Home Fruit trees How the OGE will be conducted this year. Who takes exams in the form of GVE

How the OGE will be conducted this year. Who takes exams in the form of GVE

State final certification (GIA) - effective method to test the knowledge of ninth grade students. From 2002 to 2009, the GIA was an experimental test - in fact, an analogue of the Unified State Exam, which graduates take in 11th grade. Certification of ninth-graders showed its absolute feasibility, after which it was decided to make the GIA mandatory testing starting in 2010.

After passing the GIA, students receive a special certificate of incomplete secondary education, with which each student can enter the specialized 10th grade. Also, the points in the State Academic Examination certificate are taken into account for subsequent admission to vocational schools and colleges. The gradation of GIA grades is wider compared to regular school exams, which means that the assessment of knowledge will be as reliable and fair as possible.

GIA scores are important for admission to vocational schools and colleges

In addition, checking exam papers carried out by employees certification commission, which eliminates the human factor in the form of a biased attitude towards students, since the commission representatives are not familiar with the students. So, what should ninth grade students prepare for in the new year 2016?

Features of passing the state examination test in 2016

Taking into account all the mistakes and shortcomings of past years, the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation came to the conclusion that it is necessary to adjust the State Academic Examination program and the list of compulsory subjects. To understand the differences between the GIA-2016 and previous years, it is necessary to note the difference in approaches to certification in different years. For example, until 2014, state certification required four compulsory subjects.

These included mathematics and the Russian language, and the student chose two more subjects independently, based on personal preferences. At the same time, the student could also choose the form of certification - in the form of a State Examination or as a regular exam. At the same time, regional educational departments could at any time, at their discretion, add one more mandatory exam.

You can forget about receiving a certificate after two exams in 2016!

But since the beginning of 2014, every ninth grader could receive a certificate after successful completion exams in only two disciplines. Also, the GIA could be taken in the form of a state final exam (GVE) or a main state exam(OGE). The fundamental difference is that the GVE is a written or oral test of knowledge, and the OVE consists of topics, tickets and texts - i.e. means for monitoring the results of the learning process.

Increasing complexity of state certification in 2016

Starting from 2016, it is planned to significantly tighten the rules for passing and monitoring the State Examination. After schoolchildren were allowed to take only two compulsory exams in 2014, only a few expressed a desire to take the additional two exams. In fact, this significantly limited the horizons of future specialists and made it clear that children do not take the initiative in studying additional disciplines.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announced an increase in the number of mandatory subjects for state certification. Firstly, in 2016 it is planned to increase the number of mandatory final certification exams from two to four. In this case, one of the expected four mandatory exams will be a foreign language. But this decision is not final.

4 compulsory subjects will greatly increase the workload for students

Today, there are active discussions on the topic of the psycho-emotional state of ninth-graders. Children will have to double their performance and general level preparation for the school curriculum. According to experts, expanding the list of subjects to be tested can worsen the overall level of knowledge and also reduce the level of motivation of students.

However, there are still more supporters of an in-depth education model, in which schoolchildren should receive the maximum amount of knowledge, than opponents. Therefore, students will have to take the State Examination Test in at least three subjects. The Ministry of Education is also deciding on a gradual increase in the number of exams taken. If in 2016 there will be three or four of them, then in 2017 there will be five, and in 2020 there will be six.

This plan is causing serious concern among both students and parents. True, experts propose an innovation - a system of regular federal tests, which would gradually prepare students for the final certification in order to avoid excessive stress during the state exams. Time will tell how effective and justified such measures will be.

Advantages of state certification in 2016

As for the pleasant changes in the State Examination, students will certainly be pleased with the opportunity to retake it three times. Of course, this will help many students correct their mistakes and better prepare for the state final certification. Moreover, the innovation affected not only the GIA, but also the Unified State Examination. In this case, the student can decide for himself whether he needs to retake a certain subject or not.

In 2016, it will be possible to retake even a “satisfactory” grade!

But that's not all. The opportunity to improve their performance is provided to students with a “satisfactory” grade who qualify for “good”. The rule applies to all disciplines - the student himself has the right to choose the subject that he wants to retake. For example, currently retaking an “unsatisfactory” grade is allowed only in the next academic period, which is why the student loses a lot of time.

The process of passing the state examination test

As for the submission process, it is no different from previous years. The first stage is admission to exams, which consists of writing an essay on Russian literature. The grade for the essay determines whether the student will be admitted to subsequent exams. A positive grade for an essay will also be taken into account when passing the Unified State Exam. If the grade is unsatisfactory, the student must rewrite the essay.

Although the detailed State Examination schedule will be known only at the beginning next year, there are already approximate data on the time of certification. Thus, the first early exams will begin in February 2016. During this period, students will take a mandatory exam in the Russian language, as well as an additional exam in geography. Starting in April preliminary estimate knowledge.

It will concern such disciplines as biology, history, physics, foreign languages and mathematics. And starting in May 2016, students will take final exams in other subjects. Preliminarily, the GIA expects schoolchildren from May to June - in 2016, it is planned to draw up a schedule for certification a little earlier so that students have enough time to prepare. GIA results are valid for three years.

Early exams will begin in February 2016

One more pleasant moment It will be that in 2016, no fundamental changes will be made to the State Examination Index, which means that the results of the final state certification will still not be taken into account in the general certificate of complete secondary education. Solution this issue postponed to 2017.

The ability to individually set the required minimum passing score in the regions will also be retained. Again, in 2017 this rule will be submitted for discussion with the aim of creating a unified federal scale of passing scores. This will be done to increase objectivity educational process Russian Federation.

The government has developed some changes in the examination area, some of which will also affect the 2016 OGE.

Since 2014, the GIA has two forms - GVE - a state final exam held in closed educational institutions using tickets or tests, and OGE, carried out on the basis of CMM - control measuring materials.

The main state examination is compulsory for all students completing the 9th grade of traditional secondary schools, and serves to assess the level of knowledge with the subsequent enrollment of students in specialized classes. Students can also choose an institution that provides secondary vocational education.


Next academic year will be marked by the introduction of some changes to the OGE format:

  • Control over compliance with the rules will become more stringent;
  • There will be twice as many exams. In addition to the Russian language and mathematics, students in mandatory must pass the OGE in two more selected subjects;
  • The exam can be retaken several times, just like the Unified State Exam 2016. This innovation can reduce psychological pressure. The student knows that in the event of unfortunate circumstances - temporary ill health, family problems and the like - he will get a few more attempts. In addition, when taking the exam a second time, he will feel more confident, because thanks to the first attempt he has already become familiar with the situation. In addition, this approach will make it possible to better test the knowledge of schoolchildren, and this is what examiners strive for;
  • Attempts will not take place one after another over several days - it is planned to distribute them over the summer months. This, by the way, will only affect the OGE, starting in 2016. The Unified State Examination will not affect this, because there are deadlines for enrollment in universities - everything will be more compact there;

Maximum scores in subjects

  • Russian language - 39 points
  • Mathematics - 38 points
  • Physics - 40 points
  • Chemistry (work without real experiment) - 34 points
  • Chemistry (work with a real experiment) - 38 points
  • Biology - 46 points
  • Geography - 32 points
  • Social science - 39 points
  • Russian history - 44 points
  • Literature - 23 points
  • Computer science and ICT (information and communication technologies) - 22 points
  • English / German / French / Spanish - 70 points
ItemMaximum"2""3""4""5"Profile ball
Russian language39 0-14 15-24 25 - 33, of which at least 4 points according to the criteria of GK1 - GK4. If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 4 points, a mark of “3” is given.34 - 39, of which at least 6 points according to the criteria of GK1 - GK4. If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 6 points, a mark of “4” is given.31
Mathematics38 0-7 (algebra - 0-5, geometry - 0-28-15 (algebra - 6-11, geometry - 3-4)16-22 (algebra - 12-16, geometry - 5-8)23-38 (algebra - 17-23, geometry - 9-15)30
Physics40 0-8 9-18 19-29 30-4030
Chemistry34 0-8 9-17 18-26 27-34 23
Biology46 0-12 13-25 26-35 36-46 33
Geography32 0-11 12-19 20-26 27-32 24
Social science39 0-14 15-24 25-33 34-39 30
Russian history44 0-12 13-23 24-34 35-4432
Literature23 0-6 7-13 14-18 19-23 15
Computer Science and ICT22 0-4 5-11 12-17 18-2215
Foreign languages70 0-28 29-45 46-58 59-7056

The mathematics exam lasts 3 hours 55 minutes and involves the completion of 26 tasks, while most of– 20 tasks (this is the first part) – represent a basic level, 4 more have increased level, and the last 2 are high (these 6 make up the second part).

The examination paper is designed to test the student's knowledge of algebra, geometry, and real mathematics. These are three modules - a kind of three pillars on which the OGE rests in 2016. “Real Mathematics” contains tasks at the basic level, modules “Algebra” and “Geometry” - both basic and advanced.

Basic mathematical training assumes:

  • ability to apply basic algorithms;
  • ability to navigate key elements of content (concepts, properties, solution methods);
  • ability to read and apply mathematical notation;
  • the ability to solve problems not only using an algorithm;
  • mastery of mathematical knowledge in practice.

The increased level of tasks is aimed at identifying the most successful schoolchildren for their subsequent training in specialized classes. This part requires you to demonstrate the solution and answer. OGE tasks in mathematics are distributed as follows:

  • There are 7 tasks in the module “Real Mathematics”
  • In the module “Geometry” – 5+3 (first and second parts, respectively)
  • In the Algebra module – 8+3 (first and second parts, respectively).

Basic rules for conducting the exam

  1. Mathematics specialists are not allowed to be present in the classroom.
  2. Students immediately receive the entire volume of work, where the answers to the first part must be entered in form No. 1, and the second part - in form No. 2. In this case, there is no need to rewrite the tasks - just indicate the number
  3. Students can use drafts; the latter are not checked
  4. The work is checked by members of specially created commissions, after which Unified State Exam results 2016 become known to students
  5. During the exam, you are allowed to use reference books with basic formulas and a ruler.

38 points is the maximum, it can be achieved with correct answers to all tasks. The latter can be assessed with one or two or more points.

Tasks of the first type are considered completed when the correct answer is entered, the sets are correctly correlated, or the required digital sequence is specified. The second type checks for finding the correct solution path, showing the chain of reasoning and the correct answer.

If there is any deficiency that does not affect the result, the task is scored with one point. The minimum number of points required for passing the OGE in mathematics, it is equal to 8, but for the Algebra module you must get at least 3, and for the rest - at least 2 for each.

Scores obtained on the exam are not included in the certificate, but the total number of points scored for assignments in algebra and geometry will affect the grade in these subjects.

This exam consists of three parts - presentation, essay and answer questions. It is recommended to know the criteria OGE assessments– this will help streamline your preparation. The presentation is written based on a text listened to several times and requires students to have the following skills:

  • ability to understand the meaning of the text;
  • identify the author's idea;
  • be able to apply text compression techniques;
  • comply with all conditions regarding integrity and coherence;
  • observe grammatical and speech norms.

Tasks that require an answer in the form of several words or numbers relate to the main topics of the Russian language provided school curriculum. Students' knowledge in the field of phonetics, placement of commas in simple and complex sentences, the ability to work with phrases, analyze the text in full and in fragments.

The third part of the exam - an argumentative essay, which is built according to a certain algorithm - begins with an introduction containing a thesis - that is, a statement that the student has to prove. The evidence itself, officially called arguments, will be located in the middle part, and the conclusion is the conclusion for the entire work. This sequence must be maintained, because it affects the number of points that the examinee will receive in the end.

The essay on the OGE is quite short, so the introduction should be brief - you can limit yourself to a few sentences. You can use speech cliches prepared in advance. The size of the main part should be larger than the volume of the introduction and conclusion taken together.

Paraphrasing and unnecessary information should be avoided, demonstrating the ability to think logically when proving a thesis. It is better to work according to this plan:

  • Read the text not once, but several times, make sure that the meaning as a whole is clear
  • You need to understand what the author is writing about (topic), what reasoning it leads the reader to (idea - usually it is located in a highlighted fragment)
  • Express this idea in your own words, without loss of meaning and taking into account grammatical norms
  • Find places in the text that support this idea.
  • In your own way, but grammatically correct, remake these fragments
  • There should be two arguments in the main part, both with examples taken from the same text.

You should indicate the argument to which the example is selected. You can use a quotation (don’t forget about quotation marks) or a sentence number. It must be remembered that the conclusion is the result, and not just another paragraph. He does not refute the information stated in the previous parts of the work, but generalizes it.

Ninth-graders should know that the scores they receive in exams are objective indicators of the level of knowledge and skills achieved by students. The final results can help you get into one or another specialized class, and the form of the OGE itself is now as close as possible to K, which is considered one of the ways to prepare for the latter.

  • Can exams in the GIA format objectively assess knowledge?

  • Vote

This survey was conducted by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science in order to assess the quality of the organization, preparation and conduct of GIA-9 procedures in 2016 and to identify possible ways improvement and optimization of this procedure in the future.

In total, people took part in the survey 72 portal user, of which 63,9 % girls and 36.1% boys.
The survey participants are graduates of the following types of educational organizations:

How do you assess the quality of organization of preparation and conduct of GIA-9 in the country, according to own experience participation? »

Distribution of answers received to the question “How do you assess the quality of informing participants of the State Examination-9 on all issues related to the preparation and conduct of the State Examination-9 (in general through educational organization, where did you study, through specialized resources on the Internet)? »

Distribution of answers received to the question “How do you assess the quality of the organization of informing GIA-9 participants about the results obtained in the exams? »

Distribution of received answers to the question “ What factors, in your opinion, positively influenced the quality of preparation for exams?

Distribution of received answers to the question “ What factors do you think made it difficult for you to prepare for exams?" For each answer option, the share of survey participants (in percentage) who chose/indicated this answer option is indicated, from total number participants.

Distribution of the answers received to the question “What factors, in your opinion, during the GIA-9 exams negatively affected your exam results? " For each answer option, the share of survey participants (in percentage) who chose/indicated this answer option is indicated out of the total number of participants.

Distribution of received answers to the question “ Based on your personal experience participation in GIA-9, what measures can you suggest to improve the procedure?" For each answer option, the share of survey participants (in percentage) who chose/indicated this answer option is indicated out of the total number of participants.

Distribution of answers received to the question “Have you ever had to seek advice from the support service of an official information portal GIA-9? If yes, how would you rate the quality of the advice provided to you? "

Distribution of received answers to the question “ What thematic resources on the Internet did you use to obtain information about GIA-9?" For each answer option, the share of survey participants (in percentage) who chose/indicated this answer option is indicated out of the total number of participants.

The state final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary; you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

Why then is the OGE (GIA) form more attractive for 9th grade graduates of 2019? Conducting direct certification in this new form allows you to get independent assessment preparation of schoolchildren. All OGE assignments(GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, including questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy is drawn with the Unified State Exam. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare well and realistically assess your chances. Besides, GIA and OGE tests online with answer checking help you make your next choice profile class high school. You yourself can easily assess your knowledge in the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines. Our website dedicated to preparation for passing the State Examination Test 2019, grade 9 online, will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials on our site are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand form. Whether you are an excellent student in your class or an ordinary average student, everything is now in your hands. It would be a good idea for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

State final certification (GIA-9) refers to the conduct of mandatory final exams in the 9th grade of secondary schools. GIA in experimental mode has been carried out in a number of regions of the Russian Federation since 2002. The peculiarity of this form of certification is the use of standardized tests to determine the level of preparedness of students. According to the creators of the GIA, this form of assessing the success of training is more objective due to: a wider gradation of assessments; exception human factor; absence of bias and other subjective factors. The final certification is considered key issue in system school education. The adequacy and objectivity of certification determines many things: the possibility of continuing education at the senior level of secondary education; level of competence of teachers; quality educational services. The rules for passing the State Examination Examination undergo some changes almost every year. So, until 2014, students had to pass 4 exams. In particular, exams in the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for everyone and are taken in the form of State Examination. Students choose the other two subjects independently. At the same time, it is allowed to take exams on them both using regular tickets and in the State Examination Form.

Regional education departments were given the right to introduce one additional test. Since 2014, in order to receive a certificate, ninth-graders only need to pass exams in two compulsory subjects. In addition, the organization and conduct of the State Examination is allowed in two versions: the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE). Carrying out GIA in the form of OGE is carried out using control measuring materials (CMM). The GVE is conducted in the form of a written or oral examination. In this case, texts, topics, assignments and tickets will be used as means of monitoring learning outcomes. Persons with health limitations, as well as graduates of closed special institutions, will undergo final certification in the form of State Examination. All other categories of students, including those who mastered basic school programs through self-education or family education, must take the GIA in the form of the OGE.

As for the State Examination of 2016, it is expected that big changes. The number of mandatory exams will increase to 4 (Russian, mathematics and two subjects of students' choice). In 2016, they will not yet affect the final grades of the 9th grade certificate. But starting from 2017, grades for the same four mandatory exams will be included in the certificate. In 2018, another mandatory elective exam will be added to them, and in 2019 - a fourth, bringing the total number of mandatory GIA exams to six. In addition, graduates will be given the opportunity to pass the GIA multiple times. As it became known from informed sources, students will receive the right to retake the state exam three times. According to the leaders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, this change should ensure increased objectivity of assessment and efficiency of certification. Moving away from strict frameworks, according to officials, will lead to a reduction in the load on both students and inspectors. The corresponding order may be signed in the near future. The introduction of this norm is planned for this year.

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