Lucy". The growth of a young female was about one meter. Lucy's teeth and brains bore many similarities to those of the ape. Nevertheless, it is assumed that she was already moving on her own two feet, albeit crooked. Before this discovery, scientists were confident that the "southern monkeys" lived on our planet about 2 million years ago. As for the remains of "Lucy", their age is 3-3.6 million years. Thus, it became known that these creatures lived on Earth more than a million years earlier.

The man who never lived

In 1912, not far from Piltdown (England, Sussex), archaeologists discovered several fragments of the skull and a broken facial bone of our distant ancestor. The unusual find aroused unprecedented public interest. However, after a while, experts began to doubt the value of the find. This is why bone age testing was initiated in 1953. Nobody expected such a result. It turned out that the jaw bone belonged to an orangutan who lived five centuries earlier, and parts of the skull belonged to modern man... All the remains were simply covered with a special compound, and the teeth were skillfully filed to make them look prehistoric. The "joker" was never found.

Detailed consideration of evolutionary processes and their results

The history of the origin of man says: in the beginning, evolution did not happen so quickly. From the moment our first ancestor appeared to mastering the skill of doing cave drawings almost seven million years have passed. However, as soon as the "thinking man" thoroughly settled on Earth, he began to rapidly develop all kinds of abilities. So, only one hundred thousand years separate us from the aforementioned rock art. At present, humans are the dominant form of life on the planet. We were even able to leave Earth and began to explore space.

Now it is difficult to imagine what our descendants will become in a hundred thousand years. One thing is clear: they will be completely different. By the way, in general, we have changed quite a lot over the past four centuries. For example, the armor of the knights of the fifteenth century will hardly fit a modern soldier. Medium height the warrior of those times - 160 cm. And the current supermodel would hardly have put on the dress of her great-great-grandmother, who had a waist of 45 cm and a height of 30 cm lower. As scientists note, if evolutionary processes continue to develop in the same direction, our faces will become flatter, and our jaw will shrink. Our brains will get bigger, and we ourselves will get taller.

Unbearable heat

According to data obtained in the course of recent studies, ancient people mastered upright posture in order to save themselves from overheating. Four million years ago, walking on two legs was much more comfortable on the sultry African plains. Among the main advantages is the following: the rays of the sun fell only on the head of the one who walked upright. But those who continued to move with their back bent overheated much more. People who began to walk on two legs sweated less intensely, therefore, they did not need much water to survive. This allowed man to bypass other animals in the incessant struggle for existence.


Mastering bipedal locomotion had other significant consequences. So, a two-legged creature no longer needed to have such a vast and thick hairline, who previously protected his back from the merciless sun. As a result, only the head remained protected by the hair. Thus, our ancestors became the notorious "naked monkeys".

Blissful coolness

Starting to walk on two legs, our ancestor seemed to open one of the important "evolutionary doors". Taking a straightened posture, he significantly moved away from the ground, and therefore from the heat that it emitted. For this reason, the brain began to overheat much less. A cool breeze blowing one or two meters above the ground additionally cooled the body. For the above reasons, the brain has become larger and more active.

Where did the first person appear?

Scientists have found and continue to find the remains of ancient people in the most different places planets. Some of the most widely known excavations took place in a valley near the German village of Neander. Similar remains were later found in France and other countries. Due to the fact that the finds near Neander were the most complete and interesting, our most ancient ancestors began to be called Neanderthals.

Where did the first person appear modern type? Previously, scientists believed that this happened in the eastern part of Africa, but later a version of the southern regions appeared. Genetic studies of representatives of indigenous African tribes helped to draw conclusions that refuted the original theory. Nevertheless, such conclusions contradict modern archaeological data, since the most ancient remains of anatomically modern humans were found precisely in eastern Africa - on the territory of such modern countries like Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. In addition, the information available today allows us to conclude that the population of the above states is distinguished by the greatest genetic variability, when compared with representatives of other regions of the planet. This fact gives the right to consider Africa as the starting point of all waves of spread of people on Earth.


Questions about how many years ago a person appeared and where exactly this happened still excite the minds of both scientists and ordinary people. There are many versions, and each of them has the right to exist. Unfortunately, over time it becomes more and more difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, since the years inexorably erase the evidence of the past from the face of the Earth ...

Scientists, theologians, philosophers - all since ancient times have been trying to answer the question of where man came from on Earth. At the same time, theorists were divided into three camps: some believe in divine providence, others in Darwin, and the rest in alien intervention. According to Darwin's theory, man descended from the Neanderthal, that is, he gradually evolved from a monkey to a humanoid creature. But how forty thousand years ago, instead of the bestial Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons appeared - tall, slender and beautiful? After all, the study of the genetic code of the Neanderthal showed a very big difference with genetic code Cro-Magnon, that is, a person of the modern type.

Perhaps this mystery can be solved with the help of ancient legends, in which there are always references to some gods who came from heaven, flying deities who descended to Earth and marry the most beautiful girls... “They began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them,” says the ancient texts. Similar facts are described in many sources and even in the Bible. There is a version that these long-standing contacts led to the mixing of blood and the birth of healthy, beautiful people. Mysterious newcomers in ancient times intervened in many earthly events, they often reconciled warring tribes and stopped wars. In the writings of the prophet Ezekiel, telling about the events that took place at the beginning of the sixth century BC, in particular, it tells about the case when he was on the river Chebar among the settlers. At that moment, people were thinking how to get to the other side of the river. Suddenly, an unusual phenomenon for that time appeared: “... a large cloud, fire, a spreading glow appeared. The likeness of four animals flew out of the fire; they had a human-like appearance. They had wings, and under them ordinary hands were visible. The wings touched each other, keeping them in the air. If the movement of the wings stopped, then they seemed to cover the bodies of these creatures. " One can only envy the accuracy and detail of the description of those events. The Bible mentions the most ancient human encounters with aliens, describes in detail the "angels" who visited the city of Sodom. According to the biblical texts, these "angels" needed food and lodging, and physiologically they were so similar to people that the local "men" almost "dishonored" them. The "angels" had to flee the city. After that, Sodom was destroyed. Holy Bible talks about angels as humanoid beings. However, it may very well be that everything is just the opposite - a Cro-Magnon, that is, a man of the modern type, who surprisingly appeared on Earth overnight, is "angelic." This fantastic hypothesis is still awaiting confirmation. It is believed that humanity in a civilized form, that is, when it began to use writing, appeared about five thousand years ago. By the standards of the Universe, this is a very short period of time. Official science prefers to delicately bypass the question of the existence of previously highly developed civilizations. The emphasis is constantly being made on the fact that the current generation of people is the only one on the planet that has reached the top of development in technical terms, although many circumstantial evidence says that this is not so. In addition to Atlantis, described in their dialogues by Plato and Herodotus, and the legendary northern country of Hyperborea, there were also mainland states, which at the same time reached an unprecedented prosperity. Even with all the disdainful attitude of many historians to such mythical peoples, some artifacts confirming their existence have been found, and many of them are on the territory modern China... Unlike island states that ceased to exist due to natural disasters and gone under the water, the territory of the ancient Chinese empire much better preserved. Archaeologists have discovered pyramidal structures similar to the Egyptian and South American ones. By the way, not so long ago, Novosibirsk scientists confirmed the existence in ancient times of a single Arctic continent - Arctida-Hyperborea. According to their research, published in the international journal Precambrian Research, Franz Josef Land, the Svalbard archipelago, the Kara Sea shelf and the New Siberian Islands used to be one continent. At the same time, the researchers were able to prove that the continent of Arctida existed twice, with a difference of 500 million years. Before that, it was believed that after the collapse of the continent, the relief acquired modern look... but recent research showed that 250 million years ago, parts of the continent reunited, and only after the second disintegration, the outlines of the coastline that we can see now were formed. This discovery once again confirmed that the Indian and Slavic legends about the distant northern ancestral home are not a myth, but a description, although very ancient, but quite real events of the past of mankind, in contrast to the official version of history.

Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, South American peoples or African continents combines mastery of technologies that are fantastic even for our time. Scientists still have not been able to find the answer how they managed to lift giant blocks during the construction of pyramids or install giant statues on Easter Island. And there are many such examples. Take, for example, the mythical Tower of Babel mentioned in biblical history... The described structure resembles modern skyscrapers, and accordingly, it is impossible to build it without accurate calculations of loads and analysis of rocks under the structure. Made only of stone, without a metal frame, the building would not even be able to support its weight or would give a tilt, as happened with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is possible that the structure in Babylon (like the pyramids) also had a completely different purpose in technical terms. There is no reliable evidence that the tower had round shape grounds, so it is possible that the Babylonians also built a pyramid. Subsequently, as you know, the building was destroyed, and the city itself fell into decay. The legends of all these peoples always mention some gods who came from heaven ... and then follows a description of some apparatus identified by contemporaries with a certain fantastic creature. Why does no one know exactly how and when a man appeared on Earth? After all, knowledge about nature and the teachings of great philosophers came to us after thousands of years. But the knowledge of how the pyramids were built disappeared. The knowledge of the first man also disappeared. Maybe they were specially "erased" from the memory of people? So where does the human race come from? With each subsequent discovery in genetics, supporters of Darwinism become less and less, and there is more and more evidence of the impossibility of an independent origin of species. The version of the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence is the most relevant today, especially since it is quite organically linked with religious teachings, and not only the current ones, but also with those that have long been artifacts.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of even thinking people are not able to isolate the true information from all kinds of "vinaigrette" scientific theories, myths and divine interpretations relating to the origin of man on our planet. As it turned out, this is far from coincidence... After all sentient being cannot be reasonable if it is not able to identify itself in the surrounding space and understand its involvement with it, without understanding its origin. And if someone wanted to rid the "victim" of rationality for use for their own purposes? Then the first thing such a "impudent" should do is to erase the memory of everything that concerns the origins of this or that person, clan, tribe, people.

Here's a simple example: you hit your head so hard that amnesia set in, and at that moment any person comes up and asks: What is your name? The answer will be very definite - “I don’t know”. With such a person in this moment you can do whatever you want and inspire him with whatever you please, but ... all this until his memory returns. I had to be in this state for a while - you feel like a complete idiot, but you can't do anything about it. And if you have forgotten how to talk and everything in general, even what is connected with conditioned reflexes? Then, you can be taught everything anew: talk, think, etc. But who will be your teacher? If you're lucky - good people... And if not? It is difficult to imagine what they can mold out of your consciousness, having some kind of goal in relation to you.

In fact, with the Russian people and not only, about the same thing happened, only in a very more sophisticated form. Such a "blow to the head" was a catastrophe on a planetary scale that occurred about 13 thousand years ago, due to the fall of fragments of the moon Fatta (satellite of the Earth in the past) on our planet. After a catastrophe of a planetary scale, the entire earthly civilization, in which the Slavic-Aryan world was dominant and had a highly developed space system society, was thrown back to the level of the Stone Age, i.e. into primitiveness. As a result, all the benefits, technologies, knowledge, infrastructure, culture, etc., which were available at that time, were quickly lost. But the centers of civilization still remained until recently, which in the end still managed to be destroyed by those who started this catastrophe.

In the conditions of a primitive state, humanity is naturally subject primarily to primitive, animal instincts. And, of course, in such conditions, it is much easier to clear the memory of peoples, because the majority are busy with the problems of finding suitable food and more or less suitable housing, etc. It was here that the "arbiters of destinies" succeeded in full measure. Several generations of our ancestors, replacing each other, being without due information support, became what the enslavers wanted them to be human consciousness and potential. But this happened, of course, not in one hundred years and not in all territories at once, but gradually from one Slavic-Aryan people to another. At the same time, the so-called Dark Forces very skillfully pitted the kindred peoples of the Slavic-Aryans, gradually imposing new values ​​on them, transforming their worldview, smoothly leading to new religion imbued with a slave philosophy.

Therefore, today the question of the emergence of man on planet Earth remains open to most people. Looking at the empty gaze of a person who has no meaning in life due to a lack of understanding of his own self-identification (who he is, where he is from, what he is, etc.), a burning desire appears restore his memory about everything that he should know from the first days of his life. Namely: we were the first to colonize our mother Earth more than 560 thousand years ago to create a fundamentally new intelligent race based on 4 white peoples from different star systems of the Cosmos. But to tell a person that God did not create him, and he did not come from a monkey, is far from easy, because you will immediately be put on a par with sectarians or psychos.

How bitter it is to look at our people, realizing that they are putting labels on you, relying on a program embedded in our brain from the very first days of life. When a Russian person tells you that Russians are all pigs, drunkards, lazy people, barbarians, and that Russia is a country of fools, then such statements make it hard to breathe. It is really confusing when you realize that the enemies did their job very well. The program works fine. Our consciousness has taken the necessary form for those who created it. This is especially true of the history of the civilization of our planet and the emergence of man on it. In this field, our "friends" have tried hard, turning our people (Slavic-Aryans) from the first settlers to Earth, who had a cosmic level of development, into wild barbarians. How this could have happened can be understood from the books and articles of N.V. Levashov, who for the first time gave people a true whole picture of what is happening on our planet and not only.

Here is the last March 31, 2013. The conference in our native Omsk, dedicated to the origin of man, was very difficult, but very interesting. Russian participants Public Movement“Renaissance. Golden Age "in Omsk have been holding similar events periodically for more than 3 years, trying to constantly improve from time to time the quality of delivering information about the past of our people and many other things.

When the performance of the first participant began, one man decided to prove his incompetence and ... he did not succeed. But in the end, at the end of the conference, the man was very grateful for information received... This suggests that the information presented by us has begun to take an acceptable form for assimilation even by "savvy" people, which is consistent with what they know from other sources. Although at the same time there was a difficulty in linking into a single picture many historical events and facts to support our "incredible" point of view.

There were also people at the meeting who reflected our activities from the "normal" side: they stopped comparing us to a sect, etc., who have a certain benefit from their events. One person even said that this is the first time he has seen such an organization that calls for social activity, relying on objective knowledge... Such Feedback we were very pleased. This means that we are not standing still and have somehow learned to convey the most valuable information that encourages thought and action.

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