Home Diseases and pests Boiled vegetables for weight loss recipe. How to lose weight with boiled vegetables: menu and rules. Diet based on frozen vegetables

Boiled vegetables for weight loss recipe. How to lose weight with boiled vegetables: menu and rules. Diet based on frozen vegetables

Having firmly taken the path of giving up nicotine addiction, you need to try to survive this difficult period with minimal losses and not allow a bad mood to drive you into depression. The rules of nutrition when quitting smoking are simple, and by following them, you can get rid of this not just bad, but dangerous habit much easier, without fear of gaining weight, constantly “seizing” your nicotine hunger.

How to eat if you quit smoking: diet for quitting smoking

There is no need to talk about the dangers of smoking. However, quitting smoking is not easy. Some products may help heavy smokers; To do this, you need to make some changes to your diet. When quitting smoking, it is recommended to include a glass of cold milk and exclude beer in your diet, as well as constantly consume zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, and beans.

The effect of such a diet when quitting smoking lies in specific sensations: exactly these natural products worsen the taste of cigarette smoke.
Doctors made these conclusions based on data from a survey conducted among smokers. It turned out that for 19% of respondents, dairy products make cigarettes unattractive, for 16% - fruits and vegetables, for 14% - decaffeinated drinks (water or juice). And here is the rating of products that provoke the desire to smoke: tea or cola (45% of respondents voted for them), alcohol (44%), meat (11%). It is curious that lovers of menthol cigarettes pay little attention to this: for them the taste remains virtually unchanged.

In addition, doctors plan to use it in lollipops or chewing gum To help you quit smoking, silver acetate: it also makes cigarettes taste repulsive. However, scientists warn that these methods alone are unlikely to guarantee a smoker a complete cessation of cigarettes - they are only effective in combination with an already good by known methods nicotine substitution, when the body receives a certain dose of the usual nicotine, say, from a patch.

When following a diet for quitting smoking, you need to eat less spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods - such foods irritate certain taste buds, provoking the desire to smoke. Same by-effect have alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Smokers who have “quit” are quite nervous people. Magnesium helps effectively combat irritability; its main sources are bran, wheat germ, pumpkin and its seeds, carrots, chicken, Pine nuts, dried fruits.

Ascorbic acid will help you eat right when you quit smoking, the maximum dose is up to 1 g per day. For many years, nicotine destroyed vitamin C in the body, and now the losses will have to be replenished: first of all, with the help of sauerkraut, black currants, sea buckthorn, and spinach.

The right diet after quitting smoking

Sticking to proper diet after quitting smoking, cut portions by 20% and reduce the intervals between meals. It is necessary to replace high-calorie, easily digestible foods with those that are low in fat, and “fast” carbohydrates with “long-lasting” ones. The scope for creativity here is wide. If there is meat and fish, then it is better to eat lean, stewed, steamed. If the dressing is lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or natural yogurt. If the bread is grain, if sour cream is low fat. Instead of potatoes, eat buckwheat, brown rice, pasta durum varieties wheat. In between meals, make light and healthy “green” snacks: eat lettuce or parsley (by the way, it works well to discourage cravings for tobacco), pumpkin or sunflower seeds (preferably unpeeled to eat less).

Those who quit smoking often become addicted to sweets, which is understandable: quitting smoking is stressful, and sweets are an antidepressant. How can you replace smoking so as not to gain weight? excess weight?

Instead of cakes and pastries, try to choose dried fruits or honey, and a little at a time. From chocolate - only bitter, 2-3 slices after meals. The best fruits are sour ones (apples, pears, plums); They should be eaten before the main meal and not mixed with anything.

If you have an unbearable urge to smoke, you need to eat something sour - for example, grapefruit - or drink lemon juice. This will reduce the sensitivity of the receptors responsible for the perception of tobacco.

Anti-nicotine diet against smoking

As for the influence of coffee, the situation is confusing. Scientists believe that smoking after coffee is more of a habit at the level conditioned reflex, and not by an increasing physiological need. Yes, a change in the level of caffeine in the blood can somehow affect the desire to smoke, but it takes at least half an hour after you drink coffee for its concentration to increase - and in reality, they grab a cigarette right away!

The anti-nicotine diet against smoking involves saturating the body with vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamin E is needed to stabilize cell membranes and protect against free radicals, vitamin A will refresh body tissues and reduce the likelihood of lung cancer, and B vitamins will help rejuvenate the skin and protect cells from destruction by toxic substances.

Some narcologists believe that eggplants, which can reduce withdrawal symptoms, can partly play the role of a nicotine patch: they contain a lot of nicotinic acid. Also, the diet of those who quit smoking should be rich in potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, which also contain a lot of nicotinic acid. Of course, in comparison with cigarettes, its doses are insignificant (in 100 g of eggplant there is only 0.1 mg of nicotinic acid, and in one cigarette - up to 1000 mg of nicotine!), but still this is some kind of solution.

This recipe will help you stick to your diet after quitting smoking. Grate a piece of ginger 2-3 cm long, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture. Let it brew and cool a little, add honey. You can drink it either hot or chilled, with the addition of ice.


What worries ex-smokers most, besides the health damage caused by addiction? Of course, this is weight gain as a result of quitting the habit. The right diet will help cope with this problem.

Smokers most often reach for a cigarette to relieve stress and blow smoke when there is no time to eat. It has long been known that nicotine substances suppress appetite and dull the senses - smell and taste, which are responsible for the feeling of pleasure while eating. Naturally, most former smokers, after winning the fight against addiction, rediscover tastes and smells and begin to compensate for what they missed, especially since their appetite returns. If previously nicotine contributed to a faster metabolism, now it has slowed down, especially if the former smoker does not engage in any sports.

What should you do after quitting smoking?

First, the body should detoxify. To avoid gaining weight, you must cleanse yourself of accumulated toxins. Drink at least two liters a day mineral water with fresh lemon juice. Start moving - exercise at least three times a week for an hour.

– The usual cigarette in hand is often replaced with salty sticks, chips, chocolate bars, and candies. For such cases, always keep chopped raw vegetables with you: they are low in calories and will provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

– Restore your immune system – smoking greatly weakens it, allowing free radicals to enter cells more easily.
To protect your body with antioxidants, enrich your new diet with vitamins A, C and E, lycopene, and beta-carotene. You'll find them in homemade tomato sauce, cereal, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, sprouts, sauerkraut, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, fruits, especially citrus fruits, peppers of all colors, cruciferous vegetables - Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and in spinach, artichokes, onions, soy.

– To avoid acidifying the body with animal products such as red meat or cow's milk, you should replace them with fermented soybeans, soy milk, kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt or acidophilus.

– Forget about coffee, which dehydrates and washes away microelements. Replace it green tea. The second and third brews are considered the most valuable (the leaves are poured with water at a temperature of about 70 degrees).

– We get fat because our body is unable to burn the calories supplied by eating, so eat responsibly – less food, but more often. This will normalize and maintain blood sugar levels, so you will not be attacked by hunger pangs. Cream, fried from flour, fried in refined oil and in breadcrumbs Replace food with natural yogurt, grilled meat with herbs, steamed dishes or baked in the oven in foil, but without fat - this way you will limit the number of calories.

– The diet of a former smoker should be rich in complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest, so they do not increase insulin levels. They can be found in buckwheat, rice, durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread.

– Regular physical activity is the culmination of “post-nicotine” efforts. It is important that these are workouts that you enjoy and that bring you joy - cycling, fitness, swimming, etc. They can become your new – healthy – habit, and cigarette addiction will fade into oblivion.

By changing your eating habits, you can not only not gain weight after parting with tobacco, but also lose weight. Your body will become more elastic, your skin will become smooth and without traces of an unhealthy gray tint. White teeth, lack unpleasant odor from the mouth and improved physical condition will motivate you in this difficult struggle for your health and beauty.


Features of the quitting smoking diet

A special diet for quitting smoking is designed to solve three main problems that a person faces at this time:

Reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight

Extra pounds appear because many people try to suppress the craving for cigarettes with rich food and constant snacking. This psychological factor is further enhanced by the fact that, having stopped smoking, a person begins to sense the taste and smell of food more acutely. The already forgotten sensations from food, familiar to those who do not smoke, return to him. Accordingly, a former smoker is more interested in food.

The fact that after quitting smoking the gastric mucosa gradually begins to recover also plays a role, which means that food is now better and more fully absorbed. This does not mean, however, that those quitting smoking should limit themselves in food. Quitting cigarettes in itself leads to enormous psychological stress. The diet should reduce it, not increase it.

To avoid overeating, it is best to divide daily meals into 5 parts. Should be consumed at every meal healthy foods, recommended for those quitting smoking and avoiding harmful ones. If between meals the desire to suppress the craving for nicotine becomes intolerable, snacking is acceptable.

It is important to note that although the number of daily calories consumed when quitting smoking should be reduced by approximately 200-300 units compared to a regular diet, the diet for those who quit smoking does not aim to lose weight. It is designed in such a way that quitting cigarettes does not cause sudden weight gain. In addition, the proposed diet is specially balanced to help reduce the craving for smoking.

Trying to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time will not lead to anything good and will only increase the stress experienced by the body. If the problem of excess weight remains relevant by the time cigarettes become a thing of the past, then you can start solving it.

Avoid foods that make you want to smoke

We are talking, first of all, about those products that, during smoking, become psychologically associated with a cigarette - some, after consuming them, automatically reach for a pack.

In the first month, it is best to forget about alcohol. As a rule, a smoker, having taken alcohol, no longer controls his desire to get rid of smoking and breaks down. If you cannot do without drinking alcohol, you should at least give up strong varieties. It is enough to drink one glass of wine or a mug of beer.

Coffee is a similar case. While there are variations here, it should be said that for the vast majority of people who use tobacco, drinking a cup of coffee is strongly associated with subsequent smoking. For some, such a connection occurs with strong black tea - in this case it is also better to abstain from it.

Fatty foods, smoked foods, highly seasoned foods and pickles all contribute to the craving for cigarette smoke. In the first weeks, when a breakdown is most likely, it is undesirable to consume these products.

Replenish the lack of substances

Over the years of smoking, the body undergoes a kind of restructuring, including nicotine in the general metabolism. Because of this, a person who quits smoking at first feels not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. It is associated with a lack of certain microelements (mainly zinc and magnesium), vitamin C.

A quitting smoking diet must include foods rich in these elements (primarily juices).

Menu options

The following dishes are selected taking into account the specifics of the situation in question. You can combine them and choose what you like best.

Breakfast and second breakfast:

  1. Eggs. Provides the required amount of calories to start the day. You can simply eat soft-boiled or hard-boiled, or make an omelet or scrambled eggs from them.
  2. Porridge. Oatmeal cooked with milk is best. It is not advisable to put sugar in it; if necessary, you can replace it with honey or jam. Other healthy cereals- rice, buckwheat and lentils.
  3. Brown bread or toast.
  4. Fresh green apple, from berries - red or black currant.
  5. A glass of juice (orange or grapefruit).


  1. Green salad (preferably sauerkraut or fresh cabbage).
  2. Seafood salad (squid, mussels, etc.).
  3. The soup is low-fat. Use salt and spices sparingly.
  4. Fish or chicken as the main dish. Meat dishes are also acceptable, but spices should be avoided if possible. It is better to choose lean meat (veal or rabbit).
  5. Fruits. Preferably oranges and apples.
  6. Juice from any citrus fruit.

Dinner and late dinner:

  1. Vegetable salad.
  2. Mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.
  3. Meat, fish or liver dishes.
  4. Any fruit, dried apricots are especially recommended.

Just before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

What to snack on

Snacks are a good way to cope with cigarette cravings. The main thing is not to turn such a preventative snack into a full meal, otherwise problems with rapid weight gain will not be avoided.

Fruits are best - they are low in calories, and their fiber quickly fills the stomach, minimizing the feeling of hunger. Apples, oranges, bananas and berries - a good choice. It's also a good idea to nibble on fresh carrots.

Among these products are:

  • Black currant
    Some try to replace a cigarette by eating chips or candy. It is clear that this only leads to metabolic disorders and weight gain. Blackcurrant berries will not create such problems; in addition, they will be an excellent source of vitamin C.
  • bitter chocolate
    The desire to eat sweets is also typical for former smokers during a difficult period of withdrawal. Sweets really stimulate the production of endorphins, which reduce stress, but, on the other hand, fast carbohydrates lead to extra pounds. Dark chocolate would be a good compromise here.

  • This seasoning helps the body get rid of toxins accumulated during smoking. They can not only season food, but also be consumed directly large quantities when the urge to smoke arises.
  • Parsley
    It has a beneficial effect on the lungs, and therefore this green is extremely useful for smokers. Chewing parsley helps get rid of the urge to smoke.

If you cannot do without snacks between main meals, you can also use nuts, seeds, various dried fruits and cheese to suppress the craving for smoking. Finally, instead of snacking, you can use chewing gum to replace a cigarette.

Go to special diet It’s better in advance, and not on the very day when you decide to stop smoking. In order for the body to have time to prepare and get used to new dietary habits, you should start the diet 1-2 weeks before completely quitting cigarettes.

Keep in mind that you should not rush when eating. You need to eat slowly, enjoying the taste of the food.

It is necessary to get enough liquid every day. During the restructuring of the body that occurs after stopping smoking, this is especially important, since harmful substances and toxins are eliminated along with the liquid. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. This amount includes, of course, the juices and tea you drink.

Stay on fresh air, long walks and physical activity will be a good addition to the diet.


It is best to quit smoking and start a diet at a favorable moment. Negative emotional factors (anxiety, worries, stress, troubles at work, etc.) can seriously complicate the transition to healthy image life and increase the desire to return to cigarettes. Best result can be achieved if the right choice period to quit the habit. This time could be, for example, a vacation.


Products approved for consumption

As a rule, for men who decide to quit smoking, a couple of extra pounds is not a problem. The situation is completely different when bad habit a woman breaks up. The correct diet must be selected. Otherwise, a sudden weight gain can force a girl to abandon her goals, and she will return to smoking again. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose products wisely. There are a number of ingredients that can not only help in the process of quitting nicotine addiction, but also reduce weight:

A piece of ginger will help you overcome nicotine hunger and speed up the process of removing harmful substances from the body. In addition, ginger promotes rejuvenation and weight loss. A smoker can season tea or salad with ginger. You can suck on a small slice of ginger if you have an irresistible urge to smoke.

bitter chocolate

A natural antidepressant that will help cope with irritation, stress and bad mood during withdrawal. bad habit, always accompanying the recovery period. In addition, chocolate replaces all the harmful sweets that former smokers so often want to eat.


A storehouse of vitamin C, which is simply necessary for a person who intends to give up a bad habit. Smokers have an acute deficiency of this vitamin. Lemons in any form will help fill this deficiency.

Celery and parsley

The pronounced taste of celery will help you cope with an irresistible addiction. In addition, it promotes weight loss. Parsley is an inexhaustible source of substances beneficial to the body, which not only saturate, but also help reduce the craving for smoking.

Vegetable juices

Juices from pumpkin, carrots or beets are excellent sources of magnesium. This is a microelement that helps improve mood and provide a gentle way out of stressful situations and depression. A Bad mood and irritability are often constant companions of people who have begun to fight their bad habit.

Prohibited Products

It is preferable that the first week, which is the most difficult, pass for the smoker without strong brewed tea and coffee. They can provoke a person to resume their addiction to cigarettes. The psychological factor plays a decisive role here. A person cannot imagine morning coffee without nicotine doping.

Including a variety of sweets in the menu can have a positive impact negative impact, lead to a breakdown, as a result of which the person will return to his habit again.

Spicy, fried, highly salted and smoked foods can stimulate the craving for smoking. Nutrition must be adjusted in such a way as to eliminate them or sharply reduce them. When preparing meat dishes, add seasonings in minimal proportions.

To avoid gaining weight when quitting smoking, you need to listen to several tips: simple tips given by experienced doctors. Numerous reviews of people who have gotten rid of a bad habit indicate that diet and adherence certain rules behaviors really make the process of giving up easier and painless.

  • It would be better to reconsider your diet before giving up the habit. Then a new diet and life without nicotine will not create enormous stress for the body.
  • The calorie content of the foods consumed will have to be reduced. A smoker expends slightly more energy than a person who is not dependent on cigarettes. Accordingly, if you quit a bad habit, but still eat as before, weight gain is inevitable.
  • Alcohol consumption should be completely avoided. It reduces self-control and provokes a person to start smoking again.
  • Use large quantities Liquids will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  • Should be organized fractional meals and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to exclude or minimize meat. An exception can only be made for chicken.
  • It is better to always have a small snack on hand in the form of snacks, seeds or candies.

A quitting smoking menu must include fresh foods. plant origin. Among cereals, it is better to give preference to unpolished varieties of rice and buckwheat; oatmeal and lentils are especially beneficial. It is better to choose dietary meat, such as rabbit, chicken and others. It is good to consume dairy and fermented milk products during this period.
It's important to start new life"at a time when the risk of stress is minimized. Then the fight against the addiction will be quick and painless.


Criticism from Fitfan.ru

Replace a cigarette with fruit? Yes, this will not work with any smoker! They would also suggest replacing a cigarette with 20 push-ups...

This diet is unsuccessful attempt come up with something new where it is not needed!

Not only does a person need to quit smoking, but he is also offered to change his diet. Instead, these two tasks turn into an impossible mission!


Nutrient disturbances due to smoking

Now let's look at the nutritional imbalances that occur when smoking:

  1. General changes energy requirement during the day, it increases by an average of 100 kcal. This calorie content is necessary to neutralize the toxins found in tobacco.
  2. The need for vitamins A, E, C and carotenoids as the basis of the body's antioxidant defense increases. Oxidative stress, caused by oxygen free radicals and lipid peroxides, plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Due to increased risk development of cancer of any localization in smokers and increased consumption of vitamins, they need O higher amounts of antioxidants than non-smokers.
  3. The need for vitamin D increases; it is necessary for the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and plays important role in maintaining bone health. Components of tobacco smoke block the synthesis of some vitamin D metabolites. In combination with other negative effects on bone tissue, this contributes to the development of osteopenic conditions.
  4. Calcium metabolism is disrupted and bone density decreases. There is compelling evidence that women who smoke are more likely to have bone fractures than non-smokers. It is known that bone tissue containing estrogen receptors is highly sensitive to this hormone. Estrogens inhibit bone resorption, while ingredients in tobacco smoke not only increase it, but also suppress bone synthesis. Osteoporosis is more common in women who smoke and have not received postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy. Along with estrogen deficiency, calcitonin resistance and impaired vitamin D metabolism, characteristic of women who smoke, contribute to a decrease in bone mineral density.

Some chemical elements, which are part of tobacco smoke, are calcium antagonists and can enter into competitive relationships with it. For example, cadmium is contained in tobacco smoke and can replace calcium in bone tissue due to the similarity of the ionic structure of these components.

Dietary assistance tactics for smoking cessation

1. Cleansing and restoring the body from tobacco toxins

Adequate drinking regime at the rate of 30 ml/kg body weight. At least 50% of the resulting volume must be clean water, the remaining volume can be filled with weak herbal tea or fruit drink. This measure will accelerate the elimination of toxic substances obtained by the body from smoking, improve the body's metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

It is important to use foods and drinks rich in catechins. Catechins are organic matter from the group of flavonoids. They are polyphenolic compounds and are strong antioxidants. The most catechins are found in white and green tea. They are found in large quantities in many fruits and berries (apples, quinces, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, etc.). Black tea, on the contrary, contains a small amount of catechins; due to oxidation processes during fermentation, these components are practically not preserved.

When quitting smoking, products containing dietary fiber are recommended. Traditional foods such as whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruits should be considered as sources of these nutrients. As well as specialized food products - dry protein composite mixtures (SBCS), which, in addition to complete, high-quality protein, also contain soluble dietary fiber that activates intestinal motility without a laxative effect. Products in these categories regulate the functioning of the digestive system, promote the growth and development of normal intestinal microflora and help in cleansing the body of toxic components of tobacco smoke.

When quitting smoking for the purpose of cleansing, you should definitely include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. These are foods rich in vitamins A, E, C and carotenoids.

Non-dietary methods of cleansing the body are effective breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air in the countryside and regular physical activity. Plus, these methods help overcome psychological cravings for nicotine.

2. Correction of nutrient status

When compiling individual diet nutrition during the period of quitting smoking, it is important to take into account an important factor: smokers have an increased need for protein, a number of vitamins and minerals.

Basic nutritional components that require correction


It is known that smokers turn on a special gene that triggers the synthesis of an enzyme that destroys collagen, a protein that ensures the elasticity and strength of the skin. This is one of the reasons why people who suffer from this addiction and want to give it up need food rich in protein.

It is also important to note that by consuming sufficient amounts of protein, it is possible to adjust nutritional status during periods of exacerbation of hunger. Numerous studies confirm the fact that protein foods satisfy hunger with less energy entering the body and, as a result, a person does not gain extra pounds. Especially for these purposes, patients are recommended to eat specialized food products - dry protein composite mixtures (PCM), the use of which ensures control over nutritional balance.

Vitamin A

It has been found that smokers have lower vitamin A levels. If these losses are not replenished, signs of hypovitaminosis may develop. Possible violations skin- dryness, peeling, hyperkeratosis of the skin. Twilight vision is impaired, and so-called night blindness develops. A decrease in immunological status is also possible, which leads to frequent infectious diseases. Vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of tumors, which is already high in smokers.

According to WHO standards basal level vitamin A intake is 300 retinol equivalents for men, and 270 for women. At the same time, 25% of the daily requirement should be provided by carotenoids, and 75% by vitamin A.

Sources of vitamin A are products of animal origin: liver, caviar, egg yolk, butter, hard cheeses. Beta-carotene is found mainly in foods of plant origin: red and orange vegetables and greens - parsley, celery, spinach, carrots, rose hips, red sweet peppers, apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes.

Vitamin E

When smoking, the body's consumption of vitamin E increases. Therefore, it is important to adjust this nutrient.

Vitamin E deficiency primarily leads to damage to muscle fibers and neurons. Rapidly proliferating cells of hepatocytes, spermatogenic epithelium, nephron epithelium, and germinal tissues also suffer. Hypovitaminosis E leads to hypoxia in tissues and organs with a high need for oxygen.

The daily requirement for vitamin E is 15 mg. Sources of this vitamin are vegetable oils- soybean, cottonseed, corn, sunflower, olive; soybeans, peas, oatmeal, beans, buckwheat, shrimp, squid, eggs, pike perch, mackerel.

Vitamin C

Need in ascorbic acid also increases smoking. Vitamin C deficiency can be suspected by bleeding gums and swelling of interdental papillae, hemorrhagic rashes on the skin, a tendency to bleeding (nasal, uterine, etc.), and frequent colds.

The average requirement for ascorbic acid for an adult is 90 mg/day; for smokers, this figure can almost double.

Sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits, vegetables, greens and berries - rose hips, sweet peppers, currants, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kiwi, white cabbage, citrus fruits, strawberries.

Vitamin D

To regulate calcium metabolism, which is disrupted by tobacco use, vitamin D is necessary. However, you should not exceed the level of vitamin D intake in the daily diet, since standard daily doses will be sufficient if the patient has already given up smoking.

The daily requirement of vitamin D is 400 IU. Food sources include: cod liver, Atlantic herring, sprats, red caviar, egg yolks, butter, cheese, sour cream.


A sufficient amount of calcium is especially important for long-term former smokers, older patients and menopausal women. Calcium in combination with adequate level Vitamin D will be an excellent prevention of osteopenic conditions.

The daily calcium requirement for an adult varies between 800-1200 mg. The main sources of this mineral are dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk drinks, milk; Along with them, calcium is found in vegetables - cabbage of all types, greens; nuts and sesame seeds.

As we see, a person who has given up an addiction has a deficiency not only of one vitamin or mineral, but also of several nutrients of these types at the same time. Therefore, it is advisable to take not individual vitamins, but their complexes in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes. Dietary products this category, as well as specialized food products (SBKS), are approved by the Russian Ministry of Health as part of the standards therapeutic nutrition(see Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 21, 2013 No. 395n “On approval of clinical nutrition standards”).

3. Complete and balanced nutrition

It is important that the body of a person who has given up an addiction receives all the necessary macro- and microelements. In addition to the previously listed components, during the typical process of quitting smoking, an increase in any components in the diet is not required. However, it is important to ensure that all essential substances enter the body in the required quantities. This applies primarily to complete proteins, essential amino acids, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. During the period of quitting smoking, it is possible to prescribe additional course vitamin therapy.

4. Dealing with increased appetite

It is no secret that many smokers, having given up a bad habit, experience a strong feeling of hunger, tend to overeat, and accordingly, often gain excess weight. There are several reasons for this:

  • Nicotine is able to suppress the feeling of hunger; accordingly, after depriving the body of nicotine, hunger “raises its head.”
  • Nicotine produces a feeling of pleasure similar in effect to eating sweets. Eliminating one increases desireuse something else.
  • The body needs about 100 kcal daily to neutralize tobacco toxins; therefore, if a person, after eliminating nicotine, continues to eat at the same calorie content, this contributes to an excess of energy. If this happens regularly, extra pounds may accumulate.
  • Many former smokers in the early stages of quitting nicotine are unable to distinguish between the feeling of hunger and the desire to smoke. Accordingly, every urge for nicotine is perceived as a sensation increased appetite, which is more often satisfied with foods rich in fast carbohydrates and fats (sweet foods, cookies, crackers, chips, etc.).
  • The “motor habit” is preserved - smokers often have their hands and mouth busy, and eating food has the same effect.
  • Heavy smokers have a reduced sensitivity of taste buds to natural irritants, they are less able to distinguish the tastes of various dishes and products, and are unable to detect aftertaste and light shades of taste. This is where the desire to use comes from. delicious products V large volumes which contributes to overeating. By the way, after a while the receptors are able to recover.

Distribution by calorie content

During the period of quitting smoking, it is especially important to build a diet in such a way as to avoid long breaks between meals and, accordingly, to prevent the occurrence of strong feeling hunger, often followed by overeating.

The optimal regimen would be: 3 main meals + 2-3 snacks. In this case, the calorie distribution will look something like this:

  • Breakfast - 25%.
  • 2nd breakfast - 10%.
  • Lunch - 30%.
  • Afternoon snack - 10%.
  • Dinner - 20%.
  • Evening snack - 5%.

It is important to tell the patient that outbreaks of hunger are possible during the period of quitting smoking, and to recommend that during this time, non-calorie foods be constantly available - fruits (green apples, citrus fruits are ideal), vegetables (leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes), dried fruits ( no sugar), low-fat dairy products.

It is important to teach the difference between hunger and the desire to smoke a cigarette. The desire to smoke a cigarette is often accompanied by a feeling of excitement.

It is important that a former smoker always has the opportunity to drink a few sips of clean water. Firstly, it is important for cleansing the body, and secondly, it distracts from the desire to smoke and, like a cigarette, occupies the hands and mouth.

The diet of patients who have given up nicotine addiction should be selected taking into account the state of the digestive system, since it is often susceptible to inflammatory diseases when smoking. It is possible to prescribe a diet option with mechanical and chemical sparing.


Tobacco causes a strong addiction in the body, which is equal to addiction to drugs. Nicotine is involved in metabolism, making it very difficult to get rid of addiction. Every person who has quit or at least tried to quit smoking knows that doing so is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The body's reaction to quitting smoking often leads to the appearance of various symptoms, because it is already accustomed to the effects of nicotine smoke, so completely quitting the bad habit causes it to become stressed.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

The benefits of quitting smoking are simply enormous. Many are trying to quit this bad habit for economic purposes, because now a pack of cigarettes is expensive. And if you quit smoking, you can save a lot of money. However, there are other positive aspects:

  • The body is cleansed of harmful waste and toxins that have a negative impact on the functions of all internal organs. Under their influence, immunity decreases.
  • The blood is better enriched with oxygen, which feeds all cells. This causes the aging of internal organs and skin to occur more slowly.
  • Lung volume increases and returns to its previous level. Often, people who quit smoking experience a decrease in the severity of symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases.
  • The risk of lung cancer, hypertension, heart and vascular diseases is reduced.

However, complete cleansing of nicotine from the body will occur only 7-10 years after completely quitting cigarettes. Therefore, before you start smoking, you need to think about whether you will be able to quit this bad habit in the future.

Why is quitting smoking harmful?

In fact, the consequences of quitting smoking are not always positive. Of course, the benefits of quitting cigarettes are enormous, but before they appear, a number of negative changes will occur in the body. Since nicotine is included in metabolism, after quitting it, a restructuring of metabolism will occur. Therefore, in the first weeks the health of a former smoker worsens significantly.

Immunity decreases for a while as the body needs to cope with stressful situation. Therefore, a person’s frequency of colds increases and ulcers appear in the mouth. In addition, it changes emotional background, especially in people who have smoked for more than 10 years. They become irritable, hot-tempered, and depressed.

In addition, many people begin to gain weight rapidly in the first months after quitting smoking. This is due to the fact that in order to muffle unpleasant sensations, many people eat them. But when the body gets used to without nicotine, the previous weight will return. It is during this period that many cannot stand it, they constantly want to smoke a cigarette, so they return to their negative habit.

Body condition by day

After quitting smoking, a number of negative changes are observed in the body. Moreover, usually the symptoms of quitting smoking over a long period of time are the same for all patients. Especially in the first days, changes in the emotional state are observed (the appearance of irritability, depression), insomnia, trembling in the hands and a nervous tic are possible. However, one cannot assume that absolutely all people experience the same symptoms.

In some cases, even heavy smokers give up cigarettes more easily than beginners with only a few months of experience. After all, each person’s body is unique, some people get used to drugs faster and more strongly, while others can start and quit smoking at any time they want.

Let's look at how smoking cessation occurs by day of the week. The symptoms described below are common and may vary from person to person:

  1. The first day of quitting smoking usually proceeds without any problems. The amount in the blood decreases carbon monoxide, due to which it is better enriched with oxygen. A person feels joy and pride in himself. You become confident that you will actually be able to quit your bad habit. The urge to smoke is very weak or completely absent. However, if you do not smoke for 1 day, this does not mean that smoking is left behind. After all, usually in the following days the symptoms of withdrawal become more pronounced.
  2. Not smoking the first day is easy, but the next day of quitting it becomes difficult to suppress your addiction. During this period, the first symptoms of nicotine starvation appear. The joy of the first day is replaced by irritability and aggressiveness. The craving for smoking increases, but it can be reduced with the power of thought. Shortness of breath, cough, and abdominal pain appear. It is very difficult to fall asleep during this period.
  3. On the third day, nervousness intensifies and symptoms of addiction increase. All the smoker’s thoughts are focused only on cigarettes; he does not know how to distract himself. It is almost impossible to fall asleep, sleep is interrupted. Peeling of the skin and the appearance of pimples are possible.

On this day, you definitely need to distract yourself with something. It is recommended to do something you love. Physical activity is also a good distraction from thoughts about tobacco. You can start repairs and rearrange furniture. Many people fix this problem with food with a pronounced taste.

  1. The body's recovery continues, blood flow to the brain increases to normal levels, and lung repair occurs. The person becomes less aggressive, irritability decreases. Some people use special medications to suppress their emotional state (for example, diazepex). In most cases, there is an improvement in mood, but there is absent-mindedness in actions. It is easier to fall asleep, but the sleep is superficial. Mild dizziness and tinnitus may occur. Sometimes swelling of the hands and face appears.
  2. The fifth day is the turning point for quitting smoking. The urge to smoke is very strong, and the likelihood of relapse increases. It is believed that if you resist the craving for tobacco on this day, you will also be able to overcome yourself in the future. The cough becomes wet and dark mucus is coughed up. The taste of food improves as microtraumas on the surface of the tongue heal, thereby restoring taste buds.
  3. On the sixth day, “white blood” cells are formed for the first time without exposure to nicotine. Intestinal motility is normalized, and further restoration of the lungs occurs. This stage of quitting smoking is characterized by the same symptoms as on the third day. The so-called withdrawal syndrome appears when a person wants to start smoking again. Sleep is disturbed again, the smoker becomes very irritable and aggressive, trying to find cigarettes. It is very difficult and even impossible for him to restrain himself. Hand tremors become more pronounced, the person sweats more, and feels sick after every meal. Blood particles may appear in the expectorated mucus.
  4. If you don't smoke for a week, the stage of physical dependence on nicotine will be completed. After this, an intensive process of recovery of the body will begin. The slowest repair occurs in the lungs, blood vessels and nervous system. On the seventh day, a person stops thinking about cigarettes, so it is important that nothing reminds him of them. It is advisable to get rid of lighters and all cigarettes in the house, and remove the ashtray. Self-persuasion becomes effective again. Appetite increases, but problems with digestion and bowel movements are possible.

Changes in the body when quitting smoking continue for up to a year, and full recovery is possible only after several years. In the first month of quitting smoking, the bronchial mucosa, which was damaged by nicotine smoke, is renewed. Condition improves blood vessels. Immunity is significantly increased, which is associated with increased blood supply to cells. Leukocytes and platelets are quickly renewed, but the restoration of red blood cells is slower.

Epithelial cells are renewed, due to which the skin looks fresh, a natural flush of the face appears, and the yellow tint completely disappears. The patient has a better sense of food taste and smell. Many former smokers find cigarette smoke disgusting. Appetite increases sharply, which can cause weight gain. Since the functions of the gastrointestinal tract have not yet fully recovered during this period, frequent pain in the abdominal area is possible. Moreover, bowel movements are also unstable - diarrhea and constipation can alternate with each other. By the end of the first month, the cough with mucus practically goes away. Headaches and dizziness continue because the brain is not used to so much oxygen.

The emotional state is still disturbed, so the person needs support from the people around him. The urge to smoke is much less compared to the first week. Breakdowns are possible towards the end of the 2nd and 4th weeks, when a person wants to smoke out of curiosity - to find out whether he likes the taste of cigarettes now.

In the period of 2-6 months, complete renewal of skin cells occurs, so the complexion becomes the same as before smoking. Dryness and itching on the skin disappear. By the end of the 6th month, the lungs are cleared and their volume increases significantly. Liver restoration begins only in the 5th month, but this process proceeds very quickly.

At this time, the body reacts positively to quitting smoking. Appetite is normalized and weight is restored. From the fifth month onwards, you can engage in sports such as swimming or cycling. The mood improves, the person becomes cheerful and cheerful. Life is filled with colorful colors and brings pleasure. The craving for cigarettes is completely absent.

At 7-8 months, the teeth become white, the yellow plaque disappears (subject to daily brushing). The vocal cords are restored, so the voice returns to normal and ceases to be hoarse. The perception of tastes and smells becomes more acute. In the 9-11th month, there is no craving for smoking during the day, but many complain that they dream about cigarettes. By the year without tobacco, the body is restored so much that the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke is reduced by 2 times.

But it is necessary to take into account that the less experience a smoker has, the better his body will recover. After all, nicotine can cause changes at the genetic level, as a result of which children may be born with various defects. In women who have previously smoked, pregnancy and childbirth in most cases occur with complications.

What not to do when a person quits smoking

The period of quitting smoking is very difficult for many also because there are a number of restrictions at this time. So, it is not recommended to take any medications for at least 3 months after quitting cigarettes. During menstruation, a woman should not quit smoking, as this can lead to rapid weight gain.

Cannot be eaten harmful products. You need to review your diet to include fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as other components rich in vitamins and minerals. In the first days, it is advisable to eat only dairy and plant foods, which will allow the body to more easily cope with a stressful situation.

How to help the body

To make it easier to quit smoking, you need to help your body. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to completely quit smoking on the same day that a person makes the decision to do so. It is important to set a clear goal for which you need to achieve a positive result. Such motivation may be preserving family or health, the desire to conceive a child, play sports and other reasons. This will make it easier to adhere to smoking rules.

In the first month, it is important to give your body as many vitamins as possible. They can come from both food and special medications. At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin complexes that help rapid recovery(for example, “Aevit” or “Multitabs”).

Every morning you should drink a glass of warm milk on an empty stomach. But if smoking causes asthma, you can drink it only after consulting an allergist.

To speed up the normalization of skin tone, you can use natural face masks based on honey, egg yolk and milk. They are suitable for both women and men who take care of their appearance.

It is also important to monitor your physical activity. Waste and toxins are quickly eliminated from the body, which receives a sufficient amount physical activity. It is recommended to do exercises in the morning, walk, and breathe fresh air as much as possible.

Of course, quitting smoking is a very difficult and lengthy process. Does not exist simple way, which would help reduce the intensity of symptoms caused by a stressful state of the body. But the result will not be long in coming, and after a few months the person will feel relief.

According to statistics, 18% Russian men and 13% women don't quit smoking because they're afraid of getting fat. It is for such people that nutritionists have developed an anti-smoking diet - you won’t gain weight on it, and you will want to smoke less.


There are two main reasons why ex-smokers gain weight.
Nikoti n. In a smoker's body poisoned by it, a large percentage of what was eaten was simply not absorbed. If you quit smoking but your appetite remains the same, problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is important to watch what you eat, especially in the first weeks after you quit.

Sucking reflex With. When there is no cigarette in the mouth, a person begins to look for a replacement - that is, as a rule, he eats more. Moreover, sweeter and fattier foods are intuitively chosen as a substitute - with the help of sugar and fats, the body suppresses the depressive longing for smoking.

So that your new wonderful life without cigarettes is not overshadowed extra pounds, adhere to the following rules:

Switch to fractional meals. Eat little and often. This will prevent you from overeating and will satisfy the sucking reflex.

Eat more vegetables and fruits! They are low in calories and full of vitamins and microelements, which you especially need right now. Plus fiber, which will help remove toxins from the body.

Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and red meat temporarily. These products increase the urge to smoke.

Choose low-fat sweets. If you have a sweet tooth, eat marshmallows and marmalade, not chocolate and biscuits.


Nutritionists of the center " Rimmarita » (Moscow) have developed a seven-day menu for smokers. This diet will help you avoid gaining weight after you quit smoking and support your body. loading dose vitamins and fiber, normalize digestion and return the face to normal color. Long-term smokers have a characteristic earthy complexion to their skin.


Beauty porridge: 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, pour 100 ml hot water, add chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon of honey, half of the grated apple.
Grated apple and carrot salad.
Sauerkraut shi on the second meat or chicken broth. Boiled turkey with coleslaw and fresh cucumber. 3 walnuts and cranberry juice.
2 dry bran breads.
Mackerel baked in foil with broccoli, cauliflower and bell pepper.


Beauty porridge: millet in milk 1.5% fat with a teaspoon of butter.
Boiled beet salad with 3 walnuts and 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
Boiled jacket potatoes with sauerkraut, apples and cranberries.
Low-fat cottage cheese and cranberry juice.
Flounder baked in foil with broccoli and cauliflower


Salad of grated carrots, cabbage, boiled beets and parsley, seasoned with lemon juice.
A fruit cocktail made from half a banana, a glass of berries (cranberries or lingonberries) and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
Borsch from fresh vegetables in the second meat or chicken broth. Turkey and salad of cabbage, cucumber, carrots and herbs.
Any seafood. For example, half a glass of boiled shrimp or a piece of fish.
Stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and vegetables. Fresh vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar.


We repeat the menu of the first day.


Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and half a glass of freshly squeezed juice from carrots, apples and cabbage.
Salad of grated carrots with 3 walnuts and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
Herring baked in foil and vinaigrette without potatoes with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
A glass of kefir with a couple of dry breads.
Vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions), baked in the oven and sprinkled with grated cheese.


Mix 1.2 liters of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with 800 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice, add 100 ml of lemon juice. Dilute 900 ml of water and drink evenly throughout the day.


We repeat the menu of the second day.

Every day of the diet (except for the 6th) you need to drink 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated, unboiled water.

Quitting cigarettes is stressful for the body. Minimize possible problems and a properly organized diet will help you get rid of a bad habit.

The exclusion of nicotine from metabolic processes entails a restructuring of work gastrointestinal tract, changes in metabolism, temporary decrease in the production of glucose and the hormone dopamine. Combined with an unbalanced diet, this can lead to weight gain, intestinal and nerve problems.
Additional difficulties in quitting smoking are associated with improved appetite and a temporary decrease in immunity. To support the body and protect it from negative consequences, during this period it is necessary to follow a special diet.

Diet principles for a former smoker:

  • Go to new mode nutrition until quitting cigarettes;
  • reduce the number of calories consumed;
  • Keep healthy snacks on hand at all times;
  • take vitamins;
  • don't try to lose weight;
  • give up stimulants;
  • pamper yourself.

Weight control

A person who smokes spends almost 200 calories more per day than a non-smoker. The task of a former smoker is to maintain energy expenditure at the same level or reduce the caloric content of the diet. Sports are suitable for the first; the second can be achieved, for example, by giving up useless fast carbohydrates and excess animal fats.
The basis of the diet should be non-starchy vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, carrots, beets, Bell pepper, green beans, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers), unpolished cereals (buckwheat, whole grain oats, Brown rice), lean meat (poultry breasts, veal, rabbit), fish, fruits, dairy products and vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame).

The intestines are in good shape, the nerves are in order

Nicotine has a stimulating effect on the intestines, so with a long history of smoking, the organ “forgets” to work on its own. To regain lost skills, it is necessary to consume more fiber, which causes the intestinal muscles to contract. Lots of fiber in raw vegetables, unpolished cereals. Yogurt, kefir, and fermented baked milk will also help the intestines.
Without a cigarette, the smoker is tormented by an unusual emptiness in the mouth and an imaginary feeling of hunger. Light, healthy snacks will help you get distracted and dull your appetite: dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins), pumpkin seeds, nuts, cut into strips raw carrots, dried pieces of cheese, whole grain crackers, hard apples, and chewing gum.

Underwater rocks

A few days after quitting smoking, many people complain of colds. Reason: depression immune system devoid of the usual nicotine doping. To restore immunity, doctors advise starting treatment in advance. vitamin complexes. During the cold season, it is recommended to take echinacea, a herbal immunomodulator.
Another unpleasant consequence struggle for health - apathy, stress, bad mood. Here small joys will come to the rescue - eat a slice or two of dark chocolate, dine not at home, but in a restaurant (choosing healthy dishes), drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and occasionally indulge in your favorite cake.

What not to do

To successfully complete the process - getting rid of nicotine addiction - you should give up not only cigarettes, but also alcohol and coffee, and an abundance of sweets (they can provoke the desire to smoke). Preference should be given to juices and green tea. Any excessive stress on the body, including a strict diet for the purpose of losing weight, is extremely undesirable. During the period of weaning from a bad habit, the maximum task is simply not to gain weight.

American scientists have found that foods suitable for quitting smoking diets include:
leaving a bitter aftertaste if you take a drag from a cigarette immediately after them. This,
for example, dairy products, celery, spinach, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant,
freshly squeezed fruit juices, rich in vitamin C.

Following a diet in itself does not guarantee quitting smoking, but it increases the chances of success and helps you safely survive this difficult period.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalia Bakatina

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

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