Home Grape Implementation of the principle of integration in the educational process of fgos. Implementation of the principle of integration of educational areas in the process of organizing children's education

Implementation of the principle of integration in the educational process of fgos. Implementation of the principle of integration of educational areas in the process of organizing children's education

Lecture plan:

  1. Integration as a means of organizing the educational process: the backbone factor of integration
  2. Integrated cognitive task as a system-forming factor in the intellectual development of preschoolers; types of integration.
  3. The technology of preschoolers' project activities as a means of integrating educational areas

Target: systematization of teachers' ideas about systemic updates in preschool education, intensification of activities to introduce FGT

Keywords: the principle of integration of educational areas; complex thematic principle; system-forming factor of integration, technology of project activities.


  1. Veraksa, N.E. Project activity of preschoolers: A guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions / N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraxa. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2008 .-- 112s.
  2. Emelyanova, I.E. Integrated cognitive task as a system-forming factor of artistic and creative development of a child / I.E. Emelyanova // elementary school Plus Before and After. - 2011. - No. 10. - P.1-7.
  3. Kirienko, S.D. Integration of educational content into practice work of the preschool educational institution/S.D. Kirienko / Elementary School Plus Before and After. - 2011. - No. 10. - P.1-5.
  4. Morozova, L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice / L.D. Morozov. - M .: TC Sphere, 2010 .-- 128p.
  5. Savenkov, A.I. Methodology for research teaching of preschoolers / A.I. Savenkov. - Samara: Educational literature, 2010 .-- 128 p.
  6. Trubaichuk, L.V. Integration as a means of organizing the educational process / L.V. Trubaychuk // Primary School Plus Before and After. - 2011. - No. 10. - P.1-7.
  7. Success. Guidelines: a guide for teachers / [N.O. Berezina, O.E. Vennetskaya, E.N. Gerasimova and others; scientific supervisor A.G. Asmolov; head of the author's team N.V. Fedin]. - M .: Education, 2011 .-- 240p.

I. Integration as a means of organizing the educational process: the backbone factor of integration

In the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program before school education the approaches and principles of building the educational process have been determined, which should be built taking into account the integration of educational areas in accordance with their specificity and age capabilities and characteristics of children preschool age.

The principle of integration is innovative and obliges preschool educational institutions to radically restructure educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, unification of educational areas, which implies obtaining a holistic educational product that ensures the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality and his harmonious entry into society.

The concept of integration belongs to general scientific and is borrowed pedagogical science from philosophy, where integration is understood as a side of the development process associated with the unification of previously dissimilar parts and elements into a whole. In 1993, at the UNESCO session, a working definition of integration was adopted as such an organic relationship, such an interpenetration of knowledge, which should lead the student to an understanding of a single scientific picture the world.

The need to implement the principle of integration in preschool education lies in the very nature of thinking, dictated by the objective laws of higher nervous activity, the laws of psychology and physiology. The use of integration in preschool education is primarily due to a biological phenomenon, which is characterized by intensive maturation of the organism and the formation of the psyche. A preschool child goes through all stages of human development in a relatively short period.

According to A.F. Yafalyan, the rapid development of the child provides a holographic (holistic) and sub-sensory (hypersensitive) perception of the world, which are innate. It was holographic and sub-sensory that allowed the preschooler to master the world in short time, in 4–5 years to go through the stages of human development. High sensitivity, integrity of the perception of the world give the child the opportunity to most fully, voluminously, quickly and accurately assimilate human experience. Ensuring the systematic functioning of the integration process allows you to create an integral system for the development of cognitive activity in preschoolers and makes it possible to holistically perceive the world around us without violating its nature.

V preschool pedagogy N.A. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, S.P. Kozyreva, T.S. Komarova, G.P. Novikova and others.
T.S. Komarova, for example, considers integration as a form of interconnection, deep interpenetration of different educational content of preschool children, covering all types of artistic creative activity... She emphasizes that in integration, one type of art is dominant, the other is concomitant, helping a broader and deeper understanding of images and their creation by various expressive means.

However, integrated classes as a form of integrated education for preschoolers have not been specially studied. Moreover, until recently, there was a subject system of teaching, upbringing and development in the preschool educational institution, and it turned out that knowledge remained scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle.

The design of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution requires a basis on principleintegration educational fields and complex thematic principle, allowing to integrate the content of preschool education within the framework of a particular topic. The choice of the topic and the integrated educational areas belongs to teachers who implement the main general educational program of preschool education, taking into account individual characteristics children and the specifics of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

Currently, the development of integrated lessons through the synthesis of educational areas is not the goal of designing the educational process in a preschool educational institution. A fundamentally new approach to preschool education is the construction of a holistic integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child on a specific topic within one day (week), in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the surrounding reality.

The main advantages of an integrative approach to educational process are that he:
1) is a condition for the development of the knowledge system, mastering the basics of science;
2) contributes to the formation of a scientific picture of the world;
3) allows you to achieve a greater effect in the development of pupils;
4) ensures the formation of personality traits of a preschooler for a harmonious entry into society;
5) realizes the co-creation of children and significant adults as the interaction of all subjects of the educational process.

The search for a basis for unification, the identification of a system-forming factor is an important condition for the integration of the content of education. S. D. Kiriyenko, under the system-forming factors, proposes to consider ideas, phenomena, concepts, objects capable of connecting the components of the system, stimulating active manifestation, preserving a certain and necessary degree of freedom of components, ensuring self-regulation of the new system and its self-development. In accordance with these guidelines in preschool and preschool education, it is possible to systematize around categories of different nature("Living", "inanimate", "movement", "quality", "quantity", "needs", etc.), which makes it possible for children to receive initial figurative ideas about different "pictures" of the world.

L.V. Trubaichuk for efficient organization the integration process in preschool education identifies the system-forming factor of integration as a "working unit", which can be any component of the content of preschool education, the qualitative characteristics of its participants. She identified four system-forming factors:

1. The main system-forming factor is educational areas . FGT identifies 10 educational areas that should not be implemented in educational activities a preschool educational institution in its pure form - their synthesis is needed, integration is needed, which will provide a qualitative and quantitative change in the formation of the personality traits of a preschooler. At the same time, it should be understood that educational areas are given integrity not so much by their unification as by the penetration of one area (or several) into another.
2. The second system-forming factor is the integration of educational areas based on calendar and thematic planning, which determines the logical and substantive basis of the holistic educational process.
3. The third factor is the integration of core activities preschool children: cognitive and research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Activities like psychological basis integration is able to combine disparate components within itself and provide the necessary conditions for the emergence of a new educational product, the creation of which includes teachers, children and parents. Such an educational product can be new knowledge, drawing, dance, performance, text composed by a child, etc.
As a result of mastering integrative activities, the child forms integral social and psychological formations, integrated ways of activity that are easily transferred from one sphere to another, an individual style of activity, the development of social experience, the development of creative abilities.
4. The fourth system-forming factor is the formation of integrative personality traits, which are provided by the FGT as the final result of mastering the main general educational program. In essence, the personality is integral, systemic. In the process of personal development, the child gradually acquires independence as the ability to autonomous existence and social activity as the ability to create and maintain one's relationship with the environment. The integral individuality of each individual is formed in the process of education, development and training.

I.E. Emelyanova considers integration as a system-forming factor in the development of the scientific picture of the world and the basis for the harmonious socialization of preschoolers. It establishes the structural links of integration in the content of concepts and activities for the development of educational areas of FGT.

The federal document outlines the lines of education (spiritual, moral, civil, patriotic, gender, education of a healthy, safe lifestyle) and uniform educational processes focused on the education of a citizen who loves his people, his land and his homeland, tolerant of culture, traditions and customs of other nations. FGT also outlines the lines of development of preschool children (physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and speech directions in the development of preschoolers). The integration of educational activities should take into account and ensure the processes of upbringing and development of a preschooler.

Integration as a holistic phenomenon that unites educational areas, different types of activities, techniques and methods into a single system based on calendar-thematic planning, acts in preschool education as the leading means of organizing the educational process, the leading form of which is not classes, but joint and independent activities with adults children.

Table 1


Kind of activity


Project activity - drawing up a scheme-map of the space route

Children designate the planets (Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Moon) where they stop)

Gaining knowledge about the galaxy, space flights, astronaut clothing

Building a rocket from cubes

Collaborative design activities

Physical education

Vigorous physical activity

Learning gymnastics for astronauts


Research activities

Astronaut food


Research activities
Communication activity.

Cosmonaut health protection


Communication activities

Creative stories about flying, traveling on the Moon

Reading activity

Reading-listening to stories

Learning and performing a song about space

Artistic creation

Artistic and creative activity

Drawing on the theme "Travel to Space"


Communication activities

Initial understanding of the profession

Role-playing games in astronauts

table 2


Kind of activity



Children watch the awakening of nature




Creative storytelling of the signs of spring



Children find out what dangers can arise in winter


Children make bird feeders

Reading fiction


Reading-listening and learning poetry about spring

Artistic and creative

Learning and performing a song about spring

Artistic creation

Artistic and creative activity

Drawing on the theme "My discoveries in spring"



Primary understanding of the activities of the cultivators

Outdoor games

II... Integrated cognitive task as a system-forming factor in the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler's personality: types of integration

In the opinion of practicing educators, integration is realized naturally when studying any phenomena through a change in the types of children's play activities. But on the present stage development of preschool education, teachers of preschool educational institutions began to look for ways to improve the integration process in the direction of greater integrity and transparency, combining educational areas that most effectively ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas (physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech , artistic and aesthetic).

A high-quality implementation of integration in a preschool educational institution is possible only when determining the forms of integration that will ensure the synthesis of educational areas, the relationship of different types of activity and the formation of integrative qualities of a preschooler's personality in the process of upbringing, development on the basis of calendar-thematic planning. The forms of the integrative process characterize the final product, which acquires new functions and new relationships between a teacher, a child, and parents within one day, one week. Such integrative forms can be joint creative projects and research, holidays, experiments, excursions, role-playing games.

Integration allows each child to open up in joint activities, to find the use of their abilities in creating a collective and individual creative product. An important aspect is the presentation of the results of this activity (at events where educators, parents, educators additional education are not observers, but active participants).

The joint activity of the subjects of the educational process is characterized as the implementation of internal and external relations processes of continuous education and development, which have such characteristics as connection, interconnection, unity, systematicity, unevenness, discontinuity – continuity, flexibility.

A collective subject is the functioning of a child-adult group of people performing joint creative activities at the highest level of their activity through self-organization, self-regulation, coordination of external and internal conditions for the implementation of this activity. An important component of joint activity is cooperation and co-creation in a group subject - communication, the experience of joy, creation, the absence of the privilege to indicate, control and evaluate. In the process of this activity, they feel, accept, trust, open up, plan, independently and jointly reflect.

The organization of the educational process aimed at implementing the principle of integrating educational areas in the formation of a holistic perception of the world assumes that the content of these areas will be mastered more effectively in joint activities based on the principle of problematicity. It is the formulation and solution of a creative problem that ensures the unity of the system “significant adult - educational content - child”.

An integrated cognitive task is a problematic task that includes the subjects of the educational process in the activity of establishing and assimilating connections between the structural elements of educational areas. Integrated cognitive tasks reflect the general scientific level, which fixes the relationship of the objective world: "system-function", "structure-property", "phenomenon-essence", etc.
The classification of integrated cognitive tasks is possible in accordance with substantive, procedural and personal criteria. One of the advantages of organizing effective interaction between the subjects of the educational process is the creation of conditions for the search activity of children when solving integrated cognitive tasks. Joint creative search contributes to the development of natural curiosity.

I.E. Emelyanova considers the features of solving integrated cognitive tasks in different types integration:

1. Thematic integration presupposes a system of cognitive tasks, problematic questions, tasks for the disclosure of leading ideas and concepts that reflect retrospectives and prospects of the integrative process. This type of integration ensures the unity of the concrete and the abstract in the assimilation of knowledge, provides greater degree generalization, depth, mobility, increases the worldview value of the acquired knowledge. The organization of thematic integration is based on planning based on related, interconnected concepts.

The development of knowledge units in various educational areas ("Socialization", "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Communication") and the change of activities (play, communication, cognitive research, productive, reading, artistic and aesthetic) ensure the achievement of the goal ...

2. Problem-thematic integration- this is the advancement of a general scientific problem and its step-by-step solution through the development of several topics in several educational areas. This type of integration strengthens the content-semantic connections of educational areas in the disclosure of the problem, and also contributes to the activation of the group subject.

The passage of a child's own research path from concept to idea, from idea to contradiction, from collecting facts (phenomena, objects) to their classification, from trial and error to solving a creative problem, resolving a contradiction is ensured by problem-thematic integration. The topic of interaction is already of an ideological nature, increases the ability of theoretical generalizations, develops the personal qualities of preschoolers, which reflects the social and personal level.

3. Wide problematic integration- this is the advancement of a general contradiction for a number of educational areas, implying a consistent solution of a research or creative problem in a group subject with the subsequent defense or presentation of one's own product. This type of integration presupposes the organization of collective and individual cognitive activity, as a result of which the prerequisites for the spiritual and creative self-realization of the individual develop.

Spiritual and creative self-realization of preschoolers is understood as the process of realization by children in the micro-society of actual and potential abilities, as a result of which, by means of creative activity, the child changes and transforms himself with an orientation towards moral values. The core of a broad problematic integration is the spiritual and creative task as the co-creation of significant adults and children to resolve the contradiction in an artificially created situation, the children's awareness of their socially significant goals in spiritual and creative activity.

The complexity of the implementation of thematic and problem-thematic integration is the implementation of the relationship "man - nature - culture", in which it is important to establish harmony between the natural science and humanitarian-aesthetic cycles, to combine scientific-logical and artistic-figurative knowledge. For example, studying objects of wildlife, educators integrate the following educational areas: "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music", realizing them through various types of creative and reproductive activities of children.

Thinking over the organic transitions from the aesthetic perception of nature to the perception of works of art and literature and further to deeper communication with nature and the enjoyment of art, preschool teachers should remember the specifics of the subjective reflection of the beauty of nature in literature, music and painting. Indeed, among children there are those who want to "anatomize" objects of nature, to get away from the perception of beauty and delve into the study of form.

Organization of interaction with significant adults and peers in cognition a holistic picture peace is a sine qua non for the development of creativity. Currently, realizing the principle of integration, FGT focuses not on a clearly planned and organized lesson in terms of timing, but on interaction - the joint activity of all subjects of the educational space in a holistic integrated process.

Integration involves following the individual perception of each child. Creative tasks and problematic questions on the topic under study can help the teacher here.

III. The technology of preschoolers' project activities as a means of integrating educational areas

Preschool age is a period of intensive development of cognitive interest in the surrounding world and the formation of various cognitive positions in relation to the subject of activity. By older preschool age, children's brains are being rebuilt to assimilate new information and, in terms of their functional characteristics, are already ready to perceive information that is larger in volume and complex in quality. Memory begins to play a decisive role as a means of accumulation of actively acquired in this period personal experience... The possibilities of mental activity noticeably increase, the ability to generalize develops, and the sequence of mental operations increases significantly.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, syncretic perception is characteristic of children, expressed in the indivisibility of the sensory image of the object. Syncretism is of great importance in the development of thinking. For the effective implementation of integration, it is necessary to develop all types of perception: visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory.

In order to correctly select the content of knowledge for their further integration, it is important to take into account that, in addition to having common grounds, they must:

1) expand and enrich the existing ideas of preschoolers;
2) be needed in subsequent education at school;
3) be accessible and draw on personal experience, connect with everyday life.

In addition, knowledge should involve children in solving problem-search problems, formulated on the basis of personal experience; to intensify cognitive interests, the desire to assimilate new information; stimulate mental activity (processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification); increase levels of self-control, self-organization and self-esteem.

The project method is considered as one of the options for integration in preschool education. As practice shows, the use of the project method in educational activities contributes to the formation of a position of independence, activity, initiative in preschoolers in finding answers to questions, in the process of systematizing information, in the practical application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities (in games and everyday life).

The potential of the project method is evidenced by the wide development possibilities of the components of a successful personality:

  1. observation and analysis of the phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  2. comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions;
  3. creative thinking, logic of cognition, inquisitiveness of the mind;
  4. joint cognitive and search activity;
  5. communication and reflective skills, etc.

The project method is based on the idea of ​​the orientation of the cognitive activity of preschoolers to the result, which is achieved in the process of joint work of teachers, children and parents on a certain practical problem... Working to solve a problem in a project activity means applying necessary knowledge and skills from various educational fields for tangible results.

A feature of project activities in preschool education is close cooperation between adults (teachers and parents) and children, since the child is not able to independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, and determine a goal (concept). Adults help children discover the problem (this problem may be provoked), arouse interest in it and involve children in a joint project. The project can combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge, which opens up wide opportunities for organizing joint cognitive and search activities of children, teachers and parents.

In educational practice, there are the next stages of work on the project:

1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child to choose the most urgent and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Development of content project, planning activities to achieve the goal:

  • who to contact for help(teacher, parent, etc.);
  • in what sources can you find information;
  • which subjects ( equipment, manuals) use;
  • with what subjects learn to work.

3. Implementation of the project (practical part).

  • Public presentation of the product of the project activity.
  • Summing up, defining tasks for new projects.

The topics of the project can be: educational area of ​​the program; regional peculiarities, priority direction of preschool educational institution, programs of additional education. The emergence of the topic at the initiative of children is especially valuable. The theme of the project can reflect seasonal changes, social phenomena.

It is advisable to introduce children into project activities with questions: What do I know about this? What do I want to know? What needs to be done for this? Together with the children, the stages of work on the project are planned, the product and type of presentation are determined.

The development tasks of preschoolers at different age stages by means of project activities are different and are defined as follows (A.I. Romashina).

Junior preschool age:

  • the entry of children into the problem and game situation(the leading role belongs to the teacher);
  • activation of the need to find ways to resolve a problem situation (together with a teacher);
  • the formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities.

Senior preschool age:

  • the formation of the prerequisites for research activities;
  • developing the ability to identify possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult and independently;
  • the formation of the ability to apply methods that contribute to the solution of the task, using various options;
  • develop the need to use terminology, conduct constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

It is more expedient to use project activities in work with older preschoolers. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. However, short-term projects are necessary and effective in the educational activities of children of primary preschool age. Starting from the younger preschool age, role-playing and creative projects are used that do not contradict, but emphasize the specifics of project activities with preschoolers.

Children are necessarily involved in assessing project activities and reflecting on intermediate results. Reflection contributes to the awareness of the importance of the performed activity, the development of personal qualities: initiative, responsibility and perseverance in achieving the goal. The joint project must be completed within the timeframe specified in the plan and the child must see the fruits of his labor (album, exhibition, holiday, etc.)

Thus, the implementation of project activities in educational practice is associated with the formation certain environment... In this regard, the use of projects presupposes, first of all, a radical change in the role of the teacher, who must become an organizer, leader and consultant.

The second prerequisite for the implementation of projects by preschoolers is the presence information that ensures the child's independence in choosing a topic and performing work... Finally, optimal conditions for registration of the results of project activities and their discussion.

Together with the children, the teacher draws up a plan - a "cobweb", which is the educational basis.

Project of educational activities with children of different age groups on the topic
"Plants are the green color of the Earth"

The planning process for activity content in activity centers begins by asking the children: "What can you and I do to learn more about the Earth?" The teacher writes down all ideas, then corrects them.
The tasks of the educator are to supplement the ideas of preschoolers, to help them choose a variety of materials for the implementation of these ideas in different centers of activity, to provide for the integration of solving problems for different types of activities in each of the centers.

Examples of children's ideas:
- weigh the stones, find out which is harder; how can the distance between cities be measured (center of mathematics);
- read books about the Earth; solve a crossword puzzle; compose a fairy tale or story; encrypt and decrypt words; to make books, newspapers about the Earth; get acquainted with various encyclopedias (literature center);
- consider the globe; learn about different stones; collect a collection of different stones; prepare messages on the topic of the project (science center);
- make a globe out of newspapers; draw a map of the Earth; make an application about our planet (art center);
- build an unusual transport for travel (construction center);
- to carry out the game "Travel around the world" (center of the game);
- prepare dishes of different nations (culinary center);
- to learn outdoor games of different peoples (open area).

Target- to enrich the ideas of preschoolers about plants and their structure; to form interest and respect for nature.


Younger age:
1) develop the ability to consider seeds, determine shape, color (area "Cognition");
2) develop the ability to select paired pictures, recognize and name some plants (area "Reading fiction");
3) develop fine motor skills, consolidate the skills of counting up to 5 (area "Cognition");
4) develop the ability to build swings, benches according to the model (area "Cognition");
5) to consolidate the ability to spread glue on a sheet, to glue it in the middle of the main sheet (area "Artistic creation").
Older age:
1) to form children's ideas about the living conditions of plants, the rules for planting seeds, caring for plantings (area "Cognition");
2) to consolidate the ability to highlight a sequence of sounds in simple words (area "Reading fiction");
3) develop fine motor skills; to consolidate the ability to solve arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction using signs and symbols (area "Cognition");
4) continue to teach to construct buildings, united common theme, identify suitable parts for the building (area "Cognition");
5) to consolidate the techniques of cutting out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half; to encourage independent manifestation of creativity (area "Artistic creativity").
The named tasks were solved through different types of activities according to the centers indicated in the table.

Activity center


Younger age

Older age

Younger age

Older age

Science Center

Soil preparation
Examining and planting seeds

Land, planting containers, work equipment, aprons, planting models, seeds, watering can

Literature Center

Didactic game "Plants"

Sound-letter analysis of words

Lotto "Plants"

Models of words (plant names), chips for sound-letter analysis

Center for Mathematics

Counting items up to 5

Solution arithmetic problems

Plane figures of flowers, leaves, stems

Models of plants, flowers, signs, symbols

Construction center

Construction of buildings according to the model, scheme, plan

Big Builder Pack, additional material for playing with the building "Park", schemes, plan of the park

Art Center

Smearing and gluing ready-made silhouettes of trees, flowers

Cutting symmetrical objects out of paper

Artistic tools, sequence models, stencils, templates, plant silhouettes

Teachers, together with parents and children (reliance on the interests of children) formulate a topic for study, develop an activity plan.

The next step is to equip the activity centers and choose them by children. Teachers make a presentation of the centers, tell the children what interesting materials they are expected, asked to think and decide which center to go to and what to do today. After the choice is made, the teachers invite several pupils to speak up (tell about their plan). Educators select materials of different levels of complexity and lay out various auxiliary aids to support the independent actions of children: schemes, models, literature in all centers, depending on the individual interests and development of the child. The partners in joint activities are adults (junior educator, parent, specialist) or a child (who has a good command of information, methods of action, and is able to transfer his experience to a peer).

The planned work may not be completed in one day. In this case, the preschooler completes it in the evening, on the following days, and partners and assistants can change depending on the wishes of the children. The teachers summarize the activities in the centers of activity at the final meeting, the task of which is to demonstrate the results of productive activity, initiate the process of self-assessment of children's achievements, identify difficulties, outline prospects. In addition, at the morning gathering, children express their gratitude to the assistants for the help provided, offer to teach others what they have learned themselves. Creative expression is encouraged and appreciated by children and adults.

Analysis of the products of children's activities and self-assessment of work during the final conversation (presentation of the project products) provide information about the child's ability to build work in accordance with the chosen goal, use the knowledge gained in practical activities, independently pose and solve problems, feel satisfaction with the results, coordinate their actions with the actions of others. At the end of the work, the teachers invite the children to remember and think about all the lessons in the project. During the implementation and at the end of the project, teachers analyze the results of observations and products of children's activities. Based on the accumulated information and revealed facts, conclusions are drawn about the characteristics and dynamics of the child's advancement in the leading areas of project activities, including social and personal development.

Thus, work on a project is of great importance for the development of the cognitive interests of a preschooler. During this period, there is an integration between in general ways solving educational and creative problems by general methods of thinking, speech, artistic and other types of activity. By combining various fields of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the surrounding world is formed.

Project activity helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, Creative skills, ability to plan, work in a team. All this contributes to the successful teaching of children at school.

Project activities can be recorded in the form of a plan of educational work (marked "project"), a special project card, in which the types are indicated collective action through which the individual stages of the project are implemented; can be used project matrix,. containing the necessary information about the project.

Project theme

Objective of the project

Title of the final event

Final event form

Final event date

Name of the teacher responsible for the final event

Day of week

Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children
(integration of educational areas)

Independent activities of children (activity centers)

Interaction with parents and other social partners

Educational activities in times of security



Planning educational work

Name of teachers


Organization of a developing environment for independent activity children

Forms of organizing joint activities of teachers with children

Interaction with parents

Project map

The main activities of children organized by teachers

Days of the week


Directly educational activities

Observations (excursions, walks)


Reading fiction

Experimenting, modeling

Games (desktop and didactic)

Artistic and creative activity: -



artistic design

perception of works visual arts

Project matrix

Project name

Project theme

Problem field of the project

Scenario of joint activities to solve problems (main steps in the implementation of the project)

Description of the product resulting from the project

Project type

List of participants

Integration of educational areas


Name of educational area

Additional information required to complete the project

Material and technical resources required to complete the project

Planned time for project implementation by stages






Organizational forms of work on the project

Forms of work


Directly educational activities




Independent work of children

Interaction with parents

Group discussion

Presentation form


I. Develop (at a meeting of the RMO / GMO) an algorithm for organizing research (project) activities in preschool educational institutions of the district (city) taking into account regional characteristics:

  1. Select local history material to fill the content of research (project) activities (study, analysis, selection of content for working with children).
  2. Pick up methodological material(methodology for organizing research (project activities) in a preschool educational institution; integration of the content of educational areas; complex thematic planning; psychological and pedagogical support of research (project) activities of children).
  3. Develop a topic for children's research (project activities), taking into account regional characteristics.
  4. Develop a system of interaction between participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents, museum teachers, teachers of additional education, etc.), which ensures the organization of research (project) activities.

II. Study the methodology of organizing independent research practice for preschoolers, proposed by A.I. Savenkov, reflect on the questions:

  1. What are the difficulties and mistakes that arise when choosing topics and organizing research with children?
  2. What is the concept of developing the research abilities of preschoolers? What are the features of the training of research skills and methods of development of research skills and abilities? What should include a training program for research activities of preschoolers, its objectives and content?
  3. What are the requirements for the program of independent research activities of children, its objectives and content. What are the features of the organization of independent research activities of preschoolers?
  4. How is the presentation of research results carried out, what are the objectives of the presentation, the features of its organization?
  5. What is included in the content of monitoring the research activity of preschoolers: what is the problem of the result of research work; what are the features of protecting the results of research and design.

The material was prepared by T.N. Kolisnichenko,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

At the present stage of development human society requires the introduction of new approaches that increase the level of the educational process of the younger generation. How can this problem be solved? Integration in pedagogy is a real way that allows former students to quickly adapt to the world around them. That is why it is important for any teacher to mean what this concept includes.

Integration prerequisites

The most common word in the vocabulary of a modern teacher and educator is the word "system". It means:

  • educational institution as a system;
  • systems of training sessions;
  • the system of relationships between children and teachers, etc.

And all this is completely natural. After all, A.S. Makarenko argued that no means can be considered separately from the system. Moreover, it cannot be recognized as good or bad when considered outside the complex of existing educational influences.

The concept of “integration in pedagogy and education” is inextricably linked with the system. It brings integrity to the entire learning process.

Definition of the concept

In pedagogy, this is nothing more than a process, as well as the result of the interaction of various elements. The above leads ultimately to the emergence of something holistic, new.

The principle of integration in pedagogy can be considered in two aspects. First, it is a state characterized by consistency, orderliness and stability of connections between various elements. Secondly, the process that leads to this state... In addition, integration is a very important indicator of the effectiveness of the entire education system in pedagogy, since it serves as a criterion for its integrity.

The interaction of various elements in a preschool educational institution is a complex and multi-level process. That is why there are different approaches to the definition of the concept of integration. So, V.S. Bezrukova believes that integration is in pedagogy the definition of the highest form of interconnection. It expresses the unity of all components of the education system, defining its content.

And according to the scientist O. G. Gilyazov, integration in pedagogy is an integral system of organically interconnected disciplines. It is built by analogy with the world that surrounds the child.

According to I.S.Serdyukova, integration in pedagogy is nothing more than a process of communication and convergence of sciences, which are higher form transition to a higher quality level of education.

However, despite different opinions, procedural characteristics invariably lie at the heart of the concept under consideration. That is why integration in pedagogy is a well-structured, multicomponent and perfectly organized connection of all parts of the education system. Her final goal consists in the self-development of the child.

Integration value

A holistic system of various elements in education serves for the diversified development of children. In addition, it contributes to the satisfaction of their interests and abilities, ensuring the coordination of influence on the emotional, motivational, volitional and effective-practical sphere of the child's individuality.

The concept of "integration" in pedagogy means:

  • complex characteristics;
  • a combination of pedagogical tools used in extracurricular and educational activities;
  • integrity in achieving planned results;
  • the relationship between basic and additional education;
  • flexibility of the organization of educational activities using various methods and forms of extracurricular activities;
  • the creation of creative circles, as well as the introduction of integrative courses;
  • interaction of all elements of the educational process, society and school.

Forms and levels of integration

The main task of the pedagogical influence on the child is his teaching the perception of the world around him as a whole. The student must become aware of the connection between objects and phenomena in order to then draw the big picture. In addition, the child must be able to see things from different angles.

Effective children become possible only when certain conditions when used various forms integration in pedagogy. One of them is intra-subject. It means integration in any particular school discipline. At the same time, disparate facts and concepts that are part of one area of ​​knowledge are combined into a system. As a result, the educational material takes the form of large blocks. This allows you to modify the structural content of the discipline. The advantage of this form of integration is that the student receives complete information about the material being studied. It is also remarkable that the teacher at the same time makes the lesson more capacious.

Intra-subject integration involves the construction of a spiral structure of material presentation, based on the principle of concentricity. In this case, the cognitive process can take place either from the general to the particular, or vice versa. New knowledge is given by the teacher in portions, which gradually deepens and expands the student's existing horizons in this subject. Modern pedagogy requires leading the educational process along the path of consolidation with the simultaneous study of related sections and topics. In this case, the student is offered a generalization of exercises and tasks, carrying out independent actions based on analogy, induction and comparison, drawing up tables and diagrams, etc.

Another form of integration is intrasystem. It develops the student's ability to use materials on one subject while studying another. The child begins to acquire knowledge in a complex way, perceiving general scientific categories and approaches as a whole. In this case, integration can be carried out in several ways. The first one is horizontal. He establishes interdisciplinary connections that are based on the same scientific knowledge... This avoids repetitions and saves time on study. The second approach is vertical. With him, interdisciplinary connections serve to form general types of thinking, including physics and mathematics, humanitarian and environmental, etc. This allows the child to create a holistic picture of the world.

The concept of "integration" in pedagogy includes two more of its forms - internal and external. The first of them is a characteristic of the internal educational process. External integration is carried out when the educational institution interacts with other structures and with society.

Let's take a closer look at intra-school integration. It represents the interaction and interconnection of a variety of pedagogical tools used at several levels:

  • establishing internal connections (for example, intra-subject);
  • implementation of interaction between educational tools (for example, between subjects);
  • connecting material on one subject to the study of another (conducting an integrated lesson);
  • introduction of new teaching aids (conducting classes in groups of different ages, etc.).

Integration directions

The pedagogical process becomes more effective when:

  • expanding the educational opportunities of training sessions that increase the morality of the child and affect his social formation;
  • strengthening the cognitive, intellectual nature of extracurricular activities;
  • the use of a whole range of educational tools that blur the lines between educational process and extracurricular activities, which provides a diversified development of the child's personality.

If integration is at the highest level in the educational process (this is the definition of a process in pedagogy that is not regulated by the classroom-lesson system), then this is the latest high-quality education, which is a complex educational tool.

Integration ideas and tasks

To implement a complex impact on the development and formation of a child in modern pedagogy, a multilevel interaction model is being developed, which provides for various stages of growing up of children.

Thus, there is an integration of preschool as well as primary school education. The elementary school teacher helps the little ones learn the phenomena and concepts of the main educational areas. This allows you to organize the further development of subjects at a deeper level. At the same time, there is a wonderful opportunity to develop special abilities in children, which is included in the functions of integration in pedagogy.

By combining intraschool levels of education, teachers carry out comprehensive educational activities aimed at the development of the child and his education. At the same time, the main task of the school is being solved - to release from its walls a person who has stable skills, knowledge and social skills.

With the merger of general and additional education, gifted and creative personalities... In this case, differentiation and integration are widely used. At the same time, pedagogy determines the direction of the child's activity and strives for his all-round development.

General and special education

Currently public policy upbringing of the younger generation adheres to a new strategy. It consists in the fusion of general and special education. This focus makes it possible for children with different health capacities to interact. The main principle of such a policy lies in the humanization of society, as well as in the formation of the skill of normal perception of people with disabilities.

Integration into correctional pedagogy is of great importance. The fact is that releasing a person with disabilities into life is not an easy task. He must have a real opportunity to participate in all forms and activities of society. This would allow him to compensate to some extent for the existing limitations of opportunities and development.

Integration in adheres to the idea that the life and life of people with disabilities should be as close as possible to the style and conditions of life of the whole society.

Segregation institutions

These include a whole system, the formation of which in our country was completed by the end of the 20th century. This process was facilitated by Russia's entry into the world educational and information space.

The notion of segregation and integration in remedial education should be in line with internationally accepted standards for persons with disabilities. That is why the task of teaching such children should be solved at state level, as it requires both economic support and spiritual and moral, personnel and content-organizational readiness.

Today in Russia there is a problem of integration in the pedagogy of special education, since many children with developmental problems study in ordinary schools according to ordinary programs. The reasons for this are:

  • lack of the required number of correctional (special) educational institutions;
  • their great distance from the place where the child lives;
  • reluctance of many parents to send their child to special institutions.

Cooperative learning

There are several models of integrated education. One of them is the joint education of ordinary schoolchildren and children with WHO. A similar education system arose on the initiative of modern special pedagogy in Russia. So, a relatively new phenomenon is considered to be integrated learning in the regular classroom of deaf students. Until recently, children of this kind were sent to mass educational institutions very rarely, and even then mostly by accident. These were ineffective integrations caused by the cultural and socio-economic conditions of our country. Nowadays, such a phenomenon has ceased to be a rarity.

Parents of hearing-impaired and deaf children submit documents to a regular school for various reasons. Among them:

  • lack of available information about the special education system;
  • an objective assessment of the readiness of a child with WHO to attend a mass school;
  • the prestige of visiting a general institution for children with disabilities.

Regardless of the reasons for the choice made by the parents, their decision is worthy of respect and understanding. However, the integration of a child into regular schools will be effective only for that part of children who, thanks to early diagnosis and persistent studies, are close in their level of development to the age norm.

Creating custom classes

Integration in the correctional pedagogy of our country adheres, as a rule, to one, the most common model. It provides for the creation of special classes in mass mainstream schools... They accept children:

  • with intellectual disabilities;
  • with a delay in the development of the psyche;
  • with difficulties in adapting to the school environment.

Special groups can also be created in regular kindergartens. They accept pupils with speech, vision and hearing impairments.

The problem of our time

Recently, the main reason for the persistent failure of schoolchildren is the difficulty of their adaptation in the educational environment. Because of this phenomenon, already in primary grades 20 to 30 percent of children cannot absorb the material of the regular curriculum. This is due to the ever-increasing flow of information and its complication, as well as to the deterioration in the health of the younger generation.

To solve this problem in Russia, it is organized. It is based on an individual approach to the student, taking into account his capabilities and characteristics. At the same time, a system of classes is created in which a highly qualified teacher works, and children are in sparing conditions. Adjustment in progress school environment that adapts to the needs and capabilities of students.

Teaching children with mental retardation

When mastering the curriculum, schoolchildren with CRD experience persistent difficulties that occur due to:

  • insufficient attention;
  • low level of educational motivation;
  • cognitive passivity;
  • underdevelopment of memory, perception, motor skills, coordination, etc.

Such children are characterized by a limited supply of information about the world around them and low efficiency. In order to release such a person into life, you need him. This in psychology and pedagogy allows you to make specially created correctional educational institutions or classes. This direction already has quite serious experience. The organization of education for children with mental retardation in our country has been carried out for several decades. With the help of a teacher, schoolchildren overcome numerous difficulties, and half of the children, after primary school, continue their education with ordinary students.

According to the statements of Russian specialists, for the implementation of integration it is necessary to early detection of the disease and its psychophysical correction at the initial stage of development. Only in this case will the process of real development of a student with special needs be ensured. The implementation of such a condition will prepare a child for integrated learning in a mass educational institution, realizing his natural potential. In addition, it will revive the student's activity and create an environment favorable for his full development.

Galina Shchedrova
Integration of different types of children's activities in the classroom

It is known that preschool age is a sensitive period for the formation of phonemic perception of children, the development of all aspects of speech, expansion and enrichment children's ideas about the diversity of the surrounding world... Therefore the task children's kindergarten is not about teaching the child to write and count as soon as possible, but to enrich his speech and ideas about the world around him, to teach him to see patterns, dependencies, mutual influence in him; to teach freely and competently to build their statements, to support them with arguments and facts from various fields of knowledge available to the pupil; encourage cognitive interests.

Preschool age is characterized by many psychologists as carrying great unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the surrounding world. The educational activity... On occupations successfully develop independence, creativity, mental abilities, educational interests, which promotes the processes of active mastery of knowledge, mobilizes moral and volitional efforts in achieving educational and cognitive goals, self-assessment skills are formed.

Unfortunately, today in preschool educational institutions there is a tendency to increase the number of classes in the daily routine, the inclusion in them of content that is not always useful and necessary for the pupil, which, as a rule, is fragmentary information from different fields of science... Such information does not become knowledge, since it is not actualized by the child in his life, and, accordingly, a holistic view of the world as a single system, where everything is interconnected, is not formed. The perception of such information also affects the decrease in the motor activity of children, a decrease in the time for organizing their independent daily activities, time for a walk and rest. All this has a certain effect on preschoolers: irrational organization of the motor regime in the preschool educational institution, long-term stay of children on occupations in a statistical position and physical inactivity as a result of this process. We must not forget that insufficient physical development leaves a negative imprint on development. intellectual, and vice versa.

We often share the opinion of teachers that the result activities The preschool educational institution becomes the child's readiness to study at school, which can be considered from the standpoint of both psychological and external (behavioral) indicators, however, we believe that it would be legitimate for the purpose of preschool education to name versatile development of the child, the formation of his general culture, a holistic view of the world. In other words, the task of preschool education is not to maximize the acceleration of the child's development, to form the timing of his transfer to school rails, but to create conditions for him to fully reveal his unique age potential. And one of the ways to optimize the ratio of motor and intellectual activity preschoolers, we consider the process integration... Our point of view is confirmed by the opinion of many scientists who note that the world cannot be mastered by people with a monological type of thinking, that the increasing number of problems due to their polymodal nature requires interdisciplinary analysis and synthesis... when solving them, it is necessary to search for a consensus between various alternative positions and ways of thinking.

One of the main forms of implementation integrative approach in preschool educational institutions allowing children to save time for communication, walks, independent creativity and play activities, - integrated lessons... They combine various areas of knowledge, the content of which the teacher selects based on a specific topic dictated by the program kindergarten ... In the process of such occupations children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time, for organizing a play and independent activities... Form data integration and the content developed for them is most effectively used in the period of preschool education. Holistically - integrative an approach to the pedagogical process will give future schoolchildren a holistic picture of the world, form their systemic knowledge and generalized skills.

Integrated classes.

general characteristics occupations.

Class- a specially organized form of education. For preschool children, it fundamentally differs from the lesson in that it is conducted on the basis of a game (mobile, storyline, with rules, etc., as well as other specific for preschoolers activities: visual, constructive, etc.

Combined lesson - a combination of different activities or didactic tasks that do not have logical connections between themselves (after drawing, there is an outdoor game).

Complex class- implementation of tasks by means different activities with associative connections between them (conversation about the rules fire safety goes into drawing a poster on a topic or in a game "Firefighters in training"). Moreover, one kind activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional mood.

Integrated lesson- connecting their knowledge different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as "mood" through works of music, literature, painting). Moreover, on occupations the educator has the ability to solve several developmental problems. In essence, the concept « integration» is considered more broadly than a certain organized form of teaching children, which has a fixed time and place in the daily routine.

It is important to note that the method of conducting integrated classes significantly differs from the method of carrying out the usual classes... In the process of learning on integrated lesson it is necessary to use various methods and techniques. The most effective of them the following:

Comparative analysis, collation, search, heuristic activity;

Problematic questions that stimulate a kind of joint with the teacher "Discoveries" helping the child find the answer. Jobs like "Prove", "Explain", "How do you know?" etc. The child learns to ask about the same subject on differently.

Requirements for integrated lesson:

Clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

Reasonableness and logical relationship of the studied material of the sections of the program on each occupations;

Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material integrable items at each stage classes;

Large informative capacity of educational material used on occupations;

Systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

The need to comply with the time frame classes.

Structure classes.

1. Introductory part. A problematic situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to search for a solution (for example, question: "Guys, what happens if there is no water on Earth?").

2. The main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the meaning of e water in nature and human life, etc.) based on content different sections of the program based on clarity. At the same time, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary, to teach coherent speech.

3. The final part. Children are offered any practical work (didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or to update what was previously learned.

To the main features integrated lessons include synthesis:

Subjects of the educational cycle among themselves;

- activities two or more teachers, etc.

Determination of the goal.

Before you start compiling integrated lesson, you need to set a goal. Goal setting is always associated with the need and opportunity to connect topics, sections of the training content.

How to determine the development goal of children for a certain period of time? In a comprehensive program in different sections have similar tasks development:.

The task of mastering spatial representations is solved in the process of acquaintance with mathematical concepts and are available in the sections "Physical development", "Fine activity» , "Construction";

Temporary representations are mastered by children in the process math classes(acquaintance with the parts, when getting to know nature (seasons, the process of development of living organisms, acquaintance with the world around (concepts of the past, present, future, days of the week, months of the year);

Mastering the concept "Part - whole" going on doing math, construction, in teaching literacy 9 the composition of words and sentences) and even when familiarizing with fiction (characteristic structure of a fairy tale, story) etc.

And although in each section the same task has its own specifics, their solution in a short time interval is most effective, since the result is achieved purposefully with different sides and in different activities of children.

In this case, there are problems that can complement the arcs friend:

Getting to know the means of communication ( "Acquaintance with the outside world", children master the norms of verbal communication on the phone ( "Development of speech", "Moral education");

Getting to know the production of clothing ( "Acquaintance with others" fly learn to maintain beauty in their clothes (cultural and everyday skills).

In addition, it is possible to solve several development tasks at the same time. In productive species activities(drawing, modeling, applique, etc., in addition to mastering technical skills, may decide:

Social development tasks (if you organize work in several subgroups, teaching children to interact);

Development of speech (if you invite children to talk about their work, come up with further events);

Game development activities(if you further develop game situations with the made crafts).

Selection of objects

(a source integrating)

If, for example, the goal is to eliminate multidisciplinary, then the components integration will, as a rule, areas of knowledge that are close to each other. if the goal is to accelerate the passage of the material, then most often an intra-subject integration... And only after that the mechanisms come into force integration - connections and relationships that are installed between integrated objects according to the structure and in a certain technological sequence.

Modeling the educational process.

The educational process should be an interconnected chain of learning on classes and in activities outside of classes(e.g. to occupation, dedicated to the defender of the Fatherland, you can first read fiction and educational literature, see encyclopedias, view slides, pictures, play board games with the symbols of the Russian army, armies of other countries, and after classes invite children to make a collective model of a military base or make soldiers, spend leisure time "On the landfill" or "Zarnitsa" and etc.).

Methodology for preparation and conduct integrated classes.

When planning and conducting integrated classes it is important for the educator to consider the following conditions:

Obligatory consideration of the content of the basic program kindergarten;

V integrated lesson combine blocks from different subjects , so it is extremely important to correctly define main goal integrated lesson... If the general goal is determined, then from the content of objects only those information are taken that are necessary for its implementation;

When developing classes it is necessary to highlight the main thing and use knowledge from related sections that contribute to the assimilation of the basic material, eliminate duplication, use advanced differentiated knowledge;

Planning requires careful choice of type and structure classes, methods and teaching aids, as well as determination of the optimal load by various types activities of children in class;

- integration helps relieve stress, overload, fatigue of children by switching them to a variety of activities during the lesson... Planning requires careful determination of the optimal load of various types the activities of pupils in the classroom;

When planning and conducting integrated teacher training(leading classes in different sections of the program) careful coordination of actions is required;

It is necessary to maintain a positive - emotional style of relations between adults and children on integrated lesson, individual and psychological characteristics of the children of the group;

On integrated classes, it is advisable to use a variety of didactic games , developmental exercises, complex tasks, tasks, etc.

One of the important planning principles integrated lesson- determination of the ratio of familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-mastered knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations, attracting the child to solving a problem situation from own experience. Great importance on integrated classes is given to the development of the child's communication skills as one of the critical factors his readiness for school.

Integrated lesson- the most important part of the system of intersubject connections. Each of these occupations two or more teachers lead. The material of such occupations shows the unity of the process taking place in the surrounding world, allows pupils to see the relationship of various sciences. The essence integration teachers in teaching children consists in its interdisciplinary and interactivity basis for the implementation of program material.

Analysis integrated lesson

During the analysis, the teacher gets an opportunity to look at his own occupation as if from the outside, to understand it as a phenomenon as a whole, to purposefully comprehend the totality of one's own theoretical knowledge, methods, methods of work in their practical interpretation in interaction with the group and specific pupils. This is a reflection that allows you to evaluate your strengths and weak sides, to clarify certain points of individual style activities.

Performance Evaluation Criteria integrated lesson:

The quality of knowledge on the topic (direction, etc.): completeness, correctness, awareness;

Ability to establish the relationship of objects, phenomena and processes;

The attitude of pupils to an object, phenomenon, occupation.

Specificity of the analysis.

1. Object integration(culture, science, local history, man, technology, etc.)

In creating a new section (programs);

Cycle (block) periodically repeated occupations;

Single integrative studies.

4. Level (stage) integration content in a section or on occupations:

The organization is a single, holistic structure;

Parallel existence in one occupations or a program of different layers of material;

The stage of transition from parallel connection material to a holistic new structure.

5. Topic integrated lesson, a problem posed for children, a goal. The level of novelty.

6. Has the systematization of pupils' knowledge been achieved, has a holistic view of the subject (object, phenomenon?

7. Activity teachers and pupils in preparation for integrated lesson... Does it happen spontaneously? class or is it the result of careful preparation? What independent work or "homework" children had to do before classes; its purpose, scope, character? Do these make it easier classes educational conditions for pupils or do they complicate their education at a preschool educational institution?

8. Forms of conducting integrated lesson, views activities teachers and pupils. Are they reasonably combined, do they lead to the set goal?

9. How many teachers participate in integrated lesson? Is cooperation between teachers carried out on integrated level... How organic is it? Is someone pulling "blanket" to myself? Are the problems and the content of their classes? Are there any contradictions in the materials they use

10. Results activities of children in an integrated lesson... Did they have a single (integrated) idea of ​​the problem; the breadth of their horizons; culture of judgments, their argumentation; a culture of speech; emotional involvement in the problem.

Pedagogical Council ""

Pedagogical council plan

1. Brief report on the implementation of previously adopted decisions.

2. Message from the deputy head “ Integration of different types of children's activities in the classroom».

3. Presentation of the experience of teachers in integrating different types of children's activities in the classroom:

Zvontsova S.A. educator gr. No. 3;

Shilina G. M. muses. supervisor;

Shchedrova G.V. educator gr. No. 4;

Dobrynina O. A. educator gr. No. 8;

Zababurina E. M. muses. supervisor.

4. Review of methodological literature.

5. Outcome: the decision of the teachers' council.

Decision of the pedagogical Of the Council:

1. Conduct open integrated lessons teachers with higher qualification category.

2. Summarize the experience of teachers with the highest qualification category in integration of different types of children's activities in the classroom.

Classes using intersubject connections.

Addition and subtraction of the first ten numbers.


Strengthen the skills of addition and subtraction of the first ten numbers;

Develop logical thinking skills;

Wake interest to the subject of mathematics through interdisciplinary communication with oral folk art.

Materials (edit): projector, digital cards, paper strips, sticks, backing track with rhythmic music

Educator. In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa, the beautiful, lived. Once Vasilisa disappeared. Ivan Tsarevich tried hard, grieved and went in search. But where to go, where to look? Who kidnapped Vasilisa? We will find out by completing the first task.

The teacher offers the children the numbers in ascending order and turn them over

Children are doing.

Ivan - Tsarevich set off on a journey. He walked for a long time and came out at a crossroads. On a roadside stone inscription:

For a long time Ivan - the Tsarevich walked along the path chosen by you and, finally, came out into a forest clearing, and there is a hut on chicken legs, the dwelling of Baba Yaga. What should Ivanushka say so that the hut turns to him?

Children answer.

And you need to shift two strips to unfold the hut (house of counting sticks)... Bab Yaga was angry with Ivan - Tsarevich for disturbing her. She agreed to help only if Ivanushka guessed her riddles.

There are two ducks on the water, two chickens in the yard,

Two geese in the pond, and a turkey in the garden.

How many birds are there in total? Count it! Yes, give me the answer.

Children answer.

The hedgehog went mushrooming, found 10 mushrooms.

I put 8 in the basket, the rest on the back.

How many saffron milk caps do you carry on your needles?

Children answer.

Six cheerful bear cubs are in a hurry after the car into the forest.

But one kid was tired, left behind his comrades.

Now find the answer: how many bears are ahead?

Children answer.

Baba Yaga gave Ivanushka a magic ball. But Ivan - Tsarevich was tired. Let's help him.

Physical education is organized.

The magic tangle led Ivan the Tsarevich to the cave of the Serpent Gorynych. To defeat the snake, you must solve these examples.

1+8= 4 3=7 7 - =5

Children are doing.

Well done boys! And Ivan - the prince is already in the cave, he found a magic chest there, but he cannot open it. We need to unravel the code of the castle.

Children are doing.

Ivan took out a magic sword from the chest and went to the castle of Koshchei the Immortal. And this castle stands on a high mountain, steep and inaccessible. This mountain is magical. How many noticed her secret? (circular examples)

Children answer.

With difficulty Ivan - Tsarevich climbed this mountain, he was very tired and decided to cheer up a little.

Physical education is organized.

There are four towers in the castle of Koshchei the Immortal. The cowardly sorcerer hid in one of them. In which of them, if we know that the first tower is empty? Koschey is not in the highest tower. Where is he?

Children answer.

Well, here we got to Koschei. He met Ivanushka like this in words: "Since you were able to reach me, complete my tasks, and Vasilisa is yours1 if you don't, your head is off your shoulders!"

The teacher gives the children tasks. They do it.

Birds in spring

Target: create conditions for the formation of a holistic perception of the world.


To consolidate and deepen on the topic "Insects";

Based on personal observations of children, draw conclusions about the order of arrival of birds, the relationship between the appearance of insects and the arrival of birds; to acquaint with the types of bird nesting;

To teach to take care of nature, to protect birds;

Develop creativity, encourage independent choice of plots on a given topic; teach to use natural material;

Develop creative thinking, visual memory, observation;

To nurture love for native land, interest in visual arts.

Materials (edit): audio recording "Voices of the Birds", audio recording of P. Tchaikovsky's cycle "Seasons"; paintings on themes: "Spring in nature", "Insects", "Birds"; tests for children, albums, paints, plasticine, folder for work (oilcloth, plasticine stack, napkin).

Music by P. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" from the loop "Seasons", the teacher reads a poem by P. Soloviev "Snowdrop".

In the garden, where birches crowded in a crowd,

Snowdrop glanced

The eye is blue.

At first I put my leg out a little,

Then he stretched

Of all my little powers

And quietly asked:

“I see the weather is warm and clear,

Tell me it's true

What is this spring? "

Educator. Let's get down to composing and drawing a landscape on the topic "Spring"... You need to prove to the little snowdrop that spring has really come. And make up the spring landscape.

The spring landscape is assembled from the details on a metal board.

What is a landscape?

Children answer.

And what is the first law of the landscape?

Children answer (horizon line where the sky meets the ground in one line)

Second law?

Children answer (at the edge of the sheet there will be a foreground, objects are depicted large and bright, and near the horizon line there is a distant plan, the depicted objects are small, in pale colors).

Now let's add some color.

Children are doing.

So, the theme of our landscape is "Spring"... What spring signs of inanimate objects can we show in our landscape?

Children answer.

What spring signs of wildlife items can be depicted? Prove your choice.

educational integration preschool game

The essence of the concept of integration

Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education.

The problem of integrating the content of education was considered in pedagogy even at the time of Ya.A. Komensky, but a systematic study of it began only in the second half of the twentieth century. G.F. Fedorets considers integration in various connections and dependencies between structural components pedagogical system. I.D. Zverev takes the whole integrity of the training system as a fundamental feature of integration. OI Bugaev explains the integration of the content of education by the need to establish intersubject connections in order to form a holistic picture of the world among students.

So what is the essence of the concept of integration

Modern education is characterized by systemic changes in structure and content. Rethinking the priorities of teaching, the role of the child as a subject of the educational process, as well as social changes, determine non-traditional approaches to solving many educational problems. One of the leading development trends modern education is the integration of its content.

On the one hand, the integrative approach to the organization of the educational process raises many questions, on the other hand, it is quite well developed in domestic psychological and pedagogical science, but not sufficiently structured and systematized.

And now I invite you to consider the characteristics of the principle of integration.

Integration - translated from Latin - is restoration to the whole, i.e. the whole is made up of particulars. In pedagogy, this approach contributes to the formation of a holistic understanding by the child of the world around him and himself in this world.

Integration basics:

Physiological: the interaction of analyzers, which provides strength in the child's cognition of the world around him, allows him to receive complete information about the world around him;

Psychological: providing each child with an opportunity for self-realization, i.e. the child must see and understand the applicability of his knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities that are meaningful to him: productive, musical and artistic. game, educational and research, etc.

Let me first dwell on the concept of “integration of the content of preschool education”.

Federal state requirements put forward an integrated approach as a priority requirement for the organization of the educational process.

Integration of the content of preschool education, according to many researchers, is one of the pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the development of the emotional and intellectual sphere of the child's personality. Integrated education of children in preschool educational institutions, by its very nature, is personality-oriented, since it shifts the emphasis from the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to solving developmental and educational problems. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities act as a means of education and development. The personal approach in integrated learning is implemented in the following provisions: the content of the teaching content with vital cognitive material, cognitive tasks, the desire to solve which prompts to learn something new. Integration of the content of education as a way of personal development of preschoolers provides a child with the opportunity to express himself more vividly in a particular type of activity. At the same time, one of the main requirements of preschool didactics is being realized: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

The FGT identifies ten educational areas that ensure the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and personal, cognitive - speech and artistic - aesthetic. This gives us two levels of integration: the integration of the main directions of child development and the integration of educational areas.

At the level of integration of the main directions of the child's development, various elements (parts) are combined into one "whole", the conceptual categories of different directions of the child's development are combined, which makes the pedagogical process more interesting and meaningful.

At the level of integration of educational areas, links are established between the goals and objectives of one educational area and the goals and objectives of other educational areas. Solving integrated tasks in the course of joint activities with the teacher, the child, with the help of an adult, "stretches" chains of associative connections and highlights some feature not by itself, but in the system of other properties and connections of integrated educational areas, which is the basis of generalization.

At the stage of preschool education, the main emphasis should be on the integration of subject areas of knowledge. Many experts (Belaya K.Yu., Komarova T.S., etc.) define it as one of the ways to achieve the quality of education, its renewal and effectiveness in the development of the child's personality, maintaining the health and free space of childhood. Integration is understood as a deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration of various sections of upbringing and education of children. It should cover all types of artistic, creative and speech activity, various games: didactic, mobile, dramatization games, role-playing; visual activity, artistic and speech, musical.

Integrated learning is based on provisions systems approach about the need to form systemic knowledge in preschoolers, that only in this capacity they acquire a personally significant character and are effective in the development and upbringing of a child.

The structural-functional approach arising from the systems approach allows us to consider integrated learning as a whole, in which each component as functional is determined through its correlation with another through essential connections and dependencies.

The technological approach assumes a systematic way of building pedagogical process in a certain sequence of actions, operations and procedures that ensure the achievement of a diagnosed and predictable result. The general components of personality-oriented technologies, serving as the conceptual foundations of integrated education for preschool children, are: analysis and selection of personality-oriented content; diagnostics of the educational situation; taking into account the mental characteristics of students; taking into account the mental characteristics of the teacher; setting a task related to the personal development of the child; the selection of funds based on the dialogical interaction of the teacher and the child, on the exchange of meanings; the inclusion of students in the design of their education, their activities; creating a cultural environment.

There are three levels of integration of the content of educational material

  • Intra-subject - the integration of concepts, knowledge, skills, etc. within individual academic subjects;
  • Interdisciplinary - a synthesis of facts, concepts, principles, etc. two or more disciplines;
  • · Trans-subject - the synthesis of components of the main and additional educational content.

Presentation at the District Seminar preschool educators on this topic:

« Integration of educational areas

in joint activities with children and parents

within the framework of the implementation of the federal state

educational standard of preschool education "

In connection with the introduction of the Federal state standard of preschool education, it has become urgent to rethink the content and forms of work with children. The content of preschool education is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

    preserving the health of the child;

    development of basic personality traits;

    building an educational process based on play as the main activity of a preschooler.

Until today, there has been a tendency in the preschool educational institution to increase the number of direct educational activities (GCD) in the daily routine, to include in them content that is not always useful and necessary for the pupil, which, as a rule, represents fragmentary information from different fields of science. Such information does not become knowledge, since it is not actualized by the child in his life, and, accordingly, a holistic view of the world as a single system, where everything is interconnected, is not formed. The perception of such information also affects the decrease in the physical activity of children.

All this led us to an active search for intersubject connections, their use in differentiated teaching and upbringing. We were faced with the question of using an integrated approach in the education of preschool children. One of the forms of implementation of this approach, which allows children to save time for communication, walks, independent creativity and play activities, is integrated collaborative activities with children (GCD)

Preschool age is characterized by many psychologists as carrying great unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Educational activities help to reveal them. In the classroom, in joint and independent activity, initiative, creativity, mental abilities, and cognitive interests are successfully developed, which contributes to the process of active mastering of knowledge. This is only possible if the activity is integrated.

An integrated approach to the organization of educational work in preschool institutions is being developed by many specialists.

Integration- (Latin - whole) - means restoration, replenishment, unification of parts into a whole, and not mechanical, but interpenetration, interaction, mutual vision, mutual expression and mutual realization.

Integrated lesson- this is on purpose organized lesson, the goal of which can be achieved only by combining knowledge from different educational areas, which makes it possible to achieve a holistic perception of the studied issue by the pupils, which has a practical orientation.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children is focused on the development of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children. The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated manner in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

    The first system-forming factor in preschool education is educational areas ... The Federal State Educational Standard identifies 5 educational areas that should not be implemented in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in their pure form, their implementation presupposes harmonious interpenetration and complementarity.

    The second system-forming factor is their integration based on scheduling and thematic planning : the choice of a specific topic determines the selection of educational areas for it, which will comprehensively reveal its content to the child.

First thematic circle- real events taking place in the surrounding world and arousing the interest of children (vivid natural phenomena and social events, holidays).

Second thematic circle- imaginary events described in fiction, which the teacher reads to the children. This is a powerful theme-forming factor, just like real events.

Third thematic circle- events specially "modeled" by the educator (based on developmental tasks). This is the introduction into a group of objects previously unknown to children, with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing genuine interest and research activity (What is it? What to do about it? How does it work?).

The fourth thematic circle - events occurring in the life of the age group, "infecting" children and leading to interests that are held for some time, the roots of which lie, as a rule, in the media and the toy industry (for example, a fascination with dinosaurs, etc.)

All these topics can be used by the educator for flexible design of a holistic educational process.

    The third backbone factor is anintegration of the main activities of preschool children : cognitive and research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is able to combine disparate components within itself and be an integrator of all other activities

    The fourth factor is the formation of integral personality traits, which are provided as the end result of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution ... In essence, the personality is integral, systemic. In the process of personal development, a person gradually acquires independence as the ability for autonomous existence and social activity as the ability to create and maintain his relationship with the environment. The integral individuality of each individual is formed in the process of education, development and training. The lines of upbringing are clearly distinguished: spiritual and moral, civic, patriotic, gender upbringing, as well as upbringing of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

The peculiarity of the organization of the integrated process in a preschool educational institution is such that all the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form, the choice of a certain topic also presupposes their integration. For example, the theme "Mother's Day" determines the choice of such educational areas as "Social - communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic - aesthetic development", as well as types of activities: artistic, creative, play, reading, cognitive and research. A matinee can be a single organizational form.

During the day, children read works about their mother (V. Oseeva, Y. Yakovleva, E. Blaginina and others), look at the "Portrait of a Mother" by A. Shilov, paint portraits of mothers themselves, make an exhibition of portraits "All sorts of mothers are important", talk about professions moms, make a gift for mum - an application card, listen to musical compositions dedicated to moms (for example, by F. Schubert “AveMaria”), organize a concert for moms with adults, participate in the project “Mama's Dresses” or “Hostess”. On such a day, a meeting with one of the mothers is useful, who will share with the children the secrets of how she prepares her favorite treat for her son or daughter (secrets may be different).

On such a day, children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a joint holiday, but also master the ideal traits. modern woman, such as tenderness, caring, affection, kindness; learn to value and respect their mother. Here there is spiritual, moral and gender education, social, personal, artistic and creative, cognitive and speech development, as well as the formation of such qualities in children as activity, curiosity, emotional responsiveness, creativity.

Building the educational process according to the principle of integration of educational areas, we solve such tasks how:

    the formation of deeper, more versatile knowledge in children; a holistic view of the world. The world surrounding children is perceived by them in its diversity and unity;

    integration contributes to the formation of generalized ideas, knowledge and skills, increases the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children, encourages them to actively cognize the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, the development of logic, thinking, communication skills;

    integration in the upbringing and educational process also contributes to the unification of the teaching staff based on the discussion of the possibilities of integration in the development of children. Interesting, creative work provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, disclosure of his abilities;

The relevance of the integrated approach is due to a number of reasons:

1. The world surrounding children is perceived by them in its diversity and unity, and often the sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, splitting it into disparate fragments. Integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities.

2. In the classroom, the potential of the pupils themselves is developed. We encourage them to actively cognize the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find causal relationships, to develop logic, thinking, communication skills.

3. The form of teaching is non-standard and interesting. The use of various types of activities during the lesson maintains the attention of the pupils at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons.

4. Due to the strengthening of connections between educational institutions, time is freed up for independent activity of pupils, communication, walks, for physical exercises. The essence of the integrated approach is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, in the classroom, teachers have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of development, and children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time for organizing play and independent activities.

5. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, disclosure of his abilities.

The essence of the integrated approach is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, teachers at GCD have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of development, and children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time for organizing play and independent activities.

It is important to note that the methodology for conducting GCD using an integrated approach differs significantly from the methodology for conducting a regular lesson. In the learning process in such classes, various educational technologies are used.

The most effective of them are the following:

    comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;

    problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint "discoveries" with the teacher, helping the child find the answer.

    a variety of speech didactic games, activation of the vocabulary, expanding the understanding of the variety of faces native language, fostering a sense of self-confidence.

Such activities are characterized by a mixed structure that allows you to maneuver when organizing the content, to present its individual parts in different ways.

The structure of integrated lessons differs from the structure of ordinary ones, and the following are presented to it requirements:

    clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

    thoughtfulness and logical relationship of the studied material of the sections of the program

    interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of the integrated objects at each stage of the GCD

    large informative capacity of educational material,

    systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

    the need to comply with the time frame

Basic principles of interaction with children:

1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the child, do not show irritation, do not speak in an orderly tone, show sincere interest in the child's actions, be ready for emotional support.

2. Communicate emotionally, which contributes to the development of the cognitive activity of children, monotonous speech quickly tires, a gradual increase in emotional saturation, so that the most interesting fragments of the work are attributed to the period of increasing fatigue.

3. Fewer comments, more praise, since "the psychological characteristics of many children are such that the defect in sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low," to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving the problems of upbringing.

4. Stay close, maintain eye contact, and if necessary, tactile (to attract attention, take the hand, touch the back, stroke the shoulder).

5. Permissiveness, currying favor with a child is unacceptable.

The main factor of the integration process is the integration of the main activities of preschool children: cognitive and research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is able to combine disparate components within itself and provide the necessary conditions for the emergence of a new educational product, the creation of which includes teachers, children and parents.

In order to qualitatively carry out integration in preschoolers, it is necessary to highlight the forms of integration that will ensure the synthesis of educational areas, the relationship of different types of activity and the formation of integral qualities of the personality of a preschooler in the process of education. The forms of the integrative process characterize the final product, which acquires new functions and new relationships between the teacher, pupil, parents within one day, one week. Such integrative forms in preschool educational institutions can be joint creative projects, experiments, excursions, role-playing games.

The technology of integration of organized educational activities can be different, but in any case, it is necessary to show the teacher's creative activity. This is one of the important conditions during its implementation for the development of children's abilities.

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