Home Flowers Signs associated with cemeteries and funerals. Existing signs about birds. Things from the grave

Signs associated with cemeteries and funerals. Existing signs about birds. Things from the grave

Gary Roman

Romain Gary

Birds fly to die in Peru

Translation of French by L. Bondarenko, A. Farafonov

He went out onto the terrace and again found himself alone with his outback: dunes, the ocean, thousands of dead birds in the sand, a boat, rust from a net, the skeleton of a beached whale, traces of footsteps, a string of fishing boats in the distance, where the islands have their guano The whiteness rivaled the sky. The cafe was perched on stilts in the middle of the dunes; the road passed about a hundred meters from here, but it could not be heard. The gangway went down a ladder to the beach; he had cleaned them every evening since two escaped criminals in Lima had knocked him out with a bottle while he slept; in the morning he found them dead drunk in a bar. He leaned on the railing and lit his first cigarette, looking at the birds falling on the sand: some of them were still struggling in their last convulsions. No one could ever explain to him why they left the islands in the ocean and flew to die on this beach, located ten kilometers north of Lima: they never flew either a little north or a little south, but always only to this narrow sand spit the length of exactly three kilometers. Perhaps it was a sacred place for them - such as Benares in India, where believers come to give up their lives - their souls, before ascending to heaven, got rid of their skeletons here. Or perhaps they simply flew from the guano islands - those bare and cold rocks - to the soft and hot sand, when their blood began to run cold in their veins and they were just strong enough to make this flight.

We must accept: there is everything scientific explanation. You can, of course, find refuge in poetry, make friends with the Ocean, listen to its voice, and continue to believe in the mysteries of nature. A little poet, a little dreamer... And so you find refuge in Peru, at the foot of the Andes, on the beach where everything ends - and this is after battles in Spain, in the ranks of the partisans in France, in Cuba: after all, at the age of forty-seven you still know a lot about life and no longer expect anything from either high goals or women - you find solace in beautiful landscapes. Landscapes rarely betray. A little poet, a little dreamer... However, someday poetry will also receive a scientific explanation, it will be studied as an ordinary secretory phenomenon. Science triumphantly attacks man from all sides. You become the owner of a cafe on the dunes of the Peruvian coast, next to the Ocean - he is the only one who can keep you company - but there is an explanation for this too: isn’t the Ocean a prototype eternal life, not a promise of afterlife happiness, final consolation? A bit of a poet... One must hope that the soul does not exist: for it this is the only way not to get caught. Scientists will soon calculate its exact mass, composition, lifting speed... When you think about those billions of souls that have flown away since the very beginning of History, there is something to cry about - a colossal source of wasted energy: having built dams to intercept souls at the moment their ascension, the whole earth could be illuminated. The hour is not far off when man will be completely used. His most beautiful dreams have already been taken away from him, turning them into wars and prisons.

Some birds were still standing in the sand: new arrivals. They looked at the islands. The islands, far out in the Ocean, were covered with guano: the amount of guano produced by one cormorant during its existence is capable of supporting life poor family over the same period of time. Having thus completed their mission on earth, the birds flew here to die. In general, he could say that he, too, had fulfilled his mission: the last time, in the Sierra Madre, with Castro. The amount of idealism generated by one exemplary soul is capable of keeping a police regime alive for the same length of time. A little poet, that's all. Soon they will fly to the Moon, and the Moon will no longer exist. He threw the cigarette into the sand. Naturally, great love can settle all this, he thought mockingly and contentedly. strong desire die. This is how melancholy sometimes overcame him in the morning, a nasty loneliness that suppressed, instead of making breathing more free. He leaned towards the pulley, grabbed the rope, lowered the gangplank and went to shave: as always, he looked with surprise at his face in the mirror. "I didn't want this!" - he said jokingly to himself. According to these gray hair and the wrinkles could clearly see what he would turn into in a year or two: the only way out- is to hide under the mask of a well-mannered old man. An elongated face with tired eyes and an ironic smile. He didn’t write to anyone anymore, didn’t receive letters, didn’t know anyone: he broke with everyone, as always happens when you try in vain to break with yourself.

Screaming seabirds: There must have been a school of fish passing near the shore. The sky was completely white, the islands on the horizon were beginning to turn yellow in the rays of the rising sun, the ocean emerged from a milky gray haze, seals yelped near the collapsed old pier behind the dunes.

He put the coffee on to warm up and returned to the terrace. At the foot of one dune, on the right, he first noticed a man thin as a skeleton: with his face buried in the sand, he slept next to a curled up body, wearing only swimming trunks, decorated from head to toe in blue, red and yellow colors, and a giant black man stretched out to his full height on the mud, wearing a white Louis XV wig, a blue tailcoat and white silk panties - the last echoes of the carnival that swept through the wave and ended here on the beach. “Extras,” he decided. “The municipality provided them with suits and dresses at the cost of fifty coins per night.”

Sooner or later, each of us faces death. Unfortunately, it is an integral part of the circle that all living beings on our planet go through. We are born, grow and die at a moment unknown to us until that very last fateful moment. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with having information about signs in a cemetery. After all, most of them are the result of long observations and secret knowledge which our people possessed in ancient times. It is worth noting that signs at funerals and in the cemetery represent a certain set of rules. If you follow them, the dead will never harm you, but, on the contrary, will always come to your defense in any situation. We think this alone should attract your attention to this article.

What not to do in a cemetery: list of prohibitions

Regardless religious beliefs And social status, every person must understand how to behave in a churchyard. Otherwise, due to ignorance or carelessness, you can make a number of mistakes, including fatal ones. Knowing the signs at the cemetery will definitely protect you from negativity and life problems, which you are able to bring home after a funeral or visiting the graves of loved ones. So, what you should never do in a cemetery:

  • For some reason, it is customary among our compatriots to remember the deceased with strong drinks. This is strictly prohibited both at a funeral and in the case of a regular visit to a churchyard. The fact is that the soul of the deceased may become angry with his not-so-sober relative and contribute to the arrival of some troubles in his life. In addition, all people related to magic know that a drunk person’s energy field sharply weakens, so any negativity easily clings to it. And the cemetery, as you know, is the place where a large number of bad energy and various entities. You shouldn't risk attracting their attention to you.
  • Be extremely careful when talking about your current affairs. Many people, coming to their deceased relatives, share with them joyful and sad news, plans for the future and their fears about this or that action in life. However, there is no need to be overly emotional, because the soul may take pity on you in case of trouble and call you along. And it is completely unacceptable to ask for death while lamenting. In this case, the spirits of the graveyard will definitely hear you and fulfill your voiced request.
  • It is better not to take children under twelve years of age with you to the churchyard. They have not yet lost touch with higher powers, therefore have the opportunity to see the souls of the deceased. And they, in turn, can try to get in touch with the child. It seems that such an experience will not benefit your child.
  • Do not allow quarrels in the cemetery. Our ancestors argued that those who swear at the grave will always be surrounded by problems and troubles. Esotericists confirm this sign, because the energy of the deceased is capable of several times increasing the negativity thrown out here.
  • Experienced people also advise visiting the graves of deceased relatives before noon. After lunch, a rampage of low energies begins in the cemetery, which can also affect you. Therefore, plan such trips for early in the morning, in this case they will be safe.

As you can see, these rules are quite simple, but they are not the only ones regarding signs in the cemetery. Therefore, we decided to look at a few more important topics that reveal superstitions and rules for visiting a graveyard.

Funeral: how to behave correctly

It's no secret that in last way a person must be accompanied by observing a lot of rituals. Not every one of them is significant enough to affect the course of life of the person involved in the process. In this section we have collected only the most important rules, which must be observed by anyone who had to attend a funeral:

  • Try to dress only in black when seeing off loved one on the last journey. It is believed that wearing white and colored clothes will be disrespectful to the deceased, and you may incur negativity.
  • Never talk loudly during a funeral, this will definitely not please the souls living in the cemetery.
  • You cannot tell stories, share news and life events while you are at the graveyard. All conversations should concern only the deceased and the good that he did in life.
  • Even if you had a difficult relationship with the deceased, find for him during the funeral Nice words. Under no circumstances should one speak ill of the deceased.
  • It is necessary to see off a person on his last journey only in closed shoes. Exposed toes and heels will spell trouble for you as they may come into contact with the cemetery soil.

Any violation of the above rules entails a number of problems that will be difficult to somehow neutralize. Esotericists say that such negativity becomes a very heavy and unbearable burden, breaking the usual way of life. Keep in mind that in any case, you should take a bottle of water with you to the graveyard and be sure to wash your face with it on the way out to get rid of the cemetery’s negativity.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a cemetery: signs

The presence of women in a delicate position at the churchyard raises many questions, because expectant mothers should experience only positive emotions. How much harm could it do to them to attend a funeral or visit the grave of a loved one?

Of course, pregnant women should avoid traveling to the cemetery. Their energy is very sensitive to the low vibrations that permeate this earth. In addition, signs warn women expecting a baby from visiting the churchyard for a number of the following reasons:

  • The souls of the deceased and dark entities living on the graves can take the baby with them. They may be attracted to it and the baby’s soul will be drawn to the call, leaving the mother’s womb.
  • In some cases, the soul of a deceased person can move into an unborn child if it really wants to find a body ahead of time.

To avoid all this, a pregnant woman should wear a red dress and tie a band of the same color on her wrist. This will scare away the spirits and protect the soul of the unborn baby.

Overnight at the churchyard

Night in the Graveyard is a cliched trope in most horror films. Many people associate this with something really scary that can end in death.

But in fact, anyone can spend the night in a cemetery absolutely calmly. Especially if he comes to the grave of his loved one. Magicians say that the souls of relatives will never harm us. They will guard and protect their relatives from all the problems of the material and otherworldly world. Therefore, if for one reason or another night finds you in a cemetery. Just mentally ask for protection from your relatives, who will definitely take you out of the graveyard safe and sound.

Photos at the cemetery

Esotericists speak extremely negatively about photos taken in a cemetery. We think everyone knows that there is a very close connection between a person and his image. At the same time, the person himself can be easily influenced through a photograph, which is what happens in the case of cemetery photographs.

Judge for yourself: you firmly associate your image in the photo with the coffin, monument, wreaths and the deceased himself. All this has a strong imprint negative energy, which in the future can even cause incurable disease. It is especially dangerous to take photographs at a grave that is not yet forty days old. Until this period expires, all the negativity that spilled out at the moment of a person’s death remains on earth.

Also, photos can disturb the soul of the deceased, who, through the photo, will begin to come to his home, where he once felt good. We think that such a neighborhood will definitely make you feel uncomfortable.

Magicians claim that it is in the cemetery that numerous acts of damage or summoning are carried out. dark energies. Absolutely by chance, you can capture yourself in such a place, associating your image with low magical vibrations. The consequence of such a connection may even be the death of the person depicted in the photo.

from the funeral

If you do have to take a photo of the grave, try not to keep it at home. It will be a real negative funnel, creating an unfavorable atmosphere in your home. It will absorb all the good that you create. Children are especially susceptible to such vibrations; they begin to constantly get sick and be capricious. There will never be peace, love and prosperity in such a house.

If you still need to store photos in your apartment, you need to put them face down in a thick envelope. Place it away from all the things you use, in an area of ​​the house where little family members are present.

Things from the grave

Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, take objects from graves. Flowers in a cemetery, for example, are often the subject of theft. People without specific place residences take them away from the graves and resell them to traders. And they, in turn, again make them a means of their profit. Please note that such an act can greatly anger souls. After all, flowers in a cemetery are intended for one or another deceased person. By taking them, you are committing a very unseemly act, which will soon be punished.

Signs prohibit taking any things from the cemetery; they already belong to souls and must remain with them. Many magicians advise coming to the grave of relatives with minimum quantity of things. After all, a phone that, for example, accidentally fell out of your pocket, will also need to be left in the cemetery, like any other thing that has fallen on this earth.

If you nevertheless become greedy and pick up this or that item, you will anger the soul, and it may go to your home for its item. Peace in this case will become your unattainable dream.

Cemetery land

Soil from a cemetery is the worst thing you can bring into your home. In this case, you not only attract all the negativity from the graveyard, but literally bring a piece of the grave into the apartment. The consequences of this oversight will be extremely sad.

To avoid accidentally taking soil from the cemetery with you, rinse the soles of your shoes with the water you brought, then wash your hands and face. This is the only way you will neutralize the negativity focused on any graveyard.

Fall during a funeral

Falling into a cemetery is a bad omen, promising many problems. But it is still worth taking into account the nuances of this fall; they significantly influence the situation.

If you accidentally tripped, don't be upset. This means absolutely nothing and you don't need to worry for no reason. However, try not to fall into the cemetery. This sign promises quick death or a long illness. It is especially bad to end up in a grave that has already been prepared for someone; this incident may mean that the deceased is pulling you towards him and will try with all his might to save you. energy connection with you.

To those who fell during funeral procession, you must leave the graveyard immediately. It is best to go to church after this incident, where you need to wash yourself with holy water, light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased and read any prayer several times.

Pets in a cemetery

Cats or dogs in a cemetery are not the best omens. Our ancestors also said that if a dead person appears in the house, you should remove all pets from it. This is especially true for cats. They are closely connected with the dark world and can bring a new misfortune to you - the death of another family member.

If you see an animal during a funeral procession, pay it off. Perhaps this is how someone’s restless soul is trying to approach you. Give your cat or dog a treat and gently move the animal away from you. After all, in such an image an evil spirit may appear near you.


The sign of birds in the cemetery causes a lot of controversy. However, most esotericists agree that a bird flying to a grave gives you a sign from the deceased. In ancient times, it was believed that birds were inhabited by the souls of people who did not manage to complete something during their lifetime. That’s why they fly to their relatives, trying to remind them of their unfinished and important work.

Money in the churchyard

There are special signs in the cemetery related to money. Never take out banknotes while in the graveyard. And especially don’t start counting them. Otherwise, you will lose not only the entire amount in your wallet, but also the money accumulated for this or that occasion.

If you fell banknote, then leave it to the soul of the deceased - greed will not bring you any good. After all, by raising money, you will offend the deceased and force him to follow you in order to return what was intended for him. Remember that there is a rule here that prohibits picking up anything from the ground in the churchyard.


We hope that we have told you in as much detail as possible about the signs and rules regarding behavior in the cemetery. Now, when you come to the grave of a loved one, you will know how to behave correctly so as not to offend the deceased and the forces that rule on this earth.

They say death never comes to a person unexpectedly. She always gives signs that last hour close. This is an opportunity to have time to prepare for the inevitable, if it is destined to happen. Behind thousand-year history humanity has accumulated colossal experience, including in everything related to death. And if we can only guess about what is there on the other side, then we are quite capable of recognizing the signs of fate that signal impending trouble. We will try to briefly talk about the most famous signs which have come true more than once, according to eyewitness accounts.

What phenomena can happen before death?

Keep in mind that a single sign in itself does not mean anything. Several repeating signs, both obvious and those that came in a dream, should be considered.

The first, most obvious sign is when the home begins to smell like a dead person, although no one has died yet. Several people should smell the smell. Otherwise, it is a hallucination due to nervousness (for example, when one of the relatives is sick for a long time).

There is no firm opinion regarding this. Some believe that this is a dream of imminent illness, and if a tooth falls out with blood, it means the imminent death of a close relative. Some argue that such dreams arise from nervousness out of fear for the health of their own teeth. Freud's dream book on this subject states that a tooth falling out in a dream signals fear of castration as a sign of retribution for obvious or imaginary sexual sins.

There is a belief that a bluish glow can be observed around a person who is soon to pass into another world. But not when looking at it directly, but with peripheral vision. The same goes for shadows and black spots. If you notice something like this with your peripheral vision, death is somewhere nearby.

The doctor who came to the patient stumbled - probably medicine will no longer help in this case. Having asked the patient how he is feeling and receiving the answer “Terrible”, be sure of a speedy recovery. If a person answers that everything is fine, he is most likely no longer a tenant. It is a bad omen if a priest who has come to administer unction to a sick person cannot find the right place in the missal for a long time or, after leaving home, returns for a forgotten item.

Once the patient who receives communion falls asleep, he will recover; if he cannot sleep, he will soon die. If he turns toward the wall and also lies on his left side for a long time, he doesn’t have long to live. A sign of imminent death is a change in the body odor of the sick person - they say, “it smells like earth.” This is also indicated by a change in color pectoral cross, if it is immersed in water from which a person drank.

In order to find out whether the patient will recover or go to his ancestors, they used to resort to some fortune telling:

  1. Place fresh celandine on your head. If a person sings, he will live. I cried - no more.
  2. When fresh nettle, infused for 24 hours in the urine of a patient, turns black, the disease is incurable. If the plant remains green, such a person will certainly recover.
  3. Grate with a piece pork meat the patient's feet and give them to the dog. The animal eats the treat - the person will recover.
  4. Light a candle next to the patient. When the flame burns evenly, there will be healing from the disease. If it sways, it’s dead.

A bad omen is black birds: rooks, crows or owls. If they appeared in locality, have chosen a certain house - expect trouble.

A sure sign when a dog howls in the yard with its muzzle lowered to the ground - it is mourning its owner. If a cat constantly spins around the patient and lies on its back under the table, such a disease is incurable. A bad sign is if a cat lies across the floorboards.

A sign of the imminent death of household members is when a flower blooms that has never bloomed before. The exception is cacti, some species of which bloom once every few years. A bad sign It is considered if a tree planted by someone dries out or is broken by the wind. This means that the person himself does not have long to live.

A person who sees fire in the forest or in a cemetery must prepare to depart to another world. These are the souls of ancestors giving a sign to get ready for the journey. The same goes for a person whose clothes have been chewed by mice. A sign that soon he will change into new clothes for the last time. In general, the appearance of these rodents in a city apartment is bad sign, just like a mouse running over a lying person.

When it flew into the house - it meant the sudden death of one of the relatives. A bird that has entered through a window should be fed and released through another window. The exception is pigeons - feed them or don’t feed them, trouble is inevitable. A cuckoo, even if it just sits on the roof of a house, signals an imminent or dead person.

So, it did happen. A man has died, and inconsolable relatives are crying around him. Neighbors and relatives, as a rule, take charge of organizing the funeral - grief-stricken relatives are of little use now.

There are many signs you can see at funerals. But you may not see it - then everything will definitely be fine.

There is a belief that if a dead person has one eye slightly open, he is looking for a fellow traveler from among those around him. After the funeral, the bed of the deceased should be washed, otherwise death will not rest.

Based on what the weather is like on the day of the funeral, you can determine what kind of person the deceased was during his lifetime. A clear day - the deceased was definitely a good person, rainy weather - a so-so person.

Relatives are not supposed to carry the coffin, so as not to leave behind. For those who were not related by blood to the dead, nothing will happen. Men who carry the coffin should wear an embroidered one on their arm. It is generally accepted that this is how he thanks everyone for the last honor.

Everyone in the room in which someone died is covered with dark thick fabric for 40 days. It’s not even a sign, but a necessary condition. The mirror is a bridge between the material and astral planes of existence. The soul that has left the body walks among the living for 40 days, only then moves on. If the deceased sees a mirror, he can become its prisoner, and only a knowledgeable person can free the restless soul.

It is forbidden to leave things that had direct contact with the funeral after the funeral. dead body. Thus, the measure taken to make the coffin, as well as the ropes that tied the limbs of the deceased, are placed in the grave. There are many powerful rituals in magic when they are used. If a witch is present at a funeral ceremony, she will certainly want to take possession of this powerful artifact.

The water with which the deceased was washed must be poured onto the ground in a place where no one walks, so as not to accidentally step there, at least until the first rain.

Pregnant women and children under 7 years of age are strictly prohibited from attending the funeral. You can’t cry too much - the deceased, seeing how they miss him, will not want to leave and will become a ghost.

At a funeral, nothing bad should be said about the deceased.

When leaving the cemetery, you need to stand with your back to the cemetery and wipe your feet.

After the coffin is taken out of the house, the person leaving is the last to sweep and. This is done in a special way, from the door to the farthest corner of the room. The old broom and rag are thrown away, otherwise the coffin will soon be taken out again.

The comb used to comb the deceased's hair is either thrown into the river or placed in a coffin. He is considered unclean - he cannot be washed or reprimanded. You can’t throw it into a lake or pond - you definitely need running water.

There is a tradition of throwing a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin. Otherwise, the deceased will find a hole in the grave and begin to scare the living at night. If a funeral procession passes by a house in which someone is sleeping, he should certainly be awakened. It is believed that the soul of the deceased can take the sleeping person with it.

You should not cross the road in front of a funeral procession. If a person dies of an illness, take it upon yourself. Under no circumstances should you overtake the funeral procession - you will appear before God before the deceased.

The wake is an integral part of the funeral ceremony. Memories of the deceased, what kind of person he was, a glass of “For the Repose”, a joint prayer for the repose of the soul - everyone has encountered this at least once.

There is a sign: when returning from a funeral, the first thing you should do is touch the stove - then no one in the house will die for a long time. Old people say that when you come into contact with the element of Fire, of which the stove is the personification, you will burn all bad omens at the root. If there is no stove in the house, you should light a candle, but certainly bring it from the temple.

There should be a glass of water in the house for 40 days after death. It is believed that the deceased drinks from it. Therefore, the vessel should be placed where someone else will not accidentally drink the water - this is not good.

Signs that a person is about to die

Many signs about the impending death of one of the relatives or friends appear to a person in a dream. Please note that this sign should be given significance if two or more people had a similar dream in a short period of time.

As mentioned above, there is no clear opinion about lost teeth. But a dream about cleaning the house, namely sweeping the floor, is a clear signal that someone will die soon. In the popular consciousness, rubbish is associated with the souls of ancestors, no matter how strange it sounds. Therefore, you should not sweep garbage outside the threshold, Bad sign- you will sweep out one of your relatives.

A sign of an imminent funeral in the house - when you dream of earth or fresh boards. There is no point in arguing here: the earth is for the grave, the boards are for the coffin. It is also believed that to a deceased person in a house, to see a log falling from the wall in a dream, digging earth, chicken eggs, fallen off heel or outsole.

If a bride in white clothes kisses you in a dream, it means death has kissed you. But the death itself, which appears in night dreams, whether it is yours or someone close to you, does not carry a negative connotation and is rather symbolic: one of the stages of your life has been passed and the next one begins.

Vice versa, own death in a dream - a harbinger of a long, eventful life. The people you are talking to should also not cause concern. This is a sign of future changes in your life, and not necessarily for the worse. The exception is when the deceased calls with him. You should be extremely careful over the next few days - a fatal accident is possible.

Folk omens about birds are very diverse - by observing the behavior of birds, you can learn not only about climate change, but also about upcoming events in your life.

Of the entire animal world, birds are most closely connected with the subtle world: they symbolize the spiritual essence, the relationship between heaven and earth, as well as messages coming to us from the future.

City, wild and domestic birds can tell us a lot - we just need to use our attention and intuition, deciphering their messages. Let's look at folk signs about birds in more detail and, perhaps, this knowledge will come in handy more than once in life.

Wild birds

According to popular superstitions, floating above your head for a long time predatory bird warns of possible betrayal, deceit or betrayal. However, if you see an eagle flying overhead, rejoice, because you will soon achieve your desired goal. A flock of wild birds flying towards you also portends quick success. Lucky omen It is believed to hear a nightingale sing - the business you are thinking about at this time will be successful. If an owl or an owl has taken to crowing near your house, there will soon be a new addition to your family.

Thanks to its “sunny” plumage, the wagtail bird delights us with its very appearance. If you notice it somewhere (on a tree, on a roof, near a window) - to happy events, but if this bird is sick or dead, beware of enjoying apparent luck, so as not to invite misfortune for yourself. The jay (sometimes called the mockingbird) is often associated with the “blue bird of happiness” - when it appears to you, it symbolizes the beginning of a new happy period of life. If a jay is busy in your area for a long time without flying far, try to follow it and be careful: perhaps you will find lucky signs opening the door to better life. Periodic visits of a hoopoe to your garden promise good luck, but if he has built a nest in the courtyard or on the roof, be careful with your finances (but do not try to destroy the nest and drive out the bird - this will only increase possible losses).


Poultry is most often chickens and roosters. It is believed that a rooster crowing right on the threshold heralds the arrival of guests. If hens are anxious at night and cannot fall asleep, quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors are possible in the coming days. Domestic geese can warn of impending troubles. It is considered a bad omen if a goose lays two eggs at once, and also if a goose unexpectedly disappears from the yard (regardless of the reason for the disappearance).

There is also a popular superstition that concerns all poultry: it is believed that a yard or house that has at least one black bird in its yard is reliably protected from the influence of evil spirits. Ornamental parrots living in a cage or just in an apartment are often classified as domestic birds. An interesting sign is associated with the unexpected appearance of this bird in your home if it flew into your apartment from nowhere. Consider this event a blessing of fate - take good care of your exotic guest and your financial situation will soon improve.

City birds

You can often see swallows and swifts in the city - many folk superstitions are also associated with them. It is a very good omen if a swallow builds a nest next to your window or under the roof of a house, but a bad omen if the bird unexpectedly abandons it. The first indicates that happiness accompanies your home, and the second indicates that for some reason you scared away good luck. Almost any bird that flies into a window warns of breaking news, but swifts are sometimes associated with negative superstitions. Much depends on exactly how the bird flew in: if everything went well and the feathered guest soon flew away, expect good news, but if the bird was thrashing and fighting, alarming news will come (the whole point is that swifts fly very quickly, and therefore they crash more often, foreshadowing negative events).

If a magpie sits on the patient’s window, this means that recovery will not be expected for long. In addition, the magpie foreshadows the imminent healing of the sick by vigorously jumping on the roof of the house, balcony or windowsill. Crows are often associated with bad omens, but we should not forget that these are just warnings. If a crow hovers above you for a long time and croaks loudly, get ready to encounter trouble; If a crow croaks at a church in your area, someone will die soon. A city pigeon will announce a particularly lucky day in your life by swooping down on you or simply touching you with its wing: you can start any business - it will definitely turn out to be a success.

Weather signs

There are a great many weather signs about birds; we will dwell on just a few of them. If you see a nest that a magpie has made very high on a tree, the next month will be clear and calm, and if the nest is located low, you should expect inclement weather. If a crow screams loudly and at the same time walks with its mouth open all the time, it will rain. If a crow bathes in a snowdrift in winter, you should expect a cold snap, and in a puddle in the spring, get ready for inclement weather.

Swallows flying high promise good weather, and low ones - bad weather. If swallows return to us very early in the spring, the weather will be favorable for the harvest all year round, and in addition, the arrival of swallows is a reason to expect the first spring thunderstorm. If sparrows hide their heads in their tails at the end of autumn, you can expect frost, and if they swim in puddles, it will be warm. A nightingale that displays its roulades all night is a sign that the next few nights will be windy.

Event signs

Perhaps the most popular belief about birds concerns their habit of “bombarding” us with excrement. When receiving such a surprise, you can take comfort in the folk superstition that a bird cheats on people for good luck and monetary gain (the same is true for bird droppings on your car). In addition, if a feathered benefactor marks your uniform or service clothes, this promises advancement in career ladder. If a bird anxiously knocks on the glass of your window, there will be news and not necessarily good news. Don’t offend the messenger, but you shouldn’t let him inside the house either.

A separate sign concerns birds that have flown into the room and quietly rule the house for some time. Most likely, this promises you guests - long-awaited or uninvited. The bird that entered the house through the door promises the same thing. Watch the behavior of the bird: if, upon seeing you, it is not alarmed and soon flies out safely, the guests will be pleasant, but if the bird behaves irritably and inappropriately, the visit may turn out to be tense.

Signs about birds

if a bird knocks on the window - what is the sign and what to do (sparrow, dove and other birds)

A bird flew into the window - a good or bad omen?

Negative signs

The worst omens are associated with the death of birds. Whether the bird crashed into a car, was damaged by ventilation, or died due to other circumstances, this does not bode well. Hitting a bird on the road is a serious warning and warning: perhaps you are going through life in the completely wrong direction and this can end very sadly. In addition, a bird crashing into the windshield of your car may have a more specific meaning - it is best to postpone this trip for now. Mass death birds in places where they were previously found in abundance speaks of misfortunes on a large scale - they can apply to the entire district, city or country.

It is considered a negative omen to find a dead bird on your doorstep or in your yard. Having received such a sign, do not take risks and be careful in your relationships with people, and the dead bird should be buried as soon as possible (in such cases the hole is dug away from the house). If you found a dead bird just walking down the street, the omen will not have such meaning, but still, be careful on this day, especially if by accident you had to step on the bird. If the bird you found was injured, but did not die, try to save it - showing mercy can change future negative events. If, through your efforts, the wounded bird came back to life, you can forget about the bad omens (but even if it died, your efforts will not be in vain and will greatly alleviate future troubles).

At the cemetery

Because the bird symbolizes human soul, then her appearance in the cemetery has a corresponding meaning. Seeing a bird near the grave of a deceased relative or loved one means receiving some kind of message from him. If a bird flies in and calmly sits on the fence, the deceased asks you to be consoled and announces his well-being. If you saw a bird anxiously fluttering back and forth and jumping anxiously all over the grave, as if looking for something, think about how you can help the deceased complete his earthly affairs. Perhaps during his lifetime the person asked you for something or simply shared his plans - try to remember which of his affairs you could complete.

If a bird or a whole flock overtakes you on the way to the grave, be sure to monitor the behavior of the birds. If you see that the bird is clearly worried (circling above you, flying forward and returning back, following on your heels or at some distance) - this means that the soul of a deceased relative or friend is warning you of danger. If at the same time the birds scream loudly, it means that you have already heard similar warnings from living people, but did not heed them, and now the soul of the deceased is trying to “shout out” to you. Go to church and light a candle for a deceased relative, pray, think about him and say mentally “Thank you.” In addition, the next time you come to the cemetery, do not forget to bring a handful of cereals with you and leave it for the birds.


Our dreams are encrypted symbolic messages. And since the image of a bird is deeply symbolic, the corresponding signs that one sees in a dream can be believed no less (and maybe more) than those seen in reality. If you dream that a poultry, like a chicken or a goose, fell into open window or anxiously knocks on the glass of a closed room - trouble may happen to one of your relatives. If you dreamed that a wild bird flew onto the windowsill - just like real case of such kind, this dream talks about news, and for a woman who wants to have children, this news may concern a long-awaited pregnancy.

Catching a bird with your hands and holding it in a dream means receiving a letter or unexpected news from afar. If in a dream you saw traces of bird feet (on the snow, sand, windowsill, etc.) - some hidden movements of the soul will make themselves felt in the near future. Seeing in a dream a lot of different birds screaming at the top of their voices means that you will soon participate in a crowded event (meeting, gathering, conference, etc.), and if in your dream there are a lot of birds gathered small size– in the near future you will make a profit, but a small one. Catching falling birds means trying to find out news that is not intended for your ears. However, do not forget that for full transcript and interpretations of “bird” dreams, generally accepted interpretations you must always compare it with the context of the dream and your own associations.

Other signs

  1. Exists popular belief that a bird that has fallen into a chimney or chimney, and even ate a spider that has settled there, warns of the imminent death of one of the household members.
  2. If a new species of bird has appeared in your garden, expect new events this year, interesting discoveries and meeting new people.
  3. People say that it is undesirable to count migratory birds - this can negatively affect a person’s memory.
  4. Bird nests in your home are always a good sign, no matter where they are (on the roof, on the balcony, under the window, etc.). Birds intuitively sense what fate awaits a human home and what atmosphere will reign in it. If the birds decide to share a house with you, in the near future it will not be threatened by either natural disasters or negative energy.
  5. If a wild bird flew very close to you and even touched you with its wing, this moment You are in a very harmonious state. Trace your thoughts and actions over the past few days - perhaps you will find your personal secret to peace of mind and use it throughout your life.
  6. It is considered a very good omen to satisfy the hunger of birds - when coming to the places where they live, do not forget to bring grains with you and feed the birds.

Probably everyone has witnessed a sign in a cemetery that later came true. You should definitely not miss the signs that fate points to. You need to know at least a few beliefs, and then you will know what can be alarming and what you should not attach importance to.

Superstitions about funerals

A visit to a cemetery precedes the death of a loved one or his funeral. A large number of ritual actions are associated with the ceremony of seeing off the deceased on his last journey.

They have special signs at funerals and in the cemetery:

  • You cannot bring fresh or artificial flowers from the cemetery, otherwise you risk getting sick.
  • The same applies to any thing taken from there. By taking it, you can get other people's misfortunes.
  • It is better to put the deceased’s favorite things in a coffin or bring them to the grave so that he does not come in a dream with requests to give them back.
  • Eating in a cemetery or drinking alcoholic drinks also prohibited. Remembering the deceased with food is an ancient pagan rite, which does not fit with Christian beliefs. Better give it to the poor and visit the temple, order a memorial service for the deceased. This way of honoring the dead is more acceptable and spiritually beneficial.
  • Livestock is poured after the convoy carrying the coffin box so that no one else in the household will die.
  • Meeting a funeral procession on the street, passing in front of a moving hearse or people carrying relics, promises danger and grief to the passerby.
  • It happens that the coffin does not fit into the prepared hole. In this case, they say that the land refuses to accept the sinner or that after the deceased there will be another dead person.
  • Against, good sign For a person who has passed on to the next world, there will be an old burial with intact bones in the grave being prepared. Legend says that the deceased the afterlife will find consolation and will not bother his relatives, coming to them in dreams and hallucinations.
  • You shouldn’t brag about your good life in a cemetery, otherwise you’ll lose your luck here.
  • Counting money during a funeral is a bad omen; you will become a beggar. If you accidentally take the bills out of your pocket, you will have to leave them here. It can be on the grave of the person who was buried, or on the grave of a person with the same name as the owner of the money.

There are also traditions that are observed in the outback. For example, when taking a coffin with a body out of the house on a sleigh for a funeral service, the owner is supposed to look under the hooves of a horse harnessed to a cart or stick a needle without an eye into the collar. It's just small part existing .

A priori, the sign of a broken tombstone cannot promise anything good. Provided that the monument has deteriorated without human intervention, then in the near future there will be another dead person in the family of the deceased.

It doesn’t matter what damage the burial place received: whether the cross simply broke, the gravestone cracked, or the ground sank and a deep hole formed. Each change threatens the relatives of the person lying here with another death. However, you can understand who the old woman with the scythe will look at next time by determining which side the earth collapsed from:

  • from the southern side - a man will die;
  • from the northern “fell” - a woman will die;
  • the eastern edge has subsided - an elderly family member will die;
  • the earth has left the west - death will take the little child.

Speaking about the burial place, it should be noted that the graves of evil and sinful people are covered with bad herbs: nettle, thistle, wolfberry. And where the righteous man is buried, lilies, forget-me-nots, hawthorn or roses grow.

The dead know how to transmit information through various animals and birds. It is not for nothing that in the old days birds were considered the embodiment of those who had lost human bodies shower. But birds flying over a graveyard or a house where a dead person lies are not as dangerous as a cat, which was considered a mythical animal by the ancient Egyptians.

Here's what cat signs say:

  • Pets were removed from the home where death occurred for a while so that the spirit of the deceased would not move into its pet.
  • Which, lying at the base of the coffin, shows that the matter will not be completed with the deceased alone, the bony one will take someone else.
  • Murka, who joined the funeral procession on the way to the churchyard, should be driven away. However, do this not with kicks and screams, but with due respect, by treating your furry escort to some food.
  • Don't worry if you see a cat sneaking past in the cemetery. It was just someone's spirit coming to look at a new deceased friend.

Dog in the cemetery- a negative sign and omen, especially if it hovers around the coffin. Lies under it - to another quick death.

Previously, it was believed that a black dog in a cemetery was a rebel ghoul or devilry. If a dog barks or howls during a funeral, it disturbs the spirits and calls them. In any case, to dogs who feel subtle worlds, always treated it with caution, moved away from the animal, and did not greet it.

Weak, impressionable natures, small children, elderly people who move poorly, etc.
Undoubtedly, paying your last respects to the deceased and honoring his memory by attending the funeral means showing the moral and ethical norm prescribed by society.

But it would be completely out of place if such a person, having become overexcited or stumbled, falls on the territory of the burial ground. He is destined for sudden death. Even simply stumbling while passing between the graves means a warning about the negative impact received here.

Superstition advises a fallen person to immediately retire home, and then read “Our Father” three times, wash with holy water, light a church candle and cross himself with it.

It doesn’t matter to the soul where a loved one remembers it. In a cemetery, in a temple or in a conversation with family. The main thing is that it is sincere, and the memories are of a bright, kind nature.

On a separate line, it is important to mention frequently asked question: Is it possible to take pictures in a cemetery? There is no sign as such, but photographs from the graveyard will not decorate a home album. But they can attract negativity into the monastery.

By taking photographs against the backdrop of many graves, you capture the invisible world of the spirits of the deceased and otherworldly entities, which will later easily find their way to you.

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